Friday, 30 November 2012

Fabulous Benefits Of Penis Health Creme

The penis is a very important part of every man’s life, and it deserves to be treated accordingly. With proper penis care, including careful cleansing, smart choices about partners, and the right nutrients, men of all ages can avoid a broad spectrum of penis problems and improve its appearance, feel and ability to enjoy sexual stimulation.

Here are just some of the significant penis benefits of a nourishing health crème:

• Improved penis sensation - Penis sensitivity is, of course, very important to the enjoyment of sex and even the ability to have an erection. Keeping the penis skin responsive means maintaining nerve tissue function, as well as keeping the skin soft and smooth and protecting it from chafing, callusing and other friction damage.

• Softer, more supple skin - Soft, supple penis skin is more appealing to potential partners and more responsive to soft touch and stimulation. Keeping the penis skin soft can also help to reduce friction-related irritation from manual stimulation or intercourse.

• Clear, blemish-free skin - Preparations of vitamin A (also called retinol) are frequently used in cosmetic creams and dermal remedies for the treatment and prevention of acne, scars, and age-related issues like spots and wrinkling; alpha lipoic acid supports this process with its properties as a powerful antioxidant. A good penis cream may help to prevent unattractive breakouts and signs of premature aging.

• Reduced risk of infection - Minute lesions that result from overly dry skin or chafing and irritation can allow bacteria and other harmful invaders to penetrate, leading to infections and other skin conditions that can cause pain, itching, swelling, burning and inflammation of the penis. Keeping the skin smooth through adequate moisturizing and combatting microorganisms with natural antibacterials such as vitamin A may be an effective way to reduce the risk of recurring skin infections.

• Healthy circulatory tissue - It is well known that good circulation plays an important role in erectile function, not to mention the overall health of the penis skin and nerve cells. Nutrients like vitamin C are necessary to the formation of healthy circulatory tissue, while L-arginine - a type of protein - works to relax (dilate) the blood vessels to allow for increased blood flow.

• Lowered risk of disfigurement related to the formation of scar tissue - While some bending or curving of the penis is normal, a penis that bends painfully when erect could be the result of scarring around the erectile tissue in the shaft of the penis. Scar tissue does not expand along with the underlying erectile tissue, causing the penis to bend during erections. Penis health crèmes can boost the natural lubricating properties of the skin; a good health crème should also contain vitamin C, which is needed for the repair and formation of connective tissue. These qualities may be beneficial in reducing the risk of injury that may lead to scarring and may support the restoration of healthy tissue when injury does occur.

What to look for in a penis health crème

A quality penis crème should contain the following:
1. Vitamin A - for smooth, blemish-free skin
2. Vitamin B5 - for overall cell function and metabolic health
3. Vitamin C - for health circulatory and connective tissue, as well as antioxidant properties to fight environmental damage
4. Vitamin D - for attractive appearance and overall skin health
5. Vitamin E - for boosting skin’s natural moisturizing properties
6. Alpha lipoic acid - for immune support
7. Amino acids like acetyl L carnitine - for healthy, responsive nerve tissue
8. All-natural, skin-rejuvenating oils (cocoa butter or shea butter work best)

Be sure to look for a genuine penis health crème that contains all-natural ingredients only (most health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). Crèmes and lotions made for women, or for general use, may provide some benefit, but they may not contain the penis-specific nutrients described here.

Penis Symptom Checker - Common Penis Symptoms And Causes

Doctors and urologists often hear from male patients who are concerned about penis symptoms such as irritation, rash, itching and swelling. While these symptoms can be a sign of a more serious problem, most of them are related to minor issues and can be treated easily. Cleansing and applying penis vitamins and moisturizers is often all that is needed to keep the penis healthy.

For men with concerns about penis problems, the following list of penis health issues can help. However, it is important to remember that men who have a sore on the penis that does not heal, or symptoms that are accompanied by severe pain, fever, headache, nausea, or an erection that does not subside after four hours should seek prompt medical attention.

1. Contact dermatitis - The penis is often exposed to chemicals and other substances that are known to cause irritation. Penis symptoms such as redness, soreness, flaking or peeling skin, and rash can often be the result of contact with, for example, latex condoms, spermicides, fragrances (found in cleansers, deodorants, lotions and laundry detergents) and personal lubricants. Contact with the body fluids of a partner can also cause irritation and soreness following intercourse.

2. Poison ivy, oak or sumac - These environmental irritants can cause some alarming penis symptoms; even if they do not come in direct contact with the penis skin, the oils from these plants can be transferred from other parts of the body or the clothing and cause symptoms such as mild to severe itching, rash, redness, dryness and peeling of the skin.

3. Fungal infections - Fungal infections can affect men of all ages, even those who are not sexually active. Yeast infections, which can be easily transmitted between sexual partners, often present as severe itching or burning, redness, swelling (especially of the foreskin), a whitish, lumpy discharge, and dry, peeling skin.

4. Dry, irritated skin - Penis symptoms such as itching and peeling, and even minor rashes, can be caused by simple friction burns caused by masturbation or sex. If dryness and irritation occur following intercourse or manual stimulation, it is best to abstain for a short time to allow the skin to heal.

5. Bladder infections - Bladder infections do not only lead to urgency in urination; they can also cause pain or burning at the opening of the penis (the urethra). Men who suspect a bladder infection should have their urine tested for diagnosis, as antibiotics may be required to eliminate the infection.

6. Skin cancer - Small lesions, sores that do not heal, or skin tags or moles that change in appearance may be signs of skin cancer. Unusual markings or sores, especially those do not heal over a period of weeks, should be checked for the possibility of skin cancer.

Home treatment for penis problems

At the first sign of penis soreness, pain, itching or other uncomfortable or unattractive penis symptoms, men can follow the steps listed here to calm the skin and alleviate the effects of minor penis conditions:

• Wash the area with a mild, fragrance-free cleanser. Avoid soaps, as these can cause drying and tightening of the skin and lead to further irritations and discomfort.
• Rinse thoroughly to make sure all traces of cleansers, as well as other possible irritants, are removed.
• Dry the penis and surrounding area carefully before putting on clothing.
• Wear loose-fitting, natural fabrics such as cotton to allow the skin to breathe - oxygenation helps the healing process.
• Abstain from masturbation and sex until the symptoms subside.
• Apply a moisturizing vitamin cream. Look for a penis vitamin formula that contains all natural ingredients only (most health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). Natural moisturizers such as shea butter are best for sensitive skin, while vitamins and other nutrients speed healing, promote the formation of healthy skin cells and connective tissue, and boost the body’s immune response to fight off foreign invaders. Regular treatment with penis nutrients can lead to an improved overall look and feel to the penis.

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Itching, Peeling Penis Skin - Std Or Ordinary Irritation?

At the first sign of peeling penis skin, it is normal for guys to jump to conclusions about their last partner and wonder what kind of disease they may have managed to pick up. A common complaint heard by many men’s health professionals is from men whose penis itches or has a red, scaly appearance. Fortunately, in most cases, this problem can be chalked up to normal irritation or not enough lube during sex. With application of penis vitamins and moisturizers, the skin should quickly return to normal.

Some common penis skin conditions are described here for information; men who have an open sore on their penis or a chronic condition that will not heal with proper hygiene and over the counter remedies should see a doctor for a firm diagnosis and treatment.

1. Yeast infection - One of the most commonly-seen causes of dry, itchy penis skin is nothing more than an ordinary yeast infection - also known as thrush. While it is more often known as a women’s problem, yeast overgrowth can affect everyone, even before they become sexually active. The organism that causes yeast infection - a fungus known as Candida albicans is nearly always present on the skin, but under certain conditions, it can go into a rapid growth phase and cause skin symptoms such as dryness, itching, flaking or peeling, redness, and a whitish discharge.

Yeast infections are not dangerous, but they are highly contagious and can be transferred between sexual partners. Treating them generally consists of applying an over-the-counter antifungal medication such as those used for feminine yeast infections. The best way to control yeast and avoid infection is to keep the penis skin clean, dry and well-moisturized to prevent the yeast from taking hold. Penis vitamins targeting skin health, such as vitamins A, C, and D, may also deter the growth of yeast on the penis skin.

2. Jock itch - Another common fungal infection that often affects the penis and groin area is most often referred to as jock itch. If the penis itches and develops a red, spreading rash that moves outward from a small, centralized point, jock itch could be the problem. This condition can cause severe itching and burning, as well as a scaly appearance at the outer edges of the rash, and it is highly contagious. Sharing towels, clothing or other personal items is a prime way to spread the fungus.

Attention to good hygiene and avoiding the sharing of personal items and clothing will help to prevent the transfer of jock itch. Getting rid of the itchy, scaly rash generally requires an antifungal medication; soothing vitamin crèmes with natural moisturizers may also help to alleviate the itching and discomfort.

3. Psoriasis - Men who have psoriasis elsewhere on their body may also notice signs of it on the penis. Peeling penis skin, a red, scaly appearance and a rash that has a flaky outline could be an indication of psoriasis. Aside from treatment with corticosteroids, many dermatologists recommend vitamin A, or retinol, as an effective treatment. While this condition is not contagious, it can be unattractive and off-putting. Alleviating the symptoms with natural skin care products can help to improve the tone and texture of the skin.

