Friday, 28 April 2017

Why the Itchy Penis? Could Be Thrush

Things are going along fine for a guy and then suddenly - WHAM! - an insistent itchy penis rears its ugly head. He tries ignoring it, but when an itchy penis demands attention, there’s little choice but to give in and scratch - and hope that that beautiful woman at the end of the bar doesn’t notice his surreptitious hand movements. At this point the guy is asking why he hasn’t been paying closer attention to his penis health. And maybe he should have; sometimes an itchy penis occurs for a definite penis health issue, and often it is the condition commonly called thrush.

A yeasty situation
Most men have heard of thrush, but few know what it is - other than a real nuisance. In fact, thrush is a yeast infection (known medically as candidiasis). Finding this out often surprises a man. Yeast infections are well known as a "woman’s problem," so many dudes are shocked to find out that their manhood has become a breeding ground for yeast.

Candida, the yeast fungus that causes thrush, is actually very common. All our bodies contain some candida, which in the proper amounts and proper locations is actually beneficial. But the penis is not one of the places where it is welcome. And when it does situate itself there and starts to spread out, it causes a rash-like situation which, in addition to looking kind of uninviting, is an itch-fest just waiting to happen.

And, fair warning: thrush doesn’t always restrict itself to the penis. It can pop up elsewhere on the body, including in the mouth and on the tongue.

Often, thrush pops up and creates an itchy penis situation because it was passed on from a partner. But, considering the prevalence of female yeast infections, this doesn’t happen as often as would be expected. Exactly why is not known, but guys can be thankful for this fact, or they would be thrush-filled far more often.

So if it’s not coming from a partner, where is it coming from? Primary culprits for causing thrush include:

- Sloppy hygiene. Sometimes a guy has no one but himself to blame for his thrush. A fungus like candida is always shopping around for a moist, warm spot to call home - and if it’s a little dirty, so much the better. So guys who don’t clean the penis sufficiently or who allow the basement to get too sweaty and aromatic are setting up a "for rent" sign that candida just can’t ignore.

- Antibiotics. They’re great for fighting many kinds of stubborn infections, but antibiotics can sometimes set the stage of a thrush invasion. The drugs kill off both harmful and helpful bacteria - and the presence of the helpful bacteria is a deterrent to the thrush fungus.

- Diabetes. Men with diabetes are more likely to attract thrush than men without. Essentially, this is because the urine of a diabetic man tends to be more "sugary." When he urinates, droplets left on the penis dry and leave behind the sugar - and the candida fungus has a sweet tooth. (Seriously, the sugar does provide sustenance to the fungus.)

- Immune system problem. A compromised immune system, whether chronic or acute, negatively impacts the body’s ability to keep candida under control. Unchecked, it multiplies and reaches the point where it becomes a nuisance.

Men whose itchy penis is due to thrush need to keep their members good and clean. Regularly applying a top drawer penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) after washing can help. Keeping the penis skin healthy can also discourage thrush from establishing a beachhead, so find a crème with both a high-end emollient (think Shea butter) and an effective hydrator (think vitamin E), which together can keep the skin from developing cracks and patches. The crème should also include vitamin A, the anti-bacterial properties of which can also make the penis more inhospitable to the fungus.

Penis Sounding: How to Preserve Penis Health

When it comes to pleasure, sometimes a man will go to truly great lengths to find the ultimate sensations. This means he won’t hesitate to try things that are a little off the beaten path, so to speak - including things that might actually lead to penis damage. Penis sounding is one of those solo adventures that a man might expect to derive great pleasure from, but he might not think about the consequences. If a man is determined to try penis sounding, these penis care tips can help ensure he stays healthy.

What is penis sounding?
Sounding is actually a medical procedure in which a thin rod or probe, called a ‘sound,’ is inserted into the urethra. It was originally designed as a way of treating sexually transmitted diseases, as it allowed the doctor to get a better look inside and deliver medication right to where it was needed most. Today, the procedure is designed to help the urologist find any obstructions in the urinary tract. It might also be used during a piercing procedure. It is a procedure only performed when absolutely necessary.

Why use it for pleasure?
As with anything else involving the penis, men simply love to experiment with what might bring more pleasure. At some point, the idea of using a sound to create pleasurable sensations led to guys trying it - and now it is considered a ‘fringe’ act for pleasure-seekers.

