Saturday, 31 May 2014

Combat Penis Odor with 1 Surprising Ingredient

When it comes to body odor, let’s be realistic; guys are not the fairer sex. And now that summer is finally here, that means even more heat, even more sweat and, of course, even more stink. Obviously, a well-timed shower and a good antiperspirant/deodorant can go a long way toward reducing the stink factor. But what about that funky smell coming from down there? Most guys don’t know it, but the most hygienic guys might not be doing enough with their penis care routine to manage that tell-tale aroma.

What causes penis odor?
There are many reasons a guy might have a smelly Johnson. Obviously, poor hygiene is one of them, but even a guy who showers multiple times a day can end up with a stink factor of 10 if he is not careful. The penis area itself is, simply put, a breeding ground for odor-causing bacteria. The hot, moist area that doesn’t see the light of day - or get a lot of air circulating through the region - is the perfect environment for bacteria to grow. Add extra hot weather, the sun beating down, or a sweaty workout, and the heat and perspiration quantity increase ten-fold, making it the perfect storm to create a wicked odor.

Not only can penis odor make a guy feel self-conscious, it can also bring his love life to a screeching halt. After all, what girl wants to be intimately acquainted with her man’s stinky junk? But rest assured, guys, that doesn’t mean no girl will ever go down there again; it just means it is time to step it up a bit and beat the stink

Stopping odor in its tracks
Nobody wants to bring an offensive odor with him wherever he goes - least of all to the bedroom. Guys hoping to remain fresh should follow this simple list of do’s and don’ts to keep the nether regions smelling clean and fresh. A few simple tweaks of the daily routine will keep the bacteria and the odor away.

- Do shower daily, using a gentle, non-irritating soap on the area.

- Don’t skip showers because it didn’t seem like a "sweaty day." It’s still there - wash it!

- Do gently retract the foreskin and wash thoroughly under it with water - it is a haven for bacteria, and therefore very smelly.

- Don’t skip the foreskin and just leave it for next time.

- Do shower and rinse off after exercising or swimming, especially in a natural body of water. Even if that makes the second, or third shower of the day, certain activities generate more bacteria than others, which ups the stink factor.

- Don’t use colognes, perfumes, deodorant sticks or sprays on the penis - hello burning and possible infection!

- Do keep pubic hair trimmed and short to reduce bacteria and odor.

- Don’t sit around in damp gym shorts or wet swimming trunks, as both cause irritation and generate bacteria and fungal spores (think jock itch).

- Do wear loose, breathable fabrics that allow airflow, especially while working out.

- Don’t wear tight fitting "skinny" jeans that trap heat around the groin area.

- Do shower after sex, every time, ‘nuff said.

- Don’t get an extra day out of laundry by flipping boxers or briefs inside out - that’s gross. Even a poor college guy needs to wash his undies.

- Do use a daily penis vitamin formula (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) containing vitamin A. While most people know this vitamin as a skin care product, it actually has antibacterial properties, as well, meaning that a penis lotion containing vitamin A can actually help eliminate bacteria and the nasty odor it brings with it. It is the perfect anti-stink ingredient for any guy to have in his arsenal. Simply apply after the daily shower and remain fresher all day long.

Friday, 30 May 2014

What Penis Health Crèmes Can Really Do - and What They Cannot

Men are naturally preoccupied with the condition of their penis; and any sign of a problem, no matter how large or how small, can become a source of intense concern. For this reason, a large number of products is available claiming to help issues ranging from minor skin problems to erectile dysfunction to concerns about size. Understanding what penis health crèmes can really do, as well as keeping expectations reasonable, can help men to make an informed decision about the money they invest in a penis care products and to avoid preparations that are based more on wishful thinking than on any realistic benefits.

What penis health crèmes can really do
Research in cosmetics and skin care has revealed that certain nutrients have significant benefits when it comes to the skin. Vitamin A, for instance, is a frequent ingredient in cosmetic crèmes, as it works to smooth away blemishes and minor scars. In fact, vitamin A has long been used by dermatologists in treating wrinkles, acne and other unsightly skin issues.

Vitamin C, on the other hand, works at a deeper level, boosting the skin’s natural elasticity and supporting the underlying collagen that gives it its shape and supple texture. In addition, vitamin E works to seal in needed moisture to prevent drying, as well as soothing skin that is irritated or prone to peeling and roughness.

All of these ingredients are frequently found together in facial crèmes for women, and men are just beginning to learn that these same benefits apply to the penis, as well. Men who use a vitamin-rich formula on their penile skin may find that their skin is smoother, softer and suppler. Those who have lost some degree of sensation due to toughening of the outer layers of skin (a natural result of daily wear and tear, as well as the friction caused by masturbation and sex) often find that a quality crème can actually improve sensitivity in the area.

What creams and ointments cannot do
While a quality penile crème can have some real benefits, there are some things that they cannot do:
- Penis health crèmes cannot cure infections or other diseases. Whether these are as minor as a yeast infection or as serious as a sexually transmitted disease, men should turn to the advice of a doctor for treatment. These conditions require a targeted treatment that is designed for the specific problem.

- Penis health crèmes alone cannot cure erectile dysfunction per se. ED is a complex issue that can involve more serious health conditions, and again, men need professional medical attention to address these issues. However, men who are experiencing ED that is caused by decreased sensation may experience improvement.

- Penis health crèmes cannot increase the length or girth of the penis. It is only common sense; just as a crème or ointment cannot make the fingers or toes longer, no topical product has been invented that can make the penis longer or thicker.

Choosing and using the right product
Deciding which product to buy depends, of course, on each man’s individual needs, but here are some rules of thumb:

1) If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

2) Watch out for subscription-type programs and "free" trial offers. Often, manufacturers and retailers will offer a free trial, yet require customers to provide their credit card information with the stipulation that if they do NOT cancel, they will be billed for a periodic subscription thereafter.

3) Look for a money-back guarantee. Manufacturers who are confident in the benefits of the products they are selling will generally refund customers who are not fully satisfied.

4) A top-notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) should contain a comprehensive mix of vitamins and amino acids to support skin, nerve and circulatory function, and an overall healthy penis.

5) Finally, men should keep in mind that not all problems can be solved overnight, and it can take weeks of consistent use to see a substantial improvement. Except in the case of adverse reactions, men should keep using the product for at least the minimum suggested time frame before giving up.

Casual Sex - His and Her Perspectives on the One-Night Stand

When it comes to knocking boots, it should come as no surprise that men and women are often thinking very different things. This is especially true when it comes to casual sex. Read about the different perspectives men and women hold about this type of encounter and how to preserve penis health through it all.

The one-night stand
In this classic scenario, boy meets girl, boy invites girl home, boy has sex with girl, girl goes home, boy and girl never talk to each other again. A true one-night stand happens between two parties that do not know each other and have no means to - or intentions of - getting in touch with each other after the deed is done.

His View: A one-night stand to a guy is just another opportunity for sex, and what guy in his right mind would turn down a no-strings attached night in the sack? Very few. In fact, a study out of UCLA found men are more likely to regret not having meaningless sex than woman are. Scientists blame evolution for this trait, theorizing that a missed sexual opportunity is a missed chance at procreation, an evolutionary no-no.

Her View: A one-night stand may be fun at the time, but it is something that sticks with her. She is likely to later struggle with feelings of being easy, cheap, or promiscuous. The same UCLA study found women are more likely to have regret over the encounter. Again, from an evolutionary perspective, the consequences of mating required much more of an investment for the woman (i.e. pregnancy and child rearing), so she’d better choose the right guy to father her (hypothetical) children.

Friends with benefits
Casually known as FWB, this type of relationship exists between two people who are friends and are also having sex, though they both claim to not want a relationship. The situation may be temporary - until one of them gets a boyfriend or girlfriend - or it may be long-term.

His view: Why not have his cake and eat it too? This situation is a win-win, as he gets to hang out with the cool girl, have sex with her, and avoid all the lame relationship stuff like proper dates and expensive jewelry.

Her view: While the relationship may start out purely sexual, women are significantly more likely to develop feelings for their FWB than guys. Ultimately, it is a risky venture, as she may end up liking a dude who has no interest in ever being more than friends…with sex, of course.

The booty call
The booty call tends to be a step below the FWB relationship in terms of frequency of hangout and quality of hangout. The engaging parties may be friends, casual acquaintances, or maybe even a one-night stand turned bed buddies. They probably don’t do anything together outside the bedroom, and likely don’t engage in post-sex sleepovers. Both people know what the point of the relationship is, and it stands at that.

His view: It’s nice to have a consistent girl to have great sex with - or even not so great sex - without having to put in all the work. He doesn’t have to go to the effort of picking up a girl at a bar (like the one-night stand) and doesn’t have to deal with the potential awkwardness of seeing his FWB out and about when he is with another girl.

Her view: If both people have been clear from the very beginning, her view should be similar to his. Unfortunately, sometimes the terms aren’t spelled out very well, and she thinks he simply doesn’t want a relationship right now. This may lead her to believe they have a future as a couple and can lead to major jealousy if she sees him with another girl. When she starts to realize she is a booty call, she may feel used and betrayed.

