Monday, 30 September 2019

Can a Yeast Infection Cause Penis Pain?

While isn’t often thought of as a “women’s issue,” yeast infections can infect anyone, including men. Candida can be very uncomfortable, and can even cause penis pain, especially when not treated immediately. It can also lead to severe complications if the infection proceeds to the bloodstream. Thankfully, yeast infections are easy to manage and can be cleared up pretty quickly. Let’s talk about how yeast infections can lead to penis pain and how to make it better fast.

Penis Yeast Infection: Symptoms

There are several different symptoms that a man can look for if he thinks he may have a penis yeast infection. These include:

- Red rash

- Shiny white patches on the skin

- White, chunky, foul-smelling discharge

- Itching

- Burning

- Painful urination

These symptoms can also be the same for some partner transmitted diseases, so a man should see a doctor if he is unsure.

Penis Yeast Infection: Causes

An overgrowth of the candida fungus causes yeast infections. Men most commonly get a yeast infection from unprotected sexual contact with an infected partner. Poor hygiene is the other major cause of a penis yeast infection.

Penis Yeast Infection: Men at Higher Risk

One of the major risk factors is having unsafe sex with multiple partners. Men who still have their foreskin have a higher chance of getting a yeast infection causing penis pain. Men who have lax hygiene are also at higher risk for yeast infections. Men who suffer from diabetes, obesity or impaired immune systems are also at a higher risk than other men.

Penis Yeast Infection: Diagnosis

The doctor will perform a physical examination and review a man’s symptoms. Sometimes, the white, chunky discharge from under the penile head will be sampled and tested to confirm the type of fungus that is causing the issue. Early diagnosis is best because it can be treated quickly and before it gets worse. Caught early, the infection can be fully treated in a manner of days.

Penis Yeast Infection: Treatment

Most times, penis yeast infections can be treated with topical antifungals that are available over the counter. However, for more severe or resistant infections, a prescription may be needed. Yeast infections can also reoccur, so talk with a trusted medical professional about a course of treatment.

Penis Yeast Infection: Possible Complications

There are a few complications that a penis yeast infection can bring. Balanitis, an inflammation of the foreskin or glans of the penis, is a known complication. If the balanitis isn’t appropriately treated, it can cause penile scarring, which can make it painful to urinate.

Untreated yeast infections can also enter the bloodstream. This is known as candidemia and is most common in men who have weakened immune systems. This can be treated with antifungal medications, either orally or intravenously.

Penis Yeast Infection: Prevention

There are a few easy ways to prevent a penis yeast infection. The first is to avoid sexual contact with a person who already has one. The infection can also be given back and forth between partners, so it’s essential to stop having sex until both partners are completely cured. Also, practicing monogamy and/or safe sex can significantly reduce the chances of getting a penis yeast infection from a partner.

A man should also practice good hygiene as a way to keep all infections, including Candida, away. Wash the penis daily with warm water and a mild cleanser. Be sure to pull back foreskin and folds and wash thoroughly. Rinse well and pat dry. Next, apply a penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) which is created specifically to strengthen and protect penile skin. With vitamins like A, B, C, and D, this crème keeps infection away and keeps skin fresh while invigorating and giving a little boost to a man’s penis.

Are Those Scabies on Your Penis: What They Are and How to Fix It

Anytime a man sees a rash on his junk, it is cause for alarm, even if it’s not a severe cause. However, how can a man tell whether he just has a harmless rash or scabies on his penis? Let’s look very closely, because they’re microscopic, at what penis scabies are, how to tell if you have them, how to get rid of them, and then how to prevent them in the future.

Scabies on the Penis: Definition and Symptoms

Scabies is a highly contagious, itchy rash on the penis caused by microscopic mites called Sarcoptes scabiei. The first major sign of infection is intense itchiness in the genital area with small, pimply bumps that take up residence around the entire reproductive area. This rash shows up in between four to six weeks after a man is infested with these itty-bitty bugs, which is how long it takes them to bury into the skin and lay eggs. The rash is actually an allergic reaction to the mites. They sometimes leave tracks on the skin where they bury themselves.

Itching can worsen at night, and a man can also open himself up to secondary infections if he itches too much due to penis scabies.

Scabies on the Penis: Transmission and Diagnosis

Scabies is highly contagious. It is spread most often through skin-to-skin contact, such as during sexual intercourse. A man can also get scabies if he comes in contact with infected bedding and clothing, though this is much less common.

To see if the rash is scabies on the penis or something else, see a doctor as soon as possible. In addition to a physical exam, the doctor may also take a small skin sample to review under a microscope. If the doctor sees the mites and eggs, it’s penis scabies.

Here are a few other things which cause an itchy rash if it’s not scabies on the penis:

- Folliculitis

- Lice

- Eczema

- Contact Dermatitis

- Chancroid

- Flea bites

- Syphilis

Scabies on the Penis: Treatment

There are several ways your doctor may opt to treat penis scabies. You may be encouraged to take hot showers and baths each day. The doctor also may prescribe a topical ointment or steroid cream in addition to antibiotics or antihistamines to reduce the chances of infection and clear the penis scabies faster.

To stop scabies on the penis from spreading, wash all towels, bedding, and clothing in hot water that’s at least 122 degrees Fahrenheit followed by drying on high heat for no less than 10 minutes. Vacuum things that can’t be washed, such as carpets and your mattress. Then be sure to clean the vacuum with bleach after disposing of the bag to kill any leftover mites as they can live up to 72 hours after leaving the body.

Of course, limit skin-to-skin contact and activities while healing.

Scabies on the Penis: Prevention

The simplest way to prevent penis scabies is to practice abstinence or safe sex. Don’t’ share towels or clothing with others. If you see the beginning of a rash, get it looked at fast to try to stop the spread.

Another way to prevent scabies is the practice of good penis hygiene. Be sure to wash the penis thoroughly either daily (multiples times if needed) with warm water and a gentle cleanser. Rinse well and pat or air dry. Apply a penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) that has been created expressly for delicate penile skin. Look for a crème with vitamin A to protect against bacteria and infection, as well as other vitamins and nutrients to fortify and calm irritated skin.

Friday, 27 September 2019

Anhedonic Ejaculation: One of the Most Frustrating Penis Problems

One of the benefits of reaching puberty is that a man at last gets to experience the incomparable feeling of a sexual orgasm. The body is finally ready to take him through arousal, erection, increased stimulation and all the way to an orgasmic ejaculation. And as long as penis health is maintained and there are no other penis problems (or health issues impacting penile performance), a man is primed for a multitude of orgasmic ejaculations throughout his life. Unfortunately, some men may experience something called anhedonic ejaculation, which can have a serious dampening effect on his enjoyment of sex, whether by himself or with a partner.

Not premature

Anhedonic ejaculation is not at all the same thing as premature ejaculation, which is one of the more common penis problems that a man may encounter. With premature ejaculation, a man finds that he releases his semen too early. In terms of clinical definitions, “too early” means that less than one minute passes between the penetration of the penis into the vagina and the release of semen. In practice, however, the length of time defining premature ejaculation depends upon the point of view of the man – and of his partner as well.

Anhedonic ejaculation is also different from other penis problems, such as retrograde ejaculation or anejaculation.

About anhedonic ejaculation

So then, what is anhedonic ejaculation? Simply put, this describes a situation in which a man ejaculates, but he doesn’t experience that wonderful orgasmic sensation that is associated with ejaculation. (Anhedonic essentially means “without pleasure.”)

It’s easy to see why this is one of the more frustrating penis problems. Although men engage in sex for a variety of reasons (including as a way to have a deeper connection and relationship with a loved one), one of the primary attractions of sex is the orgasm. Without that orgasm, a man may not have as much interest in sex. His libido may wane or his frustration at not being able to orgasm may bring about erectile issues. He may also feel somehow less a man if he can ejaculate but without pleasure.

Not ruined

It’s important to note that difference between anhedonic ejaculation and what is called a “ruined orgasm.” The former is a chronic issue, whereas the latter is something which may occur from time to time. With a ruined orgasm, the source of penile stimulation (a hand, a vagina, a mouth, etc.) is removed from the penis just slightly too soon; the penis is still so stimulated that it ejaculates, but without that little extra stimulation, there is a decrease in or an absence of pleasurable feeling.


Anhedonic ejaculation occurs when the brain stops releasing a sufficient amount of dopamine during ejaculation. This can be caused by several factors, including use of certain antidepressants. Low testosterone levels are also often blamed, and depression or other mental health issues can also bring about this condition. Some men who suffer spinal cord injuries may be more likely to develop anhedonic ejaculation.

Men with anhedonic ejaculation should consult with a doctor to help pinpoint the likely cause of the problem. When that is discovered, the doctor can advise what steps to take for treatment.

Penis problems such as anhedonic ejaculation can be difficult to solve, but success is likely to be aided when the penis is otherwise in good health. Daily application of a top drawer penis health oil (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can be helpful in this regard. When searching, look for an oil that include L-arginine and L-carnitine. The former is an amino acid which boosts nitric oxide production and helps keep penile blood vessels open. The latter has neuroprotective properties which can be valuable in helping to maintain proper penis sensation.

Penis Odor May Mean Liver Is Not Working Right

This is a question that a guy should stop and ask himself everyday: How’s my penis odor? Most people become acclimated to the smells from their own body, and so a guy can develop a terrible penis odor without always realizing it. Often, that penis odor comes from a specific penis health issue, but other times it may be a sign of another issue. For example, in some cases, a strong penis odor could indicate that the body’s live is not functioning the way that it’s supposed to.

