Monday, 30 April 2018

Masturbation Month: Handy Tips for Getting Handy

Most guys certainly don’t need a special occasion for masturbation, but for those who do - or who just want a legitimate excuse to up their self-fondling game - May is officially designated as masturbation month. It’s a good time to celebrate getting handy with oneself and for those who are more "above board" about their masturbation, to come clean and make no bones about the fact that masturbation is an important part of their lives. (And, of course, it can play a role in helping maintain penis health by exercising the penis and keeping it in good shape.) But if a guy is going to go all out and celebrate masturbation month with as much self-pleasuring as he can, some handy preparation tips are in order.

- Know the limits. Sure, it can be tremendous fun to abandon oneself and really get into masturbating in a big way. But guys need to know their limits. If they tend to masturbate for a few minutes every once in a while, it’s probably not best to jump in to masturbating for hours on end. If a guy really wants to explore marathon masturbation sessions during May, he should work his way into it, starting slow and building up to longer sessions.

- Be sure to lubricate. It is hard to emphasize this enough. Rubbing oneself raw can be a painful experience - and can keep a guy from masturbating while the red, raw penis recovers. Using a good lubricant and reapplying it as needed is absolutely crucial. Some guys tend to use their saliva when masturbating, but for a long session, something more is likely going to be needed. Take the time to get a good lubricant; the penis deserves it.

- Seek visual assistance. Some guys masturbate using only their own mental facilities to create arousal, and that’s great. But if a guy is thinking about masturbating more often or for longer periods of time, he may need some "outside assistance" in the form of erotic literature, pornographic pictures, adult films, etc.

- Consider others. Celebrating masturbation is a wonderful thing - but it’s important to keep in mind that others may not be as open to the idea. Talking about masturbation is one thing, but providing unwanted pictures or opening the door for the pizza delivery guy while being handy is not acceptable.

- Think about explorations. Masturbation month is a good time to explore new facets of self-stimulation. This may mean exploring different ways of masturbating, incorporating sex toys into masturbation or finding new sexual fantasies, scenarios or visuals to utilize. Some guys may take this opportunity to explore masturbation with another person or persons, online or in a live situation. Stretching boundaries can be very good for a person, but he needs to still practice appropriate caution to prevent any unwanted consequences.

Getting handy with oneself during masturbation month is an opportunity for a man to learn more about his penis and his desires. His journey will be made easier if the penis is already in its best health, something which is easier to accomplish through the daily application of a top drawer penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). It’s very easy, during masturbation month, for a man to get overenthusiastic and end up with a very sore penis. In such cases, a crème with a potent combination of moisturizers, such as Shea butter (a high-end emollient) and vitamin E (a natural hydrator) can provide much-needed relief. Ideally the crème should also include alpha lipoic acid, a powerful antioxidant which helps prevent oxidative stress and damage by tackling unwanted excess free radicals.

Friday, 27 April 2018

Loss of Penis Sensation and Diet: A Connection?

Penis sensation is a crucial factor in a man’s enjoyment of sex, whether with a partner or with his own hand. In general, the more sensation the penis experiences when touched, the more pleasurable the sexual experience is likely to be. (Of course, finding a way to keep the high level of penis sensation from bringing about premature ejaculation can sometimes become a challenge, but that’s a different matter.) Sometimes, unfortunately, men experience an unwanted loss of penis sensation, which may be due to some specific penis health issues. But sometimes a man’s diet may play a role in that diminishment of penis sensation - and so it may be worth consulting with a doctor or nutritionist to see if changing a guy’s diet might be in order.

Diet and penis sensation

So why should there be any connection between a man’s diet and the amount of sensation he has in his penis? There are a few reasons, actually.

Loss of penis sensation can come about due to several causes. Among these are instances in which the nerve endings themselves are damaged or deadened, circulation problems, and blood vessel impairment. Diet can play a role in all of these areas.

Food choices

For example, when nerve endings are damaged, the condition is referred to as neuropathy. When the penis experiences neuropathy, the loss of penis sensation can be significant. Changing the diet to include foods that benefit the nervous system can help. These include foods rich in antioxidants, such as blueberries, dark green vegetables, and fish. Also good are foods rich in potassium - which helps nerves transmit messages more smoothly - and magnesium - which relaxes the nerve system so that messages are transmitted more accurately. Potassium- and magnesium-rich foods include spinach, fresh fruit and beans and peas.

What about circulation problems? Good circulation is important for blood to fully flow into a penis and cause a firmer erection. Penile firmness increases the level of penis sensation. So what is needed are foods that can help to address circulation problems, which are often caused by arteries becoming clogged. Low-fat diets are good for this; place an emphasis on fresh fruits and vegetables. Meats should be lean; avoid fatty meats whenever possible. Those who drink should do so in moderation.

Blood vessel impairment can also result from too much blood sugar. This certainly applies to men with diabetes, but men whose blood sugar is below diabetic level but still high can also experience blood vessel issues which impact penis sensation. Antioxidants can again be helpful here, as can foods that help increase nitric oxide. These include watermelon, beets, green leafy vegetables, fish, garlic and whole grains. Also good: bananas and chicken, which can help provide certain vitamins that are beneficial for blood vessel health.

Diet alone is not the answer to maintaining penis sensation. For example, it helps to maintain an active lifestyle as well; the more fit the entire body is, the better for the penis and for penis sensation.

Also helpful for penis sensation beyond diet maintenance is keeping careful check on overall penis health. One easy way to help keep the health up is to daily apply a top notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Men with penis sensation issues should definitely find a crème that includes L-carnitine. This amino acid has neuroprotective properties, so it can provide a boost in preserving sensation. A crème that also contains L-arginine is valuable, as this ingredient is part of the process by which nitric oxide is made, which helps keep vessels open. Finally, if the crème also contains an antioxidant like alpha lipoic acid, so much the better.

Does Asexuality Impact Penis Health?

For most men, maintaining their penis health is a priority. Even if they may not take all the steps necessary to keep their penis in prime condition, they still make some effort. And although they may do so partially because of the non-sexual functions in which the penis is involved, there’s little doubt that for many men, being sure that the penis is likely to function superbly in sexual situations is a major motivating factor. And that’s a two-way street, because using the penis in a sexual manner helps to maintain penis health. But what about men who fall in the asexuality spectrum? Does their asexuality impact their penis health?


Before getting into that question, it’s important to have an understanding of what asexuality is. It used to be that an asexual was considered a person who didn’t have any sexual or romantic feelings toward any person, of either sex. But nowadays defining asexuality is a little more complicated. offers this definition: "An asexual is someone who does not experience sexual attraction. Unlike celibacy, which people choose, asexuality is an intrinsic part of who we are. Asexuality does not make our lives any worse or any better, we just face a different set of challenges than most sexual people. There is considerable diversity among the asexual community; each asexual person experiences things like relationships, attraction, and arousal somewhat differently."

The point about diversity is key. Some people who are asexual feel no romantic feelings about another person; others may feel romantic feelings but have no desire to act on those feelings in a sexual way.

Similarly, some people who are asexual don’t have a desire for sex of any kind; others may not feel a desire for sex with other people, but they may enjoy having sex with themselves through masturbation.

Penis health

So why is there a question concerning whether male asexuality could impact penis health? Mainly because there is still a great deal of research to be done in the field of asexuality. One of the questions that needs to be considered is whether an asexual man who does not engage in masturbation may in some way be negatively impacting his penis health.

One school of thought would lean toward saying that yes, there is an impact. As most men know, there is a "use it or lose it" aspect to penis health, Meaning, for example, that a man needs to experience some degree of sexual activity (partner-based or with his own hand) in order to keep the penis in good working order. However, that typically means good working sexual order - that the penis will be more likely to perform sexually if it is exercised. If a person is not interested in sex, this would seem to be a moot point.

Of course, it’s probably a good idea for the penis to function "normally" even if sex is not in the game plan; but a person with asexuality does have a normally functioning penis. He still gets erections throughout the day and night. And if he does not masturbate, his penis will still periodically release semen through nocturnal emissions. So this school of thought would believe that asexuality does not have an impact on penis health.

Whether asexuality does have an impact on penis health has not been definitively researched yet. But whatever the definition, most men could benefit from using a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). The best crèmes will contain ingredients that are conducive to maintaining the health of the penis skin, such as moisturizers (like Shea butter and vitamin E) and antioxidants (such as alpha lipoic acid). A crème with vitamin A is also a good idea, as this vitamin has antibacterial properties that can help reduce unwanted and embarrassing penis odor.

Thursday, 26 April 2018

Protecting Penis Skin from the Signs of Aging

As we get older, it’s the most delicate parts of our bodies that first announce the advancing years - on the face, for instance, laugh lines appear next to the eyes and mouth. The back of the hands become looser and sometimes spotted. The neck gets a little looser too, and winds up covered with wrinkles. All this happens where the skin is most delicate and most prone to the signs of aging. But many men are surprised to learn that even the best penis care can’t protect the delicate skin of the penis from all the signs of aging, and that wrinkles, stretch marks and the like can appear on the equipment as the years go by.

Fighting the signs of aging on penis skin

The good news is that with a little proactive attention, a guy might be able to slow the signs of aging and leave his penis skin looking younger than the rest of him. Here’s how.

