Monday, 31 March 2014

Five Sex Questions for Men - Exploring the Male Mind

Though most men love to say they never know what women are thinking, all women would agree the reverse is true, as well. Call it a defense mechanism, a difference in socialization, or just a battle of the sexes, but the fact of the matter is, men and women communicate differently. To get a woman talking, perhaps, a man need only ask the right question, but to get a man talking, a woman may need to offer the right incentive…or some liquid courage! Regardless, when it comes to sex, men and women both tend to be more open and honest with their friends than they are with their partners, which can be frustrating for both of them. For those women left scratching their heads, wondering what is he really thinking about sex, here is a little insight into the minds of men - direct from the mouths of men. Learn his little secrets and how to help him keep his penis healthy and ready for action.

1) Do men even like foreplay?
Men may have the reputation for wanting a "Wham, bam, thank ya Ma’am" type of sexual encounter, but not all of them are so quick to the draw. Women, whose bodies are more likely to need some warm-up before heading right to the main event, may be very surprised to learn that many men want the same pre-game. If sex is the main course, foreplay is a very tasty appetizer. There is no reason to rush right through; foreplay is just an extension of sex that makes the whole thing last longer - so why skip it when one can take his time and enjoy all of it? Okay - maybe once in a while, they do want to skip it, but not as often as a woman might believe!

2) Does he hate my love handles?
Sure, a guy who has been with his wife or girlfriend for a long time is likely to notice a few extra pounds - but she can likely see his beer gut sneaking up, too, right? That being said, men love their woman, and all her curves too! There is little sexier than a confident woman, so stop trying to hide those beautiful body parts with the sheet; he loves them all the same.

3) What does he really want from me in bed?
Each man has his own specific likes and dislikes, so there is no one universal answer. But, above all else, a man wants participation! He doesn’t want to feel like all the work is on him (talk about pressure) or worse, that she’s not enjoying it. So women should buck up, take the initiative once in a while, and make some encouraging sounds, too. No, not every guy wants his lady to moan like a porn star - but he likes to know if he’s doing something right!

4) What do men think about during sex?
Unlike women, who are too often thinking of their to-do list during sex, men are mainly just thinking how great it feels. They may also be wondering if she is enjoying it as much as he is, looking for signs that she is, and planning the next big move. Oh, and men also think about things like birth control and sexual health, too - so don’t be afraid to talk about those important topics.

5) Is he going to tell all his friends about this?
Some guys like to kiss and tell; others don’t. However, if a guy has a particularly good encounter, he may be tempted to brag to his friends. Women who don’t want to be the talk of the town should tell their guy to keep his trap shut, as he might not think sharing juicy details is a big deal.

Keeping a Man’s Penis Healthy
Now that the women of the world have a little more insight into the mind of their man, they should also know how to help him care for his penis. After all, a healthy penis is beneficial for both of their sex lives. To keep the penis running smoothly, a man should use a penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) packed with vitamins and minerals specially selected for optimal penis health. Simply apply after his daily shower and enjoy the benefits of a smoother, more sensitive shaft.

Sunday, 30 March 2014

Penis Pimples and How to Get Rid of Them

Acne, whiteheads, bumps, red spots, zits - whatever one calls them -pimples are pimples. Generally speaking, a pimple is not a wanted commodity, and even less so when one or two crop up on the penis. Penis pimples are even more painful and more embarrassing than the variety that appear on the face, and they are something no man wants to find down there. Find out what to do - and not do - if a bout of penis acne shows up in that most undesirable of places and how to prevent them in the future through proper penis care.

A guy can get pimples….down there?
Yes, next question. But seriously, a pimple can show up on a dude’s penis, and it is about as appealing and attractive as it sounds. A penis pimple might look the same as those on the face, but they do tend to be more painful, simply because the area is so much more sensitive.

What causes them?
The same basic things that cause pimples on the face lead them to show up on other areas of the body. Sweat, dirt, grime, and plugged pores all lead to those little white or red bumps. Sadly, these conditions are quite often found in a man’s undercarriage! And given that it is a hot, moist area that tends to not get a lot of air circulation, the area is full of bacteria, which can cause these nasty little bumps to show up. Ingrown hairs - especially those caused by shaving - are also prone to become infected, white bumps that form around the hair follicle; these can create a substantial and painful lump. In fact, the bumps can become so inflamed that some men actually mistake them for a sexually transmitted infection!

How does a guy get rid of them?
Step 1. First of all, never - NEVER - squeeze, pop, poke or pick at a penis pimple. Doing so only pushes bacteria further into the infected area and increases healing time.

Step 2. A man’s best course of action is to simply wash the affected area with gentle soap and water on a daily basis.

Step 3. Hot compresses can also be administered to help open up the pores.

Step 4. A man should never apply acne medication to his penis pimples. The medication used on the face often contains peroxide or salicylic acid, which are both too harsh for the gentle skin of the penis and would really sting if it got into the urethral opening on accident.

Can they be prevented?
Men hoping to avoid the problem altogether would be wise to step up their hygiene routine. Men who are particularly sweaty or prone to penis acne may need to shower more than once a day - or at least wash the area with a soap and washcloth if a second shower is out of the question. Any time a man works out, he needs to change out of his sweaty underclothes immediately after the workout, as sitting in sweaty athletic gear only breeds bacteria -- which contributes to penis acne. In such cases, it is also best to at least rinse off after a workout, even if there isn’t time for a full shower. Additionally, being careful with the razor - if it goes down there - can reduce the razor bumps that can form into acne-like bumps as well. Finally, using a penis health formula (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) on a daily basis can also help to heal and prevent unfortunate penis pimples. Selecting a penis cream that contains vitamin A is especially important as it has antibacterial properties that are known to fight bacteria and infection. Vitamin A can speed healing and protect the penis from pimples, lumps, bumps and ingrown hairs - so use daily and apply liberally!

Saturday, 29 March 2014

Penis Health and Safety Rules for Naturalists

Parading a public penis - that is, exhibiting one's penis in a public setting - is something that many men enjoy; however, unless the public setting is a nudist gathering of some sort, doing so can land a man in plenty of legal hot water. Many who have never visited a clothing optional beach or a nudist colony assume that such places are essentially "anything goes," but nothing could be farther from the truth. There are many points of etiquette, as well as simple rules to protect penis health, that a man should take into account before embarking on a nudist escapade.

Rules can vary.
First, it's important to realize that rules and restrictions can vary significantly from one nudist gathering place to another. Sometimes, as with clothing optional beaches, there are rules that are laid down by government bodies; at other times, as with a private nudist colony or club, the rules are established by the coordinators or participants. Therefore, it's important for a man to bone up on what the rules are for any clothing-free event he wishes to attend.

However, there are some general rules that apply to most nudist gatherings.

1. Go natural, not nude. This may not seem like a big deal to the general public, but most people who enjoy a clothing-free lifestyle prefer to be called naturalists rather than nudists. A newcomer should respect this and employ the term "naturalist" when talking to other people at the event.

2. It's about freedom, not sex. The vast majority of nudist gatherings are about the joy and freedom of walking around without clothing, not about engaging in sexual activity. (Those that are really just orgies hiding behind the naturalist tag are usually easy enough to identify.) It is considered the height of rudeness to engage in sexual activity at a nude beach or other nudist event. This includes both masturbation and partner sex. Breaking this rule is a quick way to get kicked out.

3. What about erections? Probably the question of most concern to men is whether sporting an erection is against the rules. In general, most nudist gatherings accept that erections sometimes occur; the basic rule of thumb is to not flaunt the aroused state. If a man's penis hardens while sunning on a beach, it is best to either turn over on the stomach until it deflates or cover it with a towel. And speaking of towels…

4. Bring a towel. This makes sense when going to a beach, but many outdoor colonies and indoor gatherings also request guests bring a towel to cover seats, etc. It's simply more sanitary.

5. Don't stare. It is fine to glance at other people and observe their bodies, but staring or gawking is impolite.

6. No pictures. Never take a photo or video without getting permission from anyone who might appear in the picture; some clubs prohibit pictures altogether.

7. Respect privacy. Many attendees prefer to use their first names only; respect this and do not insist on learning more than a person wishes to tell.

8. Favor plastic over glass. Because glass can break and create a danger to exposed areas, plastic bottles are generally preferred over glass containers.

9. Bring sunscreen. If going to a beach, definitely bring sunscreen - and make sure to use it on the penis, testicles and posterior. Nothing is more painful than a sunburned tool.

While a nudist gathering is not about sex, men with the opportunity for a public penis display want to make sure that their equipment looks nice and healthy; using a first class penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) can be a big help in this area. Regularly spreading on a vitamin-rich cream can deliver important nutrients directly to the penis, a big advantage over oral administration. Men should select a cream that includes alpha lipoic acid, a powerful antioxidant that can offset penile cell aging and help prevent a wrinkled penis look. In addition, the cream should include vitamin C, which also helps maintain a youthful-looking penis.

Top 10 Penis Health Tips from the Experts

The average penis may be only a few inches long, but it takes up a lot of psychic space. In fact, it's probably safe to say that the average guy spends a significant amount of time wondering what he should do to keep his tool in tip-top shape, so he can use it as often as he'd like to. Experts on men’s health offer these 10 penis care tips that can help guys to do just that and to improve their overall sexual performance.

