Friday, 29 September 2017

Penis Skin Tips for Autumn

Autumn is one of the most bracing times of the year, as the fall air takes on a tang and vibrancy that’s missing from other seasons. Apple picking, pumpkin carving, leaf raking and other activities come to the forefront - but that doesn’t mean that penis care has to be pushed to the back. With the change in the weather, it may be time to pay some extra attention to penis skin care. Maintaining healthy, appealing penis skin is important both for penis health and to please or attract partners.

Unless a guy is a nudist, penis skin is not as directly affected by changes in the weather as the skin on other parts of the body. After all, penis skin is generally kept under wraps most of the time and certainly when outside. But it still falls prey to autumn weather, even if to a lesser degree. Therefore, the following tips are recommended to keep penis skin looking sharp.


- Moisturize - with a cream. As the hot summer months give away to crisp, cool autumn, there tends to be a decrease in humidity in the air - and also on the skin. Exposed skin, such as on the arms and legs, gets even drier, but the protected penis skin feels the difference too. As penis skin dries, it cracks or flakes, which is not what a partner wants to see when they look at a dude’s package. The penis always needs to be kept well moisturized, but especially so during the fall. Many men use a body lotion on their penis, but using a cream is much better; it creates an oilier barrier which is essential for keeping moisture trapped in the skin.

- Drink water. Moisturization isn’t all there is to skin hydration, however. Keeping the whole body hydrated has a positive effect on the skin, including penis skin. So be sure to drink plenty of water during the fall months, especially during and after exercising.

- Be gentle. The colder, drier weather also makes skin more sensitive - and penis skin is sensitive to begin with. Thus, it may react more quickly or to a greater extent to irritants. So a man should be sure the soaps he uses on it - both in the shower and on the towels, sheets and clothing that comes into contact with it - are not loaded with unnecessary chemicals, fragrances, perfumes, etc.

- Watch the allergens. Fall brings with it sneezing and itching from allergies. Again, because the penis is usually covered, it is less susceptible - but not immune. Treating any allergic symptoms promptly can keep them from spreading to the penis skin.

- Be selective when going commando. There are some days when a guy likes to just skip the underwear, especially if he’s just hanging out at home. But wearing gym shorts with no boxers or briefs while raking the leaves can lead to quicker chafing in the fall - so limit the amount of time the penis is rubbing against rough trouser fabric instead of soft cotton underwear.

- Watch the cold. Cold weather tends to slow down blood circulation, and that can make penis skin look pale and wan. Keeping the penis warm will help keep that blood circulating and maintain a rosy glow that partners like.

Whether in autumn or any other season, penis skin needs special attention to look its best - and that requires regular application of a first rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . The best crèmes are those that provide a double helping of hydrating supplementation, such as Shea butter (a high-end emollient) and vitamin E (a natural hydrator). Penis circulation can also be aided by a crème that contains L-arginine. This amino acid is involved in the process which keeps penis blood vessels open and receptive to increased blood flow.

Penis Health Primer: What Does Pain with Ejaculation Mean?

All sorts of sexual activity is supposed to be fun, enjoyable and oh-so pleasurable. So what does a man do when he is suddenly shaken from his bliss by intense pain? Though it’s not all that common, some men suffer from occasional penis pain with ejaculation. And though they might try all kinds of great penis care tips to alleviate the problem, many find that the pain keeps coming back. Here’s what a guy needs to know if he is experiencing pain upon ejaculation.

Pain with ejaculation: what does it mean for penis health?

Some men will have pain upon ejaculation for a variety of simple reasons, such as not having ejaculated in a long while, waiting too long to let the release happen or other finer points of the sexual experience that lead to one-time issues. In these instances, the guy usually knows what caused it and there is no need to worry.

But for others, pain upon ejaculation becomes an issue that plagues them every time they take matters into their own hands or jump into bed with a partner. If the pain is happening every time, there could be a variety of reasons for it. These include:

1. A sexually transmitted infection

2. An infection of some other sort, such as an infection of the prostate gland or epididymis (the tube that transports sperm through the penis)

3. Psychological issues that pertain to sex and sexual function

4. Inflammation in the urethra or testicles, which might be caused by a variety of infections or medical conditions

5. Nerve damage to the penis

6. A blockage in the ejaculatory duct

7. Some types of medications, especially antidepressants

8. Prostate cancer or other cancers of the reproductive system

It is important to remember that most cases of painful ejaculation can be cleared up rather quickly and easily, which means a man likely has an infection or inflammation of some kind. A doctor can make that determination and provide medications that will help clear up the problem.

However, as the above list indicates, there are other problems that might be more serious and pose a threat to penis health. This is why it’s vitally important to see the physician on a regular basis, just to make sure everything is working as it should be. In addition, it’s why a man should never try to "wait out" painful ejaculation, and instead, should put his penis health first and go see a doctor at the first sign that painful ejaculation is more than a one-time, fleeting issue.

The doctor will likely do a series of small, noninvasive tests to check for problems. These include requesting a urine sample, using a swab on the head of the penis to collect cells, and possibly doing bloodwork to rule out certain infections or similar problems. The doctor might also ask for a sample of semen in order to determine whether there is blood, bacteria or other things there that shouldn’t be.

Keep in mind that the longer a man suffers pain with ejaculation, the more likely he will be to deal with anxiety, depression and other problems that come along with a stunted sexual life. That’s yet another reason why it’s vital to get things checked out as soon as pain starts.

In order to keep the penis in tip-top shape no matter what, a guy should reach for a top-notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . He wants a crème that provides ample hydration, such as that from Shea butter and vitamin E, as well as other vitamins that can be helpful for maintain penis health, such as B5, A, D and C. He should also reach for a crème with L-carnitine, an amino acid that can help fight against peripheral nerve damage resulting from rough handling or irritations.

Thursday, 28 September 2017

Can Erectile Dysfunction Really Be Due to a Cat Scratch?

One of the major reasons a man devotes time and attention to proper penis care is to reduce the likelihood of erectile dysfunction. Since sexual pleasure and satisfaction tend to revolve around the ability of the penis to attain and maintain an erect state, it’s understandable that erectile dysfunction avoidance is uppermost in a man’s mind. Recently, the internet has been abuzz with a rumor that cat scratches can cause a guy to become impotent. Is this just a rumor, or is there truth in this claim?

The facts

Although the claim sounds kind of far-fetched, it actually is true: science has recorded at least one incidence in which a man experienced erectile dysfunction as a result of being scratched by a cat. However, that doesn’t mean that every guy who gets nipped by a tabby needs to worry about whether he will be able to rise to the occasion when in bed.

The case in question involved a 23-year-old man who went to the emergency room because he had been experiencing fever, chills and sweating for several days. In addition, he had lost more than 20 pounds over about a six-month period, and was suffering from pains in his back, pelvis, penile glands and balls, as well as swollen lymph nodes. And yes, he reported that he had been having significant trouble in the erectile department as well.

The doctors of course tested him for obvious culprits, such as sexually-transmitted infections (STIs), but those tests came back negative. He also (fortunately) was not suffering due to lymphoma, which often presents with many of the symptoms he had listed.

The cat connection

However, the doctors did note the presence of a kind of bacteria known as Bartonella henselae. This is the bacteria responsible for cat scratch disease. Many men are familiar with the phrase "cat scratch fever" because of the classic Ted Nugent song - but not many people know anything about the actual sickness. Having thus made this diagnosis, the doctors were able to prescribe an appropriate antibiotic treatment, and in about three weeks, the patient had made a decisive recovery.

So yes, a cat did cause this man’s erectile dysfunction, but it’s important to know that this is an extremely rare result. In the first place, most cats do not carry the bacteria in question. In the second, even when they do, not everyone who gets scratched develops a sickness. And even when they do get sick, there can be a huge variation in how severe it is.

This unfortunate gentleman just suffered an extreme reaction to the bacteria. In his case, the bacteria caused nerve damage in the penis, making it difficult for those nerves to send and receive the signals needed for the erectile process to function properly. In the overwhelming majority of cases of cat scratch, the penis is unaffected. (If the scratch is directly on the penis, of course, there will be definite penis pain and discomfort, but hopefully no bacteria-related nerve damage and subsequent erectile dysfunction.)


So what should a guy do if he is scratched by a cat? Most doctors recommend cleaning it with soap and water and perhaps applying a mild disinfectant. But if he does develop symptoms, such as swollen lymph nodes, seeing a doctor is advised.

Erectile dysfunction due to a cat scratch is very rare, but it always pays to keep the penis in its bets possible health - and regular application of a top notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can help in this regard. Look for a crème with both L-arginine and L carnitine. The latter is an aid in the process whereby penis blood vessels remain receptive to increased blood volume. The latter is a neuroprotective ingredient that can help protect against diminished sensation due to overuse or aggressive use.

Penis Pain? Could Be Sleep-Related Painful Erections

Part of being an adult male is knowing that the more attention paid to penis health, the less likely a guy is to have penile issues to contend with. However, that’s not to say that a guy will never have any issue if he keeps an eye on his penis health. For example, sometimes some penis pain is unavoidable - if, say, a guy is struck in the penis by a speeding baseball. But there are some other penis pain causes which proper attention to the penis can’t prevent - and sleep-related painful erections are among them.