The idea is that inserting a thin sound into the urethra, then gently tapping it, can provide a vibration that a man can feel from the inside of his penis. Some find this quite stimulating.

The dangers of sounding
Of course, penis sounding is frowned upon for many reasons. The first is quite simple: It is just not a good idea to stick anything in the urethra. When the procedure is performed in a medical sense, the area is completely sterilized, but even that might not be enough to alleviate the infection risk altogether. Performing sounding on his own, perhaps not even with medical-grade equipment, increases the risk of infection and damage significantly.

Besides that, there is always the risk of penis pain. A man can suffer tears or damage to the urethra and penis tissue, as well as issues with the muscles of the penis. The result can be intense pain, infections, and even trouble with urinating or with holding in urine.

A must-have list of safety measures
For some men, even a run-down of the dangers will not be enough to prevent them from trying it. For those adventurous souls, the best way to avoid penis pain and damage is to follow very careful instructions when attempting penis sounding. Here are a few tips:

1. Choose a thin sound, one that will not stretch the urethral opening.
2. Ensure the sound is medical grade and sterilized before use.
3. Sterilize the penis and the area around it as well.Inse
4. rt the sound only when the penis is flaccid.
5. Use an exceptional amount of lubrication to help ensure no damage ensues.
6. Always keep one hand on the sound to ensure it doesn’t move too much.
7. Let the penis engulf the sound, rather than pushing it in.
8. Tap on the sound for the pleasurable sensation; never move it back and forth.
9. If the penis becomes erect during sounding, do not remove the sound until the penis is soft again.
10. Watch carefully after sounding to make sure there is no bleeding, extreme soreness, bruising, penis pain and the like. If any signs of this appear, see a physician immediately.

In addition to the good penis care that is required of a man who will be venturing into unfamiliar pleasure territory, the use of a top-notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) will help ensure he has great health every day. Look for a crème that contains vitamin C for blood vessel health, as well as alpha lipoic acid to help prevent cell damage. Soothing Shea butter can help ensure a man keeps his penis skin as healthy as possible.

Thursday, 27 April 2017

Erect Penis Fun: Simple Sex Games for Couples

Guys know that an erect penis opens the door to fun and good times (which is one reason they need to regularly practice good penis care policies). And while there’s absolutely nothing wrong with using that erect penis for traditional sexual coupling, sometimes a couple may feel like doing something a little different. Fortunately, all it takes is a little thought to come up with sex games that can add a zest to a couple’s sexual shenanigans.

A couple is limited only by their imaginations, but sometimes it can be difficult to take that first step and get started. With that in mind, here are a few sex games a couple can use the next time an erect penis enters their midst demanding that attention be paid to it.

Here’s a role playing game that can be very entertaining. The man and woman pretend they are spies behind enemy lines. It’s important that they send a secret message to their colleagues, but they have run out of invisible ink. Fortunately, the man knows (and this is a true fact) that semen makes great invisible ink. Valiantly whipping out his penis, he tells his partner to help him unload his supply.

Once this is accomplished, it turns out that the only available writing surface is on a nearby vibrator. The message is quickly applied to it, but the couple then hears someone approaching. In order to avoid suspicion, they must put the vibrator to good use, in case an enemy spy bursts in on them - and so the man must use the vibrator on the woman until danger is passed (which, curiously enough, coincides with the woman’s orgasm).

Of course, using the vibrator like that may have erased their secret message - which means it’s time for some more invisible ink collecting…

Pulling an erect penis down and then releasing it can cause it to act like a catapult. By putting a small object (perhaps a penny) on it, a couple can even fling the object for some distance, just as a catapult would.

Make a game of this. The man tries it three times and makes note of how far the penny lands, Then the woman tries her hand at it three times and sees how far hers go. If one of the man’s pennies goes farthest, the woman has to masturbate him. If one of the woman’s goes farthest, the man has to insert his erect penis in her vagina so she gets pleasure. (In either instance, the man still wins!)

Play Dice
The man and woman strip and then roll a pair of dice. If the number comes up odd, then the woman strokes the man’s erect penis that number of strokes. If it’s even, the man rubs the woman’s vagina that number of strokes. Play continues until both have released.

There are endless dice sex games that can be created. For example, one variation is to have the woman start stroking the penis while the man rolls the dice. She keeps stroking until he rolls snake eyes, at which point they switch. The man begins rubbing the woman until she rolls snake eyes.

