Friday, 30 December 2016

Tips to Avoid a Sore Penis after Sexual Fun

There are few things more enjoyable than sex. The human body is designed to enjoy so many wonderful sensations, and men often go after all of those delightful sensations with aplomb. But that can also lead to the problem of a sore penis after all is said and done - and done again, then again, and again. A man should take care to practice good penis care and keep these valuable tips in mind when he is getting ready for sexual fun.

1. Stay safe. Though it has been said time and time again, it always bears repeating: The best way to take care of the penis is to wrap it up in a condom during sexual play. Though men who are in a committed, monogamous relationship can get away without using a condom, anyone who is playing the field, so to speak, needs to be very careful about protection, each and every time.

2. Watch those long strokes. Though using long strokes might sound like a fun time, a man should be quite careful when he goes after the long game a bit too eagerly. One of the leading causes of penis fractures is fast thrusting that goes awry, leading the penis to slip out and slam into something quite solid, like her pelvic bone. Just keep that in mind when things get rowdy.

3. Take care with lube. Though men already know that lube makes things much nicer, it is vitally important to look at the type of lube being used. Men who use latex condoms should never couple those condoms with oil-based lube. Why? Because those oils break down the latex and render the condom almost useless for its intended purpose. Always go with water-based or silicone-based lube.

4. Pay attention to pain. Though some people like to mix in a little pain with their pleasure, that’s not the focus of this particular hint. If penis pain or soreness begins to plague a man while he is doing the deed, it’s usually a sign that he has gone a bit too far and his penis needs a rest. Though it can be tempting to keep going, no matter how much it might hurt later, it’s a good idea to heed what the body is saying and take a nice, long break.

5. Wash off well. Though a man often has a shower before sexual activity, he might not opt for a shower when things are done. That’s often a bad idea, as the fluids left over from all that fun can dry on the penis and lead to itching, soreness and even redness. This is especially true if condoms, lubes and spermicides were used. At the very least, a man should take a quick trip to the bathroom to use a mild soap and water and quickly clean the area before getting some shut-eye.

Use a high-quality crème to keep things smooth

A man wants to keep his penis looking nice for his partner, and he wants to do whatever he can to alleviate any penis pain or soreness he might experience. A great penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can help him achieve both these goals and more. The savvy man will look for a crème that contains vitamin A, also known as retinol, to fight unpleasant penis odors. Other vitamins are also advantageous, such as vitamin C (for blood flow) and vitamin B5 (for cell metabolism). Combine those vitamins along with other nutrients in a Shea butter base, and a man has the recipe for a strong, healthy and great-looking penis.

Fighting Penis Odor at College

For many young men, going away to college opens up new worlds. Often, this is the first time a man has really been "on his own" - even if he’s sharing a dorm room with another guy or two. There are new challenges that may arise. Interestingly, one of those challenges is dealing with penis odor. Taking time for proper penis care becomes more and more important as a man matures, and college can be a learning experience in this area.

Not just a college problem
Clearly, penis odor is not a situation created solely by dorm living at college. A guy can develop a strong and unfortunate aroma from his member at almost any age and under many conditions. Indeed, women complain about a rank penis in partners who are far from their halcyon campus days. But for many, the college years can be an especially "ripe" time for this problem.

Why should this be? Well, there are several factors at play here.

Guys get busy
Although many men are sexually active with partners before college, and many others do not become active until after college, a lot of young men see their "luck" with sexual partners increase during the years they are getting their education. Intercourse is great fun, of course, but even when one is with a very clean partner, the result of partner sex tends to be a penis with an odor attached to it.

This can also be the case when there is no partner involved in sexual activity - and masturbation tends to be a favorite activity of men at college. The friction and sweat create an aroma, and semen left to dry on the area - whether by choice or accident - adds a unique scent to the penis.

Hygiene suffers
None of the above would really be a problem if guys washed appropriately. But many guys don’t always wash off after sex, and many guys also don’t shower or bathe as frequently as they need to when away from Mom and Dad. There can be many reasons for this: laziness, a way of expressing independence, lack of time due to studying, etc. But whatever the reason, the lack of appropriate washing makes the penis odor situation worse.

Living quarters aren’t the same
It’s also true that many young men get a bit sloppy and careless with their personal environment at college. In particular, laundry is not often at the top of the list. It’s not at all uncommon for guys in a dorm situation to wear the same pants and/or underwear for several days, simply because there are no clean options around. And it’s also true that bedsheets may remain unwashed for a truly amazing length of time. When a man sleeps in unwashed sheets, the odors they have gathered get passed on to his body - including his penis.

What to do
In order to keep truly frightening penis odor at bay - and keep women from crossing a guy off their list because his manhood truly smells like junk - guys really must make an effort to shower regularly and to change their sheets more frequently. But that is not enough.

If a guy at college (or elsewhere) wants to take the right steps to address rank penis odor and the off-putting situations it creates, he simply must use a first class penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Not just any crème will do; it is essential that it contain vitamin A. Why? This vitamin (also known as retinol) is celebrated for its antibacterial properties. It fights many odor-causing bacteria that occur on the penis and surrounding areas. The crème should also contain a potent antioxidant, such as alpha lipoic acid. Antioxidants fight free radicals and the oxidative stress they promote. Limiting that damage keeps the penis healthier and better able to fight other odor-causing bacteria.

Thursday, 29 December 2016

When a Bent Penis Results from Penis Injury

It’s not for nothing that men tend to take pride in their penis and like for it to look its best, especially when there is sexual interest in his particular piece of manly equipment. That’s one reason why a severely bent penis can sometimes create an issue for men that goes beyond the physical mechanics of how the bend may affect actual sexual activity. Men who pay careful attention to their penis care may still not be able to prevent a penis injury, which may contribute to the development of a bent penis.

Sometimes it’s normal
It’s very important to emphasize that some curvature of the penis is entirely normal. Although some men present a penis that is perfectly straight, many others sport a penis that may curve somewhat to either side of up or down when erect. This is not unusual and in no way detracts from the physical functioning of the penis or from its aesthetic beauty; indeed, many partners prefer a penis that has some curvature to its shape.

However, for the purposes of this article, a bent penis is one that is curved to a degree that is atypical and causes some issues for its owner. And because this article is discussing a bent penis that is the result of a penis injury, it assumes that prior to said injury, the penis was noticeably straighter.

In some cases, the severity of the degree of curvature may be a matter of context and perception. For example, a man may for years have had a very straight penis yet after an injury develops a slight curve to it. To another person, the curvature may not be anything to remark upon, but because it is different than what the owner is used to, it may seem to him to be something of great concern. And this concern may create tension and anxiety, which may impact his happiness, self-esteem and even sexual performance. So even if the curvature may seem slight, it can make a difference to some men.

Why does it bend?
So why does a penis injury sometimes result in a bent penis? Basically, when the penis experiences some trauma - and this could come from numerous sources, such as an injury during sexual activity or from a baseball being batted into the crotch during a game - the penis undergoes a healing process. Part of that process is the development of scar tissue in the affected area.

If the penis injury is truly significant, that one incident alone could result in some curvature. More often, however, bending occurs from repeated smaller injuries, many of which may cause some slight pain but don’t register with a man as being significant. In these instances, the scar tissue builds up over and over again.

The problem is that skin and tissue in regions with significant scar tissue don’t stretch the way they do in unaffected areas. Thus, when a man becomes aroused and blood engorges the penis, it starts stretching out - but the area with scar tissue stretches only so far, causing the penis to bend during the erectile process.

In severe cases, a doctor may recommend medical or surgical treatment to help eliminate the curvature.

Often, however, a bent penis due to penis injury can benefit from regular use of a first rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Because penile skin is more likely to stretch when it is moist and supple, a crème with natural hydrating agents like vitamin E and Shea butter can increase the likelihood of greater skin elasticity during the erectile process. The best crème will also include acetyl L-carnitine, an amino acid that can help restore penis sensitivity damaged by layers of scar tissue. Keeping the penis in optimal health can help diminish the impact of excess scarring.

Sore Penis Treatments to Bring Relief

One of the reasons many men take pains to practice expert penis care is to keep pains from happening to their penis. After all, a sore penis is not only uncomfortable - it can get in the way of a lot of sexual fun and games. Still, even the most conscientious man sometimes gets a sore penis, so knowing the treatments that can get the manhood back into proper shape is advised.

With that in mind, the following treatments may be handy when a sore penis rears its ugly head.

- Give it a break. Probably the most important (and sensible) thing to do when penis pain is present is to let the member get a good rest. That means exercising control and not engaging in sex - whether solo or partner-based - no matter how badly a man wants it. Otherwise, a guy may himself in a situation in which the sex causes so much pain that he has to break off halfway through - not an ideal situation for the man or his partner. And even if he soldiers on, he’s likely to be left with a much sorer penis, necessitating an even longer break from action.