What are sleep-related painful erections?

When most men hear the phrase "sleep-related painful erections," they just assume it means something like waking up in the morning with a little penis pain from having slept with too much weight on a morning erection. In fact, this is a different condition altogether.

Fortunately, sleep-related painful erections are considered rare, affecting an estimated one percent of adult men. However, it is also thought that the condition is under-reported and may be more common than thought. The jury is still out on the exact incidence.

When a man has sleep-related painful erections, he achieves one or more erections during the course of the night. Erections that occur during non-REM sleep appear to be normal, causing no problems or pain. But frequently the erections that a man has during periods of REM (rapid eye movement) sleep produce great penis pain - to the extent that they awaken a man from his sleep and often prevent him from easily returning to dreamland.

Very painful

It’s important to emphasize once again that the penis pain of this condition is of a different kind and level than the throbbing a man might occasionally experience from sleeping the wrong way on an erect penis. This pain can be so bad that a man may not return to sleep for an extended period of time. As a result, men with sleep-related painful erections have fatigue and irritability, and it may contribute to mental issues related to lack of sleep.

Most cases of this condition do not appear in a man until he is age 40 or older. Most men who experience it report that it then becomes increasingly common as they get older. Diagnosis of the condition is difficult, as it is sometimes assumed to be related to priapism. However, treatment for priapism is not thought to have a positive effect on this problem. It is usually diagnosed through study in a sleep laboratory setting.

The cause of sleep-related painful erections is also little understood. Since it is rare, the case studies are few, and they do not present a clear picture of causation. At this time, however, there does not appear to be a genetic factor.


Since the cause of the disorder is currently unknown, treatment is difficult. Doctors tend to focus on treating the symptoms. Most often, patients are prescribed antidepressants, which seem to have had good results in several cases. In some instances, beta blockers have also been seen to produce excellent results.

As indicated, sleep-related painful erections are thought to be rare. If a man has symptoms consistent with the disorder, he should bring them to the attention of his physician or urologist.

Most penis pain is much less problematic than that created by sleep-related painful erections. Often, normal penis pain will respond to the use of a first class penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . Since everyday penis pain is often due to raw, overused penis skin, a crème with a combination of a high-end emollient (such as Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E) is strongly urged. It also is helpful to utilize a crème that include vitamin C, as this vitamin is beneficial in the creation of collagen, helping to provide tone and elasticity to penis skin.

Wednesday, 27 September 2017

Got Indigestion? That Could Become a Penis Problem

Just when a man feels like he’s doing everything right with good penis care, another potential penis problem rears its ugly head and makes him feel as though he’s back at square one. Sometimes that problem is one that seems to make no sense, such as indigestion. Sure, indigestion is something a guy might get from time to time, but he probably doesn’t equate that feeling of burning in his chest with any penis problem.

Though indigestion doesn’t have a direct correlation with penis problems, it does affect the penis, simply because it affects overall health. A man who has serious burning in his chest or pain in his stomach will be much less inclined to enjoy private time with a partner - and might even be averse to spending a little private time taking matters into his own hands.

How to avoid indigestion and maintain better penis health

Remember, overall health always has an effect on penis health. It might be subtle at first, but it is assuredly there. The longer time goes on and the problem is ignored, the more likely there will be a serious penis problems show up later. That’s why it’s so important to get indigestion and other stomach issues under control before they are allowed to ruin other parts of a man’s life.

Here are some tips for how to avoid indigestion before a night of big plans for sensual fun:

1. Figure out the triggers. For some men, eating red meat makes them feel just fine, if not quite satisfied and even virile. For others, one bite of that steak can lead to indigestion that lasts all night long. It’s important for a man to keep track of when he has indigestion and other stomach issues, preferably in a journal, so he can look back to figure out what he ate that led to that reaction.

2. Avoid certain foods. If a man wants to alleviate indigestion now and doesn’t have the time to figure out the triggers, he can start by cutting certain foods out of his diet. If the indigestion goes away, he can rest assured it was one of those foods, and then he can start adding foods back into his diet over time. Some foods to avoid include tomato sauce, citrus fruits and juices, spicy foods, fatty foods and those with caffeine.

3. Eat in moderation. Just because a food winds up on the ‘do not eat’ list doesn’t mean a man is forbidden from ever having it. It’s certainly okay to have it as long as he has a small portion, and perhaps he should limit his consumption to those days when he knows there won’t be any hot action happening that night.

4. Consider medications. For some men, indigestion is a way of life. No matter what they eat, they are going to have that pain in their chest, and eventually that could lead to other health problems. For men who suffer no matter what they try, a regular medication might be in order. The doctor can prescribe medications that can be taken on a daily basis, or those that can be taken right before eating. When a man takes these as directed, the incidence of indigestion - and the resulting penis problem - happens much less often.

5. Keep timing in mind. As mentioned earlier, sometimes a man will have to work around indigestion. If he is planning a big night with a partner, he will want to avoid all trigger foods, eat a very light dinner, and keep his booze intake to a minimum. He might also want to take an over the counter medication to avoid indigestion anyway, just in case.

In addition to paying close attention to overall health, a man is well-served by using a daily penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . He should look for a crème that contains vitamins and nutrients that promote blood flow, such as L-arginine, vitamin C and vitamin D, as well as vitamin E and Shea butter for softness of penis skin.

Tuesday, 26 September 2017

The Healthy Penis and Choice of Underwear

One of the advantages to modern man’s increased attention to general physical health is that there is a corresponding increase in attention to penis health. More and more men take steps to ensure that they have a good, attractive, healthy penis to present to their partners.

While this attention to penis health focuses frequently on the penis itself, men also are aware that environmental and lifestyle choices impact whether he has a healthy penis or not. This includes a man’s choice of underwear. With many more underwear options available to the average man, it’s worthwhile to do a little exploring and see what some of the pros and cons are to popular men’s underwear options.


One of the things that a man needs to consider is the fabric out of which the underwear is made. There are natural fabrics, like cotton or silk, and synthetic fabrics, such as rayon, nylon or polyester. They both have pluses and minuses associated with them.

- Cotton is the go-to fabric for most "daily use" underwear. It’s durable, "breathes" well, washes and dries well, and has good absorbability. But for many men, cotton - even when dyed bright or vibrant colors - is a little too normal or even dull.

- Silk is also natural, but it has a sheen to it that many men (and women) find attractive. However, silk often doesn’t hold up well to repeated washing and the "slickness" of the material may be a little too arousing for some penises. It also tends to trap heat, making it good for winter wear, less good for hot summer days.

- Among the synthetics, rayon shrinks easily and tends to have a fairly clammy feel to it. Polyester is durable but doesn’t breathe well at all; while it has some use for some athletic underwear, it tends to create strong odor (and bacteria) situations. Nylon, which is lighter weight and wind resistant, is a better bet for sports underwear.


Style is again often a matter of personal preference, but there are some factors to be considered.

- Briefs. The basic classic, briefs are a popular choice because they are comfortable, wear well, and provide especially good support for the testicles. However, because they are designed to fit snugly, they do increase the heat quotient and can trap odors in the penis area.

- Boxers. When a guy wants to hang loose, boxers are the answer. They also tend to have a high degree of breathability. Because they are baggier than briefs, they are more noticeable when worn with tight pants. They also supply no support for the testicles, and the open-fly brand may mean the penis will fall out and rub against the outer trouser fabric - which can be uncomfortable.

- Boxer briefs. For some, the best of both worlds, with the support of briefs and the design of boxers. They also provide some extra protection against chafing. But the snugness combined with the greater amount of material (compared to a brief) can also mean that they "heat up" more.

- Jockstraps. A mesh athletic pouch with (typically) just straps attaching it, so that the buttocks are uncovered. They protect the package, but they tend to compress things in a way many find uncomfortable.

In general, cotton underwear is the best choice for everyday wear, with nylon usually good for athletic issues. In terms of style, a man needs to weigh whether his package needs more support and whether more or less heat is an issue for him.

Proper choice of underwear is just one step in maintaining a healthy penis. Daily use of a top notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) is even more important. The best crèmes will contain essential vitamins (A, B5, C, D and E) which help keep the manhood in good health, especially when topically to the penis itself. It is best if the crème contains L-arginine as well. This amino acid plays a role in the process by which penis blood vessels open more fully, thus allowing greater flow during the erectile process.

Tips for Backing Away from Excessive Masturbation

Every man agrees: Masturbation is fun. And doctors agree that masturbation is a strong element of good penis care. But for some men, masturbation crosses the line from being a fun activity that’s good for the body into becoming an obsession. A man who masturbates excessively can eventually face several issues that eventually make his day-to-day life difficult.

Signs of a masturbation problem

A man might have a serious problem with excessive masturbation if he notices any of the following problems in his day-to-day life:

1. Diminished enjoyment of sensual relations. A man who is too accustomed to his own hand to bring pleasure might not be able to achieve the same pleasure with a partner, and that can lead to problems with relationships.

