Friday, 31 January 2014

Recharge Erections with a Vitamin B Energy Boost

Any man who says he has never felt like he needed a boost of energy from time to time is either lying - or he is Superman. Every man feels sluggish from time to time, and unfortunately, it can be painfully obvious when he is lacking in sexual energy. Nothing is worse than having a brain that is willing and ready to go - and a body that simply is not. Luckily, there are some measures a man can take to drastically reduce the tired turtle syndrome and ensure his that manhood is energetic and ready for action whenever he is. Learn more about keeping the penis healthy and maintaining an energetic erection with a simple change most men can make today.

Get an All-over Body Boost with Vitamin B5
Most people know that getting the right amount of vitamins and minerals is important, but they may have no idea what each individual vitamin does in the body. Well, vitamin B5 is one nutrient that everybody needs to become more familiar with. It works in the body to turn food into energy; and it is essential to one’s body functioning on every level. B5 helps the body create healthy red blood cells - the ones that carry vital oxygen to all parts of the body (including the penis) - and it also boosts the body’s immune functioning, helping to stave off illness and infection. But that’s not all B5 does. It helps the body break down and metabolize protein, synthesizes cholesterol and fat, and regulates blood sugars to keep up energy levels and prevent that energy "crash."

B5 seems like a vitamin everyone should just stock up on and call it good, but unfortunately, it is water-soluble, which means it easily passes through the body in the urine, and unused stores are excreted daily. So, to keep the body pumped up with B5, one needs to replenish their supply each and every day for maximum benefit.

Vitamin B5 and the Penis
Not only is B5 a super mood and energy booster (who needs caffeine?); it has also been found to directly impact the penis in a positive way. Studies have shown that the vitamin actually creates a natural boost in a man’s testosterone level - how cool is that? Testosterone, of course, is the male hormone that largely factors into a man’s sexual interest and abilities. As men age, the body naturally produces less testosterone, which not only changes his muscle-to-fat ratio, but it can lead to some rather frustrating problems in the bedroom. Given that B5 works in two ways on the penis - both by increasing the energy level to a man’s entire body and by bumping up the testosterone, most men are going to be wondering how and where to get this amazing vitamin.

How to Get Vitamin B5
Luckily, men are getting some B5 in their daily food intake without trying too hard, but selecting B5 rich foods can ensure the daily quota is hit every day. Foods like tuna, salmon, mushrooms, eggs, beef, pistachios and legumes all contain the glorious vitamin. Of course, vitamin supplements are available over the counter, too, for men who fear they aren’t getting enough of the nutrient in their diet.

Additionally, men who really want to benefit the penis can use a topical penis vitamin cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) that contains B5 along with other specially formulated penis-specific vitamins. Not only does a vitamin cream grant fast access to the nutrient; a man can also apply it directly where he needs it most - on the manhood. Taking in B5 in this manner allows fast absorption and a more direct path to the penile tissues. Simply apply daily after the shower, and enjoy the benefits of a more energetic erection.

Attacking Penis Pain with Ointment - The Wrong Approach to Penis Care

The average medicine cabinet is full to bursting with all sorts of lotions, potions and cremes that can be used to attack pain at the source. Some ointments are designed to heat up on contact with the skin, for example, allowing sore muscles to relax and unkink. Other lotions can be used to take the sting out of a burn or keep blisters from forming. While these formulations can be quite helpful for all sorts of skin ailments on the rest of the body, men who use them to combat penis pain could be heading down the wrong path for penis care.

Delicate Skin
Most ointments sold in pharmacies have been tested for use on the skin that covers the hands, feet and face. These tissues are exposed to all sorts of abuse, from weather to bruising, and they're often subject to nasty burns and deep cuts. An ointment applied to minor injuries to the skin’s surface can do a significant amount of good.

An average penis, on the other hand, spends the day tucked inside of a man's pants, making only a few appearances now and then. These cells are rarely abraded by clothes, and they're hardly ever exposed to the wind or sun. As a result, they're sensitive and delicate, and when they do sustain an injury, harsh cremes could do yet more damage, resulting in burning, redness and pain.
In addition, the very tip of the penis provides an entryway into a man's body, and the tissues in this opening are even more sensitive than the outer penile skin. Exposing this tissue to topical ointments made for other parts of the body can result in stinging pain and swelling.

Gentle Approaches
Rather than reaching for the first tube of ointment that comes to hand, men with penis pain should take a more balanced approach. They might begin by:

1. Thinking about how the pain came about. Was soap to blame? Or some type of physical activity?
2. Determining whether the pain seems serious enough to merit a trip to the emergency room
3. If the discomfort doesn't seem life-threatening, determining if a doctor might have good answers
4. Using oral medications like aspirin to block signals of pain
5. Applying ice wrapped in a towel if oral meds don't seem to help

Typically, with gentle care and the help of a doctor, most forms of penis pain can be quickly resolved. In addition, focusing on prevention in the aftermath of an injury could keep these incidents from recurring.

Men who developed pain in response to a specific product or a specific action might find prevention relatively easy. As long as they never, ever put their bodies in the same position again, they shouldn't have the fear of pain lurking in the background. But those men with mystery pain might find it helpful to nourish and protect the delicate skin of the penis. By keeping the tissue healthy, they may avoid future episodes of agony.

Men can work to maintain adequate penis health by keeping the manhood clean and using the appropriate protection for whatever activities they happen to be engaged in, whether outdoor athletics or sports of a more intimate kind. Applying a penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) may also help to protect the delicate penile skin and to boost its resistance to disease. These products contain a proprietary mixture of vitamins and minerals that can keep the skin flexible, responsive and strong, so it can shrug off minor injuries and uncomfortable episodes with ease. With regular applications of this particular creme, and a strict avoidance of other OTC creams that could cause lasting damage, men can take control of their penis health.

Thursday, 30 January 2014

Itchy Penis Control - 4 Manly Tips for Putting Out the Fire

The occasional itchy penis is one of the drawbacks of being a man. No matter how much willpower one exerts, a man with a compelling itch almost always eventually finds himself with his hands down his pants in order to have a good scratch. Good hygiene and proper penis care can help to decrease the amount of penis itch, of course, but following are a few lighthearted methods of dealing with the old itchy organ problem - along with some real-life, practical solutions.

No. 1: Become a nudist. Well, in the real world, going without clothing is not really practical; but one of the causes of an itchy tool is the heat and moisture that builds up due to the equipment being kept in a confined space. When left to hang free, there's less of a need to itch. Men who have chronic problems with penile itching might choose to let it hang free for a little while every day - in private, of course - to allow the skin to breathe and discourage the development of rashes and fungal infections that can lead to itching and burning in the nether regions.

No. 2: Hang out only with men.
Male-only gatherings are already a massive scratch-fest and burping contest anyway, aren’t they? Or so the ladies may believe. At any rate, a guy who spends all his time only with other men will find that he is in good company when it’s time to make a few adjustments down below.

No. 3: Create a distraction.
Men think being prepared extends no further than carrying a condom in their wallets. But they can be prepared for the sudden crotch itch by coming up with phrases to distract their companions just as the urge to scratch hits. Some possible phrases to use include:
  • "Look over there! Is that George Clooney?"
  • "I think your stockings have a run in them. No, in the back."
  • "Close your eyes for a minute. There's something on your eyelid."
  • "What do you think of those shoes, honey?"
  • "Whoa! Look at the bazongas on her!"
Warning: Men should be prepared to suffer either a slap or a cold shoulder if they use that last approach as a diversion - either from their companion or the owner of the bazongas.

No. 4: Exercise proper penis care. All joking aside, the best way to combat an itchy penis is to practice good hygiene and make sure that the surrounding environment is a friendly one. Proper penis care starts with a daily washing - a gentle cleanser that does not contain drying detergents or alcohol is the best solution. Making sure the tool is completely dry before putting on any clothing can also help to prevent itchy rashes like jock itch or thrush; and the clothing itself should be laundered using a mild detergent that is free of any fragrances or chemical dyes.

Both hot and cold weather can be an additional source of penis itching; the sweaty heat of summer can increase the risk of heat rash, while the cold winter months can lead to dry, cracked, itchy skin. Dressing for the weather and using a good moisturizer, summer and winter, can help to alleviate this problem. A good approach here is to include the use of a superior penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) in the daily penis care regimen. A cream that is enriched with a quality emollient like shea butter, as well as the natural hydrating power of vitamin E will work much better in the long run. Finding a cream with vitamin A will provide the added bonus of fighting the penis odor from which too many men suffer.

A Healthier Penis in 5 Easy Steps - Personal Care for Every Man

Though many men think of their penis as merely a love organ that has one main function, the health and wellness of the male unit goes far above and beyond a satisfying sex life. In fact, penis health issues - if left untreated - can ultimately impact the health of the entire body. Yes, that’s right, the entire body. Find out 5 things every many can start doing today to maintain penis health, so that he can enjoy a fantastic sex life and a healthy body overall.

1. Exercise: Well, this one may be a no-brainer, as every man knows he should be putting in at least a little exercise every day. But what many men don’t know is that hitting the treadmill has healthy benefits for mind, body - and manhood! Yup, getting that blood pumping pushes blood to all areas of the body and improves circulation, which means the penis enjoys the benefits of increased oxygen and nutrients. A healthy circulatory system also reduces a man’s chance of falling victim to the dreaded erectile dysfunction, as poor circulation is one of the major contributing factors to a man not being able to get it up.

