Thursday, 28 November 2013

Using a Penis Sleeve for a Happy, Active Penis

An active penis is a happy penis; for many men, using a penis sleeve is part of what keeps his tool happy. (His partner may also find that the sleeve increases her or his happiness as well!) This sex toy can be a welcome addition to a couple's romantic life and when used with care should not have a significant impact upon a man's ongoing penis health.

What is a penis sleeve?
Sometimes referred to as a penis sheath, a sleeve is technically any covering that is added to a man's shaft; however, that definition includes in it things like condoms, which are not really what is meant by a sleeve. More properly, a sleeve is a device that fits over or rests on a penis and in some way adds shape, length or girth to the natural equipment.

What's it made of?
Technically, a sleeve can be made of anything; ancients used sheep's bladders as a combination sleeve and condom, for example. Nowadays, most sleeves are made of plastic, rubber or silicone.

Sleeves tend to be generally cylindrical in shape. Because they are intended to cover the shaft, they are hollowed out to allow for easy insertion of the member; at least one end is open and in some cases, both may be. The shell may be solid along the sides or it may have openings along them. Many sleeves are outfitted with bumps and lumps, which are intended to provide additional stimulation to the partner of the one wearing the sleeve.

How's the fit?
 Most sleeves are self-attaching; that is, the opening through which the penis is inserted tends to be a tight fit; in some cases, the entire sleeve is very tight on an erect penis. This is to prevent the sleeve from slipping off. There are, however, some sleeves that come with straps that allow one to tie the sleeve around the testicles. This not only holds the sleeve in place more securely, it can also serve as a testicle cuff for those who enjoy that particular device.

There are several benefits to using a penis sleeve. As mentioned, the added dimension that it gives the penis (often combined with the aforementioned bumps and lumps) can provide extra sexual stimulation and pleasure to a partner. The wearer may also gain extra stimulation; the friction caused by tight sleeve on an erect penis, added to the sensations created by the sexual attentions of the partner, can create a "double you pleasure, double your fun" kind of situation.

In addition, many men get an erotically charged psychological boost from the sleeve. They may be aroused at the way in which the sleeve makes the penis look bigger or may find a turn-on from simply focusing this extra attention on the member.

Some men have a very hard time finding a sleeve that fits properly. A too-tight sleeve can be very uncomfortable, while one that is too loose may fall off. Also problematic is finding one that comfortable accommodates the various stages of hardness that a penis can go through during a course of sexual activity.

Many men who enjoy the sensations provided by a sleeve find that it unfortunately causes some form of penile irritation afterward. Often, the material and tightness of the sleeve may create a rash, redness, soreness or other discomfort.

Fortunately, the active penis that enjoys the use of the sleeve can find relief from these post-sexual irritations through the regular application of a first class penis vitamin cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil). Rejuvenation of penis skin irritated by a too-tight sleeve will be aided by a cream that includes a high quality emollient such as shea butter and vitamin E, one of nature's most formidable hydrators. The proper cream choice should also include vitamin A; sleeves tend to cause penile sweating, which adds to that unpleasant crotch aroma. Vitamin A has antibacterial qualities that actively decrease penis odor issues.

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Fight Penis Problems Naturally with L-Arginine

Of all the penis problems, a soft erection is probably the most feared by men - followed closely by going bald, of course. Erectile dysfunction, or ED, is a problem that can occur in men of all ages, but the prevalence certainly increases with age. Luckily, a man doesn’t have to sit around and watch his manhood fail; he can take some preventative measures to keep the penis healthy and kicking well into the future.

What causes erectile dysfunction?
Erectile dysfunction is simply a fancy, medical term for an inability to achieve or keep an erection that is firm enough for sex. When it comes to a malfunctioning manhood, there is more than one possible reason that can lead to the condition. Any man struggling with a persistently limp dick - a one time thing could be a fluke - should be evaluated by a doctor. He can help determine the correct treatment options based on medical history and likely cause of the condition. Some possible reasons behind ED - both acute and chronic -- include:
  • Overconsumption of alcohol or recreational drugs
  • Side effects from prescription medications
  • Cardiovascular disease that causes poor blood flow to the penis
  • Chronic diseases (i.e. diabetes)
  • Just being too tired
  • Mental health issues (i.e. depression, anxiety, stress)
  • Other psychological issues (i.e. sexual shame, guilt, performance anxiety)
What are some treatment options?
Again, treatment will vary from man to man, depending on the cause of his particular ED. If the problem is caused by a medication side effect, simply switching to a new med may solve the problem, whereas if a psychological factor is at the root, he may need to work extensively with a therapist to work through his problem. Unfortunately, many men are embarrassed to speak with their doctors about ED so they may wait and suffer the consequences of a poor sex life before finally biting the bullet. Other treatment options may include prescription medications, hormone therapy (i.e. testosterone), or in some cases, surgery may be required to restore proper blood flow to the penis.

Are there any natural treatment options?
If a blood flow issue is at the root of an erectile dysfunction problem, one simple rule should be followed: If it’s good for the heart, it’s good for the penis. That means exercise, eating right, cutting out alcohol and not smoking will all improve one’s cardiovascular health - and therefore the blood flow to the penis. In many cases, lifestyle changes such as improving fitness, losing some weight, and keeping blood sugar in check - particularly for diabetics -- can drastically improve the functioning of the penis. Loading up on L-Arginine, an amino acid that promotes good penis health, can also help improve circulation. L-Arginine is a common nutrient found in many foods such as meat, poultry, dairy, nuts, veggies, and soybeans. Eating a balanced diet should afford most men the nutrients they need to maintain a healthy lifestyle, but for those looking for an added boost of penis health, a supplemental vitamin regimen may be added.

Using an all- natural penis vitamin cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) containing L-Arginine can help improve the health of the penis. When a vitamin lotion is applied topically, the nutrients are easily absorbed through the skin of the penis giving a man the most bang for his buck so to speak. L-Arginine improves circulation by dilating the blood vessels to allow for a greater engorgement of blood to the area - in fact - it is an ingredient found in some prescription erectile dysfunction medications. The delicate capillaries and blood vessels found in the penis are susceptible to being damaged during overly aggressive sex or masturbation, but L-Arginine can help heal them and restore much needed blood flow to the penis.

Sore Penis Advice - How to Tell Her She’s Hurting the Equipment

There are few things a man likes more than an active and interested sexual partner, and few things he likes less than a sore penis. A weekend with a partner who doesn’t know the proper way to treat a man’s penis can be difficult for a guy; finding a way to communicate that a particular position, action or implement is causing pain to the tool is needed to ensure optimal penis health as well as sexual pleasure.

More often a straight thing.
This situation arises most often with straight men. This makes sense, as a man administering sexual actions upon another man instinctively has a better idea of what feels good and what doesn’t. It’s true that sometimes a man needs to tell another man, "That’s not quite right;" however, it happens less often than when a man is with a woman who is unfamiliar with his body.

That’s not to say that some women are not connoisseurs of a man’s body, of course. Through instinct or experience, some woman can deliver a man to sublime heights of ecstasy without ever making a false move. But sometimes some women do need a little information.

Five things to remember.
When a man encounters a woman whose sexual administrations, while well intentioned, result in soreness or pain to the manhood, it’s important to let her know this as soon as possible. If a woman is furiously rubbing a man’s member with her hand in a way that is causing the wrong kind of friction, she needs to cease right away.

However, a man needs to not just blurt out, "Hey, Idiot, you’re tearing the skin off my rod! Cut it out!" Instead, a man needs to take the time to follow these tips:

1. Be sensitive. The woman whose hand, mouth or vagina is housing a man’s equipment at the moment is a human being, not just a machine for sexual pleasure. She is most likely doing her best and may be feeling any number of things at the moment: Fear that she may not be doing this right. Nervous about what the guy thinks of her. Excitement at being in bed with this man. Pride because she thinks she is giving great sex, unaware of the pain she is causing. For the guy’s part, he may be so wrapped up in sexual desire that he may be focusing on nothing else. He should take a breath and think of what his partner may be feeling before he speaks.

2. Be aware of your body language. While a man may be experiencing some discomfort, his penis may still be stiff and lively and his breathing may indicate heightened desire. Physically, he may be giving the signal that everything is going perfectly, so it may be a good idea for a man to momentarily stop the sexual activity while he talks with her about what needs to be different.

3. Be clear. "You have to stop doing that!" is harder to understand than "Your physicality is really exciting to me, but it kind of hurts when you thrust up hard just as the tip of my penis is moving in and out of you."

4. Be patient. It can take time for two new bodies to get adjusted to each other.

5. Be ready to reciprocate. This is a big one: A man needs to remember that just as his partner may be doing something that doesn’t feel right, he himself may be unintentionally causing pain to his partner. Every man needs to be prepared for some constructive criticism as well.

