Thursday, 31 October 2013

Sexual Role Play and Bedroom Games- Enjoy some Fall Fun with Hot Games for Cool Weather

As the weather turns colder, couples begin to look indoors for their entertainment options, and what better way to spend a chilly evening than in the arms of a willing partner? For couples who are just getting to know each other and looking for ways to explore their new intimacy, as well as for more seasoned pairs who want to spice things up a little in the bedroom, these fall-themed ideas can create a new sense of excitement and enjoyment for the cooler months. A little attention to grooming and penis care can’t hurt in this respect, either.

Here are a few suggestions to get things going:

Dress it Up - Halloween is here, and with it the urge to be a little naughty, or maybe to take on some role-playing action. Couples can use the holiday as an excuse (if one is necessary) to explore some secret fantasies. Both partners should agree on the idea beforehand, so that everyone is comfortable with the proceedings. Once they have settled on a plan for the evening’s entertainment, they can either decide together how they want the play to unfold and choose their costumes accordingly, or they can agree to surprise each other and plan their disguises in secret. Better yet, it can be fun to have a supply of different costumes on hand so that they can mix it up or pick and choose as the play evolves.

Tricks and Treats - A little sweetness can add a lot to the sensual pleasures of a romantic evening, and couples can have a lot of fun incorporating fall treats into the action. Popping a candy in the mouth and then taking turns sucking on various body parts can be amusing, as can coating each other with chocolate, whipped cream or honey and then licking each other clean.

Fireside Adventure - For the more romantically-minded, an evening in front of the fireplace can be an incredibly sensual experience. A crackling fire, a pile of soft cushions and blankets (which can double as structural elements for experimenting with different positions) and a bottle of champagne on ice can set the tone for a long, leisurely evening of exploration. When the festivities are over, cuddling up together under warm blankets can be an amazing way to end the evening.

Where Should I…? For those who are feeling more frisky and playful, the following bedroom game can be good fun:

1. Write the names of various body parts on slips of paper and place them in a basket or jar.
2. Take turns with a partner, and reach for a slip of paper. Then roll a die, and read what is written on the paper.
3. The body part that is written on the paper should be "treated" by the partner whose turn it is for the number of minutes shown on the die (an alternative would be to use a small hourglass and treat the part in question until the sand runs out).

Getting the package party-ready
No matter how a couple decides to spend a cozy fall evening, making sure all of the body parts in question are ready for action is essential to the enjoyment of everyone involved. For men and women alike, this means cleaning up, and maybe a trim to make sure everything is neat, sleek and well-groomed.

Men can take their preparations one step further by adding a penis vitamin cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) to the mix. A quality cream that is enriched with vital nutrients, natural emollients and hydrating agents can leave the penis looking attractive and feeling supple, ready for anything that might happen during the fun and games.

Delayed Orgasm - Causes, Risk Factors and Solutions

Delayed orgasm, or delayed ejaculation, occurs when a man is unable to ejaculate after 30 minutes or more of sexual stimulation or is unable to reach orgasm at all. While less common than premature ejaculation, this problem affects a large number of individuals. Men of all ages can experience delayed orgasm, either on an occasional basis or as a lifelong issue. Fortunately, there are solutions that can help men to overcome this issue and improve the overall state of their sexual health.

What causes delayed orgasm?
Difficulty reaching orgasm can be related to a number of factors, ranging from physiological conditions to mental health issues to medications. The most prominent causes of delayed emission include the following:

1. Congenital defects related to the male reproductive system;
2. Injury to the pelvic or spinal nerves;
3. Infections, include prostate and urethral infection;
4. Prostate surgery or prostate removal;
5. Systemic disease such as diabetes or multiple sclerosis;
6. Hormone issues such as low thyroid hormone (hypothyroidism) or low testosterone;
7. Stress, anxiety and/or depression;
8. Cultural or religious factors that cause feelings of intense guilt related to sex;
9. Relationship issues;
10. Lack of attraction to a partner;
11. Antidepressant medications;
12. Some antipsychotic medications;
13. Blood pressure medications;
14. Diuretic medications;
15. Alcohol, especially excessive drinking and alcoholism.

Some risk factors…
Men with certain conditions may be at greater risk for impaired orgasm. These may include:
  • Pelvic or spinal injury;
  • Psychological conditions;
  • Tension in a relationship;
  • Use of certain medications;
  • Use of alcohol or certain recreational substances.
Solutions for impaired ejaculation
Addressing delayed orgasm is dependent on the underlying cause, so consulting with a specialist is generally necessary. A full physical exam may be conducted, and men who are experiencing delayed orgasm should be sure to tell their doctor about any other symptoms, as well, even if they seem unrelated. A doctor will also ask questions about a man’s psychological and emotional health, including issues like work-related stress, the possibility of mood disorders such as depression and anxiety, and relationship problems.

Once a possible cause or causes have been identified, a number of treatment options may be suggested, including:
  • Medications - while there are no specific medications used to treat delayed orgasm directly, certain antianxiety medications, or medications which counter the ejaculatory inhibiting effects of antidepressants.
  • Psychological counseling, either on an individual basis or with a partner, to address issues such as mood disorders or relationship problems.
  • Treatment and counseling to address issues with alcohol and other substance abuse.
Caring for the penis for better sexual health
All else aside, a penis that is not up to par is unlikely to provide a thoroughly sensual experience, so attention to penis health is requisite for men who are looking to up their game in terms of reaching orgasm. A healthy penis is one that has an ample supply of blood, healthy nerve and circulatory tissue, and supple, well-moisturized skin. To achieve this level of good health, men should maintain a healthy diet, get plenty of heart-healthy exercise, and avoid all use of tobacco products, especially smoking. Use of alcohol should be limited - no more than 2 drinks per day are recommended.

For those individuals whose penile sensitivity is not up to par, a vitamin-packed penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) that is enriched with natural emollients and moisturizers can be highly beneficial in restoring sensation lost due to rough handling, dry skin and even, in some cases, diabetic neuropathy. Applied to the skin after a shower or warm bath, a quality penis cream can provide vital support for man’s most valued possession.

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Cure Jock Itch in 5 Easy Steps and Say Goodbye to Penis Rash

In spite of its name, jock itch - the common term for the tinea cruris infection - does not only affect men who are involved in sports or other athletic activities. While it gets its name because it tends to affect men who sweat a lot (presumably due to some sort of vigorous physical activity), any man can develop symptoms. Tinea cruris is a fungal infection that crops up in warm, moist areas of the skin. It presents as an itchy, scaly, spreading rash in the groin area that can cause severe itching, and it can be notoriously stubborn. In order to clear up a case of jock itch, a man should follow the steps outlined below. While jock itch is much more likely to affect the groin than the penis itself, the penile skin may also develop fungal infections, so paying attention penis health as a general rule is also recommended.

Step 1. Keep it clean. Sweat during exercise is healthy; sweat left to dry on the body afterward is not, and it can attract all sorts of microbes that enjoy snacking on bodily fluids. Dirt and grime can also carry fungal spores, so a daily shower, especially after a trip to the gym, is needed to help prevent infection.

Step 2. Keep it dry. Even freshly-washed skin can be an inviting home for fungal spores if it is left damp; putting on clothing over moist skin can create an ideal environment for jock itch. Because of this, it’s important to pat the skin dry after bathing, as well as to change into dry clothes after a sweaty workout.

Step 3. Medicate. When jock itch does occur, it tends to spread - and spread - and spread. It may eventually work its way out of the system, but no one wants to wait out such an itchy condition. An over-the-counter cream sold specifically for treating tinea cruris should do the trick, but men with a more stubborn rash may need a little extra help in the form of a prescription medication.

Step 4. Moisturize. While it is important not to leave the skin damp, it is also a bad idea to let it get dry; when this occurs, tiny fissures can develop in the skin’s surface, providing an entry point for environmental nasties. Using a quality moisturizer can help to eliminate this problem.

Step 5. Wash before wearing. Damp towels, sweaty shorts and soiled clothing are all potential havens for jock itch spores. Instead of reusing these items, wear clean clothes, and throw soiled items in the washer.

Avoiding future occurrences of tinea cruris infection.
Once a jock itch infection has been cleared up, men are generally eager to prevent it from ever happening again in order to avoid the itchy penis and groin, discomfort and social embarrassment that comes along with this irritating condition. In order to avoid re-infection, it is first of all critical to complete any recommended treatment, whether an individual is using a non-prescription cream or powder or relying on a doctor’s care. Stopping the treatment before the recommended time period has elapsed, even if the rash is gone, can not only permit the infection to reestablish itself, but it can make it much more difficult to treat the next time around.

In addition, men can reduce their risk of re-infection by avoiding the sharing of personal items, including clothing, towels, and even razors. The fungal spores thrive in damp clothing or towels, and they can also be harbored in the blades of a razor; and using another individual’s personal hygiene items is asking for trouble.

On top of these measures, applying a penis health formula (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) is a good choice for guarding against a wide range of problems, including minor skin infections. Moisturizing agents and natural anti-bacterials found in a quality nutrient cream like this can help to maintain the surface integrity of the skin and fend off external invaders.