2. PC Flexes: Sometimes known as "male Kegels" men who exercise the pubococcygeus muscles have reported improvement in male incontinence and stronger, more powerful orgasms. Bonus! To find the muscles, a man can stop the flow of urine mid-stream - got ‘em? Okay, now just like any other strength training, he needs to regularly flex those muscles; luckily, no gym membership is required. Simply flex the PC muscles, hold for a slow count of 5, release and repeat; do 3 sets of 10 reps, 3x a day - working up to 25 reps as the muscles get stronger.

3. Self-examination: Sure, taking a mirror to one’s nether regions my not be on the top of the to-do list for most men, but it should be. Regular self-exams are an excellent way to stay apprised with changes in the region. Not only does the area need to be thoroughly surveyed; a man also needs to get hands-on and feel around for lumps, bumps or tender areas. Male self-examination can turn up testicular cancer, penile cancer, as well as sexually transmitted infections - all of which can be very serious if they are not treated in a timely manner. So take 15 minutes once a month to become better acquainted with the boys downstairs!

4. Protect: Ever since junior high sex education, it has been pounded into the male psyche that condoms are important during sex, yet some men may still tune that little voice in their head out from time to time and skip the protection---especially in the heat of the moment. But believe it or not, that sex ed teacher was right. Condoms are the best form of protection from sexual infections, aside from abstinence. Additionally, getting regularly tested for STI’s -- including HIV/AIDS -- is imperative for every man who is sexually active - particularly if he is not in a monogamous relationship. Remember, just asking the other person if they are "clean" is not enough, as some people are asymptomatic carriers - meaning they have an active virus in their body but no symptoms.

5. Practice Good Hygiene: Nobody wants to be the smelly kid in class, and even worse is the smelly guy in the bedroom. Obviously, taking regular showers is important to "de-smellifying" the region, but there is even more a man can do to stay shower fresh all day long. Simply applying a penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) to the area after each shower can help beat odor that shower gels and soaps leave behind. Be sure to choose a male penis cream that contains vitamin A, as it works to fight the bacteria that are the number one cause of a smelly undercarriage.

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Penis Pain Myths - 5 Things Guys Believe That Are Totally Wrong

At one point or another, every guy's penis is going to ache, tingle or twinge. Pain down below is just a common part of life, and as a result, men tend to have a large number of theories about how the discomfort comes about, as well as how it should be banished. Unfortunately, many of these assumptions are just plain wrong. Five of the most common penis pain myths, along with some helpful tips that could steer men to the proper penis care, are described here.

1. Soreness is Always a Medical Emergency.

Pain is a normal and natural signal the body produces in response to an injury. These little sparks of discomfort are designed to force the brain to pay attention, and perhaps keep the damage from increasing. Pain signals like this should never be ignored, but they shouldn't cause panic, either. In fact, some cases of tingling and discomfort can be quickly treated at home.

2. A General Practitioner Can Handle Most Types of Penis Pain.
While many cases of below-the-belt misery can be treated with tender, loving, at-home care, some injuries are so serious and so severe that a doctor should be involved. Heavy bleeding, severe bruising, relentless pain and constant swelling are just a few symptoms that should prompt a guy to get prompt medical attention. However, it's vital for men to choose the right expert that can help them to find relief. Seeing a pediatrician, internal medicine specialist or an herbalist might not be as effective as visiting an urologist when a man's penis needs help.

3. Cleaning and Scrubbing Keeps Pain at Bay.
The fluids that dribble out of a penis, along with the various substances that might come into contact with these gentle tissues on any given day, can sometimes cause subtle forms of skin irritation. While rinsing those liquids away can keep the penis at least somewhat healthy, using a scrubbing motion or harsh cleansers could actually cause penis pain, rather than helping to prevent it.

4. Penis Pain Means an STD is Present
When twinges of pain strike down below, men are often quick to jump to the conclusion that contact with a partner is to blame. While it's true that some painful situations do arise due to infectious agents a man can share with a partner, many conditions are the result of something a man has done himself, such as:
  • Masturbating
  • Cycling
  • Going commando
  • Using fragrances or deodorant sprays that trigger a sensitivity down below
Before concluding that the pain is due to a sexual encounter, it might be best for men to really think through what might be behind their discomfort. A doctor's visit can definitively rule out an STD, and of course any sexually active adults should be tested on a periodic basis.

5. Using a Condom is the Best Way to Prevent Penis Pain.
Since many men believe that all causes of penis pain start with nasty contact with another human being, it's not surprising that many men believe that the best way to prevent pain involves sliding a cap on before getting busy. While condoms can help a man to reduce his risk of obtaining some kinds of social diseases, these little slips of tissue won't help him to keep all pain-inducing problems at bay.
Keeping the skin healthy, on the other hand, might provide a quick and economical route to injury prevention. Tissues that are smooth, soft and pliant are less likely to rip and tear when they're subjected to abuse, and they tend to be more receptive to the pleasant sensations associated with masturbation or sex. Getting skin like this is easy, too, particularly for men who use a penis health creme. Quality products (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) are designed to nourish the cells of a man's vital tool, while emollients soften and smooth intimate skin. These products could be vital in the fight against penis pain.

Tantric Sex Positions for Every Man - Blow Her Mind with these Erotic Moves

To those who are only minimally familiar with the idea of Tantric sex, the term can conjure up images of yoga experts entwined in impossible positions, barely moving for hours on end. However, engaging in Tantric activity is not necessarily reserved for the fit and supple; it can be enjoyed by nearly everyone who is interested in a more sensual experience than a 3-minute romp in the sheets.

Tantra can best be described as a spiritual experience involving being in the here and now, rather than pumping away with only the end goal in mind. Couples who try Tantra may find that sexual enjoyment takes on a whole new meaning; for the curious, some simple tips are provided here. Because Tantra is all about sensuality, getting the body ready for the experience can help make it more enjoyable; therefore, some pointers for body and penis care are also given.

Some Tantric sex positions for beginners:
Remember, practicing Tantric sex means being in the moment. With this in mind, these positions should be carried out as a means to fully experience one another on a sensual and spiritual level, without focusing on the final release - which will certainly come when the time is right. Whenever the couple is facing each other, deep eye contact is encouraged to heighten the intimacy of the experience.

1. The flower blossom - The woman lies on her back and draws her knees up to her breasts. Her feet can be tucked against the man’s armpits. She then raises her buttocks and spreads them slightly with her hands, presenting him with an "orchid" for penetration. This position is intensely visual, especially for the male.

2. The jewel box - In this position, the couple lies facing each other with their bodies closely touching. The women can be underneath, or they can lie side by side, and their legs should touch from thighs to toes. He should hold her close and penetrate from this position.

3. The long-haired goddess­ - ­The man in this case lies flat on his back, and she mounts him facing away. She then lays back so that her hair is covering his face as he moves in and out of her.

4. The reverse horsewoman - This position is similar to the long-haired goddess, but the woman sits up with her legs tucked underneath her so that she can control the action. She raises and lowers herself on the man; this loss of control on his part can be highly exhilarating.

5. Striking - The woman lies on her back on a firm, flat surface with her thighs raised. The man withdraws from her completely, then enters in one, fluid move to penetrate fully inside her. This is repeated as often as desired.

Care for the body and spirit
The sensual experience of Tantra is all about being in the moment, but that doesn’t mean that men should skimp on planning ahead. Having a body - and especially a penis - that is clean, supple and receptive to touch is the key to fully enjoying the benefits of Tantra.

In fact, the process of getting clean can be an intimate part of the experience; couples can plan a warm bath together and gently wash every part of each other’s bodies before moving into the bedroom. Soft light and music can add to the otherworldly atmosphere they will build before the real physical activity begins.

Men should also care for their penile skin on a regular basis to prevent roughness, irritation, soreness and other issues that can detract from the overall experience. Using a specially formulated penis vitamin creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) that is enriched with important nutrients, as well as all-natural emollients, can help to build tissue that is receptive to the modulated rhythms of tantric sex.

Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Oral Sex for One - The Pleasures and Pains of Autofellatio

Autofellatio, the performing of oral sex upon oneself, is an act that only a select number of men can perform - but the idea of autofellatio is one that most men find intriguing and man have at least attempted. While autofellatio certainly wouldn't have a serious impact on a man's penis health, the pursuit of it can result in potential damage to other parts of the body; thus, the pleasures of self-administered oral sex should be weighed against the potential pain.

Dog envy?
There's an old joke that asks why a dog licks its nether regions; the answer is an enthusiastic and envious "Because it can!" It's just a joke, but the fact remains that men, as they explore their sexual equipment, often fantasize about performing oral gratification on their own tools. This is understandable: oral sex with a partner feels amazing, but a partner is not always available. Besides, some men feel curious about what performing fellatio would feel like but are not interested in actually having sex with another man. For these men, autofellatio would provide a taste of the experience without the drawback.

Who can do it?
For understandable reasons, there are no reliable statistics on what percentage of men are capable of performing autofellatio; it is, after all, not the kind of question that is typically asked or readily answered. However, despite the number of photos of the act available on Tumblr and the like, it’s safe to say it is the rare man who has this particular talent.