Penis odor happens

Normal, everyday penis odor is something that affects most men, even those who practice good hygiene and take steps to fight it. And normally most such men succeed, either eliminating penis odor or keeping it at a minimum so that it doesn’t become an issue for their partners (or anyone else, for that matter.) They wash the penis regularly, using soap and water; they air it out for a couple of hours (or more) every day; they change their underwear regularly and try to wear underwear that is loose fitting rather than snug, which can cause an increase in sweat.

But there are times when such tactics don’t work, such as when the odor is being caused by a problem with the liver.

About the liver

Everyone has heard of the liver but does everyone know exactly what it is or what it does? Or even where it is?

So – the liver is one of the most important organs in the body (yes, even more important than the penis, if less of a party animal). It’s the biggest solid organ in the whole body, weighing about 3 pounds and being around the size of a football. It is nestled in the right upper part of the stomach, although part of it extends over into the left side as well.

Alright, the liver is a big guy, but what does it do? Basically it takes the blood in the body and filters it, removing toxins or harmful substances and separating out vitamins, nutrients, and minerals. It also decides whether to break down fats and release the energy in them or to store the fats for future use.

But wait there’s more. This busy organ also plays a big role in fighting infection, blood clotting, storing surplus blood sugar, and breaking down red blood cells that have come to the end of their cycle.

The liver and penis odor

It’s easy to see now why the liver is important, but what can it have to do with unwanted penis odor?

Basically, the liver is just as vulnerable to disease or illness as any other part of the body. There are any number of factors which can inhibit it from functioning properly. It may be as simple as a virus or as serious as liver cancer. But often when function is being interfered with, the liver starts releasing toxins through the body’s sweat glands that have a strong and pungent aroma, in many cases like rotten eggs.

This smell can occur anywhere on the body with sweat glands, including the penis. So if a man notices his penis has taken on a new and decidedly unpleasant penis odor, it is possible it may be due to a liver issue – and he should at least bring it to the attention of his doctor, so that the doctor may determine next steps.

When penis odor strikes, whether from liver or other issues, using a superior penis health oil (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) may be helpful – if the oil contains vitamin A, that is. Vitamin A has proven anti-bacterial properties which can in many cases neutralize unwanted penis odor. The best oil should also contain moisturizers such as vitamin E and shea butter to keep penis skin from drying and cracking – and providing odor-causing bacteria with a place to hide in those cracks.

Thursday, 26 September 2019

Do Vampires Have Better Sex? Planning for a Sexy Halloween

Halloween is still a little ways away, but it’s never too early to start planning for this festive holiday. Think of all the things associated with Halloween – candy, tricks, costumes, doorbells, better sex. Yes, it’s true – Halloween can be a great time to try new things and perhaps attain even better sex than has been had previously. Guys who practice proper penis care are in a great position to engage a partner in a little scary fun to get the blood pumping.

Better sex tips for Halloween

With that in mind, what are some tips and plans one can investigate for making Halloween as sexy as it is scary (at least after the little ones have finished calling)?

- Make use of candles. Taking place at night as it does, Halloween is one of those holidays in which candles play a big role, from lighting up jack-o-lanterns to adding scary ambiance to the front yard or living room. But candles can also be used to give an erotic atmosphere to a room. A few well-placed candles in the bedroom or living room, even in the kitchen, can turn the romantic heat up. Plus, a naked couple can enjoy trying out positions to see what kind of shadows they cast on the wall.

- Let her bob for those apples. Kids love filling a tub with water, throwing in some apples and trying to pick them up using only their mouths. A man and his partner can try a much drier variation. Using body paint, the guy can color his balls an apple red hue, then sit back naked and let his partner bob to her heart’s content.

- Throw the bones. Fortune telling is a big treat on Halloween, and one way to forecast the future is to throw bones on the ground and interpret them based on the patterns they form. For Halloween, a guy can blindfold a partner and scatter a few bones on the floor – but can also place his own boner amidst the bones for her to discover.

- Play with a broomstick. Witches are heavily identified with Halloween, so a man should encourage his female partner to let her inner witch out. This can be made easier for her by making sure she has a broomstick to ride – and if no broomsticks are readily available, an erect penis is a fine substitute.

- Go trick or treating. After the kids are in bed, adults can engage in their own trick or treating. But in this case, the treats are not candies and cookies but instead are delectable body parts that offer even more oral pleasure – to both the giver and the receiver.

- Get decked out. Lastly, Halloween is all about costumes, so take advantage of the season to engage in some fantasy role playing. Now is the time to be the speeding driver willing to do anything to keep the police office from writing a ticket, or the vampire who must be persuaded to suck something other than blood, or a werewolf who has met his match with a lion tamer? Or forget the role playing and just see what if there’s better sex to be had from diving into bed wearing caveman and –woman outfits or dressed like royalty.

Guys who experiment with better sex possibilities at Halloween (or anytime) are more likely to succeed if they maintain good penis health – which is easier if they daily apply a top notch penis health oil (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Guys want their penis to look beautiful, so select an oil that contains a combination of moisturizing agents, like shea butter and vitamin E, to combat dry, flaky penis skin. The oil should also contain L-arginine, an amino acid that helps keep penile blood vessels open for increased flow.

Toothpaste and Penis Safety Don’t Mix

Men – especially when they are younger – are apt to experiment with putting a wide range of liquids, fluids and creams on their penis. Unfortunately, this is not always a good idea, as their choice of liquid, fluid or cream may contain ingredients that could create a penis health or penis safety risk. Recently, the internet and social media have featured an abundance of posts from men claiming that they like to rub toothpaste on their penis and encouraging other men to do likewise. Good idea? Sadly, no.

Why would a man try toothpaste?

The question naturally arises, why would a man rub toothpaste on his penis? Aside from plain old fashioned curiosity, there could be a number of reasons, including:

- He can’t find his lubricant. Most men can attest (often from personal experience) that being sufficiently lubricated is key, whether one is engaged in penetrative partner sex or in one-handed self-satisfaction. Without that lubrication, a penis may get rubbed raw and, if engaged in partner sex, penetration may be difficult or in some cases impossible. In the heat of the moment, if a guy cannot find his usual lubricant, he may make do with whatever else is at hand – such as toothpaste. But, for reasons we shall soon see, this is not a good idea at all – and partners would agree.

- He wants to clean his penis. Cleanliness and personal hygiene are admirable goals and should be supported. But if a guy wants to clean his penis, plain old soap and warm water is a more than adequate way to do so. Toothpaste is specially formulated for cleaning teeth, not penis skin.

- He wants his penis to taste and smell nice for his partner. Okay, now this is a very sweet and thoughtful reason, and one can see how, since toothpaste makes the mouth smell and taste fresh, a guy might be tempted to apply it to his penis. But again, the mouth and the penis are two different things. Keep to soap and water for the member.

- He wants to get an erection. For some reason, social media has recently had a number of men (or one man being very busy) claiming that rubbing toothpaste on the penis cures erectile dysfunction. There is absolutely no scientific basis for this, but quite a few men seem to have tried this – usually to their regret.

Why toothpaste is not a good idea

So why exactly should a man NOT use toothpaste on his penis? It’s simple, really. Penis skin is very sensitive – it needs to be, so that a man can experience the amazing sensations that accompany sex and make sex so enjoyable. And many ingredients in many toothpastes can harm penis skin and raise penis safety concerns. For example, peppermint, which is in many toothpastes and is thought by some to help expand blood vessels, is irritating when applied tropically in a toothpaste. Some chemicals in some toothpastes also have the potential to diminish fertility. Toothpastes with bleach, used for tooth whitening, can be especially damaging to penis skin. And often the ingredients can cause a severe stinging sensation.

Men should also remember that even if they, for some reason, don’t mind the toothpaste, their partners may. And toothpaste which gets inside the vagina or anus can create an irritation that is harder to reach and treat.

For penis safety reasons, men should simply avoid putting toothpaste on the penis. Instead, they should consider daily applications of a first class penis health oil (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) which can help promote penis health. Look for an oil that contains vitamin A, which has anti-bacterial properties which can help to kill many of the bacteria that can be behind persistent penis odor. The oil should also include vitamin B5, also known as pantothenic acid, which is required for cell metabolism and the maintenance of healthy tissue.

Wednesday, 25 September 2019

Seven Important Questions about Penis Health Answered

The penis is a complex and wondrous thing, so it’s no wonder it inspires much pondering and even more questions about its how’s and why’s. Add that to the Information Age and no limit to the content that a man can Google. However, where can a man turn to answer those delicate questions and come away with truthful, informative answers? Here’s a hint, it’s right here. Read on about seven important questions men ask about penis health and how to have the healthiest penis possible.

Penis Health Question #1: Is circumcision good or bad?

There are up and downsides to circumcision. Many men don’t get to make a choice for themselves as parents opt for circumcision immediately after birth. Let’s talk about the drawbacks of each. Uncircumcised penises are more prone to smegma, phimosis, and paraphimosis and tend to be a touch more sensitive than their hoodless counterparts. Circumcised men are more likely to experience irritation and chafing and are more susceptible to STIs. Whether cut or uncut, two things are constant: 1. Always practice safe sex, and 2. Clean the penis thoroughly and daily to avoid smegma and balanitis.

Penis Health Question #2: Is it normal for pee to be different colors?

There are some perfectly normal reasons for urine to be something other than a light yellow. Sometimes it will take on the color of what a man eats, especially reds and greens. Other times, urine can inform a man about things that are going on in his body. Clear urine can indicate a man is overhydrated whereas orange or brown suggests the opposite. Bloody, blue, cloudy, or green urine can be a sign of an infection or internal health issue. See a doctor if concerned.

Penis Health Question #3: Does a normal penis have a bend or curve to it?

