If you feel as if you lack energy, especially in the bedroom, it might be a good idea to have your thyroid hormone levels tested. The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland beneath the Adam's Apple in a man and is in charge of controlling the entire body's metabolism. When the thyroid is under-functioning, it is not uncommon for men to experience weight gain, reduced libido, poor energy levels and general sluggishness. Vitamins, minerals, exercise, alternative medicines, male health crèmes, and in some cases prescription medication may go a long way towards supporting men on the way back to optimal thyroid function. To get tested, visit your doctor and ask for a thyroid hormone blood test.
According to the American Thyroid Association, when thyroid hormones are low the entire body begins to slow. Thyroid function affects everything from the fingernails, to testosterone levels. It is easy to feel colder, lower, and slower, and even the smallest tasks take a lot of effort to complete.
Here is a list of some of the specific symptoms which may occur when the thyroid is not working properly:
• Weight gain
• Dry skin
• Brittle hair and/or nails
• Constipation
• Coldness
• Weakness
• Depression
• Fatigue
• Loss of eyebrow hair
• Hoarse voice
• Swelling of the physical thyroid gland (goiter)
• Low testosterone levels and hypogonadism
• Infertility
• Anemia
• Lowered immunity
It is important to know that the thyroid gland can be under functioning with only one or two of these symptoms being present. Most doctors will look specifically at men who have gained weight despite no changes in diet and lifestyle however it is entirely possible for men to be skinny and still have hypothyroidism. The only way to be sure is a blood test for T3, T4 and Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH).
In the past, the most common cause of hypothyroidism was iodine deficiency. Iodine is an important micro-mineral required for cognitive function, metabolism, and thyroid function. It is found in good amounts of seafood including sea vegetables, fish, shellfish and sea salt. While people living by the coast rarely experienced hypothyrodism, those living inland were more at risk. Today, many foods, including table salt, are fortified with iodine.
However, hypothyroidism still exists and the number of people with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis; an autoimmune condition that attacks the thyroid, are increasing. Doctors are still unclear about what triggers this condition although tobacco smoking, exposure to heavy metals, additional auto-immune or inflammatory disorders as well as selenium deficiency or a high intake of iodine is definitive risk factors. Hashimoto's may also be genetic in origin.
Primary hypothyroidism as a result of malnutrition is easily treated with a proper diet, rich in natural sources of iodine. In the case of Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, the picture is quite different. Aside from suppressing the immune system, there is little that doctors can do except provide artificial thyroid hormones by prescription. In many cases, this will help to reverse symptoms and improve quality of life -- though it does nothing to treat the underlying inflammatory disorder.
Seaweed is known to help stimulate thyroid function, and may be a natural alternative to thyroid medication. Kelp, bladderwrack, dulse and nori contain organic iodine, as well as other natural compounds which support the thyroid to produce thyroid hormones. Other botanical medicines, including withania, coleus, olive leaf and bacopa have also shown in studies to stimulate thyroid function.
Men with hypothyroidism often have low selenium levels, so it is useful to take mineral supplements to counteract this condition. Ahmadu Bello University, Nigeria funded a study that showed vitamin C supplementation may also have a protective effect on thyroid function, possibly due to its antioxidant properties. Tyrosine is another important nutrient, as it is an amino acid required by the thyroid in the production process of thyroid hormones.
Always seek out medical support for treatment. Studies show that conventional treatments for thyroid problems in men work well and improve energy, testosterone levels, and fertility.
Health Crèmes
Health crèmes are natural products that contain a wide range of nutrients that benefit the health of the local tissues of the penis, as well as overall testosterone levels, nerve function, and antioxidant status. Specialist products (most professionals recommend Man1Man Oil) contain vitamin C to protect the thyroid, vitamin E for testosterone levels, amino acids for libido, and alpha lipoic acid for overall nerve sensitivity and function can help men facing thyroid issues. By taking these nutrients though a health crème, digestion is bypassed, and active ingredients are absorbed directly into the bloodstream for best results.
According to the American Thyroid Association, when thyroid hormones are low the entire body begins to slow. Thyroid function affects everything from the fingernails, to testosterone levels. It is easy to feel colder, lower, and slower, and even the smallest tasks take a lot of effort to complete.
Here is a list of some of the specific symptoms which may occur when the thyroid is not working properly:
• Weight gain
• Dry skin
• Brittle hair and/or nails
• Constipation
• Coldness
• Weakness
• Depression
• Fatigue
• Loss of eyebrow hair
• Hoarse voice
• Swelling of the physical thyroid gland (goiter)
• Low testosterone levels and hypogonadism
• Infertility
• Anemia
• Lowered immunity
It is important to know that the thyroid gland can be under functioning with only one or two of these symptoms being present. Most doctors will look specifically at men who have gained weight despite no changes in diet and lifestyle however it is entirely possible for men to be skinny and still have hypothyroidism. The only way to be sure is a blood test for T3, T4 and Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH).
In the past, the most common cause of hypothyroidism was iodine deficiency. Iodine is an important micro-mineral required for cognitive function, metabolism, and thyroid function. It is found in good amounts of seafood including sea vegetables, fish, shellfish and sea salt. While people living by the coast rarely experienced hypothyrodism, those living inland were more at risk. Today, many foods, including table salt, are fortified with iodine.
However, hypothyroidism still exists and the number of people with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis; an autoimmune condition that attacks the thyroid, are increasing. Doctors are still unclear about what triggers this condition although tobacco smoking, exposure to heavy metals, additional auto-immune or inflammatory disorders as well as selenium deficiency or a high intake of iodine is definitive risk factors. Hashimoto's may also be genetic in origin.
Primary hypothyroidism as a result of malnutrition is easily treated with a proper diet, rich in natural sources of iodine. In the case of Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, the picture is quite different. Aside from suppressing the immune system, there is little that doctors can do except provide artificial thyroid hormones by prescription. In many cases, this will help to reverse symptoms and improve quality of life -- though it does nothing to treat the underlying inflammatory disorder.
Seaweed is known to help stimulate thyroid function, and may be a natural alternative to thyroid medication. Kelp, bladderwrack, dulse and nori contain organic iodine, as well as other natural compounds which support the thyroid to produce thyroid hormones. Other botanical medicines, including withania, coleus, olive leaf and bacopa have also shown in studies to stimulate thyroid function.
Men with hypothyroidism often have low selenium levels, so it is useful to take mineral supplements to counteract this condition. Ahmadu Bello University, Nigeria funded a study that showed vitamin C supplementation may also have a protective effect on thyroid function, possibly due to its antioxidant properties. Tyrosine is another important nutrient, as it is an amino acid required by the thyroid in the production process of thyroid hormones.
Always seek out medical support for treatment. Studies show that conventional treatments for thyroid problems in men work well and improve energy, testosterone levels, and fertility.
Health Crèmes
Health crèmes are natural products that contain a wide range of nutrients that benefit the health of the local tissues of the penis, as well as overall testosterone levels, nerve function, and antioxidant status. Specialist products (most professionals recommend Man1Man Oil) contain vitamin C to protect the thyroid, vitamin E for testosterone levels, amino acids for libido, and alpha lipoic acid for overall nerve sensitivity and function can help men facing thyroid issues. By taking these nutrients though a health crème, digestion is bypassed, and active ingredients are absorbed directly into the bloodstream for best results.
I have being researching about thyroid problems and treatment and reading your blog, I found your post very helpful. Coconut oil is considered better for overall thyroid health.