1) As a guy gains weight over the years, his penis begins to look much smaller. It’s not really smaller, of course - it just looks that way because the fat pad above it begins to cover the penis and surrounding area, thus taking away inches from the look of the manhood. This sign of aging is all too common, as many men have the ‘beer gut’ that leads to this small penis illusion. The best way to fight this common sign of aging is to lose weight, especially around the middle.

2) Changes in testosterone levels as a man gets older can lead to serious signs of aging in the form of erectile dysfunction. Though many men continue to be ready and raring to go into their elder years, many men wind up going the opposite direction and suffering from a variety of problems when trying to get it up. Unfortunately, there is little a man can do about his naturally dropping testosterone levels, but there are medications out there that can help eradicate this particular aging issue.

3) Loss of sensitivity is a big complaint as men get older. It makes sense - over time, the delicate penis skin suffers from a variety of insults, from minor irritations to simple friction of rubbing against underwear to sometimes more serious issues, such as infections. As penis sensation begins to waver, it’s important for a man to step up his penis care regimen, including the use of a good penis health crème. This can help preserve sensation and perhaps bring back a bit of what was lost.

4) Issues with blood flow can lead to signs of aging in the penis as well. How does this work? Because the penis is dependent upon excellent blood flow to get and maintain an erection, a guy who has problems with his cardiovascular system might notice that his erections aren’t as hard, or they don’t last nearly as long as they used to. He might also notice that the penis color has changed a bit, from a vivid and healthy reddish color to more of a pink - still healthy, but definitely a sign that there isn’t as much blood flow. To remedy this, a guy should watch his diet, keep his weight in check, exercise regularly and get to the doctor to check out any problems.

When it comes to the wrinkles, age spots and other skin issues that come along with aging, a man can help keep those at bay with the right penis care products. One must-have product is a specially formulated penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). He should look specifically for a crème that contains vitamin A, which fights against odor, as well as vitamin B5, which is great for keeping skin looking young and healthy. Other vitamins, such as E, D and C, can go a long way toward keeping penis skin as healthy as possible.

Using Ultrasound to Assess Penis Health

Taking steps to maintain good penis health pays off. A healthier penis not only looks better but it is more likely to maintain its function - just as taking care of the body helps it to fulfill its functions more fully. Of course, sometimes even conscientious practitioners of appropriate penis health develop issues that require a doctor’s assistance. Assessing exactly what the issue is or what might be causing it may require a doctor to conduct tests or use equipment. And, although this may be a surprise to many men, sometimes a doctor may need to have an ultrasound scan done on a man’s penis.

What is an ultrasound?

An ultrasound scan, also known as sonography and typically just called an ultrasound, is a medical test that utilizes high frequency sound waves. These sound waves can provide a doctor with a picture of the inside of the body. The technology is kind of similar to that which is used in sonar and radar in military operations.

Although ultrasound is most often associated in the public mind with pregnancy, where it is used to allow a doctor to get a good look at the fetus and how it is developing, it is often used for other purposes. Basically, if a doctor needs a visual of a person’s internal organs (bladder, kidneys, pancreas, thyroid, etc.), he may want to use an ultrasound.

Why ultrasound a penis?

Some men may wonder why a penis might need an ultrasound? Or if the doctor needs a look inside, why doesn’t he just use an x-ray?

In terms of an x-ray, that’s of limited use when it comes to the penis. X-rays are very good for looking at bones, but the penis doesn’t really have bones - so an ultrasound is a better bet.

As to why an ultrasound might be needed, there could be several reasons. A man who is battling erectile dysfunction, for example, might benefit from an ultrasound, as this would enable the doctor to better assess the blood flow in the penis, as well as how that blood flow gets "trapped" for an erection.

Ultrasound may also be useful when a man presents with Peyronie’s disease (an excessively curved penis), as a way of determining the location and extent of plaque build-up, or to examine a man suffering from priapism. It can also detect the presence of penile stones or a fracture and pinpoint the presence of unwanted tissue masses.

Is it safe?

Ultrasounds are considered a safe procedure. There is no radiation involved, as opposed to x-rays and some other procedures.

Frequently for a penile ultrasound, an injection will be given to induce an erection. This may in some cases cause pain or light bruising at the site of the injection.

Using an ultrasound to assess penis health can enable a doctor to better pinpoint problems and devise appropriate treatment strategies.

Of course, maintaining excellent penis health requires more than paying a visit to an ultrasound machine. Men can daily support their penis health by applying a first class penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). There are many crèmes available, so be sure to locate one which contains both L-arginine and L-carnitine. The former is an amino acid which plays role in the creation of nitric oxide. In turn, nitric oxide helps penile blood vessels expand to accommodate increased blood flows. L-carnitine has neuroprotective capabilities, which are valuable for helping maintain an appropriate level of penis sensitivity - something which can easily be lost when the penis is handled too aggressively.

Wednesday, 25 April 2018

An Itchy Penis After Sex: What to Do?

When a man suffers an itchy penis after a sexual encounter, he might wonder if he has contracted some sort of infection from the new partner. However, the answer is usually much simpler: He is simply dealing with an itchy penis because he has very dry penis skin. But how does dry penis skin happen if there was plenty of lubrication going on while he did the deed? That’s one of the most interesting things about penis care that a guy needs to know.

How sex can lead to a dry penis

Guys can get a dry penis in all sorts of ways, such as by using soap instead of specially formulated cleanser, or by simply being a little lax in the area of penis care. But when a man suffers from an itchy, dry penis after a fun encounter with a partner, it might mean that there’s more to the story.

First, men should remember that even if they believe there was plenty of lubrication during the fun times they had in bed, there might not have been. That’s because in the heat of the moment, what would usually hurt a great deal really doesn’t - thanks to all those hormones that are flooding the brain and body, leading to feelings of euphoria instead of pain. It’s only after the encounter is over that a guy realizes, hey, that actually hurts!

How to fix this problem? More foreplay! The more natural lubrication produced by the female body, the better. And if it seems that there’s enough lubrication there but there really isn’t, a guy should make note and next time, go even slower.

Another point about dry penis skin has to do with lubrication. If a couple chooses to use extra lubrication as part of their play, that definitely cuts down on the friction, which is a good thing in most cases. But for some guys, the lubricant they choose has the consequence of drying out their penis skin so badly that the next day they wind up with an itchy penis. The only way to be sure of this not happening is to experiment. If one particular lubricant leaves a guy with intense itching and other dry skin issues, it’s time to switch to a lubricant that uses different ingredients.

And still another point to ponder about a dry penis is the frequency of the sex. Let’s say a couple enjoys a little playtime once a night, or even twice. With adequate lubrication, a guy (and his partner) should be perfectly fine and not deal with dryness, itchiness and the like. But if the couple chooses to go all-out and have sex until they can barely stand, the simple repetition of the friction can be enough to make both of them quite sore, no matter how much lubrication was used.

Easing the itchy penis skin from sexual fun

When a guy has an itchy penis from sexual fun, or he’s suffering from a dry penis that is probably caused by overuse or using the wrong lubricant, there are some penis care options that can make him feel better. Abstinence for a few days is a good bet, as it gives the penis time to heal. Using a powerful moisturizer after getting a lukewarm shower can help, too.

And so can regular application of a good penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). A man should look specifically for a crème that contains Shea butter and vitamin E, both of which can soothe the itchy skin on contact and help alleviate the dryness caused by too much friction, the wrong lubricant, and many other problems that lead to dry skin issues.

Tuesday, 24 April 2018

Does an Erect Penis Like Vitamin D?

There are a variety of factors involved in assessing penis health, such as the condition of the penis skin and the appearance or absence of signs indicating sexually transmitted infections. Another area of interest where penis health is concerned is the state of the erect penis. How often do erections occur, how substantial are they, how long do they remain firm, etc.? When an erect penis is falling short of its goals, men want to find a way to correct this situation, and doctors may suggest a range of options, depending on what they believe to be the cause of the erectile issue. A recently published study points to vitamin D as a possible factor in the health of an erect penis.

The study

Entitled "Vitamin D and Male Sexual Function: A Transversal and Longitudinal Study," the study was conducted in Italy and published in the International Journal of Endocrinology. The scientists took as their starting point a desire to add some clarity to what, if any, effect vitamin D has on sexual health.

As the doctors point out, "erection is a complex phenomenon…many clinical factors are able to impair erectile function…Recent clinical works have suggested that low vitamin D levels may somehow be associated with the occurrence of sexual disturbances, especially erectile dysfunction."

The researchers pored over the medical records of 114 men who had experienced erect penis problems over the past 15 years. Out of these 114 men, they found 41 who had received some form of vitamin D therapy. The therapy involved supplementation of vitamin D, ranging from 50,000 to 100,000 units; some received it weekly, others every two or three weeks and still others every month.

Looking at the whole group of 114 men, they found that those who had higher levels of vitamin D also had higher levels of testosterone and higher scores in terms of erectile function (though they may still have had erect penis issues).

Turning their attention to the subset of men who underwent vitamin D therapy, there was a definite increase in testosterone following the vitamin D supplementation when compared with before. There was also an increase in satisfaction with their erectile function.

