Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Nipping Penis Pain in the Bud - Simple Solutions for Banishing Blue Balls

In a perfect world, the mere suggestion of sex would lead to an intense workout that left both partners feeling spent, sated and fulfilled. There are times, however, when sex is interrupted for one reason or another. The man's brain may be ready to comply with the order to stop work, but the man's body might still hold out hope that something wonderful will happen. In extreme cases, a man can develop a sore penis and a persistent case of blue balls. While the condition certainly isn't fatal, it's also just not fun. There are a few penis care techniques that can make the problem fade away.

Understanding the Cause
While developing an in-depth knowledge of penis anatomy won't help men to cure their discomfort, it might be helpful to know that blue balls develop due to very healthy, and very useful, natural processes.

When a man is presented with a sexual stimulus, his brain prepares for sex by sending a significant amount of blood directly to the vital body part. Meanwhile, the veins that would usually carry that blood away close off and shut down. It's this phenomenon that allows for an erection to form, as trapped blood allows the erectile tissues to stiffen and harden. Much of that blood remains in the penis, but it also pools in the testicles and surrounding areas.

This blood is designed to stay in place until a man reaches an orgasm. At that point, his brain releases chemicals that tell the veins to open up, allowing all of that blood to leave the area and let the tissues relax to their normal, flaccid state. If that signal of ecstasy never arrives, however, that blood may become trapped, and as it loses oxygen, it begins to turn blue - thus leading to the mythical condition affectionately known as "blue balls."

Blue Myths
All of this is normal, natural and easy to understand, but few medical textbooks discuss the phenomenon, and the topic rarely crops up during anatomy courses. As a result, men have been allowed to form their own opinions about blue balls, and much of the information they share is just inaccurate. For example, it's often said that blue balls can be catastrophic to a man's fertility and health, leading to clot formation and/or tissue death. It might be a convenient excuse to cite when a partner needs coaxing to continue a sex act, but it's also just not true. In time, the blood will leave the area, and a man won't be harmed at all.

Banishing the Pain
The quickest way to soothe penis pain due to blue balls is also the most obvious: Men can simply engage in a little private time until they come to their own pleasure response. Men who can't make that happen may find relief through:
  1. Distraction. Thinking about things that have nothing to do with sex can convince the brain that the time for play has passed.
  1. Exercise. Stretching the muscles can entice the brain to shift needed blood from the groin to other areas of the body.
  1. Deep breathing. Slow and steady breathing can also serve to convince the brain that sexy time is over.
  1. Elevating the hips and feet. Blood is a fluid, and it's subject to the rules of gravity. Putting the hips up a little higher can entice that liquid to slide downhill to the head, rather than pooling in areas in which it's not wanted.
  1. Icing. Holding a cold or frozen object close to the abdomen stimulates the blood to rush to the core of the body in order to keep it warm; as the blood leaves the groin area, things should return to normal.

Everyday Care for the Manhood
In order to ensure that the penis is ready for action, daily care is needed. Men can treat their penis right by keeping it clean, eating right, and drinking plenty of water. In addition, applying a moisturizing penis creme can help to keep the package in top-notch condition. While a penis health creme (most experts recommend Man1 Man Oil) can't ameliorate penis pain due to blue balls, a product like this can make the penis a bit more sensitive and responsive, so a man can achieve bliss more easily. Men who use products like this might find it easier to release their blue balls pain, or they may not ever develop the condition in the first place, as action might always equal intense pleasure.

Post-Vasectomy Penis Care - Suggestions for At-home Relief

The average vasectomy is performed in mere minutes, and in most cases, men simply scoop up their clothes and head home immediately after the procedure is complete. In a fast-paced medical office, men might not have the chance to speak with their doctors at length, and some medical practitioners don't do a great job of telling men how to perform the proper penis care in the days that follow the surgery. These are just a few tips medical professionals may omit as they tell their clients about healing. Following them to the letter could mean healing up quickly.

Rest is Vital. In the past, a vasectomy involved a significant amount of cutting and a large amount of bleeding, and some men even had stitches to contend with. Modern techniques are much less invasive, and some men believe that these new procedures allow them to skip a long recuperation period. While it's true that current surgical procedures result in a smaller amount of blood loss, men who go through a vasectomy still should be respectful of the trauma that's taken place down below.

Resting for 1 to 2 days is typically recommended, and much of this rest should take place as a man lies flat on his back. Men who walk or sit as they recover encourage blood to follow the laws of gravity, flowing down to the surgery site. Deep pain and intense bruising can quickly follow. Resting on the back, on the other hand, allows for even blood distribution throughout the body. Fewer bruises may develop, and the pain might also be less intense.

Proper Icing is Key. Ice can help to reduce inflammation levels and keep clots from forming, so men are often encouraged to use ice packs on their laps as they heal. The cold shock of ice can be heaven for damaged tissues, but a cloth or some other buffer should always be in place between the sensitive penis and the ice pack. Men who haven't quite recovered from the anesthesia of surgery and who plop an ice pack directly on their skin could be rewarded with a nasty case of frostbite as a reward for their oversight. Even if the ice contact doesn't hurt, a buffer should always be used.

Heavy Lifting is Forbidden. Some lifting tasks require men to tighten their abdominal muscles and strain the tissues in their groins. Normally, this doesn't pose a problem, but after a vasectomy, tissues are knitting together and scars are forming. The skin is just fragile, and placing a significant amount of pressure on that healing tissue could mean breaking open stitches or otherwise causing complications. As a result, all heavy lifting should be avoided for at least a week after the vasectomy is complete.

Complications Are Rare, But Possible
In most cases, a vasectomy progresses smoothly and men recover with no complications at all. There are some men, however, who do have difficulty after surgery and who need care in order to heal. These men might experience warning signs, including:

  • A fever
  • Bleeding
  • Pus emerging from the incision
  • Pain
  • Swelling

  • Any of these signs should be taken seriously, and men should call their providers for help. The sooner the issue is caught, the easier it might be to address.

    Caring for Skin
    Typically, the skin of the penis isn't touched during a vasectomy. But sometimes, medical practitioners nick sensitive skin as they shave the area before surgery, and sometimes, teams tape fabric to the penis during the surgery, to protect it from harm. Shaving cuts and surgical tape residue can leave penile skin feeling chafed and raw, and it can be intensely painful. A penis health creme (most experts recommend Man1 Man Oil) may help. These products aren't designed for open wounds, so they shouldn't be used on the surgery site, but they can provide ongoing support for healthy penis tissue once the initial healing is complete.

    Monday, 29 July 2013

    Penis Protection for Everyday Health - Guarding the Package against Common Problems

    From the time a boy reaches the age of 10 or so, he has already learned that the equipment is very sensitive, and he is likely to be very protective when it comes to things like sports, bicycle seats, and misplaced blows with a knee or an elbow. On the other hand, there are plenty of other issues that can affect penis health and well-being, and penis protection means more than just doubling over when a ball comes flying in the wrong direction.

    Some of the important steps a man can take to safeguard his penis health are discussed here.

    Protect against chafing and dry skin
    Although it is generally tucked away in a man’s trousers, the penis is still subject to extremes in weather like heat and cold. On top of this, rubbing against clothing and the friction caused by self-pleasure and sex can take a toll on the outer layers of skin. This can lead to soreness, irritation, and dry, unhealthy-looking skin. Over time, this rough treatment can cause thick layers of keratinzed tissues to form, blocking penis sensation and reducing pleasurable feelings.

    To counter this, men can protect the penile skin with plant-based moisturizers that prevent dehydration, as well as nutrients such as vitamin A - for repairing distressed tissue; vitamin C - for growing healthy, new skin; and vitamin E, for soothing and boosting hydration.

    Protect against infection
    Because it spends its time in a warm, dark, humid environment, the penis can become a haven for bacteria and other micro-organisms that can flourish into unpleasant infections, or at the very least, cause an unpleasant smell. Maintaining the surface integrity of the skin is essential in blocking infections, so moisturizing is highly recommend to prevent tiny tears and cracks. In addition, nutrients like vitamin A can help fight off odor-causing bacteria, while the ever-popular vitamin C may boost the body’s disease-fighting properties.

    Protect against allergies and adverse skin reactions
    Allergic or sensitive skin reactions of the penis are common, and men who are prone to allergies may be affected in this area, as well. When a reaction occurs, it is important to wash the area carefully, to seek medical attention for severe problems like anaphylactic reactions, and to follow a doctor’s recommendations for treatment.

    Protecting against known allergens and irritants can help men avoid a world of hurt, so it is a good idea to avoid these substances as much as possible. Common irritants include latex, as well as the chemicals and alcohol that are often found in cleansers and fragrances. Men should work with an allergist to identify the materials that cause allergic responses.

    Protect against communicable diseases
    This might seem like a no-brainer to most men; but using protection for every encounter is a must in guarding against nasty - and potentially life-altering - diseases. This means not just relying on a partner’s say-so - men should be tested regularly and insist on barrier protection every time they have sex, unless they are in a committed, monogamous relationship.

    Protect against injury
    To avoid sports-related injuries, men should wear a protective cup whenever they are engaged in any type of contact sport, or one where any sort of airborne object is involved. This care should also extend to the bedroom, where sudden moves in the wrong direction could lead to an unpleasant penile rupture. To avoid these injuries, a lubricant is recommended, and men should exercise a degree of care when it comes to heroics or acrobatics in the bedroom.