So how long should the penis be allowed to rest? That depends entirely on just how sore it is and on the recuperative powers of its owner. But it’s better to err a little on the side of caution, just to be sure the penis is back in fine fettle before jumping into action again.

- Pamper it in the bathtub. Showers are the preferred form of bathing for most adult men, but when a really sore penis is present, a guy should consider treating himself and his penis to a nice, long, warm bath. The warmth of the water flowing all around the penis can help to soothe aching muscles and relax the penile blood vessels that have been called on to do a lot of heavy lifting during the erectile process. Be sure the water is warm but not hot; too much heat can be damaging, especially to sensitive penis skin.

- Wrap it up. Swaddling the penis can also provide some extra comfort when it is sore. Take a small towel, scarf or muffler and wrap it securely but not too tightly around the penis (and balls, if desired). This also warms up the penis, much as the warm bathwater does; in addition, the extra support of the wrapping keeps the penis from swinging and banging against thighs or other objects. Swaddling the penis for an hour or two at night can help promote soreness relief.

- Then go bare. After swaddling the penis, it’s often helpful to let it "hang out" for a while. Walking around the house naked allows the penis to get more fresh air than it normally would, and that can help speed along the healing process - especially because this means the penis won’t be rubbing against any potentially irritating fabrics.

- Put on the crème. One of the most effective treatments for a sore penis is to apply a really exceptional penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). As with the rest of the body, the healthier the penis is, the faster it heals and the more quickly soreness is banished. Often a sore penis is exacerbated by dry or rashy penis skin, so selecting a crème that can attack skin issues is a plus. The right crème for the job is one that can rehydrate the skin with a potent combination of moisturizers (such as Shea butter and vitamin E). It is suggested that the crème also contain vitamin C, which is known for its role in collagen production, collagen benefiting the skin by its ability to promote elasticity. The right crème can be a boon to alleviating a sore penis.

Wednesday, 28 December 2016

Penis Health Resolutions for the New Year

As the new year dawns, people take stock of their lives and make resolutions that will hopefully have a positive impact on their lives. Maybe it’s time to consider some resolutions that can have an impact on penis health or sexual health? Even men who already practice decent penis health routines may benefit from thinking about what more they can do in this important area of their lives.

Here are some sexual health resolutions some men may want to consider. These are just a starting point, so feel free to add to them!

- Always use a condom. Unless a man is in a monogamous relationship, he definitely needs to use a condom - and even in a monogamous relationship, condoms should be employed if either partner has an existing transmissible disease or infection. Preventing STIs is arguably the most important thing a man can do for his sexual health.

- Don’t be afraid of the doctor. Men in general are less likely to visit a doctor than are women, and this seems to be especially the case when it comes to sexual health issues. A guy may notice a sore or blister on his penis and choose to not see a doctor because he’s afraid of what it may mean. Yet even when such signs lead to a diagnosis of an STI, it’s much better to know this information so appropriate treatment can be started to address the problem.

But regular visits to the doctor are important for sexual health even when the focus is not on the penis. Check-ups help the doctor keep a man’s heart healthy, his blood pressure in line, etc. - factors which impact his sexual health, even if the penis doesn’t seem to be directly involved. So don’t be afraid to check in with a physician regularly.

- Watch stress. Stress is one of the factors that can have a really big impact on sexual health (and health in general). Tension and anxiety have become increasing problems for men, and when a guy feels stressed, he may not have the sexual ability and/or drive that he would otherwise. Finding ways to relax, whether it’s through meditation, yoga, exercise or other means, is a great gift to give oneself.

- Use it. Since sex is on men’s minds a lot, it may seem odd to recommend that a man engage in sex more often. But sometimes men - either by choice or necessity - may experience lengthy stretches with no sex. But studies show the penis needs exercise just like other body parts in order to remain healthy. Some men feel guilty about masturbating, but solo activity can help to keep the penis in better health - and it’s one of the more enjoyable forms of exercise around!

- Watch the vices. Guys who are smokers or heavy drinkers should seriously work on cutting out the former and cutting down on the latter. Both of these activities have been shown to negatively affect penis health and performance.

- Crème it. A man’s sexual health is linked to his penis health, so one of the most important resolutions is to apply a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) to the penis. A good penis health crème can help the penis look appealing, especially where the skin is concerned. When the crème contains a high-end emollient (such as Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E), the skin will be well moisturized and supple, rather than dry and patchy. If the crème also contains vitamin C, it will give a boost to collagen production, which is essential for penis health and firmness, making a man’s penis present in an even more impressive fashion.

Tuesday, 27 December 2016

Penis Size: Not a Big Deal for Women

Men have a lot of worries. They worry about everything from finances to cleaning the yard to what they might have for dinner to what they are dealing with at work, and everything in between. They also spend a lot of time worrying about what others think about them, particularly their romantic partners. That’s one of the reasons savvy men spend regular time on good penis care. Not only do they want to do what’s right for their physical health, they want to make sure that their manhood is presentable for the partner they want to please.

But pleasing their partners might be much easier than most men think. A study published in the quarterly journal of Psychology of Men and Masculinity found that men and women view penis size quite differently.

What men think about penis size
The study focused on over 52,000 participants who took a survey concerning their penis size and how they felt about themselves. The survey found that most men - 66% -- rated their penis as an average size. Twenty-two percent rated themselves as ‘large’ while 12% reported they were ‘small.’
How did they feel about their size? Men who were taller tended to report a more positive emotion about their penis size, while men who were overweight were more negative. Those who reported a larger penis size were overall more confident, suggesting that penis size plays a significant factor in how a man feels about himself overall.

However, many men were not satisfied. Though 55% of men said they were okay with their current penis size, a large portion - 45% -- wanted to be larger. Only 0.2% wanted to be smaller. The men questioned were all between the ages of 18 and 65; there were no differences in the overall results when age was factored in.

In other words, the way men feel about their penis seems to be a lifelong notion. But what do women think?

How women view penis size
When it comes to satisfaction, men and women view the question of penis size quite differently. Remember that only 55% of men were satisfied with their penis size. But a whopping 85% of women were satisfied with the penis size of their partner.

That means that for many men, the worries about whether a partner will enjoy their penis size are all psychological and might not be based on fact. Just as a man might roll his eyes when a female partner asks whether she is attractive - of course she is! - a woman might have the same reaction when a man laments his ability to please might be limited by penis size.

The next time a woman says everything is just fine and she is entirely pleased, believe her. And remember that good penis health, no matter the penis size, will go a long way toward satisfaction for both partners.

Ensuring the best penis health
No matter how a man feels about his penis size, he can help ensure that everything looks great by using a high-quality penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). The best crème will contain a plethora of vitamins and nutrients, such as vitamin C, which helps with skin elasticity, and vitamin B5, which is integral for healthy tissue. Alpha-lipoic acid is a powerful amino acid that helps fight the signs of premature aging; vitamin A is also helpful in this regard. All those nutrients combined in a high-end emollient like Shea butter with vitamin E can help ensure penis skin stays smooth, supple and ready for inspection by an eager partner.

Masturbation as Stress Management: Feeling Relaxed by Feeling Oneself

The pleasure associated with masturbation alone is sufficient justification for engaging in the activity, but the truth is there are other benefits to self-fondling. As many men know, studies have shown that masturbation can help maintain penis health, while at the same time boosting the immune system. Masturbation can also be a mood enhancer, something many men need. In addition, masturbation can be a great way to handle stress - and in this world of increasing tension, that’s especially valuable.

How it works

It’s obvious that masturbation is a lot of fun, but how does it help decrease stress? Essentially, sex of any kind has the potential to de-stress a person due to the processes involved. When a man is masturbating, the release causes the blood pressure to lower, which corresponds to a reduction in stress. But beyond that, the activity also results in the release of serotonin and dopamine, two substances that play a key role in stress reduction.

There is some debate as to whether non-ejaculatory masturbation produces a desired stress reduction. While some scientists believe the physical act can lower stress to some degree, even in the absence of ejaculation, most agree that it is the culmination of the activity through ejaculation that brings about the most effective form of relaxation.

Fondling for stress management

Men who experience high levels of stress may want to try to use masturbation as one method of stress management.

For example, a guy toiling on an important project for work may find his stress levels have risen dramatically. This is especially true if there are confounding factors, such as feeling that he doesn’t have the skills and/or information to complete the project properly, feeling tired before he even starts the project, or feeling that outside worries and anxieties are preventing him from concentrating on the project at hand.

Rather than becoming frustrated or pounding his fist against the wall, he may benefit from slipping off to the men’s room and bringing himself to orgasm. This may be especially helpful if he is experiencing a "block" of some kind, as the sexual release is often accompanied by a period of time when a man’s mind more freely associates or accesses new thoughts or ideas.


