In the field of sex tips, there tends to be a great deal of emphasis on "mechanical" issues that can help to make for a happy penis. Certainly ensuring proper penis health is on the list of such practical sex tips, along with ideas for positions, ability to last longer, foreplay suggestions, etc. But these tips alone focus too much on the bodies involved and not on the venue. Yet it’s true that one of the first steps to obtaining a happy penis is to make sure that one’s home environment is inviting to a partner.
First impressions count
A potential partner who is brought to a man’s home for the first time is going to form some snap judgments as soon as she walks in the door. Those judgments will continue to form as she moves through the rest of the home. Keeping the pad as clean and inviting as possible will make her feel more at ease and more welcome - and that can only work to a guy’s benefit.
With that in mind, here are a few tips to remember:
- Go for hangers. Lots of guys tend to just toss their coat or jacket on the nearest chair or bed - or floor, for that matter. A woman is going to be much more appreciative of having her wrap carefully hung up; it’s an easy way to score a couple of points immediately upon entry.
- Clean is better than tidy (but both together is even better). Many bachelors are not exactly fastidious about their housekeeping. A little untidiness is often expected - but an apartment that is actually dirty is not. Getting rid of dirt and dust, cleaning countertops, making sure the kitchen doesn’t attract uninvited guests and - perhaps above all - keeping the bathroom presentable are all important. And degrees of tidiness matter. Towels hung rather haphazardly in the bathroom are one thing; towels lying on the floor are another. A pair of boxers on the bedroom floor is expected; a pair on the kitchen counter, not so much.
- Put away the porn (and evidence of its recent use). Yes, most women know that men (especially single men) really enjoy pornography - just as many women also do. But that doesn’t mean they necessarily want to be confronted with a magazine exploring top sex positions in detail or to find that the home page on a guy’s laptop is set to his favorite XXX site. By the same token, obviously used tissues should be carefully thrown away, rather than left carelessly on the floor. And the place for a man’s favorite lubricant should be the medicine cabinet or the drawer of the bedside table, not the top of the living room coffee table.
- Keep the refrigerator appropriately stocked. Having a nice bottle of wine properly chilled and some snacks on hand can be a big help. It’s especially good if he has learned in advance what kind of cheese or other foods she particularly enjoys. She’ll be flattered that he took that little extra step.
- Candles can be good. Guys, let’s face it: When living alone (or with other men), our abodes tend to develop some pretty overpowering odors. Airing out the home frequently is a good idea, but go ahead and invest in a few scented candles as well. They help disguise that sweaty smell and present a romantic atmosphere at the same time.
These home-based sex tips can smooth the path to a happy penis - but to make sure it stays happy, a guy needs to be a regular user of a first-rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). A guy wants to keep his manhood supple, so selecting a crème with a pair of potent moisturizers (such as vitamin E and Shea butter) is definitely advised. Don’t stop there, however; make sure the crème also contains L-arginine, an enzyme that aids in nitric oxide production - and this in turns helps keep penile blood vessels receptive to the degree of blood flow leading to a happy penis.
First impressions count
A potential partner who is brought to a man’s home for the first time is going to form some snap judgments as soon as she walks in the door. Those judgments will continue to form as she moves through the rest of the home. Keeping the pad as clean and inviting as possible will make her feel more at ease and more welcome - and that can only work to a guy’s benefit.
With that in mind, here are a few tips to remember:
- Go for hangers. Lots of guys tend to just toss their coat or jacket on the nearest chair or bed - or floor, for that matter. A woman is going to be much more appreciative of having her wrap carefully hung up; it’s an easy way to score a couple of points immediately upon entry.
- Clean is better than tidy (but both together is even better). Many bachelors are not exactly fastidious about their housekeeping. A little untidiness is often expected - but an apartment that is actually dirty is not. Getting rid of dirt and dust, cleaning countertops, making sure the kitchen doesn’t attract uninvited guests and - perhaps above all - keeping the bathroom presentable are all important. And degrees of tidiness matter. Towels hung rather haphazardly in the bathroom are one thing; towels lying on the floor are another. A pair of boxers on the bedroom floor is expected; a pair on the kitchen counter, not so much.
- Put away the porn (and evidence of its recent use). Yes, most women know that men (especially single men) really enjoy pornography - just as many women also do. But that doesn’t mean they necessarily want to be confronted with a magazine exploring top sex positions in detail or to find that the home page on a guy’s laptop is set to his favorite XXX site. By the same token, obviously used tissues should be carefully thrown away, rather than left carelessly on the floor. And the place for a man’s favorite lubricant should be the medicine cabinet or the drawer of the bedside table, not the top of the living room coffee table.
- Keep the refrigerator appropriately stocked. Having a nice bottle of wine properly chilled and some snacks on hand can be a big help. It’s especially good if he has learned in advance what kind of cheese or other foods she particularly enjoys. She’ll be flattered that he took that little extra step.
- Candles can be good. Guys, let’s face it: When living alone (or with other men), our abodes tend to develop some pretty overpowering odors. Airing out the home frequently is a good idea, but go ahead and invest in a few scented candles as well. They help disguise that sweaty smell and present a romantic atmosphere at the same time.
These home-based sex tips can smooth the path to a happy penis - but to make sure it stays happy, a guy needs to be a regular user of a first-rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). A guy wants to keep his manhood supple, so selecting a crème with a pair of potent moisturizers (such as vitamin E and Shea butter) is definitely advised. Don’t stop there, however; make sure the crème also contains L-arginine, an enzyme that aids in nitric oxide production - and this in turns helps keep penile blood vessels receptive to the degree of blood flow leading to a happy penis.
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