Protecting the penis during casual sex
Whatever a guy’s game plan is in terms of getting some, he needs to play it safe. Using a condom every time, especially when with a new partner, is the best way to avoid sexually transmitted infections. Additionally, he should be regularly tested for infections and seek medical attention if he suspects he has been exposed or experiences painful or out of the ordinary symptoms. Finally, using a daily penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) can keep the penis free from chafing, irritation and other unpleasant consequences of frequent sex, meaning it is as smooth and ready for action as he is.

Thursday, 29 May 2014

Bent Penis Disaster - Peyronie's Disease Nearly Ruined This Man's Life

Doctors and patients don't always agree when it comes to a curved or bent penis. Many doctors say that the condition is mild and that proper treatment can make things better. Men, on the other hand, think of Peyronie’s disease with horror, and often, they are convinced that they will never get better.
When men who begin to develop a bend or curvature in the penis turn to the Internet, they may run into articles written by doctors about penis care steps that can help. It can be more satisfying, though, to hear from men who have actually lived through the ordeal and come back to tell about it. Here is one man’s story.

Bending and Dysfunction
When asked to describe how the condition really feels, this man uses words like "horrible," "painful" and "scary." To him, the problem wasn’t a minor issue - in fact, it seemed to take over his entire life.
"When my penis was soft, it seemed totally normal," he says. "But when I got an erection, it seemed like I had some kind of hinge in the middle of my penis. Part of it pointed out, but the middle and the tip pointed at the floor. And the skin felt like it was pulling in the wrong direction, so an erection really hurt."

Needless to say, this problem had a deep impact on this man's sex life. He had difficulty staying firm, because the pain took his breath away, and if he could overlook the pain, he couldn't keep things in the right place.

"Penetration was basically impossible, because I was working with something that wasn't straight," he says. "I could sometimes make it work if my partner was patient, but as soon as I started thrusting or anything, it would pop right out.".

The Mental Health Impact
The man wasn't in a serious, committed relationship when this problem started, so he didn't have an understanding partner who knew what he was like when he was well. Since his tool didn't work all that well, not to mention how odd it looked, he was too nervous to show his body to a new partner.
"I had no idea what someone would say when they took a gander at this big bend in my dick," he says. "I knew it wasn't really normal, and I was so embarrassed about how bad it looked. I stopped seeing anyone at all, because I couldn't stand the idea of letting someone see my penis. And if I did let them see it, I knew it wouldn't work anyway."

This issue weighed heavily on his mind, and he began to exhibit symptoms of depression, drinking too much, sleeping too much, and no longer spending time with friends and family. At one point, he admits that he even thought about ending his own life.

"That's when I knew things had spun out of control," he says. "I am normally a pretty happy guy who can roll with the punches. When I started thinking about death, I knew I had to do something."

The Path to Healing
Conservative therapies involving medications, vitamin supplements and injections are often the proper course of treatment for men with this condition, and a urologist can often deliver relief using these methods alone. However, there are some men who do need surgery in order to get back in the swing of things. In this patient’s case, a regimen of vitamins and injections helped to correct the issue without further damage to his penis.

At-home care can also be vital for men who have a mild bend that's just beginning. These men may not have Peyronie’s disease, per se, but they may be doing daily damage to the penis that could transition to that disorder in time. A penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) could provide some protection. Quality products that target the penile tissue can keep skin soft and pliant, so it can withstand the rigors of sex without developing scar tissue that cannot stretch as needed, creating bends in the erect manhood. With regular use, a story of misery might not be part of a man's history.

Managing Penis Pain - What to Do When it Hurts to Pee

Have a soda or a coffee, head to the bathroom to pee. It's a two-step process that every person repeats several times during an average day, and in most cases, nothing too exciting happens during either portion of the exercise. Sometimes, however, that visit to the jakes is accompanied by a burning penis pain, making the process much more unpleasant than it should be. When this happens, men need to take action to address the discomfort and cure the underlying problem. A little attention to daily penis care can also help prevent the problem from recurring.

Step One: A Doctor's Visit
There are a number of different conditions that could cause urinary pain, including:
- Yeast infections
- Urinary tract infections
- Kidney stones
- Prostate infections

All of these conditions require a different approach to treatment, meaning that it's vital for men to get the right diagnosis at the right time, so they can get the medications they'll need to get on the path to wellness.

A doctor's visit can help. Typically, men go through a visual examination, in which the doctor looks the area over carefully and takes tiny samples of any discharge that's seen. The doctor might also ask for a urine sample that can be tested in a laboratory. A physical examination, such as palpating the prostate, might also play a role in the diagnosis.

At the end of an appointment like this, a man might be given medications to take, and he might be asked to come back for a follow-up visit. Some men may need more serious forms of treatment, of course, but it's reasonable for most men to expect to spend only a few minutes with their doctor for a solution.

Step Two: At-Home Soothing
In addition to taking medications as recommended, men might take comfort from a few at-home care steps. For example, some types of bathroom pain respond well to gentle heat. Warm baths (skip the bubbles and oils), heating pads or hot water bottles could all help to soothe the pain a man might feel down below.

Some men might attempt to cut back on their fluid intake so that they won’t be required to pee so often. While that sounds reasonable, going to the bathroom on a regular basis could be vital to the healing of some of these conditions. Each time a man passes fluid through his body, he's flushing toxins down the drain, and that might help his body to heal. While caffeinated beverages or acidic, sugary drinks might irritate the plumbing, clear and cool water could be considered part of a man's healing program.

Step Three: New Penis Routines
While treating a penis problem properly is essential for healing, prevention could be a key part of pain-free peeing in the future. Often, this means paying a little more attention to hygiene and protection.

A little dribble of urine left on the end of the penis could interact with bacteria on the skin, and a tiny colony of critters could spring up and travel back into the body to cause infections. Similarly, getting frisky with another person could lead to colonies of bacteria moving from one body to another, and traveling up the urethra to do major damage. It all sounds very serious, but cleaning up the area every day can be quite helpful.

After an intimate encounter, it is a good idea to empty the bladder immediately to flush away any microorganisms left behind. A daily shower, followed by a pat-dry with a towel, is also an important aspect of male hygiene. After bathing, a penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) could provide even more protection. Quality products can keep the skin soft, so bacteria won't have tears and fissures to hide in, and the vitamins in these products support the overall health of skin, so it can defend against invaders. Men who use these products regularly as part of a prevention plan could experience much less pain in the bathroom in the future.

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Healthy Penis, Better Performance - The Right Diet Choices Can Make a Difference

A healthy penis is a number one goal for most men, and there are many things that a man can do to help ensure his continued penis health. One of those things, surprisingly, is to be aware of his diet choices and to take steps to ensure a better, healthier eating pattern. It’s a boon for the entire body, but it also pays off in terms of keeping the equipment in fine fettle, as well.

A big gut = an unhealthy penis
By this point, every person on the planet knows that being overweight is bad for the health. Obesity is associated with many general health issues, including high blood pressure, cardiac issues and diabetes. It also can have an impact on sexual functioning. Obesity has been linked in studies to testosterone deficiency; when a man’s testosterone levels drop, his sex drive is negatively impacted. In addition, being overweight causes one to tire more quickly, so that even if a guy is primed for action, he may lack the energy to carry it through to completion in a satisfying manner.

Obesity also is linked with plaque build-up in arteries, which can be dangerous. Penis arteries are often among the first to be affected by plaque, being significantly more narrow than cardiac arteries. And that plaque attack can hamper the free flow of blood to the penis, affecting erectile quality and durability.

Good foods for the penis
In general, any food that helps a man maintain a healthy weight is food that is good for the penis. Each man is different, and every man thinking about embarking on changes to his diet choices should first consult a doctor to determine if there are foods he should avoid. In general, however, the best options are the sensible ones:

1) bulk up on fruits and vegetables (especially fresh ones when possible);
2) cut down on salt intake;
3) don’t let a sweet tooth go crazy (and that includes being careful with sugary drinks);
4) favor lean white meats over fatty red ones; and
5) be moderate in alcohol consumption.

In addition to these general diet choices, there are several nutritional choices that are often associated with a healthier, more energetic penis. These include:

Fish - but not all fish. Omega-3 fatty acids are thought to have a positive impact on penis health, and these are often found in abundance in fish. The problem is that some fish contain toxins that can send testosterone levels down. Salmon, tuna and sea bass are best bets for being a good source of the Omega-3 acids, and they are less likely to contain large quantities of testosterone-reducing toxins.
Nuts. One of the hallmarks of a healthy penis is its ability to get and maintain an erection; erections are aided by the presence of nitric oxide, which helps to open up the penis blood vessels so that more blood can rush in and fill up the spongy tissue of the penis. Therefore, boosting nitric oxide (or L-arginine, which aids in the creation of nitric oxide) is important for penis health - and nuts are good at doing just that.

Blueberries (and many other berries). Blueberries are an excellent choice for overall health and can also keep the penis happy. Like nuts, blueberries are valuable in aiding proper penis blood flow and keeping arteries open.

