Friday, 13 December 2019

Can a Red Penis Be from Radiodermatitis?

Sometimes a red penis is just what a guy wants - it means that blood has rushed into his organ, causing it to swell and get ready for action of the most pleasurable sort. Other times, however, that red penis may look to be so because it is inflamed or because it has a red rashy appearance to it - and that causes a guy to look to his store of penis health knowledge to try to determine what may be the cause. If he looks long enough, he may come across radiodermatitis as a potential cause.

Explaining radiodermatitis

Most people have never come across the phrase radiodermatitis. It is a condition which is known by a number of other names, including radiation dermatitis, x-ray dermatitis, radiation burn and radiation skin damage. All of these refer to skin damage related to external beam ionizing radiation. Although it is possible for a person to be exposed to such radiation from various sources, the most likely source would tend to be via an x-ray machine. (However, it’s important to remember that x-rays are not just manmade; they do exist in Nature, and it is possible, though unlikely, that a man might find himself in a region with extremely high natural radiation - or with radiation brought about from nuclear activity of a manmade nature.)

X-ray machines, of course, have been around for years and have been invaluable tools in enabling doctors to get a good look at what’s underneath a patient’s skin. X-rays do an excellent job at revealing bones and at problems that may be affecting them.

Do they x-ray the penis?

The penis has no bones (despite the expression "having a boner" to describe an erection) and so the penis is not a part of the body often x-rayed. Moreover, often when x-raying areas around the penis, technicians may place a lead shield over the penis to protect it from exposure to x-rays.

However, there may be some instances where a doctor does wish to get an actual x-ray of the penis itself. For example, sometimes when a man is being treated for erectile dysfunction, it may be necessary to insert a dye into the penis. Once the dye has settled in, an x-ray may then be taken, with the dye illuminating areas that the doctor needs to study to determine if there is a physical reason related to the erectile dysfunction.

As stated above, technicians generally are very conscientious about protecting patients from excess exposure to x-rays. However, it is possible, especially if a man is of especially delicate skin, that regular x-rays could bring about radiodermatitis, and that if this exposure were in the crotch, that a red penis could result. In addition, certain conditions, such as diabetes, immune disorders, and connective tissue disorders, may radiodermatitis more likely.

Again, this is a very rare occurrence, but should it occur, a man should get in touch with his doctor right away to discuss treatment. Often topical corticosteroids are used in treatment, and patients are advised to avoid exposure of the affected area to the sun or to any potential irritants until the condition goes away.

For a red penis unrelated to radiodermatitis, a man should find some relief in the regular application of a top drawer penis health oil (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). A red penis wants the soothing amelioration provided by an oil with a combination of moisturizing agents, such as vitamin E and shea butter. In addition, the chosen oil should also contain vitamin C, a key component of collagen, which gives skin its tone and elasticity. Vitamin C is also necessary for proper blood flow, which is essential for maintaining erectile function.

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