Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Too Fat for Sex? Think Again - Hands-on Hints for Enjoying Real Bodies

In a world of photoshop, airbrushing, and misguided thinking about how the human body shouldappear, women are not the only ones who feel like they should conform to a physical ideal that is nearly impossible to achieve. There are plenty of men whose bodies fall somewhere outside the media ideal, and they are often just as easily convinced as women that they are unattractive to a potential sexual partner. While they may have the same desires as their more chiseled counterparts, a skewed image of what is normal may leave them feeling like they are too fat for sex. But the truth is that men who are on the heavier side really can experience sensuality at every level; often, all that is needed is a bit of a change in attitude. The hints below, combined with tips for maintaining a healthy penis, can help all men learn to enjoy their bodies - right now, just the way they are.

1. Lose the negative self-talk. One of the greatest obstacles to a healthy sex life is poor self-esteem. Even if an overweight person is treated with kindness by others, his own negative self-image may leave him feeling unattractive, to the extent that he won’t even make the attempt to find a partner. The first thing a man needs to do to change this attitude is to tell himself that he is, in fact, attractive and worth knowing, and that he has plenty to offer. This may be easier said than done, but attitude is everything - there is nothing sexier than a person who comes off as confident and self-assured, regardless of their waistline. Another point worth noting here is that, if a man finds a partner who is interested, chances are that person is attracted to them as they are, so why not go with it and take the chance?

2. Practice getting naked. One issue that can be difficult when it comes to "fat sex" is the idea of being naked. A person who is overweight may be accustomed to covering up as much as possible, and it can feel awkward and unnatural to bare it all in front of a partner. One way to overcome this is just to spend some time alone without clothing. Maybe take some time in front of a mirror and practice sensual touch - both of the penis and the rest of the body, and men may start to view their physique as something sensual and worthy of pleasure.

3. Focus on the feelings. For men who are used to watching adult films, the impression may be that sex is graceful, sensual and amazing to watch. In real life, though, sex really looks silly - no matter how fit the parties involved - so there is little sense in focusing on the visual aspect. Instead, concentrate on the sensations that are raised, both in the penis and elsewhere on the body, and learn to enjoy those. And keep in mind - the individuals engaged in the act in adult viewing materials are actors, and all of that action is choreographed and edited - not a reflection of real life.

4. Try new things. For the heftier man - or woman - ordinary sex positions like the classic missionary may or may not work well. It is a good idea - and potentially a lot of fun - to try out new positions and make note of what works especially well, as well as what does not.

5. Keep the penis healthy. For any man - no matter what his body proportions - to enjoy sex, a healthy penis is a requirement. A penis that has smooth, supple skin is more likely to respond to a partner’s touch, and healthy circulation is a must for strong erections that can stay the course. Adding a penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) to the daily self-care regimen can help keep the penis ready for sex at all times. A product that contains ingredients like vitamin E and Shea butter can leave the skin looking and feeling vibrant and responsive, which is sure to give an added boost of self-confidence.

Monday, 30 December 2013

Six Embarrassing Sex Questions - Real Answers to Real-Life Problems

Sex is fun. And sometimes, sex is funny. It can also be embarrassing, awkward and just plain weird. However, even with the broad spectrum of experiences one can have during sex, most people still believe it should be effortless and perfect as it appears in the latest romantic comedy. In keeping with that illusion, most people don’t feel comfortable talking to others about their quirky penis or their random sexual fantasies, and they certainly don’t want to ask embarrassing questions. Here are the answers to some of those questions that never seem to get asked, including tips for keeping the penis healthy.

My girl doesn’t like to get completely naked during sex; what’s up with that?
When one, or both partners feels uncomfortable with nudity, it can make sex a bit trickier. People who don’t like to be naked may come from a very conservative background - they may even struggle with feelings of shame when it comes to sexual activity. Alternatively, self-esteem and body issues may be the reason she wants to stay covered up. The quirk is no big deal, unless it detracting from the overall enjoyment of the sexual experience. If so, a therapist would be helpful in getting to the root of the problem.

My wife doesn’t want to use sex toys -- why not?
To each his own, right? If the idea of using a toy makes a woman uncomfortable, it is not going to serve a couple’s sex life well to force the issue. Perhaps the idea of it feels weird to her, or maybe the sensation of using the sex toy itself is not pleasurable for her. Try not to push the issue, and take it as a compliment that she is satisfied enough by her partner - no bells and whistles needed!

My husband wants me to be on top, but I’m heavier than him. Can he be crushed?
Many people who are sensitive about their weight fear hurting their partners - particularly if there is a big weight discrepancy between the two. However, if a man is requesting that his partner be on top, it is likely he is enjoying the activity, so there is nothing to worry about. After all, if it was uncomfortable for him or his manhood, he would change it in an instant, right?

My mouth gets tired when going down on my guy; is that abnormal?
What’s abnormal about it? The muscles used during oral sex are not the same muscles that the mouth uses during everyday life, so it stands to reason that one’s mouth, jaw or tonged might get tired. Don’t let this be a deterrent from performing the deed altogether; simply switch to using a hand or two when the mouth needs a rest.

Is there anything wrong with faking orgasms?
Well, no, it is perfectly fine to fake orgasms - so long as one doesn’t enjoy them or want to enjoy sex to the fullest! Many people fake orgasms to save their partners feelings, but in reality, it is only hurting the faker in the long run. If one’s partner thinks they are a stud in bed, they will never learn what really makes their partner tick. A better solution would be to explore ways for both partners to reach orgasm, that way sex is enjoyable for both people involved - no faking necessary!

My guy has a funky penis odor. What will fix this without hurting his feelings?
Encountering a guy with funky junk can be unpleasant, and it can be downright awkward to confront him about. Rather than holding one’s nose during oral sex, buy him some penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil). A penis health cream, particularly one that is formulated with vitamin A - which busts odor-causing bacteria - can keep his junk in top-top shape and odor free. All he needs to do is add it to his daily hygiene routine by slathering it on after every shower, done and done!

Sunday, 29 December 2013

Wanking at Work - Weighing in on the Pros and Cons

When indulged too often or too aggressively, it can mean a sore penis; but masturbation is simply too much fun for most men to avoid. Usually, a dude can control his wanking urges and engage in his penis stimulation in the privacy of his own home. But sometimes, the urge to polish the Johnson in other locations - such as one’s place of work - can be overwhelming. Wanking at work is not usually detrimental to penis health, but it can be a risky business.

Should a guy engage in penile fondling at work? It's a very personal decision, based on each man's own particular circumstances, but here are some of the pros and cons to consider:

  • It feels good. This is a no-brainer. Masturbation is one of a man's most pleasurable experiences; otherwise, all of those millions of adult sites on the internet would have gone out of business long ago.
  • It can relieve work stress. Masturbation (like all forms of sex) is one of the most effective tension-releasers in existence - and one's place of work can be one of the biggest creators of tension. For many men, the orgasm resulting from a quick tug on the penis can make him feel much more at ease and ready to tackle that problem that has been plaguing him all morning.
  • It can make a man more productive. When the seminal juices get flowing, so does a man's creative juices. Post-masturbation, a man is more receptive to new ideas and to new approaches to doing things.
  • It relieves boredom. Some men are stuck in jobs that suck the life out of them. A good wank can provide entertainment that makes it easier to get through an especially drowsy day.
  • It's a harmless way to release anger. There are times when a man gets so mad at his boss that he would really enjoy beating him. Beating his own meat instead is a good way to release the anger without incurring assault and battery charges.
  • It's frowned on. There are few companies that would consider a quick "wank break" to be as legitimate as a quick coffee break.
  • It carries risk. Masturbating at one's desk (if one has an office with a door) might seem safe, but one can still be caught off-guard. Also, if masturbating to internet porn on the computer, it's likely that the computer history will reveal this use of company property; this may be grounds for dismissal. Wanking in the men's room is a much safer bet; however, there is still the risk of someone opening an improperly-closed stall door. In addition, the tell-tale noises made while masturbating may tip off a man's activities.
  • It can be habit-forming. The occasional masturbation session can make for a more productive worker; however, the guy who becomes too enamored of playing with himself at work ends up cheating the company of his time and talents.
Ultimately, each individual needs to weigh the pros and cons - especially the risks of what happens if he gets caught masturbating at work - and make his own decision. For those who find that the risks are unacceptable: they can always get themselves off after work.

As mentioned, many men who masturbate at work (or at home, for that matter) can develop a sore penis. This is especially likely to happen at work when using an inadequate lubricant or when working over the penis too aggressively. Relief from penile soreness can be had through the use of a quality penis nutrient formula (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil). If a man really needs penile soothing, he should pick a formula that includes an ingredient such as shea butter, which is a natural way to bring relief. In addition, the better formulas include vitamin E (an excellent hydrator), as well as vitamin A, which is a plus when battling penis-based odors.

Friday, 27 December 2013

Five Bad Sex Moves that All Men Should Avoid

Anybody can have great sex, but what is more memorable? The mind-blowing night that included seven orgasms, or the complete and total train wreck that barely constitutes sex. Believe it or not, women are more likely to commiserate with one another over horror stories of sex gone bad rather than congratulate each other for getting their jollies good. Men who are looking avoid being miserable in bed may want to try these tips on for size, in addition to exercising adequate penis care.

These five bad moves are guaranteed to make a man lose his lover
1) Be selfish: Some men focus on the woman’s needs and make sure she is enjoying herself and on track for the big finish, but some guys are in it to win it for themselves. Guys who finish first, then roll over and go to sleep, are likely to wake up alone in the morning.