1. Wash daily.
This may seem like a no-brainer, but according to many practitioners, a surprising number of men tend to neglect this simple step. Washing up may not be thrilling, but it's a vital part of keeping intimate tissues healthy. A quick rinse with warm water, including a rinse under the foreskin for those guys who haven't been cut, should be enough to keep tissues healthy if it is done on a daily basis.

2. Choose non-perfumed cleansers.
Ordinary soaps tend to be drying, as they have detergent properties that can leech natural oils from the skin. Whether a cleanser is used directly on the penis or not, the suds can trickle down from a man's arms and chest onto his dangling tool. Sticking with body washes that don't contain perfumes can keep dryness and irritation at bay.

3. Perform routine inspections.
There are a number of conditions that can impact the manhood, including:
  • Cancer
  • Sexually transmitted diseases
  • Dermatologic disorders
  • Bacterial infections
Many of these disorders are easily treated when they're caught early and treated with proper medical attention. A daily visual inspection can help a man to understand what his tool typically looks like, so he can spot problems before they spin out of control.

4. See a medical doctor with any questions and concerns.
If a medical problem does appear, a person with a medical degree can provide an appropriate level of care. Friends, parents and neighbors might have all sorts of opinions, as might online pundits, but doctors can perform tests and prescribe therapies that others cannot.

5. Wear proper protection during athletic endeavors.
Some health problems can be prevented altogether, if men wear the proper protection during sports activities that involve projectiles. Baseball, football and some track-and-field events can leave men with bruised and bleeding tissues that require care in the emergency room. Slipping on a cup could reduce that risk.

6. Choose a penis-friendly bike seat.
While men who hop on a bike might not need to wear a cup, the seat they sit on could be designed in such a way that blood flow to the penis is impeded or even stopped altogether. Seats that are shaped more like a mushroom and less like a banana don't tend to cause this kind of blockage, and they could keep the penis healthier as a result.

7. Always, always, always use lube.
Fast-and-furious sexual encounters, either with a partner or without, can result in skin that's chapped, chafed and sore. Lubricants provide a slick layer of protection that can keep friction-based injuries from taking hold, and that might mean the skin stays soft and responsive.

8. Wear protection during intimate encounters.
Latex-based protection, when applied early in a sexual encounter, can help to protect against some types of sexually transmitted diseases. Areas not covered by a condom might still be at risk, of course, and this protection won't work well if it slides off or tears in the heat of a moment, but it could help some men to avoid infections in intimate areas.

9. Resist the urge to pierce.

Intimate jewelry might be popular, but the process of piercing intimate skin could lead to infections or deep-tissue trauma. Going natural might not be considered sexy at the moment, but tissues that steer clear of a piercing gun might also be just a touch healthier.

10. Use a penis health crème.
A product designed just for the penis is loaded with vitamins, minerals and emollients that can both nourish and protect the cells of the penis. When applied daily, a penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can support the tissues that are already in use, and it can provide the nutrition the body needs in order to lay down healthier, more robust tissues in the future.

Friday, 28 March 2014

Allergic to Sex? What to Do When She Is Sensitive to Semen

Sex can be associated with plenty of snafus, complications, and embarrassing situations, and nobody really needs one more. But what happens when she seems to get itchy and uncomfortable or experiences burning sensations after doing the deed? Believe it or not, some women (and extremely rarely, men) are actually allergic to semen. Nothing makes sex trickier than actually being allergic to it! Learn what this complication means for one’s sex life, what to do about it, and how to keep the penis healthy, too.

Is she allergic to sex?
Well, women who are allergic to semen are not actually allergic to the act of sex itself, but that doesn’t mean complications may not start from the get-go. Semen allergies actually occur in individuals who are sensitive to a specific protein that is found in a man’s ejaculate. Of course, the sensitivity level of the person varies as well. Some women may only experience symptoms if a substantial amount of semen touches their skin, while others can get itchy from even a small amount such as the "pre-cum" that exits a man’s penis upon arousal. Symptoms may be mild, such itching, slight burning, and irritation of the skin; or they can range to the more severe, such as swelling, hives and even life-threatening anaphylactic shock, where a person’s airway begins to close off, making it difficult or impossible for them to breathe. While most women are not at risk of dying from sex, a semen allergy is nothing to ignore, and medical treatment should be sought out. Of course, any women who feels they are experiencing anaphylaxis needs to go to the ER immediately for treatment.

How is it treated?
Women who have mild allergies may be able to get away with rushing to the bathroom after sex to wash up and get all traces of semen off their skin - effectively removing the allergen and stopping the symptoms. Using condoms - so long as she isn’t allergic to those, as well - can also reduce the chance of uncomfortable symptoms by minimizing exposure. Taking an antihistamine may also help block the reaction for women who do not have severe or life-threatening reactions to the white stuff. Women who have more severe allergies may need to seek treatment from an allergist who can help to systematically desensitize their body to their partners’ semen. The doctor would carefully, and in a controlled setting, expose them to small amounts of their partners’ semen until the exposure no longer causes a reaction. It is a long process, but if it means a couple can have a normal, healthy sex life, it may be well worth it!

Maintaining a healthy sex life
Interestingly, though it may be assumed the allergic condition is only discovered by women who are having sex for the first time, this is not true. Women can spontaneously develop a semen allergy at anytime in their life, which would likely be quite the surprise for a person who has never had any difficulties before. Furthermore, women may be allergic to the semen of one man and not another; this is because the protein levels are different between men. Finally, a woman can even have had a normal sex life with one partner for a long time and suddenly develop an allergy to his semen despite having had many previous exposures to it - just one of the curious things about the human body!
Though most men and women will never have to deal with this obstacle in their sex lives, they can hope to eliminate other unfortunate problems by keeping themselves healthy. Men may be able help prevent and reverse common penis ailments by the use of a daily penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) which contains essential vitamins to help improve circulation, heal broken blood vessels, and cure itchy dry skin on the penis. Apply daily and enjoy all the benefits of a healthier, more responsive penis.

Penis Health Creme Benefits for Every Man

Let's face it: Virtually every man can benefit from a quality penis health crème that is designed especially for the needs of the penile tissue. However, there are specific subsets of men who absolutely, positively should use a targeted penis health care product as part of their daily personal care regimen. For these guys, adding this vital step could mean the difference between loss of penis sensation and a healthy, responsive tool. Here’s a bit of information about who can benefit the most from a nutrient-rich penis formula:

Fans of Hard-Core Sex Techniques
Spicing things up in the bedroom could be a thrill for almost any man alive, but there are some men who simply must get kinky in order to get pleasure from sex. These men may enjoy thrusting away for hours without reaching orgasm, and they may add in warming lotions, cock rings or textured condoms to boost the pleasurable sensations. Men who engage in these techniques may struggle with low penis sensation levels that limit their ability to enjoy sexual pleasure without going to extremes.

Fortunately, many men are able to increase their penile sensitivity by treating the area with nutrients such as vitamins A and C, which can soften skin that has been toughened and desensitized by years of heavy use. Nutrients such as L arginine and acetyl L carnitine can also nourish and protect the nerve cells responsible for transmitting pleasure signals to the brain. Regular applications of these ingredients can be remarkably effective in ensuring the overall health and pleasure quotient of a man's member.

Dry Skin Sufferers
Some men have skin that's prone to cracking, peeling, flaking, and drying. It's just part of their DNA, and chances are, it's a condition that men are accustomed to attacking with lotions and creams. Unfortunately, using products designed for all-over use isn't a great penis health idea. Many dry-skin lotions contain perfumes and colorants that can irritate sensitive skin, and some even contain chemical ingredients that can make a dryness problem worse.

A specifically designed penile product, on the other hand, won't damage the inflamed skin down below. A greaseless, fragrance-free product simply seals in moisture and allows cracked skin to heal. The addition of Vitamins A and E in these products can also help to soften and soothe skin so it will be less likely to crack and peel in the future.

Fast Food Addicts
Burgers, tacos and fries are three of the basic food groups for men on the go, and while these foods may be filling and satisfying, they do not provide the nutritional content that can nourish the vital bodily functions the penis depends upon for long and strong erections. An entirely fast-food diet can leave the penis so depleted, in fact, that it might struggle to perform at all.

While no topical product can replace the benefits of a well-rounded diet, a penis health crème can help to nourish cells starved from years of poor nutrition. The vitamins a penis needs are easier to deliver in lotion form, too, as they're not required to slog through the entire digestive system before they reach tissues that are in need. They stay right where they're placed, right on the penis, and that might be the first step a man takes in his effort to keep his penis nourished.

Men with Pungent Body Odor
All tissues on the human body can be prone to nasty odors, particularly when they are covered with clothing for most of the day. But really stinky penile tissue might need more than a simple airing. These tools might have a proliferation of specific bacterial colonies that produce a nasty smell. A penis health crème can assist with that problem, as these products are loaded with Vitamin A, which can keep odor-causing bacterial colonies in check.

