Monday, 30 November 2015

Penis Sensitivity Loss: Restoring Sensation in a Young Man’s Member

The sensation that is associated with touching the penis, especially when it is in an erect state, is an undeniable pleasure, especially for younger men in the peak of their sexual period. Penis sensitivity is absolutely crucial to the degree of pleasure experienced during the male orgasm. Practicing proper penis care helps to keep that penis sensitivity operating at a level that guarantees delight and satisfaction - but sometimes there can be a diminishing of sensation nonetheless.

It’s natural.
To some extent, a slight loss of penis sensitivity is natural. As a man ages, his body changes and one of those changes may be a slight but noticeable loss of sensation in the penis.
However, for a young man in the bloom of his sexual life, diminished penis sensitivity usually comes about due to outside circumstances. It doesn’t mean that he gets no enjoyment from sex; but it does mean that the sex simply doesn’t feel as good as it used to, and this impedes his enjoyment. In some instances, it may also make him feel anxious and worried, which can have a psychological impact on his performance ability.

Handle with care
In most instances, a young man whose penis simply isn’t as "electric" as it once was has experienced some form of rough handling that has brought about this damage. That rough handling might have been self-induced during masturbation or may have come about from an overenthusiastic bout of partner sex.
When masturbating, one of the primary causes of loss of sensation is due to the "death grip." Men enjoy encircling their members with a very tight grip; sometimes it is so tight that it causes damage. Other times the sensitivity level is affected from masturbating without sufficient lubricant; too much friction results. And in other instances, a man may "edge" too often or for too long a time. (Edging refers to masturbating almost to the point of ejaculation; pausing just long enough for the feeling to subside; and then repeating again, usually numerous times. Some men can edge for hours.)

Any of these activities may create some peripheral nerve damage, which impacts penis sensitivity.

Partners need care as well
Sometimes these masturbation mishaps occur when one’s partner is masturbating the man (which is one reason why it’s important to let a partner know if they are going about it the wrong way.) But sometimes intercourse can also bring about the issue, especially if there is insufficient lubrication involved.
In some rare cases, men report that especially thick hair in the vaginal area can on occasion create a "scratchiness" during intercourse, the result of which may be a sore penis and a decrease in sensation.

Those who experience decreased sensation can take steps to bring about restoration. Some steps are obvious. Refrain from sex for a few days to help the penis revitalize itself. When masturbating, don’t stroke for too long or with too tight a grip. Communicate with a partner if her ministrations are causing an unpleasant sensation.

Equally important to restoring prime sensation is to keep the organ in overall good health. Key to attaining this goal is the regular use of a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). The proper crème is going to include a wide range of ingredients, but it absolutely must include acetyl L-carnitine. This ingredient is neuroprotective and can aid in the recovery of sensation lost due to peripheral nerve injury. It also helps if alpha lipoic acid is in the crème, as this powerful antioxidant works in a synergistic manner with acetyl L-carnitine. In addition, a crème with vitamin E and Shea butter, two excellent hydrating agents, can help to restore moisture to the penis skin that can impact the pleasure experience with a roughly-handled member.

Sunday, 29 November 2015

Masturbation with a Partner

Don’t think masturbation can get any better? Try turning it from a solo activity into a partner sport. Masturbating with a partner can be a very stimulating and intimate activity that brings a couple closer while adding excitement to one’s sex life. And, since a vibrant sex life is a key component of penis health, men should always keep an eye open for ways to improve their sex lives.

Masturbation can refer to many things. People usually mean using one’s own hand to satisfy oneself; however, people also talk about masturbating another, referring to the use of one’s hand to stimulate someone else. Here, the term will mean both.

A couple is encouraged to get creative and experiment with ways of manually, mutually satisfying themselves and one another. The following are just a few ideas to get partners going.

Partners may wish to discuss who is going to "go" first, or if they’d like to masturbate together. Some couples may prefer a mix of the two. Whatever works for both partners is the way to go.

Helping Her Out
If a woman is masturbating and a man is waiting to pleasure himself, his assistance may be desired. He can, with her invitation, fondle her breasts, kiss her neck and run his fingers up and down her thighs and in between her legs.

Helping Him Out
If a man is giving himself a hand job, the woman might want to try fondling his testicles, licking them and putting them in her mouth. If she wants to really blow his mind, she can place her lips so that the head of his penis rubs against them as the man strokes.

Rubbing Post
Masturbation doesn’t always involve use of a hand. A woman may stimulate herself, along with her partner, by rubbing her clitoris against his penis.

The In-Between
Just as a woman may stimulate herself using a part of a man’s body besides the hand, a man may find it enjoyable to stick his penis between parts of a woman’s body for gratification. A popular area for this is a woman’s chest.

Mutual Manual
Partners who like to masturbate together may enjoy the sounds and the sight of each other going at it; they may also enjoy seeing that they are being watched and that the partner-observer is turned on by them. Couples may wish to play with different positions here. Some may prefer lying next to one another, especially if they are shy about being watched or seen. Others may want the intensity of a face-to-face encounter. Try having one partner stand and the other sit to add some power play into it.

Mutual Manual 2
Of course, partners may prefer to masturbate one another rather than themselves at the same time. Find a position that doesn’t put either partner’s wrist at a bad angle. A man may wish to kneel next to his lady as she lies on her back, putting his member within easy reach while providing open access to her.

When a partner takes control of the stroking, it’s possibly for her to go a bit harder and rougher than a man is accustomed to. He may enjoy this sensation in the moment too much to ask her to soften up, but may find later that his member is left sore, dry and chafed. Using lubricant is useful here; so is applying a penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) daily. With Shea butter and vitamin E, this moisturizer does wonders for manhood skin. Keep the penis ready to go next time with the help of a quality crème like Man1 Man Oil.

Saturday, 28 November 2015

Cock Rings: Fun Sex Toys for Men

Many men are interested in experimenting with sex toys, but don’t know where to begin. Whenever considering trying a new toy, it’s important to understand the intended purpose, different options available and safety concerns associated with the product. For men interested in cock rings, the following information will help maximize pleasure while maintaining penis health.

What are they?
Cock rings fit either around the base of the penis or around the base of the penis as well as the top of the testicles. Some have adjustable straps, while others are solid and one-sized.

Cock rings serve two main purposes: 1) restricting blood flow out of the penis, thereby helping men maintain erections; and 2) providing extra pressure that many men find pleasurable. Some cock rings are designed to serve both purposes.

Rings that fit around the penis and testicles are the most common type. These are less efficient at maintaining blood within the penis, but tend to provide extra pleasure. The rings that fit solely around the penis are designed more for maintaining erections, but men should be aware that they don’t guarantee a raging hard-on; rather, they generally keep the penis at least semi-stiff, enabling intercourse.

Some cock rings come with a vibrating component that can both provide stimulation to a woman’s clitoris during intercourse as well as additional stimulation to the man wearing the ring. There are also cock rings with extra straps designed to separate the testicles, a sensation some men enjoy.
As mentioned above, some rings are adjustable, while others are solid. Materials vary; some are made of soft silicone, for example, while others are made with tougher leather. Men just starting out may want to go with adjustable rings constructed of softer materials, for both comfort and ease of removal.

Cock rings are safe when used correctly, but there are a few important cautionary points to keep in mind.

First, rings should not be worn for more than 20 minutes. They restrict blood flow, and this can be damaging to tissues if continued for a long period of time. Men just starting out are well-advised to keep rings on for no more than 10 minutes at a time to acclimate to the sensation and the restriction of circulation.

Men using solid, non-adjustable rings should have medical scissors nearby in case emergency removal is needed. Generally, lubricant, cold water or ice can facilitate removal, but if these don’t work, it’s important to be able to cut the ring off.

Cock rings should not be used by people with blood clotting disorders, bleeding disorders, diabetes, peripheral nerve disease or vascular disease. They should also not be relied upon as a treatment for erectile dysfunction, a condition that may be caused by a variety of physical or psychological issues that should be addressed.

Men experimenting with new toys may find that their sex lives become much more exciting and enjoyable. On the other hand, they may notice that their penises are sorer and more chafed after sexual activity with sex toys such as cock rings.

Along with using lubricant while masturbating or having sex, men can alleviate the toll on their penis skin with the use of a quality penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). Such a moisturizer, equipped with Shea butter and vitamin E, and made specifically for the penis, will protect the skin from the frictions of the day. Man1 Man Oil also contains acetyl L-carnitine, an amino acid that helps prevent peripheral nerve damage that may result from regular, rough use of the penis. Keeping the member skin healthy is just as important to a man’s sexual wellbeing as incorporating exciting new methods into his repertoire.

Friday, 27 November 2015

Healthy Penis Revitalization: What to Do After Prostate Cancer

Next to skin cancer, prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men, with more than 2,000,000 Americans in the ranks of prostate cancer survivors. Often, men who have gone through treatment for this common disease find that regaining a healthy penis can be a challenge. In such cases, maintaining optimal penis care is especially important. To help revitalize the penis after this health problem, men need to be prepared to take the necessary steps.

