Monday, 30 September 2013

Penis Bruising 911 - When a Sore Dangler Signifies a Serious Problem

By the time a guy has reached adulthood, a variety of bumps and bruises have been experienced. From bruised hands, knees or elbows, to a bruised ego - and everything in between. One type of bruising that many men may not have experienced - and certainly hope to avoid - is penis bruising. Luckily, for the average, non-stunt double man, the twigs and berries are relatively protected from accidental contact and hopefully further protected by an athletic cup during activities that put it at a higher risk for injury. Even still, there are a variety of reasons that could be behind those black and blue spots. Learn more about the causes of penile bruising and how to keep the penis healthy - and bruise free.

What causes a bruised boner?
Of course, there are the obvious reasons for a sore penis. A soccer ball to the junk, slipping off a bicycle seat, or even a poorly-timed bedroom maneuver can all cause a bruise-worthy shot to the baby maker. But what about those mystery bruises that seem to show up out of nowhere? If a man is noticing a bruise below the belt that he does not remember getting, it is possible that he was a little overzealous during his last one-handed rendezvous. Yes, squeezing too tight during masturbation can cause a penis bruise.

The tiny blood vessels below the surface of the skin are susceptible to breaking during masturbation. Typically, the bruise will clear up on its own in a week or two, depending on the size of the bruise. No treatment is needed, but if the bruise is uncomfortable or accompanied by swelling, a bag of frozen peas on the goods for 10 or 15 minutes can do wonders. Alternatively, the purple mark may be what is known as a purpura, or blood spot. Unlike a bruise, a blood spot is not caused by an injury and may just show up on its own. A blood spot may present as a small, flat red or purple spot, or it may look similar to a bruise, but without the pain.

Does the bruising ever indicate something more serious?
By and large, most bruises on the penis are just that. However, recurrent blood spots or bruising that doesn’t go away after a few weeks, or frequent large bruises from minor injuries could be an indication of a more serious problem and require medical attention. Excessive, persistent bruising may be the result of a medication, a serious infection that caused a buildup of toxins in the body, a bleeding or blood clotting disorder such as hemophilia, nutritional deficiencies, or inflammation of the blood vessels. Some chronic conditions are also associated with unexplained bruising or blood spots including: chronic inflammatory diseases like lupus, cirrhosis of the liver, leukemia, Hodgkin’s disease, and multiple myeloma. If there is a marked increase in unexplained bruising, or pain with the bruising, a medical evaluation is needed immediately.

Keeping the penis bruise-free
Naturally, one cannot avoid unexpected accidents, but prevention is always the best medicine. A man should always wear an athletic cup when engaging in any contact sport - even a friendly game of kick-ball at the family reunion can lead to a painful nut shot - so wear a cup whenever possible. As far as masturbation goes - loosen up! Though a common slang term is choke the chicken, a man does not need to take that phrase literally. If excessive pressure or aggressive masturbation is the only way to achieve orgasm, it is possible that the penis has become desensitized - or that nerve damage has occurred - leading to more stimulation needed for the desired result.

Unfortunately, continuing down the path of a too firm grip puts the penis at risk of developing Peyronie’s disease - or a curvature of the penis - caused by build up of plaque and scar tissue, which are both contributed to by aggressive penis play. Try using a high-quality lubricant to achieve a different form of stimulation and hopefully allow the act to be performed with less pressure. Finally, add a daily penis vitamin formula (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) to the hygiene routine to help keep the penis healthy. Choosing one with Acetyl L Carnitine can help repair peripheral nerve damage and restore sensitivity to a sore, tired penis.

Penis Sensitivity Loss - Could a Back Injury Be the Cause?

Low penis sensitivity can make a man feel like his vital parts are wrapped in cotton. Little touches pass by unnoticed, and even a creative partner wielding feathers, ice cubes and whipped cream can't seem to get the party started. Sometimes, the problem begins with the penile skin itself, and proper penis care can soothe that distress. But sometimes, low sensitivity in vital areas is a sign of a more serious problem, such as a herniated disk.

Back Facts
The back seems like a solid column of bone, but in reality, it's made up of a series of hollow pieces connected with a spongy material. This design allows the back to flex and bend, but it can also make that column a little unstable. An injury that a man barely feels could push just one disk out of alignment. This could come about due to:

  • Car accidents
  • Falls in the home
  • Sports
  • Bike accidents

The back injury might seem small, and the man might even feel comfortable enough to walk away from the wreckage, but deep inside, a tiny bit of damage could impact the transfer of sensation along the nerve pathways between the brain and the penis.

Information Highway
The brain stays in touch with body parts far away through a network of nerves. They drop from the base of the skull and spread out like fans, but they use the spinal cord as a sort of highway. In most cases, nerves drop right down and encounter no resistance along the journey. But a shifting bone can block that nerve's path. Sometimes, it can even trap that nerve, making communication just impossible.

Some men with injuries like this feel no sensations at all, while others can feel touches on one side of the penis but not the other. Some men even feel a sensation akin to tickling when they should be feeling only pleasure.

Finding the Cause
Imaging machines can quickly and easily detect a problem like this, and often, those tests are completely painless. With the results in hand, doctors can make sure that the bones in the back are aligned properly, and if they're not, they can pull together a surgical program or exercise regimen that can help. By snipping out damaged tissue and using plates to put shifted disks back in place, or strengthening the surrounding muscles, these professionals can ensure that the back functions properly once more.

But a return in sensation might not be immediate. The brain can sometimes lose touch with nerves that have been damaged, and it can take time for those cells to find one another once more. In fact, it's not uncommon for men to feel a persistent loss of sensation in the months that follow the completion of a treatment program.

Boosting Healing
Watching, waiting and testing that penis for restored sensation is tempting, but this kind of vigilance can also backfire. It tends to remind the brain that something is amiss, and when playtime rolls around, the brain might be thrown into an agony of worry that can kill even the most erotic of moods.
Supporting healing with good nutrition might be a better approach. Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables can provide healing cells with the trace elements they need as they knit back together, and a diet like this might also allow a man to lose those extra pounds that also put pressure on his back.

A penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) might also be part of a man's recovery plan. Products like this contain vital nutrients that are applied directly to the penile skin, where they are absorbed and get to work on the tissue underneath. Networking nerve cells might appreciate the boost of nutrition, and they may respond with a little flush of sensation. Healing might take time, but a creme could be a vital part of the program.

The Great Red Penis - Fun Facts about Erectile Health

Every red-blooded male is proud of his erect red penis, but not every man thinks about just how his member gets so red. The fact is the healthy glow of a healthy penis is all a result of a thunderous flow of blood to the organ. Comprehensive knowledge of good erectile health includes understanding the vital role that blood circulation has in keeping a penis in peak condition.

A few fun facts
1. Although many women claim that men think with their penises, the fact is that the penis is just a mindless tool. When it gets erect, it’s simply reacting to orders from the brain and from other parts of the body.

2. The guys that have primary responsibility for the erection are the corpora cavernosa. These dudes with the intimidating scientific names are really just two cylinders that run the length of the penile shaft.

3. The corpora are made of spongy tissues, so that when blood is released into them, they can absorb it. And when they absorb it, they expand. When they expand, guess what else expands? Answer: A man’s chance of having a really good time.

4. When the corpora get that special signal, they heave a sigh of relief and relax, which enables the blood to come in. At the same time, the arteries leading into the corpora also take a break and relax, pumping that blood into the corpora. How much blood? Roughly eight times as much as the penis gets when it’s flaccid.