In general, those men who are capable of autofellatio share at least some of the following characteristics:
  • A relatively short torso;
  • A relatively long penis;
  • A great deal of agility and flexibility; and
  • Determination.
How do they do it?
There are several positions that are employed in performing autofellatio. These include:
  • Lying down on the back. This seems to be the most common method, perhaps because the position takes advantage of the force of gravity to bring the penis closer to the mouth. A man starts lying down on his back. He lifts his legs and hips up and moves them forward, bringing his legs down over behind his head. With the penis dangling above the head, he then inches it closer until it reaches the mouth.
  • Standing up. Seemingly a much more difficult position, some men are flexible enough to bend from a standing position so that their mouths reach their penises.
  • Sitting. Although some men perform autofellatio while seated in a chair, more seem to be capable of performing seated if they are seated on the floor, with their legs crossed in something resembling a yoga position or the "crisscross-applesauce" position favored by young children.
It should perhaps be noted that most men who are capable of autofellatio do not manage to get more than the head of the penis into their mouths. But that is reward enough for their efforts!

There can be consequences.
As mentioned before, flexibility and agility are essential to successful performance of autofellatio. It is VERY easy for a man to cause damage to his back, neck, torso, hips and other parts of the body in attempting to perform this difficult maneuver. This is especially true if a man has not properly warmed up and stretched out. In some cases, the damage can be severe, so it is advisable to think carefully before attempting autofellatio.

Self-performed oral sex (like all sexual acts, whether performed solo or with a partner) is better enjoyed when the penis is in good general health. Proper penis health maintenance should include the regular use of a superior penis nutrient cream ( health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil). Preventing cracked, dry penis skin is a worthy goal, and a cream with vitamin E, a natural hydrator, is a handy tool to use for that end. A cream that also include L-arginine can add the benefit of keeping penis capillaries healthy.

Penis Sensation Boosters - Masturbation Tips and Tricks to Try Tonight

Even if a man is in a committed, long-term relationship, he is bound to seek out some quality one-on-one time with himself every now and again. While any man over the age of 16 may fancy himself an expert in this area, there may just be a masturbation technique - or two - he hasn’t tried yet. Expert or amateur, any man should give these 5 masturbation techniques a shot. Who knows? - a new favorite may be found. Additionally, all men should take a few seconds every day to spruce up their penis care routine to ensure they are keeping the penis healthy and in tip-top condition to avoid loss of sensation and other chronic problems.

5 Masturbation Tricks to Try Tonight
1. The Palm Rubber: Just as it sounds, a man generously lubes his hand, then rubs just the head of the penis on the palm, sliding it back and forth using varying pressure and speed until he reaches climax. The sensation this trick provides is far different from conventional masturbation, but with patience, it can lead to a mind-blowing orgasm.

2. Ring Around the Penis: To execute this technique, a man simply makes a ring out of his thumb and index finger as if he is saying, "OK." Wrap the ring around the base of the penis and slowly stroke upwards with one hand until it reaches the tip. Then, follow with the other hand, also taking a ring form, so that there is a continuous upward stroking as if he were "milking" the penis. Continue this action at the desired speed and pressure until the big payout arrives.

3. The Stranger: It doesn’t take long for a man to figure out which hand he is most proficient with, which can be a good thing for the man who is in a hurry. But for a guy who wants to take his time, he should switch and use his other hand. Most likely, this hand will be less-coordinated, slower and even a little clumsy by comparison, on account of it always taking the bench to the starting pitcher. Some men even find that using this technique feels as though he is getting a hand job from a woman, as it generally feels different and may be less fluid than when he gets himself off.

4. The sleeper: In this case, the man takes the hand of his choosing and sits on it - thereby reducing circulation -- until the hand feels a bit numb. He then masturbates quickly, before the hand comes back into total feeling, again giving him the sensation that someone else is doing the hard work as well. Just be sure not to go too numb, or the hand will not be coordinated enough to do anything at all!

5. Stroke it: Men who really want to experiment with new sensations can stop by the nearest adults-only store and pick up a masturbatory stroker aid. While male sex toys can come with many bells and whistles, a typical stroker is nothing more than a tube made of a jelly-like material. Simply lube up the tube well, insert the penis and masturbate by stroking the tube up and down the manhood. Strokers may also come with vibrators inside them, or textured bumps and ribbing to add another layer of sensation to the act..

Improving the Penis Care Routine
Sorry guys, it’s not enough to simply wash the penis with soap and water and call it good. Doing so not only dries out the skin, but also fails to provide it with any nourishing health benefits. Instead of tucking it away directly after a shower, men should add a penis vitamin formula (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) to their personal care routine. A penis lotion containing nourishing vitamins and minerals not only hydrates the skin, but can also improve circulation and reduce the signs of aging and loss of sensitivity. Simply massage into the skin after a shower and be on the way to a healthier manhood that is always ready to go.

Monday, 27 January 2014

No Sex Tonight - 9 Ways Men Accidentally Kill the Mood

For some men, women rule their sexual universe. If she says, "Not tonight, dear," he might as well roll over, because he’s not going to get any. What many men don’t realize is that there are things they do on occasion that can be a real turn-off for women. Even the most careful man is sure to blow it once in a while - and sometimes the thing that is the deal breaker may be surprising. Learn 10 ways that men accidentally kill the mood and how to avoid them, as well as how to keep the penis healthy, so when she says, "Yes," it is ready to spring into action.

9 Ways Guys may Accidentally Turn Off the Ladies:
1) Acting too manly :Sure, many a girl likes a man’s man, and she expects a little bit of roughness around the edges. That being said…don’t come into bed a burping, farting, sweaty, smelly mess. If a dude just hit the gym or spent the day on a tractor, it is common courtesy to shower before hitting the sheets.

2) Being Cheap: That doesn’t mean every date has to be champagne, diamonds and limousines. But eating pizza in bed with the game on is not considered a "romantic evening out." Women don’t need the moon on a silver platter, but complaining that her beloved Cosmopolitan is $5 more expensive than a tap beer is not going to make her feel like a princess.

3) Complaining about an ex: Men who complain about their exes are showing that they are still thinking about them. This is not a welcome idea for any woman, even if her man is making a favorable comparison.

4) Being too rough with the lady parts: Yes gentleman, they are attached. Just as a man’s delicates can feel pain if they are tugged too hard, so can the breasts and nipples. If a girl has to tell her guy more than once to lay off the nipple tweaking, the night is not going well.

5) Beer breath: Sure, it’s fine for a guy to go out and have a good time, but she might not want to deal with the aftermath. Bad breath, sloppy kissing, and a soft manhood do not a fairytale evening make. So if a guy wants to get lucky, he better watch his alcohol intake.

6) Blaming a bad mood on her period: Sometimes women get mad, and yes, sometimes it is at their partner. Suggesting that her mood is related to her time of the month is a sure way to get on her bad side, and it can also be seen as a man avoiding responsibility for his own screw-ups - this is certainly not a way to turn the mood to romance.

7) Ignoring her, then asking for nookie: If a dude is on his phone all night, tuned into sports, or playing video games without so much as a wayward glance in the direction of his lady friend, and then assumes sex is on the table for the end of the evening, he needs to think again. Women don’t want to feel like they are only there to satisfy a man’s physical urges, so showing a little affection and working up to the idea of a romantic interlude is much more likely to get her attention.

8) Not listening to her: News flash: women can tell when a guy isn’t paying attention. Major turnoff! If she is telling her man about Great Aunt Mildred’s sciatica acting up, he better respond with, "oh again? That’s been going on for months." Women want a partner who is there for everything, not just the booty.

9) Not enough grooming: Hopping into bed with stinky breath, razor sharp toenails, sand paper hands, and other unkempt bodily issues shows that he isn’t really trying. Keeping up the good grooming shows her that he cares what she thinks and wants things to be pleasant for her. Trimming, shaving, and using a penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) - one that is enriched with Shea butter and vitamin E - can help ensure that the penis is silky smooth, touchable and ready for action.

Penis Pop-Ups - 10 Things to Do with an Unwanted Erection

A naturally red penis is a happy penis; when that blood rushes into the organ, it becomes flushed with excitement, gets erect and is ready for action. Unfortunately, a man’s penis thinks with a mind of its own and keeps its own schedule, and this which may not always be the same as its owner’s. A guy may think that popping an obvious boner in the middle of an important presentation is not the best idea, but his penis may just not give a rap about his opinion on the matter. Of course, frequent erections are a sign of good penis health, but that still doesn’t mean the unwanted ones are welcome.

Are they really "unwanted"?
Some men would argue that there’s no such thing as an unwanted erection. They’re penis-proud and unashamed; if they are sporting erections that are tenting their crotches, it’s just an opportunity for them to celebrate their maleness. What do they care?

But not every man is so comfortable with spontaneous erections. For these men, the following suggestions are offered for dealing with a pop-up penis. (And no, these are not meant to be taken seriously!)

1. A man who has spent a great deal of time preparing a knock-out presentation doesn’t want his excitable trouser snake to steal the limelight. Instead, he makes it part of the show by whipping it out and using it as a "pointer" to draw attention to salient facts in his presentation. It will definitely make it memorable.

2. When a man finds himself tumescent when naked with other men - in the locker room or the sauna, for example - he can look for a similarly engorged man and challenge him to a crotch-based swordfight.

3. An erection while washing the dishes gives a man a perfect place to hang his drying towel.

4. It’s also a handy place to hang a piece of laundry to dry.

5. An erection and a flashlight are all that are required for endless fun creating shadow puppets:
penises lend themselves especially well to creating giraffes, trees and missiles.

6. In the right circumstances, an unwanted erection can be a guy’s ticket to proving himself a hero. If the dam has developed a little hole or the boat has sprung a leak, a solid erection is a handy way to plug it up and save the day.

