Wednesday, 31 October 2018

Lingering Penis Odor After Sex? Take These 4 Steps

How many guys have stripped down and suddenly found a rank smell assaulting their nostrils? “Can that really be me?” they think, and all too often it is. Severe penis odor is a major turn-off to partners and potential partners, and a very common penis health issue. And for a lot of guys, penis odor is especially strong after sex. For such men, taking steps to decrease or eliminate post-sex penis odor can make a big difference in the overall attractiveness of their penis.

Makes sense

Of course, it makes sense that a penis should have a certain smell surrounding it. After all, for too many hours a day, the average penis is kept locked away behind not one, but two layers of clothing. And often one or both layers are very tight. This creates a situation in which heat builds up, followed by sweat, which activates the bacteria which causes unpleasant aromas. The thatch of pubic hair and hair on the balls also provides further insulation, which increases the heat quotient and the resulting sweat.

In other words, a guy already goes into a sexual situation with the potential to be over-ripe in the penis odor department. Several things happen during sex which can add to the issue.

- More heat. There’s a reason that sex is often classified as “hot and heavy” when it’s intense. Significant heat is often generated during sex, especially penetrative sex. And since the penis is usually in an enclosed situation, inside a vagina or an anus, that only ups the heat – and the sweat.

- Another person’s odor. In addition, during sex the penis is being placed in very direct skin-to-skin contact with the bodily odors of another person. The bacteria on their person is being passed on to the penis. Also, in many cases, there may be other factors – such as a vaginal yeast infection – which can significantly add to the odor problem.

- Fluids. And, of course, exchanges of fluids come with their own scents. Whether it’s a guy’s own semen drying on his penis or vaginal fluids from a partner, they can add to the penis odor issue.

Steps to Take

So what are some common sense steps to help decrease post-se penis odor?

- Start out clean. The less penis odor one brings to sex, the less one will take away after sex. Practice good general penis hygiene rules, such as washing regularly – including under the foreskin, for intact men. Before the date, put on a clean set of clothes – including underwear.

- Consider shaving. Many men who shave their pubic area report less lingering penis odor. This may be due to less insulation causing less heat, but it also is likely that thick hair catches and retains more odors in general.

- Wear a condom. A condom not only helps prevent the spread of sexually-transmitted infections, it also keeps a lot of odor-causing bacteria from coming into contact with the penis skin. It won’t absorb all of them, but it should help.

- End up clean. A guy doesn’t need to jump out of bed and run into the bathroom as soon as he has completed his sexual mission – but he should make sure to do a thorough washing up before either getting dressed again or drifting off to sleep. Washing away post-sex scents as soon as possible is the best way to keep them from burrowing in and taking up residence in the midsection.

- Guard against penis odor after sex by regularly applying a top drawer penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). In order to be most effective, the crème should contact vitamin A, which has anti-bacterial properties that can fight persistent penis odor. It’s also wise to select a crème with a powerful antioxidant, of which alpha lipoic acid is a fine one. The antioxidant helps strengthen penis skin by fighting the elements that cause oxidative damage to skin.

Itchy Penis? Drink More Water

It’s bound to happen when a guy least wants it to. He’s at a party and has just met a woman he really wants to impress, for example, or he’s trying to close a deal with a difficult client, and what pops up? An itchy penis situation, which can be incredibly embarrassing if he decides to scratch. As penis health issues go, an itchy penis is relatively mild – but that doesn’t make it any less annoying. Therefore, men want to do what they can to avoid the penile itch – and drinking plenty of water is one way to help.

Dehydration and the itchy penis

There are numerous causes of an itchy penis, including such unwelcome causes as pubic lice and scabies. But more often the itchiness is due to dry penis skin and resulting discomfort. And dryness often comes about due to dehydration, or not consuming enough water.

Dehydration can be a big issue in the solder months. It can be challenging in the summer as well; however, in the hot months, people tend to be more aware of the water that their body is losing through sweat and often are motivated therefore to increase their water intake. Sweat is less pronounced in the winter, but dehydration can still occur. The cold weather is dryer and it consequently dries out skin. This is as true of penis skin as it is of skin elsewhere on the body.

Why does dry skin itch? Doctors are not sure, but many believe the itchiness is meant to be a warning sign that the skin needs to be hydrated.

Drink water

Clearly, one of the best ways to deal with dehydration is to drink water. There are other fluids that one can drink, such as fruit or vegetable juices, but water is generally the best choice when wanting to really attack dehydrated skin. It’s also wise to avoid certain other fluids, such as alcohol or caffeinated sodas, as these can actually cause more dehydration in some cases.

Some foods can also be helpful in staying hydrated, such as citrus fruits, watermelon and many vegetables with a high water content.

How much water should a person drink? Traditionally, adults are told to drink 6 to 8 glasses of water daily. However, there are many variables at play. One recommendation which has become popular in recent years is for a person to estimate their weight (such as 180 pounds), cut that in half (90) and drink that amount of water in ounces (90 ounces). However, people who sweat more (naturally or due to physical exertion) would need to increase their intake.

It can help to check for signs that a person is staying hydrated. For example, a guy should check his urine. If it is colorless or a faint yellow, it’s more likely he is well hydrated. Very dark yellow or brownish urine is often a sign that more fluids are needed. (It can also be a sign of other issues; if it remains discolored after increasing water intake, a man should consult with his doctor.)

Drinking water is not the only solution for treating an itchy penis, however. For example, sometimes the dry skin may come from using a harsh soap or from ingredients in laundry detergent.

Drinking plenty of water is an excellent way to hydrate the skin and help avoid an itchy penis. Another valuable tactic is to daily apply a top notch penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Not all cremes are created equal, however; what is needed is a crème with a combination of a high end emollient (shea butter is ideal) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E). These can help create a moisture lock to better maintain penile hydration. Also advisable in a creme is a potent antioxidant, such as alpha lipoic acid. Antioxidants fight excess free radicals and thereby help prevent damage to the skin from oxidative stress.

Tuesday, 30 October 2018

Proper Penis Protection: Best Practices for Condom Use

Penis protection is a big deal for all guys, and rightfully so – no one wants to put their favorite appendage at risk or do anything to impede penis health! There are numerous steps one can take to help ensure penis protection, but, especially for men who are sexually active with more than one partner, the most important is consistent and proper use of a condom. But what are some good tips for proper condom use that men should remember?

Read on to find out.


- Don’t recycle. This may seem like common sense, but it’s surprising how many men don’t know this. A condom is meant to be used once and then disposed of. Even if a guy washes and sterilizes the condom after use, there may still be dregs of semen left inside. Also, after one use, the condom may be stretched out and no longer fit snugly, or is may develop tiny tears which would affect its effectiveness.

- Check it out before using it. Condoms come with expiration dates, and for safety sake, don’t use an expired one if at all possible. (If an out-of-date condom is all a guy has, and he is determined to have sex, do use the expired condom – but be aware that it may not offer the desired protection and there may be consequences.) Also, if the package containing the condom is torn, use a different one.

- Store it in a cool, dry place. Moisture and hot sunlight can cause damage to a condom.

- Put it on correctly. The penis needs to be erect before the condom is applied. Intact men should pull back the foreskin before applying. Leave a little room at the end of the condom, and pinch the end closed. Then with the free hand, a man should unroll the penis along the length of the shaft until it reaches the base. And be sure the fit is snug without being overly constricting. It pays for a man to try out a condom brand and size on his own in order to make sure he has a proper fit, so that he doesn’t have to worry about that when preparing to have sex.

- Use the right lubricant. Water-based lubricants are generally safe for latex condoms; oil-based ones are not, as they may bring about breakage.

- Don’t double-bag. Contrary to popular belief, using two condoms at once is not double the protection. Instead, the condoms are likely to rub against each other, creating enough friction that one or both may tear.

- Switch if needed. In the event that a man is gifted in terms of being able to carry on with penetrative sex for an unusually long time, he may need to stop and switch to a new condom before he is through. Generally, a condom is considered safe for about 30 minutes of use. After that, friction becomes a problem and may result in tearing. So if a guy tends to go longer than a half hour, he should carry a back-up (or two). Also, the same condom should not be used for both anal and vaginal penetration (no matter what the length of time in each position).

- Withdraw with care. After ejaculating, carefully withdraw. When accessible, grip the condom by the base and hold onto it until withdrawn. Dispose of the condom in a wastebasket (not the toilet).

Proper use of a condom can help improve penis protection where sexually-transmitted infections are concerned. Penis protection from other issues can be enhanced through the use of a first class penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Since penis sensation is paramount for sexual satisfaction, choose a crème that helps maintain that sensation, i.e., one with the neuroprotective ingredient L-carnitine. A crème with vitamin A is also desired, as this vitamin has anti-bacterial properties which protect the penis and which also fight against persistent penis odor.

Penis Health and Nudism –Benefits vs. Risks

Letting it all hang out takes on a literal meaning when a man is into nudism. Although exact figures are hard to come by – the American Association for Nude Recreation includes about 213,000 – it seems that interest in nudism is growing. And there are many men who claim that there are penis health benefits to a clothing-free lifestyle. For those interested in how nudism might improve penis health, the following information should be helpful.

Not so healthy

First, however, it’s important to acknowledge some penis health detriments that can occur if a man indulges in nudism activities. Probably the one that most often springs to mind is getting a sunburned penis. And that’s a very real possibility. Because the penis is usually kept hidden away, it gets very little sunlight, making penis skin much more sensitive to sunlight, especially when it is first exposed to the open air. Men need to make sure that they don’t let the penis (and balls) spend too much time in direct sunlight, and that they use a good sunscreen when they do.

