Saturday, 29 June 2013

A Powerful Penis Protection Duo - Acetyl L Carnitine and Alpha Lipoic Acid

When it comes to powering the penis, most men are willing to give just about anything a try. And why shouldn’t they? The penis is often thought of as the symbol of a man’s youth and virility, so if a healthy penis equals a healthy sex life, why not give the penis what it needs to perform at its peak - regardless of a man’s age? Two key nutrients -when used in combination - can pack a powerful punch when it comes to enhancing and protecting penis health.

Acetyl L Carnitine
Acetyl L Carnitine, found naturally in plants and animals, has been found in scientific studies to prevent the natural decline of mitochondrial function that occurs with aging. So what does that mean to those who do not hold a PhD in neurobiology? Simply put: it helps keep the cells healthy and fights free radicals - those nasty buggers that have been linked to cancer. Acetyl L Carnitine also helps the body produce energy - something just about everyone can use more of. Additional health benefits include: improvement in mental health including Alzheimer’s symptoms, memory loss, and depression, improved nerve functioning, stabilization of blood sugar and health improvement in diabetics.

In terms of men’s sexual health, Acetyl L Carnitine targets nerve injuries of the penis - which can happen during the regular wear and tear of a normal sex life. It also has been found to help in cases of male infertility by increasing sperm motility. In other words, it helps a man’s swimmers to swim better.

Alpha Lipoic Acid
Occurring naturally in the cells of the body, Alpha Lipoic Acid is essential in the transformation of glucose (blood sugar) into energy, making it important to daily health and physiological function. Alpha Lipoic Acid is also a powerful antioxidant which combines with Acetyl L Carnitine to fight those free radicals in the body. Alpha Lipoic Acid helps improve the appearance of the penis skin by slowing down the onset of wrinkles - which can lend an aged appearance to an otherwise youthful penis.

A Powerful Duo
These two big hitters in the world of penis health, when used in combination with one another, can turn back the clock on an aging penis by reversing cell damage, and maintaining and improving nerve functioning of the penis. Together, they help fight plaque buildup that leads to Peyronie’s disease - a painful penile curvature that is more common in aging men - while helping to protect against penis cancer. Not only does the pair improve and maintain penis health, it can also enhance the sensitivity of the penis by keeping the nerves healthy - talk about a winning combination.

Caring for the Penis
While supplements containing both of these ingredients are available for oral consumption, perhaps the best way to make the most of the ingredients is to apply them directly where they are needed most, to the skin of the penis via a penis nutrient formula (most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil). Applying directly to the skin allows for maximum absorption, whereas oral supplements pass through the digestive tract and may be excreted before they can benefit the penis. When applying vitamins and nutrients topically, they are quickly absorbed through the skin with no wasted ingredients. It doesn’t get much easier than that; simply adding the penis oil to the post-shower grooming routine can help men reap the benefits of this powerful pair. For an added boost and silky smooth skin, users should apply the oil immediately after exiting the shower, while the skin is still damp, to lock in the added moisture for a perfectly pleasant and responsive penis.

Friday, 28 June 2013

Conquering Erection Problems - 7 Reasons it Might Not be Erectile Dysfunction after All

Erection problems are often seen as a problem for older men, but the truth is that men of any age can experience a less-than-stellar performance from time to time. While a bedroom flop might seem like a reason for panic, men who have only occasional bouts of erectile loss may want to look at some other aspects of their lifestyle. Some non-ED causes of erectile problems are detailed below, along with some simple suggestions for improved penis health.

8 Non-ED causes of erection problems:
Erection problems are not always related to erectile dysfunction per se. Other factors related to a man’s physical and emotional health can lead to temporary issues in the bedroom, including:

1. Alcohol use - While a drink or two can help to break the ice and move things toward the bedroom more quickly, overdoing it can have an unintended and unfortunate effect. Alcohol is a depressant, or downer, and one of the victims of the "downer" effect is the ability to become erect. Men who have romantic intentions for the evening should keep their consumption to no more than 2 drinks in order to avoid an embarrassing end to an evening.

2. Smoking - Smoking wreaks havoc on the body in numerous ways, including hardening and narrowing the blood vessels, interfering with neural activity and reducing a man’s stamina. Crushing out the butts is a proactive step toward overall better health, not to mention improved sexual ability.

3. Stress - The pressures of maintaining a job, caring for a family, studying for exams, or anything else that keeps a man up at night can cause chemical stress reactions that tend to interfere with erectile ability. Reducing stress or finding better ways to cope can help to improve a man’s ability to react to stimulation.

4. Poor circulation - Reduced circulation to the penis, whether due to excess body fat, reduced heart function, or just sitting at a desk for too long can restrict blood flow and result in at least temporary reduction in erectile action.

5. Depression - Depression and other emotional or mood disorders can manifest as loss of erectile ability; on the flip side, loss of erectile function can actually lead to depression. In either case, treating the depression with counseling and/or medication may help.

6. Relationship issues - Whether faced with partner conflict or just an old relationship in which the sex just doesn’t feel new and exciting any more, a man who is not feeling comfortable with his mate may not feel aroused every time the occasion calls for it. Couples counseling - or even a change in partners - might provide the answer in this case.

7. Medications - Finally, certain prescription medications can lead to loss of function; when medications are in the mix, talking to a doctor about an alternative may help to resolve the issue.

When erectile dysfunction may be diagnosed
Of course, there is always the potential that there is a more serious underlying health problem that is responsible for impotence issues, and in this case, ED may really be at stake. Erectile dysfunction may be diagnosed when a man is unable to achieve or maintain an erection long enough to complete intercourse more than 25% of the time, or when he fails to experience night time erections. In this case, treating the health problem appropriately is an important step in restoring normal function.

Keeping the penis in game-ready condition
It goes without saying that being ready for sex means not only being able to get it up, but also feeling confident; and in order to feel confident, a man needs to believe that he is sexy and appealing. Some overall attention to grooming can help to take care of this issue - a shower, change of clothes and a shave can go a long way toward making a man feel attractive.

When it comes time to drop trou, a guy needs to be assured that his equipment is also ready for action - with smooth skin, no rough spots or blemishes, and most of all, no unpleasant, mushroomy odors. Adding a penis health creme (most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) fortified with targeted male nutrients and all-natural moisturizers is a good way to ensure that the skin is in top condition. Nutrients like vitamin A, for instance, can help to eliminate odor-causing bacteria, while amino acids like L-arginine can promote the skin’s responsiveness to tactile stimulation. On top of these, a natural moisturizer - like Shea butter, olive oil, or jojoba oil, can keep the skin looking smooth and supple, giving it a pleasant appearance.

Boost Male Fertility Rates with These 6 Tips

The male body is designed to create hundreds of thousands of little swimming cells that can seek out a fertile egg and allow a new life to begin. Often, there's little a man needs to do to make this process take place, aside from finding a willing partner. However, some men need to give the body a little boost in order to ensure good sperm production and high male fertility rates. Proper penis care, explained in these 6 tips, could help that man to reach his goal.

1. Choose the Right Underwear.
Healthy sperm like to be a degree or two cooler than the rest of the body. That's why men have a handy pouch that sits outside of the body, rather than an internal set of organs that can produce the little swimmers. Unfortunately, wearing tight underwear can pull that pouch much too close to the body, and the added heat can deform those cells or make them work just a bit less effectively. Boxer shorts or underwear that provides a little give can be better choices, as they allow the lap to breathe more freely.

2. Stop Smoking.
Studies suggest that the toxins in cigarette smoke can damage the membrane that surrounds the sperm, making those cells a bit slow and lazy. They may not be able to swim at all, and if they can, they may take a long time to reach their target. Snubbing out the smokes could mean allowing the body to heal, so the cells can function more effectively.

3. Load Up on Fruits and Vegetables.
While fat- and sugar-laden foods taste great, they do little to nothing to protect the penis. In fact, products like this might cause blockages in the arteries that line the body, meaning that blood flow to this vital organ is a little harder to come by. Eating fruits and vegetables, on the other hand, supplies the body with antioxidants that can protect cells from aging. Sperm produced from a body like this is just healthier, and the penis is more capable of delivering that seed. Good options for food include:
  • Broccoli
  • Blueberries
  • Peppers
  • Oranges
4. Choose the Right Bike Seat.
Men who use their bikes to get to work, or who ride a cycle for recreational purposes, may be squishing their delicate parts with each pump of the pedals, and resting on the wrong type of seat can cut off blood supply to the penis and the reproductive organs. Newer bike seats allow a man to rest on his backside, rather than on his pelvis, and this redistribution of weight could be much healthier in terms of fertility rates.

5. Lose the Spare Tire.
Extra pounds carried around the middle of the body put pressure on the reproductive organs, and a big belly might make sex just a little less comfortable and enjoyable. Aerobic exercise, performed several times per week, can allow those added pounds to melt away, and the exercise may also provide a testosterone boost, leading to a rise in a man's sperm count at the same time.

6. Make Each Moment Count.
In order to boost the chances that healthy seeds will reach their target, men must also reach their ultimate sex-related goal. In other words, they must climax with sex. While there are sperm cells in the fluids that leak out during the warm-up stage, the vast majority of fluid is released when a man reaches the peak of pleasure. A penis health creme (most experts recommend Man1 Man Oil) may help to ensure that a man's sex sessions are as productive as they can possibly be. These products contain ingredients that can nourish sensory cells and ensure that dead skin doesn't stand in the way of receptors for touch and pressure. A penis that's nourished in this way is able to feel each tiny movement, and pleasure might be easier to attain as a result.