Here are a few tips that can make masturbation more likely to be a helpful tool for handling excess stress.

- Gauge the guilt. Despite the fact that essentially all men masturbate to one degree or another, many people still feel extremely guilty about masturbating. After such men masturbate, they may have a momentary feeling of relief, but it is often quickly overcome by self-loathing for giving in to the desire to masturbate. If a man falls into this camp, masturbating will not likely be an effective way of relieving stress.

- Accept the time. Ideally, a man should allow himself as much time to masturbate as necessary. Masturbating while constantly watching the clock adds pressure into the equation. A man will do better if he accepts that his masturbation may slow him down a bit - and that the extra time is worth it.

- Give in. If a man is masturbating someplace where he is truly alone, he should "give in" to the experience. Most men find that masturbation releases mores stress if they feel free to moan, writhe or touch themselves all over.

Masturbation, whether as a means of stress management or for sheer pleasure, will be more enjoyable if the equipment is in top shape. Regular use of a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) helps achieve this aim. Choose a crème with acetyl L-carnitine, an amino acid celebrated for its protection against peripheral nerve damage and the penile de-sensitization that accompanies that damage. The crème must also contain L-arginine, another amino acid, which helps to ensure that penile blood vessels are open and receptive to increased blood flow. A healthy penis is one less thing for a man to stress about.

Monday, 26 December 2016

Treating Penis Rash Due to Sea Bather’s Eruption

How often does a man feel an itch in his crotch and upon inspection discovers he has come down with a case of penis rash? Unfortunately it happens more often than most men would care to admit. While the rash can sometimes be linked to a serious penis health concern such as an infection or an STI, there can be other causes. One of the more common, especially during the warm summer months, is sea bather’s eruption.

What is it?
The hot days of summer naturally inspire people to spend some time at the beach, frolicking in the surf and lying on the sand building up their tans. Naturally, people have to take precautions against common "hazards" such as sunburn, but there are some problems that are difficult to guard against - and sea bather’s eruption is one of them.

Sea bather’s eruption is a rash that occurs in the areas of the body that are covered when a person goes swimming. In other words, it doesn’t show up on the exposed skin, but in the area covered by a swimsuit (and/or a shirt, if one wears a shirt in the water) - and that means that the penis is high on the list of possible eruption sites.

The eruption is caused by stings coming from "thimble" jellyfish and sea anemones that are not grown but are still in their larval stage. These larva are very small - less than a centimeter - and so are difficult to see. The stings don’t usually begin until a person gets out of the water. The process of evaporation can initiate the stinging, and if not removed the larvae can remain dormant and not sting for several days. The sting sites form into a rash, which can become very itchy. In some cases, the condition may result in fatigue and/or fever.

There’s not really an effective prevention for sea bather’s eruption, other than to avoid swimming. Because the larvae are so small, it’s difficult to detect their presence in the water. They do tend to float near the surface, so swimmers are at more risk than those who go scuba diving.

To treat the eruption, it’s best to get out of the swimsuit as soon as possible. Rinsing with fresh water actually tends to irritate the stings, so if there happens to be a bucket of clean, larvae-free sea water that a person can use for an initial rinse of the affected area, that can help. This can then be followed by a fresh water shower to more properly clean the body.

Rubbing the affected area with a towel also provides irritation and can worsen the penis rash. Instead, an affected person should try to pat the body dry with a towel.

After cleansing, it’s good to apply rubbing alcohol or diluted vinegar to the rash. Hydrocortisone or calamine lotion also can be helpful in easing the itch. If the rash is severe, consulting a doctor is advised, especially if symptoms extend to fever, fatigue, etc.

A doctor may recommend that a penis rash from sea bather’s eruption would benefit from keeping the skin moisturized. Daily use of a top-notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) might be one good route to take to achieve this goal. The best cremes aim at proper skin hydration through the use of ingredients such as Shea butter (a high-end emollient) and vitamin E. These ingredients create a "moisture lock" that keeps the skin supple and healthy. It doesn’t hurt if the crème also contains vitamin D, the "miracle vitamin" acclaimed for fighting disease and supporting healthy cellular function. The healthier the penis is in the first place, the more likely it is to resist penis rash and heal quickly.

Sunday, 25 December 2016

Can a Man Maintain Penis Health with Surgical Enhancements?

For the past several decades - and possibly even longer - male enhancement products have turned low confidence into a billion-dollar business. Ads tout everything from supplements to surgical procedures that promise to make a man larger, harder, longer, and even last longer. But the truth is that there are extremely few options out there that actually work as a male enhancement. Most men realize the use of questionable methods is definitely not a part of good penis care.

Once a man cuts through all the claims in search of true male enhancements, he usually finds that there is nothing out there - except a few options that include serious surgical changes to his manhood. One of those changes is called the Penuma, a silicone penis implant, that promises to add girth and length to the member over a period of time.

However, remember that this is an implant - and that means a man must undergo a very serious surgical procedure in order to obtain it. For those who are curious, read on for more about this very rare and innovative procedure.

Is this a real male enhancement?
The Penuma is the mastermind of Dr. James Elist, a urologist from Beverly Hills. For many years he has worked with those who needed penis implants for a variety of reasons; one of his patients was infamous publisher Larry Flynt, who needed an implant following severe injuries after being shot. There is little doubt Dr. Elist knows his way around a male enhancement and penis health.

The Penuma is a sheath of silicone designed to fit around the shaft of the penis. It is fitted during a short operation (albeit one that costs at least $13,000, barring any complications), has a 95 percent success rate, and results in a larger girth immediately; a longer length occurs over the span of a few months. Men usually need a few months to recover from the procedure before testing out the new equipment, so to speak.

Dr. Elist is currently the only doctor cleared by the FDA to perform the procedure. This means two significant things: First, that there is a long waiting list to get the job done, and secondly, that there really isn’t a large pool of men to study for after-effects or problems that might result many years down the road.

A man who can get past the gasp-inducing price tag might be tempted to pursue the Penuma implant; however, it is important to remember that any surgical procedure, no matter how proven, can have complications that occur during or after the procedure. Any tampering with the delicate penis tissue can lead to serious problems with penis health later, including scarring, lumps where the interior scarring has occurred, issues with sensitivity and much more.

Maintaining good penis health
While it might be tempting to turn to male enhancements to increase girth or length, most men will be well-served to focus on the health of what they have been given by nature. In order to do this, paying close attention to good penis care is essential.

One of the most important components of good penis care is the use of a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). A man should search for a crème that helps keep his penis skin health, smooth and ready for action. This includes vitamin B5, also known as pantothenic acid, which is great for maintaining cellular health, as well as vitamin C, which is great for skin elasticity. Those who want strong erections can look for a crème that contains L-Arginine, which opens up the blood vessels and promotes firmness. Add more great vitamins in a Shea butter base, and a man has the recipe for a great-looking and wonderfully-functioning manhood.

Friday, 23 December 2016

Low Testosterone? A Penis Self-Examination is in Order

In order to keep his health in tip-top shape, a man must know his whole body. Every little spot, every small ache, every strange change, all must be noticed. This includes anything that might be different about the penis. In fact, regular penis self-examination is a powerful tool in good penis care.

But many men look at their penis and wonder if it is any different. Is it smaller than it used to be? Is it less sensitive? Are the erections not quite as hard? And in fact, are there other differences as well, things that are happening in the rest of the body that don’t make much sense?

A man who wonders all these things might be looking at a problem with low testosterone. Here’s what every man should know about how this very important male hormone affects his overall health, not just his penis.

What low testosterone does to the body 
Men are already well aware that testosterone fuels the sex drive. Most are also aware that testosterone levels gradually decrease with time, and that is part of the reason that most men see their sex drive diminish a bit with age. But there are other things that can be a red flag for low testosterone that deserve a look.

1. Muscle begins to shrink. Suddenly it becomes harder to get through those reps at the gym, or all that muscle that was earned through so much effort is now looking smaller each and every day. This is because the body moves into a catabolic state (instead of the typical and expected anabolic state), and as a result, it begins breaking down muscle. It can happen in as little as a week.

2. A man puts on a spare tire. That bulge in the middle, right above the belt, where a man hates to see that ‘beer gut’ forming is right where Low T leaves its mark. Men who have lower levels of testosterone are more likely to develop body fat around the middle, as well as the more troubling visceral fat, which is fat that builds up around the organs.

3.His mood is volatile. Anyone, man or woman, can be significantly affected by a change in hormone levels. For men, the loss of testosterone often means a blue mood of depression, anxiety, irritability and the like. To make matters worse, depression can trigger the body to produce even less testosterone, leading to a vicious cycle.