    Daily care for a healthy, responsive penis
    In addition to the steps that men should take to protect against specific problems, there are certain rules to be followed that can help to improve penis health on an ongoing basis. Exercising good hygiene is important, of course, and men should be sure to eat right, get plenty of exercise, and drink sufficient amounts of water to keep the body functioning properly on a cellular level.

    In order to support the body’s natural protective properties, the right nutrition is required. Treating the area every day with a quality penis health formula (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) is one good way to make sure that the equipment gets the essentials when it comes to penis health. A formula that is enriched with vitamins, antioxidants, and natural emollients can give the penis a one-up when it comes to recovering from injury, fighting off environmental invaders, and maintaining performance in the bedroom.

    Penis Rash Q&A - How a Penis Health Cream Can Help

    Ask a group of men where they would leastlike to experience a rash on their body, and most, if not all of them will point to the penis. Unfortunately, skin is skin, and the same irritants that can affect the rest of the body can also lead to penis rash, as well as itching, burning, and redness. To help identify the causes of some unpleasant penis symptoms, some common conditions affecting the delicate male skin are discussed in the following Q&A. In addition, some tips for banishing an itchy rash and leaving behind soft, healthy penis skin are offered.

    Q: Can men really get yeast infections?
    A: They sure can. While many people think of yeast infection as a female affliction, everyone - men included - has Candida yeast spores on their skin. When the body’s chemistry changes, or an ideal environment is present (think warm, moist and dark), the spores can kick into overdrive. In men, this can result in penis symptoms like an itchy, red rash; fissures in the skin, a whitish discharge, and swelling. Treatment with an over-the-counter antifungal is generally effective; men who are in a sexual relationship should ask their partners to undergo treatment, as well, to prevent passing the infection back and forth.

    Q: What does jock itch look like?
    A: Jock itch, known medically as tinea cruris, is another type of fungal infection caused by an organism that is similar to the one that causes athlete’s foot. The infection generally appears as red, spreading rash that may have a well-defined border; this can be extremely itchy and uncomfortable. Jock itch is more frequently found around the groin, inner thighs, and scrotum than on the penis, but some men have experienced penis rash as a result of tinea cruris. The condition is treated with anti-fungal creams, powders or sprays.

    Q: Could it be an allergy?
    A: Yes, there are a number of irritants that can cause an allergic reaction on the penile skin. Latex is a top contender in this category, but insect bites, laundry detergents, toxic plants, personal cleansing products, fragrances, and even certain fabrics can cause an allergic skin reaction. Men who suspect a skin allergy should wash the area thoroughly, avoid contact with any possible irritants, and see a doctor for testing and treatment. Antihistamines are often used to help men deal with allergic reactions on the penile skin.

    Q: Do psoriasis and eczema affect the penis?
    A: They can, and men who have experienced one of these conditions elsewhere on the body should be on the lookout if a penis rash does occur. An itchy, peeling, red, flat rash can indicate either one of these, and related rashes can come and go periodically. A doctor can advise on the best course of treatment, which usually involves managing the symptoms. Cortisone creams may help, although these can cause additional skin problems; some patients have experienced good results from the application of vitamins A and/or E.

    Q: Does a penis health cream really benefit the penis?
    A: In general, yes. A high-quality penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) can be a good way to keep the skin in good condition and even improve its appearance. In many cases, men who have experienced a loss of sensation have reported an increase in sensitivity after using a penis vitamin cream. A product containing botanical moisturizers such as Shea butter, as well as skin-friendly nutrients like vitamins A, C and E, can help to soothe distressed penile skin, relieve penis symptoms like dryness and irritation, and leave the dermal tissue feeling soft, smooth and supple. Before using any topical cream or ointment, though, it is important to check with a doctor, and creams should never be applied to broken skin or open sores.

    Friday, 26 July 2013

    Penis Odor FAQ - Why it Stinks Down There and How to Fix It

    One of the most common complaints that men (and their partners) have about the penis is the distinctive smell that often emanates from the region. While certain people find the aroma to be intriguing on some level, most prefer a more delicate scent, but getting rid of a fishy, rancid penis odor can be tricky. In the following Q&A, some of the causes of a smelly penis are reviewed, along with some suggestions for eliminating the odor once and for all. Armed with this information, men are more likely to clear up the stench, leaving them with a more attractive, healthy penis.

    Q: What causes that stinky smell?
    A: There are several things that can contribute to this problem. The most obvious, of course, are the sweat, urine and other unmentionables that may accumulate in the area, sticking to the body hair, skin and underwear and mixing to create an unmistakable stink. Men who smoke are even more likely to have problems with smelly sweat. Certain underlying health conditions can also create body smells that are hard to get rid of; these are not always easy to erase, and in some cases, the people who are producing them are unable to detect them.

    The most prominent cause of penis odor is bacteria - tiny organisms that accumulate on the skin and even penetrate into the dermal tissue. Not all of these microbes are harmful - most are not - but their metabolic processes produce smells that can be highly unpleasant to the human senses.

    Q: I shower every day - sometimes twice! Why can’t I get rid of the fishy odor?
    A: A surprising number of men, even those who shower regularly, do not always make it a point to pull back the foreskin and clean underneath. These men often develop an accumulation of smegma - a cheesy material made up of sloughed-off skin cells, body oils, and other nastiness that tends to attract smelly bacteria. Men who are uncircumcised need to be careful about cleaning this area, because the smegma can not only lead to a bad smell, but also to infections that can be uncomfortable, or even painful.

    Q: Will circumcision help?
    A: Probably, but really, there is no need to go to that extreme. Removing the foreskin is controversial; many medical professionals view it as an unnecessary procedure, and any time a sharp knife and sensitive skin come in close contact, there is a risk of some loss of sensation. Circumcision may help to get rid of foul odors, but in most cases, there are less drastic ways to solve the problem.

    Q: So what is the solution?
    A: Men who suffer regularly from a penis smell that they just can’t wash away are not without hope. While there are many issues that can lead to overall unpleasant body odors - some of them medical in nature - most cases of a smelly penis can be resolved fairly simply at home.

    First, of course, it is important to wash regularly. Although scrubbing with soap may seem intuitive here, this is really not the best way to go about it, because soaps can leave the skin cracked and dry - this actually makes it easier for bacteria to penetrate and cause various problems, including bad smells. Men who are uncut should carefully pull back the foreskin and gently wipe away any accumulated smegma, then rinse the area thoroughly. The head should be allowed to dry before replacing the foreskin.

    Second, trimming the hair from the area can reduce the buildup of sweat, urine, and other substances that can create an unmistakable stench. Less hair means less surface area for these substances to cling to, so even men who are not into manscaping as a general rule might want to consider this step.
    Finally, adding a penis vitamin formula (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) to the daily cleanup routine can be a highly effective way to get rid of unpleasant smells. A high-quality penis cream like this should contain vitamin A, which is a natural antibacterial that can help to eliminate odor-causing bacteria. The ingredients in a penis vitamin formula can leave the manhood moisturized, supple, and pleasant-smelling - a state which men and their partners will appreciate.

    Tips to Increase Sex Drive - Six Simple Libido Boosters

    For some men, the urge for sex tends to wane as they get older, but aging does not have to mean the end to an enjoyable and fulfilling sex life. While many factors contribute to loss of libido, eliminating some negative lifestyle habits may be all that is needed to improve sex drive naturally, without the complications and side effects of prescription medications. As an added bonus, men may experience significant penis health benefits that can make sex more enjoyable.

    Quit Smoking
    Smoking is one of the biggest health hazards, and it is well-known for its negative effects on penis sensitivity, circulatory function and libido. The chemicals in cigarettes tend to narrow the blood vessels, reducing blood flow to the penis and limiting erectile function. Poor circulation may also lead to nerve damage, which can result in diminished penis sensation. In addition, smoking may deplete energy levels, not to mention limiting lung power. Quitting can reverse the effects of smoking in as little as three months; many men notice an improvement in their overall health almost right away when they kick the habit.

    Try Natural Aphrodisiacs
    Certain foods are hailed as natural aphrodisiacs and may help to boost libido without the effects of erectile-enhancing medications. Oysters, for instance, contain high levels of zinc, which is needed for testosterone production and can have a positive effect on libido.

    Dark chocolate, which is a known mood-enhancer, can also help to get the mood going; the natural plant chemicals in chocolate boost dopamine and endorphin levels, which can increase feelings of self-confidence and reduce stress, thereby increasing receptiveness to the idea of a sexual encounter.
    On the other hand, alcoholic beverages, which are well-known for their effects as a social lubricant and can certainly help to create an initial urge, may actually have the opposite of the intended effect. Alcohol actually dulls the body’s response to sexual stimulation, and men who have started out the evening full of plans and intentions may find that when it comes down to showtime, their performance is a flop.

    Stress related to work, family, and daily life can cause an increase in cortisol levels. Higher levels of stress hormone can cause testosterone levels to decline, resulting in a lower libido. Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, listening to music, or any other enjoyable activity can lower stress levels. Adding massage as a part of foreplay may help to increase feelings of desire, as well as creating intriguing sensations. Use of relaxing oils, feathers or body lotions can help to enhance also sexual stimulation.

    Get Physical
    Exercising regularly has countless health benefits, and its effects on sex drive are no exception. Getting up and moving increases blood flow to the sex organs, as well as helping to deal with stress. Exercise also produces endorphins, which may create a sensual feeling of well-being and desire.