A slight curve or bend is entirely normal. However, if a man has a significant bend that’s causing pain, it could be a sign of Peyronie’s disease. This happens when scar tissue builds up in the penis, causing it to curve to one side. Scar tissue can be the result of a major penile trauma or repeated smaller injuries. If the bend is too much, see a urologist or primary care physician ASAP.

Penis Health Question #4: What is the right amount of ejaculate?

There’s no real “perfect” amount, but if a man is noticing he’s producing less than he used to, he could be suffering from perceived ejaculate volume reduction (PEVR). PEVR can be caused by diabetes, depression, medication, and testicular conditions. See a health professional if PEVR is suspected.

Penis Health Question #5: Can a man break his penis?

Actually, yes, but it is most often called a penis fracture because the penis doesn’t have a bone per se. Penis fractures happen when the inner lining of the penis is torn. This is commonly caused by rough sex. Symptoms of a penile fracture include a blue or black hue, flattening, and a popping noise at the time of fracture. Head to the ER immediately because a penile fracture is a severe medical emergency.

Penis Health Question #6: What’s going on when a man’s peeing more than usual?

Frequent urination could be an indicator of a few things such as diabetes, a urinary tract infection, and something called interstitial cystitis, which is an inflammation of the bladder muscles. If it’s often happening or if there’s burning accompanying the excessive urination, see a doctor as soon as possible.

Penis Health Question #7: Is it true if a man doesn’t use it, he’s going to lose it?

Well, yes and no. There’s no clinical evidence that a man will lose his erection forever if he hasn’t had sexual contact with himself or a partner in a while. However, he may find his drive has declined, and he has a higher chance of erectile dysfunction. Like any muscle, the penis needs a workout. The more a man works it out (safely, of course), the more powerful it can be. Of course, if a man is getting regular “workouts” for his love muscle, he should add a quality penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) every day. He needs a crème that is specifically created for delicate, penile skin, and one that provides all the critical nutrients the penis needs to encourage rejuvenation and soft, elastic skin while boosting blood flow and vigor. There’s no question about it!

Tuesday, 24 September 2019

The Frisky Follicle Files: Options for Penis Hair Removal

Some men are very proud of the Palomalo’esque nature of their bush. It is full and glorious. However, that same penis mane also gets stuck in zippers, gives your lover road rash, and an odorific eminence no fragrance company would want to duplicate. So, what’s a man to do but manscape. The thing is penis hair removal looks a little tricky. After all, who wants anything sharp down there? Have no fear; the options are here.

Why Men Should Battle the Bush

It’s better to hit on the green than play though the rough, right? Here are a few reasons why manscaping is a good idea.

1) Objects in the mirror may appear larger. It’s a fact recorded in many a movie and TV show. Men who want to make their junk look bigger trim the area. As they say, don’t hide your light under a basket. Or under a Bob Ross-esque bush.

2) Easy access, baby. If it’s good enough for Easy E…A neat and tidy penis generally gets more guests, more enthusiastic guests. Clearing a path through the brush is the best way to invite more oral attention into your life. A study in Cosmo proclaimed that 70 percent of women preferred a man who tended to his garden.

3) Get the Funk out. The pubes trap all sorts of biological goodies like urine, sweat, bacteria, semen, dead skin cells, and this morning’s lovemaking. All of these things have their own unique scent. Buy mowing down some of the hairs; you are also clearing a lot of those smells which is good for you and any visitors.

Now that you know the benefits of penis hair removal, it’s time to find the best method for you. There are a couple of ways to remove pubic hair. They all have their pros and cons, but no matter what you do, be very careful and safe.

Penis Hair Removal Option #1: Clippers/Shaving

Using clippers or giving yourself a shave in the naughty bits is the most common way men remove hair. You can shave with an electric or old school manual. If you do, be sure to soften the hair up first with warm water for about five minutes and then apply shaving oil. Shave over each area once with a smooth and steady hand. When done, rinse thoroughly, and pat dry. Apply a penis health crème to lock in moisture and calm skin.

Penis Hair Removal Option #2: Waxing

Most men usually hit the spa for this service. Go to an experienced waxer for this service. Be sure to ask the spa if they wax men because not all spas offer bikini waxes for men, you know, because of the lack of bikini. You’ll need a half-inch to an inch, minimum, of hair growth to get waxed in whatever options they have. The aesthetician will clean the skin, powder you up like a wee babe and then spread hot wax on your man parts, and once the wax settles, will either pull the wax off alone or use a strip to pull it off. Then you’ll get cleaned up and be on your way until six to eight weeks when you do it all again.

Penis Hair Removal Option #3: Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is ideal for men with paler skin and dark hair, but technology gets better every day! They will remove it all if you want, or whatever configuration you come up with. They use lasers, which sounds cool, right, to burn the hair follicle, which slows and then eventually stops hair growth. This is a virtually painless, though pricey process and generally takes six treatments to take care of the area entirely. Some men will need touch-ups now and then as well.

Manscaping: The Aftermath

After putting your private parts through the somewhat traumatic penis hair removal rituals, it’ll need a little TLC. The nice thing to do is give your penis a specially formulated penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) to heal and soothe the skin. The Shea butter and vitamin E lock in moisture while calming the skin. Vitamins B and C help skin bounce back with collagen production and cell regeneration. Post-Manscaping, you’ll have the most smooth and silky any man has ever had. Enjoy!

Penis Health: What’s Light Got to Do With It?

So many lists of sex tips focus on the sexual act itself – positions to try, locations to investigate, communication during, et cetera. But some guys benefit from sex tips that come from a different place, such as those that focus on how to improve penis health or keep testosterone levels up or aid in achieving erections. There are many sex tips to sort through, but the ones that follow all focus on the role that light may play in penis activity. No thanks are necessary – shedding light on all things related to the penis is our pleasure.

The penis and light

Although every guy’s penis is different, and every potential sexual situation has many different variables all at play at one time, it does appear that the amount of light a man is exposed to can have an impact on his sex drive. Studies have been conducted to examine this. For example, one study looked at men whose sex drives were operating in low gear. They exposed some of these men to “light therapy” sessions every day; the others were just exposed to whatever light they normally would have received during the day. The men in the light therapy experienced a noticeable increase in their sex drive.

Less studied by the scientific community but promoted by some non-medical sources is the possible role of red or infrared light on the penis. Because there is some correlation between red and infrared light and the creation of both carbon dioxide and nitric oxide (which play roles in allowing greater blood flow, including in penile blood vessels), as well as in the production of testosterone, some individuals recommend the use of red light therapy – basically, focusing a red light source on the penis and balls – on men to increase sex drive and performance. It’s an interesting idea, if one that has not really been studied much.

Get to the light

Basically, proper light exposure is good for a guy’s health in general, as well as for his penis health. It’s invaluable for proper testosterone production, and often time spent in sunlight or simulated sunlight involves exercise, which also is important for penis health. Especially during the “darker” months of winter, getting enough light is important – so our sex tips include the following:

- Take it outside. Find time during the day to spend 20 to 30 minutes in the sunlight. If possible, bring a bag lunch and eat outdoors, and then walk around for a while. If meetings are nearby, walk instead of drive or ride to them. If the day includes reading a long report, sit outside and soak up a few rays while absorbing the report.

- Get active. Throw a football with a buddy. Shoot hoops by yourself. Join your girlfriend for a tennis match. Even just weeding the garden can expose a guy to sunlight and keep his muscles busy.

- Go artificial. When natural sunlight isn’t available, consider high-intensity lamps or even focus red light therapy directly on the penis and balls. But in either case, consult with a doctor to determine how much exposure is safe before attempting it.

As with any sex tips, the use of light is just part of a multi-faceted strategy, one that also includes maintaining penis health at an optimum, level – and that strategy should also include daily application of a first-class penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Of special interest in any crème is the inclusion of L-arginine in the ingredients. This amino acid plays a large role in producing nitric oxide, which, as was mentioned earlier, plays a role in allowing penile blood vessels better flow. In addition, penis health is enhanced by the presence of alpha lipoic acid, a powerful antioxidant that helps protect penile cells from oxidative stress caused by free radicals.

Monday, 23 September 2019

Penis Stickers: What They Are, What They Do, and Why a Man Should Avoid Them

Tired of pulling out the Magnums, fumbling with the packaging, finally figuring out which end is up, and then pulling it on with care not to snap it? Yeah, so is everybody else. To answer this need, there is the Jiftip, a penis sticker to seal the tip of the penis so when the confetti pops, it says contained. Experiencing a mixture of disbelief and keen interest in how all this works? Read on for all the details on penis stickers.

What Is a Penis Sticker?

The Jiftip, or penis sticker, is a polyurethane film with an adhesive on one side. Think of it as being like one of those round band-aids but without the gauze. They cost about four dollars each and were initially created as a way to avoid using condoms. However, they are not as effective as condoms in any way, shape, or form. They do not prevent pregnancy or protect the wearer from giving or getting a sexually transmitted disease (STD).

What Do Penis Stickers Do?

Let’s walk through the process step-by-step. A man securely sticks a penis sticker over his urinary meatus, what laymen call the pee hole, before engaging in a sex act. The penis sticker blocks the opening of the penis; this keep pre-ejaculate and ejaculation fluids from escaping. Basically, it contains the crime scene.

Now a man is faced with two choices. He can ejaculate with his penis sealed and then remove the sticker during clean-up or he can pull the penis sticker off before he blows his confetti elsewhere – dealer’s choice.

Who Would Use a Penis Sticker?

