Friday, 30 October 2015

Erect Penis Fashion: Dressing the Member for a Fun Date

Going on a date is a very pleasurable experience, especially when the evening includes some play time for the man's erect penis. When a couple has been in a relationship for an extended period of time, the date night needs to be livened up occasionally. Assuming that the male has been practicing appropriate penis care and the manhood is in good health, one route for keeping things lively is to let one's penis exhibit a little fashion sense. Dressing up the dude down below can add whimsical fun and quite a few laughs to a date night.

Condom fun
Now, often an erect penis has a regular outfit that he likes to don - a sporty latex condom, for example. Snug and designed to show off the member's physique, condoms are an excellent starting point for adding a little zing to the festivities. Too many guys stick to one color option - often the functional but rather boring "clear" - when investing in rubbers. There's no reason not to explore other hues and see how one's erect penis looks in a hypnotic blue, a sizzling red, a vibrant yellow or a seductive green.

There's also no reason to stop with color. Textures, such as ribbing, can add flair to the look - and may add some extra flair to the sex itself as well. And some condoms have variation in their shape, with a cinched neckline for example. Don't be afraid to try out a few to see what looks good - and make sure to ask for one’s partner's opinion!

Put a ring on it.
Penis rings serve a valuable function, helping many men to maintain their erections. But beyond this practical use, they can also add a little bling-bling to the man-thing. These rings come in a variety of materials, including metal, plastic, leather and cloth. Cruising the internet (or one's local sex supply emporium) with one's partner to choose the appropriate ring can add some oomph to a date even before the sensual action begins. (Do remember that penis rings are meant to be worn only for a limited amount of time, no matter how much aesthetic they add to the manhood.)

Tie one on.
Neckties can be a bit of a pain for some guys, but dressing up the penis with one can be rather enjoyable. Most neckties are too long for comfortable penis wear, but with some nice fabric and scissors an appropriate penis tie can be made with little trouble. For more fun, a man should invite his partner to tie it on.

Costume party
Wearing costumes doesn't have to be limited to Halloween. A penis costume can be simple or complicated. On the simple side, draping a handkerchief (or for the very well-endowed, a white towel) over the erect penis transforms it into a mighty spooky ghost. Add a small red cape and draw an "S" on it and the penis becomes a world-famous superhero. Place a green or brown sock over it and a man has a legitimate trouser snake. Or those who are more ambitious may opt to search out some appropriately-sized doll clothes (complete with hat, of course) and do a real dress-up number. Just make sure whatever is used can be removed quickly and easily whenever that erect penis gets the signal that it's time to move from playtime to the main event.

Adding erect penis fashion to a date night can make for a fun evening. So a man needs to be sure to regularly use a first-class penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) to keep his manhood in good health for the date's finale. This is especially true if any of the costuming choices might irritate the sensitive penis skin. A crème with a high-end emollient (like Shea butter) partnered with a natural hydrator (like vitamin E) will provide the soothing moisture that will alleviate itching and keep the penis skin smooth and supple. Another important ingredient for an effective penis health crème: vitamin B5. This crucial supplement plays a vital role in penis cell metabolism and the healthy maintenance of important penile cells.

Thursday, 29 October 2015

Red Penis Prevention: Avoiding Balanoposthitis

A red penis can be a funny thing: when it resembles a healthy red glow, it indicates a member that is in a high-functioning state. However, when the redness is more like an inflammation, it may very well be a sign of a penis health issue. For men who are intact, that redness may be a symptom of balanoposthitis and good penis care requires that attention be paid to this possibility.

What is balanoposthitis?
Many men have heard of balanitis. This is an inflammation of the glans, or head, of the penis. Fewer men are familiar with posthitis. This is a condition only found in intact men, in which the foreskin is inflamed. It is not uncommon for balanitis and posthitis to occur at the same time; when this happens, the condition is referred to by the join term balanoposthitis.

What are its symptoms?
Although inflammation is often mentioned when discussing balanoposthitis, there can be more signs of the condition than just a red penis. Among the other common symptoms associated with balanoposthitis are:
- Soreness and tenderness in the area, especially when touched. This can often interfere significantly with a man's sex life.
- Subpreputial discharge, which is a wetness, often thick and sometimes odorous, which is found underneath the foreskin.
- Phimosis. This is a tightness of the foreskin such that retraction is painful and/or difficult.
- Open sores in the area.
- Lower back pain.
- Tiredness.
- Rashes on the foreskin and/or glans.

There can be any number of causes of balanoposthitis, both infectious and non-infectious. Some of the causes can be serious. For example, it’s one of the side effects of STIs like chlamydia, syphilis and gonorrhea. Herpes simplex and lichen planus, an abnormal immune system response, are also possible culprits. However, most doctors report that balanoposthitis is more commonly the result of dermatological issues, such as inadequate hygiene, contact dermatitis or psoriasis. Candidiasis, or thrush, is also a common cause of balanoposthitis. Thrush is a yeast infection which is often accompanied by serious itching and rashes.

Prevention and treatment
Balanoposthitis can cause significant discomfort, especially when it presents with phimosis. Because of this, taking steps to treat or prevent it is recommended.

Treatment depends on the root cause of the balanoposthitis. For example, when an STI is involved, that condition will need to be addressed immediately. Antibiotics, antifungals and steroid creams may be recommended by a doctor in some cases.

One of the most effective ways to prevent this condition is to practice good hygiene. This includes washing the penis regularly, using a mild cleanser that does not irritate the skin or contain harsh chemicals and/or fragrances. It's important for intact men to wash under the foreskin as well as on top and to gently dry the entire area. Washing soon after engaging in sexual activity is also a good idea.

Other preventive measures include always using a condom when engaging in partner-based sex and discussing sexual histories with partners.

Fighting balanoposthitis and the resultant sore, red penis also requires maintaining overall penis health. This is easier to do if a man regularly includes a quality penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) in his daily penis health regimen. The soreness that often accompanies this condition can be soothed by using a crème that properly moisturizes the penis skin. To achieve that, search out a crème with a potent combination of natural hydrating agents, such as vitamin E and Shea butter. Providing adequate vitamin support to the penis is also essential, so a crème with a range of vitamins is advised. Read the label to determine if A, B5, C, D and E are all contained in any possible crème choice. This combination ensures that the penis gets the supplemental health benefits that it needs to stay in peak condition.

Wednesday, 28 October 2015

Low Sex Drive: Is the Cold Weather to Blame?

Some men may find that their mojo suffers a blow during the colder months, beginning in the fall and reaching full slump-mode in the depths of winter. Many people are affected both physically and mentally by changes in the weather, and some of it may be difficult to avoid. But there are things a man can do, including maintaining proper penis health and attending to situational causes of low sex drive - that can help curb the impact of the seasons on his sex life.

One reason men may find it hard to get it up and maintain interest in the cold seasons is seasonal affective disorder. Some people get melancholic in the winter, and this can dampen sex drive and erectile function in a couple ways. First, when a person is feeling depressed, chemical messengers in the brain may be out of whack. Since erections are created partly by these messengers cooperating with one another and working properly, erectile ability may be impacted. Second, when a man feels down emotionally, he’s not likely to be eager for sex. Depression is no aphrodisiac.

One common theory behind seasonal affective disorder is that people in cold climates get less vitamin D, which comes from sunlight, during the winter. Vitamin D deficiency is linked to depression. Taking a supplement or using light therapy can help some people.

Another reason men may have a harder time getting and staying hard is that it’s cold season. Having a cold or flu puts the body in a stressed and fatigued state, and erections may be difficult to come by. Also worth noting is that certain cold and sinus medications can inhibit erectile function.

Along with addressing seasonal affective disorder and taking it easy while sick, guys can try to boost their sex drive in the fall and winter by finding ways to take advantage of the seasons. Consider the following tips:

- Fireplace: If a man has a fireplace at his disposal, firing it up and having a semi-naked or naked snuggle session under some blankets near the fireplace can be an intensely sensual way to kick off a cold evening.

- Candles: As it gets dark earlier and earlier, a man is bound to use more lights in the house - why not replace the bulb with a romantic candle flame now and then? This can set the mood.

- Bath time: A hot bath is a delight in the winter, and it’s even hotter with a partner. Sex in the tub might be difficult - water depletes natural lubrication - but it can be the perfect foreplay environment, relaxing the body and getting both partners fresh and clean for one another.

- Winter sports: If a man enjoys hiking, skiing or just taking long walks, he should get out there and do it. Try snow-shoeing to make winter walks manageable. Bundle up and go for a hike. Activity outdoors will expose a man to some sunlight, which can help him in the vitamin D department. Also, physical activity causes the release of endorphins, which help a man feel good mentally.