Diet choices are just part of a proper penis health regimen: regular use (through either masturbation or partner sex) is also key (even if it does occasionally result in a sore penis), as is using a first rate penis nutrient cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil). Compound the good that nuts and blueberries do by using a cream that include L-arginine, which as stated above is an important aid in the process by which penis blood flow remains vibrant. Also important in choosing a cream is finding one that includes alpha lipoic acid, a powerhouse antioxidant that offsets the aging process in penis cell metabolism and helps keep the penis looking more youthful.

No Itchy Penis - Hygiene Tips to Banish Jock Itch for Good

An itchy penis may be a common problem for every man, but that doesn’t mean that those recurring bouts of jock itch are by any means welcome. And, of course, they always seem to occur at just the wrong time: in the middle of that important job interview, during a very formal dinner and, of course, just as a guy is trying to impress a woman with his air of sophistication. Being able to keep one’s hands straying down for a good scratch at inopportune moments is just one reason to pay attention to penis health and hygiene.

Tinea Cruris
Everyone refers to this particular itchy situation as jock itch, but the actual medical term for it (in case a guy wants to impress his friends with his erudition and knowledge) is tinea cruris.
Word of advice: a man shouldn‘t try using this name in the hopes that it will score him points with a potential lady friend. For example, if he’s caught in the middle of what he hoped was a surreptitious scratch, smiling and saying, "Oh, it’s nothing, just my tinea cruris" is likely to cause the hoped-for partner to make a hasty exit, as the medical name makes it sound like something far more serious.

As those who have experienced this problem know, jock itch causes a red, ringy rash that itches like the devil. It typically occurs on the penis, testicles, thighs and buttocks and gets it popular nickname because it’s associated with people who sweat a lot - such as athletes.

Not just those who are jock-wearers get the itch, of course. It can strike any man who sweats profusely, and is somewhat more common among people who are overweight. People whose immune systems are compromised also are at a greater risk of getting jock itch.

Not serious
Tinea cruris may be common, but it’s fortunately not serious. Yes, it can have some serious unintended consequences, such as causing a man to miss out on hooking up with someone who might have been the love of his life; but in terms of medical seriousness, the condition is low on the medical totem pole.

As mentioned, sweat is the primary culprit behind jock itch, although dirt also has a role to play; too much sweat by itself can cause the itch to develop, but it can be exacerbated if the sweat occurs in an area that is dirty. Washing regularly and wearing clean underwear is a good preventive measure.

Jock itch’s root cause is a fungus that develops in wet, warm environments, such as that commonly found in the crotch. It can easily be spread, most often by direct skin-on-skin contact or more indirectly by such means a sharing a towel with a person who is infected. Due to this latter reason, it’s never good idea to share a towel with another person at a gym.

The fungus that causes jock itch is the same as the one that causes athlete’s foot, so it can spread from a man touching a diseased area of his foot and then touching his groin without first washing his hands. A man who masturbates after touching a foot with athlete’s foot definitely needs to wash first. Also, men who have a foot fetish and enjoy rubbing the penis against a foot or who delight in being masturbated by another person’s foot should be sure that the foot in question is free of fungus.

An itchy penis due to jock itch is usually treated with an antifungal medication, but the itch itself may not always respond to this; using a high quality penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) can help with this issue. A cream that includes a superior emollient such as shea butter PLUS a natural hydrator like vitamin E provides great relief from itching; it is also beneficial to use a cream that include a powerful antioxidant like alpha lipoic acid, which offsets harmful oxidative processes that can cause signs of early aging like wrinkles and dry, thinning skin.

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Penis Care Secrets - The Surprising Men’s Health Benefits of Alpha Lipoic Acid

Dozens of face creams made for ladies contain a key element known as alpha lipoic acid. Men might never consider slathering these lotions anywhere on the penis, and that's a good thing, as these creams are not necessarily designed with the health needs of the manhood in mind. However, men should certainly be on the lookout for similar ways to boost their exposure to alpha lipoic acid, as it could be a key ingredient for penis care.

Zapping Wrinkled, Sagging Skin
As with the skin elsewhere on the body, the dermal tissue of the penis is exposed to harmful free radicals, which can lead to early signs of aging. In addition, daily wear and tear can take its toll on the elasticity of the penile skin, causing signs of aging such as thinning, loss of elasticity and wrinkling.

Alpha lipoic acid is a powerful antioxidant that it has a role in chemical reactions that happen inside cells. It functions by binding to the free radicals that are produced by oxidative processes within the cells of the body; these harmful chemicals are responsible for aging and harmful changes at the molecular level. With alpha lipoic acid in the mix, the oxidative process is slowed, meaning that the skin is less likely to take on a dull, grey and wrinkled appearance. This could result in a penis that looks healthier and more supple, even as men grow older.

Boosting Blood Flow
While good looks are important, a rapid movement of blood is what makes the penis truly impressive. After all, it's this booming blood flow that causes the penis to move from flappy to firm when a moment of arousal arrives. Alpha lipoic acid can help, as it's a necessary ingredient in a series of chain reactions that allow blood vessels to open up. When this element is available, cells can expand to accept that blood. When there is none of this ingredient to be found, an erection might take a little longer to achieve.

Preserving the Nerves
A penis that looks good and jumps to attention when needed is almost worthless, at least from the male perspective, if it's incapable of delivering a signal of pleasure. A numb penis like this is easier to avoid if enough alpha lipoic acid is available. This ingredient provides support for the nerve cells that keep the electrical connections related to sensation working well, so the penis can move feelings of pleasure from the body to the brain with speed, making sex much more fun.

Soothing Effects
In addition to keeping the penis healthy, men might also need to deliver a little TLC in the aftermath of:
- Rough sex
- Creative masturbation
- Too-tight underwear
- Harsh detergent use

Skin that's been a little abused can be reddened, sore and just unhappy. Products that contain alpha lipoic acid, as well as other key ingredients for moisturizing and nourishing the penis, can help to calm down the pain, so a man can get back to the activities that he enjoys.

Proper Supplementation
While there are a number of things men could do to kick up their intake of alpha lipoic acid, including snacking on spinach or taking a daily supplement containing this nutrient, a penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil)is an easy way for any man to reap the benefits of this vital amino acid. That's because a quality product contains a number of emollients that seal in moisture, which could also help to block wrinkles and allow stressed skin to heal. It's a one-two punch that could make a big difference in a guy's confidence and prowess in the bedroom.

Penis Health and Sexual Role-Playing - Keeping the Package in Fantasy-Worthy Form

Naughty nurse and her patient, high powered business man and his escort, the single girl and the sexy delivery man -- whatever fantasy gets the creative juices going, there is nothing like a little sexual role-playing to bring some adventure to the bedroom. Whether the couple is in a brand new relationship, or has been together so long they’ve lost count of the years, adding role-playing is a healthy - and safe - way for a couple to flex their sexual boundaries and experiences without any risk-taking involved. Feeling bored in the bedroom? Here are 10 sexual role-plays to try tonight, as well as tips for guarding penis health and boosting performance.

1) Naughty nurse/Patient: Is it cliché? Sure. Has it been done? Absolutely. Still the idea of a rogue nurse risking her job to give him extra special treatment has gotten many a man’s engine running.

2) Police officer/Prisoner: Maybe it’s the chance to use handcuffs in the bedroom, or maybe it’s a sexy uniform; either way many couples love exploring the role of an authority figure behind closed doors. Be sure to take turns in each role!

3) Single guy or gal/ Sexy delivery person: Knock-knock and ding-dong! There’s a special package at the door just waiting to be unwrapped; the sexy stranger will spice things up tonight.

4) Reclusive billionaire/ Secretary: Made popular by the 50 Shades books, what woman doesn’t fantasize about becoming a handpicked lover for a wealthy businessman? Bondage activities are optional!

5) Air Force, Navy, Army Officer/ Wartime Nurse: A man in a crisply pressed uniform does as much for most women as a woman in lingerie does for a man. A quick trip to a costume store or adult fantasy store can produce outfits that will lead to many, many nights of fun.

6) Bachelor/Exotic dancer: Every man would love a private show watching his girl’s sexy moves. Take this private dance to the bedroom for even more fun.

7) Single man/ French maid: All she needs to do is grab a feather duster, a short black skirt and an apron and get busy cleaning his place and the fun will ensue in no time. Remember, her English is terrible, so she may need to be shown exactly what he wants done.

8) Firefighter/ Rescued victim: The classic damsel in distress fantasy makes the woman feel rescued and the man feel - well, manly. Once she is saved from the danger, she is sure to need some mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to help her come to again (and again).

9) Pool boy/ Mistress: This fantasy puts the woman in a position of control. Maybe her husband is out of town, or she’s a cougar who hired a hot young pool boy for some eye candy. While having a pool is a bonus to the fantasy - it is not necessary.

10) Sexy school girl/ Professor: It sure is hard for him to concentrate on his lecture with a girl looking as good as her. With a little extra effort, she is sure to get an A+ on all her homework.

Keeping the Penis in the Game
There are countless other scenarios to get a couple going in the bedroom; just try to choose one that both people are into so they are more committed to engaging in the roles. And, of course, if the boundaries of comfort are being pushed, be sure to have a safe word that will never come up in the course of the role play, such as "tree house;" this will allow both partners to make it known when the fantasy has gone too far.