The company that sells these special penis stickers clearly states that they are for “novelty, pleasure, convenience or entertainment.” So, if a man is bored on a Tuesday night should he see if he can pop one off with the force of his ejaculation, just for giggles? Who these penis stickers are not for is those people who want to prevent pregnancy or contracting an STD.

The Jiftip is specifically marketed to couples who use the withdrawal method, also known as hoping and praying, for contraception. These penis stickers could also be useful for partners who want to provide oral sex for their man but hate the taste of pre-cum and the fluids that follow an orgasm. In this way, it may be a win-win for everyone. But again, they aren’t going to protect against STDs or pregnancy.

Serious Consequences of Using Penis Stickers

In case it isn’t obvious, there are some serious concerns about penis stickers beyond their unprotective status. Here’s the thing: when a man wears a Jiftip, he’s trying to stop the semen from bursting out when he orgasms. This forces some of the semen back into the urethra. The urethra is an exit-only door. When stuff goes back in, problems arise. In this case, the semen could mingle with some bacteria and cause a nasty infection. This is part of the reason men should urinate after ejaculation to ensure all the semen and bacteria have vacated the urethra.

Men who have prostatitis are at a higher risk. Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate. For those men, semen already likes to hang out in the urethra, so adding more semen to the mix could increase inflammation and lead to a urinary tract infection.

Next, let’s talk about force and volume of ejaculate. If a man produces a lot of fluid, it may leak out or jettison the sticker right off his manhood. Ejaculating in a high-pressure instance can also back up a man’s system and could lead to serious pain in the penis and prostate.

Finally, let’s talk about peeling off a penis sticker. Who wants to pull a sticker full of jizz off his member? Even the website testimonials for the Jiftip don’t sugarcoat the experience, saying removal hurts. If a man has very sensitive skin, the adhesive can cause irritation and redness.

After all that penis sticker talk, there’s no time like the present to remember that a penis is a life-long friend and needs TLC. Give your member a daily treat by using a specially formulated penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) to calm and nurture the skin. This kind of crème is made expressly for the penis to be gentle but efficient. It boosts blood flow, promotes elasticity and tone, and seals in moisture to create a nutritive barrier between the penis and the outside world.

Penis Health Hacks for a Happy Penis

With the number of gyms and sports clubs in the nation indicating a continuing national fascination with physical health, it’s a wonder there isn’t more attention paid to the equally important matter of maintaining proper penis health. Make no mistake about it: a healthy penis is a happy penis, but penis health doesn’t just happen without any effort. Maintaining penis health may not require a man’s little friend to do push-ups or squats, but there are some steps that need to be taken.

The hacks below are valuable ways to help maintain that much-needed penis health.

- Don’t let it gather dust in the garage. Car aficionados know that letting an automobile sit idle for too long a stretch is not good for it, and the same is true of the penis. A happy penis, one whose owner makes sure he gets taken out for a ride on a regular basis, will repay the owner with better f8unctioning. When the penis goes too long without some form of sexual activity – whether a fascinating visit with a partner or some quality time wrapped in a fist – the tissues suffer. Erections and long-term sexual activity bring fresh oxygen-rich blood to the organ; without that, the penis gets to feeling a little tired. There also is evidence that frequent ejaculations help to keep the prostate healthy as well. So men, remember to use it or lose it where the penis is concerned.

- Don’t let it be active alone. Making sure the penis gets plenty of exercise is important – but the rest of the body needs to get its fair share as well. Obesity, which is an increasing problem in America and other parts of the world, has an indirect effect on penis health. When the body is out of shape, there’s less stamina for sex, the heart has a harder time pumping oxygen around the body (which is needed for healthy organs and for erections) and high blood pressure can impact performance. In addition to getting sufficient exercise, it pays to keep an eye on the diet. Increasing fruits and vegetables and decreasing sweets may be a good way to help shed those pounds. (It’s a good idea to talk with a doctor about changes to diet and exercise routines before initiating them.)

- Switch things up. It’s not unusual for people to fall into routines – including the way they masturbate. Some guys find they stroke themselves in exactly the same way, night after night after night. This can lead to de-sensitization of the penis, so that a man needs to be stroked in exactly the same way, and usually for a longer and/.or more intense period of time – and that can sometimes lead to trouble when the hand is replaced with a partner and their various body parts. Taking the time to change strokes, touches, and pressures can help keep the penis properly sensitized.

- Drink a lot – of water. Too much alcohol can be an anti-stimulant, causing the dreaded “whiskey dick” that refuses to rise to the occasion. Similarly, drinking too LITTLE water can be damaging. Not only does dehydration affect the penis negatively, mas it does the body as a whole, but it also means that more angiotensin, which raises blood pressure, gets produced. Don’t want that.

The penis health that produces a happy penis is greatly enhanced by the daily use of a top drawer penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Look especially for a crème that contains both L-arginine and L-carnitine., the former is an amino acid and it helps the body produce nitric oxide – which in turns helps keep penile blood vessels receptive to increased blood flow. The latter is important for preventing loss of penis sensation, as can occur for men who are too set in their masturbatory routines.

Sunday, 22 September 2019

Presenting a Small Penis in the Best Light

Just as some people have bigger feet or heavyset fingers or a thick neck, so too do some men have what might be considered a small penis. In some cases, that small penis is small only when flaccid; when a guy is a grower, he has a penis that is unimpressive when unaroused but which grows to a respectable (or in some cases awe-inspiring) length when the blood starts flowing into the penis. In other instances, however, a guy starts out with a small penis and ends similarly, even when at their most erect. And guess what? Some guys (and their partners) are perfectly fine with that, knowing that penis size is only one way to measure a guy’s sexual performance. But for those smaller endowed men who want to present their package in the best possible light, the following tips may apply.

Before getting to the tips, however, one other word to men who think they have a small penis: in today’s society, with its obsession over big penises, many men who have penises of a perfectly adequate (or more) size imagine themselves to possess a small penis. Putting things in their proper perspective can be a big help.

Presenting in the best light

Men who wish to make their small penis appear perhaps larger can try the following:

- Wear enhancing underwear. Many manufacturers (especially smaller, niche ones) make briefs which are specifically designed to showcase the penis and balls and make them look larger (even when they are already large.) There are several variations on this, such as briefs with a built-in penis ring (or fabric-based substitute) or fabric supports that life the balls and move them and the penis forward. Those who cannot find such underwear can achieve something of the same effect by wearing a penis ring under normal briefs.

- Get into manscaping. Every man’s body is different, but most agree that shaving away their pubic hair makes the penis look a little larger. There’s something about that big thatch of hair on top of the penis that makes it look a bit diminished; eliminating that distraction can give the illusion of greater size. Yes, manscaping can add a little time to your daily routine, but for those concerned with penis size, it might be worth it.

- Lose the gut. Maintaining a proper weight is great for a man’s health, both short-term and long-term. But slimming down can also help with the illusion that the penis has gotten bigger. When the small penis is surrounded by extra flesh – in the stomach and on the thighs especially – the wide canvas look seems to shrink the penis, just as a person will look smaller standing in front of a gigantic movie screen.

- Get warmed up. All men know that a cold penis is a smaller penis, so it pays to make sure that the temperature is right before unveiling one’s manhood to a partner. It also doesn’t hurt to give a little extra stimulation to that penis, so if possible disrobe in a separate space and spend a few moments getting the circulation going in the penis before introducing the organ to its new playmate.

If a man really wants to present his small penis in the best light, he’ll be sure that the member is in its best health – and that means regularly applying a first rate penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Like all parts of the body, the penis is enriched and enlivened by vitamins, so be sure that the selected crème contains a range of these – such as A, B5, C, D and E. The crème should also contain L-arginine, an amino acid which helps produce nitric oxide, thereby helping the penile blood vessels to open and expand to accommodate increased blood flow.

Friday, 20 September 2019

Comparing Strategies for Treating a Bent Penis

When there is an issue with the penis, it can affect a man’s sexual performance and enjoyment, which is one reason why maintaining penis health is essential. For some men, a bent penis can become a stumbling block to fully enjoying their sexual lives and can even become inconvenience in their nom-sexual lives, as severely bent penises may be accompanied by significant pain. Fortunately, there are several strategies and options available today for men with a severely bent penis.

Peyronie’s disease

Most of the time when a man has a bent penis which is at a severe angle and causes discomfort, he is said to have Peyronie’s disease. Named after the doctor who discovered it, Peyronie’s disease involves the development of fibrous scar tissue in the penis, which limits the flexibility of the penis skin where it develops. Thus, when the penis becomes erect, one side of the penis cannot grow as long as the others, causing the penis to curve painfully in that direction. Not every bent penis is die to Peyronie’s disease, and many penises have a small degree of curvature that does not cause pain or discomfort or impede sexual activity.

Often the cause of the fibrous scar tissue is trauma to the penis. This may be a one-time occurrence, such as being hit in the penis by a line-drive baseball, or it may be accumulate over time from many smaller trauma, such as some which may be caused by rough handling of the penis. In both cases, the scar tissue results as a natural part of the body’s healing process.


In some milder cases, the bent penis will straighten out on its own without treatment. And in some cases, a man may have Peyronie’s disease that does not produce significant pain and is slight enough that it does not interfere with sexual activity. However, when treatment is called for, there are three commonly used strategies – surgery, collagenase Clostridium histolyticum (CCH) and penile traction.

If these strategies, surgery is generally considered the most likely to succeed, with penile straightening occurring in 66-96% of cases in the medical literature. A less invasive alternative is treatment with CCH, in which medication is injected into the penis on at least two occasions. And some doctors recommend the use of a penile traction device, usually worn for 3-5 hours a day, which attempts to straighten the penis by stretching it out.