Aside from the big causes of depression and sickness, cold weather can create an additional negative situation for the penis: dry skin. Given the fact that the penis is frequently subjected to friction, from a man’s own hand and possibly from a partner as well, it’s no wonder that the delicate manhood skin could become dry as the air does. Using a quality penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) is a great way to keep the skin moisturized and resilient to friction. Man1 Man Oil contains both Shea butter and vitamin E, two natural hydrators that will equip the skin to confront the cold weather and remain healthy, supple and smooth.

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

How to Practice Safe Sex: Learn the Facts

Safe sex starts with education, and, unfortunately, most people did not receive quality sex ed in school. This means that there are plenty of sexually active people who aren’t fully aware of their risks of contracting and spreading sexually transmitted infections. In the interests of penis health, sexual health and social responsibility, men should take some time to fill in the gaps of their knowledge.

Below are some common beliefs concerning sexually transmitted infections (STIs), followed by a discussion about whether each is true or false. Men can take the following like a quiz if they desire.

1) One can’t catch an infection from a virgin.
2) Infections can be spread by a toilet seat.
3) Not all condoms prevent STIs.
4) STIs are only spread by anal or vaginal intercourse.
5) Not all lubricants are safe to use with condoms.
6) If a partner has an STI, one can tell.
1) False! It may seem like a no-brainer - if a partner hasn’t had sex, how can he or she have a sexually transmitted infection? The key here, though, is to keep in mind that people define virginity differently. A partner may consider him/herself a virgin if he or she has had non-penetrative sex, but what about oral sex? And has there been any skin-to-skin contact in the genital region? Infections can be transmitted these ways.

2) False! At least, it’s extremely unlikely. Skin-to-skin contact and the exchange of fluids facilitate the spread of STIs, generally not a surface like a toilet seat. Unless there’s blood on the seat and/or one has an open cut on part of the body that touches the toilet seat, there’s usually nothing to worry about.

3) True! Lambskin condoms do NOT prevent the transmission of STIs. That’s because the material is porous enough to allow them through, although the condoms are effective at preventing pregnancy.

4) False! This was already partly covered in #1 above. Herpes and HPV viruses can be passed through skin-to-skin contact, and don’t require penetration. Gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes, HPV, HIV, hepatitis B and chlamydia can all be transmitted through oral sex.

5) True! Oil-based lubes, such as Vaseline or baby oil, can erode latex, so they should never be used in conjunction with latex condoms. Always read lubricant instructions and condom packages to be sure that one is not mixing things that shouldn’t go together.

6) False! Yes, sometimes STIs have clear and visible symptoms - bumps or lesions, for example. But often, they don’t. A person can have an STI and be asymptomatic, or may have symptoms that are not visible.
It’s a good idea for partners to talk openly and honestly about their sexual histories so they have a good idea of their risk of infection. Sexually active individuals should also be tested regularly - once a year, at least, and more frequently if an exposure took place, if one has multiple sexual partners and/or if one presents with unusual symptoms such as burning with urination, unusual discharge or visible bumps or lesions.

Along with using protection and receiving regular testing, men should take care of their penises with a comprehensive hygiene routine. Washing after sex or masturbation is always a good idea. Avoiding harsh or strongly-scented soaps is important for preventing irritation of the delicate skin.

Another step men can take to keep their manhood in peak shape is to use a penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). Skin care is important for men, too, and the penis may need some special attention due to the frictions it is subjected to, from a man’s hand to partners’ bodies. With Shea butter and vitamin E, Man1 Man Oil is a powerful moisturizer that will heal sore, chafed skin and keep the skin more resilient to friction in the future. Along with protection and proper hygiene, using a quality skin care product like this on the manhood daily will give men a leg up in the look and feel departments.

Monday, 26 October 2015

Penis Wrinkles: A Common Occurrence

Many men have anxieties and insecurities surrounding their penises; one of the most common is concern about size, even though about 95% of men are within average size range, and average is more than sufficient for achieving and providing sexual pleasure. A less prevalent but still noteworthy concern men sometimes express involves penis wrinkles. Are they a sign of poor penis health? What causes them? Can they be prevented or treated? The following information will help men better understand penile wrinkles - their causes as well as some preventive measures.

Why wrinkles?
There are several reasons for wrinkles to appear on the manhood.

One is the simple fact that penile skin must be able to expand in order to allow for growth during erections. This means the skin must be able to stretch when the penis is getting hard and then contract again when a man is soft. When the skin is contracted, it is bound to present with some bunching and wrinkling, since the skin that smooths out and tightens during erections is not being stretched out in the soft state. Some men have more of these normal, unpreventable wrinkles than others because the length of their penises increases more significantly from the soft to hard state.

But not all wrinkles are caused by nature. Collagen is a component of skin that helps keep it tight; if a man handles his penis roughly, such as by practicing dry masturbation over the years, he may cause accelerated breakdown of collagen in his penile skin, which in turn can lead to more wrinkles. Collagen breakdown occurs normally as a person ages; this cause of wrinkles can’t be prevented.
One final cause of wrinkles, on the penis and elsewhere, is inadequate hydration. The amount of water a man drinks influences his skin’s health and appearance. If a man doesn’t drink enough water, he’s more prone to wrinkles in general.

Some wrinkling of the penis skin, as seen above, is natural and cannot be stopped. Men should rest easy knowing that this is not a phenomenon unique to them; while the penises they see on adult videos are likely to be smooth since they are erect, he should not compare his own manhood to those.
But men can work to maintain healthy skin by 1) using lubricant while masturbating, and 2) drinking plenty of water. Protecting the skin from excess friction will not only help keep wrinkles at bay, but dryness, chafing and soreness as well. And staying hydrated will benefit all a man’s systems, not only his skin.

While many of men’s insecurities concerning their penises are unwarranted, it’s always good to remain vigilant of any perceived abnormalities and to assess the condition of the penile skin. Not only is the skin an important part of how appealing the member looks and feels to a partner, but it is what stands between stimuli and the penile nerves. Healthy skin promotes the ability to experience pleasurable sensations, and a man doesn’t want to experience a reduction in penile sensitivity.

In order to maintain optimal skin health, there are steps one can take along with using lubricant and staying hydrated. Regular washing, using protection during sex and applying a penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) daily are all wise choices. The moisturizers in Man1 Man Oil will help heal dry, chafed skin. This product also contains vitamin C, which has skin-firming properties that could help reduce the appearance of wrinkles on the manhood. Taking care of the penile skin is an excellent way for a man to show his member some extra love, and the attention to detail will pay off in the form of improved look and feel.

Sunday, 25 October 2015

Penis Health Maintenance - Managing a Latex Allergy

A bit of redness on the manhood after a bout of vigorous sex is completely natural. But some men may notice more severe effects, such as itching and hives. In the interest of maintaining penis health, it’s imperative for men to know what may be causing such symptoms, such as a sexually transmitted infection. For men with a latex allergy, the answer will likely be as simple as the condom they used.

The following information will help men better understand latex allergy and their options for avoiding a reaction.

What is latex?
Latex is derived from the sap of a rubber tree. The material contains proteins that are harmless, but in some people - about 5-10% of the population, by some estimates - the immune system interprets one or more proteins in latex as a threat and triggers a response that can lead to skin itchiness and hives. Few people have severe reactions, but for these, it can be life-threatening.

How to tell if it’s a latex reaction?
If a man notices itchiness and perhaps redness and blotches on his member during, immediately after or soon after sex with a latex condom, then he should consider the barrier a likely cause. However, he should not jump to this conclusion without considering the following possibilities:

- Is he at risk for a sexually transmitted infection? Has he been tested recently?
- Does he have other symptoms, such as burning while urinating or unusual discharge, that might indicate a yeast infection?
- Does he tend to have dry skin on the penis in general?
- Is this the only time this reaction has occurred?
- Could something else about the condom have caused irritation? For example, does it contain spermicide or a flavored/scented agent?
If a man has generally healthy penis skin and has never had this reaction until using a latex condom, the condom is the likely culprit. If the condom does not contain chemical additives for flavoring or killing seed, then the material is the probable cause of irritation.

Alternative materials?
Men with latex allergies have several options for protection. Note that latex condoms are by far the most popular, and one can’t expect potential partners to be equipped with the special condoms an allergic man needs. He should make sure to bring his own.

Polyisoprene is similar in cost and feel to latex, so people looking for an alternative condom that is much like latex should try these out.

Polyurethane is another option; this material is thinner than latex, and it can transfer heat better. Some people find that this type of condom provides a more pleasurable experience. Partners should be aware that the material is a bit more brittle than latex, and slightly more prone to breaking. Using lubricant can help prevent condom breakages in general, and this is particularly true for polyurethane condoms.
Another option for non-latex condoms are those made of lambskin - the intestines of lambs. Though these condoms are considered to afford the most pleasurable sensations, they do not protect against sexually transmitted infections. So they should only be used by monogamous partners with very low infection risks and recent negative test results.