Penis Health and Vitamin D - Why a D Deficiency is Bad for the Penis

Most of us try to maintain a healthy diet, get enough sleep, and take in enough vitamins and minerals - even if it means popping a multivitamin to make up for the greasy burger and fries a couple times a week. However, sometimes the body just doesn’t get the nutrition it needs and can become vitamin deficient in one area or another, which may lead to potentially serious consequences. Vitamin D is one such vitamin that nobody can afford to fall short on, which is a bummer for those individuals who miss out on food sources of vitamin D due to milk allergies or have an aversion to the sun. Learn why a vitamin D deficiency puts one’s health - including sexual health - at risk and how to maintain the healthy penis and body for the long haul.

Why is vitamin D important?
Any one who has ever seen a milk commercial knows that vitamin D is most famous for creating strong bones and healthy teeth. Studies have also shown that vitamin D may be beneficial for the following health reasons: improving weight loss, staving off respiratory infections, reducing risk of rheumatoid arthritis, reducing bone loss, reducing risk of multiple sclerosis, preventing cancer, treating osteoporosis, keeping the skin healthy, preventing premature aging and wrinkling, supporting cardiovascular health, keeping a man’s sperm count steady, supporting penis health and reducing incidence of erectile dysfunction. These are just some of the many health benefits of vitamin D, with new research underway to help us further understand this powerful vitamin.

What is a vitamin D deficiency?
Simply put, a vitamin D deficiency occurs when an individual’s body does not have enough vitamin D in it. Pretty easy to see the correlation on that one! Vitamin D comes from food sources such as dairy products, fish, eggs, and fortified grain products, but the body also produces vitamin D in response to sunshine. When an individual does not take in enough or produce enough vitamin D, health issues can arise.

What are the health side effects?
Perhaps the most well known symptom of vitamin D deficiency is rickets - which is a painful disease characterized by skeletal deformities, bone disease, and slow growth. Rickets is relatively rare in the United States, as it is associated with severe malnutrition, but it occurs in other parts of the world. Other potential side effects of a D deficiency that are liable to pop up in an otherwise healthy individual include the following:

  • Increased risk of cardiovascular disease - including death from the condition
  • Severe asthma symptoms - particularly in young children
  • Increased risk of cancer
  • Cognitive impairment in the elderly
  • Possible erectile dysfunction - in part due to circulation issues caused by poor cardiovascular health
How to stock up on vitamin D
Skipping milk for a week is not going to cause a vitamin D deficiency, it occurs over time, from a consistently low amount of vitamin D in the system. In order to avoid it, one can stock up on food sources such as cheese, milk, fish, egg yolks, and liver. Being sure to get sunshine whenever possible will help keep the body’s natural production up -- try to soak up a little sun before slathering sunscreen on, as sunscreen slows down the body’s production of D. It is also important to note that individuals who have darker skin are at more of a risk of deficiency because the pigment melanin inhibits the body’s production of the vitamin; therefore, they may need to rely on other methods of stocking up on D. Vitamin D supplements can also help, especially if a special diet or the time of year inhibits one from getting enough vitamin D. In terms of sexual health, a man can keep his penis healthy and stock up on D by using a penis vitamin cream every day (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil). A health cream delivers a daily dose of vitamin D right on the manhood so it can be absorbed easily which is important as Vitamin D may help keep a man’s swimmers at the ready, while supporting penis health - if that isn’t reason to believe in the power of D, nothing is!

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Male Shy Bladder Syndrome - Parauresis Treatments and Coping Strategies

What is shy bladder syndrome?
Shy bladder syndrome, or parauresis, simply refers to the inability - or reduced ability - to urinate in public, in the company of others. In milder cases, a man might have trouble using a public urinal in a busy venue - such as a sports arena - while in more severe cases, men might be so limited that social events and even long plane rides are out of the question. Clearly, this issue can severely impair a man’s ability to participate in regular activities - imagine trying to get through a long day at work without the ability to void the bladder. Dealing with this problem can lead to some significant consequences for a man’s emotional health, relationships, and even his penis health. One thing that men who are affected should know is that they are not alone - an estimated 7 percent of the population experiences this problem, putting the number of individuals with parauresis in the tens of millions.

What causes parauresis?
It is important to emphasize that parauresis does not refer to a physiological condition, such as a blockage in the urethra - a problem that requires direct medical intervention. Instead, shy bladder - also referred to as bashful bladder - is a type of social anxiety, or a phobic pattern behavior. It can be difficult to pinpoint a specific cause for this problem, but it is generally believed that a traumatic event may be an initial trigger - for instance, shaming by a parent or sibling during toilet training. After the first occurrence of being unable to urinate with other people present, a pattern of expectation and anxiety can develop, until a man is truly completely unable to empty his bladder in a public place.

Tricks for men who suffer from shy bladder
For men who are not severely affected, learning some relaxation techniques and engaging in these in the bathroom can be effective. Or, instead of stepping up to the line of urinals in a public restroom, a man can duck into a stall and lock the door. For men who have a great deal of anxiety, though, more aggressive treatment may be needed.

Treatment options
Men who are dealing with shy bladder should make a trip to their urologist the first step to resolving the problem. A urologist can determine whether the problem is, indeed, psychological, or whether there is actually a blockage at the root of the issue. Once it has been established that parauresis is to blame, the urologist can offer a range of options for treatment. These can include self-catheterization - which provides nearly instantaneous relief, although it is not a cure for the underlying problem. Other possibilities include hypnotherapy, talk therapy, and other forms of psychological treatment. In particular, it appears that cognitive-behavioral therapy is effective in 80 to 90 percent of cases, allowing men to address the issues involved in the problem and to eliminate their phobia concerning public urination.

Maintaining penis health
For men who are suffering from parauresis, maintaining penis health is an especially important issue - particularly for those who rely on self-catheterization. Because this process can irritate the penis and increase the risk for infection, it is important to keep the area clean, as well as to wash the hands thoroughly before and after catheterization. A vitamin A-enriched penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) may also assist in this respect. While a creme like this should not be used on open sores or inserted into the urethra, and it is not meant as a cure for any disease, it can provide soothing and antibacterial properties that leave the penis feeling healthy and invigorated.

Erectile Dysfunction Solutions - An Overview of the Treatment Options

Impotence, or erectile dysfunction, can be a devastating issue, affecting a man’s emotional health, his relationships, and his overall quality of life. Men who are experiencing the symptoms of ED are understandably frightened about what the future holds for them, but fortunately, there are a wide range of treatment options and lifestyle changes that can help. Understanding the options that are available and how appropriate penis care is the first step for men who are dealing with impotence.

First of all, what is erectile dysfunction?
Erectile dysfunction is the term used to describe the inability to get an erection or to maintain it long enough to complete the act of intercourse over a period of time. It is important to keep in mind that every man will experience the occasional bedroom flop, sometimes for several nights in a row. But this can be caused by issues like fatigue, a sickness, or a bad day at work. Erectile dysfunction is only diagnosed when it becomes an ongoing problem - usually for a period of more than two weeks.

What causes it?
Getting an erection is a highly complex physiological process that involves the central nervous system (including the brain), the smooth muscle tissue of the penis, the circulatory system, and the emotions. Because so many elements are involved, pinpointing an exact cause can be difficult. However, underlying health issues such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes or obesity are often at the heart of the problem. Stress and other emotional health issues, including partner conflict, can also figure into the problem, and certain medications may also inhibit erectile function. Men who are struggling with ED are strongly urged to see their doctor for a full workup in order to determine the underlying cause and decide on a treatment plan.

Prescription medications for ED
Most men are familiar with the prescription options for treating ED. There are several popular medications, but all of these work on the same general principle. These substances were originally tested for treating high blood pressure, and it turned out that their vasodilating properties - or ability to relax and open the blood vessels - helped to trigger erections in male research subjects. These medications are available by prescription and are taken orally or injected directly into the penis.

Because they come with a host of side effects, men should only take these under the strict supervision of a doctor and should let their health care practitioner know about any other medications they are taking. It is worth mentioning here that, although these medications can be purchased online without a prescription from a variety of sources, there are no guarantees that they actually contain the appropriate ingredients, and again, it can be highly dangerous to use these substances without a doctor’s advice.

Non-prescription medical options
Other medical interventions for ED involve both temporary solutions, such as vacuum pumps, or more permanent means of addressing the problem, such as penile implants. In both cases, risk of injury and prolonged or permanent ED are important considerations.

Alternative treatments
Many practitioners offer suggestions for alternative treatments; these often include healthy lifestyle changes like losing weight, controlling blood sugar, and quitting smoking. In many instances, these measures are all that is needed. Herbal treatments such as ginseng are often used, as well as acupuncture (for the braver men who are willing to allow a needle to be inserted near their most delicate tool).

Nutritional solutions such as L-arginine have also shown promise; this amino acid works as a natural vasodilator that can help to stimulate erections. In fact, a penis nutrient creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) containing L-arginine, as well as other nutrients that are needed to support healthy nerve and circulatory tissue, is an excellent way for men to ensure that the penis is receiving the nourishment it needs to function at its prime.

Monday, 28 October 2013

Marijuana Use and Sexual Health - How Lighting Up Keeps a Man Down

In recent years, one state has followed another in relaxing its laws concerning marijuana use - and in some cases, even production. Use of weed for medical purposes is also an ongoing topic in the media, with multiple benefits cited ranging from pain relief to anti-seizure properties. With all of the press it receives, there is a tendency to look at the positive aspects of smoking pot, but recent research also points to evidence that it may have a negative effect on men’s sexual health. These effects are discussed here, along with some tips for ongoing penis care that may help to promote healthy penile tissue.