4. His memory sucks. Parts of the brain that serve memory and cognition have testosterone receptors in them, which means that the less hormone flowing, the less likely those areas are strengthened. The result is a decline in how much a man can remember, as well as other aspects of mental function. The problem gets worse with time.

5. His heart is in danger. Just as testosterone play a vital role in opening up the blood vessels that lead to the penis, it works the same way in other areas of the body, such as the heart. Those who have Low T for a long time might have a greater probability of heart attacks and other heart problems.

Part of the Penis Self-Examination
When a man is looking at his penis to determine how things are down there, it pays to look at the size and note if it might be a bit smaller than usual. It is also a good idea to think about other aspects as well, such as the strength of erections, how the sex drive has been lately and other factors that play into a fulfilling intimate life.

In addition, a man should do all he can to help ensure the penis is as healthy as possible. A good option for this is a top-notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin), applied on a regular basis to the penis skin. Look specifically for a crème that is good to the blood vessels - that will include vitamin C for healthy circulation, L-arginine for great blood flow, and vitamin D, which protects cellular function.

Sexual Health: Is a Taste of Mint Good or Bad?

Men who are concerned about appropriate penis care - and every man should be - want to make sure they do all they can to ensure premium sexual health. But the world of sexual health matters is littered with all sorts of misinformation, old wives tales and myths. One of the recurring ones concerns the use of mint as it relates to the penis. According to some sources, mint can be a fine sexual aid, but other sources insist there are dangers to sexual health in the overuse of mint. So what is a guy to believe?

It seems as if mint is everywhere around us. Spearmint is a popular flavor of chewing gum. Peppermint candies are a treat for kids and adults alike. The range of mint teas seems to have grown exponentially. As menthol, mint is found in several brands of cigarettes and cough drops. And "minty fresh" has become synonymous with toothpastes and other oral hygiene products. It’s even used in some environmentally friendly pesticides in place of toxic chemicals.

There are well over a dozen different kinds of mint plants, and they grow across most of the inhabited continents (although not so often in South America). This popular herb can grow all year long in the appropriate conditions.

The penis connection 
So why should this mint have any connection with the penis? Certainly, anything that is ingested has the potential to affect parts of the body, including the penis.

One of the more common theories associated with mint is that it has the effect of numbing the penis naturally. According to this theory, performing oral sex on an erect penis after sucking on a mint cough drop will temporarily de-sensitize the member so that it can stay harder for a longer period of time during sex. A variant on this theory recommends using mint oil on an erect penis for the same purpose.

There is a little scientific reasoning to back up this claim. Parts of the body contain a protein with a long scientific name which is more generally known as TRPM8. When mint comes into contact with TRPM8, it sends a signal to the brain that says "Experience this sensation as cold." So although mint itself is not cold, it makes the body think it is. And so the theory is that getting mint on an erect penis will numb it sufficiently that it acts as a kind of "delay spray." However, there are no studies to prove that mint applied to the penis will indeed result in longer-lasting sex.

And in fact, some people believe that mint could have a negative effect on sexual health and function. Some men have claimed that mint depresses their sex drive. A 2004 study involving mint tea given to male rats seemed to back this up. The intake of mint tea was associated with both an increase in female hormones and a decrease in testosterone.

A study in women with high testosterone levels later found the same thing - that mint caused their testosterone levels to drop and their female hormone levels to rise.

Since testosterone in men is associated with an increased sex drive, the studies suggest that too much mint could indeed cause an effect. But more studies would be needed to definitively prove this.
Whether or not mint affects a man’s sexual health, it pays to keep his penis in excellent form. Daily use of a first-rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) is a big aid in this regard. Choose a crème that contains the amino acid L-arginine, which is key to the development of nitric oxide. This in turn keeps penile blood vessels open and receptive to increased blood flow. The best creme will also include a wide range of essential vitamins, such as A, B5, C, D and E.

Thursday, 22 December 2016

Dry Penis Skin Sometimes Results from Sex

When disrobing for sex, no man wants to present his partner with a dry penis, the skin of which looks flaky, scaly or patchy. Sometimes even men who practice what would be considered appropriate penis care look down and find their awesome endowment isn’t looking its best due to this situation. And sometimes the reason for dry penis skin is actually sex.

How can it be sex?
That a man could sport dry penis skin due to sex doesn’t seem right, but in fact this can really happen. Let’s take a moment to look at how this could come to be.

Even men who participate in frequent partner sex tend to enjoy at least a little "me" time. And when a guy is bored, it’s not unusual to reach for his penis in order to engage in a very pleasant way to pass the time.

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with masturbating, but often a man may get a little too "into" the experience. If a man masturbates without sufficient lubrication - and lubricant can wear away after time if not reapplied - then the significant friction can cause the skin to become dried and cracked.
The same thing can result if a man masturbates with his fist clenching the penis too tightly - the so-called "death grip" form of masturbation that can be very useful in bringing about a satisfying climax but which can also make the penis sore and the skin dry.

Partner sex
But it’s not just solo pleasure that can cause dry penis skin. If a woman is not sufficiently "warmed up" for sex, the vagina may not be properly lubricated for penetration by the penis. In this situation, the same kind of friction situation can occur as when masturbating without lubrication.

And there can be a partner-based equivalent to the "death grip" masturbation experience if the man’s penis is very thick and the woman’s vagina is not able to expand enough to comfortably encompass it. (Needless to say, this situation can be rather painful for the female as well.)

In addition, dry penis skin from sex sometimes results not due to friction but due to other issues. For example, a man may lubricate his penis to avoid the friction issue but may neglect to cleanse the lubricant from his penis. Or he may have sex with a woman who uses a spermicidal protection and may forget to wash his penis to remove traces of the spermicide from it. In both cases, the lingering residue can eventually contribute to dry skin.

What to do
So what steps can a man take if he wishes to prevent or treat dry penis skin from sex? The most obvious is to make sure that proper lubrication is involved, especially if considerable tightness is being employed in the process as well.

But it also pays to properly wash the penis after sex, both to cleanse it and to give it a chance to re-moisturize. Washing the penis should involve the following:

- Using lukewarm water rather than hot. Hot water, in addition to potentially scalding the penis, actually dries skin out rather than moisturizes it, as it depletes the body of its natural oils.

- Washing with a gentle soap that contains moisturizers, rather than a harsh soap that can also add to the dry penis skin problem.

- Patting the penis dry with a towel rather than roughly rubbing it, as excess rubbing can remove valuable oils.

Dry penis skin, whether from sex or not, also benefits from regular application of an excellent penis health crème( health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). For optimal results, select a crème with a combination of a high-end emollient (such as Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E) to provide potent moisturization. Topical application of antioxidants also helps keep skin in prime health, so select a crème with a potent free radical fighter like alpha lipoic acid.

Does Heart Attack Recovery Lead to Penis Problems?

Many men worry about a variety of potential penis problems, and understandably so. Even with the best regular penis care, a man might run into issues of dryness, redness, itching and lack of sensitivity from time to time. But for some men, those issues are a bit of a moot point; they are simply worried about whether they can still have a good sex life after a major medical event.

Men who suffer a heart attack can face many worries and concerns about their physical health, including doubts about their ability to resume sexual relations with a partner. And in fact, some men might not be cleared to resume sexual activity until several months after the incident. But for many, the fear of getting back into the sack can be enough to keep them rather celibate for a long while after they have been cleared to get back to it.

Penis problems and heart attack
Many men suffer from penis problems after a heart attack. The biggest of these is erectile dysfunction, which has been seen in up to a quarter of all those who are recovering from a massive heart problem. The question becomes what causes it: Is it a result of blood flow problems, which are certainly possible after a heart attack? Or is it the fear a man might have of sexual activity following such a severe physical scare?

Studies have found that 19 percent of those who have suffered a heart attack have absolutely no interest in sex in the months following the cardiac event; another 16 percent are anxious about whether they will be able to handle the physical exertion required to enjoy the sexual act.

But there is also another component that men might not consider: Penis problems might be a harbinger of heart problems. Many men might notice that they have trouble with getting or maintaining an erection, coupled with occasional shortness of breath, some minor chest pain, and other symptoms that could indicate blood clots or narrowing of arteries that often lead to a heart attack. Therefore, men who suddenly experience unusual symptoms - including penis problems - should visit their doctor to rule out any serious issues.

Getting back into the swing of things
When it comes to resuming sexual activity, a man who has suffered any cardiac event should listen to his doctor on when it is okay to get busy between the sheets. For some men that might be as little as a week; for others it might mean several months of rest before sexual activity is okay. Once a man is cleared for sex, a good rule of thumb is that any activity that leads to chest pain or tightness is a sign to stop immediately.