7. That erection can be a lifesaver if a man is a modern-day David facing a new Goliath. Who carries a slingshot nowadays? Nobody. But if a man puts a rock on his hard penis, pulls it down as far as it will go, then releases it, then he has a built-in slingshot.

8. If the erection occurs during a fireworks show, a man can simply pull it out. It’s so red and cylindrical that people will assume it’s just another roman candle for use in the show.

9. A man who is a stage magician has it easy. He need simply paint his penis black with a white tip. If it becomes engorged, he can pull it out for use a spare magic wand.

10. A man who is especially gifted in the penis length and firmness department can use that unwanted erection when in a pool hall. It’s bound to work better than a traditional pool cue, as a penis is on much more familiar terms with how balls roll.

A healthy red penis is more often welcome than not, of course. And maintaining good penis health is crucial for every man. The regular use of a high quality penis vitamin cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) is an excellent way to maintain that health. Men should look for a cream that includes vitamin C, as this is an important structural component of blood vessels. As well, the cream should include a powerful antioxidant, such as alpha lipoic acid, to offset harmful oxidative processes that can affect the penis.

Sunday, 26 January 2014

Sexual Turn-Offs - 10 Things Ladies Do That Can Kill the Mood

While it is generally agreed upon that men are virtually always in a sex-ready state, there really are things that a woman can do - believe it or not, ladies - that are true boner killers. Well, let’s be honest, in some cases they might not be bad enough to actually stop sex altogether, but they can certainly cause a setback and may make him have to work a little harder to get the job done. The following list of 10 turn-offs are things that most guys find to be turn offs, so ladies who want to keep things spicy in the bedroom might want to avoid these classic missteps. Speaking of spicing things up, why not learn how to help a guy maintain a healthy penis? Find out how below.

10 Sexual Turn-offs That Totally Kill the Mood
1. Pet Palace: He may be cool with the fact that she has a cat…or two, but when she allows all three dogs into the bedroom (or worse) on the bed, nothing stops nookie faster. Sure, Fido is a great companion, but pretty much any dude is going to be creeped out by staring pets and the sounds of panting that aren’t coming from his girl. So feel free to run the doggie daycare by day, but keep the pet motel out of the bedroom, as he will surely prefer a twosome to a menagerie.

2. Grooming in Bed: Men aren’t naïve; they know that women go to a lot of work to appear effortlessly beautiful. And, for the most part, they want that effort to stay behind closed doors. Sure, applying some lotion or a little lip gloss in bed is no big deal. But if she whips out the dental floss or the toenail clippers (ew!) in bed, it’s gonna be a sex-free zone tonight.

3. Talking about an Ex: There is a time and place in the relationship when it is all fine and good to talk about the ex. The bedroom is not one of them. Even jokingly mentioning things like, "Steve never did that to me in bed," or something that may seem like a compliment such as, "That is so much better than Antonio," is a no-fly zone. Don’t do it. Talking about sex with an ex causes him to think about his girl with another man, which is going to deflate his manhood, and frankly, make him wonder why you are thinking about that other guy.

4. Biting - non-playfully: A playful nibble here and there can be a turn-on, but some men report women applying the dental work a little too heavily down there. No biting, ever. It hurts.

5. Farting: Okay, this isn’t second grade anymore. Of course men know women fart. And maybe a little squeaker coming out in bed isn’t the end of the world, but a full-on blow-out after scarfing a half pot of chili is not going to end in booty-town.

6. Too much dirty talk: On occasion, men do appreciate a session of adult film viewing. That doesn’t necessarily mean they want to date a porn star. A few saucy sentences can spice things up, but dropping the f-bomb every two seconds, or calling him "daddy" in any way, can be real deal breakers for some guys.

7. Hide and seek without the seeking: Playfully and sexily covering some skin adds to the excitement, but coming to bed in a parka and refusing to let a guy see any skin makes a chick seem insecure in herself, which is not especially sexy.

8. Sexually unadventurous: Again, not that every guy is trying to emulate back breaking moves from the Kama sutra or expects wild and crazy sex every single time. But a girl who will only have vanilla sex, in bed, between the hours of 10-11 PM on Friday nights, may not give him the sexy adventure he is after.

9. Smell bad: Men usually don’t want women to come to bed doused in a bottle of perfume (gag); and they often love some of that natural woman smell that is unique to each woman—but what a guy DOESN’T want is BO and bad breath. A shower is not a prerequisite to a sexy night in the sack, but if a lady just ran 5 miles at the gym or ate an onion sandwich, she might want to consider a trip to the dunk tank and a thorough teeth brushing. Girls don’t want guys to smell bad, and vice versa.

10. Saying the L-word…on the first date: Everybody wants to be told they are loved…at some point. Spouting it off during a first sexual encounter, or after 1 or 2 dates, is sure to send him running for the hills. So ladies, don’t do it, unless an easy way out of the relationship is the goal!

Keeping His Penis Healthy
Most guys don’t seek out penis health products for themselves, even when their penis is in a state of disrepair. Ladies who want the penis to be silky smooth, healthy and yes, odor free, should hook their guy up with a penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil), especially one that contains bacterial and odor busting vitamin A, to keep that otherwise musty manhood shower fresh.

Friday, 24 January 2014

Sex and Marijuana Use - How Cannabis Affects Penis Health

Recent legislation in several US states has led to the decriminalization of marijuana use; and current health news has also featured marijuana as a viable treatment for numerous health conditions. As marijuana use becomes more accepted, both from a legal as well as a social perspective, it is worth reviewing the cautions about its effects on the body. Since marijuana is especially popular with younger people, who are likely to be engaging in sex, as well, the following article focuses on how it affects men’s sexual health, both in the moment and in the long term. In addition, some tips on maintaining penis health from a preventive standpoint are offered.

Numerous scientific studies have investigated the effects of cannabis - the active ingredient in marijuana. While some of the results have been contradictory, the following conclusions have been widely accepted in the scientific community.

1. Erectile function - The ‘high’ feeling that people get when they smoke marijuana is the result of the interaction of cannabis with cannabinoid receptors in the brain. Research has shown that the smooth muscle tissue of the penis - which are directly involved in erectile function - also contains cannabinoid receptors. Stimulating these receptors can severely limit a man’s ability to achieve and maintain an erection.

2. Premature or delayed ejaculation - An Australian study of over 8,000 men and women who used marijuana showed that men who smoke the substance regularly are four times more likely than men who do not smoke to have difficulty achieving orgasm; and they were three times more likely to experience premature ejaculation.

3. Long-term health issues - Marijuana use affects many aspects of an individual’s health, and these effects have been shown to continue long after use of the drug has stopped. Some of these may include increased risk of heart attack, chronic respiratory issues and repercussions for mental health. Furthermore, cannabis remains in the reproductive system far longer than other parts of the body, and they can cause problems with fertility, fetal health issues, and even cancer.

4. Shrinkage - The issue of penile shrinkage related to marijuana use is debatable. When it comes to tobacco use, it has been found that smoking decreases the elasticity of the connective tissue and can, over time, lead to loss of as much of a centimeter in the length of the penis. In terms of marijuana use, some researchers have reported a similar effect, but the general consensus seems to be that no positive link has yet been found.

Daily care for a healthy penis
Only stopping marijuana use can limit the effects that it may have on sexual health. However, every man can benefit from proper penis health care when it is carried out on a routine basis.

The first and most important point here is protection: men who are sexually active should always - no excuses - use a condom for any intimate contact; and this is especially critical for men who may have more than one partner. The second aspect of good penis care that all men can incorporate into their daily lives is hydration - adequate water intake is vital for cellular health and function. Third, good nutrition is essential, as the right nutrients are needed to supply cells with the materials they need to function properly. For men who are concerned that their diets are not sufficient, adding a vitamin-rich penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) to their daily personal care routine may help to reduce any nutritional gaps. Keeping the penile tissue well-moisturized can also help to prevent dehydration and leave the penis skin smooth and responsive.

Thursday, 23 January 2014

Jelly-like Semen - What it Means and When to Get Help

The general consensus about semen is that it is a thick, sticky whitish fluid; and men who have first-hand experience of semen that does not fit these characteristics may become understandable alarmed. However, there are quite a few variations on seminal fluid, and what is considered "normal" can look quite different from one man to another. Below are some facts that many men don’t know about the semen and its appearance, as well as tips on how to keep it healthy. A few hints for overall penis care are also offered.

What does semen look like?
In general, semen is white or greyish in color; in some cases it may appear yellowish, as well. It can be thicker or thinner, depending in part on a man’s hydration level, and it may be slightly translucent. While it may seem like the flow of fluid is unending during a particularly powerful orgasm, most men release about 2.5mL to 5 mL of semen (or about ½ to 1 tsp.) However, this amount can vary, especially if a man has already ejaculated in the recent past.

Are jelly-like clumps in the semen normal or a sign of something wrong?
It is quite common to see jelly-like lumps or globules of semen. In fact, when semen is released from the urethra (the tube in the penis), it usually congeals very quickly, forming these small globs; it then re-liquifies after several seconds. This process is actually important for fertility (although men who do not observe it happening shouldn’t panic, since it is not always obvious to the naked eye). Men who ejaculate outside of a partner will, of course, be more likely to notice this occurring, and they should be assured that it is perfectly normal.

When should a man be concerned about his semen?
A reddish or brown tint could signify the presence of blood in the semen. Although this is only rarely a sign of a serious problem, men who experience this should check with their doctor for a complete evaluation.