Thursday, 27 June 2013

Blue Balls - Male Myth or True Story?

Many men complain of being sore or uncomfortable if they have a prolonged erection that does not result in ejaculation. Known by the slang term, "blue balls" some men may have used this condition as an excuse to take try to take a night of intimacy to the next level. But is it real, or just a product of a man’s imagination? Could blue balls be a real penis health concern for a man, or do they merely pose a threat to his ego that he didn’t get the job done, so to speak? Find out now.

Are blue balls real?
Well, it seems men are telling the truth about this one after all. Blue balls are a real condition that occur when a man has been physiologically aroused for a long period of time. During the course of male arousal, blood rushes to the area, creating engorgement; this is what leads to that rock hard erection every man desires. Blood also flows more freely to the testicle region causing them to swell up; when a man reaches climax, the pressure dissipates and the blood quickly exits the region, allowing things to return to normal. Sadly, when there is too much arousal and not enough release, the blood has to exit the area much more slowly, leaving him in an aroused and super sensitive state of being - particularly in his balls.

Why are they called blue balls?
While they do not resemble blueberries during this time, some men’s berries do actually take on a hint of blue. The blood that is being stored in the man’s sac is not receiving the normal allotment of oxygen - which is what keeps blood nice and red - thus, it can take on a bluish hue. This may be more obvious on men with light colored skin or a shaved sac.

Are they dangerous?
Absolutely not. While a man may try to persuade his partner to help him out and relieve the discomfort, there is no negative side effect to blue balls. While it may not be his first option, if worse comes to worse, a man can always take matters into his own hands to achieve the release he is craving. Masturbation provides the same end result as sex, though it may be slightly less fun.

Do women get blue balls too?
Here is an interesting turn of events that may help some women out - if their partner is ever the one saying, "Not tonight dear." Women can feel discomfort, in the same manner as men, from increased blood flow to the genital region without the release. So it seems, gentlemen are not the only ones to suffer from not hitting a homerun. The name of the condition is not as agreed upon in women, but it has gone by the terms pink belly, pink balls, and violet vulva to name a few.

Can blue balls be prevented?
There are 2 sure fire ways to prevent blue balls: 1) ejaculate 2) do not become aroused. While the second option doesn’t sound like much fun, the first option is one way to prevent blue balls after a night of messing around with one’s partner minus the big bang. Even if a man - or woman - should find themselves feeling that uncomfortable itch that they just can’t scratch, the discomfort should subside on its own in 15-20 minutes, so long as there is a break from all forms of stimulation. Perhaps a cold shower will even speed that time frame up!

Caring for the Penis
While blue balls are an inconvenience, luckily there is no indication they harm the penis or scrotum. Even still, it is important to maintain daily penis care to prevent other unwanted and potentially painful penis ailments. Using a vitamin-enriched penis health formula (most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) can help keep the penis in full working condition. Selecting a penis cream with Acetyl L Carnitine as an ingredient may even enhance the sensitivity of the penis by improving nerve functioning, which could improve one’s enjoyment during sexual activity.

Steroids and Penis Sensitivity - An Unhappy Combination

While men might choose to pump iron and get buff for all sorts of reasons, many people do so because they'd like to attract a mate. Rippling muscles are generally considered attractive, so it's reasonable to expect that an exercise routine could have a positive impact on a man's sex life. If that man enhances his weight workouts with steroids, however, he might experience some nasty side effects that impact his sexual performance. In fact, he might find that his penis is less sensitive than it's been in the past. Recovering might mean putting down the 'roids and attending to good penis care moving forward.

Steroid Basics
The steroids that weightlifters use to enhance their muscles are typically made with synthetic forms of male hormones. Pumping the body full of these chemicals can cause the muscles to swell and a feeling of power to increase, but the body might interpret all of these signals with alarm and it might begin to work hard to correct what it sees as an imbalance.

For some men, this might mean that
  1. the body begins to produce low levels of male hormones;
  2. hormone receptors that are involved in regulating male function are turned off;
  3. The cells might also release compensatory chemicals, including chemicals associated with feminine characteristics, as it attempts to re-regulate the body's systems.

These additions and modulations can wreak havoc on a man's sex drive, and it's not uncommon for men who are abusing steroids to experience periods in which they have no interest in sex or who cannot achieve a climax when they do have sex. Some men even experience reduced sensitivity while they're taking high levels of specific steroid medications. The additional hormones and the body's corrective cycles are to blame, but it can be disaster for a man.

Bad Choices
Some men who have steroid sensitivity problems react by engaging in extremely long sexual episodes that might seem fun but that can leave penile tissue:
  • Red
  • Raw
  • Chafed
  • Blistered
The recipient of these marathon sessions of attention might be similarly injured and uninterested in a repeat performance.

Some men who have reduced sensitivity respond by taking yet higher doses of their drugs or looking for new combinations of drugs that could restore their health and vigor. While this might be helpful in the short term, again, the body tends to adjust when presented with this kind of chemical stimulus. DIY solutions aren't helpful as a result, as the body will always look for ways to create equilibrium.

Good Options
Since steroids can and do cause such nasty side effects, men who use these drugs might need to work with experts in order to conquer their dependence and move forward with life in a more healthful manner. For some, this might mean tapering off to smaller doses until they're taking none at all. For others, this might mean a cold-turkey approach followed by talk therapy. For yet others, working with a community of former addicts might be key to stopping the steroid cycle. No matter the path the man takes, however, he might need to do a little work in order to get penis sensitivity rates back to normal.

Focusing on sensational mapping can be very helpful for men with low sensitivity rates. Men can ask their partners to assist, and in each session, the man can try to map where a partner's touch lands on the penis. Each touch and each thought reminds the brain to map the penis and stay attuned to its signals. In time, a man might have all the feelings back he thought he'd lost, as long as the steroids are gone.

A penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) may also be helpful. These products can soothe the damage caused by long sex sessions, and the emollients and vitamins can help to nourish the skin and ensure that touch and pressure receptors are working as they should. When the man is ready for sex once more, his equipment will also be up to the task.

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Penis Pain and Cracked Foreskin - When is it a Cause for Concern

All men want to put their best foot forward, and when it comes to sexual health, they want the most attractive penis possible. Cracked skin on, around and under the foreskin is not a pretty sight -- but what’s more important - it may be a sign of a serious health issue. So if one finds a little cracking on their cock, it is important not to blow it off as a minor cosmetic issue until all options have been explored. A doctor can best diagnose this condition and help determine proper treatment and the best course of action for continued penis care to eliminate unsightly cracks down under.

What is Balanitis?
Balanitis is a fancy term for irritation or inflammation of the foreskin or glans of the penis. It may appear as small cracks or erosions on the foreskin of the penis, is often red and may be accompanied by discharge and penis pain. It is a relatively common condition and, while it is not exclusively experienced by uncircumcised men, it is a more common problem in men with foreskins.
What Causes Balanitis?
Balanitis is caused by chronic irritation, dryness, yeast, or poor hygiene - one of the most common causes being the latter of these. In an uncircumcised man, it is important to fully retract the foreskin in order to wash the skin underneath and remove bacteria, yeast and urine. However, on the flip side, balanitis can also be caused by excessive washing of the penis with harsh soap, which leads to irritation of the delicate skin. Finding the right balance may be the best way to cleanse the penis.

Balanitis is often an easily treated, easily diagnosed problem, but in some cases it is an indication of a more serious condition. Men who struggle with chronic irritation and infections of the penis and foreskin area should seek medical treatment. Balanitis may be an early indication of penile cancer, a warning sign of diabetes, or a signal that one’s diabetes is no longer well controlled. Poorly controlled blood sugar is associated with balanitis, thus diabetic men who see recurring balanitis need to seek medical attention immediately. Balanitis may also occur as an allergic reaction, a side effect of medications, or due to a recent change in medications. With so many possible causes of this condition, it is easy to see the importance of checking in with a urologist if the problem is frequent and persistent.

How is Balanitis treated?
For the most common, mild types of balanitis, treatment is often easy. Being more diligent with hygiene, changing to a gentle soap, keeping the area clean and dry and possibly using an over the counter antifungal cream are often the first treatments a doctor would recommend. More invasive treatments are reserved for chronic, recurrent infections and irritation and they include a dorsal slit, in which an incision is made through the scar tissue in the foreskin to allow for easier retraction; or a formal circumcision, in which the entire foreskin is removed. Circumcision is, of course, reserved only for cases in which all other options have been exhausted.

Penis Care Tips
Taking excellent care of the penis is easy and may just prevent recurrent breakouts of balanitis. Washing the penis daily with a mild cleanser - taking care to fully retract the foreskin - is a good way to cut down on bacteria and prevent excessive yeast. Be sure to rinse the area thoroughly, particularly under the foreskin, to avoid soap irritation. After the shower, gently patting the area with a towel and leaving some dampness on the skin is a much better method than vigorously rubbing the area until dry - as that can irritate and damage the skin. Immediately applying a penis vitamin creme (most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) to the still damp skin can help lock in the moisture to help avoid dry skin, which is more prone to cracking. Choosing a penis vitamin oil containing Shea butter - known for its rich moisturizing properties - and vitamin A - a bacteria busting must-have - can help fight two of the main causes of balanitis so the penis looks and feels healthier.