Or a couple can let the dice mean different things. For example, the numbers on one die may correspond to a sex position (one=missionary, two=doggy, etc.). The numbers on the other dice refer to minutes. So rolling a one and a six may mean that they indulge in missionary position sex for six minutes and then roll again.

Playing sex games with an erect penis means the member must be in good health, so daily use of a top notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) is a must. Choose a crème with both L-arginine and acetyl L carnitine. The former is an amino acid involved in the process that keeps penile blood vessels open and receptive to flow. The latter is neuroprotective and protects against loss of sensation in the penis, to help keep sex feeling magnificent.

Loss of Penis Sensitivity: Some Helpful Tips

Here’s a little equation that men often forget: the greater the penis sensitivity, the greater the enjoyment of orgasm. Sure, if delicate penis sensitivity isn’t paired with good control technique, it may lead to being a little "quick on the trigger." But the sensations a man enjoys are appreciably (and appreciatively) heightened. Proper penis sensitivity is a sign of good penis health, as well. But what if a guy finds that he’s lost a bit of his valued penis sensitivity? What can he do to correct this situation? The following tips can come in handy.

1. Go easy. Often, loss of penis sensitivity is due to peripheral nerve damage caused by rough handling of the equipment. This may mean that a guy’s partner may need to pull back a little (or use more lubrication), or it may mean that the man has been pleasuring himself too aggressively (or without lubrication). Lots of men practice the "death grip" when they masturbate - really choking the penis hard. This can rub the manhood raw, causing damage to the sensitive nerves. Readjusting the grip may be necessary to allow penis sensitivity to return.

2. Wear underwear. Similarly, sometimes a man really likes to "go commando" and forego the deployment of underwear. The freedom of this is undeniable, but often it causes some chafing from the penis rubbing against fabric that is rougher than soft cotton briefs or boxers. And that can lead to a loss of sensation. So protect the equipment by layering up properly.

3. Exercise before sex. One of the reasons a guy may experience a decrease in sensation is because he’s not getting sufficient blood flow to the penis. Being fit and exercising in general can help here, but for some men it’s especially valuable prior to sex. Exercise may help blood circulate more fully around the entire body, so that when the sex begins, it is more readily available for the engorged penis. This in turn often makes the penis nerve endings feel more receptive.

4. Try sex on an empty stomach. Some doctors theorize that having sex soon after eating may negatively impact penis sensitivity. The thinking is that recently-consumed food is in the digestive tract, being broken down and used - and that requires blood. Diverting blood to digestion makes less available for penile blood flow, and that might make the organ feel less sensitive.

5. Stop smoking. Seriously, smoking is bad for health all around, so it’s at the top of many health tips lists. But it does appear that smoking also contributes to loss of penis sensitivity. To make a long story short, smoke is a toxin. When the cells in the body come into contact with the toxin, they swell up and white blood cells are called on to go into battle. All this results in thickening of the blood, which negatively impacts blood flow to the penis.

No list of tips on penis sensitivity would be complete without emphasizing the need to maintain penis health. For that, locate a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) and apply it to the manhood daily. It’s best to check out the label and be sure the crème includes acetyl L carnitine. Why? Because this ingredient is neuroprotective. That means it protects against the peripheral nerve damage that can lead to loss of sensation. If the crème contains L-arginine, so much the better, as this amino acid helps create nitric oxide, which in turns helps keep penile blood vessels receptive to increased blood flow. And that helps to increase the likelihood of better penis sensitivity.

Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Penis Skin Care Tips When in the Shower

Good penis care helps keep a guy’s favorite body part in prime condition. That includes the penis skin, which due to its visibility is of key importance. After all, when clothes are doffed and the manhood stands revealed, the state of the penis skin is going to make a valuable first impression on a potential partner.

Most men know that hygiene, including proper washing, is key to healthy penis skin - but not everyone is aware that sometimes care needs to be taken while showering to make sure the skin gets the most benefits - and the least damage - from the cleansing experience.

Lathering up
Countless commercials for soaps and cleansers have taught us that lathering up means getting sparkly clean. But in fact, where penis skin and lather is concerned, a little less can be more.

Bubbles and lathering in soap and cleansers come about because of an ingredient known as a surfactant. This chemical cleans, but it also binds with the natural oils in and on the skin and removes them. When this happens, the skin becomes drier and rougher. Consistently using a soap heavy on surfactants can lead to scaly, peeling penis skin, which is definitely not desirable.

