Saturday, 29 February 2020

Things to Do to Assess Penis Function

Got good penis health? Men who follow these articles know how important maintaining proper penis health can be and, thankfully, many take steps to ensure that health. One of the benefits of good penis health is that it helps to maintain proper penis function as well. Just as overall penis health should be checked regularly, it doesn’t hurt to have an assessment of penis function now and then. This gives a good idea of any current or potential issues that might need treating or watching.

Penis function

What exactly is meant by penis function, though? That’s a good question, and one for which there is not necessarily a clear answer.

In many cases, penis function is thought of as the same as erectile function. In other words, when discussing penis function, the focus is on whether or not a man can attain and/or maintain an erection; how often he attains an erection (both while awake and while asleep); how easily he attains that erection; how "firm" the erection is; what is the level of sensation or sensitivity in the penis that allows arousal; how easily and for what length of time the erection is maintained; if the erection accompanies sexual activity, whether it results in ejaculation and/or orgasm; and the level of pleasure associated with the orgasm.

However, some would argue that this is too narrow a definition, that the penis is not designed solely for sexual pleasure, and that an assessment should include issues such as how forcefully one urinates; the strength of flow of the urine stream; ability to control beginning, interrupting, and ceasing urine flow; and matters related to urinary incontinence.


An official assessment of penis function needs to take place under the supervision of a doctor, typically a urologist. However, a man may wish to conduct a self-assessment regularly; this will alert him to possible issues and may then lead him to request a penis function assessment from his doctor.

When performing the assessment himself, here are some of the things he may want to include:

- Keeping track of erections. It’s not unusual for men to get multiple erections while awake, and while often they are very noticeable to a man, some do slip "under the radar." A man might want to spend a week and keep a journal of whenever he notices he has an erection - at what time he notices it, whether it is due to sexual arousal or simple physical reaction, how long it lasts, etc. Men don’t really know how many erections they have while sleeping, but keeping track at least of "morning wood" - erections that are present upon waking for the day - is a good idea.

Men can get SOME clue as to whether they are having erections at night by taking a strip of paper about 1" wide and wrapping it all around the penis while soft, and securing the paper with a small piece of tape. The paper should snugly fit around the soft penis. Plan to sleep on the back. If the paper is torn or broken in the morning, it suggests at least one erection occurred overnight.

- Detailing sexual activity. Whether masturbating or engaging in partner sex, a man should make notes during the week he is doing a self-assessment of any issues that may have come up (such as losing firmness, etc.), as well as degree of satisfaction with orgasm, etc.

- Noticing urinary patterns. Again, for a week keep track of how often one urinates, how long urination lasts, whether it’s a strong flow or a dribble, etc.

A penis function test performed under a doctor’s supervision, especially the overnight erection test, will be more involved and have more accurate and measurable results.

A penis function assessment benefits from good penis health, so daily apply a superior penis health oil (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . Find an oil with many vitamins, including A, B5, C, D, and E. The oil also should include L-carnitine, which can be an aid in maintaining penis sensitivity and sensation.

Friday, 28 February 2020

A Masturbation Coach: Yes or No?

One of the great things - or one of the many great things - about masturbation is the fact that it doesn’t require training. People instinctively teach themselves how to masturbate. Sure, guys may discover different ways to masturbate, but the basic means of masturbation are pretty much self-taught. And while there can be some penis health issues - most guys have rubbed themselves raw from too-intense masturbation at some time or other - it’s generally a safe way to pass the time sexually. So it may be surprising to learn that some men consult a coach to help them more fully experience their masturbation.

Why the need?

Many men would ask, why consult a masturbation coach? What’s the point? And indeed, a man can continue to masturbate his entire life without a coach and have a perfectly fine solo-sexual life.

But some men may find that they want more from their masturbation experience or may feel that they’ve become bored with the way in which they masturbate. The latter certainly makes sense. Most men start masturbating in adolescence and continue doing so throughout their lives. Some masturbate only occasionally, others several times a day. And for many, they masturbate the same way at 35 years of age (or 55 or 75) as they did at 15, although the frequency may have changed somewhat.

But people change over 20, 40, 60 years. Most men don’t have the same favorite food or drink that they did when they were 15, or read the same books, or have the same haircut. But many still masturbate the same way as they did decades ago.

So fast

And often that means that their masturbation experience is a fast one. As teenagers, most guys (1) are so easily and strongly aroused that they can’t wait to ejaculate and (2) have to hurry up anyway, as they don’t want to get caught masturbating. And that continues into adulthood; one study indicates that three-quarters of men ejaculate within 2 minutes of starting to masturbate.

As adults, men are more likely to have more time to enjoy masturbation. Yet some have a difficult time breaking old habits. Seeing a masturbation coach can be beneficial to making their masturbation experience more fulfilling and enjoyable.

Formally known as sexological bodyworkers, masturbation coaches are recognized as legitimate businesses only in the state of California, but they can be found in many states. (Since they are not regulated, one should be careful in selecting one and do some background investigations.) In general, in order to help a man get more out of their masturbation, a coach will work with them on being more "mindful" and in the moment while masturbating. (However, it should be noted that a good masturbation coach will ask a client what it is that HE is seeking and let his goals and needs determine the approach that is needed. Mindful masturbation is useful for attaining many different goals, but not all.)

A coach may utilize breathing exercises, visualizations, massage (including genital massage), and many other techniques. In general, the idea is to stop looking at masturbation as a fun activity that has to be rushed through and that is all about the penis, and to look at it as an experience that one should luxuriate in, give time to, and employ all of the erotic zones of the body rather than just simply the penis. The coach will watch the man as he masturbates and offer suggestions and guidance on how to make the experience more fulfilling.

Some men find benefits from one session, others may want to take a series of sessions. It all depends on a man’s individual needs.

Not every man wants or needs a masturbation coach, but they all need a healthy penis - so regular use of a first-rate penis health oil (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) is crucial. Be prepared for masturbation by using an oil that contains moisturizing ingredients like shea butter and vitamin E in case the skin gets rubbed a little raw. The oil should also include L-carnitine, which helps maintain sensation in a rubbed-raw penis.

Want a Healthy Penis? Look to Overall Health

Every man knows that there are certain "must have" penis care steps to keep a penis as healthy as possible. That includes good hygiene, such as showering on a regular basis, carefully cleaning the penis with a gentle cleanser, and taking the time to inspect the penis on a daily basis to make sure it’s healthy. Other factors come into play too, such as using a condom to protect a healthy penis, seeing the doctor at the first sign of a problem, and making sure to make good use of his favorite tool in order to keep things flowing freely, so to speak.

But there are other factors that matter, such as a man’s overall health. Here’s what he should be looking for when it comes to a holistic approach to penis care.

Keep a Healthy Diet

When a guy is looking into what it takes to maintain penis care on the inside as well as the outside, the first thing he should change is his diet. A diet full of leafy greens can deliver important nutrients. So can fish, some dairy, lean meats, and all sorts of veggies. Fruit is always better than fruit juice, as it adds some fiber and keeps blood sugar levels from going too high. Besides that, a healthy diet can help keep a man’s weight under control, and that always leads to better health.

Stop Smoking

It bears repeating time and time again: Smoking affects every part of the body, and almost certainly compromises a healthy penis. Why? Because smoking affects the lungs, which in turn affects the heart, and that means blood flow and oxygen levels aren’t as they should be. The result is that the vessels in the penis don’t get enough of either, and that can lead to serious issues down the road. For the healthy penis and the overall health, a man should stop smoking.

Get Plenty of Sleep

Good sleep affects everything about the body. Think about times when there hasn’t been enough sleep, and the effect it has had on productivity, mood, and even the sexual drive. It’s important to get at least eight hours of shut-eye every night, if possible, and to get deep sleep - not the kind where a man tosses and turns. During that deep sleep, a man has numerous erections, all of which promote better blood flow for a healthy penis.

Get Screened for Medical Problems

While attending to good penis care can go a long way to keeping a man’s appendage healthy, medical problems that lurk underneath the surface can lead to issues down the road. For instance, heart disease can compromise how well the blood pumps through the vessels, eventually leading to erectile dysfunction. The same is true with diabetes, which can affect not only the vessels in the body but the nerves as well, leading to a loss of penis sensation. Catching these issues early can help a man avoid the consequences.

Stay Active

Men who lead a sedentary lifestyle tend to have more problems with getting it up. That’s why it’s so important to get off the couch and get moving, at least two or three times a week. This matters even more if a man works in a job where he sits all day, such as someone in the tech industry might. Make plans to go to the gym, go hiking with friends, or even offer to walk a friend’s dog in the evenings, just to be held accountable and forced to get up and move.

Another Tip for a Healthy Penis

When looking to maintain good penis care, a man should reach for a powerful penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin). Why? He needs something that includes vitamin D and B5 for cellular health, vitamin E and Shea butter for skin health, and ingredients like alpha lipoic acid to improve the function of his favorite organ.

Thursday, 27 February 2020

Handsome Penis 101: Understanding Stretch Marks

A man might worry about many things concerning his penis, such as performing proper penis care and hygiene, what it might take to make a handsome penis even more so, or even whether his penis function is up to par. But some men have a rather unique concern about their penis: stretch marks. These marks, which often look like white, pink, or purple striations along the skin, aren’t harmful for any reason. However, man might think they would have a more handsome penis if they didn’t have those marks.