Why vitamin D

If vitamin D does indeed improve erect penis health (and more studies are needed to definitively prove this), what might be the reason? Several were suggested, in addition to what appears to be a correlation between vitamin D and testosterone availability. For example, vitamin D helps prevent oxidative stress, which might therefore protect endothelial cells, which could have a positive effect on erections. Low vitamin D also is often associated with cardiovascular issues, which can impact erectile health as well.

There can be many factors which influence a man’s erect penis; sufficient vitamin D is likely to be just one of many things to consider. But men who are experiencing disappointment with their erect penis may want to ask their doctor to look at their vitamin D levels when discussing this issue and see if some supplementation might be in order.

Of course, a vigorous erect penis is not the only concern when assessing penis health, nor is vitamin D the only important component. Maintaining a healthy penis is easier when a man uses a first rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). The best crème will not only contain vitamin D but also alpha lipoic acid. This potent antioxidant is another excellent protector against damaging oxidative stress. Effective crèmes will contain an amino acid known as L-arginine, which helps stimulate production of nitric oxide. This in turn helps keeps penile blood vessels open and ready for increased blood flow.

Healing the Sore Penis After Masturbation Marathons

Most men masturbate. And when they do, they usually have their own unique way of getting the most out of the experience. For some, a quickie is all they need and they are on their way. But for others, a masturbation marathon isn’t out of the question - and in fact, might be the norm. While this can be an interesting way for a guy to test his mettle or enjoy long hours of pleasure on a lonely night, the result can be a very sore penis the next day.

So what’s a guy to do? Nobody wants to give up masturbation marathons, but nobody wants a sore penis, either. The key here is to know how to avoid a sore penis if at all possible - and if it does happen anyway, knowing how to ease the sore penis skin is a sure way to get a guy back in shape in no time.

Preparing for the marathon

As the old wives’ tale says, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. That’s a saying that rings true for almost anything, and that includes masturbation soreness. By taking a few steps before and during his marathon session, a guy can avoid the "cures" that he might be reaching for if he winds up with a sore penis. Here’s what he can do.

1) Load up on lube. Though it can be tempting to try dry masturbation, most men are going to wind up in a world of hurt if they do that as part of an all-day interlude. A guy should start out using lube and continue to do so, reapplying it when it wears away. This might mean using half a bottle or more, but that’s okay. Avoiding a sore penis is worth it!

2) Vary the grip. Some men have their masturbation routine down, and that’s fine for a quickie now and then. But those engaging in a marathon session might want to take their time and explore new worlds, so to speak. Changing up the grip can avoid too much pressure on one area of the penis, which in turn helps a guy maintain good penis sensation all over his equipment.

3) Remember no pain doesn’t mean no damage. When a man is really aroused, he might ignore pain signals - or he might not feel them at all. It’s only in the aftermath that a guy realizes he hurt his delicate penis skin. To compensate for this rush of hormones that cancel out the pain signals, a guy should stop periodically to consider what he’s doing, and whether he needs to change his grip or apply more lube.

What to do about a sore penis

So what if the prevention steps didn’t work? Then it’s time to ease the sore penis. Here’s how a guy can perform a little TLC for his favorite equipment.

1) Take some time off. A guy who is feeling the not-so-sweet fruits of his labor should take some time away from sexual activity while his penis has a chance to heal. A few days of no touching should be enough to let the skin heal and rejuvenate.

2) Maintain good penis care . In the meantime, good penis care is essential. A guy should wash gently in the shower, never scrub, and pat the skin dry when he’s done. He should also take care to watch any irritations or abrasions on the penis, so that he can tell if they are getting worse.

3) Use a penis health crème. The skin will need a little boost in healing, which can be had with a top-notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). He should look specifically for a crème with Shea butter and vitamin E, which provide not only healing, but plenty of hydration to help a guy avoid the dry, sore penis that can result from excessive masturbation.

Monday, 23 April 2018

Small Penis Facts: The Micropenis

There’s no sign that men’s anxieties concerning penis size are slowing down; as a matter of fact, some believe that the near-omnipresence of online porn is only making men feel more and more anxious about whether they have a small penis or not. The evidence suggests that the vast majority of men don’t need to worry; though they may not have equipment that would make a horse jealous, most men have more than enough equipment to satisfy themselves and their partners. As a matter of fact, the actual occurrence of men with a micropenis seems to be definitely rare. Some studies indicate less than 0.5% of men would qualify as a micropenis possessor, and other studies suggest the prevalence is even smaller.

Of course, just what is a micropenis? There’s some debate as to the exact definition, with some believing it is any penis which measures less than 3 inches in length while erect and others opting for 2.5" or 2". So for the purposes of this article, it must be left vague - but it is in any case a smaller than typical penis.

With that in mind, here are a few facts about the small penis referred to as a micropenis.

- A guy with a micropenis may still be a grower rather than a shower . Even though a micropenis is a very small penis when erect, it may be even smaller when flaccid. Also, in some cases it may be bigger in circumference than in length.

- It still works. Though it may be a small penis, it still functions exactly the same as a larger model. The same stimuli create an increase in penile blood flow and retention, leading to a hardening which enables the penis to achieve penetration. Many women report that they still achieve sexual satisfaction even when their partner has a micropenis. And many women have become pregnant from men with a very small penis.

- Urinating can be an issue. If the penis is especially small when soft, it may be difficult to urinate standing up. The penis may not extend far enough out of the flap or it may not reach the urinal or toilet properly.

- Hormones may help. In some cases, especially if the penis is determined to be especially small at an early age, infusions of male hormones may help to increase the length somewhat. This is especially true when the brevity of size is due to a lack of testosterone production while in the womb.

- Kallmann Syndrome may also be to blame. Sometimes a micropenis is the result of a genetic disorder known as Kallmann Syndrome - or indeed of other diseases in the family called hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. Essentially, a person with Kallmann Syndrome is kept from starting or fully finishing puberty. The hypothalamus fails to produce GnRH hormone, which in turn means that the body doesn’t produce adequate amounts of testosterone. In addition to the penis being small, the testicles are also usually much smaller than normal - which in turn affects the production of sperm and semen.

Many men lament the fact that they have a micropenis, but others have learned to accept it and live much more comfortably with it. Use of penis sleeves or sheaths can sometimes help a man with a very small penis feel more comfortable with his sexual encounters.

Whether a man has a micropenis, a small penis or a large penis, he needs to keep it healthy. Regular application of a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can help. Look for a crème that includes among its ingredients vitamin C, a key component of collagen, a tissue in the body that gives skin its tone and elasticity and is vital for penile erections. The crème should also include vitamin B5, or pantothenic acid, which is a vital nutrient required for cell metabolism and the maintenance of healthy tissue.

Sunday, 22 April 2018

Penis Health 101: Spotting a Yeast Infection

When a man is faced with a red, itchy penis, he might think the worst. Is it a really serious infection contracted from sex with a new partner? Is it something that will be resistant to antibiotics? Will treatment be slow and time-consuming? How long before he can get back to a normal sex life? What should he do about penis care in the meantime?

But what most men don’t know is that a yeast infection can cause a plethora of awful symptoms that seem as though they are much more serious. Also known as thrush, yeast infections are often considered a "woman’s problem" but men are certain susceptible to getting them as well. Here’s what a man needs to know about this very common - and fortunately, very treatable - condition.

What is a yeast infection?

A yeast infection is an overgrowth of Candida albicans, a yeast that is present in varying amounts on the skin at all times. Usually the body keeps it in check. But when a person has an overgrowth of it - thanks to a compromised immune system, certain medications or other reasons - the yeast takes over.

The result is truly terrible itching and redness. The itchy penis can become so severe that it keeps a man awake at night and prohibits him from thinking about anything else during the day. Redness, as well as a sense of heat, might also be present. The penis might have a white or yellow discharge and coating that looks somewhat like cottage cheese. The odor of a yeast infection is very distinct and strong, another thing that makes it tough to ignore. Sometimes there might be pain with urination, especially if the infection has invaded the urethra.

How does a guy get a yeast infection?

Yeast infections can come about in a variety of ways. A compromised immune system is a common culprit, as are underlying medical conditions, such as diabetes. Men might also get the infection from their sexual partner, as the yeast infection can be present before symptoms begin, and thus can easily be passed without the knowledge of either participant.

And though it’s unusual, sometimes a man’s diet can be enough to create the overgrowth. This is especially true if he is eating or drinking items that have a great deal of yeast in them, such as lots of beer, breads, crackers or cookies. Cutting yeast-based foods out of the diet can help if a man suffers from recurring yeast infections that don’t have an underlying medical cause.

What can he do about it?

When a man first believes he might have a yeast infection, he should go to the doctor to be sure. The test is simple and easy, and can provide results quickly. He should then embark on a course of treatment - which he might be able to purchase over the counter - and abstain from sexual activity until the infection has cleared. He should also inform any sexual partners so they can be proactive about treating themselves even if they aren’t showing any symptoms.

If a guy has another yeast infection after the first, he can usually recognize the signs and go for over the counter remedies, thus skipping a trip to the doctor. But if he does this, he must take care to keep his penis in great health, and do what it takes to ease the sore and reddened skin. A good way to do this is with a top-notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . He should reach for a crème that contains vitamin A for odor control, vitamin E for softness, and alpha lipoic acid to fight free radicals and ease the signs of aging. For those with serious itching, Shea butter as an ingredient can also help stop the irritation on contact.