Another problem that can occur is getting good and soapy and then not rinsing the soap completely off. Toweling off the excess cleanser gets rid of the visible signs, but the chemicals that caused the lathering are still present and doing their best to dry that skin out.

Going long
Some days there’s really nothing like a good, long shower to make a guy feel great. And the occasional 20 minute shower is perfectly fine. However, consistently taking long showers is not doing penis skin any favors. After a certain point, dirt and grime has been washed away, and continuing on is likely to start stripping away the oils the skin needs.

Some like it hot
Again, a nice hot shower can soothe aching muscles - and indulging in one every so often is fine. But hot showers are really good at depleting the oils from the skin, and that’s really bad for the appearance of the penis. Warm or even lukewarm showers are best. If a man does opt for a hot shower, keep it to once a week or so.

Roughing it
Good penis skin care doesn’t stop when the water is turned off. The drying process can also play a role. For example, using a rough coarse towel can damage the skin over time. In addition, it’s better to pat the skin dray rather than rubbing the towel all over.

Moisturizing it
Take a tip from women: showering isn’t enough to keep skin moisturized. What’s needed after showering is to apply skin moisturizer while the skin is still damp. This helps trap the moisture and oils in the skin, making a "double whammy" that is great for skin care of the penis - and all over the body.

Taking a shower to keep penis skin nice and clean is crucial. To properly moisturize that penis skin after a shower, using a top notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) is strongly advised. Since a strong "moisture lock" is needed, it’s best to find a crème that contains a combination of moisturizing agents, such as a natural hydrator (like vitamin E) and a high-end emollient (such as Shea butter). But the crème also needs to protect skin against the oxidative stress that free radicals cause. To that end, a crème with a potent antioxidant like alpha lipoic acid is really the best option. Proper care of the penis will keep the skin looking smooth, supple and attractive.

Tuesday, 25 April 2017

Proper Penis Care: Lubricants to Avoid

In the heat of the moment, a man tends to let his inhibitions vanish - and he might also let a little common sense vanish, too. That’s why so many men reach for lubricants that aren’t advisable to use on their delicate penis skin. Even if they know a particular lubricating agent is not a good idea, they might not really think about the consequences until after the release they wanted so badly is finally achieved. Then they often look at what they have done and wonder just how much good penis care it will take to overcome that ‘oops.’

Lubricants a man should always avoid
When a man is ready and raring to go, it might not take much to make him reach for something that is definitely inadvisable to use as a lubricant. Here are a few of the most common culprits - and yes, some of them seem quite odd!

1. Shampoo or conditioner. Rare is the man who hasn’t reached for one of these so-called lubricants when feeling frisky in the shower. The good news is that most formulations are moisturizing, so a guy has little to worry about - right? Wrong. Shampoo and conditioners can dry out the skin very quickly, leaving a man feeling quite irritated by the time he hops out of the shower.

2. Soap. Just as with shampoo or conditioner, soap has drying qualities. Even that ultra-moisture bar can leave skin feeling rough and dry when the shower is over. Besides that, a little lather doesn’t go a long way - instead, it must be replenished often, which can easily ruin the mood.

3. Sunscreen. Some sunscreens are creamy, much like lotion - so why not? If it’s the only thing handy, that is. But remember that sunscreens contain quite a few chemicals, the better to prevent those harmful rays from causing damage to the skin. Those chemicals were never meant to be used on the most sensitive areas. It’s safe to say a dry, peeling penis will result.

4. Muscle ointments. If a little tingle is nice, a lot must be better, right? Many a man has told the harrowing tale of grabbing his muscle rub and using it on his penis, only to find that the burning, stinging sensation isn’t nearly as delightful when it’s used on the more sensitive skin. Men who try this tend to try it only once.

5. Shaving cream. Though shaving cream won’t hurt the penis (as many a manscaper can attest), using it as a lubricant for some self-pleasuring action can lead to unintended consequences. In addition to the possibly dry penis issue, a man might experience irritation, pain in the urethra, and serious redness.

6. Shortening or oil. Getting frisky in the kitchen? While food play can certainly have its merits, using shortening and the like to masturbate is simply asking for a mess of trouble. It’s not necessarily going to hurt the penis if it is used from time to time, but the mess it leaves behind - and how thoroughly a man must clean his penis to remove it - could easily lead to the irritation he doesn’t want.