Keeping the penis healthy and supple

Keeping the penis healthy may sound complicated, but proper skin care is easier than it seems. The first step to a healthy penis is to keep it clean - men who are uncircumcised should make a special point to wash under the foreskin. A natural penis vitamin formula (most health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) containing ingredients such as vitamins A, C and D for smooth, supple, responsive skin and natural moisturizers for an even, healthy appearance may improve the overall look and feel of the penis and increase its resistance to minor skin problems.

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Penis Facts - Seven Surprising Health Benefits Of Sex

There is no question that sex feels good - why else would so many people spend so much time trying to get it? The best part is that by engaging in sex, guys are actually doing themselves (and their partners) a favor. Maintaining a healthy penis is the first step in taking advantage of the considerable physiological and psychological health benefits of sex. Some of these benefits - which are backed by research, are described below, along with important penis facts about maintaining a healthy member.

1. Immune function - Scientists at Wilkes University in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., found that men who had frequent sex had higher levels of certain antibodies - particularly immunoglobin A - which helps the body to fight off contagious diseases such as the flu and the common cold, as well as various types of infections.

2. Cardiovascular health - Sex benefits cardiovascular health in a number of ways. For instance, men who have regular sex tend to have lower blood pressure. In addition, a study reported in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health showed that men who have sex at least twice a week reduce their risk of a fatal heart attack by more than one half.

3. Stress relief - It is no secret that having sex has a positive effect on stress levels, helping people to feel more relaxed. In fact, the journal Biological Psychology published a study which demonstrated that men who have regular sex have lower blood pressure, are able to function better cognitively in stressful situations, and have an overall more positive response to stress.

4. Physical fitness - If guys need an excuse to have sex more often, the physical fitness aspect works perfectly. Having sex burns calories and helps guys to maintain a healthy body weight and a more toned physique. While a session in bed will not equate to an hour at the gym, approximately 21 hour-long sessions could burn enough calories to amount to a pound of weight loss.

5. Boosts self-esteem - Researchers at the University of Texas reported that increased self-esteem was one of 237 reasons that people have sex, according to a report published in the Archives of Sexual Behavior. Aside from this, sex also increases intimacy between partners and triggers the release of the "love hormone" oxytocin, which helps people to feel relaxed and connected after lovemaking.

6. Relieves pain - Another surprising benefit of sex is that it actually helps to relieve pain. As levels of oxytocin increase, the brain also releases endorphins, which alleviate the effects of problems like back pain, arthritis, and (for women) even menstrual cramps. So the next time she uses a headache as an excuse, guys can point out that having sex will actually help her to feel better.

7. Improves sleep - Another effect of the release of oxytocin after an orgasm is the ability to fall asleep faster and sleep better. And getting more sleep has a positive influence on all of the other health benefits described here, from body weight to cardiovascular health to the ability to cope with stress.

Keeping the penis healthy and ready for action

If all of the above benefits of sex aren’t enough, men should know that the old saying holds true: if you don’t use it, you lose it. Not having sex can reduce the ability to respond to stimulation, resulting in reduced function. In order to get the most from the therapeutic and penis health benefits of sex, it is important to keep the member ready for any opportunity. Promoting smooth, supple and responsive skin with rejuvenating vitamins and minerals found in a specialized penis vitamin formula (most health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) and maintaining adequate moisture in order to prevent injury due to the chafing and irritation of an enthusiastic bedroom session can help guys to be ready whenever the occasion demands.

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Pain In The Penis - Five Common Causes

Penis pain is a fact of life, but it does not have to become a major issue. In most cases, pain in the penis is nothing to worry about and should resolve within a few days. Keeping the penis healthy with a few simple additions to the daily routine and knowing the signs to watch for when penis pain does occur is the key to a long and healthy sex life.

Five Causes of Penis Pain

The conditions described here are some of the most common causes of penis pain and soreness. Any type of penis soreness that does not improve within a few days should be treated by a medical professional to prevent long-term injury; sudden penis pain or trauma should be treated as a medical emergency.

1. Excessive manipulation - Unfortunately, when it comes to masturbation and sex, there can be too much of a good thing, at least as far as the penis skin is concerned. Overdoing it with bedroom acrobatics or vigorous handling can lead to sore penis skin, as the outer dermal layers become chafed and irritated. Keeping the skin well-moisturized, using a lube during sexual activity and taking a break once in a while can help to keep soreness under control.

2. Foreskin problems - Men with an intact foreskin are prone to some common problems which can cause irritation, redness and pain in the penis. An infection of the penis known as balanitis often occurs when the area under the foreskin is not properly cleansed; this can lead to swelling, itching, burning and a cheesy discharge. Another foreskin-related problem, known as phimosis, is diagnosed when the foreskin is too tight to retract easily over the head. In many cases, this can be resolved by gentle manipulation accompanied by regular moisturizing and treatment with skin-friendly vitamins and minerals.

3. Yeast infection - Changes in body chemistry can cause the overgrowth of a yeast known as Candida albicans, which is normally present on the skin without causing any symptoms. When yeast infection (sometimes known as thrush) occurs, men may experience inflammation, severe itching, redness and penis pain, as well as a cottage-cheese like discharge. Yeast infections sometimes go away by themselves, but treatment with an over-the-counter medication is generally recommended. Maintaining chemical balance through proper nutrition of the skin may help to prevent yeast infection.

4. Jock itch - Another type of fungal growth caused by an organism known as tinea cruris, jock itch is a highly contagious infection that can be passed from one person to another on clothing, towels and other personal items. This yeast thrives in warm, moist areas and can cause a red, spreading rash, severe itching, and discomfort and penis pain - especially if it affects the head or urethral opening. Keeping the area clean, dry and well-moisturized can prevent the fungus from getting a foothold and spreading on the skin.

5. Skin injury - Often, penis pain is simply the result of minor skin injuries, such as scratches, cuts, insect bites or the unpleasant but sometimes unavoidable zipper trauma. Keeping the skin well-moisturized and healthy overall through the use of penis-friendly nutrients can help boost resistance to injury and speed healing when it does occur.

Preventing and treating pain in the penis

While penis pain cannot always be prevented, it is less likely to occur and tends to heal faster when the skin of the penis is healthy overall. Supporting healthy function of the skin and nerve cells through the use of specialized penis health cream which contains penis-specific nutrients (most health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) such as vitamin A (for smooth, supple skin); vitamin C (for immune function and healthy circulatory tissue); vitamin D (for overall skin health); alpha lipoic acid (for stimulating blood flow); and natural moisturizers such as shea butter can help to prevent minor injuries and infection and sooth penis pain and irritation.

Monday, 26 November 2012

Varicocele - A Scrotum Problem: Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

Varicocele is a condition in which dilated, or widened, veins in the scrotum cause the veins to fill up with blood, resulting in a painful and unpleasant problem which can result in serious health problems. Varicocele occurs in up to 25% of males between the ages of 13 and 30. Although a definitive cause is not yet known, dietary factors, genetics and lifestyle are considered to play a large part in this condition. If you think you may have a varicocele, consult your healthcare professional without delay.

It doesn't take long, in many cases, for men to notice that they have developed a varicocele. The symptoms include:

• visibly enlarged veins in the scrotum
• lumps in the testicles
• local swelling
• dragging, aching pain
• shrinking of the testicles
• infertility

It is uncommon for a varicocele to go unnoticed, but if fertility is an issue it may be worthwhile checking with a medical practitioner than varicocele is not present. Varicocele is the most common cause of male infertility and affecting sperm in terms of size, motility, and overall count. Regular use of a topical unguent such as a good quality penis health crème can help soothe and cool this painful condition.


A varicocele is, quite simply, a varicose vein that occurs in the scrotum. Veins are part of the cardiovascular system but function in a different way to blood vessels. While blood vessels carry oxygenated blood to the tissues, veins contain one-way valves that draw de-oxygenated blood away from tissues and back to the heart.

If veins become damaged, blood is unable to travel quickly, causing the vein to expand. While varicose veins usually occur late in life, the varicocele condition is most common in adolescent men. Over 70% of males with varicocele have defects of the one-way valves in their veins.

Anything that reduces circulation to the testicles may help to contribute to poor drainage, such as tight clothing, obesity, high blood fats, swollen lymph nodes, or physical injury. Malignant tumors causing a reduction in blood flow to the testes may also be a factor.


Surgery is the primary treatment for varicocele. Having the varicocele removed is simple, fast, and efficient. However, studies show that many men who undergo surgery for varicocele experience recurrences and if surgery is required multiple times, damage to the local tissues can be permanent.

Researchers from the O.U. of Metabolic Diseases and Endocrinology, Italy studied the benefits of surgery in infertile men with varicocele. While men with infertility for more than a period of 12-months did not experience much improvement from surgery, men with infertility for more than 24-months saw a higher percentage of improvement. Nowadays the varicocele condition is treated by microsurgery has higher success rates than previous surgical techniques. Supporting venous sufficiency throughout the body with nutrition, lifestyle and herbal medicine may also help.

In one study horse-chestnut extract was found to be as effective as diuretic therapy and compression stockings in treating varicose veins. Gotu kola, bilberry and butcher's broom are other herbs known to improve microcirculation, reduce vein inflammation, and support venous sufficiency. Vitamin C, E and Omega-3 may also act as circulatory supporters and natural blood thinners.