    Create Intimacy without Sex
    Activities such as kissing and cuddling can be extremely pleasurable and help couples to feel more connected. This increased bonding can help both partners to feel more relaxed and increase their feelings of desire for one another.

    Keep the Penis Healthy
    Having a penis that looks good is always a great way to boost a man's self-esteem and make him feel more confident in the bedroom. A quality penis nutrient cream (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) that is enriched with penis-specific nutrients can improve the appearance of the penile skin while helping it to feel more supple and responsive. Applying a penis cream once a day after showering can be an effective way to keep the penis healthy and ready for action.

    Thursday, 25 July 2013

    Reduced Penis Sensitivity - Why the Pleasure May not be Gone for Good

    When sexual stimulation, whether performed solo or with a partner, does not feel as powerful and pleasurable as it should, this could be linked to a decrease in penis sensitivity. Here are some reasons for a lack of penis sensitivity, as well as tips on how to regain it. As an added benefit to following these suggestions, men may find that their overall penis health and performance improves substantially.

    What Causes the Penis to Become Less Sensitive?

    There are various factors associated with loss of penis sensation:

    1. Injury to the Penis

    Injury or trauma to the penis can harm its delicate skin, as well as the underlying nerve endings and circulatory tissue. A common cause of injury to the skin, as well as the nerves, is dry friction related to aggressive manual stimulation or intimate relations. Over time, this rough treatment can lead to bruising, as well as sore, tender skin that may develop a callused outer layer as a protective response. An easy way to deal with this issue is to use a lubricant and to allow time between sessions for the skin to recuperate.

    Other types of penis injury, such as blunt force trauma, can cause additional problems and should be treated by a qualified health care professional, especially if the injury is accompanied by severe pain, bruising, bleeding, or an erection that will not dissipate. Following treatment of an injury like this, use of topical vitamin E is suggested, as it may help to limit the formation of scar tissue that can lead to painful bending and curving during erections.
    2. Certain Medications

    Some medications can hamper an individual's desire for intimacy, not to mention the ability to enjoy it. Some of these include prescription medications administered for depression, anxiety or heart disease. The lack of sensation could include inability to climax or a decrease in pleasure during relations. This can be treated by consulting with a physician who can recommend an alternative medication. Men should never stop taking a prescription medication except under the advice and supervision of a qualified health care professional.

    3. Dry Skin

    The skin of the penis is very sensitive, but when it becomes dry or chafed, pleasurable sensations can be dulled. Excessive self-stimulation can lead to the penile skin developing a callused outer layer, which may diminish pleasure. This can be easily fixed by taking a break from rough or aggressive play and experimenting with more subtle forms of stimulation. Keeping the skin youthful and soft, and inhibiting the formation of keratinized tissue, can help to bring back pleasant sensations in the penis as well. A moisturizing cream with natural vitamins and emollients is a good way to keep the skin supple and soft.

    Penis Health Creams and Sensitivity

    A high-quality penis health cream containing natural emollients, as well as important sensation-boosting nutrients, can help to prevent loss of sensation and even restore diminished sensitivity in some men. Ingredients such as Acetyl L Carnitine can protect against nerve damage, while Vitamin E and Shea Butter are both important ingredients for hydrating the skin of the penis. By maintaining adequate moisture in the skin, men can avoid issues such as keratinization of the outer dermal layer, a process which can lead to loss of penis sensitivity.

    Regular use of a penis vitamin cream (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) containing these nutrients, as well as other ingredients that benefit the skin and underlying tissue, may help to promote overall penis health, as well as encouraging the growth of healthy, supple and responsive skin. A cream like this should be applied daily, after a shower, to promote maximum absorption and ensure that the target area receives the full benefit.

    Phimosis Rescue - Causes and Solutions for a Tight Foreskin

    One common complaint that urologists hear on a regular basis comes from men who have difficulty retracting their foreskin. The foreskin, or sheath, that covers the glans penis has numerous important functions. It helps to protect the delicate penile tissue from diseases and injury, and it is believed to protect the natural sensitivity of the underlying erogenous tissue. For some men, the foreskin retracts easily by the time adulthood is reached, but for many others, this process may be difficult or impossible. Men who encounter this issue may have a condition known as phimosis, which simply means that the foreskin cannot be withdrawn, or that there is pain on retracting the tissue.

    While phimosis can lead to certain health issues, such as impaired circulatory function, pain during intercourse, and even penile cancer, it can be dealt with successfully with the right approach to treatment. Uncircumcised men who want to ensure a healthy penis can benefit from the information offered here.

    What is phimosis?
    Phimosis simply refers to the inability of (adult) males to retract the foreskin beyond the crown of the penis; phimosis may also be diagnosed when it is painful to pull back this tissue over the glans. This condition is not uncommon, and it can be resolved in most cases by either stretching the foreskin or undergoing a full or partial circumcision.

    What causes a tight foreskin?
    Infants and young male children are generally unable to withdraw the foreskin completely; this typically cannot be achieved until males reach puberty, and in some cases, adulthood. After this point, men who have torn the foreskin due to aggressive masturbation, or those who are affected by balanitis (an infection of the glans), may find it difficult and/or painful to pull back the sheath over the head of the penis. Balanitis often occurs as the result of poor hygiene, although other factors such as yeast infection or excessive masturbation may also come into play.

    Is surgery the only solution?
    Historically, men who have had phimosis-related issues have often had circumcision urged on them as the best option for treatment. Although many doctors still advise their patients to opt for full circumcision, recent medical studies have shown that the condition may be treated by less drastic measures. Circumcision is certainly an answer, but some men have also benefited from mechanical stretching of the foreskin. In other cases, men can take a do-it-yourself approach, using gentle manual stretching of the foreskin, accompanied by use of appropriate moisturizing creams, to work through the issue themselves. This process should be carried out carefully, without forcing the tight skin back; it can be successful for men who are cautious and pay adequate attention to penis care.

    Caring for an uncircumcised penis
    Whether or not a man is experiencing issues withdrawing the foreskin, an uncircumcised penis requires some special treatment when it comes to daily care and maintenance. Men who are uncut need to be sure to pull back the foreskin carefully, without yanking or tugging, to clean away any accumulated body fluids and dead skin cells from underneath. If these substances, which tend to form a cheesy build-up known as smegma, are allowed to remain underneath the foreskin, they can cause infections and swelling, foul odors, and a tendency for the foreskin to stick to the tissue underneath. Washing this area carefully is the first step in promoting a healthy, pleasant penis.

    The final phase for at-home penile care involves the use of a moisturizing penis creme (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil), which can help to prevent drying and cracking of the foreskin, not to mention inflammatory conditions like balanitis. A penis health cream that contains vitamin A can help to block penetration by harmful bacteria that can lead to a sore, swollen, unhealthy penis. In addition, all-natural, botanically derived moisturizers like Shea butter are ideal for rehydrating the penis skin and preventing moisture loss which can result in a tight foreskin. Adding a cream like this to the daily penis care regimen can be an effective solution for men who want to avoid the potential side effects of surgical ablation of the foreskin.

    Wednesday, 24 July 2013

    Increasing Sperm Count Naturally, the Common-sense Way

    Sperm count can be affected by numerous lifestyle and environmental factors, and it is not unusual for men to see a decrease in sperm count even in their twenties and thirties. For couples who are trying to conceive, this can be a devastating problem that can lead to relationship trouble. However, in many cases, low sperm count can be remedied by some simple changes in dietary and exercise habits, as well as attention to appropriate penis health care.

    Some important steps to raise sperm count naturally are described here.

    Stop Smoking
    Smoking is bad for everyone and can affect many aspects of health in general. Among these, smoking is a known deterrent to healthy sperm. Smoking cigarettes decreases sperm count, as well as reducing the motility of existing sperm and shortening their lifespan. On an even more serious note, tobacco products can cause genetic changes genetic changes in sperm that could affect the resulting offspring.

    Eat Sperm-Friendly Foods
    Diet and nutrition play and important role in ensuring a high-quality sperm count, as well as promoting healthy erectile function. Some foods that should form part of a healthy, sperm-friendly diet include the following:

    - Oysters. Studies by Barry University in Miami found that oysters contain amino acids which produce testosterone in males. In addition, their high levels of zinc are believed to increase erectile function, as well as sex drive, lending some truth to the idea that oysters work as aphrodisiacs.

    - Asparagus. This vegetable has a high vitamin C content that protects sperm from oxidative damage, boosts your amount of sperm and improves its motility. On the down side, asparagus is known for the unpleasant smell it lends to urine and seminal fluid, so some men may prefer to avoid asparagus if there is a possibility that sex may become part of the evening’s plans.

    - Walnuts. These little nutrient powerhouses are high in omega-3 fatty acids that can boost a man’s sperm count, as well as promoting improved blood flow to the penis and supporting overall cardiovascular function.

    - Pumpkin seeds. Raw or roasted pumpkin seeds contain phytosterols (plant hormones) that improve the body’s production of testosterone. It’s best to roast pumpkin seeds at home, though, because packaged pumpkin seeds often contain preservatives and other food additives that are counter-indicated for sexual function and may increase the risk of cancer.