2) Stick with what works: Sure, the tried and true missionary position gets the job done, and it’s easy to just keep rocking that position out. But the same-old same-old is boring, and guys who make no effort to mix it up may find themselves going solo.

3) Don’t use protection: There is no bigger turnoff than the worry about an STD or unwanted pregnancy, so men should insist on using protection for every encounter. Even in the heat of the moment, it only takes a moment or two to slip on a protective barrier, and doing it could literally be a life-saver.!

4) Let her do the work: After a long day of work, who wants to give sex their A-game? If a man can convince his partner to do all the work, he can just lay back and ride the sex train all the way home. But a woman who finds herself doing all the work will soon get the idea that she is being used as an object of gratification and lose interest.

5) Don’t take care of the penis: It’s just an extension of the body, right, and most guys don’t consider that it needs any special care. But a package that smells bad, needs grooming or has more flakes on it than a bowl of cereal may send her packing before the pants hit the floor.

Men who follow these 5 bad habits may be well on the way to being the most unforgettable loser she has ever slept with.

Or not…
While some guys truly do seem to strive to go down in flames, most men would rather have some of their finer qualities remembered. The choice is up to each individual man as to how he would like to lead his love life - but for those men who would like to have more than one date -- they should take the above advice,. To have great sex, one has to be generous in bed - so that both partners enjoy themselves. A man should also not be afraid to experiment with new positions and invite his partner to do the same. Sure, old faithful can be in there as well, but there is more than one way to ride a bike. Likewise, the positions should be varied so that one person does not end up unable to walk the next day because they were doing all the work! And of course, protection should always be used, for peace of mind and to protect both partners from passing on infections they may not even be aware they have. Lastly, the penis should be well maintained at all times, so that a man can get the most out of his sex life.

Keeping the penis healthy
Not only can regular grooming help reduce odor - bacteria love to cling to coarse, thick pubic hair - it can actually make one’s unit appear larger than it actually is, as the whole shaft comes into view. Another way to bust penile odor and keep the tool in working order is to use a penis vitamin cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) which contains vitamin A - known to have antibacterial properties. Nothing will turn a woman off faster than getting too close to some funky junk, so be sure to wash daily and follow it up with a hydrating lotion packed with vitamin A.

Thursday, 26 December 2013

Magical Multiple Orgasms - The Trick behind the Elusive Male Double O

Achieving the big O is the ultimate goal for any sexual encounter, one that most men and woman are able to achieve on a semi-regular basis. A lucky few are even able to capture the ever elusive multiple orgasm. Sadly for the men of the world, this feat is much easier achieved by women, than by men. Learn why one’s biology plays a role in being able to climax two or more times and how men can up their chances by maintaining a healthy penis.

The Biology of an Orgasm
When a man (or a woman) orgasms, there is a release of hormones, tension and bodily fluids. Famous sex researcher Alfred Kinsey once likened an orgasm to a sneeze - of the genitals, that is! After orgasm has been achieved, there is a period of time known as the refractory period, which is essentially a recovery period for the body. A man’s refractory period can last for as little as 20 minutes - for men who are young and healthy - and up to an hour or more for older men. Men who are much older, suffer from erectile dysfunction, or have other health issues may have an indefinite refractory period - meaning they are only able to orgasm once a day - no matter how hard they try for a second. During the male refractory period, his body is virtually unresponsive, no amount of rubbing, pulling, or tugging will get him hard again - let alone lead to orgasm. A woman, on the other hand, has virtually no refractory period. She can be ready to go as soon as she catches her breath, or even sooner! It seems basic biological differences that exist between men and women are responsible for the difference in their recovery time - neurotransmitters, hormones and differences in nerve endings all influence one’s refractory period.

So are men out of luck?
Well, in terms of having back-to-back, continuous full-blown orgasms, men may be out of luck. However, there are some techniques that a man can try which will help him get as close to multiple orgasm as possible. By practicing tantric sex techniques, a man can slowly learn how to control his orgasm so that he can experience the beginning orgasmic contractions without going over the edge into a full-blown release. Those who practice tantric sex learn, with practice, to separate orgasm from ejaculation, so that they can extend their sexual experience for a longer period of time. The technique is not easy to master - and will likely lead to several near misses - but with continued work, a man and his partner can becomes experts at this sizzling technique.

How is it done?
One of the basic techniques involves squeezing the pubococcygeal muscles (PC), the muscles can be located by stopping the flow of urine. To strengthen the muscles in preparation for tantric sex, a man should contract the muscles 20 to 25 times, 3 times a day - holding each contraction for about 3 seconds and working up to 10 seconds as the muscles get stronger. These same muscles are later employed during tantric sex, to achieved prolonged orgasms. Essentially, a man has sex as usual but as he feels himself nearing climax, he contracts the PC muscles, takes deep breaths and stops the action until the feeling subsides. He can continue doing this as he grows nearer to orgasm, and if he contracts the PC muscles at the correct time, he can experience the sensations of an orgasm without ejaculation. A man can carry on in this manner as long as he likes until he decides to let go, and fully climax.

Keeping the penis healthy
Naturally, for a man to engage in hours of sex he is going to need a healthy manhood. Not only should he be physically fit -- as a strong heart and healthy circulation can translate into a strong erection -- he needs the penis itself to be healthy. Daily use of a penis vitamin formula (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) can help keep the penis sex-ready at all time. A penis vitamin lotion can help improve circulation, revitalize the health of the penis, and soothe itchy, irritated skin - which may not be a problem now, but can crop up from too much tantric sex. What a problem to have!

Wednesday, 25 December 2013

Better Tasting Semen - 3 Steps to Increase Her Oral Appetite

Biologists might say that semen serves only one purpose: To deliver genetic information from one body to another. Willing partners might have a completely different use for the stuff, however, especially if it has a sweet and pleasant taste. These partners might be willing to spend some significant time on oral play in order to get the taste they crave, and they might be willing to repeat that process on a regular basis.

Developing pleasant-tasting seminal fluid can take a bit of penis care, and diet changes almost always play a role, but men who put in the time might obtain rewards beyond measure. These 3 steps can help.

Mind the Plate
Taste is subjective, meaning that some flavors people find horrific bring intense joy to others. In general, however, people who sample sperm want the stuff to be free of bitter or sulfuric notes. Coffee and cigarettes are common culprits when it comes to nasty spunk, particularly if these substances pass by a man's lips in the hours immediately preceding an intimate encounter. Similarly, downing big doses of animal products in the hours before sex can make the semen a little salty and fat-laden, and that might be off-putting to some partners.

Better semen choices come from the fruit-and-vegetable aisle of the grocery store. Common favorites include:

  • Pineapple
  • Celery
  • Melons
  • Cranberries
  • Watermelon

  • These food items are rumored to make the semen taste a little bit fresher and sweeter, although the exact amount needed to bring this change about is subject to debate and experimentation.

    Add in Fluid
    While food can play a vital role in tasty juice, hydration is also important. Fluids can help the body to flush out toxins, moving them through the digestive system with such speed that they can't be stored in the fat and/or glandular cells. As a result, hydration could allow some of the nasty things a man does eat from tainting the pleasure of his partner.

    Plain, clear water may not pack much of a flavor punch, especially when compared with a dark-roast coffee, but water also contains no hidden elements that could do yet more damage to a man's sensitive bits. By sticking with water on the day before an encounter a man might ensure that his fluids run clear and fresh.

    Keep it Clean
    Diet can ensure that these special fluids are lip-smacking good when they leave the man's body, but if a guy doesn't keep his pipe as clean and healthy as it might possibly be, all of his hard work might go to waste. Tiny bacterial cells left on the skin can impart a moldy flavor to the sperm, while cracked skin might allow bits of other juices to stick around rather than rolling away. If the sperm delivery system isn’t clean and bright, the taste will likely be less than ideal, no matter what diet changes a man makes.

    Washing with warm water on a regular basis can help, as a quick rinse can allow odor-producing cells to float away. Furthermore, a penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) might also play an important role. Products like this contain Vitamin A, which has the ability to reduce the bacterial colonies that set up camp in a man's pants. With fewer bacterial cells in play, yucky tastes might also abate. A quality product can also improve the cellular health of intimate skin, making it smoother and softer, so odiferous fluids don't hang out in the cracks and impart a funky flavor during a crucial moment. With a few weeks of dedicated use, the flavor might be worthy of frequent sampling.

    Monday, 23 December 2013

    Semen Allergy - When Sex May Lead to Pain

    Allergies. Some people puff up at the mere sight of a peanut; others get itchy and blotchy if a furry friend is in the neighborhood; and some sneeze at dust and pollen. Allergies are not uncommon, and more people are aware of them - which is good news for those individuals who need soy-free, nut-free, dairy-free and gluten-free foods. But what happens when one is plagued with a slightly more unusual allergy?

    A semen allergy is one such allergy that most people haven’t even heard of - and some may even claim it to be an unlikely excuse to get out of sex. Sorry honey, not tonight, my semen allergies are acting up. But, the fact of the matter is, semen allergies do exist; and they can be dangerous and even life-threatening if left untreated. Learn more about this rare medical phenomenon and how to enjoy a normal and satisfying sex life, as well as keeping the penis healthy.