Saturday, 21 April 2018

Unusual Penis Rash from Erythema

A rash can occur anywhere on the body. While people find rashes on the arms or face very regrettable, a guy especially is annoyed when he develops a penis rash. Sure, the rash is not seen by as many individuals (unless he’s attending a nudist convention, of course), but the people likely to see it are probably those he really wants to impress. And since a penis rash can sometimes mean that there is a penis health issue present that may preclude sexual gratification, preventing or treating a penis rash is usually of keen importance. For that reason, it pays to know about many different potential causes of penis rash, including one known as erythema multiforme.

Erythema multiforme

Erythema multiforme is classified as a hypersensitivity disorder that presents as eruptions on the skin. These eruptions tend to be red welts, which may be purplish in the center, in some cases giving it the appearance of a "target." They may also form blisters, and ridges around the edges are not uncommon. Itching usually accompanies the welts; some patients also report experiencing a burning sensation.

The welts can appear anywhere on the body, including the penis and surrounding areas. Typically they appear suddenly and without notice, often in large groups. Some versions disappear in a few days; almost all disappear within two to three weeks. It is not unusual for a person to have two or three outbreaks within a year or so.

Erythema multiforme is considered a milder form of another disorder, Stevens-Johnson Syndrome. Men are more likely than women to contract it, and although it can appear at any age, it is more likely to occur in childhood and young adulthood.


So why does a person get erythema multiforme? Doctors wish they knew. The exact cause of this condition is not known. However, it often occurs in conjunction with or shortly after an infection, and is also associated with an outbreak of herpes simplex virus. There also are some medications that seem to forecast erythema in some individuals, including some antibiotics, anticonvulsants and NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).


Erythema multiforme tends to be self-healing, meaning that it will go away on its own if left alone. But a guy with a penis rash, especially an itchy or burning one, may not want to wait for a couple of weeks to get some relief.

Finding the trigger is usually the first step. If it seems to be in reaction to a medication the man is taking, he and his doctor should determine an alternative that can be used. Often, using antihistamines can help to relieve itching and burning. If the welts are oozing or over-sensitive, applying a moist compress to them can be helpful. If a determination is made that the erythema is actually a more severe form, such as Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, further treatment may be called for.

It also helps to limit physical irritation of the penis rash. Wearing loose boxers rather than tight briefs may be useful. When possible, wearing no clothes may also further limit irritation and speed recovery.

Erythema multiforme can create a nasty penis rash, but it’s not the only cause of penis skin issues. Strengthening the penis skin by regularly utilizing a top flight penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can help prevent other rash situations. Take care when selecting a crème and definitely choose one that features both a high-end emollient (such as Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E) to provide ample moisturization opportunities. The best crème will also include a powerful antioxidant, ideally alpha lipoic acid. This antioxidant helps fight excess free radicals and thereby limits damage due to unwanted oxidative stress.

Friday, 20 April 2018

Sex and Pregnancy: Understanding Penis Health

When a man chooses to father a child, he’s likely quite ready for the joys of having a little one around the house. But he might not be so keen on what those nine months of pregnancy (and many months of recovery beyond) will do to his sex life. Though most men have the good sense not to mention this worry to their blossoming partners, it’s definitely something that bothers many. Since a guy knows that good penis health requires giving their member exercise on a regular basis, he might wonder how to do that appropriately - and not hurt their partner or put the pregnancy at risk in the meantime.

The good news is that there are many ways around the pregnancy issue when it comes to sex, including ways that a man can ensure his good penis health during those nine months and beyond. Here’s how.

1) Be sensitive to positions. Though many women are more than happy to get it on during pregnancy, some positions might be off limits for the duration. That’s because a guy who reaches too far into the vaginal canal can lead to pain for the woman, something that nobody wants. Some positions that work well for pain free sex include doggy, with no pressure placed on her abdomen, or side-by-side.

2) Expect a few months of "off limits. " There might be some occasions when it seems physically fine to have sex, but the woman is feeling - to put it mildly - like death warmed over. She’s throwing up or feeling nauseas, she has a headache, she’s dealing with inexplicable back pain, and she’s otherwise just not in the best of moods. This often happens during those first months of pregnancy. Be patient and never push the issue.

3) Be careful near the end. Some men find their partners completely irresistible during those final months of pregnancy and they want to have sex as often as possible. However, there are two things to keep in mind: First, her growing bulk might make some positions impossible or might mean that sex hurts, so takes all cues from her. Second, for some women, sex near the end of pregnancy might trigger labor before it’s time. That’s something a doctor will determine, and if he or she says to avoid sex, heed that advice!

4) Watch out for yeast infections. Pregnancy changes a woman’s body in almost every way imaginable, including the environment of her vagina. She might experience significant dryness, or might go the other way and have excess moisture. The hormone changes can also make it more likely for her to suffer yeast infections, which can easily be passed on to a man through intercourse.

5) Study the penis skin carefully. This tip isn’t for the man’s sake as much as it is for hers. If a guy has issues with his penis skin, such as warts, bumps or redness, it is a good idea to abstain from sexual activity until a doctor clears him for it. This is to protect the woman and unborn child from complications that might arise from passing along infections of any kind.

6) It’s okay to not get any. For some, sex is off limits throughout the duration of the pregnancy. Don’t get upset if this happens; remember that it’s only for a short period of time and the reward at the end is one of the best things that a man can ever experience. In the meantime, he can take things into his own hands in the shower or other private area, and thus keep his penis health up to par during his period of abstinence.

No matter the situation, a man should reach for a specially formulated penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) to ensure his member stays in good health. A blend of powerful vitamins and nutrients can be just the ticket to keeping good penis health and being ready to rock when the pregnancy is over.

Thursday, 19 April 2018

Jock Itch: Sensible Prevention Tips

Although scratching the crotch is perfectly acceptable when knocking back a few brews in a man cave with the guys, it’s not something that wins a fellow a lot of points when giving a business presentation or when out on a date. Yet there are times when the urge to itch is so strong that there’s little a guy can do but give a surreptitious little scratch and hope no one notices. This is especially true when a dude has come down with a bad case of dreaded jock itch and feels like all he wants to do is put his hands down his pants and scratch away for a couple of hours. Since jock itch is such a nuisance, it’s wise to practice prevention strategies for avoiding it. The following may help.

- Don’t share towels with a bud . Whether at the gym or at home, it’s important to use a clean towel when drying off from the shower. Jock itch is a fungus spread through direct contact - meaning it’s not airborne. A man has to come into physical contact with it. Using a towel that another guy has used means one person might pass the fungus to the other. This is especially important at the gym. Often, guys hang their towels on a row of hooks while they shower - and it’s easy to forget whose towel is whose, so pay attention when hanging up that towel.

- Don’t share underwear either. Seriously, going commando is usually a better option than borrowing some briefs from a bro. It’s just too personal. Besides, he may claim that he’s washed his underwear in hot soapy water - but a lot of guys fudge the truth when it comes to how much laundry they do. Wearing boxers that have been clinging to a crotch with jock itch is a disaster waiting to happen.

- Use a towel in the sauna. Hanging out naked in the sauna or steam room after a good workout really helps relax the muscles. But other guys have been sitting there naked too, and if any of them had jock itch…well, need we say more? Bringing a towel to spread out and sit on is excellent prevention.

- Wear a condom. Jock itch often starts from sleeping with a woman who has a yeast infection. Wearing a condom is one of the most important prevention strategies in such cases.

- Beware of athlete’s foot. The fungus that causes jock itch is the same as that behind athlete’s foot - so if a guy has athlete’s foot, he needs to avoid touching his feet and then touching his penis.

- Give the penis an airing. Jock itch thrives in warm, moist conditions, so it benefits a guy to let his penis have fresh air regularly. Sleeping in the buff is an easy way to do this, or just walking around the house naked for an hour or two on a regular basis.

- Stay loose. Tight fitting clothing may accentuate a guy’s physique, but if the pants and underwear are too tight, it makes more heat and moisture, which encourages jock itch. Go for boxers rather than briefs and trousers that don’t cling directly to the crotch.

- Shower and dry . Shower frequently to keep the skin clean - and dry it thoroughly.

Taking prevention tips to heart can decrease the odds of getting jock itch, but sometimes the yeasty beast comes for a visit anyway. The penis will better meet this danger if it’s in its best health; daily use of a top drawer penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can help maintain that health. For best results, make sure the crème contains a wide range of vitamins, including the all-important A, B5, C, D and E. In addition, the crème needs to feature L-carnitine, an amino acid with valuable neuroprotective properties that help ensure continued sensitivity in the penis.

3 Simple Tests for Adequate Penis Sensation

There are many articles out there about penis sensation, but few of them answer the fundamental question: Just what is really good penis sensation? After all, a guy only knows what he feels - he has no idea what his best friend or neighbor feels when it comes to penis sensitivity. Given that, how can he know if he has adequate penis sensation in the first place?

