Tuesday, 31 October 2017

Penis Health Primer: What are Penis Ulcers?

There’s no doubt about it: Penis ulcers can be scary. Even a man who maintains the best penis care , including careful daily cleansing and using a condom during all sexual activity, might one day look down to see this unexpected sore on his penis. So what is a penis ulcer and how does a man get it? And more importantly, how does a guy get rid of it?

What’s a penis ulcer?

Penis ulcers are open sores on the penis. It might be alone, just one strange sore in the midst of perfectly healthy skin. Or it might be one of several that show up on the penis. Sometimes they are even accompanied by rashes, with the more significant part of the rash leading to the penis ulcer.

When it comes to pain, penis ulcers vary widely. Some are entirely pain-free; a man could touch it and not even wince. But others are very painful, even when they are not being touched by anything, even soft underwear. They might be accompanied by swelling and itching.

What causes penis ulcers?

In most cases, a penis ulcer must be brought to a doctor’s attention, as it can be caused by many things that a man doesn’t want to think about. These include:

1) STIs. Chlaymidia, herpes, and syphilis can lead to serious penis ulcers. Another STI, known as chancroid, is rare in the United States but more common in developing countries, can cause penis ulcers.

2) Mononucleosis. Yes, this is often called "mono" or "the kissing disease" because it spreads easily through saliva. Mono is usually accompanied by fatigue, swollen lymph nodes, fever and sore throat. In some cases it can also cause penis ulcers.

3) Granuloma inguinale. This is a bacterial disease that is more common in tropical climates. If the ulcers from this do not get prompt treatment, the damage to penis health can be permanent.

4) Yeast infections. The penis ulcers from a long-running yeast infection will usually occur near the tip of the penis, but they can also happen anywhere along the surrounding area.

5) Scabies. These microscopic skin mites can wreak havoc on a man’s body, and they tend to really like the midsection. Enough of them, given enough time, can create penis ulcers, usually from openings in the skin as a result of itching.

6) Skin wounds. The simplest explanation, any sort of abrasion or wound on the penis skin - perhaps from a rigorous round of sexual activity the night before - can lead to an ulcer.

7) Penis cancer. While penis cancer is rather rare, it’s important to get a penis ulcer checked out to ensure that’s not what’s happening.

The only one on this list that might be treated without a doctor’s visit is the skin wound. That’s because a man will likely know exactly what happened - for instance, he will look down and see the ulcer, then realize it must have happened last night, when he was a little too enthusiastic but didn’t use enough lube. Otherwise, any skin ulcer without a perfectly clear cause must be checked out.

To help prevent problems like this, a guy should reach for a top-notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . Look for a crème that contains Shea butter and vitamin E for softness, as well as alpha lipoic acid to fight against free radicals and L-arginine to increase blood flow, which can aid in healing of minor abrasions and wounds. By applying these and other luxurious ingredients in a topical form, a guy can rest assured that his penis health is as solid as it can possibly be.

Proper Penis Protection Requires Condom Use

The condom has a long history as a means of birth control, as well as a good way to provide penis protection from sexually-transmitted infections (STIs), and so is a basic component of good penis health. Certainly, there are other options available for birth control, but they may not provide much in the way of penis protection - so using a condom is essential for men who are sexually active, especially in a non-monogamous situation.

Yet, despite the fact that condoms are so important to penis health, statistics tell us that men do not use them as often as they should. One study found that only 35% of men surveyed used a condom during their last casual sex encounter. The Centers for Disease Control and Preventions state that only 19% of men always use a condom - however, since those figures include men who are in monogamous relationships, it’s hard to determine the percentage of use among men in non-monogamous situations, who are more likely to need penis protection from STIs.


Since penis protection and condom use are closely linked, why is it that many men often do not make use of this form of protection? There are many reasons, including:

- Unavailability. Sometimes a man becomes involved in a sexual encounter that is entirely unplanned - and therefore neither he nor his partner may have immediate access to a condom. Of course, in many (though not all) such situations, there is the option to go out and buy a condom; however, most couples don’t want to spoil the mood to do this and so will opt not to. This is one reason why many men carry a condom with them in their wallets, as an emergency back-up. However, this, too, can present problems. Condoms come with a shelf life, and sometimes condoms stored in a wallet for years have a higher risk of breaking during use.

- Difficulty in putting on. Some men find it difficult to put a condom on properly, or find that it takes longer than they want it to. This can cause embarrassment and anxiety, which can in turn create a situation in which he may find it difficult to maintain his erection - and that can cause further embarrassment and anxiety. Past experiences like this can make it less likely a man will employ a condom.

- Interference with sensitivity. Some men find that condoms, though they are made of very thin material, may diminish the pleasurable sensations their penises experience during sex.

- Improper fit. This is a very frequent complaint. While some guys find the condom too tight, it more often is too long and/or loose. One recent survey found that 83% of US men had penis lengths that are shorter than the average condom (which has typically measured at least 6.69 inches). This survey found the average penis length to be 5.57 inches; a more expansive earlier global survey pegs the figure at 5.17 inches. In either case, the condoms are substantially longer than the average penis, making them looser and more likely to fall off or cause discomfort.

Whatever the reason for non-use, men need to make a greater effort to use a condom, especially for penis protection in instances in which there is even a slight possibility of STI transmission.

In addition to using a condom, men can help enhance everyday penis protection by enhancing penis health. Regular use of a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can keep penis skin healthy and resistant to dermatological issues. A crème with both a high-end emollient (such as Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E) helps keep the skin from drying out and cracking. And a crème with alpha lipoic acid, a potent antixodiant, can battle free radicals that can cause damaging oxidative stress to the delicate penis skin.

Monday, 30 October 2017

Ease the Sweat to Alleviate Penile Itching

When a man is out and about - which is probably most of his usual day, whether weekdays or weekends - he is likely wearing at least two layers of clothing: underwear and outerwear. Depending upon the season or the event, he might be wearing more than that. So it’s understandable that a great deal of sweat can accumulate throughout the day in the area around his penis. Usually, good penis care takes care of that problem with a simple cleansing. But for some guys, that sweat turns into an itchy mess. Penile itching as a result of sweat is one of the main reasons most guys feel the need to scratch throughout the day!

Therefore, it stands to reason that a guy can cut down significantly on penile itching by simply cutting down on the sweat he has to deal with down there. But how can he do that?

How to stop the sweat

It’s important to remember that a guy doesn’t want to stop the sweat completely, as it’s important for the body to function properly. Sweat glands work to cool the body down, as well as to remove some waste products from it. In fact, not sweating is usually a sign of a serious medical problem that requires immediate attention.

However, most men have the opposite problem, in that they are drenched with sweat in certain areas, especially underneath several layers of clothing. The sweat glands on and around the penis can release plenty of sweat throughout the day. Here’s how to prevent it from building up:

1) Choose underwear wisely. Tight underwear forms a compression of the area, which might feel good at first, but can lead to a serious sweat situation by the end of the day. Look for underwear that are loose and breathable, such as boxer briefs. Better yet, choose underwear with a wicking fabric that will pull the sweat away from the skin.

2) Air things out. One of the best ways to avoid an itchy penis is to let everything swing free. When in the privacy of home, take off all the clothes and walk around bare. Sleeping in the buff can also provide lots of time for air to circulate around the equipment. This will help ensure a man wakes up dry and fresh in the morning.

3) Shave things down there. The hair around the penis area traps in heat and moisture, as well as sweat that trickles down through it. As the sweat accumulates, it starts to smell rather rank. But besides that, it leads to serious itching. Shaving the area can help the wicking underwear do its work and get rid of the sweat before it has a chance to settle in and dry on the skin.

4) Change clothes often. A guy might be tempted to simply wear his workout clothes home from the gym, or might choose to go back to work right after his lunchtime game of pickup basketball. This is almost always a bad idea, as that sweat will then have a chance to sit around, gain some odor and of course, make his itchy manhood even more of a problem. Changing clothes after any sort of sweaty activity is a good idea.

After a man steps out of a shower feeling clean and fresh, he can hold onto that feeling a little longer with a small bit of penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . He should look specifically for a crème that contains vitamin A. Also known as retinol, vitamin A is a powerhouse in fighting against penis odor that might result from sweat. Penile itching can also be alleviated with the use of Shea butter and vitamin E, two hydrating partners that keep skin smooth and supple.

Sunday, 29 October 2017

Sore Penis Prevention with a Penis Pump

The penis pump is often prescribed as an aid for men who have erectile dysfunction issues that don’t respond to other interventions. But there are also many men free of such issues who use the penis pump for what might be termed "recreational purposes" - to grow their penis temporarily, often in a manner which gives it an "inflated" look. There can be penis health concerns when using a penis pump, including a sore penis. Taking steps to prevent this sore penis is advised.

It should be noted that many medical professionals caution against the use of a penis pump unless prescribed by a doctor. Because the pump involves using a tightly sealed cylinder to create a vacuum around the penis which then draws blood into the organ, there is a risk of injury, especially if it is used improperly.