But in addition to the physical concerns, many men might be anxious about getting back into it - and understandably so. In this case, it might be a good idea to hold off on sexual activity until a man is entirely ready, emotionally and mentally. This might take some time, and could even require talking to a therapist about the obvious worries and concerns he might have.

Once it’s time to give it a go, a man should be careful to have sex in a familiar place, in his favorite position, and don’t try anything adventurous at first. It is very important to ease back into any physical activity after a heart attack, including sex.

In the meantime, a man can still look after good penis health and watch out for penis problems. He can do this by using a top-notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) on a regular basis. A man should look for a crème that includes vitamin C for proper blood flow and L-arginine, an amino acid that enhances blood vessel dilation, thus leading to firmer erections. Other vitamins are great too, all blended together in a high-end emollient like Shea butter.

Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Sex Toys from Santa: Special Gifts for Her

Ho, ho, ho! With Christmas fast approaching, it’s past time that a man makes sure that Santa is bringing delightful gifts for the special lady (or ladies) in his life. Of course, sometimes Santa is too shy to give a woman certain gifts, so it behooves a man to step up and take charge of any sex toys that might please his special woman - and that can consequently enhance his own penis health by giving his favorite body part pleasure as well. There are all sorts of "naughty" gifts that can be stuffed in a stocking, but for those who need a little guidance, the following should be of help.

Let it vibrate
If a woman has any interest in sex toys at all, it’s hard to go wrong with a vibrator. For the newbie who has never experienced the pleasures of vibratory titillation, it’s probably wise to start small - something like a daintily-sized wand might be good, or perhaps a vibrating egg. Those more experienced in this area may welcome something with a bit more heft and size to it.

Even though Santa may have given the vibrator to her, don’t forget that sharing is a big part of the Christmas spirit. An interested man should invite his partner to apply the vibrator to his penis and other sensitive spots so they both can reap the benefits of this toy.

Let it penetrate
Vibratory stimulation is delightful, but many women may prefer something non-electronic for penetrative purposes. As with vibrators, dildos come in all sizes (and in some variations on the basic phallus shape) - not to mention an array of colors. Determine what specific style is right for the lady love and give it a try.

Of course, there are other penetrative options as well. For example, ben wa balls, which are a string of balls (sometimes in different sizes) are among the most popular of sex toys.

Many men are hesitant to encourage a woman to use a penetrative device, especially one which is of a size or shape that seems to outshine their own very fine penis. However, most women prefer these devices as an "additional" toy rather than as a replacement for the real thing.

Let it glide
Many couples use lubricants, either with sex toys or with their own personal playthings, so why not consider adding a little fun here? Some lubricants come with a flavor or a scent, and assuming neither partner reacts allergically to it, this addition can make sex a little more playful and fun.

Let it roll
Dice as sex toys? Sure. Some manufacturers create dice which replace the numbers with sex positions on one (missionary, doggy, etc.) and locations (bedroom, kitchen, etc.) on the other. Of course, a couple can create their own, simply by listing what each number means - and they can personalize it as much as they want. (One=kiss me on my right thigh, Two=rub my sexual organ with lubricant, etc.)

Let it loose
Some sex toys are good for letting inner desires out - handcuffs, whips, leather restraints, etc. A word of advice, however: be sure to discuss this beforehand in order to avoid an awkward reaction on Christmas morning.

Santa can bring delightfully naughty sex toys, but a man needs to make sure his own personal sex toy is in good health before presenting it to his partner. Regular application of a top flight penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can help significantly. Make sure it looks properly handsome - with no cracks or flakes or dry skin - by using a crème with potent moisturizing agents like vitamin E and Shea butter. If the crème also contains vitamin B5, so much the better; this vitamin is essential for cell metabolism and the proper maintenance of healthy penile tissue.

Tuesday, 20 December 2016

Sleep Apnea and Erectile Dysfunction: There May Be a Link

Few things are as of great a concern to a man as erectile dysfunction, and understandably so. Men take pride in the manner in which their penis operates and when there is a "kink" in the machinery, it can create anxiety. Clearly, erectile dysfunction is linked to the greater area of penis health, but it can also be related to more general health matters. In this regard, one area which has received more attention in recent years is the possibility of a link between sleep apnea and erectile dysfunction.

Sleep apnea
Most people have heard of sleep apnea, but not everyone really knows what it is. According to the Mayo Clinic, sleep apnea is defined as "a potentially serious sleep disorder in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts." Those with sleep apnea tend to snore very loudly and they often awake from a night’s sleep feeling unrested.

There are three types of sleep apnea:

- Obstructive sleep apnea, which is caused by the manner in which the throat muscles relax or tighten;

- Central sleep apnea, which means the brain isn’t properly sending messages to the muscles to regulate the breathing; and

- Complex sleep apnea syndrome, which is a combination of the other two forms of sleep apnea.
In addition to loud snoring and feeling unrested, a person with sleep apnea may experience periods of wakefulness during the night, insomnia, dry mouth, irritability, attention issues, sleepiness or morning headaches.

The erectile dysfunction connection
So sleep apnea is unpleasant, but what might it have to do with erectile dysfunction? Well, there definitely seems to be a connection - many men with sleep apnea also report issues with obtaining or maintaining an erection.

Although studies are ongoing to provide a definitive answer, there seem to be two ways in which sleep apnea may contribute to poor erectile function.

- Testosterone production. Studies (both in animals and humans) have found when male subjects are placed in a situation in which they receive an inadequate amount of sleep, their testosterone levels are negatively affected. Since chronic sleep apnea impacts a man’s sound sleep, this may result in lowered testosterone - which in turn has an impact on libido and erectile function.

- Nitric oxide production. In addition, some studies have shown that men with sleep apnea produce less nitric oxide, which is valuable for increasing blood flow to the penis. When that blood flow is impeded, erections are more difficult to achieve and maintain.

Men who think they have sleep apnea (whether it is affecting their erectile function or not) should consult with a doctor. Treatment often involves using what is called a CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) machine, which is used at night to keep a continuous flow of air going into the body. But sometimes there are other options that can be equally effective, such as losing weight or stopping smoking.

Erectile dysfunction from sleep apnea (or other causes) may require specific strategies for treatment, but regardless of the course chosen, it pays to keep the penis in good general health. Daily use of a first class penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) is always a plus. It may interest men to know that some cremes contain L-arginine, an amino acid that is very helpful in creating nitric oxide. As mentioned above, nitric oxide plays a role in keeping blood flowing to the penis in an appropriate manner. Try to make sure that the crème also contains vitamin C, which is a key component of collagen, a tissue in the body that gives skin its tone and elasticity and is vital for penile erections.

Red Penis and Foreskin: Some Helpful Hints

A red penis is something that can occur regardless of whether a man has a foreskin or not. While men may endlessly debate the pros and cons of being intact or circumcised, and whether this has any effect on penis health, the fact is that an atypically red penis is something no man wants. For men with a foreskin who develop a very red penis, these helpful hints may be valuable.

Red penis state
To some degree, a red penis may occur more frequently in men with foreskin, for the simple fact that balanitis - one of the more common causes of a red penis - is somewhat more common among intact men. But there can be other causes of inflammation, which often accounts for a reddening of the manhood.

So what are some hints for intact men with a red penis?

1. Cleanliness is essential. Often the reason for that redness is bacteria that have become trapped between the foreskin and the penis. Taking extra care to pull back the foreskin and clean thoroughly can help the bacteria from accumulating and starting the inflammation that leads to unwanted redness.

2. Bathing may be better. But what about when the penis is already inflamed? In such cases, pulling back the foreskin can become difficult and painful. If that’s the case, try taking a bath instead of showering. Soaking in a nice, warm bath can help the foreskin to loosen somewhat so that it may then be easier to pull it back and work on the infected penis. Even if the penis is too swollen to allow for comfortable pulling of the foreskin, the warm bathwater can still provide some relief as the water seeps underneath the foreskin.

3. Use gentle cleansers. Penis skin is very sensitive, to the point where harsh soaps can create damage. Most antibacterial soaps are great for the hands - but not so good for the more delicate penis. It’s much better to use a gentle soap with few chemicals or fragrances added to it.That may seem counterintuitive, since a man wants to get rid of bacteria that may cause an inflammation. But the harshness of an antibacterial soap can do more harm than good. It also pays to switch to a gentle laundry detergent, as the residue of harsh detergents on underwear and trousers can create a red penis situation.

4. Keep wet. Keeping the skin moist is very important, and staying hydrated is a natural way to ensure the skin gets the moisture it needs. The water a man drinks benefits the entire body, including the penis skin and foreskin. When penis skin is dry, it is less supple and flexible, making it more difficult for the foreskin to move back and forth in the proper manner. Every man needs to drink plenty of fluids and/or eat fruits and vegetables to stay well hydrated.

