Monday, 31 August 2015

The Wrinkled Penis: Smoothing Out the Penis Skin

When the pants come off, every man wants to be sure that the member he is presenting to another person (or several, as the case may be) is seen in the best possible light. Often, even a guy sporting a manhood of impressive size or shape loses points when he reveals a wrinkled penis - one with skin that doesn't appear healthy and youthful. Proper penis care can be a big help in alleviating this problem and ensuring a member makes a good first impression.

Why the wrinkled penis?
Some wrinkling is pretty normal. After all, the penis is a shape-shifting organ, smaller when at rest and larger when erect - in some cases, significantly larger. In order to accommodate that expansion, the skin has to have some give and take to it - and that means that there will inevitably be some "bunching up" of the penis skin when the organ is not at its full erect length.

The common wrinkles of a well-tended penis are one thing; it's a different story when the penis skin is not properly moisturized and cared for. When the skin is unhealthy, the wrinkling takes on a different appearance. This is especially the case when the skin looks cracked and dry; combined with the wrinkles, it gives the member the appearance of being aged - and young men in particular do not appreciate an elderly-looking penis.

Well-used - and looking it
Sometimes men’s habits promote a wrinkled look. Guys enjoy using their penis - and, in fact, it needs to be used to stay in good health. But often men are not as careful with their members as they need to be, especially when masturbating. Too many times a guy will engage in self-gratification without using enough lubrication or will engage in a "marathon" session that depletes any lubrication with which he may have started. Sure, it's a lot of fun. But that rough handling is not good for the skin. Wear and tear of collagen tissue and depletion of the natural oils in the penis skin combine to create a cracked appearance, especially on the glans.

There can be other reasons for the penis skin acquiring a cracked, wrinkly appearance. For example, sometimes men simply don't drink enough fluids and experience a mild form of dehydration. This is not the serious form that causes significant health risks, but a lower level of dehydration in which the skin is not getting the internal moisture it needs to stay healthy. Staying well-hydrated can help.

Ironically, sometimes dryness of the skin comes from being a little too attentive to penis hygiene. It's very important that the penis be washed regularly - but if a soap is used that is too harsh, it can deplete oils from the sensitive penis skin. The same can also occur when using a laundry detergent that is not gentle enough or that contains strong perfumes.

Keeping the wrinkled penis look at bay and maintaining healthy penis skin is an admirable goal. Such a goal can be more easily attained if a man includes a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) in his daily penis care regimen. It's essential that the crème is capable of providing adequate moisturize to replace any water and oils lost during the course of the day. Choosing a crème with a combination of a potent emollient (like Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (like vitamin E) can make a huge difference. It's also essential that the crème contains vitamin C. Loss of collagen tissue is a factor contributing to wrinkled skin, and vitamin C is acclaimed for its role in collagen production. Since the vitamin C is applied topically in crème form, it can better target the penis skin while delivering its benefits. Regular use of a crème like Man1 Man Oil can aid in keeping a penis looking healthy, young and strong.

Erect Penis Pleasure: Vibrators for Couples

Exploring new realms of sexual activities keeps the spice in a relationship, and for the most part, a man with an erect penis is literally up for just about anything. Still, many men are hesitant about using vibrators in sex play, even if they may seem more eagerly adventurous in other areas. Used properly, a vibrator poses no threat to a guy's penis health, and the rewards can be substantial. The following gives some ideas on how couples may incorporate vibrators into their sex play; even initially reluctant males usually find that they enjoy the experience enormously once they take the plunge.

Ladies: Reassure him
To get to that point, a woman may need to reassure her male partner that there's nothing wrong with employing a vibrator in their lovemaking. Sometimes a man feels threatened by a vibrator, especially if it is one that is generally phallic in shape but of a length and/or girth that puts to shame any real member on Earth. A guy may also worry that a woman may enjoy the orgasm brought on by a vibrator more than one brought on by his own manhood. Allaying these fears may be necessary before proceeding.

There also may be hesitancy on his part about using a vibrator on his own body. Although more and more men are opening up to the use of vibrators, there may still be a feeling that this is a "woman's sex toy," not one that a virile male should enjoy. A woman may need to assure her partner that he is still a 100% red-blooded male even if he finds the touch of the vibrator stimulating and pleasurable.

Choose the tool
Nowadays, vibrators come in many different shapes and sizes, including:

- Traditional. The phallus-shaped vibrator has been a mainstay of sexual pleasure for decades. These come in a tremendous array of sizes, from the extremely modest to the eye-poppingly large. Couples can share this option, taking turns using it on each other, or they can employ two to provide simultaneous mutual stimulation. Some couples also enjoy placing one between the two bodies for shared stimulation.

- Egg-shaped. Vibrators in the shape of a large egg are popular with many women. The greater width can provide more expansive stimulation. Many men report that it also covers more of the shaft, providing for some men a greater sensory experience.

- Dual. Several vibrators are designed to be used by both partners at once. In some cases, a thin vibrator rests inside the vagina. The man penetrates and both the penis and the vagina are stimulated by the device. In another model, the vibrator attaches to the erect penis. This makes the organ too large for penetration, but the man rubs his penis against the vaginal area and both partners benefit from the vibrating sensations.

- Finger-based. Very small vibrating pads are attached to two fingers of each partner. The partners stroke and fondle each other's parts, enjoying a milder form of stimulation which many find intensely erotic.

These are not the only options available, but they give an idea of the range. There should be a vibrator that can fit the needs of most any interested couple.

Even hesitant men generally find that their erect penis is totally won over once it has experienced the pleasures of vibrators. Sometimes, as with any kind of sex play, use may bring about a bit of penile soreness - and that’s where the use of a quality penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) comes in. The sore penis can be soothed by the application of a crème that contains a high-end emollient (such as Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E). The manhood also benefits from a crème that includes L-arginine, an enzyme that helps in the production of nitric oxide. Proper blood flow is crucial to penis health, and nitric oxide is a key part of the process that enables blood vessels to relax so that blood can flow more easily. With the penis in proper health, a man is ready for more experiments to enliven his sex life.

Sunday, 30 August 2015

Better Sex: Using Pornography to Enhance the Sexual Experience

Pornography gets a bad rap, and not without some justification. Yet despite problems with it, pornography in many different forms continues to be enjoyed by men (and women). Since frequent ejaculation is a component of penis health, the masturbatory aid can be seen as conducive to a healthy activity. But it’s not just for solo use; pornography is often used as a way to stimulate better sex for a couple.

It's not always visual.
When people think of pornography, X-rated videos and pictures are what tend to come to mind. Yet pornography doesn't have to be relegated strictly to the visual realm. Some couples may find that audio-based porn may be more up their alley.

For example, simply "talking dirty" may stimulate sexual interest in a new way. If a couple tends to use technical terms when referring to their organs or their actions, they may respond positively to getting "down and dirty" with their language during sex.

Role-playing is another option. A couple decides on a sex-based scenario and takes on the guise of characters in that scenario. For example, a man may play a policeman pulling over a woman for speeding. The woman explains the sexual favors she would do to get out of receiving a ticket, and the couple moves forward from there.

Or some couples may simply enjoy having sex while listening to (but not watching) an adult video. The sounds of other couples moaning and groaning may stimulate more than one's audio senses.

But visual can be good.
Of course, "traditional" pornography is also a worthy option. Assuming that both partners are interested in exploring this together, it still helps to discuss a few things in advance:

- Comfort level. Are both partners equally interested, or is one "pushing" the other? There's not necessarily anything wrong with asking about it, but partners need to be sensitive and realize that some people simply may not be receptive.

- Genre. A man may be intensely into a pornographic video in which one guy is serviced by a bevy of beautiful women. His mate may also be into this - but then again, she very well may not. It's a good idea to determine in advance what areas of pornography a couple wants to explore; in general, it's usually best to start with fairly "straightforward" porn.

- Share. Couples should establish that sharing their thoughts about the porn - whether during or after the viewing - is acceptable and can lead to better sex. For example, a woman may want to point out that the position a couple is using onscreen might be a lot of fun, or a man may want to say that the way the actress is stroking the actor's penis is exactly the way he likes to be fondled. It's also okay to continue this conversation when the couple has moved on to engaging in sex themselves. Saying, "Can you enter me the way he did?" or, "Try holding me that way" while in the midst of lovemaking can be valuable.

Experiencing pornography together can lead to better sex for many couples. Of course, a man wants to make sure his penis is in peak condition for the sex that results from this activity, so he needs to regularly apply a top-notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). Making sure the crème include L-arginine is another good idea. L-arginine is involved in the production of nitric oxide, which in turn is essential for keeping penile blood vessels open - an important factor in erectile health. Also key: selecting a crème with acetyl L-carnitine. The penis often becomes de-sensitized due to rough handling. Acetyl L-carnitine is neuroprotective and helps to maintain proper penis sensitivity so that the organ experiences all those pleasurable sensations.