2. Social isolation. Speaking of relationships, a man who is addicted to masturbation might skip social events, choose to go home early or otherwise close off from friends in order to stay home and do the deed alone.

3. Penis irritation. No matter how much lube a man uses, constant friction can eventually take a toll. It’s even worse for a man who chooses to handle his penis with a dry hand. The constant motion will eventually lead to serious penis irritation and even pain.

4. Loss of penis sensation. When the penis is handled far too often, the nerve endings begin to suffer. This can lead to a loss of penis sensation, which in turn means a man must have more stimulation in order to get the same feeling.

5. Changes in school or work habits. Problems with focus and concentration at school might occur, as well as a wandering mind at work. A man who wants to masturbate all the time might actually find himself skipping class or stepping away from his desk to find a private place to do the deed throughout the day.

Let’s say a guy notices these changes and decides that he is masturbating far too much. Knowing is half the battle, as they say - but now what can he do to change it yet still maintain the good penis health that masturbation can provide?

How to ease away from excessive masturbation

There are many steps a man can take to ease away from excessive masturbation. Here are a few things a man can do if he notices the signs of spanking the monkey a little too much:

1. Get exhausted. Go for a hike, hit the gym, play a sport - anything that will wear a guy out until he’s too tired to think, and way too tired to think about getting off.

2. Choose a new hobby. When the urge to masturbate comes along, indulge in a new hobby that allows immediate access. These things might include cooking, woodworking, baking, gardening and the like.

3. Force a change in routine. If a guy likes to masturbate in the shower, it’s time to take cold showers, so he won’t be interested in staying in too long. If he likes to masturbate at night, wear layers of clothing to bed to make it more difficult to access the penis. Similar changes in routine can be incorporated.

4. Stop using stimulating images. Whether it’s adult magazines or movies, avoiding those options will help a man keep his mind off the idea of masturbation.

5. Get social. The more time a guy spends with friends, the less time he has to polish the pole. Simply getting out among others and spending time with new potential partners can help a man focus on things other than self-love.

No matter what a man chooses to do concerning excessive masturbation, he should always strive to keep his penis in top shape. This includes the regular use of great penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . It’s important to look for a crème with L-carnitine, which helps protect against peripheral nerve damage from rough handling, as well as Shea butter and vitamin E, which are great for avoiding dry penis skin from regular masturbation.

Monday, 25 September 2017

Ensuring Good Penis Health through Post-Sex Hygiene

After a man enjoys a robust play session with their favorite partner (or a brand new one!), he probably just wants to roll over, smile and go to sleep for a while. But when it comes to good penis care, that’s actually the last thing he needs to do. Hygiene is vitally important when it comes to penis health, and that includes good hygiene practices after his sexual desire is sated.

Post-sex hygiene tips

When a guy gets it on, there are plenty of bodily fluids that come into play. But there are also other things that might linger on the penis, such as the residue from spermicide in a condom, lube that might have been employed during the course of play - and depending upon how adventurous a couple gets, there could even be body paint or juice from pieces of fruit!

Needless to say, leaving these things on the penis for a long while is not a good idea. A man who sleeps for even a few hours with these fluids on his penis and surrounding area could easily wake up to a sore, red, irritated penis - and that doesn’t bode well for a round two with that deserving partner.

With that in mind, there are some tips a man can look to for proper post-sex hygiene.

1. Keep tissues near the bed. The last thing a man wants to do is ruin the afterglow. But on the other hand, he doesn’t want to let things get all sticky down there. A good compromise is reaching for a tissue on the bedside table to wipe away most of the fluids and residue on his penis. This buys some time before he gets into the shower.

2. Use baby wipes. A man who is getting it on somewhere other than the bedroom - say, on a camping trip - might not have easy access to a shower or sink. In that case, baby wipes to the rescue! These handy little wipes are great for anything, so a guy should keep them around just in case, but they are great for the post-sex cleanup, too.

3. Do a quick rinse. Sometimes a man doesn’t want to get a full shower right after he’s enjoyed his partner - especially if she is lying in bed waiting on his return. A quick trip to the bathroom to rinse off the penis and surrounding area can be a great way to keep things clean but not keep an eager partner waiting for too long.

4. Shower together. A guy who wants to get even more action could suggest they both shower together. This allows everyone to get squeaky clean, provides plenty of visual stimulation and could even get him ready for another round.

5. Watch for redness. Right after sex is a great time to look for any issues with the penis, especially redness, soreness and swelling. That’s because many men have adverse reactions to the spermicide, lubrication or condoms themselves, and often the problem shows up immediately after using those items.

6. Use an excellent penis health crème. Right after his shower, a man can reach for a great penis health crème. This will help ensure that his penis has plenty of hydration and all the topical ingredients it needs to stay in tip-top shape.

Speaking of penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) , a man should keep a top-notch one handy for day-to-day use. The best crèmes will contain amino acids, such as L-arginine and L-carnitine, as well as plenty of vitamins for good health, such as vitamins A, C, D and B5. Combine all that with a Shea butter base, throw in a little vitamin E for hydration and alpha lipoic acid to fight aging, and a guy has a crème that he can feel confident about using on a daily basis.

Sunday, 24 September 2017

Sex Toys Guide: Sex with a Penis Ring

They used to be something that no man (and few women) admitted to using, but nowadays more and more guys are using and discussing sex toys. And while there are quite a few male sex toys to choose from, lots of guys tend to start with a tried-and-true basic: the penis ring. Since men should always have proper penis care in mind when experimenting, now is a good time to provide some helpful tips for penis ring use. Though essentially safe, as with anything new involving sex, it’s good to have a little background information handy.


Penis rings have been around in one form or another for thousands of years. Ancestral versions of the device have been found in ancient Greek ruins, and their use has been well documented as far back as the Jin Dynasty.

The idea behind the penis ring is simplicity itself: Place a tight (but not TOO tight) ring around an erect (or partially erect) penis, so that it helps to constrict the flow of blood out of the penis. Damming the blood up in the erect penis helps maintain the erection and can also in some instances makes the erect penis feel "super-hard."

There are a few options on where to place the ring. The most typical is placing it directly at the base of the shaft. However, it is also popular to insert both the penis and the balls into the ring. Another alternative is to slip the ring on just underneath the glans.


- Penis rings can be made in a wide range of material. Stretchy rings made out of rubber or silicon are very popular, but some men prefer them made of metal or leather instead. Since there’s no "give" with metal, it may be better to start with plastic/silicon or leather, especially when finding one that "fits" right.

- Some men find that using a penis ring is easier if they manscape. Otherwise, pubic hair may sometimes get caught in the ring, causing some discomfort.

- Don’t be afraid to use lubricant when putting on the penis ring. Even though the chosen ring may be made of a stretchy material, it still may require some extra "slickness" to get it into place easily.

- Penis rings can be great fun and for some men can be a significant sex aid. However, as with most sex toys, there is some potential risk. Wearing a penis ring for too long - and thereby forcing the penis to remain rigid - can bring about tissue damage. Most sex toy producers recommend using a penis ring only for about 20 minutes at a time. But if the penis feels numb or becomes discolored, the ring should be removed even if it has only been on for a short time.

- Some penis rings come with a vibrating function. These often also have "nubs" or "bumps" on them. The vibration can be pleasurable for both the man wearing the ring and for his partner. The nubs can provide extra stimulation during penetration. In addition, there are some vibrating rings in which the vibration rate can be altered, and some in which a remote control can allow a partner to provide vibratory control of the ring.

- Like all sex toys, penis rings should be cleaned and dried after each use.

Using sex toys such as a penis ring can enhance a man’s fun, as can keeping his penis healthy. That health can be more easily maintained by the regular use of an excellent penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . The best crème will include a range of vitamins, such as A, B5, C, D and E, the topical application of which allows them to more directly target the penis. The crème should also include alpha lipoic acid, a potent antioxidant that helps keep the penis skin strong and healthy.

Saturday, 23 September 2017

Handling Penis Size Concerns at the Gym

People go to the gym because they want to improve their physical appearance (among other reasons). With this emphasis on appearance, some men may find themselves with concerns about an issue over which they have little control - namely, their penis size. Although men know that penis health is more important than penis size, the size issue still matters to a lot of men. And they may find themselves concentrating on it while in the gym locker room, when they may have no choice but to put their equipment on display, at least temporarily. So knowing how to handle this situation is important.

Not just small

Ironically, it’s not always concern about showing a potentially small penis in a public space that men feel. Some men with an exceptionally large endowment also feel conflicted about revealing themselves in the locker room or shower at the gym.

It’s not uncommon for men to steal a glance at other men while changing or showering; comparing penis size doesn’t stop after high school. And it can be done very subtly, with just a glance, or overtly, with one guy commenting - whether mockingly or admiringly - on another’s endowment. And while it may be more flattering to get comments about how much action a man’s big penis must get rather than comments about how a woman even knows when a small penis is inserted, it can still make a man feel uncomfortable.