5. All that blood puffs up the corpora, but the penis isn’t done yet. Another part of the member (called the tunica) does a little maneuver that keeps all that blood trapped inside the penis (for the time being). When the gates are barred, that penis is primed and ready to dance the night away.

6. By the way, all that trapped blood raises the blood pressure significantly: it’s about twice the blood pressure of what is circulating elsewhere in the body.

Clearly, blood flow plays a major role in the maintenance of a healthy penis. In fact, good blood circulation is important for the entire body. Blood takes oxygen and nutrients around the whole body, providing energy and nourishment that is essential for optimal health.
  • Blood circulation even plays a role in how well a person sleeps. For example, the body uses the time during deep sleep to help clean out the system and do repair work. It’s able to do a more efficient job when the blood is able to circulate more freely and quickly; at the same time, the easier it is for the body to do this, the better sleep a person experiences.
  • Fatigue can also be partly attributed to poor blood flow. One factor which negatively affects blood circulation is the aggregation of platelets, which is exacerbated by the presence of too much sugar in the blood. This decreases the blood’s ability to effectively deliver oxygen, causing tiredness.
  • During its trip around the body, blood picks up wastes that the body has created and delivers them to appropriate disposal outlets. When blood flow is sluggish, waste delivery is also affected, which impacts a person’s health.
Finding ways to keep the blood circulation up and running at proper speed is important not just for the sake of having a glowing red penis but for the overall health of every individual male. There are numerous ways to improve blood flow, including eating healthy and exercising regularly. It also can be very beneficial to utilize the benefits of a top-drawer penis nutrient cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil). It’s vital to select one that is going to aid a man’s efforts to maintain a healthy penis, so the best bet is a cream that contains a proven ingredient for helping to increase blood flow, such as L-arginine. This enzyme encourages blood vessels to relax and open up, allowing for the increased blood flow that provides health benefits to the penis and the whole body. Further add to penile health by choosing a cream with vitamin A, which is noted for its anti-bacterial properties.

Saturday, 28 September 2013

Aging Penis Defense - Maintaining a Youthful Manhood

Signs of aging are inevitable, but a loss of sensation does not have to be. No man can slow down the hands of time, but he can care for himself in such a way that slows or even reverses some of the damage that can result in an aging penis. If left uncared for, the manhood can slowly enter into a state of disrepair, in which peripheral nerve damage causes a marked decrease in sensitivity. Learn how to naturally combat the aging process and maintain a youthful penis for many years to come.

How does the penis age?
Decrease in sensitivity: Over time, the penis endures a lot of rough handling from sex and masturbation alike. Even men, who take a more gentle approach to their love life, experience a decrease in sensitivity and responsiveness over the years. Peripheral nerve damage can occur over the course of the years from normal sexual activity. This gradual nerve damage adds up to a big problem, as it leads to a decrease in sensitivity, which can make achieving an erection and reaching orgasm increasingly difficult.

Decrease in circulation: As a man ages, there is a natural decrease in circulation which reduces blood flow to the extremities. This decrease in blood flow may be caused by cardiovascular disease, damage to the tiny blood vessels, high blood pressure, or even a below the belt trauma. It is no secret that blood is a key component to a firm erection, so as that blood flow wanes, so too does the quality of the erection.

Curvature: As a man and his penis age, the chances for the development of a curvature in the penis increases. As the penis endures a lifetime of wear and tear, the penile tissue can become damaged from overly athletic or aggressive sex and even masturbation. This damage slowly develops into plaque and scar tissue, which shortens the penis tissue and causes a curve to one direction or another.

Wrinkling: Given the fact that the rest of the skin is susceptible to wrinkling, it should be no big surprise that the penis can wrinkle as well. As the skin naturally loses collagen and elasticity, wrinkled and saggy skin, sadly, takes its place.

Keeping the penis youthful
Just because a man is aging, does not mean he cannot age gracefully. Several natural ingredients can help slow the aging process down and keep the penis youthful and healthy.

Acetyl L Carnitine - Is highly touted for its neuroprotective properties, in fact, it protects the penis from peripheral nerve damage that can lead to a loss of sensitivity over time.

Alpha Lipoic Acid - When combined with Acetyl L Carnitine, the powers of alpha lipoic acid are increased for even greater benefit. In terms of penis health, alpha lipoic acid is an antioxidant that helps fight the aging process by crushing free radicals in the body and keeping penile cells healthy. It also works to prevent premature aging of the penis cells and stave off the dreaded penis wrinkles.

L-Arginine - Is an important enzyme that actually improves the health of the tiny blood vessels in the penis and helps them to expand and allow for a greater blood flow. This important ingredient combats loss of circulation and a flaccid penis. By improving circulation and oxygenation, L-Arginine also helps to prevent the buildup of scar tissue, which can lead to penis curvature.

All-natural Prevention and Treatment
When it comes to the penis, one can never be too careful. Prevention is key; that is why using a daily penis vitamin creme that combines penis specific ingredients can help keep the penis healthy and youthful (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil). All natural penis health ingredients can help slow the natural aging process, and even reverse some of the signs of premature aging. Simply apply the lotion daily and enjoy a healthier penis.

Foreskin Pain and Swelling - Treating and Preventing Balanitis

Throbbing, aching and swelling in the foreskin can strike fear into the hearts of men, leaving them worried that a recent unprotected encounter has left them with an unwelcome souvenir. While this could be a real penis health concern, other conditions may cause similar symptoms. For instance, uncircumcised men may develop a condition known as Balanitis. While painful, this issue is easily treatable if men follow some simple rules for penis hygiene and care.

What Is It?
Balanitis is a fancy word that describes a nasty condition involving foreskin pain. It is most often found in men who have not been circumcised, and they might notice the problem when they attempt to retract the sheath of skin that covers the head of the penis. That little tug might cause a sickening wave of pain, along with a distinctive odor that has often been described as fishy, fetid, buttery or cheesy.

The head of the penis might also be red and itchy, and a chunky, white discharge might be visible underneath the foreskin.

What Causes It?
The tight wrapper of the foreskin is designed to protect the sensitive head of the penis from the outside world, as well as acting as a natural lubricant. However, this sheath of skin also creates a warm, moist environment that is ideal for the growth of bacteria. These little germ cells can invade that space and replicate at will, irritating the skin and leaving nasty scents behind.

Often, this condition appears when a man has not been on top of his cleaning game for quite some time. Dead skin cells mixed with bodily fluids can be trapped under the foreskin, allowing Balanitis to develop. Sometimes, however, underlying health conditions can affect the body's immune system, reducing the ability of cells to fight off natural invaders. Men who have diabetes, for example, might develop balanitis due to their disease, no matter how hygienic they might be.

What Happens Next?
Foreskin pain like this can be intense, and in time, a man might find that even going to the bathroom hurts. Unfortunately, when the condition is in full swing, it is best to get a doctor involved. The area simply must be cleaned so that healing can begin, and that means tugging down the foreskin and swabbing out the dead cells. This is not the sort of thing most men with balanitis can do without fainting, unless a doctor helps. Additionally, men who develop this condition should get a blood test, just to ensure that there are no other medical conditions in play that are affecting their immune systems.

When the area is clean, medications might help to remove the bacterial invaders. Most often, these drugs are applied directly to penile skin, but oral medications might sometimes play a role in serious Balanitis cases that do not resolve with cream-based care.

Does Prevention Work?
Just reading about foreskin pain can make some men cringe, and even the toughest guy out there might be more willing to invest in prevention, rather than dealing with an infection. Thankfully, this is a condition can often be prevented altogether, as long as a man's health is good and he uses proper penis care techniques.