Friday, 28 August 2015

Penis Health and Retrograde Ejaculation

For many men, the release of semen is a source of great pleasure and a sign of robust penis health. Some men also take pride in the amount of fluid which they are able to spurt forth during an orgasm. Yet some men - those who suffer from retrograde ejaculation - are not able to produce an abundance of semen and may feel worried about this situation. Is retrograde ejaculation a penis health issue? And if so, what can a man do to address this condition?

Retrograde ejaculation
Most men are unfamiliar with the term "retrograde ejaculation," although they may have heard of another term for it: dry orgasm. Both these phrases describe a situation in which a man has sex (alone or with a partner or partners) and achieves an orgasm but produces either no semen or only a small amount.

What has happened? Why isn’t the man spurting forth a more abundant amount of seed?

Sometimes the cause is simply frequency of ejaculation. A man may have experienced several ejaculations in a short period of time and has not had a chance to build back up his reserves. But when the cause is retrograde ejaculation, that isn’t the case.

Sidetracked semen
With a retrograde situation, the semen is entering the bladder rather than being released through the urethra. How does it get there? Well, sperm start out in the testicles. They typically travel from there to the prostate, where other fluids are combined to create semen. After that, it’s into the urethra and out in an ejaculation.
When the semen leaves the prostate, the bladder neck muscle closes off so that the semen doesn’t fall into the bladder. With a retrograde condition, however, the muscle doesn’t work right, and so there’s ample room for the semen (or most of it) to get sidetracked into the bladder.

(Don’t worry - it eventually leaves the body, mixed in with urine.)

So what brings about retrograde ejaculation? It’s usually due to one (or more) of three causes:

- Surgery. Sometimes when surgery is performed on the prostate or nearby areas, the bladder neck muscle is compromised and weakened.

- Medications. Some medications may bring this condition about. The most common medications with this potential side effect are those used to treat high blood pressure, mood disorders or prostate issues.

- Nerve impairment. When there is nerve damage, often due to diabetes or multiple sclerosis, the bladder neck muscle may be weakened.

It’s important to note that in most men, retrograde ejaculation does not impede orgasm; they still experience the sexual sensation. However, some men do find that retrograde ejaculation produces a little pain. It also can be an issue for men trying to conceive a child with a partner.

Although retrograde ejaculation does not have a serious effect on the health of the penis itself, many men still wish to have it corrected if possible. If medications are the cause, switching to a different treatment may be the solution. In the case of nerve issues, treatments to resolve those can fix the ejaculatory problem. Sometimes medication may also resolve surgery-related issues.

While physical penis health is not greatly impeded by retrograde ejaculation, a man will want to keep his member in as high a state of health as possible; men with a healthy penis tend to be prouder of their organ and that translates into greater physical enjoyment. Regular use of a first-rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) is an excellent way to maintain the health of any male member, whether it is affected by retrograde ejaculation or not. Men should select a crème that includes natural moisturizers such as Shea butter and vitamin E, as they can ease common penile pain and soreness. In addition, a crème with acetyl L-carnitine is excellent for helping to restore sensation that may have been lost as a result of rough handling. Keeping the manhood primed and healthy makes any man feel better.

Thursday, 27 August 2015

Condoms and Erectile Problems: A Not-So-Solid Link

Many men loathe condoms, but also understand that they are a necessary component of safe sex. And while most men can still have an enjoyable sexual experience with a barrier between their bodies and a partner’s, some find achieving and/or maintaining an erection when using a condom difficult, if not impossible. There are a number of reasons why this might be, and several things men can do about it. Since condoms are imperative to penile health, simply foregoing condoms is almost never the best option. Recent research provides a number of clues concerning what may be behind condom-associated erectile problems.

Might not be the condom
A recent survey of men with condom-associated erectile problems sought to examine whether condoms might really be to blame for their troubles. Researchers took a number of measures from the men, including how correctly they apply condoms, the quality and fit of the products used, their perceptions about condoms and their motivation to use protection. They found a number of correlations with erectile problems both while applying the condom and when engaging in protected intercourse which suggest that, at least for many men, the problem might not be condoms, per se.

Men in the study who reported difficulty staying hard both while applying a condom and when having intercourse also reported a high rate of not feeling that the condom fit "just right." There are different sizes of condoms made to accommodate a range of girths, and different shapes as well. Men should take the time to find the ones they need.

Correct application
The ease with which a person applies a condom correctly likely contributes to maintaining arousal and erection. Many men in the study with condom-associated erectile problems reported low self-efficacy when applying condoms, meaning the act may require more of their attention and be bound up with worry, both things that can cause a deflation in the downstairs region.

It may be no surprise that men who have erectile problems while using condoms reported high levels of worry and distraction around condom use. But men with such problems also reported high rates of erectile problems when not using condoms. Condoms can become a scapegoat, and the concerns around them, a self-fulfilling prophecy. Anxiety about ability to perform is a major turn-off, and men can find themselves trapped in a cycle of erectile problems causing fears causing more erectile problems, etc. Men with general issues staying and getting hard should consult with a medical professional to consider root causes.

Of course, it’s true that sex with a condom feels different, and some men just find it harder to enjoy. There are a couple things men can do, in addition to getting the right-sized condom, to increase pleasure.

First, consider going for thinner (but still reliable) brands. Kimono, for example, is an ultra-thin latex variety that is considered as reliable as thicker brands.

Second, apply a drop of lube to the reservoir tip inside the condom (remember that oil-based lubes can degrade latex, so avoid them when using latex condoms!). This will allow for a much more natural feel.

Another way guys can work toward greater sensations during sex is to use a cream with acetyl L-carnitine, which protects nerves from the damage that can occur from rough handling. A penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) with this ingredient, as well as natural moisturizers like Shea butter and vitamin E, will help keep the skin in good condition, optimizing a man’s ability to sense pleasurable feelings. In addition, taking care of skin health makes the manhood more appealing and inviting of touch, something any man along with his partner are sure to appreciate.

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Sex Tips: Overcome these Common Complaints in the Bedroom

Some people are reluctant to acknowledge when their time between the sheets becomes a bit underwhelming. A satisfying sex life is an important part of an individual’s wellbeing along with the health of a relationship; lackluster sex can take its toll on both, and therefore deserves acknowledgment and attention from both partners. Writing for Huffington Post, couples mediator Debra Mcleod describes eight common sexual complaints she hears from both men and women. If bedroom playtime has become more bust than bang, consider whether these problems might be to blame in the interest of maintaining sexual health.

This is especially common in long-term relationships. It can be a hard topic to broach, because one doesn’t want to cause his or her partner to think that he or she is no longer desirable. So understand first off that this is not the case (necessarily, at least). Partners often fall into a sexual routine of foreplay methods and sex positions/rhythms that can simply grow old. Mixing it up is easy - research new positions; change the pace; throw in a toy.

Electronics in the Bedroom
It goes without saying that checking a text or Facebook notification during sex is a flat-out No-No. But even engaging in these activities regularly in the bedroom when not having sex can intrude upon what could otherwise be intimate time between partners. The importance of connecting through other means than sex, such as snuggling and simply paying attention to one’s partner, shouldn’t be underestimated. Leaving the electronics out of the bedroom may help.

Emotional Strain throughout the Day
A strong physical connection is, for many people, founded on a solid emotional connection. If partners are nasty to one another throughout the day, this is likely to take a toll in the bedroom.

If one partner is all-in and the other simply lies there, this can create a serious rift, leaving the enthusiastic partner feeling that his or her desire and effort are unreciprocated. It’s not fair. A lethargic partner might simply need to have the fact pointed out to him or her, and he or she should be willing to get more invested in the other’s pleasure. If not, maybe that partner isn’t the greatest match.

Not Engaging Mentally
Arousal is part physical, part mental. If all the focus is on physical technique, then partners are likely to be left mentally unstimulated. Learn each other’s fantasies. Throwing in some dirty talk or acting out a scenario from a partner’s mental spank bank can make the brain as well as the loins throb, vastly increasing enjoyment.

Poor Body Image
Feeling bad about one’s body makes enjoyment of sex difficult. Partners can promote a healthy body image in themselves and one another by both taking care of themselves and expressing appreciation for one another.

Sex Drive Difference
If one partner wants it all the time and the other isn’t interested too often, this can create a real problem. It’s important for the more interested partner to de-personalize the matter; it’s not him/her, it’s the partner’s sex drive. However, sex is important in a relationship. Don’t minimize the issue, but don’t attack a partner for having a lower or higher drive. Sometimes a great difference in drives is reason enough to break things off; sometimes, a couple can find a balance that works for them.

If one partner is frequently too exhausted for sex, the other can find ways to take some of his or her work on. Making dinner, doing the dishes, putting kids to bed, etc., can all help the tired partner preserve enough energy for lovemaking.

In addition to identifying problems in the bedroom and learning ways to resolve them, men can take an extra step to boost sexual health. Using a penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) on a daily basis can address common penile issues like dry skin, making the manhood more pleasing to the touch. It can also help heighten and preserve sensation in the member, something every man can benefit from. Taking care of oneself is a great way to boost confidence and show oneself love, which can lead to receiving more love in the sack from one’s partner.

