Tuesday, 31 December 2019

Oooh! Tender, Sore Penis: A Few Possible Reasons for It

A little ache or pain in the muscles and joints is something everyone encounters at various times, and so it also is not uncommon for a man to endure a sore penis every now and then. Often there are good reasons for the sore penis, not all of which are necessarily cause for penis health concern. Let’s take a look at some fairly common reasons why a guy might find himself with a sore penis hanging between his legs.

A few reasons
- Shampoo or soap. One of the more common reasons for experiencing a little penis pain, especially if the pain is bin the tip of the penis and is not long lasting. Some soaps or shampoos may contain ingredients that can cause a little "sting" if they enter the urethra. If this is a persistent problem, a guy should either try switching soaps or shampoos or else covering the tip of the penis with a washcloth (without soap) while showering.

- Lack of lube. Easily one of the biggest reasons for a sore penis is that a man decides to have sex without adequate lubrication. This can include almost any kind of sex - masturbation, vaginal, anal. Oral sex tends to be an exception. Without sufficient lubrication, his hand (when masturbating) or the body part being penetrated creates too much friction, rubbing the penis raw. In the throes of sexual excitement, a man may not notice the rawness - but afterward, he may be sore for hours if not days. Having sufficient lubrication on hand (and using it) is one of the key preventive measures a guy can take to ward off a sore penis.

- Neglecting to wear a condom. Clearly, condoms are good ideas to help prevent unwanted pregnancy, well as transmission of a wide range of sexually-transmitted infections. But sometimes condoms can also help to reduce the risk of a sore penis. The latex barrier can protect against a vagina or anus that has not been lubricated to the degree required for maximum comfort and effectiveness.

- Sexually-transmitted infection. Not wearing a condom can also lead to the passing on a sexually-transmitted infection from a partner. This is still a huge problem in the United States, especially among older men who may be getting back "into the game" after having been married or partnered for many years. Different infections have different symptoms, but a sore penis is common among many. Guys who think that a sexually-transmitted infection is the root cause of their sore penis must consult a doctor as soon as possible.

- Urinary tract infection. Although more common in women, many men do get urinary tract infections - and that can cause a sore penis, especially when one is urinating. This usually occurs when bacteria finds its way into some portion of the urinary tract, especially the urethra. Again, seeking medical help from a professional is recommended. (In some cases, a bacterial infection may cause prostatitis, which may also create an unwanted sore penis situation.)

Frequently, one of the big reasons for a sore penis is simply overuse. In addition to rest, trhy regularly applying a first class penis health oil (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin ). The soreness will abate somewhat if the penis skin is kept moisturized and pliable, so find an oil that contains a combination of hydrating agents, such as shea butter and vitamin E. Look also to ensure that vitamin C is listed among the ingredients. Why? Because vitamin C is a key component of collagen, a tissue in the body that gives skin its tone and elasticity. Vitamin C is also necessary for proper blood flow, which is essential for maintaining erectile function.

Monday, 30 December 2019

3 Ways a Man Can Make His Penis Bigger

Bigger, harder, firmer, longer. These are all ways to describe a man’s ideal penis. Whether it’s locker room competitions or male porn star comparisons, some men just aren’t happy with the size of their schlong. This fixation is reaching such heights that cosmetic procedures for men in the UK have increased over 200 percent over the last decade alone. Penis size has become a big deal. So it begs the question, "What can a man do to make his penis bigger?" Here are some options that may be the answer.

The P-shot

The Priapus shot, or Dr. Charles Runels created P-shot for short. It takes under 20 minutes to do, only requires a local anesthetic, and is virtually painless. The procedure starts with removing blood from the patient. It’s then spun through a centrifuge to produce platelet-rich plasma, which has growth factors. The blood is then injected to the penis is a few special places and BOOM, you’re done! The P-shot is reported to increase penis size by between ten and 20 percent and increase blood flow, which results in a harder erection. The growth factors that are injected into the penis grow new tissue and blood vessels, therefore making the penis bigger and harder. This procedure has no downtime, and cost usually begins around two thousand dollars.


No, it’s not Skrillex’s long lost brother, it’s something to make your balls bigger. This is procedure entails shooting Botox into the scrotum. Under a grand to do, it’s a procedure that makes the testicles look fuller. Besides looking bigger, it keeps them from sweating since it pulls them closer to the skin, and it makes the entire area look younger since it peps them up instead of letting them sag. How does it help penis size? The balls kind of prop the penis up and energetic look instead of the old man droop. Scrotox only lasts about four months, so if a man wants to keep his youthful balls, he’ll need to have a couple of shots each year.

The Penis Implant

There are two kinds of penis implants; one penis implant is for men with erectile dysfunction, and the other is strictly for aesthetic purposes. Here, we’ll focus on the aesthetic only. The implant has been around since 2003. However, not everyone can get the implant. If a man has diabetes, takes a blood thinner, or is uncircumcised, the implant option is out. The penis implant is also still in trials and awaiting FDA approval, so if a man wants to get it, he’ll need to head to Cali and see the doctor who invented it.

What is it? The implant is a silicone sheath that wraps around the shaft of the penis to make it 2.5 to four centimeters wider and longer. Once approved, it’s expected to be the next big thing in plastic surgery. This surgery, right now, will set you back about ten G’s, but it has a 95 percent success rate. You make the call.

Penis Care

No matter what a man’s penis size, he needs to take special care of his penis, so it remains healthy, strong, and sensitive until he hits the pearly gates. That’s why all men should use a specially formulated penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) daily to keep their favorite appendage in tip-top shape. Full of vitamins and nutrients like vitamin C and Arginine, this crème boosts blood flow for harder, stronger erections. It also keeps skin smooth and silky with Shea butter and vitamin E. It’s the perfect way to take care of the penis no matter what the size.

Docking 101: Possible Penis Health Concerns

As people become more accepting and open-minded about sexual matters, many men are becoming more interested in different forms of sexual activities, some of which involve other men (even though the participants may identify as totally straight). For example, some men enjoy engaging in a practice known as docking, in which the glans of one man’s penis touches the glans of another; the foreskin of one penis is then stretched over both penises as far as it will reach, so that the "owner" of the foreskin has his penis totally covered and the upper portion of the second man’s penis is snugly fit inside. While some men find this an enjoyable practice, there may be some penis health issues that they need to consider.

It’s not really clear how common docking is. Since it involves at least one participant possessing a foreskin, and since the circumcision rate in the United States is so high, it is likely less common in America than in some other parts of the world. However, for those who do enjoy docking, the following are a few penis health issues that they might encounter:

- "Stuck" foreskin. This does not happen very often, but it is possible for the partner’s penis to become stuck inside the other man’s foreskin. This usually happens when the partner’s penis is not fully erect when the foreskin is first engaged; if the glans expands significantly after covering, it may become very tight, making removal of the penis from the foreskin difficult or painful.

- Foreskin damage. Sometimes stretching the foreskin so much may result in small tears in the foreskin. This is more likely in instances when the foreskin is stretched very tightly. Being sure that both penises are very well lubricated can cut down on the chances of tearing.

- Sexually-transmitted infections (STIs). Almost any kind of unprotected sexual activity can run the risk of a sexually-transmitted infection if one or both of the partners is already infected (and it is important to remember that not everyone is aware that they have contracted an STI). The release of semen or of self-lubricating pre-seminal fluid, can carry the seeds of infection, so when two penises rub together in this way, the route of infection is clear. Sexually active men should be tested every three months for possible STIs, as one way of helping to prevent transmission to partners. And if they know they are infected, they should refrain from activities (including docking) which might result in passing on of the infection.

- Yeast infections. Though not as serious as STIs, yeast infections can be annoying and uncomfortable. As with STIs, men who are aware that they are currently carrying a yeast infection should refrain from docking.

- Rashes. Sometimes a penis rash from one partner can be passed on to another from docking. In addition, it’s possible that some inactive allergen on the skin of one man, which does not produce a rash on his penis, may be passed on to another man who is sensitive to it and may therefore develop a rash.

- Crabs and scabies. These common parasitic creatures can cause significant itching and embarrassment. Do not dock with a man with these or similar conditions.

- Soreness. Finally, simply having one’s foreskin stretched top such an extent may result in lingering pain for several days afterward.

Taking steps to prevent or treat penis health issues due to docking makes the experience more enjoyable, so definitely start by regularly applying a top drawer penis health oil (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin ). If soreness from overstretching is present, soothing the worn skin with an oil that contains both a high end emollient (such as shea butter) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E) is urged. The best oil will also include vitamin D, the so-called "miracle vitamin," which has proven benefits in fighting diseases and supporting healthy cellular function.

Sunday, 29 December 2019

Penile Melanosis: A Not-So-Serious Penis Discoloration Every Man Should Know About

How many times must a man look at his penis each day? Probably a lot, right? In addition to just being part of everyday function, a man should always be aware of the condition of his mister. This means lumps, bumps, scratches, and yes, changes in coloration. When a man notices he has a discolored penis, meaning one that is no longer in part, the same color, he may get anxious. He may panic and think the worse. While there are many reasons a man may experience penis discoloration, one that is not as well-known is penile melanosis. A harmless condition, penile melanosis, is described as small dark patches of skin on the penis. It is hyperpigmentation, which happens when melanin forms on the surface of the skin. It can also be known as penile lentiginosis. The spots can occur anywhere on the penis, from the head to the shaft. It’s not dangerous or infectious and doesn’t need treatment of any kind.