7. Some lotions. Many a man who wants to get it on solo will reach for the lotion on the bedside table. Some lotions are just fine for this purpose. Others, however, contain a plethora of ingredients a man doesn’t want anywhere near his penis. Pay attention to labels and search for a lotion that has more natural ingredients if the idea is to use it as a lubricant.

A man who has gotten a little too frisky with questionable lubricants might have some damage to remedy. In that case, a powerful penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can ensure his penis stays as healthy as possible. The use of healing vitamins and nutrients in a Shea butter base can help soothe, ease and protect the penis that has met with an unfortunate lubricant situation.

Masturbation Month is Coming: Useful Preparation Tips

May is masturbation month, and many men may be itching to take the erect penis challenge and celebrate the month to the fullest. A healthy attitude toward enjoyment of masturbation is compatible with good penis health, so dudes should take advantage of the month if they wish. However, those who want to really go full-bore during masturbation month may need a little preparation.

The lusty month of May
Although it’s not officially sanctioned by any government, May has unofficially been designated as National Masturbation Month since 1995. The idea is for people to recognize masturbation as a normal part of most people’s lives and celebrate by engaging in masturbation frequently. Many people use the month to talk openly about a subject that is a favorite of many but about which few feel comfortable discussing.

Some people like to set aside extra time for masturbation during May, and some even locate masturbate-a-thons to participate in, either to raise money for charity or simply as a means of experiencing endurance masturbation for fun.

So what kind of preparation might a guy need to consider for this month? It really depends on how "into" it he intends to get and what kind of participation he is interested in.

Simply solo
For example, many men will celebrate by masturbating in much the same fashion as they usually do, although perhaps more often or for longer periods of time. In such cases, their preparation needs may be rather simple:

- Lubrication. For any man intent on masturbating at length, lubrication is essential. Frequent or lengthy masturbation without the use of some form of lubrication is likely to result in a penis getting rubbed raw, and that’s not fun for anyone.

- Cleaning materials. Unless a man is planning on simply rubbing his ejaculate into his skin (which is a viable option for many), a player needs to have some sort of cleaning material on hand. Tissues, towels, socks, baby wipes or paper towels should be stocked up on.

- Stimulating material. For some, masturbation is all in the mind (and the hand), but for those who depend upon some other form of stimulation, it’s good to have URLs for appropriate sites, sexy magazines, adult DVDs or erotic writing nearby.

Group endeavors
Many men take advantage of the month to masturbate with one or more other people. This may be an informal double-header with one buddy, a group session at a masturbation club or a competition in a public masturbate-a-thon. The preparation materials listed above still apply, but there may be other things to consider.

- Volume and distance. When masturbating with or in front of another guy, many men are concerned about the amount of semen they ejaculate or how far that semen flies. Those so concerned are advised to refrain from masturbating for at least several days before a public encounter. This allows the testicles time enough to replenish the supply of semen. It also allows the penis enough time to become more sensitive to touch, so the semen is more likely to shoot out at a higher speed and travel farther.

- Appearance. No guy wants other people to see his endowment and comment on rashes, dry skin, etc. A couple of weeks before any group activity, a guy should thoroughly inspect his penis and determine if there are any blemishes or factors which may make him shy about revealing himself and take steps to correct these problems.

Penis preparation to address appearance concerns during Masturbation Month should include the regular use of a first class penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . For example, dry penis skin responds well to a crème with both a high-end emollient (such as Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E). The crème needs vitamin C, a key component of collagen, which gives penis skin the tone and elasticity it needs for a healthy erection. Vitamin C also aids blood flow, which is crucial for erectile activity.

Monday, 24 April 2017

Dry Penis Skin: Prevention Tips for the Summer

Spring is here, which means summer will be here before soon - and with summer comes new challenges in preventing dry penis skin. Even men who don’t spend a lot of time at nude beaches need to watch their penis health in summer to keep that dry penis skin properly at bay. Even though summers are typically more humid than winters, that doesn’t necessarily mean penis skin is safe from dryness.

As a matter of fact, there are many summertime activities that actively promote dry skin. Being aware of these can make it easier to work on prevention strategies.

Air conditioning
High on the list of summertime factors that impact dry penis skin is air conditioning. It’s a great boon, and the only thing that makes some intensely hot summer days bearable. But air conditioning can do a number on a person’s skin - including the penis skin.