Avoiding materials to which a man’s penile skin is sensitive, along with using protection, are two important components of maintaining penis health. A man can further improve his skin condition by making use of a penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). This can help soothe itchy, dry manhood skin, whether from contact with an irritant or the frictions to which it is regularly exposed. Skin care is just as important for the penis as for the rest of the body. Treat the manhood skin to a quality moisturizer like Man1 Man Oil for a better look and feel.

Saturday, 24 October 2015

Masturbation Methods for Something New

Masturbation is well-known for its ability to deliver tremendous pleasure as well as relieve stress. What some men don’t know is that self-gratification is good for penis health as well. Frequent use of the manhood helps keep the tissues strong and maintain erectile function as a man ages. While many men prefer to get most of their penis exercise in with a partner, most men need at least some amount of hand time on the side to achieve the desired frequency of sexual gratification.

While few men are likely to complain that their masturbation routines are boring, it never hurts to try something new. A man may discover a technique that delivers an even more intense orgasm or that reveals to him a kink or pleasure zone of which he was previously unaware. Consider trying one or more of the following methods for spicing up the next solo session.

Guys often lie back for a cranking session, but trying new positions can change up the sensation. A man can stand (perhaps over a sink for easy cleanup) or kneel and see how it feels. Another fun variation involves simulating sex: A man can lube up his hand, make a circle with his thumb and other fingers and then thrust in and out. He can assume his favorite sex positions and imagine his lover is under/on top of/next to him.

Most guys like watching porn while masturbating, but a man can get a special thrill by watching himself, either in a mirror or on a recording. Watching himself handle his own manhood while actually handling it may seem to double the pleasure in a sense.

Exhibition It
If a man has a friend or partner he trusts greatly, and who is willing, he may want to video chat while masturbating; the thought of a lover getting off by watching him get off can be particularly hot.

Auditory Activation
Some men get so hung up on the visual and tactile aspects of stimulation that they neglect tapping into other senses. But the ears can be a portal to pleasure just as much as the eyes - for some men, at least. Guys who like dirty talk can check out porn that features it or call up a willing lover to hear him or her talk, moan and breathe heavily.

Perineum Pressure
This is not for everyone, but some men enjoy pressure applied to the perineum, the area between the testicles and anus. Pressure in this area can result in more intense orgasms. If a man is comfortable, he can try it out on his own in the comfort of his home and the safety of his own hands; if he loves it, he may wish to talk with partners about incorporating the move into his sex life more broadly.

Anal Action
Again, something that is certainly not for everyone. For some men (and women, too), the thought of anything entering their posterior is discomforting, and for some who have tried, it is not physically pleasurable. But if men would like to experiment in this area, they should certainly go for it, as some people love anal stimulation. The prostate is a man’s G-spot; sliding a lubricated finger in and crooking the finger can deliver immense pleasure, particularly near and during climax time. A man may also just experiment with circling the anal opening. Whatever floats a man’s boat.

Along with keeping masturbation fresh and exciting, men can support penis health by using a high-quality penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) on a daily basis. This product contains moisturizers to keep the penis skin smooth, supple and sensitive to all those pleasurable sensations a man loves. Man1 Man Oil is a smart addition to a man’s daily hygiene routine.

Friday, 23 October 2015

Can Penis Pain Be Caused by Vaginal Fluids?

Most straight men like nothing more than an evening of sexual play with a lovely lady, and most engage in such play without any issues. Sometimes, however, a man may experience penis pain during or after intercourse, and the question arises: can this be due to an allergy to a partner’s vaginal fluids? As a man wants to maintain good penis health (and avoid unpleasant penis pain), answering this question can be quite important.

Many people, including many doctors, don’t believe that a man can be allergic to vaginal fluids. The reason for this is that there is no evidence in the medical literature to support this hypothesis. But there may be reasons for that lack of evidence. For example, because this is likely a rare occurrence and not one that is life-threatening, there is no real motivation to perform carefully controlled studies to assess the validity of claims to such an allergy. Without such studies, there is no evidence.

Still, enough men have posited this theory that it is worthwhile for a man who believes he is so afflicted to investigate this avenue on his own.

Rule out other causes
The first step is to determine if there may be other more likely causes for the penis pain. There are any number of things which can account for penis pain during or after coupling, including the following:

- Tightness. Sometimes it’s simply a matter of trying to squeeze something that’s a little too big into a space that’s a little too small. When the penis is too large (or the vagina is too small), the result can be pain in both the penis and the vagina. Often, of course, this is a transient issue; unless the member in question is truly of impressive size or the vagina in question is significantly smaller than normal, it’s usually just a matter of engaging in more foreplay and/or using an appropriate lubricant.

- Misjudging . Often penis pain occurs due to misjudging, as when a man misjudges the depth of the vaginal canal or the angle of entry and thrusts his erect penis against a hard surface within the vagina.

- STIs. Sexually transmitted infections can lead to soreness or actual pain in the penis. This is often exacerbated during the sexual act and can become quite excruciating.

- Yeast infections. When a man has a yeast infection, it may present with a burning or otherwise painful sensation, usually at the tip of the organ.

Vaginal fluids
If it seems that the vaginal fluid may be the cause of the pain, there are steps a couple can take to alleviate the situation.

- Acid level adjustment . Diet can play a role in pain caused by vaginal fluids, especially if the diet is high in acidity. Sometimes the acid-based foods become expressed through the fluids, which can creating an uncomfortable burning sensation in a penis with sensitive skin.

- No douching. Occasionally what the penis is reacting to is not the fluids themselves but leftover factors from a recent douching. Refraining from using a douche near the time of intercourse may help. Douching is not recommended for women’s vaginal health, anyway.

- Soap. If a woman uses a soap with strong chemicals, dyes or fragrances, this may mix in with fluids to create a painful situation. Switching to a milder soap can often solve this issue.

Defusing potential problems with fluids can help reduce penis pain; so can keeping the manhood good and healthy. For this, daily use of a first-rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) is strongly advised. Since the penis skin is likely to be sensitive, the best crème will have a potent combination of moisturizers, such as Shea butter (a high-end emollient) and vitamin E (a natural hydrator) to keep it supple. In addition, it’s beneficial if the crème in question also contains vitamin D. This popular nutrient is often called a "miracle vitamin" because it is so good at enabling cell functionality. A proper crème can go a long way toward alleviating penis pain.

Thursday, 22 October 2015

Healthy Penis Prep: Getting Ready for the Doctor

It's crucial that a man makes sure he has a healthy penis and part of that process is a routine doctor examination. Adult men usually need to go for a physical exam every year and for most men this exam will include a look at the penis and testicles. Is there anything a man needs to do to prepare for this, other than practice the usual proper penis care on a daily basis?

What's involved
When a man gets a physical, the doctor wants to assess his overall health. This means that s/he wants to do a relatively quick overview to get a picture of the total health of the male in question. If a doctor sees signs from this quick overview of a potential issue, s/he may make a portion of the exam more thorough or s/he may arrange for a separate appointment (sometimes with a specialist) to better assess whether an issue is present.

The genital examination of the patient will therefore occupy only a small portion of the total exam. Usually there are four parts to this segment of the check-up:

- Testicle check. The doctor needs to make sure that there are no issues with the testicles, such as a cyst or other lump or growth. Many times such growths are benign; other times they may be a symptom of another problem, such a lymph node blockage or even cancer. In order to do this, s/he needs to hold the testicles in his/her hands and gently feel for lumps.

- Penis analysis. Similarly, the doctor is going to need to hold the penis and move it around so that he may check for signs of STIs, as well as more benign issues such as dry skin or balanitis.

- Hernia inspection. As part of the doctor's determination of a possible hernia, s/he will conduct the famous "Turn your head and cough" routine. While the doctor holds the testicles, the patient coughs. This enables the doctor to determine if the movement caused by the coughing is correct or could indicate hernia issues.

- Prostate prod. Often the least favorite part of the exam, the doctor must stick a finger into the patient's anus in order to examine the prostate. This enables him/her to see if the size of the prostate is normal and if there are any suspicious lumps or signs that may need attention.

What to do
Most men who practice regular penis care don't need to do anything out of the ordinary to prepare for the exam. However, some men do prefer to take a few extra steps. These might include:
- Washing the genitals shortly before leaving for the appointment. Penis odor can be embarrassing to the patient and off-putting to the doctor.

- Refraining from sex (partner or solo) on the day of the exam. Again, the aroma can be an issue. Some men like to masturbate immediately before an exam, as they are afraid of getting an erection during the exam. This concern needs to be weighed with the possibility that they will be exhibiting evidence of semen on their penis when it is presented to the doctor.

- Wearing loose-fitting pants and underwear. Tight jeans may cause crotch sweat.

On a longer-term basis, guys can help ensure a healthy penis to present to their doctor by regularly using a quality penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). Daily use of a crème that contains both a natural hydrator (like vitamin E) and a high-end emollient (Shea butter is excellent) is going to keep the penis well-moisturized and help prevent rashes and dry, flaky skin. But a man shouldn't stop there; he needs to make sure the crème also contains vitamin A. Why? Because vitamin A has anti-bacterial properties that are excellent at attacking the bacteria that can cause persistent penis odors. Both the patient and the doctor will be more at ease during the exam if the patient's penis is not emitting an embarrassing odor.