It’s important to understand stretch marks and how they happen - and then a guy can perhaps see his penis is a different light.

What are Stretch Marks?

Stretch marks are what they sound like: Areas of the skin where it appears to be stretched, thus creating indents or streaks along the body. Sometimes these are the same color as the surrounding skin and can be felt but not really seen. Other times, they can be almost vivid colors, especially purple or pink. Over time, most will fade to a grey or white color. They often occur on the abdomen, thighs, upper arms, and other areas where it is possible to gain or lose weight quickly.

What Causes Stretch Marks?

When the skin is stretched beyond its capacity to bounce back, stretch marks will form. The most common incidence of stretch marks happens during pregnancy, when women experience a quickly growing belly. Sometimes the skin can’t "keep up" with the intense change and stretch marks will form.

Stretch marks can also be caused by body building or weight gain. On the penis, stretch marks can occur during puberty, when everything about a male begins to grow. The marks can also occur due to the natural function of the penis during erections. As the skin grows taut, over time, stretch marks can form, especially on the sides of the shaft.

Those with a family history of stretch marks are even more likely to develop them, even without any weight gain or other sudden changes in the body.

How Can They Be Treated?

Stretch marks don’t need medical treatment, though some might choose to pursue cosmetic treatment to reduce the appearance of the marks. Some treatment options include specialized creams and lotions that contain aloe vera, coconut oil, vitamin E, olive oil, and other ingredients that are known to condition the skin. In some cases, stretch marks can be prevented or alleviated somewhat by applying the cream before the marks occur, such as for those who intend to go into body building and know they might develop stretch marks as they gain muscle.

Other treatments might include laser therapy and microdermabrasion, as well as some others available through a dermatologist or plastic surgeon.

Do Stretch Marks Compromise a Handsome Penis?

Interestingly enough, most people will not notice stretch marks. And if they do, they won’t consider it an issue, because they likely have them too - especially women. As a woman’s body changes with time, especially during puberty and pregnancy, stretch marks become quite common. A woman who has dealt with them will not think twice about stretch marks on a man’s penis.

While a man might have concerns about whether he has a handsome penis, it pays to remember that he is his own worst critic. It’s human nature to notice and criticize things about ourselves that others might never notice at all!

A Confidence Booster

Men who want a boost of confidence in regard to stretch marks can take steps to keep the skin as smooth and supple as possible, so it feels delightful to a partner when the time comes. To make sure this is the case, a guy can reach for a top-quality penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin). A crème with Shea butter and vitamin E can work wonders for penis skin, whether it has stretch marks or not.

Penile Schwannoma Could Disfigure a Handsome Penis

Beauty is only skin deep, but when it comes to having a handsome penis, that can be deep enough. Penis health is, of course, much more important than the physical appearance of a member, but the fact remains that a handsome penis is going to elicit considerably more interest among partners and especially among potential partners. Thus when something comes along that interferes with its appearance, it can be a detriment to a man and his sex life. This can easily be the case with the appearance of a penile Schwannoma, which can cause a disfiguring look to a healthy penis.


Most people have never heard of a penile Schwannoma, or of a Schwannoma of any kind, and with good reason: it’s pretty rare. But rare is small comfort if a man happens to be one of those few whose penis is host to a Schwannoma.

But what is a Schwannoma anyway? To answer that, one must know a little bit about nerves. Most people know that nerves are the parts of the body that pick up stimuli - such as a touch, and send a message back to the brain, thus prompting a response. (The penis has especially sensitive nerves, which is what makes touching or fondling it so enjoyable.) every nerve in the body also has what is called a nerve sheath, which is essentially a layer of protective tissue which keeps the nerves safe.
When a person has a Schwannoma, it means that a tumor has developed in a section of nerve sheaths. This occurs only in nerve sheaths that are part of the peripheral nervous system, meaning that they are not directly in the brain or in the spinal cord.

That sounds terrible, but the good news is that Schwannoma are benign tumors, not cancerous. But they may be accompanied by a burning or stinging sensation or, alternatively, by numbness - neither of which is wanted in the penis.

And they can disfigure a handsome penis because these tumors can sometimes get quite large. A very small one might just look like a little bump, but larger ones can be several inches in size - hard to ignore, even on a really big penis. Even when they are not causing discomfort when the penis is at rest, they often can become painful during sex - and if too large, can make penetration impossible.

What to do

If a man has what he thinks could be a Schwannoma on his penis, he should definitely take a trip to the doctor and get a proper diagnosis. If it is determined that the lump is Schwannoma, the only real treatment option is surgical excision. This is usually not a difficult surgery, and sometimes requires just a local anesthetic. There is, however, risk of nerve damage as the removal of the Schwannoma could require impacting the nerve underneath the sheath.

If the tumor is very small land is not causing discomfort or pain, the doctor may recommend simply monitoring the lump. Although generally benign, if for some reason a doctor suspects it may be malignant, however, then he will recommend removal even if it is causing no physical problems.

Removing a Schwannoma may restore a handsome penis to its former state, but it still needs it health attended to. Regular application of a top drawer penis health oil (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin ) can help. In order to give the penis optimal benefits, the bets oil will contain a range of vitamins, including A, B5, C, D and E. And it helps if the oil contains L-carnitine, an amino acid which aids in maintaining appropriate penis sensitivity.

Wednesday, 26 February 2020

Aaargh! Jock Itch Gets in the Way of Cycling

Jock itch is a pain in the penis for many men, whether they are jocks or couch potatoes or something in between. But this common penis health condition does seem to be more likely to occur in men who are more physically involved, such as jocks - and including those who are active in the sport (and pastime) of cycling. Let’s take a look at this common (and often vexing) cycling issue.

Basics: Jock itch

For those who go in for such things, the medical name for jock itch is tinea cruris. (It is related to - think first cousin - athlete’s foot, also known as tinea pedia.) Every guy has reason at some time to scratch their penis and balls, but when they are visited with jock itch, the need to scratch can be increased dramatically - and embarrassingly.

So what is jock itch exactly? Well, it’s a fungal infection, just as athlete’s foot is a fungus. Jock itch occurs on the penis, balls, buttocks, thighs, and/or crotch. It presents as a red, ring-like or circular rash, which may occur singly or in groups. The border of the rash tends to be raised, and the skin may be flaky or scaly.

As penis health issues go, jock itch is not serious, but it can be inconvenient. Some people find the rash can burn or sting a bit, but most cases are marked by the severe itch that gives the condition its nickname.


Jock itch is most often found in a warm, moist environment, which accurately describes the crotch. This kind of environment is heaven for a fungus, and it’s the kind of environment that is very common among athletes - including cyclists. When a cyclist has jock itch, it can get in the way by creating a distraction, a need to scratch, that keeps the cyclist from keeping focused on his goals.

Biking shorts can contribute to the issue. The shorts tend to provide compression, which is helpful for cycling but which also increases heat and therefore sweat. Finding shorts made of a material that allows the skin to "breathe" can help decrease the chance of developing jock itch. It’s also extremely important that bikers wash their shorts thoroughly and regularly; allowing the sweat to accumulate can only add to the possibility that the fungus will find it a nice place to put down roots and grow.

If a guy has athlete’s foot, he needs to take special care to prevent jock itch. The fungus that causes the former also causes the latter. So, don’t go to the shower, wipe down the feet with a towel and then use the same towel to dry off the crotch; using a separate towel for the feet is highly recommended. By the same token, put on socks before putting on bike shorts or underwear, so that the athlete’s foot fungus doesn’t transfer.

It’s also important not to share towels (or certainly underwear, shorts or socks) with another cyclist; if he has jock itch, sharing towels or clothing increases the chance of it spreading. And if at the gym, wear flip-flops or other appropriate footwear to the shower and sauna. (Needless to say, those who sauna in the nude should put a clean towel down before sitting in the sauna.)

Cycling enthusiasts who do come down with jock itch have several over-the-counter options to use. A persistent case may require a visit to the doctor.

Jock itch, whether in a cycling enthusiast or a desk jockey, may benefit from the daily use of a superior penis health oil (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Jock itch often feels better when the skin is moisturized, so select an oil with a combination of hydrating agents, like vitamin E and shea butter. The oil ideally should also contain vitamin B5, aka pantothenic acid, a vital nutrient that is required for cell metabolism and the maintenance of healthy tissue.

The Healthy Penis Primer: How to Spot Sex Addiction

Let’s be honest: Men love sex. Men love sex so much that sometimes, a guy might wonder if he has a sex addiction. A guy might do all sorts of things to foster his healthy penis, such as using a good penis health crème or otherwise taking care of his beloved tool, but it’s important to remember that not all penis health goes back to the penis itself. Sometimes it goes back to the mental and emotional issues that might lead to problems for that penis, such as sex addiction.

But how does a man know if he has a sex addiction or simply really, really loves sex?

Understanding Sex Addiction

Also known as hypersexuality, sex addiction is defined as a preoccupation with sexual fantasy. It can include elements of casual or anonymous sex, the excessive use of pornography, masturbating to a point where it interferes with daily life, romantic intensity, and objectification of partners. To be classified as sex addiction, these behaviors must last for six months or more. It must also continue despite the efforts to stop it or curb it. It will likely have serious impacts on a person’s personal life, social life, and ability to work. In fact, it can be easily compared to a gambling addiction, or even an addiction to alcohol and drugs.