    Exercise Regularly
    The American Society of Reproductive Medicine claims that regular exercise, in conjunction with a healthy diet, helps to improve fertility. This claim is supported by another study that was published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine which reported that men who engaged in fifteen or more hours of moderate to vigorous exercise every week displayed sperm counts that were 73 per cent higher when compared to men who exercised for less than five hours a week.

    Get Your Vitamins
    Nutrients such as vitamin c, vitamin A, vitamin E and zinc should all be included in a healthy diet or taken as supplements. These vitamins help to lower the amount of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) that is found in the semen. ROS are molecules that can be very disruptive and damaging to cellular function. In fact, these molecules play a role in as much as 40 per cent of male factor infertility. The right nutrients are needed to counter the effects of ROS and help to develop and maintain the quality of sperm, as well as prevent it from clumping.

    Penis health care

    While the condition of the penis itself does not directly affect sperm count, caring for the male organ can help to ensure that it is healthy and ready for action in order to deliver the sperm.
    Some steps that men can take to keep the penis healthy include (1) washing regularly to reduce the number of harmful bacterial which may lead to infection; (2) wearing loose-fitting, breathable undergarments which allow for healthy circulation in the penis and groin area; (3) moisturizing the penis and promoting healthy, supple skin using a penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) may be help to ensure that the male organ is ready for action and able to enjoy the process.

    Three Common Penis Health Mistakes that Men should Never Make

    A surprising number of men believe that the penis does not need much in the way of attention, beyond a quick shower every day or so and maybe the use of protection during an intimate encounter. Sadly, this is not true. A penis is a delicate structure that requires proper healthcare. The good news is that all it takes are a few basic changes to one's routine to ensure a hygienic and healthy penis. Here are some common mistakes men make when it comes to their health and how to improve on them.

    Mistake 1: Ignoring Symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction

    Erectile dysfunction is more common than most men think. It affects more than 50 per cent of men who are over the age of 60, as well as 20 per cent of men over the age of 20. Sometimes men have the tendency to keep erection problems under wraps, thinking that their stress or emotions could be at the root of them, or even that the problem will go away if they just ignore it.

    While stress like a bad day at the office, an upcoming presentation, a looming car payment or an argument with a partner can certainly lead to problems in the bedroom, many instances of erectile dysfunction arise from physical problems, such as diabetes, heart problems, smoking, obesity and high blood pressure. This is why it's so important to consult with a doctor if one is dealing with erection problems on a recurring basis. Many effective treatment options are now available for men with performance related issues, ranging from medications to counselling to simple lifestyle changes.

    Mistake 2: Not Cleaning the Penis Correctly

    Men who have an uncircumcised penis should wash under the foreskin with soap and water to ensure the prevention of built-up materials which can lead to irritation and cause infections. Circumcised men must also be vigilant about cleaning the penis well to prevent illnesses or infection. A gentle soap should be used, as the penile skin is delicate and should not be washed with ordinary body soaps or shower gels that contain chemical irritants; shampoos and other personal care items also tend to leech away the skin’s natural lubricants and can cause cracked, peeling, sore penis skin.
    The entire groin area should also be cleaned well, as this particular part of the body is likely to develop some stinky aromas from the combination of sweat, hair, and other bodily substances that accumulate here.

    Men should always dry themselves off thoroughly after stepping out of the shower, as well; damp skin can attract bacteria and other organisms that can flourish in moist, warm environments. These organisms can cause unpleasant issues ranging from foul odors to itchy penis rashes to swollen skin and a chunky discharge.

    Mistake 3: Failure to use a penis vitamin creme

    Just like the skin of the face and hands, the penis skin is exposed to heat, cold, UV rays, and environmental materials that can cause cellular damage. Without the proper nutrition, the skin can become thinner, more brittle, and wrinkled, as well as developing age spots and losing its natural elasticity. In some cases, free radicals can alter cellular reproduction, leading to the formation of cancerous tumors. A high quality penis vitamin creme (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) that is enriched with male-specific vitamins, antioxidants and amino acids can help to rejuvenate the skin and fight oxidative damage, while helping to prevent unpleasant odors and skin rashes. Natural emollients added to a health creme can also work to keep the skin smooth, supple and blemish free for a healthier looking and feeling manhood.

    Tuesday, 23 July 2013

    Penis Anatomy Basics - Basic Health Facts that All Men Should Know

    The average sex education class, in which men are introduced to penis anatomy for the very first time, typically takes place during an awkward time in a boy's life. Often, he's much too young to have experienced the benefits of a healthy penis, and even talking about intimate tissues might make him giggle, blush or just shut down altogether. As a result, it's not uncommon for men to know very little about how their bodies work and what might be done to keep their most intimate parts functioning at peak capacity. This information can fill in the blanks for guys who tuned out during health class, as it outlines major structures and penis care techniques that can keep things running smoothly.

    1. All about the Flow. The penis is often described as a tube, and in many ways, that's an accurate description. After all, the penis is designed to transmit all sorts of fluids outside of a man's body in a quick and efficient way. However, the penis is also lined with hollow spaces known as the corpus cavernosum and corpus spongiosum. These spaces are vital to a healthy erection, as they can accept the blood that streams to the area during an erection. When they're filled with blood, the area stiffens and rises from the body. When they're empty, the penis is flaccid. 

    1. Vital Chemicals. Blood doesn't enter the groin through mere suggestion and willpower. Instead, it's summoned there by an intricate network of nerve cells, linking with chemicals released by the brain. When a man senses a sexual signal, his brain releases the neurotransmitter noradrenaline. This chemical triggers a series of further chemical reactions in the penis, relaxing muscles and opening blood vessels so that blood can flow into areas that are normally closed off and empty. These reactions are completely involuntary, meaning that there's no higher thought involved, and they can work within the blink of an eye. As soon as a man senses sex is coming, the process is set in motion and his body gets prepared. 

    1. A Delicate Wrapper. All of this blood flow is encased in a wrapper of intensely sensitive skin. This skin isn't remarkably different than the skin that encases the rest of a man's body, but it's typically hairless and is normally protected within a man's clothing for the vast majority of the day. As a result, the skin is likely to be smooth and responsive. It might also be slightly darker than the skin on the rest of a man's body, simply because it has access to more blood. 

    The entire length of the penis is designed to be responsive to both touch and pressure, but there are some portions of this organ that are remarkably sensitive, including:
    • The tip of the penis, known as the glans
    • The band of tissue that encircles the glans, known as the corona
    • The tissue that encircles the penis, known as the foreskin
    • The tiny band of skin that connects the foreskin to the shaft of the penis, known as the frenulum
    1. Staying in Shape. Penis sensitivity levels can be impacted by haphazard handling techniques. Men who use too much force when interacting with their equipment can lay down scar tissue that can impede sensations of touch. Similarly, rough clothing can cause wee scratches and scrapes that can erode a man's ability to feel almost anything. Using care in handling, and ensuring that penile tissues remain hydrated and moist can be key to keeping everything firing properly. 

    Penis difficulties can also arise through poor nutrition and supplementation. All of the reactions that can allow an erection to take place require specific vitamins and nutrients, and they might be in short supply in men who eat on the go and who build their diets around fast food and soft drinks. For men like this, a penis health creme might be vital. These products (most experts recommend Man1 Man Oil) can fill in the gaps in a man's diet, providing his penis with the nutrients it needs in order to do its job properly.

    Avoiding Ugly Penis Bumps : 10 Hints for Banishing Unsightly Blemishes

    Shaving bumps. Any man can get them, and no man wants them - this goes doubly for the below the belt variety. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for red, itchy bumps to rear their ugly little heads following a trim. But a couple of simple changes in the old shaving routine may just be enough to prevent shaving bumps in the future. The ten simple shaving tips given below can help to promote a smooth, blemish-free and healthy penis.

    Tips for Avoiding the Dreaded Razor Burn
    1. Allow penis bumps to heal: Give any existing bumps a chance to heal by taking 3 or 4 days off from shaving. Once the area is smooth and clear, start over with a new and improved shaving routine.
    1. Trim long hair first: Long pubic hair is not only more likely to clog the razor; it can also pull the hair, making the shaving process very uncomfortable. To eliminate this issue, it is best to trim the pubic hair before shaving. A beard trimmer - using the 0 or 1 setting - will cut very close to the skin, making it easier for the razor to glide without pulling. No beard trimmer? Use scissors instead.
    1. Take a hot shower: A nice hot shower softens the hairs and opens hair follicles, making shaving a breeze. Some men prefer to take a warm bath instead of a shower, as sitting down grants easier access to the equipment. Either way, hot water will help the process immensely, so it is recommended that men soak their boys for about 10 minutes before getting after it with a razor.
    1. Exfoliate: Exfoliating the skin helps slough off dead skin cells that can clog pores and lead to ingrown hairs and bumps post-shaving. Men should always exfoliate before shaving - not after - as the skin is more likely to become irritated following an encounter with a razor.
    1. Use a shaving oil: Shaving oil is different from a shaving cream, as it pretreats the skin and moisturizes it to prevent and lessen razor burn. It helps the razor move over the skin without friction, which reduces those pesky red bumps.
    1. Use high-quality supplies: There is much to be said for using a good razor and quality shaving cream to reduce below the belt bumps. Men should avoid using a week-old razor, as it is more likely to cause friction and therefore bumps. A shaver with 3 blades or more is best for achieving a close shave; and lathering up the goods with a quality shave oil or gel can leave the area much more clean and smooth than a discount brand or bar of soap.
    1. Rinse the blade: Keeping a clean blade will help with the closeness of the shave, reducing the number of passes needed to remove the hair. It is important to be sure to fully rinse hair out of the razor between each swipe of the blade.
    1. Shave with the grain: Though it may seem like shaving against the grain removes hair faster, doing so is a surefire way to get shaving bumps. Going with the grain reduces ingrown hairs and irritation caused by the razor.
    1. Pull the skin taut: Loose skin is more likely get nicked by the razor while shaving - ouch! Keep the skin pulled tight as the razor is passing over each area to prevent a painful nick.
    1. Skin treatment: Upon exiting the shower, pat the area dry and immediately apply a high-quality penis cream to the penile skin. A penis health formula (most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) will replenish the moisture that shaving saps from the skin, helping to keep the area supple and healthy. Additionally, a penis cream containing vitamins and minerals can help fight bacteria, which is a major culprit in contributing to the infected hair follicles that crop up post-shaving. Adding a penis treatment to the post-shaving routine can help keep the penis healthy and bump free all year long.