A daily rinse with cool water, when the foreskin is completely retracted, should be enough to cleanse away bacteria. No soaps, powders or deodorants are required, and often, these sorts of ingredients can irritate penile skin, so they should be avoided altogether.

Using a penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) could also be beneficial. The moisturizing agents in these products can keep skin soft, so fewer dead cells accumulate to feed hidden bacteria. The vitamins in products like this can also nourish the disease-busting cells that line the penis, which may help them to fight off invaders. A daily application might be one great way to keep the foreskin healthy and free of pain.

Friday, 27 September 2013

Penis Protection 101 - Why All Men Need their Vitamin C

There is nothing quite like starting the day off with a big glass of orange juice. Full of potassium, thiamin, folate and vitamin C, OJ is known for its health benefits and is a go-to drink for many people at the first sign of the sniffles. What most people do not know; however, is that the vitamin C in everybody’s favorite juice boosts more than one’s immunity. Vitamin C also boasts below the belt benefits -- that’s right -- it provides outstanding penis protection. So drink up, OJ lovers; that sweet stuff is good for the entire body.

The Many Ways Vitamin C Works in the Body
As an antioxidant: Vitamin C has been found to have antioxidant properties - meaning it fights cancer causing free radicals in the body - which is certainly a good reason to stock up on C-rich fruits and veggies. Free radicals can be contributing factors to serious conditions such as cancer - including testicular cancer - heart disease, cardiovascular disease, and arthritis.

As an antihistamine: Vitamin C is a natural antihistamine that prevents a histamine reaction and helps to detoxify the body of allergens. Men and women struggling with allergies should seek out extra C to keep the sniffles at bay.

To boost the immune system: Studies have found that vitamin C shows up in high doses in immune cells and is quickly depleted when the body is weakened by illness or even stress. Individuals working in high stress jobs may be wise to swap out a cup of coffee for some OJ each day, as the vitamin C may help keep an overstressed body healthy.

To fight the signs of aging skin: Vitamin C has been found to give skin that youthful glow everyone is after these days. In fact, it has been showing up in lotions and creams specially formulated for healthy skin - to give the skin an extra boost. Vitamin C has been found to improve the appearance of skin by decreasing the wrinkled appearance, reducing dryness and overall keeping it younger looking.

To repair tissue: Vitamin C is essential to the body’s ability to grow and repair damaged tissue. It helps restore collagen, speeds healing to wounds and tissue damage, and helps keep the teeth, bones and cartilage of the body strong and healthy.

To keep the penis healthy: Perhaps the most beneficial factor of vitamin C - at least for men - is the way it works to keep the penis healthy. Vitamin C not only pumps up the body’s production of collagen - which is critical for achieving firm erections - it also helps ward off erectile dysfunction, otherwise known as ED. One of the most common causes of ED in a man is poor circulation to his love stick. After all, poor circulation means limited blood flow, and without a healthy amount of blood, it is difficult for the penis to become engorged. Vitamin C works to support and heal the tiny blood vessels in the circulatory system, including those down below. Additionally, it works to keep the heart and cardiovascular system healthy, which is integral to pumping the blood throughout the body as well.

Getting Vitamin C Every Day
With all the benefits of vitamin C, it is definitely a vitamin to stock up on. Unfortunately, vitamin C is water-soluble, meaning it is not stored in the body, but is excreted in the urine, so eating a bag of oranges once a week does not keep the body stocked with vitamin C. Instead, it is important to take in the essential nutrient every day so the body has a constant supply of vitamin C at the ready. Of course, there are many food options outside of OJ to intake the vitamin. Many fruits and veggies contain vitamin C, so that is a good place to start. One should hit up citrus fruits, but also try Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, spinach, sweet potatoes, pineapples, watermelon and kiwi for good sources of C.

Vitamin C Supplements
Men who have difficulty taking in 90 mg/day, which is the Recommended Daily Allowance of vitamin C, may also try supplements to stock up. Vitamin C is available both as a stand-alone supplement and part of a multivitamin. Men who would like maximize the benefits of vitamin C directly on the penis; however, would be wise to use a daily penis vitamin creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil). A specially formulated penis creme can deliver nutrients directly to the penis skin, where they are easily absorbed, to maximize the benefits to the area. Simply integrate the vitamins into the daily grooming routine by generously massaging the creme on after a shower, and be on the way to a healthier penis.

Painful Penis Problems - Identify the Cause, Understand the Cure

For most men, life comes with a certain number of aches and pains. Most of them are minor and more of an annoyance than anything else, but some conditions, such as a painful penis, can be downright distressing and may even require medical intervention. Some common and lesser-known sources of penile pain are described here, along with some tips for ongoing penis care.

Causes of a painful penis
More things can go wrong with a penis than most men are aware. Unfortunately, many of the symptoms overlap, so it the actual underlying condition may not be readily obvious. While some sore penis issues may clear up on their own in a short time, other may require medical intervention. A good rule of thumb when it comes to a sore penis is, when it doubt, get it checked out. More serious conditions of the penis exist and can cause sterility or even require surgery, if not treated in a timely manner. A quick trip to the doctor can give a man peace of mind that everything is A-OK.

Some top causes of penis pain include:

1. Acne - yes, the penis can be inflicted with acne, much like the face;
2. Infected hair follicles or ingrown pubic hairs;
3. Bladder infection, bladder stones, kidney stones or kidney infection;
4. Urinary tract infection;
5. Urethritis - inflammation of the urethra;
6. Epididymitis - infection of the epididymis;
7. Prostatitis - infection of the prostate gland;
8. Phimosis - pain caused when the foreskin doesn’t retract over the head of the penis;
9. Paraphimosis - pain caused when the foreskin is stuck in a retracted position;
10. Priapism - pain caused by an erection that lasts more than 4 hours in the absence of physical or psychological stimulation;
11. Peyronie’s disease - painful curvature of the penis caused by the buildup of scar tissue and plaque;
12. Balanitis - infection located under the foreskin;
13. Sexually transmitted infections - such as herpes, chlamydia, syphilis, warts and gonorrhea; will often present with sores, bumps or bleeding;
14. Prostate cancer.

When does a man need to go to the doctor?
It is always the best policy to see the doctor for a sore penis that lasts more than a day or two, or for any condition that seems out of the ordinary. For example, a red bump on the penis may be a pimple or an ingrown hair and could go away in 3 or 4 days, or the bump could be caused by the herpes virus and need ongoing treatment. If a man has reason to suspect his penis pain is caused by something serious - such as finding a mass or lump with it, or having recently engaged in unprotected sex - an appointment should be made immediately. Any recent trauma to the area such a sports injury, serious sexual mishap or a persistent erection that lasts for more than 4 hours warrants a trip to the ER. Additionally, if there is bleeding, oozing, or discharge, or the sore penis brings a fever or nausea with it, going to the doctor is necessary.

