Sunday, 17 September 2017

Learning to Treat the Most Common Penis Problems

When a man is paying close attention to good penis care, he will naturally eliminate several of the potential penis problems that could pop up. But even with the best care possible, a man will sometimes run into penis problems that he didn’t anticipate. That awful itchy penis, a redness that won’t go away, little irritations or even an attack of rank penis odor can all catch a man by surprise. When these things happen, he wants to find a remedy as soon as possible.

The good news is that these common penis problems also have quite common treatments that a man can handle right at home. Here are some of the things most men will encounter at some point during their lives and the penis care regimens required to make them go away.

1. The itchy penis. In most cases, a suddenly itchy penis is caused by an attack of dry skin. This might happen more often during the winter, right after showering with a new cleanser or shortly after using a condom. The treatment for this includes moisturizing like mad, especially if a guy sees peeling, flaking or very dry skin when he inspects his penis. He should also reconsider his use of certain condoms or lube (choosing one that is less harsh on the skin), using only all-natural cleansers and using a humidifier to keep his home comfortable in the winter.

2. The chafed, irritated and red penis. In many cases, a man will know exactly what caused this - for instance, if he went commando and his penis rubbed against his jeans, or if he had a long sex session and didn’t use enough lube. Rough masturbation, tight clothing and much more can cause those irritations that lead to redness. To alleviate this, a guy should give his penis a break from activity for a few days, use a good penis health crème on a regular basis, and keep an eye out for things that might have caused an allergic reaction, such as a new detergent.

3. The smelly penis. A penis that suddenly has an off-putting odor might be much more than a lapse in good hygiene. When regular showers and careful cleaning doesn’t do the trick, a guy’s next step is to pay very close attention to what might be causing the issue. For instance, a yeast infection usually presents with a severe itching and a rash that spreads. Over the counter treatments might help with this, but it also pays for a guy to visit the doctor and get medications that work faster.

4. The red and inflamed penis. A penis that has too much warmth to it, as well as redness, swelling and pain, might be signs of a bacterial infection. In these cases, dry penis skin often leads to tiny openings in the skin, which are just enough for bacteria to invade. Once they set up shop, it can be almost impossible to get rid of them without a round of antibiotics. If the penis is looking rather red, inflamed and sickly, get to the doctor.

5. The constant penis problems. When a man has any of these issues and tries treatment but gets nowhere fast, it might be something more concerning, such as an STD or other type of infection. If this is the case, a guy should get to the doctor as soon as possible and let the experts check it out. Constant penis problems can diminish a man’s self esteem and quality of life very quickly, so it’s important to get the bottom of it right now.

And of course, every man should remember that sudden penis pain, redness, soreness, discharge and the like calls for an immediate trip to the doctor - as there are some penis problems that require professional help!

In the meantime, a man can keep things healthy with a strong penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . Look for a crème with Shea butter and vitamin E for hydration, vitamin A for odor control, L-arginine for blood flow and L-carnitine for protection of the peripheral nerves.

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