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Sex Tips for Finding the G-Spot

With the heavy emphasis that is placed on orgasms, many men (and women) plow through sex tips in search of the map to the elusive "sweet spot" (also sometimes called the G-spot) in a woman. Most men generally have an easy time achieving orgasm, but they like to know that their partner has been equally satisfied - hence the emphasis on finding the sweet spot. Of course, a man wants to make sure he's maintaining good penis health as well, and the following sex tips will help him put that healthy penis to good use in his G-spot quest.

Is it necessary?
Before going further, it should be pointed out that many women have orgasms without access to the sweet spot. As a matter of fact, there is controversy as to whether this elusive area actually exists. However, there are many adherents who swear to both its existence and its power - and so there's no harm in a couple trying to answer the question of its existence themselves.

- One of the first things to realize is that, despite its name, the G-spot is not necessarily one clearly defined spot. Rather, it refers to a general area in the anterior wall of the vagina that contains especially sensitive nerve endings. Because there is some fluidity to the vagina, this spot can seem to move around at different times of the month or when the vagina is aroused in different ways or situated differently due to the position of the body. So while it's often said that the spot is about 2 inches inside the vagina, it's better to think of exploring the whole front wall of the vagina until proper sensations are aroused.

- During foreplay, massaging the sweet spot with the finger can be very effective. If the woman is on her back, the man should place his palm facing upward, then insert a finger (usually the index finger or the middle finger) gently into the vagina. A guy needs to take his time and ease his finger in, taking care not to "jab" or "poke."

- Once in place, the man should curl the finger inward, the way someone does when they're crooking their finger as if to say "Come here." Curling and uncurling the finger tends to have an especially strong effect on the G-spot. Many have reported that the spot has a slightly textured feeling, so if a man's finger reaches a surface that feels a little different, it has probably found the right location.

- During intercourse, it's wise to choose a position that enables the penis to rub directly against this spot. Doggy style is most often favored for this. This position can be even more effective if the man, rather than keeping his hips even with the woman's, raises himself up slightly. This will enable the penis to more readily access the spot.

- Modifying the missionary position may also be an option. If a pillow is placed under the woman's bottom, the angle of penetration is more favorable to the sweet spot.

These sex tips can help in the location and stimulation of a woman's sweet spot, but a man shouldn't stop there. Whether concentrating on the sweet spot, merely engaging in non-goal-oriented sexual activity or simply wanting to show off his mighty manhood, a guy needs to use a top drawer penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) to keep it healthy. Key among the ingredients to look for: L-arginine. Why? This enzyme helps in the production of nitric oxide which in turn keeps penile blood vessels open and flowing. It's also good to utilize a crème with vitamin C, which is known for its role in collagen production and penile tissue firmness. The more healthy and fit the penis, the better!

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Itchy Penis Problem? Check the Sheets

Whether a guy is walking down the street, making an important presentation or unveiling his member to a new partner, the last thing he wants is an itchy penis. Serious scratching can turn a lothario into a self-conscious mess pretty quickly, which is why most men take steps to help eliminate itching. But do those steps extend to the sheets, comforters and blankets that a guy regularly sleeps with? Perhaps surprisingly, it turns out that proper penis care involves the bedding as well.

Itchy penis causes
There are many things that can cause an itchy penis. Sometimes it comes about because of a sexual encounter. A guy may pick up a yeast infection, pubic lice or an STI that is accompanied by intense itchiness.

Often, though, an itchy penis is caused by more mundane things. The occasional itch is normal. A more persistent itch may be related to hygiene issues or to an allergic reaction. And it is here that the state of one's sheets and covers can come into play.

The bedding
Think about it for a minute. If a guy gets the recommended amount of sleep, he's underneath the covers for about 8 hours every day. If he is having sex regularly at his home, the amount of time goes up a little more (or a lot more, if he's particularly lucky). Besides, many guys like to lounge around in bed when they're not sleeping, to read, work on their laptop, watch TV, etc. So when it's all added up, the amount of time with the sheets can be quite substantial.

Spending time in bed means that the sheets and covers are going to get a little dirtier each time. Many men sweat significantly when they are in a deep sleep, and that can substantially add to the "dirt factor" in the sheets. In addition, many men take showers in the morning, which means that by the time they head to bed, they are accompanied by a full day's worth of dirt and grime - and all of that can find its way into the bedding.

According to one survey, single young adult men only change their sheets every three months - but most health experts recommend doing this on a weekly basis. So it's no wonder that young guys may have a bit of a cleanliness issue in their beds.

And that issue can contribute to an itchy penis.

The itch connection
Bacteria and microorganisms accumulate in the bedsheets over time. These then get passed on to the penis, especially if a man is fond of sleeping in the nude. And since men often need to "air out" their penises to reduce unwanted penis odor, a lot of guys sleep in the buff. Whether sleeping face down, face up or on the side, this exposes the penis to a considerable amount of itch-causing substances.

Washing the sheets regularly can help to keep the penile itch at bay - but it also can exacerbate it. 
How? Penis skin is extremely sensitive, especially to harsh cleansers, chemicals and fragrances. Often men use laundry detergent that helps to keep the clothes clean but also adds chemicals that cause an allergic reaction, leading not only to an itchy penis but one with rashes, redness, etc.

So how to keep sheets from producing an itchy penis? Wash the bedding frequently but use a very mild cleanser - and definitely make the use of a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) part of one's daily routine. Using a crème that includes a potent combination of a high-end emollient (such as Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (like vitamin E) will keep the skin nicely moisturized, reducing itchiness while soothing raw skin. It's also advisable to select a crème that contains vitamin B5, which is known to help alleviate skin issues.

Monday, 19 October 2015

Penis Pain Quiz: Causes and Symptoms

Since the penis is a very sensitive organ, penis pain can have a disproportionate effect on a man. Avoiding penis pain is a must, but there can be many causes of that pain - and sometimes it's not always obvious what the most likely cause is. (Indeed, sometimes a visit to the doctor is needed to get a definite answer on the cause and to determine appropriate treatment.) Maintaining good penis health is one way to avoid the likelihood of penis pain - and the following quiz can provide tips on how to narrow down the possible causes of that pain.

Below are a number of scenarios that involve manhood pain. Each scenario is followed by three possible causes. Pick the one that seems the most likely cause, based on the information given.

Scenario #1
John has noticed that his penis is slightly swollen and tender. When he was masturbating recently, his ejaculation was accompanied by pain. When he has urinated lately, there's been a distinct burning sensation, and his urine has had a pinkish color to it.

Which of the following is the likely cause of John's penis pain?
  1. Peyronie's disease
  2. Urethritis
  3. Excessive masturbation
Answer: B. Urethritis.

The urethra, which carries urine from the body, can get inflamed and swollen due to bacteria or viruses. Sometimes urethritis may be caused by chlamydia or gonorrhea. Generally, it’s a painful situation.

Scenario #2
Mike was enjoying a robust bout of intercourse with his girlfriend. Things got a little frenzied and at one point, Mike thrust very powerfully at an unusual angle. He heard a popping sound and then experienced intense pain in his penis. He ceased coupling, but the pain continued to be quite intense. His penis remained swollen and was bruised.

Which of the following is the likely cause of Mike's pain?
  1. Peyronie's disease
  2. Chlamydia
  3. Penis fracture
Answer: C. Penis fracture

Penis fractures are fortunately very rare, but they do occur. The most common cause is similar to that described above: the penis, usually erect, meets a hard surface at an unaccommodating angle.
It is important to seek immediate medical attention if a penis fracture is suspected. If a fracture is left untreated, it can have an impact on erectile function; often that impact is permanent.

Scenario #3
Sam, whose penis is intact, noticed that the glans was becoming noticeably swollen and red. There was a rash in the area, and a discharge that had a foul odor to it. The swelling made it hard for his foreskin to retract, and there was a tenderness to the glans which made it quite sensitive.
Which of the following is the likely cause of Sam's issue?
  1. Erectile dysfunction
  2. Balanitis
  3. Priapism
Answer: B. Balanitis

Balanitis is a fairly common issue, more often found in intact men than in circumcised ones. The condition may simply indicate a need to more thoroughly clean the affected area, but in other cases something else (e.g., infection, reaction to harsh soaps, etc.) may be responsible.

Often, penis pain is related to everyday causes involving proper penis health care. Daily use of a top-notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can be a big help here. When selecting the proper crème, a man should look for one that includes a potent antioxidant, such as alpha lipoic acid. Such an antioxidant helps to offset harmful oxidative stress in penile cell metabolism, keeping the penis in better shape. For that same reason, a crème with vitamin C is also recommended. Vitamin C is an important structural component of blood vessels and aids significantly in collagen production. Both of these factors help with overall penis health, making it a stronger organ that looks and feels better.