Tips to keep the penis healthy
Any man who has experienced a seriously sore member will be willing to take the extra steps to avoid a relapse. Here are a few tips that will help keep the penis doctor away:
  • Use a condom - Condoms are up to 99% effective in stopping the transmission of STIs when used properly. Not dealing with an infection for years to come is reason enough to wrap it up!
  • Practice good hygiene - There are several conditions of the penis caused by bacteria making its way up the urethra, which can later develop into a painful infection. Keeping the penis clean and free of bacteria can reduce the chance of infection. Good hygiene goes doubly for men who are uncircumcised, as the foreskin really traps bacteria and contributes to the dreaded smegma.
  • Self-inspect - A monthly self-inspection of the entire region can help catch problems before they become a serious issue. Self-inspection can spot an STI right at the start, and find lumps that could indicate testicular cancer.
  • Nourish - Just like the rest of the body, the penis performs better and stays healthy with a good dose of vitamins. Eating healthfully is one way to nourish the penis; using a daily penis vitamin formula (most professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) is another. A daily vitamin formula delivers the specific vitamins and minerals the penis benefits most from directly to the penis skin, where they can be efficiently absorbed. Select one containing vitamin A for the added bonus of fighting pesky penis bacteria.

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Swollen Penis Relief - Easy Steps to Soothe a Throbbing Member

Swollen penis? No need to panic; the vast majority of men who develop swelling in the glans or foreskin have nothing seriously wrong. A swollen, throbbing package is no picnic, though, and some emergency care can go a long way toward relieving penis pain and bringing down the swelling.
A healthy penis is a happy penis, so some of the more common causes of a swollen penis and a few no-nonsense tips for soothing it back to health are described below.

Step 1. Stop the action.
When penis swelling occurs, whether during masturbation or sex or sometime later, it is important to halt all activity until the source of the problem has been identified. Rough handling can easily cause swelling, so there is usually no cause for alarm unless accompanied by severe pain and/or bruising. In this case, immediate medical attention is required.

However, continuing to stroke or thrust when the penile skin is already swelling is only likely to make the problem worse, so it really is important to take a break and refrain from any further activity until the swelling subsides and things are back to normal.

Men who experience frequent problems with a swollen penis, especially directly following masturbation or sex, may consider using a personal lubricant to reduce the degree of friction to the skin. Swelling accompanied by a burning sensation, a whitish discharge, and/or the appearance of "cuts" on the skin’s surface may have a fungal infection and should be treated accordingly.

Step 2. Apply a cool compress.
To ease the pain and reduce the swelling, a cool compress can be applied to the affected area. Men who choose to use ice or a frozen gel pack for this should make sure to place a towel or soft cloth between the bare skin and the ice; otherwise, frostbite is a real possibility.

Step 3. Try anti-inflammatory medications.
For stubborn swelling and penis pain, an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medication may help. Topical analgesics are NOT recommended for the penis, but oral medications such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen can be effective. These should not be taken by men who are on other medications or who have health conditions that are counter-indicated for NSAIDS without the advice of a doctor.

Step 4. Get help.
In the event that a sudden injury occurs, or the swelling is accompanied by sudden, severe pain, or if it does not subside within a few hours, it is important to get qualified medical assistance. While most penile injuries are not serious, leaving them untreated can result in complications or loss of function over the long term, so it is best not to adopt a "wait and see" approach if there is considerable pain involved.

Men who have erections that last for several hours that are not the result of sexual stimulation should also seek medical attention, as blood trapped in the penis can result in permanent damage.

Step 5. Soothing emollients for extended healing and long-term care.
Once the underlying issue is resolved and the penis is on the mend, guys can turn to a longer-term solution for supporting good penis health and reducing the risk of further illness or injury.

A healthy penis starts with smooth, well-nourished skin that can resist external invaders. Moisturizing and providing essential nutrients for skin growth and repair at the cellular level are a key part of this process. A quality penis health formula (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) that contains natural emollients like vitamin E and shea butter, as well as vitamins A and C - both essential in the production of skin cells and connective tissue - is an easy way for men to ensure that the penis is getting the nutrition it needs to stay strong, heal fast, and develop a supple, resilient look and feel.

Penis Odor 911 - Rescue Tips for a Smelly Manhood

Personal hygiene habits differ for every man. Some make it a habit to shower carefully every day and scrub at every little crevice that might harbor dirt or sweat, while others take a slightly more casual approach. Whichever category a guy falls into, though, it’s safe to say that no one wants to hear that his crotch is raising a stink. Unfortunately, this is one part of the body that can smell bad no matter how often a guy showers, unless he takes some extra steps to maintain an odor-free, healthy penis.

To help men understand where the odor comes from and how best to stop it in its tracks, some common penis odor culprits are described here, along with the best solutions for clearing the funky aroma.

Culprit #1: Sweat
There’s no avoiding this issue, since a sweaty undercarriage is just a fact of life. The pelvic region is just sweaty - all that skin, covered with layers of clothing, not to mention hair, means that even the cleanest of men will tend to perspire. However, a daily shower should help to keep down the worst of the funk from accumulated sweat, and trimming the hairs short will mean there is less surface area available to harbor beads of moisture. Wearing cotton briefs can also help, as they can allow for some air flow, as well as wicking moisture away from the skin.

Culprit #2: Stale urine
As the saying goes, "no matter how you shake and dance, the last two drops go in your pants." And once they are in the pants, they are there to stay, at least until the next change of clothes. After several trips to the restroom, a distinctive smell can remain behind on the skin, hair and underwear. One easy solution is to grab a small piece of toilet tissue and dab the last bits of liquid off; and men should be sure to change their skivvies often, as a pee-stained pair of briefs is guaranteed to produce a tell-tale odor.

Culprit #3: Candida yeast
Yeast infections are not just for women; guys can get them too, and the result can be a yeasty or fishy aroma, along with symptoms like itching, burning and a cheesy discharge. Penis hygiene is important here to remove any accumulated discharge, but treating the underlying infection with an antifungal cream is the best and fastest solution.

Culprit #4: Smegma
This issue affects uncircumcised men. The area under the foreskin is prone to accumulate sloughed-off skin cells, body oils and other fluids that congeal into a cheesy substance known as smegma. If it is not cleaned away frequently, this material can give rise to a distinctive, unpleasant smell and increase the risk for infections like balanitis. As soon as a man can retract his foreskin without pain or difficulty, this area should be cleaned daily for good health, as well as eliminating the odor.

Healthy penis skin for a fresher penis
While it can be tempting to try deodorant sprays or fragrances to mask the unpleasant musk emanating from the shorts, these products are not intended for delicate skin in the private area. Chemicals on the skin down there can cause stinging, burning, or even allergic reactions, and if they get into the urethra, the results can be especially painful.

In any event, masking the odor is never a good solution. However, products that are designed to nourish and protect the penis skin can be highly effective when it comes to warding off odor-causing bacteria. A quality penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) that contains natural moisturizers like Shea butter and vitamin E can help to maintain the surface integrity of the skin, preventing microorganisms from penetrating and infecting the penile tissue. A product that also contains vitamin A provides extra odor control, as this nutrient has antibacterial properties that can help keep smelly microbes from accumulating in the area.

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Penis Function Impaired by Poor Lifestyle Choices

As most men are surely aware, the boys downstairs are exceptionally sensitive. A misplaced blow to the balls can lead to writhing agony, and even such pleasurable acts as masturbation or sex can leave the penis feeling raw and sore. Sometimes, though, the simple daily choices that a man makes can lead to poor penis function, and in some cases, fertility could be impaired. Being aware of these issues and knowing how to avoid them can help keep the penis healthy and performing at its best.

1. Poor Clothing Choices.
Tight, restrictive clothing can limit circulation to the area, meaning that less blood is available to nourish the penile tissue. Loss of sensitivity and even erectile dysfunction can result from wearing too-tight clothing. On top of this, the little swimmers are remarkably sensitive to temperature, and staying too hot can reduce the number of healthy sperm. Sticking with underwear and shorts that allow for a bit of dangle could keep the air moving and the blood flowing, providing an environment that is all-around healthier for the penis.