Furthermore, men who consistently experience a very small volume of semen - less than 1.5 mL - should ask a doctor for medical advice.

What can men do to improve the quality of their semen?
In general, what is good for the body is good for the reproductive system, and this includes semen production and quality. Men can take steps to boost their production of semen by eating foods that are rich in zinc, like oysters, mussels and other shellfish, as well as nuts, lean red meats and other high-protein, low-cholesterol foods.

Daily care for a healthy penis
One thing is for sure when it comes to penis health and overall sexual function, and that is: prevention is the best medicine. In order to keep all of the delicate tissues of the penis working together for optimum health and performance, daily attention to penis care is urged for all men.
This means following a regular routine of cleansing, as well as drinking adequate amounts of water and getting moderate physical exercise on a regular basis. A healthy, balanced diet is also important; the body needs plenty of the right nutrients to support skin, circulatory and nerve health, and proper nutrition is also key to healthy semen production.

In this respect, men who want an extra boost beyond careful meal planning may also consider adding a nutrient-rich penis health formula (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) to their daily personal care regimen. Applying a scientifically-formulated cream that contains essential vitamins, amino acids and antioxidants, not to mention penis-friendly moisturizers such as Shea butter, can help to improve and protect the penile tissue from the inside out. Apply after a daily shower or bath, when the skin is at its most absorbent, for maximum effectiveness.

Anal Sex and the Penis - Safety Precautions Men Can't Afford to Overlook

For many, anal sex is highly intriguing - the idea of a new territory to explore can be extremely exciting, for women as well as men. On the other hand, the rectum is not precisely designed for penetration, so it is less receptive to male entry than the more… conventional approach. But with the right precautions, a consenting couple can explore safely and comfortably, without an increased risk of pain, discomfort or tissue damage. Following these guidelines and engaging in appropriate penis care, both before and after the action, can make anal exploration a new point of intimacy and sensuality for many couples.

1. Cover up .Covering up with barrier protection is not just a way to prevent unwanted pregnancy; it is an absolute must when it comes to disease prevention. If possible, this issue is even more important when it comes to anal penetration, as the anal canal harbors bacteria such as E. coli which can lead to unpleasant infections. Without proper coverage, these bacteria - as well as many other disease-causing agents - can easily make their way into the urethral tube of the penis, where they can wreak havoc on the body. Keep in mind that sexually-transmitted infections may also be transferred from one partner to another during anal penetration, so this should not be considered as a "safe" alternative to conventional sex.

2. Lubricate. When it comes to lube and anal penetration, there can never be too much of a good thing. Because this area, unlike the vagina, does not produce its own lubricant, making sure to slather up with lube is a big deal. Running out of lube in the middle of the action can be extremely painful for both partners - especially the receiving party - and can lead to torn tissue, as well as an early end to the evening’s festivities.

3. Go EASY! Again, the rectum is not as receptive a target as the vagina, and the muscles in this area can be very tense - especially if the receiving party is anxious at all about the procedure. A man should be very cautious about entering and thrusting and should listen not only to his partner’s verbal cues, but also any physical signs of discomfort or refusal. Pushing the issue can lead to physical pain, not to mention emotional discomfort, so it is best to go slowly and let the receiving partner guide the depth and power of penetration.

4. Clean up before switching up. If the couple decides to move on to a new position, they should never continue using the same condom, as this can transfer harmful bacteria to the vaginal canal. It’s best for both partners to wash up and start fresh with a new condom, even if this interrupts the proceedings for a few minutes.

5. Exercise proper penis care. Caring for the penis on a daily basis can help to ensure that it is ready for action, whatever direction this action happens to take. Washing every day is essential, of course - using a mild cleanser and rinsing with warm, not hot, water is necessary to remove built-up grime, bacteria and dead skin cells.Following a shower with an application of a high-quality penis vitamin creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) is also advised. A specially-formulated penis cream contains important vitamins and other nutrients that are needed for maintaining healthy skin and nerve cells, repairing surface damage, and leaving the skin soft and smooth. A cream that contains natural emollients such as Shea butter, as well as hydrating agents such as vitamin E, can also support the skin’s natural lubricating properties, making for a smoother entry as a couple explores this approach.

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Oversensitive Penis - Experience More Pleasurable Sensations in 4 Easy Steps

It is common for men of all ages to struggle with some degree of penile sensitivity loss - over 87% of men report reduced sensation, some even in their teens and early twenties. On the other hand, a significant number of men experience the opposite problem - an oversensitive penis. Whether this means that a man is prone to premature ejaculation, or his glans is too sensitive to touch at all without causing discomfort or pain, oversensitivity can be a major problem and seriously diminish a man’s confidence and quality of life. Fortunately, with some simple at-home steps and adequate attention to penis care, many men can overcome this problem and enjoy a healthy, satisfying sex life.

What causes hypersensitivity of the penis?
There are several issues which may lead to an oversensitive manhood:

1. Phimosis - This refers to the inability to retract the foreskin over the head of the penis - often because it is either still adhered to the glans underneath or because the foreskin opening is too tight. In this case, it can be painful to try to retract the foreskin. If it is pulled back successfully, the exposed glans can be painful to the touch, as it has not been subject to direct contact. Doctors often recommend circumcision in these cases, but many men are successful in dealing with the issue on their own through gentle manipulation of the tissue.

2. Intact foreskin, no phimosis - For younger men with an intact foreskin, the sensations caused by early experimentation can be overwhelming, even when phimosis is not an issue. The skin covering the glans conceals a dense network of nerve endings, and when these are not used to direct contact, the slightest touch can be overpowering.

3. Overexcitement - A man who is extremely aroused may experience extra sensitivity in the glans, leading to an overpowering sensation and often, early emission.

Steps to retrain the penis for normal sensation
Before starting any self-treatment regimen, men are urged to see their general health care provider or urologist for a medical evaluation. In many cases, no obvious cause for oversensitivity will be found; but in some instances, neurological issues or other problems could be indicated. In any event, it is always best to get a professional opinion.

Once any underlying conditions have been ruled out, men can get to work on their own, following these steps as individually appropriate.

1. Work on the foreskin .Men who have a tight foreskin will need to start there, before any other interventions can take place. Gently manipulating the foreskin a little at a time, over a period of weeks, can help to loosen the skin until it can be fully retracted. Once this point is reached, the glans may be very sensitive, and a man can begin to focus on that issue.

2. Work on the glans. To retrain the glans to accept a normal level of touch, a man can start off gently, using soft fabrics like silk or satin, or even just running water, to introduce the delicate tissue to tactile sensations. The level of stimulation can be increased over time, until normal touch- either by the man himself or a partner - feels pleasurable, rather than overwhelming.

3. Go solo. Men who have a hair-trigger response in the presence of a partner may want to spend some time on their own, stroking the shaft and head until nearly the point of release, and then stopping; repeating this process numerous times can essentially retrain the tissue so that he is able to hold back an orgasm until both partners are ready.

4. Take it slooooowww. Regardless of the underlying cause of the problem, all of these steps should be taken slowly and with caution. Forcing the issue may cause additional pain, and sensitive tissues may be damaged in the process.

Proper penis care
During the "retraining" process and beyond, proper care of the penis is essential. The skin should always be kept clean to reduce the risk of infections and irritation, and an appropriate lubricant should be used for any activity that involves friction. An additional step that is needed to help prevent damage, and to speed healing of stressed tissue, involves using a specially formulated penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil); a formula that is rich in vitamins and natural emollients like Shea butter can help rejuvenate the skin, leaving it soft, supple and responsive to sensual touch.

Masturbation Addiction - Signs a Guy is Overdoing the Self-love

Cultural and religious inhibitions aside, it is medically recognized that masturbation is a normal and healthy part of life - for men and women alike. Men, in particular, are faced with extraordinary urges from the time they reach puberty, and it is not uncommon for a younger teen to engage in self-pleasure several times a day. Masturbation is pleasurable and relaxing, and men who are familiar with their own bodies often make for better partners; and the old tales that it causes problems like blindness, hairy palms, weakness and infertility are simply not true. On the other hand, there can always be too much of a good thing, and when masturbating becomes an obsession, rather than a pleasant pastime, then there may be cause for concern. Some signs that men may be taking things too far are described here, along with some tips for treatment and general penis care.

When is it too much?
1. It interferes with normal daily activities . Granted, most men think about sex more or less non-stop, and they may become aroused multiple times a day. In most cases, though, they can restrain the urge until an appropriate time and take care of business then. On the other hand, men who find that they cannot get through ordinary tasks - filing a report, cooking a meal, driving to work, and so on - without interrupting the proceedings for a quick solo session may be looking at obsessive behavior.

2. He cannot achieve orgasm by any other means. It goes without saying that if a man has just drained the tanks by masturbating, he may have difficulty achieving orgasm with a partner right away - at least for several hours. But when a man does not experience enough stimulation to climax during partner sex, this can become a problem.

3. He is not interested in other forms of sexual activity. Men generally develop their own rituals and habits when it comes to masturbation, whether they engage in a quick session in the bathroom or a more elaborate scenario using toys, videos, and so on. On the other hand, partner sex is still usually the preferred choice, and most men would rather enjoy intimacy with a live partner. When a real partner does not appeal, and only solo stimulation will do, then it may be worth considering therapy or other treatment.

