Penis function is sometimes wrapped up in penis health, but generally the former has to do with how well the organ in question is fulfilling its duties and obligations. Often when a man mentions penis function, it’s in the context of erectile issues (good or bad). But that’s not always the case. For example, matters that revolve around semen and semen production also can fall in the penis function category. And one of the semen issues a man might have some questions about is the volume of semen he is producing when he ejaculates.
Why should he care?
One immediate question that may arise is why a guy should care about how much semen he ejaculates. In fact, if a man is concerned about becoming a father, semen volume can be a factor. Although there are other factors involved, such as how many sperm are located within each measurement of semen and how active those sperm are, if a man produces too low a volume of semen, it may mean there are fewer sperm available to reach their goal of fertilizing a waiting egg.
But other times a guy may simply want to produce more volume to feel more manly or to impress a partner. Especially since porn has become so widely available on the internet, ejaculations of massive amounts of semen are associated with virility. And so a guy might want to "keep up with the Joneses" by finding a way to increase his semen volume.
Exactly how effective semen volume production strategies are is subject to debate, but the following tips are generally considered helpful in achieving this goal, at least to some degree.
- Drink lots of water. It may be on the thick side, but a great deal of semen is still water. That means that the more water that is directly available to semen production, the more can be used. Drinking plenty of water or other fluids can have an impact on semen volume long term.
- Get sufficient sleep. It’s almost impossible to overstate how important getting a good night’s sleep on a regular basis is. The entire body responds better and functions better when it is well rested - and that extends to penis function issues, as well. The better rested a man is, the more capable is he of producing the hormones that play such an important role in semen production.
- Maintain fiber intake. When a man is constipated, it can have a negative effect on the amount of semen he releases. That’s because the constipation weighs down especially heavily on the prostate, which in turn interferes with the semen. Eating a diet that contains sufficient fiber can help to keep a man’s movements more regular.
- Consider a prostate massage. Speaking of the prostate, it may pay to occasionally give this little organ a good massage. After all, it contributes about 25 percent of the volume of semen. Some men believe regular massaging relaxes it and aids in semen production.
- Take zinc. Semen is also relatively heavy in zinc, so being sure that a guy is not zinc deficient may improve volume as well.
Increasing semen volume is only one possible role of penis function - and maintaining good organ health is likely to aid in function, as well. Therefore, daily use of a top-notch penis health oil (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) is a super idea. Try to find an oil that contains a range of penis-friendly vitamins, such as A, B5, C, D, and E. In addition, the oil should contain L-arginine, an amino acid that plays an important part in causing the blood vessels to dilate, allowing for increased blood flow.
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