Penis health crèmes

Male health crèmes are natural products that can be applied to the penis and scrotum area. Containing vitamins and amino acids that are beneficial for penis tissues and reproductive health, penis health crèmes are an excellent way of supporting symptoms of varicocele as well as reducing the risk. Specialist formulas (most professionals recommend Man1Man Oil) contain vitamin C for strengthening vein walls, vitamin E for blood thinning and preventing scarring, and alpha lipoic acid to protect nerve function before and after surgery. Apply often to tone veins and promote circulation, making important nutrients available directly to the local tissues. Avoid use two days prior to varicocele surgery to reduce the risk of increased bleeding and resume use after surgery to support tissue healing.

Exercise Can Negatively Impact Penis Health

Exercise helps to control weight, activates feel-good hormones which elevate the mood, memory and intimate function. Many doctors recommend regular exercise to lift the spirits and improve all quarters of life. However to prevent exercising negatively affecting penis health there are some basic things you should know:


Testosterone levels rise quite significantly following a work-out and in some cases can increase up to 49%. However clinical studies have shown that this peak in testosterone is short-lived and often the hormonal blood levels of any male return to normal within an hour after the workout. A male health crème applied directly to the skin of the manhood can help to maintain optimum nerve function, circulation and enhance the experience of sexual pleasure.

When training and exercise becomes exhaustive, this has an overall negative effect on testosterone levels. Constant training is known to lead to penile dysfunction, fertility problems, and premature aging. To prevent this, mix up your exercise schedule with some calming yoga.

Research shows that yoga improves blood flow to all areas of the body including the intimate male area and improves hormone levels, energy levels and mood. In a study funded by the India Institute of Medical Sciences, researchers found that yoga was effective as a treatment for premature ejaculation. Men who took part in regular yoga classes had significantly better results than men who were given prescription medication.


Cycling can exacerbate male member health problems, intimate function and cause fertility issues. Why? The problem is more mechanical than hormonal or chemical.

Humans are intended to rest on their "sit bones" where there is just muscle and fat and we can sit safely and comfortably for hours. When cycling however, the bike seat has to be straddled and the weight of the body goes down onto the nerves and blood vessels feeding the male organ. After cycling for long periods of time, regularly, chronic damage to the nerves and capillaries can occur. Calcification, inflammation, blockage, scar tissue, and nerve damage all take place. Eventually, these underlying changes manifest as male member dysfunction.

Cyclists who regularly drink alcohol, smoke tobacco, have poor diets, develop diabetes or hypertension are the most likely group to have problems. Having a nutritious diet and a healthy lifestyle goes a long way to protecting nerves and circulation during cycling.

The Boston University School of Medicine recommends that men cycle not more than 3 hours a week. This is shown in studies to be the minimum amount of regular cycling required to cause penis problems.

Beware of Artificial Hormones

The male hormone testosterone improves energy, well-being, immune function, muscle and penis size.

Whilst steroidal drugs and artificial hormones are known to benefit men with a medical condition where the penis never develops to a size larger than 1.9 cm in length, these medications have no beneficial effect on a male who has passed the age where he is still growing and developing (around 21 years old for most men). Worse yet, high doses of male hormones may have the opposite effect on sensitive penile tissues and cause them to reduce in size. Steroidal drugs will also have a negative effect on circulation to the male genital area.

If you are going to increase your testosterone and muscle mass, it is better to do it the clean and green way. Otherwise, you may encounter some negative side effects you didn't expect, or want.

Health Crèmes

Penis health crèmes are a great way to quickly restore nutrients to the male organ and protect the nerves and circulatory vessels. Vitamins and amino acids are essential for male hormone balance and nerve function. Specialist crèmes (most professionals recommend Man1Man Oil) contain vitamin A, E, C, B, L-arginine and L-carnitine for physical performance, libido, and intimate health. Added together in a crème base, these vitamins are absorbed directly into the local tissues and are fast-acting.

Friday, 23 November 2012

Thyroid Problems: The Hidden Cause Of Sexual Dysfunction

If you feel as if you lack energy, especially in the bedroom, it might be a good idea to have your thyroid hormone levels tested. The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland beneath the Adam's Apple in a man and is in charge of controlling the entire body's metabolism. When the thyroid is under-functioning, it is not uncommon for men to experience weight gain, reduced libido, poor energy levels and general sluggishness. Vitamins, minerals, exercise, alternative medicines, male health crèmes, and in some cases prescription medication may go a long way towards supporting men on the way back to optimal thyroid function. To get tested, visit your doctor and ask for a thyroid hormone blood test.


According to the American Thyroid Association, when thyroid hormones are low the entire body begins to slow. Thyroid function affects everything from the fingernails, to testosterone levels. It is easy to feel colder, lower, and slower, and even the smallest tasks take a lot of effort to complete.
Here is a list of some of the specific symptoms which may occur when the thyroid is not working properly:

•    Weight gain
•    Dry skin
•    Brittle hair and/or nails
•    Constipation
•    Coldness
•    Weakness
•    Depression
•    Fatigue
•    Loss of eyebrow hair
•    Hoarse voice
•    Swelling of the physical thyroid gland (goiter)
•    Low testosterone levels and hypogonadism
•    Infertility
•    Anemia
•    Lowered immunity

It is important to know that the thyroid gland can be under functioning with only one or two of these symptoms being present. Most doctors will look specifically at men who have gained weight despite no changes in diet and lifestyle however it is entirely possible for men to be skinny and still have hypothyroidism. The only way to be sure is a blood test for T3, T4 and Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH).

In the past, the most common cause of hypothyroidism was iodine deficiency. Iodine is an important micro-mineral required for cognitive function, metabolism, and thyroid function. It is found in good amounts of seafood including sea vegetables, fish, shellfish and sea salt. While people living by the coast rarely experienced hypothyrodism, those living inland were more at risk. Today, many foods, including table salt, are fortified with iodine.

However, hypothyroidism still exists and the number of people with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis; an autoimmune condition that attacks the thyroid, are increasing. Doctors are still unclear about what triggers this condition although tobacco smoking, exposure to heavy metals, additional auto-immune or inflammatory disorders as well as selenium deficiency or a high intake of iodine is definitive risk factors. Hashimoto's may also be genetic in origin.


Primary hypothyroidism as a result of malnutrition is easily treated with a proper diet, rich in natural sources of iodine. In the case of Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, the picture is quite different. Aside from suppressing the immune system, there is little that doctors can do except provide artificial thyroid hormones by prescription. In many cases, this will help to reverse symptoms and improve quality of life -- though it does nothing to treat the underlying inflammatory disorder.

Seaweed is known to help stimulate thyroid function, and may be a natural alternative to thyroid medication. Kelp, bladderwrack, dulse and nori contain organic iodine, as well as other natural compounds which support the thyroid to produce thyroid hormones. Other botanical medicines, including withania, coleus, olive leaf and bacopa have also shown in studies to stimulate thyroid function.

Men with hypothyroidism often have low selenium levels, so it is useful to take mineral supplements to counteract this condition. Ahmadu Bello University, Nigeria funded a study that showed vitamin C supplementation may also have a protective effect on thyroid function, possibly due to its antioxidant properties. Tyrosine is another important nutrient, as it is an amino acid required by the thyroid in the production process of thyroid hormones.

Always seek out medical support for treatment. Studies show that conventional treatments for thyroid problems in men work well and improve energy, testosterone levels, and fertility.

Health Crèmes

Health crèmes are natural products that contain a wide range of nutrients that benefit the health of the local tissues of the penis, as well as overall testosterone levels, nerve function, and antioxidant status. Specialist products (most professionals recommend Man1Man Oil) contain vitamin C to protect the thyroid, vitamin E for testosterone levels, amino acids for libido, and alpha lipoic acid for overall nerve sensitivity and function can help men facing thyroid issues. By taking these nutrients though a health crème, digestion is bypassed, and active ingredients are absorbed directly into the bloodstream for best results.

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Sore Penis - Causes, Symptoms And Treatments

One of the last places a guy wants to feel pain or soreness is on the penis, but in day-to-day life the manhood is exposed to many opportunities for injury; from overly enthusiastic sexual intercourse to skin sensitivities to the unpleasant but sometimes unavoidable zipper trauma. Fortunately, most minor skin abrasions and infections heal fairly quickly with simple home treatment but knowing when medical attention is needed can prevent long-term problems from developing. Some common causes of penis soreness and penis remedies for correcting them are described in the paragraphs below.

Penis soreness after partner play

It’s easy to get caught up in the moment, so after a vigorous round of bumping and grinding (or even a frantic solo session), the skin of the penis can be left raw and tender. Although friction and chafing alone can result in a sore and painful penis, the problem can be exacerbated by things like oil-based lubricants, latex from condoms and the body fluids of a partner.

While roughed-up penis skin should calm down fairly quickly (taking a break for a day or two can help), guys can speed up the process by keeping the penis skin well-hydrated, both as a preventive measure and as a means to calm irritated skin, with a natural moisturizer and healing nutrients such as vitamins E and D.