Air conditioners actively remove moisture from the air, which makes things cooler. But that also removes surface oils and makes skin more prone to drying out. This makes dry penis skin an obvious problem for men who like to cool off in the buff, but even men who hang out fully clothed in air conditioned spaces can find it affects their manhood.

This is one of those counterintuitive factors. It would seem that swimming would keep skin moist rather than dry. Unfortunately, swimming in chlorinated pools or salt water oceans has just the opposite effect. Chlorine tightens the skin and depletes natural oils; seawater adds a layer of salt to the skin that does much the same thing.

Lots of men hate tan lines and like to soak up the sun sans swimsuit, either on a nude beach, in their own backyard or at a tanning salon. But it’s wise to be cautious; penis skin can get overexposed very quickly, resulting in a member that is both sunburnt and dry. And a peeling penis is not an attractive sight to present to a partner.

Another of the "big" causes of dry penis skin is simply not drinking enough water. This is especially true for men who are very active underneath the summer sun. The sweat pours off, but too many guys neglect to replenish themselves properly. Upping water intake during the summer is a good idea for almost all men.

Drinking the wrong stuff
Not only do many men lose too much water during the summer, but they’re likely to choose the wrong beverages to try to get rehydrated. Alcohol and caffeine intake both increase during the summer, and neither one is as effective as water. As a matter of fact, hard alcohol will actively decrease hydration. The occasional beer is fine, but in moderation.

Summer often means lengthy vacations, often arrived at via airplane. But airplane cabins tend to be almost devoid of humidity. Spending a few hours on the airplane can seriously dry the skin - even skin on a body part as protected as the penis.

Avoiding dry penis skin during the summer means making sure the member is in the best overall health possible. That requires regular application of a first class penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) - and not just during the summer, but year-round. Obviously, it’s essential that the crème contains potent moisturizing ingredients; one with both a high-end emollient (such as Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (vitamin E is ideal) can develop a "moisture lock" that helps keep vital oils from being depleted. It’s also wise to find a crème that contains alpha lipoic acid. As a powerful antioxidant, alpha lipoic acid battles the free radicals that, left unchecked, can lead to thinning (and weakening) of penile skin.

Sunday, 23 April 2017

A Red Penis Might Simply Mean Great Circulation

When a man looks down to see a very red penis, it is often cause for alarm. However, a red penis can actually be a good thing if it is happening during an erection. In fact, some men encounter a penis so red that it almost looks purple! A man who practices good penis care will eventually learn what looks right for him and won’t be so alarmed when he sees deep redness on his penis when he’s excited. But why does a red penis happen - and why does it look so colorful?

How an erection works
To understand why a penis gets so red during excitement, it’s important to understand how it all actually works. The penis is an intricate organ, filled with quite a few blood vessels and tissues. Along the shaft a man will find the corpora cavernosa, two cylinders of spongy tissue that run the length of the penis.

When a man gets excited, blood rushes to the penis. The spongy tissue absorbs that blood, and as it does, the penis expands. Then, a part of the penis called the tunica ‘closes off’ the corpora, which keeps the blood inside the penis. This helps a man maintain an erection.

Why good circulation matters
Obviously good blood circulation is important for all these things to happen. But just how much does it matter?

When the penis is engorged, it is holding eight times more blood than it usually does. That’s a lot of blood! And the vessels that pump the blood to the penis must be in good health in order to not only get the blood there in such great quantity, but to get it there fast enough.

The blood vessels in the penis must be in good shape, too. That’s because they deal with an intense rise in blood pressure. When a man has an erection, his blood pressure in the rest of his body might be perfectly normal or slightly elevated. But in his penis, the blood pressure is double what it is elsewhere in the body.

Given these facts, it’s no wonder that a red penis is the result of a powerful erection! The blood trapped in the penis fills up all the vessels, including the tiny ones near the surface. The result? All that blood rushing to the area makes it very red, sometimes even a purplish color. It’s perfectly normal and rather fascinating to watch.

A red penis might mean a healthier body
A man who has a deeply red penis during playtime might actually be healthier overall. That’s because good circulation in the penis indicates good circulation everywhere else, and of course, the easier blood can move through the body, the better.

Excellent circulation means that body is more efficient at cleansing itself. The blood picks up waste products along the way and transports them to where they need to go. The more waste products headed out of the body, the more healthy and vital a person will feel. Besides that, better circulation means less fatigue, a better appetite, deeper sleep and even better absorption of vitamins and nutrients from the food a person eats.