The dark spots, macules, are the only real symptom of penile melanosis. These macules are black or brown and less than a centimeter in length. They are painless and do not bleed. A man can have just one or many. They can appear on a man at any age.

In some very rare cases, penile melanosis can lead to lichen sclerosus, which is often found on the foreskin of uncircumcised men. Treatment for lichen sclerosus can include topical ointments or surgery.

Risk Factors

While there are no in-stone predictors for this penis discoloration, a man’s race and genetic makeup can play a part in his developing the condition.


This penis discoloration can happen for a variety of reasons, including:

- Penile injury

- Psoralen and ultraviolet light (PUVA) therapy which is used to treat psoriasis and other skin conditions

- Use of anthralin, a psoriasis medication


Like other harmless penis discolorations, treatment is not required. A visit to the doc won’t hurt, however, just to calm one’s nerves and know there is nothing wrong.

That said, some men don’t like the aesthetic effect of penile melanosis. Some men also may feel like they need to explain it to a partner and don’t want to have that conversation continually. For those men, surgical removal of the lesions may be an option. Surgeons would remove the skin layer that has the excess pigment and then skin graft and resurface the skin to mimic the condition of the rest of the skin. Laser therapy, specifically a Q-switched ruby laser, is another option. Both options can leave tiny scars and most likely will be considered elective procedures and not covered by insurance. However, both removal options are safe and do not negatively impact penile health and function. As with all procedures, a man should weigh his risk-benefit before deciding on a procedure.

Penis Discoloration Prevention

Since penile melanosis is such an unpredictable condition, it’s not really possible to prevent it. A man should ask his doctor to keep an ongoing record of macules if he does have this penis discoloration to check for any changes in color, shape, or size over time to be safe. Sometimes a change can signal melanoma, a very serious form of skin cancer.

To keep skin supple and to keep discolorations at a minimum when possible, a man should consider using a specially formulated penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) to keep penile skin in good condition. This crème promotes healthy cell turnover and metabolism to keep skin clear and fresh.

Friday, 27 December 2019

10 Triggers for Penis Irritation and How to Calm the Savage Beast

It’s a sure bet that every man experienced penis irritation at some point in his life. It’s red, hot, swelling, and itchy. It could be massive or a teeny-tiny little red spot of lightening. Whatever it is, it’s painful. There are lots of things that can cause it, and a man should be mindful of them and try to avoid them whenever possible. Here are the top ten triggers for irritated penis skin and how to stop it from happening in the first place.

Penis Irritation Trigger #1: Allergic Reaction

One of the most common reasons for penis irritation, allergic reactions can cause redness, itching, rash, and irritation on the penis. Things that can cause allergic reactions include lube, condoms, laundry detergent, lotions, body wash, and basically anything that touches a man’s skin.

Penis Irritation Trigger #2: Ingrown hairs

Ingrown hairs are those little red bumps that are unbelievably sensitive and can deliver a wallop of pain. They can occur anywhere a man shaves, including his penile area. Rubbing or popping them can lead to infection.

Penis Irritation Trigger #3: Friction

Skin that gets too much contact with other skin or materials can cause friction, specifically friction burn or chafing. Things like wearing too-tight pants, masturbating without lube, or engaging in dry sex can all lead to friction burn.

Penis Irritation Trigger #4: Yeast infection

It’s not just for the ladies! Yeast infections produce a spotty, intensely itchy rash to appear on and around a man’s penis. A man may also notice a chunky, white substance in the genital area. It is also known as Candida.

Penis Irritation Trigger #5: Balanitis

Located on the head of a man’s penis, balanitis is a condition that causes inflammation. It is more often experienced by men and boys who have not been circumcised. It can also be caused by diabetes, an allergic reaction, an infection, or lax hygiene.

Other symptoms can include:

- swelling

- rash

- redness

- itching

- foul-smelling discharge

- Pain in general, and in urinating

Penis Irritation Trigger #6: Eczema

Over 31 million people in the US have some form of eczema. Eczema causes a flaky, red, itchy rash to appear on a man’s skin.

Penis Irritation Trigger #7: Genital Psoriasis

Genital psoriasis is an autoimmune disorder that produces small, red patches to appear on a man’s penis. The skin may also appear shiny or scally and be itchy or sore.

Penis Irritation Trigger #8: Lichen Sclerosus

Lichen sclerosus is a rare skin condition that affects the reproductive and anal sections of a man’s body. This condition causes white, patchy skin to form on the penis. Secondary symptoms include redness, pain, itching, bleeding, blistering, or scarring that often affects the genital and anal regions of the body. It can cause patchy, white skin to form on the penis. Those with lichen sclerosus might experience redness, itching, pain, blistering, scarring, or bleeding. Doctors do not know what causes this condition.

Penis Irritation Trigger #9: Sexual Transmitted Infections (STIs)

Some sexually transmitted infections (STIs) can produce redness, itching, bumps, warts, blisters, sores, and swelling on or near the penis. Doctors have identified 20 potential STIs, all of which cause penis irritation. Some of the most common ones include genital herpes, gonorrhea, syphilis, HIV, and AIDS. STIs are spread by any kind of sexual contact.

Penis Irritation Trigger #10: Peyronie’s Disease

Peyronie’s disease is diagnosed when a man’s penis has a 20 percent or higher curve in the shaft. They can cause quite significant pain for a man when urinating, getting an erection, and having sex. While doctors don’t know yet exactly what causes Peyronie’s disease, built up scar tissue from previous penile traumas is believed to be a major factor.

Preventing Penis Irritation

There are lots of ways a man can avoid penis irritation. Many are actually very simple. One is, of course, practicing safe sex. The others are things hygienic. Here are a few habits every man should add to his grooming routine:

- Wash daily and after working out, masturbating, or sex

- Use a natural, mild cleanser. Baby wash is a great option.

- Pull back the foreskin when washing, and be sure to clean inside the folds.

- Rinse well.

- Air dry or pat dry with a soft towel.

- Apply a specially formulated penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) to keep penile skin fresh, soft, and ready for action. This crème will calm and soothe irritated skin afflicted with redness, itchiness, and discomfort. It will also fortify the skin and defend against infection. It’s a daily penis health habit every man should incorporate into his regimen ASAP.

Penis Scabs: Causes and Treatment

A man will likely see many scabs throughout his life. It’s to be expected in any sort of active lifestyle. However, when a penis scab shows up, it can be a much scarier experience. It could be something as simple as an allergic reaction or as humbling as a sexually transmitted infection. While other scabs can be ignored, a scab on the penis can be more painful than when it appears on other parts of the body. Scabs on the penis can also require a different kind of treatment than one on a knee or elbow. The penis is a very sensitive appendage with thin, delicate skin, so treatment must be gentle but effective. Here are a few causes of penis scabs, how to treat them, and finally, how to prevent them from showing up in the first place.


Penis scabs can be a result of an allergic reaction. There are many different types of allergens form body products to laundry detergents to latex condoms. In addition to scabs on the penis, allergic reactions can also cause watery eyes, redness, rash, itching, and general discomfort. Clean the area thoroughly a few times each day and apply a cortisone crème. Take an antihistamine or ibuprofen for pain.


Psoriasis is a skin condition where new skin cells are produced faster than the body can shed old skin cells. This creates a build-up of dead skin cells, which can look like dry patches or scabs on the penis. See a doctor for diagnosis and a prescription ointment for relief.

The following causes all require a trip to the doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

Genital warts

Genital warts are caused by Human papillomavirus (HPV), though a man can have HPV without having warts. Some bumps can be hard to see, while others can be quite large and flesh-colored. They are generally painless, but itchy. They turn into penis scabs if a man irritates or scratches at them, leading to a more extended recovery period. Treatment can include topical creams, freezing warts off, and in some more severe cases, surgery.

Lymphogranuloma venereum

A variety of chlamydia causes lymphogranuloma venereum. It shows up as one or more, sometimes painless, sores on the penis. They may also scab over even if a man is still contagious.

Genital herpes

Anywhere from two days to two weeks, a man will start to see small bumps or blisters on the penis. They can soon evolve into oozing or bleeding ulcers, which will then turn into scabs on the penis. There may also be pain and itching. Herpes is for life, but antiviral medications can prevent flareups.


Syphilis can be a life-threatening disease that may appear as penis scabs. A bacterial infection causes the scabs on the penis. This sore can be painless and can sometimes go unnoticed. Even if the sore goes away on its own, a man still needs to be tested, because if he is diagnosed, he needs treatment immediately or he risks a fatal outcome. A shot of penicillin in the most common treatment.

Penis Scab Prevention

There are many ways to prevent a man from getting scabs on his penis. Here are a few that are very easy to incorporate immediately:

1) If a man is sexually active, he should be screened every three months (monthly if he has more than one partner at a time) at a local clinic or by a healthcare professional.

2) Wear a condom during sex and use a barrier method for oral sex.

3) Avoid any kind of skin-to-skin contact with someone who has or a man suspects of having a contagious skin condition.

4) Do not share linens or clothing with anyone who has a contagious skin condition.

5) Wear clean underwear and change and wash immediately after a workout.

6) Practice good hygiene! Shower regularly with a mild cleaner, thoroughly washing the area and rinsing well. After a soft, pat dry, apply a specially formulated penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) to keep skin fresh, blemish-free, and to protect against infection.