The occasional sore penis is a common consequence of a healthy and active sex life, and a problem that is readily aided by using a top notch penis nutrient formula (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil). Daily rub into the penis a formula that includes vitamin E (an excellent hydrator) and a natural emollient such as shea butter; in addition to providing relief, these ingredient ensure continued penis health. A formula with vitamin A will also do wonders for combatting penis odor.

Monday, 25 November 2013

Penis Health - 5 Things Parents Said That Are Totally Wrong

Moms don't have penises of their own to care for, and much of the information they pass down to their sons concerning penis care could be out of date or just inaccurate. These five mom (or dad) phrases, in particular, could be detrimental to penis health.

1. "Scrubbing is required for ideal health."
Dirty fingers and toes benefit from a scrub with a washcloth, as the deep cracks and creases in these appendages can trap dirt and bacteria. Using a scrubbing motion makes the skin sparkle with cleanliness, but attacking the penis with the same technique could lead to disaster.

The skin that lines the penis is fragile, and subtle wounds inflicted with a washcloth can lead to bumpy scar tissue that blunts the sensation of pleasure. With too much scrubbing, men may find that they can feel just a little less. Gentle techniques involving little more than massage don't cause this kind of damage.

2. "Soap is a must for sparkling cleanliness."
Using harsh soaps on delicate tissues can lead to swelling, pain and redness. Soap can also disturb the skin's pH, which might lead to a flourishing colony of bacteria. Even though the penis can be home to all sorts of odiferous substances, a rinse in a stream of water in the shower is usually enough to wash the offenders away.

3. "Touching is bad, and can lead to all sorts of health problems."
Exploration is a normal part of childhood, and many boys take this opportunity to get to know their penile tissues intimately. Boys who wank in public might be told, repeatedly, that the behavior should be saved for private moments, but some might even be told that masturbation can lead to:
  • Hair growth on the palms
  • Blindness
  • Impotence
  • Mental illness
  • Acne
In reality, masturbation can help men to burn off a little tension, and men who get frisky on a regular basis may even come to know their own bodies to such a degree that they can help their future lovers to touch them without hurting them. It's not a great idea for men to get busy in public, but spending a moderate amount of time on the activity alone and in private might be an excellent way to boost penis health.

4. "A regular doctor can help with almost any penis problem."
Moms who grow anxious about some facet of a child's intimate parts might whip that child in to see a pediatrician. Growing up under this regime might mean leaning on a regular doctor when an adult problem rears its ugly head in the vicinity of a man's lap.

While some doctors can handle any kind of intimate problem, some doctors just don't have the expertise to either diagnose or treat a serious penis-related health problem. Those issues involving urination, for example, might best be handled by a urologist, rather than a doctor of internal medicine.

5. "No lotions or potions are needed for ideal penis health."
After cleaning kids in the tub and helping them dry off and get dressed once more, few moms have the energy to discuss additional hygiene products, including lotions that could support penis health. Men who grow up in a home like this might believe that they don't even need a penis health creme, simply because their mothers never introduced a product like this during early bath times.

In reality, a penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) could play a vital role in the health of almost any man. These products are specifically designed to nourish and support all of the nerves, blood vessels and delicate tissues that line the penis, and a daily application could provide a man with just the right mix of ingredients to keep his penis both healthy and functional for decades to come. No matter what mom might say, this product is a must for most men.

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Masturbation Benefits - 5 Ways Self-Touches Make Her Touches Even Better

Everybody masturbates. It's just a fact of life. However, articles that discuss the male art of manual stimulation seem to suggest that the activity is a form of theft. Rather than spending time alone, these articles suggest, men should find willing partners and get busy in some kind of paired activity, as too much touching time could kill their partnered sex lives.

It's a reasonable suggestion, but it might also be misleading, as men who do quite a bit of informed loving during their alone time could make their partner play dates even hotter. No intense penis care is needed after a session like this, as nothing brutal is required to push a man over the edge. Here are just 5 ways in which that tender touch could be augmented with a little self-stimulation.

1. The benefits of gentleness become clear.
Few women really know what it takes to drive a man over the brink. Many women go the efficient route, grabbing the tool like grim death and moving with speed until the man begs for mercy. Men who masturbate often, however, may be adept at the sport, and they may have a variety of different speeds, grips and tips they can use on their own bodies. The experimentation helps them to learn, and often, men learn that softer approaches bring about even bigger results.

2. Guided tours are easier.
All of this information isn't helpful unless it's shared, and men who march to their own beat may find it easy to gently guide a partner to the spots that are destined to light his fire. These fappers know what works, and they can help their ladies to become masters of flute playing in no time at all.

3. Self-control is a snap.
Men who aren't touched on a regular basis are a bit like taut piano strings, just waiting to break with the slightest pressure. The release that comes is so sudden, however, that it's rarely satisfying. Frequent masturbation sessions can release some of that pressure, allowing a man to build up slowly to an eventual release that has him breaking the windows with his screams. He'll know just how fast, how slow and how tight the pressure should be to allow him to rise up and head down over and over before the fun ends.

4. Prolonging the pleasure is painless.
Often, men with no masturbation experience resort to draconian methods when they want to stop a climax in progress, such as:
  • Pulling on the testicles
  • Pinching the foreskin
  • Pulling down instead of up
  • Biting the inside of the cheek
The shock of pain these steps can bring can stop the body from experiencing a burst of pleasure, but they're also just a little bit drastic, and they can break up the flow of partnered sex.

With body experience, men don't need to be so dramatic. They'll know more about how to pump the tool without making the release come into focus, and that's a lesson eager partners might be thrilled to learn.

5. No fantasies are required.
When a partner doesn't know a man's body, and he has no idea about how to direct her, the action can take years to complete. Resorting to fantasy can work, however, as the images inside a man's mind might be interesting enough to spark his sexy side. A man with his eyes tightly shut might not appeal to a partner, however, and the event might be over too soon as a result.

Knowing the body well can make fantasies completely unnecessary. In fact, talking to the partner about what should come next could be even sexier than thinking about some random sexiness that's happened in the past.

Words of Caution
While getting self-frisky can deliver big benefits, it can also be a little rough on the skin. A penis health creme could help with this voyage of self-discovery. These products (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can soften skin, ensuring that friction injuries don't take hold, and the vitamins can allow cells to stay nourished and healthy for any kind of sex that might come a man's way.

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Understanding Penis Health - 5 Reasons Mom Was Totally Wrong About Sex

Moms don't have penises of their own to care for, and much of the information they pass down to their sons concerning penis care could be out of date or just inaccurate. These five "mom" phrases, in particular, could be detrimental to penis health.

1. "Scrubbing is required for ideal health."
Dirty fingers and toes benefit from a scrub with a washcloth, as the deep cracks and creases in these appendages can trap dirt and bacteria. Using a scrubbing motion makes the skin sparkle with cleanliness, but attacking the penis with the same technique could lead to disaster.

The skin that lines the penis is fragile, and subtle wounds inflicted with a washcloth can lead to bumpy scar tissue that blunts the sensation of pleasure. With too much scrubbing, men may find that they can feel just a little less. Gentle techniques involving little more than massage don't cause this kind of damage.

2. "Soap is a must for sparkling cleanliness."
Using harsh soaps on delicate tissues can lead to swelling, pain and redness. Soap can also disturb the skin's pH, which might lead to a flourishing colony of bacteria. Even though the penis can be home to all sorts of odiferous substances, a rinse in a stream of water in the shower is usually enough to wash the offenders away.

3. "Touching is bad and can lead to all sorts of health problems."
Exploration is a normal part of childhood, and many boys take this opportunity to get to know their penile tissues intimately. Boys who wank in public might be told, repeatedly, that the behavior should be saved for private moments, but some might even be told that masturbation can lead to:
  • Hair growth on the palms
  • Blindness
  • Impotence
  • Mental illness
  • Acne
In reality, masturbation can help men to burn off a little tension, and men who get frisky on a regular basis may even come to know their own bodies to such a degree that they can help their future lovers to touch them without hurting them. It's not a great idea for men to get busy in public, but spending a moderate amount of time on the activity alone and in private might be an excellent way to boost penis health.

4. "A regular doctor can help with almost any penis problem."
Moms who grow anxious about some facet of a child's intimate parts might rush that child in to see a pediatrician. Growing up under this regime might mean leaning on a regular doctor when an adult problem rears its ugly head in the vicinity of a man's lap.

While some doctors can handle any kind of intimate problem, others just don't have the expertise to either diagnose or treat a serious penis-related health problem. Those issues involving urination, for example, might best be handled by a urologist, rather than a general practitioner.