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Safe Sex: Condom Problems and How to Prevent Them

Condom use isn’t something most men get excited about, but it’s imperative to safe sex. That means it’s imperative for a long, healthy and active sex life - and that’s something nearly any man can get enthusiastic about. In the interest of maintaining optimal sexual and penile health, men should take the time to learn about common condom problems and how to prevent them in the future. While condoms are 98% effective at preventing pregnancy when used correctly, a 2012 review of 50 studies shows that a great many people make mistakes when using them. Avoid the following errors.

Not checking for damage
The review found that the vast majority - about 83% of women and 75% of men - reported not checking condoms for damage before using them. Condoms can acquire tears or holes, so they should always be examined pre-use. Yes, this means (in certain cases) turning on the lights and taking pause. It’s worth it.

Not removing air
Over 40% of the participants involved in the studies said that air was not squeezed from the tip of the condom before use. Failure to remove air from the tip increases the likelihood that the tip will pop.

Not leaving room at the tip
Semen needs somewhere to go inside the condom. Between 24% and 46% of respondents across the studies reported not leaving a reservoir at the tip of the condom. That makes the situation ripe for breakage.

Removing it improperly
When a man exits his partner after climaxing, he should hold the condom at the base of his penis to make sure it doesn’t slip off inside the partner. He should also exit quickly after ejaculating, since the condom is prone to leaking as he gets soft. About a third of respondents in the studies reported incorrect removal/withdrawal.

Wrong lube
Oil-based lubricants can degrade the integrity of latex, causing condoms made of the material to break. Only 3-5% of respondents reported this error, but it’s still very important to be aware of.

No lube
A condom is more likely to break if there is inadequate lubrication around it. Up to a quarter of respondents reported jacketing up without lubing up as well. It is true that some partners may produce plenty of natural lubrication, but it’s still a good idea to have a product made for the purpose (and made of the right base) handy in case she starts to dry up.

Rushing in
A 2015 study by Kinsey Institute researchers found that rushing while applying a condom doubled the odds of breakage or slippage and tripled the odds of leakage. It’s understandable why a revved-up couple would want to get to it as soon as possible, but partners should consider making condom application part of sensual play. She can stimulate him by using her hand to roll it down (squeezing the tip of the condom) and then smoothing out the air bubbles along the shaft. It’s safer to take one’s time, and it also helps take some of the pressure off. Rushing isn’t fun or sexy; it’s stressful.

Wearing protection is high up there on the list of things men can do to keep their penises healthy. Men should learn about the other things on that list as well. Regular use of the member promotes erectile function into old age (not to mention, it’s just enjoyable). Washing well with warm water and a mild cleanser (if any soap is used) is also best for it. Finally, men should consider investing in a quality penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) enriched with moisturizers like Shea butter and vitamin E to keep the manhood skin smooth and supple, protecting it from the various frictions of the day and night. Taking care of their skin will help ensure that they can enjoy pleasurable sensations for the long-haul, and it also makes the organ more appealing to potential partners.

Monday, 24 August 2015

Sex Toys: Use them in These Positions for Better Sex

Men sometimes look at the vibrator as competition, but there’s no need. The penis and the vibrator can join forces to make sex even more enjoyable for both partners. One study found that women who use vibrators report higher marks on sexual function measures, such as orgasm, lubrication and desire. Incorporating sex toys into partner sex can bring the activity to new levels. Since sexual health involves an active and enjoyable sex life, it’s always a good idea to think of ways to freshen up the routine.

The following are tips for using a vibrator in various sex positions. Of course, couples should get creative and experiment for themselves, but these are good places to start.

Missionary (him on top)
A vibrator can be placed on a female partner’s clit while the man is on top. This can be a bit tricky, as a large, dildo-sized vibrator may slip off or be too thick to accommodate how close the partners want their bodies to be.

A couple can get around these issues by using a particular type of vibrator. There are vibrating cock rings that men can wear while they have sex with a partner, and the ring will provide stimulation to her vulva and clitoris as well as the man’s penis. Another option is a thin vibrator that can nestle easily between the two partners’ bodies.

Missionary (her on top)
This position makes it a little easier to use a normal vibrator, as the woman’s clit is more exposed. She can sit up, rest a vibrator on his pubic bone and ride, controlling just how much and when she gets her vibrations.

Doggie Style
In this position, it’s easy for either partner to press the vibrator to a woman’s clitoris. She can experiment with propping herself up on her hands or dropping down to her elbows; she can also vary how widely she spreads her legs.

Reverse Cowgirl
Using a vibrator in this position can be a real treat for the man, since the positioning of the toy will allow for vibrations to be delivered to his testicles.

Spread Eagle
This position creates maximum clitoral exposure. Beginning in man-on-top missionary, the man sits on his calves and pulls the woman’s hips up close to him so she’s in a bridge position with one leg on each side of her partner. Her clitoris is right out there in the open for either partner to access with the toy of their choice.
Toys are a great way to spice up a couple’s sex life, and the market has expanded greatly in recent years.

People should explore this new world of sex toys, learning about different designs. Some toys can be worn on the fingertips; some can be controlled by remote; some go inside a woman’s body, while some are specifically designed for the clitoris. Each of these features could appeal to partners in different ways, so doing one’s homework and investing wisely is a good idea.

Some couples will find that the introduction of good vibrations into their sex life increases their desire and, in turn, the frequency with which they get it on. And while that’s certainly not a bad thing, partners should be mindful to care for themselves, working to prevent chafing and soreness that can result from frequent sexual activity. Using plenty of lubricant can help prevent penile and vaginal chafing. Men should also consider using a penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) daily to protect their delicate penile skin. With Shea butter and vitamin E, this crème keeps the skin hydrated and resilient against friction. Taking care of the vagina and penis will ensure that a couple is ready to go for their next romp.

Sunday, 23 August 2015

Penis Injury: 6 Causes to Avoid

The phrase "penis injury" is bound to strike fear in the heart of any man, and for good reason. From pain to impaired sexual function, there’s nothing to be desired about an injury to the member. In the interest of maintaining penile health, beware of the following causes of manhood injury.

Many men on the quest for a larger manhood turn to the enlargement industry for products that promise to fulfill that goal. Along with being ineffective, some of these products are dangerous.

The vacuum pump is one device some men use in pursuit of a longer penis. The device fills the penis with blood, causing erection and sometimes a temporary swell. It does not, however, lead to permanent increased length. While the device is recommended for men with erectile dysfunction who can’t obtain erections without it, pumps shouldn’t be used recreationally. Frequent or prolonged use can actually damage the elastic tissue within the penis that facilitates strong erections.

Friction feels good, and many men forego lube during masturbation. While some men produce ample natural lubrication to make this safe, some guys simply don’t. Dry-rubbing, especially with frequency or with a rough touch, can lead to sore, chafed skin. Over time, the skin can toughen in response to this repeated abuse, becoming less sensitive. No man wants that.

Lathering up
Many guys are concerned about unpleasant penis odor. Some turn to the strongest-smelling antibacterial soaps they can find in an effort to combat that problem. But such soaps are often too harsh for the penis skin. They tend to dry it out, leaving it in poor condition. Cracks in dry skin provide harboring zones for bacteria, fungi and viruses, leaving the penis susceptible to infections.

Hot water
Another thing that dries the skin out is hot water. The penis should be washed with warm water, not hot, in order to keep the skin healthy.

Careless cowgirl
When a woman is riding a man, the two need to be aware that, in this position, it’s easy for the penis to strike the woman’s pelvic bones at an odd angle, causing injury. This injury may result in temporary soreness causing a delay in continued activity or something much more severe, like a penis fracture.

When the penis fractures, one or both of the chambers that hold blood to create erections ruptures. This is a medical emergency, and generally requires surgery. Though it’s a very rare injury, men should know that it’s most likely to happen when she’s on top.

Zipping up
Whether a guy likes going commando or is just throwing on shorts to run to the bathroom, he may experience the dreaded penis-in-zipper scenario at some point. Men with foreskin are more susceptible to this injury, as they have more loose skin when flaccid to get caught in between those metal teeth. Most men end up going to the emergency room to have their skin freed. Wear underwear and zip with caution to prevent this injury.

Keeping the penis healthy isn’t rocket science. It involves avoiding injuries and keeping it in good condition by washing regularly, using it frequently and wearing protection. Another step men can take to promote peak health is using a penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) on a daily basis. A crème with vitamin E and Shea butter will keep the skin moisturized, helping to protect against chafing and soreness. Other ingredients like L-arginine and acetyl L-carnitine do their part to enforce circulatory and nerve health. Adding a crème like Man1 Man Oil into a man’s daily regimen can boost penis health and leave him both looking and feeling better.

Saturday, 22 August 2015

Better Sex Through Simple Exercise

Exercise in and of itself is a worthy pursuit for any man wishing to keep fit, but the fact that some exercises can promote better sex makes fitness even more attractive. While focusing directly on many penis health issues can also play a part in achieving better sex, it’s important to also concentrate on areas of the body beyond the penis itself.