The sexual benefits of marijuana use, according to users…
Anecdotal evidence from users indicates that men who use marijuana before their sexual encounters are able to go longer and experience intense pleasure during the act. As with other mind-altering substances, cannabinoids may also help to reduce inhibitions, making men feel more confident about initiating an encounter. A small number of studies seem to support the idea that marijuana may serve as an erectile aid; however, these studies have not been confirmed, and many of them have been criticized due to flaws in their scientific approach.

The risks and negative sexual health effects…
1. Loss of erectile function - In the January, 2011 issue of the Sexual Health Journal, researcher Rany Shamloul detailed his study concerning the effects of marijuana on the erectile tissue. His work was especially important due to the fact that prior studies concerning ED and marijuana were generally based on anecdotal evidence from the study participants; in other words, the results were based on answers to a survey, rather than on actual physical testing of the subjects. In Shamloul’s study, he found that the molecules in cannabis had an inhibiting effect on the nerve receptors in the penis, essentially switching off their ability to trigger an erection.

2. An additional factor concerning marijuana and sex lies in the fact that the substance has a demotivating, relaxing effect. Men who are high often lack the interest or urge to have sex.

3. Delayed ejaculation and pain during intercourse have also been reported in the research.

4. Finally, as with other recreational substances, including alcohol, marijuana use tends to lead to a suspension of judgment and increased risk-taking behavior, leading users to engage in intimacy with multiple partners, or with people they do not know well, leading to a greater risk of contracting a sexually transmitted disease.

While the research on the issue is not yet conclusive, it is clear that sexual health should be given consideration by men who are contemplating lighting up. Men who experience any of the problems discussed here should see their doctor for advise and treatment.

Penis health care for every man…
Whether men use recreational substances or not, appropriate care of the penis is needed in order to ensure that it can function properly. Good nutrition is the first step; like the rest of the body, the penile tissue requires the right blend of nutrients to reproduce itself, repair itself after damage, and maintain its metabolic functions.

As the body works to deal with the chemicals that are introduced by marijuana smoking, many of these nutrients may be diverted from the penis, reducing its ability to function normally. In addition, smoking any substance tends to have a dehydrating effect, and the loss of moisture can lead to a dry, less responsive penis.

Men can counter these effects by adding a penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) to their daily routine. A creme that is enriched with natural emollients and essential vitamins and antioxidants can add an extra edge to the body’s ability to restore and repair the penile tissue, leaving the penis responsive and ready for action.

Too Much Masturbation - Real Health Risk versus Urban Myth

Over the centuries, male masturbation has gotten a bad rap, with opponents of the practice warning young boys of all the terrible consequences that may occur if they engage in any solo experimentation. Fortunately, the medical community has taken an objective approach to this issue, and multiple studies have been carried out indicating that self-love is actually a normal, healthy, and beneficial behavior, as long as it does not interfere with normal activities or take on the characteristics of a compulsion. A look at some of the alleged effects of too much masturbation are explored here from a medical perspective, along with some helpful advice about penis care before and after the deed.

1. Baldness - It has been a popular notion for many years that self-pleasuring can lead to early hair loss. Because male-pattern baldness is linked to the presence of testosterone in the body, some have managed to make a reasonable-sounding argument to support the idea that frequent emission leads to loss of hair. But the fact is that no scientifically-drive research has revealed a link between masturbation and hair loss; on the other hand, male-pattern baldness has been positively linked to genetics.

2. Blurred vision - Another ongoing myth about masturbation is the idea that it causes blurred vision. This belief has been part of human culture for thousands of years, but again, no empirical research has ever found a positive link between emission and loss of eyesight. A search of the Internet will lead to multiple sites describing the chemical imbalance that may occur after too much masturbation, but these arguments are not supported by any evidence.

3. Impotence - It has also been frequently suggested that boys or men who engage in too much self-love will have nothing left for a partner, especially when it comes to fathering children. But, although a man does need some time to recover after emission - a span of time known as the refractory period - before he can perform again, all evidence actually indicates that masturbating is more likely to reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction, following the use-it-or-lose-it law.

4. Weakness/fatigue - A surprising number of men have been led to believe that frequent emission equals loss of muscular strength and/or feelings of chronic fatigue. However, while a man may feel pleasantly relaxed and sleepy after ejaculating, there is no physiological basis in the notion that fatigue or weakness is a real result of masturbation.

Damage control for the frequent fapper…
Although these alleged effects of masturbation have not been upheld by scientific research, there are some real, proven consequences for those who often take matters into their own hands. Naturally, the act of manual stroking creates a great deal of friction and heat, and over time, this stress can add up to some significant damage to the outer layers of skin. Masturbating can lead to issues like dry, flaky penis skin, redness, soreness, and the appearance of a rash or bruising, Over time, this damage can cause a layer of keratinized dermal cells to form - this is essentially a thickened layer of skin, much like a callus on the hands or feet, that serves as a natural defense against friction. This new layer of toughened skin can dull the sensation that the penis experiences on intimate contact, leading to reduced penile sensitivity.

The good news is that men can prevent these problems from occurring, or soothe them quickly when they do occur, by paying extra attention to caring for the penis. Keeping the skin well-moisturized and providing a rich mix of skin-enhancing vitamins and minerals can help keep the skin soft, smooth and supple. A nutrient-enriched penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) can provide the emollient and nourishing elements that are needed to maintain a healthy penis.

A Healthy Penis is a Happy Penis - High-performance Nutrient Boost for the Manhood

Maintaining a healthy penis is vital for men who want to enjoy all of the pleasure that their prize possession can provide, but surprisingly few men really know what their power tool needs to stay healthy. Adequate penis care is needed to keep the manhood in top form, with all of the following working in harmony to keep the blood flowing and the nerves sending their signals of pleasure to the brain.

1. Healthy Skin - The skin is the body’s first line of defense against environmental hazards. Skin that is healthy works as a natural lubricant during intimate contact. On the other hand, skin that is dry, irritated and stressed is not only uncomfortable, unattractive, and potentially sore during intimate moments; but also allows bacteria and viruses to penetrate more easily, increasing the likelihood that a man will develop infections and other unhealthy skin conditions.

2. Healthy Circulation - Clearly, a steady flow of blood is needed to allow an erection to form; furthermore, adequate circulation is critical for oxygenating and nourishing the penile tissue. Men who have poor circulation may encounter erectile issues, and they may even experience some degree of penile sensation loss.

3. Healthy Nerves ­- The neural tissue that serves the penis is important for two reasons. First, it is needed to trigger the reaction that allows the blood vessels of the penis to dilate and fill the erectile chambers with blood. Second - a matter of great importance - they are responsible for the pleasurable feelings that a man experiences during sexual stimulation - whether alone or with a partner.

4. High Energy - If a man is too tired and drained to feel interested in sex, much less to engage in a vigorous performance, then none of the other elements of good penis health matter as much. While a good night’s sleep might be all that is needed in some cases, there are multiple issues that can make a man feel worn-down and fatigued. A poor diet, not enough exercise, being overweight, or just too much to do at the office can sap a man’s energy and have a negative effect on sexual health. On the other hand, men who take good care of themselves, exercise regularly, and pay attention to good nutrition tend to have a higher sex drive, as well as being able to perform to both their own and their partners’ satisfaction.

What to do:
While keeping the skin clean and fresh is certainly important, men need to go beyond a simple rinse in the shower every day or so to make sure all of these elements are working together. The skin, circulatory tissue and nerves need a specific range of nutrients to fuel healthy cell metabolism and function. A mix of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants is needed to help the body fend off diseases, repair tissue that is damaged as a result of daily wear and tear, and replace old cells as they die off.

Eating a nutritious diet can provide many of these nutrients, as long as a man takes care to eat a variety of healthy foods - fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and heart-friendly, plant-based fats such as olive oil. Drinking plenty of water is also important, as staying well-hydrated is essential to proper cell function.

For men who need a little extra boost in the nutrition department, a high-quality penis nutrient creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) that is powered with penis-specific nutrients is an excellent solution. Applied daily, a creme like this can deliver these nutrients directly to the cells of the manhood where they can go right to work, leaving the penis supple and receptive to stimulation.

Saturday, 26 October 2013

Penis Bumps, Lumps and Lesions - Why the "Wait and See" Approach is Risky

The average male is intimately familiar with the topography of his penis, as this particular tool tends to receive a good deal of attention. While this hyper-vigilance sometimes leads men to panic over minor abrasions - or even perfectly normal variations in skin tone or texture - it is a good idea to pay attention to changes in the skin that might indicate a problem. Penis bumps, lumps, lesions or other marks that appear either suddenly or gradually should not be ignored, as they may be a sign of a disease that requires medical attention. Some common causes of penis bumps are discussed here, as well as some suggestions for penis care and disease prevention.

1. Fordyce spots - A large percentage of men have a number of skin-colored or pale bumps that dot the penile skin, and many men are extremely concerned about their appearance. While only a trained medical professional can tell for sure, a scattering of bumps like this may be nothing more than Fordyce spots, or enlarged follicles. These are common, natural and harmless, and in most cases, they are much more noticeable to the owner of the penis than to any potential partner.

