Thursday, 25 July 2013

Reduced Penis Sensitivity - Why the Pleasure May not be Gone for Good

When sexual stimulation, whether performed solo or with a partner, does not feel as powerful and pleasurable as it should, this could be linked to a decrease in penis sensitivity. Here are some reasons for a lack of penis sensitivity, as well as tips on how to regain it. As an added benefit to following these suggestions, men may find that their overall penis health and performance improves substantially.

What Causes the Penis to Become Less Sensitive?

There are various factors associated with loss of penis sensation:

1. Injury to the Penis

Injury or trauma to the penis can harm its delicate skin, as well as the underlying nerve endings and circulatory tissue. A common cause of injury to the skin, as well as the nerves, is dry friction related to aggressive manual stimulation or intimate relations. Over time, this rough treatment can lead to bruising, as well as sore, tender skin that may develop a callused outer layer as a protective response. An easy way to deal with this issue is to use a lubricant and to allow time between sessions for the skin to recuperate.

Other types of penis injury, such as blunt force trauma, can cause additional problems and should be treated by a qualified health care professional, especially if the injury is accompanied by severe pain, bruising, bleeding, or an erection that will not dissipate. Following treatment of an injury like this, use of topical vitamin E is suggested, as it may help to limit the formation of scar tissue that can lead to painful bending and curving during erections.
2. Certain Medications

Some medications can hamper an individual's desire for intimacy, not to mention the ability to enjoy it. Some of these include prescription medications administered for depression, anxiety or heart disease. The lack of sensation could include inability to climax or a decrease in pleasure during relations. This can be treated by consulting with a physician who can recommend an alternative medication. Men should never stop taking a prescription medication except under the advice and supervision of a qualified health care professional.

3. Dry Skin

The skin of the penis is very sensitive, but when it becomes dry or chafed, pleasurable sensations can be dulled. Excessive self-stimulation can lead to the penile skin developing a callused outer layer, which may diminish pleasure. This can be easily fixed by taking a break from rough or aggressive play and experimenting with more subtle forms of stimulation. Keeping the skin youthful and soft, and inhibiting the formation of keratinized tissue, can help to bring back pleasant sensations in the penis as well. A moisturizing cream with natural vitamins and emollients is a good way to keep the skin supple and soft.

Penis Health Creams and Sensitivity

A high-quality penis health cream containing natural emollients, as well as important sensation-boosting nutrients, can help to prevent loss of sensation and even restore diminished sensitivity in some men. Ingredients such as Acetyl L Carnitine can protect against nerve damage, while Vitamin E and Shea Butter are both important ingredients for hydrating the skin of the penis. By maintaining adequate moisture in the skin, men can avoid issues such as keratinization of the outer dermal layer, a process which can lead to loss of penis sensitivity.

Regular use of a penis vitamin cream (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) containing these nutrients, as well as other ingredients that benefit the skin and underlying tissue, may help to promote overall penis health, as well as encouraging the growth of healthy, supple and responsive skin. A cream like this should be applied daily, after a shower, to promote maximum absorption and ensure that the target area receives the full benefit.

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