As mentioned, a quality product (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) is good for any man. However, men with these specific issues shouldn't delay in adding a penis health crème to their toolkit. Their manhood - and their partners - will be more thankful.

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Stimulating Penis Performance through Watching Porn with a Partner

Penis stimulation, which is a key ingredient in maintaining proper penis health, comes about in a variety of ways. For many men, viewing some form of porn is one of their favorite methods of achieving penile enjoyment. Often, adult entertainment is a tool for masturbatory activities, but many men would enjoy adding a little adult entertainment into the mix with their female sexual partners. The problem is that many men fear, and perhaps with justification, that the woman (or women) in their lives would look down on them for watching erotic films, never mind asking them to be involved. But for those with a willing partner, adding adult entertainment can add a little extra spice to their sex lives.

Assess the situation.
While the popular view is that women are mortally offended by adult entertainment, this is certainly not true for all women. According to information from Brigham Young University, as many as 1 out of 3 visitors to adult web sites are women. So it's possible a lady may be more "into" the idea of exotic viewing than she lets on.

If a woman has made comments that clearly indicate she believes adult entertainment to be unworthy of respect and attention, it's probably a good idea to steer clear of asking her. But if she has not made her feelings known, a man should look for clues about her feelings. In a best case scenario, he should go ahead and make his own positive experiences with adult entertainment known and ask her how she feels - but he should also realize that in some instances, this honesty may bring about a difficult time in or an end to the relationship.

Determine tastes.
If a woman has an interest in adult entertainment, a man should then find out where their tastes and experiences overlap. If she has only made small forays into the world of adult entertainment and he is a connoisseur, it may be prudent not to jump into some of the more heavy duty or unusual viewing experiences. Also, a man should find out whether there is a preference for movies/videos, still photographs, or erotic literature. Once all this is established, the man and woman can move forward.

Start slowly but then experiment.
Most couples may want to start slowly. For example, they may put in a DVD or pull up a computer video, lie back in each other's arms and just indulge in mutual masturbation as they watch the onscreen antics of the actors.

Paying attention to how the woman reacts is important. A man can then decide if a little dirty talk is appropriate, and if so what kind: Should it focus on commentary related to what is happening on screen or should it be more personal, comparing (favorably, of course) your partner's attributes to those of the sex kitten onscreen?

Many couples prefer to use adult entertainment strictly for mutual masturbation sessions, but others like to use it as foreplay, leading to oral sex or intercourse. For those who move beyond the masturbation, adult entertainment can be an excellent way of introducing new positions into their sex lives by copying what they see onscreen.

Be complimentary.
After the sexual interlude is over, the man should make sure to be attentive to his partner; while discussing the adult entertainment is appropriate, it should always be in the context of how it makes him appreciate his real life partner.

Using adult entertainment with a partner to achieve maximum penis stimulation can often result in a sore penis, so employing an exceptional penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) is essential. Letting a partner rub in a cream that includes a superior emollient like shea butter will both soothe the sore penis and strengthen the bond between the partners. And a man that selects a cream that also includes vitamin A is showing his respect for his partner, as vitamin A has anti-bacterial properties that help reduce penis odor, a turn-off for many women.

Sexual Performance Do's and Don'ts - Bedroom Tips for Every Man

Every man likes to think he is Casanova in the sack, and that his partner spends hours every day dreaming of the next time they are together because she just can’t get enough of what he’s got. However, the reality is that most men fall somewhere in between fail and fabulous when it comes to their sexual performance, and there are things he is doing - or not doing - that may be less than thrilling. Keeping the following Do’s and Don’ts in mind when it comes to the next performance may help to enhance the experience for both partners; and guys should never forget the importance of proper hygiene and penis care.

DO have protection on hand at all times
When it comes to bedroom etiquette, it really is the man’s job to make sure that there is protection available, unless he is in a committed relationship with a partner and they have already discussed birth control and their past sexual histories. Nothing is a bigger turnoff than having to scramble at the last minute to see if there is a condom in the bathroom cabinet, and few women are able to relax and enjoy the moment if they are concerned about picking up a nasty infection or getting pregnant.

DON’T focus only on her orgasms
Women generally do hope for a partner who is sensitive and concerned about her pleasure, rather than just grunting and grinding his way to his OWN without giving her a second thought. On the other hand, a man who is overly attentive can also be off-putting, and his attentions may backfire if he is constantly asking how she is doing and whether she is going to come. Keep in mind that it takes some concentration to reach an orgasm, and constant interruptions can take away from her focus. On top of this, she may feel like he will not be satisfied unless she comes, causing her to feel anxious instead of ecstatic.

DO focus on the moment
Rather than constantly pursuing the end result of a session in the sack, try to keep the attention of both partners in the moment. Let her know what feels good right now, and ask her to do the same. Saying things like "I love it when you do that," or "how does it feel when I touch you there" is much more romantic than constantly asking "are you going to come yet?"

DON’T neglect hygiene
No woman wants to deal with a man who hasn’t taken the time to clean himself up properly. Even if he manages to get past third base, a guy who has a smelly crotch and a bush of coarse hair is likely to gain nothing more than a mumbled excuse and a peck on the cheek as she rushes out the door. Every man’s personal hygiene efforts should include, at minimum, a daily shower. Trimming the hairs in the area, or shaving them off altogether, can also cut down on funky odors and make the whole experience more pleasant for both partners.

DO use a penis health cream
To ensure that the penis is not only clean and touchable, but also responsive to her every touch, applying daily penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) can give a man a one-up in the bedroom. A formula that is enriched with targeted nutrients that are noted for their support of penis performance may help to ensure that his manhood is ready and willing to participate whenever she gives the signal. Look for a crème that contains L-arginine and acetyl L carnitine, which are essential to erectile function, and make sure a high-quality moisturizer such as Shea butter is included to reduce the chances of friction-related injury that can come with lengthy sessions in the sack.

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Why Penis Health and Smoking Don't Mix

Penis health is an issue that should be uppermost in all men's minds, but far too many men fail to give it the attention it deserves - in spite of the fact that all men treasure this most important of organs. Proper penis care includes a range of activities, such as appropriate hygiene and regular penis inspections, but it also includes something that may seem odd: not smoking.

Lighting up afterward
Everyone is familiar with the classic post-coital routine of a couple enjoying a cigarette as a little coda to their arduous and intense lovemaking. It's in countless movies, books, and TV shows, but it's something that should definitely be eliminated.

As has been documented time and time again, smoking is simply bad for the health. For that reason and that reason alone, it should be discouraged; however, there's another reason for stopping tobacco use: it damages the penis. Seriously.

Here are some of the ways that smoking damages the penis and negatively affects a man's love life:

- It may reduce penis size. Numerous studies, including one from Boston University, indicate that smoking can decrease functional penis size. How? Smoking leads to damage to the blood vessels and to penile tissue, which may keep the penis from reaching its maximum potential size. This is especially likely to happen in men who smoke during puberty, when it can have the most lasting damaging impact.

- It may corrupt the smooth muscle inside the penis. The penis is made up of smooth muscle tissue, which does perform important functions, but which doesn't respond to exercise by "bulking up." Evidence suggests smoking can damage this smooth muscle, which can have a negative consequence in terms of erectile function.

- It may make erections "looser" and slower. Every guy likes to have a penis that gets hard at the snap of a finger and is intensely firm. A 2011 study from the British Journal of Urology International found that men who did not smoke or stopped smoking had firmer, wider erections and reached arousal much more quickly than men who smoked.

- It may contribute to erectile dysfunction. In that same 2011 study, a number of participants who smoked stated that they suffered from erectile dysfunction. Among those who subsequently stopped smoking, 75% stated that their erectile issues had cleared up and were no longer a problem, indicating again that smoking negatively impacts sexual performance. Other studies back this up. For example, one study showed that heavy smokers who consume more than 20 cigarettes a day (basically, a pack a day) have a 60% greater risk of developing erectile dysfunction than those who do not smoke. And if a person with high blood pressure also smokes, the risk of erectile dysfunction is 26 times as high.

Quitting smoking can be very difficult, so the best way to assure that tobacco use doesn't cause health concerns is to never start; however, for those who do smoke, consulting a doctor or enrolling in an effective smoking cessation program is crucial.

Giving up smoking is only one part of an appropriate penis health routine, of course. In addition to the previously mentioned good hygiene and regular penis examinations, consistent use of a superior penis nutrient cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) should be part of every man's penis health regimen. The best creams will include a wide range of nutrients, including: vitamin C, which is essential for collagen production and penile tissue firmness; the enzyme L-arginine, which helps produce nitrous oxide and therefore aids in penile blood vessel relaxation and blood flow; and acetyl L carnitine, which plays a role in preventing peripheral penis nerve injury that can diminish penis sensitivity.

Penis Projectiles - Tips for Shooting Farther

Penis projectiles, more commonly known as projectile ejaculating, are something all men think about and many men actively pursue. Simply put, this is semen shooting on a grand scale: finding a way to cause the semen to erupt from the penis and fly as far and as forcefully as possible. While some men enjoy measuring and "scoring" their performance in this area, many men simply like the fact that projectile ejaculating is often accompanied by a more intense orgasm. Proper penis care is the basic ingredient needed for achieving exemplary semen shooting, but that is but the beginning.