To make sure the penis is up for anything, men should use a penis vitamin cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) containing targeted vitamins and nutrients that are sure to perk up the manhood, keep the skin healthy, and even improve engorgement to the area. Double bonus if his naughty nurse helps him administer his health cream.

Monday, 26 May 2014

Penis Health Crème Benefits – 5 Ways it Could Improve a Guy's Sex Life

A healthy lifestyle is, of course the key to a healthy sex life; in order for the manhood to function at its prime, men need to eat right, exercise, and drink plenty of water, not to mention the all-important yearly physical exam. But adding a penis health crème to the mix can take penis care to a whole new level, with nutrients that can improve its appearance, sensitivity level and even performance. Here’s how.

Kicks Up Confidence
Men who are calm and in command find it a little easier to find a partner in the first place, and they might also perform a little better during sex, because they're not wrapped up in feelings of inadequacy and embarrassment. While a penis health crème works on the body, not the brain, the physical transformation it can bring about can kick-start a man's self-esteem. He'll sport a tool that looks good and works great, and that inner knowledge could translate into more sex, and better sensations during sex.

Enhances Excitement
In every intimate episode, there’s that moment when the penis is freed from the confines of clothing. That moment of truth could lead to disaster if the unveiling reveals skin that's cracked, red and splotchy. Intimate crèmes can help, as these products can keep skin looking smooth, clean and touchable. The big reveal, when these products are in use, can up the excitement factor, as the waiting partner might be eager for some hands-on involvement with a tool like this.

Boosts Sensitivity
Scarred skin, depleted nerves and poor circulation can stand between a man and pure bliss, but a lotion made just for a man's intimate tissues can help. The proper mix of vitamins and minerals can nourish both skin and nervous tissue, and emollients can keep the whole package soft and smooth, with no scars in sight. When the manhood is this healthy, it's capable of feeling each and every touch, and the experience can be nothing short of amazing.

Allows for Softer, Sweeter Sex
A tool that's responsive and sensitive doesn't require rough handling, and a man attached to an organ like this might not feel the need to do kinky, dangerous things in order to get off. Instead, he might be willing to engage in some of the slower, more sensual and emotional acts that tend to drive female partners wild. Kinky acts might have a role to play for some partners, of course, but men with high sensitivity levels won't be required to get funky in order to orgasm.

Reduces Odors
A man who takes it slow is likely to be rewarded by his partner in all sorts of ways, but those who hope to get an oral reward for their sex work can be disappointed if fishy, yeasty, nasty odors are associated with the penis. These are the sorts of scents that are hard for partners to cope with, and they can put an end to any oral ideas a man might have.

A quality penis health crème contains a number of ingredients that could quell problem odors, including:
- Vitamin A
- Shea butter
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin D

A daily application of products with this ingredient mix could keep odor-causing bacterial colonies in check, and men who apply these products might also wipe away drips and dribbles of body fluids that could contribute to an odor problem. The tissues left are scent-free, and they might be a little more kissable as a result.

While a healthy lifestyle and proper diet should be a part of any man's penis health regimen, it's clear that a quality penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) could make a real difference where it counts: in the bedroom.

Penis Warts - What It’s Like to Have Them and How to Cope

Penis warts are a painful and embarrassing problem, and they can be notoriously challenging to deal with. While they are not life-threatening, they can make it extremely difficult to have a normal sex life, and the right approach to penis care is essential. Unfortunately, most men who have experienced this problem are not about to discuss it with their friends and neighbors, so it can be hard for men with newly discovered warts to know what to do next - aside from the obvious visit to the doctor.
For men like this, it can be reassuring to hear from someone who has had a similar experience. A wart sufferer who we will call Adrian tells his story.

Sudden Appearance
Adrian became sexually active at a young age, and throughout his life, he was lucky with the ladies. As a result, he had many different sexual partners, and he wasn't always careful about using protection.

"I always considered myself pretty healthy and pretty lucky, so especially when I had been with a girl for a long time, I'd start to skip the condoms," he says. "Everything was fine for a while, but after we broke up and I started dating someone new, I noticed that I had a bunch of warts on my penis."
The warts came as a surprise to Adrian, because his new girlfriend had assured him that she had a clean bill of health, and he had not seen anything out of the ordinary.

Before he even saw a doctor about the problem, Adrian turned to the Internet to find out whether his suspicions about the bumps were correct.

"They looked like tiny, flesh-colored bites all along the base of my penis," he says. "They didn't hurt or bleed or anything, but they were sure ugly. And I had warts on my hands before, so I knew what they were as soon as I saw them."

A Visit With an Expert
Many men in Adrian’s situation are embarrassed about the idea of seeing a doctor and attempt to treat their warts at home with DIY techniques such as:

- Burning them;
- Snipping them off with scissors;
- Applying tea tree oil;
- Attempting over-the-counter wart removal oils.

"I didn't want to try anything stupid like that," Adrian explains "I’m not a big fan of pain, especially down there, and I was afraid of doing the wrong thing. I figured that a doctor could give me a good diagnosis and a treatment that wouldn't be so risky or painful. I made an appointment right away."

At his appointment, Adrian's doctor told him that the warts were probably caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV), but that he could go through a biopsy in order to be sure. He chose to proceed with treatment as though he had HPV.

"I had several treatments with liquid nitrogen, and while it wasn't exactly comfortable, it didn't hurt as much as I expected it to," he says. "I also had a cream I applied at night to deal with the bumps that were left behind."

The treatments went on for several weeks, he says, and Adrian was encouraged to refrain from sex during that time. "I think that was the hardest part!" he says.

Moving Forward
Now that Adrian is bump-free, he is free to return to his old habits. But he's changed many things about his life. First of all, because he has had the warts, he is likely still a carrier for the virus, and chances are good that he could pass the condition on to another partner.

To avoid this issue, he says, "I always talk about STDs with my partners, for starters. I tell them about what happened to me in the past, and I ask about their health status. I don't want to go through this again or do it to someone else, so I'm just more careful. And I always, always, always wear a condom."

Adding a penis health crème could also be helpful for health-conscious men like Adrian. These products (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can keep penile skin soft and smooth, so it can perform with ease and deliver intense pleasure, while the vitamins and minerals nourish vital tissues and slow down the signs of aging. A crème like this isn't a treatment for warts, and it can't prevent them but it could be a perfect compliment to a healthy lifestyle for any man.

Sunday, 25 May 2014

Red Penis Fixes - Real Solutions for Common Penile Issues

An erect penis that is deep red in color is a positive sign and one that most men are proud of; however, when the erection subsides and the redness remains - especially for hours, or even days, after the activities are over - it is quite natural for men to become concerned. This condition, which is frequently referred to as simply "red penis" affects men of all ages and races. While it can be alarming, it is most often easily solved with a little extra attention to penis care.

The primary cause of red penis
Most often, red penis is simply a result of rough handling, especially during solo sessions. A too-tight grip or long minutes of yanking, bending and twisting can be seriously irritating; the penis responds to this onslaught by routing blood to just below the surface of the skin as a means to provide healing for stressed tissue. Usually, all that is needed to address the problem is taking a few days off from similar activities, using a personal lubricant, and applying a more gentle touch.

Other possible culprits
1) Balanitis. This condition, in spite of the ominous-sounding name, is nothing more than a surface infection that occurs most frequently in uncircumcised men. In addition to redness, the area around the head of the penis may be swollen, sore, and even warm to the touch, and a yellowish discharge may also be present. This common issue is mainly related to hygiene; men who are a little lax about cleaning underneath the foreskin are most often affected. A doctor can prescribe antibacterial medications to treat the problem, and stepping up the hygiene (without overdoing the scrubbing) can help prevent future occurrence.

2) Yeast infection. Another topical skin condition, yeast infection (often known as thrush) occurs when the fungal spores that are always present on the skin are triggered into a period of rapid growth. The yeast can cause redness, itching, soreness and a whitish, lumpy discharge. Over-the-counter antifungal creams are generally effective; partners of men with thrush should also be treated, as the condition can easily be passed between partners, even if one or both are asymptomatic.

3) Psoriasis. Men with this dermatological condition generally have psoriasis on other parts of their body, as well as the penis. Psoriasis often presents as red, shiny, flaky patches of skin, usually around the size of a quarter. They may be itchy, and the flakes of outer skin may peel away to reveal, tight, shiny red tissue underneath. Corticosteroid creams are often prescribed for treatment, but since these medications can be damaging to the penile skin, it is recommended that men talk to their doctors about an alternative. Numerous studies have shown that topical application of vitamins A and E can be effective in treating psoriasis.

Now, unless the source of redness is fairly obvious - for instance, the penile skin is only red in the hours or days after an especially vigorous solo session, it is best not to attempt self-diagnosis. A doctor or dermatologist is nearly always the best option, because they can identify the exact cause of the problem through lab testing and prescribe the most appropriate treatment.

For skin that is irritated or broken, or in case of a penile discharge, no over-the-counter creams or ointments should be used except under the advice of a doctor, as improper treatment can actually make the problem much worse.