But Is It Really Addiction?

There is some debate about what actually constitutes an addiction. That’s because the object of addiction - in this case, sex - is used to make a person feel better. However, men use sexual fun and masturbation all the time to relieve anxiety and stress. So is it really an addiction?

The answer lies in how often it happens, or how much of a crutch it becomes. If a guy is constantly turning to porn, masturbation, one partner after another, or intense sexual fantasy to stay on an even keel, or is doing it to excess in every way, then it’s a sex addiction. If a man is simply using masturbation and the like to feel good, however, that’s a different story. Though he might be capable of a sex addiction, if he can control what he’s doing, he’s likely not addicted.

Getting Help for Sex Addiction

If a man thinks he has a sex addiction, he owes it to himself to ensure a healthy penis - and a healthy mind. To that end, it’s important to speak to a counselor who knows a great deal about addiction, specifically sex addition. There are many groups that will open their doors to meeting those who are seeking recovery, just as is the case with alcoholics. Cognitive behavioral therapy has been shown to help, as has certain medications to stabilize the mood.

It’s important to remember that sometimes, addiction can’t be kicked by a guy all alone. He needs support around him. It’s always a good idea to try to pull back from the addictive behaviors, but for the best results and regaining his life, a guy should always seek out professional help as well.

Maintaining a Healthy Penis

Men with a sex addiction often engage in very frequent sex, so they must be aware of how to protect their penis health. The use of a condom is always a good idea, as is the use of a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) . A man should look specifically for a crème that contains acetyl L carnitine, which can help restore sensitivity, as well as Shea butter, which can help protect and heal the raw skin.

Tuesday, 25 February 2020

Having a Handsome Penis Also Requires This Additional Element

Almost all men strive to have an incredibly handsome penis. They will do what it takes to make sure their tool is as attractive as possible, so potential mates will enjoy what they find when the clothes finally hit the floor. But what happens when a man has a handsome penis that his partners find incredibly attractive, but they are turned off by it anyway - especially when performing oral sex on such an impressive organ? The answer might lie in the taste of the semen that comes out of that penis.

A Few Facts About Semen

Semen can vary widely from one man to another. One might have copious amounts of it, while another might have very little. Some might have very thick semen, while others can have very thin liquid. Some might have semen that is whitish, some clear, and some might even have semen that appears distinctly yellowish. When it comes to flavor, that can vary widely as well; some report that semen tastes sweet, but others say it tastes terribly bitter and metallic.

On the point of taste, however, there might be something a man can do to improve it.

The Oral Sex Diet

While there can be several factors that play into the taste of semen, a man’s diet is definitely one of the key players. Not only can eating the right foods make a difference in the flavor, but they can also contribute to the health of penis skin, which then leads to a more handsome penis. So pursuing the right kind of diet is a win for a guy in every way - and a big win for his partner, who will get to enjoy something a bit more flavorful in all the good ways.

So what does the oral sex diet consist of?

- Lots of fruits. The natural sweetness of fruit can contribute to semen flavor in a big way. The most prominent of these fruits is pineapple; some men swear by drinking a bit of pineapple juice every day. Other options include apples, grapes, strawberries and the like.

- Surprising flavor bombs. Some foods a man might not think would affect semen really can, and in a great way. These include celery, peppermint, parsley, cinnamon, and even wheatgrass! So sprinkle these items prominently throughout the oral sex diet.

- Very little alcohol. In addition to alcohol causing problems with getting up even the most handsome and eager penis, it can lead to an awful taste for semen. This is especially true for men who drink large amounts of alcohol on a regular basis. Cut back on it and partners will be quite pleased.

- Avoid coniferous foods. Foods like broccoli, cauliflower and asparagus are known for leading to a strange smell in urine, but they can also lead to a bad taste in semen. A guy trying to improve his semen flavor will want to eat these in moderation.

- Keep spices in mind. Some spices, such as the aforementioned cinnamon, are great for boosting flavor. But there are others, such as cloves or curry, that can do just the opposite. Hot spices can also cause the flavor to change.

- Drink lots of water. Good hydration is essential to every body function, and it can also be essential to the flavor of semen. When a man thinks he has plenty of water, he needs to drink more. The water will flush out toxins and other bad stuff in the body, leaving a cleaner taste behind.

- Avoid heavy foods. Things like red meat, heavy garlic flavorings, fried foods of all kinds, all sorts of dairy (especially cheeses) and a variety of junk food can lead to the junk smelling - well, not so fresh. The same is true of the semen that comes out of it. Eat heavy foods only in moderation.

Keeping a Handsome Penis Healthy

Now that a guy knows how to take care of what’s inside the penis, how about looking at the outside? Reach for a high-quality penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) to keep the skin healthy, supple and ready for action.

Get Rid of Stress and Get Rid of That Itchy Penis

Chill, suave, debonair gentleman. Definitely a magnet for the ladies. That is, until they notice him trying (and failing) to surreptitiously scratch his itchy penis and instead looking like a guy who simply can’t keep his hands off his penis. Every man has an itchy penis at some time or another (and it always seems to be its itchiest when the most alluring potential partner is around). Sometimes an itchy penis can be associated with a penis health issue, such as a rash or other skin eruption. But sometimes there are other causes. For example, doctors know that itchiness - including itchiness on the penis - can be a reaction to having too much stress in one’s life.

Psychogenic itch

The technical medical term for an itch caused by stress (or anxiety or depression) is a psychogenic itch. When one is experiencing mental health issues like these, the body releases a great deal more of serotonin and norepinephrine. Nerve cells produce serotonin, which is used for several purposes, including helping to stabilize mood. Norepinephrine is a chemical that is used to get the brain and body alert and ready for action. When the body gets too much of these chemicals, it can result in an itch, including an itchy penis.

So relieving stress (or anxiety or depression) can help to alleviate an itchy penis when it is contributing to the itchiness. For those who are experiencing severe stress (and certainly severe anxiety or depression), getting assistance from a mental health professional is strongly recommended. But for those for whom stress is not as acute, the following tips may be helpful in turning the stress levels down a few notches.

- Get active. One of the best ways to relieve stress and tension is by being physically active. Going to the gym, riding a bike, swimming, jogging, mowing the lawn, raking leaves, even just standing up from the desk and doing a few jumping jacks can help when stress is high.

- Watch what you eat. A healthy diet makes it easier to fight off stress; too often, people end up stress eating, gulping down sugary sodas or empty-calorie snacks that make them feel good in the short term but are harmful in the long run. Eating an apple instead of a bag of potato chips may be a better way to ease stress a little.

- Get laughing. When a person laughs, the body releases chemicals that help de-stress. So it pays to have on a video playlist a few comedy routines or scenes from movies that tickle the funny bone. Watching or listening to these when stress is too much can make a big difference.

- Meditate and breathe. Practicing meditation, and especially breathing exercises, relaxes the body and the mind.

- Try some yoga. Many people find that yoga, in addition to providing a physical workout, has a calming and soothing effect on them.

- Listen to music. Putting on some gentle, soothing tracks can allow the mind to let go of many of the thoughts that are prompting stress to rear its ugly head.

Easing stress can help ease an itchy penis, as can regularly applying a top-drawer penis health oil (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). For the best outcome, look at different oils until one finds an oil with a combination of moisturizing agents, such as shea butter and vitamin E. A well-moisturized penis is less likely to experience itching on an intense level. The selected oil should also contain L-carnitine, an amino acid that helps protect against nerve damage caused by friction, compression, and other common injuries.

Monday, 24 February 2020

How to Solve the Weak Erection Problem

Every man has a weak erection from time to time; that’s just the way a man’s body works. Maybe he’s too tired, perhaps he’s already had too much pleasure, or maybe he’s just not feeling his best. But in most cases, that weak erection is a very rare thing, and he can usually pinpoint exactly what happened - so there’s no lingering worry.

But what happens when weak erections become the norm? Before heading to the doctor, think about what might be lacking in penis care that could cause that problem. There are many ways a man can naturally strengthen his erections. Let’s take a look:

Kegels Are a Friend

It’s often said that a woman can enhance her pelvic floor strength through Kegel exercises. The good news is that men can do much the same! Kegel exercises strengthen the muscles that allow the penis to fill with blood, leading to a good erection. Identify the muscle by stopping urine mid-stream. Do this a few times to easily recognize the feeling.

Throughout the day, clench the muscle for 5 seconds, then release. Do this 10 times in a row, then rest for a while. Do it up to 3 times a day to start, but increase the motion as time goes on. As the muscle begins to improve, the erections should begin to improve, too.

Put Down the Cigs

It’s been said a million times, but it bears repeating: Cigarettes can affect every system of the body, including the erection. Cigarettes cause serious issues for the vascular system, meaning that blood doesn’t flow as efficiently. That blood flow problem can lead to issues with getting it up, which in turn can lead to issues in the bedroom. The longer a man stays away from cigarettes, the faster those systems will return to normal.