Of course, a man can usually tell when his penis sensation begins to decrease from what it was in the beginning. He might find that he doesn’t respond as quickly to touches, takes longer to reach a climax and finds that he has to go further to get the same response from masturbation or coupling as he did before.

The good news is that there are some benchmarks a man can take into account to determine whether his penis sensitivity is where it should be - as well as help him decide whether he has lost a bit of sensation along the way. This is best done with a partner, if possible. Here’s how.

1) Start in a standing or sitting position. With eyes closed and penis erect, a guy should run his fingertips over the penis, starting at the base and working his way to the tip. He should take note of any spots where the touch seems a bit "less" or doesn’t give him the same "zing" as other spots do. If a certain spot feels numb or has very little sensation, note that as well.

2) Now do the same thing, but with a small ice cube. The idea is to determine which areas of the penis respond best to temperature changes. If there is an area that is far too sensitive for the ice, that’s just fine! The idea is to look for places where the ice isn’t a bother, or where the skin doesn’t seem to register just how cold the sensation really is. Make note of any places that feel this way.

3) Finally, let the penis warm up a bit and do the same test with a soft feather. Note any areas where the touch of the feather isn’t felt, or where it doesn’t seem to be as strong as in other places.

Obviously, there will be some places where the sensation is a bit less; for instance, it’s perfectly normal for penis sensation at the base of the shaft to be much less than the sensitivity at the tip of the penis. But when a man notices areas that don’t give him any pleasure at all, or where he can’t feel the touch of his hand, ice cube or feather, those indicate that penis sensation might be lacking.

How to improve penis sensation

So what does this all mean? It might simply mean that the penis has had some rough handling and needs a few weeks to recover. Many men will find that giving it a little time will help the nerves recover and restore penis sensation.

But if that’s not the case, it’s time to visit the doctor and look for the underlying causes. These might include circulatory problems (especially if a man is overweight), neurological issues that affect the nerves of the penis, or simple thickening of the skin caused by too much friction - such as callouses that appear on hands and feet over time. The doctor can recommend ways to counter all these issues.

To help ensure the best penis function possible, a guy should always do what he can to keep the penis healthy. To that end, he should reach for a daily penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . A crème that contains L-carnitine is especially helpful, as this powerful amino acid is proven to help preserve the delicate nerve endings that make an erect penis so enjoyable.

Wednesday, 18 April 2018

What Every Guy Should Know About Penis Warts

When a man sees anything that comes close to resembling a wart on his penis, he might freak right out - and for good reason. Anything that mars the equipment not only has the opportunity to put a damper on his sex life, but the idea of genital warts can really make a man wonder where he got them, what it might mean for his future, and much more. It’s important to understand this rather common penis problem and how to handle the issue of penis warts if they do show up.

How common are penis warts?

Though penis warts might seem like a terrifying ordeal, they are actually quite common. Skin warts are caused by HPV, an extremely common virus that most people will be exposed to in their lifetime. In fact, there are over 70 strains of HPV, and though most of them show up with no symptoms at all, some of them do lead to penis warts.

The good news is that penis warts caused by HPV are not a life sentence. In most cases, the immune system fights back and gets rid of the warts within two years of their first appearance. However, the idea of living with warts on the penis for two years can be enough to make a man look for treatment alternatives.

How to treat penis warts

As with most penis problems, the best way to treat penis warts is to visit the doctor. Once there, a few treatments might be recommended:

1) Prescription creams. Many men will opt for prescription creams, which can lessen the appearance of warts while it helps to shrink them. It will still take a while for them to disappear, but the time a man must live with them can be shortened considerably.

2) Cryotherapy. Men who have dealt with other types of warts, such as those that commonly appear on the hands or feet, will be familiar with this treatment. It involves the use of liquid nitrogen to "freeze" the wart, thus killing it. The wart will then fall off within a short period of time.

3) Electric cauterization. In this treatment, a man is given a local anesthetic to numb any pain, then an electrical current is applied to the area of the wart. The result is killing the wart and just as with the liquid nitrogen, the problem should clear up rather quickly.

4) Watch and wait. Though most men will not like to hear this as an option, many doctors will choose the "watch and wait" policy when it comes to penis warts. This is especially indicated if a man has other problems that might mean he shouldn’t undergo treatments, such as an underlying medical condition that might make the treatments dangerous for him. In this case, a man will want to do everything he can to boost his immune system in the hopes that it will take over and eradicate the warts sooner rather than later.

When a man has penis warts, it’s best to avoid sexual contact with anyone. This is because even if a man uses a condom, the HPV in his body can be alive and well on the skin elsewhere in the genital area, and that means he can pass the problem on to a partner even if they practice safer sex. HPV vaccinations might be helpful in lowering a man’s risk of contracting HPV again. And if a man does choose treatments rather than "watch and wait" methods, he will want to avoid sexual activity during the time it takes the body to heal.

No matter the penis problems a man might face, it pays to keep the penis in excellent health so it can better fight off penis warts and other issues. This can be helped along with a powerful penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . In addition to a wealth of vitamins and nutrients, a guy can also look for a crème that contains alpha lipoic acid, which helps fight excess free radicals that can lead to premature aging of the skin.

Tuesday, 17 April 2018

Cholesterol and the Erect Penis

A healthy body is a wonderful thing for a man to have; few things are as precious as good health. It’s also worth noting that a man’s overall health can also have an impact specifically on his penis health. Since men take great pride in penis health and the impressive erect penis that benefits from that health, guys should also spend time thinking about how things that affect their overall health may also sneak up and attack that erect penis. And what might be able to do such a thing? Well, one thing could be cholesterol.

About cholesterol

Cholesterol is a waxy substance that is naturally made in the liver. There’s a "good" kind of cholesterol, usually called HDL, and a "bad" kind, known as LDL. HDL goes around and helps remove LDL, so having high levels of HDL is a good thing; but a high level of LDL is bad.

When there’s a lot of LDL, it causes plaque to build up in the arteries. This excess plaque "narrows" the arteries, so that blood has a harder time flowing through them. (This is called atherosclerosis.) Sometimes it can result in heart attack or stroke. This is why it is so vital that men keep their cholesterol levels under control.

As mentioned, cholesterol is made naturally in the liver. But diet affects the ultimate amount of cholesterol in the body and usually is the reason why cholesterol levels get out of hand.

Erect penis issue

The fact that high cholesterol can affect the coronary arteries and lead to serious cardiac issues is the main reason to be concerned about cholesterol. But it can affect other arteries as well - including those that involve the penis and surrounding areas.

When plaque builds up in the penile arteries, it impedes the flow of blood - which is crucial for a properly functioning penis, especially in terms of attaining and maintaining an erection. In addition, cholesterol is thought to impede production of nitric oxide, which is used to help keep blood vessels open. So bad cholesterol not only helps narrow arteries, it also decreases one of the elements which can help open them up - a double whammy for an erect penis!

In addition, some scientists believe that cholesterol affects production of testosterone. This male hormone is a key component in maintaining sex drive, so too much cholesterol may mean too little testosterone which in turn may mean a diminished sex drive.

What to do

Keeping bad cholesterol at bay is crucial for a guy’s health. There are several things a man can do if he wants to lower his cholesterol (after checking with his doctor to get approval).

- Maintain a low fat diet. Eat more vegetables, fruits, beans, whole grains and lean proteins. Avoid saturated fats and junk foods.

- Exercise. Bering physically active and keeping the body in better physical shape will also help keep cholesterol levels lower.

- Take medication . If the doctor recommends it, there are several mediations available which can help keep cholesterol levels in check.

Keeping cholesterol at an appropriate level will decrease the chances of an erect penis issue due to cholesterol. It also helps to maintain overall penis health, which means a man’s daily regimen should include application of a first class penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . Look for a crème that include vitamin B5. Why? Because B5 is also known as pantothenic acid, and pantothenic acid is thought to help fight against LDL cholesterol. In addition, the crème should include L-arginine. This is an amino acid which plays a role in boosting nitric oxide - and since cholesterol can dampen nitric oxide production (which opens penile blood vessels), this can be a plus.

Can BPAs Damage a Healthy Penis?

Practicing regular penis care is one habit from which every man can benefit. After all, maintaining a healthy penis is a prerequisite for having a happy (and active) penis. In addition to taking typical steps like washing regularly and giving it plenty of exercise, guys need to look into other issues which could adversely affect their manhood. One which has arisen in recent years, surprisingly, is the effect BPAs can have on a healthy penis.

About BPAs

BPA is short for bisphenol A, an industrial chemical that has been used for years in the manufacture of some plastics. Many of these plastics are used with foods and beverages. For example, many water bottles are made of plastics that contain BPAs, as are a lot of plastic take-out food containers and some canned food containers.

BPAs came into the news when it was discovered that using products with BPAs in a microwave - as often happens when a person re-heats their leftover take-out food - may cause the BPAs to leach out of the plastic and into the food. Some studies indicate that this leakage can also occur even when these products are not exposed to significant amounts of heat.

In general, the FDA believes that the amount of BPAs that leaks into bottles or containers over normal usage is small enough to be safe; however, there is concern about the amount that might come from heating these products. In addition, there is some concern that even small amounts might be damaging to young children or fetuses.