Sore penis prevention

It makes sense that a penis pump might create a sore penis situation. After all, the penis is being manipulated in a manner to which it has proven resistant (for those with erectile issues) or a manner which hopes to extend its growth in an unfamiliar pattern (for many seeking an inflated look). For some men, soreness may be inevitable. However, the following tips can be helpful in reducing the potential for soreness.

- Read and follow the instructions. This is absolutely essential. Soreness and more severe injury are much less likely to occur if a man uses the penis pump correctly. Pumps acquired through a medical prescription should include reliable and thorough instructions and warnings. However, be advised that some pumps not acquired through medical prescription may not be regulated and therefore may not include full and complete instructions.

- Select the right pump. Be sure to get a cylinder that will comfortably accommodate the penis. If starting out, be sure that the pump is not one intended only for more "advanced" users and has a gauge that includes a sufficiently low pressure setting. Too high a pressure setting, especially when starting out, can cause a sore penis.

- Use lube. Unless otherwise specifically stated in the instructions, the penis should be lubricated before being inserted into the cylindrical tube.

- Slow and steady is good. Many men may want to "jump in head first," so to speak, to the penis pump experience. However, it is important to take things slowly and not rush. Because the penis is going to be manipulated in what may be an unfamiliar manner, it’s akin to exercising a muscle that hasn’t been used in a particular way. It takes time to get the penis accustomed to the manipulation. The pump should not be used for too long a time (especially during the first few sessions) or at too high a pressure reading. And although the pump usually can be used on a daily basis, it’s better to not do so initially but build up to that. (If given prescribed instructions, it is important to follow those to the letter.)

- Use penis rings sparingly. Many men will slip a penis ring on the base of the penis after the pump has successfully achieved the desired erection. It is usually recommended that the ring be used only for a limited length of time; thirty minutes is often the recommended period.

- Stop if it doesn’t feel right. If a guy thinks he may have an injury, he should immediately stop use of and remove the pump until the penis is healthy again.

While the above tips may help prevent a sore penis due to penis pump usage, some soreness may still occur. Using a first rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) may help alleviate that soreness. Often the penis skin has been damaged and needs repair, so using a crème with a combination of hydrating agents (such as vitamin E and Shea butter) is desired. In addition, the crème should include L carnitine, an amino acid that can help restore loss of sensation which may accompany overaggressive or rough handling of the penis.

Friday, 27 October 2017

Antioxidants for Healthy Penis Skin

Because many men think of their penis primarily in terms of its usefulness in sexual activities, they don’t always remember that good penis health means more than taking steps to ensure a solid working erection. But in fact, there are many different aspects of penis health, including taking steps to ensure healthy penis skin, both for practical and aesthetic reasons. Part of keeping penis skin healthy involves incorporating antioxidants into the penis care routine.

What are antioxidants?

On a technical level, an antioxidant is a molecule that helps keep other molecules from getting oxidized. Oxidation, in turn, is a chemical process that creates something called free radicals, which then can cause damage to cells, such as skin cells. They can also contribute to heart disease, cancer and other health conditions. However, not all free radicals are bad, and a certain amount of them are useful. For example, oxidation is important in helping the liver detoxify food and the body to help fight certain bacteria.

On a more-than-molecular level, antioxidants refers to those vitamins, minerals and nutrients that have an ability to keep those free radicals (and the damage they do) at bay.

How do antioxidants help skin?

Many skin care products are rich in antioxidants, because keeping oxidative stress from damaging skin cells helps ensure the health of skin. There are many things that can damage the skin, both on the surface and on a more molecular level. The stronger the skin is on the molecular level, the better it is able to withstand attacks on the surface level.

How does a person get antioxidants?

The body itself makes some antioxidants and depends upon a healthy diet to help supplement those amounts. Some foods are richer sources of antioxidants than others. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the following are some foods particularly high in antioxidants:

- Goji berries

- Wild blueberries

- Dark chocolate

- Pecans

- Artichokes

- Elderberries

- Kidney beans

- Cranberries

- Blackberries

- Cilantro

And these are some of the herbs that are very good sources of antioxidants:

- Clove

- Cinnamon

- Oregano

- Turmeric

- Cocoa

- Cumin

- Dried parsley

- Basil

- Ginger

- Thyme

As mentioned earlier, many skin care products are also good sources of antioxidants. This can be especially important because skin that is damaged by free radicals can be vulnerable - and unattractive as well.

Free radical damage is one of the things that leads to skin looking prematurely aged. It can contribute to drying out and to the cracks, wrinkles and blemishes that can mar otherwise attractive skin.

This is as true of penis skin as it is of skin elsewhere on the body. Penis skin is naturally delicate, so that the organ is more readily receptive to friction and stimulation. This can also make it more susceptible to cracking and wrinkling. When cracks appear on the penis skin, they can also open up a pathway for bacteria to get inside, creating further penis health concerns.

For this reason, penis skin needs to be exposed to a healthy level of antioxidants. One way to help achieve this is through the daily application of a first rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . Clearly, for it to be effective, the crème must include antioxidants. This can more readily be achieved if the crème contains vitamins A and C, as well as alpha lipoic acid. All three of these have antioxidant capabilities. Vitamin A has the added bonus of fighting bacteria that cause penis odor, while vitamin C also helps give penis skin its necessary tone and elasticity. Alpha lipoic acid has strong antioxidant properties on its own and also helps boost those of vitamin C.

Penis Rash? Check Your Diabetes Medicine

When stepping out of his trousers to present his proud manhood to a partner - especially a new partner - a man wants to be sure he makes a good impression. Generally, by practicing appropriate penis care, he can be pretty certain that his penis will have a pleasing, attractive look that will appeal to his bedmate.

Unfortunately, sometimes even a man who washes and treats his penis skin with utmost care can sometimes end up with an unfortunate penis rash - often one that causes his partner to have second thoughts about how early she has to be up the next morning and to depart in a hurry. Ironically, sometimes that penis rash comes not from any health neglect but from other sources - such as, in the case of a man with diabetes, the medication he uses to manage that diabetes.


Men who have experience with diabetes know that penis rash and other penile-related issues can come about due to the condition itself. But not many men are aware that some medications used for diabetes, especially type II diabetes, can also create a penis rash.

Not every diabetes management medication causes this complication, and even those that are associated with it don’t cause it all the time or in every male patient. But it is listed as a potential side effect for some medications and so reading labels for such information is an excellent idea.

The medications

Among the diabetes treatments which list penis rash as a possible side effect are dapaglifozin and empaglifozin. (These are their scientific names; they may be marketed under brand names that are different, which is another reason why reading medication labels is sound advice.) Both of these medications are recommended for helping to lower blood sugar in people with type II diabetes.

The penis rash that some diabetes medications tend to cause (or worsen) is thrush, the male yeast infection that is sometimes called candidiasis. It tends to occur because the process by which the medication removes excess blood sugar results in that sugar relocating to the urine, which then expels it out of the body. Unfortunately, this sugar-heavy urine may dry on or near the opening of the penis. The fungi that create the yeast infection are nourished by this sugar-rich content, and so they can thrive even as the medicine is helping to effectively treat the diabetes.

Penis rash

Thrush is characterized by white patches on the skin and may be accompanied by redness, swelling, irritation, itchiness and soreness. It often also produces a strong, pungent odor and may result in pain while urinating or having sex. (However, because thrush is contagious, it is advised to not have sex while a person has an active case of thrush.)


If diabetes medication is causing the penis rash, a man should discuss with his doctor if they should switch to another drug. If not, then there are a number of antifungal medications in various forms (pills, creams, etc.) that are very effective. And, of course, consistently practicing good hygiene is necessary to keep the thrush from returning once it has been banished.

Whether a man has diabetes or not, he doesn’t want to be bothered by an annoying and unattractive penis rash. Including regular application of a first class penis health crème ( health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin ) in his daily penis health routine can help. Be sure to find a crème that includes a range of vitamins, such as A, B5, C, D and E, to help boost the health of the member. It’s also wise to select a crème with L-arginine, an amino acid that is a key component of the process which helps keep penile blood vessels open and healthy.

Thursday, 26 October 2017

Maintain Penis Health by Choosing the Right Condom

When a man is enjoying all the pleasures a new partner has to offer, he must continue to maintain excellent penis health - and in order to do that, he must choose the right condom. Using the proper barrier protection is one of the most important tenets of good penis care. But choosing the right condom isn’t as simple as walking into the store and purchasing the first pack that looks good. Here’s what a man needs to know to wrap it up appropriately.

The condoms options

Choosing the right condom presents a man with a dizzying array of options, from those that glow in the dark to those with weird flavors. Here’s what he needs to know about each option.

1) Size. Each condom manufacturer offers a variety of sizes, and those sizes might be a little different than those from the next manufacturer. In the end, that means there are literally dozens of sizes of condoms to choose from. A guy will have to experiment with different brands, and then the sizes within each brand, until he finds the one that fits perfectly.

2) Reservoir tips. When a guy is wearing a condom, the ejaculate has to go somewhere. If there is no reservoir tip, it might wind up bursting through the condom, and thus ruining the attempt at protection. Though it might be tempting to try out some form-fitting models, for the best in protection, reservoir tips are the only way to go.