An intense orgasm makes sense
It's perfectly logical that penis projectiles usually go hand-in-hand with a really rousing climax; after all, in order to propel semen out of the penis as a long, determined arc, extreme pressure needs to be built up. That pressure is simultaneous with a release; hence the extended or intensified orgasm that accompanies the ejaculation.

There are several options that a man can consider when attempting to up his semen shooting ability.

Try abstinence. Many men find that simply refraining from ejaculating for a period of time can have a positive impact on how far and how forcefully they shoot when they do give in to the sexual urge. How long to abstain varies from man to man. For one man, especially one who masturbates daily, refraining for just three or four days may make a difference; another man might need to refrain for three to four weeks to see any change.

Stay on edge. This is probably the most common method employed to attempt greater shooting. Edging is masturbating until one is on the very verge of ejaculating and then stopping and letting the urge subside. Then one repeats the process to the edge of ejaculating again, and stops again. This process is repeated over and over; then, when a man does allow the penis to explode and let loose the floodgates, the semen erupts in the desired manner.

Have a squeeze play. With this method, which may be combined with the final phase of edging, the man squeezes very tightly just below the glans when he is just about ready to explode. He holds it tight for 2 or 3 seconds, then quickly releases. Some men claim the reaction is similar to shaking a soda can before opening it.
Work the kegels. The kegels are the muscles that one uses when one is urinating and needs to stop the flow. Strong kegels play a role in forcing semen out of the penis. Kegels are exercised by squeezing and releasing. Doing 3 sets of 10 squeezes-and-releases per day is a good way to start developing kegels.

Stay hydrated. Some sources encourage a man to drink plenty of water, as that can play a small role in the volume of semen produced. The theory is that the more volume, the more one will spurt.

Eat celery. Porn star Peter North, known for his penile eruptions, has claimed that eating celery increases the volume and the force of ejaculations.

Engage the prostate. Some men find that prostate stimulation is helpful in achieving greater ejaculation distances.

Penis projectiles are a fun goal for a man to try to obtain but may require a lot of work and practice - and that may result in a sore (if deliriously happy) penis. Every man should make use of a high quality penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) to keep his penis soothed and in good health. There are many creams to choose from, but a man should be sure to select one that includes the double-hydrating power of a superior emollient (such as shea butter) and vitamin E. In addition, it's crucial to find one that also include a high level antioxidant such as alpha lipoic acid to help offset harmful oxidative processes in penis cells.

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Penis Predictions - What Your Manhood Can Tell You about Baseball

As March Madness winds down, men everywhere are looking forward to the new baseball season, which is just getting into full swing. What most men don’t know is that their penis (!) may actually have some fortune-telling ability when it comes to which teams will still be going strong come October. The art of penis predictions does not have the same, lengthy history as tarot card reading or fortune telling; as a matter of fact, it was only created last summer after a couple of guys threw back a few too many brews while watching a really lousy game of baseball. That said, it may be the only method of looking into the future that involves sex, so it could catch on big time. OK, OK, the point of the information here is really more about penis health than baseball, but enjoy the run-up anyway, and follow the tips at the end of the article for a stronger, healthier manhood.

Readers would be well advised to take all that follows with a grain of salt and a healthy sense of humor.

So far, the practice of predicting the future by way of the penis has a select group of practitioners - two, to be exact. (At least, only two who will admit to it.) It also, for some reason, has thus far been restricted to making predictions only about aspects of the future that somehow involve baseball. This may merely a limitation of the experiences, knowledge base, imaginations and interests of the two practitioners.

How it works
Basically, the manner in which a penis reacts to baseball-related stimuli can provide a window into the near future. For example:
  • A practitioner is watching a baseball game in his home on TV. (This is necessary because proper predicting requires the practitioner to be nude, which is frowned upon at most ball parks and sports bars.) As the first batter approaches the plate, the man gets a sudden, massive erection. This indicates that the batter will knock one clear over the centerfield wall - which is something that the practitioner failed to do last night in bed.
  • As the second batter approaches the plate, the practitioner’s erection wilts. Although he furiously tugs on it with all his might, it remains soft and flaccid. This indicates that the batter will strike out in a big way - which again mirrors what happened to the practitioner in bed last night.
  • With the third batter, the practitioner’s penis jumps to attention again, but after just a stroke or two, it ejaculates wildly. This indicates that the batter will get a hit but be called out at first. Again, the practitioner has failed to get to first base more times than he can count.
  • Later in the game, the practitioner notices that his testicles have shrunken in upon themselves, creating a tense, knotty feeling. This indicates that the pitcher plans a knuckleball. A moment later, the practitioner’s penis becomes firm, but is bending noticeably to one side: obviously, the pitcher is intending to throw a curveball next.
These examples have involved a practitioner in a solo situation. Sometimes, however, the penis provides predictions in a more social situation in which the game is not actively being watched.
For example, occasionally one of the practitioners has had actual sexual relations (with another person, rather than with his own hand) and was so thankful that he skipped watching the baseball game which was on. On these occasions, however, his penis still showed remarkable predictive powers. For example:
  • When his penis was initiating physical contact, it clearly predicted that one of the baseball players would slide into home.
  • When the practitioner amazed himself by rising to the occasion and successfully penetrating a second time, his penis was signaling an upcoming double play by the home team.
  • On a separate occasion, when the lady he was with responded to him suggestively displaying his penis by pouring a glass of water on it and storming out, his penis declared that the baseball game would be called on account of rain.
The practice of penis predictions may never catch on, and that wouldn’t really be such a bad thing. What can be a bad thing is for a man to ignore basic penis care. In addition to good hygiene, proper penis care should include the daily use of a superior penis nutrient cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil). A cream with acetyl L carnitine can help avoid peripheral penis nerve injury which can otherwise have a damaging effect on penis sensitivity. If the cream also include alpha lipoic acid, the two ingredients will have a synergistic effect in keeping penis cells healthy.

Virtual Sex - How the Tech-Savvy Get Frisky

These days, sexual content is easier to come by than ever - a man doesn’t even have to go to the store anymore to see porn. Likewise, he doesn’t have to go to a bar anymore if he wants to meet a lady friend. Virtual sex -- or cyber sex -- continues to grow in popularity, as it provides yet another way to virtually meet and hook-up with a partner. Learn more about this hot trend, and why a guy doesn’t have to be a super geek to figure it out. Also, check out some pointers for keeping the penis healthy and ready for the money shot when the pants come off.

How to do it
There are many ways a guy can virtually get down with his bad self. Because of the accessibility of computers equipped with webcams and microphones, perhaps the most popular way is "face-to-face" via the Internet. Though plenty of men still enjoy phone sex, sexting, sexy emails, or even chatting online with words - no cameras -- it all depends on how adventurous he is feeling.

Virtual sex of any kind is something that singles and couple alike can engage in. They may participate regularly, or just on nights when they want to spice things up a bit. Some men use the same partner - either a real-life partner who is long-distance at the moment - or a sex partner they have met online; whereas, others prefer to find a new fling each time they log on.

Best of all, a guy doesn’t have to have a degree from MIT in order to successfully get with a girl online. Guys can meet willing partners in chat rooms, on message boards, or other online dating sites. All he needs is a computer with an Internet connection - and the ability to type one-handed if he is not using a camera or microphone!

Is it safe?
From a sexual health standpoint, yes! In fact, it is probably the safest kind of sex out there - because cyber sex is basically just simultaneous masturbation! As long as individuals engaging in these cyber relationship protect their identity, do not agree to in-person sexual meet-ups with strangers, or give out other personal information (i.e. address or credit card numbers) this is a perfectly safe way for a guy to get his jollies. In fact, some people remain completely anonymous by using a fake name or even wearing an intriguing mask over their face. However, users beware; one never knows exactly who they are interacting with - especially if there is no camera to verify looks. So a guy may think he is getting it on with a 20-something hot chick, but it could actually be a dude in his late 50’s with a beer belly. There is something to be said for investing in a web cam!

Is it cheating?
That probably depends on who one asks. Some people say that even if one is in a relationship, cyber sex is not cheating - as no fluids are actually exchanged. These individuals may think of it more like interactive porn. Others feel that yes, it is cheating, as one is likely seeing another’s private bits and at the least engaging in explicit behavior outside the relationship. Men who are in a couple need to feel out their mate before starting - or continuing - to engage in cyber sex of any kind, lest the relationship come to a quick, and ugly ending.

Keeping the manhood up to the task
Whether a man is priming for a night of virtual sex, or is lucky enough to have the real thing lined up, he will want to make sure his package is in tip-top condition. To make the pecker pretty one should do a bit of grooming - that doesn’t mean he has to go totally hairless - but at the least a trim around the edges is much appreciated by anyone getting down and dirty on his business. Next, he needs to take a pre-sex shower to freshen up and wash away a days worth of sweat and grime. Finally, follow it up with a refreshing dose of penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) full of vitamin E and Shea butter to help the penis skin stay silky smooth and ready for its close-up.