On the other hand, for skin that is normal aside from ongoing redness, a high-quality penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) may also offer an effective solution. While it is not a cure for issues like fungal infections or dermatological conditions, a cream that is enriched with vitamins A and E, as well as numerous other vitamins and amino acids, can support healthy, resilient skin. Adding a solution like this to the daily routine before problems occur can help offset the minor damage caused by everyday wear and tear and ensure that the skin has the nutrients it needs to stay strong, supple and responsive.

Saturday, 24 May 2014

Sore Penis Solutions - Conversations Starters for Communicating with a Doctor

A sore penis that lasts more than a few days or is the result of an injury requires medical attention, and men who are concerned about their long-term penis health shouldn’t neglect to make an appointment as soon as possible However, whether a man is seeing a long-time family practitioner or a total stranger, talking about penile issues is bound to be awkward. These 5 conversation starters can help to take a little bit of the pressure off.

1) "I'm embarrassed about this."
Chances are good that doctors have seen all sorts of penis health problems in the past. As a result, these doctors might not be even a little bit worried about asking a guy to drop trou so they can take a peek at the problem. Opening up the conversation by expressing concern or even embarrassment might help the doctor to slow down a little and explain each and every step that's coming, and that might help to alleviate a guy's fears about being manhandled by strangers.

2) "I feel pain when I…"
Cutting right to the quick of the problem is another embarrassment-busting technique. Rather than starting the talk by discussing their sexual habits or their hygiene routines, men can focus directly on the symptoms that they're having now, and the solution they'd like to see in the future. Doctors will need to know a man's symptoms in order to make a diagnosis, too, so starting the talk this way could help the appointment to move at a brisk, efficient pace.

3) "I've noticed the following changes in my penis."
Men are experts on what their penis typically looks like, and changes in that tissue often drive them to visit with a doctor. Starting the talk by explaining the changes they've seen can help a doctor to understand why a patient has walked into the room, and what that person hopes to accomplish at the end of a visit. A man might describe his:

- Penis bumps
- Patches of itchy skin
- Soreness
- Flesh-colored warts

4) "I'm worried about…"
Men who have seen changes down below might do a little research online about what the condition might be, and those educational sessions could make men feel downright panicked about their long-term health. A man might walk into an appointment convinced that he has cancer, for example, or he might be certain that his problems began due to a sexually transmitted disease. Living with fear like this can be incredibly tiring, and it isn't likely to make a man feel better. Expressing those fears at the very beginning of an appointment could allow a doctor to understand just how freaked out a man might be, and that might help to drive the pace the doctor uses during the appointment.

5) "I've had something like this before."
Some penis problems come out of the blue, and they're completely shocking to men who have always been healthy in the past. But there are some types of problems that seem to come and go, over and over again. This is an important little detail for a doctor to know, as this tidbit could make some tests more important and others less useful. This sentence also provides men with a springboard they can use to dive into all of their health concerns about the penis.

More Than Talking
While discussing penis health concerns openly is an important part of getting well, men can also take steps at home to make sure their skin is as healthy as it can possibly be. A penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can help. These products contain the vitamins, amino acids and emollients the penile skin needs in order to function at its prime, and a daily application forces a man to notice his skin and what it needs. For men who want to stay out of the doctor's office altogether, a penis health crème could be a great first step.

Friday, 23 May 2014

Red Penis Alert - Tips for Overcoming Masturbation Boredom

Playing with his tool is one of a man's greatest pleasures, but after a few years of the same old techniques, masturbation boredom can set in, leaving the penis unresponsive to his go-to maneuvers. In an effort to compensate, many men resort to rougher handling; unfortunately, this can seriously irritate the skin, leaving them with a sore, red penis that may throb for days. In order to protect his penis health, it behooves a man to take steps to overcome this boredom and make his masturbatory experiences fun again.

Why boredom?
Not every man experiences masturbation boredom, and even when it does occur, it's usually for relatively short periods of time. It's natural that a man could get "tired" of masturbating, especially if he is someone who masturbates regularly and frequently. Just as a man whose favorite food is a perfectly cooked steak could long for chicken or pasta if he ate steak at every dinner, a man whose frequency of masturbation is high may simply want a change.

Often a man realizes that he needs a change and simply stops masturbating for a while; then, when he resumes, he's more "in the mood" for it and finds the experience has regained the old pleasurable sensation it used to have. This is the most "common sense" approach to overcoming self-stimulatory weariness and the one that many men employ naturally.

Why keep on?
Not all men adopt this "leave it alone for a while" approach, however. Sometimes, that's because masturbation is a genuine habit for them, and habits are hard to break. Other times, a man may not actually be a habitual masturbator, but he may simply enjoy the act of playing with himself and of the intensely pleasurable orgasms that can result.

In either of these cases, the man continues to engage in onanistic behavior, often pulling and tugging and rubbing until a very red penis develops; in most cases, this eventually results in an orgasm, but often it is not as intense as desired. In other cases, the man eventually grows tired and ceases the activity before ejaculating, which creates frustration.

What to do
The man who continues to masturbate even in the midst of boredom needs to find ways to bring some excitement back into the process. Among the options he can try are:

1) Changing the stroke. Many men masturbate in a very set way: for example, lying in bed, with the right hand wrapped around the penis and stroking up and down. The bored masturbator is well advised to experiment with some new variations. He may try standing up or sitting down, rather than lying on his back. He may want to let his left hand do the work rather than the right. Perhaps lying on his stomach and rubbing his erection against the bedsheets or a towel might be an option, or wearing a condom to provide a different form of stimulation.

2) Enlarging the mental/visual stimulus. Many men masturbate to fantasies which they create in their minds or to visual stimuli, such as pornography. Boredom may result from being too familiar with these triggers. A man should come up with new fantasies or erotic images. He may want to broaden his range by going outside his "comfort zone" of imagery to see if this produces any excitement.

3) Using toys. Adding an adult toy or two to the routine may add a little spice and some unexpected sensations.

Overcoming masturbation boredom may or may not save a man from a sore, red penis, but it certainly can make him feel emotionally better. Whether bored with masturbation or not, every man needs to regularly treat his equipment with a top notch penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) that is filled with the ingredients every red-blooded male needs. This includes acetyl L-carnitine, an invaluable ingredient that helps repair the peripheral nerve damage that often accompanies a well-masturbated penis. Also in the cream should be vitamin A, as that vitamin's anti-bacterial qualities are crucial for avoiding embarrassing and off-putting penis odors.

Penis Health Crème Ingredient Quiz - How Much Do Men Know About Penile Care?

Why is a penis health crème such a vital part of a man's penis care regimen? The answer is in the ingredients. This quick quiz will help men test their knowledge of what's included in a quality product, and it'll give men the opportunity to see how much they really know about what the tool needs in order to maintain optimum penile health.

Instructions: Match each ingredient with the penis care benefit it provides. Answers are listed at the bottom of this article.

The Ingredients
A. Shea butter
B. Vitamin A
C. Vitamin B5
D. Acetyl L carnitine
E. Alpha lipoic acid
F. L-arginine
G. Vitamin C
H. Vitamin D
I. Vitamin E

The Benefits
1) Aging is a part of life, and as the years add up, activities inside the cells tend to slow down. This ingredient helps support cells as they age, and helps cell metabolism stay within a healthy zone.

2) As the dermal tissue on the penis ages, it can start to sag and droop. It's a natural process, but it can be a little unappealing. This ingredient can help to prevent wrinkles from forming on the penis, so it'll look great even as a man gets up in years.

3) Firm penile tissue is touchable, while baggy, saggy skin is not so sexy. This element can help to boost the production of collagen deep inside the body, below the skin, working to plump out the outer layers of skin and keep the penile tissue looking supple and healthy.

4) Tiny, harmless bacteria live on the surface of the penis, as well as the rest of the body, and when they come into contact with oils, sweat and other substances on the skin, they can emit a powerful odor. This ingredient has natural antibacterial properties that can help reduce the scent in a man's pants.

5) During an erection, blood vessels in the penis need to open up and relax so they can accept the blood flowing into the area from other parts of the body. This ingredient aids in the production of nitrous oxide, which is a key part of this relaxation process.

6) Some experts consider this element to be a natural "miracle," because it's able to do all sorts of amazing things for cell health. It can help to fight disease, keep cells functioning normally and more. It's a must-have for anyone with a penis.

7) Healthy, beautiful skin that can stretch and contract is plumped with moisture. This ingredient can seal moisture inside skin cells, so they'll be able to resist the trauma of sex without tearing.

8) This natural product softens and soothes skin that's reddened, chafed and sore. With regular application, skin becomes moist, sensitive and responsive.

9) Aggressive sex acts can be fun, but they can also harm the tingles of nerves that line the penis. This ingredient can help to support and nourish the nerves, so they'll keep responding, even when the going gets a little rough.

The Answers
A: 8. B: 4. C: 1. D: 9. E: 2. F: 5. G: 3. H: 6. I: 7.