About the disease
The prostate is a gland that only men possess and which is found between the rectum and the bladder. It’s an important component in the manufacture of the fluid in semen.

When cancer develops in the prostate, it can cause discomfort and lead to serious issues; however, in some cases it is very slow to grow and many men may have prostate cancer for years without being aware of it.
There are many symptoms that may be associated with this condition, including a weak urine stream, frequent urination (especially at night), blood in the urine, erectile issues and loss of bladder control.
Treatment depends upon the stage of the disease but in some instances may include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, hormone therapy or vaccine therapy.

Depending upon the severity of the cancer and the treatment used, a man may experience significant issues post-treatment, especially when surgery is involved. Although advances in surgery have diminished the impact on sexual performance, many men will still experience some degree of erectile dysfunction after many forms of treatment.

Most doctors recommend that men undergo some form of therapy to help regain the use of a healthy penis after prostate cancer. In some cases, it is necessary to induce erections in situations in which there has been erectile loss, especially if that loss is projected to sustain for an extended period of time.

Induction may be needed
The reason for inducing is to keep the penis in shape so that it can "re-learn" how to become erect. "Use it or lose it" is especially true with the penis, and if the organ goes for too long a time without an erection, the vessels and tissues become deoxygenated relative to when in an erect state. This creates a vicious cycle in which the tissue becomes less and less capable on its own of trapping the blood that is needed to build and maintain an erection.

Typical therapy comes in one or more of three forms: oral, injection and vacuum.
Oral therapy involves taking a medication by mouth which helps to promote erectile activity. Many doctors recommend this therapy be started before treatment for the cancer and continue afterward for a month or more.

Injection therapy requires the injection of drugs which help the penile blood vessels to expand.
Vacuum therapy is performed via a penis pump, which creates a "vacuum" around the organ that encourages the flow and trapping of blood in the member.

For any form of treatment to regain function after treatment for prostate cancer, it helps if a man goes into the situation with a healthy penis to begin with. One way to achieve this is via daily use of a quality penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). Especially important in this instance is that the crème contains among its ingredients L-arginine. This enzyme helps to create nitric oxide, a substance which in turn is essential for the healthy functioning of blood vessels and the continued oxygenation of tissues in the member. It also is wise to select a crème that includes vitamin C. One of the most popular nutrients, vitamin C is noted for the role it plays in collagen production and penile skin firmness. A well-balanced crème like Man1 Man Oil provides a wealth of nutrients vital to continued penis health.

Thursday, 26 November 2015

Penis Health and Frottage: Safety Tips

Frottage is defined in a number of ways. Some people mean "dry-humping," or rubbing the genitals against another person while both are clothed; some people use the word to describe the highly illegal and immoral practice of rubbing oneself against others in a crowd for sexual pleasure. Here, frottage will refer to the act of two or more bodies rubbing together clothed or unclothed to achieve sexual stimulation. Since it is a type of sexual activity that involves no penetration, some may think that the practice is 100% safe. Yet that may not be the case. In the interest of maintaining optimal penis health, men need to know the risks associated with this activity.

Anytime a man’s semen enters a woman’s vagina, there is a possibility of pregnancy. Researchers still aren’t sure if pre-seminal fluid can cause pregnancy, but it may be able to do so. This means that people engaging in genital rubbing may still run the risk of conceiving if they allow the man’s fluids near the opening of the woman’s vagina.

Sexually transmitted infections can be passed through skin-to-skin contact or through bodily fluids like penile or vaginal discharge, or blood. Some STIs that can be contracted through bare frotting are herpes, HPV, HIV and pubic lice.

It’s always a good idea to ask sexual partners the following:

- When were they last tested, for what, and what were the results?
- Have they had new partners since then?
- How well do they know their past partners’ sexual histories?
- Do they use condoms with other partners?

Other Infections
Jock itch is caused by an overgrowth of the tinea cruris fungus and is a common groin rash among men. Though it rarely impacts women, it is possible for the fungus to spread to them.

If a woman has a yeast infection, she can pass it through her fluids to a man. Even if he’s not penetrating, if she is wet and his penis gets her fluids on it, it’s possible to contract the yeast infection.

Rough, dry skin is a common result of friction, and there’s no shortage of friction while frotting, especially if partners are doing so clothed. The vaginal area may become sore and raw, as may the penis. Both these results often come along with penetrative sex as well.

Safety First
Frotting partners will be safest if they take precautions against possible health issues related to the practice. If pregnancy is not desired and the partners are engaging in genital rubbing, it’s a good idea to use condoms even though penetration isn’t occurring. This can also help prevent the spread of any infections that may be in the area, although it doesn’t guarantee this.

Another thing couples may want to do is use lubricant while frotting. This can help prevent a lot of dry skin and chafing issues. If wearing clothes, try to avoid rough materials like denim and garments with buttons or zippers.

Men may overlook the importance of skin care, but maintaining healthy penile skin is imperative not only for the look and feel of the manhood, but for its ability to sense pleasure as well. That’s why it’s a good idea for men to use a quality penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). With both Shea butter and vitamin E, this crème is a fantastic moisturizer made specifically for the penis. It also includes acetyl L-carnitine, which protects nerves from the kind of damage that often comes with rough handling. This may help men maintain a high level of sensitivity, meaning a more pleasurable sex life. Keeping the penis in peak condition is always advised, and doing so is easier with Man1 Man Oil.

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Red Penis Cause: Is It Reactive Arthritis?

An abnormally red penis may occur in men with some frequency, often as a result of balanitis. But there are times when a red penis may be a signal of or precursor to something more serious, such as reactive arthritis (also called Reiter’s syndrome). Paying careful attention to overall penis health can help prevent reactive arthritis from developing.

What is reactive arthritis?
As may be guessed from its name, reactive arthritis is a form of joint pain which occurs in reaction to something else. In this case, the arthritis develops in the joints in reaction to an infection - but the infection is generally far away from the affected joints. Most often the infection occurs in either the gastrointestinal system or the penis - specifically in the urethra.

Not every man who gets a urinary tract infection develops reactive arthritis. It is estimated that only about 1% of urethral infections result in this condition - and most of those seem to be caused by the STI known as chlamydia depositing bad bacteria in the tract. Men with chlamydia may experience discomfort while urinating; in addition, the urine may be accompanied by a discharge, usually one with an unpleasant aroma. Often, balanitis - an abnormal redness and inflammation, usually near the glans - also develops.

Swollen joints
Arthritis occurs when joints become inflamed and swollen. This keeps the joint from working properly, causing pain and difficulty in movement. With reactive arthritis, the joints most often affected are in the knees, ankles or toes; sometimes wrists or other areas may be affected, but this is less common.

Although reactive arthritis is rare, it should be noted that men are about nine times as likely as women to get this form of arthritis from an STI. It’s often hard to notice a link between the infection and the arthritis, as the latter usually occurs about 2 to 4 weeks after the infection begins. Once it starts, the arthritis tends to linger for 3 to 6 months, even with treatment.

As with other kinds of arthritis, the severity can vary significantly. Most people experience a mild to moderate level of pain, but in some cases it can be rather severe.

When the cause of the reactive arthritis is determined to be related to a urethral infection, the most common course of treatment involves antibiotics to fight the bacteria and return the red penis to normal. However, getting rid of the urethral issue does not cure the arthritis; once it starts, it will continue for some period of time.

Treating the arthritis generally involves painkillers or steroids. In some cases, the joint may be drained to help ease the pain.

Some people experience reactive arthritis only once; other people find that it may recur in the future, sometimes numerous times. Because of this, it’s especially important to help prevent it from occurring in the first place. Taking appropriate precautions to avoid the spread of any STIs is one very important way to do this.

It also helps to avoid a sore red penis and keep arthritis at bay by maintaining the overall health of the member. Using a top-drawer penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can make a substantial difference in the general health of the organ. When selecting a crème, a man should be sure that it lists vitamin D among its ingredients. Vitamin D is often nicknamed the "miracle" vitamin due to its pronounced ability to better enable cell functionality. Equally important is the inclusion of another crucial vitamin, B5. An aid to healthy penile function, vitamin B5 plays an important role in penis cell metabolism. Regular use of Man1 Man Oil helps promote better penis health.

Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Sex Tips: An Enticing Home = A Happy Penis

In the field of sex tips, there tends to be a great deal of emphasis on "mechanical" issues that can help to make for a happy penis. Certainly ensuring proper penis health is on the list of such practical sex tips, along with ideas for positions, ability to last longer, foreplay suggestions, etc. But these tips alone focus too much on the bodies involved and not on the venue. Yet it’s true that one of the first steps to obtaining a happy penis is to make sure that one’s home environment is inviting to a partner.

