Thursday, 19 September 2019

Dry Penis Woes? Here’s What You’re Doing Wrong and How to Fix It

It’s like a desert in your pants. It’s dry, itchy, and unpleasant. It’s getting flaky and peely and is not exactly inviting for lovers aside from the discomfort. So, how does a man fix it? It could be as easy as adjusting a few things he’s doing that he doesn’t know is causing his dry penile skin. Here are a few penis don’ts to turn a dry penis into a silken penis.

Dry Penis Don’t #1: Your shower is too hot, and it’s going too long.

Ah…the steamy goodness that is a hot shower. It’s misty, it loosens the muscles, and it dries out your penis. Wait; what? Yes, it’s true, hot water is a no-go on delicate penile skin. The warmer the water, the more the natural barrier on penile skin is worn down, stripping the skin of essential oils that protect it. The longer the shower goes on, the more damage to the skin. This leads to inflammation and irritation, both of which cause dry penile skin.

The ideal water temperature for a shower is 84 degrees. Understanding that most men don’t bring a thermometer in the shower, it is like the temperature of a heated pool. Also, keep showers under ten minutes. It’s good for your penis and the environment.

Dry Penis Don’t #2: You’re washing up too much and not with the right soap

What’s the number one cause of dry skin – over washing. With all the talk about smegma and stinky peen, some men are getting a little overzealous with the washing. The skin has a beautiful barrier system to keep it safe, consisting of oil, water, and natural moisturizing factors. When a man washes his skin too often, he strips these natural emollients away, which in turn, leads to skin irritation and dryness. If he doesn’t use a gentle or mild cleanser, the chances of dry penis grow. Now, no one is saying to go days without a shower. Wash as needed and with a gentle cleanser like an organic baby wash to keep dry penile skin at bay.

Dry Penis Don’t #3: You’re exfoliating that which should not be exfoliated

The penile skin is very, very delicate. It’s similar to the skin around the eyes. Do not exfoliate the penis. Under any circumstances. Seriously. Just don’t do it.

Exfoliating this extra sensitive place can cause small tears in the skin which can invite bacteria in. Also, as mentioned above, it strips away the barrier on the skin, but even faster since it’s harsher and often has a gritty exfoliation agent or even worse, acid!

Can’t stress this enough, don’t exfoliate your penis.

Dry Penis Don’t #4: Your H2O is really low

Skimping on those eight glasses of the wet stuff a day can be wreaking havoc with your skin. Without proper hydration, fluids can’t move efficiently through the capillaries, leading to dry penile skin, among other things. If it’s cold outside, it’s even worse because of the one-two-punch of internal and external dryness.

Get your water in early in the day, so you keep your bodily processes functioning at optimal levels and keep your penis supple. For extra hydration, incorporate healthy fats into your diet to help lock moisture into the skin.

Dry Penis Don’t #5: You’re the wrong moisturizer at the wrong time

There’s a lot of chatter about how many different moisturizers a man needs, but for now, let’s focus on the penis. Does it need its very own lotion? Yes, it does.

You need a lotion that is made expressly for delicate, penile skin and one that provides the necessary nutrients to encourage rejuvenation and soft, elastic skin. Use a quality penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) every day. It has all the vitamins and minerals essential to penis health that keeps dry penile skin away. Apply this crème after a shower, while the skin is still moist, but not dripping wet. The dampness will help crème’s vitamin E lock moisture in the penis and give you the silky, stiff penis you’ve always wanted.

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