3) Colors. If the sizes can make a man’s head spin, just wait for the colors! Every possibility is on the table. Though colors don’t really matter when it comes to adequate protection, a guy who wants to make his equipment look a little bigger should always opt for condoms in lighter colors, or bright ones, like fluorescent yellow or hot pink.

4) Flavors. This might matter to the guy who loves some oral action and wants to make sure his partner enjoys it, too. The flavors available are virtually endless. Keep in mind, however, that novelty condoms must still have the reservoir tip - they should provide protection as well as fun.

5) Eco-friendly options. There are now condoms that are friendly to the environment or made from organic materials. Before going this route, a guy should make sure that the condoms are just as powerful as the latex options in preventing transmission of disease. Assuming they are, hey - why not show Mother Nature a little love while getting it on?

6) Ribbed, studded and more. Usually marketed as "for her pleasure," these fun condoms have ridges, ribs, studs, ripples and much more that provide a little extra sensation. There are even condoms with vibrating rings attached that are meant to give a little extra ‘oomph’ right where she needs it.

7) The strange and unusual. From spray-on condoms from a can (currently still in the testing phases) to penis sleeve and condom combos to those that cover only the tip of the penis but not the shaft, there are many strange options out there. A man should always make sure that the condom he chooses is fully tested and approved as a protective device against infections, as well as one that is sure to stay on during rigorous activity.

8) Spermicide or lubes? Some condoms come pre-packaged with spermicide or lubrication already inside them. The only caveat to this is making sure that a guy (or his partner) is not allergic to those ingredients. After trying out these condoms, make sure nobody involved winds up with a rash or other irritation where the condom touched their skin.

Finally, always make sure the penis is ready to rumble with regular application of a top-quality penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . A good crème loaded with Shea butter and vitamin E can help fight against the dry skin that might occur after condom use, thus keeping the skin supple, smooth and attractive.

Penis Bumps and MRSA: Not a Good Combo

In recent years, MRSA - known to doctors as Methicllin resistant Staphylococcus aureus - has become an increasingly serious problem. While not traditionally associated with threats to penis health, it has become more of a potential area of concern. While it is rare that presentation of penis bumps means the presence of MRSA, men should be aware of the possibility of MRSA occurring on the penis and know what to do if they suspect this is the case.

Just what is MRSA?

As its name might imply, MRSA is an infection caused by a strain of bacteria that is resistant to treatment by traditional antibiotics. This bacterium has come into being due to overuse of antibiotics. For years, many people were prescribed antibiotics for viral infections. These viruses weren’t affected by the antibiotics, but unnecessary exposure to the antibiotics helped staph bacteria to develop immunity to them.

Staph bacteria tend to live on the skin or the nose; about 30-40% of people carry them around. As long as they stay on the surface, they’re harmless. But when they get inside the body, they can cause problems, sometimes severe ones, in the blood, lungs, heart, joints or bones. In some instances, MRSA in the body can prove fatal.

It used to be that MRSA was an issue basically at nursing homes or hospitals, with the bacteria entering the body through improperly sterilized equipment. However, MRSA has become somewhat more common in what is referred to as a "community" setting, where it gets passed from one person to another, usually by skin-on-skin contact.

The penis bumps connection

MRSA usually presents as swollen red bumps that can be tender or painful and may look like pimples or insect bites.

When they present as penis bumps, they have most often entered the body through cuts or nicks in the skin. So if a guy is manscaping and cuts himself with a razor, if there are MRSA bacteria nearby, they can enter the body that way. Sometimes it can also come about because of the penis being rubbed raw from overuse or through forgetting to use lubricant. Tiny cuts can develop through which the bacteria can invade.

Some doctors have reported cases where MRSA has been transmitted through sexual contact as well. It is unclear whether the bacteria can enter the body through the penile meatus and travel through the urethra. However, it has been documented as being passed on to a man who performed oral sex on a woman who was infected with MRSA.

Penis bumps can result from many causes other than MRSA. However, if a man has penis bumps that seem to have no explanation, he should consult with his doctor to determine the cause. If MRSA is responsible, the doctor will begin treatment to ensure no complications result.


Preventing MRSA is much better than treating it. Basic common hygiene practices, such as washing hands regularly, keeping clothes, linens and towels clean, and showering after physical activity can help. It’s also important to not share personal grooming products (such as razors), towels or underwear. And when wounds develop, they should be washed, sterilized and covered. Wearing condoms during sex is also advised.

Clearly, not every case of penis bumps is a sign of MRSA. Sometimes those bumps signify irritated penis skin, which may respond to regular use of a high-level penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . Strong penis skin needs help in resisting free radicals and the oxidative stress they cause, and that’s why the crème needs to have a potent antioxidant like alpha lipoic acid. Penis skin also needs to have sufficient elasticity to fulfill its functions, so the crème should include vitamin C, which helps produce the collagen that contributes to proper elasticity.

Wednesday, 25 October 2017

Mutual Masturbation: Reasons to Try It

While masturbation is an activity frequently performed in a fairly "private" situation, that has changed somewhat in recent years. More and more people engage in masturbation online with another person, and many others also post pictures or videos of themselves engaging in self-fondling activities. Yet despite this greater "sharing" of masturbation experiences, many people find it difficult to engage in a mutual masturbation session with their partners. Those who are interested but hesitant may want to reconsider; in addition to basic penis health benefits from masturbation in general, many couples find that mutual masturbation sessions can be of great value.

True, it can be daunting to bring up the subject of masturbating with a partner, especially for a man. Many men - even those who masturbate with considerable frequency - feel that self-gratifying is not "manly" or worry that it may make them appear weak. But overcoming such worries and broaching the subject with a partner can often open new doors.


So what are some of the reasons a man should ask his partner to join him in some mutual self-pleasuring?

1) A couple can learn a lot. Couples often think they know everything there is to know about each other - but that’s not always the case. A guy may think he knows exactly how his partner likes to be handled, but by seeing the way she strokes, fondles and caresses herself, he may pick up a few pointers that can make their sex life even better. And the reverse is true in terms of what the woman can learn about the man.

2) Mutual masturbation demonstrates a new level of trust. If it is a challenge to bring up the topic of mutual masturbation, then actually engaging in the activity means a couple has moved on to a new level of trust. Doing something that exposes vulnerability or requires overcoming a roadblock can bring a couple even closer together than they were before. And that can have positive repercussions throughout their relationship.

3) It eases anxiety about masturbating. Many men in a relationship feel guilty that they masturbate. Performing in a solo manner for each other can help reduce those feelings.

4) Communication lines can be opened. Often masturbating with another person can open up new lines of communication - about sex, but also about other things. A discussion about why they stroked themselves in a particular way, for example, may lead to a story from their past that they’ve never shared before.

5) Definitions of sex can expand. Penetrative and oral sex are tremendously satisfying experiences - but there are times when one or both partners may not be in the appropriate frame of mind for these activities. Mutual masturbation can be a way of satisfying desires in a different way.

Not every person may want to masturbate with their partner, but those who are interested in this should think about bringing it up. If a guy knows 100% that his partner would frown on this activity, he should let it go. But if he is unsure, then bringing it up may be worth his while. Both may benefit from this step.

Whether a man’s masturbation is mutual or solo-based, he wants to make sure his penis is in good shape for the activity. Regular use of a superior penis health crème ( health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin ) can be a big aid in this area. Since penis skin can be rubbed raw, a man needs to use a crème that can replenish moisturization. In order to do this, the crème should ideally have both a natural hydrating agent (such as vitamin E) and a high-end emollient (such as Shea butter). It also helps if the crème contains L carnitine. This amino acid helps to restore loss of sensitivity in the penis from over-aggressive or rough handling of the manhood.

Tuesday, 24 October 2017

Handy Tricks to Make a Small Penis Look Bigger

Penis size has long been a target of male angst. Men the world over look at the next guy and wonder if he’s bigger, and they will do almost anything to enhance their penis size, hoping they will one day be the largest in the room. But a small penis is not a true penis problem - it’s something that gives a man the opportunity to learn more about other ways to please a woman, and that can be a huge bonus to both partners. In addition to excellent penis care to keep his equipment looking top-notch, a guy who is truly worried about his penis size can try these tricks to make a small penis look bigger.

1) Pay attention to manscaping. When the penis is engulfed in a wealth of pubic hair, it will naturally look much smaller than it really is. By manscaping the hair back a bit or shaving it off altogether, there is nothing to obscure the proud manhood, and that can make it look much larger.

2) Lose some weight. Speaking of engulfing the penis, that’s possible when it comes to excess skin, too. When a man gains weight, he usually puts on some around the penis, in an area known as a fat pad. This fat builds up and overtakes the base of the penis, making it appear that the penis is actually smaller. By losing weight, a guy can gain back quite a bit of that loss, allowing his penis to stand forth in all its glory.

3) Consider those tan lines. If a man has a dark tan everywhere but the midsection, that changes the eye’s perception of what it looks like. The areas that are of lighter color seem to be a bit smaller than they would otherwise, thanks to this trick of the light. So if a man has a heavy tan, he might want to consider a bit of a tan on the nether regions as well, to get rid of that tan line. On the other hand, a man with very fair skin might want to avoid getting a tan at all costs, so that his skin tone stays the same all over his body.