4. He can’t stop thinking about it. As with men who cannot control the urge to masturbate, even at inappropriate times, guys who can’t stop thinking about it - and who cannot focus on regular activities - may be developing obsessive behavior.

5. He can’t stop even though it is damaging the penile tissue. Finally, guys who just can’t take a break from getting themselves off, even when the penis is chronically sore, irritated and even bruised - may need some help disengaging from harmful behavior. Continued harsh treatment without allowing time for damaged skin and connective tissue to heal may eventually lead to diminished penis sensation, or even loss of erectile function.

Getting help
Men who find that the urge to masturbate is disrupting their lives and spiraling out of control can seek help from a qualified sex therapist. Often, counseling and other therapeutic interventions can help to reverse destructive behavior and allow men to enjoy a normal, healthy sex life.

Taking care
For any man, masturbating can take its toll on the penile tissue. Rubbing, chafing and pulling can cause minute tears in the skin, leaving the tissue vulnerable to microorganisms that may cause infection. Overuse can also cause scarring, roughness and keratinized tissue, all of which can interfere with normal sensation and function. Using a lube that is specifically designed for this activity is essential in helping to prevent damage; and when the deed is done, following up with a wash, and then an application of a top-shelf penis health formula (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil), can help stressed tissues to heal.

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Choosing a Penis Health Creme - How the Right Formula Really Can Make Sex Better

Lotions, moisturizers, creams and so forth are generally considered as female territory, as women can be especially intent on appearing youthful and maintaining healthy skin. On the other hand, healthy skin is important for everyone - men included. Vibrant, soft, youthful skin not only helps individuals to put their best foot forward; it is also the first line of defense against diseases and environmental invaders that can cause issues ranging from minor infections to serious illness. This is especially true when it comes to a man’s prize possession - giving attention to penis health is essential not only for making sure the manhood is performance-ready whenever the need arises, but also that it is protected as well as possible. Here are just some of the ways that a penis health creme can help:

1. Improves the look and feel of the skin. A cream that is rich in moisturizers helps to protect the skin against the inevitable friction it will encounter, whether from skin-on-skin contact or simply rubbing against clothing. Keeping the penis hydrated and moisturized can prevent dry, flaky, rough skin that is unpleasant to the touch.

2. Reduces the risk of minor skin infections. Keeping the penile skin smooth and healthy not only helps it to look and feel better; it also helps to reduce the occurrence of tiny fissures or tears that can allow bacteria and other microorganisms to penetrate the skin’s surface. Maintaining the surface integrity of the penile tissue can reduce the risk of fungal infections and other unpleasant skin conditions.

3. Helps prevent surface damage that can lead to loss of sensation. The friction from a man’s hand, his partner’s body, and even his own clothing can lead to surface damage to the skin. This damage triggers a process of keratinization whereby the skin develops a thicker outer layer. While this outer dermal layer can protect the underlying tissue, it also puts an additional barrier between the more pleasant types of touch and a man’s penile nerve endings, meaning that he may experience significant loss of sensation. Keeping the area well-nourished and moisturized can help to mitigate this process and reduce the risk of penis sensation loss.

4. Fights unpleasant odors. The private area is prime real estate for odor-causing bacteria; the warm, moist, dark environment, accompanied by the presence of sweat, hair and body fluids, encourages bacterial colonies to flourish. While these bacteria may not be harmful overall, they do smell bad, so eliminating them through thorough cleansing and the application of vitamin A - a natural antibacterial agent - can help to alleviate this problem.

5. Boosts confidence. Last but not least, when a man knows that his package looks good and is pleasant to the touch, he feels a sense of confidence that is not only attractive to partners; it also helps to increase his enjoyment of a sensual experience.

So which product to choose…?
Choosing the right skin care product can be difficult, especially for men who are not used to browsing the lotion aisle in the local pharmacy or big box store. This can be especially difficult when it comes to the penis skin, since this area is fairly delicate and sensitive, and may not tolerate the perfumes, emulsifiers and other chemicals that are often added to body creams.

Instead, choosing a top-drawer penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) that has been specifically formulated for the male skin offers an excellent alternative. Men should look for a product that contains natural emollients like Shea butter, as well as healing agents such as vitamins A, C and D. A cream that contains L-arginine also offers an extra energy boost and may even improve the sensitivity of the male tissue.

Better Sex in 5 Easy Steps - Hints for Breaking Out of a Bedroom Slump

When it comes to sex, even the steamiest couple hits a cold patch from time to time. Rather than letting sex go by the wayside and hoping it comes back into the picture, it is better for a couple to be proactive and get back in the saddle as soon as possible. The longer a couple goes without having sex, the more they become accustomed to their new routine - so stoke the sexual fires tonight and get back to a better sex life now. Already enjoying hot sex? Check out these 5 tips and to see if things can get hotter than hot; and learn why a healthy penis translates into a healthy sex life.

Shock those senses
A good way to enhance a sexual experience is to wake up all 5 senses. This helps to invigorate the body and can lead to a whole new level of pleasure. Try taking a hot shower (together, of course), turning up the water as hot as tolerable. Daring couples who really want to wake up their sense of touch can try an icy blast of cool water every now and then. Or break out some ice cubes after the shower - the juxtaposition between hot and cold will drive those senses wild! To awaken the other four senses, try lighting scented candles or snuggling by the fireplace for sexy ambiance. Bring sweet treats like chocolate sauce or whipped cream into the bedroom, and put on some love-making music for an all around sense-ational experience!

Work out
Though getting sweaty before getting busy may not sound sexy, getting the blood flowing can actually ramp up one’s desire. When the blood is pumping it goes everywhere - including the genitals. Maybe even try working out together, seeing each other all sweaty and working hard may be enough of a turn-on to trade one kind of work out for another.
Fun fact: even if the workout occurs earlier in the day, a couple is more likely to get busy later on. Studies have found a positive correlation between exercise and sex, meaning the more a couple engages in exercise, the more likely they are to sex-ercise as well. If that’s not motivation to hit the gym, nothing is!

Act like a teenager
Remember the last time the hormones were going crazy and one couldn’t get enough of one’s partner? Chances are that things were hot and heavy in high school or in the early 20’s. Even for teens who weren’t getting busy, there was probably plenty of making out, which certainly stoked the desire to make a guy wish he could have sex that night. Going back to a simpler time of no-strings-attached making out can ensure that the mood will get hot and heavy - talk about hitting a home run.

Enter a fantasy world
Most everybody has a secret sexual fantasy - but how many people actually experience those fantasies outside of their mind? Rather than just imagining all the things one could do to one’s partner - why not see if he or she is actually willing to try them out? Even if a couple decides not to act it out in the end, sometimes just talking about fantasies is enough to get things moving in the bedroom. Don’t know where to start? Try picking up an erotica book and reading excerpts aloud to each other; this is sure to get the creative juices flowing.

Keep the penis healthy
Though it may seem intuitive for some, many men do not take special care of their special package. But when one thinks about what exactly is riding on a healthy penis, it makes sense to keep the tool in top-notch condition. To enhance the health - and appearance - of the penis, use a high quality penis vitamin cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) that contains Shea butter and vitamin E to moisturize the skin and keep it touchably smooth. Other vital nutrients such as L Arganine and Acetyl L Carnitine help enhance the sensitivity of the penis and improve blood flow for stronger erections. Simply apply after the shower and enjoy a healthier penis.

Winterize the Penis - Hot Tips to Avoid Cold Weather Damage

The cold winter months can wreak havoc on the skin, especially the areas that are exposed to the elements. A man doesn’t have to be an outdoor aficionado to experience the effects of cold, wind and lack of humidity on his face and hands. But the more protected parts of the body can suffer from the cold, as well - not to mention dry indoor heat. The combination of dryness and drastic changes in temperature can lead to dry, itchy, flaky skin that feels rough and looks unappealing; and adding body-related friction to the mix can result in considerable soreness and irritation. Any man who is hoping for a romantic evening in front of a roaring fire to evolve into something even more sensual will need to pay special attention to penis care in order to make sure he is ready for action whenever the opportunity arises.

1. Layer up . The first rule of protecting the male skin in the winter is to dress in layers. The innermost layer, the one that comes in direct contact with the skin, should be made of a soft, breathable fabric such as cotton. This will allow air circulation to prevent excessive sweating - which can cause irritated skin (not to mention an unpleasant odor) while protecting the delicate skin from rougher fabrics. For outdoor activities, it is always a good idea to dress in thermal layers that can be added and removed as needed to prevent overheating while protecting from the cold.

2. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Drinking water in hot weather is a no-brainer, as people have a tendency to sweat and feel thirsty during the summer months. But adequate hydration is especially important when the temperature drops, as cold and wind tend to be dehydrating. Drinking plenty of water is important for cellular function, including nourishment and repair of the penile skin cells, so keeping a bottle of water on hand throughout the day is a must.

3. Keep it clean! Built-up sweat, body fluids and grime can be severely irritating to the delicate skin, so regular washing is critical to maintaining healthy tissue. A daily wash in warm water, using a gentle cleanser, is usually all that is needed to remove layers of dirt, dead skin cells and sweat. No scrubbing or exfoliants, as these can leave the skin raw and sore; and make sure to pat the area dry gently afterward, before putting on any clothing.

4. Watch out for drying soaps and detergents. While cleanliness is important, men often make the mistake of reaching for harsh, drying soaps, or for using shampoos and other cleansers that tend to leech body oils from the skin. These materials can leave the skin feeling tight, dry and itchy, and they may cause a flaky, rough appearance. Gentle, moisturizing cleansers are recommended instead, and for men who have sensitive skin, it may be best to look for hypoallergenic laundry detergents, as well.