    What is a semen allergy?
    Individuals who struggle with semen allergies are allergic to a specific protein in a man’s ejaculate which causes them various unpleasant symptoms. The most common symptoms for this condition include: itching, burning, redness, hives and swelling wherever the semen touches the skin. The severity can range from an annoying irritation - to acute pain. Individuals with severe semen allergies can even go into anaphylactic shock and have difficulty breathing; the risk of this occurring may increase if they ingest it orally. While women are more likely to have the allergy, it is also possible for men to be allergic to semen - even to their own ejaculate! Additionally, men and women alike may have a history of sexual experiences in the past with no problems -- only to develop the allergy later in life. It is also possible to be allergic only to a certain man’s semen, but not to others. That’s like being deathly allergic to one brand name of peanuts, yet being able to eat another kind just fine - the human body is full of mystery!

    Can it be treated?
    Thankfully, just because one is allergic to semen does not mean one’s sex life has to come to a full stop. There are many ways an individual can work around a semen allergy in order to maintain a healthy and satisfying sex life.

    1) Prevention: The first trick is to minimize contact with semen as much as possible. That means using condoms all the time. This will drastically reduce the chance of coming into contact with a man’s semen and experiencing pain during sex.

    2) Wash up: If semen does come into contact with the skin, the second best option is to wash the skin with soap and water immediately. Hopping in the shower after a romp in the sack is a good way to reduce the painful side effects of a semen allergy.

    3) Desensitization: Individuals whose allergies are more than a little annoying -- or cause potentially dangerous side effects such as anaphylaxis -- may be wise to seek treatment with an allergist. An allergist can develop the appropriate method of treatment to help desensitize one to semen so that it is no longer an issue. An allergist will systematically expose the individual to their partner’s semen either via tiny injections of it or intravaginally. As the body is repeatedly exposed to very small doses of the allergen, it gradually becomes desensitized to it, so that eventually, one could have sex with no side effects. As the desensitization process is taking place, the allergist may require the couple to have sex a minimum of 2 or 3 times a week for a period of time, so that the woman continues to have repeated exposure to the semen while her body is becoming desensitized. Now there is a treatment most men can get behind!

    Keeping the penis healthy
    Luckily, most men will not encounter a semen allergy in themselves - or a partner - in their lifetime. But even without that hiccup in one’s love life, it is important for a man to take care of his intimate equipment so it stays healthy for the long run. Daily use of a penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) can soothe irritated penis skin - whether it is caused by a semen allergy, dry skin, or anything in between. A health formula packed with vitamins and nutrients can also protect the health of the penis by fighting anti-oxidants, boosting collagen production, and improving penile circulation. Applying daily can allow a man to enjoy the effects of a healthier penis today.

    Wednesday, 18 December 2013

    Penis Skin Color - Is a Red Penis a Sign of Trouble?

    Penis skin tone or color can vary significantly from one man to the next: a man with very light may have a red penis (even when it is flaccid), while a man whose skin is dark-hued may possess a penis that is somewhat lighter in tone. Most men will also notice a variation in their penis skin tone, whether temporary or permanent. Changes in penile color are not usually worrisome, but on some occasions they do indicate that some additional attention needs to be paid to ensure continued penis health.

    Erection-related variations
    Men with light-hued skins will often experience a significant change in color when a penis goes from soft to hard. This is, of course, due to the fact that the penis erection is a result of blood rushing to the penis and causing it to swell. When erect, the penis of a man with light complexion will tend to be reddish or purplish.

    "Normal" differences between body and penis tones
    It's also not at all unusual for a man to notice that his penis when at rest is a different shade than the skin that covers the majority of his body. It is also normal for the penis to have several different shades of color. For example, in some men, the skin is darker near the shaft, lighter in the middle and dark again on the glans. In other men, the skin tone is more consistently hued. Neither is cause for concern.

    What about spots?
    In many men, the penis is prone to spotting or blotching. There can be any number of variations and any number of causes, including:
    • Dark patches. If a man has had dark patches on his penis since puberty, and if they do not noticeably change shape or size, it most likely is just the result of uneven pigmentation and does not need attention; however, if patches appear suddenly, or if they change in appearance, it's a good idea to point them out to a doctor. Uneven pigmentation may still be the cause, but it may also be a sign of a skin irritant.
    • White splotches . Again, these can be due to uneven pigmentation, but this "de-pigmentized" skin may be caused by vitiligo. No need to panic: vitiligo sounds worse than it is. It is an autoimmune disorder, but its main effect is to cause white blotches; however, though it carries no physical risk, it can spread, so a man is advised to consult a dermatologist for treatment if he suspects he has vitiligo on his penis or elsewhere.
    • Little white bumps. Technically, these go beyond the topic of skin tone, but many men have pearly penile papules, little white bumps which tend to appear in a ring around the ridge of the glans. They are harmless, but many men become concerned when they encounter them.
    • Non-erectile redness. When a man's penis is red due to issues other than blood flow, it usually means he needs to spend some extra time attending to his penis health. This is especially true if the redness is accompanied by abnormal tenderness, roughness of skin or swelling. In some cases, this may be a sign of inflammation or infection, and a doctor may be needed.
    A sore red penis that is not due to inflammation or infection may be the result of overaggressive handling, an allergic reaction or exposure to harsh cleansers or rough clothing. One of the best things a man can do to soothe an aching red penis is to implement the regular use of a high end penis vitamin formula (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil). Utilizing a formula with a superior emollient, such as shea butter, and with the hydrating relief of vitamin E is essential. The smart man makes sure the formula of choice also includes acetyl L carnitine, a supplement that has neuroprotective properties, necessary for maintaining proper penis sensitivity.

    Tuesday, 17 December 2013

    Penis Bumps - 5 Excuses That Guys Use to Avoid the Doctor

    The average penis is only a few inches long and less than an inch wide. It's easily tucked inside clothing and kept out of view, and often, it's not acceptable to discuss the organ in polite conversation. If the penis were measured in terms of psychic importance, however, it might stretch to gargantuan proportions. In fact, it might be safe to say that the penis is one of the most important parts of a man's life. That's why it's so surprising that the average guy stays out of the doctor's office, even when he is covered in penis bumps. Here are 5 of the common penis care excuses men cite when they're asked why they skip appointments that could help them.

    1. "I'm Embarrassed."
    Even though medical doctors have decades of education, and they've likely seen hundreds of schlongs during their years of work, it can be hard for men to think about dropping their drawers and exposing the trout to a visual examination. Shrinkage, odor or warty skin could all play a role in a man's sense of nervousness.

    2. "I Don't Like to be Poked."
    While many cases of penis bumps can be diagnosed with a simple peek at the skin, it's not uncommon for medical professionals to swab infected cells. In most cases, these tests are completely painless, but it can be terrifying for men to think about a professional homing in on such a sensitive area with a needle or some other type of sharp implement.

    3. "The Power of the Internet Will Heal Me."
    It's true that the Internet makes health education seem simple, as one search could bring back hundreds of thousands of hits about specific medical conditions. In an online forum, men could read about scores of penis bumps, and they might get the answers they need in order to feel better about their issues. Unfortunately, it's also common for men to search obsessively, asking the same question in multiple places, and they may not get the answers they want.

    4. "I Like to Handle Things Myself."
    Men with penis bumps might be willing to try all sorts of DIY techniques to soothe their skin, including:

    • Applying topical wart removal cream
    • Using cayenne pepper or some other heat-producing herb to burn away impacted tissues
    • Slathering the skin with pimple cream
    • Downing antibiotic pills
    Sometimes, these techniques damage the skin to such a degree that a visit to the hospital is required.

    5. "I'm Afraid of What the Doctor Will Say."
    Many penis bumps are caused by simple problems that can be quickly and effectively managed with medications and at-home care. In some cases, however, these bumps and flecks come about due to more nefarious problems, such as sexually transmitted diseases. The mere idea of being diagnosed with a stigmatized problem like this can be so terrifying that it keeps men out of the office altogether.

    Better Solutions
    Obviously, rather than feeding into worry and obsessiveness, and perhaps doing more damage in the process, it's best for men to simply call the doctor and schedule an appointment for a thorough examination. This will help to definitively diagnose, once and for all, what might be at the root of the swellings and allow a man to heal.

    In addition, caring for penile skin might help to ensure that some forms of bumps don't spring into life. A penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) could be vital in this fight. Products like this can nourish intimate skin, providing cells with the tools they need to fight back against inflammation. A well-designed creme can also help to keep penile skin soft and smooth, so it'll be less likely to swell to extremes when it's subjected to some type of abuse. Using a creme like this might not keep men out of the doctor's office for good, but they certainly could be a vital part of a reasonable bump-free game plan for a man's most important tool.

    Monday, 16 December 2013

    Spousal Sex-capades to Renew the Spark - Yes, There Is Sex after Kids

    When a couple is young, in love - and most of all - child free, the entire house becomes a sexual playground where intimacy can take place virtually anytime and anywhere. Once children enter the picture, however, finding time for a sexy tryst can be a little tricky. For one thing, parents of infants and toddlers tend to be exhausted. For another, many parents have trouble letting go of their inhibitions out of fear of getting caught in the act by an inquisitive pair of eyes.

    These factors can put some serious time restraints on hours of the day available for nookie, not to mention where the festivities can take place. Even so, a relationship with children does not have to be a sexless desert; with a little planning and a few tricks, sex can still happen, and it can still be fun. For men, this means paying attention to penis health, making sure that the soldier is ready to stand to attention whenever the time is right.