First impressions count
A potential partner who is brought to a man’s home for the first time is going to form some snap judgments as soon as she walks in the door. Those judgments will continue to form as she moves through the rest of the home. Keeping the pad as clean and inviting as possible will make her feel more at ease and more welcome - and that can only work to a guy’s benefit.

With that in mind, here are a few tips to remember:

- Go for hangers. Lots of guys tend to just toss their coat or jacket on the nearest chair or bed - or floor, for that matter. A woman is going to be much more appreciative of having her wrap carefully hung up; it’s an easy way to score a couple of points immediately upon entry.

- Clean is better than tidy (but both together is even better). Many bachelors are not exactly fastidious about their housekeeping. A little untidiness is often expected - but an apartment that is actually dirty is not. Getting rid of dirt and dust, cleaning countertops, making sure the kitchen doesn’t attract uninvited guests and - perhaps above all - keeping the bathroom presentable are all important. And degrees of tidiness matter. Towels hung rather haphazardly in the bathroom are one thing; towels lying on the floor are another. A pair of boxers on the bedroom floor is expected; a pair on the kitchen counter, not so much.

- Put away the porn (and evidence of its recent use). Yes, most women know that men (especially single men) really enjoy pornography - just as many women also do. But that doesn’t mean they necessarily want to be confronted with a magazine exploring top sex positions in detail or to find that the home page on a guy’s laptop is set to his favorite XXX site. By the same token, obviously used tissues should be carefully thrown away, rather than left carelessly on the floor. And the place for a man’s favorite lubricant should be the medicine cabinet or the drawer of the bedside table, not the top of the living room coffee table.

- Keep the refrigerator appropriately stocked. Having a nice bottle of wine properly chilled and some snacks on hand can be a big help. It’s especially good if he has learned in advance what kind of cheese or other foods she particularly enjoys. She’ll be flattered that he took that little extra step.

- Candles can be good. Guys, let’s face it: When living alone (or with other men), our abodes tend to develop some pretty overpowering odors. Airing out the home frequently is a good idea, but go ahead and invest in a few scented candles as well. They help disguise that sweaty smell and present a romantic atmosphere at the same time.

These home-based sex tips can smooth the path to a happy penis - but to make sure it stays happy, a guy needs to be a regular user of a first-rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). A guy wants to keep his manhood supple, so selecting a crème with a pair of potent moisturizers (such as vitamin E and Shea butter) is definitely advised. Don’t stop there, however; make sure the crème also contains L-arginine, an enzyme that aids in nitric oxide production - and this in turns helps keep penile blood vessels receptive to the degree of blood flow leading to a happy penis.

Monday, 23 November 2015

Penis Size: Problems (and Solutions) for the Big Penis

It’s no secret that modern culture has an obsession with penis size, with the result that a man who is endowed with an abnormally big penis is looked on with great envy by those who are more modestly equipped. There’s no denying that possessing a big penis comes with certain advantages, especially if a guy has practiced proper penis care and it’s in good shape. But there can also be issues when one’s penis size is substantially above the norm.

Some of those problems are related to sex, as one might suspect. The bigger the penis, the more of an impression it makes when first unveiled, and that can have a positive effect in terms of creating excitement in a partner. But it may also create expectations that the owner of the phallus in question may not be able to fulfill. Just because a guy is big doesn’t necessarily mean that he can last for hours or that there aren’t any erectile issues to consider.

If anything, the super-sized man can feel more pressure to perform, and that can lead to sexual dysfunction, especially if a partner expressed disappointment due to unrealistic expectations based solely on size.

On the other hand, men whose self-confidence is raised because of their mammoth member can still have issues. For example, oral sex can be so challenging that a "blessed" guy may rarely get to enjoy this form of sexual pleasure from a partner.

Most vaginas are fortunately capable of stretching to accommodate even very large penises, but there are some cases when injury does occur to a female partner. And a small percentage of men can’t find condoms that cover their entire shaft, which can be a protection problem.

Beyond the bedroom
But big penis issues extend beyond sex. Some men whose equipment is especially large when soft find it difficult to use a urinal; the penis tends to touch the porcelain or even dip into the urinal water - neither of which is particularly hygienic.

A manhood that extends down the thigh can make crossing the legs or riding a bike challenging. It also presents clothing quandaries for work. A man wants to find pants that aren’t excessively baggy for his professional life, but a really big penis can make wearing pants that are even slightly clingy a risky proposition.

And changing in the gym locker room can result in a lot of resentful stares that can be pretty distracting.

What to do
Most men with a big penis accept that their penis size is worth the challenges it presents. Among the ways they deal with challenges are:

- Speaking honestly with potential partners. If they aren’t able to last for hours in bed, they explain that just because they are large doesn’t mean they have superhuman stamina. This openness is usually appreciated by those they take to bed.

- Accepting limited oral sex. A guy comes to understand that deep-throating may be out of the question and learns to appreciate what a partner can accomplish.

- Being especially tender in bed. A guy doesn’t want to cause pain in a partner, so many "gifted" men learn how to take things especially slow and easy during foreplay - and that can be a big plus in the long run.

Penis size doesn’t change the need for penis health, so whether a man has a big penis or a modest one, he will do well to use a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). Guys need to use a crème with vitamin C, as topical application helps direct that vitamin’s powers in the area of collagen production and penile tissue firmness. It also helps if the crème contains vitamin B5, which is valued for its aid in healthy penile functioning and penis cell metabolism. Treating one’s penis with Man1 Man Oil helps keep a guy’s favorite organ in sprightly health.

Sunday, 22 November 2015

Penis Care for Intact Men: What’s Smegma?

From young boys to grown men, many males have questions about their intact penises that have never been explicitly answered by parents or teachers. This, along with the fact that American culture is squeamish about foreskin for no reason at all, leaves many men uncertain about what is going on down there, particularly when it comes to smegma. What is it? Is it normal? Is it harmful? Are there penis care steps to manage it?

There’s no need for such mystery around something most men in the world have. That’s right - though circumcision is the norm in the U.S., the majority of men globally - around two-thirds - have foreskin. Men should get to know their foreskin as well as the smegma that forms beneath it. The following information will help men get better acquainted with their manhoods.

What is it?
Smegma is a lubricating oil produced by the foreskin. It helps the sheath glide easily over the head of the penis. It provides natural lubrication both during sex and masturbation. Smegma often refers not only to the oil that the body naturally produces, but to the combination of this oil with dead skin cells and other bodily fluids.

Is it bad?
No! Smegma is totally natural, and many men find the lubrication it provides to be helpful in their sex lives. That said, there are certain problems associated with improper hygiene and smegma.

What problems?
If smegma is not properly cleaned from beneath the foreskin, it can become sticky and cause the foreskin to stick to the head of the penis. This is one cause of phimosis, or inability to retract the sheath.

Another potential issue associated with improper hygiene is balanitis. Smegma that is allowed to build up can develop bacteria that causes an infection, to which the body responds with inflammation. Redness and soreness generally accompany the swelling of the head and foreskin in this condition.
Finally, some men may notice a strong odor coming from their members, and this may be related to bacteria from smegma buildup. However, there is a natural fishy odor that occurs in some men after sex or masturbation, created by their glands; sometimes, this may be mistaken for smegma smell.
It’s important to note that the above problems occur from improper hygiene habits, NOT from smegma itself.

Penis care steps
Obviously, washing the penis regularly is important. Men with foreskin should be sure to retract the sheath and wipe away smegma buildup from under it about once a day. Men who have difficulty retracting the foreskin enough to clean beneath it should consult with a medical professional.

Many men think the best way to keep their penises clean and free of odors is to use strong, scented soaps, but this is not the best way to go. Chemical ingredients in soap can irritate and dry out the delicate skin of the penis. Men should instead wash the member with warm water (not hot), and, if using soap at all, choose a mild, natural cleanser.

Another step men can take to combat bacterial buildup beneath the foreskin is to use a penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) with vitamin A. This natural antibacterial ingredient can safely and gently help keep odors at bay. Aside from that, Man1 Man Oil is an excellent moisturizer; even men with naturally lubricated members may notice dry skin sometimes. Using a lotion designed specifically for the penis is the best way to avoid irritation. Circumcised or not, skin care is important. A man can ensure he’s doing all he can to take care of his manhood by investing in the condition of his skin.

Saturday, 21 November 2015

Penis Odor Could Be a Sign of Diabetes

Some degree of penis odor is common in many men and while it can cause embarrassment when the trousers fall, in most cases it’s not a major health issue. However, in some cases that rank penis odor may be an indication or result of diabetes. Maintaining appropriate penis health can help to eliminate the odor issue, but if diabetes is a suspected cause, seeing a doctor is highly recommended.

Why penis odor?
Most often, a smelly penis occurs due to an accumulation of bacteria from sweat, as well as to the aroma attached to dried fluids such as urine or semen.

The groin is a high-heat area by nature. The thatch of pubic hair that surrounds it creates insulation to keep the penis and sack warm, but it also encourages the production of sweat. Add to this the impact of being kept beneath two layers of clothing and nestled snugly between the thighs and it’s easy to see why there’s so much heat and, consequently, sweat in the area.