Nudist men also need to beware of plants like poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac and take steps to protect their penis from these and similar plants.

Penis health benefits

But what about the pluses to penis health of nudism? There are several.

- It can lessen penis odor. One of the most common issues men face is that of a persistent and unattractive penis odor. A little musky scent can be attractive to a partner, but when the aroma is overpowered by sweat, bacteria and other smells, it can be a hug turn-off. Airing the penis out by engaging in nudism can help to fight penis odor – and with less sweat accumulating thanks to underwear and trousers, penis odor is less likely to come back.

- Penis skin may be healthier. Proper exposure to the sunlight means that the penis skin is soaking up vitamin D, as well as accumulating natural moisture which helps keep the skin vibrant and alive. In addition, even soft clothing can at times rub the penis skin the wrong way, creating a chafing situation or even a rawness. In addition, penis skin that is exposed to fresh air is less likely to create an embarrassing itchiness.

- Better rest makes a rowdier penis. Millions of people have significant sleep issues – and getting inadequate sleep is one of the more common reasons for a man to experience erectile difficulties. In general, the more rested the man, the more raring to go is the penis. In many cases, inadequate sleep has to do with feeling overheated while sleeping – which is less of a problem if one is sleeping in the nude.

- The blood gets circulating. Many theorize that exposing the body to fresh air helps to improve blood circulation. This is great for overall health in general and penis health in particular. Greater circulation improves blood flow, which is essential for a erectile function.

- Self-esteem may go up. Many people who are interested on nudism worry that their bodies are too imperfect for them to expose to others. A guy may feel self-conscious about his weight or may worry that his “equipment” won’t compare favorably to other guys. In fact, most people who regularly participate in nudism find that they become much more comfortable about their own body and come to appreciate its beauty. This can translate into more self-confidence in the bedroom as well.

Nudism can indeed help improve penis health, but nudism alone is not the answer. Men need to regularly apply a superior penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) to the penis. It works best if the crème is loaded with vitamins, especially vitamins A, B5, C, D and E. Men should make sure the crème also includes L-arginine, an amino acid which can assist in keeping penile blood vessels open for increased blood flow.

Monday, 29 October 2018

Penis Tattoos: Everything a Man Needs to Know

While tattoos, in general, can be daunting, penis tattoos seem to be a sign of a He-Man with unbelievable pain tolerance. However, these hidden works of art are growing in popularity as more men embrace what a penis tattoo can do for them. There are also more artists willing to tattoo a man’s penis to help him show off his unique personality. Let’s examine penis tattoos, from the why to the how, pay careful attention to the risks and how to care for it after.

Why do men get penis tattoos?

There are several reasons a man might opt to decorate his li’l fella. Here are a few some guys shared:

1) Making the moment memorable. If a guy’s penis says “Hubba Hubba” on it or has a picture of a banana on it, it’s going to be hard to forget.

2) It shows body confidence. If a man gets a tattoo on his penis, he’s obviously okay with showing off his stuff. It says he’s proud of what he’s got and how he uses it.

3) It gets a reaction. When a man strips down and his partner sees an elephant tattoo complete with “trunk,” there’s nothing to do but notice it. If there’s any ice to break, consider it broken!

4) Aesthetics. If a guy doesn’t love the way his penis curves or feels a little less impressive than other members he’s seen in the locker room, a penis tattoo can pretty up his favorite friend. Of course, some men are perfectly happy with their penises and just want to “throw a little tinsel on the tree.”

How to get a penis tattoo and what to expect

First and foremost, find a good tattoo artist with significant experience in giving penis tattoos. Do not drink or do drugs prior to making the appointment and show up with a clean member. Realize that this artist will be touching, holding, twisting, and manipulating the penis for a prolonged period of time – be sure that’s okay. Most men will need to be “mostly soft” during the tattooing so if a man is concerned about being hard the whole time, potentially rethink the tat or the artist. Finally, this is going to hurt like any other tattoo, so be prepared. Some people like to take a few over-the-counter pain relievers prior to tattooing.

Potential risks of penis tattoos

It’s not fun and games when a man gets a tattoo on his penis, there are also several risks to heed. Here are a few potential outcomes any man considering a penis tattoo should be sure he’s educated on:

1) Permanent Erection. Okay, okay. It sounds awesome to have a permanent erection but in real life, it’s not. Think about Grandma Betty’s 89th Birthday Party, does any man want to greet the family with an overanxious member? No, one wants that.

2) Infection. The best way to prevent infection is to confirm the tattoo artist's area is hygienic and they only use 100% sterile needles. Then closely follow all after-care instructions the artist gives. Follow them to the letter.

3) Scarring and Loss of Sensitivity. Penile skin is thin and very delicate, and as such, makes it very sensitive. By introducing hundreds of miniature needle pricks to the skin, scarring can develop. Scarring can lead to loss of sensitivity in the penis. If a man already has sensitivity issues, he may want to rethink a penis tattoo.

Caring for a penis tattoo

Tattoos require special care so be sure to follow the tattoo artist’s advice to the letter! After a few hours, very (very!) gently wash the penis with warm water and a diluted gentle cleanser like baby shampoo. Rinse well and then gently pat dry with a soft towel.

After cleansing the skin, apply a thin layer of specially formulated penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) . Use a crème with an all-natural base like Shea Butter and vitamin E. Also, try to find a creme that contains additional nutrients and vitamins to promote healing and soothe the skin. This type of crème will prevent drying (which can cause itchiness) and keep the penis skin supple as it heals.

Dealing with Penile Atrophy: Causes, Treatment, and Prevention

Penile atrophy, two words no man wants to hear together. Unfortunately, it happens. Not completely sure what penile atrophy is? Also known as penis shrinkage, it's the decrease in the length and/or girth of the penis caused by extensive loss of penile tissue. This condition can be temporary, or in more severe cases, the tissue loss may be permanent. In either case, there are several ways to either reverse it (in the case of temporary atrophy) or to compensate. Let's get up-to-date on what can cause penis shrinkage, as well as the potential treatments and how to protect against it.

Penile Atrophy Causes

There are several different causes of penile atrophy. Here are a few of the most common:

1) More Candles on the Birthday Cake. As a man ages, his penis can be the victim of many small sports- or sex-related injuries that cause an accumulation of scar tissue. This can affect the spongy erectile tissue, eventually leading to penis shrinkage.

2) Putting on the lbs. Weight gain, specifically around the stomach, can make the penis appear smaller. This occurs because the penis is attached to the abdominal wall, and when the stomach expands, it pulls the penis inward, making it appear smaller.

3) Peyronie’s Disease. This is where fibrous scar tissue develops within the penis, causing it to become curved during erections. This can be very painful for men. Peyronie’s can cause a reduction in both the length and girth of a man’s penis.

4) Medication. Some meds can cause penis shrinkage. They include but are not limited to medicines like Adderall, some antipsychotics and antidepressants, and some drugs that are prescribed for treating an enlarged prostate.

5) Smoking. Smoking injures blood vessels in the body, including those in the penis. This can prevent the penis from filling with blood to create an erection, leading to a smaller appearance. Smoking also causes overall tissue loss, and men who can’t kick the habit may find that, over time, the length of their penis may decrease by an inch or more.

Penile Atrophy Treatments

No matter the cause of penile atrophy, there’s a treatment that can help. Here are a few treatments and tips for reversing or lessening the effects of penis shrinkage.

1) Lose Weight. Get down to a healthy weight with a sensible diet, regular exercise, and optimal sleep.

2) Quit Smoking. Men who quit smoking should stop (for many reasons), but especially to help out their fledgling members! Find a program, grab a patch, or quit cold turkey to get the blood flowing!

3) Male Enhancers. Pop the little blue pill to boost blood flow and experience a stronger, firmer erection. Heart patients should be careful when using medications like Viagra or Cialis. Always see a doctor for a script to confirm it’s a safe option and won’t interfere with other medications.

4) Surgery. For men with scar tissue or Peyronie’s Disease, there are surgical and ultrasound technology options to remove scar tissue. While shrinkage is permanent in this case, it can enhance feeling and sensual performance.

Preventing Penile Atrophy

While age is inevitable, there are some ways to prevent penile atrophy. Maintain a healthy weight and stay away from smoking. Also, be sure to have frequent erections to exercise the penis and keep the blood vessels fit and primed for action. See a doctor regularly and don’t be shy about discussing any new penis issues going on.

Be sure to keep the penis clean and well moisturized as well. After cleansing the skin with a mild cleanser, rinsing, and drying gentle, use a specially formulated penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) on the penis. These crèmes contain vital nutrients and minerals for the penis to not only keep skin supple but also strong and vital.

Sunday, 28 October 2018

Improve Penis Sensitivity: What You Can Do Now to Regain That Loving Feeling

A numb or desensitized penis isn’t just a problem associated with the elderly; it can affect younger men too, wreaking havoc with their sex lives and their relationships. In some cases, desensitization is just that – a loss of feeling in the member. In other cases, the organ may be less responsive to external touch, but men can experience tingling or a pins-and-needles sensation from within. Some causes of penile numbness are more concerning than others, but many are simple lifestyle choices that can be changed easily. Here are some of the reasons that it occurs, as well as tips to improve penis sensitivity.