What to do

Of course, some men don’t mind the comments and attention at all, whatever their penis size. For some men, public nudity and the attendant comments or wisecracks is part of healthy male bonding; it makes them feel connected and more at home with other men.

But for those who find revealing their penis size at the gym to be stressful, the following suggestions may be helpful.

- Contact a professional. Being a little insecure about penis size is normal, but if it causes severe distress, it may be a good idea to contact a mental health professional to discuss why it produces such feelings. They may also be able to help develop strategies to feel more comfortable about penis size and to be less concerned about how other men view it.

- Bring a towel from home. Gym towels are often on the small size and may not comfortably wrap around a guy’s waist. Bringing a larger towel from home that wraps all the way around can help conceal the penis from other men’s gazes. Some men prefer to wrap the towel around before removing their underwear before showering. After showering, they may also keep the towel wrapped as they put on a clean pair of underwear.

- Accept that erections happen. Many men worry about getting a boner in a communal shower or while changing clothes. This is something that, at some point in their lives, has happened to most men. (In fact, lots of guys get a kick out of showing off their erections this way.) If a penis pops up at an unwanted time, the best thing to do is to accept that this happens and continue on without panicking. But if it happens frequently, a man may want to consider thinking "erection-deflating" thoughts before stripping down. Some men who pop erections frequently find it helps to masturbate before going to the gym, just to make an erection less likely to occur.

- Give back. Sometimes it pays to respond to comments about penis size, either playfully - "Hey, at least you don’t need a microscope to see mine!" - or directly - "Keep your eyes on your own penis, buddy."

At the gym, feeling comfortable about penis size is important, but so is the healthy appearance of the member. Regular use of a first rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) with powerful moisturizers is crucial for good penis skin. The crème should include both a natural hydrator (vitamin E) and a high-end emollient (Shea butter). It also helps if alpha lipoic acid, a powerful antioxidant, is part of the crème; this fights free radicals that cause oxidative stress damage to penis skin.

Friday, 22 September 2017

Erect Penis Attack: Battling the Bulge

History buffs may be fans of the Battle of the Bulge, but most regular Joes aren’t so fond of it. Of course, in this case, the bulge refers to the presence of an erect penis in the pants, and the battle is necessitated because that erection has come along at an inopportune time - as a man is making an important public presentation at work, say, or as a dude is being introduced to the stony-faced and hard-to-please father of his new girlfriend. Sure, an erect penis is definitely a sign of good penis health and is more than welcome in the right time and place. But when that erection pops up at the wrong time, a guy needs to take steps to conceal that bulge.

With that in mind, the following tips might prove helpful.

- Be prepared. Some guys pop boners at the drop of a hat - and there can be a definite benefit to having an active penis. But if a guy knows that he is prone to getting an erect penis at the worst possible time, he may want to take some steps to help prevent it from happening. Some men find that mindful meditation - doing relaxation exercises and meditating with a specific goal concerning their easy-to-arouse penis before going into a situation in which an erection is not desired - can help. Alternatively, masturbating just before going into that important job interview or making that speech might be helpful; if the erect penis has been recently sated, it’s less likely to make a reappearance in the near term.

- Dress appropriately. Look, sometimes a dude definitely wants to show off his assets, including his package. In such instances, it’s appropriate to wear tight-fitting pants. But if the desire is to conceal an erection, wear some trousers with a little more room in them. Darker colors can disguise the presence of a growing snake in the pants, as can heavier fabrics. And definitely wear briefs, which can help tuck things in place, rather than boxers, which give too much room for expansion. If casual attire is acceptable, also wear an untucked shirt with a long tail that can cover the front of the pants. Long hoodies with pockets are also a good idea. When the penis arises, put hands in the hoodie pockets and pull them down in front of the crotch to help cover things up. If the occasion is more formal, opt for a suit jacket that hangs down a little further in front. One last thing: If wearing a tie, make sure it isn’t too long. Ties that reach all the way down to the crotch or end just a little ways above effectively act as an arrow pointing to the groin - and drawing further attention to an unwanted erect penis.

- Find ways to hide it. Unless it is tenting in a really perceptible way, most erections are less noticeable when sitting rather than standing. If sitting is not an option, find a high-backed chair or sofa and get positioned behind it. Be a gentleman and offer to hold a date’s sweater - and then drape it over the arm in such a way as to conceal the crotch. Or pick up a book and hold it in an appropriately obscuring fashion.

An erect penis may create an unwanted bulge, but in most cases a guy is thankful for that erection - and for having good penis health to go along with it. Maintaining that health is easier with the regular application of a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . Be sure to find a crème with both L-arginine and L carnitine. The former is an amino acid helpful in nitric oxide production, which in turn keeps penis blood vessels open and flowing. And the latter is another amino acid, this one with neuroprotective properties which can help restore lost sensation in a penis in which sensitivity has diminished.

Thursday, 21 September 2017

Ensuring Good Penis Health After Circumcision

Circumcision is one of the oldest surgical procedures. Practiced for thousands of years, it can be done for cultural, religious, social or medical reasons. No matter a man’s reason for having a circumcision done, it’s vitally important that he pays very close attention to good penis care in the days and weeks following the procedure. The more good care he gives himself, the better penis health and sensation he will be able to maintain for the rest of his life as a circumcised man.

Of course, keep in mind that the tips below are for the majority of circumcision cases; a guy who has a more complicated case or other surgical procedures done in addition to circumcision might want to take these tips with a grain of salt. What matters most is following the surgeon’s directions for recovery to the letter. And when in doubt, never hesitate to call the physician!

Pursuing an uneventful circumcision recovery

For most men, circumcision can take well under an hour. If there are medical problems, such as a too-tight foreskin or infection, those problems can begin to resolve almost immediately upon completion of the procedure. Here’s what to expect from a routine recovery:

1. Expect serious bruising and swelling. This is typical of any surgery, not just one done on the penis. In fact, the bruising after surgery can be quite shocking, so don’t be alarmed if it appears that the entire manhood is covered in bruised splotches. This will go away over a matter of weeks.

2. Use the pain medication. Though there isn’t significant pain associated with a circumcision, there is still some discomfort. Painkillers will be prescribed, so use them. Don’t be surprised if they are only necessary for a few days, however. Many men are surprised at how quickly the pain goes away.

3. Take care with urination. Yes, it’s probably going to hurt when a guy pees after the circumcision. To alleviate this, he can drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and dilute the urine. He can also apply a bit of petroleum jelly to the tip of the penis before and after he urinates, to help keep the acidity away from the more sensitive areas.

4. Avoid certain activities and movement. It’s important to give the penis ample time to heal. This means all sexual activity is off-limits for at least a few weeks. It also means a guy must be extra-careful not to let the penis bump into anything, suffer any sort of trauma, or otherwise be handled roughly. That means avoiding contact sports and wearing underwear that holds the penis snugly, to avoid the natural side-to-side movement when he walks around.

5. Use only what the doctor prescribes. It might be tempting to use natural oils, creams and the like when the penis is healing. This is never a good idea. Use only the crèmes the doctor suggest during those first few weeks, as the use of anything else could interfere with healing. Though the use of a good penis health crème is encouraged after the healing is complete, don’t reach for it while the wound is still healing!

6. Try to avoid erections. That means a guy doesn’t want to spend his time looking at adult videos! He also wants to try to avoid nocturnal erections, though this is understandably impossible to eliminate completely. A few tips include ensuring the bladder is always as empty as possible, which might mean getting up a few times at night to urinate. Lying on his side in a fetal position can also help a guy alleviate some of the erections he might get at night.

Finally, remember to keep all doctor’s appointments. If anything about the circumcision feels painful, get in touch with the physician immediately.

And once a guy is healed, it’s time to reach for the best penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . He will want one that contains a multitude of vitamins and nutrients, especially L-carnitine. This amino acid is known for lessening the chances of peripheral nerve damage and helping preserve penis sensation.

Penis Injury Potential: Be Careful with a Pump

Generally, a penis pump is used for one of two reasons: either because there exists a penis health concern that makes the use of a penis pump necessary for a man to achieve an erection or because he enjoys the cosmetic and visual appeal of "pumping up" his penis (and sometimes his testicles) to a larger size. For whichever reason a man may use a penis pump, he should be aware that the potential for penis injury exists and that he should take steps to minimize any possible injury (for obvious reasons).

How it works

First, let’s be clear that this article is discussing vacuum penis pumping. This is not about "pumping" silicone or other matter into the penis to make it larger, which is incredibly dangerous and should never be done.

Basically, with vacuum pumping, a cylinder is placed around the penis and tightly sealed. A second cylinder on the end of the penis then pumps the air out of the first cylinder; this creates a vacuum, which in turn draws blood into the penis. As the penis fills with blood, it becomes erect, and a constricting device helps keep the blood trapped in the penis. When used by men who have erectile difficulties, they are then in an erect state for a variable amount of time and can hopefully engage in sexual activity.

When used for non-medicinal purposes, many men may "overpump," causing the penis to grow significantly larger than its normal erect state. The bulk of this expansion tends to come in girth rather than length. As mentioned, sometimes men also apply the pump to the testicles for a swollen balls effect.