Sore penis and itching or burning

A sore penis accompanied by an itching or burning sensation may have a variety of different causes: 
• Thrush, or yeast infection, which is caused by fungus known as Candida albicans, is nearly always present on the skin. While it usually causes no symptoms, it can go into a rapid overgrowth phase under certain conditions, leading to the symptoms of a yeast infection. These symptoms can include itching and burning, soreness, redness and a cottage cheese-like discharge. Yeast infection can be treated with over-the-counter antifungal medications. Helping to maintain balance in the body chemistry by nourishing the skin with immune-boosting vitamins and minerals can help to prevent yeast from flourishing.

• Balanitis is the name given to an inflamed or swollen penis head. This condition is more common in uncircumcised men. It can be caused by skin sensitivities and bacterial or fungal overgrowth and it is often the result of lack of attention to hygiene. Failure to wash adequately can result in a buildup of dead skin cells, which appears as a gooey, cheesy mass under the foreskin. This material, known as smegma, attracts bacteria and can lead to infection. Keeping the area clean and discouraging bacterial growth with natural antibacterial agents such as vitamin A can help to prevent sore penis due to balanitis.

Penis soreness and ulcers

A sore penis accompanied by ulcers or small, open sores may be a sign of a socially transmitted disease. These symptoms require immediate medical attention and because these diseases can be transferred to a partner, partners should also be treated and abstinence from intercourse should be exercised until the condition has completely cleared.

Preventing and treating minor penis soreness

The key to keeping the penis healthy and avoiding penis soreness lies in prevention. Promoting healthy and supple penis skin is a matter of keeping the area clean, using protection during partner play, and supporting healthy cell function through the use of specialized penis vitamins and minerals that contain penis-specific nutrients (most health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) such as vitamin A (for smooth, supple skin); vitamin C (for immune function and healthy circulatory tissue); vitamin D (for overall skin health); alpha lipoic acid (for stimulating blood flow) and other ingredients designed to keep the penis healthy, responsive and functioning at its prime.

Penis Pain - How To Tell If It’S A Penis Fracture

The term "penis fracture" is a cringe-inducing one - no man wants to even think about a broken penis, never mind experience it. In fact, it doesn’t even sound possible - how can the penis be fractured when it doesn’t have any bones? Unfortunately, though, it is true - the penis can break - and knowing when to get help can make all the difference between a short-term inconvenience and a lifetime of discomfort and impaired performance. Plus, since avoiding a penis fracture in the first place is the best solution, penis heath remedies and tips for preventing a broken penis are discussed here.

Penis fractures - how and why

To understand what is meant by a penis fracture, it is necessary to be aware of the underlying anatomy of the penis. Essentially, the shaft of the penis consists of a spongy tissue known as the corprora cavernosa - the part of the penis that becomes filled with blood during an erection. This tissue is surrounded by a fibrous membrane called the tunica albuginea, which holds it in place and gives it its shape.

If the penis is bent or buckled abruptly during sex - or whatever - this outer membrane can rupture, resulting in sudden, severe pain that may be accompanied by a loud, popping noise. Penis fractures are most common during sexual activity where the woman is on top and comes down suddenly at an unfortunate angle, or when the man thrusts and hits the woman’s pubic bone.

An interesting side note on this issue, according to Dr. Andrew Kramer, a urologist at the University of Maryland Medical Center, is that in many cases, penis fractures appear to occur during extramarital affairs or in places besides the bedroom. There is some logic to this idea, since doing it in an unauthorized location or with an unauthorized person is likely to create a more heated and frantic atmosphere.

Treating a broken penis

Regardless of how the penis is broken, when a fracture occurs, it should be considered a medical emergency. Surgical correction is generally necessary to prevent long-term problems. Unfortunately (and possibly because of the circumstances mentioned above), many men are reluctant to seek medical attention - due to embarrassment or the fear of spousal fury - and hope that the problem will resolve on its own.

Implications of a broken penis

Unfortunately, leaving a broken penis to heal on its own can lead to several complications. Permanent deformity, as well as ongoing pain, are the most obvious of these, and leaving a fracture untreated can lead to loss of function. But even a penis that appears to heal normally may present with problems later on. Scar tissue may develop as part of the healing process. This scar tissue does not expand in the same way as the surrounding membrane, which can cause mild to severe bending during an erection. This, in turn, can lead to painful intercourse or even impotence.

Preventing penis fractures

Clearly, prevention in this case is the best medicine. For men who are prone to acrobatics in the bedroom, the best advice is to keep the penis moisturized, use a lubricant, and really, just be as careful as possible. Supporting healthy skin and connective tissue by keeping the manhood well-nourished with the rejuvenating vitamins and minerals found in a high-quality penis health crème (most health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can help to keep the penis moisturized and supple and reduce the risk of developing scar tissue related to chronic rough handling or sudden trauma. A health crème that is applied directly to the penis will be absorbed directly into the penis skin for maximum benefit.

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Penis Odor - Why It Occurs And How To Get Rid Of The Fishy Smell

Among the many complaints about penis problems, unpleasant and off-putting odors are one of the most common. As a rule most men don’t like to talk about this kind of issue with their health care provider, but a fishy penis smell can be embarrassing and it is certainly not a turn-on for a potential sexual partner. Fortunately, getting rid of an unpleasant penis odor can be as simple as cleaning the skin properly and applying a penis crème which contains natural antibacterial agents and moisturizers.

Causes of fishy penis odor

Unpleasant penis odors are generally a sign of bacteria on the penis skin, especially in uncircumcised men. Dr. David King, director of urology services at the El Camino Hospital of Los Gatos, CA explains that "the most common causes of bad smell around the penis would be related to poor hygiene and skin infections."

Hygiene-related penis odor
Foul penis odor often occurs when dead skin cells build up underneath the foreskin, attracting bacteria which create a fishy smell directly related to lack of proper cleansing. To address this problem, Dr. King recommends that all men pull back the foreskin completely and wash the area underneath with warm water and a mild cleanser. In addition, it is important to dry the area carefully as bacteria thrive in warm, moist places and to pull the foreskin back to its original position.

Yeast infection
Aside from poor hygiene, skin infections can also cause a fishy smell. Thrush, or yeast infection, is often the cause of penis odor and can affect both circumcised and uncircumcised men. Aside from an unpleasant smell, a yeast infection is often accompanied by a cheesy, whitish discharge, as well as uncomfortable burning and itching. Painful urination may also occur if the infection has affected the urethra, or opening at the tip of the penis.

Bacterial vaginosis (in sexual partners)
Men whose female sexual partners are affected by bacterial vaginosis, a condition which also causes a fishy smell due to imbalances in body chemistry, may also experience the odor on their own penis. Again, washing carefully and moisturizing the penis skin can help to address this problem.

Other causes of penis odor
Some of the less-common causes of penis odor include urinary tract infections; the bacteria that cause the infection may spread to the outside of the penis, around the urethral opening, resulting in a detectable fishy smell. In addition, some diabetics are affected by a condition known as ketonuria, in which waste products from the breakdown of fatty acids can accumulate in the urine and cause a fishy odor.

Promoting a healthy penis

Fortunately, most cases of bad penis odor can be resolved fairly easily. As mentioned earlier, proper hygiene is the first step. Aside from keeping the area, clean, men can take the following steps to prevent or eliminate unpleasant penis smells:

1.    Moisturize. Overly dry penis skin often develops minute fissures which allow the bacteria that are often responsible for a fishy smell to penetrate. Natural moisturizers such as shea butter work well for sensitive penis skin, while those containing vitamin E create natural moisture barrier that prevents dehydration.

2.    Reduce the presence of bacteria on the skin. Nourishing the penis skin with natural anti-bacterials such as vitamin A can help to eliminate the presence of odor-causing bacteria and to prevent bacterial infections. In addition, vitamin C can help to boost the immune system and protect the body from disease.

Applying a specialized formula containing penis vitamins moisturizers and other nutrients (most health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) as part of the daily personal care regimen may help to keep the penis clean, healthy and odor free.

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Penis Bruising And Bending: Causes, Symptoms And When To Get Help

The penis is a fairly resilient appendage: it has to be, since it is normally well used over the course of a lifetime. But even though it is designed to take rough treatment, at least to an extent, it is possible to cause more permanent damage to the penis. When something isn’t quite right, it’s important to know the difference between minor bruising and more serious injury, as well as the right steps to take to safeguard overall penis health.

Bruised penis

Vigorous masturbation or intercourse can lead to contusions below the surface of the skin that appear darker than the surrounding skin - most people will recognize the bluish or purplish discoloring as a typical bruise. A bruise occurs when the fine blood vessels under the outer dermal layer are torn due to pressure, such as aggressive squeezing of the penis during masturbation.

A penis bruise generally heals on its own, over a period of two to four weeks and may take on a greenish or yellowish appearance before finally disappearing. Abstaining from masturbation or sex may help to speed healing. In addition, penis nutrients such as vitamin C, which is needed for the formation of vascular tissue (blood vessels) may promote healing and help to restore a healthy appearance to the penis skin. Using a lubricant during sexual activity and keeping the skin properly moisturized can help to reduce the effects of friction and pressure.

While bruises may be tender to the touch initially, they should not cause a great deal of discomfort or pain. Penis bruises that are painful or do not heal after 3 to 4 weeks should be treated by a doctor. If bruises are accompanied by other symptoms, such as painful urination, it is important to consult with an urologist or general practitioner for an accurate diagnosis of the problem.