Sunday, 18 October 2015

Erect Penis Usefulness: Motivational Masturbation

There are numerous ways to use an erect penis for fun, including masturbation in all of its many guises. Sometimes, masturbation becomes an excuse to forego activities or responsibilities. But men can train themselves to use masturbation in a motivational fashion as well. Men already know that masturbation can be good for penis health, as it keeps the equipment in proper working order. Using it to help "get things done" can now be an added bonus.

The idea behind motivational masturbation is simple. Many psychologists and therapists use a reward system in order to correct behaviors that are keeping a person from moving forward in a given area. For example, a child who constantly speaks out of turn in class may be given a sticker when she remembers to raise her hand. In the workplace, employees who make significant positive changes may be rewarded with a raise or a promotion.

In other words, a reward of some sort is used to help change a behavior in an individual. This is fairly standard practice.

Such rewards don't have to come from another person. Individuals often set up an informal reward system for themselves. For example, a man who needs to lose weight may reward himself with tickets to a special sports event if he meets his goal by a certain date. This motivates him to try harder.

Motivational masturbation
For many men, masturbation may be a motivating factor that they can use as a reward for achieving a goal. There are several ways this can be accomplished:

- Short term. Motivational masturbation can be used on a short-term basis. For example, assume that a student has a paper which he has been putting off but which must be turned in tomorrow. By promising himself a glorious self-gratification session as soon as the paper is done, he can convince himself to move forward. It's even more effective if there's an added bonus to the promised fondling activity, such as trying out a new sex toy.

- Long term. The same technique can be applied to a long-term project. Take the losing weight example from above. Rather than reward himself with a special sports outing, a man can reward himself with an indoor sports activity. By denying himself any masturbatory pleasure until he hits his desired weight loss goal, he can have extra motivation to skip that dessert or to say no to that plate of French fries. This requires extra willpower, so making the reward more special may be necessary. For some men, who may not have been able to masturbate for weeks, simply the ability to finally achieve release may be sufficient. For others, perhaps allowing themselves an especially lengthy session will do. Men who are interested in trying a long-term motivational masturbation session but who worry about their willpower may want to consider wearing a male chastity device to enforce the "hands off" policy.

- Staged. Sometimes a man has a long-term project but feels that holding off on self-stimulating until its completion is just not realistic. A multi-staged version of the program can come in handy. This is essentially breaking the long-term project down into several short-term stages, with a masturbatory reward at the end of each stage.

Motivational masturbation can be a very practical use of an insistently erect penis. Of course, it is best if that erect penis is in good health - especially if the technique is used frequently. Daily use of a quality penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can make a big difference. Since masturbation often involves some rough handling, a crème that includes Shea butter, vitamin E and acetyl L-carnitine is advised. Shea butter is a high-end emollient and vitamin E is a natural hydrator, so these two ingredients can moisturize and soothe a penis that has been masturbated a bit too strongly. That rough handling can lead to some de-sensitization, which is where acetyl L-carnitine comes in. This ingredient is neuroprotective and helps prevent peripheral nerve damage leading to a loss of sensation in the manhood. Keeping the penis healthy makes motivational masturbation more effective.

Saturday, 17 October 2015

Masturbation Revamp: Household Items for Extra Fun

When a man plans to blow off some steam with a self-pleasuring session, there’s usually not much forethought or planning that goes into the activity. Given the frequency with which most men turn to their own hand for stimulation, it’s no surprise that they tend to develop masturbation routines, which they follow more or less consistently. But since masturbation and frequent ejaculation are so crucial for sexual and penile health, it’s a good idea to invest a little time thinking of ways to mix up the activity, keeping it fresh and possibly adding a level of enjoyment a man never knew possible.

One way to revamp masturbation is to incorporate something besides the hand to place the manhood in. Men may be thinking of sex toys they can purchase for this purpose - and if resources and interest allow, by all means, look into the vast array of exciting options out there.

But a guy doesn’t need to run out to a sex shop or wait for an online order to be delivered to start experimenting. There are plenty of objects right around the house that a man can safely, pleasurably use as masturbatory aids. Consider the following.

Banana Peel
With a little creativity, this phallic fruit can do more than deliver a healthy dose a potassium. Cut the tip off a banana, squeeze out the fruit, rinse the inside with warm water, then fill with lube. Insert the penis and go to town! For added pleasure, microwave the peel for a few seconds before lubing it up. Note: Always temperature-test before insertion to make sure it’s not too hot!

Pleasing Fabrics
If a man has a silk tie or plush sheets he wouldn’t mind getting messy, he can use these delicious fabrics to coddle his member while he masturbates. A man can get kinky with this masturbatory aid by buying some women’s pantyhose or silk panties for the purpose. Better yet, if he has a willing lady lover, he can ask to borrow hers (making it clear what the intended use is).

Plastic Baggie
A man can put more than a sandwich in his trusted plastic baggies. Try filling one with lube and sticking the penis inside for a new sensation. For extra pleasure, a guy can stick his lubed-up baggie in between couch cushions or two pillows - this adds a bit of pressure to the member, simulating intercourse.

Latex Glove
Many people fantasize about a doctor’s visit getting sexual, and if a man has such a fantasy, wearing a latex glove can make for an exciting solo session. He can pretend his hand belongs to a doctor who is performing an examination on his penis - but the doctor can’t resist the urge to get naughty.

Cardboard Roll
The cylinders inside toilet paper and paper towel rolls are able to accommodate most penises. Put a condom inside the roll, fold the top of the condom over the top of the roll and tape it there, put some lube inside and masturbate with it. If a man has fantasies about an absurdly long member, he can even use a wrapping paper roll!

Masturbation, whether with a hand, a toy or a household object, can be rough on the penile skin. That’s why it’s a good idea to have a quality lubricant around, which can protect the skin from excess friction. This is especially important when a man is thrusting his member inside objects besides his well-known hand.

Another step men can take to keep their skin in good condition is using a penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) on a daily basis. Keeping the skin moisturized protects it from chafing and can help it recover from the friction it has already been exposed to. Since good skin condition is imperative to the look, feel and sensitivity of the member, investing in Man1 Man Oil is a wise move.

Friday, 16 October 2015

Foreskin Fun: Masturbation Tips for Intact Men

While researchers debate whether foreskin affords intact men greater sexual sensations, there is no doubt that having foreskin opens a man up to different techniques for masturbatory fun. Frequent masturbation is, for many men, a component of sexual and penis health, as it keeps the tissues strong, supports prolonged erectile function and gets a man in touch with his body and what he likes. Men with foreskin can try the following masturbation techniques for which their penises are uniquely equipped. Note: These techniques can also be employed by a partner administering a hand job.

Slide it over
Many uncircumcised men enjoy the sensation of their foreskins sliding over the heads of their penises. Once erect, a man can grip near the base of his uncut penis and move his hand up and down, just enough to get the foreskin to slide over his head and back down, over and over again. Try going slow and enjoying the strip tease as the head becomes exposed and covered up again. This can be particularly fun with a partner, who may place his or her mouth near the head and lick around the area as the head becomes exposed.

Pinch it
A man can also experience the pleasurable sensation of his foreskin moving around the penile head while keeping the head covered by the sheath. Pull the foreskin past the head, pinch it gently and pull in and out; the shrouded head might enjoy the subtler sensation of the foreskin encasing it.

Slide a finger in
With the foreskin covering the head, a man can slide his finger inside and move it in a circular motion. It may be particularly thrilling to see the finger’s bulge underneath the foreskin, similar to seeing a partner’s hand bulge from underneath a man’s trousers or underwear.

Ejaculate inside it
Another interesting thing only the intact man can do is ejaculate inside his foreskin. He may not catch it all, but this move will certainly provide a new sensation that he may find he enjoys - similar to finishing inside a partner.

The length and elasticity of men’s foreskin varies. Some men may not be able to comfortably pull off the above moves, and that’s just fine. Men should feel free to experiment with different ways of touching their foreskin and using it during sexual activities, communicating what they like, as well as what they don’t, with their partners.

In Western culture, many men are self-conscious about foreskin, since circumcision is the norm. This can lead to body image issues and insecurities that interfere with their sex lives and their emotional wellbeing. Along with dispelling myths about the foreskin being unclean or somehow "gross," men would do well to learn ways to make the most of it and actually enjoy it. The above tips will hopefully help.

Foreskin or none, guys can show their penises extra love by making sure to take care of their skin condition. One important factor in maintaining healthy skin is using ample lubricant during masturbation. Men with foreskin may have an advantage here, as their foreskins provide natural lubrication to the member. Still, it’s a good idea to have a product on hand in case additional slickness is needed.

Another thing men can do for their skin is apply a penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) daily. Men with dry, chafed penile skin will benefit from two natural moisturizers, Shea butter and vitamin E, found in Man1 Man Oil. Rough and sore skin is not pleasing to the touch, and may actually be less capable of experiencing pleasurable sensations. Investing in a skin care product specifically designed for the penis is a wise choice for men who could use a boost in the skin condition department.

