Sunday, 15 September 2019

Pornography Could Encourage Erectile Dysfunction

Pornography is undeniably popular and commonly used by many, with 46% of American adult men admitting to having consumed pornography within a one-week period from the time of the survey. Despite this, it’s a subject that few want to talk about – and when it is discussed, it is mostly so that it may be condemned. In recent years, pornography has been batted about as a major penis health issue, with many opponents insisting that use of pornography leads to erectile dysfunction. However, scientific evidence suggesting otherwise is fairly common, with a recent Journal of Sexual Medicine article adding to the evidence.


Entitled “Is Pornography Use Related to Erectile Functioning? Results From Cross-Sectional and Latent Growth Curve Analyses,” the study looked at three surveys of sexually active men who also used pornography. The study discusses the fact that there is little clear agreement on what might constitute “problematic pornographic” use, which is accepted as an actual issue, but which means different things to different people. In some cases, problematic pornographic use might refer to an “addictive” quality for a user, where he feels he engages in pornography use more than he actually wants to. In others, it might refer to physical issues, such as lack of sleep corresponding to pornography use, while in still others there may be relationship problems that might be said to arise from problematic pornographic use. In most cases, problematic pornographic use is self-reported by a person rather than diagnosed first by a doctor.


The aim of this study was to look at instances of problematic pornographic use in men, as well as instances of erectile dysfunction, and to see if there was evidence of a connection. In all three different population samples used, there was no significant causal relationship between pornography itself and erectile dysfunction – and only some correlation between problematic pornographic use and erectile dysfunction. As a matter of fact, overall, the men involved in the survey revealed a very high level of sexual function.

Basically, the study suggests that simple use of pornography does not lead to erectile dysfunction; however, for those who report problematic pornographic use, there may be an increased likelihood of erectile dysfunction. Again, however, whether this is due to the actual physical use of pornography is questionable; for example, it may be guilt over using pornography problematically that fuels an erectile issue in some men.

There are limitations with the study, of course, as there are with any study. One of the most important limitations is that the information used as data is largely self-reported. In other words, the amount of time a man spent on pornography, his assessment of whether it was problematic, and assessments of erectile dysfunction were all voluntarily given by participants. In such cases, there may be a tendency on the part of some participants to exaggerate or misrepresent. Perhaps a person feels embarrassed by the amount of pornography he consumes and so understates it, or feels uncomfortable admitting he has any erectile dysfunction issues.

Bottom line: Although there is little evidence for pornography by itself causing erectile dysfunction, any man who feels that there may in his case be some sort of link between pornography and erectile dysfunction should seek assistance in maintaining this vital penis health function.

Men who use a lot of pornography, whether they have erectile dysfunction or not, are very likely engaging in masturbation, of course. They should utilize a first-class penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) to soothe penis skin that may be rubbed raw by all that rough handling. A crème with L-carnitine, an amino acid that has neuroprotective properties, can help maintain penis sensitivity that may be diminished by frequent enthusiastic masturbation. Also, a sore penis will appreciate a crème with potent moisturizers like shea butter and vitamin E.

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