Most men do not spend a lot of time primping themselves in the mirror - though there are certainly men who are exceptions to that rule. Generally, a quick comb of the hair, a shave and a brushing of the teeth are all the time a man spends admiring his mug before jetting out the door to work. Given how little time a man spends checking out his face in the mirror, it’s a safe bet that he gives the rest of his body even less of an inspection. However, any man who has taken a mirror down there or simply has a keen eye and a bit of flexibility may have spotted some unusual lumps or bumps speckling his nether regions.
While some bumps are cause for concern, many are harmless and no reason for a man to get his boxers in a bunch. Daily penis care can not only help keep certain bumps at bay, it also encourages a man to get up close and personal with his business so that if a harmful lump is brewing - such as an STD or cancerous tumor - it is found right away, prompting immediate treatment.
What are Fordyce’s spots?
Fordyce’s spots are one such harmless variety of bumps commonly found on human genitalia. These spots are very small - only 1 to 3 mm in diameter - and are often raised; they tend to be pale red or white in color. They give the appearance of goose bumps on the skin, though they are constantly in view, not just when one is cold and shivering. Fordyce’s spots are painless and cover a large area; therefore, a solo white bump found downstairs is not likely to be a Fordyce’s spot. They tend to crop up on areas where hair follicles are present, such as the scrotum, base of the shaft, or a woman’s labia - yes, they are associated with both sexes. They can also make an appearance along the edges of the mouth, where the lips and skin of the face meet, though they may be more difficult to see.
The spots are simply a type of gland and are not associated with any illness or disease; they cannot be transferred from one person to another and can appear in men and women of any age. Though they may be alarming, particularly to a man who stumbles across them - say after shaving for the first time - they are nothing to worry about.
Can the spots be treated?
There is no medical reason to treat Fordyce’s spots; however, some men are not fond of them purely for cosmetic reasons. Men who have especially prominent spots, or are finding themselves self-conscious about the bumps, can seek treatment to lessen the appearance. Buyer be warned though, treatment is likely expensive and may not entirely eliminate the bumps.
Some dermatologist may be able to administer a vaporizing laser treatment or electro desiccation of the area to smooth the skin and improve its appearance. Pulsed dye lasers have also been used with some success, though treatment is expensive. Current treatment methods are likely to be costly, come with a risk of scarring, and may not completely eliminate the condition. Many doctors recommend against treatment as the benefits may not out weight the risks. Bottom line, it seems it may be easier to accept the Fordyce’s spots as the naturally occurring bumps they are and simply be happy they are nothing serious.
Keeping the Penis Healthy
Fordyce’s spots or not, men should actively be inspecting their junk to stay apprised of any changes in the situation down there. Whether using a mirror, or just investigating with the naked eye, every inch of the manhood should be probed monthly, at the very least, to keep the equipment healthy. Additionally, a high-quality penis vitamin formula (most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) should be applied daily to keep the skin healthy. Look for one with bacteria fighting vitamin A to help keep the area free from penis pimples, rashes and other unpleasant bumps brought on by bacteria.
While some bumps are cause for concern, many are harmless and no reason for a man to get his boxers in a bunch. Daily penis care can not only help keep certain bumps at bay, it also encourages a man to get up close and personal with his business so that if a harmful lump is brewing - such as an STD or cancerous tumor - it is found right away, prompting immediate treatment.
What are Fordyce’s spots?
Fordyce’s spots are one such harmless variety of bumps commonly found on human genitalia. These spots are very small - only 1 to 3 mm in diameter - and are often raised; they tend to be pale red or white in color. They give the appearance of goose bumps on the skin, though they are constantly in view, not just when one is cold and shivering. Fordyce’s spots are painless and cover a large area; therefore, a solo white bump found downstairs is not likely to be a Fordyce’s spot. They tend to crop up on areas where hair follicles are present, such as the scrotum, base of the shaft, or a woman’s labia - yes, they are associated with both sexes. They can also make an appearance along the edges of the mouth, where the lips and skin of the face meet, though they may be more difficult to see.
The spots are simply a type of gland and are not associated with any illness or disease; they cannot be transferred from one person to another and can appear in men and women of any age. Though they may be alarming, particularly to a man who stumbles across them - say after shaving for the first time - they are nothing to worry about.
Can the spots be treated?
There is no medical reason to treat Fordyce’s spots; however, some men are not fond of them purely for cosmetic reasons. Men who have especially prominent spots, or are finding themselves self-conscious about the bumps, can seek treatment to lessen the appearance. Buyer be warned though, treatment is likely expensive and may not entirely eliminate the bumps.
Some dermatologist may be able to administer a vaporizing laser treatment or electro desiccation of the area to smooth the skin and improve its appearance. Pulsed dye lasers have also been used with some success, though treatment is expensive. Current treatment methods are likely to be costly, come with a risk of scarring, and may not completely eliminate the condition. Many doctors recommend against treatment as the benefits may not out weight the risks. Bottom line, it seems it may be easier to accept the Fordyce’s spots as the naturally occurring bumps they are and simply be happy they are nothing serious.
Keeping the Penis Healthy
Fordyce’s spots or not, men should actively be inspecting their junk to stay apprised of any changes in the situation down there. Whether using a mirror, or just investigating with the naked eye, every inch of the manhood should be probed monthly, at the very least, to keep the equipment healthy. Additionally, a high-quality penis vitamin formula (most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) should be applied daily to keep the skin healthy. Look for one with bacteria fighting vitamin A to help keep the area free from penis pimples, rashes and other unpleasant bumps brought on by bacteria.
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