2. Penis warts - Warts in the private area are typically caused by a virus known as HPV - human papillomavirus. This is the same microbe that is responsible for warts on other parts of the body, as well as skin tags and similar fleshy growths. HPV warts on the penis are caused by a specific strain of the virus, and they are highly transmittable. Because the presence of HPV has been linked to cancer, particularly in women, men who have warts should take care not to exposure their partner. The virus itself typically clears up on its own, although this can take months or even years.

3. Herpes - Open sores or blisters on the head or shaft of the penis may be an indication of herpes, an STD that is highly contagious and, at present, incurable. Medications are necessary to control herpes outbreaks, but even when there are no sores present, the disease can be transmitted to a partner.

4. Cancer - Bumps or sores that do not heal, or that grow or change in appearance, can be an indication of cancer. Any unusual skin growths should be evaluated by a doctor as soon as possible after they are discovered, since early treatment is key to a successful cure.

All-around Care and Maintenance
While there are no guarantees or sure-fire tricks when it comes to avoiding unpleasant penis problems, men can take proactive measures in order to keep the member in top form. Using barrier protection such as a condom for each and every encounter is the first line of defense, helping to protect against diseases such as HPV and herpes.

Washing carefully every day, and also after any intimate contact, should also be part of a man’s routine, and guys can take an extra step in preventing STDs by urinating right after oral contact or intercourse - this flushes out the urethra and may eliminate harmful microbes before they can take hold.

Adding a top-drawer penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) that is fortified with antibacterial vitamin A, as well as disease-fighting vitamins C and D, can provide an additional layer of defense against disease. High-quality moisturizers such as Shea butter, added to a nourishing health creme, improves the tone and texture of the skin and boosts its resistance to disease and environmental hazards. Applying a creme like this directly after a bath or shower, while the skin is warm and absorbent, is an excellent way to guard against potential penis problems.

Penis Hygiene Products that Work - Odor Control and Protection

The penis, as most men are aware, is a highly complex organ made up of a variety of specialized tissues that need proper care to function properly. But the penis doesn’t come with a handbook, and in most cases, men are left to their own devices when it comes to discovering how to maintain adequate penis hygiene. Unfortunately, unless they take the time to research the proper procedures, men often overlook some important elements of penis care, leaving them open to problems like unpleasant odors, skin rashes and irritation, and minor skin infections.

Even these minor issues can cause a significant amount of discomfort, not to mention being offputting to a potential partner. But taking the right steps to keep the penis healthy can make all the difference. With the right ingredients, a man’s prize possession is more likely to give him pleasure for years to come.

Essential penis hygiene products
Cleanser. The first thing to consider in caring for the penis is a soapless cleanser. That green or white bar of soap in the shower might be fine for the rest of the body, but the drying effects of these products can strip the penile skin of its natural moisture, leaving the skin red, rough and sore. A bath gel or beauty bar, or even a cleanser meant for infants, is a better option. Washing with a gentle cleanser in warm water to remove built up grime and body fluids, while at the same time replenishing the skin’s moisturizing oils, can help to prevent unattractive, flaking penis skin - a condition which increases the likelihood of developing a fungal or bacterial infection.

Lubricant. During solo sessions or partner play, it is always important to keep the skin well-lubricated. A slippery surface not only feels more pleasurable; it also helps to prevent friction related injuries that can lead to callused, toughened skin. This keratinized tissue can eventually lead to loss of penile sensitivity. Not all lubricants are created equal, though; that bottle of hand lotion may contain fragrances or other chemical additives that are too harsh for the delicate skin of the manhood, and lubricants that have warming properties, scents or flavors may also cause irritation. A water-based, unfragranced lube is best - men should choose one that is non-reactive with condoms when it comes to partner sex.

Odor control. Even a freshly washed penis can harbor unpleasant odors, which are caused by bacteria that thrive in warm, moist environments. Men who are uncircumcised are especially prone to an unpleasant, fishy aroma that can linger under the foreskin. While cleansing is important to controlling odors, it is not always enough to eliminate this unmistakable funk, so additional steps might be necessary to keep the package fresh and pleasant. A product containing vitamin A can work wonders in this respect; this nutrient has natural antibacterial properties that can help to eliminate the source of the smell.

Moisturizing cream. After a daily shower, moisturizing the penis skin is essential in order to keep it smooth, supple and resistant to damage and infection. A high-quality, all-natural moisturizer is best - dermatologists often recommend the use of Shea butter, which has healing and nourishing properties as well as acting as a rich moisturizing agent. A penis vitamin cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) that is fortified with vitamins and other nutrients, as well as Shea butter, is an ideal solution. A product like this works to replenish the nutrients that are needed to keep the skin, circulatory tissue and nerves functioning at their prime, resulting in a penis that is attractive, responsive and healthy; and one that contains vitamin A may also help to keep unpleasant odors under control.

Friday, 25 October 2013

Loss of Penis Function - When Poor Nutrition is to Blame

Loss of penis function is often chalked up to a side effect of getting older, and it’s true that many men experience erectile health problems as they age. However - and this should come as good news to many men - erectile dysfunction is not strictly related to aging, and men can enjoy a healthy sex life well into their senior years. On the other hand, the issue is a complex one, with many factors that can affect the ability to get hard and stay hard. One of these is one that men can easily correct. Poor nutrition, such as a diet high in fat, salt and processed foods, can have a dramatic effect on the body’s ability to perform many of its functions. Fortunately, with a little effort, men can improve their penis health and overall state of wellness without resorting to medications that may have unpleasant or dangerous side effects.

How does poor nutrition affect penis function?
  • Cardiovascular function - It is no mystery to most men that an adequate supply of blood is needed to flood the erectile chambers and trigger an erection. If the heart is not working at full capacity, it is unlikely to be able to supply the peripheral parts of the body, such as the hands, feet and penis, with more than a minimal influx of blood. Men who eat a fatty, high-salt diet and who do not have an adequate intake of fruits, vegetables and fiber are prone to reduced heart function. 

  • High blood pressure/clogged arteries­ - A related issue to heart function is the problem of high blood pressure and/or clogged arteries. Men who have elevated blood pressure (often because of excessive salt intake) or those who have a diet high in LDL cholesterol may incur damage to their circulatory tissue, a problem which can inhibit erectile function. 

  • Diabetes - Men who have uncontrolled high blood sugar, especially related to an unhealthy diet, may develop diabetes. This autoimmune disease can, among other things, lead to nerve damage that can affect penile sensation and prevent it from reacting to sensual stimuli. 

  • Stamina - Last but not least, a man whose digestive system is laboring away at a 32-oz steak frites or sleeping off a nacho coma is unlikely to have the energy for sex, much less get an erection and keep it going long enough to finish the deed. 

Protecting the erection
Men who are experiencing erectile issues should always see a doctor for a full work-up to be sure that there is no underlying health problem that requires medical treatment; they should also follow the advice of their doctors and should not stop or alter any treatment plan they are on without the go-ahead from a medical practitioner. However, there are some healthy steps that men can take to address problems with their erectile health, as well as their overall physiological condition.

The most important of these is to make some major changes to the menu. This can sound like a daunting task, especially for men who are not familiar with the workings of their kitchen and prefer to rely on the drive-through for their dietary needs. But by starting small - say, ordering the grilled chicken sandwich (hold the mayo) instead of the 4-pound Angus super bacon cheese melt - men can work healthier choices into their diet. As they become accustomed to eating more nutritious foods - and even some fruits and vegetables(!) - they may find that they feel better overall and that the health foods they once shunned are actually tastier than their fat-and-salt-laden counterparts.

While a man is adapting to these changes, he can give the penis an extra nutritional boost by adding a penis nutrient cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) to his post-shower routine. A cream that is enriched with vitamins and other essential nutrients that is applied directly to the penis skin can target the male tissue and provide much-needed nourishment to support good penis health.

Masturbation Magic - The Stranger Technique

Whatever a man likes to do with his private time, masturbation always has the same end result in mind: an orgasm. For a man who has been masturbating his entire adult life - and likely a good part of his adolescent life - things in the self-love department can become boring and routine. That doesn’t necessarily mean it doesn’t feel good - because it does - it just means that the routine can lack a little originality, as a man may fall into the "same ole, same ole" technique -- and for good reason -- because it works. Even still, men who are looking for more excitement may want to change things up a bit. "The stranger" is one such way to make self-love a little more exciting; guys just need to be sure to use plenty of lube to avoid chafing and keep to the penis healthy.
What is "the stranger?"
The stranger may be one of the more well-known masturbatory techniques out there, but that doesn’t mean every man has heard of it - or perfected it. The idea behind the stranger technique is that sex is always more exciting or interesting when another person is involved. Doing it solo style gets the job done, but it may not have the same satisfaction as when a partner helps along the way. The fact of the matter is that sometimes a partner is not available - either because one is living the single life or has gotten the "not tonight dear" blow-off for the evening’s planned entertainment. So what is a man to do when he has no other option but to service himself? Enter the stranger.
Now that the premise is understood, it’s time to explain the technique. For a man to execute the stranger properly, he must be willing to endure a small amount of discomfort in order to get a big payout in the end. He must sit on his hand for an extended period of time until the hand goes numb - not dangerously numb as in the hand is turning purple and about to fall off numb - just to the stage where it is asleep and the fingers do not register a complete sense of touch. Once the hand is numbed up it is time for a man to go to town - preferably before the hand wakes up - getting off in this way essentially tricks the brain so that it feels as though somebody else is doing the work. Because the hand does not have its full range of sensation, the brain is really only registering the nerve endings of the manhood, giving a guy the feeling that he is just along for the ride. To really shake things up, a man can mix it up even more by using his non-dominant hand. In other words, if he is a righty in the bedroom he goes lefty and vice versa. Not only will this give him the stranger sensation, but he will have a different speed, angle, and technique than he is used to which may really make it feel like a partner is helping out.

