Sunday, 27 January 2019

Smart Hydration Saves Dry Penis Skin

When the pants come off, a guy wants to present the most handsome penis possible to his adoring public or potential partner – or whoever happens to be around. Even in non-sexual situations, like the locker room, a guy doesn’t want another dude to glance at his equipment and think, “Gross, what is wrong with his junk?” But when a man is cursed with dry penis skin, that’s the reaction many may have- especially if that dryness results in flaky or otherwise unhealthy-looking skin. Maintaining good penis health helps avoid dry penis skin, and so does taking steps to achieve proper levels of hydration.

Why hydration is important

The body has a great need for water – and not just for the skin. A person’s skin is made up of about 64% water, which is significant. But other parts of the body also require even more water, like the heat (73% water), the kidneys (79%) and the lungs (93%). Without a good amount of water, the body cannot function properly.

As everyone knows, water in the body has to be replenished. We lose water through various means, such as sweating and urinating. (Even ejaculating, as semen contains water, too.) Maintaining a proper level of hydration can be tricky, especially during the hot summer months when people tend to sweat much more.

When the skin lacks water, it gets much tighter and has less flexibility. It becomes dry and often flakes. This can happen to skin anywhere on the body, including the penis. Some doctors think that dry penis skin can cause erections to be somewhat painful, due to the tightness of the dry penis skin theoretically constraining the penis as it grows and hardens.

How to stay hydrated

For most people, the most important way to stay hydrated is simply to drink enough fluids every day. Water is generally the best choice, although people who are very active and sweat a lot may want to use sports drinks that are formulated to help replace some of the nutrients lost from sweat. Drinks with alcohol or caffeine are not recommended, as they actually can cause some dehydration.

How much water to drink varies from person to person. The general guide is 6-8 glasses a day, but some people may need more (or less), depending on how active they are, how much they sweat, etc. People can also get extra hydration help from eating foods naturally rich in water, such as watermelon, grapes, oranges, celery, etc.

Showering also helps to replenish moisture for dry skin (including dry penis skin). However, it’s important that shower water is not too hot and that one doesn’t shower for too long a time. Hot water can actually dry out the skin by depleting it of essential oils which help retain moisture. And staying too long in the shower can likewise cause oils to drift away. Using soap is good, but if it is too harsh, it can dry out the skin – so go for a mild alternative.

Finally, one way to fight dry penis skin and maintain proper hydration to the penis is to daily apply a first class penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). To be most effective, it is essential that a man selects a quality crème that contains a combination of moisturizers, such as a high end emollient (shea butter is an excellent choice) and a natural hydrator (go for vitamin E if possible). These can combine to create a “moisture shield” that helps the penis skin maintain more of its water. The best cremes will also include alpha lipoic acid, a potent antioxidant that aids moisturization by fighting excess free radicals and the oxidative stress they can cause.

Wednesday, 23 January 2019

Women’s Preferred Penis Size: It’s Complicated

Nothing with women is cut-and-dried, right? And that’s a good thing, especially when it comes to women’s preferred penis size. While there is a reported preference for the size of one’s sausage, it doesn’t necessarily relate to a man’s sexual prowess or a woman’s satisfaction. Read on to learn about a plethora of penis size statistics and what the ideal penis is, but also about what makes a man a good lover (Spoiler Alert: It’s not all about penis size).

Global Penis Size

Could penis sizes differ globally? The averages by country indicate it’s sometimes by a lot! The Congo sports skyscraper schlongs at a whopping 7.1 inches. Germany follows with 5.7 inches in the lederhosen. American rounds out at a nice solid five. After that, numbers trend down as the Philippines puts up 4.3 inches and North and South Korea average 3.8 inches. So, it ventures to guess that a women’s preferred penis size can differ by region.

Women’s Preferred Penis Size: The Ideal Penis

In 2015, the University of California and the University of New Mexico put out a report on women’s preferred penis size in the US, focusing on the “ideal penis.” The results of such are quite interesting. Women remarked on two different factors for the ideal penis: the one they lived with everyday and the perfect penis for one-night stands. For everyday use, women’s preferred penis size was 6.3 inches in height with 4.8 inches around. For one-night hook-ups, they preferred something a little bigger. A 6.4-inch penis is the penis of choice for hi-and-goodbye encounters.

Women’s Preferred Penis Size: It’s All in How It’s Perceived

Researchers at UCLA and Cal State LA published a report about women’s satisfaction rate with their partner’s penis. Believe it or not, a staggering 84 percent were perfectly happy and satisfied with their man’s meat. Just 14 percent of women wouldn’t mind something a bit bigger to fool around with while two percent would prefer to handle smaller goods.

This study expanded it’s reach and instead of looking at rulers, it called a woman’s perspective into question. While two-thirds of women agreed with their partners about their penises being “average,” women were more likely to call their man’s penis large than they were to call it small. Remember, most women aren’t around a variety of penises all day – the perspective can be quite different from a man’s. This makes the ideal penis totally subjective and literally in the eyes of the beholder.

It’s More Than Just Size…It’s the Total Package

Size is not destiny. Women widely bemoan the big dick, actually. More than men know. Many women who come into contact with a really big D have common complaints, most specifically selfishness and not really knowing how to use it. The large penis, sometimes, is so worshipped by society, men who have one have been known to be less attentive lovers. Again, this isn’t all men with larger appendages, but there’s a lot of anecdotal chatter from the ladies on this.

Can a penis be too big? Yes, yes it can. That’s why women’s preferred size isn’t something like ten inches! Too much is sometimes too much. A really big penis can be quite painful for some women during intercourse and be complicated to please orally.

What can a man do if he isn’t packing 6.3 inches (or even if he is)? Be a great lover! Be attentive and in the moment. Give and receive pleasure generously. A man can also perfect his foreplay and oral skills to really impress a woman. Creativity and connection often mean more to women than how many ticks a man meets on a ruler.

Another way to be attractive to woman is to have a well-groomed penis. Clean, fresh, and soft (until it’s hard at least), a well-cared for penis is way more fun to handle and kiss. Thoroughly clean and rinse the member daily and use a specially formulated penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) to sport the most smooth, supple penis a woman has ever handled. Choose a crème that not only has natural ingredients like Shea butter, but also contains vitamins and nutrients which keep odors away and strengthen the member while boosting blood flow. That’s the ideal penis for women.

Tuesday, 22 January 2019

Five Common Questions about Penis Health Creme Answered

So, what’s the deal with the crème craze? Today we have cremes for every part of the body but are they really necessary? If they are necessary, why and what kind of crème should be used when there are so many options? How about a crème for the penis? Well, while the penis can indeed lubricate itself, things like sex, exercise, body washes and detergents, and environmental factors can wreak havoc on delicate penile skin stripping it of its natural moisture and even cause rashes and irritation. Penis health cremes can help restore balance to the skin as well as offering additional benefits. Based on internet research, here is a list of five questions men commonly have about penis health creme and their answers.

#1: Is There Really a Difference between Normal Lotion and Penis Health Cremes?

Surprisingly, there is! Just like a person shouldn’t use the same lotion on their legs as they do their eyes, penises are no different! The penis is sheathed in thin, delicate skin which gives it its sensitivity. When it’s coated in too-thick lotions, overly aggressive lotions with acids (even fruit acids), or too much perfume or other additives and irritants, the skin can breakout, swell, or get a rash. Some lotions also have ingredients that end up drying out the penile skin.

Penis health cremes use specific formulas to treat penis-specific concerns and take the delicate penile skin into account.

#2: What are the Benefits of Using Penis Health Creme?

Penis Health Crèmes have helped men fend off infection, regain suppleness, and lock-in moisture which prevents itching and dry, peeling skin. Penis crèmes, if they contain ingredients like vitamin C and L-Arginine, have also been shown to boost blood flow resulting in stronger erections. If a penis health crème contains vitamin A, it has been shown to not only keep skin bacteria-free but also blemish-free as well.

#3: Do Penis Health Crèmes Protect Against Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI’s)?

There are only two things that protect against STI’s, abstinence and using condoms during sex. They also do not protect against pregnancy.

With regular use, they can protect against things like balanitis, acne, nerve damage, chafing, dry skin, peeling skin and more. It completely depends on the penis crème and its formulation.

#4: Can a Penis Health Crème Help Restore Penile Sensitivity?

As men age, they often find that they aren’t as sensitive as they once were. This also tends to happen to men who have been a little overaggressive with frequency of masturbation or sex, have rough sex, or apply a lot of compression, known as “death grip,” to their penis.

A penis health crème can help with this issue if it contains an amino acid called L-Carnitine. This nutrient helps protect against penis problems like friction, compression, and peripheral nerve damage which can rob a penis of its sensitivity.

#5: Which Penis Health Crème Should Men Use?

Economical and effective, this penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) has been a winner for tons of men. It includes all the nutrients needed for soothing, healing, and rejuvenating the member. It includes all the essential nutrients listed above in addition to vitamins B5 and D3 for healthy cellular function and maintaining health penile tissue which is essential to strong, sustained erections. It also contains Alpha Lipoic Acid to prevent premature aging and thinning of the penile skin. Finally, an all-natural base of Shea butter with a kick of vitamin E provides a healthy, irritant-free experience which locks in moisture, keeping the member soft and supple.

Monday, 21 January 2019

Sore Penis After Sex? Here’s Why and How to Fix It

There can be such a thing as too much of a good thing. This can sometimes be the case when it comes to sex. A healthy and passionate sex life doesn’t have to cause pain (and it probably shouldn’t) but there are a few reasons why a man may find he has a sore penis after sex. Let’s talk about how a man could find himself in a sore member predicament and how to treat it.