Getting toned makes a man look better and also keeps him in better sexual shape. A man doesn’t have to work toward gaining massive muscles, but simply on taking what he has and shaping it up.

With that in mind, the following exercises are recommended to stay on the path to better sex.

Planks are an excellent exercise for strengthening the core. By focusing on tightening up the stomach, buttocks, lower back and upper legs, a man is helping to stimulate the muscles which are of great use when engaging in the thrusting motion that is at the heart of intercourse.

Plank exercise is fairly simple in design if challenging in execution. A man should stretch out on the floor and bend his forearms so that they rest on the ground, then lift his body up in a straight position. The weight should be fairly evenly divided between the forearms and the toes. Start by holding this position for 5 seconds, resting for 5 and repeating several times. The goal is to eventually hold the position for as long as possible to provide maximum core benefits.

Planks alone won’t get those abs in shape, and the stronger the abs, the stronger the thrusting capability. Crunches have long replaced the old sit-up; as with sit-ups, a man lies on the floor, knees bent, hands behind the head. He then lifts his head, neck, shoulders and upper back - but just until his shoulders leave the floor and he feels a "crunch" in his stomach. It’s good to hold for a few seconds, then return to starting position and repeat.

Upper arm strength is also crucial for improving sexual encounters, especially if one frequently employs the ever-popular missionary position. Men who are not in the best of shape may find that they need to start with half-push-ups, in which one starts from a kneeling position. After building up sufficient strength, a man can then work up to the traditional legs straight out, weight on the toes method.

Squats have a triple benefit: Not only do they work on toning the leg muscles, they are also associated with raising testosterone levels in men as well as with increasing blood flow to the penis. That makes them a win-win-win.

To squat, a man starts standing straight. He bends his knees, getting as low as he can while at the same time raising his arms, keeping them straight until they are perpendicular to the floor. Return to a standing position and repeat.

Bridges give a little workout to the pelvic region to prepare it for its activities during sex. To perform a bridge, a man lies on the floor with his knees bent and his feet shoulder-width apart and flat on the ground. Arms should be flat on the ground beside the body. Using his pelvic muscles, he should lift his midsection off the ground, forming a straight line between his knees and shoulders; hold for a few seconds and lower to the ground. Repeat the exercise.

Please note: As with any exercise routine, a man should take care; finding the right pace and level is important to avoiding injury.

Of course, exercise isn’t the whole picture. A healthy penis is also a key to better sex, and regular use of a first-rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can help in this area. A crème with L-arginine is especially helpful, as it can boost nitric oxide production which can in turn keep penis blood vessels open and receptive to flow. In addition, the crème should contain vitamin C. The topical application of this vitamin on the penis aids in collagen production and penile tissue firmness - and that’s a benefit for any man interested in penis health.

Sex Tips for Tinder: A Few Rules to Follow

The dating app Tinder has become a hot component of the online dating world and has established a reputation as an easy way for a guy to "get lucky." However, there's more to the process than simply logging on, and a few sex tips and rules can make the chances of success more likely. So, assuming one is practicing proper penis care and is ready to introduce that organ to some possible new playmates, here are a few things to consider:

First impressions are important.
A guy needs to stand out right from the first on Tinder. Just sending a message that says "Hey, saw your profile, what's up?" isn't likely to get a response from a woman who has received a few dozen responses. Tailor the message so that it includes some information relevant to her profile and also gives you a little personality. This can take practice, so spend a little time working on that opening greeting.

Avoid intimate selfies (at first).
Guys can't wait to show off their favorite body part and often assume - with some justification - that a woman on Tinder is going to want to know all about the goods as soon as possible. While there are some women who are interested in immediately getting a peek at a guy's penis, most are put off if the first thing that shows up is a close-up of a proudly erect penis. It's usually better to hold off on a penis pic until some sort of "relationship" has been established - and to ask if she's interested in seeing it before sending it.

Avoid penis talk (at first).
Similarly, if a man say "hi" and goes right into a conversation about how huge he is and what incredible states of bliss he can bring any girl to, he is not necessarily taking the quickest route to success. Even if a man is speaking the truth and not exaggerating, most women would like a little more of an introduction first. Tinder is all about flirting, but it pays to establish a rapport first and then feel one's way into the discussions about sex. If a man pays attention to the cues he gets from the potential partner, he can figure out how fast he can go in terms of subject matter and language.

Be the interesting version of yourself.
It's important to be yourself on Tinder, because ultimately that's the person that a potential partner is going to meet. But don't be afraid to be the "interesting" version of yourself. For example, a guy who is fairly shy shouldn't present himself as a man who likes going to a party and slapping people on the back. But he can tell someone, "I don't always share my opinions when I'm in a group but one-on-one I have a lot to say," or "Groups can make me nervous, but I did go whitewater rafting with some strangers recently."

Be prepared.
When a Tinder match does result in a face-to-face meeting, a man should be prepared for the hoped-for sexual encounter. No set of sex tips is complete without mention of appropriate protection, but Tinder men also need to make sure their penis looks good and healthy. That's why using a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) is important. Select a crème that includes a combination of natural moisturizers, such Shea butter and vitamin E, so that the penis skin will have a healthy glow and not be dry and flaky. It also helps if the crème contains L-arginine. This ingredient aids in the production of nitric oxide which in turn helps keep penile blood vessels open. Ensuring the health of the penis is an excellent way to make a good first impression.

Thursday, 20 August 2015

Penis Odor Emergency: Stemming the Stench

Personal hygiene is one of the prime factors that influence a man's sex appeal - and that appeal can be seriously damaged when penis odor is a problem. While a modest amount of aroma can create a musky scent that works to a man's advantage, a sweaty stench is going to detract from a guy's other fine points. Tackling penis odor and keeping it under control is one of the primary advantages of good penis care, so taking appropriate steps is necessary for an optimal outcome.

As stated, a certain amount of scent in the penile area can be a good thing. While society places a great deal of emphasis on the visual aspects of sex appeal, the fact is that all the senses come into play when one person is, consciously or unconsciously, "sizing up" a potential sex partner. The olfactory organ takes note of the general aroma of a person for a first impression, which is why wearing the right cologne - or the right amount of cologne - can be an asset.

When the penis is in good overall health, it emits a slight aroma that most potential partners find enticing. But why should the penis aroma becoming overpowering?

One reason is simply that the penis is prone to overheating. The mound of hair surrounding it insulates it, creating a natural heating situation. It doesn't help matters that the penis is usually kept under not one but two layers of clothing - underwear and trousers - which adds to the heat. Many men wear tight underwear and trousers, to better show off their bodies; this tightness can also make things even hotter. Finally, the blood flow that occurs when the penis becomes erect adds an additional element of heat.

With all this going on, it's no wonder that the penis gets extra hot - and that sweat accumulates rapidly as a result. And when there's sweat, there's bacteria-based odor.

Often, a man may be unaware that his equipment is producing a stench. And most of the time a potential partner does not know this until the man unveils his proud penis - at which point if the odor is suddenly overpowering, it may bring on a quick headache and an embarrassing ejection from the bedroom.

Preventing a penis odor emergency is essential. The following are steps that can help to ensure a more palatable aroma from the penile area.

- Washing. The first and most important step is to make sure that the penis is washed regularly with a mild cleanser. Harsh soaps can damage the sensitive penis skin, so choosing something that is free of unneeded chemicals is advised.

- Clothing. Wearing clothing that is not too hot can make a big difference in terms of odor. Looser clothing is better, as is clothing made of lighter fabrics, such as cotton. On hot days, darker colors should be avoided, as they absorb heat.

- Airing out. When possible, a man should allow his penis to "air out." A man should go naked when in a private situation. If a man has persistent stench, washing his penis and letting it air out for a while before a date may be especially beneficial.

- Crème. Even men who regularly wash their penis may still experience penis odor. Using a top-notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can help to fight that unwanted stench. The most helpful crème is one that contains an ingredient that is known to fight bacteria, such as vitamin A. Applying a crème with vitamin A regularly enables the anti-bacterial properties to take hold and do their job consistently, with good results. It also helps to select a crème with Shea butter and vitamin E. These are two excellent hydrators; regularly washing sometimes removes the oils that keep the penis skin properly moisturized, so adding hydrators into the care equation can keep the skin from looking dry and cracked. A crème such as Man1 Man Oil should be a part of every man's daily penis health regimen.

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Mutual Masturbation: Sharing Solo Pleasure

Masturbation is, without question, a popular activity for both men and women - but mutual masturbation is a much rarer occurrence. Yet sharing one's solo pleasure with another person can be a rewarding experience for both parties. Naturally, male participants will want to make sure that they engage in adequate penis care so that the organ looks good and healthy when displayed in this way. But once any shyness or hesitation about penile appearance is allayed, a man should be ready to plunge head first into the mutual masturbation experience.

Overcoming the taboo
It is undoubtedly true that there is much more openness about masturbation today than in years past. Certainly the subject is discussed more freely. In the past, a man would have been loath to admit that he masturbated, even to his best friend. Today it's a given that men enjoy fondling themselves at least occasionally, and some men are unashamed to admit to their friends that pleasuring themselves is a regular activity. Organized events such as National Masturbation Month help to de-stigmatize a pastime that is enjoyed by almost all.