- Injury to the penile nerves is one of the most prominent causes of penile numbness; and one of the most common reasons for this to occur is frequent cycling. Riding long distances on a bicycle puts an incredible amount of pressure on your pelvis and genital area and the body isn’t designed for that. Sitting on the bike seat applies pressure to your lower half and that pressure constricts blood vessels, which affect the nerves sending sensations to your penis. If you’re an avid cycler who suffers from loss of sensitivity in your penis, consider purchasing a padded bike seat or one with an opening designed specifically to relieve pressure to the genital area.

- Multiple Sclerosis, a neurodegenerative disease, is also associated with a loss of sensitivity in the penis, as MS directly impacts the central nervous system and damages the nerves. Erectile dysfunction can also result from this life-changing disease. While treatment for this condition is complex, some affected men have reported improvements after using a penis health crème containing the amino acids L arginine and L carnitine, which support nerve health and can help regenerate damaged tissue.

- Prostate cancer can lead to the penis being desensitized, as many symptoms affect the male anatomy. If you are experiencing penile numbness, erectile dysfunction and painful or bloody urination, seek medical attention as soon as possible.

- Poor diet can also cause penile numbness, as a lack of nutrients such as Vitamin B12 can lead to sensitivity loss. Improving this issue may be as easy as adding more milk, beef, leafy green vegetables, tuna and clams to the diet.

- Tight clothing can also be a culprit, as it can put pressure on the penis and leave it numb or with a tingling feeling. The best thing to do is wear loose clothing that isn’t smashing the family jewels. Choose breathable fabrics and avoid clothing items like skinny jeans, which are restrictive and can cut off circulation to this critical area.

As addition steps to ensuring proper penile health, be sure to get to the doctor for an annual check-up, as well as performing a testicular cancer check on yourself once a month to keep your boys healthy. For daily maintenance, be sure to wash thoroughly with a gentle cleanser, removing any built-up substances under the foreskin. After correctly washing the genital area, pat it dry with a towel, then moisturize with a penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin). This particular health crème is a super weapon, containing vitamins and nutrients essential to the wellbeing of penile tissue, like vitamin C for collagen production and Shea butter, which hydrates the skin, leaving the area soft and smooth. The addition of amino acids like L arginine and acetyl L carnitine provides vital support for nerve tissue, supporting optimum sensation. Keep the penis skin clean, dry, and well-nourished for better sexual health.

Saturday, 27 October 2018

Avoiding Penis Irritation: TLC for a Man’s Best Friend

If we took a poll, we reckon that men would all be in agreement that penis irritation is the one of the most unpleasant issues they have to deal with. Pain in this area can be extremely noticeable, uncomfortable, limiting, and ultimately life-altering, if proper steps are not taken to treat the cause. Dates are put off, gym bags get left at home, and worry is afoot. Fear not- there are a few common reasons why penis irritation occurs, and in most cases, this sensitive problem can be remedies fairly easily. Read on to learn a few of the reasons that irritation can occur and what to do when it rears its ugly head.

- Yeast Infections are unwelcome but all too common in both men and women. Unfortunately, yeast infections are easily passed through intercourse, in case we all needed another reason to use a condom. They are also very common, because everyone has candida (the fungus that causes these pesky infections) on their skin, and the humid conditions in the nether regions of the body are ideal for allowing the overgrowth that produces redness, irritation, itching, burning and a white, chunky discharge.

- Balanitis is a dreaded infection of the head and foreskin of the penis. Although the symptoms are similar to a yeast infection, this condition is caused by bacteria infesting the area. This is often a result of sub-par hygiene, although excessive washing or injury of the foreskin can also play a role. In addition, balanitis can be caused by some sleeping pills, laxatives and even diabetes.

- Contact Dermatitis is a common culprit when it comes to penis irritation, as it is a condition where skin becomes inflamed or irritated after contact with environmental irritants such as the chemicals in many soaps, laundry detergents. It usually takes about 48 hours for symptoms to present themselves. Discontinue use of any non-hypoallergenic personal care products for best results.

- Urethritis is a condition in which the urethra becomes inflamed. This can increase the urge to urinate and cause painful urination. Affected men may find blood in their semen or urine, as well as itching and burning on the tip of the penis. Seek medical attention if you have similar symptoms.

Addressing these issues can help to eliminate irritation when it occurs. But men can also take positive steps to avoid it altogether. Practicing safe sex by using barrier protection, staying hydrated, wearing loose clothing, and maintaining appropriate hygiene can significantly reduce the odds of developing penile irritation.

Additionally, taking the time to moisturize with a penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) can help to guard against common issues associated with the penile skin This particular health crème is a super weapon, containing vitamins and nutrients essential to the wellbeing of penile tissue, like vitamin C for collagen production and Shea butter, which hydrates the skin, leaving the area soft and smooth. The addition of amino acids like L arginine and acetyl L carnitine provides vital support for nerve tissue, supporting optimum sensation. Keep the penis skin clean, dry, and well-nourished for better sexual health.

Friday, 26 October 2018

My Penis Smells Funky: Why?

If you took a poll, penis odor would be on top of the list of potential date or evening disasters. Granted all genitalia has an odor, extreme penis smells can be a sign of something potentially serious, or it can be due to poor hygiene. Most of the time, ensuring the penis is clean will keep the odor at bay. However, some conditions will lead to a foul smell. Below are a few common causes of a smelly penis. Remember, seek medical treatment if you have bloody discharge or pain.

1) Smegma is an accumulation of dead skin cells, natural oils, sweat and moisture that occurs in both male and female genitalia, although it is more common in uncircumcised men. Smegma collects underneath the foreskin in males and it has several distinct characteristics: thick, smelly, cottage-cheese looking discharge or pearl-shaped lumps underneath the foreskin. Smegma shows similar characteristics of other infections below, so make sure to keep an eye on any other symptoms you’re experiencing.

2) Non-gonococcal urethritis (NGU) is an infection of the urethra caused by pathogens other than gonorrhea. NGU is often caused by chlamydia and is transmitted sexually. In males, symptoms appear as smelly discharge from the penis, burning during urination, itching or a stain in your underwear. Seek medical treatment if you feel you’ve been infected with NGU as you will need antibiotics to treat the infection.

3) Dry skin can actually cause a smelly penis, as dehydrated skin eventually will crack and leave these areas prone to bacteria and later infection. As the penis skin is very delicate and fragile, it is wise to keep the skin moisturized, so the skin will stay intact. The drier skin, the more likely you are to get penis odor.

4) Tight-fitting clothing is a culprit of penis odor. The genital area is a perfect breeding area for bacteria to grow and fester, as it is dark, humid, hot and all the moisture is trapped. Keep the area dry and clean in order to prevent an unpleasant smell underneath your clothing. You and your partner will thank us.

5) Thrush is very common and has some common symptoms of other infections as well, why it is so important to be aware of any changes in your body. Thrush usually occurs around the head of the penis and it may be irritated, red and sore, painful and you may have a burning sensation during urination or white discharge resembling cottage cheese. Seek medical treatment to help.

At the end of the day, penis odor is sometimes inevitable. How to get rid of a smelly penis, you ask? Keep it clean. After correctly washing the genital area by lifting the folds of skin and ensuring you’ve cleaned them all, dry and moisturize your skin with a product made specifically for skin, like a penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin). This particular health crème is a super weapon, containing vitamins and nutrients essential to the wellbeing of private area skin, like vitamin C, for collagen production, and Shea butter, which hydrates the skin leaving the area soft and smooth. Keep the penis skin clean, dry, and hydrated for optimal health.

Penis Pain Could Come from a Bladder Stone

When the penis is in pain, most men are ready to jump into action to solve the problem, and the first the step, beyond acknowledging the pain, is figuring out what may be the cause. Numerous factors can bring about penis pain, one of which is the unwelcome presence of a bladder stone. Knowing symptoms of a bladder stone can be valuable when discussing this pain with a doctor.

Not kidney stones

Kidney stones are something most people have heard of (and some people may have experienced), but bladder stones are not as widely known. As might be surmised simply from their name, bladder stones form in and are largely associated with the bladder.

As part of the body’s ongoing processes, blood enters the kidneys to be filtered. Products that the body needs are kept; waste is filtered out and becomes urine. After the urine is produced, it is then sent to the bladder, which stores the urine. When the bladder becomes full, a person feels the urge to urinate; doing so removes the urine from the body, empties the bladder, and makes room for more urine to be delivered from the kidneys.

Sometimes, however, a person doesn’t empty his bladder completely. In some cases, this can cause the leftover urine to form crystals from the minerals left behind, and these form the bladder stone.

Not always painful

Not all bladder stones are painful; many times, a person will have a bladder stone and have no symptoms whatsoever. Other times, however, it can be quite obvious. Penis pain is one symptom, as mentioned. This may be pain (or burning sensation) which occurs only during urination or it may be a more generalized pain in the penis or in the balls. There may also be pain in the stomach.

The urine can also be affected, sometimes appearing cloudy and at other times presenting with blood mixed in. Bladder stones may also make a man need to urinate more often.


There can be some underlying factors that can cause a bladder stone. These include an enlarged prostate, a fairly common complaint among men. If the prostate is too enlarged, it disrupts the efficient operation of urine release. Another cause may be nerve damage which disrupts proper signaling so that bladder muscles don’t function properly. A urinary tract infection can also be responsible, as can a small kidney stone which travels into the bladder and becomes a bladder stone.

If a man has a bladder catheter (during a hospital stay, for example), it is possible for mineral deposits to form on the device which then may be left behind in the bladder.