    Monday, 22 July 2013

    Benefits of a Penis Health Creme - Specialized Care for the Manly Skin

    Penis bumps, rashes and soreness could all be caused, in part, by neglecting to include the penis in a daily personal care regimen. The skin down there is delicate and sensitive, and it merits some TLC. But in spite of the importance of the penis to a man’s psyche, few men know exactly how proper penis care should be performed.

    Fortunately, a few simple steps like adding a penis health creme to the after-shower routine could help to relieve or prevent a number of common penis health problems and promote a softer, more supple and responsive tool. A step-by step guide to penis care is given below.

    Wash and Rinse
    Cleanliness is key to a good penis health routine, but the techniques a man uses to wash other parts of his body should have no part in his penis cleaning routine. Rather than using harsh soaps and a scrubbing motion, men can just rinse their equipment under warm water, allowing their fingers to loosen any material that may have gathered on the skin. Uncircumcised men will need to pull back the foreskin to do this cleaning, but that's the only extra step needed.

    Grooming and Trimming
    A hefty tuft of hair can provide a bit of cushioning for the penis, but it can also peek out above low-cut shorts and otherwise impede a man's ability to look calm, cool and collected when he's wearing small clothing. Grooming could allow a man to take control, but the procedure requires specialized equipment, including:
    • Sharp scissors
    • Razor with fresh blades
    • Shaving cream
    • Lotion

    The scissors can be used to trim some of the longer patches of hair, and those men who want to get closer to a natural state can apply shaving cream and use the razor to scrape away unwanted hair. It's best to stroke in the direction that the hair grows, as this technique can cut the hair close to the skin and ensure that ingrown hairs don't form in the days that come. Since shaving close to the skin like this can be somewhat irritating, applying a lotion may be an excellent final step.

    Fighting Odors
    Even though almost every inch of a man's body has the capacity to produce an odor, most people feel a bit repelled by intimate scents. Odors originating from the armpits can quickly be neutralized by deodorant, while other scents could be masked by colognes, but these products can be irritating to sensitive penile skin, and in some men, these products can even cause painful rashes. Rather than masking scents that already exist, it's best for men to get proactive and ensure that nasty smells just don't form.

    Most penile odors are associated with trapped air caused by tight undergarments. These items of clothing don't let air in, and they don't let germs and fungus out. Cotton underwear, on the other hand, does allow for airflow that can allow the package to breathe and the odors to fade away.

    Nourishing Skin
    Skin that's clean, groomed and breathing is bound to be healthy, but it might also lack essential vitamins and nutrients. The foods a man eats have a long path to follow before they reach his penis, and sometimes, the cells in this vital organ are bypassed in favor of the needs of other parts of his body. Applying a penis health creme (most experts recommend Man1 Man Oil) can help to correct the imbalance. These products contain just the nutrients intimate skin needs, and they're applied directly to the skin, so they're not diverted along the way. A product like this is an excellent addition to a man's new routine.

    Five Steps to Better Erections - Tips for Improving Penis Health

    The physiology of an erection is highly complex and involves almost all of the systems of the body. Fortunately, most aspects of the process happen without much in the way of conscious control, meaning that a man doesn’t need to know exactly how it works in order to get it up. On the flip side, this also means that any number of things can affect the ability to achieve and sustain an erection, and when something does go wrong, it can be difficult to understand why. Anything from a tough day at the office to wondering about whether the cable bill was paid, to a recent confrontation with a partner can affect a man’s bedroom performance. In some cases, erectile function may be impaired due to health reasons or issues like performance anxiety.

    Fortunately, although men cannot control all of the factors that may lead to diminished erectile function, there are some proactive steps they can take to reduce the risk that problems will develop and to promote better erections. Following these tips can also benefit overall penis health.  

    Quit smoking. There is a mountain of evidence demonstrating that smoking affects erectile health in numerous ways. For one thing, it damages the blood vessels, leading to reduced blood flow to the pertinent part of the body. For another, the chemicals found in cigarettes can impair nerve function. In addition, smoking may also damage the erectile tissue itself, making it more brittle and less able to expand. Men who smoke tend to have significantly smaller erections than their non-smoking counterparts.

    Shed the extra pounds. A big gut is bad for the health in many ways, and carrying around extra body weight is a known factor in loss of erectile function. Losing weight not only helps to increase blood flow to the area, it can also help men to feel more confident and attractive. This extra boost of self-esteem can be a major player in forming better erections, as well as helping men to find a partner to share them with. 

    Keep the blood flowing. While it may seem like a no-brainer, the importance of adequate blood flow in gaining and maintaining better erections cannot be overemphasized. A steady supply of blood is needed to form erections in the first place, and the oxygen and nutrients that are carried by the blood are needed to maintain healthy nerve and circulatory tissue. Getting the blood moving by engaging in regular physical exercise can work wonders on erectile health; men should also take care to wear loose-fitting clothing, and those who have a sedentary job or just a tendency to sit on the couch should make an effort to get up and moving to keep the circulation moving. 

    Don’t sweat the small stuff. Mental stress, as most men know, can wreak havoc on the body, creating problems with many bodily functions. Aside from this, worrying about things that are unrelated to the matter at hand is a fairly effective mood killer that can easily get in the way of a healthy erectile response. To overcome this problem, men should make relaxing a habit; finding a way to de-stress can minimize the effects of stress and anxiety and lead to better physiological function all around. 

    Use a moisturizing penis health cream. Men who feel confident about the appearance of their penis are less likely to experience anxiety-related issues that can inhibit erectile function, and they are more likely to fully enjoy the proceedings. A penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) containing plant-based moisturizers such as Shea butter or coconut oil can help to keep even the delicate penis skin soft and supple. A formula enriched with amino acids like L-arginine also provide extra protection for the sensory tissue of the penis, helping to maintain adequate penis sensation so that the package is responsive when the moment arises.

    Friday, 19 July 2013

    Summertime Penis Problems - Relief for Issues from Chafing to Sunburns

    Most people falsely think winter is the only season for dry, itchy skin; however, while the bitter wind can sure do a number on the body’s largest organ, one should never discount the damage of the summer sun. The bottom line is that skin care is essential year round, rain or shine, hot or cold, winter, summer, spring, and fall. Furthermore, skin care is needed on all skin, not just that which is exposed. Yes, even the penis skin needs daily TLC to stay healthy. Learn more about keeping a man’s most favorite organ healthy year-round and prevent common penis problems with the penis care facts below.

    Summer Skin Blues…and Reds
    Sunburn: Although occasionally referred to as the place where the sun don’t shine, the skin of the penis is just as susceptible to sun burn as the rest of the body. Men who enjoy sunbathing nude, daytime skinny-dipping, or frequent tanning booths are all at risk of sun burning their manhood. Talk about a hunk of burning love.

    Swimsuit Irritation: Staying in a wet swimsuit too long can cause uncomfortable irritation, and in some cases, rash-like bumps. A damp swimsuit tends to cling to a man’s unit, which creates unpleasant friction and can leave the wearer itching for days.

    Chafing: A man’s equipment tends to warm up very easily in the summertime leading to a sweaty undercarriage. Unfortunately, a sweaty package combined with tight jeans or briefs can lead to a hairy situation below the belt - in more ways than one. Chafing is a result of too much friction on the skin when sweat does not allow skin areas to move past each other freely; instead, the skin sticks to itself, creating a red, irritated and itchy mess.

    Dry skin: Yes, even in the summer, the skin can dry out. Harsh sun is one culprit- even in cases when a sunburn does not occur. Men living in areas with low humidity and high temperatures may be at a greater risk still of dry summer skin. Everybody tends to be more active in the summer, which leads to sweat and dehydration, all of which takes a toll on the skin. Even skin that is not directly exposed to the elements can still be affected by harsh environmental climates.

    Swimming: Men who tend to hit the lake, ocean or pool all summer long may find themselves with an itchy nether region when the water fun is done. Apart from swimsuit irritation mentioned earlier, swimming pools are filled with harsh chemicals such as chlorine, which can be very drying on delicate skin. Swimming in natural bodies of water does not make one exempt from dry skin either; splashing about all day strips the skin of its natural moisture, causing dry skin.