5. "No lotions or potions are needed for ideal penis health."
After cleaning kids in the tub and helping them dry off and get dressed once more, few moms have the energy to discuss additional hygiene products, including lotions that could support penis health. Men who grow up in a home like this might believe that they don't even need any special care, simply because their mothers never introduced a product like this during early bath times.

In reality, a penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) could play a vital role in the health of almost any man. These products are specifically designed to nourish and support all of the nerves, blood vessels and delicate tissues that line the penis, and a daily application could provide a man with just the right mix of ingredients to keep his penis both healthy and functional for decades to come. No matter what mom might say, this product is a must for most men.

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Docking Can Be Pleasurable, but Beware of Penis Pain

As all men know, the penis is a resilient source of incredible and ecstatic pleasure, but some activities may also produce a bit of penis pain if not practiced carefully. Many men engage in the practice known as penis docking or male docking (or simply docking). For most of these men, docking is both a source of enormous physical sensations and a unique bonding experience with another man; to get the most out of it, men will need to make sure they practice appropriate penis care along the way.

What is docking?
Docking is a sexual activity involving two men, at least one of which must be uncircumcised. In docking, two men stand across from each other in an aroused state. The tips of their penises meet and touch; in many cases, frottage would ensue at this point, but the docking enthusiast takes a slightly different route.

If only one of the pair is intact, he then rolls back his foreskin, revealing the naked glans; if both are intact, they both retract the prepuces. Then the foreskin of one man is rolled back over his glans and stretched across so that the other man’s penis is also covered by the foreskin. If both men are intact, the other man then releases his foreskin. A form of mutual masturbation then begins, with the foreskin or foreskins rolling back and forth over each penis, or with penises thrusting against each other inside the foreskin. For men with very stretched and commodious foreskins, the goal is to engulf as much of the other man’s penis as possible.

Not just a gay activity
While this may strike many men as a very odd or even distasteful activity, many other men find it thrillingly sensual and report that the orgasms achieved via this method are intensely powerful.
As might be expected, docking is thought to be practiced more frequently among men who are homosexual or bisexual; however, there seem to be a considerable number of straight men who have docked with another man. This is perhaps more common among teen-agers, but it is not unheard of for two straight adult males to dock. Think of it as the ultimate expression of bromance.

Preparation can be important
Not every uncut man is capable of enjoying the docking experience. Certainly those whose foreskins are especially tight or are shorter in length will have a more difficult time docking than those whose foreskins are much looser (whether by nature or by active stretching) and who enjoy a bit of extra length in the skin department.

It’s also essential that both penises involved be properly lubricated before embarking on a docking expedition. Some men report that pre-seminal fluid is sufficient for this activity; others definitely require the use of a proper lubricant on both the accommodating penis and the penis that is invited in as the guest of the foreskin.

Side effects
Clearly, the man whose foreskin is containing both penises may find his foreskin has become sore from overstretching. The potential for tearing is present, so care must be taken to avoid any damage. In addition, there is always the possibility of spreading an STI or a yeast infection.

Because the penis is so sensitive, docking can also result in rashes, itching or other skin irritation.
And, of course, overaggressive penis play on the part of one or both participants can result in plain old penis pain.

Fortunately, a sore penis or one that is rashy or itchy, can be aided through the use of a high quality penis health formula (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil). Whether docking or not, regular use of such a formula keeps the penis in prime health; the desired formula will include an agreeable moisturizing ingredient such as vitamin E, as well as a high end natural emollient like shea butter. In addition, those formulas that also feature the antioxidant alpha lipoic acid can help avoid the aging process that sets in early in many penis skin cells.

Monday, 11 November 2013

Fabulous Penis Sensations - How Acetyl L Carnitine Boosts Sensitivity

If 100 men were polled about their sex lives and asked what would make it better, it’s not too hard to imagine what types of things would be on that list. Most men desire to have a bigger penis, last longer in bed, be ready for back-to-back romps in the hay, and achieve mind-blowing orgasms for themselves - and hopefully their partners - each and every time they slip between the sheets. Ironically, much of that can be achieved by the average man if he simply spends a little more time caring for his penis and maybe a little less time simply wishing for a better sex life. Sadly, however, unless Santa Claus has begun fulfilling some rather adult wishes these days, the size of one’s penis is not going to be drastically changed - without the aid of a seriously expensive and painful surgery! Luckily, a man can still experience fantastic penis sensations with the equipment he was born with, so long as he takes care of it and maintains a healthy penis throughout adulthood.

Why Penis Sensation is Key
Most men rarely take the time to really stop and think about the functioning of their penis. As long as it comes to attention in a reasonable amount of time and gets the job done, the penis is fulfilling its primary sexual duties. However, if a man takes pause, and even does some casual exploration of his penis, he may realize it does not have the same sensitivity level it once did. A man reflecting back to early sexual experiences may remember a day when the slightest touch could drive him wild, or even the delicate brush of a feather could nearly send him over the edge. Whereas today, it may take rough stimulation or a 5-minute blowjob for him to become hard enough to actually have sex. Now, while it is true that few men long for the days of middle school when walking briskly in a pair of corduroy pants could inspire an embarrassing erection, no guy wants to waste time coaxing his penis to come out and play when the time is right. Now, what’s the main factor that determines if a guy’s manhood snaps to attention in an instant or slowly slouches its way up to standing? Sensation. Simply put, the less sensitive a guy’s penis is, the longer it takes - if ever - to achieve erection and vice versa.

What causes loss of penis sensation?
Most men are none too gentle with their member; years of vigorous masturbation and sexual activity gradually causes desensitization from the harsh friction. In fact, even non-sexual activity can add insult to injury and reduce sensitivity to the area. Friction from blue jeans, drying soaps, and even chemicals in laundry detergents can all damage the delicate skin of the penis, making it less sensitive to touch. Imagine the skin on the fingertips and how it becomes calloused, thickened and tough through repetitive labor. A finger with a callous perceives fewer sensations than one without the thick skin, which is essentially what happens to the penis over time, but to a lesser degree.

Can anything prevent loss of sensation in the penis?
Acetyl L Carnitine - or ALCAR for short - has been found to have penis health benefits in terms of penile sensitivity. ALCAR works on the penis by repairing and renewing damaged nerve cells while also helping the body grow new, healthy nerve cells. New, healthy nerve cells, in turn, lead to an increased sensitivity of the penis itself. ALCAR not only helps to heal old damage to the nerve cells; it also protects future damage through its neuroprotective properties. Applying a penis vitamin cream that contains ALCAR (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) is the perfect way to ensure the penis gains all the benefits of this powerful ingredient. Daily application can repair old nerve damage, while preventing future damage and loss of sensation.

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Better Sex Tonight - 7 Tips for Sex-Cess

Whether a man is planning a 1st time intimate evening with a new partner, is celebrating a 25th wedding anniversary with a spouse, or is just celebrating the fact that it is a Tuesday night, there are a few things he can do to making the evening a sexy success. Read on to learn 7 easy tips to a memorable sexual encounter - every time - while also maintaining a healthy penis that is primed for sexual activity at the drop of a hat.

7 Tips to Sex-Cess Tonight
1) Go easy on the liquid courage: Though alcohol can make some people feel more amorous and bold - it’s not called liquid courage for nothing - alcohol does inhibit one’s sexual ability greatly. In fact, too much alcohol interferes with a man’s ability to achieve and maintain an erection (hello, whisky dick). So, even if a couple is celebrating, they should take it easy on the booze or it may become a short night.

2) Slow things down: Though a wham-bam-thank-ya-ma’am quickie can be exciting and a good time, generally, it is less memorable than a sexual encounter that takes its time - after all, how memorable can a 2-minute romp be? While there may be a time and a place for some quick action before bed, men who are planning a special night for their special lady may want to slow things down a bit. Most women need a little extra time to warm-up for sex, so throw a little foreplay in the mix. Bonus: A prolonged love-making session can result in more powerful orgasms for both partners!

3) Change it up: Another round of the same-old-same-old sex can get boring for both partners, making an early night of sleep seem more appealing than an all night romp. Get adventurous and try a new sexual position, add a sex toy into the mix, or take turns acting out each other’s fantasies. Men and women who fear they are not sexually creative can mimic steamy love scenes in a sexy movie for a little extra fun.

4) Take sex out of the bedroom: The master bedroom is by far the most common place for a sexual encounter, so simply breaking that pattern can make sex feel instantly more urgent and even naughty. Postpone dinner with a little kitchen nookie, or shut the TV off and get busy in the living room.

5) Start with a massage: Not only does a sensual massage feel great, it also wakes up the body’s senses and stimulates arousal. Double bonus if one partner wears a blindfold while the other massages them as it heightens the other senses, making for a more pleasurable experience.

