Saturday, 1 June 2013

Sexual Health, Relationships and Cybersex - Is it Cheating or Fair Game?

Is Cybersex Cheating?
Cybersex is a relatively new phenomenon, in that, just a generation ago, it was unheard of. It is something many men may not readily admit to, though most men (and women, too!) are likely curious about it. When it comes to the question of relationship infidelity, sexual health and cybersex, there are many different opinions about what constitutes cheating. However, before engaging in any type of sexual relationship - virtual or not - it is imperative to have a healthy penis. The fact of the matter is, a sluggish penis simply isn’t doing anybody any favors.

What is cybersex?
Cybersex, also known as virtual sex, uses computer messaging, chat rooms, and often webcams to connect two people - or more - together over the Internet in a virtual tryst. Chat partners exchange sexy dialogue, discuss or act out sexual fantasies, exchange racy pictures and -more often than not - flash a little skin. By most definitions, cybersex only takes place when one or both individuals engaged in the conversation masturbate during the encounter.

So, is cybersex cheating?
There are widely different opinions on this topic, with some individuals feeling it definitely is cheating, others feeling it is not, and still others somewhere in the middle. The three opinions are laid out below:

Yes. Cybersex is totally cheating.
Individuals who believe cybersex is cheating feel that any type of sexual encounter with a person outside of a committed relationship is wrong. Allowing another person to see one naked, exchanging provocative conversation and yes, masturbation in the presence of another person is most definitely cheating - even if they are not in the same room and do not even touch one another skin to skin.

No. Cybersex is definitely not cheating.
Then, of course, there is the group of people who feel cybersex is not cheating. No fluids were ever actually exchanged, and no physical contact occurred, so how could it be considered cheating? This mindset may see cybersex as just an extension of masturbation, with a very real fantasy component involved. On the other hand, most people would agree it is important to have the consent of one’s partner before engaging in this type of relationship. Remember, just because one person does not feel it is cheating does not guarantee the other will hold such a liberal opinion of the situation!

Maybe. It depends on the situation.
Still other individuals are wishy-washy on the issue at hand (pun intended), they may have conditions on the cybersex such as, it is okay to engage in racy conversation, but it is not okay to masturbate to climax. Or, perhaps it is okay to masturbate so long as a webcam is not in use during the deed. The definition of cheating may also depend on the seriousness of the relationship - or the virtual relationship. For instance, if the in-person relationship is not very serious, having a virtual one may be no different than dating two people at once. Or, even in a serious relationship, cybersex with others may be okay, so long as it is an occasional rendezvous and one is not emotionally involved with the virtual partner.

When is cybersex a problem?
Just like the live variety, cybersex can pose a problem. If cybersex borders on addiction, meaning one spends so much time engaging or attempting to engage in cybersex that it is affecting real life relationships, work, or other obligations, it is a problem. If one’s partner is not okay with the situation -- or is not even aware of it - that is not a good thing. If the cybersex is beginning to take the place of, or be preferred over the real thing, it is most likely becoming a serious issue that should be discussed with a professional therapist.

Maintaining a healthy sex life
Many people enter the world of cybersex because they are curious and want to see what all the hype is about. While cybersex in moderation is not unhealthy - so long as it is not interfering with relationships or other obligations - a man should still maintain interest in, and participate in the real deal. In order to best prepare oneself for sex, men should use a penis health formula so that when the mood strikes, so can he. A high quality penis oil, packed with vitamins and minerals (most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) can help keep the penis skin smooth and supple, enhance sensitivity and even improve the health of the penis.

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