Tuesday, 11 February 2020

Penile Cancer: Everything a Man Needs to Know

Although penile cancer is exceedingly rare, it does happen, and it can certainly be devastating. That’s why it’s so important for a man’s penis care to include a focus on the signs and symptoms of penile cancer, and of course, bring any of these points of concern up to their healthcare provider.

Symptoms of Penile Cancer

Keep in mind that some of these signs of penile cancer could also reflect issues with penis care and hygiene. Take a look:

- Changes in the color of the penis skin. Although this can certainly happen from time to time, especially when there is bruising or temporary redness from a rather vigorous session of sensual fun, changes in the penis skin color can be pronounced with penile cancer. Watch the changes - take photos for later reference - to determine whether this is a true concern.

- Thickening of the penis skin. A thickening spot on the penis, or a place where the texture has changed, might be a problem. Again, watch that spot to determine whether it expands or becomes worse. Also be realistic about the situation - is the thickening on a spot frequently touched during masturbation? It might simply be a callous from overuse.

- Sores or growth on the penis. These are a clear sign something bad is happening. With penile cancer, the sores and growths will often appear on the glans, not as often on the shaft or the area around the penis. Any sore or growth should be checked out by a doctor.

- Bleeding from the penis. A discharge filled with blood, or blood that emits from underneath the foreskin, are both alarming issues that should immediately send a man to the doctor - assuming he can’t find a cause, such as an injury after a sex session or some sort of sports debacle.

- Swelling of the penis. Although with penile cancer the swelling usually happens right at the tip, there might be swelling along the shaft as well, either in the form of swelling bumps or swelling around the entire shaft. If there is no clear reason for it, such as contact dermatitis or overhandling, it’s time to see a doctor.

- A foul discharge. It’s important to remember that sometimes, a discharge from underneath the foreskin simply indicates a lack of personal hygiene, and a man needs to step up his cleanliness game. But for a discharge that won’t quit, no matter what, or a discharge from the tip of the penis, there is cause for concern.

- Red rash or crusty bumps. The red rash that might come along with penile cancer is one of those things that can mimic other, much more benign conditions. Crusty bumps, however, might be a different story. Although these might appear thanks to lax penis care, there is also the chance that they might be there for more nefarious reasons.

- Pain for no apparent reason. Penis pain is not a good thing, and usually a man can pinpoint what caused the problem. But if the penis pain shows up completely out of the blue and continues no matter what a man tries to do to remedy it, it’s a matter of concern.

- Swollen lymph nodes. When these swollen, tender and sore spots happen in the groin, it usually means there is some sort of infection or other issue going on inside a man’s body. Those lymph nodes might be an early sign of penile cancer. When doing a monthly self-check of the penis and surrounding area, always feel for any swelling that might indicate an issue.

Maintaining Good Penis Care

Again, keep in mind that many of these issues are related to less serious conditions. Therefore, don’t panic! But do go to the doctor if things don’t improve with good penis care in a reasonable amount of time. That care should include the use of a top-notch penis health oil ( health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin ). It should be loaded with vitamins and moisturizers that help solve common penis skin issues.

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