2. Too Much Hot Water.
Sperm-killing heat doesn't just originate inside a guy's closet. Taking frequent dips in bathtubs and hot tubs filled with scalding water can also subject swimmers to killer temperatures. On top of this, hot water can be exceptionally drying for the skin, and bathing frequently at high temperatures can lead to a sore, stressed penis that may shy away from any intimate contact. Staying away from the heat and choosing warm showers instead can help men to avoid these problems.

3. Toxins in the Blood.
Everything a man puts into his body, including alcohol, tobacco, and other damaging substances, can affect both penis function and fertility levels. Alcohol, in particular, can put a damper on performance, especially when it is consumed in excess. Smoking cigarettes or using other forms of tobacco can cause serious damage to the nerve tissue, as well as inhibiting sperm production and sperm health. The following substances should be avoided in order to keep the penis healthy and firing on all cylinders:

  • Alcohol
  • Cigarettes
  • Chewing tobacco
  • Illicit drugs
  • Anabolic steroids

4. Weight Concerns.
Excess weight can affect penis function in numerous ways. Men who are overweight are prone to poor circulation, cardiovascular disease, and type 2 diabetes can experience problems such as loss of penis sensation, inability to perform, and even low fertility rates. Exercising and losing weight can improve a man’s health in a variety of aspects, and nearly all men who begin to increase their overall fitness level can expect to see a corresponding improvement in the performance department.

5. Poor Nutrition.
Producing healthy seed that are ready to make an epic journey means eating a diet that's rich in vitamins, minerals and protein. Obviously, this means more than potato chips, pretzels and beer. Loading up the plate with healthier options can provide the body with the raw materials required, and while a guy might not see a change on the outside, his body might quickly tell the difference.
Nutrition can also be a vital part of keeping the penile skin healthy. If the equipment is well nourished, it is more likely to be able to fight off disease. Smooth, supple penis skin is much more capable of experiencing pleasurable sensations, plus it just looks and feels more attractive. A penis health creme is an excellent resource for bridging any nutritional gaps needed to improve the condition of the penis. A quality product (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) delivers targeted nutrition right where it's needed most, supporting healthy skin and even more productive sex.

Penis Hurts - Tips for Recovering after an Exotic, Yet Painful Encounter

The world of sex play and sex toys can make for enormously kinky fun, but the end result for many men is often a sore penis. Sure, a little pain is the goal for a lot of guys, but sometimes a man gets more than he bargained for. Even if using a relatively tame toy like a chastity cage, a dude is likely to find that when his penile prisoner is finally granted precious freedom, he may be not be in any condition to enjoy himself. Indulging in "cage play" means that a man needs to take extra special pains to ensure proper penis care once his manhood is released from its bonds.

What kind of cage?
Although they are still not an item found in every man's sexual bag of tricks, chastity cages are more common today than ever. Such devices are exactly what their name suggests: a structure which is placed around the penis (and usually the testicles) in order to keep it locked up and unavailable for use.

These cages can be made from a variety of materials, including steel, rubber, leather and silicone. They're usually "sheath-like" in shape and skeletal in design, with an opening at the tip so that urine can be passed out. The length varies, but they are intended to be long enough to hold a flaccid penis comfortably and to create painful sensations when the penis is aroused and erect; ideally, the pain should be sufficient to cause discomfort and to prevent the penis from reaching a full erection.

What's the appeal?
Causing discomfort and discouraging an erection isn't everyone's idea of a good time, but many men - and not just those into BDSM or submission and dominance - find that wearing a chastity cage adds some oomph to their sex lives.

"Fred," who describes himself as a weekend cager (meaning he gets locked up only over the weekend, rather than wearing a device full-time), says that adding a chastity piece has helped him appreciate his penis.

Fred says that when he is locked in, he is always aware of his penis and how it feels practically every moment of his waking day. That intense fixation is a kind of "Zen penis state."

But…the pain?
Fred says that getting an erection definitely causes pain, but that it's not unbearable and that there is a kind of pleasure in it. When he gets hard, the real pain comes not from the constraint itself but from the fact that he can't masturbate and reach a climax; however, he finds that denial to make his subsequent release much more satisfying.

Other concerns
That said, there are other aspects of being in a cage that are not so pleasant. When a caged man urinates, not all the liquid escapes through the hole at the tip. Similarly, sweat can collect in the device, as can water from showers. While the skeletal design of a device makes it theoretically easy to keep the penis and the cage clean, in practice this isn't usually the case.

As a result, a cage can become a breeding ground for bacteria. Soap that gets into the cage and can't get washed away can dry on penile skin, making the penis dry or bringing about an allergic reaction.
Men who enjoy a chastity cage need to take extra steps to ensure that their penises are kept in good health. When his aching red penis is released from a device, a man should immediately soothe it with a reputable penis nutrient cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil). A cream with hydrating ingredients such as vitamin E and shea butter can help to relieve any itching and soreness and can attend to that dried-up feeling that a man may experience. It's also important to use a cream that includes alpha lipoic acid to keep away the "wrinkling" look that such activity may accelerate in a penis.

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Penis Sensation Rescue - Breathe New Life into an Unresponsive Manhood

For almost any man, the awareness that his penis sensation is not quite what it used to be can be a huge source of anxiety. After all, from the time that he learns what it can do for him, the pleasure that the penis brings becomes central to his life.

Loss of penile sensitivity affects most men at some point, and those who have serious problems in this department often experience problems with depression, not to mention loss of erectile function. But the sense that the penis is less responsive than it used to be does not have to mean the end of sex; with some easy tips that almost anyone can perform, many men can once again enjoy a responsive, healthy penis.

Why does penis sensation fade?
The penis is a complicated organ, and the factors that can affect its ability to respond to tactile stimuli (i.e., touch) are numerous and complex. Some of the most significant issues that can affect sensation include:
  • Toughening of the skin due to aggressive masturbation and/or sex;
  • Limited blood flow due to factors such as heart disease, high cholesterol, obesity, frequent cycling, or even tight clothing;
  • Diabetic neuropathy, a degenerative nerve disease related to high blood glucose;
  • Depression and/or anxiety;
  • Other psychological issues.
How to rescue an unresponsive penis:
1. Increase blood flow
One simple way to restore sensation to the penis is to increase the amount of blood that is available to nourish the skin, nerve and circulatory tissue in the area. This may take some effort and time, but losing weight and improving heart health through good nutrition and exercise can benefit the body in a multitude of ways, including improving overall penile function and stimulating the nerve tissue.
Men who cycle frequently, whether competitively or just for exercise, should look for specialized bicycle seats with a special cutout designed to address precisely this problem. Wearing supportive undergarments during a ride can also help to limit the compression to the area and support good circulation.

Men who have sedentary jobs should, of course, add exercise to their daily routine, but just getting up from the desk and taking a walk to the water cooler or the john can give the boys downstairs a break and allow some additional blood flow.

2. Avoid alcohol
Men (and women) often find that alcohol, in small amounts, can stimulate sexual desire at the same time as lowering inhibitions; because of this, date night often involves a few drinks. On the other hand, alcohol works against healthy sexual function in a number of ways; one of which is to dull the signals between the penis and the brain. To avoid loss of sensation from alcohol, men should limit themselves to no more than a drink or two.