Bent penis

Many men have a penis that is not perfectly straight; a small degree of bending or curvature in one direction or another is perfectly normal. However, a penis that develops a pronounced bend or curve, especially following an injury, could be at risk for Peyronie’s disease, an uncomfortable and potentially disfiguring condition.

The erectile tissue inside the penis - the corpora cavernosa - consists of a spongy material that fills with blood on stimulation, allowing an erection to occur. When the penis is injured, whether due to sudden trauma or chronic rough handling, scar tissue or plaques may form around the corpora cavernosa. These plaques can prevent the tissue underneath it from expanding causing something like a bowstring effect. As the unaffected tissue expands during an erection, this causes a bend in the penis that may be pronounced, in which case Peyronie’s disease may be diagnosed. A penis that is unnaturally bent or curved in this manner can cause a great deal of discomfort and in some cases it may make penetration difficult or impossible. In some instances, impotence may result.

Men who are diagnosed with Peyronie’s disease often resort to surgery to correct the condition, which involves removing the scar tissue and replacing it with a tissue graft, a process which sometimes leads to penile dysfunction.

While it is not always possible to avoid injury or to prevent the occurrence of Peyronie’s disease, men can take steps to promote overall penis health and to reduce the risk of injury through proper nutrition and hydration of the penis.

Promoting a healthy penis

Like the rest of the body, the penis needs proper nutrition to keep the nerves, skin and blood vessels in working order. Applying a specialized formula containing penis vitamin (most health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) such as vitamins A and C can help to keep the skin and underlying connective tissue healthy and supple. In addition, natural moisturizers such as shea butter and vitamin E can help to prevent injury by keeping the effects of friction to a minimum.

Managing Penis Health - All About The Foreskin

While circumcision, or ablation (cutting away) of the foreskin has become something of the norm in Western culture, the rest of the world does not share in this practice and the majority of males worldwide have an intact foreskin. In the US, the benefits of circumcision are increasingly questioned and fewer parents are opting for this surgery at birth. In fact, there are few medical benefits in removing the foreskin and recent research has shown that this stretchy piece of skin actually plays an important role in the function of the penis. Understanding its functions and maintaining foreskin health may improve the experience of sexual pleasure.

What is the foreskin?

The foreskin, also known as the prepuce, is a double layer of skin which serves as a covering for the glans, or head, of the penis. Contrary to popular belief, the foreskin is not redundant or useless and actually serves a number of important functions. The structure of the foreskin is as follows:

• An outer layer of skin which extends from the skin covering the shaft of the penis.
• An inner layer of mucocutaneous tissue.
• A frenar band which joins the inner and outer layers of the foreskin; this band tightens when the penis is flaccid to narrow the opening of the foreskin as it covers the penis and widens to allow retraction of the sheath during an erection.
• The frenulum, a thin band of connective tissue on the underside of the head of the penis.

The functions of the foreskin

There are a number of known functions of the foreskin, which are described as follows:
• The development of the mucosal tissue that covers the glans and the inner layer of the foreskin.
• To protect the infant penis from the damaging effects of ammonia and feces.
• To serve as a protective barrier against friction and chafing.
• To keep the glans from drying out through the production of natural emollients (skin moisturizers).
• To serve as a natural lubricant and produce a waxy protective covering for the glans;
• To facilitate masturbation.
• To aid in foreplay and penetration.
• To stimulate the g-spot of a sexual partner.
• To provide feelings of sexual pleasure through its large number of erogenous receptors.

Foreskin problems

It is clear that the foreskin is more complex than generally believed, and as such, it is prone to a number of issues that can cause pain and discomfort and interfere with sexual function and the enjoyment of sex. Some of the more common issues that affect the foreskin include:

• Balanitis - an infection of the head and foreskin, which can result in swelling, itching and burning, a cheesy discharge, and painful intercourse.

• Phimosis - this condition occurs when the foreskin is too tight to be pulled back over the head with ease. Phimosis can be painful, and it may impair the ability to engage in intercourse. Stretching of the foreskin over time, with the assistance of gentle moisturizers, may help to alleviate this condition.

• Paraphimosis - similar to phimosis, paraphimosis refers to the condition where the foreskin may be retracted, but then tightens at the crown of the penis and cannot be pulled back over the head. Because this can restrict blood flow to the penis, it is generally treated as an urgent care issue.

Keeping it healthy

Men with an intact foreskin have the advantage of a greater number of nerve receptors than their circumcised counterparts, but proper attention to foreskin care is important to prevent problems and keep this important penile tissue healthy. Vitamins that provide support for connective tissue and maintain the moisture and suppleness of the skin are an important part of a penis care regiment. Applying a specialized penis vitamin formula (most health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can help to ensure that the foreskin is adequately nourished, stimulate blood flow to the area, and maintain the elasticity and responsiveness of the skin.

Monday, 19 November 2012

Supporting Your Heart With Antioxidants May Benefit Your Romantic Life

It is medically recognized that men who are aged 50 and over are at higher risk of heart disease which can lead to sexual problems. When circulation cannot reach the genital region and there is not enough blood for a strong and sustainable erection then sexual dysfunction can arise. Vitamins and antioxidants specific for the heart and the penis can prevent such age-related problems, as well as treat symptoms when they arise. If you are taking prescribed medication, check with your healthcare provider before purchasing male health supplements. Topical formulas and health crèmes may be a safe option for most men.

Vitamin C

Medical evidence shows that vitamin C can help with erectile issues. Vitamin C is essential for circulation to the peripheries, including the hands, feet and the penis. Studies show that vitamin C improves the viscosity of the blood, allowing it to travel through the body more easily.

Vitamin C also reduces cholesterol, protects against atherosclerosis, increases nitric oxide (NO), and reduces the risk of stroke. Researchers from Firat University in Turkey also discovered that vitamin C significantly increases testosterone levels. When problems in the bedroom are linked with heart disease or poor cardiovascular health, vitamin C may be one of the most cost-effective and useful supplements to help.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E, also known as tocopherol, is found in seeds, nuts, grains and wheat germ. For many years scientists have been interested in the effects of vitamin E on the cardiovascular system as it helps to thin the blood, protect against cholesterol and heart disease and supports nerve sensitivity. Scientists from Alexandria University in Egypt studied the effects of vitamin E on erectile dysfunction, and found that vitamin E supplements helped to increase NO production and improve age-related erectile dysfunction. Other studies have shown that vitamin E also has a beneficial effect on testosterone levels, which are vital for energy, libido and male performance. If you are currently taking prescribed medication check with your doctor that vitamin E is right for you.


Popular amongst the bodybuilding and athletic fraternity, L-arginine, plays a big part in healthy cardiovascular function, circulation and exercise performance. It functions as both an amino acid and an antioxidant in the human body. When L-arginine levels are high, the body uses it to produce NO, the enzyme that stimulates blood vessels to dilate. As well as enhancing systemic circulation, NO has a very specific role in a man's nether regions. For erections to occur, NO must first expand blood vessels in the penis, allowing blood to enter and harden the tissues. Without L-arginine, the body may not produce enough NO for healthy erections. Various studies have shown that L-arginine supplementation increases NO levels in the body, and has a clinically beneficial effect on erectile problems.

Penis Health Crèmes

Health crèmes containing antioxidants are beneficial for both heart health and penis health. Supporting your heart with antioxidants in penis crèmes may help to improve your romantic life. Firstly, by acting locally, penis health crèmes aid the look and feel of penis tissues by restoring integrity and antioxidant protection. Secondly, by facilitating improved circulation to the penis and improving blood vessel health. Specialized male health products (most professionals recommend Man1Man oil) contain vitamin C, vitamin E, L-arginine and other antioxidants for balanced, holistic support of male health. These nutrients bypass digestion and go straight to the tissues that really need them.

Painful Penis During Sex & What It Could Mean

Infection, nerve pain and inflammation of the penis and/or prostate can lead to intense discomfort during sex. Vitamins, minerals, antibiotics and a regular self-care routine go a long way toward improving symptoms and speeding recovery. However if problems persist, it is important to consult a healthcare provider for a medical diagnosis.


Pain during sexual intercourse can make the sexual act unbearable for many men. While it is normal function for the penis to become hypersensitive directly after orgasm, excessive pain and discomfort can make the penis so sore it cannot bear to be touched. However in less common cases men can experience pain in the penis during the sexual act or during an erection. Symptoms can differ greatly, depending on what is causing the pain. Sharp, shooting, burning or tingling pain should be checked out by a doctor or urologist immediately, in order to rule out infection, spinal problems or chronic degenerative illnesses.


There are many possible causes for a painful penis during sexual intercourse. If the penis has changed shape in any way or has formed bulges it may be the development of scar tissue inside the penis, a condition known as Peyronie's disease. When the foreskin is too tight and painful to retract it is known as phimosis, a problem that can either begin at birth or occur as a result of scarring of the foreskin. Inflammation and infection of the penis or prostate gland are other possibilities. Be on the lookout for warning signs, such as redness, heat, burning, itching, discharge, changes in urine color and smell, or skin problems.