Nonetheless, there is still a bit of a taboo around the subject of masturbation. This can especially be true when dealing with two people in a sexual relationship. For example, a man and a woman who are regularly coupling may feel awkward discussing the subject of masturbation. If the relationship is one of some duration, it may be increasingly awkward. Many times, a woman may be dismayed to know that the man with whom she is regularly intimate also enjoys masturbating. There can be a feeling that this is somehow "cheating" or that the partner sex is not satisfying enough.

It's natural
In fact, masturbation is part of the menu of sexual activities and a man who masturbates while in a relationship is neither cheating nor expressing dissatisfaction with the pleasure he derives from coupling. Spending some sexual "me time" is a legitimate need, and one that can vary from man to man. One man may masturbate more times in one week than another man does in an entire year.

Getting mutual
Couples who can overcome a reluctance to masturbate together can find that the experience has many rewards, such as:

- Deepening trust. Masturbating in front of another person demonstrates a deep trust in that person. This expression of trust can strengthen an existing bond and make two people feel closer to each other.

- Arousal. By definition, masturbation is an arousing act - but masturbating together with another person increases the arousal quotient considerably. Watching another person engaging in what is considered a very private act can be deeply erotic.

- Education. There is a great deal that one can learn from watching a partner masturbate. One can see how she handles herself and what things she does differently; a man can learn a great deal about what causes pleasurable sensations and can use this information when he is touching her or coupling with her. (And the reverse is also true: She can learn about ways she can enhance the pleasure that she gives to her partner as well.) As a couple progresses, they may move from manually pleasuring themselves to manually pleasuring each other - and that can also be a rather pleasurable educational experience.

Like a bit of everyday solo pleasure, mutual masturbation is more enjoyable for both partners when the penis is in good health. Regular application of a quality penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can help to ensure that health. For a man, masturbation can get a bit overheated, sometimes leading to a man handling himself too roughly or exerting a grip that is too tight in the quest for release. This can lead to de-sensitization, but a crème with neuroprotective acetyl L-carnitine can help repair the peripheral nerve damage that causes loss of sensation. A well-masturbated penis may also be a bit sore; using a crème with Shea butter and vitamin E can help to alleviate the soreness that comes from being over-aggressive with the penis. And asking one's partner to apply the crème can be yet another way of establishing pleasurable tenderness in a relationship.

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Masturbation: Key to a Man’s Health

Many guys wonder if masturbation is healthy. Most have heard mixed reviews given the plethora of cultural and religious orientations toward the practice. As with most things, there’s a right way and a wrong way to go about masturbation; it can be a perfectly healthy habit or a problem depending on how one does it. But there is plenty of reason to believe that it is not only safe, but actually beneficial to a man’s health - both in terms of penis care and overall wellbeing. After learning about some valid concerns around the practice, men should take note of the health benefits masturbation can reap.

The Wrong Way
There is such a thing as too much masturbation - but how much is too much has less to do with a number than with how it affects a man’s social and sex life. If it’s getting in the way of either of these, then it’s too much.

Another problem some men have is reliance on very extreme pornography; this can interfere with their ability to achieve sexual satisfaction - and possibly even erections - with an actual partner.

Finally, there’s the issue of overaggressive handling. If a man has chafed and sore skin on the regular, he may be implementing the dreaded "death grip" during his solo activity, and should develop gentler methods along with using lubricant.

Health Benefits
For most men, masturbation is a healthy practice. Along with flat-out feeling good, self-pleasuring can deliver the following benefits for physical, mental and sexual health:

- It puts a guy in touch with what he likes: By experimenting with different rhythms, grips and areas of stimulation, men can learn a lot about their bodies. This knowledge can come into play while having sex, improving a couple’s sex life.

- It boosts the immune system. After a man ejaculates, the hormone cortisol is released in his body. While high levels of cortisol negatively impact health, a spurt of it here and there helps to bolster the immune system.

- It improves mood. Masturbation not only makes the penis happy, but improves a man’s emotional state as well. That’s because it causes the release of oxytocin and dopamine, two neurochemicals responsible for good feelings.

- It lengthens bedroom performance time. If a man masturbates shortly before a date, he’s more likely to last longer in bed, something many partners desire.

- It may protect the prostate. Research isn’t 100% conclusive, but some researchers think that ejaculation rids carcinogenic substances from the urogenital tract. One study found that men who climaxed more than five times a week were one-third less likely to develop prostate cancer.

- It helps maintain erectile function as a man ages. The pelvic floor muscles play a role in erectile health. As men age, they lose muscle tone, and this may be responsible for erectile dysfunction (as well as incontinence). Frequent ejaculation exercises these muscles, helping to ensure strong erections into old age.
Most men are thrilled to learn that one of the most enjoyable activities out there is also good for their health.

As they should be! But men should be mindful of steps to keep the practice safe and healthy.

First, avoid the super hardcore visuals. Keep things a bit more realistic.

Second, use lubricant. A man’s delicate penile skin needs to be protected from the intense friction unleashed upon it by the hand.

Third, consider applying a penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) every day. A cream with Shea butter and vitamin E provides dual protection against dry skin and soreness, and the inclusion of acetyl L-carnitine helps prevent the type of peripheral nerve damage that can occur from rough, frequent handling of the manhood. Man1 Man Oil also contains vitamin C, which can keep the skin youthful and radiant thanks to its ability to boost collagen production. Such a crème is an important part of keeping the penis in optimal health, not to mention looking its best.

Monday, 17 August 2015

Itchy Penis: Is It Lichen Sclerosus?

Most men experience an itchy penis on occasion, and most of the time there's nothing to it; a simple scratch or two and the transient itch goes away. Sometimes, however, there can be underlying causes to the itchy penis which make the problem linger; one of these causes is lichen sclerosus, a dermatological issue. Identifying and getting treatment for lichen sclerosus help to alleviate itching along with other symptoms and are components of proper penis care.

What is it?
As mentioned, lichen sclerosus is a dermatological condition. It is much more common in women than in men and most often is found in the genital area and around the anus; however, it can spread to other parts of the body.

Lichen sclerosus is classified as a chronic inflammatory skin condition, meaning it can be long-lasting and that it is typically a reaction to an injury or an infection. In fact, doctors do not really know what causes this condition, but they agree that it is not a typical infection. It is not something that is passed on sexually from one partner to another.

Lichen sclerosus is more commonly found in men with a foreskin than in those who have been circumcised. Intact men may experience the condition on the surface of the foreskin or on the head of the penis. When circumcised men contract the condition, it is generally located at the tip of the penis rather than along the length of the shaft.

Because it is inflammatory in nature, the condition usually presents with reddening and swelling of the affected area. Often, the redness is accompanied by cracks, sores or blister-like marks. Over time, the redness may change into white splotches. In some men, a prolonged case results in scarring.

An itchy penis typically results from lichen sclerosus. In addition, the swelling sometimes creates pain when the glans has difficulty being released from the foreskin during an erection. Friction from sexual activity may also cause irritation of the affected area, resulting in a degree of pain. However, many men experience no physical sensations related to the disorder.

Seeing a doctor is strongly advised if a man thinks he may have lichen sclerosus. (There are many other causes of itchiness, redness, etc. of the penis, so getting a proper diagnosis is useful.) A doctor will prescribe an appropriate treatment. Steroid creams are often recommended to help alleviate common symptoms. In some cases, circumcision may be advised.

In addition to the itchiness, lichen sclerosus can be a deterrent to a man's active sex life. As discussed, the presence of inflammation and/or scar tissue can cause some physical discomfort during intercourse or masturbation. Also, the penis physically presents as "unwell" due to the discoloration and swelling. While it is not an infection that would be passed on to a partner, other people may not know this or may not believe this to be the case, and may therefore be hesitant to engage sexually.

An itchy penis is not in itself a big problem, but when lichen sclerosus is the cause, it can be a persistent and annoying one. In addition, the scarring related to this condition can be troublesome. Regular use of a quality penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can help alleviate some of the issues related to these problems. For example, a crème that includes a soothing blend of both a high-end emollient (such as Shea butter) and a natural hydrating agent (such as vitamin E) can provide moisture that decreases the need to itch. These ingredients can also help relieve common soreness related to friction. Scarring can often lead to a loss of sensation in the area, so using a crème with a neuroprotective ingredient such as acetyl L-carnitine is a benefit. This ingredient can help restore lost sensitivity and keep the member properly receptive to sensation.

Sunday, 16 August 2015

Penis Health Maintenance: Learn these STI Facts

An active sex life is an important part of overall wellbeing for most men; a safe sex life is key to physical wellbeing and proper penis health. Unfortunately, many people don’t know all the facts about sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including what is tested for and what symptoms may or may not present. This means many sexually active adults are at risk for contracting and spreading infections. It’s imperative that people learn about STI facts to ensure a safe, healthy sex life.