3. Experiment.
Even the penis can get bored with the same old routine, and when men are accustomed to going at things using the same approach time after time, the penile nerve cells may simply refuse to cooperate and deliver sensations of pleasure. Trying new techniques, either with or without a partner, can help to stimulate new nerve pathways and create a new range of sensations.

4. Nourish the skin. The skin of the manhood affects penis sensation in a couple of different ways. A toughened, keratinized outer layer of skin is a natural result of daily wear and tear, and it can come between a man and his pleasure as time goes on. At the same time, peripheral damage to the sensory tissue that traces the penis skin can result in minor loss in sensitivity. Supporting the skin and nerve cells by keeping them well-nourished and moisturized can help to prevent, and in some cases, even reverse lost penile sensitivity. Daily application of a penis vitamin formula, especially one formulated with Acetyl L Carnitine (ALCAR), vitamin C and vitamin A, (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) can stimulate significant tissue repair and has even been reported to revive sensation in men with sensory loss due to diabetic neuropathy.

Penis Wart Removal - Why it should be Left to the Professionals

Penis warts are an unwelcome sight, and many men who spot them may be tempted to use an over-the-counter product made for wart removal to take care of the problem as quickly as possible. Is this a great idea, though? Experts say no, and they have good reason. After all, products that are made for warts on the hands and feet often just aren't right for the sensitive parts in a man's pants, and using a product like this could result in injuries that might require extensive penis care.

What causes penis warts?
All warts, whether they spring up on the hands, the feet, the penis or the elbow, start with an infection by the human papilloma virus (HPV). It's been plaguing humans for millennia, and at this point, doctors aren't sure why some people get infected and others don't. It's clear, however, that contact with infected skin tends to be the trigger that sets the infection off. Those who do contract the virus, which can be found almost everywhere, can erupt in little bumps on the skin’s surface.

Infections with HPV can be complicated, as there are hundreds of different variants of this particular virus. Some respond to certain types of treatment, while others are notoriously difficult to treat. Some tend to go away quickly, while others like to linger. Some can even transition into nastier health problems, including cancer.

As a result, while bumps on the penis might have the same infection source as hand warts, those little speckles might respond quite differently to treatments. The type of virus might be different, or the skin that supports the virus might be different. This sort of thing can have a big impact when a man chooses to start working on his healing plan.

At-Home Care
Most over-the-counter wart treatments contain warnings, printed right there on the package, about using the products on intimate skin. Those warnings are in place because these products are designed to work on dried, coarse skin, like the covering of the hands and the feet. Place that same substance on the penis, and it can result in:
  • Burning
  • Itching
  • Bleeding
  • Scarring
Conversely, the products might not even work at all. They're just not made to order for all types of genital warts, and as a result, men just can't feel comfortable treating these things on their own at home.

Better Choices for Treatment
A trained health care provider can take a tissue sample from the penis warts in question identify the precise strain of virus that is causing the problem; they can then come up with a treatment plan that's both appropriate and tailored to the special needs of the penis. Treatments may range from:

1. Watching and waiting;
2. Applying a prescription cream or ointment to the affected area;
3. Surgical removal via curettage, laser therapy, or cryotherapy (freezing the wart off).

Once the warts are removed and the skin is working on repairing itself, supporting penile health with a little extra TLC may also be helpful. A quality penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) contains essential vitamins and other powerful nutrients that are chosen specifically for their impact on penile skin. The topical application of a product like this ensures that the nutrients go to the tissue in need, and the results can be superlative. While products like this can't cure penis warts, they can help the skin to stay soft and healthy so it'll be in a prime position to fight back against an infection. As an added bonus, a penis cream can leave the skin looking younger, more vibrant and supple; a benefit which any man can appreciate.

Monday, 23 September 2013

Kama Sutra for the Weekend Warrior - A Sensuality Guide

Most men would be happy to learn a set of new maneuvers that could seriously spice up their performance in the bedroom and leave their partner satisfied and begging for more. However, few men have the time or patience to spend hours reading up on how-to manuals or looking for hidden tricks to enhance their own - and their partner’s - pleasure. The good news is that men can take some of the simplest tips from the world’s most well-known and thorough guide to sex and work them into their romantic encounters with relatively little effort. Adding appropriate steps to their penis health care routine can also help take them to a new level of pleasure.

Here are some easy steps a man can take to improve the sensuality and excitement of a romantic encounter.

1. Set the scene.
While two people who are exceptionally hot for each other may not notice anything about their surroundings, those who have spent some time together may become distracted by the things going on around them - especially if they live together. Nothing throws cold water on a hot encounter more quickly than a pile of dirty laundry, an open laptop flashing email alerts, or kids causing a ruckus in the next room.

Creating a romantic atmosphere is relatively easy. Cleaning up the surroundings, perhaps adding few pillows to the bed (these can come in handy later, too…), and removing any distractions is a good start. Soft lighting - candlelight is best - and a gentle fragrance can also help to set a mood, and playing some sexy, but unobtrusive music can also help to create a space that is meant just for two. Sending the kids to a movie, or just waiting until they are asleep, can also help both partners to keep their minds on the matter at hand.

2. Start with cleansing.
One of the main points of the Kama sutra has to do with the cleansing experience. Taking a warm bath or a shower together is a nice way to get things started. Fragrant bath oils can be added to the water, and a couple can take turns gently washing each other. This allows for some sensual, intimate contact; and the sensation of body parts sliding against each other can cause an instantaneous increase in temperature.

3. Take it slow and easy.
Now that both partners are feeling the heat, it can be tempting to jump right in and get to the main point of the encounter. While this can be exciting, slowing it down can add a great degree of sensory pleasure to the experience. Using gentle movements and soft touch, taking the time to experience each other to the fullest, can create a new height of sensation.

4. Experiment with new positions.
Instead of falling into the same pattern, trying a variety of new positions can help to heighten sensations even more. Using pillows, chairs, or other bedroom props can help to create a new range of feelings and touch sensory tissue that has been previously unexplored.

5. Nourish the penis for a greater sensual experience.
No matter how well a man plans ahead to set a sexy, seductive tone, a penis that is not in topnotch condition is not going to make for a pleasant sensual experience - for either himself or his partner. However, men who have a dry, rough-feeling penis, or one that is easily irritated during heavy activity, or even one that is a little less sensitive than it used to be, can work wonders on the look and feel of their penile skin. A penis nutrient formula (most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) that is fortified with high-quality moisturizers, life-sustaining vitamins and energy-boosting antioxidants can quickly improve the overall quality of the skin, leaving the penis soft, supple and responsive to even a gentle touch. Applied every day, a penis cream can provide men with a more sensual experience than they ever thought possible.

Penis Care Handbook - Act Now for Future Penile Health

While no man actually wants an unhealthy penis, a surprising number of men spend any significant amount of time on penis care. But neglecting penile health now can mean problems later on, so all men should make it a point to make caring for the penis part of their daily routine. Some guidelines for maintaining penis health are outlined here.

Step 1. Keep it clean, please.
This may seem simplistic, but research has shown that more guys than not are likely to skip on this important aspect of penis care. A daily shower really is the first step to better penis health; washing away a day’s worth of accumulated sweat, urine, dead skin cells, and other substances can help to prevent infections, irritation, and - of course - any unpleasant smells that might arise from a less-than hygienic penis. For men who are uncircumcised, this is particularly important; those who neglect a gentle wash every day may develop an accumulation of smegma under the foreskin, which can lead to a swollen, sore, unhealthy-looking penis.