If a guy suspects he has a bladder stone, he should see a doctor. In some cases, a bladder stone can be eliminated through increasing water intake. Other times, a stone may be broken apart by using a laser or ultrasound, allowing the smaller pieces to then pass more easily. In some severe cases, surgery may be recommended.

Penis pain caused by a bladder stone can be rather intense and may leave the penis feeling sore even after the stone’s elimination. Regular use of a superior penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) may help soothe a sore and strained penis. Keeping the skin toned and moisturized can aid in recovery, so select a crème that includes excellent moisturizing components; shea butter and vitamin E are good examples. For good measure, find a crème that also contains vitamin D, which has proven benefits in fighting diseases and supporting healthy cellular function.

Thursday, 25 October 2018

Penis Pump Parties: Exhibiting the Erect Penis

Whether he admits it or not, a man often places a great deal of importance of the size of his erect penis – and that’s one reason why some men enjoy using a penis pump, either to aid them in attaining an erection or to temporarily add some length or girth to his member. A penis pump can have a legitimate penis health use, by aiding men with erectile dysfunction issues. But it also is utilized by some for more recreational uses. And just as many recreational activities require more than one participant, so do many pump users like to get together to indulge in this pastime with other fans.

A point of explanation: for this article, penis pumping refers to using an air- or water-based pump which involves placing a cylinder over the penis and/or balls in order to create a vacuum which encourages the creation of an erect penis. This form of pumping comes with risks, but when used properly can be fairly safe. Another form of pumping, involving injecting substances into the penis in order to increase the size, is not safe and should not be engaged in.

Penis pump parties

A penis pump party can be a casual affair where a couple of guys decide at the last minute to hang out and pump, or it can be a more elaborate and planned affair with dozens of pump enthusiasts.

One thing is for sure, however: they’re not for the shy types. The whole purpose of these parties is to get one’s penis pumped up and then display it. So men who are shy about exhibiting their own penis and/or nude body, or who would be uncomfortable at the sight of other men doing the same, should definitely not consider being a part of this kind of activity.


So what are some things to know about a penis pump party?

1) It should be BYOP (Bring Your Own Pump). Although a social situation like a pump party does involve sharing, what’s being shared is the sight of one’s erect penis and the erect penis of others. That sharing should NOT extend to using another man’s pump. This can be unhygienic and lead to possible spread of germs, fungi, infections, etc.

2) Use towels. Again, at least partial nudity is common at a pump party. Having a towel or bedsheet to sit on is a hygienic idea.

3) Know the ground rules. Find out before attending a party what the ground rules are. For example, some penis pump parties are about showing off the pumped penis – period. Others may allow participants to go beyond the visual and encourage participants to masturbate themselves, or to touch other people’s penises. Knowing what is expected can help a guy to decide if this party falls within his comfort level. And if a party arises spontaneously, while a couple of guys are just hanging, it pays to take a moment and set up guidelines before starting.

4) Don’t go overboard. Safe penis pump use means following instructions. Sometimes when with a group of other pumpers, there may be a temptation to go overboard and pump at a different level or for an extended period of time. Guys need to resist this temptation and keep pumping only in a manner which they know is safe for them. (And remember, just because another man pumps differently doesn’t mean that it is safe for all men to do so.)

If a pump party lasts a long while, that erect penis may get a little sore, so be prepared to provide soothing relief via application of a high quality penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Soothing relief comes via keeping the skin moisturized, so select a crème with a combination of first rate hydrating agents, such as shea butter and vitamin E. Keep the penis skin looking extra healthy by using a crème with alpha lipoic acid, a potent antioxidant which helps keep at bay damaging oxidative stress.

Penis Protection: Daily Do’s & Don'ts

A man has only one penis (well, except in exceedingly rare cases), so he really needs to practice proper penis protection to ensure nothing untoward happens to it. Maintaining penis health is a major goal for guys, and there are some daily routines they can practice that can help move toward that goal. With that in mind, the following dos and don’ts may prove educational and beneficial.

Penis protection tips

- Do wash daily. Keeping the penis clean is one of the best ways to help maintain its health. Washing regularly can help keep down on harmful bacteria and fungi, as well as battling the persistent penis odor that plagues too many men.

- But don’t wash mindlessly. There’s a right way to wash the penis – using warm (but not hot) water and a gentle cleanser. Hot water can scald the penis, as well as dry out the skin. And harsh soaps can also de-moisturize the penis or cause allergic reactions to chemicals and fragrances.

- And do wash under the hood. Men who are intact need to be sure to pull back the foreskin and gently wash there as well. This can help prevent smegma from building up.

- Do stay hydrated. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day is crucial, especially for men in hot climates and/or those who work up a big sweat. Staying hydrated not only is good for overall health, it also provides penis protection. A well-hydrated man is less likely to have dry, flaky penis skin, and he’s also less likely to develop kidney or urinary tract issues.

- Do use a condom. This is one of the key penis protection tips. Unless in a monogamous relationship with a trusted partner, using a condom is necessary to help cut down on the risk of acquiring a sexually-transmitted infection (STI). Condoms are not a 100% guarantee against infection, but they reduce the risk significantly.

- Do ejaculate. Studies have shown that regularly ejaculating may cut down on the chances of a guy developing prostate cancer later in life. Plus, regularly using the penis allows a guy to gain greater familiarity with it, aiding him in his skill with using it.

- Don’t smoke. Smoking is bad for health, period, and works against proper penis protection. It can impact the immune system, which is not good. More specifically, it can also cause cardiac function problems and damage penile blood vessels, both of which can impact erectile function.

- Don’t skimp on sleep. Sure, there’s not enough time in the day to accomplish everything that needs to be done – but cutting down on sleep is no good. Men who get a proper amount of rest on a daily basis are generally healthier – and generally have livelier sex drives and fewer erectile issues as well.

- Do perform a self-check. Feeling around the penis and balls for any lumps or bumps can help alert a guy to potential problems. Also keep an eye out for sores, blisters, bumps, rashes, pains, or unusual discharges. If something seems out of the ordinary, talk about it with a qualified doctor.

- Do aid your penis protection regimen by the daily application of a top drawer penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Like all the body, the penis benefits from exposure to vitamins, so select a crème that includes a wide range – such as vitamins A, B5, C, D, and E. The best crème will also include amino acids, such as L-arginine. This ingredient works to boost nitric oxide production, and that subsequently can help penile blood vessels to expand and open when extra volumes of blood rush to the penis.

Wednesday, 24 October 2018

Itchy Penis from C. Glabrata, a Different Kind of Yeast

Yeast is a wonderful thing when it comes to bread and other baked goods, but it’s not something a guy really wants on his penis. Unfortunately, yeast infections, though more common in women, do occur in men as well and can be a penis health concern. (If nothing else, the itchy penis that occurs is a major annoyance.) Usually when discussing such yeast infections, the culprit responsible for the infection is a yeast known as candida albicans (or c. albicans). But in some cases, the cause of that infection is a slightly different yeast, known as candida glabrata (or c. glabrata). And although they have similarities, there also are differences between them.

Not as common

Candida glabrata is responsible for about 10% of vaginal yeast infections; it is not clear what the percentage might be in men, but it is likely to be similar. As with c. albicans, c. glabrata can cause a vey itchy penis in men, especially around the tip of the penis. But there are other symptoms associated with it as well. The itchiness is often accompanied by a red rash and/or whitish spots, and there can be a burning sensation in the penis as well. The burning sensation often occurs while urinating, indicating that the yeast has made its way into the urinary tract and created an infection there.

C. glabrata on the penis is a problem, but a bigger issue is if the yeast spreads to the bloodstream. It can potentially cause severe problems, such as meningitis, although this is fairly rare.

Some more susceptible

Some people are more susceptible to c. glabrata than others – mainly people whose immune system is compromised or suppressed. This would tend to include people with conditions like HIV, cancer, and diabetes, as well as newborns and those who are elderly.

It’s important to distinguish between c. albiucans and c. glabrata because the treatment is different – but unfortunately, their symptoms are very similar. Microscopic and biochemical analysis is usually required for proper diagnosis; some doctors make use of a process known as MALDI-TOF MS, which is often a quicker way of obtaining a diagnosis.

Since most penile yeast infections are caused by c. albicans, they are typically treated with antifungal medication, most often fluconazole. But c. glabrata is resistant to this strain of antifungal medications; to make things more complicated, it seems to be able to develop resistance to other antifungal medications rather quickly.

Once a definite diagnosis has been arrived at, a doctor will need to determine what kind of antifungal treatment is most likely to be effective in a particular case.

Preventing this itchy penis problem is desirable, so appropriate steps should be taken. Knowing the sexual health status of partners is helpful; if a partner has a yeast infection, use of a condom, while not 100% effective, can help lower the risk of picking up the infection from sex. Some may prefer to abstain from sexual contact altogether until the partner’s infection has been treated and cleared up. This includes oral sex, as the infection can occur in one’s mouth as well as the penis.

The itchy penis and other symptoms caused by candida glabrata can be challenging. The itchiness may be lessened by the use of a top notch penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Often itchy skin is made worse by scratching; re-hydrating the skin can help address that concern. A crème with both a high end emollient (like shea butter) and a natural hydrator (like vitamin E) can aid in keeping penis skin moisturized. The ideal crème will also include vitamin B5. Also called pantothenic acid, vitamin B5 is a vital nutrient that is required for cell metabolism and the maintenance of healthy tissue.