    Plan ahead
    Even though a child’s schedule may vary slightly from night to night, eventually the little one is bound to crash - after asking for one more glass of water, one more extra story, one more hug, and so on. Knowing that a kiddo generally goes to sleep at 8 PM can allow both parents to be ready for action by - oh, say 8:15. Being ready to go when the last child is tucked in should assure a little uninterrupted playtime for the adults. Parents who are still in that newborn or toddler stage might prefer to trade sex for sleep, but to ensure that their sex life doesn’t go completely by the wayside, a well-timed nap can recharge a tired couple for some nighttime activities that don’t involve Junior.

    Get a room
    Sure, it may feel a little sordid, but there are plenty of couples with kids who check into a hotel room in order to enjoy a night - or even just a few hours - away from their kids. Not having to worry about waking the kids can lead to the uninhibited and creative sex a couple remembers from the early days of their relationship.

    Not the hotel type? Ship the kids out to sleepovers with their friend’s or arrange for them to spend the night with grandma. There is nothing quite like an empty house to open up the possibilities for some grown-up entertainment!

    Get creative
    Older kids may be less likely to wander in on the action if they are cleverly distracted. Allow them to watch a movie while the adults clean the bathroom; nothing will keep a child away like the threat of housework. Bribery is also a good way to keep the kids at bay. Clever parents might explain to the kids that they are wrapping Christmas or birthday presents behind closed doors, and they must not be interrupted or the child will not get the presents. Just be sure to bring some presents out afterward, or the jig will be up! If all else fails, hop in the shower in the wee morning hours, before the cartoons start rolling. Sleepy kids will be less likely to interrupt shower sex, but locking the door is still a good idea.

    Stay Healthy
    Even the most meticulous plans for a romantic evening can fall apart in an instant when kids are involved. A romantic dinner and getaway evening goes out the window when the baby gets sick or the unruly teenager skips curfew. Thus, sometimes spontaneity is key. Parents who find themselves with three sleeping kids at 7 PM may be beside themselves at the prospect of squeezing in a sex-capade and still getting to bed at a reasonable hour for their 5 AM wakeup the next morning.

    When the sexual stars align, a couple needs to be ready to get down to business quickly -- before the tides change and the moment is gone. Maintaining excellent penis health can ensure a man is ready to go at a moment’s notice. Daily use of a penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) will keep the penis healthy and full of spunk by improving circulation, enhancing penile sensitivity, and rejuvenating the skin of the penis. Simply apply daily and be ready for whatever - whenever!

    Sunday, 15 December 2013

    Orgasm Denial and Penis Pain-Holding Back Can Cause Problems

    Adventurous sex play can be an exciting way to enliven a relationship, but some forms, such as orgasm denial, do carry with them a certain degree of penis pain. The risk of and degree of pain involved can vary from non-existent to substantial, depending upon the manner in which the man's ejaculatory state is controlled. When indulging in this game, both partners need to take steps to ensure that the fun does not have a negative impact on the guy's penis health.

    What is orgasm denial?
    Very simply put, orgasm denial is a sexual scenario in which one partner (male or female) forbids a male partner the opportunity of releasing semen. The length of time of the denial can vary: some couples may engage in the denial for only a few minutes or a few hours, while others may strive for a few days or weeks. Couples who are seriously into the denial lifestyle may even opt for periods of months or, possibly, years, although the latter would be very rare indeed.

    Why do it?
    As any man who has practiced edging (masturbating to the edge of ejaculating, then stopping and repeating several times) can attest, sometimes prolonging the release of semen can produce an intensely strong orgasm. Many men who engage in denial with a partner find they have fewer orgasms, but the ones they have are well worth the wait.

    The pain
    Some degree of discomfort is part and parcel of the denial game. The amount and type of pain can vary significantly depending on how the release of semen is controlled. Some examples of pain which may result include:

    Blue balls. This is a no-brainer. All men are familiar with "natural" blue balls - being in an aroused state and not being in a position to achieve release. In some cases, the desire for release can be so intense that the genitals experience an actual aching pain. With denial, especially in situations in which arousal occurs for continuous stretches of time, the pain can be considerable.

    Raw penis . Keeping the penis aroused for long periods of time requires constant physical stimulation. A partner's bare hand, a gloved hand, a towel, a penis sleeve, a plastic vagina or other devices may be employed to maintain erection; over time, these can cause the penis skin to become raw and sore.

    Chastity cages. When a man's orgasm is being denied for days or weeks, his partner will often lock the penis away in a chastity cage in between arousal sessions. A man can still experience erections when locked away, but the enclosed space can make this painful. This type of erection control is not generally recommended and should only be undertaken with extreme caution and care, as severe or chronic problems related to the penile tissue may result from this type of handling.

    As with many sex games between consenting adults, orgasm denial can be a positive or a negative experience. Knowing the level of penis pain desired is key. All men who indulge in this form of sex play should make sure they employ a top quality penis health formula (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) regularly to help soothe the overworked and sore penis. Extra special soothing relief will be assured if a man uses a formula that includes a high end emollient such as shea butter. In addition, the formula must also include acetyl L carnitine; this ingredient is neuroprotective and can help avoid penis desensitization, which can occur from too much rough handling of the organ. Applying a cream like this on a daily basis can help to keep the penis in top form, ready for any type of stimulation, and can help to prevent common problems before they start.

    Wednesday, 11 December 2013

    Caring for the Penis with Shea Butter - Tips for a Healthy, Responsive Manhood

    When it comes to health, beauty, and anti-aging products, it is no secret that women have always had the inside scoop on the latest hot products. They know what works and seek out the best ingredients long before they make their way into products more likely to be used by men. But, while men might not be worried about a few wrinkles or laugh lines, one thing he does want to consider is the look and feel of the penis. That’s right, a man needs to take care of what he’s carrying around in his pants; after all, if he doesn’t take care of the equipment it may just fall into a state of disrepair. One ingredient that can help rejuvenate and revitalize the skin of the penis -- giving it a youthful glow - is Shea butter. Learn more about the benefits of this miracle ingredient and how it benefits penis health, along with the rest of the body.

    What is Shea butter?
    Check a woman’s nightstand or medicine cabinet, and there is a good chance there are one or more products that contain Shea butter; but what is it? Shea butter is an ingredient derived from the exotic nut of the African Shea tree. Shea butter is known for its rich moisturizing properties. It appears in virtually every product known to woman-kind, from lip gloss to hand lotion, from facial tissue to anti-aging cream, and so on and so forth; and now it is finally making its way into men’s products, as well. Shea butter relieves dry, cracked skin, has anti-inflammatory and healing properties, and is used as an emollient as well. Shea butter soothes itchy skin while improving the skin’s natural elasticity, feel and appearance.

    How can men use Shea butter?
    1) Chronic Skin Conditions - Men can use Shea butter in all the same ways as women have been for years. Shea butter is particularly useful for painful, itchy skin conditions such as dermatitis, psoriasis, or eczema or even acne -- and the best part is - no prescription is needed to get the benefit of this amazing ingredient.

    2) Dry Skin - Let’s be honest; most men don’t love using lotion. The extent of their skin care regimen tends to include a quick wash in the shower - and that’s about it. This lack of attention to the skin can leave it dry, itchy and cracked - especially during the colder months of the year. Shea butter is especially helpful during dry winter months, when exposure to the elements saps the skin’s natural moisture.

    3) Penis Health - One area that most men especially don’t think to care for, is the manhood. So long as it is functioning as it should be, it is pretty much left to its own devices. However, this strategy may not only lead to irritated penile skin; it can also lead to dry, dull skin that appears older than it actually is. Think of a product with Shea butter as a mini-facial for the penis, Shea butter will help rejuvenate the cells of the penis skin, aid in moisture retention and soften the skin making it more pleasing to the touch. Using a penis vitamin lotion that is specially formulated with Shea butter and other natural ingredients (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) can help hydrate the delicate penis skin making it feel more comfortable and look younger and more refreshed every day.

    Cutting Back on Loss of Penis Sensation - Is Surgery Really an Option?

    Men with little to no penis sensation can feel as though they're trapped in a nightmare. Soft and sweet touches bring them no pleasure, and getting off often means spiking the nerves with pain. The situation can be so dire that some men consider subjecting their tissues to a surgeon's knife, in the desperate hope that they can regain at least some of what's been lost.

    While some surgeries might be unavoidable, many men who have lost some degree of penis sensation can get relief with no cuts, slices or poking required. In fact, attending to some reasonable penis care techniques could be all some men need to do in order to experience all the pleasure that life has to offer. These are just a few good suggestions to try.

    Surgery Basics
    Before delving into options that replace surgery, it's worthwhile to discuss what cuts are designed to do. Armed with this information, men might see that the operating table isn't the best place for them to restore that special tingle.

    Most surgeries for sensitivity are designed to create a flap of tissue that covers the most sensitive part of the circumcised penis. The theory is that this flap will keep the tip of the organ in a sheltered and protected state, so it won't be subjected to endless friction and soreness. It's a bit like a permanent bandage, made to keep the sensitive bits sheltered.

    Surgeries like this sound tempting, but they can have some serious drawbacks. Firstly, surgeries tend to involve cutting skin, moving it to a new place and attaching that skin with stitches. Each step involves a wound, and those injuries tend to heal with bands of scar tissue. Roughened, thickened skin like this is notoriously insensitive, meaning that some men might emerge from the hospital with even more woes than they had when they started the process. In addition, surgeries can sometimes come with complications, and those can also impact sensitivity levels.