How a Man Gets a Sore Penis After Sex

There are several ways a may can find himself with a sore penis after sex. Here are a few common causes:

1) Too much sex during a short period of time. Space it out next time!

2) Use of lubricants that contained irritating ingredients. Pro tip: Flavored lubes and warming lubes are notorious for causing irritation and pain.

3) Not using a lubricant. Going too long in the zone and it got dry? Intimate with a partner who doesn’t get very wet? Use a good, water-based lubricant in the future to enhance the experience and avoid chafing.

4) Use of sensual aids. Some aids, like cock rings and pumps, can actually cause minor (and sometimes major) trauma to the penis. This is a situation where a man should closely monitor the situation and see a doctor if concerned or pain persists. In the future, either avoid the aids or look for ways to incorporate them without injury.

How to Fix a Sore Penis After Sex

Hey there mister, fun has been had but now it’s time to get your little soldier out of the infirmary. Here’s a few tips on how to fix a sore penis after sex:

1) Put Away the Toy – It’s so sore it probably doesn’t need saying, but it time to give the member a little vacation. Yep, that means all kinds of sexual attention from top to bottom. Benching the big guy serves two purposes: it gives him some time to recuperate and the time alone will also let him regain some sensitivity.

2) Cool Down – With a sore penis after sex, it’s good to return the body temperature back to normal. DIY a cold compress using a soft washcloth. Simple soak it in cool water, wring it out, and lay over the naked penis. Repeat as needed. Do not use ice packs as they are too cold and often, ouch, stick to penile skin.

3) Get Some Quality Time with Mr. Bubble (figuratively) – After returning the penis to its regular temp, consider a bath. A warm bath is a nice way to relax the muscle, release built-up tension, and calm the penis. This allows the blood vessels in the penis to just breathe and calm. Don’t make the water too hot – that can actually irritate the penis and make things worse. Also, Mr. Bubble isn’t a good idea, plain warm water is best. Play some relaxing music and light a candle to set a calming mood. Stay in the bath no less than 20 minutes.

4) Hang Loose – This is the time to embrace one’s inner nudist and let it dangle. Air and no compression can really benefit a sore member because it puts no weight or pressure on the penis. Be sure to be careful when sitting down and men who live with a partner should give them a head’s up that they aren’t doing their “Naked Man” pose as a sexual overture. At least not today.

5) Give a Little Healing Touch with a Penis Creme – Carefully and gently massage the penis with a specially formulated penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) to encourage healing and calming. Nutrient-rich crèmes created specifically for the penis should include an all-natural moisturizer, like Shea butter, as their base to provide an irritate-free, moisturizing experience. It’s also a good idea to use a crème with ingredients L-Carnitine to protect against nerve damage from excess friction involved in too much sex and helps to preserve sensitivity. Crèmes like this are clutch when treating a sore penis after sex.

Sunday, 20 January 2019

Five Dangerous Causes of Blisters on the Penis and How to Treat Them

Pus-filled, angry, red, and wince-inducing whenever they’re touched, blisters on the penis are a pain unlike many things. Often piercing and long-lasting, the discomfort can be intense. However, some penis blisters don’t hurt at all and lay in wait to become something a bit more insidious. While there are plenty of perfectly innocent reasons for blisters on the penis, like friction and folliculitis, there are also some more serious causes that need immediate special attention. Any man who believes he may have blisters on the penis from one of the below causes should see a medical practitioner ASAP.

The Dark Side of Blisters on the Penis: Serious Causes

Not to be a Negative Nellie, but penis blisters can be the result of some pretty serious stuff. These are a few of the most serious causes of blisters on the penis:

1) Herpes. The herpes simplex virus (HSV) is one of the most common causes of penis blisters, and blisters in the pelvic region overall. These blisters can be found anywhere in the nether region including the groin, pubic area, buttocks, and upper thighs. They can also occur in the mouth as well.

Herpes is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) and is spread through sexual contact with an infected person. Herpes can cause watery blisters which eventually burst then crust over, resulting in itching and redness. There is no cure for Herpes. Immediate care includes antiviral medications, washing the area with warm water and a gentle cleanser, and wearing loose clothes. Be sure to ask the diagnosing doctor for information on living with Herpes to preserve overall health and reduce the risk of transmitting it to current or future intimate partners.

2) Chancroid. Even the name sounds like a Star Wars villain. Another STI, chancroid appears as tiny, squishy, grayish blisters on the penis, scrotum, or other areas in the reproductive region. These blisters can pop or ooze, cause itchiness and swelling, and are painful to the touch. Treatment includes antibiotics and surgery to drain abscesses of pus.

3) Syphilis. Caused by bacteria, syphilis is another common sexually transmitted infection. According to the CDC, over 100 thousand people were diagnosed with syphilis in 2017. Symptoms include fever, skin rash, swollen lymph glands, and hair loss. The good news? It can be treated if caught in early stages. The bad news? If left to progress or it goes untreated, it can lead to loss of eyesight, loss of cognition, and even loss of life.

4) Warts. Rounding out the STI group, warts can appear blisteresque and often look “cauliflowery.” It is one of the most common STI’s out there, especially among young people. Men will need to use a cream to get rid of them. Larger clusters, however, may need to be frozen off by a skilled doctor.

5) Penile Cancer. It’s the big C. Penile cancer may start as a blister on the foreskin, head, or shaft of the penis. It may then morph into a wart-like growth that discharges blood or a particularly foul-smelling ooze. Treatment includes surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy.

Keep Blister off the Penis with These Tips

First, a note about sex. Notice that the first four of five serious cause of blisters on the penis were STIs? Before engaging in intimate contact with new partners, have a frank discussion about sex, including your sexual health. Be sure to use condoms and dental dams wherever necessary.

Second, have a solid hygiene ritual and during that ritual take a moment to inspect the goods. Wash daily with a mild cleanser and warm water. Pat dry and then moisturize the area with a specially formulated penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin). Crèmes such as these not only soothe the skin but also keep the area clean and bacteria free. Crèmes like this also keep the delicate penile skin in optimal condition making inspection easy so a man does mistake acne for a blister!

Friday, 18 January 2019

Low Sex Drive in Men: Why it Happens and What to Do

Unfortunately, low sex drive in men is seen as an inevitable side effect of aging, but guys who are headed into their golden years are not always doomed to a loss of interest in a little under-the-sheets play. In fact, the average man may enjoy a hearty appetite for intimacy far into his older years. Conversely, a weak libido can affect younger men. Understanding the underlying causes is the key to overcoming this problem or avoiding it altogether. In the following sections, we will discuss the facts about decreased sex drive and what to do about it.

Does ED = Decreased Sex Drive? 

While it stands to reason that they are connected, low libido and a weak sex drive should not be put into the same category as erectile dysfunction, as they are completely different medical issues. In fact, men who have ED may have a very powerful interest in sex – they are just not up to the task, so to speak. However, these conditions can co-exist, particularly in men who have cardiovascular disease or a systemic illness such as diabetes. Because of this, a doctor should always be the first stop in determining why you’re not feeling the urge as often.

What about Low T? 
Hormones such as testosterone do, indeed, play an important role in the ability to feel aroused. Men who have lower-than normal levels of testosterone are much less likely to feel turned on or to engage in any sexual activity, even masturbation. Low T, as it is often called, can be caused by stress, certain medications (such as antidepressants and some blood pressure medications and chemotherapy drugs), and other medical factors. Treating these issues and/or switching medications can help put the pep back in your step.

Other hormonal factors

Interestingly enough, not only testosterone, but also other hormones play a big role in the sexual arena. Low levels of thyroid hormone or very high levels of prolactin can impact testosterone levels, leading to low T issues. Again, treating these medical concerns is the first step in overcoming low sex drive.

Mental factors

While men are often blamed for thinking with their penis, rather than their brain, the brain actually plays a very important role in arousal. As such, men who are suffering from mood disorders such as depression and anxiety – conditions that occur in part due to altered brain chemistry, may not feel much like cuddling up with a partner. Likewise, a man who is experiencing relationship stress may not feel turned on by his partner. Therapy, either individual or for couples, can help address these concerns and allow a man to feel more like himself.

Penile Care

Believe it or not, the confidence and sense of well-being that come from adequate self-care can go a long way toward making anyone – male or female – feel sexier and more attractive. For the average man, this can be accomplished through regular and thorough attention to penile hygiene. Make sure to clean the area properly to keep it in tip top shape, then dry and moisturize your skin with a product made specifically for men, like a penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin). This particular health crème is a super weapon, containing vitamins and nutrients essential to the wellbeing of private area skin, like vitamin C, for collagen production, and Shea butter, which hydrates the skin leaving the area soft and smooth. Keep the penis skin clean, dry, and hydrated for optimal health.

Masturbation: Your Number-One Stress Management Technique

Given half a chance, it’s likely that many men reading this article could easily list half a dozen or more things in their life that tend to cause them stress – money issues, relationship problems, sexual worries, in-law conflicts, workplace drama, sibling rivalries, political anxieties, etc. And those are just some of the big general topics, any one of which could have many much more specific sub-topics. Stress is far too big a part of many men’s lives, and it can have a negative impact on their general health, as well as on their penis health, too. Thus it really pays to take steps to limit stress as much as possible. There are numerous ways in which a person can try to mitigate stress; one of the more enjoyable ways is through masturbation.