Step 2. Dress for success.
Those skinny jeans might look great, especially from behind, but guys who wear them are not doing themselves any favors when it comes to penis health. Tight clothing like bikini-type underwear, jacked-up jeans and bike shorts can all restrict blood flow to this pertinent part of the anatomy. Over the long term, reduced circulation can cause nerve damage that may affect pleasurable sensation in this department. Non-restrictive, natural fabrics are the best answer; clothes should fit well enough to prevent too much sway up front, but still allow the boys downstairs to breathe.

Step 3. Don’t skip the annual exam.
No guy wants to spend an afternoon in an exam room, wearing an embarrassing cotton robe while a stranger probes his junk. But this is one aspect of penis care that no man should ever avoid. Getting the equipment checked on a regular basis - at least once per year - is necessary to detect early warning signs of potentially serious diseases. While a doctor’s visit is not anyone’s idea of a good time, taking care of penile health can ensure that the real good times can continue well into the golden years.

Step 4. Protect, protect, protect.
No matter how hot a partner may be, and no matter how clean they insist they are, there is no excuse ever for skipping on protection, unless a couple is in a committed, truly monogamous relationship. Even if there are no signs of a transmittable disease present, either partner may be infected - many diseases take weeks or even months to show signs, and in some cases, no symptoms may ever develop. This means that even people who believe they are perfectly healthy can infect a partner, so for the safety of both parties, a condom should always be a requirement.

Step 5: Nourish and moisturize from the outside in.
The penile skin is the first line of defense against external invaders like bacteria, fungal spores and other environmental hazards - not to mention the stress that comes from masturbation and sex. Keeping the skin healthy and maintaining the surface integrity can help to prevent a wide range of problems, from unpleasant skin infections to actual loss of penile sensation.

In this respect, a specially formulated penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) makes for the perfect secret weapon. A creme containing nature’s best moisturizer - Shea butter - can help to smooth and soften toughened skin, leaving it feeling supple and youthful. Vitamins, antioxidants and other penis-specific nutrients work at the same time to fill in any nutritional gaps to ensure that the penis skin receives the nourishment it needs to stay healthy, fight disease and function at its best on a cellular level.

Penis Health Creme Do's and Don'ts - Correct Usage of a Penis Vitamin Formula

With all the attention on healthy living and taking steps to prevent chronic health problems, more and more men are turning to a penis health creme to provide extra protection for their most prized possession. A penis vitamin formula is an excellent way to provide the penis nutrients needed to maintain optimum penile health, but knowing the right (and wrong) ways to apply it can make all the difference when it comes to experiencing the full benefits.

What is a penis health creme?
A penis creme is a specialized formula that is intended specifically for use on the penis. It should not be confused with other types of penis cremes or oils that claim to enhance performance or size. Rather, a creme like this is intended to provide essential penis nutrients that can have a beneficial effect on the overall health of the penis, including the skin, nerve tissue and blood vessels. A high-quality creme can make up for nutritional gaps in the diet and help to keep the penile tissue functioning properly on a cellular level.

How to use it - 4 Do’s and Don’ts
DO: Use daily. In order to realize the full benefits of a creme like this, it should be used daily - either once or twice, as needed - rather than waiting until problems occur.
DON’T: Use on broken skin or open sores. With that said, neither a penis health formula or any other creme or ointment should be used on broken skin, open sores or cuts unless under the express advice of a doctor.

DO: Apply after a daily shower. Rubbing in a penis cream right after a bath or shower, while the skin is still warm, meaning that the pores will be open and receptive. This allows for maximum absorption of the product.
DON’T: Overdo it. Using more than the recommend amount will not increase the benefits, and instead, it will allow any unabsorbed formula to remain on the surface of the skin or rub off onto clothing. While this should not cause any negative effects, there’s just no need to waste.

DO: Allow for full absorption before any intimate contact. The creme or lotion should be fully absorbed into the penile skin before engaging in intercourse or oral sex. In the event that a partner is sensitive to any of the ingredients, the area should be washed carefully before any skin-to-skin contact takes place.
DON’T: Use as a lubricant. Because creams like this are meant to be absorbed into the skin, they are not effective as lubricants. A water-based personal lubricant without added fragrances or warming agents is recommended for this purpose.

DO: See a doctor regularly. Self-treatment is rarely a good idea, and when problems do occur, they should be addressed by a trained medical professional. It’s a good idea to keep in mind that common penis symptoms can indicate a wide range of conditions, some more serious than others, so qualified medical advice is always recommended.
DON’T: Use a penis cream as a substitute for a prescribed medication. A penis cream is meant as a nourishing, conditioning solution, not as a treatment for any disease. All men should follow their doctor’s advice when it comes to dealing with penis problems.

Which creme to use?
Not all penis cremes are alike, and when it comes to realizing the benefits, men should make an informed decision before laying down their hard-earned cash. In the first place, there are no substitutes. Cremes that are intended for the face or body may contain chemical additives such as fragrances, firming agents or dyes that are often too harsh for the delicate penile tissue. To be effective, a penis vitamin formula (most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) should contain the following:

1. High-quality emollients such as Shea butter - a natural tree oil known for its healing properties.
2. Vitamins A and E, for smooth, resilient, supple skin.
3. Vitamin C, for maintaining the skin’s elasticity, as well as antioxidant properties.
4. Amino acids ALCAR and l-Arginine, for healthy erectile function.
5. Vitamin D for overall good health and cellular function.

Saturday, 21 September 2013

Improve the Penis in 4 Simple Steps

Because most men's penises can become somewhat "dulled" to regular sensation as they age, many men like to keep their eyes open for suggestions on how to improve the penis naturally. Whether engaging in partner sex or masturbation, a man wants the most enjoyable experience possible. The more sensitized his penis is, the more likely he will achieve his goal. Steps to improve the penis can increase sensitivity, as well as general penis health.

Why the loss?
Several issues can lead to loss of penis sensitivity:
  • Age - As a man grows older, a little dulling of the senses is normal throughout the body, including the penis. It's usually not a huge degree, but when talking about the penis - which is the one part of the body where sensation counts the most - even a small degree of loss can be troubling.
  • Blood flow - There's a reason that a man's "pants playmate" gets good and red when it gets hard: it's accumulated a lot of blood in its tissues, which makes it swell up and exhibit itself in its own peculiarly proud manner. If blood isn't circulating into the area as freely as possible, it can affect the firmness of the erection, which also affects the sensitivity a man derives from having it touched or enveloped.
  • Medication side effects - Sometimes a medication may have an unintended side effect that can result in penis de-sensitization. A man whose member is experiencing a little dullness should check the warning labels of any medications he is taking or speak with his doctor.
  • Inadequate exercise/diet/general health - The more "in shape" a man, the more "in shape" his equipment: maintaining a good weight, keeping away from drugs and alcohol and eliminating smoking can not only make you feel good; it can make good feelings in your penis.
  • Injury - A physical injury to penile nerves can definitely cause a sensitivity issue. So can the development of too much scar tissue, which can result from excessive or rough handling of the penis.
What to do
Aside from the hints offered above (check your medications, stay healthy), there are a few other things a man can do to keep his penis happily receptive to sensation. These include:

1. Exercising the penis - Keeping the body in shape is one thing, but doing a little "root" exercise is important, too. In other words, work those Kegels (the muscles in the pelvis that control urination). Squeeze them for 5 seconds; release; repeat. Do this at least 10 times and repeat the set several times a day. Keeping the penis muscles built up opens the penis up for a more pleasurable experience.

2. Edge around it - Some men report that edging - bringing themselves to the brink of ejaculation; stopping; and repeating several times - leads to a much more satisfying orgasm and increases their general penis sensitivity.