Even men who make a point of shaking the penis after urinating may end up with some dried urine on the member. And normal daily erections may release some pre-seminal fluid which dries on the manhood. Both of these add to the potential for penis odor.

Diabetes and penis odor
How does diabetes enter the picture where a potently aromatic penis is concerned? It has to do with something called ketone bodies.

Ketone bodies are water-soluble molecules that are created in the liver. The liver takes fatty acids and creates ketone bodies, usually when there is an issue with accessing sufficient amounts of glucose. This creates an alternative source of energy for the body to use temporarily.

A person with type I diabetes mellitus will tend to produce a much greater quantity of ketone bodies than a typical person. When there is a greater quantity of ketone bodies than the body can properly metabolize, it creates a situation known as ketonuria.

If a person with diabetes has ketonuria, it is an indication that the diabetes is not being properly managed and adjustments need to be made to better control the disease. (A person can experience ketonuria without having diabetes, usually when he has an acute infection; however, persistent or chronic ketonuria frequently suggests a diabetic condition.)

One of the hallmarks of ketonuria is a very strong and pronounced smell. It is often described as being especially "fishy," although others classify it as "sour." If a guy notices an especially strong smell while urinating, it may be an indication that he is experiencing ketonuria.

When ketonuria is present, it’s especially important for a man to be careful of penis hygiene. Because the odor associated with ketonuria is so rank, small amounts of urine that dry on the penis can have a disproportionately strong effect. Shaking properly and applying a damp paper towel to the penis after urinating can help to avoid ketonuria-related odor emergencies.

Penis odor from diabetic ketonuria can be an issue, as can any sort of persistent penis odor. In addition to proper washing, it’s therefore crucial that a man regularly use a first-class penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) to address this issue. The crème must contain vitamin A, as that vitamin is especially well-known for its ability to conquer odor-causing bacteria, even in a sweatbox like the groin. As mentioned above, washing the area is also necessary, but too much washing runs the risk of depleting the organ of needed oils and nutrients. A crème that includes a combination of a high-end emollient (such as Shea butter) and a quality hydrator (such as vitamin E) can help to lock in the beneficial moisture that keeps the skin properly toned. With a potent crème like Man1 Man Oil, a man can help to banish penis odor.

Friday, 20 November 2015

Masturbation at the Office: How to Do (and Not Do) It

When a man is in the mood for a little masturbation, he likes to be able to indulge himself freely - something that may not be very possible when he’s at the office. Of course, if a man works alone at home, there may be little in the way of dropping trousers and indulging in a quick (or lengthy) fap. But if he works with others, personalized and hands-on penis care may require a bit more planning.
As with everything, there’s a right way and a wrong way to approach masturbation while at work. The following tips can help a man gain release and relief in a manner that is more appropriate than simply whipping it out and going to town.

The men’s room. Use it.
In most cases, the best (and safest) way for a guy to masturbate at the office is to excuse himself, head to the bathroom and wait until behind a locked stall door to begin fondling. In addition to granting a man privacy, he has toilet paper right at hand to wipe the semen-spattered hand (and clean up the floor, as may be the case). However, it’s good to remember that a bathroom stall does not guarantee total privacy. Enthusiastic masturbation carries with it strong sounds (usually associated with panting and rubbing) which can "give the game away" to anyone else who happens to be in the room at the time. So keeping it quiet is advised. If a man tends to moan and groan loudly when he ejaculates, he needs to be sure he is totally alone before indulging.

Some men enjoy masturbating at the urinal, but there is clearly less privacy associated with this option. In addition, if a man ejaculates at the urinal just as another man enters, he has little opportunity to wipe away the ejaculate without being noticed.

A reminder: many men get very flushed while masturbating. For such men, allowing a few minutes after orgasm to let the redness leave their faces is a good idea before returning to work.

At the desk
Some men opt to masturbate directly at their desks. Unless a man has his own office with a door that can be locked, this is generally very risky behavior. Even if a guy is working late at night and is sure he is the only person around, he might still get surprised with his manhood in his hands by a member of the janitorial staff.

Even with a locked door, desk-based masturbation can be a bad idea. For those who indulge, they should do so in a fashion that makes recovery as quick as possible. For example, don’t strip naked; simply unzip and handle. This makes it easier to prepare oneself if there is an unexpected knock at the door.

Computer care
If a man fancies online pornography while masturbating, it’s important to remember that most bosses have some means of monitoring what websites are visited on company computers. Just because a company firewall allows a person to visit adult sites doesn’t mean that information is not being observed by someone in authority.

Keeping a box of tissues nearby is essential for clean-up from in-office handling. Paper towels tend to make a bit more noise than one might desire; tissues are more discreet.

Masturbation at the office can carry risks, but many men engage in this activity on occasion - and find themselves more productive for the opportunity to relieve themselves. The experience is best when the manhood is healthy, so regular use of a quality penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) is advised. Sometimes when furtively masturbating at work, a man may handle his member a bit roughly, in response to the need to get it over with quickly. This can in turn lead to a diminishment of sensation, which negatively impacts pleasure from penile fondling. Using a crème with neuroprotective acetyl L-carnitine helps repair peripheral nerve damage and restore lost sensitivity. It also helps if the crème contains alpha lipoic acid, a potent antioxidant. Alpha lipoic acid and acetyl L-carnitine work together synergistically; their combined effects help maintain optimal penis health.

Thursday, 19 November 2015

Better Sex through Beer?

Ah, beer - the drink of choice for the vast majority of men, especially after a hard day’s work or when settling down to watch the weekend’s big game. But is it possible that this most enjoyable of beverage choices may also be a pathway toward better sex? While maintaining a high level of penis health is ultimately more beneficial to a man, recent stories have indicated that there can be a place for the beloved "brewski" in a man’s bedtime preparations.

Better sex or worse sex?
The idea that a little ale might make for better sex gained traction recently due to media reports on a column from a sex therapist named Dr. Kat Van Kirk. However, prior to this assertion, it was generally believed that beer more likely would have a negative effect on a guy’s sexual performance.
The reasoning behind this is, naturally, due to the alcohol content in a bottle of brew. Many men are familiar with the concept of the "whiskey dick" - a member that is attached to a man who has consumed too much alcohol and therefore has a difficult time getting a rise out of his manhood. And if he does manage to wake the member up, he has a difficult time convincing him to stand at attention for very long.

Where the nervous system is concerned, alcohol is depressive, which means that too much of it negatively impacts the penis’s ability to perform. Not exactly a recipe for better sex.

The case for beer
So why should beer, an alcoholic beverage, be exempt from the "avoid alcohol before sex" rule? Basically, it’s because the level of alcohol in a bottle of beer is generally less than that found in "heavier" drinks. This theoretically keeps the beer from impacting the nervous system in the way that high-alcohol drinks do.

So if that’s correct, it would make sense that beer might not have a negative impact. But how might it make for better sex? According to Dr. Van Kirk, there are four ways:

- The longer-lasting effect. Beer contains phytoestrogens, naturally occurring nonsteroidal plant compounds that some people believe can help to delay ejaculation. Based on this, the implication is that beer may allow a man to last longer before releasing.
- The stamina plus. In addition, Dr. Van Kirk cites a study that found that people who drink beer tend to have greater overall health (and are less likely to have heart issues). Again, greater overall health is generally associated with an ability to stay sexually engaged for a longer period of time.

- The drive boost. Dark beers contain more iron, and more iron in the system can help to improve circulation. This in turn is thought by some to both increase the desire for sex and help keep blood flowing more easily to the penis.

- Beer belly benefit. While an extended gut is not good, a normal sized stomach theoretically benefits from the vitamins and nutrients found in many beers, aiding in digestion and therefore keeping a man more "in the mood" for sex.

Ultimately, there haven’t been sufficient studies to back up the claim that beer makes for better sex, so it’s probably wise for a man to continue to drink in moderation. He also needs to use a top-drawer penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) to keep his equipment in gear. A crème with a powerful antioxidant like alpha lipoic acid can help to minimize harmful oxidative stress to penile cells. And one with L-arginine helps to boost nitric oxide, which in turn allows penis blood vessels to be more freely accommodating to the rush of blood that keeps the penis strong and healthy. An effective penis health crème should be part of every man’s daily maintenance routine.

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Sex Tips: How to Incorporate All 5 Senses

When it comes to sex, it’s easy for men to forget about pretty much everything else besides how their penis feels inside a partner. The sense of touch is certainly imperative for both partners’ enjoyment, but getting the other senses in on the action could heighten the experience. Since frequent sex is a component of penis health and mental wellbeing, men should make the effort to keep their sex lives as fulfilling as possible. The following sex tips can help.

There are many ways to use sight to increase sexual desire, from the obvious to the more subtle. For example, wearing something revealing or flattering can be a good start; viewing explicit materials, either alone beforehand or together as a partner activity, can also be fun.