One way a man can help boost circulation in the penis is through the house of an excellent penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). When applied topically, certain nutrients can enhance the tiny blood vessels under the skin, leading to better health. To that end, look for a crème that contains L-arginine for blood flow, vitamin B5 for cell metabolism, and vitamin C for proper blood flow. These three ingredients, as well as other powerful nutrients in a Shea butter base, can help ensure the best penis health possible.

Saturday, 22 April 2017

Unpleasant Penis Pain from Cystitis

Whether young or old, a little occasional penis pain is a fact of life for most men. It may be related to a sports injury or a urinary tract infection or some other reason, but even guys who are obsessive about their penis health may experience the odd penis pain now and then. If the cause of that pain is interstitial cystitis, however, the pain may be lingering and require a visit to the doctor.

What is interstitial cystitis?

Medical professionals love difficult-to-pronounce (and remember) names, so it may help to think of interstitial cystitis by its other name, bladder pain syndrome. The bladder, of course, is one of the primary components of the urinary tract. It’s a hollow muscular organ which serves as a storage unit for urine after it has been filtered by the kidneys. It can hold between 10 and 17 fluid ounces - and when it gets full, a person knows it by the pronounced need to urinate. When a man gets to the bathroom and is ready to urinate, his brain gives the signal so the bladder can send the urine to the urethra and from there to the outside world.

Interstitial cystitis is said to occur when something affects the proper functioning of the bladder or the sphincters that control the opening and closing of the pathway to the urethra. However, scientists are not exactly sure what happens to account for this condition.

Among the possible causes of interstitial cystitis are:

- Damaged bladder tissue. If the tissue that forms the bladder is somehow damaged, it makes it easier for an irritant in the urine to sink into the tissue and cause infection or inflammation.

- The presence of mast cells. A mast cell is a kind of white blood cell. It is an active component of the body’s immune system. Occasionally a mast cell (or cells) in the bladder may release too many histamines, a compound which in large quantities may prove irritating to the bladder.

- An autoimmune response. For reasons unknown, the body’s immune system may "misread" signals and start attacking a part of the body, such as the bladder, under the mistaken assumption that the bladder is harming the body.

- Neurological changes. These changes in the nerve system result in a normal activity, such as the bladder filling or emptying, creating pain in over-sensitized nerve endings.

Penis pain

Although interstitial cystitis is based in the bladder, in some cases it can create symptoms that extend further along the urinary tract. The penis or testicles are especially vulnerable in this regard. The penis pain most often occurs when urinating, but in some instances it may also occur as the bladder fills and the need to urinate grows greater.


The exact course of treatment varies from patient to patient, but often includes lifestyle changes (such as cutting down on citrus fruits, alcohol, etc.); use of specific oral medications; and occasional injected medications. In rare and extreme cases, surgery may be required.

A doctor will recommend the appropriate method for treating penis pain due to cystitis, but keeping the penis healthy will help. Regular use of a first class penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) is an excellent step in this direction. Making sure the penis skin is well moisturized and vital can ease some penile soreness, so select a crème with both a high-end emollient like Shea butter and a natural hydrating agent like vitamin E. In addition, proper blood flow helps oxygenate the penis, and a crème with L-arginine can be an aid here. L-arginine is an amino acid that helps keep penile blood vessels open and receptive to blood flow.

Friday, 21 April 2017

Is Penis Rash from Latex Allergy or Diet?

Penis sensitivity is one of the reasons why stimulation of the penis is so effective. The skin is very thin and filled with nerve endings - but that thinness also leaves it prone to the development of a penis rash. Penis health practitioners know that determining the cause of the penis rash is important. For some men, that cause may be latex. But interestingly enough, men with a latex allergy may also have a food allergy that needs to be taken into consideration.

Latex allergy is real
Although it is sometimes joked about, latex allergy is indeed a real thing and can have an impact upon those who regularly use latex condoms. Both men and women can be affected by such an allergic reaction. While statistics are hard to come by, it is estimated that between 1% and 3% of American men and women have a reaction to latex. (In some subcategories, the percentage is higher. For example, about 6%-7% of people who come into contact regularly with latex in their working lives develop an allergy to it.)

So what happens when a man with a latex allergy wears a latex condom? That really depends upon how allergic the man is, on the amount of latex in the condom and on the length of time the condom is worn.