Thursday, 26 December 2019

How to Improve Penis Health and Avoid Penis Problems

Penis problems are no bueno. Erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, priapism, and penis fractures are just a few of the issues a penis can have. Many times, these penis problems can indicate underlying issues, like physical and mental health conditions. Thankfully, once a man knows how to improve his penis health, he and his penis can prevent many penis problems from happening. Here’s a basic primer on penis problems and how to improve penis health.

What sort of things affect penis health?

There are tons of things that can affect how a penis functions and cause penis problems. Here are ten of the most common:

- Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) which include things such as gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia (which is making a comeback), and genital herpes

- Penile fracture or injury

- Erectile dysfunction

- Priapism

- Yeast infection

- Phimosis

- Paraphimosis

- Ejaculation problems, including premature ejaculation, painful ejaculation, retrograde ejaculation, delayed ejaculation, and the inability to ejaculate

- Penile cancer

- Peyronie's disease

Are their risk factors that make a man more prone to penis problems?

Various risk factors can affect penis health — some modifiable and some not. For example:

- Getting older (sorry, nothing a man can do about this one)

- Heart disease, diabetes, and related conditions.

- Obesity

- Smoking

- Alcoholism

- Hormone levels, especially testosterone deficiency

- Certain medications like sleep medicines, blood pressure medication, and antidepressants.

- Prostate cancer treatment and medication

- Depression, anxiety, severe stress, low self-esteem, or other mental health issues

- Unprotected sex, risky sexual liaisons, and sex with many partners

- Neurological conditions like dementia, stroke, multiple sclerosis, and spinal cord and back injuries

- Penis piercings

When should a man see his doctor?

Sometimes a man shouldn’t just "walk it off" when it comes to a penile concern. Here are some things that definitely warrant a trip to the doctor’s office:

- A sudden change in sexual interest or desire

- Excessive pain after penile trauma or injury

- Bleeding during urination or ejaculation

- A fiery feeling when you pee

- A drastically bent penis or curvature that triggers pain or obstructs sexual activity

- Discharge from the penis

- Changes in ejaculation

- Rash, bumps, warts, or lesions on the penis or in the genital area

How to Improve Penis Health and Avoid Penis Problems

There are many things a man can do to get and keep his penis healthy. Most of them are easy to incorporate and contribute to whole-body health. Consider adding some or all of these tips to keep Mr. Happy, happy.

- Kick the Habit. It’s time to quit smoking. It shrinks blood vessels and deteriorates penile tissue. And, it’s plain ol’ bad for a man’s health.

- Practice Moderation with Alcohol. Whiskey dick aside, too much to drink can put down a man’s peen. For men under 65, limit it to two drinks. Gentlemen over 65 should stop at one.

- Get vaccinated. Men who are under 26 should really consider getting the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine to defend against cancers that are associated with the disease.

- Wrap It Up or Put a Ring on It (Kinda). Either get into a monogamous relationship or be sure to put a jimmy on your Johnson. Practice consensual, safe sex.

- Watch your Waist. Being at a healthy weight can lower the risk of having medical issues like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, and erectile dysfunction.

- Bone Up on Your Medications. Talk to your doc about what a medication does and potential side effects it can have.

- Work It Out. Regular physical activity can reduce a man’s risk of erectile dysfunction. Sweat sessions don’t have to be insane but aim to break a sweat and up your heart rate a bit. Also, throw in some strength training.

- Mental Health Matters! Check-in with yourself from time to time, and if you experience anxiety, too much stress, depression, or any other mental issues, head to a qualified psychiatrist, doctor, or therapist for help.

- Practice Good Hygiene. This is pretty basic. Clean your dick. Do it well and be thorough. Use warm water, mild soap, and get every wrinkle and ripple. Rinse well and air or pat dry. To finish things off, massage a specially formulated penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) to protect and nourish the penis. Not only will it make a man’s penis soft and supple, but it will also help boost blood flow and ward off bacteria.

A Stalled Sex Life Could Be Bad for Your Health – Get The Passion Back with These Tips!

There are so many things that can stall out a man’s sex life like an old jalopy on an LA highway. There are work and kids and breakups and in-laws and home repairs, and…the list goes on. Not only is it sucking the joy of sex out of your life, but it’s also affecting your health. Let’s talk about some issues that can arise from a dry spell and how to get the fire back in your bed.

You’re more prone to colds and the flu

Fewer tumbles in the sheets mean less of immunoglobulin A (IgA). IgA is the body’s first line of defense against invading viruses. According to a recent study out of Wilkes-Barre University, having sex just once or twice each week can boost IgA by 30 percent! Save your sniffles and get to bumpin’ uglies.

Anxiety increases

Sex is one of the best ways to destress and blow off steam. The brain releases pleasure chemicals like endorphins and oxytocin, which relaxes even the most savage soul. It also helped with stress-inducing situations like public speaking. There you go - the next time you have to address the boardroom, squeeze in a quickie beforehand.

Relationship insecurities start to rear their ugly head

Lack of sex not only makes a man unhappy, but he can start to doubt his partner’s interest and commitment. This can cause anger, low self-esteem, anxiety, and breakups.

Prostate cancer risk rises

A recent study showed that men who ejaculate no less than 21 times each month experienced a 20 percent reduction in risk for prostate cancer.

Erectile dysfunction risk increases

It’s a use it or lose it situation. No, it won’t fall off, but men who don’t have sex all that often are twice as likely to get erectile dysfunction as men who do the wild thing once a week or more. The penis is a muscle, after all.

How to Make Sex a Priority

1. Do you know people that schedule sex, and you think, "Well, that doesn’t sound like fun." On the contrary, these are people who are making sure they get it on. One thing though, don’t use the words "plan" or "schedule" since it makes it sound like sex is a chore like washing the dishes or cleaning the shower. Instead, extend an invitation to your partner like, "After dinner tonight, let’s have some dessert…in the bedroom."

2. Pay attention to your partner. How do affairs usually start? Overwhelmingly because partners don’t pay attention to each other, and someone else does. Have a mandatory time that cell phones and screens get turned off each day to make sure you’re connecting. You’ll probably see an increase in intimacy.

3. Commit to being sexual with your partner. It’s what separates you from being just a friend or roommates. Make it a priority and talk about your current sex life and talk about what works and what needs some work.

4. Get flirty and stoke the fire before you get horizontal (or vertical). Some couples get so caught up in the ho-hum day-to-day stuff that they forget they used to be really into their partner. Sent texts suggesting certain acts or send pics that will get your partner excited.

5. Change it up! No one wants to do the same Tuesday night missionary forever, so take it up a notch. Have sex in different places in the house, at a hotel, in the car (but be careful), change positions, set a different mood, or add an adult toy or two to the fix. Most of all, have fun with it!

How to Keep Your Penis Ready for Sex at the Drop of a Hat (or Pants)

When trying to amp up your sex life, be sure to take good care of your penis. Nourish and protect it with a specially formulated penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) to make your lil’ buddy strong and hard. Start using it now; your Johnson is going to be getting a workout soon enough!

Wednesday, 25 December 2019

Some Reasons for an Itchy Penis and How to Fix It

Itches can be annoying. An itchy penis, on the other hand, well, that can be painful, embarrassing, and a pathway to infection. Since scratching won’t take the itch away forever, a little research can. Here are 5 reasons a man may be experiencing penis itching and how he can stop the scratching ASAP.

Itchy Penis Reason #1: Contact Dermatitis

Contact dermatitis is a fancy name for an allergic reaction. This happens when the skin comes into contact with something it’s allergic to. This will cause a super-itchy, red, bumpy rash. It may even ooze a clear or yellowish fluid. It can be caused by new laundry detergents, body lotions, or even condoms. Don’t be surprised if other body parts also itch.

Fix it: Pause and think about any recent changes that have been made. Once you identify the culprit, stop using it, stat! Now, simply wash and thoroughly rinse the skin. The rash will go away in a week or two. Take Benadryl to calm discomfort and reduce inflammation.

Itchy Penis Reason #2: Fungal Infections

Hold the mushrooms! If a man experiences penis itching and a rash, it could be a fungus. A yeast infection will create shiny areas on the penis and some white discharge and a red, angry rash. Other fungi, jock itch, for example, has a circular appearance with raised ridges.

Fix it: Once you and/or a doctor determine what type of fungus is causing it, treat accordingly. Most fungal infections can be soothed with a topical antifungal cream. Be sure to keep the area clean and very dry, since fungus loves moisture.

Itchy Penis Reason #3: Pubic Lice

You may be housing some unwanted tenants. Symptoms of pubic lice also include irritation, redness, and tiny specks. It’s a parasite often called crabs. If the specks are white or yellow, it’s eggs. If they are tan or grayish in hue, it is the lice themselves. If you have a magnifying glass handy and want to take a closer look, you’ll see that they resemble itty bitty crabs, hence the nickname. You can contract pubic lice from sexual contact or using things like blankets or sharing clothing with someone who has them.

Fix it: Get to the doctor as soon as possible for a diagnosis. If it is pubic lice, you’ll get a special shampoo or lotion that will kill the lice.

Itchy Penis Reason #4: Genital Warts

Genital warts are a common symptom of the STI human papillomavirus (HPV). Genital warts are usually soft to the touch, flesh-colored, and may look like a cauliflower.