Why masturbation

Many a man has noticed that his whole body feels more relaxed and that his mood is enhanced after engaging in a pleasurable masturbation session. Why does masturbation help a guy to de-stress? Basically because sex in all its forms, including masturbation, tends to release dopamine (a chemical which relaxes the body and produces a sense of pleasure) as well as oxytocin, which helps a person better deal with anxiety.

But there are other ways that masturbation can help de-stress a person. When a guy masturbates just before bed, he is much more relaxed and more likely to fall asleep more quickly – and that can be especially helpful if a man tends to lie awake tossing and turning at night thinking about work issues or other problems.

In addition, masturbation often helps lower blood pressure, at ;least temporarily, and blood pressure tens to shoot up during high stress times.


Masturbation alone is not likely to help a man totally manage his stress – and there certainly are times when a man simply does not have the luxury of masturbating. But for those interested in incorporating masturbation into a stress management approach, the following may prove helpful.

Determine if it needs to be scheduled. For some men, the beauty of masturbation is that it can be “slotted in” to his schedule at the spur of the moment. If he becomes aware of high tension, he can sneak away to the men’s room for a quickie and find instant relief. But some men benefit from scheduling it, especially if they are going through a period of consistently high stress. In such cases, they may make it part of their daily wind-down routine or save it for bedtime. They may also schedule it in for, say, the middle of the afternoon, using the promise of a masturbation break as enticement for them to soldier on with their work until break time is here.

Leave the guilt behind. Although there is much greater acceptance of masturbation today, many men still feel some degree of guilt when they masturbate. This can diminish the degree of stress relief they feel from masturbation. Such men may find benefit in reminding themselves that almost every man masturbates and that it is a perfectly normal activity. Some may find it helpful to repeat a few affirmations – “I am a man, and masturbation is one way I celebrate my manhood” or “I deserve to masturbate; I am using masturbation not just as a source of pleasure (of which I am deserving) but as a way to maintain my health” – before starting to masturbate.

Enjoy it. The more that a man is able to feel uninhibited while masturbating, the more likely he is to de-stress. If in a private place, he should to moan, shout, curse, wriggle and writhe to his heart’s content.

Masturbation can help to relieve stress, but too aggressive a style can result in rawness – and the need for a first rate penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Select a crème with both a high end emollient (like shea butter) and a natural hydrator (like vitamin E) to soothe overworked penis skin. And one with L-carnitine can help protect penis sensation so it is not diminished by aggressive fondling.

Thursday, 17 January 2019

Penis Odor: The Underwear Connection

The lights are low, the music is seductive, and all the moves thus far have been perfectly timed. The man is thinking that things couldn’t have gone more perfectly as he removes his pants, giving his partner the big reveal at last. Unfortunately, the unveiling of his glorious penis is ruined by the sudden arrival of a distinctly unpleasant aroma – and it’s wafting directly from that newly revealed manhood. Yes, deadly penis odor has struck again, filling a potential partner’s head with dire imaginings concerning penis health and causing them to suddenly remember an early morning appointment and rush off. Fighting persistent penis odor is crucial, which means understanding its causes – one of which is very definitely related to one’s underwear.

Not just underwear

Clearly, penis odor has a number of causes. For one thing, odors form in areas that are damp, warm and dark, and that describes the penis to a “t.” Thick thatches of pubic hair make the midsection warm naturally, and keeping the penis buried beneath both pants and underwear only adds to the heat quotient – which in turn makes the penis and friends sweat, releasing bacteria which makes unwanted penis odor.

But while underwear is not the only culprit, it still plays into the mix – so guys need to take underwear-conscious steps to help decrease the level of penis odor.


So what can a guy do in terms of underwear and penis odor?

- Don’t wear day-olds – or worse. Look, every guy has been there: they wake up, find that somehow there’s no clean underwear even though they know they did laundry just a couple of days ago. After a quick sniff test, they choose what they hope is the least aromatic pair and make a resolve to do a load of laundry that night. In an emergency, a guy does what he has to do – but if possible sex is on the line, that just won’t do. Make a habit of doing laundry BEFORE getting down to the last pair of briefs. And if he has no clean underwear options, a guy should resist the temptation to borrow a pair from his roommate or best friend – unless they are a brand new pair that has never been worn before.

- Change it when needed. On a normal day, most guys can wear the same pair of boxers or briefs all day. But if he sweats a lot – either naturally or because he was out shooting hoops or working out at the gym – a change of underwear is needed (not to mention a shower, hint-hint). And to be on the safe side, if he’s going out on a date or working the bars, he should change beforehand, even if it’s just been a “normal sweat” day.

- Make the right choice. Choosing the right underwear can help diminish penis odor. For example, wearing loose-fitting boxers rather than tight briefs can cut down on heat and sweat. And natural fibers like cotton rather than synthetics can also allow the penis to “breathe” better.

- Go naked. Ideally, a man should “air out” his penis for a couple of hours every day. Some housing arrangements make this difficult, but many men sleep naked as a way of airing the equipment out.

Making wise underwear choices can help diminish persistent unwanted penis odor; it also helps if a guy is regularly applying a top notch penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) as part of his penis care regimen. The best crème will contain vitamin A, which has anti-bacterial properties which can help fight that darn penis odor. Ideally, the crème should also contain L-arginine, an amino acid which helps produce nitric oxide and thereby enables penile blood vessels to more properly expand when necessary.

Penis Bumps May Be from Manscaping

Manscaping – shaving the hair on and around the penis and balls has become much more common in recent years. Some men like to manscape for purely aesthetic reasons, as they (or their partners) believe it makes their penis look even better. Some men get into manscaping for more practical reasons. For example, a partner may be object to giving oral sex because the hairs get in their mouth, or all of the hair may make the crotch too hot, causing excess sweating and adding to penis odor. In general, manscaping has no penis health issues, provided one practices enough care with the razor. But in some cases, it may lead to penis bumps – in a roundabout way.

Why penis bumps?

Why should shaving the thatch of hair on and around the penis and balls bring about penis bumps? There are a couple of reasons.

One, sometimes the skin is irritated by the shaving process or is allergic to one or more of the shaving products used. In most cases or skin irritation, keeping the skin moisturized will help the irritation to go away within a few days – sometimes a few hours. The same is true of minor allergic reactions to shaving products. If the reaction persists for several days, it’s a good idea to see a doctor. Many people experience these reactions from their first go at manscaping but don’t for subsequent shaves; others may find that these penis bumps come about each time they shave.

Two, often the bumps that result around the midsection from manscaping are due to ingrown hairs. Ingrown hairs can happen at any place on the body, not just in the crotch. And while they can occur naturally, more frequently they are the result of shaving.


After a hair has been shaved, it starts to grow again, usually poking onto the skin and growing upwards. But sometimes the hair will start curling back before it breaks through the surface and continue growing underneath the skin. (This is more common with pubic hair, which tends to be coarse and curly to begin with.)

As it grows beneath the skin, the body interprets it as a foreign object that isn’t supposed to be there. Swelling, redness, itching and sometimes pain result – and the combination of the hair growing underneath the surface and the body’s response to it creates the penis bumps.


Most of the time ingrown hairs resolve on their own, but if they are persistent, a guy may need to do something about them. Dermatologists recommend that the first step is to stop manscaping – at least in the area where the bumps are occurring. Continuing to shave over ingrown hairs will simply irritate the area.

A guy can also apply a warm compress to the area, which can soothe it and also help pores to open up so an escape route may become available for the hair. When the hair starts to peep out, use tweezers to grasp it and try to pull more of the ingrown portion out into the open. Keep the area well moisturized.

If the ingrown hair has become infected, a doctor may prescribe a steroid cream or an antibiotic.

Penis bumps from manscaping are an annoyance and can sometimes cause itching and soreness. Regular use of a superior penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can help make a difference. Selecting a crème with a combination of moisturizing agents, such as vitamin E and shea butter, can help keep the skin properly hydrated, which also diminishes itchiness and soreness in the area. The crème should also include vitamin A, the properties of which can help to gently clear away dead skin cells, better enabling ingrown hairs to break through the surface.

Wednesday, 16 January 2019

Penis Rash Caused by Tinea Versicolor

A skin rash can may an otherwise healthy looking body, and when it is localized as a penis rash, it can give pause to would-be admirers of said penis – enough to often make them decide not to pursue further engagement with the owner of said penis. While a penis rash may indeed sometimes indicate a specific penis health issue, often it is more of a dermatological concern. Such is the case if tinea versicolor is the cause of the penis rash.

What is tinea versicolor?

Also saddled with the name pityriasis versicolor, tinea versicolor is a fungal infection. (Jock itch, another fungal infection, also belongs in the tinea family.) Tina versicolor is caused by a yeast, which is a kind of fungus.

Many people hear about yeast being on the penis and find it a gross thought. In fact, yeast commonly do live on the body; it’s just that they don’t often create a situation, like a rash, so most people are unaware of them.

With tinea versicolor, the yeast impedes proper pigmentation. Where the yeast infection is present, the skin is a different shade or color than the skin surrounding it (creating the rash-like effect). Most often with tinea versicolor, the affected skin is lighter than the skin around it, but not always: there have been many cases where the affected skin was darker. It tends to have a very patchy look, often with large areas of the skin forming one large patch.

Tinea versicolor typically appears on the upper trunk, arms and neck, but it can appear anywhere on the body and has appeared as a penis rash. It would be unusual for it to appear solely as a penis rash; rather, it would most likely spread at least to the area surrounding the penis, and very likely may also have appeared on the torso or other body parts in addition to on the penis.