Each of these strategies has drawbacks. For example, while the surgery has a high success rate, there are complication ns which some men may find problematic, including overall shortening of the penis and possible diminishing of penile sensation. CCH does not have as high a success rate as surgery, and it is quite expensive. And penile traction can cause significant pain and has what is believed by many to be the lowest success rate (although it is the least expensive option by far).

Which strategies to employ should be discussed by a doctor and patient, with the pros and cons evaluated. Many doctor recommend starting with penile traction, as it has the least cost and is low risk; however, others worry about the relatively low success rate and prefer to jump right in to CCH or surgery.

The strategies for dealing with a severely bent penis will be better received if the penis is already in its best possible health. This can be aided by the daily application of a superior penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Look for a crème which includes L-carnitine, a neuroprotective ingredient that may be able to help with decrease of penis sensitivity, a common consequence of Peyronie’s disease. The best crème should also include vitamin C, which is also necessary for proper blood flow, which is essential for maintaining erectile function.

Thursday, 19 September 2019

Dry Penis Woes? Here’s What You’re Doing Wrong and How to Fix It

It’s like a desert in your pants. It’s dry, itchy, and unpleasant. It’s getting flaky and peely and is not exactly inviting for lovers aside from the discomfort. So, how does a man fix it? It could be as easy as adjusting a few things he’s doing that he doesn’t know is causing his dry penile skin. Here are a few penis don’ts to turn a dry penis into a silken penis.

Dry Penis Don’t #1: Your shower is too hot, and it’s going too long.

Ah…the steamy goodness that is a hot shower. It’s misty, it loosens the muscles, and it dries out your penis. Wait; what? Yes, it’s true, hot water is a no-go on delicate penile skin. The warmer the water, the more the natural barrier on penile skin is worn down, stripping the skin of essential oils that protect it. The longer the shower goes on, the more damage to the skin. This leads to inflammation and irritation, both of which cause dry penile skin.

The ideal water temperature for a shower is 84 degrees. Understanding that most men don’t bring a thermometer in the shower, it is like the temperature of a heated pool. Also, keep showers under ten minutes. It’s good for your penis and the environment.

Dry Penis Don’t #2: You’re washing up too much and not with the right soap

What’s the number one cause of dry skin – over washing. With all the talk about smegma and stinky peen, some men are getting a little overzealous with the washing. The skin has a beautiful barrier system to keep it safe, consisting of oil, water, and natural moisturizing factors. When a man washes his skin too often, he strips these natural emollients away, which in turn, leads to skin irritation and dryness. If he doesn’t use a gentle or mild cleanser, the chances of dry penis grow. Now, no one is saying to go days without a shower. Wash as needed and with a gentle cleanser like an organic baby wash to keep dry penile skin at bay.

Dry Penis Don’t #3: You’re exfoliating that which should not be exfoliated

The penile skin is very, very delicate. It’s similar to the skin around the eyes. Do not exfoliate the penis. Under any circumstances. Seriously. Just don’t do it.

Exfoliating this extra sensitive place can cause small tears in the skin which can invite bacteria in. Also, as mentioned above, it strips away the barrier on the skin, but even faster since it’s harsher and often has a gritty exfoliation agent or even worse, acid!

Can’t stress this enough, don’t exfoliate your penis.

Dry Penis Don’t #4: Your H2O is really low

Skimping on those eight glasses of the wet stuff a day can be wreaking havoc with your skin. Without proper hydration, fluids can’t move efficiently through the capillaries, leading to dry penile skin, among other things. If it’s cold outside, it’s even worse because of the one-two-punch of internal and external dryness.

Get your water in early in the day, so you keep your bodily processes functioning at optimal levels and keep your penis supple. For extra hydration, incorporate healthy fats into your diet to help lock moisture into the skin.

Dry Penis Don’t #5: You’re the wrong moisturizer at the wrong time

There’s a lot of chatter about how many different moisturizers a man needs, but for now, let’s focus on the penis. Does it need its very own lotion? Yes, it does.

You need a lotion that is made expressly for delicate, penile skin and one that provides the necessary nutrients to encourage rejuvenation and soft, elastic skin. Use a quality penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) every day. It has all the vitamins and minerals essential to penis health that keeps dry penile skin away. Apply this crème after a shower, while the skin is still moist, but not dripping wet. The dampness will help crème’s vitamin E lock moisture in the penis and give you the silky, stiff penis you’ve always wanted.

Got Penis Problems? Here are Five Habits to Kick to Improve Penis Health

Noticing things are acting up a bit in the wrong way down below? It could be a lack of boner or maybe a dwindling of desire. Perhaps a man can get it up, but he can’t release to get it back down. No matter the penis problem, there are a few habits a man can turn around to get his penis health back in balance. Here are a few everyday habits that can cause a limp lover and the ways a man can remedy it.

Habit #1: Chowing Down on Fried Foods

Any man who wants a powerful erection needs to ban drive-thru’s (don’t do walk up either). Foods that are high in cholesterol and trans fats, like those sinful pork tenderloin sandwiches and fries, can put a stopper on blood flow to the area causing a significant penis problem. These types of foods can cause inflammation in the blood vessels, which inhibits blood movement to a man’s joint.

Fix it: Eat a diet full of protein, healthy carbs, fruits, veggies, and good fats. Not only will it make a man feel better and be healthier overall, but it will also make him “strong like bull” in the cajones. Make fried foods an occasional cheat, not a habitual meal to keep penis health high.

Habit #2: Lay off the Sauce

Every man has heard of the infamous penis problem: whiskey dick, the ill-famed deflation of the penis due to the imbibing mass quantities of alcohol (not whiskey specifically). Whiskey dick can also go the other way; a man can get an erection but just can’t make it to the goal line, leaving him unsatisfied and his partner probably pretty sore.

Those are short-term issues though, right? Wrong! Over time, alcoholism can lead a man to lack of interest in making the love and erectile dysfunction. Also, drinking can impair judgment which can lead to pregnancies and STD’s.

On the flip-side, men who keep their drinking to a minimum have stronger erections and more intense orgasms.

Fix it: Know when to say when. The CDC recommends a man have no more two drinks each day. If it’s too hard to do solo, find a program to help.

Habit #3: Getting too Little REM (not the band)

Not only does getting too little sleep affect a man’s penis, but it also affects his demeanor, and no one wants to have sex with a Grumpy Gus. Clinically, lack of sleep can reduce testosterone which is critical for knocking those boots. Not getting enough restorative sleep then decreases libido and can cause erectile dysfunction.

Fix it: It’s pretty straightforward – get those seven to eight hours of sleep each night to avoid this penis problem. No excuses. Turn off screens an hour (minimum) before bedtime and relax instead to ensure a nice transition from a busy day into a blissful slumber.

Habit #4: Loving One’s Self a Little Too Hard or Too Much

Masturbation is a healthy and utterly normal practice among humans around the world. Excessive self-pleasure, however, can desensitize the penis and result in erectile dysfunction. It can also cause a man to be less responsive when he engages intimately with a partner because he is so used to the tension and rapid stroking of his hand.

Fix it: Keep masturbation in a healthy zone. If it gets harder and harder to orgasm while masturbating or with a partner, it may mean a man is getting in too much alone time in. Take a knee and let the penis resensitize. If it’s become an addiction, seek professional help.

Habit #5: Getting Clipper Crazy

First of all, kudos on the manscaping! It’s a wonderful way to keep the penis fresh and safeguard sensitivity (not to mention it makes everything appear a bit bigger). However, according to a study published in JAMA Dermatology, it was found that of the 66 percent of men who said they groom the downstairs, 26 percent experienced an injury related to sheering the sheep. Too much grooming the private parts can actually lead to bacterial and fungal infections, cuts, and razor burn; all of which are definitely not fun penis problems to have.

Fix it: Find a method of hair removal that works and be very careful when doing it to preserve penis health. Also, don’t weed-wack too often to keep the skin in fine form. Even better, use a restorative specially formulated penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) to heal and soothe the delicate penile skin. It’s calming and promotes elasticity which makes skin stronger and more flexible.

Wednesday, 18 September 2019

Diabetes Can Be a Penis Function Factor

Almost 10% of U.S. citizens have it, although many are unaware of it. That comes to over 30 million adult Americans, of which more than 7 million don’t know their status. We’re speaking here of diabetes, a serious medical condition which for men can have serious penis health implications. While there are plenty of other reasons to be concerned about diabetes, the fact that it can impede penis function should add to every man’s efforts to avoid this condition and to see it if properly treated if it cannot be avoided.

The problem

Diabetes, as most people are aware, is a medical condition in which the body has difficulty regulating blood sugar levels. In a normal situation, a person eats food and the majority of that food gets broken down into glucose (sugar), which travels through the bloodstream so that cells can use it for energy. When blood sugar levels reach a certain level, the body reacts by putting insulin into the blood, which serves to open the doorway for sugar to enter the cells.

If a person has diabetes, his body either doesn’t make enough insulin or else can’t use insulin effectively. Thus too much sugar remains in the bloodstream, which over time can cause damage to the body, resulting in heart disease, kidney disease and loss of sight.

Penis function

As mentioned, diabetes can also have an impact on penis function. Improper blood sugar levels can impact the nerves, hormones, blood vessels and even one’s emotional health, all of which can play a role in penis function. There are several penis health issues that may be caused or may be worsened by diabetes. These include:

- Erectile dysfunction. This is one of the more distressing penis health issues a man can face. As the name implies, when a man suffers from erectile dysfunction, his penis either cannot become properly erect or cannot maintain its erection. This does not necessarily mean a total lack of an erection, but it does often mean that a man’s penis becomes only partially erect – not to the degree that he is able to perform satisfactorily sexually. Men with diabetes are about 3 times as likely to have erectile dysfunction than men without, and more than half of men with diabetes develop the issue at some point. This is usually due to damages to penile nerves and to penile blood vessels due to diabetes.