6) Pump up the penis: No, lifting weights with the penis is not necessary - or safe for that matter - but practicing Kegel exercises can actually improve a man’s sex life. When a man flexes his PC muscles, (the muscles can be found by interrupting the flow of urine) his pelvic area is strengthened, which not only helps with urinary incontinence, but also makes orgasms more powerful. To practice, flex the muscles for a slow count of 5 then relax them for a slow count of 5. Start with 3 sets of 10 reps each twice a day, and slowly add more reps as the muscles get stronger.

7) Prep the penis: Keeping the penis healthy through the daily use of a penis vitamin cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) not only improves the appearance of the penis skin - and who doesn’t want a pretty pecker - but the right combination of ingredients can revitalize the penis, improve circulation and enhance penile sensitivity, which may make for a more enjoyable sexual experience.

Accidental Ejaculation - A Surprising Side Effect of Exercise

When a man is busy pumping iron, the last thing he wants to worry about is starching his gym shorts while he’s doing it. Surprising though it may be to the unsuspecting gym rat, accidental ejaculation is not an indication that something is wrong with a man’s sexual heath. Learn more about this condition as well as how to keep the penis healthy.

What is exercise ejaculation?
Pretty much what it sounds like, exercise ejaculation occurs when a man releases ejaculate during intense physical exercise. It is more commonly associated with weight lifting, but other strenuous exercises - particularly those that engage the core muscles - can also cause the release of semen. If that doesn’t make that last set of sit-ups seem interesting, nothing will!

Is exercise ejaculation a sign of a health condition?
Though it is not an everyday occurrence for most men, a man is not going to appear in Ripley’s Believe it or Not because he releases a little ejaculate during exercise. Ejaculating during exercise has not been found to be associated with any penis or prostate health issues and is not a risk to a man’s well-being. Additionally, in most cases, the volume of ejaculate released is likely to be a lesser amount than what would be expelled during an orgasm, so there is a good chance nobody else would notice the little problem if it was taken care of right away.

What exactly causes this to happen?
If one thinks about the anatomy of the body and the way it moves during vigorous exercising, there is a great deal of crunching, straining, tightening and curling of the abdominal, pelvic and core muscles. And what is located within the muscles of the pelvic floor? The prostate gland. So it is fairly intuitive to see that a very intense abdominal and core workout puts a lot of pressure and squeezing on the prostate gland, which, in some cases, expels some semen. Most men who experience this condition report that they ejaculate through a flaccid penis, which further indicates it is linked to internal squeezing of the prostate gland.

Can anything be done to prevent it from happening?
Well, that probably depends on each man’s individual case. First of all, pay attention to what exercises set it off. If it is one specific exercise only that causes the ejaculation, try modifying that exercise so it is less intense or swapping another exercise out for it. Some men report being able to feel when ejaculate is about to be released - though it is a different feeling than an orgasm - and are able to take a break from working out until the feeling subsides to help prevent it. Also take notice of if there are certain days it is more common. If, for example, it only occurs when it has been a few days since having sex or masturbating, it is likely that is the trigger. One way to ensure little or no semen is released during ejaculation is to masturbate just prior to hitting the gym; this will void the body of semen and likely eliminate the problem. Also, some men who experience this more times than not when working out, opt to use a pad or underwear liner to help absorb semen if it is released and prevent an embarrassing spot on the gym shorts.

Keeping the penis healthy
Any man who is hitting the gym is already doing some good for his penis. After all, working out improves cardiovascular health, muscle tone and circulation - all of which contribute to a nice healthy erection. Men who want to step up their game should use a penis health formula every day (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) to keep the penis running at peak performance. A special penis formula can help improve and maintain proper circulation, fight penis aging and wrinkling, and improve the appearance of the penis skin itself. Wash, lotion, and repeat daily - it’s that simple!

Friday, 8 November 2013

Enjoying Oral Sex - Foods to Use with a Partner

Few things excite a man more than the prospect of receiving oral sex, but partners facing a plain dry penis may not be as delighted about the activity. Granted, there are many partners who really "get into" giving their guy some oral gratification and are often equally sexually aroused by performing fellatio. However, for those who may need a little extra incentive, adding a little flavor to the proceedings can boost their interest without compromising proper penis care.

There’s already flavor
This is not to say that the penis doesn’t already provide its own flavor sensations. Many fellators enjoy the taste of their man’s penis without any additional flavorings added. They also are happy to swallow semen, relishing the salty taste, as well as the sweet aftertaste. (There’s a high amount of fructose in semen, which accounts for that sweetness.)

A little more
Still, and understandably to most men, some partners do not like the taste of the male organ, or like it but would enjoy tasting something a little different on occasion. For those who like to make a meal of their man, the following options (based on the five general taste categories) are recommended.

Sweet. Men can treat a partner to a taste sensation by adding pineapple to their penises. This works best with pineapple rings that have a hole in the middle, making it easy to stick an erect penis right through them and to have them hang around the member like a Hawaiian lei. The partner can nibble around these as he or she nibbles around the penis. (Word of caution: avoid getting any of the juice of the pineapple in the penile slit; it can produce burning in the urethra.) For those with a very sweet taste, donuts are also an excellent option.

Sour. Sour candy is a nice treat to use. A man can take a bag of lemon drops, lick them and stick them to his manhood, going from the base to the glans. The partner can then slowly ingest them one by one, moving up the shaft from base to tip.

Salty. So many choices, but one option a man can try is salad dressing; many have a high salt content, and their thick, liquid form is perfect for spreading on a penis. The taste will linger a while, so it can make for a prolonged oral encounter. Again, be careful that none of the dressing slides into the urethral opening.

Bitter. Marmalade has a tangy bitter taste, and its gooey consistency makes it an ideal penis spread; the small clumps of fruit also provide a texture that the partner will enjoy nibbling on.

Savory. Meat is one of the most popular savory foods, but a man’s partner is already getting enough meat by performing fellatio. Go with a vegetable option instead: spinach dip. (Word of caution: make sure the dip has cooled to room temperature before applying to the penis!) Again, the creamy texture makes it ideal for spreading on a guy’s manhood, and the iron in the dish is an added health bonus for the busy partner.

There’s no reason that a partner who is doing a man the favor of performing oral sex should be relegated to nothing but a dry penis, and these tips can help spice up a guy’s sex life. Naturally, it’s important that all remnants of food be washed away after the activity is over. Also, it’s possible that the addition of food may make a partner go a bit overboard and nibble perhaps a bit more enthusiastically than intended. A man can help soothe an over-nibbled penis through the application of a top notch penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil). For proper soothing, apply a cream with a superior emollient, such as she abutter, and vitamin E, one of nature’s finest hydrators, carefully on the penis. If the selected cream also includes alpha lipoic acid, it can help offset harmful oxidative processes in penile cells.

Dry Penis Emergency Care - 7 Lubricants to Avoid at All Costs

A dry penis is not a man's best friend, so it's no wonder that many men may employ external lubrication before engaging in sex, whether with a partner or alone. In the best circumstances, a guy has a stash of proper lubricants available at his beck and call; however, in some cases the opportunity for some tantalizing sex comes up when proper lubricants are not at hand. Tempting though it may be to improvise with some emergency lubricating options, suitable penis care requires restraint in this area to avoid penile irritation.

What's proper anyway?
Many men may wonder what constitutes a "proper" lubricant. The first thing to consider is context, i.e.: what kind of sex is about to be performed?
  • Vaginal intercourse . Water-based or silicone-based lubricants should be used during vaginal intercourse, especially if condoms are used. Oil-based lubricants can cause condom tearing and slippage, so they should be avoided.
  • Anal intercourse . Water-based lubricants are recommended highly; silicone-based are also popular, but some people complain that they sometimes leave a residue that is difficult to clean after use.
  • Masturbation . Water-based, silicon-based and oil-based are all acceptable. The question really is how a man's individual penis is going to react to each of these and to different brands, mixtures and formulas. (By the way, saliva is a perfectly-acceptable water-based lubricant, so as long as a guy isn't stuck in the desert, he's always got a back-up at the ready.)
What's "iffy"
When engaging in partner sex, it's really best to use one of the proper lubricants; when masturbating, there's a bit more leeway. Here are some choices for self-stimulating lubrication that may not be top drawer but could be considered acceptable - with reservations.
  • Soap . Soap is good and slippery and can be used for masturbatory purposes in a pinch. But it tends to need frequent replenishment; grains in the soap can irritate; and chemicals may cause rashes or other reactions.
  • Shampoo . Shampoo doesn't need to be refreshed as often as soap, but otherwise it has the same drawbacks.
What's to avoid
Then there are the options that, no matter how aroused a man may be, just shouldn't be used:

1. Toothpaste . Trust one who knows, the penis is not meant to experience the topical application of toothpaste. While the ingredients in toothpaste may seem harmless, when applied to one's manhood, they produce a stinging sensation which quickly becomes a burning sensation.