When tingling, burning, shooting pains, or numbness in the penis are experienced the cause of pain during sex may stem from the nerves. According to the Mayo Clinic, the pudendal nerve, which runs from the spine through the buttocks, can cause pain in the buttocks, anus and penis when it is pinched or damaged.

Men with diabetes may also experience gradual nerve damage as part of their condition, beginning as tingling and later progressing to pain, burning, or numbness in hands, feet and genitals.


Treatment ultimately depends on what is causing the pain. Infection and inflammation of the penis and/or prostate can be handled easily in most cases with antibiotics, anti-inflammatory medication and immune enhancers such as vitamin C and Echinacea extract.

Nerve problems are often treated with a range of therapies including anti-inflammatory medications, pain killers, and self-management strategies to use at home. If the nerves have been damaged from diabetes, the most important strategy is to manage the disease effectively through dietary changes, insulin therapy and supplements to support insulin sensitivity.

Some natural products may support nerve health and reduce pain naturally. Botanicals such as California Poppy, Chamomile, Passionflower and Skullcap may help to reduce pain signaling in the nerves. Studies show Alpha lipoic acid, Lion's Mane Mushroom and St John's Wort may help to reduce nerve inflammation and promote the regeneration of damaged nerves.

Health Crèmes

Penis health crèmes are natural products that can help to treat inflammation, pain, and nerve damage on the penis. Containing natural vitamins, antioxidants and oils that benefit tissue integrity and immune health, health crèmes can be applied to speed the recovery of skin cells and possibly calm hypersensitive tissues. Specialist formulas (most professionals recommend Man1Man Oil) contain vitamin C as a natural immune support, vitamin E to reduce scarring of tissues, alpha lipoic acid for penis nerve health and shea butter for anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties.

Friday, 16 November 2012

How To Know When You Are Allergic To Your Girlfriend

Sometimes a man can feel extra sensitive to his partner. In rare cases, this is actually true and it can be said that he is allergic to his partner. After intercourse men can break out into rashes, hives and itching which can be localized either on the penis skin or on various other parts of the body. For some men this is a minor irritation and in others it’s a major health issue. Penis-specific vitamins and minerals, skin crèmes, and allergy testing can go a long way to restoring sexual harmony. In some cases a man may have to avoid contact with his partner for extended periods of time or during certain times of the month. If symptoms persists then visit your healthcare practitioner without delay.


The symptoms experienced may vary, but should usually begin during or directly after personal contact with a partner. Symptoms may include:
• itching
• inflammation
• swelling
• pain
• hives

If the inflammation or itching is chronic, it may not be an allergic reaction at all but a condition known as balanitis; a form of contact dermatitis that affects the penis. If there is discharge coming from the penis then infection from bacteria, viruses or yeast is also a possibility. If symptoms become worse or progress to the point where breathing becomes difficult and/or the inflammation spreads then seek medical attention immediately.


In 2005 the Daily Mail published a news report concerning a man who was diagnosed as being allergic to his girlfriend. After ruling out various skin products doctors determined that his body was producing antibodies to particular hormones in his girlfriend's skin and bodily fluids, during particular times of the month when her hormones were changing. However this type of allergy is extremely rare and in the majority of cases the reaction may be caused by something else entirely. Lubricants, spermicidal gel, latex, skin care products, soaps, deodorants, perfumes, shampoos and laundry detergents are all possible allergens.

The problem may also be a food allergy. Doctors from St Helier Hospital in England published a case study in 2007 of a woman who was allergic to Brazil nuts and would experience skin reactions after having intercourse with her partner. Interestingly, it was not only the seminal fluid she reacted to but also the sweat and hair of her partner. Although this was a case of a woman with an allergy to her male partner, it is of course possible for a man to experience an allergy to food proteins in a female partner's bodily fluids and tissues.


Treating a man who is allergic to his girlfriend is not easy. If the problem is hormonally related and interacts negatively with his girlfriend's cycle the symptoms of allergies can be almost completely avoided by reducing physical contact during the days of the month when hormones are fluctuating. Using polyurethane condoms, and switching to low-allergenic skin care products intended for sensitive skin, may also help considerably.

However if the reaction stems from foodstuffs the girlfriend is eating it won't make any difference which products are eliminated or what days of the month you spend together. Allergy tests such as hair analysis, skin pricks and EAV electro-acupuncture testing can be very effective in diagnosing food allergies, sensitivities and intolerances.

Health Crème

Health crèmes are natural products that can help to treat inflammation, itching, hives and allergic reactions on the penis skin. Containing natural vitamins, antioxidants and oils that benefit tissue integrity and immune health, health crèmes can be applied to speed the recovery of skin cells and may calm hypersensitive tissues. Specialist formulas (most professionals recommend Man1Man Oil) contain vitamin C as a natural anti-histamine and immune support, vitamin E as an anti-inflammatory, alpha lipoic acid for penis nerve health and shea butter for anti-inflammatory and wound healing properties.

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Getting It Up And Keeping It Up - The Physiology Of An Erection

Like many other physiological functions, the erection first begins in the brain - in fact, a large part of the ability to have an erection and keep it long enough to complete the act of sexual intercourse is truly all in the mind. Understanding how an erection works can help men to become more aware of the things that prevent it from working properly and provide useful insight into penis health issues that can be improved through a good penis care health routine.

The physiological process of obtaining an erection

As already mentioned the erection of the male member begins in the brain and involves two major systems of the body; the nervous system and the vascular system (the heart and blood vessels). To begin with, the brain receives signals of arousal and this can be through physical touch, mental imagery or an emotional process. When this signal is received, a variety of neurotransmitters - brain chemicals - send messages to the pelvic area. These messages instruct the smooth muscle tissue to relax and the blood vessels to dilate (widen), allowing increased blood flow to the area.

As the blood fills the penis (collecting in spongy reservoirs known as the corpora cavernosa), the penis swells and becomes enlarged. When this occurs, the pressure causes an elastic-like tissue to contract, restricting blood flow away from the penis so that the erection remains in place until instructed to relax after orgasm occurs.

Factors that affect the ability to have an erection

1. Reduced penis nerve function; the glans and foreskin contain a multitude of nerve receptors that play a very important role in erectile function. These nerves have the primary responsibility to transmit tactile sensation to the brain in order to start the physiological processes that lead to a healthy erection. When this nerve tissue is compromised; through excessive friction or pressure, penile injury, spinal injury or smoking or drug use obtaining and maintaining an erection and can become difficult. Removal of the foreskin through circumcision also eliminates many of these nerve receptors, and there is some research-based evidence (although it has been disputed) that this procedure may reduce the experience of sexual pleasure.

2. Restricted blood flow; since obtaining an erection depends on healthy blood flow throughout the body cardiovascular issues such as high blood pressure and blocked arteries can reduce blood flow and lead to erectile problems. Physical constriction of the blood vessels, whether from tight clothing, athletic supporters, or being overweight, can be an important consideration in diagnosing erection-related penis problems.

3. Callused or thickened penis skin; like other areas of the skin’s surface exposed to friction, the skin of the penis can become thickened or callused due to constant chafing from clothing, as well as rough handling. Keeping the skin well-moisturized and boosting healing with natural vitamins and hydrating agents may help to alleviate this problem.

4. Underlying medical issues; medical issues can affect penis health and the ability to have an erection. Diabetes, heart health, substance abuse and certain types of medications are just some of the things that can get in the way of healthy sexual function. Making healthy lifestyle choices in terms of diet and exercise, avoiding the use of recreational drugs and regular physical examinations can help to avoid some of the health problems that can put a damper on sexual pleasure.

5. Emotional factors; the emotions are an important factor in sexual stimulation and issues such as anxiety, stress, anger, partner problems and other aspects of emotional health can get in the way of the enjoyment of sex. Addressing these problems, as well as creating a sensual and relaxed atmosphere for sex, can have a positive effect.

Promoting healthy penis function

Good nutrition is at the root of good health, and this applies to the penis as well as to the rest of the body. A specialized penis health formula (most health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) which contains essential nutrients such as vitamin A for smooth and healthy skin; vitamin C for collagen building and healthy blood flow; amino acids for metabolic function, energy and nerve health and all-natural moisturizers for supple, sensitive skin can significantly contribute to sexual enjoyment and healthy penis function.

Taking Control Of Penis Health - Type 2 Diabetes And Sensitivity Issues

Diabetes can cause a wide range of health problems in men, including penile issues. As Jenny De Jesus, RN, CDE, a diabetes educator at the Beth Israel Medical Center explains, "Uncontrolled diabetes can cause damage in blood vessels and nerves." These problems can therefore reduce the ability to experience sexual pleasure, leading to a lackluster sex life and causing in some cases issues with self-esteem and confidence in the bedroom. Understanding how diabetes affects penis health and taking steps to prevent problems can lead to increased sexual satisfaction and a happier life.

Sensitivity loss

Unregulated type 2 diabetes can cause damage to the nervous system, resulting in a condition known as diabetic neuropathy. This condition interferes with the ability of the body’s neural network to send signals to and from the brain regarding the sensation of sexual pleasure and the physiological response that leads to erections, orgasm and release of sperm.

In addition, being overweight - a condition which is largely responsible for the incidence of type 2 diabetes - can constrict the blood vessels of the penis, creating numbness and loss of penile sensitivity.