Lubing Up
Most men use some sort of lubrication during solo play, but it can be tempting to skip it in a pinch - or use saliva or lotion. However, a high-quality lubricant is recommended for use all the time. Not only does this make things feel better; it also protects the skin of the penis. Repetitive, rough or vigorous masturbation can damage the delicate penis skin and the penile tissue, which can cause injuries that ranges from slight irritation all the way to penile curvature known as Peyronie’s disease. In addition to using lube every time, a man should also use a daily penis vitamin lotion (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) to keep the penis healthy. A penis lotion heals damaged skin and can penetrate deeply to repair damaged blood vessels and tissue that can add up to a big problem over time. After all a healthy penis is a happy penis.

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Foreskin Pain - Coping with Side Effects of Masturbation Games

All men spend a considerable amount of time handling their tools, even if they occasionally go too far and experience a bit of penis pain. Intact men are no different, but they have the added bonus of mixing their "hoods" into the penile play. The more creative among them engage in all sorts of foreskin games, often with pleasurable results; but care needs to be taken to ensure that penis health is not compromised in prepuce play pursuit.

Games people play
Many of the games that intact men play are the same ones that circumcised men play, such as "penis ring toss" and "penis sword fight."

But there are some games, or variants thereof, that are unique to the uncircumcised man. A few examples would include:

1. Penis surprise . The intact man decorates the glans of his penis; perhaps he colors it blue or puts a smiley face on it. He then slides the foreskin over it and asks his partner to guess the color or the design. (For more fun, penalties can be established for each wrong answer: for one wrong guess, the partner must masturbate him. For two, perform oral sex. For three, experiment with a new sexual position, etc.)

2. Gotcha ! A man retracts his foreskin; his partner, meanwhile, stands a few feet away with a water gun and tries to dampen the exposed head. The intact man must try to cover up the head before it is hit by a spray of water. (There are many variations, such as attempting to simply touch the exposed glans with the hand before it is covered up.)

3. Boyz in the hood . Although this particular game has undoubtedly been around for millennia, it was popularized in 2010 when American shock jock Howard Stern had a contest in which two intact men raced to see which one could stuff more M&Ms into his foreskin. (The winner claimed an astounding 50; the loser was far behind with a still-impressive 27.) Seeing what can be hidden underneath the foreskin is something that many bored guys have a go at; however, as should be obvious, this game comes with the significant danger of getting something stuck under the hood.

4. Hide and seek . This is a variation on "boyz in the hood." The difference is that the man with the foreskin closes his eyes while his partner (very gently) hides something underneath the foreskin. The man then tries to guess what it is. (As with penis surprise, this can involve penalties for incorrect guesses.) Just as with the previous game, there is considerable risk involved here.

Is the danger worth the risk?
Because the penis can be easily hurt, it's always worthwhile assessing the risk-benefit ratio before indulging in any of these games. Certainly, the last two have a very obvious drawback: an object might become stuck inside the foreskin. In some cases, it could require medical treatment to remove, and that's something all men would rather avoid.

Even if items do not get stuck, having a foreign object lodged between the foreskin and the penis can cause irritation and soreness; in some instances, ingredients in the object could cause an allergic reaction.

It's certainly wisest for a man to take very special care with his penis, whether intact or not. If playing games goes beyond fun and causes soreness, itching, redness, irritation or other penis pain, it's important that a man seek appropriate treatment. Part of that treatment should involve the use of a high quality penis nutrient formula (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil). The better formulas include ingredients such as acetyl L carnitine, the neuroprotective qualities of which may help restore penile sensitivity damaged by some of these rougher games. The wise man also selects a formula with vitamin A, for its antibacterial activities, and with shea butter, for its moisturizing capabilities, from which an overworked penis definitely would benefit.

Preventing Penis Rash with Soapless Cleansers

Nothing is an invigorating as a nice, refreshing shower, but men with a penis rash may be surprised to find out that their showers may be making the rash worse. People with sensitive skin who use harsh soaps often make dermatological issues worse, even as they think that the washing they are doing should be making it better. Learning how to keep the equipment clean while avoiding soap-induced irritation can improve penis care issues and result in a more appealing, less itchy member. To do this, men may need to consider a soapless cleanser as an option.

So what's the deal with soap?
Why is soap not always a good match for sensitive skin? Why does it sometimes make that penis rash flare up?

Soap is basically a combination of fats, oils and salt; some soaps also include numerous other ingredients, such as fragrances. Those that are less "pure" - i.e., have added ingredients - are more likely to cause irritation, simply because the more ingredients there are, the more likely that one of them can cause a reaction. This is especially true of the added fragrances.

But even pure soaps can cause a reaction in the penile skin and other parts of the body. The fatty acids in soap can dry out the skin, and the high pH content of traditional soaps also damages the outer layer of skin and allows chemicals to have easier access to the inner layers.

You may already be using soapless cleansers on your penis.
Soapless cleanser are technically known as detergents or as surfactants, but those words aren't used often in promoting the products: detergent brings to mind images of gritty, powdery laundry soaps, which doesn't sound appealing, and surfactant doesn't convey the idea of cleaning.

So you may already be using a soapless cleanser without realizing it. Many products labeled "bath wash" or "beauty bar" may be soapless.

Why are some soapless cleansers better?
Every product is different, but most soapless cleansers are better for sensitive penis skin than many soaps. Primarily, this is because they tend to omit fats and replace them with more oils, which can help to moisturize the skin more. They help add water rather than dry out the skin. In addition, because they are non-alkaline, they don't leave a thin layer of soap residue on the body.

Now, too much oil is bad, but detergents with oils actually tend to address this issue: they dispose of the dirt-filled oil on the skin and replace it with fresh oils that are needed for skin health.

What to look for
When choosing a soapless cleanser, look for one that contains a high degree of moisturizing oils; is fragrance-free; and as much as possible is made from natural ingredients. The reason for the last requirement is that most skins react better to natural ingredients than manmade ingredients.

However, there are some people for whom certain natural ingredients do cause a reaction; just as some people cannot eat peanuts or strawberries, so do some people have such sensitive that select natural ingredients cause a reaction.

Unfortunately, it's hard to know exactly what your skin reacts to without a lot of trial and error. The best advice is to pick a cleanser and try it; if your skin behaves favorably toward it, keep using it. If it develops redness, soreness or itching, stop using it and try another option.

Penis rash isn't fun; even when it's not itchy and painful, it can be unattractive and off-putting to potential partners. In addition to using the proper cleanser, proper care of penile rashes must include an exceptional penis health formula (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil). Those that will help the most are those which can buttress the moisturizing activities of a good cleanser through the inclusion of vitamin E and a superior emollient such as shea butter. In addition, a formula with alpha lipoic acid will help prevent unwanted penis wrinkles.

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Penis Health Creme - Top Solution to Protect a Man's Valued Assets

Mechanics all over the world swear by routine maintenance. As long as the chassis is kept bright and shiny, and the engine is lubricated and balanced with care, the car can keep on running with no break in the action. Unfortunately, while most men are willing to take their precious car in for care, few may think of dealing with the other little machine they own.

That's right: The penis also needs a little TLC in order to stay in tip-top shape, without needing a trip to the doctor for a little specialized penis care. One of the best ways to provide that specialized care involves a quick rubdown with a penis health creme, each and every night.

Moisturizing Help
Most lotions are designed to help the skin to stay soft and supple, and typically, they're used on parts of the body that are exposed to the sun. Noses, fingers and the tips of the ears can become cracked and dry when they're beaten by the sun day in and day out, and a lotion can help that dry skin to flake away so softer skin can come to the surface.

While a man's Johnson might never be extremely cracked and dry, it might have microscopic tears that impact performance. Each rough brush with a towel and each bout of love from a partner that's executed without lube can leave its mark, and in time, that dry skin might be a little less elastic. At a time when a man wants to be most impressive, his dry skin my hold back a precious millimeter or two. Moisturizing could be vital in order to protect the width and length a man's expected to deliver.

Soothing Sensations
While intimate sessions require a man to do certain things for the benefit of others, some movements are made just for him. Unfortunately, if his skin isn't properly nourished, all of those sweet sensations could pass him right by.

Nerve cells are nutrient gobblers, and the cells that line the penis need a particular bath of vitamins and minerals in order to function at peak capacity. Taking a multivitamin can help, but adding vital elements directly to the vital organ is a much better option, as the digestive tract is eliminated and the nutrition goes right where it's needed. In time, the nerves can fire with ease and all of the pleasures a penis can deliver will be at a man's fingertips.