- A bent penis. Although some curvature of the organ is normal, when a man has a severely bent penis that impedes sex and/or causes penis pain, he is said to have Peyronie’s disease – and men with diabetes are more likely to develop Peyronie’s disease than are men in the general population.

- Retrograde ejaculation. This is a fairly rare complication, but men with diabetes are at a higher risk of developing it. In this condition, men have an orgasm, but some or all of their semen is diverted into the bladder rather than ejaculated through the penis.

- Lower libido. Testosterone production is also impacted by diabetes, and lower testosterone levels (in addition to being associated with erectile dysfunction) can diminish a man’s sex drive.

Proper diabetes management is crucial to continued health, including penis health. Men who suspect they may have diabetes should see a doctor and get a diagnosis. If they do have diabetes, the sooner treatment is begun, the better.

Diabetes is a serious condition which can impact penis function, so a man needs to be sure his penis is in its best shape so it can better respond to diabetes treatment. One excellent idea is to regularly apply a superior penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). The best cremes will have L-carnitine, an amino acid which is helpful in limiting nerve damage which can cause a loss of penis sensitivity. The creme should also include vitamin B5, or pantothenic acid, a vital nutrient that is required for cell metabolism and the maintenance of healthy tissue.

Sex Tips: Look to the Light

So many lists of sex tips focuses on the sexual act itself – positions to try, locations to investigate, communication during, etc. But some guys benefit from sex tips that come from a different place, such as those that focus on how to improve penis health or keep testosterone levels up or aid in achieving erections. There are many sex tips to sort through, but the ones that follow all focus on the role that light may play in penis activity. No thanks are necessary – shedding light on all things related to the penis is our pleasure.

The penis and light

Although every guy’s penis is different, and every potential sexual situation has many different variables all at play at one time, it does appear that the amount of light a man is exposed to can have an impact on his sex drive. Studies have been conducted to examine this. For example, one study looked at men whose sex drives were operating in low gear. They exposed some of these men to “light therapy” sessions every day; the others were just exposed to whatever light they normally would have received during the day. The men in the light therapy experienced a noticeable increase in their sex drive.

Less studied by the scientific community but promoted by some non-medical sources is the possible role of red or infrared light on the penis. Because there is some correlation between red and infrared light and the creation of both carbon dioxide and nitric oxide (which play roles in allow greater blood flow. Including in penile blood vessels), as well as in the production of testosterone, some individuals recommend the use of red light therapy – basically, focusing a red light source on the penis and balls – on men to increase sex drive and performance. It’s an interesting idea, if one that has not really been studied much.

Get to the light

Basically, proper light exposure is good for as guy’s health in general, as well as for his penis health. It’s invaluable for proper testosterone production and often time spent in sunlight or simulated sunlight involves exercise, which also is important for penis health. Especially during the “darker” months of winter, getting enough light is important – so our sex tips include the following:

- Take it outside. Find time during the day to spend 20-30 minutes in the sunlight. If possible, bring a bag lunch and eat outdoors, then walk around for a while. If meetings are nearby, walk instead of driving or riding to them. If the day includes reading a long report, sit outside and soak up a few rays while absorbing the report.

- Get active. Throw a football with a buddy. Shoot hoops by yourself. Join your girl friend for a tennis match. Even just weeding the garden can expose a guy to sunlight and keep his muscles busy.

- Go artificial. When natural sunlight isn’t available, consider high intensity lamps or even focus red light therapy directly on the penis and balls. But in either case, consult with a doctor to determine how much exposure is safe before attempting it.

As with any sex tips, the use of light is just part of a multi-faceted strategy, one which also includes maintaining penis health at an optimum, level – and that strategy should also include daily application of a first class penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Of special interest in nay crème is the inclusion of L-arginine in the ingredients. This amino acid plays a large role in producing nitric oxide, which as was mentioned earlier plays a role in allowing penile blood vessels better flow. In addition, penis health is enhanced by the presence of alpha lipoic acid, a powerful antioxidant that helps protect penile cells from oxidative stress caused by free radicals.

Tuesday, 17 September 2019

Intertrigo Can Mean an Itchy Penis

A guy may think that an itchy penis is meant to be scratched, but most women on a date with him would disagree – which is one reason why keeping an itchy penis away is crucial, along with the fact that sometimes an itchy penis indicates a penis health problem. The kinds of itchiness and the reasons for that itchiness can be many and varied; one of the less common reasons is something called intertrigo. To learn more about it, simply read on.

About intertrigo

Intertrigo is a kind of inflammatory rash (making it a form of dermatitis) that is most often found in areas where skin rubs against other skin. Armpits are a popular place for intertrigo, as are the neck, thighs and buttocks. The penis and balls are also prime targets for intertrigo.

Basically, intertrigo occurs when bacteria or another agent, such as a fungus, meets folds of skin that rub against each other. For example, men who are overweight may find that the underside of their “spare tire” develops a rash of intertrigo from rubbing against the pubic pad. Areas where skin folds in on itself or meets other skin is ideal for intertrigo, because such areas tend to be warm and moist, which is what the agents that cause intertrigo need to develop and grow.

The rash that denotes intertrigo tends to be reddish, sometimes very bright, looks quite raw, and can cover a fairly significant area of skin. It tends to be sore and, as can be deduced for its role in creating an itchy penis, often wants to scratched. In some cases the irritation of the skin rubbing against skin may cause the rash to ooze a liquid.

On the penis, the intertrigo may come from the penis rubbing against the balls, the thigh or other nearby parts; however, it is more often due to penis skin rubbing against itself when the penis is a flaccid “accordion” style stage. The presence of stray drops of urine on the penis often accounts for the bacteria that causes the condition.

Embarrassingly, intertrigo is known in children by the name diaper rash – a name that adults may not care to have attached to their skin condition.


Most of the time, intertrigo responds to simple self-care treatments. These include:

- Washing the affected area with a mild soap and water.

- Patting the area dry and keeping it as dray as possible. Ideally, the affected area needs to be exposed to the air, something that may be difficult to do when it occurs on the penis.

“Airing out” by sleeping naked may help, as can using absorbent powders to help keep the area dry.

- Using zinc oxide over a hydrocortisone cream twice a day usually helps speed recovery.

In some instances, intertrigo may be stubborn; if it persists for more than two weeks or becomes especially irritated, it’s best to see a doctor, who will likely prescribe steroids as a first step.

Although intertrigo can cause an itchy penis, it is best to avoid scratching if possible. The irritation from scratching simply delays the healing process.

When a man has an itchy penis, whether from intertrigo or not, it often means the penis skin is dry and could benefit from a regular regimen that includes a top flight penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Search the ingredients list and be sure the selected product includes both a high end emollient (such as shea butter) and a natural hydrating agent (such as vitamin E). The skin also can be protected if the crème contains a potent antioxidant, such as alpha lipoic acid. This can help prevent damage from oxidative stress from the presence of too many free radicals.

Penis Chafing: Prevention

Everybody experiences chafing at some time in their lives, and for many men, that includes penis chafing. It’s uncomfortable but at least as penis health issues are concerned it is relatively minor. Still, because it is annoying and in some cases may preclude some sexual involvement, it pays to practice prevention strategies to keep penis chafing from occurring in the first place.

What is penis chafing?

Simply put, chafing refers to any rawness, pain or irritation of the skin caused by friction. In the case of penis chafing, there can be several causes. Pinpointing the cause can help to develop prevention strategies.


One of the most common causes of penis chafing is delicate penis skin rubbing against a rough (or relatively rough) piece of fabric. This happens more often with men who go commando – that is, who wear trousers without underwear. This is only common sense, as underwear is designed to be worn directly against the penis and so is typically made of materials that take into account the delicate nature of penis skin. Blue jeans, linen trousers and woolen pants do not do this – so one way to avoid penis chafing is by always wearing underwear with trousers.

Sometimes, however, a guy can wear underwear and still experience penis chafing due to his trousers – but in this instance it is because his underwear or his trousers (or both) is too tight. Without adequate room, any piece of clothing can feel constricting and can create excess friction. So try to find a balance between clothes which do show off one’s form and package and those which are so tight as to cause chafing.

Lack of lubrication is another major cause of penis chafing. Sex is all about friction, as it takes a certain degree of friction to stimulate the tender nerve endings on the penis and to build upon arousal to orgasm. But sometimes the penis experiences too much friction, especially when there is not sufficient lubrication involved. For that reason, whether masturbating or engaging in partner sex, it is a good idea for a man to keep plenty of lubricant on hand – and on his penis.

More causes

To fight odor, it’s a good idea to air out the penis and one of the easiest ways to accomplish this is to sleep naked. However, sometimes this can lead to penis chafing, if the bed sheets or linens are too rough against the penis skin. Finding softer, less irritating sheets can enable a man to air out his penis without the risk of chafing.

It’s clear that materials, whether in clothing or bedding, can play a big role in penis chafing. But it’s not always due to a roughness in the material; sometimes the responsible party is the detergent one uses to clean them. Detergents with harsh chemicals or fragrances can pass those qualities onto clothing and bedding, which in turn can irritate the penis and lead to chafing. Using only mild and gentle detergents and cleansers is an excellent way to combat this problem.

Finally, sometimes friction develops from skin rubbing against skin – which can be an ongoing problem for people who are obese. For example, a stomach that hangs low may rub against the penis, as might thighs that are too fleshly. Getting down to a healthier weight can help to address this problem or prevent it from occurring.