Keeping glucose levels under control is a major factor in protecting penis sensitivity and preserving the ability to enjoy sex. Supporting penis nerve health with nutrients such as the amino acid acetyl L carnitine may help to reduce loss of penis sensitivity and stimulate the regeneration of damaged nerve tissue.

Circulatory problems

As with the nervous system, the circulatory system can be negatively affected by diabetes. When cardiovascular health is compromised, it may be more difficult for the body to deliver sufficient blood flow to the penis to achieve and maintain an erection. This can lead to sexual dysfunction, as well as further compromising nerve health due to lack of oxygenation of the nerve cells.

Increased risk of infection

Along with many other negative health effects, diabetes can reduce the body’s ability to fight off infections. Men with diabetes are especially prone to penis problems such as yeast infections, bacterial infections and fungal overgrowth. While it may not be possible to prevent every infection from occurring, supporting immune health with nutrients such as vitamin C and treating the area with natural anti-bacterials - vitamin A, for example - may help to deter infections that can cause soreness, swelling, painful intercourse and other unpleasant side effects.

Avoiding diabetes-related penis problems

Diabetes specialists recommend a number of interventions for preventing the problems related to poorly controlled diabetes:

1. Monitor glucose levels as directed by a health care provider and ensure blood sugar is under control.

2. Follow medical dietary recommendations and avoid foods that are high in fats, sugars and cholesterol.

3. Exercise often. Many of the problems caused by diabetes are related to obesity or being overweight, including loss of sensitivity, circulatory problems and cardiovascular health, so keeping body weight to a healthy level is always recommended.

4. Take medications as directed. If the side effects of medications include penis problems, talk to a health care professional about possible alternatives or methods to alleviate the detrimental effects on sexual function.

5. Keep the penis well-supplied with vital nutrients for sexual health. For instance, vitamin C supports healthy circulatory function, while vitamin A helps to fight off infection. Amino acids such as acetyl L carnitine promote nerve tissue health, while alpha lipoic acid stimulates increased blood flow. Using a specialized penis health formula (most health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can help to ensure that these nutrients are delivered where they are needed to promote optimum sexual function in men who are affected by type 2 diabetes.

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Penis Health Issues - Penis Pain During Sex

Many guys experience some soreness after sex from time to time. The chafing caused by penetration or aggressive masturbation can irritate the penis skin, resulting in oversensitivity and pain. However pain during the sexual act can indicate that something more is going on. While most causes of penis pain are not serious and can be easily treated, knowing how to take care of the penis can prevent ongoing problems. Some of the most frequently seen penis issues are described below, along with tips for protecting sensitive skin and keeping the penis healthy and responsive.


Skin infections of the penis are common, and they can cause a variety of uncomfortable symptoms. Redness, swelling of the penis skin, itching and burning, painful intercourse, unpleasant odors and a whitish, chunky discharge are all common indicators of penis infection.

Thrush, or yeast infection - the same type that affects women - can cause painful penis symptoms like those described above. Men with an intact foreskin are especially prone to developing yeast infection, but circumcised men may also be affected. Fungal infections such as jock itch (or tinea cruris, as it is technically known) can cause a red, spreading rash and severe itching or burning that becomes worse on sexual contact.

While most men will experience some type of penis skin infection from time to time, the chances of frequent problems can be reduced by keeping the area clean and well-moisturized, as well as supporting penis health through the use of anti-bacterial and immune-boosting vitamins and minerals.

Guys who develop an infection after unprotected sex or who experience flu-like symptoms in addition to a sore or inflamed penis should seek medical treatment to rule out the likelihood of an STD.

Allergic reactions Skin sensitivities and allergies can sometimes lead to painful intercourse and other uncomfortable penis symptoms. Vaginal fluids, lubricants, spermicides and the latex used in many condoms may cause allergic reactions.

Avoiding skin irritants, using non-latex condoms, and supporting overall penis skin health by keeping the skin well-moisturized and healthy can prevent adverse effects that can impair the enjoyment of sex.


Uncircumcised men who have difficulty retracting their foreskin or experience pain during intercourse may have a condition known as phimosis, which occurs when the foreskin is too tight to be withdrawn over the head of the penis. In this case, the glans, or head of the penis, may also be extremely sensitive to the touch, making intercourse a painful ordeal instead of a pleasurable experience.

Slowly retracting the foreskin with the help of skin-conditioning vitamins and moisturizers and gently introducing the head of the penis to manual stimulation may help to alleviate the pain and discomfort caused by phimosis.

Bent or curved penis

A penis that bends or curves during an erection may result in painful or difficult intercourse. Curvature of the penis is often the result of scar tissue forming under the penis skin. Men who have experienced a traumatic penis injury are more likely to develop this problem. When the penis is visibly deformed, to the degree that sex is painful or simply not possible, Peyronie’s disease may be diagnosed. While the curvature may be surgically corrected, medical procedures can lead to problems with sexual function. Nourishing the penis with nutrients like vitamin C, which is needed to sustain healthy connective tissue of the penile skin, may help to prevent the formation of scar tissue that is believed to lead to a bent or curved penis.

Soothing and protecting the penis skin

Eliminating penis pain and protecting the penis from painful infections, irritation and skin reactions depends in part on skin nutrients and moisturizers that can be found in a high-quality penis health crème (most health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). A penis health formula that contains skin-soothing vitamins and moisturizers can help to maintain the integrity of the penile tissue, as well as preventing infectious agents from penetrating the penis skin and causing soreness, swelling and painful intercourse.

Friday, 9 November 2012

The Do’s And Don’ts Of Penis Health Care

We all know that good nutrition and making healthy choices does have a significant impact on health and wellbeing. Eating unhealthy foods can increase the risk of heart disease, early aging, diabetes, certain types of cancer, obesity… the list goes on and on. On top of this, habits such as drinking too much, using drugs and smoking can cause serious health problems and reduce life expectancy.

However, it is not simply the ability to run a race, lift a couch, or live to be 97 that is at stake. Poor nutrition and other unwise habits can affect the sensitivity and function of the penis, taking the fun out of any guy’s sex life. The following list of do’s and don’ts can help men of all ages to understand why it is important to live a healthy lifestyle and get the penis nutrition that is essential to a long and satisfying sex life.

DO choose lean proteins, fruits and vegetables, and minimally processed starches such as brown rice, whole wheat breads, pastas, and whole grain cereals. These foods contain the nutrients to supply the body with the building blocks it needs to maintain proper penile function, stimulate healthy blood flow, regulate the metabolism and to keep the immune system strong. Good nutrition promotes healthy blood flow to the penis, supports the regeneration of damaged nerve cells, and helps to keep the skin smooth, supple and responsive.

DON’T eat foods that are high in animal fats or refined sugars. These foods may be filling and satisfying in the short term, but they cause many long-term health problems. High-calorie, fat-loaded foods and beverages are largely responsible for the high percentage of obesity in our country, a condition which affects heart and nerve function (both essential to the ability to enjoy healthy sex). For guys who think they can keep it up no matter what, think about it this way: gut fat makes the penis look smaller, not the image most guys want to project.

DO get plenty of exercise, and do so on a regular basis. A trip to the gym once a week to push around some iron might look good to the chicks on the elliptical machines, but it won’t help keep the heart pumping and the blood flowing or do anything much about the spare tire.

The right amount of cardiovascular exercise (3 times a week) keeps the body weight in check, improves circulation (an important factor in erectile function and maintaining healthy, responsive skin).

DON’T smoke. Smoking not only causes lung cancer (and bad breath), it makes the skin look older, stains the teeth and hands, kills the cardiovascular system, and is known to impair healthy sexual function. In fact, smoking not only makes it harder to get it up, keep it up and get off, it can actually make the penis shrink.

DO think twice before taking that fourth or fifth (or whatever) drink. It might feel good now, but drinking too much causes weight gain, damages the liver, and can limit erectile function. There is also evidence that too much alcohol lowers the sperm count, and it certainly wreaks havoc with penis sensitivity. Besides, the more alcohol consumed, the greater the likelihood of falling asleep (or passing out) before the main event.

And finally, DO pay attention to penis nutrition. The guy downstairs has special needs, and treating it with a penis health crème (most health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) specifically formulated to provide the nutritional support required for healthy penis skin, nerve function, circulation and overall well-being can promote a long and healthy sex life for men of all ages.

Penis Health - The Natural Way

Keep the penis healthy by picking up good habits, dropping the bad and making smart lifestyle choices before problems start. Although many penis issues can be successfully treated medically, prevention is always the best cure and men of al ages are prone to certain types of problems like loss of sensitivity and infection that can impair the ability to enjoy sex.

Eating well and exercising are of course the first step to health. Maintaining a good body weight to height ratio and promoting adequate cardiovascular function can minimize the risk of a multitude of health problems that can affect penis health, sexual function and overall well-being. Keeping alcohol use to appropriate levels and avoiding recreational drugs and tobacco are also important factors in penis health. Last but not least, penis vitamins and minerals applied directly to the penis skin can help to maintain optimum nerve function, circulation and the experience of sexual pleasure.