The Takeaway
Reading up on what a penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can do is only part of the story. That's because quality products work with a man's metabolism, delivering the benefits an individual needs in order to assist with his personal problems. As a result, the benefits one guy might see might not be the same as the assistance another guy might get, even if they're using the same product. The real way to see what these products can do involves experimentation. Using the product every day, without fail, for a period of a few weeks, could help men to really see changes, and that's an answer that's simply not available on an online quiz.

Thursday, 22 May 2014

Sexual Foreplay - Targeting Women's "Other" Body Parts

Every man is aware of the importance of foreplay, even if he may not always give a woman's erogenous zones the attention they deserve before delving into a lusty round of coupling. But despite being aware of the fact that foreplay can impact the ultimate pleasure of a woman's sexual experience, too many men are too narrow in their focus of what constitutes the female erogenous zones. Just as proper sexual penis care and attention extend beyond vigorous stroking of the male organ, so does female sexual preparation need to extend beyond a few quick squeezes of the breast and some perfunctory stroking of the sweet spot.

It's undeniably true that the breasts and the crotch are highly sensitive to tactile sensations and that this sensitivity can have a direct impact on feminine arousal. But a person needs to be appreciated as a whole, not as an isolated set of parts, each of which is seen as a button to push in order to obtain a specific desired response. Extending one's interest in a woman beyond the erotically-inclined body parts creates a more satisfying and fulfilling sexual experience for both participants.

Other erogenous zones
The lover who wants to really get to know and provide ultimate pleasure for a woman needs to be a sexual gourmet who delights in sampling all the body parts that can amplify a woman's sensual reactions. What are some of these parts?

1) The ears. A woman doesn't want to just hear sweet nothings; she wants her ears to feel the soft caresses of a man's fingers or the gentle touch of his lips. Focusing attention on the ears in a tender and attentive manner can be very sexy. Note: Whatever he may have heard, blowing in her ear or poking into it with his tongue is hardly ever a turn-on and is more likely to have the opposite effect.

2) The neck. Embracing a woman from behind places a man in the position to plant sensuous kisses all along the back of the neck; combined with the warmth of the embrace, this can create erotic stimulation. When face to face, gently rubbing in circular motions the portion of the neck which meets the jaw near the ear produces a lovely, intimate sensation.

3) The hands. The hands are an excellent - and neglected - source of pleasure. The nerves in the fingers are especially sensitive, so a man's fingers intertwined with or pulsing against a woman's creates a neural symphony that is quite exquisite. Gentlemen should also make a point of paying attention to the palms of the hand; while not as sensitive as the fingers, they remain quite receptive to gentle brushes and strokes, and many a woman has been delightfully surprised by the sensations derived from a mouth gently kissing and nibbling her palm.

4) The inside of the elbow. For many women, this is a serious erogenous zone. Rather than focusing his hands on this area, the man should try burying his cheek - free of stubble, of course - in it and then moving on to covering it with grateful kisses.

5) Feet. Playing footsie can be a lot of fun. The man should rub his feet up, down and all around the lady's. He may also want to spend some quality time in the area. Purchasing an aromatic, high quality foot lotion and then taking the time to massage it thoroughly into the feet is one way of demonstrating one's intense desire to provide pleasure on all fronts.

These are hardly the only possible sensual spots; there's also the back, the buttocks, the hair, the knees, etc. Each woman is different, so exploring every part of a new partner is a good way to learn what especially works for her.

And turnabout is fair play. A female partner may want to incorporate some erotic foreplay of her own, while at the same time enhancing a man's penis health. She should be encouraged to rub a really first class penis vitamin cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) all over her man's organ. The most sensual creams will include a high end emollient with amazing moisturizing capability, such as shea butter. Selecting one that also includes acetyl L-carnitine, which enhances penis sensitivity, can boost the responsiveness of the penis and allow him to experience a new level of sensation, as well.

Men’s Sexual Health News - Is the Male Birth Control Pill the Future of Sex?

When it comes to dealing with contraception, the primary responsibility tends to fall on the woman; and this is especially true in monogamous and married relationships where condoms are given up, as there is no longer a perceived need to protect oneself from sexually transmitted infections. When it comes to simply preventing pregnancy with hormonal birth control methods, women often have the final say - as they should - as they are the ones who have to use the method and deal with potential side effects and pitfalls. For decades now, men have been happily going along with this arrangement, as they have not been the ones needing to pop a pill every day or getting shots to avoid becoming with child. Well, guys, the freedom from managing this issue may be coming to an end in the near future, as a new male birth control pill is under way and could be coming to a nearby pharmacy counter very soon. Learn what this new form of contraception could mean for the future of sex and its impact on a man’s sexual health.
The Male Birth Control Pill: Fact or Fiction?
That’s right, ladies around the world may soon be breathing a sigh of relief, or even greeting their partners with a smug smile that says it’s his turn to worry about birth control for a while. Researchers have long toyed with the idea of a male pill, and the science is slowly starting to catch up with the fantasy. While recent versions have not yet been tested on human males, they have made it to the animal testing phase with some success on male mice.

How would this pill work?
Biologically speaking, it is more difficult to control the fertility of men compared to women - simply because female contraception need only prevent the release and implantation of one female egg every month. A male version would have to keep millions of sperm in check every single day - it is estimated that men produce about 1,500 sperm cells every second! So it is easy to see how much more complicated the prospect of male birth control is.

The current research is aimed at stopping the transportation of the sperm from point A to point B - rather than decreasing the production of sperm - as that would essentially cause infertility. Men hoping to go down that road would fare better from a one-time vasectomy -- which has long been tried and true. Instead, researchers are focusing on a male hormone that is present in the body at the time of climax and sends a signal to the sperm saying it’s time to get a move on. By pinpointing that hormone, researchers hope that they can stop the release of sperm and thus create the first ever male-specific contraception.

Maintaining Male Sexual Health
While it will likely be several years before a male birth control pill is available to consumers, the possibility of it looks very real. The good news is, there will be no lasting side effects to men who use the birth control pill, and with a doctor’s prescription, it can be added to his current sexual health routine with ease. A routine that should already include the following: regular physicals with a doctor, a thorough daily hygiene regimen, and consistent use of barrier protection to protect the penis from sexual infections and other issues.

To amp up the hygiene routine to the next level, men should also use a daily penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) that is enriched with targeted vitamins, nutrients and soothing emollients to help maximize penis health and function.

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

6 Penis Hazards and How to Avoid Them

The world is generally a pretty safe place for a penis, because most men have a vested interest in keeping it out of harm’s way. As long as a guy provides the right penis care, he can expect to keep his tool in tip-top shape throughout his lifetime. However, there are some pesky dangers that can impact even the most pampered penis. These are just six of those common enemies, along with some effective steps guys can take in order to stay safe.

Pants that close with a zipper are pretty much de rigeur, but the little metal teeth can that most men take for granted can entrap sensitive skin, especially when a guy is getting dressed (or undressed) in a hurry. To keep the penis safe from the bite of a zipper, form-fitting underwear should always be worn under the outer layer of clothing. That way, if a hasty movement goes terribly wrong, cloth will get trapped, not skin.

Enthusiastic Partners
The penis was made for sex, but sometimes, partners can get a little frisky in the heat of the moment, and they can move in quick and unexpected ways just as a man is thrusting. Sudden moves like this can place a rock-hard penis in direct contact with an equally hard bone, and that can lead to bruising and even ruptured connective tissue. While getting zesty can be a lot of fun, staying safe in the bedroom often means being a bit more methodical. Partners who time their movements carefully, and who don't pull out any surprises, tend to emerge without injuries.

Sports Implements
Staying fit can help to boost the health of the heart, and that's great for the penis. But, there are a number of sports objects that can damage a guy's nether regions, including:
  • Narrow bike seats
  • Flying balls
  • Feet and hands of other players
  • Ropes, bases or other field barriers
Sometimes, using an athletic supporter with a hard cup can keep things safe down below. These products are designed to take the impact of a direct hit, so the tissues beneath don't bruise, tear or otherwise break. But not all sports require a cup, and sometimes, they don't even help. In these situations, men can look for products that are designed to help the penis. Bike seats that are designed for men that shift pressure away from the groin region might help, for example.

Intimate accessories
Cock rings are popular among some men who want to add a little extra zing between the sheets. Because these rings are made to trap blood inside the penis, if they are not worn properly, they can cause swelling, loss of circulation and injury. Men who use these or other accessories should be sure to take them off frequently, allowing circulation to be restored, and should save them for special occasions rather than daily wear to the office.

Trimming up the hair is easy with an electric razor, but these products can also pinch or cut the skin of the penis, and those injuries can happen incredibly quickly. Staying tidy without the fear of cuts might mean using scissors rather than razors. A trim done by hand takes more time to complete, but a little extra time spent on grooming might mean fewer painful cuts and tears in the skin.

Fast-Moving Hands
While outside implements can sometimes cause penis injuries, a man's own hands can also do an intense amount of damage, particularly if he uses fast motions and no lubricant in order to masturbate. These private moments can result in skin that's chafed, red and incredibly sore. Using a quality personal lubricant and experimenting with more gentle techniques could help; and for the man who has stressed, roughened penile skin resulting from aggressive handling may find additional benefit from a penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). A quality product made with top-notch emollients and skin-friendly nutrients can help to restore sensitivity, improve appearance, and support immune function.

