Monday, 29 July 2013

Penis Protection for Everyday Health - Guarding the Package against Common Problems

From the time a boy reaches the age of 10 or so, he has already learned that the equipment is very sensitive, and he is likely to be very protective when it comes to things like sports, bicycle seats, and misplaced blows with a knee or an elbow. On the other hand, there are plenty of other issues that can affect penis health and well-being, and penis protection means more than just doubling over when a ball comes flying in the wrong direction.

Some of the important steps a man can take to safeguard his penis health are discussed here.

Protect against chafing and dry skin
Although it is generally tucked away in a man’s trousers, the penis is still subject to extremes in weather like heat and cold. On top of this, rubbing against clothing and the friction caused by self-pleasure and sex can take a toll on the outer layers of skin. This can lead to soreness, irritation, and dry, unhealthy-looking skin. Over time, this rough treatment can cause thick layers of keratinzed tissues to form, blocking penis sensation and reducing pleasurable feelings.

To counter this, men can protect the penile skin with plant-based moisturizers that prevent dehydration, as well as nutrients such as vitamin A - for repairing distressed tissue; vitamin C - for growing healthy, new skin; and vitamin E, for soothing and boosting hydration.

Protect against infection
Because it spends its time in a warm, dark, humid environment, the penis can become a haven for bacteria and other micro-organisms that can flourish into unpleasant infections, or at the very least, cause an unpleasant smell. Maintaining the surface integrity of the skin is essential in blocking infections, so moisturizing is highly recommend to prevent tiny tears and cracks. In addition, nutrients like vitamin A can help fight off odor-causing bacteria, while the ever-popular vitamin C may boost the body’s disease-fighting properties.

Protect against allergies and adverse skin reactions
Allergic or sensitive skin reactions of the penis are common, and men who are prone to allergies may be affected in this area, as well. When a reaction occurs, it is important to wash the area carefully, to seek medical attention for severe problems like anaphylactic reactions, and to follow a doctor’s recommendations for treatment.

Protecting against known allergens and irritants can help men avoid a world of hurt, so it is a good idea to avoid these substances as much as possible. Common irritants include latex, as well as the chemicals and alcohol that are often found in cleansers and fragrances. Men should work with an allergist to identify the materials that cause allergic responses.

Protect against communicable diseases
This might seem like a no-brainer to most men; but using protection for every encounter is a must in guarding against nasty - and potentially life-altering - diseases. This means not just relying on a partner’s say-so - men should be tested regularly and insist on barrier protection every time they have sex, unless they are in a committed, monogamous relationship.

Protect against injury
To avoid sports-related injuries, men should wear a protective cup whenever they are engaged in any type of contact sport, or one where any sort of airborne object is involved. This care should also extend to the bedroom, where sudden moves in the wrong direction could lead to an unpleasant penile rupture. To avoid these injuries, a lubricant is recommended, and men should exercise a degree of care when it comes to heroics or acrobatics in the bedroom.

Daily care for a healthy, responsive penis
In addition to the steps that men should take to protect against specific problems, there are certain rules to be followed that can help to improve penis health on an ongoing basis. Exercising good hygiene is important, of course, and men should be sure to eat right, get plenty of exercise, and drink sufficient amounts of water to keep the body functioning properly on a cellular level.

In order to support the body’s natural protective properties, the right nutrition is required. Treating the area every day with a quality penis health formula (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) is one good way to make sure that the equipment gets the essentials when it comes to penis health. A formula that is enriched with vitamins, antioxidants, and natural emollients can give the penis a one-up when it comes to recovering from injury, fighting off environmental invaders, and maintaining performance in the bedroom.

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