Penis injury

There is always a risk of penis injury when pumping, although the risk is minimized following the directions carefully. Many doctors believe that only those with legitimate erectile issues should use the pump and that utilizing it for cosmetic or non-essential uses greatly increases the risk of penis injury.

Among the possible forms of penis injury which may result from pump use are:

- Bruises and blisters , especially on the glans, which is generally more sensitive than other parts of the penis. In addition to being painful, bruises and blisters generally require that a man refrain from sex and masturbation (which aggravate them) until they are healed.

- Color change, tissue damage . Use of a penis pump for an extended period of time can cause the penis skin color to darken due to lack of oxygen. Because blood is typically trapped in the penis until the constricting device is removed, new oxygen cannot get in as the old oxygen is used up, causing a color change. If the lack of oxygen goes on for too long, it can cause severe damage to penile tissue.

- Blood vessel damage. With blood being forced into the penis at a high rate, there is the potential for a blood vessel to rupture, which can in turn have an impact on erectile ability.

- Fracture. In rare cases, a penis fracture can result if overinflation of the penis causes tissue to stretch beyond its capability.

To prevent such injuries, it is crucial to follow instructions carefully. Going slow, taking his time and not overdoing things are essential - especially among men who are using the pump for non-medially-prescribed purposes.

Pain and soreness is a relatively minor penis injury that can result from use of a pump, as is superficial damage to penis skin.. Regular use of a top drawer penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can be of use with these problems. Keeping the penis well moisturized will both help heal the skin and reduce many forms of soreness. Therefore, select a crème that includes both Shea butter (a high-end emollient) and vitamin E (one of nature’s best hydrators). For even better results, make sure the crème also includes alpha lipoic acid. This potent antioxidant battles the free radicals that can result in oxidative damage to delicate penis skin.

Wednesday, 20 September 2017

Understanding the Reasons for an Itchy Penis

It’s the rare man who never has to deal with an itchy penis. For as long as most men can remember, they have been plagued by at least occasional issues with penile itching. The good news is that regular penis care often alleviates the problem almost immediately. The bad news is that sometimes, a man has to go through a few options before he figures out whether his itchy penis is a minor issue or something that needs further attention.

But how is a guy to know what is causing his itchy penis? It all comes down to the process of elimination. Here’s how he can start.

1. Begin with using a top-notch penis health crème. If there is a very basic reason for the itchy penis, such as dry penis skin, a crème that contains Shea butter and vitamin E will make easy work of the problem. But if using the crème doesn’t seem to do anything to alleviate the penile itching, it’s time to look a little deeper.

2. Engage in excellent hygiene. Sometimes itching is simply because a man gets lazy in the hygiene department. Make sure this is not the case by washing the penis scrupulously during every single shower. For intact men, cleaning under the hood is greatly encouraged. For all men, consider a bit of manscaping to keep the hair under control and thus cut down on the potential for itching, as well as penis odor issues.

3. Look at things in the environment. One of the most common culprits of itching anywhere on the body - but especially on the more sensitive penis skin - is simply a change in a guy’s day-to-day life. He might have a new laundry detergent, or maybe a new soap, or maybe he even started taking his clothes to a different cleaner every week. Any small change can introduce allergens into the environment, such as fragrances or softeners, that can trigger an allergic reaction and that dreaded penile itch. Remember the process of elimination and start taking those new things away, one by one, until the itching stops.

4. Consider certain habits. If a guy hasn’t found the problem yet, it’s time to look at his sexual habits. Perhaps the problem is with the brand of condom he uses, or perhaps with the lubricant that he just started trying out. Again, the process of elimination comes into play; he can try a different condom brand, go with condoms that have no spermicide, and try different lubes with more natural ingredients.

5. Head to the doctor. If the penile itching is still continuing no matter what a guy does, it’s time to go to the doctor to rule out any problems. Persistent itching can mean the presence of an infection, fungus, parasite and the like. Simply explain to the doctor that penile itching is continuing no matter what steps are taken, and be prepared to explain all that has been done thus far to alleviate the problem. Expect some simple tests to be done to help figure out what’s going on.

After pinpointing the cause and clearing up the issue, a man wants to make sure it doesn’t come back again. He can help ensure that by reaching for a specially formulated penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) every single day. A crème that contains the aforementioned Shea butter and vitamin E, as well as vitamin A for odor control, is a great place to begin. Other must-have ingredients include vitamins B5, C and D, L-arginine and L-carnitine for better penis function and peripheral nerve protection, as well as alpha lipoic acid to fight free radicals. With a powerhouse crème like that, penile itching doesn’t stand a chance!

Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Making a Masturbation Travel Kit

When a man is in his own comfortable home, he can indulge in a little masturbation with basically no preparation. Everything he needs is right at hand - and that means more than just his own hand. But what about if a guy happens to travel? Now, granted, masturbation really doesn’t demand anything other than that aforementioned hand, but most men tend to employ some other resources to make the experience even more pleasurable. And since masturbation can help both a man’s general health and his penis health, he doesn’t want to refrain from the experience when feeling aroused and alone while on the road. As this is the case, it can pay to prepare a little masturbation travel kit for any trips (especially long ones).

With that in mind, the following tips may come in handy when planning a personal kit.


- Bring lubrication. One of the fun things about staying in many hotels is taking advantage of the personal care products they provide, such as shampoo and conditioner. Many hotels also provide a body or hand lotion, which many solo male travelers use when feeling the need to relieve an insistent erection. But guys may be better off packing a supply of their own preferred lubricant. Penis skin is enormously sensitive and may react negatively to unfamiliar ingredients in the hotel’s lotion. Besides, some hotels don’t provide lotion - and, of course, many trips don’t involve a hotel stay. Sure, a guy who’s visiting his sister can ask his brother-in-law if he has any lotion he could borrow, but the brother-in-law is going to smirk knowingly as he hands it over. And good luck finding a lubricant on a camping trip!

- Bring condoms (especially if camping). Having a condom on hand is a good idea in the event that a guy finds some partner-based fun, but it can be a plus when masturbating, too. This is especially true when camping, as it is easy to forget to pack some tissues - and so clean-up will be easier with a condom.

- Pack toys. More and more men are utilizing sex toys in their masturbation routines. So if a dude favors a cock ring, dildo, penis sleeve, silicon vagina, etc., he should bring them along. One warning: if flying, it may be preferable to include these items in checked luggage, rather than run the risk of them being pulled out of a carry-on bag during the screening process.

- Include stimulating material. Men who typically masturbate to porn may want to include material - or a way to access material - while packing. The easiest way is to include a laptop, tablet or smartphone that can be used to access the adult sites of preference. If that’s not an option, purchasing magazines or books with sexually arousing photos and/or stories may be the route to take. Some men may instead prefer to print out material from some of their favorite online sites. As with toys, packing print material in a checked baggage may be a better idea than stashing them in a carry-on.

- Pack a penis health crème. A masturbation travel kit definitely needs to include a first rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) - not because the crème is used during masturbation but because it is needed to keep the penis healthy before and after masturbation. Many men end up treating their manhood rather roughly during masturbation, which can require the application of a crème with soothing, moisturizing agents like Shea butter and vitamin E to help repair raw, sore penis skin. All that rough handling may also damage the sensitive nerve endings on the penis, "deadening" the feeling. A crème with L carnitine, a neuroprotective ingredient which helps restore lost sensation, can help relieve that unwanted numbness that impacts the sensations a man feels when masturbating.

Cold Weather Care for the Best Penis Health

When cold weather comes calling, so does the dry skin. Sales of lotion skyrocket, and sometimes even a ridiculous amount of lotion on the hands, arms or anywhere else feels like a losing battle against the dry air. But the good news is that there are several things a man can do for cold weather care, not only to enhance his usual penis care but to make his skin feel better in general.

It’s important to remember that sometimes, the very nature of winter means that a guy will face dry skin - it’s not anything he’s doing wrong. The very cold air naturally pulls moisture from the skin. Add in any sort of wind and suddenly, the skin feels so dry it’s begging for lotion or any other type of moisture - it’s why so many people obsessively lick their lips when they are out and about in the wintertime. And the things a person must wear to stay warm, such as the thick layers of wool and cotton, also contribute to rubbing against the skin, which only exacerbates a dry skin situation.

Here’s how to make the best of those wintertime issues and maintain great penis health:

1. Get clean the proper way. One of the first lines of defense against dry skin is ensuring that it starts out moisturized in the first place. That can be achieved with a good soapless cleanser, one that promises to clean the skin but not strip it of the natural oils it needs to hold moisture inside. Look for a cleanser that contains natural ingredients, so there is no chance of harsh chemicals sneaking their way into the daily shower.

2. Moisturize immediately. Upon coming out of the shower, pat the penis dry. Never rub, as this encourages loss of oils that the delicate skin needs to keep. Then apply a good moisturizer to the penis and surrounding area. This should include vitamin E or Shea butter, as these are excellent natural hydrators. Choosing a crème that contains both is the best way to go. Remember, you should also have a separate crème or lotion to use on other parts of the body to help keep them soft as well.