Fix it: Again, get to the doctor for a diagnosis. Treatment could include medication or freezing the warts off. Unfortunately, this cannot be cured and can be spread to others even if a wart is not present, so be sure to disclose your status before sexual contact.

Itchy Penis Reason #5: Herpes

For some men, penis itching can be the first symptom of this sexually transmitted infection, which is caused by the herpes virus. The itching will lead to burning, and then a blister or cluster of blisters will pop up.

Fix it: After a diagnosis from your doctor, it’s likely your doctor will prescribe antiviral medication to quell the outbreak and stop others from happening in the future. Herpes is a chronic condition and cannot be cured entirely. Use caution and condoms when sexually active and disclose your status in advance of sexual contact. Herpes can be spread even when you don’t have a noticeable outbreak.

Prevent an Itchy Penis

In addition to practicing safe sex and having a thorough daily hygiene routine, men can apply a specially formulated penis health oil (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) to keep penile skin in good form. This oil will calm and soothe irritated skin plagued by itchiness. It will also strengthen the skin and protect it from infection. It’s a daily penis health habit every man should start as soon as possible.

Tuesday, 24 December 2019

Some Ways to Delay Ejaculation for Longer Sex Sessions

Many men experience premature ejaculation at some point in their lives, usually in their younger years. While it’s extremely common, it’s also quite embarrassing and frustrating for everyone involved. So, what is considered an average amount of time for a sexual session, from penetration to male orgasm? Well, the answer varies. Some say it’s a bit over 5 minutes, and others report the average length being about 2 minutes. Men who are clinically diagnosed with premature ejaculation (PE) usually finish in 1 minute or less. Whether you have PE or are just looking to last longer in the sack, here are some hacks to help.
Delay Ejaculation Hack #1: Masturbate Beforehand
Like it was said in There’s Something About Mary, don’t go out with a loaded gun. Having a little solo sesh is a great way to drain the prostate. Also, if it’s been awhile, any type of contact can take things from 0 to 700, so by getting the first one out of the way, you’re reducing immediate sensitivity, giving you more time in between the sheets. Time it right, though; if done too soon before your date, you may find it difficult to get excited right away. Learn your refractory period and time it out accordingly.
Delay Ejaculation Hack #2: Anesthetic Wipes
Many men have had success in delaying ejaculation with anesthetic wipes. Look for ones like Roman Swipes that have a 4 percent benzocaine solution, which reduces sensation, but not so much that you don’t feel anything. Also, make sure you wait for the liquid to soak into the penis completely before getting busy, or your lady friend could end up with a numb vagina. Both partners should do a patch test first on a different body part to ensure that it won’t irritate or cause an allergic reaction in the reproductive region.
Delay Ejaculation Hack #3: Condom Control
Another great reason to use condoms - they give a little extra control. The barrier reduces stimulation, which allows a man to last longer. Some condoms also give men an extra helping hand with a numbing agent lined inside the condom. And remember, you should most likely be wearing one anyway!
Delay Ejaculation Hack #4: Switch Things Up
Variety is the spice of life…especially in the sack! Rather than just assuming the missionary position or doggie only, switch things up. Are you getting close and want to pull back? A position change will not only give an impromptu and mostly unnoticeable break, but it will also change the sensation, giving you a little extra time to enjoy. Position changes are a great way to press pause for a little regroup time.
Delay Ejaculation Hack #5: Edging
It seems like everyone is talking about edging these days. It’s a great way to train oneself to last longer. Start this training by masturbating solo, and once you think you are going to orgasm, pull back, take a breath, and then slowly start back up again. This allows a man to feel his rhythm and take notice of where he is in his excitement, allowing him to delay ejaculation. Once you’ve mastered it solo, incorporate into partner play. One note: be sure to use plenty of lubricant in training to avoid chafing and nerve damage.
Delay Ejaculation Hack #6: The Squeeze
This is a fun trick that really works. If your orgasm is racing toward the finish line, stop and then squeeze right below the head of the penis, focusing direct pressure on the urethra. It pushes blood out of the penis and temporarily decreases sexual tension, which inhibits orgasm.
Delay Ejaculation Hack #7: Power Down Your Thrusters
There is no reason to jackhammer away during sex. Instead, power down the hard thrusting and take a teasing stroll. Play with depth, both teasing the entrance and then going deep. Tilt up for a little G-Spot stimulation and lightly rub it with the head of your penis. There are a lot of ways to slow down ejaculation and be an attentive lover all in one. Not only will you last longer, but you can also probably count on a future invitation.
First, Take Care
You’ve seen that there are a lot of ways to delay ejaculation for extended intimate moments. Treat your penis to some extra TLC during training and when in the big show with a specially formulated penis health oil ( health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) to moisturize, reinvigorate, and fortify penile skin. This oil has essentials nutrients to boost blood flow, preserve sensitivity, and protect against peripheral nerve damage, so you can get maximum enjoyment from your Johnson for decades to come.

Monday, 23 December 2019

Uncommon Penis Problems: Spontaneous Ejaculation

Generally speaking, keeping a careful eye on one’s penis health helps avoid many potential penis problems. But sometimes penis health issues pop up despite careful and close monitoring. One of the less common penis problems a man may encounter is that of the spontaneous ejaculation.

The problem

A spontaneous ejaculation is exactly what it sounds like - a release of semen from the penis without any "warning" and often without any corresponding orgasm (although this last may vary from man to man or from one spontaneous ejaculation to another). In many instances, the ejaculation occurs in the absence of an erection or any outward sign of arousal in the penis at all.

Some men report that their very first ejaculation may be of the spontaneous variety, although there is some controversy about this. Often, a man means that his first ejaculation occurred without him physically stimulating himself or engaging in sexual contact with another person; however, very frequently the first ejaculation is accompanied by a very definite erection and fairly lengthy period of arousal and of sexual feeling, which differentiates it from what is meant by spontaneous ejaculation.

On a purely technical basis, sometimes nocturnal emissions - ejaculating in one’s sleep - may be considered forms of spontaneous ejaculation; however, doctors tend to treat them as distinct from spontaneous ejaculation.


As one can well imagine, a man who suffers from frequent spontaneous ejaculation (or even infrequent instances) might find it extremely embarrassing. This is the case whether a man experiences the problem in the presence of definite erections or arousal or in their absence.

One of the things that is frustrating about chronic spontaneous ejaculation is that it is usually difficult to predict. Perhaps it happens to one man 2 or 3 times a month and is accompanied by an erection. This can make a man anxious when he gets an erection, as he is not sure whether it will result in an unexpected ejaculation or not. On the other hand, if he does not generally have "warning" in the form of arousal, he may find himself mid-conversation having to excuse himself.

Why does it happen?

Doctors do not really know exactly why spontaneous ejaculation occurs, especially chronically and in adult men. During adolescence, the raging hormones associated with that period may account for an occasional spontaneous ejaculation or two.

But what about during adulthood? One factor that is common with spontaneous ejaculation is stress. Some men who ejaculate spontaneously - whether it is one time only or fairly frequently - report experiencing keen stress in their lives (and especially in their work situation) and often find that the problem occurs when they are feeling especially stressed. It has been theorized by some that the spontaneous ejaculation is the body’s attempt to ease that stress, as typically it is accompanied by high levels of dopamine, the "feel good" hormone. However, studies have not been conducted to test this hypothesis.

In some cases, there may be a medical connection to spontaneous ejaculation. Some medications used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), depression, or psychosis may potentially be associated with this form of penis problem.

When medication seems to be a trigger, trying another drug might be an option. If stress is the likely cause, lifestyle changes to minimize stress or to learn to deal with it better (such as meditation and yoga) might be tried.

Spontaneous ejaculation is one of the more embarrassing penis problems, and so a man may want to pay attention to penis health to minimize chance of another issue. Regular application of a first-rate penis health oil (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can help improve penis health. The best oils will contain both a high-end emollient (such as shea butter) and a natural hydrator (like vitamin E) to help keep skin soft and well moisturized. The oil should also contain vitamin C, a key component of collagen, a tissue in the body that gives skin its tone and elasticity.

Common PFCs May Affect Male Organ Size

While male organ size really only becomes important in terms of sensual satisfaction only in extreme situations (such as possessing a genuine micro-manhood), it is often a source of concern among men - even those whose male organ size is perfectly respectable or even greater than average. Only rarely is it a male organ health concern - but research in recent years suggests that elements in the environment, specifically PFCs, may be affecting male organ size, and long term this could indeed become a male organ health issue.

What are PFCs?

PFC stands for perfluorinated compounds, which comprise a large group of chemicals that have many uses in modern society. For example, PFCs have been used to make fabrics stain repellent, to create the special "foam" that is used in some firefighting equipment, to provide a non-stick coating found in many pieces of cookware, to make the waxy paper that many sandwiches are wrapped in, and to finish some cosmetic products.

PFCs are manmade, meaning that they don’t occur naturally in the environment. They were created in the 1940s and by the next decade had made their way into the general population through their use in a wide variety of common household items. Unfortunately, it turned out that PFCS were highly toxic. Worse, they don’t break down at all, meaning that they basically stay toxic for generations - perhaps forever. In the United States, most manufacturers have replaced PFCs with other chemicals; however, this is a recent development, and PFCs were widely used for decades.