2. Shortening or lard . This option is discounted not so much because of what it can do to one's penis but because it is devilishly messy and difficult to get off of the penis, the hands and any clothing or bed sheets it comes in contact with.

3. Avocado . This is listed for basically the same reason as shortening and lard: it creates a big mess. For masturbation, it's a pain; for sex play involving food, however, it can be more manageable and enjoyable.

4. Shaving cream . Men who shave their genitals know that a little shaving cream doesn't hurt. The problem comes when the cream is (1) applied in large quantities and left on for an extended period and (2) enters into the urethra, causing a burning sensation on the interior of the penis.

5. Graphite . It's a great lubricant, but not for the penis. Period.

6. Mud . Yes, when a man is engorged, he will try just about anything: but wet dirt is no cleaner than dry dirt.

7. Muscle soothing ointments . These provide deep heating relief to aching muscles but produce an unbearable burning sensation when applied to one's member.

A man is wise to not attempt sex with a dry penis; he just needs to carry that wisdom through to his choice of lubrication. He also needs to ensure that his overall penis health is being seen to properly by employing a superior penis vitamin formula (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil). This cream is not a substitute for a lubricant, but one with excellent moisturizers such as shea butter and vitamin E can do wonders with soothing a member that is sore from sexual use. In addition, those creams with L-arginine will help penile blood vessels to expand, aiding blood flow in the area.

Relieving Pain during Sex - Dealing with Vaginismus and How Men Can Help

Sex is supposed to be fun, and it’s supposed to feel good. But sometimes it’s not, and it doesn’t. In fact, sometimes pain during sex can be downright excruciating, making enjoyment impossible. One such condition that can make sex unbearable for a woman is known as vaginismus - it is a painful condition that is about as fun as it sounds. No man ever wants to watch his partner go through something so painful, but knowledge is power, and being informed can make all the difference should it become an issue in the future. Learn more about the condition and how it affects women who deal with it every day - as well as tips for keeping both partners sexually healthy.

What is vaginismus?
There is no way to sugar-coat it; vaginismus is a painful condition that can make all forms of penetration unpleasant at best, and excruciating at worst. The condition is caused by an involuntary contraction of the pelvic floor muscles, essentially clamping a woman’s vagina tightly shut. This spasm keeps most anything from penetrating, including tampons, fingers, gynecological instruments - and yes - a penis too. It is important to stress that this is involuntary. The woman is certainly not willing this to happen; it is a reflexive action that often needs treatment to control.

What causes it?
Just like many health conditions, there is not necessarily a clear cause and effect when it comes to vaginismus. Of course, this makes it slightly more difficult to treat, as a doctor will have to explore numerous etiologies to determine the cause for each individual. Some of the more common reasons behind vaginismus are:

1. Chronic yeast infections or chronic urinary tract infections
2. Vulvar vestibulitis - severe inflammation that is only painful during penetration
3. Personal history of sexual assault, abuse or rape
4. Psychological stressors such as depression, anxiety or stress
5. Negative feelings of shame, guilt or disgust regarding sexual behavior
6. Fear of sexual behaviors
7. Strict conservative upbringing or religious ideology regarding sex
8. Trauma that occurred during labor and delivery
9. Hormonal shifts such as menopause or excessive vaginal dryness

How is it treated?
Treatment for vaginismus can be particularly challenging, because there may be more than one contributing factor. For instance, a woman have both physical and psychological causes leading to the vaginismus. Whether the woman has primary vaginismus (having never experienced successful penetration) or secondary vaginismus (having had successful penetration previously) also makes a difference in the ease or difficulty of treatment. A woman’s treatment plan must be individualized to her specific history by her doctor or team of doctors; treatment may be given by an OB only or may include a therapist or psychiatrist as well. Medication, psychotherapy, physical therapy, or the use of a vaginal dilator to gradually stretch the vagina may all be used depending on the woman. It is important for a man supporting his partner through vaginismus to be kind and supportive, particularly if this occurred as a sudden shift in the joint sex life. Becoming angry with his partner, threatening to leave, trying to force sex, or causing feelings of guilt is only going to make the problem worse. Vaginismus may have a purely physical cause - such as a vaginal tear - but can very quickly turn psychological if a woman is pressured into sex or made to feel she is broken, useless, or bad for not engaging in sex.

Keeping Sex Alive
Partners who are struggling with vaginismus, whether it is a short-term or long-term problem in the relationship, need to stick together. The condition can become quite frustrating and derail intimacy in a relationship. On that note, both partners should remember that there are plenty of ways to connect sexually without penetration. Oral sex, anal sex as well as non-penetrative foreplay can all keep a sexual relationship alive in the absence of traditional sex. In the meantime, a man should keep his equipment in working order so things are ready to go when his partner’s condition is resolved. Using a daily penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) can deliver the nutrients the penis needs to stay healthy and functioning. Essential penis nutrients can improve penile circulation, maintain the health of the tissue and improve the appearance of penis skin. Just apply daily so that when she is ready, Mr. Johnson is ready as well.

Thursday, 7 November 2013

Too Much Masturbation - Moving from Curious to Compulsive

A man who walks up to his peers and questions how often they masturbate might well be rewarded with a smack in the teeth. Personal habits concerning a man and his penis just aren't part of polite conversation, and men are encouraged to keep their business to themselves.

Even so, most men reasonably wonder if their preferences can be considered "normal," especially when it comes to masturbation. Specifically, they may wonder if their habits could cause damage that could impair their penis health. There are no easy answers to this question, but understanding a bit more about how experts define a healthy sex life could help a man to make good choices about his alone time.

By the Numbers
Experts suggest that there is no magic number when it comes to masturbation. In fact, the number of times that people engage in this activity can vary dramatically depending on:
  • Age
  • Underlying health conditions
  • Relationship status
  • Hormone levels
  • Free time
  • Personal preference
  • Habit
The figure can also vary from month to month for a man, depending on the other issues he might be facing in his life. One month might be a wang-fest, but another might be completely chaste. It's just part and parcel of a variable life.

Digging Deeper
If a specific number can't be found, men might need to do more than count in order to determine if masturbation is a problem for them. Often, this involves thinking about how masturbation makes them feel, and how it fits into their everyday lives.

Men who can get off without a care in the world, abandoning the practice when they need to go to work or see a friend, might not have an issue. Those who are preoccupied with the practice and find it hard to even go to work, on the other hand, might be dealing with the dinger just a bit too often. Similarly, if a man finds that he prefers his hand over the body of his partner, he might be engaging in masturbation a little too frequently, priming his brain to respond only to the touches he's able to bring.

Measuring the Damage
It's easy to suggest that men should spank as often as they'd like, as long as they're not losing their jobs, getting arrested or otherwise getting into trouble for their actions. This is at least partially true, as men are ultimately responsible for their own happiness, and as free agents, they can do anything they'd like.

But masturbating compulsively can bring about some nasty side effects that men may not want. For example, the harsh pulling and squeezing that takes place during a typical session can lead to:

1. Chafing;
2. Bruising;
3. Erectile issues;
4. Painful sex.

Backing off the activity is always a good idea, when pain has begun to enter the picture. It might also be wise for men to amend their ways if they find that they're placing masturbation at the center of their lives, to the detriment of all of their other goals and responsibilities. This down time can also allow men to work on healing their equipment, so they'll be ready to get back into the game.

A penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) could be vital in this effort. A quality product can soften and smooth skin damaged by harsh techniques, and the vitamins in these products can help traumatized skin to knit together and heal. A daily application could help skin to glow with health, responding to each touch with no signal of pain. In no time at all, a man can be ready to reboot his self-love life, and handle his tool responsibly.

Penile Pain and Sounding - A Risky Auto-erotic Adventure

Many men are perfectly content to stick to "typical" auto-erotic entertainments involving their hands, a little lotion and their penises, but others crave a more adventurous experience, even if it results in penile pain. Those interested in the much more adventurous masturbatory experience of penis sounding should be aware that it carries a significant risk of injury and is discouraged by health professionals; however, if a man does indulge in this extreme form of entertainment, he needs to ensure that his penis health is not compromised in the process.

Okay. So what is sounding?
Technically, sounding is a medical process in which a urologist insults a probe (called a sound) into the urethra of the penis. This is done to widen the urethra so that any obstructions can be located. (A sound may also be used in the urethra when a man is getting his penis pierced.) Sounding originally was developed as a way of treating gonorrhea.

Sounding as sex play
At some point, men discovered that the insertion of a sound creates a pleasurable sensation in the penis. This may go back years before the medical sound was created; men have been doing inventive things with their tools for as long as they have had hands, and it's likely that some men were inserting things into the urethra just to see what would happen long before the medical community developed the sound.