A subtler way to incorporate the sense of sight for stimulation is to pay attention to the psychology of color. Many people regard the color red as sexy. Either donning a red garment or fitting the bed with red sheets could help boost the mood visually.

What constitutes a stimulating sound varies from person to person. Some find certain types of music to be sensual - blues rock or romantic ballads, for example. If stress is a factor in a couple’s life, then perhaps playing some soothing sounds while offering massages to one another is the best bet for encouraging sexual feelings.

Some couples may prefer to take a kinkier route here and put on a porn video featuring loud sex sounds. They may choose to watch the video, or simply use the audio to turn themselves on.

Some smells are known to cause arousal - some interesting scents, too! From sandalwood and musk to lavender, doughnut and pumpkin pie aromas, couples have plenty to choose from.

As every couple knows, there are many ways to incorporate the tongue into sexual activity. But they can do more than enjoy the taste of one another’s bodies. Some couples like using flavored condoms or lubricants. Others like to get foods into the mix - whipped cream on the nipples or penis tip, for example. Whatever tickles a couple’s taste buds will do (obviously, avoid anything spicy or acidic near the genitals).

One good way to amplify the impact of touch is to remove other senses from the picture - most commonly, sight. A blindfold or tie can be used to block off a partner’s eyes while the other teases and surprises with touches of different pressures all over the body, particularly in erogenous zones. Some partners may also enjoy having their hearing blocked off with ear plugs so that the other’s moves are further unanticipated.

Getting all the senses involved in sensual activity can provide a more well-rounded, whole-body, pleasurable experience to couples. As every individual has specific preferences and desires, couples should discuss what they are interested in pursuing beforehand, and what boundaries may exist that they would not like crossed in their new experimentation.

Men who are planning to up their sexual game should also prepare the penis for extra activity. Friction from sex as well as masturbation can do a number on the penile skin, and keeping it moisturized will help not only soothe dryness and soreness but preserve sensation in the long-run. That’s why men should use a quality penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) with Shea butter and vitamin E, two great natural moisturizers. In addition, Man1 Man Oil contains acetyl L-carnitine, an amino acid that protects nerves in the body. Since frequent handling can cause partial damage to the nerves in the manhood, this ingredient is important for maintaining sensitivity.

Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Sex while Traveling: Spicing Up the Holidays

As many couples gear up for travel around the holidays, some may be wondering if time away from home is going to mean time away from sex. Being on the road and spending time with family aren’t necessarily conducive to intimate encounters, but there are a few ways couples can make the occasional romp more likely while traveling. The following tips for facilitating opportunities and practicing proper penis care on the road may help

Talk beforehand.
If people are staying with family, it’s good to discuss beforehand whether or not sex might be on the table. If one knows his or her family will be out of the house for a while, then one can mention the possibility. However, if it’s unlikely to happen, one should let a partner know this before setting out so he or she is not suddenly hit with a surprise dry spell. If it might be possible to engage in sex while traveling, keep in mind the following.

Bring everything.
At home, a couple is used to having condoms and lubricant close to hand. As such, partners may forget that these necessities aren’t likely to be tucked away in the nightstand of a guest room or hotel room. Keep condoms and lubricant in their own special little travel case - preferably a darkly-colored one so that the contents aren’t accidentally exposed to grandma or other relatives nearby when the luggage is opened for other purposes

Think of clean-up.
Along with bringing lube and condoms, couples have to think about post-coital clean-up. Again, at home, they likely have a box of tissues near the bed to clean semen off themselves. Partners should be sure to stock their room, if staying in a guest room, with tissues or toilet paper with which to tidy up after

Think of disposal, too.
If a couple is staying with family and is able to discreetly engage in sex, they need to think beforehand about where they are going to dispose of condoms and perhaps the wad of semen-soaked tissues that is left over from their romp. It’s a good idea to bring a plastic bag or two so that they can keep their own trash and dispose of it elsewhere. Nobody needs their parents or other relatives taking out the condom-filled trash from the guest room.

Consider a hotel.
For many couples, it’s just not desirable to get down and dirty while family members are in the same house. Add in a squeaky bed and the deal is off. Booking a hotel room nearby can assure time and space for private interactions with a lover.

If sex just isn’t in the cards this holiday travel season, consider this an opportunity to take a break, build up one’s stores and ramp up the suspense for a couple’s first night back home. A couple can even schedule to stop somewhere for the night on the way home if they just can’t wait to dive in. If staying with family is necessary over the holidays, perhaps one night in a hotel on the return trip is doable. (Note: Avoid sexual activity of any sort while driving! No matter how tempting, this is never safe.)

One thing a man might want to consider packing in his sexcessory bag is a quality penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). The penis deserves a skin care product that protects the skin from friction, keeping it smooth, soft and supple. Man1 Man Oil contains both vitamin E and Shea butter, two powerful natural moisturizers. Be prepared for any possibility this holiday season - including the possibility of frequent and vigorous sexual activity. Healthy penis skin will be able to sense more pleasure.

Monday, 16 November 2015

Penis Enlargement: Do Supplements Really Work?

Men on the quest for penis enlargement often turn to the internet for information on the best ways to go about it. Natural supplements form one of the main categories of enlargement products, and understandably so; many men are more comfortable trying something natural that likely benefits overall health as opposed to a contraption or device designed to forcibly lengthen the member. However, do nutrients actually increase penis size? How else do these products impact penis health? Below, men can find information on whether these common supplements marketed for penis growth are effective.

Do they work?
- Vitamin B5: No dice. Vitamin B5 is an important nutrient for a number of reasons, including the fact that it aids in proper cell metabolism, which keeps cells in the body healthy. This benefit extends to the penis, but it won’t extend the penis.

- Vitamin A: No, this vitamin will not make the penis bigger. However, it is a powerful antibacterial agent, meaning it can help reduce bacteria on the manhood, thereby cutting down on unwanted odors.

- Vitamin C: A man could eat citrus fruits all day and this would not in any way impact penis size. The vitamin is great for the body generally and the penis specifically, though. Vitamin C promotes healthy circulation, something crucial for erectile health. It is also a factor in collagen production, which is needed to keep skin firm and radiant.

- Acetyl L-Carnitine: This amino acid may be crucial for healthy heart and brain function, along with a host of other bodily processes, but a bigger penis is not on its list of effects. It should be noted that the amino acid protects nerves in the body, which could help the penis maintain sensitivity. Over the years, generally through rough handling, the penis can experience partial de-sensitization.
Keeping the member sensitive is important for sexual enjoyment and function.

- L-Arginine: Another amino acid, L-arginine is a rock star when it comes to healthy blood flow. It contributes to the production of nitric oxide, which helps keep blood vessels open to allow for better circulation. Will it make the penis bigger? Not at all. Will it assist in maintaining erectile health? Likely.

Health over size
From pills and powders to devices and exercises, the penis enlargement market offers no shortage of products that play off men’s fears. But these fears concerning their penis size are unwarranted. A full 95% of men fall within average range (with about 2.5% above it and 2.5% below it), and average is perfectly capable of providing and experiencing sexual pleasure. Penis size says nothing about a man’s character or sexual prowess. And even if a man has a smaller-than-average member, he can likely learn ways to maximize its impact.

Men who experience significant distress concerning their penis size would be better off speaking with a counselor to cultivate healthier body image than they would be wasting money and time on enlargement gimmicks. Addressing the root of the problem - which is in a man’s perception, not his pants - is the most effective path to achieving mental wellbeing.

As noted above, the nutrients that some claim will make the penis bigger do come with benefits for the penis, albeit not in terms of size. Because they are healthy parts of a man’s diet, he ought to seek them out.

While diet is an important source of nutrients, men may also want to consider applying nutrients directly to the manhood with a penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). Man1 Man Oil contains the above vitamins and amino acids along with Shea butter, which is a quality moisturizer that will keep the skin smooth, soft and supple. While men are advised to avoid penis enlargement products, they would be wise to invest in products that promote the health of the manhood.

Sunday, 15 November 2015

Masturbation Myths: Getting to the Truth

For an activity enjoyed by basically all men, the number of myths about masturbation is nothing short of amazing. Since masturbation often contributes to better penis health, it’s important that men feel comfortable pleasuring themselves when moved to do so. With that in mind, let’s take a look at some of the myths that have proliferated about masturbation and get to the truth about them.

Masturbation causes blindness. Or hairy palms. Seriously now? If this one were true, there wouldn’t be an adult male getting around without a seeing eye dog and barbers would spend much more time cutting the hair on hands than on heads. These popular myths developed because of parental desire to keep boys from masturbating. Didn’t work now, did it?

Masturbation causes impotence. Quite the opposite for many men. Guys who spend a lot of time gratifying themselves often make much better lovers. They know what their penis likes and so are able to better position themselves during sex to take advantage of that information. They also typically learn more about stamina and so can often delay their ejaculations longer than they would otherwise. Yes, there are some men who masturbate a lot and have trouble engaging in partner sex; but usually this has less to do with masturbation than with other physical or psychological factors.