Monday, 24 March 2014

When Oral Sex Goes Wrong - Dealing with Penis Injuries

Few things provide men with more pleasure than oral sex. The mouth can do things other body parts simply can't, and when carried out by a skilled practitioner, the sensations delivered can be amazing. Unfortunately, the average mouth is lined with 32 implements that could cause a penis a significant amount of damage that requires emergency penis care. Understanding what to do in response to a bite is vital, as some of these injuries can be quite serious.

How Bites Happen
Most penis injuries that strike during oral sex are purely accidental. One partner moves suddenly and unexpectedly, or the giver decides to do something tricky and the whole thing goes in the wrong direction. Sometimes, injuries can even happen when the receiver gets a little too busy with the thrusting and bumps up against hard surfaces that can scratch and scrape.

An injury like this happens fast, and unfortunately, it's not the sort of thing that goes unnoticed. An erect penis is just tingling with sensory receptors that can broadcast signals of pain quite effectively, especially when the injury is severe. Besides that, an erect penis is naturally full of blood, meaning that an especially vigorous bite could produce a shower of fluid that is impossible to ignore.

Proper Post-Bite Care
Experts suggest that even minor penis bites should be treated in an urgent-care center. The human mouth is full of all sorts of nasty bacteria, which can breed and spread if left in place, and a quick shower or post-sex scrub is usually not sufficient to wash those germs away. Medical providers can use syringes and sophisticated cleansing agents to neutralize bacteria, and they may follow up that work with vaccinations that can prevent serious post-bite illnesses like tetanus.

Serious bites might need more than a few rinses and shots. When serious bleeding and tears are involved, a surgeon might need to stitch the skin back together, and sometimes, men with big bites need doses of antibiotics and other therapies to keep major infections from spreading. This means that men with major bites need to head to the emergency room for care.

Preventing Bites
Penile bites are certainly cringe worthy, and some men who read up on the dangers might be tempted to avoid oral contact in the bedroom altogether. This is understandable, but in reality, there is no reason to ban oral play from a couple's sex life. Often, paying a little more attention to the sensitivity level of the penis can keep these problems from occurring.

If bites like this stem from rough or inattentive sex practices, boosting the sensitivity of the penis just makes sense. A pecker that can feel each and every move of a giving partner doesn't require in-depth gnawing, and men attached to a penis like this might not need to do any thrusting. Gentle practices are enough to boost the pleasure to the breaking point, and no major works are required at all.

A penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) contains a number of ingredients that could help to boost a man's sensitivity, including:
  • L-arginine
  • Acetyl L Carnitine
  • Alpha lipoic acid
  • Vitamin E
A daily application of a vitamin-laden product like this can nourish penile skin cells and provide them with the nutrients they need to transmit every single sensation a willing mouth can deliver. While these products aren't appropriate for use on open, injured skin, they can be vital to maintaining penis health when used on a daily basis as part of the personal care regimen. Simply apply once daily after a shower or bath, and men should notice a dramatic improvement in the overall look and feel of their penis.

Planning a Sexual Encounter - 7 Things to Consider Before a Threesome

The idea of a ménage à trois may be simultaneously the most exciting and intimidating thought for many men. True, bringing two ladies into the bedroom may be the stuff that fantasies are made of, but before walking down that road there are many things for a man to consider - particularly if he is considering making this journey with his significant other. Here are a few things to think about before hitting the point of no return and how to make the trip safely so the penis health - and relationship - remains intact.

Jealousy: Perhaps the number 1 hitch in a well-laid threesome is the possibility of jealousy. It is natural for both partners to get jealous watching their loved one getting busy with another. Any insecurities that exist in the relationship can rear their ugly head during a threesome, and can lead to a broken relationship. A woman may feel particularly slighted if she believes her boyfriend is enjoying the other partner more; likewise, watching her with another woman may be hot, but raise a man’s own insecurities as well.

Time sharing: There are some activities that are better suited to two individuals versus three, so be sure to split time equally between all partners so one person doesn’t feel rejected or unattractive. That may mean each person has some "down time" but everybody should have the chance to explore each other as well.

Choosing the partner: It may seem like a good idea to bring a total stranger into the threesome, but that might feel awkward for all parties and increase inhibitions. However, bringing in a friend or acquaintance can lead to awkwardness afterwards. Whoever the chosen one is, it is wise to stay away from her BFF’s or a guy’s best friend’s wife as there may be too many other relationship dynamics going on that will complicate things.

Underlying attraction: When having a sexual encounter with a new person, things may feel more exciting and new than they do with the same old partner one has been with for years. This may bring up feelings of attraction that seem very strong - for a guy or a girl - and it may be tempting to leave one’s partner for this new sexy person. To that end, if in a relationship, both people need to be seriously committed before bringing in the sexy temptress. Plus, it should be made clear to the outside party that this is purely physical, lest she develop feelings for one of members in the couple.

Anxiety: If this is the first threesome for all parties, there are sure to be some nerves, which may make it awkward and uncomfortable at times. Men who feel too much pressure to perform with both women may be especially prone to performance anxiety and erectile dysfunction issues; talk about a double bummer!

Safety: Whether it is a relatively unknown person or a closer acquaintance that will be joining in the fun, it is important for all three people to disclose their sexual history. There are a lot of body fluids, body parts and exploration going on during a threesome, which drastically increases the risk of pregnancy and infection. A man should use a condom at all time and always change the condom when switching from oral to anal or vaginal acts and when switching between partners. Never use the same condom with two partners, even if the man has not ejaculated yet.
Keeping the penis healthy: In addition to being extremely cautious about protection during a threesome and disclosing full sexual histories with all partners involved, it is important to maintain other aspects of hygiene, as well. A man should definitely shower before, after - and possibly even during - the threesome to keep the penis clean and healthy. Men should also use a daily penis vitamin cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) after each and every shower. A penis cream loaded with penis specific vitamins and minerals will help keep the penis healthy for all one’s sexual exploits.

Sunday, 23 March 2014

Decoding Semen - What's in the White Stuff?

Most men ejaculate with little thought about what exactly is coming out of their body. While it may be of little concern to the man himself, his partners -- who typically come into contact with the semen via sex or oral sex -- may be more than a little curious about what is going in to their bodies. Learn more about what makes up the male ejaculate and how to keep the penis healthy.

So what is semen made of?
Many people are aware that there is sperm in semen - and, in fact, the term sperm and semen are sometimes used interchangeably - but they are not the same thing. Sperm - aka a guy’s swimmers - are simply one of the many ingredients that make up semen, but there is a whole lot more to the baby juice. All in all, there are about 180 of those little swimmers in the average ejaculate, and up to 400 million in extremely fertile men. With those odds, it may seem impossible not to get a woman pregnant, but not all of the sperm are viable, so as always, it is about quality over quantity. In addition to sperm, seminal fluid contains enzymes, proteins, calcium, chlorine, cholesterol, citric acid, creatine, fructose, lactic acid, magnesium, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, vitamin C, vitamin B12, and zinc!

Are there calories in semen?
There are, in fact, calories in semen, which has led some women on strict diets to worry about what exactly they may be - ahem - partaking in should they swallow after oral sex. Though there are rumors swirling around that an average ejaculation contains as many calories as a candy bar, the average deposit is thought to have about 25 calories. Certainly, not enough calories to tip the scales in the wrong direction! Interestingly enough, the amount of protein in ejaculate is substantial; it averages the same amount of protein as the white of a large egg. So that’s a little bonus, but it is still doubtful that a man can sell an unwilling woman on the idea of swallowing by promising her a protein boost!

Can the taste of the semen be changed?
Even though the composition of semen is very similar between men, the taste can be quite different. The reason for this is that a man’s diet very much changes the flavor of his ejaculate. Men who are hoping to make their release more palatable for their partner should avoid a diet that is heavy in dairy, coffee, onions and garlic, as these foods can lead to a more bitter or salty flavor. Men who eat lots of fruits and drink plenty of water may hear reports of a sweeter flavor being on tap. Sadly, no amount of chocolate is going to change the flavor in that direction!

Keeping the penis healthy
Anytime a man is gearing up for some action - oral or otherwise - it is wise to make sure his penis is ready to get up close and personal. A little bit of timely grooming goes a long way - especially for men hoping for some lip service. Trimming or shaving the public hair reduces uncomfortable chafing or itching on a partner’s face - nobody really wants a mouth full of pubes! Additionally, stepping up the personal hygiene is important too. Taking a shower before a hot date is a given, but paying extra attention to the special area is important. Use a gentle soap and water and thoroughly rinse the area. After exiting the shower, apply a penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) containing vitamin A - a powerful antibacterial agent which helps fight penis odors. A penis health lotion that also contains Shea butter and vitamin E will also help make the skin silky-smooth and touchable, making the up close and personal experience that much more pleasant.

Saturday, 22 March 2014

Male Orgasms and Sneezing - The Weird Scientific Link between the Two

There is nothing sexy about sneezing. Think about it; during a sneeze, germs, spit, and possibly even mucus are projected out of the mouth and nose at alarmingly fast speeds. Sneezes are out of a person’s control, they can happen unexpectedly and they usually leave the sneezer feeling a brief sense of relief after the action is over. Sound like anything else that happens in the body? This description also pretty much sums up an orgasm. As soon as a man hits that point of no return, there is nothing that can be done to stop an orgasm. Sometimes it does happen unexpectedly (much to one’s chagrin), and there is a definite sense of relief and relaxation once it is over. Interestingly enough, even though these two separate actions happen at completely separate ends of the body, there is a little-known scientific connection between the two. Learn more about the connection between a sneeze and an orgasm, and how to keep the penis healthy to make sure there are more of the latter!