3. Choose layers wisely. No one would ever expect a guy to avoid the layers during the coldest of wintertime. That’s why a guy should always reach for the heavy coats, jackets and other layers, but make sure that what actually touches his skin is something soft and suitable for keeping things comfortable. Look for comfortable underwear made of cotton, and if it is a wicking material, even better. Long underwear should always be made of soft cotton.

4. Keep the air moist. Keep a home more comfortable by investing in a good humidifier that can run constantly in the background during the winter months. This adds moisture back into the dry air, which in turn keeps the place feeling as comfortable as if it were the not-so-hot days of summertime. A guy should take the time to figure out the best settings for the humidifier that keep his home as comfortable as possible.

In addition to these measures, a guy should look for a top-notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) to help him fight winter dryness. Cold weather care demands Shea butter and vitamin E, as already mentioned, but it also needs to include alpha lipoic acid, which fights the signs of aging, and vitamin C, which is the ‘miracle vitamin’ that helps fight off all sorts of bacterial issues. Finally, don’t forget the wonders of vitamin B5, which helps enhance healthy tissue and fight off the evidence of dry skin.

Monday, 18 September 2017

Prepping a Handsome Penis for a Doctor Visit

Any time a guy is nude, he wants to make sure he’s presenting a handsome penis to any watchers - whether that’s one special person in the bedroom or a crowd of potential onlookers at a clothing optional beach. Part of maintaining a handsome penis, of course, is taking pains to practice good penis health - because a healthy penis is by definition a more handsome one. And regular check-ups with a doctor, whether for general health and for any penis-specific matters, are required to keep the manhood in its best shape.

But when making those doctor visits, are there things that a guy needs to do to "prep" himself and his penis? Absolutely. And the following are tips to keep in mind in that area.

Do a thorough wash. This is both for the dude himself and for his doctor, who doesn’t relish the idea of handling a member that hasn’t seen a shower in a couple of days. Guys should always make sure that their penis and testicles are clean, period. But before a doctor visit, he especially wants to be sure that there’s no lingering odor from too much sweat, dried semen, etc. And it can be very embarrassing for a doctor to roll back a man’s foreskin during a penis examination and find a layer of smegma underneath the hood.

Do a pre-examination. Before the doctor visit, a man should take time to feel around his penis and testicles - not in a masturbatory sense, but in order to check for any lumps, bumps etc. He should also do a visual check for any rashes, discoloration, etc. It’s a good idea to use a mirror for this, so that the underside of the testicles can be viewed as well. He should make a note of anything that might need to be brought to the doctor’s attention.

Take it for a trial run. If a guy hasn’t had sex - whether with a partner or with himself - for a substantial length of time, he should masturbate the night before seeing the doctor. There are two reasons for this. First, he can make sure there are no sexual function problems that need to be addressed. Second, some men worry about getting an erection while a doctor is examining them, and would be especially embarrassed if the doctor’s handling of the penis resulted in an ejaculation. By masturbating in advance, he lowers the chances of this occurring. (Those who are especially concerned about this situation occurring may opt to masturbate closer to the time of the doctor visit.)

Make a list of any questions/concerns. If a man has any concerns specifically related to his penis, he should list them. These may be sexual in nature (e.g., difficulty maintaining an erection, premature or prolonged ejaculation, etc.) or physical/cosmetic (e.g., rashes, redness, swelling, bending, strong odor, etc.). Writing them down will help ensure he doesn’t forget them. If there’s a problem, list all pertinent details. For example, if there is a pain in the penis, list how long it has been a problem, the level of the pain, when/how often the pain occurs, where in/on the penis it occurs, and the like.

Use a crème. A handsome penis benefits from regular use of a first rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) , especially before a doctor visit. It is best to choose a crème that can provide a wide range of vitamins, such as A, B5, C, D and E; the fact that the crème is applied topically enables these vitamins to more directly target their benefits to the penis. The wise man also makes sure the crème includes L-arginine. This amino acid is part of the process whereby nitric oxide is produced, which in turn helps keep penile blood vessels open and flowing.

Sunday, 17 September 2017

Learning to Treat the Most Common Penis Problems

When a man is paying close attention to good penis care, he will naturally eliminate several of the potential penis problems that could pop up. But even with the best care possible, a man will sometimes run into penis problems that he didn’t anticipate. That awful itchy penis, a redness that won’t go away, little irritations or even an attack of rank penis odor can all catch a man by surprise. When these things happen, he wants to find a remedy as soon as possible.

The good news is that these common penis problems also have quite common treatments that a man can handle right at home. Here are some of the things most men will encounter at some point during their lives and the penis care regimens required to make them go away.

1. The itchy penis. In most cases, a suddenly itchy penis is caused by an attack of dry skin. This might happen more often during the winter, right after showering with a new cleanser or shortly after using a condom. The treatment for this includes moisturizing like mad, especially if a guy sees peeling, flaking or very dry skin when he inspects his penis. He should also reconsider his use of certain condoms or lube (choosing one that is less harsh on the skin), using only all-natural cleansers and using a humidifier to keep his home comfortable in the winter.

2. The chafed, irritated and red penis. In many cases, a man will know exactly what caused this - for instance, if he went commando and his penis rubbed against his jeans, or if he had a long sex session and didn’t use enough lube. Rough masturbation, tight clothing and much more can cause those irritations that lead to redness. To alleviate this, a guy should give his penis a break from activity for a few days, use a good penis health crème on a regular basis, and keep an eye out for things that might have caused an allergic reaction, such as a new detergent.

3. The smelly penis. A penis that suddenly has an off-putting odor might be much more than a lapse in good hygiene. When regular showers and careful cleaning doesn’t do the trick, a guy’s next step is to pay very close attention to what might be causing the issue. For instance, a yeast infection usually presents with a severe itching and a rash that spreads. Over the counter treatments might help with this, but it also pays for a guy to visit the doctor and get medications that work faster.

4. The red and inflamed penis. A penis that has too much warmth to it, as well as redness, swelling and pain, might be signs of a bacterial infection. In these cases, dry penis skin often leads to tiny openings in the skin, which are just enough for bacteria to invade. Once they set up shop, it can be almost impossible to get rid of them without a round of antibiotics. If the penis is looking rather red, inflamed and sickly, get to the doctor.

5. The constant penis problems. When a man has any of these issues and tries treatment but gets nowhere fast, it might be something more concerning, such as an STD or other type of infection. If this is the case, a guy should get to the doctor as soon as possible and let the experts check it out. Constant penis problems can diminish a man’s self esteem and quality of life very quickly, so it’s important to get the bottom of it right now.

And of course, every man should remember that sudden penis pain, redness, soreness, discharge and the like calls for an immediate trip to the doctor - as there are some penis problems that require professional help!

In the meantime, a man can keep things healthy with a strong penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . Look for a crème with Shea butter and vitamin E for hydration, vitamin A for odor control, L-arginine for blood flow and L-carnitine for protection of the peripheral nerves.

Friday, 15 September 2017

His Sore Penis: What Women Need to Know

Here’s something men may not be willing to tell their women: Sometimes a man gets a sore penis and, for a while at least, may not feel in the mood for sex. That’s not to say that the mood will necessarily last for a long time, or that he may not find himself eager to jump into bed with his partner despite his sore penis. Even when they know there may be some pain, many men will happily give in to the lure of sex - even if the soreness makes them regret it later. But since his long-term penis health affects his partner as much as it does him, women need to know a little about the sore penis.

It’s a societal thing

The fact is, men can often have a sore penis - much more often than one might think. And it’s the kind of thing they’re more willing to talk about with other guys than with women. (Although, to be fair, much of the time that they tell their buds they have a sore penis, it’s really just a way of bragging about the incredible sex they had last night.)

Still, many men feel that society pressures them to present an uber-macho façade where matters of the penis are concerned, especially with the women they take to bed. They feel an expectation that they can perform at the drop of a hat - and that they’re supposed to want to perform 24/7. But even the horniest of men are still only human and can fall prey to any number of soreness-inducing situations, such as:

- Overdoing it. Probably the most common reason a guy complains of a sore penis is because he’s been having too much sex (either with a partner or with his hand - or both). Remember that penis skin is very sensitive and filled with nerve endings - hence, the incredible pleasure a guy gets from sex. Too much activity can simply overwork the poor little fellow - a situation which a little rest usually can cure.

- Aggressive action. Sometimes, though, the problem isn’t too much penile activity - it’s too rough penile activity. Especially if it’s activity in which there is insufficient lubrication. So a guy who thrusts at too furious a pace, or whose penis is stroked at a lightning-fast pace by a hand devoid of lubrication, is going to find himself with a raw, painful penis.

- Allergy. Sometimes the soreness comes not from activity on that sensitive penis skin but from an allergic reaction - to chemicals in soap, fragrances in the detergent that cleans his underwear, etc. It causes a rash or other reaction which in some cases makes the manhood a little too tender to touch.

- A crotch punch. Getting hit in the groin with a baseball or other hard object can cause soreness that may last for days. Understandably.