Banishing Dry Penis Skin - How a Penis Nutrient Cream Can Help

A dry penis can be itchy, flaky, uncomfortable and unattractive, and when ordinary skin lotions and moisturizers don’t seem to help, it can be hard to know what to do next. In fact, dry penis skin is often the result of personal habits or external factors that affect the body’s level of hydration or sap the penile skin of its natural oils.

Many of these issues can be addressed at home with the right approach to penis care, helping men to avoid unpleasant dryness that can lead to penis pain, infection and inflammation if it is not treated appropriately.
First, it is worth exploring some of the problems that can cause dryness and itching.

Manual stroking creates friction, and friction creates heat. This process can leech the moisture from the skin, and the resulting dehydration, coupled with the impact on the skin itself, can lead to dryness, soreness, and even minute fissures in the skin’s surface that can allow infectious agents easy access to the vulnerable tissue underneath. Use of a good personal lubricant is important in countering this issue, as is using a subtle touch rather than grabbing hold and yanking away. Men should look for lubricating products that are made especially for the purpose, avoiding lubes with added color, fragrances or flavors.

Contact Dermatitis
Allergens and environmental irritants can frequently cause dryness, itching and soreness when they come in contact with the delicate penile tissue. Materials like latex (found in most condoms), plant materials, fabrics, pet dander and many other substances may cause overall drying of the skin. Avoiding these and protecting the penis with a moisture barrier may help to alleviate this problem.

Personal Care Products
Personal care items such as shampoos, soaps and shower gels are formulated to clean away body oils and grease; as one can imagine, applying these to the penis can have a severe drying effect.

Extreme heat and cold can wreak havoc on the skin. Cold weather, in particular, can dry the penis skin, resulting in chapped sore tissue. Heat, on the other hand, can promote problems such as male yeast infection, which can leave the skin itchy, sore, and swollen. Dressing appropriately in supportive, yet non-binding, breathable clothing and keeping the area clean, as well as applying a daily moisturizer, can help to diminish the harmful effects of extreme weather.

The skin, like all of the other organs of the body, requires sufficient amounts of water to function at its best. Lack of adequate hydration can result in skin that is dry, wrinkled-looking, and unattractive. Taking steps to ensure the right level of hydration, like drinking plenty of fluids, is necessary to avoid damage like this.
How to treat the penis right and improve the condition of the penile tissue
Aside from the obvious - keeping the penis clean, eating right, and drinking plenty of fluids, men who have ongoing problems with dry penis skin can work with a dermatologist to determine what might be causing the issue. Changing laundry detergents and personal care products and using non-latex barrier protection is a good way to start.

In addition, nourishing the skin with a penis nutrient cream (most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) containing natural moisturizers such as Shea butter and vitamin E can help to lock in moisture. Vitamins A and C are important nutrients, as well, as they can help stressed skin to heal, developing soft, new tissue instead of the keratinized, tough layer of skin that often results from dryness and can cause a loss of sensitivity in this critical area. Using a targeted penis nutrient cream is often preferred over other types of skin moisturizers, because it is formulated with the penile tissue specifically in mind. Men should look for products that are free of dyes and perfumes for best results.

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Four Painful Penis Conditions that Merit a Trip to the ER

When pain strikes below the belt, panic seems like an appropriate response. It's a sensitive area that can bring a guy a significant amount of pleasure, so it makes sense to treat it tenderly and keep it healthy with proper penis care. Some penis pain conditions need more than a little TLC, however, meaning that some situations are best handled with the help of the emergency room. These are just four conditions that might fall into the category of a medical emergency.

Blunt Force Trauma
The penis can get struck by sports equipment, inattentive children or even gardening implements, and blows that do more than just graze the area can cause significant and long-lasting problems. Much of that risk has to do with penis anatomy.

The cells that line the penis are designed to fill up with blood in response to a sexual suggestion. When a blow hits that area, the empty space could be filled to the brim with blood and the swelling can be intense, and intensely painful. It also might not go away without the help of an expert. If a blow to the penis causes intense pain along with bleeding, bruising or deep swelling, it's time to head to the emergency room. The staff may need to stitch the area back together, or they may use ice or compression to keep the swelling from spreading.

Broken Penis
An erect penis, filled with blood, is firm and somewhat inflexible. If a man chooses to move in one direction while his organ is moving in another direction, the stiff fibers could just snap, and the pain can be intense. Any injury to an erect penis that's accompanied by a cracking or snapping sound, along with a change in the appearance of the penis, should be followed by an immediate trip to the emergency room. Surgery might be required to repair the damage, and a man with a broken penis might also need intense painkillers to help him handle the sensation.

Long-Lasting and Unwanted Erections
It might sound like a joke, but some men develop erections that last and last with no break, even when the man doesn't feel aroused or stimulated in any way. The organ just won't relax, even when the action is over and has been over for quite some time. Men who have erections that have lasted for four hours should visit an emergency room for advice. Sometimes, medications can be used to numb the response, but sometimes, medical professionals need to do intensive tests to determine why the erection persists and what can be done about it.

Inability to Urinate
Some painful penis conditions are accompanied by a persistent urge to urinate, and an inability to do so. This is a serious medical emergency, as a body that can't expel waste can simply shut down altogether. The penis pain might move into the kidneys in this situation, and the damage caused might be permanent. In a hospital, a man can undergo testing to determine the cause of the blockage, and he can get appropriate medical treatment to start the flow and prevent the damage. It's best to get that process started as quickly as possible.

Other Solutions
Some conditions aren't medical emergencies, but they can cause intense pain and suffering. Common penis complaints include:
  • Chafing sores from rough clothing
  • Temporary soreness from rough sex
  • Transient pain from uncomfortable bike seats
  • Sore skin from rough masturbation
While a visit to the doctor is never a bad idea when penis pain is involved, at-home care can help a man limp along until his appointment arrives. If the skin isn't open and bleeding, a penis health creme (most experts recommend Man1 Man Oil) could be a wonderful addition to home care. Products like this may soothe tender skin, softening the rough edges and allowing feelings of irritation to fade. These products can also nourish the skin, so it may be less vulnerable to pain in the future.

Debunking Common Masturbation Myths - Top Questions about Self-stimulation Answered

Over the centuries, an entire mythology has developed around the idea of male masturbation. Many of the horror stories that are told are intended to scare boys and young men away from this practice, as religious tradition and cultural norms often discourage what truly comes naturally to almost all human beings. The following article tries to dispel some of the most common myths and help to alleviate some worries about the effects of masturbation, along with providing some simple penis care tips.

Myth: Masturbation can cause blindness.

Fact :This is a flat-out untruth; there is no scientific evidence that playing a little pocket poker has any effect whatsoever on the vision. This was simply a tale that was told to frighten young children away from probing the merchandise - other similar fallacies about masturbation included warnings about deformity and demonic possession.

Myth: Masturbation causes infertility

Fact: Playing with the family jewels is not likely to make a man incapable of fathering a child. On the other hand, frequent ejaculation (meaning every day, or more than once per day) naturally diminishes the number of sperm that are available at any given time. Men who are trying for greater fertility should save the goods for his partner, or at least allow for a few days between sessions in order to build up an adequate supply of swimmers.

Myth: Masturbation can cause weakness and fatigue

Fact: Masturbation is often blamed for vague health conditions such as "weakness" and a feeling of fatigue. Many young men are under the impression that their secret sessions are to blame for loss of muscle tone, weak knees, depleted strength, and feelings of overall tiredness and lack of energy. The truth is that masturbation does no such thing; and while the physical complaints may be real, they are likely a result of other problems - or simply psychosomatic in nature (meaning that boys who feel guilty about their activities have talked themselves into feeling unwell).

Myth: Masturbation makes hair grow on the palms

Fact: Again, there is simply no evidence that this is the case. On the other hand, it can be entertaining to tell a friend, and then watch him inspect his hands.

Myth: Masturbation can injure the penis

Fact: This one, unfortunately, can come true; vigorous stroking can cause irritated, dry, itchy skin, and overdoing it without the benefit of a personal lubricant can lead to tougher skin that is less sensitive to touch. In rare cases, extreme rough handling can lead to ruptured erectile tissue. A little care during stroking and use of a lube can help to alleviate this risk.

Making the most of self-pleasure
The bottom line when it comes to masturbation is that it is normal and healthy. It can help to relieve stress, and men who are familiar with their own bodies are likely to make better partners when it comes to intimacy.
When it comes down to technique, men have a habit of grabbing hold and going at it frantically; while this will not cause some of the more dire problems that men are warned about, it can damage the sensitive penile tissue and lead to irritation, soreness and in some cases, even loss of sensitivity. To avoid this, it is a good idea to practice more subtle techniques and to try different approaches; in this manner, the nerve pathways are subject to different forms of stimulation and are less likely to become over-accustomed to a particular technique.

Nourishing the skin with a penis vitamin cream (most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) fortified with targeted male nutrients and all-natural moisturizers can also help to prevent tissue damage, boost the skin’s natural lubricant properties, and maintain the natural elasticity of the penile tissue. Applying a penis cream daily after a shower is recommended for maximum benefit.

Monday, 24 June 2013

Sore Penis Q & A- Understanding Common Penis Problems

The idea of a sore penis can provide plenty of comic material, but for the man who is experiencing penile pain, it is no laughing matter. Identifying the source of the problem is the first step in banishing penis pain. Once the underlying problem has been determined, some at-home penis care tips can help. However, men who experience a sudden injury or severe pain should seek emergency medical attention.