Can sex really cause sneezing?
It sure can, though not everybody has experienced a "sex-induced sneeze," it occurs frequently enough out there in the world that there has actually been scientific research done on the phenomenon. While some people may have a single gentle "achoo" fire off after orgasm, others report an uncontrollable fit of boisterous sneezing that may be somewhat less than adorable to a partner. What’s more, these sexual sneezes are not exclusively caused by orgasm alone; some individuals can trigger sneezes (single or multiple) just by thinking about sex. That’s right, it seems for some people, merely getting aroused is enough to trigger a sneeze! While this makes for an interesting factoid at a cocktail party, a guy certainly may not want to advertise his arousal-induced sneezing too much, unless they want to get strange looks from friends and coworkers whenever cold and flu or hay fever season comes around.

What causes this to happen?
There hasn’t been a huge outpouring of research on this topic - apparently the scientific brains of this world are busy curing cancer, rather than decoding sexual sneezes. However, there are a couple of theories. First, it is possible that there is a gene behind the phenomenon - this may be particularly true for individuals who experience this every time -- or nearly every time -- they orgasm. If this is the case, multiple people in the same family probably exhibit this trait. The sneezing may also be caused by a simple signal in the central nervous system getting "crossed," so to speak. Sneezes and orgasms are both reflexes of sorts, so sometimes the body just accidentally pairs the two of them together - it’s as simple as that. Finally, there is some thought that there is a form of erectile tissue in the nose - of both men and women - and when there is an increase in arousal, the blood flow follows suit and both the penis and nose can become slightly engorged. This minor irritation of the nasal passages thus triggers a sneeze.

Is there anything to do to avoid it?
Well, apart from stopping all sexual thoughts or actions, there isn’t too much a person can do to stop sneezing after sex. Some people have had success by using an antihistamine or nasal spray before sex - but stopping the action to squeeze some saline up the old sniffer seems like a pretty big buzz kill. Given the payout of a having the "big O," most men would consider a sneeze to be a minor price to pay. Rather than feeling embarrassed by it, think of the sneeze as a round of applause for a job well done - at least one’s partner will know there is no faking of orgasms going on!

Managing penis health
Whether a guy is a "sneezer" or not, he still needs his penis to be healthy in order to achieve satisfying and consistent orgasms. Utilizing a penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil), especially one containing L-Arginine, can help improve blood flow to the penis by allowing oxygen-rich blood to find its mark. L-Arginine also helps the blood vessels relax and expand to allow maximum engorgement to the penis and a better erection - and that is nothing to sneeze at!

Friday, 21 March 2014

Penis Rash Care - Why Specialized Treatment is Essential

Nothing will drive a man to the search engines faster than the eruption of a penis rash. A rash on the manhood can cause panic, but at the same time, most men are reluctant to reveal their business to a doctor. As a result, it is normal for guys to turn to online sources for information. Unfortunately, the Internet is an imperfect diagnostic tool when a speckled pecker is in play, as rashes can spring up due to a huge number of different triggers, and rashes can look a little different from one body to the next. While treatment by a trained medical professional is always recommended, learning more about what penis rashes typically look like, and how the right penis care might help, could help to alleviate some fears while men wait for their upcoming appointments.

Common Minor Penis Rashes
The average penis lives a sheltered life. It's hidden away in underwear, blocked by jock straps and covered in latex for intimacy. Not surprisingly, the skin that surrounds this tool tends to be both remarkably sensitive and overwhelmingly reactive, when compared to the skin that covers more exposed areas like the face and hands. Since the penile skin is so protected, it can become irritated due to all sorts of seemingly benign things, including:

1. Laundry detergents
2. Cologne
3. Rough-textured clothing
4. Soap
5. Lubricants
6. Latex
7. Pool chemicals

Rashes that are caused by environmental irritants such as these often look red or pink, and the skin might appear raised and feel sensitive to the touch. Thankfully, these speckles tend to disappear quickly once the offending substance is removed, but it can take some detective work for men to determine just what's caused the irritation.

Major Member Woes
Minor infections can also spring up in the penile tissue, including those caused by yeast spores. Typically, these infections look a lot like allergic reactions, but they might also come with itching or discharge. As these yeast-based infections grow, men might also notice an unusual odor wafting up from their pants, and they may experience a little pain during urination.

Yeast infections like this can develop due to sexual contact, and unfortunately, there are other rash-like conditions that have been associated with intimate contact, as well, including some highly contagious sexually transmitted infections. For this reason, it is important to seek a professional evaluation in order to treat the condition properly.

Getting the Right Help
A doctor can provide invaluable help during a penis rash crisis. Medical professionals can run a series of blood, urine and skin tests to diagnose the source of the discomfort, and if it's required, these professionals can provide medications that can help to soothe the distress of diseased tissue. Whenever there's a question about where the rash originates, a doctor can provide a reassuring answer and an appropriate level of care.

However, many men find that they must wait days or even weeks in order to be seen by their medical treatment professionals. It's agonizing to wait, and it's tempting to try DIY techniques to make the redness disappear. Unfortunately, adding at-home treatments to the mix can sometimes make the skin even more irritated and inflamed, and that might make the doctor's work even harder. In addition, worrying and stressing can make the problem grow to epic proportions, and that might be hard on a man's underlying mental health.

Staying away from the internet altogether, and steering clear of any sexual activity, could provide a man with a healthy mind and an uncomplicated body he can bring with him to his appointment. Once he's been through that appointment and is on the way to wellness, adding a penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) could be an excellent healing step. A product like this can nourish sensitive skin, so the cells will be stronger and more resilient, and the softening, soothing quality of these products can keep skin supple and strong. A penis health crème can't cure the underlying causes of penis rashes, but they can keep the skin just a touch healthier, and that's something any man might benefit from.

Springtime Penis Care - Warm-weather Guide to a Healthier, More Responsive Tool

Spring is finally (!!) in the air, and as the old saying goes, the season for lovers is here. As most guys know, when the weather starts to turn warmer, there is a certain something in the air that makes them feel friskier than ever. As men look forward to shedding all those extra layers and giving the boys downstairs some breathing room, it is a good idea to give some serious thought to amping up the penis care routine. After all, it’s not just men who feel that special feeling, so it’s important to be ready for action whenever the opportunity strikes.

Following these guidelines can help a man feel more confident and sexy, as well as keeping the penis in top form and ready to rise to any occasion.

While most people would rather think they can be perfectly healthy without having to put in a lot of time at the gym, the truth is that humans were not designed for today’s sedentary lifestyle. Hours of sitting at a computer screen every day can drain anyone’s energy, leaving them feeling lazy and - which hardly sets the tone for any kind of intimate contact. Even if the goal is not to lose weight, getting up and moving can make men feel more energized. Physical activity is also linked to the production of testosterone and neurotransmitters like norepinephrine and dopamine; higher levels of these chemicals can certainly make a man feel more "in the mood."

Even adding 30 minutes of moderate exercise 3 or 4 days a week can make a substantial difference in a man’s outlook on life, as well as his level of desire to get frisky with a partner.

As the extra layers of clothing come off, it’s not a bad idea to survey the real estate down there and decide whether a bit of landscaping is in order. Trimming the hair in the groin area is becoming a bit of a fad, and for good reason. Keeping the hair short can give the penis a bit more room to breathe, reducing the buildup of sweat, stale urine and other body fluids that tend to accumulate in longer hair. An added advantage of manscaping is that - for those who are conscious of this issue - shorter hair can actually make the penis appear larger.

Energy levels, circulation, and even the condition of the skin depend greatly on getting enough fluids every day. Drinking 8 or so glasses of water can keep the blood flowing, as well as plumping the skin and reducing the appearance of thinning and wrinkles - and who wants to see a dry, wrinkled penis?

Cleanliness is an important part of maintaining penis health. This goes, of course, for bathing regularly and washing away any built-up grime and stink. However, cleanliness applies to the inside, as well. While it is not necessary to embark on a new-age detox program, it is worth thinking about what a man is putting into his body. Cigarette smoking, for instance, plays a huge role in the deterioration of tissue and loss of erectile function; ditching the cancer sticks can go a long way toward improving performance in the bedroom. Limiting alcohol intake is another positive when it comes to penile health, as excessive alcohol tends to decrease performance. In short, a little healthy living goes a long way toward a more responsive, eager penis.

Don’t forget the vitamins!
Every single aspect of our physical health is ultimately regulated by cellular function, and in order for all of the tissues and organs to work properly, proper nutrition is required. Vitamins, minerals, amino acids and fats are all needed to keep the metabolism running, repair damaged tissue, and ensure healthy cell growth and function. When it comes to the penis, getting enough of the nutrients that support skin, nerve and circulatory health is a must.

