Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Sexy Penis Health Tips - A More Attractive Johnson in just Minutes a Day

"How big is it?" That's the question that's driven decades of research about the quality of the tool a man packs around in his pants. Now, however, there's a new yardstick that can help differentiate one man's johnson from another. According to research, a sexy penis - one that is smooth, healthy, and attractive, is becoming more and more important in terms of intimate comparisons; this means that men with a sleek schlong tend to be the envy of their peers, no matter what a ruler might say. With a few penis care tips, men can prepare to compete in this new land of the visual.

Smooth and Sexy Matters
The shift from size to image has been gradual, but it's likely come about due to men's inherent ability to stretch the truth, when it comes to length and breadth. Adding an inch here or a centimeter there can make a penis seem much more powerful and potent, and the lies can seem harmless. As a result, the research that's been done on size is just a little worthless, as the numbers often have little to do with reality.

Physical appeal, on the other hand, is hard to lie about. There are specific attributes that most people consider appealing in a johnson, such as:

1. Smooth skin
2. Few prominent veins
3. Uniform color
4. Uniform hair length

A quick peek is all that's required in order to ensure that a guy has these attributes, and no matter what he might say, the eyes really don't lie. In the modern and visual world, where sites like Pintrest reduce the need for talking to a bare minimum, a premium is placed on physical beauty. Men who have it win, while men who don't just don't.

Getting Started
Pubic hair plays a big role in intimate appeal, as a big, bushy, out-of-control thatch of hair can obscure delicate skin and call to mind wild animals rather than sculpted humans. Snipping at the hair with sharp scissors and cleaning up the edges with an equally sharp razor, can provide a sculpted and manicured look that is easy to maintain.

After a trim, washing up with warm water can allow hidden bits of dead and dull tissue to detach, allowing warmer, healthier skin to shine in the spotlight. A bit of daily scrubbing can also keep bacterial colonies in check, ensuring that infections don't pop up to spoil the smooth surface of the skin.

A few subtle steps like this, when combined with a sensible diet and a reasonable amount of daily exercise, can help to reduce the amount of damage the skin displays and allow healthy, youthful skin cells to come to the surface. However, men who want to do a little more to kick up the quality quotient might need to invest in specialty products in order to really achieve success.

Releasing True Beauty
A penis riddled with veins and studded with splotches of unusual color might work just fine, particularly in the heat of the moment, but it might not be worthy of a photograph or a close inspection. Undoing the damage can take time, but a penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can be a secret weapon that brings the beauty to the surface.
A quality product contains Vitamin D, a vital antioxidant that can mitigate surface cell death. Meanwhile, the Vitamin C these products contain can work beneath the surface of the skin, plumping up the size of the cells and smoothing out the wrinkles that can make a penis look old and tired. Finally, l-arginine can help to boost blood flow throughout the organ, which can reduce pockets of discoloration and leave the penis smooth, supple and responsive.

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