The routine
Those who engage in sounding for sexual interest generally recommend the following:
  • The man should be lying down flat on his back before inserting the sound.
  • It is absolutely crucial that the sound is sterile before it is inserted into the penis.
  • A good amount of lubrication is also essential.
  • The penis must be soft when the sound is inserted.
  • In actuality, one is supposed to let the penis engulf the sound rather than to push the sound down the penis.
  • Keep supporting the sound once it is inserted so that it doesn't fall over.
  • A gentle tap on the sound when it is in place will cause the vibrations that are supposed to produce pleasure.
  • If the penis becomes erect while the sound is inserted, do not remove the sound until it is soft again.
The dangers
The dangers associated with penis sounding are presumably obvious: it simply is not a good idea to stick anything down your urethra. (And some practitioners of sounding don't stick with sounds but use a wide range of other objects which are even less appropriate and more dangerous.)
Among the problems that can result from sounding, aside from simply a sore penis, are tears and damage to the urethra and to the muscles of the penis. Serious damage can result in erectile issues, as well as in urination challenges.

Clearly, whether a man wants to risk these issues in order to explore a new auto-erotic technique is a personal decision; but if a man does wish to try sounding, he should (1) make sure that he follows all instructions included with the device exactly, and (2) be extremely careful.

The penis pain that can result from improperly sounding is not pleasurable; however, for penile pain that is more topical in nature and that results from the everyday wear and tear of a penis, men are advised to take advantage of a top drawer penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil). In addition to helping to soothe achiness, the proper cream is going to enhance the health of the equipment in question. To get the most benefit, a man should investigate the ingredients list of each cream and select one that includes an emollient such as shea butter to moisturize and soothe the penis; a powerful antioxidant such as alpha lipoic acid, which can help slow down the aging process of penile skin cells; and vitamin C, which is an important structural component of blood vessels.

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Penis Function and Indigestion - Even a Healthy Manhood can be Affected

Penis health is crucial for a good sex life; that much seems obvious. But many men forget that overall body health also plays a factor in the quantity and quality of one's romantic activities. Many guys think about keeping their bodies in good shape for their trips under the bedcovers, but not everyone consider how something as simple as indigestion can affect their penis function. The best penis care includes remembering that the stomach can have a say in how active a man's "best friend" may be on a given night.

Romantic drive vs. heartburn
All men like to think that they are unstoppable romance machines - and most of the time they are. But sometimes, men get sidelined by little things, and heartburn, indigestion and other gastrointestinal issues can be among the top "romance stoppers." When the stomach acts up, the penis often goes down.

What causes stomach problems?
There can be many factors that cause heartburn or indigestion, but most of the time it comes down to diet. There are certain foods that, especially when consumed in disproportionately large amounts, tend to stir up the stomach acids.

What are some heartburn triggers?
One man's meat is another man's indigestion trigger - sometimes literally. The fact is that what causes heartburn in one man may have absolutely no effect on another. Discovering one's exact heartburn-triggering foods can be challenging and take trial and error.

That said, here are a number of food that are typically on the "high heartburn" list:

1. Meats. Men love meat, but a lot of meats - especially those that are fatty - are acid magnets. If said meat also happens to be fried, then the chances of creating indigestion are even higher.

2. Citrus fruits and juices. This makes sense; citruses are high in acidic content, so it's natural that they and the juices associated with them would make the list.

3. Caffeine . Bad news for coffee and soda lovers: all that caffeine may keep a dude awake, but it's also likely to make his stomach groan from acid.

4. Fatty, oily foods and sweets. Chocolate tastes like heaven, but it can hell on the stomach. Ditto potato chips, doughnuts, many salad dressings, etc.

5. Booze. A beer may be okay, but doing vodka shots or drinking any kind of liquor is just begging for trouble on the digestion front. And wine has to be limited.

6. Tomato sauce. Pizza is a young man's staple, but it will come back to haunt him later in life.

7. Dairy. Whole milk, sour cream and ice cream are no-no's.

What to do
Looking over that list, a man may think, "What is left to eat?" He may also notice that the list includes some items - such as coffee, meat and wine - that are often recommended for "improving" firmness. What's a guy to do?

The answer is for a man to eat in moderation: look for low fat alternatives to high fat foods; don't eat too much at one time; and find out what his own personal triggers are, so he can avoid those.

Men who are on medications to help with tumescence dysfunction may want to take special care to avoid heartburn triggers; many of these medications list heartburn or nausea as a common side effect, so men on these drugs should take steps to keep heartburn to a minimum.

Total body health is part of maintaining a healthy penis, but it doesn't stop there. Men need to include a quality penis vitamin formula (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) in their daily health maintenance routines. It's to a man's benefit to find a formula that includes both acetyl L-carnitine and alpha lipoic acid, as these two ingredients work synergistically to reverse damage to penis cell mitochondria, thus improving nerve and cell function. Also, a formula with vitamin A is recommended, as that vitamin's antibacterial qualities are health-improving.

Keeping Penis Pain at Bay with Post-sex Hygiene

When the bumping and grinding is over, and a feeling of safety and relaxation begins to set in, the last thing an amorous couple wants to do is hop up, get into the shower and rinse off. In fact, it's safe to say that the majority of people in this situation would prefer to simply roll over and settle into a deep sleep. Unfortunately, men that skip the post-coital wash could wake up with a sore penis in the morning, creating a desperate need for intensive penis health care. Here's what's going on, and how it can be prevented.

Swapping Germs
Two partners in a game of slap and tickle tend to trade bodily fluids with one another. Even if one partner is wearing a bit of barrier protection, germs can make their way from one body to another in moments of intimate exposure. Some fluids can also slop above or under barrier protection, especially when the action is particularly athletic. Fluid movement is just part of the sex experience.

Sometimes, those fluids harbor small bacteria that can erupt into a yeast infection in the other partner. This is particularly common when women have mild yeast infections they've not been treating. A male partner inhabiting that infected space for a few moments could emerge with all the ingredients needed for a case of serious penile soreness. His partner might not know anything is amiss with her body, but the man might certainly feel the pain in the days that follow his visit.

While most of these infections stay on the head of the penis, producing soreness and redness, some infections burrow into the body and take root in the bladder or the prostate. While this situation is admittedly rare, and it's most common in men who have an underlying health problem like diabetes, those who do develop infections after sex can attest that the symptoms are simply awful, and it's beneficial to skip the pain if at all possible.

Local Reactions
Some post-sex cases of penile soreness have nothing to do with the chemical makeup of the partner. Instead, these sore penis issues have their roots in the substances men use in order to prepare for sex, including:
  • Lubricants
  • Spermicides
  • Condoms
  • Deodorant sprays
All of these products have long chemical ingredient lists, and any of these elements could trigger an inflammation attack in a susceptible man. At one moment, his penis might seem perfectly protected and happy. The next moment, his vital parts might be aflame with pain and red as a beet. The longer those ingredients stay on his skin, the more likely they are to cause a severe reaction.

Simple Solutions
Sometimes, the best solutions are also the easiest to complete. For men with post-sex penis pain, a shower might be the best prevention tool available to avoid these issues:
  • Rinsing off after sex means washing all lubricants and additives off of the skin, reducing their ability to dig in and cause inflammation. Very sensitive men might still react to even a short period of contact with these elements, of course, but those who rinse may reduce the severity of their reactions.
  • Similarly, keeping tissues clean often means giving bacteria fewer infectious opportunities. Yeast-based cells might have less to feed on, when the area is clean, and colonies of critters won't grow to such a size that they have the opportunity to invade the inside of the body.
  • Adding a penis health creme to a post-sex shower might also be beneficial. These products can keep penile skin soft and smooth, so cracks and fissures that harbor bacteria and irritants don't have a chance to form. These products also contain vitamins that can keep penile flora in check, so the immune system can do its job properly.
Showering and using a penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) could help men stay healthy for the next bout of sex, and it only takes a few moments to complete. When the cleansing is through, the clean couple can nap in peace, knowing no sore penis will come between them when they awaken.

Secrets to Penis Health - 5 Ways Vitamin C Benefits Sexual Well-being

If asked to list the vitamins and nutrients the body needs most, few people would miss vitamin C. That’s because vitamin C is one of the more talked about vitamins; it is a household name - if there is such a thing in the vitamin world. If asked what vitamin C is good for; however, the most common response would likely be that it is good for a cold. The truth is, vitamin C has many more far-reaching properties and is even good for the penis! Learn how this multi-talented vitamin keeps the body healthy and how it benefits the health of the penis.

Ok, so what does vitamin C do?
Boosts collagen production: One of the reasons vitamin C is popping up in more and more health and beauty products is because it helps the body produce collagen, which is equally important in firming the delicate skin under one’s eyes as it is the tissue of a man’s package. What a great reason to stock up on some C!