3. Spice things up - Sometimes penis sensitivity isn't so much in the head of your penis as in the head on your shoulders. If a person is a bit bored or complacent, it can affect his sex life. Try out new positions, new toys or new ways of having sex. Whether indulging in masturbation or in partner sex, create some new mental fantasies to experience during the act.

4. Keep the equipment in good condition - A penis that's well attended-to is a penis that responds better to stimulation. Keep your penis clean and in good working order by giving it the hygienic attention it needs.

Good hygiene will be enhanced by regularly employing a proper penis vitamin cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil). One tip on how to improve the penis sensitivity is utilize a cream that includes acetyl L carnitine, which helps to nourish the penile cells and make them more open and receptive to sensation. A cream with L arginine is also recommended, as this can help with potential blood flow issues, and one with shea butter is advisable, due to its welcome soothing qualities.

A Woman Feeling a Penis Can Bring Pleasure - and Pain

For a man, having his penis stroked is an incomparable experience; but for some women, feeling a penis can sometimes be a strange and puzzling thing. An inexperienced woman, or sometimes even a woman with experience, may not know that, while most touches to the organ bring pleasure, some can bring pain. Men who are concerned about good penis health may need to provide guidance to avoid unintentional achiness and a sore penis.

Guys shouldn’t sacrifice their manhood for manliness.
Okay, most men want to be seen as incredibly virile. Especially when they are with a new woman, they want to present themselves as tough as steel and incapable of being hurt. This is particularly true when dealing with matters related to the penis: it’s the very symbol of how masculine a guy is, and therefore has to be presented as impervious to all harm.

So when a guy hooks up with a babe who is really, intensely into exploring his penis, he’s going to be hesitant to point out when something doesn’t feel good.

A stroke can be too aggressive.
Clearly, a woman doesn’t know what it’s like to have a "dangler" between her legs. When she is feeling a penis, she doesn’t have any actual conception of what exact sensations are being passed on to the fellow. (It’s the same as when a man is massaging a vagina; he does what he imagines feels good, but unless he gets some feedback from the woman, he doesn’t know if what he’s doing is having the desired effect.)

Women, especially those who are inexperienced, may assume that a penis likes to be manhandled. Sure, if it’s soft, it may need some gentle touching; but once stiff, doesn’t it always like to be pulled hard or squeezed exceptionally tight?

Matters are complicated by the fact that, yes, sometimes that’s exactly what a guy does want. But when it’s not, it’s incumbent on a guy to say so.

Dry is not good.
It’s also essential that a man lets a woman know if his penis needs some sort of lubrication when being fondled. It can be excruciating when a really dry (or rough) hand is vigorously rubbing a man’s member. It’s even worse if the rubbing is concentrated on the glans. A man must make it a point to not be shy about telling his lady friend that an appropriate lubricant is required.

Watch the nails.
Those long, carefully manicured fingernails are very attractive across the dinner table; they can sometimes be less so when wrapped around one’s manhood. If a man is presented with a nail that has been filed to pointed perfection, it behooves him to point out that he prefers his penis unpunctured.

Pubes are not for pulling.
Men who shave their crotches needn’t worry about this, but those who don’t sport the bald look down below know that a pubic hair is just as painful when accidentally pulled as a hair from the pate. Occasionally, a partner may need reminding of this fact.

These are some of the common hazards that occasionally occur when an inexperienced or over-industrious woman gets too "into" a man’s penis. Remember, fellows: there’s nothing wrong with gently letting her know that you prefer things done a little differently.

If a woman does accidentally cause soreness, a man can take comfort in the fact that a reputable penis nutrient cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) can go a long way to making things better. Choosing a cream with shea butter is an excellent idea; made from the fruit of the shea tree, this ingredient is nature’s gift for dermatological healing. A cream with vitamin E can also help with healing through hydration, and one with acetyl L carnitine can help restore sensitivity to an over-aggressively stroked penis.

Friday, 20 September 2013

Burning Penis Diagnosis – Signs and Symptoms of a Male UTI

Urinary tract infections are one of those diseases that seem to affect women more often than men, but guys are certainly not immune. Having a male UTI is a nasty business that can result in a burning penis and pain on urination. While there is no fool-proof prevention for this unpleasant occurrence, knowing how and why they happen can save men a lot of hurt that can last for days. Some simple suggestions for penis care can also help men to reduce their risk of contracting a UTI.
What is a urinary tract infection?
A urinary tract infection, or UTI, occurs when bacteria (usually E. choli) penetrate the urethra and burrow inward, stimulating the body’s immune response. Women are more prone to the disease simply because their urethra is shorter than a man’s, but men can easily be affected as well. A male UTI is frequently related to poor hygiene or unprotected anal sex.
What are the symptoms?
A UTI is characterized by:
1.      a burning sensation in the urethra;
2.      frequent need to urinate (often with little urine produced);
3.      and penis pain on urination;
4.      back and/or abdominal pain;
5.      fever (in some cases).
If any of these symptoms are present, a urinalysis may be necessary.                                     
Treating a male UTI
A UTI is typically treated with antibiotics. Because a UTI can have similar symptoms to other medical issues, and because the type of antibiotic used depends in part on the type of bacteria present, most doctors will require a urine sample for positive diagnosis. This can generally be done in a few minutes in an outpatient setting, and test results are generally available within an hour or two.
Hints for prevention
 1.    Keep the penis and surrounding area clean. Washing the genital area carefully can help to eliminate any traces of fecal matter or other bacteria-laden substances that may trigger an infection.
 2.    Wash hands before handling the goods. Washing the hands before and after handling the package can also prevent the urethra (at the tip of the penis) from coming in contact with harmful bacteria.
 3.    Keep the short hairs short. Microorganisms love warm, moist, dark areas, and the pubic hairs provide a perfect environment, especially in the presence of stale urine, droplets of semen, and other bodily effusions that are often trapped in long, thick hair. Keeping these short, or shaving them off altogether, means less chance that a bacterial colony will be able to establish itself.
 4.    Choose partners wisely. In general, sexually transmitted infections are a matter of greater concern than a UTI, but it pays to be careful about whom one chooses to share a romantic evening in any event. Even though it may take some of the heat out of the moment, an honest conversation about past medical conditions, as well as hygiene habits, can help to prevent a range of unpleasant problems. A partner who is less-than-vigilant about keeping him- or herself clean can provide a source of contamination that may lead to a variety of different infections.
 5.    Use protection. With that said, even if a partner seems up to snuff, it is always the better part of caution to use protection for every encounter.
 6.    Stay hydrated. Drinking plenty of water is important for all aspects of health, and staying hydrated is especially important when it comes to flushing out the bladder and urinary tract. Natural juices that are high in acid, such as cranberry or pineapple, are also recommended for individuals who experience frequent infections; men should just be sure to watch out for beverages with added sugar, as the sweet factor can actually provide a favorable environment for bacteria.
 7.    Moisturize and nourish. Given the nature of the surrounding environment, even the most hygienic of men are likely to harbor some bacteria and other microbes in the groin area. One way to help make the under-drawers a bit less hospitable for these microorganisms is to make sure the penis skin itself is intact, without any cracks and fissures in the surface that can allow invaders to penetrate. A penis nutrient formula  (most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) that is fortified with high-quality moisturizers and essential vitamins can help to maintain the integrity of the skin’s outer layers. Applied daily, after a shower, a penis crème is an excellent resource for men who want healthy, supple skin.