5. Consider help. If the foreskin is too swollen for retraction, sometimes a doctor may need to step in to help. He may advise use of medicine, such as anti-inflammatories or corticosteroids, to help alleviate the situation.

A red penis often leads to discomfort. Regular application of a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) helps keep a penis healthy and more liable to fight back against the causes of red penis pain. Since moisturizing is the key, a man should definitely select a crème with the potent combination of a high-end emollient (think Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (like vitamin E). In addition, a crème with vitamin D is recommended. Vitamin D is sometimes called the "miracle vitamin" due to its proven benefits in fighting diseases and supporting healthy cellular function.

Monday, 19 December 2016

Is that Penis Rash Caused by a Latex Allergy?

For most men, using a condom is easy and straightforward. But for some, even though things might seem fine at first, within hours they wind up with a serious penis rash, itching, redness and even swelling, all of which can be rather frightening. This is the reality for those who suffer from a latex allergy. For men who have this problem, attention to good penis care includes doing whatever necessary to avoid latex condoms. The good news is that there are plenty of other options out there.

What is a latex allergy?
Being allergic to latex is just like being allergic to anything else; coming into contact with a certain product or substance can lead to very undesirable side effects. For those who are allergic to latex, simply coming into contact with a product that contains it can lead to issues. Since most condoms are made of latex, this can become an issue for a man who tries to wear one.

The symptoms of a latex condom allergy can include a serious penis rash, redness, itching, and even swelling. There might be a burning sensation, and the penis might be sore to the touch. A man might also notice symptoms on areas other than the penis, such as his hands and fingertips - any part of his body that touched the condom might show the signs of an allergy.

To make matters even worse, some men can develop a latex allergy over time. This means that they might have been able to readily use latex condoms for years, but suddenly they begin to have serious issues. These men might be especially surprised, and could make the mistake of assuming a latex allergy is actually a sexually transmitted infection. This is why it’s very important to see the doctor at the first sign of an allergy.

Keep in mind that though very severe reactions are exceedingly rare, they do happen. If a man uses a latex condom and then has all the typical symptoms plus trouble breathing, call for emergency assistance. Don’t wait! Severe allergic reactions do not mess around, and usually do not clear up without medical assistance.

How to deal with a latex allergy
When a man discovers a penis rash and connects it to the use of a latex condom, he should immediately head for the shower. It’s vitally important to wash away any potential residue from the condom in order to ensure faster healing. If it’s the first time dealing with this, a visit to the doctor is in order. Simple testing can determine if the problem is indeed a latex allergy.

But what about protection? Fortunately, there are a few options. Men can turn to polyurethane condoms to keep up with their sexual fun. These condoms are a bit more expensive than latex, but they do just as good a job of preventing pregnancy and the spread of disease. Those who are in a committed relationship with no worries about disease can turn to lambskin condoms, which are known for preventing pregnancy (but do not prevent infection).

During the healing phase after the allergic reaction, a man should take good care to treat his penis well. This includes the use of a powerful penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Look for a crème that contains acetyl-L carnitine, which is known for battling nerve damage, and alpha-lipoic acid, which does wonders to fight against free radicals that can cause damage to the skin. Vitamins A and D are also crucial, as they both have antibacterial properties. Soothing Shea butter and vitamin E can also help ease the burning, itching and penis rash that often accompany a latex allergy.

Sunday, 18 December 2016

Masturbation Clubs: Tips for the Newbie

Most of the time, masturbation is an activity a guy engages in alone. Sure, guys may occasionally (especially as teen-agers) find themselves in a situation where they masturbate with a friend or they may be in a relationship in which sexual play includes shared masturbation. But more often than not, a man masturbates solo, as a way to enjoy himself and maintain penis care by keeping the manhood exercised.

But some men do partake in masturbation clubs. These are group masturbation sessions with other people at a designated location and time. A newbie who wishes to explore this option may find the tips in this article helpful.

A masturbation club can be a rewarding way for a man to "open up" his masturbatory experience in a new manner. As a newbie, however, there are a few things about masturbation clubs that a man should know.

- The mix. Some masturbation clubs (typically called jack clubs) are male only. Some (often called jack and jill clubs) are open to both sexes. It’s a wise idea to check ahead of time as to what kind of club one may attend. Some men are happy to masturbate in any kind of a group setting. Others may have strong feelings about whether they masturbate in front of men or women. Do be advised, however, that even in jack and jill clubs, there tend to be more men involved than women.

The choice doesn’t necessarily depend on sexual orientation. Many straight men prefer to masturbate only with other men in a club setting. They may be looking for a male bonding experience, or may feel awkward openly masturbating in front of a woman.

- Stick to masturbation. Many men enter a masturbation club thinking that masturbation will be merely the first step to a more involved sexual experience. In most clubs, this is not the case: oral sex, anal sex and intercourse are usually forbidden. Whether masturbation means masturbating only oneself or whether it can expand to include touching another person varies from club to club; finding out the rule at a particular club is advised before getting started.

- Keep it impersonal. Many club participants prefer to remain anonymous. If a newbie sees someone he knows at the club, he can nod a welcome or give a brief "hi" and see if his acquaintance responds. If he doesn’t, don’t push it; the acquaintance may have a preference for privacy which should be respected.

- No pictures. It’s a "selfie age," but refrain from snapping at a club. Even if the picture is intended to be a selfie, a guy may accidentally include someone else in the picture or may make others worry that they are being filmed without their consent.

- No clothes. Again, rules vary from club to club, but most ask that their members be essentially naked. (There are often exceptions for footwear.)

- Keep it clean. Clearly, a room full of masturbating men is going to generate a lot of ejaculate. Each man should be responsible for cleaning up after himself. Clubs tend to provide towels or tissues, but some men prefer to bring along their own.

A newbie may initially feel a little self-conscious at a masturbation club, which is all the more reason to use a top drawer penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) to keep the member looking proud and healthy. Many common penis skin issues can be alleviated with a crème that includes both moisturizing agents and a potent antioxidant. A high end emollient (like Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (like vitamin E) combine to fight brittle, dry penis skin. And an antioxidant like alpha lipoic acid is excellent at fighting oxidative stress that causes penile skin to appear wrinkled and aged. With a good looking penis, a newbie is more empowered to walk into a masturbation club looking his best.

Saturday, 17 December 2016

Penis Pain from Sports: Precautions and Treatment

Sports tend to be a big part of most men’s lives - and not just in terms of sitting on the sofa watching the big game with a beer in the hand. Men of all ages enjoy being active, whether it’s through running, biking, playing football or engaging in a tennis match. Staying active keeps a man physically fit, but it sometimes can result in unintended penis pain and therefore have an impact on penis health as well. Guys who are physically active need to remember to take steps to prevent penis pain and know how to treat it when it does occur.

Many causes of penis pain
There can be numerous causes of penis pain related to sports activity. Usually, the pain comes either from a direct blow to the penis or from the muscles around the genitals becoming sore due to strain. In some cases, a man develops numbness in the groin, often a result of biking in such a way that too much pressure is placed on the penile area, thus affecting the nerves.

There are several things an athlete can do to lessen the chances of penis pain from sports activity. These include:

- Donning the jock. Many amateur athletes engage in rough play without properly covering their penile area. Wearing an athletic supporter - with or without a plastic cup - can help decrease the chances a blow to the penis will result in significant pain or injury. Jocks are dismissed by many men, often because they are not as comfortable as boxers or briefs, but the protection they can provide is worth the temporary discomfort.

- Getting warm first. Professional athletes know that warming up before engaging in play is important to help reduce the risk of injuries. This includes injuries to the groin. Making sure that a man’s warm-up exercises include loosening up the muscles in the groin and surrounding areas can help keep a pulled groin injury at bay.

- Strengthening. Many "pulled groin" issues come about because the leg muscles in the thighs are not as strong as they need to be. Engaging in exercises to strengthen these muscles (such as squeezing a ball between the leg, or lunges) can be helpful.

- Getting a better seat. As mentioned, many cyclists can experience numbness in the penis, especially those who ride for long stretches at a time. If possible, it’s best to break up those long rides into shorter sets, but endurance athletes may be hesitant to go this route. There can be some relief, however, from making sure the bicycle seat is properly padded and that it is shaped in such a way as to properly fit his body.

A doctor may be needed to treat some sports-related penis pain issues. Typical treatment often involves applying a cold compress to the affected area (sometimes alternating with heat), taking aspirin, and allowing the penis to rest a bit. It may be necessary to wear supportive underwear (such as briefs) to minimize pain.

Penis pain from sports activities can vary in severity, but in general, the healthier the organ is, the less likely the pain will be severe. Regular use of a top flight penis health crème( health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) is an excellent way to maintain penis health. Look for a crème that includes a healthy range of vitamins, including A, B5, C, D and E; topical application of the vitamins in a crème form allows them to directly target the penis itself. It’s also beneficial if the crème contains L-arginine, an amino acid that plays a key role in the process by which penile blood vessels are kept healthy and flowing.