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Itchy Penis Irritants: Checking One's Environment

All men know that it's tough to give off that cool, manly vibe while resisting the call of an itchy penis. While numerous things can cause an itchy penis, sometimes the irritants behind that need to scratch come from the environment in which a man lives and/or works. Maintaining proper penis health certainly helps reduce the need to scratch, but to maintain that health, a man may need to think a little outside the box.

Itchy penis causes
Most men are familiar with the common irritants that can create an itchy penis situation. For example, using a soap or laundry detergent that is too strong or contains harsh chemicals or fragrances is a very common cause of penile itching, and clearly this is a good place to start when trying to pinpoint the root problem.

But sometimes the irritants are not quite so localized. Especially if a man has very sensitive skin to start with, his penis may develop an itch due to irritants that are not necessarily in close physical contact with the manhood.

Among the possible environmental irritants that may have such an effect are:

- Dust. They say cleanliness is next to godliness; for some men, cleanliness helps decrease itchiness. Simple household dust can be a culprit that gets under a guy's skin - or on it, at least - and can create a need to itch. The dust can especially be reactive on the penis if it falls into a man's underwear or is disseminated to the penis while exposed to the air in the bathroom, bedroom or elsewhere in the house.

- Dust mites. Dust mites are actually microscopic creatures that often live in carpeting or furniture, usually bedding. Although they don't cause disease, they do create a form of very fine powder that can easily cause skin reactions.

- Plants. It's well known that toxic plants like poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac can create an allergic reaction that involves significant itching. But for a man with extra sensitivity in his skin, many other plants can create a less severe but still noticeable itchiness. Coming into physical contact with a plant may cause pollen, oil or other components to transfer to the skin, activating a slight allergic reaction.

- Mold. Except in rare cases (such as cheese), mold is generally unwelcome in a house. An excess of mold can contribute to many ailments, including skin issues which lead to excessive scratching.

- Animal dander. Pets can be delightful companions, but when their fur and/or skin sheds (creating what is referred to as "dander"), it can be a nightmare for a person with dermatological sensitivity. Dander can linger in the air and on surfaces for quite some time, making it very easy to get on a person's body.

There are certain precautions a man can take to help avoid an itchy penis due to these irritants. Keeping the house clean, using air filters and de-humidifiers and washing hands regularly (especially before masturbating or otherwise handling the penis) can help. Washing the penis with an appropriately mild soap is also advised.

It's also essential that a man regularly use a first-rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) to help fight an itchy penis and defeat environmental irritants. Applying such a crème after washing is especially helpful. When the crème contains a combination of hydrators (such as vitamin E and Shea butter), the application while the skin is still moist helps to lock in the hydrating abilities. Properly moisturized skin is significantly more resistant to factors that promote itching. It is also beneficial to use a crème with L-arginine. This ingredient helps promote proper blood flow to the penis, which ensures that oxygen and a wider range of nutrients reach the penis. Oxygenation and nutrient absorption aid in overall penis health.

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Sex Tips: Exploring Beyond the Bedroom

The bedroom may be the most important place in the house for sexual enjoyment, but it's not the only option. High among the list of sex tips for couples, especially those in long-term relationships, is occasionally moving beyond the bedroom and exploring sensuality in other parts of the house. Making a change in location like this can add a little spice to things; while for most men sex is far from monotonous, it still can become slightly routine. So adding a little new life is good for sex, and also good for penis health. After all, the more engaged the penis is in the act, the more use he'll get - and regular use is important for sustained organ health.

With that in mind, here are some ideas for sex in other rooms.

The guest room. If there happens to be a spare bedroom, it's a natural first stop for those wanting a little variety. The different location, as well as different mattress, sheets, etc., can be just different enough to make things interesting but not so unfamiliar as to be uncomfortable or require physical adjustments. For added fun, a couple may want to try role playing - perhaps pretend they actually are guests in the house and worry about being discovered in the act by their hosts.

The bathroom. The couple that showers together…may quickly find themselves the couple that copulates in the shower. Although bathroom sex requires some care - bathtubs can be very slippery, so sex while standing up may require cautionary measures - it can also be intense and revivifying. Sex on the bathroom floor is also an option - but make sure there are plenty of towels to provide appropriate cushioning and protection from the cold!

The living room. Indulging one's passions on a couch or armchair often requires exploring different angles and positioning - and that can lead to new orgasmic delights. If there are some special kama sutra poses a guy has been longing to try, the living room may be the ideal place to see how they feel.

The laundry room. On one level, sex is primarily about vibrations - so coupling with the woman situated atop a washing machine or dryer that is in full force can add an entirely new level to the experience. Be advised, however, that maintaining balance can be challenging - and usually is the responsibility of the male, who is more likely to have his feet on the ground.

The kitchen. Sex is a feast for the genitals, so why not make love in the kitchen? The sensual experience can be heightened by strategically placing whipped cream, chocolate sauce or other foodstuffs on key parts of the body and letting one's partner consume these before moving on to the ultimate consummation.

The foyer. For daring couples, the foyer can be especially enticing. If some friends are on the way over, is there time for a quickie before they ring the bell? The time pressure can add even more to the titillation of coupling on the throw rug in the entryway.

Sex tips often emphasize that keeping things lively is crucial for a healthy sex life. Moving beyond the bedroom can help, but a man also needs to make sure he's keeping his equipment in proper health. That's where regular use of a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) comes in. Sometimes, especially in a continuing relationship, a man may get a little lax with penis health issues - for example, penis odor. This unpleasant but common situation can make coupling difficult, but using a crème with vitamin A can help. Vitamin A has anti-bacterial properties that can fight the bacteria that promote persistent penis odor. If the crème also contains L-arginine, that is a bonus. L-arginine helps produce nitric oxide, which in turn keeps penis blood vessels open for ample blood flow. Using Man1 Man Oil helps a man boost his member's health.

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Sex and Sadness: Postcoital Dysphoria a Common Phenomenon

Feeling blue after sex? While it’s not something most people are inclined to talk about, research suggests that sadness after orgasm, also called postcoital dysphoria, is a fairly common occurrence, with symptoms lasting anywhere from a couple minutes to a couple hours. It may manifest as tearfulness, agitation, anxiety or melancholy after a romp in the sack. Acknowledging and discussing this condition may be important for maintaining sexual health.

The Research
So far, research into postcoital dysphoria has focused on its occurrence in women, while it may very well impact men, too. A 2015 survey of female university students found that 46% had experienced sadness after sex at least once in their lives, while about 5% reported experiencing the feeling a few times within the past month.

Previous research found slightly different figures. About 10% of women exhibited symptoms of postcoital dysphoria in one study, and in another from 2011, about one-third of women reported feeling depressed even after what they considered to be satisfactory sex.

Researchers aren’t sure why postcoital dysphoria happens, and many of the people affected by it are equally in the dark. There are a number of theories about the condition, however, and each may hold true for different individuals.

One idea is that hormonal changes after sex can trigger feelings of sadness. This is bolstered by the fact that some women report similar feelings of sadness when breastfeeding, which also comes with a fluctuation of hormones. Sex-induced headaches are also sometimes attributed to hormones.

Another theory suggests that the loss of self that comes with orgasm may put some people at unease, creating symptoms of postcoital dysphoria. A popular French term for orgasm is "la petite mort," or "little death," describing how a person can become dissociated from him- or herself briefly during and after orgasm.

It is also possible that problems within a relationship could lead to distress after orgasm. As one of the most intimate experiences a couple can share, sex and orgasm have a way of conjuring, by contrast, discord within a relationship. A lack of emotional health or intimacy in a relationship can be thrown into relief in what would otherwise be the afterglow.

Still other researchers point to the possibility that past experiences of emotional, physical or sexual abuse may be behind some cases of postcoital dysphoria.

What to Do?
If one is experiencing this condition, a good first step to take is to acknowledge it without judgment. A good second step is to talk about it with people one trusts.

Ideally, one’s sexual partner or partners will be among the list of trusted people. A partner should know that the occurrence of postcoital dysphoria does not necessarily indicate bad sex or a lack of feeling for him or her on the distressed partner’s side of things. Indicate if there are things that help - for example, being cuddled and comforted, or, on the other hand, being left alone for a while.

To the extent possible, it’s also a good idea to ask oneself what may be behind the condition. Is the relationship healthy? Is one feeling uneasy about his or her partner? If not, other causes - such as hormonal shifts or loss of self - may be more difficult to identify. Talking with a counselor may prove helpful to identify potential psychological sources.
Fortunately, some postcoital problems are much easier to deal with, such as soreness and chafed skin. Using ample lubricant can help partners avoid the fallout from sexual friction. An extra step men can take is to use a quality penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) daily. Treating the skin to such a moisturizer, equipped with both Shea butter and vitamin E, can help it heal from past frictions and make it more resilient for next time. Taking good care of a man’s precious organ can boost confidence and function, two things imperative for sexual health.

