Wednesday, 18 December 2019

Penis Pain: Common Causes for a Sore Penis After Sex

Nothing ruins a good tumble in the hay like a sore penis after sex. This type of penis pain can also cause considerable anxiety and worry since the mind immediately jumps to the worst conclusions. However, many causes for post-coital penis pains are not as serious as a man may think. Here are a couple of the most common reasons for a sore penis after sex and a few ways a man can find relief.

Penis Pain Cause #1: Allergic reactions to condom, lubricants, or other products

About 25 percent of people are allergic to latex condoms, and most people are sensitive to something, especially when applied or used in an area with such tender, thin skin.

Other symptoms may include:

- Rash

- Redness or irritation

- Inflammation

- Scaly, thickened skin

- Swelling

- Blisters with fluid

- Dry, cracked skin

- itchiness

Depending on the severity of the reaction, it can take a few days to a few weeks for an allergic reaction to completely go away. They can generally fade more quickly with over-the-counter allergy treatments.

Penis Pain Cause #2: Lack of Adequate Lubrication

Sex means friction, and while some friction feels good, too much is a big no-no! Friction rubs off the upper layer of the skin, which protects the nerves and connective tissues. Once it’s rubbed away, they are entirely exposed and extraordinarily sensitive.

Additional symptoms may include:

- Prolonged sex

- Rough sex

- Peeling, flaky skin

- Tight-feeling skin

- Redness

- Itchiness

- Cracks in skin

- Unexplained bleeding

Usually, the friction burn will only last one to a couple of days if a man refrains from any contact with the inflamed area.

Penis Pain Cause #3: Prostatitis

Prostatitis occurs when a man’s prostate gets inflamed or infected. Sometimes the pain will go away on its own in a few days. If it persists longer than a few days or intensifies, it could be an underlying infection.

Further symptoms may include:

- Pain when ejaculating

- Pain in the lower back or abdomen

- Pain or burning when urinating

- Fever or chills

- Difficulty in producing urine

- Foul-smelling urine

See a healthcare provider if pain persists.

Penis Pain Cause #4: Phimosis

Phimosis happens when a man cannot retract the foreskin from the tip of the penis. It generally happens as a result of balanitis or an infection of the glans.

Other symptoms may include:

- Swelling

- Difficulty in urinating

- Difficulty in ejaculating

- Difficulty in achieving an erection

- Color changes in the tip or foreskin

- Rash

- Itchiness

See a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

Penis Pain Cause #5: Yeast infection

An overgrowth of yeast, also known as Candida, can cause an uncomfortable infection. It can be caused by poor hygiene, medication, and a weak immune system.

Additional symptoms may include:

- White, chunky discharge

- Itching

- Burning

- Redness

- Swelling

See a doctor for diagnosis and treatment. Usually, a dose of Diflucan will clear it up in a few days.

Penis Pain Cause #6: Urinary tract infection (UTI)

Bacteria, viruses, or fungi produce UTIs. In addition to pain in the penis, it can also affect the kidneys, bladder, and urethra.

Symptoms may include:

- Pain or burning when urinating or ejaculating

- Frequent urge to urinate with little production

- Foul-smelling urine

- Oddly colored urine

- Pain in the pelvic basin

See a doctor for treatment.

How to Relieve Sore Penis After Sex Pains

Here are a few ways to relieve less severe symptoms of penis pain post lovemaking:

1) Take some ibuprofen.

2) Apply a corticosteroid ointment to reduce inflammation.

3) Let it all hang out to get some air and reduce any excess friction from rubbing against material.

4) Switch to looser underwear.

5) Apply a cold compress to reduce swelling and pain.

6) Take a break from exercise, sex, and other strenuous activities until the pain is completely gone, and the underlying cause is treated.

7) Apply a specially formulated penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) made with Shea butter and vitamin E to hydrate, soothe, and protect delicate penile skin. These crèmes are made with non-irritating ingredients and essential nutrients to improve penis health.

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