Better Sex for Better Health - The Best of All Worlds for Active Men

All men know that an active penis is a happy penis, but they may not know that more and better sex can often make for a healthier man all around. Practicing regular penis care keeps the penis in good shape, which enables it to be more sensually engaged, thereby positively impacting overall health; it's a chain of events that's win-win all the way.

So just what are some of the health benefits that are associated with a robust, active penis?

1) Less stress. Who doesn't feel more relaxed after a good round of sex? Women may complain about men dozing off after coupling, but the reason this happens is that a heightened level of activity provides the kind of stress reduction that money just can't by; with the stress relieved (at least temporarily), the body is in its most favorite comfort zone. The relief may be temporary, but all other things being equal, a man who engages in sex frequently is more likely to feel less stress overall than a man who enjoys fewer releases.

2) Relief from headaches. There's evidence that headaches respond positively to sex. When a person becomes excited, oxytocin levels rise, peaking upon release. More oxytocin often translates to less pain, helping to reduce headaches or other body pains.

3) Improved blood flow. The penis knows that good sex depends to a large degree on good flow: a guy's equipment needs an influx of blood to get happily erect. But the excitement that accompanies sex gets the blood pumping throughout the body, spreading oxygenated goodness throughout - including to the brain.

4) Heart health. Having sex makes the heart healthy. That's not just wishful thinking: medical studies back it up. For example, one study found that among its subjects, men who had sex twice a week had a significantly smaller chance of developing cardiovascular disease than men who had sex less frequently. The reasons for this are not clear: do men who have sex more frequently do so because they are in better cardiac health, or are they in better cardiac health because they have sex more frequently? But the take-away message is: a guy's heart really WANTS him to have more sex.

5) Possible cancer benefit. There is credible evidence that the more frequently a man comes, the less likely he is to develop prostate cancer later in life. The National Cancer Institute looked at data from 29,000 men that included how frequently they came (whether through self-pleasure or partner sex) and then looked at the incidence of prostate cancer among this population. Those who responded that they averaged 21 emissions per month were much less likely to develop prostate cancer as they aged than men who came seven or fewer times per month.

6) Immune system health. More frequent sex is also thought to provide a boost to the immune system. At least one study has examined the amount of IgA (immunoglobin A) in people, both those who have sex frequently and those who don't. There were higher levels in those who are more frequently active. Since IgA plays a role in battling such ailments as colds and flus, it is surmised that these higher levels indicate that sex keeps the immune system pumping along at a healthier rate.

Increased sex is a worthy goal simply for the enjoyment it brings, but the fact that an active penis also boosts overall health just adds to its attractiveness. Of course, frequent sex sometimes means that active penis becomes a sore (if enormously happy) penis. Using a superior penis nutrient cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) is the ticket for this problem. It can even become an extension of a man's intimate play: he can ask his partner to rub a cream with a high end emollient like shea butter into his tool after finishing an encounter. It also helps to make sure that the cream includes acetyl L carnitine, a neuroprotective ingredient that helps heal any peripheral nerve damage that may have been encountered through an over-enthusiastic romp.

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Penis Spots and Papules – Could it Be MC?

Penis spots on man's favorite tool: not something a guy ever wants to see. Real men who make proper penis care a regular part of their routine know that there are any number of things those spots can be, one of which is molluscum contagiosum. Fret not: it may sound like a deadly disease of some sort, but in fact, it's a common problem that is in no way fatal.

What is molluscum contagiosum?
Molluscum contagiosum (much more commonly called MC, because molluscum contagiosum is just pain to try to remember, much less to say) is a viral infection that causes small, red, raised dots to pop out on the skin. MC is not specifically a penis issue; it can occur on any part of the body.

The MC spots (called papules) are usually between 2 mm and 5 mm in width. While the spots tend to be red in general, they often are greyish in the middle. They cause no pain, but sometimes they can be quite itchy. Scratching them should be avoided, as this (along with friction from rubbing against clothing or other objects) can cause the papules to rupture, releasing a yellowish substance. This substance is an excellent vessel for spreading the virus that causes MC and is therefore highly contagious.

MC is most often associated with children and young adults, but a person of any age can contract it. In about 10% of cases, the infected person may also develop eczema in the area around the papules.

How many spots?
It's not uncommon for there to be a large number of spots - often up to two dozen - at one time. MC is highly contagious, so touching a papule - especially one that is oozing the yellowish substance - and then touching another part of the body can easily spread the virus. It's a good idea to wear latex gloves when examining the papules and to avoid touching any uninfected parts of the body until after the gloves have been removed and the hands washed.

MC on the penis
When MC occurs on the penis, it often means that it has been obtained from sexual activity with an infected partner; this can be from genital-to-genital contact when the partner's genitals are infected, or from hand-to-genital contact, if a man is masturbated by a person whose hands have MC. In some rare cases, MC can occur in the mouth, so it is also possible to catch MC from being on the receiving end of oral sex from a person with MC.

It is also important to remember that a man who has MC himself can pass the MC on to his own penis through masturbating with papules on his hand, or after touching the papules and then touching his own penis (whether for masturbatory or urinating purposes) without first thoroughly washing the hand.

Individuals with MC on the penis should definitely wear a condom while engaging in partner sex; they should also inform any partners that they have MC.

MC usually resolves itself (in most cases without scarring) over a period of 12-18 months, although people with autoimmune disorders or who are undergoing chemotherapy can find MC to be much more persistent. When treatment is required, there are a number of topical solutions that may be employed; in some cases, the papules may be frozen, burned or scraped off.

As mentioned, in some cases, eczema can accompany these penis spots; using a top drawer penis vitamin cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) can help this, as well as provide soothing relief to those penises without eczema; just remember that creams and lotions should not be applied to broken or inflamed skin without a doctor’s go-ahead. Thorough coverage of the organ with a cream that includes a superior emollient like shea butter will comfort and protect the penis. For even better health, make sure the chosen cream also includes L-arginine, which boosts nitric oxide production and helps keep the blood vessels open for increased penile blood flow.

Penis Rash Q&A - One Patient’s Story

While a visit with a doctor is typically recommended for men with a penis rash, particularly if that irritation is a new occurrence, reading up on what other guys have experienced and what penis care tips they used can sometimes be helpful. In this article, one man answers questions about his penis rash and reveals the steps he took in order to bring his skin back to a healthy, responsive place.

Q. How did the rash start?
"I first noticed symptoms after I had unprotected sex with a girl I met at a party. Normally, I don't do this sort of thing, but I sort of went with the feeling, and we had pretty great sex. A few days later, though, I felt like something was a little different."

Q. What symptoms did you see?
"I got an irritated, red rash that went all along the underside of my penis from the tip to the base. It was raised and bumpy, and while it didn't really itch as I went about my day, it hurt like hell if I tried to have sex or masturbate."

Q. Did you go to the doctor?
"You bet I did! That sort of penis rash freaks me out, and I felt like I needed someone to give me a diagnosis and a medication so I could get on with my life and go back to my normal routine."

Q. What happened in your appointment?
"I was tested for a variety of sexually transmitted diseases by blood tests and swabbing. Some of these tests were a little painful, but I was happy to get them done, as I thought I'd get some clear answers and quick treatments that could help me. Unfortunately, it didn't really work out that way."

Q. What happened next?
"All of my STD tests came back clean, so my doctor gave me some antibiotics and creams to try. I did use them, but the rash didn't seem to clear up completely. It wasn't quite so red, and it didn't hurt as much, but my skin was not as smooth as it used to be. Pretty embarrassing"

Q. Did you try anything else to clear it up?
"When I went back to the doctor, we started talking about other issues that might have caused the rash. Some of the things he mentioned could cause the problem included soaps, what laundry detergent I was using, body fragrances, lubes, and so on. He tried to get me to really think about what sorts of elements I was putting in contact with my penis, and I started to cut out anything that might be even a little bit irritating."

Q. What did you change?
"I went into hypoallergenic mode, and I tossed out a bunch of products that my doctor thought could be damaging. Then, I started really focusing on the health of my skin, boosting my immunity from the inside so I wouldn't be so prone to irritation and skin reactions in the future. That really made a difference for me."

Q. How is your skin now?
"Great! I finally found the source of the rash (a new bath soap I had bought, as it turns out), and now that I take better care of my skin, I can feel all sorts of things I hadn't been able to feel before."

Good Lessons
As this man’s experience makes clear, penis rashes can stem from all sorts of things a man might easily ignore, and a doctor is sometimes a helpful partner for men who want to heal. Also, supporting skin health through close attention to the products applied to the skin is remarkably important. A penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can help in this respect. Quality products that are enriched with target vitamins and other nutrients can support healthy tissue, provide vital moisture, and keep the skin looking and feeling its best.

Monday, 19 May 2014

Penis Bumps after Sex - The Role of Lymph Fluid

Understandably, men who develop penis bumps after sex can be concerned about infections and their partner’s history; and it's a fact that bumps are symptomatic of certain sexually transmitted infections. On the other hand, some types of penis changes come about due to the trauma of sex itself. Specifically, small lymph channels can be broken or damaged during very active intimate sessions, and when that happens, soft swellings can persist. They can be frightening, and doctors should always be consulted when they appear, but some simple penis care techniques might help when trauma-based bumps threaten to zap a man's confidence in the bedroom.