Q: What causes an itchy, red penis rash?
A: There are several issues which can cause penile rash, itching and soreness. One of the most common is male yeast infection, which often occurs following contact with a female partner who is also infected. Treating yeast infection is fairly simple; over-the-counter creams usually do the trick. Other causes of penile rash may include allergic reactions to latex, fabrics, or personal care items; heat rash and balanitis (an inflammatory condition of the glans) are also common culprits. Avoiding known allergens, wearing comfortable, breathable clothing, and keeping the area clean are important aspects of preventing penis soreness and rash.

Q: Is it possible to fracture the penis?
A: While it sounds questionable, given that there are no bones in the penis, it is actually possible to rupture the penile chambers when the member is erect. Aggressive maneuvers during sex or a blow to the groin area during sports activity are the most likely causes of this painful problem. Men who experience a sudden blunt force injury to the penis should treat it as a medical emergency, as allowing the problem to go untreated can result in long-term issues with function.

Q: Can too much masturbation make the penis sore?
A: As most teenage boys can confirm, the skin of the penis can only take so much, and overdoing the solo sessions can certainly cause raw, irritated, dry skin. To prevent this from occurring, personal lubricants are recommended during the process, and keeping the skin moisturized between sessions can boost the skin’s natural lubricant properties.

Q: My penis bends when I have an erection and makes sex uncomfortable - what is wrong?
A: Some degree of bending or curving is completely normal; few men have a penis that is arrow-straight. On the other hand, severe bending during an erection can be painful, and it can also make intercourse difficult. In this case, medical attention is warranted, as a condition known as Peyronie’s disease may be the issue.

Q: Where can I find relief for a sore penis?
A: There are plenty of things you can do at home to soothe a sore penis. In many cases, just taking a break from masturbating or sex for a few days can allow dry, irritated skin to heal. For minor fungal infections, an over the counter antifungal medication can help. For red, inflamed skin, an ice pack can help to ease the burning, and over-the-counter anti-inflammatories may help to reduce the pain. Keep in mind, though, that ongoing soreness accompanied by other symptoms, such as a discharge, burning on urination, fever, headache and/or swollen glands can be a sign of a more serious health condition. Any unusual penis symptoms should be checked by a doctor and treated according to a doctor’s recommendations.

Preventing injury and promoting overall penis health
The best solution for a sore penis is preventing problems before they start. By exercising caution during sex and using protection at all times, men can significantly reduce their chances of injury or of contracting a communicable disease from a partner.

Keeping the penis skin well-hydrated and nourishing the male tissue can also keep the package in good condition. Using a targeted penis health formula (most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) containing penis-specific vitamins, antioxidants and natural moisturizers can help to preserve the youthfulness, resilience and responsiveness of the penile tissue.

Banish Fishy Penis Odor Naturally - Quick Tips for a Fresher Manhood

One of the most common complaints about the male equipment - from both men and women alike - is the presence of an unpleasant, fishy penis odor that just won’t seem to go away, no matter how often a guy washes.

The good news is that the cause of the funk may be related to an easily treatable health issue, rather than a permanent problem, and with the right attention to penis care, most men can banish foul odors for good.
Some probable causes of a smelly penis are described here:

1. Smegma - This refers to the accumulation of unpleasant-smelling material, made up of shed skin cells, body oils, and other substances, that can be found underneath the foreskin. This pasty substance is a haven for bacteria, which tend to thrive and reproduce in warm, moist areas like this, perpetuating the foul odor. Cleaning this material away on a daily basis can help control the fishy smell, not to mention decrease the risk for inflammation, soreness and damaged skin; on the other hand, men should wash gently, never forcing back the sheath to get at it.

2. Yeast infection - Men are just as likely as women to develop a Candida yeast infection in the warm, dark pelvic reason, and this is another common cause of stubborn, fishy penis odors. A yeast infection is characterized by itching, swelling, redness, and a cheesy discharge in addition to the smell. Topical antifungal medications can be effective in clearing up a yeast infection; men who are affected should ask their partners to get treated, as well, to prevent passing the infection back and forth.

3. Urinary tract infection - A UTI can result in foul-smelling urine, which may spill out onto the penile skin itself and cause penis odor. Antibiotics are generally needed to clear up a UTI; the smell should be resolved within a day or so. Symptoms to look out for here include painful urination, frequency, and a sense that the bladder is not empty even directly after urinating.

4. Bacterial infection - Men who have partners with a vaginal bacterial infection may become infected themselves or may simply experience a transfer of the associated fishy smell. When vaginosis is suspected, both partners should be treated, and washing carefully in the interim should help to eliminate odors on the surface of the skin.

Tips for eliminating unpleasant penis odor
To completely banish an embarrassing, fishy stink emanating from the genital area, men should follow these three steps:

1. Wash the area at least once a day. Men who are uncircumcised should pay special attention to the area under the foreskin, pulling it back gently and wiping away any built-up tissue. The skin should then be allowed to dry thoroughly before replacing the foreskin, as leaving dampness behind can attract organisms like yeast and bacteria. Once the area is clean and dry, the foreskin should be replaced; leaving it retracted can cause further problems.

2. Treat the underlying health condition. Men who have symptoms of a yeast infection or UTI, or who have been in contact with a partner affected by trichomoniasis or other bacterial infection, should see a doctor for treatment.

3. Treat the penis skin with an antibacterial penis cream. A targeted penis health cream (most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) containing vitamin A works as a natural antibacterial. Vitamin A creams are often effective in eliminating harmless, but smelly bacteria that can be a leading cause of that fishy penile stench. As an added bonus, high-quality moisturizing creams can leave the penis skin feeling soft, smooth and supple, not to mention responsive to tactile stimulation.

Saturday, 22 June 2013

Vitamins for Penis Function - The ABC's of Penis Care

Keeping the body and mind healthy and promoting adequate penis function is something all men should strive for. Eating healthy foods, exercising, managing stress, and yes, going to the doctor when sick, are all important to living a long and satisfying life. With so much information available these days, it is easy to get bogged down with good fats, bad fats, high carbs, low carbs, protein, fiber and vitamins.
Even the most well-intentioned among us have difficulty balancing the essential vitamins and nutrients to meet the daily recommended intake. While some men blow off the importance of a balanced diet, believe it or not, all those nutrients pack a powerful punch in terms of penis health. Boosting penis function really is as easy as A, B, C… and D too.

Vitamins for Penis Health
Vitamin A: Vitamin A is known for its anti-bacterial properties. When it comes to a man’s equipment, this adds up to odor protection in an area where - let’s face it - it is important to be fresh and clean. Vitamin A not only wipes out unpleasant odors, it helps fight bacteria that can lead to fungus, thrush, or yeast infections - another condition no man wants to see on his twig and berries. Bacteria thrive in the warm, moist crevices of the genitals, and applying vitamin A topically can help to ward them off.

Vitamin B5: Vitamin B5 helps provide the boost the penis needs to function at its best. The vitamin improves cell metabolism while bolstering immune system response, helping to keep the manhood healthy and kicking. B5 has also been linked to an increase in testosterone, which can go the distance in improving a sluggish libido, too.

Vitamin C: Not just for busting colds anymore, vitamin C encourages the body’s collagen production, which can help improve penile tissue firmness. It also contributes to the health of the blood vessels, improving circulation and allowing for increased engorgement of the area.

Vitamin D: Vitamin D is critical to healthy skin and bones, and when it comes to the penis, a vitamin D infused cream can help keep the skin hydrated and smooth. Vitamin D soothes dry, cracked skin, which can lead to irritation and uncomfortable itching. Vitamin D also has healing properties and has been found to improve skin conditions like psoriasis and rashes.

Caring for the Penis
When it comes to penis care, remembering the ABC’s is an easy way to make sure one is getting the needed vitamins for optimal penis health. Eating a balanced diet high in fruits and vegetables can help a man reach the recommended daily intake of Vitamins A, B5, C, and D. For men who are less than fond of leafy greens, a vitamin-enriched penis vitamin formula may be the way to go. Applying the formula directly to the skin allows for maximum absorption of the vitamins right where they are going to be most beneficial. When vitamins are ingested orally, they are absorbed more slowly through the digestive track and transported throughout the body, whereas a penis cream targets the penis giving the user a more concentrated dose.

Integrating a penis health creme (most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) into one’s daily routine is as easy as 1-2-3: 1) Shower as usual, washing the area with gentle soap and water. 2) Pat dry with a towel, leaving some moisture on the skin - do not rub as that can damage the delicate penile skin. 3) Slather the member in vitamin-rich penis oil to help lock in the post-shower moisture, and go about the rest of the grooming routine as normal. So when it comes to penis care, there is no need to get caught up in confusing mumbo jumbo, just remember the ABC’s and 123’s!

Top Pressing Penis Questions Answered

Asking important penis questions doesn't always come naturally for men. While they might enjoy kidding around with their buddies, the idea of talking to a doctor about something so sensitive tends to make most guys cringe. Understanding how the organ works is of vital importance, however, as men who grasp the biology basics are in a better position to care for their bodies and get help when something goes wrong. Here are a few common questions that can help men to get a jump start on their penis education.