Testosterone and Sexual Health: It’s Complicated

Now more than ever, testosterone is something that is discussed in terms of a guy’s sexual health. There’s nary a man alive who doesn’t know that testosterone is important to muscle tone, performance capability, penis health, and so on. “T levels” are tossed around as a topic of conversation, and many guys boast about how they’re “all T’d up” after a workout (or before a date). But while it’s true that testosterone does have a role to play in sexual health, the fact is that exactly how testosterone fits in is a little more complicated than that.

A natural thing

As most men know, testosterone is a male hormone. Mainly produced in the balls, it plays a role in sexual development (e.g., presence of body hair, growth and development of penis and balls, sperm production, etc.), helps the muscles build and tone, aids in bone mass, and helps to boost a guy’s libido. In addition, testosterone levels play some role in hair loss and depression as well. (There are other factors which come into play, of course.)

Often when a man is having issues in some of these areas – especially those involving sexual health or muscle development – testosterone supplementation may be suggested. In such cases, a qualified physician would assess the issue and make recommendations on exactly what kind of testosterone therapy to prescribe.


Sometimes, however, men may self-diagnosis an issue with testosterone – or may take an actual physician diagnosis of testosterone – and decide to treat it themselves with over-the-counter (OTC) versions of testosterone.

The problem is that often what a man is getting is not actual a dose of testosterone; it is instead something which claims to “boost” testosterone. In other words, the product doesn’t actually add testosterone itself but is intended to help the body create more of the hormone. Most OTC testosterone boosters are not regulated by governmental authorities, and so there is some concern about their ability to actually boost testosterone production, as well as about how they might interact with other medications or with physical/medical characteristics of an individual.

And some OTC boosters may not work in the way intended. For example, one which is used to boost testosterone to increase libido does seem to provide a very small uptick in testosterone – but may actually diminish libido. (Conversely, one popular booster does indeed seem to boost libido in some men, but does Not seem to have any effect on testosterone.)


Sometimes doctors prescribe injections of actual testosterone (which may be natural or may be a synthetic version). A man should receive testosterone injections only under the care of a qualified and trusted medical professional. Many men with normal testosterone insist on supplementation, but there can be issues with boosting T levels, including altering blood pressure, cardiac issues, sleep problems, prostate enlargement, dermatological problems, and more. In some instances, too much testosterone results in it being transmuted into estrogen, too much of which can cause its own problems (including male breast development).

Essentially, while testosterone levels are important, trying to ‘self-medicate” to increase the levels can be dangerous. Leave it to a good doctor to determine how to proceed.

Testosterone can impact sexual health, but maintaining overall penis health can be aided by the regular application of a first rate penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). The informed shopper will select a crème that include L-arginine, which is an amino acid that helps to boost nitric oxide production. This in turn enables penile blood vessels to more readily expand to accommodate increased blood flow during arousal. Ideally, the crème should also include vitamin C, which also aids in blood flow and which in addition is a key element in giving penis skin its tone and elasticity.

Tuesday, 23 October 2018

Smegma: Know When it Strikes and How to Treat It

Smegma…it’s a word that gives men and women a case of the gags the world over. Images of funky smells, cheese-like discharge, and an angry penis immediately come to mind. But how does smegma even get there in the first place? Let’s break down what smegma is first and go from there.

What is Smegma?

Smegma is actually part of the body's very efficient self-cleaning process. This cocktail of dead skin cells, oils, and other genital fluids may not be appetizing, but when taken care of daily, it's not even noticeable. When it isn't, however, that's when things get smelly and inflamed – specifically the penis. In addition to the gross factor, it can also lead to painful infections, not to mention a lot of embarrassment with a sexual partner.

Smegma Symptoms

To know how to treat it, a man must know how to spot it first. Let’s face it, there’s a ton of things that can afflict a member, smegma is one of the most obvious though. Smegma symptoms are pretty straightforward. Here are the most common smegma symptoms:

- There’s a foul odor emanating from the penis. It is most likened to a sweaty, sour milk smell.

- A dirty white thick consistency with a cottage cheese-like appearance.

- Urinating gets hot and throbbing. Many times, the urge to urinate also increases.

- Redness and Irritation. The delicate penis skin has a painful, pins-and-needles feel, and if often hot and any touch is unwelcome.

What Causes Smegma?

If smegma is around, it’s generally because someone isn’t cleaning their penis properly or regularly enough. Men who neglect daily washing, don’t wash after workouts, don’t wash after sex, or don’t wash with intent are more likely to be a victim to smegma.

While it doesn’t cause smegma, being uncircumcised does put a man at higher likelihood for having smegma because under the foreskin is the perfect place for smegma to hide. To avoid smegma and other foreskin-related hygiene issues, some of these men decide to get circumcised.

Treatment for smegma

So, what’s the miracle treatment for smegma?

Wash the penis regularly and thoroughly.

Is it just that easy? Yes. But some men haven’t been taught the ropes or established a daily hygiene ritual. This should include cleaning, drying, and moisturizing the member to polished perfect daily. For those needing a step-by-step, here's a comprehensive how-to for proper penis care:

1) In a warm shower or bath, gently pull back the foreskin. If the smegma has hardened, it may be resistant and do not, under any circumstance, fight the resistance. It can cause tear the delicate skin leading to extreme pain and a high likelihood of infection. Immerse the hardened area in warm water until smegma loosen. Oil can also help. Go slow and massage it gently in areas where it begins to give until it is all gone.

2) Next, use a gentle cleanser and warm water to cleanse the entire genital area. Be gentle but thorough.

3) Rinse carefully and pat dry with a soft towel or air dry when done cleaning.

4) Finally, moisturize the penis with a specially formulated penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) following every cleansing. Be sure to select a cream that has a natural nourishing foundation like Shea butter and vitamin E to heal and soothe the penis. Crèmes that also contain vitamins A, B, C, and D are ideal for their skin-soothing, anti-bacterial, and cell regeneration properties.

5) Repeat daily.

If the smegma isn’t better after a solid week of detailed cleaning, or if it’s getting worse, see a doctor for treatment.

Ten Causes of Penis Sores and How to Treat Them

Sores are an eye-sore, especially when on the penis. They can happen for many reasons, some of them harmless and some of them even deadly. Whether they are filled with pus or are just bumps with a shooter of pain, they need to be taken care of and quickly. Be sure to treat penis sores with care, and no matter their cause, see a doctor if concerned.

Penis Sore Causes

Here are some of the most commonly cited causes for penis sores. The first five are non-sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and the second five are all STIs.

1) Friction Burn. Rubbing the mister too much and all that friction can cause sores. Avoid wearing any underwear, shorts, or pants that are too-tight and when commencing in amorous activities, be sure to properly lubricate.

2) Folliculitis. This can happen anywhere hair grows! Folliculitis in the genitals is when infected hair follicles create pus-filled penis sores around the hair shaft. It’s nothing to be concerned about and will often clear up on its own. Some men opt to add razor burn serums, like Tend Skin, to the area to quicken the clearing process.

3) Psoriasis. Men who have psoriasis on other parts of their bodies may also develop it on their penis. See a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

4) Allergic Reactions. Rashes and sores can result from all sorts of allergens and irritants. It can be anything new to him such as laundry detergent or body wash. To clear things up, clean the penis gently with a soft, clean, damp cloth and follow up with a specially formulated crème for the penis.

5) Candida. When there’s too much yeast in the body, it can overgrow causing itching, redness, swelling, chunky white discharge, and white sores on the penis. Usually, treatment involves topical antifungal creams. It’s transmittable, so avoid from sex and let current sexual partners know so they can be on the lookout.

6) Genital Warts. This STI is caused by a viral infection. Warts, which often look like sores, often show up on the glans, the foreskin, shaft, and entire pubic area. They may also have a discharge which will cause itching.

7) Lymphogranuloma Venereum (LGV). A somewhat new sexually transmitted infection (STI), LGV starts as an ulcer that shows 3 – 10 days after infection in the first stage. It can often disappear or go unnoticed until Stage 2 begins in which the lymph nodes in the groin start to swell.

8) Chancroid. It’s a bacterial STI recognized by painful sores on the genitals. It’s only spread through sexual contact. Treatment usually includes drainage and a round (or more) of medications to clear up the infection.

9) Herpes. The herpes simplex virus (HSV) is one of the most common causes of penis sores. Herpes is spread through sexual contact and can cause watery sores which eventually burst and crust over, leading to itching and redness. Those with HSV will require lifetime treatment to control outbreaks as there is currently no cure.

10) Syphilis. Syphilis is another STI caused by bacteria. It leads to symptoms such as fever, skin rash, swollen lymph glands, and hair loss. If caught in the early stages, it can be treated. If left untreated, this disease can lead to blindness, loss of cognition, and even death.

How to Keep Penis Sores from Popping Up

Here are a couple of common-sense ways to avoid penis sores altogether. First, when it comes to sex, take a note out of Salt N Pepa's playbook and talk about it. Talk to intimate partners about sexual health before having sex. This creates a safe space to talk about any existing issues, past experiences that weren't so great, or trade the dates each person was tested for STIs and what the results were.

The next step is a little easier -- have good hygiene habits. Wash daily (or more if you work out or are intimate) with a gentle cleanser and warm water. Pat dry with a soft towel and ensure the area is completely dry (bacteria loves moisture). Then condition the area with a specially formulated penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin). Crèmes such as these not only restore and rejuvenate the delicate penile skin but also keep the area fresh and bacteria free. Choose cremes that are built on a natural moisturizing base like Shea butter and vitamin E. Adding vitamins A, B, C, and D for their skin-soothing and cell regeneration properties is also a huge bonus as well.