5. Moisturize! Some men are notoriously leery of applying creams, lotions or other girly-type potions to their manly skin, but a moisturizer that is made just for men is nothing to shrink away from. Natural emollients like Shea butter, as well as hydrating elements such as vitamin E, are not just for the ladies. A healthy penis starts with the skin, and keeping the penile tissue smooth, supple and soft means using a blend of ingredients formulated with men in mind. A top-shelf penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil), applied after a daily shower, is an excellent choice for men who want to protect their most delicate asset from the drying effects of cold weather and indoor heat.

Sunday, 19 January 2014

It Was Just Sex - Advice for Working through an Affair

Many popular country music songs imply that the only suitable ways to get over a broken heart caused by an extramarital affair are (a) taking a baseball bat to his truck, (b) drowning one’s sorrows through drinking, or (c) kicking him or her to the curb and never looking back… But in spite of these cynical views, it really is possible to move past an affair without violence, booze or throwing the relationship out the window. Learn more about moving on after an affair and how to start putting the pieces of the relationship back together - as well as why both partners should be tested after an extra-marital affair occurs to maintain their sexual health.

Is there hope after an affair?
While it is true that infidelity does often result in an end to a relationship, many couples are able to work through an affair, either on their own or with the help of a Marriage and Family Therapist. Unfortunately, with all the hurt feelings and hostility, couples may have difficulty having productive conversations on their own and turn to fighting instead. Due to the intense emotions and pain an affair brings up, it is highly recommended that couples working through this issue seek the help of a therapist, as he or she can help to create a safe environment in which to explore these issues. A therapist can help teach effective communication techniques, restore trust, and validate the feelings of both partners while getting to the root cause of the affair.

Keys to moving on
1. Reestablishing trust: The feelings of deep betrayal, combined with wondering if one can ever trust one’s partner again, are some of the most difficult issues to work through. It will likely take a lot of time and healing before the betrayed partner can learn to trust their mate again.

2. Establishing open, honest communication: Effective, honest communication will be key to establishing trust, as partners need to learn how to speak to each other, and more importantly, listen to each other in order to get past the cheating behavior.

3. Zero contact with the "other" person: The partner who was the cheater must cut off all communication and interaction with the other person in the affair. Not only can continued contact cause feelings to reemerge, leading to a possibility of restarting the affair, it will be impossible for the betrayed partner to trust that nothing is going on.

4. Be honest, but respectful: Often times the betrayed person needs to hear about the affair in order to establish closure. The betrayer needs to be honest - don’t say it happened one time if it was going on for months. If it comes out that more lies were used to cover up the details, all trust is lost. At the same time, nothing but hurt can be gained from hashing over all the gory details. Whether one is the cheater or was cheated on, just know that nothing but hurt can be gained from finding out that the cheaters once had sex 7 times in one night, which positions they favored, and how good the orgasms were, etc. etc.

Maintaining Sexual Health
Whether it was a one-time thing, or it went on for months, now that the cat is out of the bag, both partners should be tested for sexually transmitted infections. Any time a person engages in sex with a new partner, it is wise for both partners to be tested prior to becoming sexually active. However, if this hasn’t taken place, it needs to happen now. Not only will this help restore trust; it will give the partner who was betrayed peace of mind. Remember, even if a person is not symptomatic, he or she may still be infected and able to pass along infections to any and all sexual partners. For men, in particular, getting checked out can ensure that the penis is healthy and free of infection. To further improve the health of the penis, a man can also use a daily penis vitamin cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) which contains nutrients to keep the penis healthy and functioning at its highest capacity.

Friday, 17 January 2014

Sex at 7:10 - Maintaining a Healthy Physical Relationship When There's Never Any Time

At the beginning of a relationship - especially for younger couples - sex is often given top priority. An early morning meeting is no reason to skip a night of intimacy - who needs sleep when there is sex to be had? However, over the years, sex tends to gradually move to the back burner, until it seems there is simply no time left for intimacy at all; no wonder so many married couples complain that they have a boring sex life. Learn how to avoid this common relationship pitfall; prevent sex from becoming routine, and keep the penis healthy and ready for sex for many years to come.

What happened to all the sex?
Call it a byproduct of aging - or of life in general - but at some point sex seems to become deprioritized in life. Why is that? There are many reasons - which vary from one person or couple to another - but the most common reasons for a less sexy union seem to be:
  • Too much stress: Stress hormones decrease libido -- and frankly -- puts sex at the bottom of any to-do list. It can be difficult to make time as a couple when there are a million other important things to do each day.
  • Hormonal changes: Another ugly side effect of aging: as our hormones naturally change with age, there is a decline in the love hormones that make men and women alike want to get down and dirty. Fewer hormones = less interest (and therefore less sex).
  • Too busy: With kids, work, and social commitments - who has time for sex anymore?
  • Too tired: When any individual is over-tired, everything feels like work - even sex. Let’s be real; sex is exercise, and who wants to exercise when all they want to do is sleep?
  • Lack of intimacy: Unfortunately, as individuals get into long-term relationships, the feelings of physical intimacy may not be as strong as they once were. This doesn’t mean the love is lost; it just means it may take a little work to rekindle the fire. But hey, not everything that is good comes easy, right?
How to make time for sex
For couples who don’t want to fall into the rut of having sex only on birthdays and anniversaries - it may take a little effort to make time for each other - but with persistence, a healthy sex life can be restored.

1. Plan a weekly or biweekly date night: Even if the date night happens in the house over a simple romantic dinner and some TV time, plan non-negotiable couple time. Even if the date night does not always end in sex, it opens up time for communication with one another, which can increase the feelings of intimacy and therefore eventually lead to the big payout.

2. Don’t be afraid to schedule: Sure, it may be less spontaneous and romantic, but if the kids are going to be at a sleepover - plan on sex that night and make it happen. Spending the night in a hotel? Perfect time to bank on some good hotel sex.

3. Always be ready to go: On the other hand, being spontaneous can have big payouts, as well. Sometimes a couple may find themselves suddenly in an empty house - capitalize on this privacy and get busy. Or maybe it seems fun to surprise the better half by hopping in during the morning shower; sure, there may only be time for a quickie with the busy morning schedule, but it’s better than nothing!

4. Stay healthy: When one is crunched for time, sometimes a quickie really is all there is time for. Make sure the penis is ready to go whenever the time is right. Maintain excellent physical health by eating right, exercising - to improve circulation - and using a penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) to further promote circulation and excellent penis health.

Penis Pimples or MC Infection - How to Tell the Difference

To some extent, having an itchy penis is part and parcel of being a man. It's going to itch occasionally, but sometimes, there are specific reasons for that scratchy, uncomfortable feeling. If a man inspects his tool and discovers that it has some small, raised papules or bumps, these could be nothing more than penis pimples; but they could also signal a fairly common infection. Identifying whether these red spots are a sign of this infection, known as molluscum contagiosum (MC), enables a man to better tend to appropriate penis health treatment.

What is molluscum contagiosum?
It may have a daunting name, but molluscum contagiosum is actually a benign and fairly common problem. MC is a viral infection that produces small, red papules. It can occur just about anywhere on the body. Although MC is caused by a virus, in most people the virus remains based on the skin and does not otherwise circulate throughout the body.

The good news is that about the only effect caused by MC (other than the visual bumps) is itching. As with any itch, over-scratching can potentially lead to an infection; otherwise, the major drawback is simply the presence of the bumps. If the MC becomes widespread, it can be off-putting to others, especially potential sexual partners.

What causes it to spread?
MC is a very contagious virus that is easily spread through direct skin-to-skin contact. There have been concerns that it could possibly be transmitted from an infected person sharing a swimming pool, but studies have not found this to be the case.

In adults, the initial contact is most often through sexual activity; however, a man can easily spread the MC to other parts of his body. If he is inspecting his itchy penis and finds an MC bump, he is very likely to touch it. The virus may then pass onto his hand or fingers, and if he touches another part of his body before thoroughly washing his hands, MC infection may appear on that body part as well. Covering the affected areas with clothing or bandages can help prevent the spread, both to others and to other parts of the body.

With that in mind, it's easy to see why a man with MC should inform any sexual partners of this fact, especially if the MC is on his penis; no one really wants to run the risk of the MC infecting the vagina or anus, after all.

How is MC treated?
Often MC is left untreated and simply goes away on its own, although this can take anywhere from 6 months to several years. If a man searches the internet, he can easily come across many treatments for MC; however, it's much better to see a doctor for proper treatment. Many "home remedies" can actually end up causing pain or skin damage; when dealing with the penis, it's especially advisable to avoid both of these outcomes!

Doctors usually recommend one of three methods for fighting MC infection:
  • Freezing off the papules.
  • Draining the papules of their fluids.
  • Using a laser to kill off the bumps.
Although MC is a relatively harmless and benign issue, it can be a major inconvenience: after all, in some cases it may mean avoiding partner sex for a period of time, and that may make for a very unhappy penis.

Keeping the penis MC-free is not the only way to keep one's member happy: maintaining good overall penis health is essential to that goal! One of the most effective ways to enhance penis health is through the regular use of a superior penis nutrient cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil). Selecting the best option means making sure that the cream has an appropriate range of vitamins and nutrients, including those such as shea butter and vitamin E that can provide adequate hydration and moisturization. It also is essential to choose a cream with ingredients that pay attention to penile cell metabolism, such as vitamin B5.