1. Does Bigger Always Mean Better?
Adult film connoisseurs might swear that a big penis is vital to the happiness of a sexual partner. This isn't always true. In fact, the average man's penis isn't remarkably long when erect, and the average partner doesn't much care. Men who focus on position, on foreplay and on timing tend to draw rave reviews, no matter their size, while those who focus exclusively on size comparisons may be much too nervous to even engage in sex. In general, it's best to focus on what the penis can do when it comes to sex, and leave the locker room comparisons aside.

2. Can Circumcision Change Sensitivity Levels?
In order to find the definitive answer to this question, scientists would need to build a time machine and allow the same group of men to live once without being cut and once after being cut. Obviously, that's not going to happen in the near future, so studies regarding sensitivity between the circumcised and the uncircumcised might not even be helpful. For the time being, it's safe to say that being circumcised could cut down on sensitivity levels for some men, as there are some receptor tissues in the foreskin. However, most men still claim that sex feels good, no matter whether they've had surgery.

3. How Many Erections Does a Man Have Per Day?
The number can vary dramatically from man to man, but the typical guy sports a stiff member dozens of times during an average day. Many of these erections take place while a man is sleeping, and others come about due to a sexual prompt, such as a willing partner. But it's not uncommon for men younger than 30 to deal with unwanted erections due to very subtle stimuli, such as a vibrating bus seat or a whiff of a familiar perfume.

4. How Common Are Performance Issues?
When a man can't get an erection, although he desperately wants one, he might feel completely isolated and alone. It might be comforting to know that almost every guy has difficulty with performance at least once during his lifetime. Physical illnesses can impact blood flow, as can mental health concerns like depression or anxiety. Even alcohol can impact the ability of the penis to fill up and swell up. Transient erection problems aren't typically cause for concern, and they tend to fade away when the underlying issue is addressed. That said, erection problems that persist for months might merit a trip to the doctor.

5. Is a Curved Penis Unhealthy or Dangerous?
A slight bend to the right or to the left isn't considered overtly dangerous. In fact, many men have a few little bends and kinks in their shorts. These twists can be unsightly, however, and some curves can become serious, as well as painful. Some might even lead to urologic problems later in life. Using a penis health creme (most experts recommend Man1 Man Oil) may help. These products can keep penile skin soft and supple, with vitamins A and E to help it handle the demands of masturbation and sex without lying down scar tissue that can lead to penile curves. Using a product like this on a daily basis could keep the bends at bay.

Friday, 21 June 2013

Identifying Penis Bumps: Fordyce’s Spots or Health Hazard?

Most men do not spend a lot of time primping themselves in the mirror - though there are certainly men who are exceptions to that rule. Generally, a quick comb of the hair, a shave and a brushing of the teeth are all the time a man spends admiring his mug before jetting out the door to work. Given how little time a man spends checking out his face in the mirror, it’s a safe bet that he gives the rest of his body even less of an inspection. However, any man who has taken a mirror down there or simply has a keen eye and a bit of flexibility may have spotted some unusual lumps or bumps speckling his nether regions.

While some bumps are cause for concern, many are harmless and no reason for a man to get his boxers in a bunch. Daily penis care can not only help keep certain bumps at bay, it also encourages a man to get up close and personal with his business so that if a harmful lump is brewing - such as an STD or cancerous tumor - it is found right away, prompting immediate treatment.

What are Fordyce’s spots?
Fordyce’s spots are one such harmless variety of bumps commonly found on human genitalia. These spots are very small - only 1 to 3 mm in diameter - and are often raised; they tend to be pale red or white in color. They give the appearance of goose bumps on the skin, though they are constantly in view, not just when one is cold and shivering. Fordyce’s spots are painless and cover a large area; therefore, a solo white bump found downstairs is not likely to be a Fordyce’s spot. They tend to crop up on areas where hair follicles are present, such as the scrotum, base of the shaft, or a woman’s labia - yes, they are associated with both sexes. They can also make an appearance along the edges of the mouth, where the lips and skin of the face meet, though they may be more difficult to see.

The spots are simply a type of gland and are not associated with any illness or disease; they cannot be transferred from one person to another and can appear in men and women of any age. Though they may be alarming, particularly to a man who stumbles across them - say after shaving for the first time - they are nothing to worry about.

Can the spots be treated?
There is no medical reason to treat Fordyce’s spots; however, some men are not fond of them purely for cosmetic reasons. Men who have especially prominent spots, or are finding themselves self-conscious about the bumps, can seek treatment to lessen the appearance. Buyer be warned though, treatment is likely expensive and may not entirely eliminate the bumps.

Some dermatologist may be able to administer a vaporizing laser treatment or electro desiccation of the area to smooth the skin and improve its appearance. Pulsed dye lasers have also been used with some success, though treatment is expensive. Current treatment methods are likely to be costly, come with a risk of scarring, and may not completely eliminate the condition. Many doctors recommend against treatment as the benefits may not out weight the risks. Bottom line, it seems it may be easier to accept the Fordyce’s spots as the naturally occurring bumps they are and simply be happy they are nothing serious.

Keeping the Penis Healthy
Fordyce’s spots or not, men should actively be inspecting their junk to stay apprised of any changes in the situation down there. Whether using a mirror, or just investigating with the naked eye, every inch of the manhood should be probed monthly, at the very least, to keep the equipment healthy. Additionally, a high-quality penis vitamin formula (most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) should be applied daily to keep the skin healthy. Look for one with bacteria fighting vitamin A to help keep the area free from penis pimples, rashes and other unpleasant bumps brought on by bacteria.

Avoiding Sore Penis Misery - The Pros and Cons of Personal Lubrication Products

Sex can be zippy and spontaneous, requiring nothing more than two willing partners with a little bit of time to spare. However, preparing for the fun by loading up on sex-based equipment can, at times, be a wonderful idea. Lubricant products, for example, can keep the sex smooth, and this can reduce the risk that a man will walk away with an irritated, sore penis when the encounter is over. Using lubricants isn't without risk, however, as some products can interfere with a man's chemistry or his long-range plans. Understanding the benefits and the drawbacks of these personal products can help a man make an informed decision about whether or not lubrication should be part of his penis health toolkit.

The Benefits
Spontaneous, rough sex can be thrilling, but it can also be really destructive to the delicate cells of the penis skin. When dry penis skin rubs on equally dry skin of a partner, some of those sensitive cells are scraped away, and the pain left behind can be considerable. A proper lubricant can smooth the path of entry, allowing a man to enjoy his time, without experiencing pain in the days that follow.

Personal lubricants can also allow sex sessions to last just a little longer. The recipient of the thrusting isn't apt to be injured in the process, and that person might be a bit less likely to call off the action due to discomfort. When both partners are having fun, there's no need for the episode to stop. For some men, this is the biggest benefit of personal lubricants, and they'd never consider initiating intimacy without the help these products can provide.

The Limitations
While traditional lubricants can be wonderful for penis health, there are some men who dig through the cupboards looking for a cheap solution when their lube bottles run low. These desperate guys might use all sorts of nasty products that can be really irritating to sensitive parts of the body, including:
  • Shampoo
  • Soap
  • Toothpaste
  • Sun block
  • Perfumed lotion
Products like this can produce a dry penis, stinging with pain. For some people, they can even cause allergic reactions. These products may also produce no lubrication at all. When no real lube is at hand, it's best to focus on other activities that don't require a slippery slide.

Men who mix and match lubricants with condoms might also have reasons to be choosy. Oil-based lubes can cause latex condoms to deteriorate, allowing them to tear or even break. Sticking with water-based or silicone-based liquids is a better choice.

Cleaning Up
While most lubricants are designed to work well with delicate skin, they really shouldn't stay in place for hours and hours at a time. Some products can be sticky and tacky, for example, and they can adhere to clothing and make a man's profile a bit more revealing than he might like. Some products can also be irritating to delicate skin. A quick wash up after sex can help men to remove any product that's no longer needed, preventing these problems altogether.

A penis health creme (most experts recommend Man1 Man Oil) can also be a helpful way to end a vigorous sex session, whether lubricants were in use or not. Cremes contain ingredients that can soothe a dry penis, allowing those fissured skin cells to knit back together beautifully. The nutrients and vitamins in a penis health creme can also help to keep skin responsive, able to feel even the lightest of touches. While these products aren't suitable for use as personal lubricants, they could be just the ticket to a penis that has the power to please.

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Boost Sexual Performance by Reading the Signs Right - Decoding a Partner’s Signals

When it comes to love and relationships, it is no secret that men and women communicate very differently. Sadly, these differences can lead to miscommunication and fighting, not to mention decreased sexual performance caused by conflict. In order to make sure the physical aspect of sex stays on track, it is important to maintain daily penis care, so it is ready to get up and running whenever she says "yes."

Below are some common relationship snafus and how to decode what the true meaning is behind what one’s partner is saying.

1. When having a conversation - whether serious in nature or just joking around - each sex has a different way of communicating to the other that they are listening and following along with the topic at hand. 

He says: Nothing at all. Much to a woman’s frustration, men are less likely to comment or assure you they are listening. In fact, they may even seem to tune out of the conversation completely and tune into the television. They still may be listening, though, despite outward appearances.

She says: "Uh-huh" or "go on" as a way of expressing to her partner that she is, in fact, hanging on his every word. Women tend to be more communicative in general and may expect these same types of utterances from their partners when they are talking.

2. When expressing "the L-word" to their partners, men may come up shy - literally -- both in terms of frequency of saying it and how they say it. 