    Healing the skin
    It is important to keep the skin moisturized all year round, even on days when it seems like it is not needed. Staying ahead of dry skin can prevent it from cracking and becoming a painful problem. One should use a daily lotion made with vitamin E and Shea butter, two natural ingredients that work together to keep the skin smooth, supple and healthy. Generously slathering on the lotion every day will help protect the skin from the harsh elements found in nature and the daily wear and tear of life as well.

    When it comes to keeping the penis healthy, don’t think that any old lotion will do. Many lotions are made with chemicals and fragrances that are too harsh for the sensitive skin of the penis and can actually cause irritation and even rashes. Select an all-natural penis health oil that is specially formulated to heal the skin of the penis (most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil). A man should still choose a lotion that is made from the powerful team of vitamin E and Shea butter, but be sure to select one gentle enough for the manhood. Daily application will keep the penis skin looking and feeling great - because nobody wants to deal with itchy junk all day long.

    Penis Pain - Every Man's Burning Questions Are Answered Here

    One thing all men can agree on is this: penis pain is awful. Every man has taken a shot to the family jewels once or twice in his lifetime. When this happened, he likely doubled over in pain with an instant stomach ache, or maybe even threw up or passed out. A man wouldn’t wish penis pain on his worst enemy - okay - maybe his worst enemy, but it is not something to be taken lightly. When it comes to a nut shot, the cause of the pain is clear, but sometimes a man is less certain about why he is experiencing pain. Below are some common Q & A’s about penis pain and tips for a healthy penis. So grab an icepack, and read on.

    Q: What causes penis pain during urination?
    A: Painful urination is a common problem experienced by men; this issue can be caused by several different problems. It is often necessary to make a trip to the doctor when this occurs, as a round of antibiotics or other treatment is probably necessary. Common culprits of pain during urination include: bladder infection, urinary tract infection, prostatitis, bladder stones, or sexually transmitted diseases such as herpes, chlamydia, or gonorrhea.

    Q: Is it normal to have pain while ejaculating?
    A: No! Next question… Seriously though, pain on ejaculation is not a normal occurrence and should be followed up by a trip to the urologist. A painful release could indicate any number of problems in a man’s plumbing including: urethritis, prostatitis, orchitis, epididymitis, and prostate cancer. One painful orgasm may just be a fluke or the result of delaying the orgasm too long, but persistently occurring pain on ejaculation warrants a phone call to the doctor.

    Q: What causes foreskin pain?
    A: Just like any other body part, the foreskin is subject to pain as well. One common cause for pain of the foreskin is infection resulting from poor hygiene. Men who neglect to fully retract the foreskin and clean under it, or who have difficulty retracting the skin, may experience infection known as balanitis from bacteria becoming trapped under the skin flap. Other conditions of the foreskin include: phimosis, when the skin will not retract over the head of the penis; and paraphimosis, when the foreskin is stuck in the retracted position causing swelling and pain.

    Q: What causes a painful erection?
    A: Known as priapism, some men experience painful and often prolonged erections in spite of no physiological arousal. Meaning they don’t want to have sex, but for some reason the penis didn’t get the memo. This is one of those times when immediate care is needed - persistent, unwanted erections may be caused by medication side effects, drug or alcohol use, or spinal cord injury. The condition can cause permanent damage to the penis as the excessive amount of blood flow for a long time may lead to nerve damage.

    Q: Can the penis be broken?
    A: Though not actually a bone, the penis can sustain damage from contact that causes an injury to the penis, similar to a broken bone. For instance, if an erect penis is injured during overly acrobatic or enthusiastic sex, it may create scar tissue on the penis that eventually causes the penis to curve to one side. This plaque build up can develop from abrupt injuries that cause the penis to bend or snap, or from subtle injuries such as forceful or aggressive masturbation. The condition is known as Peyronie’s Disease, and in extreme conditions can make sex painful and even impossible.

    Q: Does the penis need any special care?
    A: Absolutely. Men take special care of all other vital parts of the body, so why should the penis be any different? Luckily, it takes little effort to keep the manhood up and running. Simply begin daily use of a penis health formula (most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) to keep the penis healthy and thriving. A specially formulated penis oil can help fight infection causing bacteria that can lead to pain while also reducing plaque buildup that can lead to Peyronie’s disease. A man need only apply the penis oil after taking a shower and continue about his day, simple as that.

    Thursday, 18 July 2013

    Penis Hygiene 101 - 7 Steps to a Cleaner, Better Manhood

    According to Patrick French, a men’s sexual health consultant, a surprising number of men neglect their junk when it comes to their personal care practices. In spite of the attention otherwise given to the nether regions, washing down there just isn’t on every guy’s radar. But penis hygiene is more important than men might realize. The groin is a stinky place, just like the armpits - the mixture of hair, sweat, and skin rubbing together can lead to some powerful smells. Not washing carefully can also lead to skin infections, difficulties pulling back the foreskin, and accumulation of smegma, a cheese-like substance that puts off a fishy odor. For a healthier penis that smells relatively fresh and feels smooth and supple, following the right procedure for cleansing is a must. Every guy should make the following steps part of his daily routine:
    1. Warm water. While it can be tempting to turn the temperature up and enjoy a hot shower, very hot water can be hard on the skin, especially in the groin area. Using warm water is a more penis-friendly option. Instead of letting the spray hit their package directly, though, it is best to let it run down the body or scoop the water over the appendage.
    1. Gentle cleanser. Harsh soaps, shampoos and shower gels are meant to clean away dirt and oil, and they are very good at their job. The problem is that they can also leech away the skin’s natural lubricating oils, leaving the skin raw, sore and unhealthy-looking. A gentle hypoallergenic cleanser, or even just the warm water, is enough to get the manhood clean without stripping away important oils.
    1. Skip the scrubbing. Scrubbing away at the skin with a rough cloth is another way to wreak havoc on the penile tissue. Using the fingertips or a soft cloth - a baby’s washcloth is recommended - will allow men to clean up without damaging - and ultimately toughening - their skin.
    1. Remove the smegma. Men who are uncircumcised should pull back the foreskin and clean carefully underneath, making extra sure to wipe away the buildup of smegma (actually dead skin cells, body oils and other unmentionable fluids) that can lead to infection and odors.
    1. Rinse, and rinse again. After cleansing, it is important to rinse carefully, letting the water carry away any traces of cleansers or skin cells that might be left behind. Leaving soap on the skin can lead to irritation and even allergic reactions, so it is important not to skip this step.
    1. Dry carefully. Finally, men should always pat the area dry before putting on clothing, again not forgetting the area under the foreskin. Moisture that is left behind can attract micro-organisms that can develop into bacterial or fungal infections, as well as creating a nasty aroma.
    1. Apply a penis health creme. After the equipment has been carefully washed and dried, there is one final step to a cleaner, healthier penis that should not be neglected. Like the rest of the skin, the penis can benefit from moisturizers - natural, plant-based products are best, as they are less likely to cause adverse reactions than man-made moisturizers. Shea butter, jojoba oil, and vitamin E are some of the best options here.The penis also needs nutrients such as vitamins C, A, D and B5 to retain its natural elasticity and disease-fighting properties, as well as amino acids like L-arginine to provide support for healthy nerve tissue. Finally, vitamin A also has antibacterial properties that can help to eliminate unpleasant odors that leave the manhood less-than-fresh. A penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) that is enriched with ingredients like these can help to keep the package fresher longer, boosting a man’s confidence, appeal and maybe even his performance.

    When Unwanted Erections Rear their Heads - Hints for Hiding the Goods

    While guys tend to pride themselves on their ability to get an erection on call, this same issue can become problematic when a woody shows up uninvited at the wrong time. Many a man has been surprised by a spontaneous arousal at an inconvenient moment that has left him twisting, turning, and contorting himself to avoid detection of the unwanted erection.

    On the bright side, an eager penis is generally a healthy penis, and with a little forethought and a few strategies (literally) at hand, men can either disguise the evidence or get rid of the unwanted erection, at least until he is free and clear to resolve the matter in a more pleasant fashion.

    Think unhappy thoughts. Erections often start in the mind, and a man who is entertained by tantalizing images or naughty thoughts will often experience a very physical response to his secret imaginings. The opposite can also be true, so when a spontaneous stiffy shows up, thinking of less pleasant or exciting things can put a damper on the furnace fairly quickly. Picturing an angry boss, a looming deadline, or the wife’s book club meetings can quickly cause an erection to subside.

    Avoid tight clothing. Another trick to dealing with the evidence is just to cover it up. Hipster jeans may look great and do a good job of highlighting the quads, but on the other hand, they leave little to the imagination. Looser trousers or a long shirt - untucked - can do a better job at shielding a perky penis from view.

    Get a grip. While considering roomier wardrobe options, it’s a good idea to choose pants with pockets. Guys often have their hands in their pockets anyway, so it is not likely to be noticeable if he grabs hold of an unruly manhood and holds it against his body to eliminate the pup-tent effect. Of course, this approach should be carried out carefully to avoid further stimulation.

    Ice the flames. Erections occur because the pertinent body parts are filled with blood; so it stands to reason that redirecting the blood supply will help to calm things down. Grabbing something really cold and holding it close to the abdomen will trigger a rush of blood to warm the body’s core, easing the erection almost right away.

    Walk it off. On the same principle as icing, exercise can also redirect blood flow to the limbs and heart in order to keep up with the increased need for oxygen in the large muscle groups. In addition, moving around with purpose signals the brain that it is not, in fact, time for an encounter, and the brain will pass the message along.

