Saturday, 12 October 2013

Penis Vitamins: What They Can - and Cannot - Do for Penile Health

In an age of so-called super-foods, miracle vitamins, and other dubious nutritional breakthroughs, it can be difficult to sort out the legitimate benefits from some of the more outrageous claims made by companies that market these products. Aggressive advertising campaigns promote nutritional supplements for anything from rapid weight loss to glowing, healthy skin to enhanced sexual performance. A good rule of thumb for smart consumers to follow is that if it sounds too good to be true, then it most certainly is NOT true. However, getting the right nutrients in the diet CAN have beneficial effects on a man’s overall health, and in fact, there are nutritional elements that are truly needed for a healthy penis. Some of the real benefits of penis vitamins are outlined here.

1. Build healthy skin cells - Growing healthy skin cells and connective tissue, as well as repairing damaged skin - takes plenty of nutrients like vitamins C and A, as well as vitamin D. As the penis is subject to some pretty rough handling, it is a good idea to make sure that intake of these nutrients at least meets the daily recommended allowance.

2. Boost the body’s natural defenses - Antioxidants such as vitamin C are needed to support the immune system, as well as to hunt and destroy the free radicals that can cause problems ranging from early signs of aging to cancer. Vitamin C, along with other antioxidants, can help to keep the penis youthful and reduce the risk for adverse health conditions.

3. Support nerve and circulatory health - Amino acids like acetyl L carnitine and L arginine are needed to grow and repair nerve tissue - an important factor in maintaining penis sensation. In addition, vitamin C - a hard worker when it comes to penile health - plays an important role in growing circulatory tissue and maintaining erectile function.

4. Improve penile sensitivity - By keeping the penis well-hydrated through nutrients like vitamin E, as well as supporting skin and nerve health, penis nutrients can help to guard against sensitivity loss, as well as restoring lost sensation that results from chronic rough treatment.

And a caution - what penis vitamins and other nutrients really can’t do…
In spite of the benefits that can certainly be had from getting these essential nutrients, there are things that they can’t do. Men should never rely on vitamins alone for treating illnesses ranging from minor infections to STDs to cancer. In addition, issues like erectile function are complex, and men should turn to the professionals for advice on what to do about this difficult problem. In other words, vitamins do have real benefits, and they are a necessary part of good penile health, but they cannot work magic.

So vitamins are good - now, how to get them:
Getting vitamins to the penis often just means eating a wide variety of healthy foods, including whole grains, fruits and vegetables, heart-healthy fats and lean proteins. In addition, because chemicals like caffeine can block absorption of certain nutrients, it is a good idea to cut down on the coffee. Men who are concerned about nutritional gaps that may be limiting their intake of certain vitamins may turn to oral supplements to fill in for the missing nutrients in their diet. However, the benefits of oral supplements are open to debate, in part because they are often simply passed through the digestive tract, rather than absorbed into the system.

A good alternative for men who want to ensure that they are getting the nutrients that are important to penis health is the addition of a top-drawer penis vitamin cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) to the daily care regimen. Applying a rich vitamin formula directly to the skin means that the nutrients can be absorbed directly into the skin, going straight to work on the tissues they are intended to support.

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