How many guys have stripped down and suddenly found a rank smell assaulting their nostrils? “Can that really be me?” they think, and all too often it is. Severe penis odor is a major turn-off to partners and potential partners, and a very common penis health issue. And for a lot of guys, penis odor is especially strong after sex. For such men, taking steps to decrease or eliminate post-sex penis odor can make a big difference in the overall attractiveness of their penis.
Makes sense
Of course, it makes sense that a penis should have a certain smell surrounding it. After all, for too many hours a day, the average penis is kept locked away behind not one, but two layers of clothing. And often one or both layers are very tight. This creates a situation in which heat builds up, followed by sweat, which activates the bacteria which causes unpleasant aromas. The thatch of pubic hair and hair on the balls also provides further insulation, which increases the heat quotient and the resulting sweat.
In other words, a guy already goes into a sexual situation with the potential to be over-ripe in the penis odor department. Several things happen during sex which can add to the issue.
- More heat. There’s a reason that sex is often classified as “hot and heavy” when it’s intense. Significant heat is often generated during sex, especially penetrative sex. And since the penis is usually in an enclosed situation, inside a vagina or an anus, that only ups the heat – and the sweat.
- Another person’s odor. In addition, during sex the penis is being placed in very direct skin-to-skin contact with the bodily odors of another person. The bacteria on their person is being passed on to the penis. Also, in many cases, there may be other factors – such as a vaginal yeast infection – which can significantly add to the odor problem.
- Fluids. And, of course, exchanges of fluids come with their own scents. Whether it’s a guy’s own semen drying on his penis or vaginal fluids from a partner, they can add to the penis odor issue.
Steps to Take
So what are some common sense steps to help decrease post-se penis odor?
- Start out clean. The less penis odor one brings to sex, the less one will take away after sex. Practice good general penis hygiene rules, such as washing regularly – including under the foreskin, for intact men. Before the date, put on a clean set of clothes – including underwear.
- Consider shaving. Many men who shave their pubic area report less lingering penis odor. This may be due to less insulation causing less heat, but it also is likely that thick hair catches and retains more odors in general.
- Wear a condom. A condom not only helps prevent the spread of sexually-transmitted infections, it also keeps a lot of odor-causing bacteria from coming into contact with the penis skin. It won’t absorb all of them, but it should help.
- End up clean. A guy doesn’t need to jump out of bed and run into the bathroom as soon as he has completed his sexual mission – but he should make sure to do a thorough washing up before either getting dressed again or drifting off to sleep. Washing away post-sex scents as soon as possible is the best way to keep them from burrowing in and taking up residence in the midsection.
- Guard against penis odor after sex by regularly applying a top drawer penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). In order to be most effective, the crème should contact vitamin A, which has anti-bacterial properties that can fight persistent penis odor. It’s also wise to select a crème with a powerful antioxidant, of which alpha lipoic acid is a fine one. The antioxidant helps strengthen penis skin by fighting the elements that cause oxidative damage to skin.