Over time, the rash can become scaly and scabby looking. It may also grow itchy, sometimes intensely so. The rash also becomes more pronounced if the skin around it develops a tan (not an issue with the penis rash except for those who sunbathe nude.)

Causes and treatment

Tinea versicolor develops when the yeast which are already occurring naturally on the skin decide to overproduce. This can be brought on by a number of causes. For example, hormonal changes can be a trigger, so this often happens among pubertal individuals or those experiencing a later change in hormone levels. Hot humid weather can also bring it about, as can skin that is too oily. And people with a weakened immune system are more prone to this disorder.

There are a number of over-the-counter antifungal medications that a doctor may recommend to treat tinea versicolor. If the case is severe or resistant, a prescription strength medication may be required.

Typically, a patient will be required to take medication periodically even after the rash has gone, in order to help prevent its recurrence.

If the penis rash becomes scaly, it may cause some discomfort during sex, including masturbation.

When a man has a penis rash, even if from sources other than tinea versicolor, his penis skin often becomes overly dry. He can help address this problem by daily application of a top notch penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Look for a creme that contains both a high end emollient (such as shea butter) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E). This can help create a “moisture lock” to help trap moisture in the affected area. In addition, a crème with a potent antioxidant like alpha lipoic acid can help strengthen delicate penis skin by fighting excess free radicals and the damage they can cause.

Penis Facts and Fiction

Just because a person owns an impressive car doesn’t mean he knows everything about the intricate workings of its engine or the truth about how many miles per gallon it really gets. For the same reason, a man may have a penis but that doesn’t mean he’s up to speed on all penis facts – especially when those facts deal with penis health. Yet separating penis facts from fiction is important in truly understanding one’s penis and knowing how to treat it.

See if you can tell which of the following are penis facts vs. fiction.

“Once the penis is in a rigid erect state, it loses flexibility.”

This would seem like an obvious fact to any man who has observed his proudly erect penis – but in fact it is fiction. While the erect penis does become very hard, it still maintains a degree of pliability – such that scientists have found that many times it can become almost boomerang-shaped if a given sex position requires it.

“More men are growers rather than showers.”

That is a fact. According to a survey, 79% of men are growers (that is, their penis is relatively short when flaccid but expands significantly when erect) and 21% are showers (that is, their flaccid penis is relatively long and expands less significantly when erect.)

“The glans developed to help displace competitor’s semen.”

Surprisingly, that’s fact not fiction. The shape of the glans helps to “scoop out” semen which may have been deposited by a previous lover. It was more of an issue during caveman days, but a fact is a fact.

“A guy can only rupture his penis during wild partner sex.”

That’s fiction, actually. It turns out that a penile rupture more often occurs when a man is vigorously masturbating than when having sex with a partner.

“The phrase “use it or lose it’ applies to the penis.”

That’s a fact. The penis needs to be “exercised’ to stay healthy – whether through masturbation or partner-based sex. Basically, the smooth muscle in the penis requires oxygen to stay healthy, and it gets that oxygen when loads of fresh blood rush into the penis during the erection phase. So masturbating or having sex helps the penis stay healthy and in better shape.

“Penis sensitivity tends to decrease with age.”

Sadly, a fact. As a man ages, the sensory threshold of his penis – that is, the point at which he is able to sense the slightest degree of sensation – lessens. This can have several potential impacts, from making erection more difficult to attain and/or maintain to delaying a man’s ability to ejaculate.

“Semen is not a diet drink.”

A fact. Some years ago, it was batted about that semen was a low-calorie, low-carb beverage. In fact, it is mostly fructose – and considering the small amount of semen typically ejaculated at one time, it is relatively high in calories and in carbs. So claiming that it’s good for a person watching their figure is actually a lousy argument for convincing someone to give a guy oral sex.

“About 12% of men have a micropenis.”

Fiction – less than 1% of men have a penis that actually qualifies as a micropenis. However, one study found that 12% of men were worried their penis was so small that it was a micropenis – indicating again that many men have unrealistic ideas about penis size.

One of the more important penis facts (And this is no fiction) is that men need to take steps to maintain penis health. An excellent way to do this is to daily apply a first class penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). It pays to look for a crème that contains both L-carnitine and L-arginine. The former is neuroprotective and can help protect the penis from diminished sensitivity. And the latter is an amino acid which helps blood vessels expand, so that more oxygen-rich blood can reach the smooth muscle when needed.

Tuesday, 15 January 2019

Everything a Man Ever Wanted to Know About Male Ejaculation

Male ejaculation seems like a pretty simple thing. However, it’s a fairly complex process that only really gets investigated when problems like ED pop up. Every man should know the interworking of what needs to happen and what then occurs when men climax to have a better knowledge of self. Male ejaculation happens as the result of a series of steps involving multiple parts of the body (not just the penis!) working together. Let’s break down what happens from soup to nuts (pun completely intended) when a man gets that special feeling and he wants to get it on.

Male Ejaculation Step One: Arousal

Whether he’s walking down the street, at dinner with a date, or just home alone, the whole process begins at arousal. The man hears, sees, or feels something that gets Barry White to start singing in his brain, and then the brain sends a sexy telegram down the spinal cord to the sex organs which then fill with blood causing an erection. The scrotum then pulls in toward the body as tension in the general area intensifies which is why some men feel their heartbeat in their privates when they get hard.

Fun fact: In the process of getting an erection, blood goes up to 50 times faster than its normal speed to spring a man’s member to life.

All of this action is fueled by testosterone, a hormone responsible for sex drive and is produced in the testicles. While we’re visiting the testicles, let’s remember that’s where millions of sperm are made each day and once they mature they mingle with white, protein-rich fluids which keep them safe and healthy until male ejaculation. This little man sauce is commonly known as semen.

Male Ejaculation Step Two: Plateau

This is the stage in which a man prepares to climax and can last up to two minutes. Muscle tension in the genitals increases even more and spontaneous body movements, predominantly in the pelvis, begin to take over. A man's heart rate also surges to 150 to 175 beats per minute. Pre-cum, a clear fluid, may also make an appearance from the head of the penis. This is not only signals that arousal is high and climax is nearing, but biologically changes the pH balance of the urethra to improve sperm survival.

This stage is commonly identified by phrases like “Don’t stop,” and praise to a higher universal being.

Male Ejaculation Step Three: Climax or Orgasm

There are two parts to orgasm. The first is emission and the second is ejaculation. In emission, a man reaches what can only be known as “ejaculatory inevitability,” and known colloquially as the point of no return. Semen has made its way up the urethra and is ready to meet the world. Male ejaculation happens in a series of intense contractions in both the penile muscles and at the base of the anus. Involuntary thrusting has also been known to happen in this stage. At the end of this, the nerves in the penis send a love note back to the brain telling it to feel pleasure.

Male Ejaculation Step Four: Resolution and Refraction

Now that the confetti has been thrown, the party starts to die down. The penis empties of blood and the erection retreats. Tension fades which causes many men to feel sleepy or at minimum, a little drowsy and looking for a nap.

After resolution, men enter a period of time called the refractory period in which the penis calms and cannot be roused for a second round for a bit. The refractory period can last a few minutes to nearly an entire day depending on age and health.

Fun Fact: Women can experience multiple orgasms and still stay aroused and don’t have a refractory period. That’s something to consider when preparing for amore.

Male Ejaculation: Keeping the Member Ready to Go!

A healthy diet, regular exercise, stress release, and regular erections are all great ways to achieve high-level penis health. Another way is to incorporate a hygiene ritual that includes thorough and regular cleansing of the penis and genital area with a mild cleanser, being sure to feel around for any bumps or bruising. After cleansing the skin, a specially formulated penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) helps to not only keep the skin moisturized but strong as well. Using a crème with special nutrients such as vitamins A, C, D and E and key amino acids like L-Carnitine and L-Arginine keep the penis young, strong, and protected from nerve damage and free radicals while promoting optimum blood flow. Be sure to apply a quality crème daily for best results.

Penis Protection for the Winter Nudist

Many people find the nudist lifestyle very liberating. They often extoll the virtues of experiencing the world around them directly on their skin, without the artificial barrier of clothing between them and Nature. The way the sunshine feels, how they experience a breeze, the difference between various kinds of grasses rubbing against the skin - all are part of the nudist life for many. But during the winter, the nudist may need to take precautions – and men may need to guard their penis health from winter-related issues by practicing proper penis protection strategies.

Summer too

Not that the male nudist doesn’t need to worry about penis protection in the warmer months. When the sun is blazing, penis skin needs to be protected from sunburn just as skin elsewhere on the body. And the penis that brushes against poison ivy or poison oak is not going to be a happy penis.


But in the winter, the major penis health hazard becomes the intensely cold weather. Because of the cold (and ice and snow), many nudists retire to indoor-only nudist activities until warm weather returns. But there are many organized outdoor nudist events during winter. Polar plunges – jumping into ice cold waters – are popular, and hardly any more dangerous than those plunges in which people wear swimsuits. Naked skiing, sledding and snowboarding is increasingly popular. Some hardy souls still enjoy playing volleyball in the buff in winter, and it’s not unusual for a group of nudist friends to get together for an impromptu basketball game. And, of course, simply going for a walk naked (provided it is in enclosed grounds) is an option at any time of the year.

Penis protection

Since some male nudists will continue to enjoy outdoor activities at least some time during winter, what are some penis protection tips they should follow?

- Limit exposure. Just as delicate penis skin shouldn’t be exposed to brutally harsh sunlight for an extended period of time in the summer, so should it not be exposed to sub-freezing temperatures for very long. Moderation is the key – and the colder it is, the less time the penis should be out and about.