Who should get tested?
Any man who is sexually active would do well to be tested yearly. Even when condoms are used, there’s a chance, though small, that infections may be transmitted. Risk increases if a man has experienced condom breakage or slippage, and if he has sex with multiple partners. Men who have unprotected sex should definitely be tested at least once a year.

It’s especially important for men with symptoms to get tested. The exact tests he receives will depend on his risk level and any symptoms, to be determined by a medical professional. He may request testing that is not deemed necessary as well.

Men need to know what symptoms indicate infection; just as importantly, they need to realize that, sometimes, no symptoms are present.

When men experience itching within the urethra, burning upon urination and abnormal penile discharge, they may have contracted an STI, although a more mild cause such as yeast infection may also be indicated.

Testing is crucial. The STIs associated with these symptoms are chlamydia (caused by trachomatis bacteria), gonorrhea (caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae bacteria) and trichomoniasis (caused by the Trichomonas vaginalis parasite). Only about 30% of people with trichomoniasis develop symptoms, but non-symptomatic people can pass it on regardless.

Another common symptom of certain infections is the presence of bumps or sores on the penis. Bumps should be diagnosed by a health professional to determine what type they are. Herpes, genital warts, molluscum contagiosum and syphilis (caused by the Treponema pallidum bacteria) may be indicated.
Herpes and warts generally don’t cause major health issues, although they are unpleasant and can be itchy or painful. Molluscum contagiosum is benign, while syphilis can actually kill a person. Early detection and treatment are imperative.

There are many forms of the human papilloma virus (HPV), some of which cause warts, some that cause cervical cancer and others that are benign and have no symptoms. Most people are infected with some form of HPV at some point in their lives, and, usually, their bodies fend off the virus within a couple years.
HIV infection begins with symptoms similar to those of the flu - fever, fatigue and swollen lymph nodes. Others include diarrhea and weight loss.

Chlamydia and gonorrhea can be tested for with a urine sample or a swab inside the urethra. Anal testing should be done if men have received anal sex.

HIV can be tested for via blood test or a swab of the mouth.

No tests for HPV exist for men. If a man is infected with the kind that causes genital warts, a visual diagnosis is conducted.

Syphilis can be tested for with a blood test or, if a sore is present, with a swab of the sore.

Non-symptomatic herpes may be tested for with a blood test. If bumps are present, a swab can be taken. Herpes tests aren’t always conclusive or reliable.

Trichomoniasis may be diagnosed visually or via swab, although the infection is harder to detect in men.
Molluscum contagiosum can be diagnosed visually.

Optimal penis care
The importance of safe sex cannot be overestimated, and regular STI testing is a key component. Remember that not every infection has symptoms, and not everything can be tested for.

Along with using condoms, men can give their penises the best care possible by using a penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). Such a product will not protect against STIs, but it will keep the skin in optimal condition, thanks to natural moisturizers, and encourage healthy blood flow to the penis. A healthy, attractive penis is an important asset for a man’s sex life, so keep the manhood in peak condition; it’ll invite more action.

Thursday, 13 August 2015

Masturbation Location: Places Men Have Pleasured an Excited Penis

The demands that an excited penis make on a man can sometimes be a bit overwhelming. All guys enjoy masturbation, of course, and most of the time they engage in this favored activity in the places one might expect, such as in their bed or in front of their computer. Sometimes, however, an excited penis demands immediate satisfaction, or a dude is simply ready to experience a bit of self-gratification in a new or different location. As long as he is careful and acting appropriately (and not getting so carried away with aggressive stroking that it impacts his penis health), then there are any number of locations in which pleasurable self-stimulation can occur.

Around the house
Many men enjoy masturbating in rooms other than the bedroom, such as the living room (perhaps while viewing some stimulating DVDs) or the kitchen (with paper towels on hand for an easy clean-up). However, the bathroom is high up on the list of preferred locations. Privacy is part and parcel of being in the bathroom, so there's less chance one will be walked in on while masturbating on the toilet. The handy shower also makes the bathroom an attractive option; not only does the pulsing of the water from the showerhead offer some stimulatory variety, but washing up afterward is incredibly simple.

Another popular (perhaps surprisingly so) option for many men is the garage. Some men report simply enjoying the feeling of fondling their penis in a location which has a masculine context attached to it. For others, the reason is more practical: No one else in the family is likely to come to the garage, making it relatively private and safe.

On the grounds
Some men enjoy masturbating close to home but not within the confines of the actual house itself. Many who have been raised on a farm report blissful times spent rubbing their manhood in a barn or in a haystack. An outdoor hot tub is often an ideal location, as one's midsection can be hidden from any prying eyes; in addition, the stimulation provided by the whirlpool jets can add an extra kick to the experience. And if one's yard is fenced in, or one lives far enough away from the neighbors, self-pleasuring in the back yard can be a thrilling option.

Away from home
Naturally, erections can occur anywhere, not just at home. Many an excited penis has been attended to in more "exotic" locations, such as:

- At work. A recent survey indicated that 31% of men have masturbated while at work - and that figure might be lower than the actual percentage. Whether doing so in the relative safety of the men's room or in the more high-risk environment of one's desk, solo-sexual activity in the workplace provides a special excitement.

- In the car. Handling one's own stick shift while driving can be very dangerous - but there’s nothing wrong with pulling over in a discreet location to tug one out.

- Hiking. The fresh air one inhales while hiking in the lonesome pines can be especially stimulating. If no one is around, many a man relieves his penis of tension in the open air.

And the possibilities hardly stop there: swimming in the ocean, in a sauna, lying in a field, sitting in a pornographic movie theatre, secure in an airplane washroom - the list is almost endless.

Joyful masturbation definitely rewards an excited penis, but men who are a bit too vigorous in their enjoyment need to make sure they regularly use a first-rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). Excess friction from rough handling can damage the sensitive penis skin, so using a crème that includes a potent combination of moisturizers (such as Shea butter and vitamin E) is demanded. That rough handling may also result in an undesired loss of sensation in the manhood. Select a crème that includes acetyl L-carnitine, which is an aid in repairing peripheral nerve damage caused by excessive force and the "death grip" that many men employ while masturbating. Fun is fun, but proper care must be a priority!

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Sex Ed for Adults: 6 Misconceptions for Men to Unlearn

Adults may feel embarrassed when they have questions about sex, or when they find out that they have been operating all this time with misconceptions. It’s crucial that such embarrassment doesn’t get in men’s way of pursuing sex education; a lack of knowledge in this area can not only lead to significant penile health problems, but unplanned parenthood as well. Consider the following to better protect oneself and one’s partner.

Nobody Knows Everything
Whether through arrogance or embarrassment, a man may wish to assume that he knows all there is to know about his penis and about sex. This may be the biggest barrier between him and actual knowledge.

The state of sex education in the U.S. is not stellar. Most states don’t even mandate that sex education be part of the curriculum; those that do allow programs to skip discussions of contraception and sex before marriage. If a guy is lucky, he may vaguely recall learning about a bunch of weird-sounding infections and watching his health teacher roll a condom over a banana. Either way, there are likely things a guy never learned or has since forgotten. It’s never too late to get educated.

Common Misconceptions
1) Pulling out will prevent pregnancy. This may or may not be true. Semen released during orgasm contains the most sperm, for sure, but pre-seminal fluid may contain some as well. Plus, relying on the pull-out method is risky simply because a guy might start to leak before he’s fully exited his partner, as ejaculation can happen rather quickly sometimes. Barrier protection is the best way to prevent pregnancy - preferably in conjunction with a second form of birth control.

2) All condoms protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Most do, but lambskin condoms do not. This type is effective in preventing pregnancy, but the material contains pores large enough for certain infections to pass through.

3) There’s always a symptom when an STI is present. It would be very nice if this were true, but it’s simply not. There are several STIs with no noticeable symptoms. Luckily, some are harmless. But even chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis can be present without noticeable, or with barely noticeable, symptoms. And they can be passed on, too. Also consider the fact that most STIs have a period between infection and symptom presentation (when the latter does occur), and that they could be passed along during this period.

4) If tests came back negative, the person is clean. Even more unsettling, perhaps, than the above is the fact that, when one goes in for STI testing, not everything can be tested for! Ask one’s health professional what exactly is being tested for and what is not; ask the same of one’s partner. Understand that there is always a risk when having sex.

5) Lubricant is optional. While it’s true that some partners produce enough lubrication to keep sex comfortable, enjoyable and safe for the most part, even the wettest women out there are bound to run a bit dry now and then, particularly during rough or prolonged sessions. Lube isn’t just about personal preference; it protects delicate penile and vaginal skin from tears that not only hurt but provide harboring grounds for bacteria, viruses and fungi. Ample lubrication is also crucial for preventing condom breakage.

6) Washing and wearing protection are all a man can do for his penis. Actually, there are skin care products for men designed with the manhood in mind. Maintaining healthy skin condition is necessary in order to preserve sensitivity and keep the member attractive over time. Men should seek out a penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) with the skin-friendly ingredients Shea butter, vitamin E and vitamin C for rejuvenating the penis. Using a moisturizer like this daily will protect against the ravages of friction from hands, bodies and clothing, keeping the penis radiant and ready to go.

Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Cybersex: More Options Now than Ever Before

Cybersex is one of the wonders of the modern age for long-distance couples as well as for those who enjoy anonymous sexual encounters. The internet and the proliferation of smartphones have made it possible for disparate people to connect via word, image and video, and the kinky-minded have certainly found sexual ways to make use of these capabilities. For those particularly interested in video chat, there’s great news: There are now sex toys and virtual platforms designed just for this purpose. Since sexual health is imperative for overall wellbeing, it’s important to tap into one’s desires and find safe, engaging ways to fulfill them. For some people, availing themselves of advanced cybersex options will be just the ticket.

Features to Consider
When people are searching for interactive video sex chat options, they should be aware of two important features. One is the type of platform used. Is it secure? Is it made for just two people to access, or is it open to many individuals, as in a social media setting?

Second, what type of toys are involved? Amazing advances in technology have led to the creation of sex toys that are actually interactive, either because they allow one person to control another’s toy with a Bluetooth "remote" function or the toys respond directly to one another’s motions and speeds.

The Kiiroo set for couples contains a "Pearl" dildo for her and an "Onyx" masturbation sleeve for him. The two toys interact with one another via Bluetooth, and the package also contains a video chat platform.

The Onyx contracts to mimic vaginal contractions, and it requires no effort from the man; it contracts in conjunction with the woman’s use of her Pearl, wherever she may be in the world. In this way, long-distance lovers can visibly and physically simulate having sex with one another.

Male-and-female couples can purchase a Kiiroo set at a discounted price of $369.00. The company also offers a package for gay couples, going for $468.00 (the Onyx is pricier than the Pearl). Individual toys can be purchased for a slightly higher price than when purchased as part of a set.

LovePalz Twist
As with Kiiroo, LovePalz Twist is a product line that features him-and-her masturbation toys. Also like Kiiroo, it comes with a virtual platform through which lovers can watch one another. They can also control one another’s toys.

What sets LovePalz apart from Kiiroo is the social media function it incorporates. The LovePalz Club is a place where users can create profiles, connect with other users and have virtual sex sessions with both people they know and total strangers. It’s also nice for those who fear rejection, since one’s "Like" will only be seen by another user if he or she also sends a "Like."

LovePalz Twist is more affordable than the Onyx and Pearl; the women’s Twist goes for $79.00, while the men’s Twist costs $89.00.

When using sex toys, people should make sure to practice proper hygiene and aftercare. Toys should be thoroughly washed with a mild cleanser, dried and stored in a clean place (many come with special storage bags).

Whether using a vibrator or masturbation sleeve, it’s a good idea to use lubricant. This can help prevent friction and tearing of the penile skin and vagina.

Men can take an extra step to protect their skin from chafing, making it all-the-more appealing to the person on the other end of their video chat sessions. Using a penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) with natural moisturizers will leave their skin vibrant, soft and smooth - and while their chat partners can’t actually touch their members, men can bet that they will want to.

Monday, 10 August 2015

Sex Toys for Long-Distance Lovers

Internet access via computer and smartphone have opened up a lot of opportunity for long-distance lovers to maintain intimacy - and that includes sexual intimacy. This is important, since sexual health is crucial both for the well-being of each partner and for nearly any relationship. From sexting to Snapchat to video chatting, partners can enjoy one another’s bodies from afar. While these forms of long-distance intimacy are great, advances in technology are now making it possible for people to more directly pleasure one another, fostering greater connections between spread-out lovers. Anyone with a partner far away should know about the following sex toys.

This his-and-hers toy set is truly a marvel of the modern world. It comes with the Nora - a dildo with a clitoral stimulator for her - and the Max - a masturbation sleeve for him. The toys are controlled via an app, which acts like a remote. The Nora dildo has rotating beads inside it and a vibrating arm for outside, the speeds of which can be controlled; the Max sleeve contains an air pump that contracts to mimic vaginal contractions, and it vibrates as well - speed of contractions and vibration can be controlled.

Partners can control their own toys for solo play, but the true magic of the Lovense set comes from the fact that the toys can interact with one another via the app. That means that, when she cranks up the rotating beads/vibration of her Nora, his Max contracts and vibrates faster, and vice versa. This interactivity of the toys gets long-distance lovers as close to having sex with one another as is likely possible. The set will run from $200-$400, which isn’t anything to sneeze at, but it may be worth it for partners who don’t get to see one another often.

This is not so much a his-and-hers toy, as only one stimulating toy is involved; however, the control it gives the man may make it plenty stimulating for him as well. The Vibease is a wearable clitoral vibrator that fits inside a woman’s panties; she can wear it to bed, around the house or even out and about, depending on how daring she is. The man can activate the vibrator and vary its speed using an app from any location. At any time.

Couples who use a toy like the Vibease need to discuss ground rules - when will she wear it? How important is the element of surprise here? Are there any blocks of time that will be off limits on a particular day? Working these questions out will ensure that the experience is highly pleasurable without coming at an inopportune time. This toy will likely run partners between $90 and $120, depending on whether it’s on sale.

Clone a Willy
Sometimes a woman wants a particular penis inside her, and when the man possessing that penis is far away, nothing else might feel as good. Now, she can get pretty damn close. This cloning kit comes with a molding gel to make a detailed mold of the penis and silicone to fill the mold with. The finished product looks like real skin. There are Clone a Pussy kits as well, but they only clone the outside (vulva) and aren’t designed to have sex with. The kits are fairly cheap, running under $40 each.

Getting these and other sex toys involved in a couple’s playtime can lead to more frequent sensual activity - which means greater need for penile care. The skin of the penis is delicate and prone to chafing with frequent use and rough handling. Just because a lover is far away doesn’t mean a man can slack on keeping his manhood in peak condition. Using a penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) is a great idea, since it packs in natural moisturizers (Shea butter and vitamin E) and even contains the neuroprotective ingredient acetyl L-carnitine, which helps preserve nerve sensitivity in the member. So get some great sex toys, engage with a long-distance lover and take the best care of the penis possible.

Sunday, 9 August 2015

Sex Toys for Him and Her: Thank God for Technology

Technology has made some exciting strides in the realm of sex toys. Toys aren’t just for women; there are plenty of options out there for men as well, and they’ve gone a long way from the "pocket pussy" (not that there’s anything wrong with that old stand-by!). Frequent ejaculation is believed to be a component of good penis health, and masturbation is a great way for a man to get to know his body. Not to mention, it’s one of the more enjoyable activities in the world. Learning about the amazing options out there can help a man expand his masturbatory horizons, and his lady’s, too.

Autoblow 2
As the name suggests, the Autoblow 2 is designed to simulate the feeling of oral sex. It has a sleeve in which the penis is inserted, and two rows of rollers that move up and down the penis via motor power. The sleeve is easy to wash. It is recommended that men use a water-based lube with the toy. The Autoblow 2 runs upwards of $159.00, but for a hands-free solo-based simulated blow job, that’s not likely too steep for many men.

The Lovely is a wearable device for the penis that serves many functions. First, it vibrates, which is a pleasurable experience whether with a partner or on one’s own. But where the real technology comes in is with the Lovely App; the device records data, including thrusting G-force, speed and sex positions, and sends this information to an app that men can use to analyze their performance. Partners can participate in this process as well. Along with vibrating and giving performance information, the app makes suggestions for new positions to try. Finally, it counts how many calories a man burns during his romp.
Lovely’s creators launched an IndieGoGo campaign to fund the product, but the campaign fell short. However, the creators are continuing to gather investors, so men should keep their eyes out for this fun device.

OhMiBod blueMotion
This funky toy allows couples to get frisky in public, adding a whole new level to foreplay. The man uses an Android or iPhone app to control the vibrator from up to 30 feet away, and the toy can be worn by a woman wherever she goes (it comes with a thong that contains a pocket for the vibrator). This opens up some options for couples with a naughty streak - the man can surprise the woman with a pulse here or there while they’re out on the town, or send her on a prolonged journey to orgasm unexpectedly from another room. Discuss boundaries with partners.

These are but a few of the many options out there for playful men, and, with ever-advancing technology, the market can only be expected to grow more innovative and titillating.

As men incorporate new toys into the mix, they may find themselves spending a bit more time than before using their members. It’s important to practice good hygiene and take extra care of the skin to prevent chafing and dryness.

Along with thoroughly washing all sex toys with mild cleanser and using plenty of lube, men may also want to invest in a penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). A crème with Shea butter and vitamin E provides superior moisture to protect skin from the frictions of the day and night, helping keep it soft, smooth and ready for the next romp, be it with a hand, toy or partner. Man1 Man Oil also contains acetyl L-carnitine, which has neuroprotective properties; this is important, as frequent and/or rough handling can lead to a deadening of penile nerves and therefore of pleasure over time. Keep the penis in top form with a penis health crème to ensure that those sex toys stay enjoyable for the long-haul.