Improving Hygiene
Washing, scrubbing and patting can keep the groin fresh and tidy, but leftover droplets of water and tiny molecules of soap can cause lingering sensations of pain that don't seem to abate with time. Adding in a post-towel moisturizing step provides a man with yet another opportunity to wipe irritants away, leaving nothing but soothing sensations behind. This step could bring intense benefits, including:
  • Improved scent
  • Reduced risk of pain and swelling
  • Improved visual appearance
  • Reduced risk of cheesy discharge from the foreskin
Getting Started
All penis health products are not created equal. In fact, some products are designed to address some specific penis ailments, rather than supporting underlying good health that could make those problems fade away before they begin. A proper penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) for a healthy man will provide a vital mix of emollients for skin health, spiked with the vitamins and minerals that will support healthy tissue turnover. A creme like this isn’t used to cure a disease, and it shouldn’t be used in place of a personal lubricant, but it can be a man's secret weapon. A quick tune-up after a shower, involving nothing more than a quick rub with a soft lotion, can keep a man's engine purring and his pistons firing right on schedule.

Reducing Balanitis Risk - Proper Cleansing for the Uncircumcised Penis

They say that cleanliness is next to godliness, but if men spend too much time lathering up and too little time rinsing off, they could end up with a numb penis or a painful foreskin as a reward. That's because irritants in soap can cause balanitis, and when that condition takes hold, intense penis care may be required in order to soothe the pain.

Understanding Balanitis
The skin that covers the penis is designed to bend and stretch, so it can support the expansion that the penis goes through when things get a little heated in the bedroom. This kind of movement of the skin is, in general, not painful at all. But when the skin stretches due to irritation, the sensation is far from pleasurable.

The term balanitis refers to any kind of swelling that impacts the foreskin or the head of the penis. It's a common problem for men who haven't been circumcised, as balanitis is often associated with improper cleansing. Discarded cells and bodily fluids trapped beneath the foreskin can turn into a toxic mixture that makes tissues swell, and that problem is often referred to as balanitis.

However, the condition can also strike when harsh soaps or perfumed cleansers come into contact with the sensitive skin that lines a man's Johnson. This skin tends to live a coddled life, as it's tucked into underwear and pants for most of the day, and it can react with intensity when it's harshly treated. Even when the rest of the body doesn't react, penile tissues can be dramatic when they're exposed to chemicals.

Typically, the reaction isn't immediate. A man's shower might move forward without much pain at all. But a few hours later, a niggling sensation of pain might set in, and without treatment, swelling and numbness can take hold.

Prevention is Key
Most cases of balanitis clear up with a bit of medicated cream prescribed by a doctor. These ointments can combat any infection that's taken hold, and they can help to calm and soothe irritated tissues. However, men can also take steps to prevent balanitis altogether, so they have no need for any kind of medical intervention at all.

Often, this means cleaning the penis and foreskin with warm water and massaging fingertips. No harsh cleansers are needed in order to keep the area clean. A simple stream of water and a manual scrub down should do the trick.

Ideally, all irritating substances should not touch the penis at all, including:
  • Perfumed soaps
  • Body washes
  • Scented bath water
  • Shampoo
If these substances do happen to come into contact with a man's privates, a clear stream of water can be a lifesaver. Spending a minute or more just rinsing off, both over and under the foreskin (if applicable), can help to wash the irritants down the drain, so they won't have time to do anything horrible to a man's vital tool.

A penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) might also play a role in balanitis prevention. These products help penile skin to stay moist and supple, rather than cracked and dry, so particles of soap and irritants won't have a place to lodge and cause harm. The vitamin content of a quality product can also help to nourish penile skin, so it's prepared to fight off an infection. Applying a penis health creme after a shower can also help a man to remove the smallest trace of irritants that a rinse may have left behind. With a penis health creme at the ready, he'll keep his skin both healthy and happy, free of the bad kind of swelling.

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Orgasm Issues -All Climaxes Are Not Created Equal

An orgasm is an orgasm is an orgasm, most men would say. As long as they're enjoying their time at play, and as long as they're not harming the skin of the Johnson in the process, every climb to the summit is really the same, in terms of overall penis health and mental health benefits, right? Experts disagree. In fact, modern research suggests that partnered sex has benefits that solo activities just can't match.

Intimate Acts
Partnered sex is more than mere thrusting and heaving. Typically, unless money has been exchanged, the two participants spend at least a little time hugging, kissing and murmuring to one another. Even when the sex is perfunctory and quick, the partners share the heat of their skin.

The human brain is designed to respond to this kind of physical closeness. Usually, when it takes place, the brain releases chemicals that tell the person that safety is at hand and that it's time to relax. These little chemical signals can help a person to feel safe and secure, and typically, they're associated with a reduction in blood pressure and heart rate. These chemicals also play a role in anxiety reduction.

Most masturbation sessions don't involve contact with the skin of another person. The touch is still present, and the pleasure might still be in play, but there's no set of eyes to gaze into, no mouth to murmur sweet nothings and no skin to give off heat. As a result, there may be no soothing chemicals released by the brain. The physical part works, but the mental part might be missing.

Harsh Techniques
In addition, much of the movement used in a typical masturbation session isn't really healthy for the penis. Even the words used to describe a masturbation session sound painful:
  • Jerking
  • Wanking
  • Fapping
  • Spanking
While partnered sex can sometimes be zesty and full of all sorts of grunts and moans, it can also be a soft and moving experience that takes a longer time to complete. The orgasm that comes at the end of a session like this tends to be more intense, as the brain has a longer time to anticipate the reward and the body has vital moments needed in order to prepare. But a soft and soothing sex session can also just be better for the health of the penis, as it's not likely to end in either injury or chafing. The sex might be more intense, and it might also be healthier.

Using Balance
While partnered sex and the orgasms it can bring can be a little better for a man's physical and mental health, this kind of activity isn't always possible. Partners can sometimes be physically separated due to the demands of work or school, and they can be emotionally separated due to familial demands or other pressures. Sometimes, too, people just don't feel the urge to get busy with their partners, and they prefer the idea of going it alone for a time.

Male masturbation sessions can certainly be fun and healthy. They can release pent-up tension and allow a man to clear his mind for either work or sleep. They can also help a man to understand how his own body works and what feels good to him, so he'll be able to direct his partner with mastery and engage in sex that's both pleasurable and remarkably efficient.

However, men who masturbate frequently simply must take steps to protect the skin that covers the penis. All of that friction can strip away vital moisture, and the jerking movements can leave tissues feeling just abraded. A penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) is a must for healing. These products can nourish and soften skin cells put to the test, while supporting the health and function of the nerves that make pleasure possible. For men who simply must engage in a little spanking from time to time, a penis health creme can make the damage a little less palpable, so the unit's ready to go when partner play time comes around once more.

Penis Problems and Anemia - Avoiding Loss of Erections

When a man feels tired, it can affect everything about him, including the perkiness of his penis. Since most men will do just about anything to avoid penis problems, taking steps to avoid anemia, which can have a negative impact on penis health, is strongly advised.

So what exactly is anemia anyway?
Simply put, anemia occurs when a person doesn’t have enough healthy red blood cells. Sometimes the problem is that there aren’t enough blood cells; sometimes it’s that the ones that are there aren’t healthy; and sometimes it’s a combination of both.

The red blood cells are the heavy lifters in carrying oxygen around to the body, so if they’re missing or defective, a body simply doesn’t get the oxygen it needs. No oxygen means no energy.

What causes anemia?
Anemia can be caused by a number of things, including:
  • Loss of blood . This is one of those no--brainers: if a person loses blood, he loses red blood cells, so if he loses too much blood, he’s going to have anemia. Fortunately, this kind of anemia is temporary (unless a guy just keeps on losing blood, in which case there may be a significant problem that needs to be treated.)
  • Genetics . Some people are born with inherited conditions, such as sickle cell anemia and thalassemia, that can affect the body’s ability to create healthy red blood cells. In these instances, the anemia can be long term and lasting, unless proper treatment is received.
  • Autoimmune problems . Sometimes, the body gets its signals mixed up and starts destroying perfectly healthy red blood cells faster than it can create new ones, creating an autoimmune issue.
  • Iron deficiency . This is a fairly common cause of anemia. Iron plays a part in creating hemoglobin, which is the substance in red blood cells that does the actual carrying of oxygen. So if the body is low on iron, it’s going to be low on oxygen as well.
  • Vitamin deficiency . As might be expected, this kind of anemia results when a person is lacking in the vitamins - folate, B12 and C - that play a role in creating healthy red blood cells.
What penis problems might anemia cause?
1. The most common effect that anemia can have on a guy’s manhood is erectile dysfunction. The penis is dependent upon a good supply of oxygen-rich blood to function properly. If that is lacking, it can dampen the degree of tumescence; in severe cases, it can be a significant effect.

2. Beyond the degree of firmness, anemia can also affect stamina. A lack of oxygen not only affects how long the penis will remain in prime condition; it also affects a man’s overall energy and ability to engage in sex: the arms get weak, the hips don’t thrust with the same vigor, etc.

3. Anemia also just has a deleterious effect on the general health of the penis, aside from its sexual performance. A healthy penis is one that is well oxygenated.

Fighting anemia
Some types of anemia require prolonged treatment under a doctor’s care. Fortunately, the more common iron deficiency and vitamin deficiency anemias can usually be treated through dietary changes.

Obviously, getting more iron in the diet is key to curing (or avoiding) iron deficiency anemia. One can try to take an iron supplement, or simply add more iron-rich foods to meals: beef, ham, spinach, broccoli, tofu, sweet potatoes, watermelon, kale - the list goes on and on.