Monday, 22 October 2018

Increasing Penis Sensitivity: A User’s Guide

Been longing for a sensitive penis? Not the type that cries at The Notebook or writes poems in the rain, but one that is raring and ready to go like it used to be? Not sure how things got so insensitive? There are lots of reasons penises lose their sensitivity. It can be anything from age to overindulgence of many types to something as innocent as too tight Underroos! In the quest of increasing penis sensitivity, here are the things to stop doing and start doing to get that sensitive penis back.

Increasing Penis Sensitivity: Things to Stop Doing Immediately!

1) Loosen Up (The grip that is). Self-pleasure is a beautiful thing. It’s great for pleasure and stress release; however, some men use what’s considered a “death grip” when they play solo, leaving the penis desensitized and unable to enjoy partner play.

2) No one is counting. Some men engage in so much sexual activity, with others or alone, that their penises are just down for the count. Too much of a good thing, even sex, can be too much.

3) Excessive Drinking and Drug Abuse. Drink and drugs have a tremendous effect on the penis. Whether it’s not able to get or stay hard, or not come to release, both drinking and drugs can be a real downer for the penis. Get help if it’s abuse. If it’s not, drink responsibly and don’t plan to get down and dirty when a few too many drinks have been downed.

4) Ditch the tight bottoms. Underwear, swim shorts, or trousers, friction from simply wearing clothing can desensitize the penis. Switch to properly fitting garments that give the penis space to be free and not constantly being rubbed up on.

Increasing Penis Sensitivity: Things to Start Doing Right Now!

1) First, take care. Men of a certain age (generally 40 and beyond) should pay extra attention to diet, fitness, and health tests as they age to keep their penis sensitivity high.

2) Get Tested for Low-T. Low testosterone can not only decrease libido but also decrease penis sensitivity. See a doctor, get tested, and then follow treatment if Low-T is to blame.

3) Change it up. Try new sexual positions and scenarios to excite the mind and body. It's time to pull out that Kama Sutra and start dog-earing some pages. Not only can it excite the penis, but it can breathe new life into an intimate partnership.

4) Lube it up. When engaging in sex or solo play, ensure a pleasant experience now and later by ensuring the right amount of moisture is present to reduce friction which can make a sensitive penis an indifferent penis quickly.

When increasing penis sensitivity, consider the everyday grooming ritual. Be sure to use gentle cleansers on the penile skin and use soft washcloths and warm water (not hot!). Never use harsh abrasives or unpronounceable ingredients that can be severe on this especially sensitive skin. When done, take care to dry the skin with very soft towels or completely via air drying.

After cleaning the skin, use a specially formulated penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) on the area. Choose a crème carefully and ensure it has a natural base, full of wonderful emollients like Shea butter and vitamin E. Look for special ingredients like L-Carnitine which protects penises from peripheral nerve damage which can steal healthy erections and encourages a sensitive penis. Add in more vitamins like A, B, C, and D, and it’s the perfect crème for treating and protecting this very special member.

Seven Varicocele Symptoms and How to Deal

A varicocele? No, it’s not a type of pasta, it’s a group of enlarged veins in the scrotum (the pouch of skin that contains a man’s testicles). They are usually caused by faulty valves in the veins of the scrotum. Here’s the rub, sometimes a man doesn’t know if he has a varicocele because symptoms can go unnoticed. To help fight that injustice, here are the seven most common symptoms of a varicocele and how to find relief.

Varicocele Symptoms:

1) One testicle is bigger than the other. Usually, the smaller testicle is the one that has the varicocele. Most of the time, it's the left side that gets the varicocele due to the position of the veins on that side.

2) Scrotum feel or look like a bag of worms or a have a lump that doesn’t hurt? That may be a varicocele; in fact, that description is the perfect metaphor for a varicocele.

3) A dull ache in the scrotum. Men who have an inexplicable and uncomfortable ache in their scrotum should pay attention. The ache may be caused by blood pooling in the scrotum. Using a jockstrap or extra supportive briefs may help ease the discomfort.

4) Pain that increases when standing and decreased while laying down. When a man is on his feet, blood pools to his varicocele. Lying down helps drain the blood from a scrotum, relieving the tension and pain.

5) Hot weather and prolonged exercise can make groin pain worse. The warmer it is, in your body or outside, the more blood that pumps in the body. This causes more blood to pool to the site of the varicocele.

6) Low-T. Varicoceles can interfere with testosterone production. This can lead to many other symptoms such as:

- Low libido

- Erectile Dysfunction

- Lack of energy or ambition

- Extreme fatigue

- Fat gain and muscle loss

- Hot flashes

- Difficulty sleeping

- Depression

- Difficulty concentrating

7) Infertility. Since sperm is produced in the testicles, a varicocele can actually heat up the area, affecting sperm production, motility, and function. In short, it can cause lower fertility or infertility. In fact, studies have shown varicoceles are responsible for 40% of male infertility issues. Some studies also show that there may be an autoimmune disorder that results as a result of a varicocele which causes the body to kill sperm.

How to Deal with a Varicocele

They definitely seem pretty pesky, but what can be done about varicoceles? Some symptoms are aesthetic and unless they really bother a man, it can be left alone and lived with. For men experiencing pain, are unhappy with scrotum appearance as a result of a varicocele or wants to remedy the more serious issues like Low-T and infertility, they should seek out medical care. See a doctor for options. A varicocele embolization, a minimally invasive procedure with quick recovery time, can make varicoceles a thing of the past.

As always, good penis health care is also recommended for keeping the penis happy and healthy. Be sure to engage in a regular exercise, eat a healthy diet, get adequate sleep, and conduct monthly exams on the penis and scrotum to detect any moles, sores, or lumps which need attention.

Also, be sure to commit to a regular hygiene ritual to keep the penis clean and free of infections. Cleanse the skin with a gentle cleanser, dry well, and moisturize. When conditioning the delicate genital area use a specially formulated penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for the skin). This type of crème delivers essential vitamins and amino acids necessary for cell turnover, keeping bacteria away, and promoting healthy firmness and elasticity.

Sunday, 21 October 2018

Masturbation While on the Road: 5 Dos and Don’ts

The masturbation urge can – and does –strike a man at any time. When watching porn, of course, but also when walking down the street, listening to music, fixing dinner, or even just sitting still. That means, naturally, that sometimes a bro is going to feel like masturbating when he’s on the road, traveling to some destination on a business trip or vacation. Lots of the time, a dude can ignore it until it either fades away or he reaches his hotel room and can indulge in some special penis care and loving. But other times the urge is too much. And what’s a guy supposed to do then?

Here are a few travel tips to deal with that insistent masturbation sensation when on the road (literally, as in the case of a car, or euphemistically, when on the go by other means).

1) Do not pull it out right there and start in on it. Sure, everyone has seen videos of guys masturbating while they drive or while flying in an airplane, so it’s true that plenty of guys do it. But, in the case of masturbating while driving, it’s enormously dangerous. Most guys know that they get a little “goony:” when masturbating –wrapped up in the experience so that they can’t concentrate on anything else. Well, that’s not a good state of mind to be in when handling several tons of heavy machinery. And masturbating in one’s seat on an airplane, train, or subway car is still masturbating in public; it can lead to an arrest for anyone caught, and can be disturbing to others in the transport who may catch sight of it.

2) Do pull over. If driving, try to find a rest stop or some other place with a men’s room and indulge the masturbation urge in private. If there’s not an option like that, and a guy really can’t help himself, he needs to pull over to a secluded spot and go through his pleasurable motions there – but he still needs to be aware that he could be caught if he’s not careful.

3) Be considerate. It’s great when a driver is able to control himself until he finds a good men’s room; however, he still needs to be considerate of others who may wish to use the premises. If all that’s available is a single-user bathroom, he should finish masturbating as quickly as possible. If it’s a multiple user situation, he should be mindful that the guy at the urinal or in the next stall may not want to hear him moaning with pleasure, so he should keep it down.

4) Don’t use toys while driving. In order to keep their hands firmly and safely on the wheel, some guys may opt to use a sex toy (such as a vibrating penis sleeve) to provide masturbatory pleasure without having to use their hands. Unfortunately, such a driver is still likely to be too distracted and runs the risk of an accident.

5) Keep lube nearby. Most men know how prone they are to needing masturbatory relief while on the road, either due to an enhanced sex drive or sheer boredom. Those that are so inclined to need relief should pack some lubricant in the glove compartment or in their carry-on, to avoid that rubbed raw feeling.

Masturbation, whether on the road or off, can sometimes make a penis feel a bit sore (if rather happy and content). Regular use of a top notch penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) should help. A raw penis will feel soothed if a crème with ample amounts of shea butter and vitamin E, two important moisturizers, is used. It also helps to find a creme with vitamin A, as this vitamin can help eliminate persistent penis odor – a common complaint among men who masturbate urgently.

Thursday, 18 October 2018

Penis Skin Care: 5 Tips for Better Health

Skin care: it’s no longer just the province of women, as more and more men are taking steps to keep their own skin looking youthful and healthy. And if taking that care with skin in general, shouldn’t men also be taking care with their penis skin, to keep it looking manly, impressive and inviting? Paying attention to penis skin care is part of any good penis health regimen. Most men know the basics, but here are some more “rare” penis skin care tips to remember.