    Better Choices
    If cutting into skin is a no-go, that doesn't mean that men are doomed to live with their numbness forever. In fact, some men find that just getting into better physical condition does wonders for their ability to feel intense pleasure. Boosting cardiovascular health, in particular, seems to have the remarkable impact on penis sensitivity, and it's easily accomplished by:

    1. Stopping a smoking habit
    2. Losing weight, if blubber is a concern
    3. Boosting heart rate through strenuous exercise
    4. Cutting high-fat, high-cholesterol foods from the diet

    Protecting the nerves that link the penis to the brain can also help to ensure that no messages of pleasure are lost or overlooked. Bike seats are often weapons of destruction, when it comes to penile sensitivity, as a resting rump on the banana shape of a seat can put pressure on those nerves, causing a feeling of numbness that lingers long after the ride is over. Switching to a penis-friendly seat can help.

    Treating the glans like a celebrity is yet another way to ensure that touches don't fall on insensitive skin. Wearing soft, cotton-filled underwear can protect the glans from endless scratches, and using only the softest towels after a shower can also keep abrasions at bay.

    A penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can also be a vital tool in the glans-protection department. These products contain nine key ingredients specifically chosen to support the health and vitality of the cells a man keeps inside his shorts, and the softening and nourishment he delivers with a product like this can help to eliminate rough, tough, insensitive skin for good. A daily application, along with key lifestyle amendments, could provide the targeted help a man needs to stay sensitive for a lifetime.

    Monday, 9 December 2013

    Sexually too Tired - The Importance of Getting Enough Rest

    Your mother was right when she told you that getting enough sleep was important: a proper penis health regimen includes making sure that the body is well rested. A sleepy penis is a penis that feels sluggish; that has a "maybe I will, maybe I won’t" attitude toward erections; and that is less likely to provide the kind of powerful, record-setting ejaculations that men strive for.

    Lazy libido
    There’s a reason that the word "drive" is in the phrase "sex drive." The libido needs to be alert and active, ready to respond to stimuli at a moment’s notice and to get a guy’s gears in action so that when an opportunity arises, his equipment will also rise.

    Although the libido is more of a concept than a physical attribute like a muscle, it still needs the same things a muscle needs: exercise and rest. If a man neglects the rest, the exercise is going to be harder.

    It’s science
    This is borne out by the work done by numerous sleep researchers. In case after case, a man who chronically did not get a proper amount of sleep had a lower sex drive than a man who did. One reason why this may be is that when the body is tired, all of its processes are affected. This includes hypothalamus (a part of the brain) and the pituitary glands, which are in charge of making sure enough testosterone is produced. When these two body parts don’t get enough rest to function properly, less testosterone is created.

    Stressing out
    Getting too little sleep also tends to make a man feel edgy. Stress levels rise, which is bad for the heart and which long term is bad for the penis; after all, the heart pumps the blood that causes the penis to swell into an active state.

    Of a more direct concern is the role that stress plays in penile health. Many men who feel over-stressed report problems with erections. Sexual excitement is good; sexual stress and anxiety is not.

    Plan Your Sleep
    For some men, getting more rest is simply a matter of putting down that TV remote (or logging off of that porno website) earlier in the night and getting into bed. Other men, however, may have more difficulty in getting the sleep they need. In serious cases, a trip to a sleep specialist may be needed; for less severe cases, here are a few trips to try:

    1. Set a schedule. A person can get to sleep more easily and enjoy a more restful sleep if he sets a routine. Try to go to bed at the same time every night and to wake up at the same time every morning. Sure, there will be nights when some variation is needed; but generally keeping the same schedule is a good idea.

    2. Nap wisely. Napping can be good or bad. If a person gets several hours less sleep than intended, it’s better to go ahead and get up at the regular time and take a nap during the bad; however, napping for more than a half hour or so can make it difficult to get to sleep the next night. Nap judiciously.

    3. Make the bedroom restful. Obviously, not when you have a playful partner - but when alone, keep the bedroom for sleeping. Read, watch TV, play video games, etc. in another room. When a man comes into the bedroom to sleep, he should be READY to sleep.

    4. Maintain a good diet and exercise routine. Regular exercise helps the body sleep better at night. A healthy diet, and one that does NOT include snacks near bedtime, is recommended. Avoid caffeine; also, an alcoholic nightcap often keeps a person awake, so cut that out as well.

    Sleep is a key ingredient in good penis health, but so is proper hygiene and the use of a quality penis nutrient formula (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil). A formula with L-arginine is especially recommended, as this enzyme helps to boost the body’s nitrous oxide production, which translates into a more effective blood circulation system. To make your partner even happier, look for a formula with vitamin A, which can help with the penis odor problems that are common for many men.

    Sunday, 8 December 2013

    Understanding the Penis - What is Ejaculate Made Of, and Why Does it Matter?

    When people think of the gooey stuff that comes at the end of a roll in the sheets, they often think of the wrigglers that can get a girl pregnant. While it's true that at least some portion of ejaculate is made of sperm, this specialized liquid also contains a variety of other elements that a man may not even know about, and examining the quality and condition of that stuff on a regular basis could give a man important clues about the state of his penis health.

    Other Exciting Ingredients
    Experts suggest that only a small portion of ejaculate is made up of sperm. In fact, only about 1 percent of the total volume of the liquid contains those seeds. The rest contains:
    • Fructose
    • Vitamins
    • Citric acid
    • Enzymes
    • Fat cells
    Some of these ingredients are designed to nourish hungry sperm cells. They have a long journey to complete, with few opportunities to grab a snack, so this supplementation is vital. Without it, some cells might die before they reach their destination.

    Other ingredients are designed to smooth the path sperm cells take as they exit the body. These ingredients smooth roughened, course tissues and allow cells to glide right by without losing steam of any sort.

    Production Pathways
    While most men know that sperm begin their lives deep within the tissues that make up the testicles, few know that some portions of ejaculate are made by a very different part of the male anatomy. For example, the prostate gland, located deep inside of a man's body, produces some of the elements that come shooting out during a moment of bliss.

    It's not really clear which part of the ejaculate comes from which part of the body, as all of the mixing takes place long before the bulk of the fluid is expelled from the penis. But the way the stuff looks, feels or even tastes could be a good indication of the overall health of a man's most private parts.

    Volume and Consistency Concerns
    No matter how much a guy might brag, a total load of more than about a teaspoon is unusual. Some men shoot about half that amount. But, men who commonly produced a large amount and then suddenly experience a lower volume might be dealing with a blockage of some sort. A dip in fluid production like this might merit a visit to the doctor.

    Similarly, a change in the way the fluid looks could be an indication of some disruption in a man's system. Clumps, lumps and bumps in bits that were once smooth and milky also merit a trip to the doctor's office.

    Color and Smell Changes
    Since ejaculate takes a trip through sensitive plumbing on its way out of the body, it has the opportunity to pick up random additives, and these extra ingredients can change the way the fluid looks for smells.

    Men who have reddish-colored semen, for example, might be experiencing some sort of bleeding either inside their testicles or in the penis. Also, men who have infections may notice that their fluids look yellow or even green, rather than white or clear. Infections might also be signaled by juice that smells unpleasant or unusual. Any of these symptoms should merit a trip to the doctor.

    Prevention Tips
    Keeping the penis healthy might be just one way to ensure that a man's juice is pleasant and profitable. Wrapping up the sausage in a jock strap before doing sports is one way to ensure that injuries don't take place, and wearing barrier protection with new partners can help to block nasty infections before they begin.

    A penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) may also be an excellent investment. These products help to soften and soothe penile skin, so germs have fewer places to stick and grow, and the vitamin punch of each application can keep nerve cells and blood vessels healthy. Regular use can keep a man lollipop worthy for years to come.

    Wednesday, 4 December 2013

    A Good-looking Penis is at a Man's Fingertips in Just 4 Simple Steps

    Ancient sculptors thought the penis was a thing of beauty. That's the only way to explain the hundreds of thousands of organs that dangle from sculptures in the hallways of famous museums. While these artists may have thought they were creating realistic images of male beauty, the bits they created have little to do with reality, as there are no wormy, stringy veins or dry, discolored patches on these marble wonders. Most are as smooth as silk.

    But there's no need for a modern man to develop sculpture envy or keep his tool under wraps. In fact, men who dedicate a few minutes each day to the penis care techniques described below might be rewarded with a smooth, silky shaft worthy of a work of art.

    1. Ditch the Fast and Furious
    Blood is transported to the pelvic region through a series of very delicate veins and capillaries. While these vessels are designed to endure a significant amount of abuse, rubbing skin on skin can cause tiny little ruptures that might allow blood to seep out. In time, scars may form, and that might allow these veins to expand and bulge, creating the appearance of enlarged capillaries or spider veins.
    Taking self-play slowly, while using an adequate amount of lubricant, can reduce the risk of developing protruding blood vessels that lend an unsightly appearance to the penile skin.

    2. Clean Carefully
    Gunk that collects on and around penile skin can lead to infections, and when the immune system is involved, inflammation quickly follows. In no time at all, a man's package changes from smooth and silky to red and blotchy, and healing can leave some pockets of rough and discolored skin behind.
    A daily rinse with warm water, accompanied by a gentle scrub of the fingertips, can allow bacteria to detach from the skin and flow down the drain. It's a remarkable way to prevent an infection from beginning, and it takes no time at all to complete.

