Sunday, 23 March 2014

Decoding Semen - What's in the White Stuff?

Most men ejaculate with little thought about what exactly is coming out of their body. While it may be of little concern to the man himself, his partners -- who typically come into contact with the semen via sex or oral sex -- may be more than a little curious about what is going in to their bodies. Learn more about what makes up the male ejaculate and how to keep the penis healthy.

So what is semen made of?
Many people are aware that there is sperm in semen - and, in fact, the term sperm and semen are sometimes used interchangeably - but they are not the same thing. Sperm - aka a guy’s swimmers - are simply one of the many ingredients that make up semen, but there is a whole lot more to the baby juice. All in all, there are about 180 of those little swimmers in the average ejaculate, and up to 400 million in extremely fertile men. With those odds, it may seem impossible not to get a woman pregnant, but not all of the sperm are viable, so as always, it is about quality over quantity. In addition to sperm, seminal fluid contains enzymes, proteins, calcium, chlorine, cholesterol, citric acid, creatine, fructose, lactic acid, magnesium, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, vitamin C, vitamin B12, and zinc!

Are there calories in semen?
There are, in fact, calories in semen, which has led some women on strict diets to worry about what exactly they may be - ahem - partaking in should they swallow after oral sex. Though there are rumors swirling around that an average ejaculation contains as many calories as a candy bar, the average deposit is thought to have about 25 calories. Certainly, not enough calories to tip the scales in the wrong direction! Interestingly enough, the amount of protein in ejaculate is substantial; it averages the same amount of protein as the white of a large egg. So that’s a little bonus, but it is still doubtful that a man can sell an unwilling woman on the idea of swallowing by promising her a protein boost!

Can the taste of the semen be changed?
Even though the composition of semen is very similar between men, the taste can be quite different. The reason for this is that a man’s diet very much changes the flavor of his ejaculate. Men who are hoping to make their release more palatable for their partner should avoid a diet that is heavy in dairy, coffee, onions and garlic, as these foods can lead to a more bitter or salty flavor. Men who eat lots of fruits and drink plenty of water may hear reports of a sweeter flavor being on tap. Sadly, no amount of chocolate is going to change the flavor in that direction!

Keeping the penis healthy
Anytime a man is gearing up for some action - oral or otherwise - it is wise to make sure his penis is ready to get up close and personal. A little bit of timely grooming goes a long way - especially for men hoping for some lip service. Trimming or shaving the public hair reduces uncomfortable chafing or itching on a partner’s face - nobody really wants a mouth full of pubes! Additionally, stepping up the personal hygiene is important too. Taking a shower before a hot date is a given, but paying extra attention to the special area is important. Use a gentle soap and water and thoroughly rinse the area. After exiting the shower, apply a penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) containing vitamin A - a powerful antibacterial agent which helps fight penis odors. A penis health lotion that also contains Shea butter and vitamin E will also help make the skin silky-smooth and touchable, making the up close and personal experience that much more pleasant.

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