Hit the Treadmill

Again, it comes down to blood flow. The penis gets hard when the corpora cavernosa, 2 chambers on either side of the shaft, fill with blood during excitement. These chambers are fed by tiny blood vessels, and keeping those vessels in good shape is key to ensuring that erections stay strong. Simply jogging on a treadmill for 30 minutes 3 times a week can be enough to ensure a guy’s penis stays hard. It might not seem like direct penis care, but it certainly does help! As an added bonus, this exercise also helps every other system in the body, which can give a man more stamina.

Reach for Antioxidants

In order to solve weak erections, a man needs to have plenty of nitric oxide in his body. Nitric oxide is a natural chemical that dilates the blood vessels when needed, thus allowing better blood flow. As it dilates the blood vessels that lead to the penis, the blood flows in, creating a strong erection. But free radicals in the body can wreak havoc with nitric oxide, which is where antioxidants come into play.

Antioxidants grab onto the free radicals and stop them in their tracks. The result is that the body works better, the skin looks smoother, and penis health improves. Antioxidants can be found in many different foods, but dark leafy greens and berries tend to have the highest concentrations. So pick up those blueberries or blackberries as a snack.

Drop the Weight

When a man is carrying extra weight, he might also be producing extra estrogen. Although every man has estrogen in small amounts, the higher the estrogen level, the lower the testosterone level. That lowered level of testosterone can lead to more weight; it’s a vicious cycle. By exercising and eating well, a man can drop the weight, thus dropping the levels of estrogen. Hello, stronger erections!

Maintaining Good Penis Care

A weak erection is just one sign of things gone awry, so it’s important to step up a good penis care regimen to alleviate those problems. It all starts with a powerful penis health oil (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin). It’s important to look for an oil that contains powerful antioxidants such as alpha lipoic acid, which can fight thinning of the skin, as well as L-arginine, which can help promote good blood flow.

Utilizing Sex Toys With a Bent Penis

Men who experience a significantly bent penis - who have what would medically be determined to be Peyronie’s disease - face a number of challenges, including some related to sexual or penis health. Although treatments are being developed that can help a man with a severely bent penis, there is still a lot that is being learned about Peyronie’s disease and still many times when a man with a bent penis may need to seek accommodations of some kind. For example, he may need to give some thought to what sex toys he does or does not incorporate into his sex play.

Bent vs curved

Lest too many men worry about whether they have Peyronie’s disease and don’t know, it’s important to realize that in many men, some degree of curvature of the penis is totally natural and not a penis health issue at all. It’s only when the degree of curvature is so extreme as to cause pain or to interfere with penetrative sexual experiences that problems arise.

Peyronie’s disease generally occurs when there is some trauma to the penis - one-time or repeated - that damages the delicate penile tissue. When the tissue heals, some scar tissue or plaque also forms. This is just part of the healing process. The problem is that scar tissue does not have the flexibility and stretchiness that penile tissue does; it is this flexibility that enables the penis to grow from its flaccid state into its longer and thicker erect state.

A man’s penis still becomes erect, but as the penis elongates, the side that has scar tissue cannot stretch as far as the other sides, causing the penis to bend up, down, to the left, or to the right.

Use of sex toys

So how does this affect a man’s use of sex toys? In many instances, it does not, but in others it can.

Take, for instance, the simple penis ring, possibly the sex toy most commonly used by men. The penis ring, which may be made of metal, silicone, latex, leather, or other materials, is meant to go around either the shaft of the penis or both the shaft and balls. It is tight (but not so tight as to cause pain), and this tightness helps to trap blood in the erect penis, enabling a man to more easily attain and maintain an erection. However, many men with a severely bent penis may experience varying degrees of pain during an erection, and it is possible that a penis ring may exacerbate this painful state.

Similarly, penis sleeves - hollow cylindrical objects intended to be worn over the penis - may indeed help temporarily straighten the bent penis somewhat while the penis is inside the sleeve, and that can be a benefit for a man and his partner. But in especially severe cases, the "pull" that causes the straightening may add to the pain caused by the bend.

However, most sex toys should be of use to even a man with a bent penis. Often, Peyronie’s disease may be accompanied by a loss of some penis sensation, due to the relative insensitivity of scar tissue, which may affect a man’s sexual enjoyment. Sex toys such as prostate massagers or vibrators may help to increase sexual sensation to "make up" for the loss brought about by the scar tissue.

Using sex toys may be beneficial for a man with a bent penis, as can regular use of a superior penis health oil (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). An oil cannot straighten the bent penis, but it can help to keep the skin and tissue as pliable as possible, especially if the oil contains heavy-hitting moisturizing agents like shea butter and vitamin E. It’s also advisable to find an oil with vitamin C, which happens to be a key component of collagen, a tissue in the body that gives skin its tone and elasticity.

Sunday, 23 February 2020

Preventing Hives (and Their Penis Bumps)

A rash on the penis is bad enough - a case of hives on (and around) the penis is even worse. Creating penis bumps and general redness, hives can be an annoying penis health concern. Men are often already self-conscious about benign penis bumps like Fordyce spots or pearly penile papules; hives, which give the appearance of being worse and of being contagious (although they are not) can be a definite turn-off to sexual partners. So it would reason that preventing hives is an excellent penis health strategy.


Although hives is its common name, the medical name for this condition is urticaria. And it is also known by other names, including welts or nettle rash. Hives present as a series of red, raised, itchy rash, which on the member can look like penis bumps. Sometimes there’s some scaliness involved, and typically the area between the bumps is also red. On people whose skin tone is darker, the redness may not be as pronounced as on those with lighter skin tones.

Where do these welts come from? Basically, they occur from the body’s attempts to fight an allergen, something that causes the body to increase its immune system response. In this case, it does so by increasing the amount of histamines in the body. This sometimes causes blood capillaries to leak, with the fluid gathering together in the skin and bringing about the hives.

Causes and prevention

There are numerous factors that can cause hives, which are often referred to as "triggers." The best way to prevent hives is to know which triggers affect an individual and take steps to prevent the trigger from being activated.

Among the most common causes of hives are:

- Many different medications, especially some antibiotics, NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, like aspirin), and ACE inhibitors.

- Stress

- Extreme and sudden changes in temperature

- Many foods, especially some nuts, shellfish, strawberries, wheat and products made from wheat, and eggs

- Pet dander

- Common infections such as a cold or the flu

- Bacterial infections

- Latex

- Fever

- Dust mites

- Poison ivy and poison oak

- Insect bites or stings

- Too much sunlight exposure

When the trigger is known, it is easier to determine preventive measures to take. For example, doctors could try changing medication options if the current drug used is a trigger for hives. If, say, eggs are a food trigger for a person, he will need to avoid eating eggs and, depending on just how sensitive, also avoid foods in which eggs are a large component. (In most cases, people have allergies to the egg whites rather than the yolk, by the way.) Wearing long pants and long-sleeved shirts when venturing into wooded areas that may harbor poison ivy or poison oak may help prevent hives caused by these plant triggers.

Stress is a very common trigger, and it can also be a secondary trigger, that is, another trigger may cause the hives, but stress may worsen it. Working with a doctor or other professional to determine ways to help lower stress can be a big help in preventing hives.

People with hives should speak to their doctors to determine a treatment plan and a plan to prevent a recurrence once it is successfully treated.

Penis bumps from hives are likely to benefit from daily application of a first-class penis health oil (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Not all penis health oils are equal, so carefully examine the ingredients list. What is needed is one that contains both a high-end emollient (shea butter is a good one) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E). Ideally, the oil should also include vitamin A, which has special antiaging benefits and helps fight common skin blemishes.

Saturday, 22 February 2020

Penis Piercing: Practicing Great Penis Care While Healing

For some, the idea of a genital piercing makes them cringe. No way is anyone going near their penis with anything sharp, not to mention actually giving them a piercing! But for some men, penis piercings are interesting and something they really want to do. It’s always a very personal decision - what a man does with his junk should never be judged by someone else. But there are some points a man should remember when he chooses to undergo this procedure.

Practicing Good Penis Care Post-Piercing

When a man chooses to get a genital piercing, he should speak to his piercing expert to get a clear plan of action for penis care. He will need to follow the instructions exactly, as he needs to take care to heal the delicate skin and avoid infection of any kind. Here are a few common sense lessons a piercing expert should pass along:

- Keep it clean. The pierced area will be tender and open to bacteria, which can cause infection. That’s why it’s so important to clean the area twice each day, perhaps more if advised by the piercing professional. Sometimes this cleaning must be done for several weeks, or even permanently. Never skip a cleaning - it’s possibly the most important step of all.

- Don’t clean too much. On the other hand, cleaning too often can lead to serious problems. The skin does need time to heal, and being overzealous with the cleaning can wash away the beneficial oils that build up and protect the skin, helping it heal. This dryness can lead to cracks in the skin, which invite bacteria in.

- Never clean with alcohol. Though alcohol seems like an excellent product to use to clean an open wound, it can lead to seriously unpleasant penis pain, and that’s not something anybody wants. Besides that, alcohol is very drying. So even if a guy can handle the pain of the alcohol, he doesn’t need to deal with the dry skin issue.