All these penis chafing prevention tips come down to one thing: keeping the penis skin protected and well moisturized. One excellent aid in this is the daily application of a superior penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) regularly. When selecting a crème, examine the ingredients carefully. Look for one which contains both a high end emollient (shea butter is one) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E). Together, these can help ensure proper penile skin moisturization. The crème should also include a potent antioxidant, such as alpha lipoic acid, to help prevent oxidative damage to the skin.

Monday, 16 September 2019

5 Things Your Penis is Telling You About Your Health

There are many ways to gauge one’s overall health. Annual exams, x-rays, MRIs, and CAT scans are one way to go. The new ager may read their tongue, toss the runes, or have their aura cleansed. One sure-fire barometer of a man’s health happens to be his one-eyed snake. A man’s penis can tell him a lot about his health outside of just penis health. Here are five signals your penis may be sending you that something is not quite right inside.

Penis Signal #1: Soft is the New Hard

Penis feeling tired, lackluster, or literally just hanging around? It could be your heart’s not into it, literally that is. Men who experience moderate to severe erectile dysfunction are more likely to have heart problems. How’s the penis communicate that? Erections are controlled by blood flow, and when blood flow goes down, well, so does the penis. Head to your GP to get a workup and see if your ticker is what’s ticking off your sex life.

Penis Signal #2: You Don’t Have Sex Drive; You Have Sex Crawl

When libido goes down, it’s time to see what’s up. There are lots of reasons sex drive gets thrown into neutral. Depression, new medication, and low T are all potential causes. However, one disorder that is dangerously overlooked is obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). This is a sleep disorder in which the airway is blocked. This stops the body from getting all the oxygen it needs during sleep. German researchers found that men with OSA had sexual desire levels 11 percent lower than men without the disorder. OSA can also lead to Low T. If you hear complaints of loud snoring, wake up gasping for air, and feel fatigued during the day, see a doctor to check symptoms.

Penis Signal #3: Seeing Red When Urinating?

Seeing pink before you flush? That’s no bueno. It could be a sign of bladder, prostate, or kidney disease, or maybe just an overly intense sexual experience. Regardless of the believed reason, head to the doctor ASAP to see what’s going on.

Penis Signal #4: Are You on Pee Patrol?

Are you peeing all the time? It could be prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) which is a disease the affects nearly 90 percent of men in there 70s and 80s but is rarer in those not getting the Senior Special at Denny’s. When the prostate is enlarged, it presses on the tube that transports urine from the body, and that gives that gotta pee feeling. Most times this is treated with alpha-blockers which relax everything and return you to your usual bathroom routine.

Penis Signal #5: The Orgasm (or the Product of it) Goes Bye-bye

Shooting blanks or not getting it out of the barrel? Men who either aren’t orgasming or not producing ejaculate could have Low T. Testosterone helps produce semen. The more semen, the higher the force of the ejaculation. About one-third of the men who take selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) for depression have difficulty in reaching release. The remedy could be as easy as asking your doc to switch you to a more semen-friendly medication.

While penis problems can be sometimes be prevented and others times not, there is one consistent – good penis hygiene increases penis health. By keeping the penis clean and well-cared for, it can be stronger and therefore, always ready for action. To ensure you’re doing everything you can, consider using a specially formulated penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) to hydrate, protect, and boost the penis. Use a crème that is chock full of vitamins and nutrients to protect against wear and tear, sensitivity thieves, and bacteria which can prematurely age the penis.

Some Penis Problems Can Tell a Man Some Things About Himself

What sits on two magic eight balls and can tell a man his health horoscope? His penis. It is the ultimate divining rod as to what is going on in a man's body. Every bend, curve, bump, or out-of-the-ordinary actions can be telling a man that all is not right in Denmark and that he needs to see the doctor. Of course, not everything is serious. In fact, many things can be cleared up or managed. Let’s kick it off with what penis problems may be telling a man.

Penis of a Thousand Colors

If it’s light pink, it's likely flushed from recent activity or heat. Post-coital penis discoloration can also be temporarily red, blue, or purple until the blood pools out (which can take a minute). If it stays or worsens, it could be an allergy (like to latex or to laundry detergent), or it could be a penile fracture which requires professional help fast.

Purple discoloration can be a host of things (including the above). Many times, a purple discoloration is simply a bruise. However, if that bruise starts to pool blood, go to the hospital immediately.

If a red, itchy, smelly, uncomfortable mess has taken up residence on the head of the penis, it could be balanitis, an infection caused by smegma overgrowth. This happens when a man lets his hygiene go. Although this seems like just a penis problem, it goes deeper. If a man isn’t taking care of himself, he should ask himself why, as it could indicate issues with mental health.

The Penis Has a Pretty Noticeable Bend

There are some curves a man can’t lean into. When his penis looks like Gonzo’s nose, it’s one of those times. A buildup of scar tissue from minor and major traumas over a man’s lifetime can cause the penis to curve and shorten and results in Peyronie’s disease once that curve is greater than 15 percent (though some experts say 20 percent). Treatment is possible, but there is a high instance of erectile dysfunction or pain during sex. It can lead to relationship issues and self-esteem issues, as well as chronic pain.

Bumps That Go Bump in the Night

There are many bumps to consider. If they are white, yellow, or reddish, and they don’t hurt or itch, they may be Fordyce spots. If so, they can disappear on their own in a few years. Bumps can also be acne, ingrown hairs, or folliculitis, which can all be managed well, and frequently, a man can get rid of them.

Of course, some bumps on the penis or testicles can be indicators of cancer. Men should perform self-examinations once per week in the shower so if cancer is detected, it can be caught early and, often, be put into remission.

A Less-Healthy Cauliflower-Shaped Growth

If a man sees cauliflower in his Calvin’s, it’s most likely genital warts. Welcome to the HPV club. This communicable penis problem will not go away on its own; warts must be either burned, frozen, lasered, or surgically taken off. HPV is chronic and will never go away; however, future breakouts are less likely. What men need to watch out for is penile cancer, as HPV can sometimes lead to it.

Tiny, Transparent Blisters

Seeing little blisters on the big boy? Are they especially tender and itchy? If they burst and scab over, it’s herpes, another communicable sexually transmitted infection. Herpes is another virus that claims squatter’s rights in a man’s body – it never leaves. A man needs to manage the condition with antiviral meds to keep future breakouts at bay. Herpes can affect many areas of a man’s life, such as his physical health as well as his social interactions, sex life, and his feelings about himself.

An excellent way to keep avoidable penis problems at bay is to regularly self-examine, have a consistent hygiene regimen, and always practice safe sex. Savvy men take penis health a step further by using a specially formulated penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) daily to keep the penis fresh, healthy, and supple. Using a cocktail of powerful penis-boosting vitamins and nutrients in a shea butter base, this crème boosts blood flow and protects against bacteria, infection, and nerve damage, all while increasing elasticity and sensitivity. It’s the perfect way for a man to care for his member.

Sunday, 15 September 2019

Pornography Could Encourage Erectile Dysfunction

Pornography is undeniably popular and commonly used by many, with 46% of American adult men admitting to having consumed pornography within a one-week period from the time of the survey. Despite this, it’s a subject that few want to talk about – and when it is discussed, it is mostly so that it may be condemned. In recent years, pornography has been batted about as a major penis health issue, with many opponents insisting that use of pornography leads to erectile dysfunction. However, scientific evidence suggesting otherwise is fairly common, with a recent Journal of Sexual Medicine article adding to the evidence.


Entitled “Is Pornography Use Related to Erectile Functioning? Results From Cross-Sectional and Latent Growth Curve Analyses,” the study looked at three surveys of sexually active men who also used pornography. The study discusses the fact that there is little clear agreement on what might constitute “problematic pornographic” use, which is accepted as an actual issue, but which means different things to different people. In some cases, problematic pornographic use might refer to an “addictive” quality for a user, where he feels he engages in pornography use more than he actually wants to. In others, it might refer to physical issues, such as lack of sleep corresponding to pornography use, while in still others there may be relationship problems that might be said to arise from problematic pornographic use. In most cases, problematic pornographic use is self-reported by a person rather than diagnosed first by a doctor.


The aim of this study was to look at instances of problematic pornographic use in men, as well as instances of erectile dysfunction, and to see if there was evidence of a connection. In all three different population samples used, there was no significant causal relationship between pornography itself and erectile dysfunction – and only some correlation between problematic pornographic use and erectile dysfunction. As a matter of fact, overall, the men involved in the survey revealed a very high level of sexual function.

Basically, the study suggests that simple use of pornography does not lead to erectile dysfunction; however, for those who report problematic pornographic use, there may be an increased likelihood of erectile dysfunction. Again, however, whether this is due to the actual physical use of pornography is questionable; for example, it may be guilt over using pornography problematically that fuels an erectile issue in some men.

There are limitations with the study, of course, as there are with any study. One of the most important limitations is that the information used as data is largely self-reported. In other words, the amount of time a man spent on pornography, his assessment of whether it was problematic, and assessments of erectile dysfunction were all voluntarily given by participants. In such cases, there may be a tendency on the part of some participants to exaggerate or misrepresent. Perhaps a person feels embarrassed by the amount of pornography he consumes and so understates it, or feels uncomfortable admitting he has any erectile dysfunction issues.

Bottom line: Although there is little evidence for pornography by itself causing erectile dysfunction, any man who feels that there may in his case be some sort of link between pornography and erectile dysfunction should seek assistance in maintaining this vital penis health function.