Be gentle

So if a guy does complain about a sore penis, it helps if his partner is understanding. And she should know that he is likely going to want to get back into action earlier than he probably should - in which case, his partner can help by going slowly and helping him to ease back into things rather than jumping in at full throttle.

Women whose men complain of a sore penis should also encourage them to daily apply a first class penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . Keeping the penis healthy means it will recover from whatever causes the soreness more quickly. The best crèmes can also help reduce the soreness. For example, one with both a high-end emollient (like Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (like vitamin E) can "double team" affected penis skin, re-moisturize, and help alleviate soreness. By the same token, if aggressively rough handling has de-sensitized the penis, a crème with a neuroprotective ingredient like L carnitine can help restore minor loss of sensation.

Penis Odor? Cologne Is Not the Answer

One of the deal-killers with potential partners - and one of the bigger complaints from many men’s current partners - is the presence of a persistent and unpleasant penis odor. Few things put a damper on a romantic mood faster than a stench wafting upward from a guy’s manhood. No matter how skilled he is with his instrument, or how otherwise impressive that manhood may be, penis odor is a huge turn-off. Practicing better and more targeted penis care can go a long way to addressing this issue - and is a much better idea than using cologne to try to cover up the aroma.

The cologne connection

On the surface, it seems to make sense to use cologne to keep unwanted penis odor at bay. After all, many men dab a little cologne on their neck, chest, armpits or elsewhere in order to make themselves smell more appealing to a lover. Why not use it on the penis? For a couple of good reasons, actually.

First, as a lot of men have discovered too late, most cologne is not a penis’ best friend. Splash a little on to the member, and within a few seconds most men will be yelping in pain. Cologne (like aftershave) tends to create a burning sensation in the penis which can be quite intense.

That’s because cologne, in addition to water and scents, contains alcohol - denatured alcohol, to be precise. It’s a necessary ingredient because it takes the other components in cologne, breaks them down and then holds them together in a mixed state. Also, as alcohol evaporates, it spreads the scents in the cologne out into the air.

Unfortunately, the alcohol also irritates the penis skin, which is more sensitive than skin on other parts of the body. And often the other elements in the cologne which produce scent provide further irritation.

Treating better than masking

The second reason to avoid cologne is that all it does is mask the unwanted penis odor - it doesn’t actually make the odor go away. And in the long run, a man is much better off taking steps to help actually fight the stench.

What kind of steps? The following usually help a great deal.

- Simply wash. Too often, penis odor is a result of just not paying enough attention to penile hygiene. Odor can develop very quickly, especially during the summer months or at any time when a man is physically active. It’s crucial that the penis be thoroughly washed regularly. Be careful to use soaps that are mild rather than chemical-laden, as they can dry out the skin or cause rashing or other irritation. And when the penis skin is dry or irritated, it often holds on to odor more readily.

- Consider a shave. Manscaping - either shaving pubic hair to the skin or simply cropping it down to a shorter length - can reduce sweat and sweat retention, helping to reduce aromas.

- Have a good airing. Letting the penis hang free in the open air can be a big help in dispensing with odors. Men who live alone - or with understanding roommates - may want to walk around their home nude. Those without that option may still find that sleeping in the buff can be a big help.

- Apply an appropriate crème. One good way to fight penis odor without cologne is to daily apply a top notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin ). The best bet is to select a crème that includes vitamin A among its ingredients. Also called retinol, vitamin A is blessed with antibacterial properties that target many of the bacteria that can create a damaging penis odor situation. Since keeping penis skin healthy also helps fight odor, the chosen crème should include heavy duty moisturizing ingredients (such as Shea butter and vitamin E) and an antioxidant (such as alpha lipoic acid) to keep away free radicals.

Thursday, 14 September 2017

Is Dry Penis Skin Normal? How to Tell if It’s an Easy Fix

In most cases, occasional dry penis skin is a fact of life. That’s because almost anything can lead to dry penis skin, including something as innocuous as changing the detergent a guy uses for his sheets or even changing his workout routine to something that makes him sweat a bit more. To help ease the dryness of such delicate skin, good penis care is necessary. And for most guys, within a couple of days of proper attention, that dry penis skin is just like new.

But what happens when a man does everything he can think to do and it doesn’t seem to make a difference? And what does it mean if the dry skin issue actually gets worse instead of better? It’s important for a man to know when dry penis skin is a run-of-the-mill issue that will resolve in a few days, versus a problem that might require a doctor to evaluate it and provide treatment. To that end, here’s a short primer on what’s serious - and what’s not.

Dry penis skin causes

Understanding the causes of dry penis skin can help a guy determine just how serious the situation might be. Here are the most common reasons for dry, itchy penis skin:

1. Too much masturbation. A guy who likes to handle the throttle a little too often is bound to wind up with some dryness, even if he uses plenty of lube. That’s simply because over time, the rigorous stroking pulls natural oils from the skin, and when the lube is washed away, so is all that precious oil. But those who enjoy masturbation without lube are in for even worse dryness, as there is nothing to protect the penis from aggressive over-handling. The easiest way to cure the problem? Let the penis rest and apply plenty of moisturizing penis health crème in the meantime.

2. Dry sex. Whether a guy is getting it on without lube during intercourse or he’s enjoying other activities, such as ‘outercourse’ or extended foreplay, his penis might rub up against various surfaces - such as the sheets, pillows, and yes, even his partner’s body - and eventually, dry skin can be the result. The only cure for this is to keep the penis in good shape to begin with; again, this requires an excellent penis health crème.

3. Skin allergies and irritations. Sometimes a guy’s penis is just fine, but then within hours, it’s not. This sudden dryness is often related to something in the environment, such as a mild allergic reaction to new detergents, fragrances, cleansers, and anything else that might come into contact with the delicate penis skin. In this case, some detective work is in order. A guy should eliminate the variety of issues that might be causing the problem, then see if there is any improvement.

4. Skin conditions. For some men, things get a bit more serious. Dryness that doesn’t respond to the use of a penis health crème or other moisturizing efforts might be a problem that requires a doctor’s attention. Some skin conditions, such as eczema or psoriasis, can occur on the penis just as easily as they might appear on other parts of the body. If a man has dry, itchy penis skin that doesn’t respond to his home treatments should visit the doctor to find out what the problem might be.

5. The weather. Surprisingly, the weather plays a serious role in dry skin. Many men are familiar with dry hands and a dry face or lips during the worst of the colder seasons. The same thing can happen to the penis. Again, use of a great crème, plenty of hydration, and running a humidifier during the winter can all help.

Speaking of a good penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) , a man should apply the crème on a regular basis, at least once a day. Those who struggle with dry skin want a crème that contains a serious one-two punch of hydration through Shea butter and vitamin E. Both are proven to provide the kind of moisture that can nip dry penis skin in the bud.

Supporting Penis Function Through Yoga

With yoga schools and classes available practically everywhere in the country, there’s no excuse for any person interested in yoga not to dive right in. And men who are interested in maintaining their penis health might want to investigate a little downward facing dog or warrior positions. Yes, practicing yoga can be a good way to support good penis function - and that’s something every man values.

An ancient practice

Yoga has been around for centuries, although only in recent decades has it become so widely available in western cultures. Originating in ancient India, yoga actually encompasses a range of mental, physical and spiritual practices. But when a person refers to yoga today, they generally are talking about a form of physical exercise that incorporates meditation and other mental components into it. As opposed to working out with weights at the gym, yoga is more of a low impact form of exercise - although it can also provide a real work-out when required.

Although there is more to yoga than this, most people associate yoga essentially with exercises that emphasize attaining and holding specially designed poses.

The penis connection

And how can yoga benefit penis function? One way is through the potential boosting of testosterone.

Testosterone, as most men know, is a key component of penis function. Higher levels of testosterone are generally associated with greater muscle mass and tone, stronger bones, increased energy, better cardiac health, a strong libido and healthy erections. So maintaining appropriate levels of testosterone is important for a man.

Some studies have indicated that regular yoga practice can help increase or maintain testosterone levels. This becomes especially important as men age, as the natural aging process typically includes some diminishment of testosterone.

How does yoga help?

Yoga is thought to help with testosterone production in several ways.

- De-stressing. One of the major benefits associated with yoga is a lowering of stress levels. Most people come out of a yoga session feeling significantly more relaxed. Consistent practice of yoga helps a person experience that relaxed feeling for a longer period of time and to be able to draw on it more effectively in stressful situations. This is key because stress triggers cortisol production, which in turns lowers testosterone production.

- Sleeping better. People who regularly engage in yoga tend to sleep better, and not only on nights when they’ve had a yoga class. Sleep deprivation is also associated with decreases in testosterone (and with increases in stress). In addition, being physically tired can have an impact on the sex drive and ability to obtain and maintain erections.

- Weight issues. Regular yoga participation can help a man to lose weight, which not only makes him feel and look better - it also gets his testosterone working up again. Men who are a healthy weight are also less likely to have blood pressure and cardiac issues, which again can have an impact on penis function and health.