He says: He may say the "L-word" reluctantly, or dole out something equally unsentimental like "yup" after his partner says it first. Men tend to find other ways of expressing their feelings such as putting gas in her car or fixing things around the house, while most women have no problem saying the "L-word" again, and again and again. Best for a man to try to even the score a bit; however, so she doesn’t feel the relationship is one-sided.

She says: Those three magic words every day, all day long. Most - but not all - women are much more free-flowing with their affection, and a woman may adapt all sorts of pet names for her man to constantly remind him of her undying love for him.

3. Men tend to be more direct when it comes to communication patterns, while women may beat around the bush or drop subtle hints that she hopes he will pick up on. For example, when discussing an upcoming anniversary or birthday: 

He says: " Some new golf clubs would be a nice anniversary gift." Direct, and to the point.

She says: "Roses are such romantic flowers" or "it has been ages since we got away for the weekend" hinting around for a surprise getaway, of course, complete with romantic roses. Though the signals may be loud and clear to her, it is entirely possible for her partner to miss these cues altogether leading him to purchase unromantic flowers and plan a weekend in. Unfortunately, because she feels she asked for what she wanted, she may be disappointed by this turn of events.

4. When it comes to sexual acts, both sexes have performance anxiety and may have difficulty asking for what they want. This lack of communication can lead to reduced sexual performance and even lack of satisfaction on both sides. 

He’s thinking: Many different anxieties can run through a man’s head, including thoughts of: his body, the size of his love stick, his stamina, whether or not she is enjoying herself, not finishing too quickly, comparing himself to her previous partners, etc. This performance anxiety may be more common in the early stages of a relationship, but can continue even in a long-term situation.

She’s thinking: Women have performance anxieties as well, but they may also have trouble "letting go of the moment." Their thoughts may include: body anxiety, comparing herself to his previous partners, breast size, is she pleasing her partner, did she pay the bills, are the kids ok, is that work deadline tomorrow or the next day, etc. Women, who are known multi-taskers, tend to have more difficulty disengaging their brains from the daily grind, which is why foreplay may be more important for them, as it gives the body and mind time to warm up.

Priming the Penis for Sex
Once the conversations are decoded and on the right track, it is important keep the penis prepared and ready for the task at hand. Using a daily penis health cream (most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) can help keep the penis running at peak performance. Combining essential vitamins and minerals, a penis health oil can improve the appearance of the skin, fight odor causing bacteria and protect the penis from lumps, bumps and other ailments. It is an important component of a man’s daily grooming habits.

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Best Sore Penis Solutions - Coping with Masturbation Woes

One of the most common complaints that men bring to their urologist or family doctor is the issue of a sore penis. Soreness and irritation in this delicate area is, of course, alarming - but in most cases, the solution is fairly simple and straightforward. While sexually transmitted diseases and skin infections can be a concern, the problem is often simply the result of excessive, overenthusiastic masturbation.

Fortunately, the manhood is a resilient appendage, and with the right attention to penis care, most men will find themselves fully recovered in a matter of days, ready for any action that might come their way. However, men who have a sore penis accompanied by a fever, rash, discharge, swelling or open cuts or ulcers should seek prompt medical attention.

For minor issues such as irritated skin or a red penis, the following tips can help:

1. Give it a rest. Penile skin that is sore due to assertive masturbation or a particularly enthusiastic round of sex often needs nothing more than a few days off in order to heal. This solution might seem overly simplistic, but many men - especially in their teens - can find the urge to be too overwhelming and throw caution to the wind. As difficult as it may be, men may find that the most effective way to heal a sore penis is rest, relaxation, and NO touching in order to allow the aggravated tissue time to regenerate.

2. Use a lube. Keeping a personal lubricant handy is also recommended in preventing soreness due to masturbation. It is best to look for a lube that is designed specifically for the purpose, as ordinary hand lotions, soaps and other personal care items can actually dry the skin and cause more soreness and irritation. A product that contains no fragrances, flavors or other chemical additives works best on sensitive skin.

3. Try a kinder, gentler grip. While it can be tempting to grab hold and go at it as hard and fast as possible, doing this can not only lead to a painful, red penis, but it can cause long-term damage to the skin and nerve cells that may eventually cause a drop in penis sensation. Experimenting with a lighter grip or mixing things up with feathers, satin, and other soft materials can help men to discover new pathways to pleasure that won’t lead to dulling of sensation.

4. Dress for comfort and support. Wearing clothing that is too tight or is made from rough fabric, or has seams or fasteners that come in contact with the delicate penis skin, can be a serious source of discomfort that is particularly aggravating to sore penis skin. Men should choose undergarments made from soft fabrics (preferably cotton) that are breathable, but not so loose that they allow for excessive movement. Underwear should be worn at all times, as menswear fabrics such as denim, wool and synthetic materials can be too harsh on exposed skin.

5. Use a moisture-rich penis health formula. Stressed penis skin needs extra nutrition to regenerate properly. In this respect, a targeted penis health formula (most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) containing nutrients such as vitamins A, C, D, E and B5, as well as energy-boosting amino acids, can help to maintain optimum penis health and function. Natural moisturizers such as Shea butter should also be on the ingredient list, as these can seal in moisture and prevent dehydration that can further irritate the skin. Applying a penis cream every day, following a bath or shower, can pack a nutrient-rich punch that can help keep the penile tissue feeling - and looking - its best.

Boosting Penis Performance by Tapping the Power of Antioxidants

Men who slept their way through biology class may only have a passing understanding of how the human body works. For example, they may know that an erection develops when the penis fills with blood, but they may not know how the way they eat and the supplements they use could support that blood flow and lead to a more satisfying sexual experience. Thankfully, there's no need to return to the classroom in order to understand how to perform proper penis care. Just learning more about antioxidants may do the trick.

Chemical Reactions 
A series of tiny reactions take place inside every cell of the body on a regular basis. In most cases, these reactions are quite tidy: One cell takes electrons while another cell gives up electrons. At times, however, these trades can go haywire and cells can leave a spare electron behind. Sometimes, too, the body is bombarded with damage from the air a man breathes and the chemicals he takes in. This damage can also lead to cells with spare electrons.

These unstable cells with spare parts are known as free radicals, and they can gobble up nutrition and leave a man's body depleted of the nutrients he needs during an erection. Specifically, free radicals can deplete levels of nitric oxide in the blood. Without this chemical, a man might have difficulty achieving a strong erection that lasts and lasts. Additionally, with too many free radicals, the skin of the penis can take on a shriveled, unhealthy appearance.

An antioxidant is a substance that can eliminate these free radicals by removing their excess electrons. The chemistry is complicated and time-consuming, but in essence, these cells work a little like the cleanup crew after a party, reducing the damage and allowing the area to function as it's intended to function. For men, this means penis cells that fill up with blood as they should, as well as skin cells that look perky and healthy.

Three ways to Tap into the Power of Antioxidants
1. Natural foods - Many antioxidants can be found in natural foods, including:

  • Berries
  • Broccoli
  • Apricots
  • Prunes
  • Onions
  • Cantaloupe

  • These fresh fruits and vegetable sources can easily be sprinkled into the daily diet of almost any man, and loading up the plate with elements like this might also help guys to shed a few unwanted pounds of belly fat, and this might also be an excellent way to improve penis health. But eating right might not be the only way a man can boost his antioxidant quotient.

    2. Supplements - In a perfect world, fruits and vegetables would taste great, cost little and grow abundantly all year through. Unfortunately, some people find the taste of the items in this food group to be just awful, and they may find it hard to access fresh produce in the dead of winter in the big city. People like this don't need to sacrifice their health due to circumstance, but they might need to try artificial means to get the help they need.

    Multivitamins often contain antioxidant ingredients such as zinc, selenium and Vitamin C. These little pills are easy to swallow, and they make a nice accompaniment for a morning cup of coffee. Those who want to specifically help their penile tissue, however, might consider adding another item to their penis-health checklist.

    3. Topical creams - A penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) contains antioxidant ingredients that are vital for healthy cellular function, and applying a topical cream can make for quick absorption into starved tissues. The nutrition goes right where its placed, instead of traveling throughout the body first, and putting a product like this on is also a bit of a treat. Penis health cremes also tend to contain elements that soften and soothe penile skin, and this can also help to improve both appearance and performance.

    Tuesday, 18 June 2013

    Fast Facts about Penis Sores - Understanding Behcet's Disease

    Men who suffer from frequent, recurring penis sores or ulcers, accompanied by mouth sores, may have an inflammatory condition known as Behçet’s Disease (sometimes referred to as Behçet’s Syndrome).
    Because symptoms such as penis ulcers are also characteristic of numerous other health conditions, this autoimmune disorder often goes undiagnosed. While there is no known cure, the symptoms can be managed once a positive diagnosis has been reached; and with the right attention to treatment and penis care, men who are affected can enjoy a fairly normal lifestyle.

    What is Behçet’s Disease?
    Behçet’s disease is a systemic disorder in which the immune system attacks the blood vessels, causing inflammation. Men who are affected may experience flare-ups when they come in contact with pathogens in the environment which trigger the body’s immune function.

    Is it contagious?
    Behçet’s Syndrome is not contagious and cannot be transmitted through physical contact. Men who have Behçet’s can generally enjoy normal intimacy; an open conversation can help partners to understand the condition.

    Who gets Behçet’s Disease?
    Behçet’s Syndrome is fairly rare in the United States, but it is more common in other parts of the world. Medical researchers are not sure what causes the disorder, but it appears to have a hereditary component; in other words, it may be passed from parents to children.