Ideally, the nutrients needed for healthy penile function should come from the diet as much as possible; this, if nothing else, should be reason for men to ditch the wings and beer and look for foods that are more nutrient-rich and less fattening. In addition to eating a more sensible diet, it is also a good idea to top off the penis care routine with a nutrient-packed penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil). A product that contains a rich blend of targeted vitamins and minerals, as well as high-end moisturizers, is ideal for providing the elements that may be lacking in the diet. Applying a crème like this after a daily shower can leave the penis feeling silky-smooth, responsive and ready for action.

Thursday, 20 March 2014

Better Sex in 5 Easy Steps - Tips for a Stronger Penis

What man doesn’t want to last longer in the sack? Extending the sexual experience (hopefully) makes it that much better for both parties involved. Whether a man is struggling with premature ejaculation or already lasts a good amount of time - but wishes it were longer - most men wouldn’t turn down a few extra minutes before the big bang. The average man lasts about 5-10 minutes once they get down to business, which may be enough time to get the job done, but who would complain about more?

Learn some easy techniques to increase stamina and last longer in bed as well as how to maintain penis health and ensure it is ready for action.

1. Practice makes perfect: Work on slowing things down while masturbating; many men go fast and furious when they get the opportunity for some solo time, but this only trains a quicker ejaculatory response. Try getting almost to the point of no return, then pulling back slightly to avoid ejaculating until ready.

2. Use a cock ring: Using a cock ring helps many men to last longer, as it keeps the blood in the penis, allowing for prolonged engorgement. Simply slide the ring to the base of the penis to enjoy a longer, firmer erection.

3. Do the squeeze: If all else fails and the end is nearer than desirable, take a momentary pause in the action and firmly squeeze the head of the penis. This will place pressure on the urethra and reduce the urge to ejaculate.

4. Exercise: No, not lifting weights. Men hoping to gain control over their ejaculatory response should start performing Kegels - yes, men can do them, too! Stop the flow of urine to locate the muscle group; once they have been found, Kegels can be done any time, anywhere. Flex and hold the muscles for a count of 5 seconds, starting with 3 sets of 10 repetitions. Work up to longer sets and more repetitions to really work those muscles.

5. Repeat, repeat, repeat: Sometimes a quick sexual experience takes a guy by surprise. A lot of foreplay or sexual tension can lead to a very quick outcome. If she seems disappointed, simply assure here that there is now time for a round two, and maybe even three. After the initial encounter is over, the penis will be desensitized slightly, which increases the chance of lasting longer the next time.

Improving Penis Health
For many guys, lasting longer is just a way to make things a little more interesting for both people. However, for some guys, lasting longer means the difference between and embarrassing experience and one that is acceptable. For the man who is suffering from persistent premature ejaculation (like hitting the big finish after a thrust or two), it would be wise to talk to the doctor and make sure there isn’t a medical condition at the root of the problem. In some cases, a doc may be able to offer medication or a simple fix for the problem to help get things up and running for a longer period of time. One thing a man should not do is resort to desperate attempts to numb or desensitize the penis, as "numbing creams" can cause damage to the skin of the penis.

Keeping the penis healthy is important to a good sex life as well, men looking to improve their penis health should use a daily penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) full of penis-specific vitamins and minerals formulated to improve circulation, heal damaged and broken blood vessels and capillaries, fight wrinkles and heal cracked and dry skin. Massage into the skin immediately after taking a shower and enjoy the benefits of a smoother, younger looking and healthier penis.

Sore Penis After Sex? Here's How to Pacify the Pain

Sexual encounters move quickly, as a general rule. The lights go down, the clothes come off, and in 30 minutes or less, the whole thing is over. Even if a man has put his all into the encounter, and he's worn out and tired after his half-hour of exertion, he's often putting plans in place for the very next time he can persuade his partner to get busy. Unfortunately, if the sex got a little rough, or things moved just a little too quickly, men might need some specialized penis care before they can hop back into the sack.

Sex Pangs
Most injuries a man endures during sex take place because he, or his partner, is not exercising excessive care. Rather than letting the excitement build and build until both partners are simply bursting with desire and readiness, many couples skip a few steps. They move right from touching to tearing, from kissing to coupling. They don't take the time for natural lubricants to take hold, and they don't allow tissues to expand or contract for maximum pleasure and minimum pain.

Sex can also be remarkably vigorous, particularly when that peak of pleasure seems difficult to attain. Men who keep banging away, moment after moment after moment, may scrape away sensitive cells on the exterior of the penis, and the damage might be even more intense if natural lubricants evaporate during all of this movement.

During the act itself, little injuries may pass by unnoticed. The sex drive can override the brain's ability to deliver signals of pain, ensuring that a guy keeps on moving no matter what happens to his body. This makes sense from a purely biological standpoint, as blocking pain signals can ensure that couples continue to have sex despite their injuries. But, it can mean that men emerge from these episodes with skin that is:
  • Red
  • Chapped
  • Bruised
  • Scraped
  • Roughened
When all of the little pleasure signals of sex are gone, that skin might be remarkably painful, and that discomfort can last for days.

Rest and Relaxation
While it's impossible to send a specific body part on an individual trip to the Bahamas for a much-needed break, sore penile tissues can benefit from a little at-home, attached-to-the-body care.
Resting these tissues means avoiding any sort of sexual contact, at least for a short period of time, and this means no partnered sex and no masturbation. Chapped, sore skin cells must knit back together, and each sex act can scrape away new cells the penis needs for a full recovery.

While sex rest might be mandatory, other activities can likely move forward as planned. With breathable underwear firmly in place, even the sorest of men can handle their regular activities, including running, bike riding and working in the garden. But, if the tissues seem to scream out during any particular act, or if the area just seems hot and uncomfortable, a few private moments spent with an ice pack can help to dull the pain. Over-the-counter pain medications like aspirin might also help to soothe lingering soreness that could keep a man from attending to his responsibilities.

While lotions aren't typically designed for use in skin that's bleeding or otherwise in need of intensive care, a penis health crème could be ideal for penile skin that's just a little under the weather (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). These products can nourish distressed skin, providing the vitamins and minerals skin cells need in order to knit back together. The softening agents included in each dollop of these products can also help to smooth skin that's been roughed up by too much love, and dead skin cells might float away with each and every application. In time, skin will be glistening with health, and itching to get back into the action. Daily application can also make skin stronger, so it can resist the damage of sex without falling apart in the process.

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Sex Toys and Air Travel - Considering the Security Issues

Male sex toys are arguably more popular now than ever; while it's still not considered polite for a guy to drop references to his penis ring into polite conversation, people are more aware of the role that sex toys can play in a man's sensual life. They often contribute to improved penis health by creating new paths to pleasure for a guy. Still, there are situations in which a man would prefer to keep his preference for sexual playthings private - such as when passing through airport security before boarding a flight.

With that in mind, here are a few things to remember when traveling with sensual gadgets, whether on one’s person or packed away in the luggage.

If it's metal, it will unsettle.
Although plastic and silicon seem to be everywhere in the sex toy world, there are still plenty of metal-based items that many men enjoy; this is especially true in the world of penis rings. While many men enjoy the practice of wearing a penis ring during the day, it really is best to take it off when flying. For the easily embarrassed man, what could be more mortifying than stepping through a scanner and having it start blaring because it picked up on the metal penis ring he is sporting? The humiliation is only going to increase when asked if he forgot to remove his watch or anything else made of metal and will peak when a handheld metal detector is passed over his body and beeps when it is held at crotch level.

Placing the metal penis ring in a carry-on is a better idea, but there is still a likelihood that it will register with the scanner and may be pulled out by inspectors who need to make sure it's nothing dangerous. A better option is probably to check luggage instead. The best options, to avoid embarrassment at least, are to leave it at home or to buy a non-metallic ring for travel purposes.

Vibrators may shake things up - a bit too much.
Metal vibrators are much more the exception than the rule (although they are not unheard of); synthetic-based materials that are firm yet have a degree of softness are much more the norm nowadays. However, the electronics that allow the vibrator to operate are a potential problem with security.

This is also true of the anal plugs that feature a vibrating option. As with penis rings, some men enjoy wearing these anal plugs throughout the day, sometimes with the vibrating option engaged and other times with it off. In either case, it can create an embarrassing situation similar to wearing a penis ring through security.

Although not in the vibrator family, penis pumps that are powered by a motor can also be a potential reason for carry-ons to be inspected.

Cuffs can catch one up.
Many men enjoy harmless fetish play that can encompass many sex items - including metal handcuffs, nipple clamps and studded dog collars. All of these are likely to be made at least in part of metal, so the chance for them to set off an alarm is high. Handcuffs especially can be problematic; while they are an acknowledged part of fetishistic play for many people, airport security guards may be more inclined to believe they could be used to immobilize a pilot or other airplane official.

Packing away sex toys is the best option for flight travel, not just for security purposes but because wearing some of them while in the physically restricted space in an airplane may eventually lead to a sore penis. Whatever the cause of a sore penis, using a top notch penis vitamin cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) can help provide relief. Although the cream should definitely include the hydrating power of vitamin E, the best ones also include vitamins A (to fight penis odor) and C (renowned for important collagen production). Employing one with acetyl L carnitine will also help to maintain all-important penis sensitivity, which some sex play can impair.