Monday, 12 October 2015

Better Sex Tips: Is She Faking an Orgasm?

While it's true that better sex is not totally about achieving orgasm, it's also true that regular orgasms is a pretty key component of most successful sexual partnerships. With men, especially those who experience good penis health, lack of orgasm is not usually a problem; with women, it can sometimes be an issue. And to complicate matters, some women are rather expert at faking an orgasm, making it difficult for a man to know if she has really achieved a sensual highpoint or not.

Not always a trend.
Sometimes a women fakes an orgasm only occasionally, often to help reassure her lover that he is good in bed. But if faked orgasms are a trend and happen often, it indicates there may be issues that should be discussed. However, while couples should discuss openly and honestly their sexual experience, men need to bear in mind that lack of orgasm may not be as crucial for some women as it would seem to be for a man. Every person is different, and some women may place much less emphasis on the orgasm than on the time spent being physically and emotionally close to another person.

So are there signs that a woman may have not actually achieved an orgasm? Sometimes there are hints which the perceptive male may pick up on. These include:

- Going from zero to sixty. Most female orgasms tend to build up over time. If a woman suddenly goes into throes of ecstasy when she seemed fairly uninvolved only moments before, it may mean that she is trying to convince her lover that she has been satisfied sexually.

- Reaching fruition before the man. Look, everyone is different (and every experience is different). There are some men who can easily rock the bed boat for hours without erupting and some women who can skyrocket quickly. But in many cases, women tend to take longer to achieve orgasm than men. A woman who finishes first may simply be letting her lover know that it's okay, he can let go and enjoy himself without worrying about her.

- Lacking a grasp. Most of the time, a penetration-related orgasm produces a tightening of the vaginal muscles; the penis feels this as being grasped tightly. If this is missing, the orgasm might be missing as well.

- Going over-the-top. Yes, sometimes a person gets really into his or her orgasm and makes all kinds of grunts, moans, squeals and shrieks. But often when a person is faking it, she overplays things in order to make it more convincing. If it seems that she is putting on a show, she may very well be doing just that.

- Being uncomfortable talking about it. If a partner avoids answering questions about how good the experience was or seems distant and aloof after sex, one reason may be that she did not orgasm and has feelings about having pretended she did.

Ideally, a couple needs to be able to talk about why an orgasm was faked and to come to terms with what it means. Does the man need to do something differently? Are there physical options that should be tried? Or would she rather that the male accept that orgasms are not as important to her as they are to him and that she will let him know if it becomes an issue for her?

Better sex is ultimately about communication first. For most men, orgasms are crucial, but talking about her experiences in this area may provide valuable insight. Men also want to make sure that their members are in good health, both for themselves and for their partners. Using a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can help here. The best crème will have both L-arginine and acetyl L-carnitine. L-arginine is an enzyme that boosts nitric oxide production, resulting in improved blood vessel function. Acetyl L-carnitine is a neuroprotective ingredient that can help avoid peripheral nerve damage associated with rough handling, and thus help prevent loss of sensation and its subsequent impact on sexual enjoyment. A healthier penis helps all men feel and perform their best.

Sunday, 11 October 2015

Penis Pain and Masturbation: Tips for Relief

For most men, masturbation is a regular part of their sex lives. Although rates of masturbation vary greatly from one man to the next, it's the rare man who does not at least occasionally indulge in self-gratification. While masturbation is an inherently pleasurable experience, there are occasions when the practice may lead to some degree of penis pain. Practicing good penis care can aid a man in handling this issue when it arises and interferes with self-pleasuring.

Penis pain causes
In some cases, penis pain during masturbation may come from some outside cause and may not actually be related to the act of self-stimulating. For example, a sexually transmitted infection (such as gonorrhea) may cause a degree of penis pain (significant in some cases). A kidney stone or diabetes are other pain-causing conditions that can create discomfort during masturbation.

Most of the time, however, penis pain during masturbation is related to the physical process of self-stimulation. The typical reasons why such a pain occurs include:

- Masturbating too roughly. This is a common cause of penis pain - masturbating the penis when it is not properly lubricated. Although the penis does produce some self-lubrication, often this is not enough to ensure that the organ will not fall prey to the effects of intense friction. Although many men use saliva as an additional form of lubrication, this may not be sufficient. Investing in an appropriate lubricant - whether body lotion, petroleum jelly or a form of lubricant specially designed for sexual use - can make a big difference in preserving the penis.

- Masturbating too tightly. "Getting a grip" is a good idea when masturbating - but in some cases, a guy's grip on his member is too tight. It's understandable - after all, the tightness feels good and may create a new level of sensation. But consistently using a too-tight grip for a prolonged period of time can cause the same kind of damage (and resulting pain) as pounding without lubrication.

- Masturbating for too long a time. Sometimes a guy has so much fun masturbating that he doesn't want it to stop and delays the ejaculation for as long as possible. "Edging" like this can result in a tremendously long session; it may also result in a very sore piece of manhood.

- Masturbating too frequently. All those tales about going blind or getting hairy palms from masturbating too much are false, but it certainly is possible to masturbate at a frequency that causes soreness and discomfort.

What to do
There are several things to do to deal with masturbation-related penis pain. In some cases, it may be advisable to take a short masturbation hiatus, especially if the cause is related to frequency of masturbation. Relaxing the grip can help, as can keeping on hand (and on one's hand) a decent supply of a good lubricant.
But treating penis pain from masturbation may require a more direct approach, especially if the penis is raw and sore from its exertions. For restoration of penile health in these cases, regular application of a quality penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) is strongly advised. Penis pain is often an indication that the penis skin has become worn and/or torn and that there may be some capillary damage. These issues can be addressed by the proper crème. For example, a crème with a combination of a high-end emollient (such as Shea butter) and a superior hydrator (such as vitamin E) provides the nutrients that can repair and soothe damaged penis skin, making it supple and elastic again. If the crème also contains L-arginine, so much the better. L-arginine is a necessary component of penile health, helping to keep blood vessels open and protecting capillaries from damage. Man1 Man Oil can alleviate penis pain and make a guy ready for another round of solo-based fun.

Saturday, 10 October 2015

The Happy Penis in Autumn: Sex Tips for the Fall

For most men, sex tips are not seasonal; a man wants a happy penis at all times of the year. And while it's true that there are many rules for appropriate penis care that apply to any month, some specific tips may come in especially handy during the fall months.

With that in mind, the following are a few autumn-related sex tips to consider as the weather cools.

Watch out for colds.
The changeover from summer to autumn is often very quick, and the sudden change from hot to cold can bring about seasonal colds in many men. The common cold is hardly-life threatening and it only has a mild effect on one's libido and bed-based ability. However, the sniffles and runniness that accompany many colds can be very off-putting to potential bedmates. Stocking up on vitamin C and taking other preventive measures can help to ensure that a little cold doesn't leave a guy out in the cold.

Outdoor fun may have a different drawback.
Guys who enjoy engaging in sex outdoors often find that early autumn is actually a more preferable time than the summer. Summer outside escapades are often dampened by excessive heat and humidity; autumn air that is crisp and only slightly cool may make both partners feel a bit friskier. (Hopefully, they will still limit their activities to someplace safe, like their own backyard.) However, the nicer weather is also often accompanied by an increase in allergens in the air. These can create respiratory issues; if they come in direct contact with a naked penis, they may also cause itchiness, rashes or other allergic reactions in men with sensitive skin.

Take advantage of testosterone.
Several studies have found that, for whatever reason, testosterone levels tend to rise in the fall. That means a man is likely to feel randier than ever during the autumn months. Guys in position to share this increased libido with willing partners should do so; those not in such a position, remember that one's hand can sometimes be one's best friend.

Be aware of fertility.
By the same token, fertility rates are at their highest during November and December. For men hoping to conceive a child, that's good news. For those not in the market for offspring, it's a reminder to be even more cautious.

Dry air can equal dry skin.
With summer behind a guy, the days of heavy sweating are pretty much gone. Autumn air tends to be crisper and dryer - but that can have an impact on skin moisture. This can lead to penis chafing in some cases. The penis skin dries out and, as it rubs against the fabric of underwear and/or trousers, the dryness causes the skin to become further irritated.

Dry penis skin does not make for a happy penis, and so the last of these sex tips is this: A man should take advantage of a first rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) to ensure that his penis is getting the kind of health maintenance that it requires. For example, a crème that includes potent moisturizers is going to help alleviate common penis skin issues. Shea butter (a high-end emollient), used in combination with vitamin E (one of Nature's great hydrators), makes for an excellent weapon in the battle against dry penis skin. The selected crème also needs to include vitamin C, which is known for its key role in collagen production and in penis tissue firmness. A penis that has stores of vitamin C to call upon is in a good position to repair daily damage associated with rough handling of the tissue. And it's a plus that vitamin C helps improve penile blood circulation capability. All of this adds up to one happy penis.