Supports blood vessels: The body is filled with a map of tiny blood vessels and, over time, the heath of these blood vessels begins to deteriorate causing a gradual loss of circulation - particularly in the extremities where the tiniest blood vessels lie. On a man, the penis is one area that full circulation is always desired, as the flow of blood is responsible for the formation of an erection. That’s right, vitamin C can help plump up penis tissue and protect against erectile dysfunction by supporting the health of the blood vessels. Oranges, anyone?

Repairs damaged tissue: Vitamin C is also useful in repairing damaged tissue in the body. As men go about their daily lives, it is not uncommon for tissue in the body to be damaged - sometimes an injury is easily seen and felt - and sometimes it is microscopic. Vitamin C helps build and repair tissues keeping the body healthy and sound.

Reduces allergenic reactions: Whether an individual struggles with seasonal allergies constantly or just gets the snuffles every once in a while, vitamin C may be able to help. C is one of nature’s antihistamines, meaning it blocks histamine reactions in the body, it also helps the body rid itself of histamine so reactions may be shorter lived.

Fights free radicals: Vitamin C also works in the body as an antioxidant, which is an incredibly useful property as it helps the body fight free radicals (those nasty buggers that can lead to premature aging and cancer). Fighting free radicals can also reduce one’s risk of cardiovascular disease, heart disease, and autoimmune diseases.

Vitamin C from food
There are numerous food sources of vitamin C - even beyond the obvious citrus fruits. In fact, veggies can be loaded with vitamin C as well, so try noshing on Brussels sprouts, broccoli, sweet potatoes, spinach, and cauliflower in addition to the sweeter fruit sources like pineapple, watermelon, kiwi, mangos and strawberries. Fruit juices are also a good way to hit the daily recommended amount of vitamin C - just beware that they pack more calories than a whole fruit - so juice shouldn’t be the only source of vitamin C.

Vitamin C supplements
It is important to know that vitamin C is water-soluble - in other words - it quickly leaves the body via one’s pee and is not stored in tissue or fat, like some other nutrients are. This is no big deal; it just means that vitamin C needs to be taken in everyday. For men who are worried about getting enough from food alone, supplements may be an option. Multivitamins and C only supplements are available to take by mouth, but men who are interested in receiving the greatest benefit of vitamin C to their Johnson, should seek out penis-friendly products that contain C. A daily penis vitamin cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) is easily added to the daily post-shower grooming routine and it will help load the penis up with much needed vitamin C and other penis-specific nutrients. Apply daily for a healthier penis; it is that simple!

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

First Time Sex - A Beginner's Guide for Men

When it comes to first time sex, whether it is the FIRST first time or the beginning of an intimate relationship with a new partner, there is almost as much anxiety as there is excitement. Both men and women may worry about whether their partner will find them attractive, whether they will be able to please them, and whether any of a thousand things might go wrong. In the vast majority of cases, things tend to work themselves out, but keeping the following tips in mind for how to proceed, as well as how to keep the penis healthy and ready for action, can take away some of the first-time jitters.

5 tips for first time sex:
1. Make sure she is ready, too. Generally, two people have a fairly good idea when they are mutually ready for sex, but if one partner is not as comfortable as the other, jumping in before both are on board can have serious consequences, both for the individuals and for the relationship. Although it may be more romantic to simply allow nature to take its course, communication is key. It’s best to talk things over thoroughly, in an open and understanding manner, to make sure that everyone is on the same page.

2. Maintain reasonable expectations. Although some men wish it were otherwise, sex with a live partner is not much like the wild action often portrayed in adult films. In the cinematic world, all of the action is choreographed, with the advantage of extra takes and do-overs any time things don’t go exactly as planned. Real people, however - especially those who have not yet established familiarity with one another’s bodies - can be more or less clumsy and awkward. It’s best to keep a sense of humor and laugh at any moments like this, rather than allowing them to become a point of tension in the proceedings.

3. Use protection. He might be clean. She might be clean. Both partners want to extend a show of trust. But any time there is intimate contact, there is a chance to spread a communicable disease, so protection is a MUST for everyone, unless they are in a committed, monogamous relationship (and are open to the idea of a pregnancy, since protection is also meant to address this issue as well).

4. Expect the unexpected. In the heat of the moment, various things can go wrong. She may not be lubed enough, or he may - despite the level of excitement - find that he cannot get hard enough to enter (at least not right away). Also, first-time encounters may be a little too exciting, and men may find themselves going over the edge before they have been inside long enough to really get the action going - or before they even get inside at all. This is, of course, embarrassing, but it is best to take it in stride and to maintain a sense of humor. After all, a couple can always try again (and again, and again), and making an issue out of a first-time fail is only going to create discomfort and tension.

5. Prep the penis. To make sure the penis is attractive, primed and ready for action as soon as it is called for, proper care is needed. A daily wash is the place to start, because no woman really wants to get up close and personal with a cheesy, smelly package. Use a mild soap and rinse with warm, not hot water, making sure to remove any smegma. While some women do enjoy a thick hedge of hair, a good rule of thumb is to keep the short hairs closely trimmed - this will present the penis in the best possible light, as well as reducing the risk of unpleasant smells. Finally, use a penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) every day as a follow-up to a bath or shower. A cream that is enriched with vitamins, moisturizers and amino acids can help keep the tool looking smooth and attractive, reducing the appearance of dry skin, splotches, irritation and other unsightly blemishes that can put a damper on a romantic evening.

Avoiding Penis Bumps - The Secret to a Firm, Smooth, Sexy Rod

"It's not what you have; it's the way you use what you have." Supportive lovers have whispered these words to their partners for decades, and often, these willing mates aren't simply being kind. Human bodies often nestle together in surprising ways, so what one might consider a defect could be considered a boon for someone else. Even so, most men want their bodies to look impressive, and as a result, they often worry about bends and curves in their most vital organs. Thankfully, penis care techniques and keeping an eye out for suspicious penis bumps can keep these curves from taking hold.

Curving Basics
Almost every penis on the planet curves a little to the right or to the left. Often, these minor little bends aren't apparent to anyone who isn't standing by with a ruler, and they have no impact on the way the penis works or what it can do. Just as a finger might bend and sway a little or toes might shift to the right or the left a millimeter or two, men can be born with a penis that curves just a little bit, and it causes no difficulties at all.

There are some curves, however, that develop as a man begins to view his body as a tool, manhandling his parts for pleasure and otherwise putting his equipment to work on a regular basis. This kind of rough treatment can allow small pockets of scar tissue to form along the column of cells that line the penis; these can often be felt as tiny penis bumps under the skin.

When scars are in place, penile skin can't expand uniformly, and the tip of the organ tends to bend in the direction of the mangled cells. In no time at all, the manhood can look more like a banana and less like a pole, tipping dramatically to the right or to the left when fully erect.

Performance Anxiety
A curve like this might not bother a partner. In fact, some funky-shaped tools tend to hit spots inside a partner's body that can bring a bolt of electric pleasure that's simply unavailable when the equipment is straight. But some men never find this out, because they're too concerned about the way they look to even investigate the option of a sexual encounter.

Overcoming performance concerns like this isn't easy, as it might involve looking at hundreds of erect organs and learning that almost all have curves. Few men have the opportunity to conduct this kind of research, and some might not even want to do so.

That's why providing treatment could be so vital for men who have a bending baby maker. If these men are taking steps in order to ensure that their bodies remain on the relative straight and narrow, perhaps they'll feel comfortable showing their bodies to the world.

Good Steps
A severely curved penis that impacts a man's ability to either get an erection or participate in sex can be treated with intensive therapies that might include:
  • Oral medications
  • Injections
  • Surgery
  • Radiation
These therapies can all come with nasty side effects, however, and they're not advisable for people who have only mild concerns. Men like this just need a little boost, not a radical intervention, and thankfully, there are at-home therapies that can help.

Keeping the skin soft and moist is a vital part of the healing process, as skin that's supple is less likely to develop harsh, fibrous scar tissue. It tends to move and stretch, rather than seize up and scar, so there's less that could cause a bend to form. A penis health creme could help men to develop skin just like this. Quality products (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) are loaded with emollients that penetrate deep into the skin's layers, ensuring that all cells stay flexible, no matter what a man might choose to do with his body. These products may not assist with a bend in progress, but they can arrest the development of new curves. It's vital protection that could keep men on the playing field, using what they have to please others.

Monday, 4 November 2013

Pesky Penis Pimples - Keeping the Pecker Acne-Free

Few people are lucky enough to mature through adolescence without enduring a pimple or two….or twenty. Unfortunately, acne can leave equally prominent physical, as well as emotional scars - in terms of loss of self-esteem or self-confidence - on those who struggled with it. Most people believe that when one hits adulthood one will no longer have to deal with pimples and blackheads ever again, and while it is true that the incidence of adult acne is much lower and with less severity and frequency than the adolescent variety, many people never fully escape its red, bumpy grip. So what happens when a pimple appears in the least pimple-friendly of all areas - the penis? Learn more about the perils of penis pimples and how to keep the penis healthy.