4) Use the right condoms. A man can’t go wrong with condoms that make a small penis look much bigger. This can be achieved with condoms that are of a light color, such as yellow or white, as they will make the member stand out much more than a dark-colored condom. He can also go for a condom with studs, ridges or other pleasure textures, as this also adds a bit of heft to the look.

5) Warm things up. Before getting frisky, a man can excuse himself to the bathroom and use a very warm washcloth as a compress on the penis and surrounding area. This encourages more blood flow and opens up the vessels, which makes the penis appear larger at first glance. And of course, a man knows how important the first glance from a partner can be!

No matter a man’s size, attention to good penis care is the surefire way to keep a penis looking good. This can be achieved with a top-notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) , applied daily as a careful overall penis care routine. Look for a crème that contains vitamin E and Shea butter for hydration, thus preventing the dry skin that can make a penis look tired and worn. Also look for a crème with vitamin A, as this vitamin is known to fight against penis odor - and penis problems like odor can ruin a fun evening, no matter a man’s size. Finally, a guy should look for a crème with a good combination of antioxidants, nutrients and amino acids, all of which enhance blood flow and promote better penis health.

When Spontaneous Ejaculation Impedes Penis Function

Premature ejaculation is a concern for many men, but another penis function issue is considerably rarer: spontaneous ejaculation. As the name implies, spontaneous ejaculation is a release of semen which occurs without any physical - and sometimes without any mental - stimulation. Since penis function is part of proper penis health, understanding spontaneous ejaculation helps a man know more about caring for his equipment.

Not nocturnal emission

Technically, many instances of nocturnal emission - ejaculating while sleeping - can be considered a form of spontaneous ejaculation. If that were to be the case, then spontaneous ejaculation would not be rare but instead would be quite common among adolescent males. However, when doctors speak of spontaneous ejaculation, they tend to consider it separate from nocturnal emission.

Statistics on this issue are hard to come by, but one study found that approximately 1.5% of men experience their first ejaculation through spontaneous means. However, there is a dearth of statistics on frequency of spontaneous ejaculations later in life. In general, it is felt that the incidence in adulthood is less than 1%. However, it is also acknowledged that many men may experience spontaneous ejaculation without ever reporting it, especially if it is a one-time or rare occurrence, rather than chronic.


Clearly, incidents of spontaneous ejaculation can be embarrassing, inconvenient and messy. In many cases, the time between when a man notices that arousal has happened and the time when he ejaculates is so quick that he has no time to find a private place in which to ejaculate. And in some instances, men report ejaculating without any kind of arousal, so it is even more of a surprise. It’s difficult to anticipate and prepare for.


Because the condition is fairly rare, scientists have not been able to study it as much as they would like - and so pinpointing exact causes is sometimes difficult.

In some instances, the cause may be medication-related. Certain medications have an association with spontaneous ejaculation; such an association does not mean any man who uses these medications will have this problem, but it does make it somewhat more likely to occur. For example, methylphenidate, which is often used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), can sometimes cause spontaneous ejaculations. At least one case study recounts that reboxetene, a drug used to treat depression, caused the condition in a man. And several antipsychotic drugs include the issue as a potential side effect.

In addition, often a man who is withdrawing from opioid addiction may experience spontaneous ejaculations.

Often, however, the issue seems to be related more to anxiety and stress. For example, a man feeling extreme stress over a college exam or great anxiety due to an important work presentation may become a victim of this problem. Some people with post-traumatic stress syndrome may also have the condition.

Finally, in older men, an enlarged prostate may sometimes produce this result.


In cases where medication may be an issue, switching drugs can alleviate the problem. If the prostate is the root of the problem, seeing a doctor for advice is recommended.

If stress and anxiety are the problem, seeking help from a mental health professional may be helpful. In addition, practicing relaxation and meditation activities, including yoga, might be beneficial.

Penis function issues like spontaneous ejaculation worry a man and can make him question his penis health status. Using a top notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) helps to ensure a man that he is taking appropriate steps to better his penis health. Look for a crème that includes a wide range of key vitamins, including vitamins A, B5, C, D and E. In addition, a crème with alpha lipoic acid will help to fight free radicals which if left unchecked can create severe damaging oxidative stress.

Monday, 23 October 2017

Vitamin E: Why it is Essential for Good Penis Health

When a man creates a daily routine for excellent penis care, he wants to make sure all bases are covered. That’s why many men turn to a penis health crème, as it contains the proper vitamins and nutrients a man’s skin needs to stay looking and feeling its best. But it’s important to understand exactly what is in anything a man puts on his body, especially his sensitive penis skin. That’s why he should research every ingredient and understand what it does. One of the most important ingredients in any good crème is vitamin E.

What is vitamin E?

A natural hydrator, vitamin E is known for keeping skin smooth and supple. Technically, vitamin E is a collective name for fat-soluble compounds that have strong antioxidant properties. It can be found in many foods, as well as many supplements and creams designed for treating skin conditions - or even creams that are simply designed to promote healing and hydration.

Where is it found?

Vitamin E is found in a huge variety of foods, including almonds, sunflower seeds, pine nuts, peanuts, hazelnuts and other types of nuts, avocados, broccoli, spinach, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, butternut squash and much more. Since most people eat a variety of foods that contain vitamin E, it’s extremely rare to have a deficit of it.

When it comes to the skin, vitamin E is known for important properties for health and healing. Therefore, there are numerous supplements available that can be applied directly to the skin. However, pure vitamin E doesn’t provide the best benefit for skin use; rather, it should be applied along with other vitamins, such as vitamin C, as well as some sort of carrier oil, such as Shea butter, to get the most benefit. That’s why vitamin E for topical use is usually sold in the form of a cream, butter or oil.

What does it do for penis skin?

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that is known for fighting against free radicals. Free radicals are the rogue atoms that can eventually combine together and lead to serious problems, such as skin deterioration. By fighting off these free radicals, vitamin E keeps the skin looking healthier, stronger and younger, with fewer wrinkles and age spots.

Vitamin E also helps a man maintain good penis sensation, thanks to the effects it has on the delicate nerve endings in the penis skin. Nerve damage is one of the most common reasons why a man will eventually feel less sensitivity in the penis, and that can lead to all sorts of problems in the bedroom, especially a lack of enjoyment in the sexual activities that once felt so wonderful. While it is important to get vitamin E in the diet and thus protect those nerves from the inside-out, it’s also important to apply vitamin E topically to ensure that the nerves are protected from the outside, too.

Vitamin E is also very important for blood flow. It is one of the nutrients the body needs to help ensure the blood vessels stay open and receptive to blood flow - and of course, this is one of the most important parts of the erectile process. Vitamin E in the diet is great, but it should also be applied topically to help ensure that even the tiniest blood vessels closest to the skin get the nutrients they need.

Finally, keeping penis skin smooth and supple can help a man avoid many penis problems, such as the itchy skin that could result from dryness. A specially formulated penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) should include not only a healthy dose of vitamin E for this purpose, but should also have Shea butter as well. Shea butter can help the vitamin E perform its duties on the skin. A crème with vitamin C and D is also important, as those nutrients help enhance the great properties of vitamin E.

Sunday, 22 October 2017

Is Sleeping Nude Better for a Healthy Penis?

As is well known, getting enough sleep is important for a person’s overall health, including a guy’s penis health. But beyond getting enough shut-eye so that a fellow feels primed for energetic activities, is there more a man needs to do to ensure his sleep more directly translates to a healthy penis? For example, does sleeping in the nude have any effect on whether a dude has a healthy penis or not?

Let’s take a look at some of the pros and cons associated with sleeping in the nude for men.


- It airs the penis out. Penis odor can be a significant problem for a lot of men - and a distinct turn-off to a lot of partners (and potential partners). Sleeping in the nude will not by itself solve the problem of an overly-aromatic penis, but it can help. Giving the penis a chance to air out for a few hours each day can make a difference.

- It decreases rash potential. Because the penis is kept beneath two layers of clothing all day - the trousers and the underwear - it tends to get hot and sweaty. When there’s heat and moisture, the conditions are right for bacteria and/or fungus to grow, and that is bad news for the delicate penis skin. Rashes and fungal or yeast infections are more likely to occur, and that is not consistent with a healthy penis.

- It may increase nutrient absorption . Bare skin, especially when aired out and harboring fewer bacteria, is likely to be more receptive to vital nutrient absorption. This is especially handy if a guy applies a penis health crème with significant nutrient content before bed.

- It might help with fertility issues. By this point, most men have heard about studies which demonstrate that too much heat in the crotch can have a negative impact on sperm production. Many of these studies also point out that underwear, especially tight underwear, can raise the heat factor in the crotch to the detriment of the sperm.


- It can be rough on skin. If a man sleeps on sheets or under blankets that are rough or scratchy, this can damage sensitive penis skin. And if the bedclothes are washed with a strong detergent or bleach, the harsh chemicals can impact the skin on the penis. (Of course, if the man’s underwear or pajamas are washed in the same substances, that will also be a problem.)