Penis Health - What a Woman Should Know About Her Man's Business

Penis health is technically a man's issue, but as most women know, men do not always stay on top of their personal health issues the way they should. Therefore, it's beneficial for a woman to know a little about male organ health, if for no other reason than to know whether to worry when her guy says he has a sore penis. Proper penis care can become a team effort between a man and his partner. That not only ensures that his member will be in optimal health, but it can provide a bonding experience for the man and woman as well.

It's not always ready for action.
Men like to make out that they are so sex-obsessed that their penises will spring to attention at the drop of a hat. While it's true that men like sex (a lot!), it's also true that sometimes the penis doesn't always jump to an erect state at the slightest stimulation. This is not usually a comment on how alluring a woman is; it may mean that the man is tired, stressed, uncomfortable, not feeling in the best of health, sad, or preoccupied with other thoughts at the moment. In some instances, it can mean that there is a physical cause, such as anemia or diabetes. Sometimes, medications that a man is taking can also cause erectile issues.

Firmness can vary.
The firmness of a man's erection can vary significantly from one time to the next. If a woman is used to a man having a very firm erection, she should not worry if it is not always as engorged; however, a woman should take note if loss of firmness - or, as above, lack of readiness for sexual activity - continues for an extended period of time. This could mean there is a physical issue that a doctor may need to look into.

Penis odor is common.
The pubic bush causes the crotch to be warm, a situation which is worsened by the penis being kept hidden behind two layers of clothing. Sweat accumulates easily, and even men who wash thoroughly and regularly may find that they carry a certain aroma with them more than they would like.

Penis skin is sensitive.
As many women have noticed, the skin on the penis is very thin, especially in men who have been circumcised and lack the protective foreskin layer. This by itself makes the penis skin sensitive to chemicals, so that many soaps and detergents can cause a skin issue to flare up. Skin rashes, pimples, and spots are common on the penis and the surrounding area.

Some blemishes are not unusual.
There are several common penis blemishes that many women (and men) think must be harmful but are in fact harmless. Hirsuties coronae glandis, more commonly called Pearly Penile Papules or PPP, are very common. PPP is a row (or rows) of small, raised bumps that typically form a ring around the bottom of the glans penis. Fordyce spots are small sebaceous glands that look like tiny little white or red dots.

Slight bends are okay.
Some penises are straight as a ruler, but most have some bit of curvature to them. Unless the bending is extreme (called Peyronie's disease), it is fine; however, sometimes bending occurs because of a build-up of scar tissue, which can have a negative effect on penis sensitivity and function.

One thing men need to do to maintain penis health is to daily use a superior penis nutrient cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil). A cream with vitamin A can help to address unwanted penis odor, while one with a high-end emollient (think Shea butter) is excellent for damaged penis skin. And if impaired sensitivity is an issue, a cream with acetyl L carnitine, which is neuroprotective, should definitely be used. The best help a woman may be able to give her man is to make sure he uses a quality cream regularly.

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

The Itchy Penis - Tips for Disguising the Embarrassing Scratch

The occasional itchy penis is a given for every man. When it happens while he is alone, there's no problem; but unfortunately, itches occur all too often in more public situations. In these cases, a man has to choose between suffering in silence and looking like he can't keep his hands off his tool. Taking steps to ensure appropriate penis care can help to lessen the need to scratch, but guys need to be prepared to find ways to disguise or distract from the scratch when the urge becomes overpowering.

Why is an itchy penis so common?
Many men wonder why their equipment gets so itchy in the first place. Body itches are common, but they occur more often in the genitals for a variety of reasons. For example, the presence of pubic hair in the crotch adds an insulating factor which makes the area warm; the fact that the crotch is covered (usually) by two layers of clothing also adds to the heat factor. Sweat results, which can by itself cause itchiness.

To make matters worse, the moist, humid crotch environment is a breeding ground for bacteria, which in turn can lead to further itching when the bacteria contributes to the development of skin irritation. Further, penile skin tends to be thin and therefore very sensitive, reacting to even slightly harsh chemicals in soaps or detergents and therefore encouraging rashes and other skin issues.
All of this adds up to a tool that is prone to itchiness.

Dealing with the urge to scratch
In some cases, scratching the crotch is fine; for example, when a guy is sitting around having brews with some buds, scratching is almost a requirement. But in those public situations in which scratching would definitely be embarrassing, there are various strategies one can employ to handle those itches that refuse to go away.

1. Answer that phone. Cell phones may be the best thing that ever happened to men with itchy crotches. If a guy keeps his cell in a front pocket, he can always make a show of pretending that a call is incoming, and while fumbling to retrieve the phone, he can surreptitiously sneak in some discreet scratching.

2. Pretend to spill something. When that uncontrollable urge to scratch hits while at a party or other social scenario, a guy can simply take a sip from his drink and then pretend that some of it spilled. (Men without drinks in their hands can grab one from a passing tray or choose to accidentally drop a gooey appetizer, instead.) A handy dandy napkin can dab away the supposed spill while allowing the man to obtain soothing itch relief. Those afraid that spilling a drink on themselves may make them appear too klutz-like can opt to act as if a passing guest or waiter has caused the situation instead.

3. Employ a squeeze play. If in a particularly crowded situation, a guy can squeeze between another guest and a crotch-high object such as a table - with his crotch rubbing against the table as he passes by. (Warning: a man should NOT rub his crotch against another guest for itch relief unless he wants to suffer far more embarrassment and social alienation - not to mention criminal charges - than would come from simply scratching his penis.)

4. Create a distraction. A savvy dude can always find a way to get that beautiful blonde he's flirting with to look away while he cops a scratch. Indicate that there is someone or something that she likes on the other side of the room. He can point in that direction as he says "Oh look, Tatiana finally got here" or "Whoa- is that the new Lady Gaga video?!" While her attention is momentarily distracted, he can obtain blessed relief.

Preventing an itchy penis is better than dealing with one, so men need to regularly use a first rate penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil). Those creams that include a combination of superior moisturizers, such as the high end emollient shea butter and the natural hydrator vitamin E, are the best bets. Also key: a cream with a knock-out antioxidant, such as alpha lipoic acid, which offsets harmful oxidation in penile cells that can lead to premature aging and other health problems.

Penile Cancer - What are the Signs and Risk Factors?

Words like "broken penis" or "impotence" may strike fear into the heart of every man, but the words "penile cancer" can be even more frightening. Cancer of the penis is rare, but it can be deadly, so understanding the risk factors and knowing the signs to watch for can be an important aspect of penis care.

Understanding Cancer
Cancer is a term that refers to abnormal cell growth in the body. Cancerous cells, or tumors, tend to grow much faster than the surrounding healthy tissue, and they generally grow in a disorganized manner. Over time, cancerous tumors can impede normal function of the affected organs, and if the growth is not checked, the cancer cells can metastasize, or spread to other parts of the body. The key to treating cancer successfully is to catch it as early as possible, so knowing what to look for and making self-exams a part of the personal care regimen is a must, especially for men who are known to be at a higher risk for cancer.

In the case of penile cancer, tumors are often found on the very tip of the penis, although they can also occur elsewhere. Men who are circumcised might be able to see changes in the skin without much effort, but those who haven't been cut might need to retract the foreskin and inspect the underlying tissue carefully for any of the following warning signs. Tumors on the penis are often described as:

  • Thickened patches of skin
  • Flat, blue-brown spots
  • Bleeding sores
  • Painless bumps

  • These descriptions could match a number of other health conditions that could impact the penis, and it's important to note that many people who develop these changes don’t always have cancer. In fact, penile cancer is remarkably rare, but any abnormalities like this should prompt a visit to the doctor.

    Common Risk Factors
    While penile cancer is rare, it does happen, especially to men who have a number of risk factors. Cleanliness is one such risk factor that seems to have a deep impact on a man's chances of getting cancer. Men who don't clean regularly, including men who can't retract the foreskin and don't clean underneath it, are at a higher risk of developing cancer when compared to men who keep things tidy.

    Similarly, some types of penile cancer are associated with the human papilloma virus, or HPV. This sexually transmitted disease causes warts to spring up on the penis, and men who contract HPV have a higher likelihood of developing cancer. Not everyone who gets HPV will get cancer, and not everyone who has cancer has HPV, but it is worth being aware of the fact. As with women, men can now receive a vaccine for HPV - in order to be effective, they should be vaccinated during the early teen years, before they become sexually active.

    Keeping Cancer at Bay
    Understanding that penile cancer is rare may help to ease the minds of many men. But it's reasonable for all men to use common sense and reduce their risk of developing this disease. Using protection during sexual encounters, for example, may help to lower a man's risk of developing HPV infection, and that might help some men to avoid cancerous changes.

    Keeping clean is another important issue; and washing and grooming the penis offers a man the opportunity to really look over every inch of his tool and ensure that he doesn't find anything that deserves a doctor's attention.

    After that thorough cleaning and inspection, a penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can help to seal in vital moisture and ensure that sensitive tissues have the nourishment they need to function at an optimum level. A quality product also contains emollients that can keep skin soft, healthy, sensitive and supple.