Cereal dampens the desire to masturbate. This myth came about because John Harvey Kellogg (founder of Kellogg’s cereals) was very vocally against sex and masturbation. He believed that cereals had a de-stimulating effect on people and could be used to control a young man’s lust. So, corn flakes versus orgasm - which is really likely to win?

Men who masturbate daily can’t father a child. Very definitely not true - and something any man needs to know before using masturbation as a form of birth control! Studies have demonstrated that even men who masturbate daily still produce more than enough sperm to score a date with a waiting egg.

Only single men masturbate. Solo-based sex continues to be a big part of people’s lives even when they are in committed, long-term relationships with frequent partner-based sex. One survey indicates that 70% of married men still masturbate regularly.

Young boys who masturbate become sex addicts. Again, if this were true, the world would be overrun with sex addicts. Masturbation is a normal part of most people’s childhoods and a valuable way for a young person to learn what his body likes and doesn’t like.

Men who masturbate frequently get embarrassing public erections. Many men walk around with big bulges at inopportune moments - but unless a guy has just been feeling himself up, this has nothing to do with self-pleasuring. (Besides, a lot of guys enjoy sporting an obvious erection.)

Masturbation will give a guy a lower voice. It’s hard to trace the logic behind this, except that when an adolescent boy is able to ejaculate semen, it is likely that his voice soon will be (or has been) undergoing a change. But there’s no reason to assume that a man with a basso profundo voice masturbates more than a man who can hit a high C.

Most masturbation myths have no validity to them, but there is one masturbation tale that is true: Too much rough handling can create a sore penis. Using a first-class penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) is one way to address that issue. When the penis is sore, the skin is often dry, cracked or otherwise distressed. Adding a crème with a combination of moisturizers (such as Shea butter and vitamin E) is essential to providing penis skin relief and soothing the sore penis. When that rough handling has actually caused a loss of sensation, a crème with neuroprotective acetyl L-carnitine can help restore lost sensitivity. This ingredient battles the peripheral nerve damage that can cause a penis to experience sensation in a diminished manner. With Man1 Man Oil as part of the daily regimen, a penis is in much better shape to withstand serious masturbation.

Saturday, 14 November 2015

Itchy Penis Prevention: Getting Ready for Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is right around the corner, a day when a man gets to spend time with loved ones, eat mountains of delicious food, watch football - and possibly run the risk of an itchy penis. It’s a wonderful holiday in America, and by taking steps toward proper penis care, most men can avoid or limit the inconvenience of an itchy penis.

A guy thing
It’s also a common occurrence. Every dude experiences some itchiness in the mid-zone, and that’s natural. What’s problematic is when that itchiness is especially insistent and/or long-lasting. Then a fellow runs the risk of being caught with his hand down his pants as he seeks some relief.

There are several factors about Thanksgiving that make it somewhat more likely that an itchy penis may occur. The following are a few of these, along with hints about what to do to prevent or reduce penile itching.

Food allergy. Yes, Thanksgiving is supposed to be all about giving thanks, but really it usually turns out to be all about the food. Tables are heaped high with all manner of delicious delights, including the main course - the big bird.

Unfortunately, a guy may have an allergy to some of the food on the table - often without even knowing it. Lots of times, it’s the sheer quantity of food that brings on the allergic reaction. For example, a guy may normally eat a simple turkey sandwich with no problem; but when he keeps on shoveling in the turkey for serving after serving on Thanksgiving, the allergy might kick in.

And often that allergy manifests as a skin reaction all over the body - including the penis.
The solution? Moderation is usually called for. If past Thanksgivings have indicated a possible allergy, take a little less this year. Or visit an allergy specialist in advance to discover if there are medications available to ward off the reactions.

Clothing. Many guys dress up for this holiday occasion, often wearing new or unfamiliar clothing. If the fabric is rougher and hasn’t been softened by frequent washing, it may cause irritation on the penis - leading to both soreness and itchiness, a double whammy. And it doesn’t help that eating all that food tends to make the pants fit tighter, bringing the penis in more direct contact with the offending material.

The best tip: Don’t wear brand new clothes or pants fabrics that may cause itchiness.

Unfamiliar bedding. Men who travel a long distance for the holiday may end up spending the night. Nothing wrong with that, but if the lady of the house uses strong or heavily-fragranced detergent, this can cause a reaction in sensitive penis skin.

One way around this: BYOB - Bring Your Own Bedding.

De-stressing. While the holidays are wonderful, for some guys they can be very stressful - and more than one man has been known to defuse his personal stress by a quick round of self-pleasuring in the guest bathroom. Unfortunately, a guy must often then make do with what is at hand for lubrication -and often that is a shampoo or soap that reacts with the skin to create excessive itching.

What to do? If a guy thinks a quick one (or two) may be necessary, covertly bring along a reliable lubricant.

One other recommendation for an itchy penis at Thanksgiving (or any time): Make daily use of a top-notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). Itchiness usually occurs because of dry or damaged penis skin, and a crème that boasts both a high-end emollient (such as Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E) is going to provide moisture that can address common penis skin problems. In addition, a crème with a potent antioxidant such as alpha lipoic acid is going to offer further protection from oxidative damage to penile cell metabolism. A crème like Man1 Man Oil is an excellent weapon in the fight against the itchy penis.

Friday, 13 November 2015

Sore Penis Recovery Tips

An active penis is a happy one - but sometimes it’s also a sore penis. No guy likes a sore penis, no matter how much fun he may have had making it sore. That’s why effective recovery tips are important to bring a penis back into "playable" shape as quickly as possible. Certainly matters are helped when good penis health is already present, but even a well-tended and cared-for member can be subject to action-related soreness.

Happy pain?
Men often brag about having a sore penis and talk about the "happy pain" they’re feeling as a way of impressing other guys with an example of their virility and sexual bravado. Many men often will claim that "my penis is killing me today, but boy was it worth it" - even when they were at home watching TV the whole time. In other words, it’s not unusual for a guy to claim his penis is sore even when it is not.

But when a guy actually has a sore penis, it’s not something that causes him pleasure. And it’s something that keeps him from experiencing pleasure; when the manhood is too tender for touching, it’s not likely to get much action.

Recovery tips
So what should a man do to hasten the healing process and banish the soreness so that his favorite appendage can get back in the game as soon as possible? There are a number of commonsense approaches to take:

- Give it a rest. This is a no-brainer - but unfortunately, when it comes to sex, brains aren’t always given much attention. Still, the best way to hasten penile recovery is to keep the organ on the sidelines rather than in the game. That means no masturbation as well as no partner sex. Fortunately, it shouldn’t take too much time; usually a day or two is all that’s needed for soreness due to overuse.

- Warm it up. Just as heat compresses can help when muscles ache, applying a little warmth to a pained penis can help the recovery process. The difference is that, whereas sore muscles require heat, a sore penis should just get a little warmth. Too much heat can damage the sensitive penis skin, lengthening the recovery process - the last thing a guy wants to do.

- Give it support. Going commando is a no-no for a sore penis, for two reasons: (1) The lack of underwear means the penis will rub against rougher trouser fabric, irritating the skin and increasing soreness, and (2) the lack of support will add stress to the organ. Wearing a pair of snug-fitting briefs is recommended for helping to speed recovery.

- Ease it back in. When soreness has abated and the penis is ready to jump back in the game, practice a little restraint. Don’t go for a marathon sex session (partner or solo); just have an enjoyable sexual experience without trying for any Olympic medals.

- Use a health crème. Recovery from a sore penis is aided by the application of a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) - something men should already be using as part of their daily health regimen. The ideal crème will contain a combination of moisturizers, such as Shea butter (a high-end emollient) and vitamin E (one of the great natural hydrators). The moisturizing process soothes the penis and helps banish soreness while replenishing the nutrients in the skin. In addition, the crème needs to include acetyl L-carnitine. This is a neuroprotective ingredient which aids in recovery from peripheral nerve damage. A sore penis has often experienced rough handling that may have diminished its sensitivity; acetyl L-carnitine helps restore that lost sensation so that the penis registers stimuli at its full potential.

Thursday, 12 November 2015

Erect Penis in Public? How to Conceal the Bulge

Few thoughts haunt a man more than that of his penis popping up at an inopportune time, but it’s bound to happen. The good news is that frequent erections are a sign of penis health. Unfortunately, a man doesn’t always have control over when they occur. The following tips can help men conceal an erect penis in public.

Choose pants wisely. Loose pants made of a material that has some toughness, such as khakis, are best for obscuring public erections. Anything softer, such as track pants, will give the member free reign to protrude, and tight pants will only accentuate the bulge.

Tuck it in. The erect penis can be slipped into the waistline of a man’s pants to make it less noticeable. If a man feels it coming on and has time to get to a bathroom, this may be his best option.