- Some men find it uncomfortable. Some guys simply don’t like the "too close" feel of bedsheets right on the penis. And if a person doesn’t feel comfortable, they don’t sleep as well - and that’s not good for their overall health.

- It can be too stimulating. Some men find they get more aroused more easily when sleeping in the nude - which may result in a late night (and lengthy) masturbation session when they really should be getting some much-needed rest. Sure, a little personal playtime once in a while is fine, but if it ends up delaying sleep on a regular basis, that can be problematic.

Basically, it all comes down to personal choice and what an individual guy feels most comfortable with. But many doctors agree that if men choose to sleep in underwear or pajamas, it should be a little loose and not constricting.

Keeping up a healthy penis, whether sleeping clothed or nude, is made much easier by the daily application of a first class penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . If penis odor is a problem, especially persistent odor, find a crème with vitamin A. The antibacterial properties of that vitamin can be very helpful in keeping odor to a minimum. It also pays to elect a crème that includes vitamin B5 among its ingredients. Also called pantothenic acid, it is a vital nutrient required for cell metabolism and the maintenance of healthy tissue.

Saturday, 21 October 2017

Halloween Games for a Happy Penis

Yes, that time of year is coming when little goblins, scary ghosties and woeful witches will descend upon a man’s home in search of treats - and ready to play dreadful tricks if they go away empty-handed. Halloween is a wonderful time to be a kid, but that doesn’t mean children get to have all the fun at the end of October. No, adults should be open to adding a little Halloween fun into their sex lives (just as long as the kiddies aren’t around)! Using Halloween to make a happy penis even happier should be on every guy’s agenda. By exercising just a little caution, it doesn’t even have to threaten his penis health - because that’s one scare that no dude likes, even at Halloween!

So what are some seasonal games and activities that a couple of consenting adults can get into?

Scary movie, happy penis

Celebrate the ghoulish season by watching a horrifying movie with a partner, but add a few twists to the viewing. For example, scary movies are full of people saying or doing ridiculous things. So every time a male character says or does something stupid - like going into a creepy house alone - the male viewer takes off a piece of clothing; ditto for the female viewer when a woman in the film, say, opens the door when she really shouldn’t. The first partner who gets totally naked then gets orally pleasured by the other partner. (The variations on this are endless, so adapt as seems appropriate.)

Mutual body painting

Wearing costumes for Halloween is fun. Painting a costume on a lover is ecstasy. Purchase a supply of body paints, strip down and let those artistic impulses go wild. For more fun, take turns, with one partner painting the other for a few minutes and then the other returning the favor. Be sure to pay extra attention to getting the genitals, buttocks and breasts just right - even if it takes all night. (One word of caution: although body paints should be labelled as safe for use, it’s best to avoid getting any inside the vagina - so washing that masterpiece off a guy’s penis before penetration is strongly advised.)

Scary role playing

Role playing can be fun at any time of the year, but taking advantage of the outre costume choices available at Halloween can make it even more delightful. This is a perfect time to unleash that howling inner wolfman fantasy, or to let her indulge in evil witchy behavior. And space aliens with realistic tentacles can add something very interesting to sex play.

Dress up the toys

Couples who already employ sex toys in their activities may want to make them more Halloween-appropriate as well. It could be as simple as painting that cock ring orange, adding drops of fake blood to harness straps or letting the dildo or anal plug wear a vampire cape when not in use.

Bring out the treats

Food is a big part of Halloween, so incorporate some into sex play. Dripping a little chocolate sauce on a pair of breasts and lovingly licking it off or offering a generous helping of whipped cream on a generous penis to an eager partner can be fun for all concerned.

The above Halloween suggestions can definitely make for a happy penis - but so can taking steps to keep that penis equally as healthy. For that, it’s best to daily apply a first rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). For best results, locate a crème that includes both vitamin A and a potent antioxidant. Also known as retinol, vitamin A has anti-bacterial properties which are invaluable in fighting the kind of persistent penis odor that ruins many a relationship. And alpha lipoic acid, a very powerful antioxidant, is great for fighting free radicals which can otherwise lead to unwanted oxidative stress. And that’s scarier than anything Halloween has to offer.

Friday, 20 October 2017

Avoiding Penis Problems: Spotting the Signs of Testicular Cancer

In the world of penis problems, one looms large in the fears of men: testicular cancer. Horror stories abound about men who wound up with testicular cancer, including some high-profile individuals: Lance Armstrong is the first to come to mind for most, as well as figure skater Scott Hamilton and comedian Tom Green. The good news is that proper penis care that includes monthly checks of the testicles can go a long way toward spotting changes early, and thus getting a man in for treatment if anything is detected.

How to look for testicular cancer

Knowing and recognizing the signs of testicular cancer are the most important parts of a testicular exam. A man should take the time to become very familiar with this particular set of balls, so that he will have no problem noticing changes in the future. The first few times he does this exam, it’s all about getting that familiarity. Once he knows everything there is to know about the way his testicles feel, he can go about looking for the signs of testicular cancer at every new exam.

A self-exam should be done at least once a month. Here’s what a man should look for:

1. Changes in size. There should be no variation in size of the testicles from one month to the next. If it seems that one side (or both) is growing, swelling or otherwise changing shape, that could be a red flag that something is wrong in there.

2. Changes in hanging. How the boys hang could also be a factor to watch. Looking in the mirror every now and then to make sure they look the same is a good idea. It’s normal for one testicle to hang lower than the other. However, if one hangs much lower or they otherwise look different, pay attention.

3. Changes in lumps or bumps. Some men will have lumps or bumps in the sacks, and that’s normal. In fact, one such area might be the tiny tube that carries sperm - it sometimes feels like a pea or marble between the fingers. Remember, the key here is to look for changes. If there is a particular lump that has been there for years but never changed, it’s probably nothing. But if that lump does start to change, then it could be something.

4. Changes in softness. The testicles should be soft and spongy when a man pulls on them. They shouldn’t feel hard, waterlogged, or otherwise filled with fluid. If it seems they just don’t feel right, see a doctor to get a professional opinion.

5. Changes in pain. A testicular exam shouldn’t cause pain. A man should be able to roll the skin between his fingers, feel along the underside of the scrotum, poke and prod while looking for lumps or bumps, and even squeeze the area without any discomfort. If he suddenly feels pain or discomfort while doing these things, that’s a sign that he needs to get checked out.

6. Changes in the penis. Testicular cancer can also show up in penis changes. One of these is discharge of a clear or yellow substance from the penis when the testicles are manipulated. This could indicate something going on in there, or it could also indicate some sort of infection in the penis itself. This type of discharge always warrants a doctor’s visit.

A man should take care to do a self-exam at least once per month. He can help along his penis health and get a casual exam in while using a top-notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) on a daily basis. Look for a crème that contains Shea butter and vitamin E for softness, as well as alpha lipoic acid, an antioxidant that fights against free radicals. This great combination can help improve penis health and offer peace of mind for those worried about penis problems.

The Dangers of Cortisone Cream for an Itchy Penis

Many people reach for cortisone creams as their number-one remedy against itchy skin. Though cortisone cream might work very well for some parts of the body, such as the arms or legs, it is advised that men use the utmost caution when using cortisone cream on the penis. When nothing else works for an itchy penis, even the best changes in hygiene and good penis care, a man might need cortisone cream - but he also needs to know what penis problems it might potentially cause down the road.

What men need to know about cortisone creams

Cortisone creams contain very low amounts of steroids. These creams contain so little, in fact, that they are sold over the counter and most people never experience any negative side effects from using them. Cortisone creams work very well for those who have skin allergies, such as a bout with poison ivy or something in their environment that causes an itchy rash. It also works very well for those who have certain skin conditions, such as psoriasis or eczema. Keep in mind that these creams stop the allergic reaction, thus stopping the itching; they don’t actually treat any underlying condition.

When it comes to more delicate skin, such as that on the penis, it pays to use cortisone creams with extreme caution. That’s because many men report changes in their penis skin after using cortisone creams, including thinning of the skin, redness, and a waxy appearance. Some irritation might also occur. Those who have darker penis skin might find that the use of cortisone cream also makes the skin lighter, or leaves it with discolored splotches. Using cortisone cream for the long-term might also result in stretch marks on the penis, thanks to the thinning of the skin.

How to use cortisone creams properly

A man should never just reach for a cortisone cream at the pharmacy and start using it. It’s important to remember how to use it, and what steps to take before resorting to the cream.

1) Figure out the underlying cause. A man who has a seriously itchy penis needs to treat the reason for the problem, rather than just masking it by getting rid of the itch. There might be issues with allergies, parasites, or even a sexually transmitted disease. A visit to the doctor or dermatologist can help a guy figure out what’s going on.

2) Use it sparingly. When applying the cream, don’t slather it on. Use only the smallest amount possible to get results. This should be no more than what can be squeezed out onto a fingertip.

3) Use it for a short period of time. Cortisone creams should be used for temporary relief, which might mean only a few days. This should give a man enough time to take medications or otherwise follow the doctor’s instructions on how to alleviate the underlying cause of the itch.