Men who use a lot of pornography, whether they have erectile dysfunction or not, are very likely engaging in masturbation, of course. They should utilize a first-class penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) to soothe penis skin that may be rubbed raw by all that rough handling. A crème with L-carnitine, an amino acid that has neuroprotective properties, can help maintain penis sensitivity that may be diminished by frequent enthusiastic masturbation. Also, a sore penis will appreciate a crème with potent moisturizers like shea butter and vitamin E.

Saturday, 14 September 2019

Some Indicators That You’re Addicted to Masturbating

Most men enjoy masturbation, and for a good reason. It’s healthy, releases feel-good hormones, and breeds self-confidence; but how much masturbation is too much? Is there such a thing? While there is no set-in-stone number that equals too much, it can be a problem if it affects your daily life. Here are three masturbation side effects men experience if they take self-love too far.

#1: Your Job and Relationships Suffer

This is the hallmark of masturbation side effects. When self-gratification goes too far, it can get in the way of a man’s social life, professional life, and yes, sex life. This is both psychological and physical. The psychological relates to stimuli. As men pleasure themselves more and more, the material they use for inspiration also must accelerate. This material can make the real thing less attractive. Physically, men know exactly what to do when they give themselves a handy. Again, as frequency increases, so does things like alternate movements, tightness of the hand grip, and the addition of adult aids.

Here are a few situations that signal you need to put down the penis:

- You take a sick day from work to stay home and masturbate.

- You blow off friends or don’t make plans so you can stay in for a marathon masturbation session.

- You’re late to a meeting because you decided to stroke it in the men’s bathroom.

- You don’t want to have sex with your partner.

- Sex with your partner is less satisfying when you have it.

#2: Hurts So Good…Not Really

As with any activity, the more you do it, the higher the risk you can hurt yourself. As discussed above, as frequency increases, things must get more intense in some way to meet a man’s ever-growing needs. Injuries can be short-term, long-term, or permanent. If you are noticing any of the following, take heed:

- Skin chafing

- Tears in the skin

- Redness

- Soreness that radiates throughout the penis

- Constant “ache”

- Friction rash

- Penile fracture

- Penis scar tissue

- Peyronie’s disease

- Extreme loss of sensation

- Erectile dysfunction

#3: Boner Brain

When it gets out of hand, masturbation is always on the brain. You wake up and masturbate in the shower. While commuting to work, you’re caught up in a particular scene from an adult film. By lunch, the urge is strong, so you give yourself a hand in your car, the men’s bathroom, or even clandestinely in your office. Finally, you get home and immediately go online to find something that excites you and spend the night in with some take out and your hand.

How to Deal

Remember, there is nothing wrong or shameful about self-gratification. However, when masturbation becomes detrimental to your life, it becomes an addiction, and you must deal with it like any other addiction. Thankfully, there are a few ways to reverse these masturbation side effects and get back to a healthy and beneficial relationship with your penis.

There are a few ways to “reset to factory settings.” Go cold turkey and stop all masturbation for a specific amount of time. Get rid of all the material you use and block websites on all your devices. If cold turkey is too dramatic, adopt new behaviors that set reasonable limits. For instance, allow yourself to masturbate only once each day or remove all outside stimuli and rely solely on your imagination. As with any plan, adjust when and where needed.

Post-masturbation Penis Care

It’s likely that if you are masturbating a lot, your Johnson is feeling the after-effects. Use a specially formulated penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) to heal and restore the overworked skin. It’s calming and promotes elasticity, which makes skin stronger and more flexible. Also, it’s a great way to reintroduce yourself to your penis with a daily non-sensual massage. You’ll both look forward to this new addition to your regimen.

Friday, 13 September 2019

Here Are Some Ways to Get a Fresh, Handsome Penis

Every man wants a handsome penis, one that would play the leading man in a movie and make the ladies swoon – but how can he get it? It’s easy, and it all circles around penis health and grooming. Do just a few simple things every day and banish penis odor and unsightliness. Now here’s the best part: Once the man garden is beautifully aromatic and in bloom, visitors will love to drop by. Here are five easy tips for manifesting a truly handsome penis.

#1: Wash Up

While it seems obvious, the first step is to shower every day. Don’t just let the water drip down and passively clean the groin – get in there gently with a mild cleanser. Be thorough when cleaning the entire area. Gently pull back the foreskin and clean all the folds of skin. Don’t forget the undercarriage and the backdoor; they need attention too. Follow with a thorough rinsing.

#2: Give Him a Pat on the Head (and Everywhere Else)

A common mistake men make is that they rub the towel over their junk. Not only is this dangerous to the delicate skin down low, but it’s also ineffective. Instead, pat the area with a soft towel. Be sure to dry under the foreskin, in the folds, and in the area down below. The key is to get things totally dry so that it doesn’t attract germs.

#3: Trim the Hedges

It’s time to manscape. Pubic hair locks in penis odor, making a member very stinky, indeed. Accentuate the family jewels by giving the area a trim. There’s no need to shave (unless it’s personal preference) but keeping it high and tight is an excellent way to banish penis odor and make the area more hospitable for visitors.

A word about shaving this delicate area. Shaving can cause a host of problems like cuts, razor burn, ingrown hairs, and folliculitis, all of which do not make for a handsome penis. A man can lower his risk of these nasty side effects by following a few easy steps:

1) Clean the area with a face wash with salicylic acid (acne washes are a good pick) to prevent ingrown hairs.

2) Give the hairs at least five minutes under the water so they can soften, which makes removal easier.

3) Use a new razor.

4) Don’t go in unprotected…buy a quality shaving cream or oil. After the hair is soft, apply judiciously.

5) Shave. Avoid going over spots multiple times, as it can cause razor burn.

6) Rinse.

7) Clean the area with the salicylic face wash again.

8) Rinse and pat or air dry.

#4: Take a Powder

A little powder in the morning, especially in the sweltering heat, can keep a man from turning his handsome penis into a swamp crotch. Not only does a day’s worth of sweat fail at creating a handsome penis, but it is also a breeding ground for bacteria and fungus.

Before getting ready, sprinkle a bit of powder in the general area, especially under the balls and in the inner thigh. It will soak up the sweat as well as prevent chafing. Use a powder that is talc- and aluminum-free, so it’s safe for your body.

#5: Go the Extra Mile for a Handsome Penis

Noticing itchy, flaky skin on the downstairs parts? It could be dry skin. Add a gentle crème to the daily regimen. Since penile skin is so delicate, it’s essential to use a specially formulated penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) to battle dryness and lock moisture into the skin. Use a crème with a shea butter base, which is all-natural and works well for even the most sensitive skin. The crème should also have tons of vitamins, like B and C, to strengthen the skin by promoting collagen production and tissue regeneration. By adding this extra step, a man rejuvenates and reinvigorates his penis and surely will have the most handsome penis on the block.

Fabry Disease May Produce Penis Bumps

Penis health should be a top priority for men, especially as it doesn’t require a great deal of effort. For example, men already handle their penises at least a few times a day, when they are urinating (or, of course, when masturbating). As long as the hand is already on the penis, it makes sense to give the penis a health check, provided one is alone. When doing a check, look for something unusual – such as penis bumps, perhaps. Most men already know whether any penis bumps they possess are “old standbys” that pose no threat or are new developments, which may need to be investigated to determine if they require any course of action. Occasionally, identifying the cause of penis bumps can be difficult, as they may be the result of a rare condition, such as Fabry disease.

How rare?

Fabry disease is a rare genetic disorder that is found much more frequently in men than in women – but even then, its frequency in men is quite low, about 1 in 40,000 to 60,000 males. It also tends to be a disorder that is less common the older one gets. That doesn’t mean, however, that a man can’t become affected by it late in life, merely that onset is more common early in life.

So what happens with Fabry disease? Basically, there’s a particular fat, called globotriaosylceramide, which, because of a genetic flaw in a person with Fabry disease, accumulates in cells instead of being broken down and dispersed. It has a propensity to accumulate in the linings of blood vessels near the skin, as well as in cells of the heart, kidneys, and nervous system.

Symptoms and effects

When a man has Fabry disease, he frequently suffers some or all of the following symptoms:

- Severe pain that comes and goes, often in the feet and hands but also elsewhere

- Lack of sweat

- Vision difficulties, including cloudiness

- Ringing in the ears and loss of hearing

- Angiokeratomas, which are small, red bumps on the skin

- In some severe cases, heart attacks and severe kidney damage

Clearly, the last-named problems – heart attack and kidney disease – are of major concern and are one of the reasons why Fabry disease needs to be diagnosed and treated as early as possible.

In terms of penis health, the main concern are the angiokeratomas – the penis bumps, although they can appear anywhere on the body, by no means just on the penis. These can be an early indication of Fabry disease. These penis bumps can last for quite a long time, even after treatment for Fabry disease has begun.

Another penis health concern may be erectile dysfunction, as penis blood vessels often may become more constricted, making erections more difficult to attain or maintain.

There are many treatment options for angiokeratomas, including cryotherapy (freezing them off), laser surgery, electrocautery, or simple excision. Because the penis is delicate, when they appear as penis bumps, it is wise to seek expert help in removing them.

Treatment for Fabry disease itself can be lengthy and typically involves enzyme replacement therapy or an oral medication that affects the enzymes creating the Fabry disease situation. There may also be treatments (pain relievers, blood thinners, etc.) to treat some of the other symptoms associated with the disorder.

Penis bumps from Fabry disease can mar otherwise attractive penis skin. Using a top-flight penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) may help keep that skin looking good and healthy. Find a crème that includes vitamin A, which possesses superb anti-aging and anti-blemish properties. Ideally, the crème should also contain vitamin B5, also known as pantothenic acid, a vital nutrient that is required for cell metabolism and the maintenance of healthy tissue.