- Use saltwater soaks when advised. When a man gets a genital piercing, there can be some bleeding from the area. The bleeding might last several days. When it’s done, then it is safe to use saltwater soaks to help cleanse and heal the area. Simply place the pierced area in the saltwater bath, or gently cover the area with a towel that has been saturated in saltwater. Wash off all the saltwater when the soak is done.

- Be gentle with towels. It’s important to remember that towels can contain lint, or even have some bacteria from previous use, which can be a problem for a penis that needs to be protected. In addition, towels have a habit of catching on piercings; a towel pulling on a new genital piercing can induce a lot of pain, so it’s best to avoid that. Air dry the skin if at all possible, or use cotton balls or small cotton pads to absorb the liquid after a shower.

- Stay clean. Anything that will touch the penis in the weeks after the piercing should be kept clean. That means changing sheets often, washing trousers and underwear thoroughly before wearing, avoiding anything that might be restrictive and lead to sweating, and generally keeping everything that touches the penis as clean as possible.

Penis Care Following a Piercing

After a piercing, penis care takes on the utmost importance. In addition to doing everything as instructed by the piercing professional, a man should always be alert to signs of infection, such as redness or pain. These could indicate a serious issue that needs immediate attention. After the skin has healed enough to move back into a normal routine, the first thing a man should do is reach for his trusty penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin). The gentle, beneficial ingredients can actually help the delicate penis skin heal in the aftermath of a genital piercing.

Friday, 21 February 2020

Penis Skin and Vitamin E: The Winning Combination

Though the penis is a hearty organ, the penis skin can be rather delicate. That’s why it’s so important to ensure good penis care regimens include the use of a moisturizer that will protect and heal the skin on a daily basis. When looking for a great penis health crème, one of the top ingredients should be vitamin E.

Why vitamin E? What does it do? How can it help assure good penis health? Read on to learn more about his miracle ingredient and how it keeps penis skin healthy.

What is Vitamin E?

Vitamin E is a naturally-occurring oil that skin cells actually produce. The vitamin E in our bodies spreads across the skin but almost immediately begins to vanish. This is especially true when vitamin E meets sunlight, as the UV rays can destroy this very important oil before it has a chance to truly protect and hydrate the skin. In addition to the dryness, this also leaves the skin damaged by the sun, and doesn’t allow the body to make up enough of it to cover the shortfall.

But a person can be their own worst enemy when it comes to vitamin E. Remember, it’s an oil - so when it rises to the surface of the skin, it makes it look shiny and oily. While this is great for the body, it’s not so great for the mind, as so many are taught that oily skin is bad. Therefore, here come the harsh soaps and treatments to keep the vitamin E at bay! That creates a vicious cycle, as the more we cleanse, the more the oil gets stripped away.

What Does it Do for Penis Skin?

It’s important to understand what a lack of vitamin E means for penis skin and overall penis health. One of the first things that happens when hydration vanishes is the dryness -and for some men, that can become quite pronounced, with the skin flaking and peeling. A man might have a red penis, irritated because of that dry skin. And in addition, the skin can look wrinkly and old, with an itch that just won’t go away.

None of those are good things!

What’s more, when the skin is that dry and itchy, it leads to scratching. That can mean fingernails digging into the delicate penis skin, which in turn can lead to tiny breaks in the skin, an invitation for bacteria to enter. That bacteria can then lead to infections, which leads to redness, which leads to more itching and possibly even pain. There is no long-term relief with this situation; there is only the scratching, which makes things worse.

Using Vitamin E

Vitamin E is great for sealing in moisture, nourishing the cells, protecting skin from inflammation, restoring the moisture layer, alleviating the itchiness that comes with dry skin, and keeping the skin supple and ready for action.

So it makes sense to slather on the vitamin E, right? Not necessarily. A man should look closely at how much he is using, as applying straight-up vitamin E to the skin can actually wind up irritating it - there can be too much of a good thing! And there is also the fact that those who take vitamin E supplements can wind up getting too much in their diet, which leads to problems.

Topical application of vitamin E is always a good idea when it is mixed well with a crème that is designed to allow the oil to seep slowly into the skin and stay there, where it belongs. Before reaching for a good penis skin crème, a man should always check with the doctor to ensure the dry skin or itchy penis is not the result of something else that needs a different kind of treatment. But once he’s cleared of anything like that, it’s off to the races with vitamin E!

Maintaining Healthy Penis Skin

When looking for the proper amount of vitamin E to use on the penis skin, a guy should reach for a well-formulated penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin). In addition to looking for vitamin E as a top ingredient, he should also look for Shea butter. Shea butter is a moisturizing agent that will hold the vitamin E close to the skin, allowing it time to absorb and do the healing it needs to do. He should also look for other vitamins as well, such as B5, C and A.

Penis Rash After Sex: Some Likely Culprits

First impressions are incredibly important, and by and large, first impressions are primarily physical impressions. That’s certainly true when a man is for the first time unveiling for a partner his proud penis, and no matter the size, the shape or the liveliness apparent in that penis, the first impression is likely to be negatively impacted if a penis rash is prominently displayed. And for that matter, any time the penis is presented to a partner - even one who has already seen it numerous times - the presence of a penis rash is going to cause some comment. Interestingly, sometimes a penis rash occurs soon after sex, and this can be a legitimate reason for a man and his partner to wonder if that rash signifies an unwelcome penis health issue.

So suppose a man does develop a penis rash an hour or a day or so after having sex. What might this mean?

- It’s all a coincidence. The fact is, the appearance of a rash may have everything to do with having had sex - or it may have absolutely nothing to do with it. Perhaps this is an allergic reaction to that stew you ate that, unknown to you, contained some of that shellfish you’re allergic to. Perhaps it’s a reaction to that new laundry detergent or that new soap. Maybe deciding to go commando while wearing scratchy wool pants was not a good idea. At any rate, even if a penis rash pops out in a way that seems to connect it to sex - that isn’t always the case.

- Yeah, it’s an STI. Okay, the after sex penis rash cause that everyone wants to avoid can indeed be a reality. Some sexually transmitted infections (STIs) may present with penis rash as a symptom. Syphilis, chancroid and herpes are the STIs most often associated with a penis rash, although it’s important to remember that not everyone who comes down with an STI exhibits symptoms. There also can be variability in how long after sexual contact a rash may appear. Bottom line: If it’s possible the rash may be an STI, check it out with a doctor.

- Or another sexually-transmitted issue. So maybe rather than an STI, it’s something like scabies or public lice. These annoying buggers can cause a mighty itch as well as a rash and can be a pain to get rid of. Again, check with a doctor if these seem likely causes of that unsightly rash.

- Reaction to latex. Sometimes a man may have a latex allergy which could result in a penis rash after using a condom. And some sex toys are made of latex or of other materials that in some cases might provoke an allergic reaction. There are non-latex condoms made for men with an allergy, and sex toys come in many different kinds of materials. (It’s also important that any sex toy be washed properly after use; otherwise, bacteria might grow on it which could be responsible for the new penis rash.)

- Yeast. Yeast infections are common in women and while they are less common in men, having unprotected sex with a woman whose vagina has a yeast infection can indeed result in a penile yeast infection - and an accompanying rash.

Many of the symptoms of penis rash, whether after sex or not, respond to regular use of a first rate penis health oil (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Men should be certain to check the oil’s label to see if it includes L-carnitine and arginine. For optimum results, select an oil which contains both a high end emollient (such as shea butter) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E) to moisturize the penis skin and help soothe itching and flakiness. The oil should also contain vitamin B5 (aka pantothenic acid), a vital nutrient that is required for cell metabolism and the maintenance of healthy tissue.

Thursday, 20 February 2020

Tired of Scratching That Itchy Penis? Get Rid of Stress

Chill, suave, debonair gentleman. Definitely a magnet for the ladies. That is, until they notice him trying (and failing) to surreptitiously scratch his itchy penis and instead looking like a guy who simply can’t keep his hands off his penis. Every man has an itchy penis at some time or another (and it always seems to be its itchiest when the most alluring potential partner is around). Sometimes an itchy penis can be associated with a penis health issue, such as a rash or other skin eruption. But sometimes there are other causes. For example, doctors know that itchiness - including itchiness on the penis - can be a reaction to having too much stress in one’s life.

Psychogenic itch

The technical medical term for an itch caused by stress (or anxiety or depression) is a psychogenic itch. When one is experiencing mental health issues like these, the body releases a great deal more of serotonin and norepinephrine. Nerve cells produce serotonin, which is used for several purposes, including helping to stabilize mood. Norepinephrine is a chemical that is used to get the brain and body alert and ready for action. When the body gets too much of these chemicals, it can result in an itch, including an itchy penis.

So relieving stress (or anxiety or depression) can help to alleviate an itchy penis when it is contributing to the itchiness. For those who are experiencing severe stress (and certainly severe anxiety of depression), getting assistance from a mental health professional is strongly recommended. But for those stress is not as acute, the following tips may be helpful in turning the stress levels down a few notches.

- Get active. One of the best ways to relieve stress and tension is by being physically active. Going to the gym, riding a bike, swimming, jogging, mowing the lawn, raking leaves, even just standing up from the desk and doing a few jumping jacks can help when stress is high.

- Watch what you eat. A healthy diet makes it easier to fight off stress; too often, people end up stress eating, gulping down sugary sodas or empty caloried snacks that make them feel good in the short term but are harmful in the long run. Eating an apple instead of a bag of potato chips may be a better way to ease stress a little.