4) Avoid skin irritations. If the skin of the penis is broken in any way, such as irritated to the point of leaving tiny cuts or abrasions, do not put cortisone cream on it. Not only does this hurt like crazy, it can also allow the cream to infiltrate the skin, which could lead to further problems. And don’t scratch! Scratching the penis can get the cortisone in too deep, leading to those aforementioned penis problems.

5) Don’t cover the area. When using cortisone cream, try to leave the penis skin bare. This allows the cream to do its work while the skin ‘breathes’ a bit, mitigating some of the potential damage that can come from cortisone cream use.

One of the best remedies for an itchy penis is great hydration. That’s something a man can attain with a top-notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) , which includes vitamin E and Shea butter. This one-two punch of hydration can keep the penis skin smooth, supple and itch-free.

Thursday, 19 October 2017

An Itchy Penis Might be Due to Compression Shorts

There are penis health concerns of far greater import than an itchy penis, but few that recur as frequently or that all men can identify with. Whether it’s just the occasional need to scratch or the urgency of a chronic itchy penis condition, all males can sympathize with the desire to be itch-free in the midsection. That desire is why knowing what can cause that itch is important. Men who wear compression shorts on a regular basis should be aware that that particular underwear may be the culprit.

About compression shorts

Compression shorts evolved from medical compression garments. These garments were intended to provide a very snug fit for support and circulatory reasons. Eventually, someone realized that compression shorts might be a benefit for athletes. By providing muscle support and helping boost circulation, they could theoretically enable athletes to perform even better. In addition, the compression aspect makes them a good replacement for the often-maligned athletic supporter. Thus, compression shorts have made an impact as more and more men wear them.

These shorts are especially popular in activities involving running or cycling, so track athletes may wear them. But they also show up quite frequently in the gym, as body-builders - or simply men who are interesting in keeping in shape - have taken them up.

Compression shorts typically run to mid-thigh in length. They tend to be made of spandex or similar materials. Most often, compression shorts are worn without underwear, to provide the desired testicular and penile support. (Some men opt to wear compression shorts as underwear underneath their trousers.)

The itchy penis connection

Why should there be any connection between compression shorts and a possible itchy penis? Well, as long as those compression shorts are kept very clean, there really shouldn’t be.

Unfortunately, many men - especially amateur athletes - are not as attentive to cleaning these shorts as they should be. Many guys feel that if they only wear them for an hour or so at the gym, they don’t really need to wash them on a daily basis. Simply airing them out should be enough to disperse most of the odor that clings to them.

That may (or may not) be the case, but washing compression shorts isn’t just about getting rid of unfortunate odors. It’s also about cleaning away sweat and bacteria - and fungus.


When a man sweats in his crotch, there is a very real possibility he is creating a warm, moist environment in which a fungus can thrive. This can result in a nasty yeast infection (called candidiasis in men), which can cause a guy to scratch like mad.

Yes, yeast infections can be treated. There are antifungal medications (both prescription and over-the-counter) that can be used to clear it up relatively quickly. But it can come back just as easily if a guy doesn’t take care - and isn’t it easier to simply prevent it by washing those compression shorts after each sweaty use? (It will also help with that aforementioned odor issue.)

Compression shorts aren’t the only cause of an itchy penis, of course. Dry penis skin is a common cause, and one that can be alleviated by regular application of a first rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . Keeping the delicate penis skin moisturized is essential, and that requires a crème that includes both a high-end emollient (Shea butter is excellent) and a natural hydrator (vitamin E does the trick nicely). It also helps to further strengthen the skin via a crème with a powerful antioxidant to fight free radicals. Alpha lipoic acid is excellent in this regard, helping keep the skin resilient.

Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Penis Odor Solutions: Back to Basics

Just because summer is over doesn’t mean a dude can rest easy when it comes to persistent penis odor. Sure, cooler weather does indeed translate into less sweat and thus less penis odor - but it still requires regular, basic penis care to keep the equipment from producing an off-putting stench. There are solutions to the penis odor problem, and it behooves a guy to explore and utilize them. His partner and/or future partners will thank him for taking the little extra time required.

Penis odor happens

Some penis odor is essentially inevitable, unless perhaps a man is a full-time nudist - and even then, some stench may still attach itself to his nether regions. So when looking for odor solutions, it’s necessary to understand why penis odor is so common.

There can be some atypical cause of penis odor, such as an STI (sexually transmitted infection), a urinary tract infection or a yeast infection. But most of the time the reasons are far more mundane.

Basically, sweat and dirt are the culprits. Sweat is entirely understandable. After all, the penis is most often kept tucked away behind two layers of clothing, which creates a heated situation. The fact that it nestles on top of a pair of testicles and between a pair of thighs creates more heat merely through skin-on-skin contact. Add in the insulation from body hair in the area, and there’s no wonder that the midsection can get so sweaty.

Dirt (and the bacteria that accompanies it) is also a factor. All men can be prone to dirt in the penile area, but intact men may have a greater challenge; smegma can build up underneath the foreskin if proper care is not taken.

Basic solutions

Knowing why men commonly have penis odor makes it easy to see some common sense solutions. These include:

1) Wash properly. Showering or bathing on a regular basis is essential to keeping penis odor at bay. If a man is too busy to bathe, taking a washcloth, soap and water and simply giving the genitals a good scrub can still help. For men who have serious sweat issues, it may pay to shower in the morning and do a quick washcloth to the midsection later in the day - especially if going on a date. However, remember that penis skin is very sensitive, so use a soap or cleanser that is gentle and doesn’t include harsh chemicals or fragrances.

2) Dress appropriately. Men who sweat heavily may want to consider changing clothes after work (and certainly before a big date), or at least changing into fresh underwear. It also pays to select underwear that will generate less heat. Tight briefs, for example, can increase the heat quotient; if a guy doesn’t need the support briefs supply, he may be better off with light, loose boxers. Make sure the fabric is cotton or another fabric that "breathes." Those who go with briefs may also want to consider ones in a "mesh" style, which let more air flow in.

3) Undress appropriately, too. "Airing out" the penis is a very good way to help keep odors away. Ideally, a man should let his penis air out for several hours each day; sleeping in the nude is one way to accomplish this.

4) Think about a haircut. If pubic hair creates too much heat, consider trimming it or shaving it off entirely.

The last of our solutions for fighting penis odor is to keep it in optimal health. Regular application of a first rate penis health crème ( health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin ) can be a big help here. It’s essential that the selected crème includes vitamin A, the anti-bacterial properties of which enable it to punch out penis odor. Healthier penis skin is better able to resist penis odor, so the crème should also include moisturizing agents, such as Shea butter and vitamin E, which can keep the skin appropriately hydrated and healthy.

Tuesday, 17 October 2017

Stretch Marks on Penis Skin: Natural or Worrisome?

Stretch marks are often seen as unsightly, and that’s why people try so hard to avoid them. Everyone is familiar with stretch marks as a result of the rapid belly growth during pregnancy, and those stretch marks are often seen as a badge of honor - after all, they were acquired while a woman was growing a baby in that belly! But for men who have stretch marks on their penis, it’s a bit of a different story. Men might dive into all sorts of strange penis care rituals to get rid of them, and might wonder if they are normal.

What causes stretch marks?

Stretch marks are normally caused by the skin stretching and expanding. The aforementioned pregnancy is a good example. Other examples include bodybuilders who put on a lot of muscle quickly, kids going through puberty who grow very fast during a short period of time, or those who put on a great deal of weight over a short period.

However, stretch marks also seem to have a connection to cortisol, the stress hormone. The higher the cortisol levels, the more stretch marks a person is likely to have. Other hormones might also play a role.

Stretch marks can also appear on the penis, thanks not only to hormonal changes, but to the simple act of the penis growing and stretching with regular erections. There is nothing that can be done to stop this action, so therefore, many men who are prone to stretch marks - especially those who are under a lot of stress and have higher cortisol levels - are more likely to get those tiny marks on their penis.

To sum it up, stretch marks on the body, including the penis, are perfectly normal. Some men are more prone to them than others. Though they might mean a little higher stress level - something a man should definitely tackle if that’s the case - most stretch marks simply appear for no apparent reason beyond the normal stretching of the penis skin.

What can be done about them?

Stretch marks on the penis skin are usually there for good. Sure, there are expensive and painful laser treatments a man can go through to help make their appearance much less, but that is an option that most men won’t choose to pursue. Therefore, prevention of additional stretch marks is always the best bet.

How can a man prevent stretch marks? Here are a few ways:

- Don’t make rough play a habit. The rougher the play, the more likely a man will have damaged penis skin, and that can lead to stretch marks. Always take care to touch the penis with a gentle hand, and always avoid the ‘death grip’ during masturbation.

- Use lube. Speaking of masturbation, lubrication goes a long way toward maintaining good penis skin health. A lubricant used every time forms a slick barrier between the roughness of the hand and the delicate skin of the penis, thus possibly preventing irritations - including stretch marks.