Similarly, vitamin deficiency anemia is treated by supplements or foods that contain the vitamins in which a person is determined to be deficient - usually one or more of the following: folate, vitamin B12, vitamin C.

Avoiding anemia-related penis problems also means just keeping the penis in prime condition all around, and for that, use of a superior penis vitamin cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) should be a part of every man’s daily routine. Since lack of vitamin C is often a cause of anemia, pick a cream that includes this important vitamin, along with such other wonders as vitamins A and D. Further protect against anemia-related penile issues by applying a cream with L-arginine, which will keep blood vessels expanded and healthy.

Monday, 21 October 2013

Penis Sensitivity Products to Avoid - Beware the Dangers of Alpha Hydroxy Acid

Very few products come with an explicit sign that says, "Not for use on the penis." In general, most manufacturers expect that consumers will be prudent when choosing products for their delicate bits. Men with low penis sensitivity levels might be so desperate for a solution, however, that they throw all caution to the wind. Some of these men use wrinkle creams that contain alpha hydroxy acid in the hopes that they can restore sensations long lost. As these men quickly discover, this isn't the best product for penis health promotion.

Power in a Bottle
Alpha hydroxy acid is a wrinkle-hater's secret weapon. A product containing this ingredient can exfoliate dead skin cells, allowing them to flake and blow away so the smoother, younger skin that lies beneath is revealed. These products don't alter how the skin functions, and they can't promote how quickly skin cells grow, but they can help the skin to seem just a little softer and smoother.
All of these benefits might sound wonderful, but there is a down side, as these products can also come with a host of nasty side effects, including:

1. Peeling skin
2. A burning sensation
3. Increased sensitivity to the sun
4. Itching
5. Redness

These sorts of side effects are most prevalent in products that have the highest concentration of alpha hydroxy acid, but unfortunately, manufacturers aren't required to disclose this figure on the packaging of the product. People with faces lined with wrinkles might be willing to roll the dice and take the risk, but they might also be placing the product on toughened skin that's designed to take a certain amount of abuse. As a result, they may not feel the damage that's being done.

On the other hand, it is important to be aware of ingredients that can cause pain and peeling, especially before putting them on the penis; men should be leery of using something of unknown strength when the very symbol of their manhood is on the line.

Understanding the Urge
Men who think about using such products are, in most cases, not trying to be sadistic. They might not even be looking for a boost in the appearance of the little Johnson down below. Instead, they hope that they can boost sensitivity rates by scraping off dead cells that blunt the action of the nerve tissue that lines the penis.

In theory, this is a good idea. Dead skin can work like a cap on the penis, deflecting the action of soft and simple touches. But scraping off these cells can, at times, cause scar tissue to form, and that toughened tissue can also block pleasurable sensations. Additionally, alpha hydroxy products don't support the health of the nerves that line the penis. Some causes of insensitivity stem from a lack of nourishment and support of these nerve cells, and all the chemical peels in the world won't help that to ease.

A penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil), on the other hand, might be ideal for a man's sensitivity plans. These products contain ingredients that will actually nourish skin cells, so they'll have the ammunition they need to knit together and turn over properly. The vitamins can also help to support nervous cells, so a man's inner workings will function as well as his outer parts. Applying these products is also pleasant, with no burning and stinging required, and there's no girly smell left behind. All around, this is a better choice, when it comes to penis sensitivity loss.

Penis Health Secrets Unveiled - the Amazing Benefits of Shea Butter

Every so often, it seems, there is a hot, new ingredient that takes the health care world by storm. Sometimes these new fads fizzle in a short while, but other times, the benefits of the ingredient are so desired that it stays strong and winds up in nearly every product under the sun. Shea butter is one of those revolutionizing ingredients that continues to pop up on product labels as one of the most sought after ingredients in skin care. But what exactly is Shea butter, and where does it come from? Learn more about this must-have ingredient, how it can actually benefit penis health, and why it isn’t leaving the shelves anytime soon.

So what exactly is Shea butter?
Though it may sound like an exotic and yummy spread to try on one’s morning toast - and yes, it is edible in certain forms - it is its numerous topical uses that keep Shea butter popping up in body lotions, facial lotions, salves, and lip glosses alike. Shea butter comes from the exotic nut of the Africa Shea tree known as, karité. It is a non-animal fat complex that has been found to have luxurious moisturizing properties perfect for healing and enriching skin health. In addition, Shea butter also has anti-inflammatory properties and is an emollient, which is why it is useful in so many varied skin and health care products. Shea butter not only leaves skin feeling silky smooth, it soothes red, irritated, or itchy skin while improving its elasticity.

When should Shea butter be used?
1) Chronic Skin Conditions - Men suffering from ongoing skin conditions like eczema, dermatitis, or psoriasis will benefit greatly from the Shea butter’s gentle moisturizing properties. Shea butter can help soothe the itchy, irritated feeling while reducing patchy, flaky skin. Severe skin conditions may still require prescription medications and creams to stay under control, but Shea butter can add relief throughout the day as well.

2) Dry Skin - Individuals who suffer from dry skin in the absence of a more serious skin condition will certainly love using Shea butter to keep the skin hydrated. It may be especially useful during the winter months when hot, dry indoor air combined with cold, windy outdoor conditions wreak havoc on exposed skin. Shea butter is gentle enough to use every day, but rich enough to tackle alligator-dry feet and scaly elbows.

3) Daily Penis Health - That’s right, Shea butter is gentle and soothing enough that it can be used on a man’s most delicate skin, that which is on his manhood. Unfortunately, the skin of the penis is often overlooked, with minimal attention given to it. When it is remembered, it may be because the skin is already itchy and irritated, meaning it has reached a state of disrepair. What’s worse, a man who doesn’t take daily care of his penis skin may not have any suitable lotion on hand when he is need of it, forcing him to use an inferior product. Lotions that do not contain Shea butter may not provide the deep moisture that the delicate skin of the penis needs, or worse, they may contain harsh perfumes and scents that can actually create more irritation of the penis skin. Selecting a moisturizing, high-quality penis nutrient cream that contains Shea butter and other penis health ingredients (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) is the perfect solution for keeping the penis skin healthy. Keeping the skin hydrated will reduce cracking and irritation that can occur from harsh masturbation and the change of weather alike. Simply apply after getting out of the shower and enjoy rich hydration all day long.

Penis Power - Unlocking the Secrets to Male Sexual Function

The male sexual response is a powerful force that, in one way or another, drives almost everything a man does. It also happens automatically, without requiring any deliberate thought or action on the part of the individual - although, of course, a man can work himself into an excited state if he chooses to do so. However, although this response generally happens quite easily, the physiological process of getting an erection is extremely complex, and anywhere along the way, things can go wrong. Because of this, erectile dysfunction can be a tricky problem to solve; but by understanding the process a little better, men can, in essence, boost their penis power, maintain better penis health and reduce the chances of loss of function.

Here’s how the process of arousal works, from start to finish:

1. A man sees, hears, feels, smells, or otherwise senses something that is sexually stimulating - this can be anything from a touch to an image to a memory.

2. This sexual excitement, which originates in the brain, triggers a series of signals in a specific part of the brain.

3. The signals run along the spinal cord, into the pelvic nerves, along the prostate gland, and into the erectile chambers of the penis.

4. The muscles in the penis respond to these signals and relax, dilating the blood vessels and allowing a rush of blood to flow into the erectile chambers.

5. The penile tissues stretch to accommodate the inflow of blood, causing an erection to form. At the same time, a sheath inside the erectile chambers stretches, blocking the exits, so to speak, and preventing the blood from flowing back out of the penis. At this point, the penis is fully erect and ready for sex.

6. When the man reaches orgasm, the signals from the brain change, reducing the amount of blood flowing to the penis. This causes the blood pressure inside the penis to drop, opening the pathways again and allowing the blood to recede; the penis is then able to become flaccid again.

Because there are so many elements involved in this process - from nerve signals to muscle reactions to circulatory function - there are many opportunities for something to go wrong. Any breakdown in the process can lead to impotence, leaving a man high and dry when it comes to sexual function. Poor cardiovascular function, generative nerve diseases, obesity, and even psychological issues like stress, anxiety or even guilt can interfere with a man’s ability to perform - but fortunately, most cases of erectile dysfunction are treatable, either through medications, counseling, or simply eating right and getting plenty of exercise. Men who have problems getting or maintaining a solid erection are urged to seek advice from a qualified medical professional before attempting any type of ED treatment.

In addition, it goes without saying that keeping the penis itself healthy is an important part of this process. A well-groomed, clean and supple penis is better able to perform when the time comes, and having a good-looking tool is likely to give a man an extra boost of confidence, as well.

Washing properly and using protection are essential to keeping the manhood healthy and appealing; and men can take this one step further by adding a high-quality penis health formula (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) to their personal care arsenal. A cream that is rich in penis-specific nutrients, as well as natural moisturizers, is ideal for keeping the skin, nerves and circulatory tissue in top form, as well as boosting resistance to disease. Slathering on a vitamin cream after a shower can give a man an edge when it comes to overall sexual health.