Friday, 16 December 2016

Penis Rash Might Be the Result of Pemphigus

Whether it’s on personal display in the bedroom or on public display in the locker room, no guy wants his manhood visibly marred by a penis rash. It can be a turn off (and a sexual deal breaker) for a potential partner and can cause snickers or discomfort from other men at the gym - and can also be a sign of a more concerning penis health matter. Determining the cause of a penis rash is important; one of those causes could potentially be a condition known as pemphigus.

What is pemphigus?
Fortunately one of the rarer skin conditions, pemphigus actually refers to a whole group of skin disorders. There are two major pemphigus disorders, pemphigus vulgaris and pemphigus foliaceus. The former is basically associated with the mouth, but the latter is more frequently found on the surface of the skin - and that can include the penis skin.

Pemphigus presents as blisters on the skin (and sometimes on the mucous membranes). These blisters are very tender and sensitive, the kind that can rupture easily. When they do, an open sore is left behind, which is even more tender. The open sore usually oozes fluid and if not tended to, it can become infected.

Pemphigus blisters eventually become crusty. Unless infected, they don’t tend to cause a lot of pain, but they do make a person want to itch like crazy.

Although skin-based pemphigus is most often found on the shoulders, back and chest, it can also appear anywhere else on the body.

What causes it
Pemphigus is an autoimmune disorder. Usually, when the body contracts a virus or another foreign agent, it creates antibodies, which are then dispatched to deal with the invader. Those antibodies are tasked with locating the source of trouble and getting rid of it.

But when a person has an autoimmune disorder, the body (for some unknown reason) is misinterpreting data. It is seeing some of a person’s own cells as a threat and is dispatching antibodies to attack perfectly healthy cells. That’s what happens with pemphigus. It’s not something a person catches from another person; it’s something that a person’s own body erroneously brings about.
As mentioned, pemphigus by itself is mostly just an annoying itchy situation. But if the sores become infected, it can be dangerous. Treating the infection is often the first order of business.

The pemphigus itself may be treated via a number of options, including corticosteroids, immunosuppressants, antibiotics or intravenous immunoglobulin.

When pemphigus presents as a penis rash, it may be difficult to recognize. Many men assume it’s a heat rash or perhaps a fungal infection like jock itch. They may also worry that it could be a sign of an STI.

Any time a guy has a penis rash and he is unsure of what might be the cause, he should consult with a doctor to determine what steps he should take for proper treatment.

Pemphigus is one of the less common causes of penis rash, and doctoral care may be needed to treat the disease. However, the itchiness may respond to use of a superior penis health crème( health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). While the crème should not be used on open sores, applying a crème with a potent combination of moisturizers (such as Shea butter and vitamin E) can help soothe the skin and ease the urge to scratch. The penis skin needs to rebuild its resilience, so it’s best if the crème also contains alpha lipoic acid, a powerful antioxidant that is very helpful in battling oxidative stress and preventing premature aging and thinning of penile skin.

Thursday, 15 December 2016

Desensitized Penis? It Might be ‘Death Grip’ Masturbation

Masturbation is a natural, healthy and fun part of being a man. Physical release can not only contribute to physical health, but can also help a man keep his emotional and mental health on an even keel. In fact, regular masturbation is an integral part of excellent penis care.

But for some men, this very natural act can lead to a desensitized penis. Why would this be? If masturbation is so good for a man, how could it possibly lead to losing the wonderful sensations he experiences in his penis during the act? The answer is usually ‘death grip’ masturbation or ‘death grip’ syndrome.

What is ‘death grip’ masturbation?
Over time, a man figures out what feels really good. For some, this means a strong grip around the penis during masturbation, as well as very firm motions and perhaps even a fast speed. The grip is tight with a lot of pressure, often using no lube, and moving quickly - at a speed that a partner simply couldn’t match.

This ‘death grip’ can lead to damage to the nerves of the penis. The result is a desensitized penis. In addition, a man might that when he does engage in sexual play with a partner, he has difficulty reaching orgasm. This might be due to the desensitized penis, or it might be because a man has become so reliant on a particular method - the ‘death grip’ - that the feel of a partner’s body doesn’t excite him as much as it should.

Keep in mind that the ‘death grip’ is not mentioned in any medical literature; the only evidence of the problem is anecdotal. However, it is such a problem for men that there are whole websites devoted to how to solve the problem.

How to stop using the ‘death grip’
For most men, the only true solution to the ‘death grip’ masturbation technique is rewiring what the body needs. It begins with ceasing all masturbatory activity for at least one week. For some men this might sound like torture, but the desensitized penis needs time to heal. In addition, a man needs an opportunity to consider other ways of masturbation that might be just as enjoyable.

After one week, a man can consider masturbating again, but only once during that second week. Again, this might seem like torture, but it really is a means to an end. After one week of no masturbation, a man might notice that he is much more sensitive than usual. During that second week, he should make sure to try different masturbation techniques - anything other than the ‘death grip.’

In addition, a man should use lube during masturbation. This can lead to a much softer grip, which will help the nerve ending rejuvenate and become as sensitive as they are supposed to be. He should also take his time. One of the issues that leads to ‘death grip’ is often lack of time - a man wants to get off, and so he does it very quickly. But by carving out time for solo play and enjoying the fun, a man might be able to back off the need for such a tight grip and fast process.

A man who simply can’t stop using such as tight grip can turn to sex toys to help. Look for a toy that mimics the feeling of sexual intercourse with a partner, and make a point of using only the toy, not the hand, during masturbation. That might help a man get off without a grip that threatens to desensitize the penis.

A desensitized penis needs special attention. One of the ways to provide this is through application of a specially formulated penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Look for a crème that contains acetyl-L carnitine, an amino acid that does an excellent job of preventing nerve damage, as well as pantothenic acid (also known as vitamin B5), which promotes healthy cellular function. Combine these ingredients with other healthy vitamins in a Shea butter or vitamin E base and that’s a winning crème that will help a man in his pursuit for a more sensitive penis.

Wednesday, 14 December 2016

Can More Frequent Sex Translate to Better Memory?

Quantity and quality of sex are sometimes related, and there is definitely a threshold of frequency for each individual that is necessary to maintain sexual happiness. But can the frequency of a man’s sexual activity have other benefits beyond helping to maintain that all-important penis health? Interestingly enough, recent evidence suggests there may be a link between sex and memory - and the link seems to be positive.

Good sex, good memory
People often talk about "mind-blowing sex," but some scientists think sex has the opposite literal result - it makes it easier to remember things. How so?

As with so many things involving science, it all starts with animal studies. A study published in 2013 looked at rats and the effect sex had on the hippocampus region of the brain. The hippocampus is an area crucial for memory function and retention. The scientists studied what happened when rats had sex and found that one result was an increase in neural activity in the hippocampus.

Now a human study has indicated the same may be true of humans. While this was a small trial involving only 78 people - all of them women - it does support the information found in the animal studies.

The study
Published in the Annals of Sexual Behavior, the study was conducted by investigators at McGill University. The scientists interviewed study participants and asked them how often they engaged in penis-vaginal intercourse. The participants then took a test which assessed their ability to memorize words and faces. In general, women who had sex more frequently did a better job of memorizing words than did women whose rate of intercourse was less frequent.

There wasn’t much difference between the two groups, however, when it came to memorizing faces. But that outcome actually supports the theory that the neural activity in the hippocampus is increased from sex.

Why? Because word memorization is largely focused in the hippocampus. Facial recognition is more dependent on areas outside the hippocampus.

Clearly, one small-scale study is not enough to definitively establish a sex-memory link, and there are other factors that could impact the outcome. For example, since only women were involved in the study, it’s difficult to know whether such a link might exist in men. Since the study looked only at heterosexual penis-vagina penetrative sex, its application to homosexual sex or to oral sex or masturbation cannot be assessed. And finally, there’s always the possibility that some of the participants may not have been accurate in their self-assessment of how often they have sex. (Male readers may want to think about how likely they might be to exaggerate their own level of sexual activity when asked, even in a scientific setting.)

But if future studies back up these findings - and especially if they are proven relevant for both sexes and for all forms of sexual activity - it may mean a revolution in the way people study and learn. For example, students cramming for vocabulary exams may want to increase their coital activity. A guy making a presentation that involves lots of unfamiliar words and phrases may want to include a few masturbation breaks while he works on his PowerPoint slides.

Whether there is a memory link or not, most men would enjoy increasing the frequency of sex. And with that goal in mind, they need to keep their equipment healthy via regular application of a top drawer penis health crème( health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). For best results, the selected creme should include both pantothenic acid and retinol. Pantothenic acid (also known as vitamin B5) is a vital component of healthy penile tissue, and retinol (also called vitamin A) is a great weapon against aging skin and blemishes. A penis that looks and feels healthy gives a man greater confidence and pride.