The male organ size issue

PFCs make their way into the environment gradually in numerous ways - by being thrown away after use (as is the case with, say, waxy sandwich wrappers) or by simply "wearing away" after years in use (as has happened with some non-stick cooking equipment). Sometimes PFCs have been dumped by manufacturers during their creation. Burning of products with PFCs may release the compounds into the air. Burying of products (as at a landfill) can eventually release PFCs into the soil and into underground water sources. Many scientists believe that PFCs are released when PFC-coated cookware is used, either through the air when heated or passed on to food cooked in the treated pans.

Because of their widespread use for many decades, it is believed that almost all Americans have been exposed to high levels of PFCs - and there are some areas (notably in West Virginia) in which industrial manufacture or use of PFCs may have created especially high levels of PFCs.

And this is not good for male organ health. Researchers at the University of Padua conducted a study on 383 men who lived in an area in Italy with particularly high levels of PFC exposure and contamination. They found a significant difference in male organ size when compared to the world statistics; on average, the members of these men were 12.5% shorter and 6.3% thinner.

Apparently what is happening is that PFC is blocking the ability of the body to produce sufficient amounts of male hormone. Boys and adolescents who grow up with this PFC-induced decrease in male hormone run the risk of a reduction in male organ size, as well as less healthy male seed and lower rates of being able to sire children.

Some scientists worry that members could shrink further, as subsequent generations are exposed to the PFCs, due to the compound’s lengthy toxicity. Clearly, this is an issue that will need to be monitored, and methods will need to be developed to safely "clean up" sites with heavy PFC toxicity.

Male organ health is impacted by the PFCs that can affect male organ size, so men need to do more to keep male organ health at an appropriate level. One way to approach this is via the daily use of an excellent male organ health oil (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Be sure that the chosen oil contains the vitamins A, B5, C, D, and E, which should provide direct benefits due to topical application. In addition, select an oil with L-arginine, which helps boost nitric oxide production.

Sunday, 22 December 2019

“Chicken Skin” Penis Bumps? No, It’s Keratosis Pilaris

Anyone who has ever taken a close look at a piece of chicken before frying or baking it knows that chicken skin often has a multitude of little pale bumps on it. The look is perfectly fine for a chicken soon to be made into dinner, but it’s not so good for a man’s penis. Yes, sometimes a man can have penis bumps that resemble chicken skin, and this penis health issue can be rather embarrassing. New partners may take a gander at the penis bumps and suddenly find themselves with a headache. Of course, a guy’s penis doesn’t suddenly turn into chicken skin; what is possibly happening is that his penis has developed keratosis pilaris.

What is it again?

Some people just call it chicken skin disease, but the actual name is keratosis pilaris. Despite the somewhat formidable name, it is actually a harmless condition. Although this article is dealing with keratosis pilaris presenting as penis bumps, these bumps can appear almost anywhere on the body. They are probably most often discovered on the arms, thighs, and buttocks.

Keratosis pilaris comes about when there is simply too much keratin in the body. Now, keratin in proper amounts is a good thing. It’s a kind of protein, the function of which is to protect skin from getting infected. But sometimes - and nobody knows why just yet - the body will start producing more keratin than it needs. With nowhere else to go, the keratin may accumulate in one spot, usually at the spot on a hair follicle where it comes out of the skin. This "plug" that forms creates a bump, and since there usually are many such plugs, there typically are many bumps.

Some doctors think there is a genetic reason why some people overproduce keratin. Others suspect that it may be related to dry skin - the keratin is overproduced in an effort to moisturize the skin or to otherwise keep it healthy. Whatever the reason, keratosis pilaris tends to be a "young person’s disease." It often appears in children or teenagers, although young adults can also get it. In most cases, it goes away altogether on its own after a person is 30 or so years old.

What to do

As mentioned, keratosis pilaris is benign and doesn’t create any medical issues for a person; in most cases, it doesn’t sting, burn, or itch. However, a man may feel that penis bumps are an unattractive addition to his equipment, and he might rather not have them there. So what does he do?

Not much, unfortunately. The buildup of keratins tends to resolve on its own, once the body gets them under control. Unfortunately, keratosis pilaris may come back, sometimes several times. However, because there may be a connection between dry skin and keratosis pilaris, many doctors recommend that a man make sure his penis skin is well moisturized. If keratosis pilaris is already present, this may help to hurry along its departure. If it is not present, good moisturization may serve the purpose of keeping it from developing at all.

When penis bumps are due to keratosis pilaris, it is especially crucial that a guy’s penis health treatment regimen include daily application of a top-drawer penis health oil (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). It is essential that a man examine the ingredients list and select an oil with a combination of a high-end emollient (such as shea butter) and a natural hydrating agent (such as vitamin E) in order to provide the kind of moisturization the dry penis skin requires. In addition, the penis skin will be further strengthened if the oil contains a potent antioxidant, such as alpha lipoic acid, which can combat free radicals and the oxidative damage for which they are responsible.

Saturday, 21 December 2019

Masturbation One-on-One: Letting a Partner Watch

Although a child’s very first experiences with masturbation tend to be public, occurring as a baby when they simply discover some pleasure from manipulating their privates, it isn’t long before they are taught that masturbation is not something to be openly shared. While socially this is true, it does of course create a situation in which people are afraid to masturbate in front of anyone else, even a partner who loves them very much. Masturbation, of course, is involved in a comprehensive penis health regimen to varying degrees, and there’s a lot that a partner can learn from witnessing how their mate self-gratifies.

Letting a partner watch him masturbate, or especially inviting a partner to watch him, can be awkward for many (though not all) men. It also is likely to be more difficult for a man who is involved sexually with a woman, rather than one whose partner is another man (although some gay men experience similar hesitancies about masturbation as their straight counterparts; every individual is different, after all.) But it can also be beneficial in several ways:

- It can bring a couple closer. Ironically, since masturbation is usually thought of as something which a man does all by himself, in many cases the act of manipulating one’s penis for pleasure in front of a partner can actually strengthen the bond of intimacy in a relationship. By sharing his masturbation, a man is opening up a very private part of himself. He is exposing some form of vulnerability. By doing so, he is acknowledging that he implicitly trusts the person watching him with a part of himself that he is not willing to open up to most people.

- It can teach a partner a great deal. Although a woman who has been a man’s partner for a long time undoubtedly knows many sexual secrets and tricks about him, there are still likely to be many things she does not know. (The same applies to men with male partners as well.) Often, the things she can learn from watching a man masturbate may have more to do with detail or nuance than "big picture" lessons. For example, perhaps she notices that when he masturbates, he squeezes the head of the penis more rapidly just as he is approaching orgasm, or that he strokes the underside of his shaft with two fingers just after it becomes erect. These tips can be incorporated into their own lovemaking and foreplay.

- It can teach a man a great deal. Sometimes a man can also learn about himself from masturbating in front of a partner. He can pinpoint specific emotions that it arouses and how he reacts to them. He may discover that, despite his best efforts to be "natural," he feels self-conscious masturbating in front of someone - and that’s okay. Or he may feel he has to "perform" somewhat, rather than simply sit back and be himself - and that’s okay, too. Or he may have the opposite experience and find that he became even more at ease, more natural because he let himself masturbate willingly for a partner. Whatever reactions he has, they can be valuable and enable him to learn more about himself.

Most men will find masturbation in front of a partner easier if he knows his penis is in good shape, a result of regularly using a first rate penis health oil (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Like the rest of the body, the penis needs vitamins to enrich and empower it, so the best oil should include important vitamins like A, B5, C, D and E. In addition, that oil should provide access to alpha lipoic acid, a powerful antioxidant which battles oxidative stress and the damage that can inflict on sensitive penis skin.

Some New Year’s Resolutions for Better Penis Health

It won’t be long before people will be knocking back a little champagne and waiting for that big ball to drop in Times Square. Yes, the new year is almost here, and with the new year comes new year’s resolutions. Although many people have difficulty keeping their new year’s resolutions, that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t make them. And guys need to include some penis health resolutions among their promises this year. Choosing wise penis health resolutions - and sticking to them - really can make a big difference.

Of course, every man has different penis health requirements, so what one man desperately needs to resolve may not be an issue for another. However, the penis health resolutions listed below should be considered and perhaps added to the list of any man who is not currently following them.

- Air it out regularly. The penis is at a disadvantage. Nestled beneath not 1 but 2 layers of clothing (save for those who go commando or are nudists), it’s no wonder that it gets so hot and sweats so much. And that heat and sweat combine with bacteria to create a potentially major stench issue. There are several tricks to fighting penis odor, but one of the simplest is to simply let the penis run wild and free a few hours every day. Resolve: To be naked at least 2 hours a day around the house.

- Pay attention to it. No, not in the sense of masturbating it regularly (although nothing wrong with that as a resolution either.) Pay attention to it in the sense of keeping a regular eye on it, inspecting it, and noticing any changes that may be unusual or require a doctor’s consultation. And include the balls in that inspection as well! Resolve: To at least weekly do a full inspection of the penis and balls and make note of any changes that may have occurred since the last inspection.

- Rubberize it. In 2020, this shouldn’t have to be a resolution - but unfortunately it does. Any guy having unprotected sex, unless it is in the strict confines of a purely monogamous relationship, should wear a condom. And wear one every time they have sex. No, a condom cannot guarantee 100% protection, but worn properly it is the best defense against HIV and sexually transmitted infections - and can provide some protection against an unwanted pregnancy. Resolve: To wear a condom anytime when engaging in sex that is outside an entirely monogamous relationship.