The healthy penis issue

So how does all this affect the penis? Again, the jury is still out, but there are some areas of possible concern.

Most prominently, many scientists believe that exposure to PBAs could result in decreased fertility in men. The general rate of male fertility has been declining for several decades, and the reasons for this are still unclear. However, one theory is that chemicals which affect the endocrine gland may be playing a role - and BPAs fit that bill. BPAs can impact the endocrine glands, and in doing so it creates a product which is kind of a copy of estrogen.

In a study involving rats, part of the group was exposed to BPAs and part was not. Male rats in the exposed group had a significantly lower sperm count than those in the group which was not exposed to BPAs. And a study involving men found that those with high BPAs had 23% lower sperm counts.

A 2009 study also found that BPA exposure could result in a reduced sex drive and a much greater likelihood of erectile dysfunction. However, it’s important to note that the men in this study all worked at plants that manufactured products with BPAs; they therefore were exposed to much higher concentrations of BPAs than the normal male would be.

While more studies are needed, it seems likely that long term exposure to BPAs could present a risk to a man’s healthy penis. Limiting that exposure by using containers that are not made of plastic, or that are labeled "BPA free" if they are made of plastic, can be a big help, as can avoiding plastic containers for the purposes of reheating food.

Avoiding BPAs isn’t all that a man must do to maintain a healthy penis. Regularly applying a top rank penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) should also be a part of his care regimen. For best results, he should select a crème that includes vitamins A, B5, C, D and E; applying these vitamins via a topical crème can more directly target their benefits to the penis. The crème should also include alpha lipoic acid, a powerful antioxidant that can reduce the risk of oxidative stress by destroying excess free radicals.

Monday, 16 April 2018

Masturbation Control: Fighting the Urge

While most men like to think that they are master of their domain, the fact is that being able to control the urge for masturbation can be challenging for many. Of course, there’s usually no physical reason for needing to control the rate of masturbation; studies indicate that masturbation is even healthy for a guy. But most guys go through some period when they think they’d like to control the urge for a while - a few weeks, a few days - sometimes even a few hours. They may do so because they’re saving up semen for making a baby or because they’re raw and tender or because they need to spend more time on that big project for work. Whatever the reason, they may find it can be surprisingly hard to keep the hands out of the danger zone.

So for those guys who are planning a vacation from self-elation for a while, the following tips may come in handy (or non-handy, as the case may be).

- Avoid the porn. Okay, so this seems like a basic no-brainer. Staring at pictures of beautiful naked people engaging in sexual frenzies is hardly the best way to pull back the masturbation game. Dump any porn which is hanging around the house and avoid the temptation to just "take a quick peek" at any new videos that have been added to a favorite porn site.

- Know the triggers. Every person has different triggers. A guy should take a few moments to figure out his personal masturbation triggers before trying to control his self-fondling. Avoiding porn is a common one, but what others are unique to a specific man? Do certain fragrances cause an arousal? Does talking to a vivacious redhead at work make a guy feel like a quick session in the men’s room? Make a list - and take steps to keep the triggers at bay.

- Sleep later . A lot of guys wake up with morning wood and decide they’ve got just enough time to take matters in their own hand. To avoid this temptation, set the alarm clock for ten or twenty minutes later so that rushing is necessary to avoid being late.

- Take cold showers. Not only does this help to dampen the self-sex drive, but it encourages a guy to get out of the shower quickly, rather than luxuriating in it and finding time to masturbate.

- Keep busy. Often masturbation comes about due to boredom - so fill the week with plenty of activities. And this can have the added bonus of allowing a guy to spend time with old friends he hasn’t seen in a while or actually see all those great movies he never has time for.

- Get hobbied . If it’s hard to fill the time, take up a new hobby (or restart an old one).

- Have a lot of sex. If a dude is in a relationship (or several, as the case may be), he should take advantage of that fact during his masturbation vacation. The more sex he has, the less likely he is to want to self-satisfy. Of course, there are some men who find that they actually masturbate more when in a sexual relationship - so for those men, find an excuse to avoid going to bed with any partners for a while.

Not every guy needs to worry about whether they can control their masturbation, but all men do need to be sure to take steps to keep their penis in proper form. This can more easily be attained if a man regularly uses a first rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . To find the best choice, look for a crème that includes both a high-end emollient (such as Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E), so the penis skin can be kept healthy. Ideally, the crème should also include vitamin A, which possesses antibacterial properties that can help fight persistent penis odor, a major cause of conflict in a relationship.

Sunday, 15 April 2018

Penis Health 101: Is Hot Tub Play Really Safe?

Hot tubs offer a variety of great reasons to indulge. Not only do they make a great sensual play space for those who are so inclined, they also serve the very practical purpose of soothing sore muscles and helping a guy relax in a way that he just can’t find anywhere else. The benefits are obvious. But are there equal benefits for penis health?

Hot tubs have gotten a bad reputation over the years, to the point where sometimes men are encouraged to stay away from the spa and find something else to enjoy when it’s time to relax. So it’s important that a man understands the questions surrounding the hot tub and makes up his own mind as to whether the soak is safe. Here are some facts on hot tubs that can shed light on penis health.

1) The water can get really hot. Though this is great for muscles that ache, it’s not necessarily the best for delicate penis skin, especially if a guy indulges in the hot tub on a regular basis. Hot water leaches away the essential oils in the skin, which are necessary to help keep the skin hydrated, smooth and supple. As these oils vanish, the skin can take on a dry, ashy appearance, as well as begin itching something fierce.

2) The jets are powerful. The jets in a hot tub are great for massaging the sore muscles and helping a guy relax, but he should take care to keep his penis away from the most powerful jets of water. Though some guys might be tempted to use the jets as a way to pleasure themselves, they should keep in mind that the very rough "handling" they get from those jets can be enough to damage the penis skin.

3) Hot tubs need chemical treatments on a regular basis. Though this is great for keeping the water fresh and clean, it’s not great for a guy’s skin, especially the most delicate areas. In fact, a particular type of rash can result from chemicals being forced into the hair follicles with the constant motion of the water. Besides that, the chemicals must be perfectly balanced or they could lead to soreness, redness, chafing and other problems.

4) Hot tub water is rarely changed. Why are all those chemicals necessary? Because the water in a hot tub is usually changed only once or twice per year. This might be fine if it’s a man’s personal tub and he’s paying close attention to the chemical balance, but it’s one very good reason why a guy might want to skip the public hot tubs.

5) Some old hot tubs have exposed moving parts. For some hot tubs, the jets do have moving parts that can be touched by someone using the tub. And from time to time, an adventurous guy might come into contact with those parts, perhaps even with his penis. And that’s where the trouble starts. There have been reports of men getting their delicate equipment trapped among the jets and other areas of their hot tub, leading to pain, injury and of course, a quite embarrassing extraction.

So how does a man enjoy a hot tub and still maintain good penis health? He should take care with the jets, make sure the water is not too hot and make a point of using his own personal tub - where he can control the chemicals and water cleanliness - rather than using a public tub. And every time he gets out of the hot tub, he should rinse off in the shower and then apply a top-notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . A nutrient crème that contains a wealth of healthy vitamins can help replenish the skin’s natural balance. A crème with Shea butter and vitamin E for hydration is especially welcome to prevent dryness.

Friday, 13 April 2018

Penis Problems Due to Antidepressants

Advances in the mental health field have benefited countless people in recent years. The rise of antidepressants in particular has enabled many whose quality of life would otherwise have been severely impaired to experience happier, less anxious lives. Of course, as with all mediations, antidepressants do come with potential side effects which may bother some people - and surprisingly, sometimes these side effects can potentially have an impact on penis health. So for men taking antidepressants, it’s valuable to know about penis problems that could possibly result.

How antidepressants work

People often say that antidepressants "cure" depression, but that’s not exactly true. What they do is work on certain brain circuits and neurotransmitters in such a way that chemicals are released that seem to ease depression.

There are a variety of antidepressants, but the ones that this article is concerned with belong to a class called reuptake inhibitors, and specifically to a subclass of these known as SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors). The way SSRIs work is by keeping neurotransmitters "active" for a longer period of time, thus improving communication between the nerve cells. This helps the brain regulate a person’s mood (including feelings of depression).

Potential penis problems of SSRIs

There are potential penis problems associated with the use of some antidepressants, especially SSRIs. Exactly how prevalent are these problems? That’s hard to determine, although one study estimates that 60% of people (men and women) who take SSRIs experience sexual side effects. However, which of these side effects they experience, how often, and to what degree are harder to determine. It’s also difficult to know whether the sexual issues may have been in existence before the subjects began taking the medication. (Depression itself is often a factor in the development of sexual issues.) However, it is safe to say that some men who take SSRIs will develop some form of penis problems at some time.

For men, there are three potential penis problems to know about:

- Decreased libido;

- Erectile impairment;

- Delayed or blocked ejaculation.

Why might SSRIs contribute to potential penis problems? The way they work is by raising the levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin in the body. But serotonin tends to decrease the amount of two other neurotransmitters, dopamine and norepinephrine, which are important contributors to feelings of desire and arousal. In addition, serotonin tends to dampen the physical sensitivity of the penis and the production of nitric oxide, which is crucial to keeping penile blood vessels open to receive the increased amounts of blood that create a firm erection.


