Saturday, 19 October 2013

Spank the Monkey, Pay the Price - Risks of Excessive Self-love

Whether a guy’s solo sessions involve fisting the mister, burping the worm, or priming the pump, the act of whacking off is arguably one of life’s most pleasurable pastimes. Unfortunately, though, all of this self-love can have unfortunate consequences for the penis that can seriously compromise a man’s ability to enjoy himself - unless some common-sense guidelines are followed. Some of the risks of tossing the one-eyed trouser snake are discussed here, as well as what a man can do to ensure a happy, healthy penis.

The real risks of monkey business.
1. Dry, flaky, scaly skin - No man wants his prize possession to look like something left behind in a potato field in November, but that’s exactly how the penis might look if it is tossed around too often without adequate care. A dry, flaky, wrinkled appearance is the result of excessive friction without the benefit of a moisturizer or lubricant.

2. A sore, red penis -Beating the meat can actually leave the penis looking like a piece of raw meat if a man does the deed a little too often. A sore, overused manhood can take days to heal before it is ready for another round.

3. Bruising and pain - Bruising and deep-seated pain can be a real hazard of getting off, especially for men who engage the so-called death-grip while milking the old lizard. Bruising of the penile skin can occur, and the damaged capillaries can have a hard time nourishing the surrounding tissue.

4. Scarring and deformity - After years of hard labor, the tissue that surrounds the erectile chambers can develop scarring that is far less flexible and stretchy than the original connective tissue. This scarring can cause shortening of the penis or even unnatural bends and curves during erections.

5. Loss of sensitivity - All of the abuse that the penis takes can damage the nerve tissue that is responsible for delivering pleasant sensations to the brain. At the same time, the skin can become toughened and callused. These issues can result in a penis that is no longer sensitive to sensual stimulation, making any intimate activity much less pleasurable.

Avoiding the drawbacks of self-love
None of these consequences are pleasant to contemplate, but neither is a future devoid of the pleasure to be had from manual stroking - even for a man who has all the satisfaction that a steady partner (or steady stream of partners) can bring. There’s just something about a solo session that allows a man to pull out all the stops - so to speak - and bring himself to an earth-moving, soul-satisfying orgasm.
Because no man wants to give up this deep pleasure, a little care is needed when doing the deed to make sure that lasting damage doesn’t get in the way of future enjoyment. A few simple precautions will usually do:
  • Make sure to set aside plenty of time for the act, so that it isn’t necessary to resort to heavy yanking and hard-and-fast movements to get the job done as quickly as possible.
  • Use a dedicated lube - this means one made for the purpose, not just any slick substance that happens to present itself. Using household items like soap, toothpaste, shampoo or even hand lotion can expose the penile skin to drying agents, fragrances and a minty freshness that the penis is just not equipped to handle. A water-based personal lubricant, on the other hand, is specifically designed for this delicate tissue and can create a slippery surface without any burning, tingling or pain.
  • Experiment. Most guys have an established routine that works as a go-to, sure-fire method to reach orgasm quickly and confidently; but men who never alter their technique could be setting the stage for future loss of sensation. Essentially, once the penis is used to a certain range of sensations, it may only respond to those; but on the other hand, after a time, the brain becomes "bored" with even those sensations and may refuse to respond to any type of pleasurable sensations at all. Trying new things from time to time, adding toys to the routine, or playing with different fabrics can help to keep a wide range of nerve pathways open and sizzling.
  • Use a specially formulated penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) that is prepared with a rich blend of nutrients, moisturizers and emollients made to sooth stressed penile skin, speed healing of damaged tissue, and maintain penis nerve health. A top-quality creme like this can help keep the skin smooth and supple, ready to respond to every touch.

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