- Avoid cortisone creams. Cortisone creams contain cortisol, which can break down the skin enough to lead to irritations, redness, soreness and yes, even stretch marks. Though there is always a time and place to use such medications, it should only be done when absolutely necessary and always upon the recommendation of a doctor.

- Use plenty of vitamin E and Shea butter. The hydration superpowers of Shea butter, combined with the soothing benefits of vitamin E, make a top-notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) a must for those who are worried about stretch marks. These ingredients keep hydration at a high level, which helps the penis skin expand freely without pulling or cracking. Other ingredients, such as vitamins D and C, are known for their skin-soothing properties. A good crème might also help alleviate the appearance of stretch marks somewhat, thanks to all that serious hydration and better health.

Vitamin D: Good for Overall Health and Penis Health

Men who are on the lookout for the best penis care practices shouldn’t just stop with the manhood - they need to look at overall health as well. A man’s overall health can greatly affect his penis health, and vice versa. Therefore, certain nutrients are a must not only for ingestion, but for topical application, too. One of those very important nutrients is vitamin D.

What exactly is vitamin D?

Many have heard of vitamin D as a necessity for good health. Many foods and drinks - especially milk - are fortified with vitamin D. Other foods contain it naturally, such as salmon, cod liver oil and even portabella mushrooms.

Most vitamin D is made by the body, however, as a reaction to sunlight. That’s why at least a few minutes outside each day can help a man feel better in many ways, thanks to more than enough vitamin D coursing through his system.

Vitamin D is great for keeping bones healthy and strong. It helps enhance cellular function throughout the body, boosts the immune system and lifts a person’s mood. In fact, sometimes those who suffer from depression during the darker months of the year can benefit greatly from a supplemental dose of vitamin D to bring their levels back to normal.

A blood test can help determine if there are high enough levels of vitamin D in a person’s body. If not, a series of supplements can bring levels back to a healthy amount.

What does it do for penis health?

That’s what vitamin D can do when ingested, but what does it do when applied topically? Any penis heath crème worth its salt will contain vitamin D, which is then applied directly to the penis skin. The advantages of this include allowing the vitamin D to soak into the skin, thus upping the benefits. And those benefits include:

1. Libido. Vitamin D and testosterone levels often go hand-in hand. When one is low, the other probably is, too. That’s because vitamin D is integral in the production of testosterone, which is necessary for sexual drive and all sorts of other sexual functions, such as getting an erection.

2. Sperm production. Sperm counts are tied to the amount of vitamin D in the body; a healthy amount means a healthy sperm count. This might also have something to do with the testosterone-vitamin D connection.

3. Sperm quality. A lot of sperm doesn’t mean much if it isn’t the high-quality sperm necessary to impregnate a partner. Sperm quality is always boosted by getting all the right vitamins, so it makes sense that vitamin D, applied topically and ingested orally, can help ensure those little swimmers are in good shape.

4. Genetic information. As the sperm forms, genetic information is encoded. That is then carried to the egg, where it becomes half of what will eventually become the offspring. Vitamin D can help ensure that genetic information is seamless, that there are fewer possibilities for genetic issues, and that only the best sperm get to the egg.

Those looking after their overall health, as well as their penis health, can do so by ensuring they get the right mix of nutrients. This includes vitamin D and many of the other vitamins, nutrients and amino acids present in a top-notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). In addition to the wonders of the vitamin D "miracle," men can also enjoy vitamin A for odor control, alphia lipoic acid to fight against free radicals that threaten to damage penis skin, vitamin C for better blood flow, L carnitine for better sensation and of course, vitamin E and Shea butter for perfect hydration.

Monday, 16 October 2017

Everything a Man Needs to Know about Penile Cancer

Fortunately, most men will never have to deal with penile cancer. But even though the cases of penile cancer are very rare, it’s such a frightening penis problem that many men worry that they will be one of the unlucky ones to get the diagnosis. The good news is that regular penis care can help a man spot the signs of penile cancer very early, and that’s what matters most when it comes to getting treatment that can eradicate the cancer cells and make a man healthy again.

What are the most common factors in penile cancer?

It’s important for a man to know what he needs to do to avoid penile cancer. Though some cases happen no matter how good a man’s penis care regimen might be, there are certain factors that make cancer of the penis - and other cancers throughout the body - much more likely. These factors include:

- Men who smoke are at risk for many problems. That’s because smoking pulls carcinogens into the lungs, which then disperse through the body. It also affects the blood flow through the body, which in turn affects overall health, as well as penis health.

- Bad hygiene. A man who doesn’t pay attention to hygiene is setting himself up for all sorts of nasty infections, including the possibility of penile cancer down the road. A good cleaning every day is all it takes to keep the penis healthier.

- Unprotected sex. Many sexually transmitted diseases increase the odds of a man developing many penis problems, including penile cancer. Using a condom every time can help cut down dramatically on the risks.

- Lack of vaccination. For man under the age of 26, it’s important to get a full course of the vaccine against human papillomavirus (HPV). This virus leads to genital warts, which can eventually lead to penile cancer.

What are the symptoms of penile cancer?

A man who is suffering from penile cancer might notice slight symptoms at first. Any of these symptoms that appear suddenly or don’t go away with good penis care measures require a visit to the doctor to rule out anything serious:

1. Unexplained swelling of the penis that doesn’t seem to correspond with physical activity

2. A red rash or crusty bumps underneath the foreskin or on the glans

3. Pain anywhere in the penis that develops with no obvious reasons behind it

4. Any bleeding from the head of the penis and the foreskin

5. A foul-smelling and persistent discharge that doesn’t respond to any sort of crèmes or other hygiene efforts

6. Thickening of the skin or changes in the way the skin feels when rubbed

7. Changes in color of the penis (keep in mind that bruising or redness from a vigorous romp in the hay are normal and go away in a short time; this is not a sign of penile cancer)

8. Sores or growths on the penis that may develop on the shaft or the glans

9. Growths or lesions on the penis or underneath the foreskin that have a bluish tint

10. Swollen and tender lymph nodes, especially of those in the groin.

Most men will never have to deal with penile cancer, but keeping these symptoms in mind will help a guy know if he has a situation to worry about. If any of these symptoms are present and don’t go away almost immediately with excellent penis care, a visit to the doctor is in order.

In the meantime, a man can make the most of topical application of high-powered ingredients in a fantastic penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can be applied. He should look for a crème that contains a plethora of vitamins and nutrients, including Shea butter and vitamin E for hydration and alpha lipoic acid to fight against the free radicals that can cause cancer in the body, including penile cancer.

Sunday, 15 October 2017

Nude Activities for Healthy Penis Skin

Good, healthy penis skin makes a man’s member appear much more appealing to a potential partner - and it’s better for penis health as well, of course. There are many things that a man can do to attend to the health of his penis skin, including keeping it well moisturized and away from harsh chemicals and ingredients. But another step a man can take is one of the easiest - simply letting the penis air out. Engaging in simple activities in the nude can be a plus for healthy penis skin.

For centuries, experts have extolled the benefits of fresh air on general well-being, including its effect on skin health. In the 19th century, many people were proponents of "airbathing," which is simply letting the body experience the natural breezes and sunshine of the outdoors. It’s believed that "airing out" the skin can have benefits in oxygenating the skin, improving blood circulation (which also benefits skin health) and allowing perspiration to remove waste products from the body into the air (rather than releasing them into clothing, where they then settle back down onto the skin). So allowing the penis skin to also air out, whether indoors or outside, can be beneficial.


Clearly, all a man has to do to air out the penis skin is walk around without clothing. But for those who want a little more activity while nude, the following are some options to consider. (Remember, with the penis exposed, some basic caution may need to be taken to avoid damage from overexposure to light, contact with objects, etc.)

- Clean the house in the buff. As long as a guy is careful with the vacuum cleaner hose and the cleaning fluids, there’s no reason he can’t make his abode tidier and more livable while letting his manhood get some fresh air. As an added bonus, many partners find watching a man engage in housework while naked to be very erotic - often leading to a reward for a job well done.

- Play badminton. If the backyard has a reliable privacy fence, get out the net, rackets and birdies and see how well two fun-loving partners can hit that shuttlecock. A couple of tips: Wearing sneakers may be a good idea to avoid falls. And don’t stay outside for very long in strong sunlight, as penis skin burns easily.

- Or croquet. Pound a couple of poles into the ground, set up the wickets and then get the balls rolling. As with badminton, shoes and limited exposure to harsh sunlight are suggested.

- Exercise. Whether doing yoga stretches, lifting weights or spinning, exercising in the buff has a special feeling to it. The ancient Greeks did it all the time - and who’s going to argue with the classics?

- Make music. Pick up that guitar that’s been gathering dust or sit down at the piano and see what comes back to you. Since music is essentially all about vibrations, it’s fun to see how the naked body experiences that vibrations and how it differs from when a person is clothed.

- Play poker. If all the players are nude, no one can be hiding any aces up their sleeves.

Spending time nude can benefit penis skin, but those benefits will increase if a guy also regularly uses a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) on his member. Penis skin needs to be appropriately moisturized to be healthy, so select a crème that contains both a high-end emollient (Shea butter is an excellent one) and a natural hydrator (vitamin E is a fine choice). Penis skin can be harmed by the oxidative stress that free radicals can bring. A crème with a potent antioxidant, such as alpha lipoic acid, can provide the kind of protection delicate skin requires.