Fortunately, penis problems from antidepressants are not permanent. If a physician believes an SSRI is causing issues, he can see if changing the dose can help. Alternatively, he may try a different antidepressant that may not have the same side effects. (Changing medication or dosage should only be done under the care of a physician.) If the problems seem to be related to something other than medication, the physician can recommend further treatments to address the root causes.

Balancing the need for antidepressants with any penis problems that may result can be a matter of trial and error. It can be made easier if the penis is already in its best health state, so it behooves a man to apply a top notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . For best results,, check the ingredients list for both L-arginine and L-carnitine, two important amino acids. L-arginine helps the body boost production of nitric oxide, which helps the penis accept more blood when an erection is desired. L-carnitine, meantime, helps protect against loss of sensation and allows better retention of appropriate penile sensitivity.

Healthy Penis Friend: Probiotics

Ah, having a healthy penis is a wonderful thing for a man! When the penis looks good and feels good, a guy feels great all over, with an extra spring in his step and a definite gleam in his eye. Taking necessary steps to ensure good penis health is well worth it. In addition to paying attention to penis hygiene, checking for signs of problems, etc., guys might consider another option which can help make for a healthy penis: taking probiotics.


Most people know about antibiotics, but what are probiotics? They are microorganisms found in many food products and can provide health benefits of various kinds. Although the term "probiotics" is relatively new, the microorganisms themselves were more-or-less discovered back in the early 1900s by Elie Metchnikoff. This Nobel Prize-winner didn’t identify the microorganisms themselves, but he did make note of how peasants in Bulgaria who ate a lot of yogurt tended to live longer than other people.

While the scientific community disagrees on exactly how beneficial these microbes are - rigorous scientific studies need to be conducted to provide a greater standard of evidence - there is general agreement that they can help boost a person’s health in a number of ways. And several of those ways can be of aid in a man’s search for a healthy penis.


Because probiotics are consumed and go to work in the gut, the most likely benefits are gastrointestinal. This can have a side benefit in terms of a healthy penis, as a healthy tummy makes a man more likely to feel like having sex, and more sex keeps the penis in better health.

But more directly, some studies indicate probiotics can help improve skin health, including the skin of the penis. Probiotics are thought to help fight inflammation. Skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis, both of which can attack the penis, have a basis in inflammation.

Another healthy penis benefit: Probiotics help keep cortisol levels down. Cortisol is a stress hormone, and when cortisol is high, testosterone levels tend to be low. So dampening cortisol should help boost testosterone. In turn, testosterone is associated with sex drive; in general, the more testosterone a man has, the more "in the mood" he is likely to feel. (Some people believe that testosterone also increases the size of testicles, but there is little research to support this claim.)

Cardiac function may also benefit from probiotics, and that’s good news for the penis. Animal studies suggest that probiotics may help keep some plaque from arteries, which boosts the flow of oxygen-rich blood around the body. They also indicate probiotics may play a role in regulating cholesterol, which keeps the heart healthier. All of this means the penis is in a better position to receive and accommodate greater blood flow, which it can use during the erectile process.

And there may be other benefits, as well. For example, some doctors believe that probiotics can lower anxiety and improve moods, both of which make a man feel more prepped and ready for sex. And there is a possibility that probiotics can help boost immune function, keeping a man in overall better health, which subsequently betters his penis health as well.


So how does a guy get probiotics? There are many foods that are good sources, such as yogurt, fermented cheese, lassi, sauerkraut, dark chocolate, and pickles. There also are probiotic supplements. But before delving in, it pays to consult with a doctor to discuss any dietary changes.

There’s much more that has to be learned about probiotics and a healthy penis, so in the meantime, regularly use a first rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Find a crème with both L-arginine and L-carnitine. The first ingredient helps keep penile blood vessels open for increased blood flow, while the second helps maintain penis sensation that can be lost due to peripheral nerve damage.

Thursday, 12 April 2018

Uncomfortable Penis Injury: Frenulum Breve

There aren’t a lot of different penis health issues between intact men and circumcised men, other than basics like needing to clean beneath the foreskin if a guy is intact. However, there is one penis injury an intact male might suffer - it’s called frenulum breve.

The frenulum

Often referred to colloquially as the banjo string, the frenulum is (to quote Wikipedia) "an elastic band of tissue under the glans penis that connects the foreskin (prepuce) to the vernal mucosa, and helps contract the foreskin over the glans." The frenulum is typically long and helps allow for full retraction of the foreskin when the penis is in its erect state. All men are born with one; however, if a male is circumcised, most or all of the frenulum is removed during the circumcision.

Many men find the frenulum to be especially sensitive to touch and therefore one of their favorite erogenous zones.

Sometimes, however, an intact male may find that his frenulum is too short, a condition estimated to occur in about 5% of all intact men. This is what is meant by the term "frenulum breve."

Penis injury

If the frenulum is too short, it can cause issues when the penis becomes erect. The foreskin may retract, but not all the way. Or it may fully retract, but the shortness of the frenulum may cause the glans to bend, so that it pulls forward in a manner which can cause pain.

But the real penis injury comes from small tears and cuts that occur when the shortened frenulum tries to stretch too far. Despite the fact that these are small, they can create a significant amount of pain. Think how painful paper cuts are, despite the fact that they are small. Now put that pain on one of the most sensitive areas of the body and imagine what it must feel like.

Sometimes the cuts can heal on their own, although this requires abstaining from sex for a while - and not all cuts do heal spontaneously. If the penis injury does not heal by itself, it’s important to seek out a urologist for his assistance.


In some cases, the urologist may suggest continued rest. At other times, however, some form of surgery may be necessary.

Often a urologist will suggest circumcision as the best way to handle frenulum breve. Removal of the foreskin can indeed remove the problem; however, many men who are intact have very strong feelings about maintaining their foreskin and do not wish to consider removal.

Another option is something called a frenuloplasty. It’s a short procedure, usually lasting about half an hour and generally conducted under local anesthesia. The doctor will take the frenulum and make a cut in it, then re-sew the two flaps in such a way that the frenulum has greater length and movement. The stitches usually stay in for a few weeks.

Freedom from pain is not immediate; it usually takes several months for the procedure to totally heal. However, most men then report that their erections do not have the pain they once had and find a greater freedom of foreskin movement.

Men with frenulum breve should consult a urologist, especially if the condition has already resulted in a penis injury. In the meantime, to keep the penis in as good a health as possible, men need to daily rub in a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). The best crème will have a combination of moisturizing agents, such as Shea butter and vitamin E; by keeping the skin smooth and moisturized, the foreskin is kept more pliable. The crème should also include vitamin C, which adds tone and elasticity to penis skin.

Hypersensitivity: What to Do About Too Much Penis Sensation

When it comes to penis sensation, most men would be quite happy to have more of it. That’s why there are so many products on the market that claim to help build a man’s penis sensitivity or provide new ways for him to get that "first time feeling" kind of rush. Many men will even change their penis care regimen to include far-fetched ideas that might increase sensation, even the slightest bit.

However, there are some men on the other side of the spectrum that deal with far too much sensation. Hypersensitivity can occur for a variety of reasons, and it can lead to all sorts of unhappy outcomes, including premature ejaculation, deflating erections and more. Here’s what men need to know when they are dealing with too much penis sensation.

Too much of a good thing?

Though at first blush it might seem like hypersensitivity would be a good thing, for those who deal with it on a regular basis, it can truly be a hindrance to their enjoyment. But what causes hypersensitivity?

1) Infections. Men who have suffered from a variety of infections might find that their nerve endings are much more sensitive in the aftermath. This might include something as simple as a yeast infection, a urinary tract infection, or more serious infections, such as a tough case of balanitis.

2) Problems with the foreskin. A man who has trouble retracting his foreskin might face serious hypersensitivity, thanks to the fact that the foreskin is usually covering the glans. When it is retracted, the very soft skin at the tip of the penis can be so sensitive that even the slightest touch can hurt - and for some, it might be pleasurable, but far too intense to allow them to hold back their ejaculation during sexual activity.

3) Healing from trauma. Trauma on or around the penis can be a tricky thing, as sometimes it leads to a lack of penis sensation - but it can just as easily lead to sending those nerve endings into overdrive, making the equipment far more sensitive than it was before. This sensitivity might go away as the healing continues, but for some, the penis sensation ramps up enough that they can no longer enjoy the same sexual things they enjoyed before the trauma occurred.

4) Prostate issues. Sometimes an enlarged or irritated prostate can make the penis much more sensitive to touch. This penis sensation might come and go, depending upon a man’s prostate health. For some, the sensation increase becomes permanent.

Those who suffer from increased penis sensation might deal with problems that go far beyond premature ejaculation. For some, a simple touch of a partner is too much, and the grip they use for masturbation can become unbearable. For others, the hypersensitivity is so bad that even the touch of soft underwear - or, amazingly, the slight breeze of air - can be enough to lead to pain. In that case, speaking with a doctor is essential, as there might be medications or crèmes that could limit the sensitivity of the penis enough to allow a man to have a normal life.

It’s never a good idea to attempt to reduce penis sensation without a doctor’s help; this is because it’s entirely possible a man could go too far with home remedies and wind up creating significant nerve damage that doesn’t allow him to feel even "typical" sensation anymore.

