Monday, 9 September 2019

Masturbation Might Benefit Your Career

Clearly, masturbation is a popular activity among both men and women (although more popular among men in general). Many articles have been written about the benefits to be had from regular and/or frequent masturbation, including the effects that masturbation rates may have on penis health outcomes. But because of the stigma still associated with masturbation, few would have thought that it might have a positive benefit for their careers. Indeed, if anything, more people probably would have associated frequent masturbation with being less involved in and therefore less successful in their career. Yet a recent survey indicates that more frequent masturbation may actually benefit a person’s career.

About this study

First, it should be noted that there are some drawbacks to this study. For example, it was conducted by a skin care company rather than by an independent scientific body, and so it may not have been as rigorous in its design. (Their interest may have come about from a survey that found that masturbation was designated as the second most important method of self-care, just after listening to music.)

Second, the sample size – 1,012 individuals – while not bad, is also small when compared with the billions of people who masturbate. It also is unclear how the number breaks down along such lines as gender distribution, sexual orientation, age, background, etc. And third, the 1,012 people are all individuals who have masturbated before, so that people who say they have never masturbated (and may therefore skew answers) are not considered.

Career aspects

That said, the survey does present some interesting findings. For example, it found that 96% of people who admitted they had ever masturbated self-stimulated at least monthly. Also, backing up similar findings in other studies, on average men masturbated more than women – 13 times a month, as opposed to 6 times. And of those who were frequent masturbators, almost 81% typically orgasmed when they had sex compared to only 70% of those who masturbate infrequently.

But what about the career benefit? Again, understanding that there may be flaws in the study design, this survey found that 85% of frequent masturbators were employed versus 75% of infrequent masturbators. On average, frequent masturbators received a salary more than $3,000 greater than that of infrequent masturbators. (But could that reflect the fact that men tend to be both paid more than women and masturbate more than women?)

Need more? Almost 36% of those in the frequent masturbators class were managers, versus 25% in the infrequent group. And frequent masturbators appear to be less shy than the infrequent ones – almost 23% of frequent masturbators had asked for a raise in the past year, as compared to almost 15% of the infrequent group.

So collectively, the data would indicate that masturbators are more confident in themselves, leading to them asking to be paid more of what they are worth and getting picked for managerial positions at a higher rate than are infrequent masturbators.

None of this information should be taken to mean that guys should significantly increase their masturbation habits to help break through in their career. As has been pointed out, the study is flawed. But it does provide more backup for those who would like more masturbation in their lives but feel self-conscious about it.

Masturbation can be a tremendous amount of fun, whether it impacts one’s career or not. But frequent masturbators should also be applying a top-drawer penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) on a regular basis. The best crèmes will include L-arginine, an amino acid that helps produce nitric oxide and that in turn helps penile blood vessels to expand when the man is aroused. The best crèmes also includes another amino acid, L-carnitine, which has neuroprotective properties that help it to maintain penis sensation in the face of rough handling.

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