Lymph and Health
The lymphatic system is made up of a number of very small channels that push a fluid (lymph) from one part of the body to another. This fluid is odorless and colorless, but it plays an important role in the overall health of the immune system. Without it, the body couldn't deliver all of the tools it needs to fight off an infection, and it couldn't carry away the byproducts left behind when a battle against germs is unfolding.

Lymph nodes, located all over the body, are the central gathering points for all of the tiny tubes that carry lymph. There are a few of these little nodes in the groin, but the penis itself is simply loaded with vessels that hold this fluid. These are the tissues that can break when the sex gets rough.

Sex Damage
Masturbation techniques that involve twisting and yanking, coupled with a lack of lubricant, can cause damage deep below the skin. Fat cells and blood vessels move out of their accustomed spaces, and they can crowd lymph vessels to such a degree that they bend, break and leak. The same thing might happen during partnered sex, if the two parties get wild without a slippery barrier between them.

A broken lymph vessel won't cause a bruise, and it doesn't typically cause pain. But, it is an awful lot like a leaking pipe deep within the body. Fluid that should be inside of the lymphatic system is spreading into nearby tissues, and the leak can grow so large that it's visible to the naked eye. This problem is called "non-venereal sclerosing lymphangitis," and the bumps can be quite large. In one reported case, a man had a lesion like this that was 2 millimeters wide, and it encircled his entire penis. His problem was caused by a sexual episode with his wife. Studies like this prove that this problem really happens, and that it can be pretty dramatic.

Overcoming Lymph
Spills inside the body are somewhat common. Bruises, for example, are leaks of blood underneath the skin caused by some kind of tear in the cardiovascular system. They might be unsightly, but the body seems to have processes in place that can repair the damage.

After visiting a doctor and ensuring that nothing more serious is happening, men with lymph bumps can:
  • Massage the area, helping the fluid to move out and get reabsorbed
  • Apply ice to reduce localized swelling
  • Refrain from sex so tissues can heal
  • Use over-the-counter pain medications, if the spot does cause pain

Preventing a recurrence of the issue might be easy enough if men take care to be gentle with their bodies in future sex episodes. A penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) might also help. These products can support the skin's elasticity, so it can move freely during sex without locking up, ripping or tearing. Vitamins in these products can also boost the health of traumatized skin, so it can knit back together and feel stronger than ever. In addition, quality products can allow penile skin to become so soft and so sensitive that rough sex techniques just aren't necessary. In the fight against bumps, that could be a remarkable help.

Sexual Infections - What Every Guy Needs to Know

Sexually transmitted infections are no laughing matter, and they certainly aren’t something to take lying down, no pun intended. Sadly, many men and women take a wait and see approach to their sexual health. They may cross their fingers, wait for symptoms and just hope it never happens to them. However, sexual infections can, do, and will happen to individuals who do not take precautions and don’t take STI’s seriously. Here are a few things all men need to know about STI’s and how to maintain penis health.

1) Men and women can both be asymptomatic
Some people are under the misconception that as long as everything looks and feels okay below the belt, they must be healthy. Unfortunately, this is not true. Many men and women can be asymptomatic carriers of sexual infections, meaning they have one and can pass it to others, but are completely unaware because they themselves are experiencing no symptoms. That is why testing is so important; it is the only way to be sure.

2) They are extremely prevalent
It is estimated that 50% or more of the sexually active population will contract at least one sexual infection in their lifetime.

3) Condoms are the best line of defense
Apart from abstinence, using a condom is the only recommended way to prevent STI’s; when used correctly, they are 99% effective. The condoms need to be in place before any sexual contact occurs, they cannot be reused, and they should be changed between different types of activities -- regardless of the occurrence of ejaculation.

4) They can be linked to cancer
Certain strains of HPV have been linked to an increased risk of anal cancer in men, and cervical cancer in women. So men who think a round of medicine is all that is needed to clear up an STI are wrong. They can have lasting health repercussions for men and women.

5) You can have more than one at a time
There is no limit to the number of STIs an individual can be carrying at one time. It is completely possible to have more than one infection; a doctor can best determine the route of treatment for the coexisting conditions.

6) You can get the same one twice
The body does not become immune to STIs once it has been infected, so one can keep transmitting them again and again and again. In fact, sometimes when two partners have it and do not get treated, they just continue to pass it back and forth to each other.

7) There is more than one way to transmit them
While it is a myth that one can get an STI from a toilet seat, for instance, they truly can be transmitted during vaginal, anal and oral sex. And of course, certain infections like HIV/AIDS can also be transmitted via needle sharing.

8) STIs require treatment
While some mild symptoms may clear up on their own, the lasting effects of them can cause serious damage to the body; thus, medical attention is necessary.

9) STIs can cause sterility
Sterility is one of the possible long-term consequences of an STI. This side effect is far more likely to occur in men who never properly treat their infection - so go to the doc, guys!

10) Men should be tested regularly for STIs
All sexually active men should be regularly tested for STI. Those who have multiple partners, who sleep with women who have multiple partners, who engage in risky sexual behavior, or who are sleeping with a partner who has recently been infected should be tested every 3 months - or more - depending on the frequency in which they are changing partners.

Keeping the Penis Healthy
To keep the penis generally healthy, men should always do the following:
  • Always use a condom
  • Get tested regularly
  • Have monogamous sex with a partner who has also been tested first
  • Exchange sexual histories with each new partner before having sex
And finally, to improve and maintain the health of the penis, men should use a penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) containing essential vitamins and nutrients. While no amount of vitamins can prevent an STI, maintaining excellent hygiene can reduce the chance of bacterial infection, yeast infection, pimples, lumps and bumps, leading to a softer, smoother, more responsive tool.

Sunday, 18 May 2014

Tantric Sex for Every Man - Moves to Boost His Pleasure - and Hers

Tantric sex is one of those hot trends that most men and women have heard about, and some may have even practiced; but for most, this Eastern discipline remains something of a mystery. A friend or coworker may have talked about going to a tantric sex workshop or retreat, leaving others wondering - why does someone need a class to learn how to have sex? The answer is that tantric sex is not one’s every day "wham-bam-thank-ya-ma’am" type of sexual experience. While it may not be for every couple, those that practice it can experience a whole new level of sensuality. Learn more about tantric sex, where to start as a beginner, and how to keep the penis healthy for an intense sexual experience.

What is tantric sex?
Tantra is something that cannot be easily defined, and it may be different in some ways for each individual who uses its teachings and philosophies. Tantra is not a sexual experience fit for a one night stand, or even a casual fling; rather, Tantra is for the couple who wants to take their relationship to a more intimate - some would even say spiritual - level. Unlike other sexual encounters, the goal of Tantra is not to achieve orgasm. Instead, the aim is for the participants to experience a wider range of sexuality and to create a new level of energy. Tantra helps a couple expand their sexual and emotional boundaries, allowing them to become empowered and fulfilled by the experience. The duration of tantric sex tends to be much longer than the average lovemaking session, and the couple may even have 2 or 3 orgasms through the course of the event.

Tantric Sex for Beginners
Couples just starting to experiment with Tantra can try the following suggestions to get things going in the right direction:

1) Set the mood
The Tantric model is about the experience of exploring all five senses. To that end, the romantic mood can be set by de-cluttering the environment and making it as free from distraction as possible. To awaken the five senses, try playing some stirring music, lighting scented candles, and making the bed very comfortable. Add lots of pillows to the bed, as well as luxurious sheets, so that it is inviting and relaxing.

2) Eyes wide open
If both partners keep their eyes open during the encounter, it ramps up the intimacy of the experience and creates a connection that is often missing from other sexual experiences. Keeping a soft light on, such as a lamp or several candles, gives the bedroom a romantic glow and allows for eye contact, which is very important to establishing intimacy. Furthermore, eye contact allows for easier communication of wants and needs, which is another tenet of Tantra.

3) Focus on breathing
Concentrating and focusing on breathing during sex is another way to sync up with one’s partner emotionally and physically. To practice harmonizing the breath, one partner should straddle the other partner’s lap, facing each other while breathing in an opposite rhythm. One partner inhales while the other exhales and vice versa; in this way the two partners are breathing each other’s breath and sharing their energy with one another.

4)Take it slow
If anything can be said about tantric sex, it is that it is a marathon, not a sprint. The couple should engage in a great deal of foreplay to help build up the sexual experience. Lingering over each other’s bodies helps build energy, intimacy, and anticipation, all of which helps lead to more powerful orgasms.

5) Keeping the penis healthy
Tantric experiences have been known to last hours - and in some cases, days - but if a man is going to withstand such a long experience, he needs to make sure his penis is in tip-top condition. In addition to resting up before a sexual experience, a man needs to nourish his penile skin, ensuring that it is well-moisturized and responsive. Applying a quality penis vitamin cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) that is enriched with targeted nutrients can help soothe dry skin, improve circulation and enhance sensitivity.