A man dealing with hypersensitivity must still engage in a good penis care regimen to keep the skin as healthy as possible. This can be achieved through the use of a high-quality penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). He should choose a crème that contains vitamin E and Shea butter, both of which are soothing and gentle to the skin and can help keep it supple and healthy.

Wednesday, 11 April 2018

Penis Odor: Blame Thioalcohols

Until they become sexually active, most guys don’t pay much (if any attention) to penis odor. They tend to not be too concerned with whether their penis has a pronounced odor in the locker room, because locker rooms are known for strong odors. And most of the time, a guy can get used to his own penis odor so that he doesn’t even notice it. But when he starts presenting his penis to a partner and a rank penis odor gets in the way of desired activity, suddenly he pays attention! Searches for how better penis care can affect penis odor turn up lots of information - but few actually talk about one of the primary causes of penis odor, substances known as thioalcohols.

The odor issue

While penis odor can have several factors, one of the primary causes is what might be thought of as the "sweat factor." Everyone is familiar with the fact that heavy sweating produces a pronounced odor, including in the penis area. But not everyone understands where that odor comes from.

For example, we blame it all on sweat - but sweat by itself is not the culprit. Many people notice that not all sweat smells. Sweat trickling down the face, for example, doesn’t offend olfactorally. But sweat pouring out of the armpits is another matter altogether.

That’s because sweat by itself does not smell. What sweat does is combine with bacteria, and when it does that, bacteria release ingredients which have a strong odor. But again, it’s not all bacteria - for example, the bacteria on the face don’t create a smell from sweat. It’s bacteria produced under the arms, in the groin, and on the feet that have this special ability to burst forth in unwanted fragrance.


Scientists have discovered that ingredients known as thioalcohols are present in the bacteria that create unpleasant smells. And only a small number of bacteria in "smell regions" actually have thioalcohols.

This information is important for understanding body smells. Right now, there’s not much that can be done with it; however, scientists can use this information to try to develop deodorants that are more effective. Deodorants tend to target all bacteria under the arm. In the future, deodorants could be developed that target thioalcohols, and therefore might be more effective than what is currently available.

It’s also possible that developments might help with penis odor. Putting underarm deodorant on the groin is not a good idea. But perhaps in the near future, some penis-friendly deodorants will be developed. Or perhaps rather than a topical application, a pill will be developed that attacks thioalcohols wherever they occur on the body.

Take steps

Until that time, however, a guy needs to take what steps he can to combat unwanted penis odor. The first thing to do is bathe or shower regularly; keeping the penis and surrounding area clean is crucial. Intact men should be sure to clean well under the foreskin. And washing the pubic hair is also crucial; bacterial odors can cling to the hair unless it is tended to. In addition, airing out the penis for a couple of hours a day can help, as can wearing clothing that is lighter weight so there is less heat trapped in the penis area.

While awaiting a direct attack on thioalcohols to be developed, it also helps fight penis odor if the penis is in prime health. Daily use of a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) is called for. The chosen crème should definitely include vitamin A, which has anti-bacterial properties to fight the odor. But a crème with alpha lipoic acid is also necessary. This potent antioxidant fights excess free radicals which can weaken penis health by promoting undue oxidative stress.

Tuesday, 10 April 2018

When a Head Injury Causes Penis Problems

Head injuries are much on the minds of many men, especially those who engage in rough contact sports like football or boxing. Many professional athletes are discovering that head injuries can have lasting effects, many of which may not show up for some years. But injuries to the head can occur even in men who aren’t pro athletes; for example, an automobile accident can result in traumatic brain injury. Head issues are serious simply in and of themselves - but is it possible they could potentially have an effect on penis health as well? Surprisingly, the answer is yes. A serious injury to the head could potentially result in penis problems.

It’s important to note that not all blows to the head mean a trauma to the penis. In many cases, penis health is impacted minimally, if at all. But since it can occur, it pays for men to know a little about the possibility.

Head injuries

There are numerous kinds of head injuries, but the one most often associated with penis problems is called traumatic brain injury. As the name implies, this occurs when the brain is involved in a traumatic situation, such as hitting the windshield in a car accident or falling and having the head hit a hard sidewalk. Traumatic brain injuries can range in severity, sometimes resulting in headaches or concussions, other times in far more serious problems.

Penis problems

Among the penis problems that may result from head injuries are:

- Sex drive changes. According to one study, almost 50% of people who experience a traumatic brain injury report a decrease in their sex drive. For some, this is transient and corrects itself within a few weeks; for others, the dampening may be more long lasting. A much smaller percentage report an increase in their sex drive, in some cases to an extent that they may experience a form of compulsive libido.

- Erectile dysfunction. Some forms of erectile functioning issues occur in 40-60% of men after a serious head injury. Again, this may be short term or long term.

- Orgasmic dysfunction. Similarly, as many as 40% of men have reported difficulty reaching an orgasm during sex after injury. This includes both partner-based sex and masturbation.

- Decrease in Sex. A lowered sex drive may lead to a decrease in actual sexual activity, but there may be other reasons, including pain or depression subsequent to the injury, which account for the slow down.

- Inhibition dysfunction. One of the rarer side effects, in some cases damage may affect the ability to exercise proper control over sexual desires, resulting in episodes of exhibitionistic tendencies or activities. Again, this is one of the less common side effects.

Men who experience penis problems after a head injury are encouraged to bring this problem up with their loved ones and their doctors. They should not be ashamed of the problem, and the sooner they seek help, the more quickly the issue can be addressed. An appropriate course of counseling or medication can be developed to address the problems. Some issues, such as a desire to engage in inappropriate sexual behavior, may require extensive treatment.

Penis problems from head injuries can be challenging, but they are better addressed if the penis itself is kept in its best possible shape. For that reason, regular application of a top drawer penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) is necessary. The best crème choices will include an array of vitamins that work together to strengthen the penis. Topical application via a crème of vitamins A, B5, C, D and E is excellent. Also crucial in a good crème: L-carnitine, an amino acid which helps prevent damage to peripheral nerve endings and thereby maintain proper penis sensation and sensitivity.

A Surprising Penis Health Issue: Gardnerella Vaginalis

Taking good care of penis health is a worthy and admirable goal, and those that do it should be commended. Of course, there are numerous factors that can potentially have an impact on penis health, so being knowledgeable about all of them is difficult. One of the more surprising conditions that can impact penis health is Gardnerella vaginalis.

About Gardnerella vaginalis

Named after the doctor Hermann Gardner, who discovered it in 1955, Gardnerella vaginalis (sometimes called G. vaginalis) is a bacterium which can produce a pore-forming toxin known as vaginolysin or bacterial vaginosis. In such situations, a battle is set up between good bacteria and bad bacteria in the vagina, with the bad bacteria ultimately getting the upper hand. It can occur as a result of sexual intercourse, douching, or use of an IUD. It also may occur naturally during pregnancy.

The most common sign associated with Gardnerella vaginalis and subsequent bacterial vaginosis is a distinctly fishy odor, often accompanied by a yellowish or grayish discharge.

As these names and descriptions indicate, this is a condition commonly found in women - so much so that it is almost universally considered a women’s disease. So why is it in an article about penis health?

Men too

Men can also contract Gardnerella vaginalis, although the exact incidence of contraction is widely disputed. Some researchers estimate that fewer than 1% of men ever contract Gardnerella; others believe it could affect as many as 38% of men. One of the reasons for the wide variation is that it very often presents without symptoms in men - and therefore many men might have it without ever knowing it or (more importantly) suffering any consequences from it.

However, by the same token, a man might contract Gardnerella without knowing it and have it affect his penis health - but not realize it until the effects have become obvious.

For example, there have been cases in which a man has gone to the doctor because he was experiencing urinary tract problems. This can manifest as a need to urinate much more frequently and with a much greater urgency, which can in some situations lead to an incontinence issue. This is often accompanied by the presence of blood (both red blood cells and white blood cells) in the urine.

In some instances, a lower urinary tract infection due to Gardnefrella has been associated with scarring of the kidney, which can impact that organ’s health and functionality. Cystitis, a sometimes painful inflammation of the bladder, is also a possible side effect.

In intact men, Gardnerella and the resulting infection can bring about balanoposthitis. This is a swelling of both the glans and the foreskin. Painful in and of itself, it can also create additional pain if it results in the foreskin being unable to retract when the penis becomes erect.

Serious consequences

There is also the potential for some much more serious complications - although again, these tend to be very rare. Sepsis, an extreme reaction to infection which can destroy tissue and organs, has been reported, as has pulmonary abscess, a deterioration of lung tissue.

Since men are most often asymptomatic for Gardnerella and women are much more likely to exhibit symptoms and know of their status, men who have had sex with a woman with bacterial vaginitis should let their doctor know. He may then want to test a semen sample to determine if the Gardnerella has been passed on to the male partner.

Gardnerella is a rare cause of penis health issues, but a guy should keep his penis in good health for any eventualities. Daily use of a top notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) is a sound idea. The best crème will include vitamin D, the "miracle vitamin" that helps maintain proper health. It should also include vitamin C, which aids with penile skin tone and elasticity.