- Warm it up. Before venturing outdoors, warm the penis up. This may mean waiting until the last minute to disrobe or wearing snug, warm briefs until just venturing out. Outdoors, it may pay to rub the penis occasionally to keep it warm. This is easy to do when alone or with understanding friends; however, since rubbing the penis often brings about an erection and is often viewed as masturbating, this is not really an option in nudist groups, where genital manipulation is frowned upon.

- Bring cover-up. It may pay to have some form of cover-up along – a robe, a towel, a pair of underwear – just in case the cold becomes unbearable and one has wandered too far away from shelter.

- Watch out for signs of frostbite. The last thing a guy wants is a frostbitten penis, so know the warning signs. If the penis gets prickly and then numb; turns very red or then turns white, pale or bluish; or turns hard and waxy, then frostbite may have occurred. Basically, if prickliness or numbness occurs, or if the penis gets unnaturally reddened, it’s time to get inside before real damage occurs.

The male nudist who practices proper penis protection should also be sure to include in his regimen the daily application of a top drawer penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Winter weather can dry out skin, so a crème that includes a combination of moisturizers, such as shea butter and vitamin E, is an excellent choice. The skin will be further protected if the crème also contains a mighty antioxidant, such as alpha lipoic acid, to protect it from the ravages brought about by unwanted oxidative stress.

Monday, 14 January 2019

Five Causes of Sore Penis Pain and How to Cope

Penile pain can strike any part of the penis, be it the sturdy shaft or the hypersensitive head. Sore penis pain, therefore, is no joking matter and needs to be dealt with fast. Sometimes it can be caused by a major medical issue, but most times it’s a small trauma that leaves the penis reeling. Let’s look at the most common causes of sore penis pain and how to treat them.

Penile Injury

The most common cause of a sore penis pain, an injury can affect the penis the same way it affects any other part of the body. Things like car accidents and contact sports play can be accidental ways to injure the penis. However, things like rough sex, sexual aids which fashion a ring around the penis to keep blood in for a prolonged period of time and inserting foreign items into the urethra are entirely controllable activities that can lead to both minor and serious injury. Be sure to wear appropriate protective gear for sports and maintain a safe sexual play environment for other extracurricular activities.

In minor cases, a little rest, cool compresses, and pain reliever are recommended. By the way, rest means no play, with a partner or solo, until everything is back to good. In the case of major injury, seek medical care.

Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)

Think a man can’t get a UTI? Think again! When bacteria invade the urinary tract, it can lead to a painful infection. Men with a weakened immune system, are uncircumcised, or have an enlarged prostate are at a greater risk of developing UTIs. Some sexual practices like sex with someone who has an infection, as well as anal sex can also lead to a UTI.

See a doctor for diagnosis and medication.


Balanitis is an infection of the foreskin and the head of the penis. While uncircumcised men are at a greater risk for this issue as well, any male that doesn’t properly and diligently wash his penis. The penis will take on an angry red hue and can be quite painful. Most times a trip to the doctor is necessary.

To prevent balanitis, employ a simple hygiene routine like the one listed at the end of the article.

Phimosis and Paraphimosis

Happening mostly to uncircumcised men, it’s when the foreskin is too tight and can’t be pulled away from the head of the penis. This can also affect males who have balanitis or penile scarring resulting from an injury. Medical attention is necessary.

A similar condition, paraphimosis, happens if the foreskin can be pulled back from the penis but then can’t retract to its normal, upright position. This is a real medical emergency because it can stop a man from urinating and result in penile tissue death.

Peyronie’s Disease

They say to turn into a curve, but that’s hard when a man has a penile curve of 20 percent or greater. Peyronie’s Disease develops when an inflammation causes a tinny sheet of scar tissue, called plaque, to form along the upper or lower ridges of the shaft of the penis. This scar tissue resides right next to the same tissue that hardens during an erection resulting in a dramatic bend in the penis which can be quite painful. It affects over 20 percent of men and they are usually over the age of 40 when it’s noticed.

There are several ways to treat Peyronie’s Disease. Penile rejuvenation done via plasma-rich platelet shots have be shown to help, as has surgery. The best course of action is to partner with a urologist experienced in Peyronie’s Disease for treatment.

Prevent Sore Penis Pain

Some of the best ways to prevent penile pain is to practice healthy penis behaviors. Practice safe sex with both condoms and honest conversations to avoid infections and disease. Also, be observant of sexual practices that may lead to injury.

One of the easiest ways to prevent sore penis pain is to adopt a regular hygiene ritual. Simply cleanse the penis daily (more if used) with a mild cleanser and warm water. Be sure to thoroughly cleanse the entire area and pull foreskin back gently to ensure a squeaky-clean penis everywhere.

After cleansing the skin, use a specially formulated penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) to lock in hydration and strengthen the skin. Find crèmes with a wide array of vitamins and nutrients to protect against bacteria and nerve damage, while providing the skin with collagen and blood flow boosting properties.

Sunday, 13 January 2019

How to Get Rid of Penis Odor: 8 Ways that Work

Penises, like all living things, emanate an odor. However, some dicks have a serious case of 1970’s funk. There are several reasons why a perfectly normal penis can quickly morph into a stinky penis in what seems like seconds. Here’s a pro’s list of how to get rid of penis odor.

How to Get Rid of Penis Odor: #1 Observe Pee Etiquette

First, let’s address all men who urinate (that should be pretty much everyone). A shake may not be adequate, guys. After peeing, wipe off the penis, otherwise little droplets of urine make their way to underwear. Then the penis bakes in the heat of the groin and those little droplets of urine become a big-time stink fest.

For gentlemen who sport a non-cut penis, be sure to pull back the foreskin when urinating to prevent from urine getting underneath foreskin causing a not so fragrant odor and irritation.

How to Get Rid of Penis Odor: #2 Trim the Tree

Pubic hair traps all sorts of things like bacteria, oils, urine, and other fluids and emissions. By keeping the hair down there trimmed, there’s less to preserve less-than-stellar odors. It looks nice too.

How to Get Rid of Penis Odor: #3 Have a Sex Talk BEFORE Sex

Sexually Transmitted Infections can definitely lead to a stinky penis, among other much more serious consequences. Have a sex talk with a partner prior to sexual contact. If a partner seems to be symptomatic of a STI and hasn’t disclosed it, stop contact immediately.

How to Get Rid of Penis Odor: #4 Condom and Lube Check!

Be sure to continue the practice of safe sex past the very important convo as recommended in #3. Always use condoms that protect against STI when sexually intimate. Also, be sure to use a water-based lube when lube is called for. Oil-based lube and DIY lube, also known as spit, can introduce bacteria into the penis.

How to Get Rid of Penis Odor: #5 After Sex Protocol

After doing the wild thing, sprint off to the bathroom to give your Jolly Roger a good cleaning. This helps remove bacteria and irritants from the penis, as well as any extra…ummm…emissions which may have been left behind.

How to Get Rid of Penis Odor: #6 Loosen Up…Your Drawers that is

For most men, their penis is ensconced in underwear or even just pants the majority of the hours of each day. That means his sausage and beans spend a lot of time marinating in a warm, sweaty, smelly environment. Be sure to invest in good quality cotton underwear or equally good dry-wicking underwear to get the area dry. Also, the tighty-whities don’t really need to be tight, in fact, they shouldn’t be. Give the penis some room to air out and just hang. This not only prevents a stinky penis but protects against peripheral nerve damage as well.

How to Get Rid of Penis Odor: #7 Check for Infection

Some non-STI related infections can cause a man’s nose to curl up. Things like urinary tract infections and yeast infections emit a foul odor and can be quite painful and dangerous. UTIs happen when bacteria have found its way to the urinary tract and often takes on a fishy smell. Yeast infections happen when there is an overgrowth of naturally occurring yeast in the body and is demarked by a moldy smell. See a doctor for diagnosis and treatment if it’s a first time offense.

How to Get Rid of Penis Odor: #8 Have a Daily Hygiene Regimen

We saved the best for last! Clean that member, mister! Cleanse the penis daily (more if needed) with warm water and a mild cleanser. Be sure to retract the foreskin and give the entire area a gentle, yet thorough washing. When done, rinse well. Pat dry with a soft towel (never rub) or air dry.

Next, apply a specially formulated penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) to the area. Crèmes like this include essential nutrients like vitamin A, which is an antibacterial agent, and vitamin C, which promotes healthy cellular function, collagen building, and freshens the penis. Add to that several other vitamins and amino acids for strengthening skin and boosting blood flow all wrapped up in a silky Shea butter and moisture-preserving vitamin E. No one will ever accuse a man who follows this regimen of having a stinky penis every again!

Friday, 11 January 2019

How to Deal with Stretch Marks on the Penis: Causes and Treatment Measures

Stretch marks are probably something most men think they won’t deal with unless they have a major weight gain or weight loss. Stretch marks on the penis are surely something men don’t expect but they happen, and for really common reasons. They may appear anywhere in the fun zone such as in the groin, on the scrotum, or even on the actual penis. Happily, they’re not serious in a medical sense, though they can affect a man’s self esteem and confidence. The good news is there are ways to reduce the appearance of stretch marks on the penis and even prevent them from happening in the first place.

Stretch Marks on the Penis: Where They Come From

Stretch marks in general develop from the skin stretching as the name implies. The skin expands in common situations like pregnancy (which is most associated with stretch marks), weight gain or loss, and muscle building. They can occur anytime in life from childhood to old age. In fact, most people have stretch marks somewhere at some given time. They’re just a natural part of life!