    What are the Symptoms?
    Symptoms of Behçet’s include recurring ulcers in the mouth, as well as penis sores. Those who are affected may also develop sores on other parts of the body; in some cases, inflammation of the eyes, or even blindness, may accompany the disease. Symptoms of arthritis such as joint pain and swelling may also occur.

    Diagnosing Behçet’s Disease
    Behçet’s syndrome can be fairly difficult to detect, because so many of the symptoms can be attributed to other health conditions. Many men with the disorder may believe they have herpes or another sexually transmitted infection due to the presence of mouth and penis ulcers. It may take years before a positive diagnosis is made. The main markers for diagnosis include mouth sores that occur three or more times in a year, genital sores, eye inflammation and/or blurred vision.

    As previously mentioned, there is currently no cure for Behçet’s disease. Individuals who have this condition may require various types of treatment to address all of the symptoms. Treatment generally involves controlling the outbreaks and reducing any accompanying pain. Corticosteroids may be used to help reduce the inflammation, and in more severe cases, immunosuppressive medications may be prescribed. Men are also encouraged to rest during flare-ups to minimize the severity of the symptoms.

    Self-care for the Penis
    Men who have been diagnosed with Behçet’s Syndrome should first and foremost follow their doctor’s recommendations for treatment. In addition, attention to overall self-care can help affected individuals to reduce the occurrence of flares; men with Behçet’s should be sure to eating a healthy diet, get plenty of rest, stay hydrated and engage in moderate exercise on a regular basis.

    Taking care of the skin may also help to prevent the penetration of viruses and bacteria that can trigger flare-ups of the disease. In between flares, men can work to improve the general condition of the penis skin by applying a moisture-rich penis health cream (most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) fortified with vitamins, amino acids and antioxidants needed for maintaining supple, resilient penis skin. Creams like this should not be applied to open sores or broken skin, and men with compromised immune systems should always check with a doctor before use. However, many individuals, including those with normal immune function, can benefit from a quality penis vitamin formula.

    More Sex Really Is Better - 13 Health Benefits of Intimacy

    Most men don’t need a reason to have sex, other than the fact that they want to. But just in case a man - or his partner - needs some convincing, here is a list of 13 reasons to have sex tonight. Read them, memorize them, print a copy and keep them in the night stand so that the next time the old not tonight because of a headache excuse comes out, there is a whole list of reasons why yes, tonight should win out! Of course, with all these extra reasons to have sex more frequently, men may need to up their penis care routine to keep the little guy running as efficiently as possible.

    1) Sex cures headaches: Looks like that classic excuse is no more. Research has found that orgasms can actually provide headache relief - even of a severe migraine - so next time she has a headache, encourage her to skip the medicine cabinet and head right for the bedroom!

    2) Stress lowers blood pressure: Studies have found that people who have sex more often have a lower diastolic blood pressure (the bottom number) - that’s another good reason to increase the nookie.

    3) Sex may improve breathing: Believe it or not, sex may be a natural antihistamine; some people report relief from allergy and asthma symptoms after sex.

    4) Sex makes one happy: Researchers have found that the more sexually active a person is, the happier - and healthier—they are. In fact, people who are getting more action tend to take fewer sick days than those who are not.

    5) Sex is a stress reliever: Getting the heart pumping is a sure fire way to drop one’s stress level. Some people hit the gym, some people hit the sheets - consider the latter the next time there is a need to blow off some steam!

    6) Sex burns calories: A particularly active romp in the hay may burn as many as 200 calories or more! Sure beats an evening at the gym!

    7) Sex boosts immunity: Even men who only squeeze in one tryst per week enjoy a healthier immune system. Regular sex boosts the body’s production of immunoglobulin A; so it seems that having sex every day keeps the doctor away!

    8) Sex is heart healthy: Regularly getting it on actually keeps the ticker healthy and reduces a man’s chance of a fatal heart attack - according to one British study. Men who had sex two or more times per week were at half the risk of those who got busy less than once a month.

    9) Sex promotes bonding: Sex releases the chemical oxytocin, which facilitates bonding and feelings of closeness between partners. So rather than hop in the shower immediately after, lie around and reap the benefits of these feel-good chemicals.

    10) Sex improves self-esteem: Researchers have found that not only does sex improve one’s self-esteem, individuals with higher self-esteem have more sex - so getting on a roll may just create a positive cycle of wanting more sex.

    11) Sex fights pain: Having sex releases endorphins - which are the body’s natural pain-killers - individuals have reported relief from headaches, arthritis pain, minor aches and pains, and menstrual cramps after having sex.

    12) Sex may protect against prostate cancer: The Journal of American Medical Association published an article finding that men who ejaculated 21 or more times per month were less likely to get prostate cancer compared to men who only ejaculated 4-7 times per month. Though other health factors certainly influence one’s risk, frequent ejaculation appears to reduce the chances by some margin.

    13) Sex encourages sleep: Many people find that they dose right off to sleep after sex; this happens because the oxytocin released promotes relaxation and induces sleepiness. Crashing out post coitus is all well and good, just be sure to satisfy all parties involved to prevent bad feelings and assure that both people get a good night’s sleep.

    Priming the Penis for Sex
    Now that there are 13 scientifically backed reason to get it on more regularly, a tune up of the penis care routine may be in order. A little penis TLC can go a long way toward a healthy sex life. Simply wash the area gently with soap and water, pat dry and apply a penis vitamin cream to the area while it is still slightly damp (most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil). A penis vitamin cream, loaded with essential vitamins and minerals, will help keep the skin supple and smooth while fighting odor causing bacteria and eliminating unsightly bumps and rashes, which can occur from too much bacteria. Daily application can help keep the penis fresh and ready to go - whatever the reason to have sex may be that day.

    Monday, 17 June 2013

    Coping with a Curved Penis - Non-invasive Treatments for Peyronie’s Disease

    What is Peyronie’s disease?
    Peyronie’s disease refers to the occurrence of fibrous scar tissue inside the penis. This inflexible tissue can often be felt underneath the penile skin, on the shaft, and it can cause unnatural bending or curving during erections. Men with this inflammatory condition may also experience painful erections or problems with erectile function; patients with Peyronie’s often develop symptoms of stress and anxiety related to the physiological problems related to the disease.

    While treatments for Peyronie’s disease have varying outcomes, most men can experience some improvement, or even full recovery. The majority of specialists lean toward non-invasive treatments, except in the most extreme cases, as invasive surgery can have unwanted side effects such as loss of function and/or shortening of the shaft. The most popular and effective noninvasive treatments are described here, as well as some preventive suggestions for daily penis care.

    Treating Peyronie’s - non-surgical alternatives for correcting a bent penis
    • Transdermal Verapamil 15% Gel - This medication is often used in treating high blood pressure; however, evidence has shown that it is also effective in breaking up collagen - a property that allows it to help eliminate the scar tissue that results in Peyronie’s disease. Applying a transdermal gel to the affected area has had some success in treating Peyronie’s, although treatment can often take up to a year for full restoration of normal appearance and function.

    • Shock wave therapy - the use of intense sound waves to break up scar tissue in the penis has met with varying degrees of success; while some doctors recommend this approach for their patients, many prefer to try more conventional methods of treatment.

    • Vitamin E and Acetyl L-carnitine - These nutrients have multiple benefits when it comes to overall physiological health, and both have been used effectively in dealing with Peyronie’s disease. Taken orally or applied topically, supplements containing these ingredients may help to reduce the pain and curvature of Peyronie’s disease over time.

    Before attempting any at-home treatment, it is important that men talk to their doctors about the best approach to addressing the problem. For those who have intimacy issues related to Peyronie’s disease, a qualified psychological counselor or sex therapist may be of assistance.

    Preventing Peyronie’s disease
    There is no magical solution that can guarantee that a man will not develop a severe curvature of the penis, but with a little care and creativity, men of all ages can take precautions to prevent scarring and injury that can lead to Peyronie’s disease. Some important steps to prevention, as well as overall penis health, include the following:
    • Avoiding excessive friction . Rough handling of the penis during play - either solo or with a partner - can cause cumulative damage to the connective tissue surrounding the erectile chambers. Over time, this scarring can develop into the plaque that characterizes Peyronie’s disease. By using a personal lubricant during sessions, and keeping the skin well-moisturized in between, men can reduce the amount of friction that affects the area. 

    • Avoiding injury . Sudden moves during the throes of passion, or accidental impact with a partner’s pelvic bone, can result in ruptured erectile tissue and the subsequent formation of scarring. A little care during coupling can reduce the chances that such an injury will occur and affect long-term penile health and function. 

    • Proactive penis care . Extra attention to daily penis care can go a long way toward protecting the penis from injuries, minor skin infections, and other uncomfortable issues. Aside from keeping it clean, applying a targeted penis health formula (most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) containing nutrients such as vitamins A, C, D, E and B5, as well as all-natural moisturizers, can boost the natural healing properties of the penile tissue, as well as keeping the skin smooth, resilient and responsive.

    Pep Up the Sex Drive with Vitamin B5

    Everyone has days when they feel sluggish, like it is even hard to roll out of bed and put one foot in front of the other. On those days, an extra cup of coffee may be the trick to get up and running for the day. What happens, though, when the body and mind are ready and willing, save for one little part? A tired penis and lack-luster sex drive is something no man wants to deal with - and certainly not on a regular basis. Luckily, there are ways to pep up the penis so it is standing by and ready when it is needed most. Something as simple as adding vitamin B5 to the daily penis care routine can be the boost a man needs to keeping the penis healthy and highly functioning, and that is enough to put a little pep in anyone’s step!