- Keep it exercised. Every athlete knows the phrase "use it or lose it." Well, it applies to the penis as well. Regular exercise will help to keep the member in good penis health. The body automatically gives the penis a limited workout - that’s why guys have spontaneous erections unrelated to sexual thoughts or stimuli. But it also pays to actually engage in sex - with a partner or just with oneself - on a regular basis. This keeps the blood flowing and oxygen being delivered to penile tissue. Resolve: To improve penis health by making regular sex (of some sort) a part of the regimen.

- Oil it. One of the most important penis health resolutions is to regularly apply to the penis a first-class penis health oil (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Take care in selecting the proper oil and be sure that it contains both L-arginine and L-carnitine. Why? Well, the former is a vital amino acid that helps boost nitric oxide production, thereby helping to keep penile blood vessels flowing. And the latter contains neuroprotective properties, such that it aids the penis in maintaining an appropriate level of penis sensation, even in the face of rough handling of the organ.

Friday, 20 December 2019

Restless Legs Syndrome Could Impact Penis Function

There’s nothing to make a guy feel like a whole new man than a really good night’s sleep. Unfortunately, there can be numerous conditions which get in the way of achieving that good night’s sleep, such as restless legs syndrome. But in some cases, not only can restless legs syndrome interfere with sleep, it can become a penis health issue as well by potentially affecting good penis function.

About this syndrome

Although restless legs syndrome has likely been around for thousands of years - and perhaps even much, much longer than that - it is only relatively recently that the condition has been given a name and begun to be studied and taken seriously.

According to the Mayo Clinic website, restless legs syndrome is defined as "a condition that causes an uncontrollable urge to move your legs, usually because of an uncomfortable sensation." Although in recent years restless legs syndrome has become identified with activity happening at night while a person is sleeping or trying to sleep, in fact restless legs can occur during daytime hours as well, although this happens somewhat less often.

Also called Willis-Ekborn disease, the syndrome can begin at any stage of life and usually gets worse as a person gets older. Most often, the restless feeling begins after a person has been seated or lying down for a period of time. It may occur while at a movie theatre, for example, or while out to dinner, as well as while simply resting at home or lying down to sleep.

What does it feel like?

As the name implies, a person feels a need to move their legs or feet when the syndrome strikes. This is typically in response to an unpleasant feeling which develops, which some describe as a numbness happening in the leg or foot (not on the skin but in the body part itself). More often, it’s described with a more active verb, such as a throbbing or aching, or as if it something were pulling at the limb or causing it to itch.

This is uncomfortable and inconvenient when it occurs while awake, but it can be even more disruptive while sleeping. The legs can twitch and kick about, sometimes violently, often throughout the whole night. It may cause a person to awaken repeatedly, disrupting their sleep, or it may prevent them from having a "deep sleep," thus awakening from several hours of sleep without feeling rested.

The penis function angle

And what does this have to do with penis function? Well, for one thing, adequate and appropriate sleep is essential for proper penis function. Without it, testosterone production can be impaired, lowering one’s sex drive. Lack of sleep and rest also makes it more difficult to achieve and maintain a full erection, resulting in bouts of erectile dysfunction during sex.

Clearly, a man wants to avoid restless legs syndrome, if for no other reason than to preserve penis function. Identifying the cause of restless legs syndrome can be challenging, as there is much that is not known. In some people, it seems related to iron deficiency, so upping iron intake is often a line of first treatment. In other instances, medications may be employed to increase dopamine production or to affect calcium channels. Muscle relaxants may improve a person’s sleep patterns, though without actually addressing the problem of restless legs syndrome.

Whether because of restless legs syndrome or not, a man wants to take steps to maintain penis function, such as by using a superior penis health oil (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). The best oils will contain L-carnitine, an amino acid which helps preserve penis sensitivity, a key aspect of penis function. Ideally, the chosen oil should also include vitamin B5, aka pantothenic acid, which is a vital nutrient that is required for cell metabolism and the maintenance of healthy tissue.

Thursday, 19 December 2019

Maintaining Penis Sensitivity After Vigorous Sexual Activity

Let’s be honest: The idea of having a quite active sex life is one that most men aspire to. But what happens when penis sensitivity suffers thanks to all that hot activity? It’s a problem for many men, who often find that their penis can become sore, irritated, or even calloused over time. Little abrasions can add up to a big problem with penis skin that just isn’t as sensitive as it used to be, and thus, a sex life that doesn’t pack the same powerful punch it once did.

The good news is that there are ways to maintain penis health and avoid the penis chafing that can happen with a regular, active sex life.

- Use plenty of lube. Though it might seem like a no-brainer, many couples will enjoy sex without the use of extra lube, even though they might need it. While the female body can produce enough natural lubrication to help both partners fully enjoy the experience, a couple having sex multiple times a day might find that the natural lubrication just isn’t enough. A bit of high-quality lube can keep the sensation high while avoiding any sort of penis chafing.

- Clean up after the fun. While it might be quite tempting to simply go to sleep after the deed is done, many men find that when they do this, they wake up to a quite irritated penis. That’s because the bodily fluids that might have touched the penis - as well as the spermicide from condoms or the added lubrication - could dry on the skin, leading to chafing, redness or even a slight rash. Take the time to head to the bathroom and at least wash the penis with a warm, moist towel before tucking in for the night.

- Moisturize like crazy. A good moisturizer used right after a shower and anytime after washing the penis is a great idea. Look for one that contains ingredients known to promote penis health, such as vitamin A to fight bacteria, vitamin D to reduce inflammation, and vitamin C, which can help aid the body in healing small cuts or scrapes. Most of all, those with penis chafing should look for a crème including L-arginine, a natural amino acid powerhouse known for helping the body heal from wounds.

Ease Penis Chafing and Promote Healthy Penis Skin

When pursuing a healthy penis, always look to moisturizing, lubrication, and regular cleansing as a surefire way to get on the right track. And remember, when washing the penis, use a mild cleanser - preferably one that is specially formulated for use on the penis, or at least for use on very sensitive skin.

With that said, it’s important to carefully look for signs that penis chafing has become something more serious. This includes a rash, abrasions that won’t heal, any areas of redness or heat that won’t go away, and bruises or other discolorations. These issues could mean that the penis has been damaged in a more serious way than the typical rawness sometimes associated with penis chafing.

And when it comes to choosing a high-quality penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) , look for something with the above-mentioned ingredients. Also look for something with vitamin E and Shea butter, two powerful ingredients well-known for soothing the skin, protecting it from damage, and helping it heal from issues already present. Remember to apply the crème especially after a shower or cleansing, but don’t hesitate to apply it at other times as well, such as when chafing and itching begin to show the first signs of being a problem.

Understanding Male Ejaculation and Penis Health

There is a widespread myth about male ejaculation - that the larger the result, the more virile the man must be. There is also the question of how much enjoyment he got from the sexual experience, as many people equate the amount or thickness of the ejaculate with sexual excitement. These myths can leave a man feeling rather self-conscious and unsure about his own body, which is quite the shame. So let’s address these myths and get down to the truth of the matter of penis health and male ejaculation.
Dispelling the Myths
Male ejaculate is made up of sperm, which are floating in other secretions, such as amino acids, citric acids, fructose, potassium, zinc, phosphorylcholine, prostaglandin, and a variety of enzymes. This makeup is not the same for every man. Some men might have more of one particular "ingredient" while others might have less. These changes in the makeup of the semen can affect how it looks - the color, the volume, the viscosity, and even the way it moves out of the body. (And here’s a fun fact: what a man eats can easily change the flavor of the semen, making it taste salty or bitter or even quite sweet.)
Given that, let’s take a look at the myths of male ejaculation:
Myth #1: How much he ejaculates determines his virility.
This is a damaging myth because it ties everything about a man to the amount of fluid he produces during an orgasm. The truth is that most men create between 3ml and 5ml of fluid during each ejaculation, though some might produce more or less. Any amount is perfectly normal. (Though a man who produces none at all each time should definitely speak with a physician about why that might be happening.)
In addition, it’s important to consider other factors as well. The amount of semen might depend upon how long it has been since a man last ejaculated, how long he has played with a partner (or with himself) before having an orgasm, how often he ejaculates, the kind of food he has been eating, and many other issues. Given this, it is impossible to say that a man should produce a certain amount in order to be "virile" or manly.
Myth #2: The more ejaculate, the more fun he had in bed.
This myth can be damaging to couples and to a partner’s psyche, because it suggests that if a man doesn’t ejaculate copious amounts, he didn’t have a good time. The truth is that a man might produce a little, a lot, or none at all! And that is no indication whatsoever of the levels of pleasure he reached during the sexual act.
In fact, it’s entirely possible for a man to experience the pleasurable feeling of an orgasm but produce no seminal fluid at all. This happens because the process of ejaculation and the sensation of orgasm are actually two entirely different processes - it just feels as though they are the same because they tend to happen at the same time.
Maintaining Penis Health and Healthy Male Ejaculation
It is important to remember that no matter what a man’s semen might be like, what matters is that his penis is healthy. That can be achieved through eating the right foods, exercising to keep blood flow up, and using an excellent penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) on a regular basis. A good crème will contain important nutrients, such as vitamins A, C, D and E. It will also include Shea butter, which is a must for anyone who wants smooth, supple skin that can stand the test of rigorous sexual activity.