    Specialized care for the equipment
    While there are times when an erection is an inconvenience, there are plenty of other occasions where a woody is perfectly welcome. When these encounters occur, it’s best to be ready and waiting with a healthy penis that looks, feels, and especially smells pleasant and inviting. Washing carefully is the first step to a hygienic and responsive penis; but this should be carried out as gently as possible to avoid irritation and a raw, unhealthy appearance. Using warm water and the fingertips, and possible a mild, hypoallergenic cleanser, men should wipe away any accumulated grime and bodily secretions, then rinse thoroughly. The penis skin should be allowed to dry before covering it with clothing to discourage the development of odor-causing bacteria and other micro-organisms.

    After the skin is clean and dry, a penis vitamin formula (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) that is enriched with penis-specific nutrients and natural, plant-based emollients can help to keep the skin soft, supple, and responsive, as well as helping to control odors and reduce the risk of fungal infections.

    Wednesday, 17 July 2013

    Penis Warts - Tips for Dealing with a Common Men's Health Issue

    One thing no man wants to wake up to in the morning is a suspicious bump on his junk. Just imagine the alarm that one experience upon discovering such a thing; one minute a man is sleepily going through his morning shower routine and the next - BAM - he is wide awake as he discovers an unfamiliar protrusion down below. Finding penis warts is one such occasion that is sure to jolt a man wide-awake. Learn more about genital warts and tips for maintaining a healthy penis.

    What are penis warts?
    Penis warts, or genital warts, are pink or flesh-colored bumps that appear on the penis shaft, anus, scrotum, thigh, or groin area. Genital warts may be raised or flat, they can be small or large, appear as a single wart or in a patch of several warts, they can even have a center that resembles a piece of cauliflower.
    Genital warts are caused by the human papillomavirus, or HPV. HPV is a very common virus that is spread from partner to partner during sexual acts, it is estimated that about 50% of sexually active individuals have or will become infected with HPV in their lifetime - if that doesn’t motivate a man to use a condom, nothing will!

    How are they diagnosed?
    For most individuals, a doctor needs to do nothing more than see the bump to determine if it is a genital wart - it is possible it could be something else as there are plenty of penis bumps to be had. The tricky thing about genital warts is that they may show up shortly after having sex with an infected partner, or they can take weeks or months to rear their ugly little heads. That is part of the reason they are so easily spread, as it is possible for a man or woman to unknowingly infect their partner without even knowing they are carrying the virus at the time of sex. What’s more? Some men can be carrying the HPV virus yet remain asymptomatic indefinitely - meaning they never have symptoms of HPV including warts - these individuals are at especially high risk of transmitting the infection to others.

    Are genital warts cancerous?
    While it is true that certain strains of the virus HPV are associated with cervical cancer in women and penis cancer in men, genital warts do not necessarily lead to penis cancer. Typically, the strain of HPV that causes warts does not cause cancer. A doctor can perform a Pap test to diagnose HPV in women, but currently there is not a male equivalent available.

    Keeping the penis healthy
    There are certain risk factors that increase one’s chance of becoming infected with HPV. Engaging in unprotected sex, having multiple partners, being with a partner who has had many partners, and not always using a condom can all increase one’s risk of acquiring HPV. Luckily, genital wart outbreaks tend to go away on their own, though stubborn ones may need medical treatment. The virus itself, however, does stay in the body, meaning one is always at risk for another outbreak and is able to spread the infection to others.
    Preventative care is an important part of keeping the penis healthy; using protection is a key way to reduce the risk of contracting HPV and genital warts. Condoms do offer protection against HPV, but the only certain way to prevent it -- and other sexually transmitted infections - is to abstain entirely from sexual relations. While engaging in safe sex is important to a man’s overall sexual health, there are other steps a man can take to keep the penis healthy. Daily use of a penis health formula (most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) can help improve the appearance and health of a man’s penis. Selecting a penis health formula that contains vitamins and minerals can help moisturize the skin of the penis, fight odors, prevent disease, and eliminate harmful bacteria in the area.

    Penis Pain after Sex - Is it Normal?

    Sex is more than mere pushing, pulling and groaning. Often, it's an emotional experience that can bring two people together in ways they never imagined. When both parties are satisfied, they may want to keep touching one another, keeping their bodies in close contact. Unfortunately, some men develop such intense penis pain symptoms after orgasm that the lightest touch brings them pain. These men may feel as though there's something amiss that only intense penis care can cure. Others may feel as though something is wrong because they DON’T feel intense sensation following release. In reality, both of these groups of men may just need to know a little more about penis anatomy.

    Intense Circuitry
    The penis is lined with a network of nerve fibers that transmit signals of both pleasure and pain from the groin to the brain. These little cells work best when they're pushed to the surface by a deep pool of blood. They have the nourishment to function properly, and they're positioned to receive the maximum amount of information. During an erection, these cells are firing at an incredibly rapid rate, and they hit overdrive when a man is about to reach the peak of pleasure. When that moment passes, however, the blood begins to slide into the other parts of a man's body. This transition takes time, however, and those little nerve cells may still be working quickly as the blood fades away.

    Some men experience intense sensations for minutes, and when their erections are gone, the sensitivity is gone as well. Other men have leftover sensitivity for much longer periods of time, with some men feeling the change for as long as 15 minutes. There are some men, however, who don't experience this issue at all, and who remain ready to plunge back into action almost immediately.

    Body Acceptance
    It's easy to believe that all men should be the same and should feel the same things, and that men who don't respond in ways their mates find familiar have something wrong with them. In general, this isn't a healthy way to view the human body. Each man has his own circuitry and his own way of behaving, and as long as his body's responses don't change dramatically from one day to the next, there's no real cause for concern. Some men might be able to jump back in. Others might not. Being kind and accepting of the way the body works might mean a man enjoys sex a little more, instead of comparing his body to the bodies of others.

    That being said, there are some things men can do to deal with post-sex penis pain. Men like this might:
    1. Focus on touching their partners, rather than being touched
    2. Use their words to express feelings of closeness after sex, rather than using their bodies
    3. Strip sheets and blankets from the bed before sex, to avoid post-sex contact with these materials
    4. Discuss the issue with sex partners in advance, to avoid any awkwardness
    Men who don't experience enhanced feelings after sex may not ever be able to capture those intense feelings, and they might not even want to do so if they could. But there are some things these men can do in order to make their penile tissues just a little more responsive. Using gentle techniques during masturbation, focusing on gentle touch rather than hard tugs, and ensuring that ample lubrication is a part of any sex session might be a good place to start. Using a penis health creme (most experts recommend Man1 Man Oil) might also be helpful. These products contain vitamins that that nourish nerve cells in the penis, and they can help to soften scar tissue, allowing nerve cells to move toward the surface, where they belong. With this kind of attention, a man might enjoy his moment in the sun a little more, even if he doesn't experience intense sensitivity when the moment has passed.

    Tuesday, 16 July 2013

    Five Steps to Take when Penis Pain Strikes

    "Walk it off, soldier!" That's the phrase most men hear rolling through their heads when they develop a sore penis. In a way, it's understandable. Soreness like this is often caused by a man's inattentiveness or his negligence, and discussing the circumstances that surround an intimate injury can be incredibly embarrassing. Staying silent might mean saving face. However, there are some cases of discomfort that can result in long-lasting damage without the proper amount of penis care, meaning that silence could lead to medical problems down the line. That's why taking action is so very important, as men who do something may be men who heal. These are 5 great steps any man can take when penis pain strikes.

    Apply Ice.
    A blow to the lap could cause broken blood vessels, and a deep purple bruise may quickly begin to spread beneath the skin. Applying ice to those injuries within the first few moments of pain could keep the area from swelling and the pain from increasing. It's important to put a piece of cloth between the ice and the skin, however, as applying ice directly to the penis can lead to secondary injuries, including frostbite.

    Visit a Doctor.
    Traumatic injuries may begin to resolve with the help of ice, but men should still plan on visiting their doctors. Some lacerations need stitches, while others might require surgical corrections. Still others might need close monitoring, along with medications that could reduce clot formation. This is the kind of work that's best performed by a medical team in a sterile environment, and these interventions are best begun in the hours that follow an injury. Heading to the doctor right away could save a man both time and discomfort later on.

    Try an Over-the-Counter Painkiller.
    Once the medical exam is through, men may be sent home to nurse their wounds in private. Sometimes, the penis pain comes along with them, and the throbbing and pulsing can be intensely distracting. A mild, over-the-counter painkiller could provide intense relief here, as these medications can reduce swelling and numb the portions of the brain that respond to pain signals. As long as a doctor approves, a painkiller could be of great help to men on the mend.

    Rest Up.
    With ice, medical treatments and painkillers, men can feel well enough to engage in all sorts of activities, including:
    • Riding a bike
    • Wearing tight clothing
    • Having sex with a partner
    • Masturbating
    Unfortunately, these are the same types of activities that can lead to further damage and more intense pain. In general, it's best to view the weeks that follow an injury as a time of rest and relaxation, where the lap is treated gingerly and delicately. No intense sex sessions, robust play or other activities should go on during this time. A doctor can provide specifics on how long convalescence should last, but in general, men should expect to take it slow as they heal and leave the acrobatics to the healthy.