Is a penis pimple different from a face pimple?
Not markedly, no. A penis pimple can very much resemble a face pimple in color, size and consistency, which should make it fairly easy to spot - though still shocking when it is located below the belt. Penis pimples develop because this hot, sweaty, bacteria-filled location is a perfect breeding ground for the little buggers. They can also form in the hair follicle or appear as the product of an ingrown hair which has become infected.

How are they treated?
The same basic rules that apply to caring for the face apply to caring for the penis. A penis should be washed gently with mild soap and warm water on a daily basis to rid if of dirt, grime and sweat buildup. Just like those on the face, penis pimples should not be pinched, popped, poked or prodded, as messing with them is likely to push bacteria into the pimples, which can actually make them worse. Though it is tempting to go to town and try to rid oneself of the bump, it will heal much faster if a warm compress is applied to it and it is otherwise left to heal. Unlike facial acne, a man should not put any acne medication on the area unless expressly instructed to do so by a doctor. The confined nature of a man’s underoo’s -whether boxers or briefs - makes it likely that the acne meds will rub off on the underwear and could transfer to the urethral opening -- which will not only burn with the fire of a thousand suns, but could cause a serious infection.

What if it is not a pimple?
There are instances in which a pimple is not a pimple. Any time a penis bump does not clear up on its own, or start looking better in a day or so, it is a wise decision to make a call to the doc. A penis bump - or several bumps - could be an indication of a sexually transmitted infection such as herpes, gonorrhea, or chlamydia. If the bump is not causing any pain and seems to be lessening, it’s probably okay to breath easy. However, if the bump becomes itchy, pussy, bleeds, blisters, cracks, is painful, or is accompanied by other symptoms such as fever, it is time to go to the doc right away. A doc may be able to diagnose the bump at first sight, but will likely swab it or test it to determine if it is caused by infection. If the bump is just a pimple, it is unlikely to need further treatment unless it has become seriously infected or irritated. If it is something more severe, he can prescribe an antibiotic or other medication to clear it up.

Can they be prevented?
The best way to prevent unwanted penis pimples is to keep the area clean, as bacteria and sweat definitely contribute to growth of acne. Showering after intense workouts and sex can also keep away unwanted bacteria. Adding a penis vitamin formula containing vitamin A (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) can also help reduce the incidence of pimples naturally - and without harsh chemicals like peroxide or salicylic acid. Simply apply after cleansing the area in the shower and enjoy a clean, pimple free pecker!

Two-Fisted Masturbation Techniques - Double the Pleasure, Double the Fun

Next to kicking back and watching sports on TV, masturbation is probably the activity that men most like to do when alone; overindulgence can occasionally lead to a sore penis, but it's a small price to pay for the pleasure one derives from the activity. Surprisingly, most men tend to engage in a one-handed form of masturbation, despite the ready availability of a second hand for most people. Experimenting with a two-fisted approach may be a welcome change of pace for some men and will not have an impact on their overall penis health.

Is it laziness?
Granted, a one-handed approach is more common because it's easier, it's convenient and it's what most men are accustomed to. A good self-pleasuring session should be enjoyable. But sometimes that enjoyment is increased by adding in a little extra effort. Taking the trouble to wrap two hands around a tool, rather than one, can add to the experience.

Knowing how to use two hands while engaging in a stroking session doesn't take the brains of a genius. But it doesn't hurt to go through the basic methods, just to be sure everyone is on the same page here.
  • Standard . This is the two-fisted method that most men would gravitate to. The male wraps one hand around the base of the penis and the other just above it on the shaft. Unless the man is a particularly well-endowed shower, it's probably best to wait until the penis is erect to try this; otherwise, there probably isn't enough shaft to make it work. When ready, the man either moves his hands rhythmically up and down along the penis or holds his hands still and moves his hips, taking advantage of the hand tunnel that he has created.
  • Squeeze play. This is a simple and enjoyable variation on the standard. The same method of wrapping both fists around an erect penis is employed; however, instead of sliding the fists up and down (or the penis in and out), the man holds the fists in place and squeezes and releases the penis. This can be done quickly or slowly, with whatever degree of tightness is desired; most men will want to vary both the speed and the tightness. Those who are more physically adept may want to try alternating the squeezes - have the top fist squeeze while the bottom fist is "loose," then vice versa - or alternate how fast or how tight each fist squeezes - perhaps have the top fist, around the glans, squeeze tight and fast, while the bottom squeezes slowly and more loosely.
  • Back and forth fun . For this version, the man uses both fists but not at the same time. A vigorous stroke up (or down) the shaft by one hand is followed immediately by a vigorous stroke up (or down) the shaft by the other hand. Speed and tightness can be varied as desired. The sensation caused by the alternating grips can be surprisingly exciting.
  • Aladdin's lamp. Most men masturbate using fist action; this method is palm-based. Its name comes from the fact that one is rubbing one's penis to call forth an orgasm in the same way that Aladdin rubbed his lamp to call forth a genie. After achieving an erection, the man places one palm on one side of the glans and one palm on the other; the palms should be stiff and held out straight. The man then moves one hand forward and one hand back, then reverses the process, and keeps repeating; by concentrating on the glans, this action can bring about an intense orgasm.
There are other variations, of course, and a man can spend hours experimenting with them. If he does, of course, his penis is going to get a bit sore. Penile soreness through overuse is best attended to through the use of a first rate penis vitamin formula (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil). The ingredients of the cream should definitely list vitamin E and a welcome emollient such as shea butter, in order to provide the kind of soothing comfort that an overworked (if contented) penis needs. It also helps to use a cream with acetyl L carnitine, which can help restore any sensitivity that may have been lost during an overaggressive workout.

Painful Urination in Men - Is Penis Infection to Blame?

For most men, a pain-free tinkle is something that is taken for granted. That is, of course, until a painful urination episode occurs. This condition can leave a man wondering, what are the causes of pain during urination? Is it common in men, or is it something to worry about? When is it cause for concern? All these questions and more are answered below, as well as a few helpful tips for keeping the penis healthy and pain free.

What are some causes of pain during urination?
Anytime a painful or burning sensation occurs during urination, there is something out of the ordinary going on. Painful urination may be related to any of the following conditions:
1. bladder infection;
2. kidney infection;
3. prostatitis;
4. urinary tract infection;
5. urethritis,
6. enlarged prostate;
7. stones;
8. sexually transmitted infection.

How common is it in men?
While it is true that painful urination tends to be less common in men than it is in women, it is not so rare that a man will show up in a textbook if he feels like he is peeing fire. Nearly all men will experience a bout of it at one time or another in their lifetime, though men with chronic prostate or urethra conditions may be more prone to the condition than others.

Is this something to worry about? Is a doctor’s visit necessary?
Painful urination may clear up on its own easily - though it could be an unpleasant few days. If painful urination is accompanied by any of the following symptoms, it is definitely time to high-tail it to the doc: fever, blood in urine, serious back pain, passing of a stone, discharge from penis, or painful urination that persists for more than a day or two. If a sexually transmitted infection is suspected, it is especially important to be checked out, as these are easily transmitted to partners and can have serious side effects if not treated properly.

How is it treated?
That depends on what the doctor determines the cause to be. For an infection, the doc might prescribe antibiotics to clear it up; he may also provide painkillers in instances where the pain is severe. Pain caused by more serious conditions such as prostate issues, obviously, will require a more intensive treatment regimen.

Is there any way to prevent pain during urination from occurring and keep the penis healthy?
Using condoms is a good way to prevent STI’s; changing laundry detergents may also be a solution for men experiencing recurrent infections with no clear cause. Certain foods are associated with bladder irritation, and therefore pain during urination; avoiding these foods may help eliminate the occurrence of painful urination. Reducing or cutting out alcohol, caffeine, tomato products, artificial sweeteners, spicy foods, and acidic food such as citrus fruits may calm the bladder and allow it to heal. Upping one’s intake of water significantly can also help flush toxins from the urinary tract; additionally, cranberry juice can help support a healthy bladder.

Using a daily penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) can also aid in the overall health of the penis. Applying a penis lotion, particularly one containing vitamin A, can help prevent the spread of bacteria that is often responsible for infections. Vitamin A has known antibacterial properties, which helps reduce the number of bacteria in the area thereby reducing the chance of infection. To properly use, simply wash the entire genital area with mild soap and water and generously slather on the penis lotion immediately upon exiting the shower. It is as easy as that to protect the penis and keep it healthy.