Nine Ingredients for Penis Health

The ingredients described here have proven life-sustaining and healing properties:

1. Acetyl L Carnitine - One of the essential amino acids, acetyl L carnitine is an important nutrient which plays a vital role in nerve health. This protein building block is necessary for repairing peripheral nerve damage sustained due to friction, especially as a result of masturbation or aggressive sex. It is important in maintaining the sensitivity of the penis and may help to prevent penis sensation loss.

2. Alpha Lipoic Acid - This nutrient is a highly effective anti-oxidant which has been shown to aid in the healthy reproduction of skin cells, preventing cellular damage which can lead to the appearance of wrinkling and age spots on the penis.

3. L Arginine, another amino acid, plays an important role in circulatory health. It is needed for the natural production of nitrous oxide (the active ingredient in Viagra), which sends signals to the blood vessels, telling them to dilate (relax) and allowing the increase in blood flow which is needed for an erection to occur.

4. Vitamin A - This nutrient affects penis health in several ways. First, it is a natural antibacterial and may help to reduce the presence of harmful bacteria that may cause infection. Second, as an antibacterial, it also helps to eliminate odor-causing bacteria which can cause an unpleasant smell from the genital area. Third, it is an essential component in skin health. Also known as retinol, it is used for treating skin conditions such as acne, psoriasis, and scarring. Its healing properties help to maintain healthy, blemish-free skin.

5. Vitamin B5 - This nutrient is needed for all-around cell function, promoting healthy cell metabolism and helping to ensure that the penis cells are all functioning properly.

6. Vitamin C - Like vitamin A, vitamin C affects penis health in several ways. It is needed for the formation of collagen, the tissue which gives skin its natural elasticity and supple tone. It is also needed for the formation and repair of blood vessels and helps to keep the penis well-oxygenated through healthy blood flow. In addition, this vitamin is an important antioxidant, helping to fight off diseases which may affect the penis skin.

7. Vitamin D - Another all-around vitamin that is needed for healthy cell metabolism, vitamin D has important disease-fighting properties. Too little vitamin D can have a negative effect on skin and nerve health.

8. Vitamin E - This essential nutrient is important to skin health, creating a natural moisture barrier that prevents the skin from becoming dehydrated. This is particularly important in the case of the penis, because rough handling and exposure to chemicals such as spermicides can dry out the penile skin, leaving it open to penetration by bacterial and fungal invaders.

9. Shea Butter - This all-natural moisturizer keeps skin smooth and supple without irritating sensitive skin. It is safe for virtually all skin types and can help maintain a youthful appearance.

To get the most out of these important ingredients, a specialized penis health crème (most health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) which is applied directly to the penis skin is considered most effective, as this ensures that these nutrients are delivered right where they are needed, rather than absorbed and eliminated through the digestive system before they can get to work.

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

How Vitamin D Affects Penis Well Being

Known as the sunshine Vitamin D is rarely found in foodstuffs and never in large quantities. Vitamin D is actually a hormone vital to the body for sustained health and well being.

Forms of Vitamin D which are gained from foodstuffs, such as Vitamins D2 and D3, are converted into their active forms after receiving exposure from UV-B light from the sun. Not getting enough sunlight, consistently eating foods lacking in vitamins and minerals, and wearing (if the climate calls for it) high factor sun block all the time may lead to a Vitamin D deficiency. Scientific studies report that a deficiency in Vitamin D may be one of the causes of male sexual dysfunction and low fertility.

Vitamin D and Testosterone

According to research from the Medical University of Graz, Austria, Vitamin D increases testosterone levels in men. In a study, 160 overweight men were given Vitamin D for 12-months in order to test the effects of the nutrient on their hormonal levels. By the end of the double-blind, placebo-controlled study, the men who were given 3,332 IU of Vitamin D daily had significantly greater testosterone levels than those given placebo. Through increasing male hormone levels, men should experience increasing energy, vitality, libido and sexual performance. Supplementing the body with artificial testosterone can be both dangerous and expensive. Natural products, such as Vitamin D which increase testosterone production are by far more preferable for the majority of men out there who want to safely improve hormonal balance.

Secret Cause of Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction and impotence are complicated conditions with many possible causes; physical, hormonal and psychological. Compared to other forms of treatment, Vitamin D is one of the few vitamins to work on all of these causes. Vitamin D has a remarkable effect on the production of nitric oxide (NO); a chemical responsible for the dilation of blood vessels in the penis. Studies on animals have shown that Vitamin D-deficient animals produce half the amount of normal NO, when compared to animals with normal Vitamin D levels. Scientists from the Sunlight Institute, USA have also found that Vitamin D is effective in the treatment of erectile dysfunction associated with cardiovascular disease, such as hypertension, high cholesterol, stroke and heart attack. Vitamin D is a powerful protector for the entire cardiovascular system, including the penis, and supplementing with Vitamin D has been proven to reduce the risk of death by cardiovascular disease by 61%.

The SAD Winter Blues

It's hard to have that get up and go feeling when you feel down. Depression in men is a common and very powerful cause for low libido and erectile dysfunction. While in many cases depression is psychogenic and is purely emotional in nature, for many men the cause is nutritional. Over the winter months it is more common for people to feel blue, and one of the reasons for this is the declining Vitamin D status in the body from reduced sun exposure. When winter blues become so serious as to require a clinical diagnosis, it is termed as Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD.

Vitamin D supplementation is often the primary treatment for men suffering from SAD. In addition, scientists from Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran found that Vitamin D combined with anti-depressants was a more effective treatment for patients with major depression than medication alone. So to bring the spring back into your step, lighten your mood, and improve the action between the sheets, Vitamin D may well be just what the doctor ordered.

Penis Health Crèmes

Penis health crèmes are therapeutic products designed to support the connective tissues, circulation and performance of the penis. It is not advisable to use most types of artificial chemicals found in creams and soaps on the penis, as the skin cells are highly sensitive. Specialist male crèmes (most professionals recommend Man1Man Oil) use nutrients, such as Vitamin D, in a shea butter base for fast absorption. This takes the nutrients directly to the tissues that require them, supporting hormone production, blood vessel health and nerve sensitivity. For men who want to improve penis health the natural and safe way, using penis health crèmes as a primary source of Vitamin D will support the entire reproductive system in a holistic fashion.

The Life Story Of The Penis

Even the youngest male child knows there is something… well… interesting about the penis. It often has a special name (willie, wee-wee, ding-a-ling etc), and touching it kind of feels good. In the teen years, it can become central to a boy’s life, as he discovers the powerhouse of pleasure that is the penis.

In his late teens and early twenties, the young man discovers that the penis can take on a life of its own, and it can keep going and going and going. But as he becomes older this may start to change which can lead to some disappointing developments. Knowing what to expect and how to prolong the life of the penis by taking steps like eating healthy foods, exercising regularly and using recommended penis vitamins and minerals are essential to getting the most out of your equipment.

How the penis changes as men age

The penis ages, just like the rest of the body - as men get older, they can expect any or all of the following.

Size - Yes, it’s true, the size of the penis is often affected by aging. In the first place, the old adage, "use it or lose it," holds true. Reduced blood flow - often the result of plaque-like deposits in the blood vessels - can result in smaller erections. At the same time, degeneration of muscle and connective tissue can cause the penis to shrink. Even the testicles get smaller as men age, resulting in a loss of size of up to a centimeter in diameter.

In addition to physical reductions in size, the penis of an older man often appears to be smaller than it actually is due to the presence of abdominal fat. In essence, the gut overshadows the package, making it look smaller. In fact, in obese men, abdominal fat often hides the penis from sight completely - not a big turn-on for a potential sexual partner.

Shape - While it may seem odd that the penis can change its shape - it is what it is, after all - the formation of scar tissue, whether the result of chronic rough handling or from a traumatic injury, can cause the penis to bend unnaturally in its erect state. In severe instances, pronounced deformity of the penis may result. This condition, known as Peyronie’s disease, can make intercourse extremely painful, or even impossible, and surgery is generally necessary to correct the problem. Unfortunately, penis surgery carries a high risk of sensitivity loss and can affect erectile function.

Appearance - Aside from its shape, the appearance of the penis may change in other ways over time. The head, for instance, may lose its purplish appearance and take on the color of the surrounding skin. The skin itself may become wrinkled and/or discolored (think liver spots), and the surrounding pubic hair may recede.

Sensitivity - One of the major effects of aging is considered to be the loss of sensitivity that often occurs. Vigorous masturbation and sex can dull the responsiveness of the penile nerve tissue, as well as deadening the skin. Reduced circulation also causes loss of penis sensitivity, especially in men who are carrying around some extra weight or who have cardiovascular issues.

Function - All of the issues described above can have a significant effect on the ability to achieve an erection and maintain it for long enough to have an orgasm. In addition, lower levels of testosterone can affect sexual function. Taking pre-emptive measures through good nutrition, nourishing vitamins and healthy lifestyle habits are essential to keeping the pecker pecking well into the senior years.

So what is the answer to penis aging?

No one can turn back the clock on aging, but there are plenty of things that men can do to slow the process and prolong the liveliness of the penis. Besides eating well and exercising, smoking is a big issue which can cause loss of sensitivity and function. On the other hand, increasing the health of the penis through use of a specialized penis health formula (most health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can help to moisturize, rejuvenate and recharge the penis, keeping it healthy and ready for action in the years ahead.