- Get laughing. When a person laughs, the body releases chemicals that help de-stress. So it pays to have on a video playlist a few comedy routines or scenes from movies that tickle the funnybone. Watching or listening to these when stress is too much can make a big difference.

- Meditate and breathe. Practicing meditation, and especially breathing exercises, relaxes the body and the mind.

- Try some yoga. Many people find that yoga, in addition to providing a physical workout, has a calming and soothing effect on them.

- Listen to music. Putting on some gentle, soothing tracks can allow the mind to let go out of many of the thoughts that are prompting stress to rear its ugly head.

Easing stress can help ease an itchy penis, as can regularly applying a top drawer penis health oil (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). For the best outcome, look through oils until one finds an oil with a combination of moisturizing agents, such as shea butter and vitamin E. A well moisturized penis is less likely to experience itching on an intense level. The selected oil should also contain l-carnitine, an amino acid that helps protect against nerve damage caused by friction, compression, and other common injuries.

Making Sexual Fantasies a Reality

There are some sexual fantasies which are extremely unlikely to become reality for most men. Yes, a man may fantasize about having steamy, lusty sex with their favorite Hollywood (or Bollywood or Aussiewood, etc.) star, but for most men, such desires are aiming a bit too high. However, provided he practices good penis health, there’s ample reason to believe a man can move any number of sexual fantasies off the wish list and into the realm of reality. It just takes a little determination and some guts.

Following are a number of common sexual fantasies along with some tips on making them realities. For most of these, the assumption is that the man is not in a relationship with a partner who is willing to go along with these fantasies. (For those with potentially willing partners, the bigger challenge is often working up the nerve to broach the subject with them in the first place.)

- Having sex with an unseen partner. How many guys have fantasized about being sexually served by someone whom they can’t even see? For many, this is high on the hot sexual fantasies list. Yet it’s one of the more easily accomplished. Many adult bookstores and similar establishment have booths with "gloryholes" through which one may slip an erect penis and have it serviced by whoever lurks in the next booth. And many hook-up apps allow a person to be similarly serviced at a person’s home while blindfolded. However, and these are big caveats, one must be aware that random servicing at a gloryhole or by a stranger increases the risk of sexually-transmitted infections (STIs) significantly, and that hook-up arrangements have been known to lead to a person being robbed or worse. A man needs to weigh these risks before acting on this or any other risky fantasies.

- Becoming a mile-higher. Having sex while in a plane flying high in the sky sounds very exciting. Unfortunately, airplane bathrooms are notoriously cramped and airplane seats make partner-based sex difficult - and again, risky. A compromise? Masturbate in the bathroom. It’s a legitimate form of sex, and if asked for details, just smile enigmatically and say a gentleman doesn’t discuss.

- Getting tied up. More and more, people are becoming both more open about their own kinks and more accepting of kinks in others. Online hook-up sites often feature a variety of people who freely acknowledge their interest in and/or experience with bondage and other fetishes. So meet a potential partner for a drink and see if it feels safe to move on into kink. Big tip: Don’t engage in any bondage activities without both agreeing to a "safe" word to stop the action. Also, don’t go beyond the comfort zone. If a man doesn’t feel he wants both arms tied to a bed post, he has the right to have his wishes respected.

- Trying a threesome. Again, people are more open about multiple partner activities nowadays. A little exploration and asking of appropriate questions online (and at a follow-up meeting) can help a guy decide if he and other potential members of a threesome are compatible. The biggest thing for a man to decide in advance is, "Am I okay with a threesome with two males or only with two females?"

It will be less stressful making sexual fantasies into a reality if a man sports a healthy looking penis, so daily application of a top notch penis health oil (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can be a boon. He will want the penis to get all the nutrients possible, so he should select an oil with a range of vitamins, including A, B5, C, D and E. Also key: an oil with a powerful antioxidant (like alpha lipoic acid) to fight free radicals and prevent oxidative damage.

Wednesday, 19 February 2020

Building Sexual Health by Building Confidence

Contrary to what many men believe, good male sexual health isn’t all about having a really big penis, or a really handsome penis, or even really exceptional penis health (although a penis that is in good health already has a big head start where sex is concerned). In the first place, there are many different factors that all combine to create an example of good male sexual health, and no one factor is the be-all and end-all of sexual health. However, one of the more important - and often-ignored - components in achieving good sexual health doesn’t directly relate to the penis at all: confidence. The confidence that a man has in himself has a big impact on his sexual health and well-being.

There are many possible reasons why a man may suffer from erectile dysfunction, including lack of confidence. This same lack may make a man feel unattractive and undesirable, and may therefore make him hesitant to seek out potential partners. So building confidence is one way to help build sexual health.

With that in mind, following are some tips at building confidence:

- Spend more time with someone who makes you feel good - and less with those that don’t. Many people have a friend or acquaintance who has a way of making them feel special or prized or valued. If a guy needs to build his confidence, it helps to be around someone who sees the positive aspects and makes him aware of them as well. By the same token, he needs to spend less time with those people that have the opposite effect and bring him down. It may be impossible to cut these people out altogether, especially if they are work colleagues or family members, but finding ways to decrease the amount of time spent with their negativity will help.

- List assets. A guy needs to take time to write down things that are good and positive about him. These can be characteristics (e.g., dresses well, practices excellent hygiene, says hello to doorman) or achievements (e.g., cleaned up file system, took dog for long walk, beat deadline on important project, etc.). If it’s hard to think up items for the list, he should consult with a good friend. And after the list is compiled, he should read it at the beginning of each day and add to it at the end of each day.

- Set challenges that are realistic. For example, rather than setting a goal of losing 100 pounds, set a goal of losing 5. Once that is achieved, think about setting a goal to lose 5 more.

- Celebrate successes. Many people feel self-conscious about acknowledging things they do well. A man should feel free to celebrate when he has achieved something or done something that was challenging.

- Do something enjoyable. Especially when feeling stressed and overworked, make a point of doing something enjoyable - swimming, reading, cooking, whatever. Releasing the stress can help boost confidence.

- Talk with a professional. Most importantly, if a man has significant confidence issues, he should seek out help from a mental health professional or life coach. Lack of self-confidence can be debilitating - and not just to sexual health - when it is extreme.

Boosting confidence can be a boon for sexual health, especially if penis health is already taken care of. For the latter, it helps to regularly apply a superior penis health oil (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Men should be certain to check the oil’s label to see if it includes L-carnitine and arginine. The former is a neuroprotective ingredient to help maintain proper penis sensitivity. The latter is an amino acid which helps boost nitric oxide and keep penile blood vessels open and flowing.

Penis Rejuvenation: P-Shot

Medical science does provide many wonders. One of them seems to be finding ways to give men bigger, stronger, more virile erections. For some men, like those with Erectile Dysfunction (ED) and Peyronie’s Disease, penis rejuvenation can give a man back his sex life. For men who would just like a bigger dick or more intense orgasms can also give the P-Shot a try, if they have the cash to do so. Let’s break down what penis rejuvenation, specifically, the P-Shot.

What is Penis Rejuvenation?

Penis rejuvenation is a medical treatment created specifically for me with Peyronie’s disease and ED. While created to help men with these issues, men without these dysfunctions can also choose to have the procedure for other reasons, including sensitivity and performance.

Who Should Get Penis Rejuvenation?

The following men may want to consider penis rejuvenation if they:
- have Peyronie’s Disease
- have ED
- have had prostate cancer
- have an enlarged prostate
- want stronger erections, additional length and girth, and greater penile sensitivity.

What is the P-Shot?

The P-Shot is the short-hand for the Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Treatment. The PRP Treatment uses a patient’s own platelet-rich plasma to refresh the penis by activating new tissue growth, which has been found to produce larger, stouter, more responsive, and more frequent erections.
The P-Shot is a pretty easy process. It begins when the patient is given a local numbing anesthetic. Next, blood will be drawn from the patient’s arm. The patient’s blood is taken to a centrifuge where the PRP is separated from the blood. The PRP is then injected into the penis in precise locations with a few needles, and that’s it! The entire treatment takes under 20 minutes, and there is no downtime. As soon as the local wears off, it’s off to the races!

Post-P-Shot Protocols

There’s really only one thing a man needs to do after the procedure; it’s really that simple. During the first 30 days after the P-Shot, the patient must use a digital penis pump twice each day for 10 minutes in order to feel the complete effects of the shot.

P-Shot Pros

Not only does penile rejuvenation help men with penile dysfunction, but it also has been shown to:
- Increase penile responsiveness
- Increase duration of firmness
- Increase in the length and girth of the penis
- Contribute to longer, more intense orgasms
- Decrease refractory periods
- An amplification in stamina and enjoyment
- Increased sexual confidence
- Achieve greater result with male enhancement medications

Of course, like anything, all men will experience different levels of success with the treatment, with some men reporting no notable change at all. Knowing this, men who want to learn more should talk at length to their doctor prior to the procedure. Get a referral from a medical professional to ensure you are treating your prized possession with the greatest care possible.