Is that Penis Pain Caused by Crohn’s Disease?

Penis pain can be a very frightening situation, especially if a man doesn’t know what caused the problem. Sometimes the issue is obvious, such as irritation from rough handling - and in that case, extra attention to good penis care can quickly alleviate the pain and get a man back on track.
But sometimes penis pain can be caused by other medical conditions going on in the body. Those who suffer from Crohn’s disease are sometimes very surprised to learn that the problem can also affect their manhood.

What is Crohn’s disease?
Crohn’s disease is a very serious, chronic inflammation of the lining of the digestive tract. Those who suffer from Crohn’s disease often face troubling issues, such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, anemia, fatigue and weight loss. Crohn’s symptoms might be limited, lasting only a short period of time, or it might be a lifelong struggle. There is no cure for Crohn’s, so the best sufferers can hope for is proper management of the symptoms.

How does Crohn’s lead to penis pain?
Though the vast majority of those who have Crohn’s disease deal with intestinal issues, there are other problems associated with the disease that might affect the genital area. One of the hallmarks of Crohn’s disease is the granulomas and ulcers that develop in the bowel. When those granulomas affect the skin in the genital area, it is known as genital Crohn’s disease.

Symptoms of genital Crohn’s disease vary from one person to another, but can typically include swelling of the area, as well as small fissures or cracks that can develop on the foreskin or the scrotum. There might also be tiny red papules or ulcers on the penis skin. All of these issues can lead to serious penis pain.

Is it really Crohn’s disease?
It might be easy to think that just because there have been no signs of intestinal issues, that the penis problems cannot possibly be a result of Crohn’s. However, sometimes the genital symptoms are actually the first signs that Crohn’s disease is present. That’s why it is so important to visit the doctor for testing as soon as swelling, fissures or penis pain appears.

The doctor will perform tests to determine what is causing the problem. The first tests will be simple swabs of the area to rule out balanitis, yeast infections and other problems that are more common. If those tests are negative, more tests will be performed that might point to Crohn’s. The earlier the problem is uncovered, the sooner treatment can start, and the more controlled the symptoms might be.

What’s the treatment?
There are many options a man can pursue to alleviate the penis pain from genital Crohn’s disease. The first line of defense is a potent topical steroid treatment, which can help significantly with mild cases. Antiseptic cleansers might also be recommended, as they can lower the risk of infection. Antibiotics are also an option. Compression underwear helps to alleviate the swelling.
If the problem is very severe, a man might need to undergo systemic therapy. This includes the use of numerous medications that work together to help keep Crohn’s under control.

In addition to these treatments, a man should speak to his doctor about options for home-based treatments. One way to keep the skin smooth and supple - and possibly help ease the symptoms - is to apply a top-notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Look for a crème that includes vitamin B5, known for maintenance of healthy tissue, and vitamin C, which helps build collagen for a healthy manhood. Natural moisturizers, such as Shea butter and vitamin E, are also integral to ensuring the best skin health possible.

Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Sex Tips: Making the Bedroom Work for You

For many guys, the only kind of sex tips they want are the kind that relate to their penis health and/or the way they use that penis to create an amazing night of wonderment and lust. But as important as sex tips concerning a man’s equipment may be, the fact of the matter is that many non-penis-specific tips can come in very handy. And one area where sex tips for guys are often crucially needed is simply the bedroom - not metaphorically, but literally, the room where the bed resides and where most of the anticipated sex occurs.

Men - especially in the first few years of their sexual explorations - often think of the bedroom as nothing more than a place where they sleep and have sex. As a result, they don’t always think carefully about what it looks like to an outsider, especially an outsider who is on the path to having sex with this man but who still could change their mind at the last minute.

So what are some of the things a man can do to make his bedroom more tempting and inviting?

- Tidy it up. We’re talking basic here. A bedroom doesn’t have to be spic-and-span, but it needs to be clean and tidy enough that a potential partner doesn’t worry about their health and/or cleanliness when they enter it. Underwear on the floor and dirty socks on the lampshade are not sending an appropriate message.

- Keep the sheets clean. A little dust on the bureau is one thing, but sheets that haven’t been changed in weeks are quite another. Men should simply get into the habit of changing their sheets once a week - or more often if there’s been recent "activity" on them.

- Upgrade the sheets. It also doesn’t hurt to invest in some really nice bedclothes. A high-thread count pair of sheets feels much nicer and softer than those cheap knock-offs. It also helps to consider what a guy’s current sheets say about him. Maybe that sci-fi pillowcase was cute in college, but it may come across as a little infantile now.

- Add pillows. A general rule of thumb is two pillows for every adult in a bed - whether they’re sleeping or not. And it’s not bad to have some spares as well. Many people require two pillows just for sleeping, but when sex is involved, pillows are often used to raise up body parts - so the more the merrier. Plus, most people don’t want to sleep on the same pillow which may have been propping up said sweaty body parts.

- Invest in a better mattress. If the springs squeak, the noise can become distracting. And if the springs can be felt through the mattress, it can interfere with a person’s comfort during sex - and that can impact the quality of the sex. If a mattress has lived past its useful life, it’s time to get a new and improved one that will make a partner much more receptive to advances. (If a new mattress is out of the budget right now, consider investing in some thick mattress pads as a temporary measure.)

These sex tips can help make the bedroom a more inviting place for a partner - but don’t stop there. Men need to make sure their members are equally inviting, and that may require the daily use of a first rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Since penis odor is a common problem and can be a huge turn-off, select a crème with vitamin A, which has antibacterial problems that can help bring penis odor to its knees. It pays to be sure the crème also includes vitamin C, one of the key components in collagen production, which gives skin its tone and elasticity and is vital for erections. Proper utilization of a worthy penis health crème can result in a healthier, more vibrant looking penis.

What Does that Fishy Penis Smell Mean?

Every man deals with offensive penis odor from time to time. In most cases, the solution is much more careful personal hygiene. With proper penis care, most smelly problems will go away rather quickly. But there is one particular odor many men have noticed, something like a fishy penis smell, that is not only humiliating but also quite concerning.

What causes that fishy penis smell?
No one likes to feel as though they stink. A man who has the occasional penis odor problem can usually remedy it very quickly and get back to feeling confident. But sometimes, a persistent odor lingers, even with excellent care and attention - and when it is a fishy penis smell, it can mean serious problems. Here are some of the potential reasons for this odor.

1. Lack of regular hygiene. Getting the penis clean is an integral part of everyday care. But for some men, skipping even one shower or not paying enough soapy attention during the shower can lead to a lack of hygiene. This is especially true for uncircumcised men, who must worry about smegma, or the buildup of oil and dead skin cells that is common under the foreskin. Clean the penis carefully, each and every time.

2. Balanitis. Though this condition occurs more often in men who are uncut, anyone can develop balanitis. Symptoms include an itchy penis, soreness, a burning sensation and a sometimes fishy penis smell, as well as redness and inflammation. Prevention is key here, and it all comes back to good hygiene. But if even the best hygiene doesn’t seem to make a dent in the problem, it’s time to consider other possibilities that might co-exist with balanitis.

3. Urinary tract infection. An awful fishy penis smell might not be coming from the penis skin, but rather, from a man’s urine. That is one of the signs of a urinary tract infection, also known as a UTI. In addition, a man might suffer from burning or irritation when he urinates. If this is happening, get to the doctor, pronto.

4. Yeast infection. Though yeast infections are much more common in women, men can get them too. It can be passed through sexual contact, or occur when a man has a compromised immune system. Yeast is present on our skin at all times and rarely leads to an issue, but when a yeast infection occurs, a man can expect burning, itching, an unpleasant odor and a thick discharge. If this happens, the doctor is the first stop a man should make.

5. Ketonuria. This condition happens when a man has too many ketones in his body, which spill out in the urine. The result is a strange smell to the urine, often said to be a fishy penis smell. Though the smell is a problem, what is causing the ketonuria might be an even bigger issue - it usually occurs when a man has a medical problem, such as diabetes. Again, a visit to the doctor is in order.

Keeping the penis odor-free
These five points are the usual culprits in unpleasant penis odor. A man should look to good hygiene as the front-line of defense, and that includes the regular use of a good penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Look specifically for a crème that contains Vitamin A. Also known as retinol, this excellent vitamin offers strong anti-bacterial protection that translates into blocking penis odor before it has a chance to begin. Look for other key nutrients and vitamins as well, such as L-arginine, vitamin C and D, and alpha-lipoic acid, all combined in a soothing Shea butter and vitamin E base to help ensure the healthiest skin possible.