Untuck. The shirt, that is. Having a shirt long enough to cover the crotch if needed is a huge boon in the bulge-hiding department.

Get professional. Carrying a briefcase lends a person an air of professionalism; it also gives a man the perfect prop for covering a stubborn erection.

Get scholarly. Holding a book in front of the groin will do in a pinch. This will work even better if a man sits down - it might not look as natural if he’s standing.

Lean forward. Coming up with a reason to lean forward - inspecting something a bit more closely, for example - can help hide a public stiffy. Paired with the untucking of the shirt, a man will successfully manage the situation with this method.
Shut it down. Some men are able to tame their erections with the use of their minds - by thinking of something particularly unsexy, possibly even upsetting. It doesn’t work for everyone, but for the men who find this effective, it may be worth a bit of mental distress.

Pocket it. While seated, a man can simply stick his hand in his pocket and, sneakily, move the boner to a position where he can easily hold it against his thigh. Note: The physical contact here might be stimulating to the already-hard manhood. Keep that in mind when deciding whether or not to try this technique.

Get some exercise. This might be a great time to go for a brisk walk - first, to get oneself away from a crowd, and second, to get the blood flowing to other parts of the body. Erections occur when blood rushes into the penis, so pumping it to other areas could help de-escalate the situation.

Men should try to keep in mind that the occasional unwanted erection is a totally normal and natural part of having a penis, and nearly every guy has experienced the same exact thing. There’s no need to feel shame; these things can happen no matter where a man is or what he’s thinking about. Still, in the name of modesty and public decency, it’s good to make some effort to keep the matter to oneself to the extent that is possible.

Of course, there are times when a man is happy to show off his erect penis to a willing partner, and in this instance, it’s reassuring for a man to know that he’s done all he can to take care of his penile skin. Using a quality penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) with Shea butter and vitamin E will keep the skin smooth, supple and radiant. This isn’t only good for how the penis looks, but its ability to pick up on pleasurable sensations as well. Taking such good care of the manhood will ensure that it’s something to show off - at the right place and time.

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Penis Size: Can a Grower Become a Show-er?

Despite all the research that shows that penis size is not the major factor in sexual satisfaction, men still want to possess a member that impresses upon first viewing. Though matters such as penis health are ultimately much more important in the long run, a guy wants to hear a little gasp of approval when he first unveils his manhood to an expectant partner. For a man who is a grower rather than a shower (pronounced "show-er"), this can be an especially desirable goal. But are there any ways to change from a grower into a shower?

Grower vs. shower
Some may ask exactly what is meant by these two terms, grower and shower. One way of classifying men is by whether they possess a penis that gets significantly larger when erect than when flaccid. Such a man is known as a grower. On the other end of the spectrum are men whose soft penis tends to be fairly long and which therefore does not grow very much when excited. These men are showers.

This doesn’t mean that a shower necessarily has a longer erect penis than a grower. A man who is, say, only two inches when soft may become six-and-half while erect; another man who is five inches soft may only peak at six inches when hard. Strictly speaking in terms of size when erect, this grower has an advantage over the shower - but the shower can make a bigger first impression, and that can have a psychological benefit both for the owner of the penis and for the partner who is viewing it.

Showing more
As most men know, there are numerous penis enlargement products that claim they can make a huge difference in penis size. But the fact is that genetics determine penis size, and the man who invests in these sort of products is unlikely to achieve the result he desires.

However, there are some tricks that a grower can try that may help him to feel more confident about his manhood’s measurements. These don’t actually promote growth, but they can sometimes help a man to show more of what he already has or to create an illusion of more size that may make him feel more confident. These methods include:

- Losing weight. Sometimes when a man has gained too much weight, small folds of fat hide the base of the penis. By exercising and dieting properly, and shedding those excess pounds, a little more of the penis is made visible to one’s partner.

- Warming up. Any man who has jumped into a frigid lake knows that cold weather shrinks his equipment. Men who want to make their members appear at their most impressive length need to be sure that the setting for display is appropriately warm and inviting.

- Shaving. Many men find that shaving their pubic hair gives the illusion of greater length to the penis.

- De-stressing. Some men get so worried about the size of their manhood that their stress levels shoot way up. That’s not good, as the penis tends to retract when a man experiences excess emotional stress. Relaxing and not worrying about penis size will allow the organ to present itself in all its natural glory.

One other thing for growers to remember: Penis size really is just one part of the sexual mix. Skill, tenderness, abilities to relate, penis health and many other factors all play a big role, so focusing on size alone is not productive. One area where a man can provide self-help is penis health. Regular use of a quality penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) ensures that the penis will look and feel its best - and that makes a man feel better all around. It’s best to select a crème that includes L-arginine, an enzyme that is a big help in creating nitric oxide. This in turn helps keep penis blood vessels healthy and more receptive to the blood flow that is essential to a healthy, functioning organ. The crème should also include vitamin A, the anti-bacterial properties of which fight persistent penis odor - a common problem with many men.

Monday, 9 November 2015

Penis Skin Discoloration: Is Vitiligo the Cause?

Many men have questions concerning penis skin discoloration, mostly those who notice that there is some variation in color across their members, or that their penises are a different color than the rest of their bodies. These cases are not unusual and are generally natural and harmless. But for some men, penis discoloration occurs in the form of vitiligo, a condition that causes patches of skin to lose pigmentation and turn white or lighter than the surrounding skin. Does this affect penis health? What can men do about it? The following information on vitiligo can help men get their bearings.

What is it?
Vitiligo occurs when cells in the body that normally produce skin color, called melanocytes, either stop working properly or die. Some people also experience the lightening effect on their hair and eyeballs, not just the skin. The causes of vitiligo are poorly understood, but the following are believed to be potential sources:

  • Heredity
  • Immune system dysfunction in which it attacks melanocytes
  • Stress
  • Sunburn
  • Exposure to chemicals 
The condition affects individuals differently. Some people have many affected body parts; others may have only one body part or side of the body affected; still others may have the condition on a few nearby parts. Sometimes, the condition progresses rapidly; sometimes it goes on for many years; other times, it stops after a year or two. It’s rare for pigmentation to return.

Is it dangerous?
Yes and no. The white patches cause no physical harm. However, people with vitiligo may be more at risk for sunburn, skin cancer, hearing loss and eye issues. It’s important to keep affected skin protected from the sun. Finally, social and psychological distress may occur as people often feel self-conscious about the effects of the condition.

Is there a cure?
No. There is currently no way to revive melanocytes or make them begin to produce pigment again.

Are there ways to manage it?
Yes, although many of them come with side effects.

A simple at-home management strategy that some people with vitiligo use is a topical self-tanner or makeup to conceal the lightened skin. For men with penis vitiligo, their skin may be too sensitive for this option - not to mention, it might interfere with sexual activities.

Corticosteroid creams can alleviate some of the lightening; however, they tend to make skin thinner over time, and can cause lines to form on the skin.

Immune system medications are sometimes used. These drugs may increase a person’s risk of skin cancer and lymphoma.

Some people are treated with ultraviolet light. Again, for the penis, this may be too harsh, as the treatment can cause dryness and itchiness on less delicate skin.

These are only some of the common treatments used in the management of vitiligo. Men and their doctors should discuss the risks associated with any option before choosing to try it. Also discuss alternative medicine options, including ginko biloba, folic acid and vitamin B-12.

How will it affect a man’s sex life?
One factor determining the answer to this question is a man’s own self-consciousness. If he has anxiety about exposing his penis to a partner, he’s bound to have a more difficult sex life.

Speaking openly about the condition can help partners feel at ease about sex. While there’s no reason for men to feel ashamed or embarrassed about the condition, most people don’t know what it is and potential sex partners are bound to have questions. Approaching these with knowledge and information will help. If a partner has further concerns, he or she can easily access information from reputable sites online.

Optimal skin care
Given the side effects of many vitiligo management options, men may find it best to simply accept their penises as they are. Maintaining good skin condition is important, and whether a man has vitiligo or not, he would do well to invest in skin care, particularly if he has dry skin. And the penis is not immune to this, as many men know. Employing a quality penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) will provide moisture as well as nutrients that support good circulation and nerve health. A better look and feel can be attained with Man1 Man Oil. Remember, healthy skin is what counts, regardless of its color(s).

Sunday, 8 November 2015

Masturbation: Avoid these Problematic Practices

A man won’t get hairy palms or go blind from masturbating; most people know this well by now. Still, the variety of religious and cultural taboos surrounding the practice have had a lasting effect on public consciousness, with many wondering if masturbation poses a risk to penis health, other areas of the body or overall sexual wellbeing.

Generally, masturbation is a perfectly healthy activity, both physically and sexually. Frequent erections and ejaculations can keep the penis strong and functional into old age. Sexually, it helps men learn about their members and get to know what they like. Self-pleasuring also brings the emotional benefit of relieving stress. And, while results of research are mixed, ejaculating often may even help protect prostate health.