In addition, many yoga poses exercise parts of the body that can be of benefit to a man during sex. For example, yoga can help provide flexibility in the pelvis, increase arm strength for greater upper body support during missionary and similar positions, and develop breathing in a way that promotes better stamina.

Of course, yoga alone cannot assist with penis function or penis health. It is sensible for a man to regularly use a top rated penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) just to keep his penis is overall good shape. The best bet is to use a crème that contains both L-arginine and L-carnitine. The former is an amino acid that is part of the process by which nitric oxide is produced, which in turn keeps penile blood vessels open and receptive for increased blood flow. The latter is a neuroprotective ingredient that protects an overused or aggressively-stroked penis from suffering a diminishment of sensation.

Wednesday, 13 September 2017

The Best Solution for a Sore Penis

Many men jump into bed with their eager partner and enjoy several hours of fun, but at the end of it, they are often red and sore. That sore penis is often worn as a badge of pride, as it means a man has put his equipment to very good use. But if the penis is always sore after a good bedroom session, it might mean that a guy should try something a little different. This key point of good penis care is already well-known to many men, but some might need a little refresher.

How to avoid a sore penis

When a man is enjoying sex with a partner, there is a lot of friction going on. And that feels great! But after several hours of play, it might wind up costing a guy a bit of comfort - in fact, he might have an incredibly sore penis. Besides that, the penis skin might be red and irritated.

Though this might be a badge of pride, it pays to be careful about how often this happens. A man who is constantly dealing with a sore penis might wind up with problems down the road, as his penis skin suffers from the repeated irritation that comes from those wild nights. The result can be everything from loss of sensation to unnatural curvature of the penis, thanks to the tiny traumas the penis ensures during those sessions when not everything is smooth sailing.

But there is one very good tip for avoiding a sore penis that has the added bonus of making the bedroom session even better: Engage in more foreplay!

Why is foreplay so important?

Entire books have been written about the importance of foreplay, but a lot of it boils down to a few key points. First, foreplay makes sense because both partners deserve to have a good time - and studies have shown that while a man might have a great time without much preparation, a woman needs much more time to get ready and raring to go. The more foreplay involved, the better time she is likely to have.

Secondly, it matters in terms of penis health. A man who is engaging in way too much friction might feel great about that, but eventually the result is a sore penis and even damage to the penis skin. And if he feels this way, imagine how his partner must feel! It’s not a pleasant experience for either person involved.

Engaging in more foreplay doesn’t necessarily mean a man has to have a variety of unusual tricks up his sleeve. It might be as simple as taking more time to enjoy the usual beginning activities, such as kissing, touching and whispering sweet nothings to each other. Sure, a guy might employ more use of his hands and tongue to make a woman much happier, but all in all, foreplay is simply about what feels good to both partners - and gets them both hot and bothered enough to enjoy sex without the painful friction that can result if things are too dry.

But sometimes, foreplay isn’t quite enough. That’s when a man should generously employ a high-quality lube. This benefits both partners, of course, and has the added bonus of ensuring that both partners are ready to go again for a morning quickie - because neither one of them are too sore to enjoy it!

And as always, a man must take care of his penis health when he’s outside the bedroom. This includes the regular use of a good penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) on a daily basis. Look for a crème that contains soothing Shea butter and vitamin E; this one-two punch of hydration helps ensure that the penis skin stays smooth and supple. A man should also look for a crème that contains vitamin C, D and B5, all beneficial for proper blood flow and overall penis health.

Tuesday, 12 September 2017

Penis Injury Prevention Tips

It’s only common sense: A guy who is serious about good penis care is going to want to avoid any penis injury. When a penis injury occurs, a guy can be out of commission, which is no fun - and a big penis injury or a series of small ones can even do long-term damage. Clearly, prevention is the way a man wants to go here. And with that in mind, the following practical tips should be helpful.


- Watch the angle. One hears cringe-inducing tales of a guy "breaking" his penis, and while the terminology isn’t exactly correct - without an actual bone, the penis can’t technically be "broken" - the term gets the general idea across. This most often occurs when the penis is erect and it strikes up against something hard at the wrong angle. For example, a guy may misjudge his angle of penetration and thrust very hard into a vagina, only to come into swift contact with a pelvic bone. If he hears a "popping" sound, excruciating pain will follow almost immediately. So no matter how deeply "into it" a guy may be, he needs to make sure that his angle of thrust is on target.

- Wear a cup. No guy really likes to wear an athletic supporter, but they exist for a reason. They not only provide support so things don’t flop around too much, but they help protect a man’s favorite body part from fast-moving line drives and the like. Guys who play sports a lot definitely need to endure a little discomfort to prevent a serious penis injury.

- Lube up. It can be awkward, when a man’s penis is being stroked and rubbed by a maiden’s hand, to suggest that they add a lubrication into the mix - but if she’s a bit too rough, a guy just has to man up and say it. And there’s no excuse for a guy not applying enough lubrication to his own hand while masturbating. Too much friction too often can lead to peripheral nerve damage and a loss of sensation in the penis - something most guys really, really want to avoid.

- Be sensibly nude. There’s nothing wrong with being naked, but when in a natural state, be aware of any "dangers" that could come along. For example, if going to a clothing optional beach, be sure to apply sunscreen to that sensitive penis skin. Even after sunscreen has been , don’t leave it hanging out in the strong sunshine for too long. And if at a nudist resort, be aware that penis skin may be more susceptible to irritants and allergies - so keep the pollen off it, avoid letting it get nestled by long grass, etc. and definitely keep it away from anything resembling poison ivy!

- Beware of the zipper. Even guys who have been zipping their little buddy up for decades occasionally make a mistake and catch their penis right in the zipper teeth. Anyone who has ever done this knows how painful it can be - so no matter how big a hurry a guy is in, he should take that extra moment when zipping up or down to make sure everything is out of the way.

Sometimes, despite a guy’s best prevention plans, penis injury still occurs and penis pain and soreness results. In many cases, that pain can be alleviated with the use of a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . The penis skin is going to be impacted, so definitely select a crème with a combination of soothing moisturizers, such as vitamin E (a natural hydrator) and Shea butter (a special high-end emollient). Also, keep the skin as healthy as possible by being sure the crème contains alpha lipoic acid. This potent antioxidant fights free radicals, which in turn can damage the skin through oxidative stress.

Maintain Penis Health with an STD Protection Primer

Every man knows the golden rule of good penis care: always use protection against STDs. But sometimes a guy can get a little lax about doing exactly what needs to be done. Besides that, he might actually not know several of the cold, hard facts about how STDs are transmitted. To make sure every guy knows exactly what it takes to protect himself from STDs and maintain good penis health, we’ve put together this handy protection primer.

Here’s what every guy needs to know about protection and how to ensure that it works properly, every single time.

1. Carefully choose partners. This might seem easier said than done, especially for a guy who loves to play the field and bring home new partners when the opportunities arises. But a guy should be quite selective about who he allows near his favorite equipment. A guy should look for a partner who takes protection seriously and wants to make sure things are "on the up and up" just as much as he does. For example, a partner who suggests that they try it without a condom "just once" is not someone with his best interests at heart!

2. Use condoms properly. Every guy has been told at some point that simply ‘wrapping it up’ will protect him, and in most cases that’s true. However, a guy must know how to use condoms properly in order to ensure they do their job when expected to do so. For instance, always reach for lubes that are water-based or silicone-based. Oil-based lubes spell damage to the condom, which means it doesn’t protect as well. A guy should also make sure the condom has not expired, has never been stored in a very cold or very hot place, and hasn’t been subject to friction through the packet, such as being carried in his wallet for a while.

3. Use other protection as well. A guy wants to make sure he’s entirely clean, which means other protections might be necessary. For instance, when performing oral on a partner, always use a dental dam or other barrier protection, at least until it’s certain everyone involved has a clean bill of health.

4. Get tested. A person who is sexually active should be tested for STDs every six months. This means a full physical exam and blood test to ensure there are no problems lurking that could be passed on to other partners. This also gives a guy the opportunity to treat some of the STDs that might show no symptoms, so he can be sure to preserve his fertility and good penis health over the years.

5. Talk to a potential partner. There is a very good rule of thumb to remember: If a guy is too embarrassed or uncomfortable to talk to a potential partner about sex, he isn’t ready to have sex! Part of being a man is ‘manning up’ when it comes to the tough moments. That’s why a man shouldn’t be shy about sharing some intimate details with a potential partner, as well as asking detailed questions of that partner before jumping into the sack. Anyone who gets upset about such questions isn’t someone a guy wants to be intimate with - remember the first tip about choosing partners wisely.

6. Get clean before and after. Good hygiene is paramount for penis health, so make sure the penis and surrounding area are very clean before sexual congress, and then take the time to wash off afterward to remove lingering residue from condoms, lubes and the like. This will also give a guy the opportunity to examine the manhood - something he should do at every shower session - to ensure there are no bumps, lesions or telltale signs of STDs there.

Another good habit to get into is the regular use of a specially formulated penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . Look for a crème that contains alpha lipoic acid, which fights the free radicals that can lead to aging, as well as vitamin A, a powerful antibacterial agent that can lessen or eliminate penis odor.