Thursday, 15 May 2014

A Healthy Penis Away from Home - Travel Tips for Male Skin Care

Staying in hotels can be a lot of fun, but business trips and vacations can also impact a healthy penis. Just as people tend to let other things slide when on a trip - like breaking their diets or not exercising the way they do when at home - so can periods away from home encourage habits that over the long run aren’t in the best interests of optimum penis care.

Now, a little weekend trip here or a week-long vacation there certainly won’t do any serious damage; but it’s also true that taking those little extra steps that ensure a healthy penis while luxuriating in hotels or bed-and-breakfasts takes only the slightest effort. So why not go that little, miniscule extra distance?

For those who are interested in keeping their equipment in continued health without any lapses, here are a few things to consider:

1. Be wary of hotel cleansers. The penis skin is very, very sensitive to chemical ingredients. The fact that penis skin is so thin is one reason for this extra sensitivity, but so is the fact that for most of the day, the organ is kept locked away behind not one, but two layers of clothing, and usually surrounded by a heat-inducing thicket of hair, as well. This latter fact makes the penis an excellent sweat conductor and breeding ground for bacteria, which in turn affects the skin’s sensitivity.

All of this means that the penis can have very significant dermatological reactions to unfamiliar soaps, shampoos, detergents and other cleansers. Now, it’s a nice bonus that most hotels nowadays provide those lovely little bottles of shampoo, conditioner, body wash, hand lotion, and so forth; however, if a man has especially sensitive penis skin, he is well advised to bring his own cleansers from home, rather than risk the penis skin "breaking out" or flaking due to exposure to unfamiliar ingredients. A small bottle of cleanser can be easily slipped into the requisite zip-lock bag for airport screenings, and for longer trips, larger containers can be stowed in the check-in luggage.

2. Clean up after pleasuring oneself. The solo traveler often enjoys a quick round of self-pleasuring before dropping off to sleep - and why not? However, while traveling, many men opt to drift off to sleep without wiping the semen off of their tools; after all, the sheets will be washed and cleaned by accommodating staff, rather than by the masturbator himself. Unfortunately, that can cause tangles in the pubic hair and an unwanted odor; play it safe and clean up as usual, even when traveling.

3. Don’t let the bedbugs bite… no, really. It’s a sad fact that the traveling man sometimes finds his only bedmate to be of the bedbug clan. Bedbugs are a major pain and inconvenience for a variety of reasons, but a bedbug that nestles in the pubic hair or on the penis is especially important to avoid. If there are any reasons to believe a room has a bedbug issue, switch immediately - even if it means switching hotels.

4. Take care at the spa. Many hotels feature gyms, workout rooms and spas, often complete with saunas and steam rooms. While it is certainly accepted to enjoy a same-sex sauna or steam room in the buff, bring a towel to sit on. Many bacteria and fungi, neither of which is welcome on a penis, can be spread in these situations, leading to embarrassing and painful rashes.

5. Keep up the protection. Just as with any partners at home, men need to make sure that they wear condoms and practice other forms of safe sex when hooking up on the road, especially with a one-time, anonymous partner.

In addition to these precautions, men in hotels should continue to maintain their regular healthy penis regimens while away from home. Naturally, this includes regular use of a high quality penis vitamin cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil). Serious penis health enthusiasts know that the best creams include L-arginine, an ingredient that helps with nitric oxide production and the subsequent positive effect that has on keeping penis blood flow healthy. In addition, a good cream will also pack plenty of vitamin A, the anti-bacterial properties of which help to keep down unwanted penis odor (a big turn-off to many partners).

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