- Food for thought. Many couples enjoy incorporating food and food products into their sex play - and why not? Both sex and food nourish a person, albeit in different ways. For the most part, this can be harmless, but in some cases, there may be some penis skin care issues to consider. For example, men who are intact need to be sure that all traces of food are washed away after the sex play is over. If food particles get trapped beneath the foreskin, it can create a foul mess that can create skin and odor issues. And both men with and without the foreskin need to be aware that penis skin is more sensitive than skin elsewhere on the body – and thus may be more prone to react allergically to triggers. So if, say, peanuts or dairy products cause a guy to break out, he should avoid spreading peanut butter or whipped cream on his manhood.

- Be careful being natural. It’s true that there’s nothing quite like being naked in Nature – hence the allure of nudism, for example. But whether a guy is letting it all hang out at a clothing-optional beach or is surreptitiously getting in some skin time in what he hopes is a secluded meadow, he needs to be aware of dangers to his penis skin. There are the obvious things to avoid, like poison ivy and poison oak. But often everyday pollen may be around, which can create a penis skin issue for some. Similarly, other common weeds, like ragweed or milkweed, can bring about an eruption. So be careful what plants come in contact with that valuable equipment.

- Practice moderation. With the use of sex toys becoming more acceptable among men, there’s nothing wrong with adding a vibrator to one’s masturbation routine or to enjoying a faux vagina made of plastic or silicon. But guys need to remember not to over board: excessive use of a vibrator can cause rawness on the penis skin, as can using a rubber or silicon toy for too long a time – especially if the lubrication wears off and isn’t replaced.

- Keep socks on the feet. Although some men don’t bother wiping off their ejaculate after they masturbate, it’s likely that most do tend to dispose of it somehow. A towel is good, tissue is fine. Sometimes, however, a guy will use what’s most conveniently at hand – those socks that he just pulled off, for example. The problem is that socks are breeding grounds for bacteria and germs – and also for athlete’s foot fungus. Rubbing a sock that’s been wrapped around a foot with athlete’s foot fungus against the penis can transfer the fungus to the penis, resulting in a bad case of jock itch (which comes from the same fungus).

- One of the most important tips for penis skin care is this: daily apply a superior penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) to the penis. The best option is a crème which contains both a high end emollient (such as shea butter) and a natural hydrating agent (such as vitamin E) to enable the skin to be well moisturized. A guy also wants to make sure the penis skin is strong, so a crème with alpha lipoic acid is needed. This powerful antioxidant helps to prevent oxidative stress from occurring.

Erect Penis Problems: The Impact of Winter Weather

For the man who enjoys his erect penis – which is just about every man – factors which have a negative impact on his equipment can be worrisome. As long as they don’t actually affect his penis health, various factors that may have more a “cosmetic” or superficial impact on his erect penis are not vital – but they can feel that way to a man who wants his erection to always be a source of pride. For many men, the dreaded “winter penis” can be just enough of a factor to be a thorn in their side.

About that winter penis

The winter penis is the opposite of the summer penis. Many men (and their partners) claim that their erect penis tends to be longer and firmer during the summer months. They’re not claiming that it grows massively longer, mind you; most of the time what’s being talked about is a few fractions of an inch. And there is some validity to this viewpoint: in summer months, the greater heat is thought to encourage greater blood flow in the penis, which in some cases can indeed cause it to expand slightly more than usual or to fill up to a firmness that is somewhat greater than under other circumstances.

The problem with summer penis is that if the warm weather can bring about this positive change, the cold weather can bring about the inverse – and thus, winter penis. So the theory behind winter penis is that the nasty, cold weather associated with the season makes for a less impressive erect penis. It tends to be shorter and not as manfully firm.

According to some people, the diminishment can be significant – up to 50% of length and up to 30% of girth, by the estimates of one person who claims to have looked into the matter on a professional basis. But these figures seem extreme and are likely not the experience of most men. (For example, it seems unlikely that a guy who typically sports a six inch erect penis would be reduced all the way down to a three inch one simply due to cold weather.)

Cold does matter

However, as any guy who has spent a few minutes in a cold swimming pool or ocean knows, cold is not a friend to the penis. And when cold weather is the norm – during the winter months, for example, the body often does undergo some changes.

For example, blood tends to get diverted from extremities, such as toes and fingers – and the penis. And the coldness also can affect to some degree the rate at which the blood flows around the body. So, yes, cold weather does mean that there may be a slight shrinkage – but only slight, in the same way that a summer penis may only see a slight addition in size.

In addition, colder weather also tends to have a de-sensitizing effect on the penis, so that it may take more effort and more time for the penis to become aroused and/or to reach orgasm.

To help counteract the effects of the cold, it’s better to wear snugly fitting underwear rather than looser ones. Some men also like to wrap a little pad of cloth or a (clean) sock around their penis to wear under the underwear on especially cold days.

Battling the effects of winter on an erect penis also requires the application of a first rate penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). A crème with L-arginine can help to boost nitric oxide production, which in turns helps open up penile blood vessels so there can be greater blood flow. And one with L-carnitine will provide neuroprotective benefits that can help ease de-sensitization of the penis.

Wednesday, 17 October 2018

Red Penis? Avoid These Triggers for Hives

Every guy is used to the occasional itch on their penis, and usually thinks nothing of it. But when that itch becomes really annoying, they may excuse themselves to the nearest men’s room to drop trousers and see just what the heck is going on. Hopefully it’s nothing more than a persistent little itch, but sometimes they may be greeted with the sight of a splotchy and very red penis. Definitely a penis health issue of some sort, and one common cause of that particular itchy, splotchy red penis is a case of hives.

A nuisance

Hives are not usually considered a serious medical condition – more of a nuisance, really. But they can be unpleasant for the person suffering from them and their appearance can be off-putting and unsettling. When they make for an unattractive red penis, they can discourage a potential partner from wishing to get to know the penis any better.

Also called urticaria (from a Latin word meaning “nettles”), hives are a skin rash and typically present as red, roundish, raised welts. There is an enormous variability in how big they can, with some a few centimeters and others six or more inches in diameter. Usually, these welts appear in groups, and the individual welts may overlap, so that several welts appear like one big one.

Although this article is concerned with hives on the penis, they can in fact appear on any part of the body. An individual hive often lasts only a day or so – sometimes even less – before going away. Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon for new ones to appear as old ones fade. Sometimes, a case of hives will clear up in a few days, but it’s also not unusual for a bout of hives to stay around for as long as six weeks. (If a man is unlucky enough to have hives that stay around longer than six weeks, they are classified as an acute case of hives.)

Hives occur in some 20% of the population, and they affect both men and women.


But what causes hives? In many cases, the cause is unknown, but the most common cause is an allergic reaction., This can be a reaction to:

- Something in the diet, such as nuts, dairy, citrus fruits or shellfish;

- Something one comes into physical contact with, such as pollen or the skin or hair of certain animals. Often an insect bite or sting can bring about the allergic reaction, and sometimes a person may be reacting to a medication.

- An allergy to latex, which is often a major component of condoms.

There can be other causes of hives as well, including an infection, stress, exposure to heat or cold, or contact with abrasive chemicals.

Determining what triggers a case of hives is crucial, as that information enables a person to avoid those triggers in the future (such as limiting consumption of tree nuts or using non-latex condoms).

Treatment typically involves discontinuation of any involvement with triggers (including changing medication if needed) and using antihistamines to decrease itching. Sometimes corticosteroids may be prescribed. In some cases, antibiotics or other anti-inflammatory medications may be used as well.

Hives all over a red penis can damage penis skin, so regular use of a first class penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) is urged by many. To help strengthen penis skin, select a crème that includes a potent antioxidant like alpha lipoic acid. This helps to fight free radicals and thereby limit the oxidative stress that can cause harm to the delicate skin. The skin will also need to be kept well moisturized, so select a crème that includes a combination of hydrators, such as vitamin e and shea butter.

When a Sore Penis Gets in the Way of Good Sex

At the risk of stating the obvious, there’s nothing quite like good sex to put a big smile on a man’s face and make him feel happy and contented. Good sex, whether with a partner (or partners) or with oneself, relaxes a man, puts him at ease, and makes him feel proud of himself; what more could a guy ask for? Because satisfactory sex is so desirable, most men want to pay attention to things like their penis health so that they can be ready to benefit from a little trip to paradise. Unfortunately, something as simple as a sore penis can put a crimp in their plans.

The irony

The irony of a sore penis preventing a man from having sex, of course, is that sometimes a dude gets that sore penis precisely from having sex. (That irony is likely to be lost on the sore penis sufferer himself, who is more interested in getting his penis back up to speed.) Yes, one of the biggest causes of a sore penis is having too much sex, or too much rough sex at least.

Despite its reputation as a powerhouse organ, the penis is actually rather delicate. In order to provide the undeniable pleasure that it does when being handled, stroked, fondled, or enveloped, the penis needs to have very sensitive nerve endings that can respond readily to touch and other stimuli. But those nerve endings also make it more susceptible to soreness when they get overstimulated or rubbed raw.

Many men associate a rubbed raw penis with over-masturbation, or with masturbating without using enough lubricant, and it’s true that many times a man’s enjoyment of his masturbation does lead to a soreness which then prevents either self-play or partner-based enjoyment. But it’s also true that coupling can just as easily lead to a sore penis. Often insufficient lubrication is again the culprit, but it may also be due to an especially lengthy session, an unfamiliar angle of penetration, or an inability for the penis to be comfortably accommodated.

What to do

So what’s a guy to do when he’s ready for action but he has a sore penis telling him to cool it? When the penis is really sore and raw, holding off on activity is usually the best course of action – even if it’s difficult to do. Not only does rest help bring about healing, it can also avoid embarrassment. Many is the man who has ignored the soreness in his manhood and initiated a sexual encounter with a partner, only to discover that the soreness causes his member to deflate midway through - or sometimes before even really getting started.