Unless a man is pumping iron with his penis, he may be curious as to how his penis could get stretch marks. Think about it. When a man gets an erection, the skin stretches to allow the growth to occur. That expansion can lead to little tears in the dermis. As time goes by and more erections come and go, those little tears add up and turn into long, silvery reminders of erections past.

Another way men can get stretch marks is if their body overproduces cortisol, the stress-hormone. Use of corticosteroid medications, like Prednisone and steroids, can also lead to the appearance of stretch marks. Be sure to talk to a physician if this cause is suspected to help bring balance to the hormones or find alternate medications for relief.

Stretch Marks on the Penis: Treatment Options

Men should be happy to learn that stretch marks aren’t an indicator of a deeper, more serious medical problem. They happen to everyone and aside from their aesthetic disruption, they aren’t something to worry about.

That said, some men would prefer not to look southward and see stretch marks. They might become self-conscious and that can affect performance and feeling comfortable in intimate settings with a partner.

There are a few things men can do to remedy stretch marks on the penis. A qualified dermatologist may be willing to perform sophisticated therapies such as fractal CO2 laser therapy or microdermabrasion to reduce the appearance of stretch marks. Laser therapy helps smooth out older stretch marks. Microdermabrasion uses crystals to “rub off” the top layer of the skin which can fade newer, red stretch marks making them less noticeable. Sometimes multiple sessions are needed for desired results. It should be noted, however, that no treatments can actually fully remove stretch marks.

Stretch Marks on the Penis: Prevention

Keeping the skin moisturized consistently is the best way to keep the risk of stretch marks at bay. A great way to reduce or prevent stretch marks on the penis specifically is by using a specially formulated penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) daily on the area. This crème hydrates the skin and has important vitamins and nutrients that promote cell turnover and skin elasticity which keep the skin pliable. Having a base of Shea butter and vitamin E also ensures that the crème not only delivers lux amounts of moisture when applied but also locks it in for the rest of the day keeping the penis soft and supple and reducing the chances of getting stretch marks.

Why Lack of Sleep Impacts Penis Health

Almost everyone feels better after a good night’s sleep, and many men report that feeling tired or fatigued can sometimes impact their sexual performance, but is there a reason for lack of sleep to impact penis health? Several studies have indicated that the answer is affirmative; now some animal studies are looking more closely into specific reasons why penis health might have a connection to sleep or the lack thereof.

Recent study

One such study is in the January 2019 edition of the Journal of Sexual Medicine. Entitled “Impact of Sleep Deprivation on the Hypothalmic-Pituitary-Gonadal Axis and Erectile Tissue,” it used male rats as its subjects. (Animal studies are typically used in order to test initial hypotheses or better understanding learnings from basic science.)

A total of 56 rats were used, but they were treated in segments. The first 16 rats were deprived of sleep for 72 continuous hours (three days); a second group of 16 rats were chosen as controls, and their sleep patterns were not interfered with at all. Various markers associated with hypogonadism were measured. (Hypogonadism is the term used to describe a situation in which the body doesn’t produce sufficient sex hormones. Hypogonadism may result due to a problem with the gonads themselves, or because the hypothalamus and/or the pituitary glands, which control the gonads, aren’t working.)

In addition, another 24 rats were divided into 3 groups of 8. One group was a control group; one group was sleep deprived and one group was sleep deprived and was also given testosterone supplementation.


Essentially, the study showed that sleep deprivation in rates did indeed bring about hypogonadism. Those rats in the control group had normal markers; those who were sleep deprived were severely lacking in testosterone. (The group that was both sleep deprived and given testosterone supplementation did have testosterone levels similar to the control group.) The lack of sleep also dampened the production of nitric oxide, which is needed to keep penile blood vessels expanded during sexual phases.

Other studies

These results back up results from earlier studies that looked at sleep deprivation and sexual issues in rats. One, “Effect of sleep deprivation on the male reproductive system in rats,” found that lack of sleep greatly decreased sperm motility (that is, how well and quickly sperm move and swim) in rats.

All of these studies are looking at actual sleep deprivation – going without sleep for 3 days. Clearly, such results would likely not occur in the same way in a subject who gets sleep, but not enough – say, only 3 or 4 hours of sleep each night. But the studies do suggest that cumulatively and over time, getting too little sleep can result in decreased testosterone and in subsequent penis health issues.

Men who get insufficient sleep should take steps to correct this issue. In some cases, there are some simple lifestyle changes that can help such as:

- Limiting intake of caffeine in the latter part of the day

- Avoiding computer use near bedtime

- Making the sleep space inviting (appropriate temperature, sufficient darkness, comfortable mattress, etc.)

- Being consistent with bedtimes and wake-up times

- Getting an appropriate amount of exercise during the day

In some cases, a person may need the help of a medical professional in assessing sleep issues and determining possible solutions.

Lack of sleep is not the only cause of penis health issues, so to be better prepared, a man should regularly apply a first class penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) to his manhood. The most effective cremes will include L-arginine, an amino acid which helps produce nitric oxide, which in turns keeps penile blood vessels open. The crème should also include moisturizers such as shea butter and vitamin E to keep penis skin healthy; itchy penis skin can disrupt a good night’s sleep.

Thursday, 10 January 2019

Need a New Sex Tip? Move to the Light!

They may not be prone to admitting it, but most men don’t know every little thing there is to know about sex – and therefore even the most experienced Romeo could probably benefit from a few sex tips here and there. Most important of sex tips, of course, is to maintain excellent penis health, but there are many others - and not all of them may seem obvious. For example, most men may not know that exposure to simple light can play a role in one’s sexual success.

Spread a little sunshine

On one hand, the idea of light having a positive effect on a man’s sex life might seem counterintuitive. After all, sex is frequently performed at nighttime rather than in daylight, And if the act is not always performed in total darkness, lighting is often set to a mood-enhancing dimness. After all, the last thing we want a partner who is supposed to be in thrall to our overwhelming sexiness to notice is that little flaw in our teeth or those couple of extra pounds we could stand to lose.

But we’re not really discussing the idea of whether a couple should indulge their libidos during the day instead of at night, or whether they should keep bright lights on at night while getting up to their sexual tricks. Rather, this article is looking at how general exposure to sunlight might impact a man’s sex drive and sex life.


There have been studies in this area. Taking their cue from the fact that many people, experience significant mood changes during the dark, winter months, scientists have looked into how lack of light might impact sex drive. These studies have tended to find that men are more inclined to sexual dysfunction situations when they are deprived of light. Those who experienced more exposure to light (including concentrated artificial light) had fewer sexual issues.

Therefore, many doctors recommend that men should take steps to ensure that they get adequate exposure to light sources, especially during winter months or periods of time when they are indoors during the daylight hours.

With that in mind, these simple hacks may enable a guy to get more light (and recharge his solar sex battery, so to speak) during darker months.

Just walk it off. Unless one is near the poles, there’s SOME sunlight at any time of the year; the trick is in catching it. When possible, a man should try to schedule a half hour walk during the daylight, perhaps as part of his lunch break.

Clean up that yard! Doing yardwork, like raking leaves, cleaning gutters, bagging garbage, or emptying water that has gathered in barrels or garbage can lids, gets a man outside in the sun while at the same time making the neighbors smile at him instead of cursing him. Win-win!

Get back into play. A man may be too old to swing on the swings or slide down the slide, but many adults get their kid on by engaging in football, basketball soccer, or any other number of sports activities. The exposure to the sun is great, and it also helps keep them trim and appealing.

Go electric. Natural light is best, but using a high intensity sun lamp has its benefits. Consult with a doctor, however, to determine the proper amount of exposure.

So upping light exposure is good, but no list of male sex tips is complete without reminding guys to daily apply a top notch penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Be sure the crème contains vitamin B5 (aka pantothenic acid), a vital nutrient that is required for cell metabolism and the maintenance of healthy tissue. The crème should also contain alpha lipoic acid, an antioxidant that fights harmful molecules that can lead to premature aging of penis skin.

Penis Function and Gout Can Be Linked

It’s no news that we prefer things that work rather than things that don’t work, and so a man is much happier when he is blessed with good penis function rather than faulty penis function. Maintaining a proper level of penis health is one way to help maintain penis function, but sometimes issues arise outside of pen is health which can impact function. For example, health conditions that develop elsewhere in the body may have a secondary effect on the penis. Surprisingly, this can be the case with gout.

About gout

Many people are surprised to learn that gout is even still a “thing” today. Often if a person thinks of gout at all, they think of it as something that used to affect decadent gluttons from centuries past and visualize a bewigged and pomaded nobleman who has overindulged in wine and rich foods, sitting with a bandaged foot raised on a velvet stool.

In fact, gout is not necessarily a “rich person’s disease” at all, and is more common today than one might think. As many as 8 million people in America suffer from gout, a substantial number. And they are by no means all members of the moneyed elite.

Uric acid

Gout is technically a form of arthritis, in that it attacks the joints of the body. While it may appear in the ankles or knees, the majority of gout cases occur in the toes – and almost always in the big toe.

Gout occurs when there is too much uric acid in the body and this acid forms large crystals which then get stuck in the joints. It can be quite painful, sometimes leaving a person unable to walk.

Uric acid is formed as a waste product when the body digests foods containing a substance known as prurine. Usually, the uric acid leaves the body through urination – but if there is too much uric acid, it gets into the bloodstream and there can form the nasty crystals.