    Why B5?
    B5 is a vitamin that works in the body to turn incoming food into outgoing energy. It is essential to the body’s functioning, yet most people are unfamiliar with all of its healthful properties. Vitamin B5 serves to help the body form new, healthy red blood cells while boosting immune function. In addition to creating that much-needed energy and vitality the body needs, it also metabolizes protein, synthesizes fats and cholesterol, and works to regulate blood sugars in the body. B5 is a hard-working vitamin; because it is water-soluble - which basically means it is not stored in the body, but rather, unused B5 is excreted in one’s urine - it needs to be taken every day to reap the full benefits.

    Another happy benefit of vitamin B5 is the stress-busting and mood-boosting properties it brings with it. In fact, reaching for some B5 during the mid-day slump may provide the energy rush and feel good mood enhancement that many people rely on caffeine for - without the jittery crash that comes with it. Vitamin B5 also carries with it some heart-healthy properties, as it may help to raise HDL - known as good cholesterol—while lowering levels of LDL, the dreaded bad cholesterol.

    Of course, vitamin B5 also brings with it an important penis perk in that some studies have shown the vitamin to naturally boost a man’s testosterone level. Testosterone - the male hormone that is the driving force behind a man’s sex drive - naturally depletes as a factor of aging, which contributes to a less than stellar performance behind closed doors. Thus, any vitamin that helps keeps a man’s testosterone level high is a must have on the daily intake meter.

    How to take Vitamin B5
    Vitamin B5 is found in many food sources that most men are probably eating on a regular basis anyhow, so it is not terribly hard to up the intake in one’s diet. Beef, pork, liver, mushrooms, salmon, tuna, sunflower seeds, pistachios, eggs and legumes are all excellent sources of B5. Not a fan of nuts, or prefer to maintain a meat-free diet? That is okay too; vitamin supplements are available to help boost up one’s intake of essential vitamins and nutrients, helping to achieve the daily recommended doses of everything the body needs to look and feel good.

    As an added bonus, men who are looking to really benefit from the penis enhancing benefits of B5 can even reap the benefits via a topical penis vitamin creme (most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil). A vitamin creme that is specially formulated for use on the penis delivers a powerful punch of B5, right where it is most beneficial: the penis. The benefits of getting B5 in this manner are that it is quickly absorbed through the skin where it helps increase the health of the penis cells for improved penile functioning.

    Friday, 14 June 2013

    Safe Sex and Condoms - What Every Man Needs to Know to Protect Himself

    Condoms are perhaps the most popular form of protection from STDs and unplanned pregnancy. Even still, many men have questions about the necessity and proper usage of condoms. Learn more about condoms and why they are an integral part of a man’s penis health.

    Is a condom needed in a monogamous relationship?
    There are a few factors to consider when deciding on protection when one is in a monogamous relationship. First and foremost, have both partners been tested for all STDs, including HIV/AIDS? If both partners were tested before the sexual relationship began, or within the past 6 months, and the test results came back negative, a condom may not be necessary for protection against transmittable diseases. A second factor to consider is whether both partners are truly monogamous. If a man has been in a steady long-term relationship and there is no history or fear of infidelity, forgoing a condom may be within the realm of consideration.

    Lastly, is a condom the only form of birth control being used, or is pregnancy a concern in the relationship? If both partners are okay with oral contraception, or if the couple is okay with the possibility of a pregnancy - feel free to ditch the condoms. Alternatively, if the man has had a vasectomy, the woman has had a tubal ligation or is menopausal, wherein pregnancy is no longer physically possible, there is no need for condoms to prevent pregnancy.

    Ultimately, the decision to lose the condoms is a joint one that should be made by both partners involved. Taking into consideration the strength and trust of the relationship, as well as the sexual health and the reproductive status of both partners, is necessary before going au naturel.

    Are condoms foolproof?
    Unfortunately, they are not. Though condoms are the first line of defense against STDs and pregnancy, they still need to be used properly. Studies have found that condoms are about 99% effective against the transmission of STD’s when used correctly. Expired condoms should never be used, as the material may have started to deteriorate, so if the use-by date is passed, toss them. Condoms also need to be stored properly. They should never be allowed to get too hot or too cold as that may damage the integrity of the material, nor should the package be bent or crumpled. Avoid storing them in a steamy bathroom, a glove compartment or a wallet, as an improperly stored condom is more likely to fail.

    Additionally, condoms should fit the penis properly. Too loose, and they risk slipping off and spilling ejaculate; too tight, and they may tear or rip. Condoms should be put on before any penetration or genital touching occurs, as disease transmission and pregnancy can occur from pre-ejaculate -that tiny bit of semen that appears on the penis during arousal. The only foolproof method of birth control or STD protection is complete abstinence.

    Can two condoms provide double protection?
    Absolutely not! While it is often the case that two is better than one, this is not one of those times. Two condoms - either doubling up on male condoms, or using a male and female condom at the same time - actually results in double trouble. The friction from the two rubbers is likely to cause tears, increasing the chance of an accident. If one wants to "double up" on protection, a better pairing would be a condom and oral contraceptive, or a condom with spermicide.

    How do condoms keep the penis healthy?
    Condoms provide a protective sheath that surrounds the penis in its entirety; this prevents the transmission of STD. This is especially important, as there are several diseases which can be transmitted even when no symptoms are evident, leading to a very unpleasant surprise down the road. In addition to always using a condom, men should use a high-quality penis vitamin creme to keep their manhood healthy and resilient (most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil). A penis oil packed with vitamin A - which helps eliminate bacteria - can help to guard against pesky yeast infections, penis pimples and other unwanted penis lumps and bumps which are not the product of a sexual encounter. Applying penis oil daily as part of the grooming routine can help keep the skin smooth, while contributing to overall penis health and function.

    Sexual Addiction - Can One Ever Have Too Much Sex?

    Many people enjoy healthy, active sexual relationships which are mutually satisfying to both parties. However, even if both individuals are invested in the relationship, there are certainly nights when one partner shows more interest in having sex than the other, and that is perfectly normal. It only verges on the abnormal if one person persistently fails to be satiated by an active sexual relationship or begins pressuring their partner for certain sexual acts that he or she is not comfortable with; in this case, the possibility of a sexual addiction may be explored. Regardless of the extent of one’s sexual activity, it is important to engage in proper penis care and always practice safe sex.

    Is sexual addiction a real thing?
    Sexual addiction has been a relatively hot topic in the media, with prominent celebrities, politicians and sports figures publicly announcing their addiction and seeking rehab. While naysayers may believe the umbrella of sexual addiction is just a "get out of jail free card" for bad behavior, many psychologists and psychotherapists believe sexual addiction does exist and is treatable.

    Simply put, sexual addiction occurs when one is overcome with thoughts and behaviors about sexual activity that are out of one’s ability to control. Just like other addictions, sexual addiction occurs when the pleasure centers in the brain fail to send the brain a message of satisfaction. Thus, an individual may continuously pursue sexual pleasure to excess, as the brain does not ever feel they have had enough.

    If a person likes sex, does that make them an addict?
    Plenty of people enjoy sex, food or alcohol without reaching the level of addiction. The clinical definition of addiction encompasses behavior that interferes with other aspects of daily living. For instance, if an individual cannot hold down a job because they are perpetually surfing the Internet for porn, they may have reached the level of addiction, as it is clearly interfering with their overall functioning. Or, if a string of failed relationships have directly resulted from sexual pursuits outside of the relationship, one may have a problem. Additionally, if a person has made unsuccessful attempts to cut back or stop certain sexual pursuits altogether - especially when it is causing harm to some area of their life - they may need to seek treatment for this maladaptive behavior.

    Are there different types of sexual addiction?
    While all addictions - sexual or otherwise - play on the same circuitry in the brain, there are certain types of sexual urges that are more likely to lead to compulsive, uncontrolled behavior. Often, but not always, sexual addiction revolves around dangerous, risky behaviors that seem more exciting to the individual engaging in them. Examples of risky sexual behavior include: voyeurism (watching strangers without their knowledge, often while masturbating), frotteurism (rubbing one’s genitals against an non-consenting stranger for pleasure), visiting prostitutes, engaging in unprotected sex - often with multiple partners in the same night, extramarital affairs, exhibitionism (flashing one’s genitals in public), masturbating in public, excessive use of pornography, chat rooms or phone sex. Individuals who engage in these types of behavior get a "rush" from the danger of the activities, which is enjoyable and therefore leads to repeating the actions over and over again.

    Can sexual addiction be treated?
    There are numerous options for individuals who feel they need help with sexual addiction. Many inpatient treatment facilities are available; while in treatment, patients participate in individual and group therapy. They may receive medication management and learn coping skills to deal with their addiction. Less severe individuals may find success working with a sex therapist in an outpatient setting. There are also numerous free support groups and 12-step programs.

    Sexual health care
    All sexually active men - whether they suffer from addiction or not - need to engage in daily penis care in order to maintain their sexual health. Condoms should be used with all sexual encounters to prevent the transmission of diseases. Additionally, a penis health cream may be applied daily (most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil). A penis cream that specially formulated with vitamins and minerals can help prevent cracked penis skin, improve circulation to the area and enhance sensitivity.