There are several things a guy can do to help hasten the healing of his raw, sore penis, including:

- Let it rest. As mentioned above, finding the willpower to avoid sex for a day or two can work wonders.

- Add a little warmth. Often wrapping a warm – but not hot! – cloth around the penis helps soothe and pamper the damaged skin and nerve endings.

- Be gentle. Wear tight briefs, which support and hold in place the penis, rather than boxers, which can rub against and irritate the member. When washing, handle the penis gently and pat it dry with a towel rather than forcefully rubbing it dry.

- Creme up. A sore penis will more readily get back in the mood for sex if a guy is already in the habit of daily applying a top drawer penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). In order to properly soothe, the crème should contain both a high end emollient (like shea butter) and a natural hydrating agent (like vitamin E). It also pays to find a crème with vitamin C, as this vitamin is a key component of collagen, a tissue in the body that gives skin its tone and elasticity.

Tuesday, 16 October 2018

Red Penis 101: Five Common Causes and Treatments

The most delicate skin on the body is in the genital area, and as all men know, it can become irritated quite easily. A red penis accompanied by itchiness, dryness, chafing and rashes is common during all phases of a man’s life. Contributing factors to penis irritation can be environmental, medical, or lifestyle based. Certain conditions that cause the penis to become red and irritated will require medical attention, while others simply require a change in behavior. To determine if your red penis is caused by 5 common causes, read on to learn.

1) Jock itch can cause irritation and redness in the penis, accompanied by a nasty case of itchiness. As the name suggests, it is common in athletes, as they are constantly active and sweating. The combination of sweat, heat, oil glands and tight clothing make for a perfect home to jock itch. Symptoms include redness, peeling or flaky skin, altered skin tone and itchiness.

2) Yeast Infections, though more common in females, occur in males as well. They can be transmitted during sexual intercourse- just one more reason to wear a condom. The yeast infection causes unpleasant symptoms like discharge that looks similar to cottage cheese, itching or burning on the tip of the penis, and trouble pulling back the foreskin.

3) Pubic Lice can cause intense itchiness and redness. They can be identified by the bites they leave behind; they can also be seen with a magnifying mirror. Other symptoms of lice include fatigue and irritability. See a doctor for a prescription treatment for these pesky critters.

4) Razor Bumps are red spots that occur after shaving the genital area. They can itch and may also cause a burning sensation as well. Trapped bacteria in the hair follicle or ingrown hairs can cause these genital bumps. Shaving in the direction of the hair growth and using a quality moisturizer can alleviate this issue.

5) Contact Dermatitis is a condition that causes red, itchy and irritated skin after the skin comes into contact with a new detergent, soap, fragrance or lotion; chemicals in the environment or even some plants can also cause dermatitis. The best way to prevent this kind of irritation is to use hypoallergenic products and keep that delicate genital skin away from harmful or harsh chemicals.

While on the subject of penis issues, make sure to get to the doctor for an annual check-up, and do a self-check of the area once a month to make sure there are no unusual lesions or growths. In addition, bathe the penis properly every day, and be sure to dry the area thoroughly before dressing. Moisturize the skin with a product made specifically for area, like a penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin). This particular health crème is a super weapon, containing vitamins and nutrients essential to the wellbeing of private area skin, like vitamin C for collagen production, and Shea butter, which hydrates the skin leaving the area soft and smooth. Keep the penis skin clean, dry, and hydrated for optimal health.

Penile Desensitization Ruining Your Sex Life? 5 Reasons it Happens and How to Fix It

Age affects men in a variety of ways, and one unpleasant result of aging -- penile desensitization -- is all too common, as many men know. But while loss of penis sensitivity is a natural symptom of getting older, it can also occur for a variety of other reasons, including underlying medical conditions and lifestyle factors. Some of the most common of these are as follows:

1) Low Testosterone is a common culprit behind penile desensitization. Lifestyle factors such as tobacco use, alcohol intake, and poor diet, as well as health conditions such as diabetes and obesity, may contribute to low levels of testosterone. Men with low sensitivity may consider having their hormone levels tested. To combat low-T, consider quitting smoking, limit alcohol consumption, and include a healthy diet and exercise as a part of your personal care routine.

2) Sedentary Lifestyles are also a major contributing factor to loss of penis sensitivity. Sitting for long periods of time restricts blood flow to the area, which can lead to nerve damage and eventual loss of sensation. To counteract this issue, make a habit of getting up and moving around frequently, at least once per hour, whether you are at work, behind the wheel, or sitting on the couch at home.

3) Friction from dry rubbing of the penis or from tight clothing can damage the outer layers of skin, creating a toughened layer that is less responsive to touch. Wearing loose-fitting clothing made from breathable fabrics like cotton and using a personal lubricant during self-stimulation or sex, can alleviate the impact of friction.

4) Nerve Damage from Diabetes, or diabetic neuropathy, affects the extremities of the body, including the penis. This can lead to pain, numbness and tingling, and it can make it more difficult for men to achieve or maintain an erection. Treating the underlying condition and keeping blood sugar under control is crucial to prevent or reverse symptoms of neuropathy.

5) Prostate Cancer also has a variety of symptoms relating to the male anatomy, including frequent, bloody or painful urination, incontinence and loss of sensitivity leading to erectile dysfunction.

Treating loss of sensitivity in the penis is not always straightforward, and it may require numerous changes, such as:

- Exercising. Even a half-hour a day of physical exercise such as walking the dog, cleaning the car, or doing a little yard work can help drop off those excess pounds.

- Eating healthy. A diet that is rich in lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, and plenty of vegetables and fresh fruits is optimal for overall health, as well as maintaining appropriate sexual function.

- Drinking less. Keep consumption to no more than 3-4 drinks per week to avoid the negative effects of alcohol.

- Seeing a doctor regularly for periodic check-ups; and for those with health conditions such as diabetes, following the recommended treatment plan.

In addition to these measures, many men have reported that using a penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) can significantly restore sensation that has been lost due to issues such as friction, as well as diabetic neuropathy and other nerve-related conditions. A quality crème can be a super-weapon against sensation loss, with vitamins and nutrients that are essential to the wellbeing of the penile skin, such as vitamin C for collagen production; Shea butter, which hydrates the skin, leaving the area soft and smooth; and amino acids L carnitine and L arginine, which have neuroprotective properties for better nerve health.

Monday, 15 October 2018

Male Penile Shapes -- Normal and Abnormal, and What They Mean

Everyone knows penises can range in size from Michelangelo’s David to adult-entertainer, Remington Steele. However, there’s not a lot of talk about the shape of the manhood. Yet its shape has a big effect on pleasure for a partner, but also on a man's health. Let's talk a little about male penile shapes, normal and abnormal, as well as how to maximize pleasure and when shape can mean that something might need a closer look from a doctor.

1) The Straight and Narrow – This is a penis that is the same size from base to tip and is on the thinner side. Completely normal, the lack of girth can sometimes be a challenge for sexual satisfaction with a partner. Choose positions that create a tight fit, most notably by bringing a partner’s thighs close together to create a narrower passage resulting in a small space and more friction for both partners. A long, thin penis is also nothing to worry about and is totally normal.

2) The Gherkin – A man with a smaller penis that resembles the shape of the famed smaller pickle has often gotten a bad rap. With a little creativity and a lot of attention, both partners can achieve plenty of pleasure. Choose positions that allow for maximum depth and access to a female partner’s other erogenous zones. Couples can also additionally use sexual aides that are meant for the inner part of a woman’s vagina during sex, increasing pleasure for both parties. Oral and manual stimulation also bring plenty of pleasure.

Men who have an undersized penis should have their testosterone levels periodically checked as they age, as this is generally caused by inadequate levels of testosterone during fetal development.

3) The Tapered Tip – This penis shape is thicker at the base and narrows out at the tip, sort of resembling a rocket pop. This is a completely normal penis shape and can be very pleasurable for partners, as it provides depth and fullness without potential pain due to the narrowing of the tip.

4) A Modest Curve – A curved member is not at all uncommon, and generally, many men have a curve in their penis of 10 degrees or less that develops during puberty. Any host of sexual positions are pleasant with this penis shape, and female partners may be particularly enthusiastic, because men with moderately curved penises have a better chance of stimulating the G-spot during intercourse.

5) A Wicked Curve – While a curved member is not at all uncommon, a curve in any direction of 30 degrees (some would argue a curve of more than 15 degrees) or more is a cause for concern. If that curve is accompanied by painful erections and intercourse, the owner of such a penis may have Peyronie’s disease, which is caused by scar tissue in the penile canals.

Generally, medication and/or surgery is needed to alleviate the disease. This disease affects nearly one of out of four men over 40, so it’s more common than might be believed.

Penis Health

No matter the shape, a daily penis care regimen will keep a member strong, supple, and ready for action. Be sure to engage in blood-pumping exercise each day to stimulate blood flow. Protect the penis whenever playing sports or cycling to prevent injury.

Build a good grooming routine which includes daily cleansing with a gentle cleanser. Follow up with a specially formulated penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin). Moisturizing with this type of special crème, made explicitly for penises promotes penis health and function. Look for vitamins like A, B, C, D, and E, as well as penis-boosting nutrients like L-Carnitine and L-Arginine. Combined with a natural moisturizing base like Shea butter, regular use will strengthen the member and make him attractive to all who meet him.