Wednesday, 18 December 2019

Penis Pain: Common Causes for a Sore Penis After Sex

Nothing ruins a good tumble in the hay like a sore penis after sex. This type of penis pain can also cause considerable anxiety and worry since the mind immediately jumps to the worst conclusions. However, many causes for post-coital penis pains are not as serious as a man may think. Here are a couple of the most common reasons for a sore penis after sex and a few ways a man can find relief.

Penis Pain Cause #1: Allergic reactions to condom, lubricants, or other products

About 25 percent of people are allergic to latex condoms, and most people are sensitive to something, especially when applied or used in an area with such tender, thin skin.

Other symptoms may include:

- Rash

- Redness or irritation

- Inflammation

- Scaly, thickened skin

- Swelling

- Blisters with fluid

- Dry, cracked skin

- itchiness

Depending on the severity of the reaction, it can take a few days to a few weeks for an allergic reaction to completely go away. They can generally fade more quickly with over-the-counter allergy treatments.

Penis Pain Cause #2: Lack of Adequate Lubrication

Sex means friction, and while some friction feels good, too much is a big no-no! Friction rubs off the upper layer of the skin, which protects the nerves and connective tissues. Once it’s rubbed away, they are entirely exposed and extraordinarily sensitive.

Additional symptoms may include:

- Prolonged sex

- Rough sex

- Peeling, flaky skin

- Tight-feeling skin

- Redness

- Itchiness

- Cracks in skin

- Unexplained bleeding

Usually, the friction burn will only last one to a couple of days if a man refrains from any contact with the inflamed area.

Penis Pain Cause #3: Prostatitis

Prostatitis occurs when a man’s prostate gets inflamed or infected. Sometimes the pain will go away on its own in a few days. If it persists longer than a few days or intensifies, it could be an underlying infection.

Further symptoms may include:

- Pain when ejaculating

- Pain in the lower back or abdomen

- Pain or burning when urinating

- Fever or chills

- Difficulty in producing urine

- Foul-smelling urine

See a healthcare provider if pain persists.

Penis Pain Cause #4: Phimosis

Phimosis happens when a man cannot retract the foreskin from the tip of the penis. It generally happens as a result of balanitis or an infection of the glans.

Other symptoms may include:

- Swelling

- Difficulty in urinating

- Difficulty in ejaculating

- Difficulty in achieving an erection

- Color changes in the tip or foreskin

- Rash

- Itchiness

See a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

Penis Pain Cause #5: Yeast infection

An overgrowth of yeast, also known as Candida, can cause an uncomfortable infection. It can be caused by poor hygiene, medication, and a weak immune system.

Additional symptoms may include:

- White, chunky discharge

- Itching

- Burning

- Redness

- Swelling

See a doctor for diagnosis and treatment. Usually, a dose of Diflucan will clear it up in a few days.

Penis Pain Cause #6: Urinary tract infection (UTI)

Bacteria, viruses, or fungi produce UTIs. In addition to pain in the penis, it can also affect the kidneys, bladder, and urethra.

Symptoms may include:

- Pain or burning when urinating or ejaculating

- Frequent urge to urinate with little production

- Foul-smelling urine

- Oddly colored urine

- Pain in the pelvic basin

See a doctor for treatment.

How to Relieve Sore Penis After Sex Pains

Here are a few ways to relieve less severe symptoms of penis pain post lovemaking:

1) Take some ibuprofen.

2) Apply a corticosteroid ointment to reduce inflammation.

3) Let it all hang out to get some air and reduce any excess friction from rubbing against material.

4) Switch to looser underwear.

5) Apply a cold compress to reduce swelling and pain.

6) Take a break from exercise, sex, and other strenuous activities until the pain is completely gone, and the underlying cause is treated.

7) Apply a specially formulated penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) made with Shea butter and vitamin E to hydrate, soothe, and protect delicate penile skin. These crèmes are made with non-irritating ingredients and essential nutrients to improve penis health.

Some Ways to Preserve Penis Health

Every part of the body ages, and the penis is not exempt. In fact, the passing years and decades can be really hard on the penis. Time can desensitize, shrink, soften, and depress the penis without proper care. But it doesn’t have to be that way! By creating some daily and weekly habits to preserve penis health, a man can have a youthful penis, no matter how many candles are on his birthday cake. Here are 5 tips to start doing today to promote penis health and keep him hard into your twilight years.

Penis Health Tip #1: Quit Smoking

It’s time to kick the habit. Honestly, you should, for a lot of reasons, like to avoid premature death, cardiovascular destruction, and lung cancer. A lesser-known loss male smokers face is the transformation of a hard, thick erection to a weak, limp, or nonexistent boner. Studies have shown that male smokers experience erectile dysfunction at high levels (up to 75 percent of smokers), and once they quit, many can get their erections back and banging.

Smoking decreases the amount of oxygen that reaches the penis. This can lead to loss of elasticity and scarring. Smoking damages the arteries, which then restrict the amount of nitric oxide that is used to pop a boner. Smoking can also degrade erectile tissue.

Penis Health Tip #2: Get those ZZZZZZZZs

You don’t need to talk to Arianna Huffington (but if you can, do it) to understand just how vital sleep is to a healthy body. Lack of sleep is linked to several sexual stoppers like diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, and obesity. It can also reduce the amount of testosterone a man’s body makes, which can lower libido.

Penis Health Tip #3: Stay Hydrated

It seems like a basic tip, right? Drinking water always seems to be on a health tip list, and that’s for a good reason. When it comes to keeping Mr. Happy hard, hydration is essential. Water supports body function, and that includes blood cells and plasma that circulate in the body, which carries oxygen to the penis. Men who are dehydrated produce higher amounts of something called angiotensin, a hormone that has been found in high amounts in men who have difficulty producing erections.

Penis Health Tip #4: Time to Trim

There’s no reason to go all ZZ Top when it comes to a penis beard. Now, no one is saying men need to shave it bare or wax on/wax off. However, keeping it low and tight not only makes the sausage look bigger, but it also preserves penile sensitivity. Having lots of course hair rubbing on the penile skin can desensitize the penis and roughen and thicken the skin. By cutting down your pubes, your penis can get some air and re-sensitize for harder, stronger erections.

Penis Health Tip #5: Penile Push-ups

Ever heard the saying, "Use it or lose it?" Well, that’s how it works with erections. Having regular erections keep everything in working order and penile tissue fresh and active. It staves off erectile dysfunction. A 2008 Finnish study showed that men who had sex at least once each week could reduce their chance of developing erectile dysfunction by 50 percent. The same study found that the more often men had sex, the more their erections strengthened and improved. Another study also found that men who ejaculated at least 21 times each month had a lower instance of penile cancer than their less-active counterparts.

A great way to keep erections strong and long is to use a specially formulated penis health oil (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) every day. This oil has vital nutrients like L-carnitine for penile sensitivity, L-arginine for boosting blood flow, and vitamins A and C for healthy, firm, and supple skin.

Tuesday, 17 December 2019

Circumcision: How Does it Affect a Man’s Sex Life?

There’s a lot of talk about circumcision. A long-time practice that has religious roots, the careful lobbing off a man’s penis tip, has recently come under much scrutiny. For the last 50 years, people have been fighting female genital mutilation in other countries like Africa, while some activists would argue, it is being ignored in the US and other developed nations when it comes to circumcision. Is it a barbaric practice, or is it something that has a basis in healthy living and healthy sexual function? Let’s look at the circumcision pros and cons to see precisely how circumcision can affect a man’s sex life.

Does circumcision have health benefits?

Circumcision has been the norm in the US for some time. Despite its spiritual origins, it’s become a secular standard procedure of sorts for boys and men because of the alleged health benefits. This argument for circumcision has been so persuasive that approximately 75 percent of men in the US are circumcised.

The health benefits doctors cite include a reduction in the instances of sexually transmitted infections like HIV and HPV, as well as a decrease in urinary tract infections, paraphimosis, balanitis, and penile cancer.

Can circumcision cause complications?

Circumcision, like any procedure, carries the risk of infection, penile necrosis, and bleeding.

Are the benefits of circumcision legit?

The medical community does agree that there is a small but meaningful reduction in the risk of getting STIs and UTIs. The majority of the medical population believes the benefits outweigh the risks in the circumcision equation. That said, circumcision is currently on the decline, both because some parents are deciding to let their sons choose when they are older, and some doctors are refusing to perform the surgery.

Is circumcision more hygienic?

This is a tricky question. It is correct that men who are cut are less likely to experience smegma and the host of infections it can cause when untreated. However, smegma, the stinky, chunky funk that can collect under the foreskin, can also affect men who’ve been circumcised.

Does being circumcised reduce sexual sensation?

Yes - the big question! Some experts argue that circumcision can indeed reduce sexual sensation since it eliminates thousands of nerve endings in the penis. Studies have shown that uncircumcised penises are more sensitive to light stimulation than their cut counterparts. The extra foreskin is also believed to create greater friction during sex and bring additional stimulation to the clitoris during intimacy. But it’s important to remember that feelings are mostly subjective.

Also, since circumcision is the more common aesthetic for a penis to rock, some men who sport turtlenecks on their Johnson experience some embarrassment or reduced self-esteem since they perceive they look "different" or "weird" by keeping their tops up.

Do women prefer circumcised penises?

While circumcision is on the decline, it is still the norm in the US. Some parents circumcise their sons so they will be more likely to "fit in" with the majority of boys. Some believe this norm leads women to prefer a cut schlong over one that still has foreskin. At the end of the day, how a woman feels about the man is how she feels about the penis. So, in short, don’t sweat it.