Friday, 9 October 2015

Sex Facts: Research into Men’s and Women’s Experiences

Many people like to think they know everything about sex - including how their partners experience it. But there’s usually something extra to learn, and, rather than being a punch to the ego, that’s actually a good thing. Becoming aware of research into sex trends can equip a man with the knowledge he needs to improve his sexual experiences - both for himself and possibly his lover. In addition to maintaining penis health, educating oneself about the latest sex facts is an important component of sexual wellbeing.

About 85% of men in one survey said their partners achieved orgasm during their last sexual encounter; only 64% of women reported reaching climax. This discrepancy may be attributed to men’s reluctance to admit their partners didn’t orgasm, but some of it is likely honest confusion - many men mistake a partner’s pleasurable moans and movements for an orgasm when that’s not actually what’s happening. Communication is key here.

General Orgasm Discrepancy
In one study, 75% of men reported regularly reaching the big finish in their sex lives; only half of women could say the same.

Researchers found that 30% of women surveyed reported that they find sex to be painful. While some soreness is bound to result from a long or rough session, this high number indicates that something else might be going on.

Oral Discrepancy
Men receive more oral sex than women - and the gap is widest for women in their 30’s. Seventy-eight percent of men in this age group reported receiving oral in the last year, compared to only 59% of women. Get those tongues moving, guys!

What can be gleaned from these studies? When it comes to sex, women tend to give more than they get. Orgasm is typically more difficult for women to reach, and some may be just fine with not getting there every time. But here are a few general tips for men who want to maximize their partners’ pleasure - something any man should have in mind:

- Mix up the activities. It’s easier for many women to climax if sex involves variety. And one important ingredient in this, for some women, is oral. If a man is self-conscious about licking his lady, he can feel free to ask how she likes it, and to check in as he goes. Never be too proud to ask - she’ll likely appreciate the attention to her enjoyment. And, since every woman is different, it in no way reflects poorly on a man’s skill or experience.

- Think she had an orgasm? Ask to be sure. If that gets old, consider asking her to announce when she’s about to finish. This can be a big turn-on for a man, and a woman may get a thrill out of saying the words. And, of course, it lets a man know what’s really going on!

- Make sure she’s not in pain. Using adequate lubrication can help here - even if she tends to be quite wet, having a product on hand in case she starts to dry out is a good idea. Don’t be afraid to check in and make sure she’s comfortable - some people hesitate to say when they are not enjoying something or are feeling pain in the heat of the moment, and opening up the door now and then can help her express herself more easily.

When a woman’s pleasure is as central to sexual activity as a man’s, a couple may find itself engaging in more frequent sex. While that’s a great thing indeed, it can take a toll on the penis - particularly the penis skin. Lubrication will help protect against friction and chafing. So will the daily use of a penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). Man1 Man Oil contains both Shea butter and vitamin E, two excellent natural moisturizers. When it comes to lotion, it’s best to go for something made for the penis, since hand and body creams may be too harsh for the delicate male skin. Take good care of the manhood so it is ready to go for the next romp.

Thursday, 8 October 2015

Sexual Health Tips for a Long-Distance Relationship: Telling Her a Story

Creativity is the long-distance lover’s best friend. Whether it’s casual or committed, a man in a long-distance relationship would do well to find exciting ways to give his partner pleasure from afar, helping to maintain connectivity and the sexual health of the relationship. While it’s important that a man experience reciprocal attention from his partner, this article will focus on ways a man can titillate a female partner from a distance. Besides, a man should cultivate the ability to derive enjoyment from his partner’s pleasure if he does not possess it already.

Tell Her a Story
One basic way to stay connected sexually is to treat one’s partner to a sensual story with her pleasure as the central theme. This means a man must first know what gets her going. This knowledge may have been obtained through explicit conversations of kinks, comfort zones and off-limits topics. Or, a man may know from a combination of discussions and actual in-person experience with the partner. Either way, knowing what she likes and what she doesn’t are equally important for an effective story.
Telling such a story may be a bit more difficult than a man imagines, since detail is key. This requires a fair bit of attention, focus and creativity on the man’s part. But be not discouraged - doing some thinking beforehand about how to describe what one would like to do to a lady lover and honing his story-telling skills with practice will likely result in great stories in short time.

Along with the obvious - describing her favorite positions and pumping rhythms, for example - a man ought to describe sexy foreplay scenarios as well to build suspense. Sensual or not, every good story starts with something to hook the reader. A man wants his lover to be eager to read or hear more. Good foreplay scenarios include teasing around her favorite sensual zones as well as vivid descriptions of the way a man uses his tongue and his hands on his partner.

Control Her Toy
If a man’s partner enjoys masturbating with a vibrator, as many women do, this can supplement the story and bring its effects to new levels - particularly if a man is in control of the vibrator’s speed. If she likes to crank it up all the way, he can have her put it on a low setting at the beginning of story time, and instruct her to turn it up little by little as the story builds. This has a way of transcending the distance between the lovers by giving the sense that a man is directly pleasuring his partner.

Provide Visual Aids
Just as men often enjoy looking at porn, many women enjoy visual aids while masturbating. Not all women are into dick pics, but if a man’s partner likes them, he can amplify her experience by sending her pictures of his manhood that she can revel in while reading or hearing about how he wants to please her with it.

Taking a flattering photo of the penis might take some time, and a man can experiment with this - angle and lighting are important. Take some time to practice before firing off a series of photos to one’s lover.

Another important consideration when providing one’s lover with personalized visual aids is the skin condition of the penis. Some men have dry, flaky skin on the manhood, and that’s not pleasing to look at (or touch, for that matter). To make his penis look and feel its best, a man would do well to use a penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). Applying such a moisturizer daily can protect the delicate penile skin from the frictions of the day and night, keeping the skin smooth, supple and sensitive. One’s lover will appreciate the extra attention to detail; more importantly, a man’s penile health will be improved with a quality skin care product in his regimen.

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Diminished Penis Sensation: Tips on What to Do

For a sexually active man, the degree of penis sensation has a clear and direct impact on the amount of pleasure he derives from any form of sex. When the degree of penis sensation is high, the sensitivity in his manhood creates sublime and ecstatic feelings that can lead to very satisfying releases. But when the degree is diminished, the pleasure factor is negatively impacted. The experience is still enjoyable, but a man feels like something is missing. In such a situation, tips for proper penis care can help to improve penis sensitivity and make sexual contact - whether with a partner or with himself - more engaging and satisfying.

Why diminished penis sensation?
A man might very reasonably ask, "Why am I experiencing this decrease in penis sensation?" Some men may panic and think this is a sign of aging (even if they are quite young) and that therefore there's nothing they can do to alter it. In fact, this is not the case.

Diminished sensitivity in the member is common and there are a number of reasons for it. For example, often a man may use a cleanser on his equipment that is too harsh for the task. This may cause some wear on the penis skin, undetected by the man in question. The body responds by adding a new, thin layer of skin cells on top of the damaged skin. When too many layers are added, there's more of a barrier between a source of sensation and the penile nerve endings.

Mental forces also play a role in diminished sensation. If a man is anxious or worried, whether about sexual performance issues or about other things occurring in his life, his mind is "not in the game" when he's in the sack. This can create a mental barrier that impacts the ability to perceive sensation as fully as one might.

Handling issues
But probably the most common reason for diminished sensitivity is rough handling, either by a partner or by oneself. Having sex without sufficient lubrication, experiencing too tight a grip on the member or rubbing against surfaces that are not sufficiently welcoming can create the same kind of damage as using a harsh cleanser. And as with the cleanser situation, layers of tissue can build up that get in the way of maximum pleasure.

So what can one do to help restore lost sensation? Here are a few tips:

- Switch cleansers. Use a mild soap that doesn't irritate the penis skin.

- Avoid commando. Wearing soft cotton underwear keeps the penis from rubbing against rough denim, wool or other trouser fabrics. Going without underwear can definitely rub the penis the wrong way.

- Lay on the lube. Whether masturbating or partnering, make sure that the penis is well-lubricated throughout the sex act. Apply more lubricant if the session is lengthy and the original application wears off.

- Maintain penile health. One of the most important tips to prevent and treat diminished penis sensation is to regularly use a top-drawer penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). In terms of prevention, a crème that focuses on keeping penis skin healthy is crucial. Select one that includes protective ingredients such as Shea butter and vitamin E (two powerful moisturizing agents) and a potent antioxidant (such as alpha lipoic acid) which helps offset harmful oxidative damage. For treatment purposes, that crème should also include acetyl L-carnitine, an invaluable ingredient that serves a neuroprotective purpose. Acetyl L-carnitine has been proven to help avoid peripheral nerve injury resulting from rough handling, thereby helping to restore lost sensitivity. Those who are concerned about loss of penis sensation are well-advised to make the daily application of Man1 Man Oil a part of their health regimen.