    3. Support Cell Health
    Blotchy skin and broken capillaries can heal, as long as the body has the necessary tools. Essential vitamins and minerals, when it comes to penile health, include:
    • Omega-3 fatty acids
    • Vitamin D
    • Vitamin E
    • Vitamin A
    • Vitamin C
    Unfortunately, popping multivitamins might not do the trick when it comes to cardiovascular health, as studies seem to suggest that the body doesn't metabolize these elements efficiently when they're delivered in supplement form. Instead, most experts recommend loading the plate with fruits and vegetables, along with healthy sized servings of fish, whole grains and fat-free dairy products.

    This kind of diet may not improve the look of the penis immediately, as the nutrients have a long way to go before they visit a man's reproductive system, but eating in this manner can boost the ability of all cells to heal, and that might have an impact on the way a man's tool both looks and feels.

    4. Go to the Source
    Eating right, cleaning well and changing intimate habits can all improve the appearance of the penis, but all of these techniques take time to deliver results. In fact, some methods might take weeks or even months to make a difference in terms of a guy's appearance. For those who don't want to wait quite so long, a penis health creme may be a viable option.

    These products (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) deliver nutrition and emollient support right where the damage is taking place. They penetrate the skin in mere minutes, and they infuse the area with the vitamins and smoothing particles damaged cells need. In no time at all, discolored patches may fade and swollen veins and capillaries may shrink down to their proper size. With regular applications, a man may develop the sculpted, museum-quality tool he's always wanted.

    Tuesday, 3 December 2013

    "Dude, You Reek" - Talking to a Friend about Penis Odor

    A guy counts on his best friend to tell him the things that other people might gloss over, but that can be difficult when the subject is embarrassing penis odor. Although good penis care can easily diminish this problem, raising the subject in the first place can be difficult, even for the best of bros.

    It’s natural.
    The thing is, manhood odor is extremely common. Think about it: unless a guy lives and works in a nudist camp, his junk spends the vast majority of its time trapped inside at least two layers of clothing. That in itself can create a hot environment, but the presence of a big bush of hair adds to the heat generation. And with all that heat, of course, comes sweat. The sweat accumulates and, while it typically dries, it leaves behind a residue of odor, which is made worse by the enclosed nature of underwear and pants.

    Some men are able to reduce the odor of sweat by shaving the area, but this only partially helps the problem. And for men who are heavy sweaters, penis odor can become a major issue.

    It’s a deterrent to oral satisfaction.
    Eliminating unwanted personal odor is simply part of good overall hygiene, but there’s another reason to make the penis smell as attractive as possible: a strong smell can actively discourage a partner from performing oral gratification on the manhood. Many partners are disinclined to perform mouth-based activities down there in the first place; men shouldn’t give them another good reason to say no.

    The direct approach.
    So how can a guy tell his best friend that he needs to air out his tool? For some people, the direct approach may be best: "Dude, your junk is rank!" This approach is a good idea if

    • The men have a really honest relationship;
    • The bud is not easily offended, and;
    • The truth-teller is comfortable with bringing up the subject.
    An indirect approach.
    For many men, an indirect approach may be much more productive. Here are some methods to consider:

    1. Is that me? If both are changing clothes, a guy can pause, sniff loudly and make a face. He might even take off his underwear, give it a sniff, and say "Whew! I thought that nasty odor was coming from me." The friend will hopefully take the hint.

    2. It is me! A man can pretend that he himself has a personal odor issue. He might casually mention in conversation, "Man, when I was getting in the shower, I realized my junk smells rotten. God, I hope no one else could smell it." If the pal asks if he also has odor issues, the man should go ahead and let him know that, yeah, he might want to do something about it.

    3. Get her! If a friend is interested in a certain potential playmate, a dude can pretend that he knows she has a "thing" about dirt and odors - especially those in the behind-the-zipper department.
    A man can come up with dozens of other indirect approaches. The important thing is to follow it up with a suggestion on how to decrease the odor issue.

    Proper cleaning is important, of course, but it’s also crucial that a friend recommends the regular use of a top drawer penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil). Not just any cream will do: one with an ingredient that actively fights manhood odor is essential. Those with vitamin A are especially recommended. Vitamin A has antibacterial qualities that can open a war against penis odor, and the topical nature of a cream allows the vitamin to more quickly and directly target a specific area. As a plus, a cream with a high end emollient like shea butter can also help properly hydrate the equipment.

    Monday, 2 December 2013

    Goodbye to Penis Pain and Chafing with 4 Pre-Workout Tips

    Thanksgiving turkey, Christmas goose and Hanukkah latkes can all add up to a ring of fat around a man's belly, and when he can no longer see the tips of his toes, off to the gym he might waddle. While strenuous workouts might do wonders for his post-holiday waistline, they can also result in penis pain and overall crotch soreness, especially if he's not careful to prevent injuries from chafing.
    Thankfully, with just 4 well-timed penis care techniques, men can keep their junk protected while they sweat the pounds away, and when the workouts are over, they'll be ready for an altogether different kind of exercise.

    1. Choose the Right Shorts.
    Slipping on any old thing seems reasonable when it comes to workouts, as most clothes worn during exercise emerge from the activity drenched with sweat. It's not the kind of abuse any guy would unleash upon his best clothes. However, choosing the wrong kind of clothes can quickly lead to serious penis pain issues.

    Cotton clothing that bunches up during activity can trap delicate bits in a pool of moisture, and chafing can quickly follow. Wicking shorts with a built-in shelf can move moisture away from the skin while providing vital support for tissues that dangle. Shorts like this are a vital part of preparing for a pain-free workout.

    2. Stay Trimmed Up.
    Burying the Johnson in a bundle of hair means forcing delicate skin into contact with rough hairs that can also trap moisture particles. Any guy who goes this route is almost guaranteed to emerge from the activity with legendary crotch soreness, particularly if the exercise session lasts for a long period of time.

    A quick trim with scissors should do the trick. A haircut can keep the bush from growing too big, but unlike a razor-based trim, a scissor cut leaves the ends of the hairs somewhat soft, so they won't have the ability to do yet more damage as the hair continues to grow. Trims like this often must be repeated monthly, or even more frequently, but they can keep the penis from intimate abrasions.

    3. Invest in a Lubricant.
    Biking and long-distance running involve staying active for hours on end, with few opportunities for a costume change. Despite a man's best efforts at planning, moisture is likely to build up during these tasks, and skin is likely to stick and scrape. Lubricant products, applied properly, can allow skin to slide and slip, without catching and burning. Sweat can remove these products, of course, but applying them before the workout can significantly reduce the burn a man might feel when the workout is through.

    4. Keep the Penis Healthy.
    Entering into an exercise session with a penis that's dry, chafed and uncomfortable almost guarantees a painful finish. By taking the time to keep the penis healthy, long before the workout begins, men can ensure that they enter the playing field with healthy tissues that might resist the urge to break apart. Good steps include:
    • Drinking plenty of water
    • Avoiding perfumed soaps and deodorant sprays
    • Washing with warm water, not harsh soaps
    • Blotting, not scrubbing, the penis dry after a shower
    A penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can also support a healthy, pain-free manhood. These products contain ingredients that have the proven ability to nourish a man's delicate parts, and the emollient action of the products can keep skin soft, smooth and supple. When penile skin is healthy from the inside out, it's more likely to perform with ease during an exercise session, and it'll be more likely to emerge untouched and ready for partnered playtime.

    Sunday, 1 December 2013

    Masturbation Regrets - When too Much Rubbing Causes Loss of Sensation

    Masturbation has always been a bit of a taboo topic, certainly one that doesn’t come up in normal dinner conversation. It seems that most people are more comfortable with sexual activities so long as a partner is present, but the solo variety is not something to be ashamed of. For the record, a little one-on-one time is perfectly normal and even healthy for men and women alike. Even still, many people are embarrassed to talk or ask questions about masturbation, which can leave one wondering what is normal and what is not. One particular topic about masturbation that is a head scratcher for many men is desensitization, learn more about penis desensitization, how to prevent it, and how to keep the penis healthy.

    Can the penis actually be desensitized to masturbation?
    Sadly, yes. Remember those teenage days when 2 minutes of masturbation was enough to go over the edge? Now think about masturbating in one’s 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, 50’s and beyond. Takes a bit longer for the same result, doesn’t it? Most men think this delay is caused by more restraint, self-control, or practice - with the latter being somewhat true. Essentially, a penis is able to withstand more and more pressure and stimulation prior to ejaculation because it has become desensitized to those gentle touches. It is not entirely a bad thing - men don’t exactly hope for premature ejaculation - but with this desensitization, comes a loss of sensitivity and therefore enjoyment.

    Are there certain techniques that are more damaging to the penis?
    Anything that is rough or aggressive is going to cause more damage to the penis. For instance:
    1. Men who do not use lubricant place even more wear and tear on the manho
    2. Stimulation from rough fabrics (i.e. using a sock as a masturbatory aid or pressing the penis into couch cushions or a mattress) also roughs up the penis skin.
    3. Additionally, using too much pressure or placing the penis into excessively tight objects as a masturbatory aid can cause damage to the tissue and nerves of the penis, causing injury that one cannot see with the naked eye.

    Does using a vibrator desensitize the clitoris?
    It can. A vibrator tends to use very intense pulses and sensations that are beyond the scope of what a human touch could replicate. Just as the penis becomes desensitized from a rougher touch, so to do the lady bits. Excessive use of a vibrator - as in to the point where it is the only means used to achieve an orgasm - can literally make it so that is the only way to get there. Women who rely on a vibrator, enjoy the extra stimulation it provides, but sometime down the road, they may not find as much sexual enjoyment from a more delicate, non-battery powered type of stimulation. Taking some time off from the buzz-buzz can allow things to settle down and return to normal.