    Take Care .
    Men who have been injured may feel fine in no time at all, but they may have damage below the surface that still needs to be addressed. Healing from a traumatic event can be quite taxing for skin cells, along with the veins, arteries and nerve cells that feed penile tissue. Boosting these tissues with vitamins can help them to return to their normal level of functioning, and a penis health creme could be a vital partner in this task. These products are designed to sink into the tissue without moving through the digestive tract first, and the ingredients are chosen specifically for the needs of intimate skin. Men who use these products (most experts recommend Man1 Man Oil) may be restored to robust cellular health, able to function beautifully regardless of their previous injury.

    Bent Penis Woes - Coping with the Aftermath of Peyronie's Disease

    Peyronie's Disease, a severe bending or curvature of the penis, can be a devastating condition. Men who suffer from this disorder may experience painful erections, loss of erectile function, and inability to engage in intercourse. In some cases, shortening of the penis may also occur - an issue that no man, no matter how well-endowed originally, wants to face.

    A number of options have been developed for dealing with these symptoms, running the gamut from taking a "Wait-and-see" approach to determine whether the symptoms progress; to at-home penis care with vitamins A and E; to surgically removing the scar tissue that is responsible for the condition. Surgery is usually the last resort, as it comes with some unwanted side effects. These may include erectile dysfunction, loss of penis sensation, and recurrence of the problem.

    Men who are experiencing these problems may want to turn to their healthcare provider for assistance; however, there are also some steps that can be taken at home that may be successful in alleviating these, or at least preventing the symptoms from getting worse.

    Dealing with sexual dysfunction. Men who have suffered from Peyronie's Disease are encouraged by specialists to continue having sex, as there is no indication that intercourse can cause the condition to return or worsen. The one caveat here is that men should exercise a degree of caution, avoiding overly-acrobatic bedroom maneuvers or positions that can potentially lead to injuries such as ruptured erectile tissue.
    Men who do experience erectile problems and are unable to engage in intercourse successfully have some options for treatment. These may include relaxation techniques, the help of a sympathetic partner, exercise, nutritional supplements, and in some cases, prescription medications. Use of medications, not to mention prosthetic devices that some men may attempt to try, should only be carried out under the advice and supervision of a qualified health care professional.

    Less sensitivity
    Surgery for Peyronie’s disease can damage the nerve tissue that serves the penis, making it more difficult for men to experience pleasure from tactile stimulation. However, this does not mean that a man can no longer enjoy sexual activity. Retraining these nerves through varying forms of stimulation, learning to use visualization techniques, and promoting the regrowth of nerve tissue through supplementation and healthy lifestyle habits may help to restore lost sensation.

    Recurrence of Symptoms
    As previously mentioned, there is always the chance that further curvature may develop. In order to prevent this from taking place, it is important to exercise caution in terms of preventing injury. Keeping the penis well-moisturized, using a lubricant for all activity, and adding a vitamin cream containing vitamins E and A may help to prevent the development of scar tissue around the erectile chambers - this scarring is the source of the bending during erections that characterizes Peyronie's disease.

    Use of a Penis Vitamin Cream
    A penis health formula (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) containing penis-specific vitamins and other nutrients, as well as natural moisturizers, can help to prevent problems that may detract from a man’s enjoyment of sex, not to mention his quality of life. A variety of nutrients that can be applied directly to the penis on a daily basis have been shown to benefit the penile skin, nerve and connective tissue, working to prevent injury and healing damaged cells while promoting healthy circulation. Adding a penis cream to the daily penis care regimen can help to keep the penis feeling - as well as looking - healthy, youthful and attractive, at the same time protecting it from disease and injury.

    Monday, 15 July 2013

    Masturbation Woes - Is there too much of a good thing?

    When it comes to masturbation, there are many myths surrounding the "dangers" of too much masturbation. From the absurd and weird such as -- Will it cause hairy palms? - to the legitimate fears and concerns - Can it cause penis pain? …masturbation has long been a hot (and sometimes taboo) topic. Learn the medical truth behind 4 common masturbation questions and a few tips for keeping the penis healthy - no matter how frequently one masturbates.

    Is too much masturbation bad for a man?
    Many a man has questioned the pitfalls of a strong masturbatory urge. Will it cause blindness? Is it bad for the penis? Luckily, the answer to both questions is a resounding, "no." There is no medical indication to support the myth that masturbation causes blindness or is bad for the physical health of a man.

    Can too much masturbation lead to infertility?
    Some men fear that too frequent ejaculation will cause their sperm to "dry up," but that simply is not true. Unlike a women’s fertility - in which a finite number of eggs are available over the lifetime of a woman - men have no cap on the number of sperm they produce. In fact, the news often portrays stories of men fathering children into their 70’s or beyond! Men who run into fertility issues do so as a result of other health issues or the gradual decline of aging. Masturbation does not cause infertility.

    Can masturbation cause pain?
    In some cases, it is possible to have too much of a good thing. Rough or aggressive masturbation has been known to cause skin irritation and even penile tenderness. This likely occurs from excessive friction, or too little lubrication during the deed. Typically, the side effect is simply a little irritation that resolves on its own in a day or two. Likewise, a woody is likely to be sore if it has been used more frequently than is typical, but that tenderness too should pass.

    What if it hurts to ejaculate?
    As a general rule, it should not be uncomfortable or painful to ejaculate during masturbation - or sex for that matter. Though many men are tempted to blow it off, persistent pain on ejaculation is definitely cause for a trip to the doctor. Some possible conditions that cause pain on ejaculation include: prostatitis, orchitis, epididymitis, or even prostate cancer. A doctor will be able to help diagnose the symptoms and get a man’s pipes back in working order in no time.

    Caring for the Manhood
    When it comes to taking care of the penis, it is always best to be proactive, rather than wait for something to go wrong. Always seek medical care for persistent or sudden onset pain that does not seem to be getting better. When it is time for some self-love, reach for a good lubricant to prevent chafing of the delicate skin of the penis. The same rules apply when getting down and dirty with a partner, and extra lubrication may be needed to compensate for the condom, which of course, should always be worn for protection.

    Finally, to maintain and improve the health and appearance of the penis skin, use a penis vitamin formula daily (most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil). Generously applying the soothing lotion will help moisturize the skin while delivering a vitamin and nutrient rich formula directly on the penis skin. Additionally, because it is topically applied, it is quickly absorbed for maximum effectiveness. Selecting a formula made with rich Shea butter and vitamin E will especially work wonders on dry, cracked skin that has been irritated from frequent masturbation, harsh soaps, or aggressive sex.

    Penis Acne - What’s Normal and What’s Not

    Acne is commonly thought of as a condition that appears primarily on one’s face, and for most people, that is bad enough. Unfortunately, some individuals are afflicted with acne and pimples that exceed the boundaries of the face and appear on the neck, chest and back. In some cases, pimples can even appear down there. There are few problems more annoying and unpleasant than a penis pimple. Penis pimples are often painful and difficult to get rid of on account of the extra-sensitive skin not being a good candidate for strong skin cleansers. Though the stray pimple may not be entirely avoidable for all men, engaging in a daily penis care routine can drastically cut down on the occurrence while keeping the penis healthy.

    Is it still a pimple when it is down there?
    For a man who has not had the pleasure - or pain rather - of experiencing a penis pimple, it can be quite a surprising turn of events. Imagine it, a mysterious bump shows up on an area that one prefers to be bump free. Men may be concerned it is a symptom of genital warts, herpes or other sexually transmitted disease - or, the worst-case scenario - a cancerous nodule. While these more concerning conditions occasionally share similar properties, it is possible the pimple is merely a pimple.

    What does a penis pimple look like?
    A pimple that appears on the pecker looks like the big brother of the variety on one’s face. Typically a little larger in size, the pimple may appear as a reddish lump or a bump with a white head on it. A penis pimple may have a slight discharge if it is popped, but just like the variety that shows up on the face, they should not purposely be popped or picked at. Picking at a pimple - wherever it shows up on the body - can push bacteria and other germs into the sore, causing it to become infected and lengthening the healing time. The best course of action is to gently wash it with soap and water, and apply a warm compress to speed circulation to the area if it is painful. A pimple on the penis is likely caused by a plugged pore, or it can develop around an ingrown hair.

    How is it different from other bumps?
    A penis pimple should look familiar, and much like a typical face pimple. Other sources of infection may discharge blood or ooze for a long period and appear more like an open sore on the genital region. Warts or other bumps may appear flesh colored, rather than red in appearance and may be softer to the touch, while a pimple often has a hard, painful center to it. If an unusual looking lump or bump appears shortly after engaging in sex with a new partner - particularly if it was unprotected - there may be slightly more cause for concern, though the timing may just be coincidental. A penis pimple is likely to clear up on its own in a few days’ time, while other sores will linger and likely need antibiotics to treat them. However, one can never be too careful, if the bump seems a little too suspicious, is persistently painful, bleeds and oozes excessively, or just plain doesn’t look or feel right - it is always a good idea to head to the doctor for a professional opinion.

    Preventing penis pimples
    Men who tend to have oily skin by nature, are more prone to developing penis pimples. Maintaining good hygiene and showering immediately after a sweaty workout can help keep the area free from sweat and oil - both of which increase the chance of developing penis pimples. After each shower, be sure to apply a penis vitamin formula directly on the penis. Select one containing the anti-bacterial ingredient vitamin A (most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) to further reduce the chance of penis pimples and other bumps. Simply adding a penis cream not only fights pimples, but helps keep the penis skin silky smooth and healthy.