Prurine is found in many foods, including red meat, beer, dried beans, organ meats, and some kinds of seafood. Consuming too much of these may cause uric acid to build up, but some people have a genetic predisposition toward developing uric acid. Pother people may have medical conditions, such as diabetes, or lifestyle issues, such as obesity, which can also increase the risk of developing gout.

Gout and penis function

So how does a problem in the big toe potentially affect penis function? It has to do with blood vessels.

The lining of blood vessels is called endothelium, and the stronger the endothelium, the stronger the blood vessel. Penile blood vessels especially need to be strong, as it is their ability to accommodate increased blood flow that influences erect penis function. But as uric acid travels throughout the bloodstream, it can cause damage to the endothelium. When uric acid levels are high, as with gout, the potential to damage the endothelium increase substantially.

Men with gout, or who suspect that they may be inclined toward gout, should consult with a doctor to discuss options for lowering uric acid levels and maintaining them at an acceptable level.

Whether penis function is impacted by gout or by other factors, it stands to reason that the healthier the penis, the more resistant to issues it can be. Therefore, men should regularly apply a top drawer penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). It’s especially important to select a crème that contains both L-arginine and vitamin C. L-arginine is an amino acid which helps boost nitric oxide production, which enables penile blood vessels to more properly expand as needed. And vitamin C also aids in proper penile blood flow, buttressing the efforts of L-arginine.

Wednesday, 9 January 2019

Working with a Wide Penis Size: Tips & Tricks

Take a look in any gym men’s locker room or shower, and the variation in penis size one encounters is significant. Of course, when talking penis size, most men are more concerned with the size of their equipment when erect than when flaccid, as it is more apt to be in a locker room. But even when comparing tumescent members, the differences can be startling. And while a larger penis size does not impact penis health and is less important in performance than individual skill, there can be “tricks” that may need to be considered if one has a penis of special dimensions. For example, when the penis is an extra wide model, its owner and potential users may need to make a few allowances.

How wide is wide?

Like beauty, size – including width – is often in the eye of the beholder. However, the average erect penis circumference is somewhere around 4 ½ inches, so a penis of 5” or more in circumference can probably safely be considered wide. It’s also worthwhile pointing out that penis girth can vary from one end to another. Often a man may have a “mushroom head,” in which the glans is considerably wider than the shaft of the penis. And in some men, the shaft may be wider at the base or somewhere in the middle.

What to do

The main concern about an especially wide penis, of course, is whether it will fit into a waiting orifice – and whether penetrating that orifice will cause pain. In general, the vagina is a very stretchable and accommodating place in which to place a penis; it can stretch to accept a surprisingly wide penis. Depending upon the individual, there may be less flexibility when it comes to the mouth or to the anus. However, these tips are generally applicable.

Don’t skimp on lubrication. Even the opening with the most “give” will be more receptive if both it and the penis in question are appropriately lubricated. Nature provides some lubrication on its own, of course, but it’s advisable to help Nature along with a good helping of lube-from-a-tube. Don’t be afraid of going a little overboard – especially if anal penetration is involved – as it’s better to have too much than too little. And if the sexual encounter lasts for an extended period of time, re-lubricating may be necessary.

Don’t forget foreplay. Also key: no matter how excited the owner of an extra-wide may be, he needs to take his time and make sure his partner is properly prepared. Kissing, caressing, playing with nipples, orally engaging her vagina – whatever form of foreplay she likes, he needs to engage in it for an appropriate amount of time.

Get positioned. Let the partner choose what position or positions to try. If she is in charge, she will better be able to guide insertions and stop if she experiences any pain. For many couples, woman-on-top variations work the best; many also find that some positions work better for initial insertion, but others are better for the continued thrusting.

Listen. First and foremost and above all – a man needs to listen to his bedmate. If they are experiencing any discomfort, he needs to stop what he is currently doing and find out if she wants him to withdraw or to continue – or to try something else. This should be the plan even for men who do not have an extra wide or long penis size, of course.

A wide penis size may make some partners anxious at first, but with a little effort, most couples can learn to adjust. It helps if the penis is in good shape, so guys must use a first class penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Well hydrated penis skin helps with lubrication issues, so find a crème with moisturizers like shea butter and vitamin E. The chosen crème should also include vitamin D3, which has proven benefits in fighting disease and supporting healthy cellular function.

Unwanted Pop-Ups: Disguising an Erect Penis

For some men, there’s never a “wrong” time to have an erect penis. An exhibitionist may always welcome a very visible “pup tent,” or a man who is totally at ease may view penis pop-ups in social or professional situations as just a fact of life. But many men do find that there are times and places where an erect penis is an unwanted distraction. While not a penis health issue per se, an unwanted erect penis can be a problem for some men, so knowing how to handle this situation can make them feel more comfortable with their penis in general.

An adolescent experience

Many times, an adult’s discomfort with an unwanted erect penis goes back to their adolescence. Countless teen-age boys have stood in front of classrooms with pop-ups tenting their flies. They have been forced to make a report or awkwardly work out math problems while awkwardly keeping their boner from touching the chalkboard or smart board. And while doing so, they have endured snickers from their classmates and later may have to put up with nicknames from other boys.

Therefore, when an erect penis pops up in their adult lives – as they are giving a presentation at work or meeting their girl friend’s father for the first time – their previous experience greatly increases their embarrassment and discomfort.


So what can a guy do to help lessen the awkwardness he experiences in such situations? The following tips may prove helpful.

Go baggy. Sure, when wanting to impress a partner or potential partner, tight pants can be the way to go. But if a guy is worried about pop-ups, he wants to be able to disguise or hide that erect penis. Baggy trousers allow for the penis to expand and stand at attention without attracting undue notice. Sure, some guys are so heavily endowed that this doesn’t work, but for guys of average size, it can make all the difference.

Choose underwear carefully. Every man is different, and his penis has its own way of reacting to different stimuli. For some guys, the way the penis rub against boxers may be more arousing than with briefs – so choosing briefs may be an option. Cotton may cause a different reaction than synthetics. And if a dude associates a certain pair of underwear with hot sex – leave it at home on days when an erection is not on the menu.

Masturbate. If a man is really worried, he may want to simply masturbate a half hour or so before that big presentation or before that important cocktail party. Masturbating will decrease the chance that a penis will get all aroused and restless for the next couple of hours.

Meditate. Some guys find that meditating or practicing yoga can also help them to better control pop-ups. Learning what breathing exercises or visualizations can have a desired temporary “dampening” effect can be invaluable.

Look for hiding places. Scout the room for opportunities to disguise a persistent bulge in the crotch. If making a speech, take advantage of a podium to hide behind it if the penis gets playful. Standing behind a high-backed chair at a party can do wonders, as can sitting and crossing one’s legs. As a last resort, standing with one’s hands clasped in front of the crotch may draw attention to the area – but those with big enough hands may be able to disguise the fact that there’s an active penis behind them.

An erect penis at the right time is wonderful, so a guy shouldn’t let unwanted pop-ups put him off his game. He still wants to regularly use a superior penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) to encourage greater penis health. The best cremes will contain L-carnitine, an amino acid which has neuroprotective abilities to help maintain a proper degree of penis sensitivity. The crème should also include, vitamin C, a key component of collagen, a tissue in the body that gives skin its tone and elasticity.

Tuesday, 8 January 2019

Urethritis Can Make a Sore Penis

Man, a sore penis can be a real pleasure killer! A guy may be all set for an exciting sexual encounter, but a truly sore penis can make that encounter much less satisfying – and can sometimes even derail it altogether. And even when a man is not getting all heated up over some delicious sex, a sore penis can cause pain and discomfort that simply interferes with his every day, non-sexual life. Maintaining proper penis health can help prevent a sore penis, and knowing about urethritis can enable a man to take steps to treat this sore penis cause.

About urethritis

Urethritis refers to a bacterial infection that affects the urethra, which in men is the tube that runs from the bladder down through the penis. It’s the tube which acts as the expressway through which urine leaves the body. It’s also the same tube that semen use when it is ejaculated from the body – although the semen joins the urethra outside of the bladder.

When a man has urethritis, he usually experiences pain in the urethra while he is urinating. It also may occur while he is ejaculating – and in some cases, the sore penis may occur during the arousal phase before ejaculation. In addition, urethritis may cause blood to appear in the urine or in the semen.

If urethritis is present, it may increase the frequency with which a man urinates; ironically, while it makes a man need to urinate more often, he often finds that when he gets ready to urinate, it can take a while to actually initiate the urination. And while the most intense pain occurs during urination or ejaculation, often there is a continuing lesser degree of soreness at other times. The penis may also be very itchy during this time.


The bacteria that causes urethritis typically enters the urethra through the meatus, the hole at the end of the penis through which urine and semen leave the body. In addition to common bacteria like e coli, urethritis may also occur from bacteria associated with sexually-transmitted infections, such as gonococcus (associated with gonorrhea) and chlamydia trachomatis (associated with chlamydia). Herpes simplex may also cause urethritis.


Clearly, a man wants to avoid the sore penis (and other problems) that can result from urethritis. There are several steps he can take to do this:

Be clean. Practicing good hygiene can help to keep common bacteria away from the urethra. Washing hands frequently is a good idea, as is washing the penis on a daily basis – more if a man sweats a lot or is engaged in other activity which brings about potential bacterial infection. E coli bacteria is often found in the stool, so men should try not to touch the penis after defecating until they have washed their hands.

Use condoms. Having unprotected sex puts a person at greater risk of acquiring urethritis – and of more serious STIs. Consistent use of condoms (unless one is in a serious monogamous relationship) can be a big help in preventing spread of STIs. Some doctors also recommend urinating after intercourse, as this may help remove bacteria before they can “take hold.”