Saturday, 8 August 2015

Healthy Penis Future: The Spray-On Condom

Every man (hopefully) knows that using a condom is one good way to help maintain a healthy penis. In addition to being a big aid in terms of birth control, the condom is also helpful in safeguarding penis health by reducing the risk of contracting STIs. Unfortunately, condoms have some drawbacks - and that is why some scientists are investigating the possibility of a spray-on condom.

Any man who has used a condom knows that there are some drawbacks associated with it. First and foremost is probably the time that it can take to apply one.

Suppose a man has found himself, happily but unexpectedly, with a delectable woman in his embrace. Things move quickly as passion builds up. The couple agrees to take things to the ultimate level sexually and both are primed to go. Unfortunately, the man must locate his condom, pull it out from the drawer in which it resides, find a way to tear open the package without tearing open the condom, unroll it enough for application and fit it across his erect member - and all the time that he is engaging in this behavior, he must keep the steamy mood intact. In the heat of the moment, the relatively short amount of time it takes to apply a condom can seem like an eternity.

But there are other drawbacks, of course. Getting a condom with a proper fit - not too tight, not too loose - is important, but can be a challenge. After trial and error, a man finds what fits, but trial and error is not what one wants with a condom.

In addition, some men have latex allergies which require them to use non-latex kinds. These are available but not as easy to find.

The spray-on version
For these and other reasons, scientists are investigating the viability of a condom that can be sprayed on the penis.

The theory goes: A form of latex could be created to go in an aerosol-type can. When a man needs a condom, he simply reaches for the can, sprays it on his erect penis and creates a latex sheath that enables him to engage in protected sex without unwrapping and unrolling a traditional condom.

One of the benefits is very clear: A spray-on condom would be custom fit to the manhood at hand. There would be nothing too loose or too tight, and therefore no worries about it slipping off or constricting blood flow.

Scientists also theorize that this would increase the effectiveness of condom use; most issues with condom effectiveness are related to the manner in which they are used, rather than to problems with the condoms themselves.

But spray-on condoms might have issues of their own. Of greatest concern is the drying time. Can one be created that will dry speedily? Waiting several minutes for this to happen defeats the purpose of it.
There are also questions about how long such a condom would last; can they develop one that is sure to last through a lengthy sexual encounter? Also of concern: How easy will it be for a man to know, at the height of his excitement, that he has covered his entire package without leaving any spots unprotected?

The spray-on condom is still many years in the future, so these questions are sure to be addressed. In the meantime, ensuring a healthy penis means not only using a typical, traditional condom for STI prevention but also regularly applying a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) to attend to everyday penis health concerns. For example, many men sport a manhood that carries a persistent unwanted odor. A crème with vitamin A, which has strong anti-bacterial properties, can help to fight this problem. It also helps to use a crème with alpha lipoic acid, a potent antioxidant that offsets harmful oxidative processes in penis cell metabolism which can give a member an aging, wrinkled look. Keep it healthy, keep it happy.

Friday, 7 August 2015

Masturbation Materials for an Erect Penis

Even if masturbation is an activity in which a man engages only occasionally, he may still want to experiment with methods beyond the bare hand in order to obtain a happy penis during this personal playtime. There’s no doubt that the hand provides great pleasure, but opting for a texture beyond bare skin can be invigorating. Assuming the man in question has been regularly practicing appropriate penis care and therefore is not experiencing a high degree of penis de-sensitization, there are a number of options he might wish to consider beyond the tight grip of his fist.

The old reliable
Often a man decides he wants to try something different after he has already begun stroking with his palm. If he is lying in his bed, the easiest option is to go with something right at hand: the bedsheets. It’s quite simple to just reach over and wrap a portion of the sheet around the erect penis and continue masturbating away. Alternatively, one can turn face down on the bed and buck the hips back and forth, simulating intercourse on top of the sheet. Either method provides an enjoyable change of pace.

The other old reliable
Socks are a popular option for wiping off ejaculate, especially when one masturbates just before going to sleep. But if the sock is properly soft, it can provide masturbatory pleasure when a man wraps it around his tumescent member for some stroking variation. Of course, the sock needs to be clean - and men with athlete’s foot should avoid this method.

One’s underwear
Another fine alternative to bare hand stroking is to use one’s own underwear. Boxers, briefs or boxer briefs - it doesn’t matter. Many men enjoy the sensation of ejaculating in their underwear and many decide to keep wearing it after the masturbation session is over. While this is an option, those who do this should still put on clean underwear soon and should clean the penis as well; otherwise, it may create an unwanted degree of penis odor.

Silk scarves
Few things feel as sensual or as soft as silk. A silk scarf can be a bit expensive for a masturbation tool, but many find the highly erotic sensations it produces well worth the expense. If silk is too pricey, cheaper synthetic materials can be used that also provide a worthwhile experience.

Women’s leggings
The tight leggings that are very popular among women can also be used for a nice change-of-pace masturbation session. Buying a pair for this purpose is more acceptable than using those of one’s girlfriend - unless she knows one is doing this and gives permission.

Women’s panties
Using women’s panties for masturbatory purposes is a popular fetish, but some men enjoy just trying it once or twice. Again, it’s more proper to either buy a pair for this purpose or consult with a girlfriend for permission if one wishes to use hers.

Masturbation is one way to maintain a happy penis; so is making sure it is healthy for those masturbation sessions. To help maintain that health, regular use of a first-class penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) is advisable. Many men who masturbate experience a loss of sensation in the penis, especially if they use a grip that is too tight. This can cause peripheral nerve damage, which "deadens" the feeling in the organ. A crème that includes neuroprotective acetyl L-carnitine is definitely needed to help protect the natural sensitivity of the manhood. Men who are not as careful as they need to be with post-ejaculation clean-up - and even many who do pay close attention to this detail - may find that an unpleasant odor forms on the penis. Persistent penis odor often responds to a crème with vitamin A, which has anti-bacterial properties that fight this problem. Seeing to the proper health of the penis is recommended for all men, and a health crème can help.

Thursday, 6 August 2015

The Bent Penis: Medications That May Cause Peyronie's Disease

Some curvature of the penis is common, but when one has a severely bent penis, it can cause some significant issues for a man. There can be many causes of excessive curvature, and sometimes the medications a man is taking contribute to this condition. In order to ensure proper penis health, men need to know a little about Peyronie’s disease, as excessive curvature is often called.

What is Peyronie’s disease?
As stated above, many men have a small or modest degree of curvature to their penis when it is erect. This is not something to be concerned about. Many women find a degree of curvature quite aesthetically pleasing or exciting. As long as the curvature does not interfere with a man’s sexual pleasure, he usually need not be concerned.

In some cases, however, the bend is so extreme that sexual activity and enjoyment are negatively affected. When the source of this bending is a build-up of plaque or lumps in the penis, it is typically diagnosed as Peyronie’s disease.

Type of curve
Peyronie’s is not associated with a particular type of curve. It may bend up, down, to the left or to the right; the direction does not matter in terms of diagnosis. Sometimes, plaque builds up on both the top and bottom of the penis; in these cases, it may cause the penis to become somewhat shorter than it would otherwise be when erect.

In some instances there is little or no pain associated with Peyronie’s, but in other cases stiffening of the member may cause substantial pain. It is also not uncommon for a man with Peyronie’s to experience some pain or discomfort during sexual activities.

Conversely, some men report that the build-up of plaque actually causes a "deadening" or loss of some sensation in the penis. This often interferes with their sexual pleasure.

There are a number of things which can cause Peyronie’s. Trauma to the penis is a common cause, occurring when the member experiences rough handling or a sharp blow. There is also an association between Peyronie’s and gout, heart disease and diabetes.

Many doctors also believe that some medications and supplements can be contributing factors to this bent penis condition. Among the medications which are considered to be possible contributing factors are:

- Beta blockers. Many people with high blood pressure and/or heart disease are prescribed a class of medicines called beta blockers to help deal with these issues. Beta blockers are associated with fibrotic tissue disorders, which include Peyronie’s disease. If a man is using a beta blocker and suspects that there may be a connection with Peyronie’s in his case, he should discuss alternative medication options with his doctor.

- Anti-seizure drugs. Some drugs used to control seizures, such as phenytoin, are also on the Peyronie’s cause list. Again, discussing possible alternative with a doctor should be considered.

- Interferon. Interferon is often used in treating multiple sclerosis, as well as such conditions as leukemia and hepatitis C.

A severely bent penis, due to Peyronie’s or other causes, can be an issue for many men. If medications are adding to the problem, and others can safely be substituted, this will be a substantial help. However, a man may also want to use a quality penis health crème(health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) to restore and maintain the organ’s health. (Even men without Peyronie’s can benefit substantially from a first-rate crème.) Those crèmes with acetyl L-carnitine are preferred; this is a neuroprotective ingredient which helps with peripheral nerve damage, such as that associated with Peyronie’s. Acetyl L-carnitine can assist in restoring lost sensitivity to the member. Another important ingredient in a crème is alpha lipoic acid, a potent antioxidant. Alpha lipoic acid and acetyl L-carnitine have a synergistic effect, and can offset harmful oxidative damage to penile cells.