Saturday, 19 October 2013

Lasting Erections - Why Men Should Be Careful What They Wish For

As a subject of witty discourse among male acquaintances, the notion of a permanent erection seems like a problem a man could certainly learn to live with. But all jokes aside, a lasting erection is not normal, and it can have serious health consequences for any man who experiences a stiffy that stays in places for more than several hours. This condition, known as priapism, is not a sign of a healthy penis, but rather of a serious medical condition in which blood has become trapped in the manhood and cannot be released. When this occurs, the penile tissue becomes starved of oxygen and other vital nutrients, which could mean permanent damage if it is not treated right away.

Priapism can be caused by a number of issues, ranging from substance abuse to prescription medications to disease - malaria, for instance, has been linked to ongoing erections. Injury to the groin area can also damage the blood vessels and prevent proper circulation to and from the area, and some erectile aids have also been known to cause problems in this respect. Some of the potential complications of priapism include:

1. Loss of sensation - Without oxygen, the nerve cells of the penis can quickly become damaged or die off altogether. While nerve tissue can be restored over time (under the right circumstances), men who suffer from priapism may experience a moderate to severe loss of sensation that affects their ability to enjoy intimate contact. The longer the penile tissues go without oxygen, the greater the risk for long-term sensation loss.

2. Loss of function - Damage to the penile tissue can also lead to loss of erectile function, or inability to achieve and maintain an erection long enough to complete the act of intercourse.

3. Disfigurement - Permanent disfigurement may also be a consequence of priapism, as the damaged tissue can no longer stretch and expand during erections. Men may also find that their penis is significantly shorter after an incident of priapism.

With these risks, it goes without saying that immediate medical attention is necessary. Priapism should be treated as a medical emergency, because the longer a man waits to take care of the problem, the more likely that lasting damage will take hold.

Treatment options
Treating priapism is fairly straightforward. In many cases, an emergency room doctor will be able to drain the trapped blood from the penis using a syringe; repair to damaged circulatory tissue may also be necessary. In some cases, surgery may be required to address the problem and prevent further damage. Generally, men are able to be treated and released, with no hospital stay required.

Following treatment, men who experience any unusual symptoms such as swelling, intense pain, soreness, fever, or other abnormal issues should talk to their health care provider as soon as possible for further treatment.

Maintaining a healthy penis
While it is not always possible to avoid adverse penis conditions, regular care and preventive measures can help to ward off a number of common penis problems. Smooth, supple skin and health circulatory tissue can help to ensure that the penis functions at its prime. Using protection for every encounter is the first step in this process. Men should also make sure to carry out self-exams, looking out for unusual signs and symptoms that could indicate an impending problem. A yearly visit to the doctor is highly urged for even the healthiest of men; and adding a high-quality penis vitamin cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) to the personal care regimen can help ensure that the penis has all of the nutrients it needs to maintain optimum cellular function.

Spank the Monkey, Pay the Price - Risks of Excessive Self-love

Whether a guy’s solo sessions involve fisting the mister, burping the worm, or priming the pump, the act of whacking off is arguably one of life’s most pleasurable pastimes. Unfortunately, though, all of this self-love can have unfortunate consequences for the penis that can seriously compromise a man’s ability to enjoy himself - unless some common-sense guidelines are followed. Some of the risks of tossing the one-eyed trouser snake are discussed here, as well as what a man can do to ensure a happy, healthy penis.

The real risks of monkey business.
1. Dry, flaky, scaly skin - No man wants his prize possession to look like something left behind in a potato field in November, but that’s exactly how the penis might look if it is tossed around too often without adequate care. A dry, flaky, wrinkled appearance is the result of excessive friction without the benefit of a moisturizer or lubricant.

2. A sore, red penis -Beating the meat can actually leave the penis looking like a piece of raw meat if a man does the deed a little too often. A sore, overused manhood can take days to heal before it is ready for another round.

3. Bruising and pain - Bruising and deep-seated pain can be a real hazard of getting off, especially for men who engage the so-called death-grip while milking the old lizard. Bruising of the penile skin can occur, and the damaged capillaries can have a hard time nourishing the surrounding tissue.

4. Scarring and deformity - After years of hard labor, the tissue that surrounds the erectile chambers can develop scarring that is far less flexible and stretchy than the original connective tissue. This scarring can cause shortening of the penis or even unnatural bends and curves during erections.

5. Loss of sensitivity - All of the abuse that the penis takes can damage the nerve tissue that is responsible for delivering pleasant sensations to the brain. At the same time, the skin can become toughened and callused. These issues can result in a penis that is no longer sensitive to sensual stimulation, making any intimate activity much less pleasurable.

Avoiding the drawbacks of self-love
None of these consequences are pleasant to contemplate, but neither is a future devoid of the pleasure to be had from manual stroking - even for a man who has all the satisfaction that a steady partner (or steady stream of partners) can bring. There’s just something about a solo session that allows a man to pull out all the stops - so to speak - and bring himself to an earth-moving, soul-satisfying orgasm.
Because no man wants to give up this deep pleasure, a little care is needed when doing the deed to make sure that lasting damage doesn’t get in the way of future enjoyment. A few simple precautions will usually do:
  • Make sure to set aside plenty of time for the act, so that it isn’t necessary to resort to heavy yanking and hard-and-fast movements to get the job done as quickly as possible.
  • Use a dedicated lube - this means one made for the purpose, not just any slick substance that happens to present itself. Using household items like soap, toothpaste, shampoo or even hand lotion can expose the penile skin to drying agents, fragrances and a minty freshness that the penis is just not equipped to handle. A water-based personal lubricant, on the other hand, is specifically designed for this delicate tissue and can create a slippery surface without any burning, tingling or pain.
  • Experiment. Most guys have an established routine that works as a go-to, sure-fire method to reach orgasm quickly and confidently; but men who never alter their technique could be setting the stage for future loss of sensation. Essentially, once the penis is used to a certain range of sensations, it may only respond to those; but on the other hand, after a time, the brain becomes "bored" with even those sensations and may refuse to respond to any type of pleasurable sensations at all. Trying new things from time to time, adding toys to the routine, or playing with different fabrics can help to keep a wide range of nerve pathways open and sizzling.
  • Use a specially formulated penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) that is prepared with a rich blend of nutrients, moisturizers and emollients made to sooth stressed penile skin, speed healing of damaged tissue, and maintain penis nerve health. A top-quality creme like this can help keep the skin smooth and supple, ready to respond to every touch.

Friday, 18 October 2013

Punch up Penis Performance with a Powerful Vitamin Cocktail

If asked to sit down and give it some thought, most men will be unable to come up with an answer about the last time they thought about the importance of nutrition when it comes to penis performance and overall good health. After all, why would the penis need any special attention, as long as the body is functioning at a reasonably healthy level? The truth is, though, that maintaining a healthy penis requires more than a catch-as-catch-can attitude when it comes to the nutrients it needs to perform all of its vital functions. Getting plenty of the following nutrients can make all the difference when it comes to a stellar performance versus a bedroom flop on date night.

Vitamin A - A healthy penis starts with smooth, resilient skin; this means getting the right amount of vitamin A, which is widely used in cosmetic lotions and skin medications to reduce scarring, clear blemishes, and maintain the surface integrity of the skin.

Vitamin B5 - Vitamin B5 is a nutrient powerhouse that works to ensure that cell metabolism is humming along and that the penile tissue is functioning normally.

Vitamin C - This nutritional heavy hitter is necessary to penis health for several reasons. First, it is an important component of circulatory tissue and is needed to form and repair the blood vessels that provide nourishment to the penile cells, as well as allowing erections to form. Second, it functions as a powerful antioxidant, helping to fight off disease and maintain cellular health. Third, it is vital to the formation of healthy skin and connective tissue and helps the skin to maintain its shape and elasticity.

Vitamin D - Another all-around nutritional superstar, vitamin D is essential to healthy skin and connective tissue, as well as playing an important role in cellular function.

Vitamin E - This nutrient is especially effective in maintaining healthy skin, locking in moisture, and soothing dryness and irritation that comes from excessive friction. Vitamin E is also often used in treating inflammatory skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.

Acetyl L carnitine - This protein-building amino acid is important to penile nerve health, helping to prevent peripheral nerve damage related to daily wear and tear. Acetyl L carnitine, or ALCAR, can help prevent loss of sensitivity due to rough handling.

L Arginine - Another amino acid, this nutrient is important to the circulatory health of the penis, helping to ensure healthy oxygenation of the penile tissue as well as promoting erectile function.
Alpha lipoic acid - Like vitamin C, alpha lipoic acid works as an antioxidant, preventing cellular damage that can lead to early signs of aging and even the development of cancerous cells.

Shea butter - Although not an actual nutrient, no penis health care regimen would be complete without natural emollients such as Shea butter, a rich moisturizer which helps to heal, protect and improve the quality of the penile skin.

So how can a man make sure that his penis gets all of these vital nutrients?
Getting all of these ingredients should be part of a healthy diet (with the possible exception of Shea butter), but this is actually easier said than done. These nutrients can be found in many healthy foods, but absorption of these elements is not always guaranteed, and even those that are absorbed properly into the blood stream are often directed to other parts of the body, leaving the manhood out of the equation.

This is where a little extra TLC comes in. Adding a high-quality penis vitamin cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) to the morning (or evening) wash-and-groom ritual can help to ensure that these nutrients are made available to the penile tissue without having to rely on miles of digestive tract to make it happen. A small dab of nourishing cream that is formulated especially for the penis can go a long way toward boosting performance, maintaining healthy and responsive tissue, and improving its overall appearance.