Treatment of urethritis depends upon its cause, but various antibiotics and/or antivirals are typically prescribed.

Even after urethritis has been treated, a man may continue to have a sore penis for several days. Regular use of a first rate penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) may provide some relief. Common soreness is often alleviated through use of a moisturizer-rich crème, so select one with both a high end emollient (such as shea butter) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E). In addition, strengthen the delicate penis skin by finding a crème with a potent antioxidant, such as alpha lipoic acid.

Penis Health: Keys to a Happier, Healthier Manhood

Penis health is important, as it impacts many different functions of the body, including waste excretion, reproduction and sexual pleasure. There are many lifestyle changes to make if you feel your manhood is not in tip-top shape. Many of these changes require minimal effort and will yield maximum results. Take care of your body and your penis by following some of the rules outlined here.

1) Get to bed! Sleep is extremely important for penis health. The penis actually exercises as you sleep, and that’s why you can wake up with an unexpected erection. These are commonly called “nocturnal erections,” and they serve many purposes, like bringing oxygenated blood to the penis and helping prevent that pesky erectile dysfunction. Most doctors recommend trying to squeeze in 7-9 hours of shuteye a night to keep your penis healthy and happy during the day.

2) Get hydrated! Are you drinking enough water? Probably not. Hydration is a consistent component of our health, as our bodies are made up of more water than any other element. The body requires adequate and consistent hydration in order to function properly and as necessary. Lack of hydration in the body can lead to serious complications, many involving blood flow. As erections require improved blood flow to the penis, being dehydrated all the time can lead to a lack of erections. Drink up!

3) Get trim! Find that razor and clean your nether-regions up and you might be surprised at the results. “Manscaping,” as it’s called these days, is basically grooming for men’s genitals. Keeping yourself trimmed and clean can actually improve your confidence and can add a level of self-assurance that could give you a sexual boost, making you seem irresistible to your partner.

4) Get fit! Eating right and exercising are the two most important changes that you must make to your lifestyle if you’re trying to improve your penis health. Diet directly relates to the body, our oxygen flows and erections. It is very important to eat a balanced, nutritious diet and to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, lean protein and seafood. Spinach and pumpkin are amazing for the health of the penis and provide wonderful nutrients needed by the penis.

5) Get laid! This is the easiest lifestyle change for men to make: have more sex. Studies show that having more sex can keep your penis healthier and your erections longer lasting. In fact, having sex tonight can help with a lot of health issues, as it lowers blood pressure, boosts libido and confidence, lowers heart attack risk, lessens pain, can be counted as exercise and can even make prostate cancer less likely. If you need an excuse to have sex tonight, you just got it.

6) Get your ABCDEs! Another way to stay in tip top shape is to take your vitamins. For penis health, this is crucial. Try to add a few different vitamins into your life: Vitamin B5 helps maintain healthy tissue, Vitamin E provides a barrier that locks in skins natural moisture and Vitamin D, which keeps blood vessels healthy, Vitamin A helps combat penile odor while Vitamin C helps with proper blood flow, the erection-maker. Add those and you’ll be set.

7) Get moisturized! Using a lotion for penis health can be extremely useful, as the moisture and vitamins in lotion can help the penis skin. After correctly washing the genital area, dry and moisturize your skin with a product made specifically for skin, like a penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin). This particular health crème is a super weapon, containing vitamins and nutrients essential to the wellbeing of private area skin, like vitamin C, for collagen production, and Shea butter, which hydrates the skin leaving the area soft and smooth. Keep the penis skin clean, dry, and hydrated for optimal health.

Monday, 7 January 2019

Masturbation and Prostate Health: Could This Be the Link to Fighting Prostate Cancer?

Eat right! Exercise 60 minutes each day, every day! Lift weights three times per week! Start meditating! Ejaculate at least 21 times per month!

What…wait a second, what was that last one?

Studies are showing that men who ejaculate more are reducing their risk of prostate cancer. Still not sure if this is fact or fiction? Keep reading.

The Link Between Masturbation and Prostate Health

More and more studies suggest that regular ejaculation, like that done through masturbation, has been shown to reduce the risk of prostate cancer. So, just how much ejaculation is considered regular? A 2016 study established that men who ejaculated 21 times or more each month saw a 20 percent decrease in the likelihood of prostate cancer. Men should know this isn’t just some fly-by-night, two-month study of ten dudes.

This study went on for 18 years and profiled nearly 32,000 men.

A Harvard study also showed similar results but found a decreased risk of 33 percent.

Why does frequent ejaculation help fight prostate health? Scientists haven’t exactly pinned that down quite yet. The best theory they have thus far is the idea that it can flush out harmful chemicals that may accumulate in semen.

However, there are a Few Other Things to Note

Scientists haven’t totally proved the theory. There is a lot of evidence of a conclusive link between ejaculation and lowering the risk of prostate cancer. It’s very possible that men who live healthier lifestyles have stronger libido, stronger erections, and potentially attract more partners than those who don’t exercise regularly, eat well, and practice stress and mental health management.

Also, ejaculation doesn’t protect the most deadly or advanced types of prostate cancer. Scientists aren’t sure why.

There’s also the type of ejaculation to consider. Hard to believe, but scientists believe all ejaculation is not created equal. The semen makeup differs in sex-related ejaculation and masturbation-related ejaculation. For example, sex adjacent ejaculation has higher levels of sperm and other chemicals. Potentially, this could affect the masturbation and prostate health link if masturbation doesn’t clear the same level of waste from the body as sex.

Here’s the Rub…Literally

Also, other smaller studies are showing that age makes a huge difference in the specific link between masturbation and prostate health arena. Findings are that men in their 20’s and 30’s who masturbate frequently are actually at a higher risk of developing prostate cancer. This bumps up against men in their 50’s who are part of the Self-Love Society who reduce their risk. On top of that, ejaculation through sexual contact was the same for both age groups and reduced prostate cancer risk. No word yet on why there’s a difference.

In Summary

No one is exactly sure why frequent masturbation and prostate health are linked. The main theory believes it may have something to do with the seminal fluid that’s expelled during orgasm. It’s possible it rids the prostate tissue from things that cause cancer, infection, and inflammation.

Bottom Line: choke the chicken, play five on one, or give yourself a hand to reduce the risk of prostate cancer. It’s a fun way to promote penis health and relieve stress.

Keep the penis is perfect play time shape with a specially formulated penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin). After thoroughly washing and drying the penis, add the crème for an extra feel-good treat as well as to promote penis health. These specials creams are made specifically for the penis and include vitamins like A, B, D, and E, which deliver healthy cellular function. In addition, men should use a product containing vitamin C and L-Arginine as they both promote strong blood flow to the penis resulting in strong, hard erections.

Sunday, 6 January 2019

Erectile Dysfunction 101: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Guys may do a lot of talking about sexual conquests and the unrelenting prowess of their libido; however, one sexual thing a lot of men won’t talk about is Erectile Dysfunction, also known as ED. That’s a shame because experts estimate that affects nearly 30 million men, especially those over 65. Talking and self-education are the best ways to find a remedy for ED, so let’s run down everything a man needs to know about erectile dysfunction.

What Is Erectile Dysfunction?

Let’s start out by saying that the occasional inability to get or maintain an erection would not be classified as ED. However, when it becomes a chronic condition happening 25-percent of the time or more, it’s time to see a doctor. It’s also important to note that erectile dysfunction doesn’t just affect older men. Young men in their 20s can also have ED.

Erectile dysfunction is also not a one-size-fits-all issue. Some men with ED can’t get an erection at all. Others can get one occasionally. Then there are still others who can get an initial erection but can’t maintain it long enough for intimate relations. This can, of course, affect self-esteem for both the man experiencing erectile dysfunction and his partner.

What Causes ED?

Erectile dysfunction can be a symptom of many things. Some of the most common reasons are as a result of a diagnosis of a different disease. Diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol are all diseases which affect blood flow in the body, and as a result, limit blood flow to the penis which is the ingredient required for an erection. Students also show that up to 20-percent of the causes of erectile dysfunction are mental illnesses such as depression. Medications can also cause ED as well.

Treatment Options for Men with Erectile Dysfunction

Men are like snowflakes – no two are exactly alike. That means that the plan that works for Tim may not work for Eduardo. Treatment plans for erectile dysfunction are created solely for the individual and should be created by an experienced doctor specializing in men’s sexual health.

Treatment options include medication like Viagra or Cialis. It’s important to note that there are side effects with these options that range from chest pain to vision impairment and for about one-third of men, they don’t work.

ED implants are also options for men who don’t find relief from medication. These implants are custom-fitted to a man’s unique equipment and are designed to look and perform like an au naturale erection. Also, penile implants are undetectable to the naked eye, so no explanations are needed! Whew! Awkward conversation averted!

Of course, for men who have erectile dysfunction as a symptom of a larger disease like diabetes, treating the root illness is much more important than treating the symptom. Be sure to follow the treatment plan as laid out by a trusted physician. When related to disease states, sometimes ED can clear up on its own given lifestyle changes and illness remediation.

Men who suffer from ED may also want to try a specially formulated penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) daily to promote blood flow and penis health. These specials creams are made specifically for the penis and contain vitamins such as A, B, D, and E, which provide healthy cellular function. In addition, men should use a product containing vitamin C as it helps blood flow to the penis for creating strong erections. Additionally, look for crèmes with L-Arginine, a powerful vasodilator promoting increased blood flow for a stronger and more powerful erection.