    Is it reversible?
    Well, as with any nerve damage, in severe cases it can be permanent or require surgical or medical intervention to repair. In mild cases of desensitization, taking proper care of the penis can reverse the damage and prevent future damage to the skin, tissue and nerves. Using a penis health cream, (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) particularly one containing Acetyl L Carnitine, which has been shown to enhance penile sensitivity, can prevent and reverse penis desensitization. Acetyl L Carnitine is known for its neuroprotective properties and its ability to prevent peripheral penis nerve injury - a primary culprit in the diminishment of penile sensitivity. Simply apply the penis health cream daily upon exiting the shower, and enjoy the effects of a more sensitive, healthy manhood.

    Thursday, 28 November 2013

    Using a Penis Sleeve for a Happy, Active Penis

    An active penis is a happy penis; for many men, using a penis sleeve is part of what keeps his tool happy. (His partner may also find that the sleeve increases her or his happiness as well!) This sex toy can be a welcome addition to a couple's romantic life and when used with care should not have a significant impact upon a man's ongoing penis health.

    What is a penis sleeve?
    Sometimes referred to as a penis sheath, a sleeve is technically any covering that is added to a man's shaft; however, that definition includes in it things like condoms, which are not really what is meant by a sleeve. More properly, a sleeve is a device that fits over or rests on a penis and in some way adds shape, length or girth to the natural equipment.

    What's it made of?
    Technically, a sleeve can be made of anything; ancients used sheep's bladders as a combination sleeve and condom, for example. Nowadays, most sleeves are made of plastic, rubber or silicone.

    Sleeves tend to be generally cylindrical in shape. Because they are intended to cover the shaft, they are hollowed out to allow for easy insertion of the member; at least one end is open and in some cases, both may be. The shell may be solid along the sides or it may have openings along them. Many sleeves are outfitted with bumps and lumps, which are intended to provide additional stimulation to the partner of the one wearing the sleeve.

    How's the fit?
     Most sleeves are self-attaching; that is, the opening through which the penis is inserted tends to be a tight fit; in some cases, the entire sleeve is very tight on an erect penis. This is to prevent the sleeve from slipping off. There are, however, some sleeves that come with straps that allow one to tie the sleeve around the testicles. This not only holds the sleeve in place more securely, it can also serve as a testicle cuff for those who enjoy that particular device.

    There are several benefits to using a penis sleeve. As mentioned, the added dimension that it gives the penis (often combined with the aforementioned bumps and lumps) can provide extra sexual stimulation and pleasure to a partner. The wearer may also gain extra stimulation; the friction caused by tight sleeve on an erect penis, added to the sensations created by the sexual attentions of the partner, can create a "double you pleasure, double your fun" kind of situation.

    In addition, many men get an erotically charged psychological boost from the sleeve. They may be aroused at the way in which the sleeve makes the penis look bigger or may find a turn-on from simply focusing this extra attention on the member.

    Some men have a very hard time finding a sleeve that fits properly. A too-tight sleeve can be very uncomfortable, while one that is too loose may fall off. Also problematic is finding one that comfortable accommodates the various stages of hardness that a penis can go through during a course of sexual activity.

    Many men who enjoy the sensations provided by a sleeve find that it unfortunately causes some form of penile irritation afterward. Often, the material and tightness of the sleeve may create a rash, redness, soreness or other discomfort.

    Fortunately, the active penis that enjoys the use of the sleeve can find relief from these post-sexual irritations through the regular application of a first class penis vitamin cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil). Rejuvenation of penis skin irritated by a too-tight sleeve will be aided by a cream that includes a high quality emollient such as shea butter and vitamin E, one of nature's most formidable hydrators. The proper cream choice should also include vitamin A; sleeves tend to cause penile sweating, which adds to that unpleasant crotch aroma. Vitamin A has antibacterial qualities that actively decrease penis odor issues.

    Wednesday, 27 November 2013

    Fight Penis Problems Naturally with L-Arginine

    Of all the penis problems, a soft erection is probably the most feared by men - followed closely by going bald, of course. Erectile dysfunction, or ED, is a problem that can occur in men of all ages, but the prevalence certainly increases with age. Luckily, a man doesn’t have to sit around and watch his manhood fail; he can take some preventative measures to keep the penis healthy and kicking well into the future.

    What causes erectile dysfunction?
    Erectile dysfunction is simply a fancy, medical term for an inability to achieve or keep an erection that is firm enough for sex. When it comes to a malfunctioning manhood, there is more than one possible reason that can lead to the condition. Any man struggling with a persistently limp dick - a one time thing could be a fluke - should be evaluated by a doctor. He can help determine the correct treatment options based on medical history and likely cause of the condition. Some possible reasons behind ED - both acute and chronic -- include:
    • Overconsumption of alcohol or recreational drugs
    • Side effects from prescription medications
    • Cardiovascular disease that causes poor blood flow to the penis
    • Chronic diseases (i.e. diabetes)
    • Just being too tired
    • Mental health issues (i.e. depression, anxiety, stress)
    • Other psychological issues (i.e. sexual shame, guilt, performance anxiety)
    What are some treatment options?
    Again, treatment will vary from man to man, depending on the cause of his particular ED. If the problem is caused by a medication side effect, simply switching to a new med may solve the problem, whereas if a psychological factor is at the root, he may need to work extensively with a therapist to work through his problem. Unfortunately, many men are embarrassed to speak with their doctors about ED so they may wait and suffer the consequences of a poor sex life before finally biting the bullet. Other treatment options may include prescription medications, hormone therapy (i.e. testosterone), or in some cases, surgery may be required to restore proper blood flow to the penis.

    Are there any natural treatment options?
    If a blood flow issue is at the root of an erectile dysfunction problem, one simple rule should be followed: If it’s good for the heart, it’s good for the penis. That means exercise, eating right, cutting out alcohol and not smoking will all improve one’s cardiovascular health - and therefore the blood flow to the penis. In many cases, lifestyle changes such as improving fitness, losing some weight, and keeping blood sugar in check - particularly for diabetics -- can drastically improve the functioning of the penis. Loading up on L-Arginine, an amino acid that promotes good penis health, can also help improve circulation. L-Arginine is a common nutrient found in many foods such as meat, poultry, dairy, nuts, veggies, and soybeans. Eating a balanced diet should afford most men the nutrients they need to maintain a healthy lifestyle, but for those looking for an added boost of penis health, a supplemental vitamin regimen may be added.

    Using an all- natural penis vitamin cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) containing L-Arginine can help improve the health of the penis. When a vitamin lotion is applied topically, the nutrients are easily absorbed through the skin of the penis giving a man the most bang for his buck so to speak. L-Arginine improves circulation by dilating the blood vessels to allow for a greater engorgement of blood to the area - in fact - it is an ingredient found in some prescription erectile dysfunction medications. The delicate capillaries and blood vessels found in the penis are susceptible to being damaged during overly aggressive sex or masturbation, but L-Arginine can help heal them and restore much needed blood flow to the penis.

    Sore Penis Advice - How to Tell Her She’s Hurting the Equipment

    There are few things a man likes more than an active and interested sexual partner, and few things he likes less than a sore penis. A weekend with a partner who doesn’t know the proper way to treat a man’s penis can be difficult for a guy; finding a way to communicate that a particular position, action or implement is causing pain to the tool is needed to ensure optimal penis health as well as sexual pleasure.

    More often a straight thing.
    This situation arises most often with straight men. This makes sense, as a man administering sexual actions upon another man instinctively has a better idea of what feels good and what doesn’t. It’s true that sometimes a man needs to tell another man, "That’s not quite right;" however, it happens less often than when a man is with a woman who is unfamiliar with his body.

    That’s not to say that some women are not connoisseurs of a man’s body, of course. Through instinct or experience, some woman can deliver a man to sublime heights of ecstasy without ever making a false move. But sometimes some women do need a little information.

    Five things to remember.
    When a man encounters a woman whose sexual administrations, while well intentioned, result in soreness or pain to the manhood, it’s important to let her know this as soon as possible. If a woman is furiously rubbing a man’s member with her hand in a way that is causing the wrong kind of friction, she needs to cease right away.

    However, a man needs to not just blurt out, "Hey, Idiot, you’re tearing the skin off my rod! Cut it out!" Instead, a man needs to take the time to follow these tips:

    1. Be sensitive. The woman whose hand, mouth or vagina is housing a man’s equipment at the moment is a human being, not just a machine for sexual pleasure. She is most likely doing her best and may be feeling any number of things at the moment: Fear that she may not be doing this right. Nervous about what the guy thinks of her. Excitement at being in bed with this man. Pride because she thinks she is giving great sex, unaware of the pain she is causing. For the guy’s part, he may be so wrapped up in sexual desire that he may be focusing on nothing else. He should take a breath and think of what his partner may be feeling before he speaks.

    2. Be aware of your body language. While a man may be experiencing some discomfort, his penis may still be stiff and lively and his breathing may indicate heightened desire. Physically, he may be giving the signal that everything is going perfectly, so it may be a good idea for a man to momentarily stop the sexual activity while he talks with her about what needs to be different.

    3. Be clear. "You have to stop doing that!" is harder to understand than "Your physicality is really exciting to me, but it kind of hurts when you thrust up hard just as the tip of my penis is moving in and out of you."

    4. Be patient. It can take time for two new bodies to get adjusted to each other.

    5. Be ready to reciprocate. This is a big one: A man needs to remember that just as his partner may be doing something that doesn’t feel right, he himself may be unintentionally causing pain to his partner. Every man needs to be prepared for some constructive criticism as well.