However, as with anything under the sun, this generally healthy practice can become detrimental to an individual in a number of cases. The following are masturbation habits that men should look out for and correct if they are in play.

Death grip
Some men love nothing more than squeezing the penis tightly while cranking away; the physical sensation combined with the mental intensity can deliver great pleasure. However, subjecting the delicate manhood skin, blood vessels and nerves to so much pressure on any kind of regular basis can have poor results, such as toughened skin and desensitization.

Men who have a difficult time feeling pleasure and achieving release with a softer grip may need some time to retrain their members to enjoy subtler sensations. Taking a break from masturbation then getting back to it with some new, interesting techniques - such as rubbing the head against a lubed-up palm or trying out a toy - can help.

Public practice
Exhibitionism is a fairly common fantasy, but for some people, it’s more of a fetish - something they feel they need to indulge in order to achieve sexual gratification. This can lead to immoral and illegal public displays.

Men who have a hard time resisting the urge to pleasure themselves in risky public places should seek out the guidance of a sex counselor who can steer them in safer, healthier directions. They may help men learn to indulge their desire for exhibition without subjecting people to an undesired show.

Constant cranking
For some men, masturbation is so enjoyable that they perform the activity every chance they get. Obviously, for the man with a lot of free time, this can be a problem. The skin and nerves need rest, but if they’re not getting those, they can suffer pain and desensitization.

For some men, though, the problem isn’t an excess of free time. Some men avoid certain activities, such as spending time with friends or arriving to work on time, because they can’t resist a solo session or two. This may indicate an addiction to the practice - whenever masturbation interferes with a man’s social, work or relationship life, it is likely a problem. Again, a sex counselor can be helpful in this situation.

Porn addiction
Most men, and many women, enjoy watching porn, and there’s usually nothing wrong with that. However, men who find themselves needing the same type of porn, or rougher and rougher materials, in order to get off may have trained their penises to respond sexually only to this particular type of stimulus. Such a man may be unable to perform with an actual partner.

Sex counselors can guide men in getting used to different and gentler stimuli. Some recommend a hiatus of a month, reintroducing masturbation with less extreme visuals (or perhaps just imagination).

The penis is subjected to many frictions throughout the day and night - from a man’s own hand to a partner’s body to the clothing he wears. Whether he masturbates too roughly or just the right amount, he may find that the skin on his manhood becomes dry and chafed. Using a penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can help to soothe and heal dry skin, as well as fortify the member against frictions to come. Keeping the manhood skin healthy and supple will allow a man to enjoy his member with greater frequency.

Saturday, 7 November 2015

Can Masturbation Relieve a Stuffy Nose?

Masturbation tends to get a bad rap, but it's an activity that the vast majority of men engage in - and enjoy tremendously. In addition to being a great way to pass a boring afternoon, masturbation may also help to relieve the stuffy nose that so many men acquire during the cold and flu season. Paying proper attention to penis care (which may include using masturbation to keep the penis in good working order) may have an impact beyond a guy's mid-section.

Penis-nose connection
How can masturbation help a guy get rid of a stuffy nose? There really doesn't seem to be much of a connection between the penis and the nose - beyond the fact that the nose has a vaguely phallic shape to it. And sometimes both body parts release a thick, gooey liquid.

But beyond that, there seem to be more differences than similarities. A guy rubs one for a good time, but gets little pleasure from rubbing the other. One stays firmly in place; the other swings freely. The nose is always out and about for all to see; the penis is generally more selective about where he makes an appearance.

Yet according to a 2008 paper, there is indeed a connection between these two distinct body parts.

The paper
The paper in question appeared in a 2008 issue of a medical journal called The Journal of Medical Hypotheses. It is entitled "Ejaculation as a potential treatment for nasal congestion in mature males."

The reasoning behind the article is actually kind of simple. As is well known, the male sexual response typically includes the phases of stimulation, erection and ejaculation. In the final phase, ejaculation, the sympathetic nervous system of the body gets kicked into high gear. When that happens, the adrenergic receptors get to working. After ejaculation, these receptors send messages that tell the blood vessels in the penis to constrict. At the same time, this message is sent to other parts of the body - including the nose.

When the nose is suffering from congestion, part of the reason is that the vessels have become inflamed, narrowing the nasal passage. Medications for stuffy noses work to cause constriction to open these passages; the paper theorizes that this same situation occurs after ejaculation.

Not just masturbation
Clearly, masturbation is not the only way for a man to ejaculate. Anything that causes a release of seed, including intercourse, oral sex, or a spontaneous ejaculation from especially exciting visual stimuli, can have the same effect. So a man with a stuffy nose has a whole range of enjoyable options to choose from - theoretically.

However, it seems clear that much of the time, masturbation would be the option most readily at hand, so to speak, for clearing up nasal congestion.

When a man has a stuffy nose, he often has other symptoms - and unfortunately, the hypothesis doesn't extend to positing that masturbation can cure the common cold, alleviate hay fever, banish the flu or decimate an allergy. There also haven't been any controlled studies to validate this hypothesis. Still, it does make good logical sense - and for most men, there wouldn't seem to be a downside to trying to treat that stuffy nose with a little self-gratification.

It's good to remember, though, that as fun as masturbation can be (and as potentially beneficial for a stuffy nose as it may be), sometimes guys get carried away and treat the penis a bit too roughly while giving it a workout. Regular use of a top-notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can help here. By rubbing in a crème with superior moisturizing agents like Shea butter and vitamin E, a man can soothe a sore penis and help repair topical damage that causes pain. And if that handling has caused some loss of sensation, using a crème with acetyl L-carnitine, which protects against peripheral nerve damage, can help bring proper sensitivity back to man's favorite organ.

Friday, 6 November 2015

Healthy Male Organ Inhibitor: Stress

A healthy male organ is something that every man desires. When the manhood is in good shape, a dude just naturally feels better physically - and feels better about himself, mentally. Most guys know about the physical factors that can affect male organ health, but not everyone is aware that less tangible factors, such as stress, can also impact the health of the member. In fact, stress can play a fairly large role in the wellbeing of the manhood.

In today's bustling society, stress is a common occurrence for many men (and women). The following statistics from the American Institute for Stress give an indication of how common and dangerous stress can be in American life:

- 44% of Americans feel more stressed today than five years ago.
- 60% of all illnesses have stress as a possible cause.
- 75% of visits to the doctor are for stress-related reasons.
- The cost of stress-related ailments in the U.S. is estimated at $300 billion annually.
Stress is directly implicated in many physical ailments and conditions. These include cardiac issues, hypertension, eating disorders, sleeping issues and medicine and alcohol abuse.

Stress and the male organ
Not surprisingly, the member is not immune from the effects of stress. There are several ways that stress affects an otherwise healthy male organ. The most commons stress-related issues with the manhood are:

- Member shrinkage. Men who are experiencing high levels of stress frequently find that their member is somewhat smaller than when they are feeling more at ease. Stress has a "cold shower" effect on the manhood; it is by no means permanent, but it can cause embarrassment for men who feel sensitive about the size of their endowment.

- Firmness dysfunction. Even more troubling for many men is the fact that stress often has a negative effect on one’s ability to produce and maintain a firm manhood - or on the hardness of that tumescence when maintained. The reasons for this are fairly simple. When a man feels stressed, certain hormone levels are heightened; when these particular hormones are in the blood, they cause the vessels to narrow. This in turn impedes the ability of blood to flow freely into the male organ, which is necessary for successful firmness function.

- Diminished male hormone. When stress levels go up, male hormone goes down. This can also contribute to firmness issues, as well as having a negative impact on a person's sensual drive.

Stress relief
Managing stress is crucial both for overall health and to maintain a healthy male organ. Complete stress management is an involved process, but the following are some basic tips that can help in reducing stress.

- Determine triggers. Different things set different people off; what may be intensely stressful for one man may be only mildly troubling for another and have absolutely no effect on a third. Identifying causes of stress is the first step in diffusing it.

- Pick out areas of control. Some stress triggers are largely out of one's control; others are such that an individual can make changes. Identifying these and developing strategies to deal with them is important. (For example, if driving through traffic to work causes stress, try to find a different route or see if there are options such as car-pooling or public transportation to consider.)

- Find relaxation systems. Meditation, yoga, tai-chi and massage are among the methods many use to boost relaxation and hinder stress. Finding ways to obtain true relaxation can make a sizable impact on an individual's stress levels.

- Keep a healthy male organ. A man will stress out less if his manhood is kept in overall good health. Daily application of a quality male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) helps maintain that health. Especially beneficial is a crème with L-arginine, which boosts nitric oxide production and thereby keeps male organ blood vessels open for increased blood flow. In addition, the crème must include vitamin D. This vitamin is called the "miracle vitamin" for its role in keeping cell functionality at a high level. Using Man1 Man Oil helps keep the member supple and fit - giving a man one less thing to worry about.