Thursday, 1 December 2016

Sore Penis? Masturdating May Help

It’s a situation which occurs more often than a man may want to admit: he has a really sore penis but he’s on a hot date with a woman that really is giving him the right signals. How can he sacrifice what may be a sensational night in bed merely for the sake of his penis health? Yet the next morning, the ache in his penis makes him wonder if the half hour of fun was really worth it. Besides, he loves going out on a date, and if it almost always ends up in bed - what can he do about that? The answer is simple: he can try masturdating instead.

What is masturdating?
Masturdating has been around forever, but it only acquired this name in recent years. Simply put, masturdating is going on a date all alone. No partner, just a man on his own.

But that doesn’t mean just doing anything alone is masturdating. Deciding to run out and grab a slice at the corner pizzeria doesn’t really count. For an activity to be masturdating, it should pretty much replicate the date experience - just with one person.

Same activities
For example, a guy should still go through many of the activities he would if he were going out with a woman. He needs to take a good shower and give his body a thorough cleansing. Does he normally shave before a date? Do it for a masturdate as well. Apply cologne, snip those stray nose hairs, do what can be done to make that unibrow into two distinct eyebrows.

A man should take just as much care getting dressed as well. Don’t just throw on a pair of gym shorts and a t-shirt. A guy should spend time going through the wardrobe option and choose one that looks good and makes a man feel the way he likes to feel, whether that’s sexy, cultured, smart or reliable.
Select a restaurant that has some attraction and appeal, and don’t end the self-date after dinner. Be sure to have picked out a movie or concert or other event that is a little special.

Afterward, at home, feel free to end the masturdating with a little masturbating. It’s here that the sore penis may be quite thankful; since the guy is in charge and in control, he can determine just how much pressure to put on the penis and just how it can be handled so that it has a good time without getting all raw and painful.

Aside from making sure the sore penis is treated the way it wants to be, what are the benefits of masturdating? First and foremost, it gives a guy plenty of alone time - but not "sitting at home with a beer feeling sorry for himself" alone time. By making a real date out of it, it forces a man to treat himself well, to treat himself the way he wants to be treated. It turns being alone into a positive experience.

It also gives a guy lots of time to both relax and think. There’s no pressure to keep up a steady stream of witty conversation. Instead, a guy can concentrate on thinking about things that are of real importance to him, mulling them over and discussing them with himself.

And he can catch up on things he’s wanted to do - such as reading a book at dinner or listening to music that none of his friends are really into. That can be very revitalizing.

Guys may want to try masturdating even when their sore penis is back in prime condition, just to reconnect with themselves. Of course, even when masturbating, a guy may end up being a little too rough with himself - so he needs to regularly use a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). A sore penis will welcome a crème that contains soothing moisturizing agents like Shea butter and vitamin E. And if the crème contains acetyl L-carnitine, even better. That ingredient is excellent for protecting against diminished penis sensitivity from rough handling. Taking proper care of the penis pays off in substantial ways!

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