If the P-Shot is a little more than you can afford or mentally process right now, it is a couple of needles in your Johnson, after all, try a specially formulated penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) to give your penis a boost! Creams like this are full of penis health essentials such as vitamins A, B, C, D, and E, as well as Arginine, a vasodilator that incites strong blood flow to the penis, resulting in a harder, more vigorous erection. Using a cream once each day can rejuvenate your penis (no needles needed).

Tuesday, 18 February 2020

5 Ways to Prevent Penis Chafing and Preserve Penis Health

Any kind of chafing is a bummer. It’s a hot, pins-and-needles sort of feeling that seems never to go away. A cool breeze or even the lightest sheet can be agonizing on a chafed penis. But penis chafing just happens, right? Well, not really. There’s a lot a man can do to avoid it. Let’s talk about five easy ways to prevent penis chafing that you should implement today.

Penis Chafing Prevention Tip #1: Lube Up!

It seems like a no brainer, but tons of men go dry when rubbing one out or getting horizontal with a partner. What’s with this fear of lube? Lube should be in every man’s nightstand in case he gets "inspired" in the middle of the night or if the Sex Olympics have come to town. Without it, a chafed penis is right around the corner, and it can even lead up to more problems down the line with age.
There are many lubricants on the market, but it’s crucial to not only do a little research (some lubes degrade latex condoms) and also to do a patch test to make sure it doesn’t irritate your nether region, which could be a whole other type of discomfort.

Penis Chafing Prevention Tip #2: Moderation in All Things

In addition to using ample lube, practice moderation in playtime, whether with a partner or solo, to avoid a chafed penis. Now, for Mark, that could be more than twice in one day, for Bill, it’s more than once, and maybe for Eddie, it’s no more than three - moderation is a personal thing. However, too much wanking or getting busy can not only result in penis chafing but also lead to a very sore donger and potential periphery nerve damage that can erode penile function in the future.

Penis Chafing Prevention Tip #3: Scrap the Skinny Jeans

It seems like skinny jeans (for men at least), may be on their way out, but if you’re still holding on to some too-tight trousers, now is an excellent time to donate them. And it’s not just pants - it’s underwear, workout shorts, and compression. While compression can be used for short periods of time to prevent chaffing while performing friction-heavy exercise, the rest of the time, opt for something a little looser.

Now loose doesn’t have to mean saggy. A nice pair of structured boxer briefs are a fine choice for keeping the family jewels safe and secure. Choose a pant or jean which an excellent fit, not one that hugs the frank and beans. All of this compression can not only chafe the penis, due to all of that non-stop fabric contact but also rob a man of sensitivity. Less sensitivity equals a less responsive penis, so now is the time to clean out your closet.

Penis Chafing Prevention Tip #4: Hang Loose…Literally

On the flip-side of compression is a totally aired-out, free-range situation that every penis needs to experience each day. It gives the penile skin some much-needed air, reduces sweating and moisture than can attract bacteria and lead to dry skin (chafing’s older brother), and frees the funk. A few good ways to do this is taking a warm shower, and taking some time to just air dry. A lot of men sleep in the nude at night to give the big guy some air and a little freedom to stretch out. It’s also a relaxing, feel-good treat.

Penis Chafing Prevention Tip #5: Soften the Skin

A perfect way to keep penis chafing at bay is by having soft, supple skin. All it takes is a little smart moisturizing. After showering, let the penis air dry. Once dried, use a specially formulated penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) on the penis. This cream includes Shea butter and vitamin E to give a man with silky, flexible skin. It also contains additional ingredients specifically selected to protect the extremely delicate penile skin such as L-Carnitine, which guards against peripheral nerve damage triggered by friction. This particular cream also includes vitamin C, an essential component of collagen, which promotes elasticity and protects against dryness and tears. Use once or twice each day for best results.

Sore Penis Doesn’t Mean No Orgasm

It’s one of the most frustrating things a man can imagine: He wants to get off, but his penis doesn’t agree. In fact, he has a really sore penis that is difficult to touch, let alone stroke to a point of ecstasy. What’s a man to do when he needs an orgasm but a sore penis precludes that pleasure?

The good news is that a situation like this provides an opportunity learn something new. A man might think he knows his body very well, but a sore penis can force him to find erogenous zones he didn’t know he had. Here are a few ideas.

Unusual Erogenous Zones

Though a guy might think that his penis is the most sensitive part of his body, there are other areas that can send his imagination and his body soaring. When a partner plays in those areas, it’s entirely possible that his sore penis might enjoy it much more than he expected. For instance, a partner caressing a man’s ears could send him to the moon and back. Soft kisses on the neck and throat can do the same. The fingertips and hands are also very sensitive; a man could lie back, close his eyes and focus on the sensation when a partner plays with those fingertips. The result can be explosive.

Getting Close but Not Quite There

There are areas around the penis that can spark a lot of excitement, and those are worth exploring. The testicles are obviously very sensitive, and touching them in a variety of ways can get a man quite excited. In addition, touching a man’s rear can be a jolt of excitement that makes it quite easy for him to enjoy the playfulness without actually stressing out his sore penis. With some experimentation, a guy and his partner might find the strokes that actually bring on that orgasm without doing much touching of the penis - or perhaps none at all! It’s a great game to try.

Stimulate the Brain

It’s been said many times, because it’s true: The brain is the body’s largest erogenous zone. All attraction and stimulation begins there! So a man can spend some time thinking about past experiences, reading erotic material, watching adult videos, and otherwise spending all sorts of time engaging his brain. Some of these thoughts can be strong enough to lead to pleasure without further irritating an out-of-commission sore penis.

An Opportunity to Experiment

Though it might seem that a sore penis can lead to less fun than a man wants to have, the truth is that all that irritation forces a man to look and think elsewhere for the pleasure he once took for granted. This opens up whole new worlds of fun, from using toys designed for places other than the penis, to talking with a partner about new ways to find pleasure, to touching and enjoying each other in ways that they hadn’t considered before. It’s an important opportunity for good communication, which can lead to better sex down the road.

Maintaining Good Penis Care

Good penis care is vitally important when dealing with a sore penis. An injury to the penis can mean serious treatment and care, and to ensure good function in the long run, a doctor’s orders should always be followed. Be sure to ask the doctor when it is okay to begin using a top-quality penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) . This crème should contain natural ingredients, such as vitamin E and Shea butter, that help the skin heal without adding anymore stress to it.

Monday, 17 February 2020

Weak Erection: Good Penis Care Can Help

Every man has a weak erection from time to time; that’s just the way a man’s body works. Maybe he’s too tired, perhaps he’s already had too much pleasure, or maybe he’s just not feeling his best. But in most cases, that weak erection is a very rare thing, and he can usually pinpoint exactly what happened - so there’s no lingering worry.

But what happens when weak erections become the norm? Before heading to the doctor, think about what might be lacking in penis care that could cause that problem. There are many ways a man can naturally strengthen his erections. Let’s take a look:

Kegels are a Friend

It’s often said that a woman can enhance her pelvic floor strength through Kegel exercises. The good news is that men can do much the same! Kegel exercises strengthen the muscles that allow the penis to fill with flood, leading to a good erection. Identify the muscle by stopping urine mid-stream. Do this a few times to easily recognize the feeling.

Throughout the day, clench the muscle for five seconds, then release. Do this ten times in a row, then rest for a while. Do it up to three times a day to start, but increase the motion as time goes on. As the muscle begins to improve, the erections should begin to improve too.

Put Down the Cigs

It’s been said a million times but it bears repeating: Cigarettes can affect every system of the body, including the erection. Cigarettes cause serious issues for the vascular system, meaning that blood doesn’t flow as efficiently. That blood flow problem can lead to issues with getting it up, which in turn can lead to issues in the bedroom. The longer a man stays away from cigarettes, the faster those systems will return to normal.

Hit the Treadmill

Again, it comes down to blood flow. The penis gets hard when the corpora cavernosa, two chambers on either side of the shaft, fill with blood during excitement. These chambers are fed by tiny blood vessels, and keeping those vessels in good shape is key to ensuring erections stay strong. Simply jogging on a treadmill for 30 minutes three times a week can be enough to ensure a guy’s penis stays hard. It might not seem like direct penis care, but it certainly does help! As an added bonus, this exercise also helps every other system in the body, which can give a man more stamina.

Reach for Antioxidants

In order to solve weak erections, a man needs to have plenty of nitric oxide in his body. Nitric oxide is a natural chemical that dilates the blood vessels when needed, thus allowing better blood flow. As it dilates the blood vessels that lead to the penis, the blood flows in, creating a strong erection. But free radicals in the body can wreak havoc with nitric oxide, which is where antioxidants come into play.

Antioxidants grab onto the free radicals and stop them in their tracks. The result is that the body works better, the skin looks smoother, and the penis health improves. Antioxidants can be found in many different foods, but dark leafy greens and berries tend to have the highest concentrations. So pick up those blueberries or blackberries as a snack.

Drop the Weight

When a man is carrying extra weight, he might also be producing extra estrogen. Though every man has estrogen in small amounts, the higher the estrogen level, the lower the testosterone level. That lowered level of testosterone can lead to more weight; it’s a vicious cycle. By exercising and eating well, a man can drop the weight, thus dropping the levels of estrogen. Hello, stronger erections!

