Friday, 17 January 2014

Sex at 7:10 - Maintaining a Healthy Physical Relationship When There's Never Any Time

At the beginning of a relationship - especially for younger couples - sex is often given top priority. An early morning meeting is no reason to skip a night of intimacy - who needs sleep when there is sex to be had? However, over the years, sex tends to gradually move to the back burner, until it seems there is simply no time left for intimacy at all; no wonder so many married couples complain that they have a boring sex life. Learn how to avoid this common relationship pitfall; prevent sex from becoming routine, and keep the penis healthy and ready for sex for many years to come.

What happened to all the sex?
Call it a byproduct of aging - or of life in general - but at some point sex seems to become deprioritized in life. Why is that? There are many reasons - which vary from one person or couple to another - but the most common reasons for a less sexy union seem to be:
  • Too much stress: Stress hormones decrease libido -- and frankly -- puts sex at the bottom of any to-do list. It can be difficult to make time as a couple when there are a million other important things to do each day.
  • Hormonal changes: Another ugly side effect of aging: as our hormones naturally change with age, there is a decline in the love hormones that make men and women alike want to get down and dirty. Fewer hormones = less interest (and therefore less sex).
  • Too busy: With kids, work, and social commitments - who has time for sex anymore?
  • Too tired: When any individual is over-tired, everything feels like work - even sex. Let’s be real; sex is exercise, and who wants to exercise when all they want to do is sleep?
  • Lack of intimacy: Unfortunately, as individuals get into long-term relationships, the feelings of physical intimacy may not be as strong as they once were. This doesn’t mean the love is lost; it just means it may take a little work to rekindle the fire. But hey, not everything that is good comes easy, right?
How to make time for sex
For couples who don’t want to fall into the rut of having sex only on birthdays and anniversaries - it may take a little effort to make time for each other - but with persistence, a healthy sex life can be restored.

1. Plan a weekly or biweekly date night: Even if the date night happens in the house over a simple romantic dinner and some TV time, plan non-negotiable couple time. Even if the date night does not always end in sex, it opens up time for communication with one another, which can increase the feelings of intimacy and therefore eventually lead to the big payout.

2. Don’t be afraid to schedule: Sure, it may be less spontaneous and romantic, but if the kids are going to be at a sleepover - plan on sex that night and make it happen. Spending the night in a hotel? Perfect time to bank on some good hotel sex.

3. Always be ready to go: On the other hand, being spontaneous can have big payouts, as well. Sometimes a couple may find themselves suddenly in an empty house - capitalize on this privacy and get busy. Or maybe it seems fun to surprise the better half by hopping in during the morning shower; sure, there may only be time for a quickie with the busy morning schedule, but it’s better than nothing!

4. Stay healthy: When one is crunched for time, sometimes a quickie really is all there is time for. Make sure the penis is ready to go whenever the time is right. Maintain excellent physical health by eating right, exercising - to improve circulation - and using a penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) to further promote circulation and excellent penis health.

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