    The occasional sore penis is a common consequence of a healthy and active sex life, and a problem that is readily aided by using a top notch penis nutrient formula (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil). Daily rub into the penis a formula that includes vitamin E (an excellent hydrator) and a natural emollient such as shea butter; in addition to providing relief, these ingredient ensure continued penis health. A formula with vitamin A will also do wonders for combatting penis odor.

    Monday, 25 November 2013

    Penis Health - 5 Things Parents Said That Are Totally Wrong

    Moms don't have penises of their own to care for, and much of the information they pass down to their sons concerning penis care could be out of date or just inaccurate. These five mom (or dad) phrases, in particular, could be detrimental to penis health.

    1. "Scrubbing is required for ideal health."
    Dirty fingers and toes benefit from a scrub with a washcloth, as the deep cracks and creases in these appendages can trap dirt and bacteria. Using a scrubbing motion makes the skin sparkle with cleanliness, but attacking the penis with the same technique could lead to disaster.

    The skin that lines the penis is fragile, and subtle wounds inflicted with a washcloth can lead to bumpy scar tissue that blunts the sensation of pleasure. With too much scrubbing, men may find that they can feel just a little less. Gentle techniques involving little more than massage don't cause this kind of damage.

    2. "Soap is a must for sparkling cleanliness."
    Using harsh soaps on delicate tissues can lead to swelling, pain and redness. Soap can also disturb the skin's pH, which might lead to a flourishing colony of bacteria. Even though the penis can be home to all sorts of odiferous substances, a rinse in a stream of water in the shower is usually enough to wash the offenders away.

    3. "Touching is bad, and can lead to all sorts of health problems."
    Exploration is a normal part of childhood, and many boys take this opportunity to get to know their penile tissues intimately. Boys who wank in public might be told, repeatedly, that the behavior should be saved for private moments, but some might even be told that masturbation can lead to:
    • Hair growth on the palms
    • Blindness
    • Impotence
    • Mental illness
    • Acne
    In reality, masturbation can help men to burn off a little tension, and men who get frisky on a regular basis may even come to know their own bodies to such a degree that they can help their future lovers to touch them without hurting them. It's not a great idea for men to get busy in public, but spending a moderate amount of time on the activity alone and in private might be an excellent way to boost penis health.

    4. "A regular doctor can help with almost any penis problem."
    Moms who grow anxious about some facet of a child's intimate parts might whip that child in to see a pediatrician. Growing up under this regime might mean leaning on a regular doctor when an adult problem rears its ugly head in the vicinity of a man's lap.

    While some doctors can handle any kind of intimate problem, some doctors just don't have the expertise to either diagnose or treat a serious penis-related health problem. Those issues involving urination, for example, might best be handled by a urologist, rather than a doctor of internal medicine.

    5. "No lotions or potions are needed for ideal penis health."
    After cleaning kids in the tub and helping them dry off and get dressed once more, few moms have the energy to discuss additional hygiene products, including lotions that could support penis health. Men who grow up in a home like this might believe that they don't even need a penis health creme, simply because their mothers never introduced a product like this during early bath times.

    In reality, a penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) could play a vital role in the health of almost any man. These products are specifically designed to nourish and support all of the nerves, blood vessels and delicate tissues that line the penis, and a daily application could provide a man with just the right mix of ingredients to keep his penis both healthy and functional for decades to come. No matter what mom might say, this product is a must for most men.

    Thursday, 14 November 2013

    Masturbation Benefits - 5 Ways Self-Touches Make Her Touches Even Better

    Everybody masturbates. It's just a fact of life. However, articles that discuss the male art of manual stimulation seem to suggest that the activity is a form of theft. Rather than spending time alone, these articles suggest, men should find willing partners and get busy in some kind of paired activity, as too much touching time could kill their partnered sex lives.

    It's a reasonable suggestion, but it might also be misleading, as men who do quite a bit of informed loving during their alone time could make their partner play dates even hotter. No intense penis care is needed after a session like this, as nothing brutal is required to push a man over the edge. Here are just 5 ways in which that tender touch could be augmented with a little self-stimulation.

    1. The benefits of gentleness become clear.
    Few women really know what it takes to drive a man over the brink. Many women go the efficient route, grabbing the tool like grim death and moving with speed until the man begs for mercy. Men who masturbate often, however, may be adept at the sport, and they may have a variety of different speeds, grips and tips they can use on their own bodies. The experimentation helps them to learn, and often, men learn that softer approaches bring about even bigger results.

    2. Guided tours are easier.
    All of this information isn't helpful unless it's shared, and men who march to their own beat may find it easy to gently guide a partner to the spots that are destined to light his fire. These fappers know what works, and they can help their ladies to become masters of flute playing in no time at all.

    3. Self-control is a snap.
    Men who aren't touched on a regular basis are a bit like taut piano strings, just waiting to break with the slightest pressure. The release that comes is so sudden, however, that it's rarely satisfying. Frequent masturbation sessions can release some of that pressure, allowing a man to build up slowly to an eventual release that has him breaking the windows with his screams. He'll know just how fast, how slow and how tight the pressure should be to allow him to rise up and head down over and over before the fun ends.

    4. Prolonging the pleasure is painless.
    Often, men with no masturbation experience resort to draconian methods when they want to stop a climax in progress, such as:
    • Pulling on the testicles
    • Pinching the foreskin
    • Pulling down instead of up
    • Biting the inside of the cheek
    The shock of pain these steps can bring can stop the body from experiencing a burst of pleasure, but they're also just a little bit drastic, and they can break up the flow of partnered sex.

    With body experience, men don't need to be so dramatic. They'll know more about how to pump the tool without making the release come into focus, and that's a lesson eager partners might be thrilled to learn.

    5. No fantasies are required.
    When a partner doesn't know a man's body, and he has no idea about how to direct her, the action can take years to complete. Resorting to fantasy can work, however, as the images inside a man's mind might be interesting enough to spark his sexy side. A man with his eyes tightly shut might not appeal to a partner, however, and the event might be over too soon as a result.

    Knowing the body well can make fantasies completely unnecessary. In fact, talking to the partner about what should come next could be even sexier than thinking about some random sexiness that's happened in the past.

    Words of Caution
    While getting self-frisky can deliver big benefits, it can also be a little rough on the skin. A penis health creme could help with this voyage of self-discovery. These products (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can soften skin, ensuring that friction injuries don't take hold, and the vitamins can allow cells to stay nourished and healthy for any kind of sex that might come a man's way.

    Wednesday, 13 November 2013

    Understanding Penis Health - 5 Reasons Mom Was Totally Wrong About Sex

    Moms don't have penises of their own to care for, and much of the information they pass down to their sons concerning penis care could be out of date or just inaccurate. These five "mom" phrases, in particular, could be detrimental to penis health.

    1. "Scrubbing is required for ideal health."
    Dirty fingers and toes benefit from a scrub with a washcloth, as the deep cracks and creases in these appendages can trap dirt and bacteria. Using a scrubbing motion makes the skin sparkle with cleanliness, but attacking the penis with the same technique could lead to disaster.

    The skin that lines the penis is fragile, and subtle wounds inflicted with a washcloth can lead to bumpy scar tissue that blunts the sensation of pleasure. With too much scrubbing, men may find that they can feel just a little less. Gentle techniques involving little more than massage don't cause this kind of damage.

    2. "Soap is a must for sparkling cleanliness."
    Using harsh soaps on delicate tissues can lead to swelling, pain and redness. Soap can also disturb the skin's pH, which might lead to a flourishing colony of bacteria. Even though the penis can be home to all sorts of odiferous substances, a rinse in a stream of water in the shower is usually enough to wash the offenders away.

    3. "Touching is bad and can lead to all sorts of health problems."
    Exploration is a normal part of childhood, and many boys take this opportunity to get to know their penile tissues intimately. Boys who wank in public might be told, repeatedly, that the behavior should be saved for private moments, but some might even be told that masturbation can lead to:
    • Hair growth on the palms
    • Blindness
    • Impotence
    • Mental illness
    • Acne
    In reality, masturbation can help men to burn off a little tension, and men who get frisky on a regular basis may even come to know their own bodies to such a degree that they can help their future lovers to touch them without hurting them. It's not a great idea for men to get busy in public, but spending a moderate amount of time on the activity alone and in private might be an excellent way to boost penis health.

    4. "A regular doctor can help with almost any penis problem."
    Moms who grow anxious about some facet of a child's intimate parts might rush that child in to see a pediatrician. Growing up under this regime might mean leaning on a regular doctor when an adult problem rears its ugly head in the vicinity of a man's lap.

    While some doctors can handle any kind of intimate problem, others just don't have the expertise to either diagnose or treat a serious penis-related health problem. Those issues involving urination, for example, might best be handled by a urologist, rather than a general practitioner.

    5. "No lotions or potions are needed for ideal penis health."
    After cleaning kids in the tub and helping them dry off and get dressed once more, few moms have the energy to discuss additional hygiene products, including lotions that could support penis health. Men who grow up in a home like this might believe that they don't even need any special care, simply because their mothers never introduced a product like this during early bath times.

    In reality, a penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) could play a vital role in the health of almost any man. These products are specifically designed to nourish and support all of the nerves, blood vessels and delicate tissues that line the penis, and a daily application could provide a man with just the right mix of ingredients to keep his penis both healthy and functional for decades to come. No matter what mom might say, this product is a must for most men.