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Beyond Vagina 101 - Curious but Crucial Facts for Men

For many men, a woman’s lady bits present a sense of mystery and wonder (although the same could likely be said for a female getting acquainted with a man’s equipment). Even the man who has had plenty of experience with the world down under is sure to have a few questions rolling around. Finally, get the answers to those questions that are too embarrassing to ask a woman, as well tips on how to maintain the male equipment for a healthy penis 24/7 - and better sex.

Why does it make noise during sex?
Known as "queefing," that funny vaginal fart that sometimes slips out occurs due to the combination of arousal and thrusting. As the vagina becomes engorged, it expands slightly in preparation for sex. Combine that with vigorous thrusting, and air that has made its way up there is released with different movements. No need for embarrassment from either party; it is perfectly normal and healthy.

My girlfriend "squirts" during orgasms. Is it pee?
While some women may release small amounts of urine during sex - possibly due to stress incontinence, it sounds like what she is experiencing female ejaculation, because it is being expelled with force from her vagina. Female ejaculation is a fairly rare phenomenon, but it does happen. While the exact composition of the liquid is debated among professionals and researchers, it is thought the liquid may contain some urine along with other bodily fluids. So, there’s the answer; she’s not peeing during sex - rather, she is she-jaculating!

Why does the vagina smell?
Well, guys, the male genitals are no bunch of roses either, but a slight female odor is perfectly normal. The vagina is self-cleaning and therefore discharges dead skin cells, bacteria and the like in an effort to ward off infection, all of which contribute to the odor. Now, if there is a sudden change in her odor, or it becomes increasingly strong, offensive, or is accompanied by a great deal of discharge it is possible she has an infection such as yeast or bacterial vaginosis - both of which should be checked out and treated by a doc. Otherwise, if a man finds her odor to be a turn-off, she can take a quick shower before sex to freshen up. However, a woman should never use perfumes or other scents to try to mask the smell of her vagina, as those chemicals could very well lead to infection. Using a homemade or commercial douche is also a bad idea, since these can change the pH balance of the vagina and lead to infection, as well.

Is it safe to have sex during a woman’s period?
Yes, there is nothing wrong with having sex while a woman is menstruating, so long as she is healthy. If the woman has HIV/AIDS or another blood-borne illness, obviously, this puts her partner at risk due to the direct contact with blood - even with consistent condom use - so sex should be skipped during her time of the month. Not a fan of seeing blood? Try shower sex to stay squeaky clean - and keep the bed sheets clean, too! And of course, make sure she is comfortable with the idea - a woman who is in the throes of menstrual cramps may not be enthusiastic about any below-the-belt action, at least for a day or two.

Keeping the Penis Healthy
Any man who is sexually active should make it a priority to keep his penis healthy. Not only does a healthy tool make for better sex; it also reduces the risk of giving - or getting - an unpleasant infection. Proper penis care goes beyond just soap and water - though that is an obvious place to start. For optimum penis health, men need to take care of their entire body. It is important to eat right, exercise and maintain a healthy weight - after all an unhealthy body leads to an unhealthy sex life as well. Additionally, men interested in maintaining optimum penile health should use a penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) that contains specially formulated nutrients such as L-Arginine to improve the circulation to the penis in order to maximize the delivery of nutrients and oxygen.

Penis Painting and Bedroom Play - Color it Sexy, But Carefully, Please

A red penis is usually thought of as a bad sign - of possible skin irritation, perhaps, but men who put body paint on their equipment may actually enjoy the sight of a red penis (and a blue one, a green one, a yellow one, and so on). Undergoing penis painting is a personal choice that many find liberating, exciting, sensual or provocative; those who opt to explore this activity should learn more about it in order to ensure that their penis health isn't compromised in the process.

What's the risk?
Assuming that one uses paints or liquid make-up that are non-toxic and have been created with body painting in mind, the risk is minimal. No paints which are not designed for body painting should ever be used.

The most likely side effect of penis painting is that it may irritate the skin. Itching or rashes may occur in some men, which is why it's important to test out the paint on a small, unobtrusive patch of skin somewhere other than the penis. Do this several days in advance, in the event that there is a delayed reaction.

A man considering penis painting should remember that the skin on the penis is often more sensitive than other body skin; even if a test patch elsewhere on the body does not react, one's penis might still become irritated or itchy.

What about breathing?
Many people worry that putting paint on the body will affect the skin's ability to breathe. The skin does not actually breathe, so this is not really an issue; however, clogging the pores of the skin for an extended period of time can certainly result in skin irritation.

How to prepare
When engaging in body painting, advance exfoliation and moisturizing is usually recommended; however, because of the sensitive nature of the penis, exfoliation should be avoided. Moisturizing is still a good idea. Shaving is a personal preference, but in general, the paint will go on more smoothly with no pubic hair.

Pick your design
Those who just want to see what it's like to have a differently-colored penis don't need to plan in advance; however, many men want to be more creative or artistic and decorate or disguise their penises. Some popular ways to disguise a man's penis using paints include:

  • An elephant, with the shaft as the trunk and the testicles as floppy elephant ears.
  • A banana.
  • A snake (of course).
  • A shark.
  • An anteater.
  • A mushroom.
  • A dragon.
Others may simply want to paint designs or decorations on their equipment. Popular choices include:
  • Stripes.
  • A rainbow.
  • Polka dots.
  • Paisley.
  • Swirls.
Penis painting is an excellent way for a man to express himself, so he should be as wild or as excessive in creating the look as he wishes to be.

What about sex?
Opinion varies on whether a man with a painted penis should have partner sex; however, it is best to err on the side of safety and avoid this. There is too great a potential for creating vaginal, anal or oral irritation.

However, there's nothing wrong with exhibiting one's painted penis to one's partner in order to get praise. Even better, including a partner in creating a work of penis art makes the experience even more fun.

When a man is ready to remove the penis paint, spending a little time in the shower with plain soap and water or shampoo should do the trick - if he has used body paints. Again, only paints designed for body use should be used. Check the instructions of any paint in advance, in the event that it contains special washing instructions or has a warning that it may not wash off easily.

Creating a scarlet red penis or similar paint-based creation will appeal to some men and their partners. As mentioned, however, there is the potential for skin irritation. In order to maintain proper penis health, men should use a top quality penis health cream ( health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) for relief from common penis itching. Those creams that have a natural emollient, such as shea butter, and a quality hydrating agent such as vitamin E are especially good choices. Look also for a cream that contains vitamin D to take advantage of its effectiveness in enabling cell functionality.

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Sexy Penis Health Tips - A More Attractive Johnson in just Minutes a Day

"How big is it?" That's the question that's driven decades of research about the quality of the tool a man packs around in his pants. Now, however, there's a new yardstick that can help differentiate one man's johnson from another. According to research, a sexy penis - one that is smooth, healthy, and attractive, is becoming more and more important in terms of intimate comparisons; this means that men with a sleek schlong tend to be the envy of their peers, no matter what a ruler might say. With a few penis care tips, men can prepare to compete in this new land of the visual.

Smooth and Sexy Matters
The shift from size to image has been gradual, but it's likely come about due to men's inherent ability to stretch the truth, when it comes to length and breadth. Adding an inch here or a centimeter there can make a penis seem much more powerful and potent, and the lies can seem harmless. As a result, the research that's been done on size is just a little worthless, as the numbers often have little to do with reality.

Physical appeal, on the other hand, is hard to lie about. There are specific attributes that most people consider appealing in a johnson, such as:

1. Smooth skin
2. Few prominent veins
3. Uniform color
4. Uniform hair length

A quick peek is all that's required in order to ensure that a guy has these attributes, and no matter what he might say, the eyes really don't lie. In the modern and visual world, where sites like Pintrest reduce the need for talking to a bare minimum, a premium is placed on physical beauty. Men who have it win, while men who don't just don't.

Getting Started
Pubic hair plays a big role in intimate appeal, as a big, bushy, out-of-control thatch of hair can obscure delicate skin and call to mind wild animals rather than sculpted humans. Snipping at the hair with sharp scissors and cleaning up the edges with an equally sharp razor, can provide a sculpted and manicured look that is easy to maintain.

After a trim, washing up with warm water can allow hidden bits of dead and dull tissue to detach, allowing warmer, healthier skin to shine in the spotlight. A bit of daily scrubbing can also keep bacterial colonies in check, ensuring that infections don't pop up to spoil the smooth surface of the skin.

A few subtle steps like this, when combined with a sensible diet and a reasonable amount of daily exercise, can help to reduce the amount of damage the skin displays and allow healthy, youthful skin cells to come to the surface. However, men who want to do a little more to kick up the quality quotient might need to invest in specialty products in order to really achieve success.

Releasing True Beauty
A penis riddled with veins and studded with splotches of unusual color might work just fine, particularly in the heat of the moment, but it might not be worthy of a photograph or a close inspection. Undoing the damage can take time, but a penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can be a secret weapon that brings the beauty to the surface.
A quality product contains Vitamin D, a vital antioxidant that can mitigate surface cell death. Meanwhile, the Vitamin C these products contain can work beneath the surface of the skin, plumping up the size of the cells and smoothing out the wrinkles that can make a penis look old and tired. Finally, l-arginine can help to boost blood flow throughout the organ, which can reduce pockets of discoloration and leave the penis smooth, supple and responsive.