Maintaining Good Penis Care

A weak erection is just one sign of things gone awry, so it’s important to step up a good penis care regimen to alleviate those problems. It all starts with a powerful penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) . It’s important to look for a crème that contains powerful antioxidants like alpha lipoic acid, which can fight thinning of the skin, as well as L-arginine, which can help promote good flood flow.

Saturday, 15 February 2020

Dude, Don’t Let Masturbation Cause Penis Irritation

Even though many men won’t admit it, all guys know there’s nothing quite like masturbation. It’s not that masturbation is necessarily better than other forms of sex or even preferred to other forms of sex - it’s that it’s the most at-hand (in more ways than one) kind of sex, the most accessible. It’s also the form of sex over which a guy can exercise total control (unless he is into masturbation domination, of course). And when you add in that masturbation even has some penis health benefits, it’s easy to see why men spend so much time engaged in "getting to know you" sessions with their penis. But, because it is so accessible and easy to do, some guys find that their masturbation can on occasion lead to penis irritation - and that’s not really what a guy wants.

So what are some of the things that lead to penis irritation from masturbation and what can a guy do to help prevent penis irritation?

- Lube up. Possibly the leading cause of penis irritation - often in the form of red, raw, sore penis skin - comes about from masturbation without sufficient (or any) lubrication. Sure, the penis tends to provide a modest amount of pre-seminal fluid, which definitely helps to lubricate the penis. But most men need more lubrication than that which the penis naturally supplies and so he needs to go to other sources. There are many lubricants out there made just for sexual concerns like masturbation, but there also are other options. Petroleum jelly, hand lotion, coconut butter and in some cases plain old saliva can help lubricate the equipment. Some guys also make use of soap or shampoo, but this can be tricky; using cleansers with fragrances or chemicals may irritate delicate penis skin (and the urethra, if it gets inside the penis).

- Gripping too hard. Next to not lubing up enough, rubbing the penis with a death grip during masturbation is likely to be the next most common cause of penis irritation. "Death grip" refers to squeezing the penis too tightly, which even when lubricated may cause rawness to develop. Loosening the grip can do wonders to protect from penis irritation. (Partners who masturbate a man may need to be told to loosen things up as well.)

- Masturbating for too long. Edging - or masturbating right up to the threshold of ejaculating and then stopping (and repeating many times) - is popular among many masturbators, especially those with plenty of time to engage in this enjoyable practice. But this may mean that a man may masturbate essentially non-stop for several hours - and that may be too much for many penises, even if lubrication is reapplied generously and regularly.

- Misusing toys. More and more men are exploring the wonderful world of sex toys and adding these aids into their sex lives, both partner-based and solo. But there is the possibility that a guy might misuse a sex toy in such a way that penis irritation might follow. For example, using a penis pump for too long a period of time might result in soreness. Making use of an imitation vagina without appropriate lubrication clearly has irritation potential. And leaving a penis ring on for too long a period of time could result in some numbness to the member.

Following appropriate masturbation procedures can help avoid penis irritation, as can the regular application of a top drawer penis health oil (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Look for an oil that contains a combination of moisturizing ingredients, such as vitamin E and shea butter, in order to soothe rough, raw, irritated penis skin. The ideal oil will also contain L-carnitine, the neuroprotective properties of which can help maintain penis sensation when it is rubbed raw.

Friday, 14 February 2020

Sex Tips: In Search of the Male G-Spot

Ah, the elusive G-spot, that "perfect button" in the female that many consider key to explosive orgasms. Finding a woman’s G-spot can be rewarding - but so can finding the male G-spot, and it’s generally easier to locate. Although good penis health can make the experience of the male G-spot more enjoyable, the penis itself is not where the G-spot is located in men. The following sex tips can help a guy locate his G-spot and gives hints on what to do once it’s found.

The male G-spot

Simply put, the male G-spot is the prostate, that gland located just underneath the bladder and which most men first become aware of during a physical, when the doctor tells them to bend over and suddenly a cold gloved finger is poking around inside their anus. The prostate exam is often the least favorite part of a man’s physical - so they may find it surprising to learn that that same prostate can be manipulated for extreme pleasure.

There are two ways of stimulating the prostate for pleasure. One way involves rubbing or otherwise stimulating (via a vibrator, for example) the perineum, that area between the balls and the anus. The prostate is located underneath the perineum and some men find that applying enough stimulation to the perineum results in pleasurable sensations from the prostate.

However, direct stimulation of the prostate is generally an easier way to achieve pleasure - and that requires inserting an object into the anus. It doesn’t need to go terribly deep, as the prostate is located about two inches into the anus. For many men, this would be the equivalent of inserting their first finger all the way in.

Now what?

Okay, if a guy is ready to try to stimulate his male G-spot, there are a few sex tipss he may want to consider:

- Get in the mood. Although it is certainly possible for a guy to just insert a finger or other object into his anus and move it around until the prostate responded pleasurably, it’s usually easier if a guy is already in a sexy mood. Thinking sexy thoughts, contemplating sexual fantasies, watching porn, or masturbating can all help to get a guy more in the mood for his G-spot search.

- Get lubed. The anus doesn’t produce natural lubricant, so a guy wants to be sure to use plenty of lubricant, both in his anus and on the finger(s) or other object which will be inserted. And he should be prepared to replenish as necessary.

- Don’t rush. Especially the first few times a man explores his G-spot, the anus is likely to be very tight. Men should resist the temptation to rush things and just take it slow - insert just a little, swirl it around gentle or move it back and forth slowly - just be gentle and take time. It may take several tries before the anus is successfully penetrated and the prostate located.

- Re-position. Sometimes a guy needs to try different positions to find one which works best for him in terms of reaching the G-spot.

- Toy with it. Consider using sex toys (prostate massagers, dildos, vibrators, etc.) - but a guy should only do this when he’s ready. Often sex toys will be a real boon in reaching the prostate and bringing about an orgasm.

Again it’s important to emphasize that a guy should be patient when exploring his anus. And it’s also important to know that not every man finds stimulating the prostate to be pleasurable. If that’s the case, there’s no reason to force the issue.

Any set of sex tips involving the male G-spot should mention that maintaining good penis health through application of a first class penis health oil (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) gives a guy one less thing to worry about. Select an oil with a range of vitamins, including A, B5, C, D, and E. The oil should also contain L-carnitine, an amino acid which helps maintain proper penis sensitivity for overworked penises.

A Healthy Handsome Penis? Sure, Why Not!

Guys may not spend a lot of time contemplating whether they personally think of themselves as having a handsome penis, but they know that their partners are interested in how attractive their equipment is - and in how healthy, too ,of course. Naturally, keeping an eye on penis health is one easy way to have a more handsome penis. But let’s take a look at some simple strategies for attaining and maintaining a handsome penis for one’s partner(s).

Eye of the beholder

Of course, what makes for a handsome penis in one person’s view may not in another, but that’s okay. No one penis is going to absolutely please every individual, so it’s okay to accept that. For example, some partners find that a penis with a little curve to it is really up their alley; but that doesn’t mean they’re not going to find a perfectly straight penis to be desirable.

With that said, here are some strategies that will produce a penis that will appeal to most people.
- Wash it regularly. Personal hygiene is always important and the most important aspect of a handsome penis is how clean it is. This not only makes the penis look better but also (and crucially) makes it smell better - persistent penis odor can be a huge liability. Most men need to wash the penis (and balls) daily; those who sweat a lot (especially if they go to the gym, play sports, etc.) might need to do so more often. And men who are intact need to be sure to wash carefully under the foreskin so that smegma does not develop. Warm soapy water is best for the penis, but be sure the soap is gentle and doesn’t contain harsh chemicals or fragrances.

- Stay hydrated. Drinking plenty of water is good for overall helath but also helps keep penis skin looking better. Even with enough water, however, penis skin can get dried out, so it pays to use moisturizers on the penis if they are in danger of becoming dry, scaly or cracked.
- Wear soft underwear. Going commando ca be fun, but sensitive skin rubbing against rough denim, wool or other fabrics may get rubbed raw - not a handsome penis look. Wearing cotton boxers is a good way to keep the skin from chafing - and also allows the penis the chance to "breathe."

- Air it out. Speaking of breathing, airing out the penis also helps keep it healthy and handsome. Try to find at least an hour or two when the penis can be naked (and not in use). The fresh air helps decrease odor issues and also is good for penis skin. Sleeping naked is one easy way to achieve this goal, if that is an option.

- Wear condoms. Unless a guy is in a totally monogamous relationship, he should make use of condoms whenever he has sex. Nothing is going to make a penis look decidedly un-handsome and unhealthy than a penis that shows signs of having contracted a sexually-transmitted infection (STI).

- Keep an eye on it. Finally, the best way to keep the penis handsome and healthy is to examine it every day. Being on the lookout for any new bumps, cuts, abrasions, sores, etc. enables a guy to catch any issues and work to resolve them as quickly as possible.

A healthy handsome penis is easier to attain if a guy regularly applies a top notch penis health oil (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin ) to his tool. Since moisturizing is so important, he should select an oil that contains both a high end emollient (such as shea butter) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E). In addition, the oil needs to contain a potent antioxidant, such as alpha lipoic acid, to combat free radicals and the oxidative damage they can cause to penis skin.