Penis Care

No matter what a man’s foreskin looks like, penis care is universally important. Using protection when intimate is a big part of keeping a penis healthy. Also, a man should be sure to urinate after sex to flush the urethra and evacuate any bacteria that are trying to take up residence.

Daily hygiene is also critical for penis health. Gently, but thoroughly wash the penis with a mild cleanser and warm water, then rinse and air dry. Apply a specially formulated penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) to keep penile skin strong and healthy. These types of crèmes contain essential vitamins and nutrients that boost blood flow, enhance collagen production, and keep bacteria at bay.

Monday, 16 December 2019

Men, Use a Spa Treatment to Help Penis Skin

It’s the end of another hard day, and a guy is ready for bed. But upon disrobing and giving his manly equipment a quick check, what does he see? Dry, flaky penis skin. Or perhaps some little dots or bumps spoiling his otherwise beautiful penis skin. The fact is, even guys who pay extra attention to their penis health can find themselves with a penis skin issue now and then. So what to do? Sometimes treating oneself to a spa treatment for their penis can be just the thing for a guy to make his manhood look as handsome as it deserves to look. (Remember, many women engage in spa treatments themselves, so they will appreciate a guy giving some spa attention to his little soldier.)

Although there are some spas which cater especially to men and which therefore may include special services for the penis, this is not something one finds on every corner. Therefore, many men may need to give themselves some "at home" spa treatments. The following can help a guy know where to start.

- Get soaked. These tips are focusing on penis skin, but that doesn’t mean that the whole body can’t join in as well. One of the key components of most spa treatments is to soak the entire body in warm or hot water - the temperature often aligned with the beliefs and principles of the chosen spa. For most guys, a really warm but not hot bath is recommended. Water that is too hot - in addition to being uncomfortable - actually dries out the skin, which is exactly what one does NOT want in most cases.

Guys who worry about how "masculine" soaking in a tub might be can consider going with a beer soak instead. Pour in one bottle of beer, a few drops of hops oil, a little barley and malt, and some chamomile and fill the tub with nice, warm water. The beer and beer-like ingredients can actually provide a nice, soothing soak which enriches and hydrates skin. A soak of at least 10-15 minutes is recommended, but feel free to stay in longer if it feels good.

- Exfoliate - gently. Many spa treatments are very much centered on exfoliating - that is, removing dead skin cells so that fresh, new skin cells can predominate. This is good for delicate penis skin, as well - but only if the exfoliation is done right. For example, harsh chemical peels, which might be just right for the face or for skin on other parts of the body, will likely damage penis skin. Even a rough pumice stone, another popular exfoliator, may be too much. Most guys are better off just taking a washcloth and soap and gently rubbing the penis over and over to remove dead skin cells. Yes, it’s likely a guy may give himself an erection doing this - but is that really a big deal? (Note for intact men: Take special care to clean well beneath the foreskin.)

- Moisturize. After rinsing thoroughly, a guy should pay dry the penis skin and then apply a moisturizer. It’s best to do this immediately after bathing or soaking, as this enables the moisturizer to "lock in" the moisture from the bathing.

- Air out. If possible, let the penis "air out" for a while. This is especially helpful if a man tends to suffer from persistent penis odor.

Penis skin will welcome a spa treatment, especially if that treatment includes application of a top notch penis health oil (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). The best oils contain a combination of a high end emollient (such as shea butter) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E), which together can create an enviable moisture lock. The selected oil should also include vitamin A, which has anti-bacterial properties that help fight unwanted penis odor.

Surgery Is an Option for a Bent Penis

No, there’s nothing wrong with a penis that has some mild curvature to it; in fact, many partners prefer a penis that isn’t absolutely straight and feel that the curvature adds “character” to the organ. But when a bent penis has too much curvature – when it causes pain or is so severe that it interferes with proper sexual functioning – then a man usually has a condition called Peyronie’s disease, which can be a penis health concern. Many men with such a bent penis require treatment, and 1 option to pursue may be surgery of the penis.
About Peyronie’s disease
Named after the doctor who first described the condition, Peyronie’s disease is defined by the Mayo Clinic as a “noncancerous condition resulting from fibrous scar tissue that develops on the penis and causes curved, painful erections.” That fibrous scar tissue usually results from some sort of injury or trauma to the penis. It may be a one-time incident, such as being kicked in the groin, or it may come about from repeated small wounds (such as rough handling of the penis by a partner on a regular basis).
There are several treatment options employed with Peyronie’s disease, although only one is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). That FDA-approved drug, Xiaflex, is injected into the penis, where it helps dismantle some of the scar tissue. There are other drugs that have been used in treating a severely bent penis, but Xiaflex is the only one approved specifically for this purpose.
There are also oral options, meaning pills, which have been used with varying degrees of success. The same is true of penile traction devices, shockwave therapy, and electrical charge therapy.
Many men have undergone surgery to treat their Peyronie’s disease, although this is generally considered as an option only in very severe cases. Surgery is typically the most effective way of fixing the bent penis, but it also comes with risks (as do all surgical procedures). In addition, surgery can be an expensive option, especially for men whose insurance policies do not adequately cover the costs of the procedure.
There are several kinds of surgical procedures associated with treating Peyronie’s disease:
- Plication. The bending in Peyronie’s disease occurs because scar tissue (plaque) piles up in the traumatized area. The plaque has less flexibility than penile skin, and so it doesn’t stretch when the penis becomes erect, but the penis skin opposite it does. With plication, the skin opposite the plaque is “bunched up” so that it no longer bends – however, this does mean that the penis will be shorter than it was originally.
- Grafting. Unlike plication, grafting attempts to lengthen the shorter side of the penis. It does so by grafting fresh new skin from other parts of the body onto the “bunched up” scar tissue. The resulting penis is straighter and longer than the one afflicted with severe curvature.
- Implants. The final surgical option for Peyronie’s disease is penile implants, and this is generally reserved for men whose condition has resulted in serious erectile dysfunction. A plastic cylinder is inserted into the penis, which helps straighten the bend and which also enables the penis to achieve an erect state.
Whether surgery is used in treating a bent penis or not, a man will fare better if his penis is in its best health, which can be aided by regular use of a superior penis health oil (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Those who care deeply about their penis health want to select an oil that includes a range of useful vitamins, such as A, B5, C, D, and E. In addition, an oil with L-arginine can help create situations in which penile blood vessels are more receptive to increased blood flow.

Sunday, 15 December 2019

Some Oral Sex Games for Couples

Open the mouth and close the eyes and now here comes a big surprise. Ah, the charms and joys of oral sex! While traditional intercourse is usually the favorite option of heterosexual couples, there’s no denying that a little oral sex can be a wonderful alternative – for men and for women. (Guys, remember that penis health can be important here; one’s member is more likely to be orally serviced if it looks, feels, and smells healthy.) And while oral sex all by itself is a bountiful pleasure, some couples find that incorporating games into their oral fun can be even more rewarding.
But what kind of oral sex games can couples consider? The following are just the tip of the iceberg.

- Speaking of icebergs…One easy game is to play a game involving keeping ice in the mouth while performing oral sex. Choose a game like Rock, Paper, Scissors, and assign a value to each option (1 for rock, 2 for paper, 3 for scissors, for example). Play a round of the game, and whoever wins (female’s scissors beating male’s paper, for example) puts the corresponding number of ice cubes in their mouth and then performs oral sex on the partner. This can be a good, pardon the expression, icebreaker – but most partners won’t want to continue having an icy cold mouth applied to their privates for very long.

- Beat the clock. Find a timing mechanism – egg timer, kitchen timer, alarm clock, et cetera – and use this to measure how long a partner must spend giving oral sex to the other partner. So when, say, the egg timer is turned over, the man orally pleasures the woman until the timer runs out – at which point, they change positions and turn the egg timer over again. Repeat until the first partner has reached orgasm – after which, that partner continues servicing the other until s/he reaches climax.

- Catchphrases. Choose a TV show in which certain names, words, or phrases are repeated frequently (“Hi,” “Sam” “Eat my shorts”). When the show begins, one partner services the other until the chosen word or phrase is said, at which point partners switch places until the next time the word or phrase is said.

- Slightly kinky. For couples who have no trust issues, this can be a very fun – and only slightly kinky – oral sex game. One partner is handcuffed to the top of the bed and a blindfold is placed over their eyes. (Feet can also be cuffed to the bottom of the bed, if the couple desires.) One of the couple then takes their time administering orally to their partner. Being deprived of the sense of sight can make the oral sex an even greater pleasure, and not being able to move their arms (and possibly legs) can also add to the increased degree of penile sensation.

- Right answer/wrong answer. Partners grab a box of questions from an existing board game, and take turns asking, “Who was the thirteenth president of the United States” or “How many Oscars did West Side Story win?” If the partner answers correctly, they get rewarded with 2 minutes of oral bliss; if they answer incorrectly, the partner who asked the question gets the pleasurable service.

Oral sex games are even better when a guy is in good penis health, which can be more easily attained by regular application of a superior penis health oil (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). The most effective oils contain both L-arginine and L-carnitine. The former is an amino acid that promotes nitric oxide production and thus helps penile blood vessels expand more readily. The latter provides neuroprotective benefits to help safeguard valuable penis sensitivity.