Friday, 13 October 2017

Diet and Penis Function May Be Related

There’s a lot of truth in the old adage "you are what you eat," as it indicates that the food a person consumes has much more of an impact than simply sating the appetite. As surprising as it may seem, diet can indeed have an effect on a guy’s penis health, including his penis function. And since the penis is one part of the body that a man clearly wants to keep functioning at the highest possible level, it’s worth looking at how diet might affect penis function.

A study

Scientists recently conducted a study which was published in the journal Sexual Medicine Reviews. Entitled, "Diet and Men’s Sexual Health," it looked at existing studies into this area published between 1977 and 2017 and aggregated the findings. They looked especially at various kinds of diets to determine if they seemed to have an impact on penis function, testosterone levels, and semen health. These studies indicated that men who had penis function issues usually benefited from following a Mediterranean diet. Obese men who followed a non-Western diet also usually had improvements in penis function due to the weight they lost.

Which diet?

The various diets are basically defined as follows:

- Mediterranean. A diet in which there is an emphasis on fish, monosaturated fats, fruits, vegetables, nuts and whole grains.

- Western. In this diet, there’s more emphasis on red and processed meats, dairy, refined grains, and artificial sweeteners, and not much emphasis on fruits and vegetables.

- Paleolithic. Lean meats, fruits and vegetables are the mainstays of a Paleolithic diet. There is much less emphasis on dairy, sugar, salt and grains.

- Vegetarian/vegan. As the name implies, these are diets in which there are little or no animal products.

While these diets are presented in broad definitions, in general the diet which allows an individual man to be at his healthiest and at his most appropriate weight level and level of fitness is the diet that is best for him.

Beyond the kind of diet which impacts penis function, there are some other dietary factors which come into play.

For example, excessive intake of alcohol is generally associated with poor penis function. A moderate amount may prove beneficial to overall health, but too much alcohol is definitely a detriment to good sexual health.

By the same token, eating too much chocolate can lead to obesity, which is not good. But chocolate does have flavonoids, which can help increase blood flow, which is essential for good penis function. So consuming an appropriate quantity of chocolate may be good for some men. Watermelon also can be an aid in relaxing blood vessels.

Cashew nuts are high in zinc, and this can be a good thing for many men. Because zinc keeps testosterone from breaking down, consuming cashews may help maintain testosterone at a higher level, which tends to keep the sex drive up. Another good source of zinc: shitake mushrooms.

Sometimes it takes experimentation to learn exactly what parts of and kinds of a diet can impact a specific man’s penis function. Another boost to better penis health is the daily application of a top notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . Look for a crème that contains two key amino acids - L-arginine and L carnitine. L-arginine helps in the production of nitric oxide, which is part of the process by which penile blood vessels remain open to increased blood flow. L carnitine is blessed with neuroprotective properties. When the penis is handled too roughly, it can cause a loss of sensation - and L carnitine helps to keep the penis feeling properly sensitized.

Itchy Penis Primer: Pubic Lice

Whether walking down the street or on a hot date with a partner he wants to impress, an itchy penis is an inconvenience for any man. That insistent need to scratch can be embarrassing and makes a dude seem in serious need of a little chill. What’s even worse is when there is a real penis health issue related to the itchy penis - such as pubic lice. When these little invaders are present, a man wants to be sure to get rid of them as soon as possible.

About lice

Pubic lice are parasites that tend to gather in the pelvic region. They are related to but not the same as head lice or body lice. (And they are not the same as the thousands of other species which, fortunately, affect animals rather than humans.) As the name suggests, head lice are found mainly on the head, usually in the scalp. They very rarely travel to other parts of the body. Body lice, in contrast, are usually found on clothing rather than on the body itself. When the clothing comes in contact with the body, they can cause itching. And if that clothing is in the pelvic area, body lice can create an itchy penis.

But the vast majority of the time, when lice are causing an itchy penis, it’s due to pubic lice.

Pubic lice

Pubic lice are colloquially known as crabs. That’s because, if using a magnifying glass or microscope to see them (they’re only 1-2 mm long), they do resemble crabs. They like hairy places and tend to either attach themselves on pubic hairs or on the skin near or attached to such hairs.

Unfortunately, pubic lice are very common, with about 3,000,000 cases every year in the United States. On the plus side, while they are uncomfortable and undesirable, pubic lice are not dangerous.

There are three phases to pubic lice:

1) The egg (or nit), which is oval shaped, yellowish or white, and attaches to pubic hair. Nits hatch in about 6-10 days.

2) The nymph. This early stage of the louse matures in 2-3 weeks. Its diet is blood, which it gets from its host.

3) The adult. Usually tan or greyish white, the adult also feeds on blood. Without a host, an adult louse dies within a couple of days.

As mentioned, pubic lice don’t spread disease, but they do itch like mad. Often a man can scratch so much that he damages his skin, which can in turn lead to an infection.

Spread through contact

Pubic lice are spread through contact, most often sexual. When a person has sex with a person with lice, some lice or eggs may get transferred to the partner from skin rubbing against skin. However, sometimes a person contracts pubic lice from other sources, such as bedsheets, towels, or clothing.


Men with an itchy penis due to pubic lice should consult a doctor for treatment recommendations. Special shampoos and medications are typically recommended for killing existing lice on the body. Nits can be resistant to medication and may need to be removed manually. In addition, it is usually necessary to take steps to remove lice which may have fallen off. Thoroughly washing bedsheets, clothing, and towels is necessary; items which cannot be machine washed may need to be dry cleaned.

Pubic lice not only cause an itchy penis but can result in damaged penis skin due to scratching. Application of a top drawer penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can help restore damaged penis skin. The best crème will contain a combination of moisturizers, such as a high-end emollient (like Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (like vitamin E). Together, they can rejuvenate damaged skin. To keep free radical damage from vulnerable skin, select a crème that also includes a potent antioxidant, such as alpha lipoic acid.

Thursday, 12 October 2017

Vitamin B5 and the Healthy Penis

There are numerous reasons why maintaining a healthy penis is important. A healthy penis makes a man feel more confident about himself; it enables him to perform at a higher level; it impresses partners (and potential partners); and it is a good indicator of overall health. Taking steps to maintain good penis health isn't complicated but it does require a little attention on a man's part - such as making sure his penis is enriched by vitamins and nutrients, including vitamin B5.

What exactly is vitamin B5?

Vitamin B5 is part of the B vitamin family, which consists of 8 members. These water soluble vitamins all play a role in the process by which the carbohydrates a person ingests gets translated into the energy the body needs to function properly. Fats and proteins also benefit from the B vitamin family's attention.

Also known as pantothenic acid, vitamin B5 has several specific functions, including:

- Helping to create the red blood cells that move throughout the body, delivering oxygen;

- Aiding in the adrenal glands' creation of testosterone and cortisol;

- Maintaining the health of the digestive system;

- Increasing acetylcholine (ACh), a neurotransmitter involved in sexual function;

- And synthesizing cholesterol in the body.

Where can it be found?

Vitamin B5's nickname, pantothenic, comes from the Greek and basically means "everywhere" - because vitamin B5 can be found in many different food sources. However, processing food tends to decrease or totally eliminate the vitamin B5 - so natural and "whole" foods are a better bet. These include meat (especially organ meat, like liver), fresh vegetables, chicken, turkey, milk, eggs, salmon and whole grains.

Because so much of modern man's diet consists of processed foods, people nowadays do not get as much vitamin B5 from their diets as they would have in the past. Therefore, taking vitamin B5 in supplementary form can be beneficial for many people.

The healthy penis

And how does vitamin B5 help maintain a healthy penis? Well, it is essential for proper cell metabolism and tissue maintenance, which the healthy penis definitely requires. This vitamin is also helpful in warding off infection, which has an obvious health benefit.

The role B5 plays in boosting energy via creation of healthy red blood cells has a benefit for the penis. After all, proper flow of highly-oxygenated blood is involved in the erectile process.

The fact that pantothenic acid is part of the process by which testosterone is created also has an impact. In men, testosterone is crucial for penile development, and it continues to play a role in maintaining a man's sex drive at an appropriate level. And as previously mentioned, vitamin B5 helps produce acetylcholine, which is part of the process by which the signals involved in sexual activity are transmitted to the penis.

No one vitamin or nutrient alone can be responsible for better sexual or penis health; however, vitamin B5 is definitely part of the "menu" of ingredients that have a strong impact on a man and his penis.

Men who are seeking routes to a healthy penis and wish to supplement their penile exposure to vitamin B5 should look into a top drawer penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . Many crèmes include vitamin B5 already because of the crucial role that it can play in penis health. However, the best crèmes will also contain other important ingredients, including L-arginine and L carnitine. L-arginine is an amino acid that helps the body to create nitric oxide, which in turn plays a role in keeping penile blood vessels open for increased blood flow. L carnitine is another amino acid, one with neuroprotective properties that can help restore diminished penile sensation.