The most common reaction is the appearance of a penis rash, often severe, and typically presenting within 6-48 hours after exposure. The rash is frequently a source of considerable itchiness as well. The skin of the affected area may become quite dry and eczema may develop as the reaction progresses. In some extreme cases, welting or blistering may appear, which can be quite uncomfortable and very worrisome.

But more alarming - and thankfully rarer - is wheezing or difficulty breathing, often accompanied by scratchiness in the throat and possibly with nausea. This may indicate anaphylactic shock. Again, such situations are rare with latex allergies, but they can occur. Anyone who suspects this is the case should consult with a doctor immediately, as this can be quite dangerous.

The latex allergy is caused by a certain protein within the latex. The reason why a man with a latex allergy may also have a food allergy is because that same protein is found in some foods. The most likely culprits to contain this protein are:

- Tomatoes
- Chestnuts
- Kiwi fruits
- Bananas
- Avocados

A man with a strong latex allergy should limit his exposure to these foods, as well as to foods in which they are main ingredients. For example, avocados are the primary ingredient in guacamole. Marinara sauce is primarily tomatoes. Working with an allergist to determine how much of these foods may be safely consumed is advisable if a known latex allergy is present.

Of course, men still need to find alternatives to latex condoms as well. Fortunately, there are other options out there. Probably the most widely available is a polyurethane condom. Some form of protection is needed, both to avoid unwanted pregnancy and to protect against STIs.

A penis rash from a latex allergy without open welts, blisters or sores may respond to use of a top drawer penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . While such a crème cannot treat an allergy, it can provide soothing treatment for skin stressed from a penis rash and resultant dry skin. Be sure to find a crème that is a potent moisturizer, which means it should include both a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E) and a high-end emollient (Shea butter is one of the best). The crème should also be packed with vitamin D, the "miracle vitamin" that fights disease and helps maintain healthy penile cellular function.

Thursday, 20 April 2017

Maintaining Good Penis Health with a Furry Fetish

With men and women being more sexually frank with each other nowadays, it’s not unusual for a person to discover that their bed playmate has a fetish or two. Good sex tips emphasize handling such revelations with proper care, especially as it is a sign of trust when a secret like this is shared. As long as the fetish does not negatively impact penis health (or general health, for that matter), and as long as a man has an appropriate comfort level in engaging in fetishistic play, this can often become as much fun for the man as for his partner. One fetish that tends to be more common among women but which some men may find enjoyable is a focus on "the furry."

The furry
By "furry," a woman doesn’t usually mean the generous thatch of hair that covers the body of her hirsute lover (although that hair often does come into play during furry activities). "Furry" refers to an anthropomorphic animal with human characteristics - like Bugs Bunny, for example, or many of the characters in certain Japanese manga.

Furry fandom refers to that group of people who are especially drawn to these lovable furry characters. For most, the fondness is not necessarily sexual in nature. They simply respond to something about these characters that touches or engages them. Often furry fans like to engage in cosplay (that is, dressing up like favorite characters) and may also enjoy role playing (actually pretending to be those characters).

For some people, however, the attraction does have a distinctly sexual cast to it. Furry fans who enjoy fantasizing about furries in sexual situations, viewing pornography about them or having sex with other fans dressed up as furries are said to be "yiffing."

If a man who is not a part of the furry culture finds that his partner is interested in furries sexually, he may be asked to join her in her fetish. If this falls within his comfort level, there are several ways in which he may participate.

- Indulging her cosplay or role play. The partner may want to pretend to be one of her favorite furry characters while they have sex. This may simply require the man to refer to her by the right name and to know enough about the character to respond appropriately to things she says. It may also involve her wearing some furry-related outfit - perhaps cat ears, say, or a faux-fur bra.

- Joining her role play. Alternatively, the partner may want the man to pretend to be a furry. Some men find this liberating. For example, they may enjoy stamping their feet like a horse and whinnying aggressively as they engage in sex and find that it helps them release their inner animal.

- Joining her in cosplay as well. A man may also be asked (or opt on his own) to join her in the cosplay department while they are being intimate in bed. Wearing a bull’s head or tiger paw gloves may bring a different dimension to his sexual experience.

The most important of great sex - and by extension, penis health - is that a person must feel comfortable participating. A man who is willing may still want to ease into things and take his time to find out just what works for him. Being honest and open about these things, but in a caring manner, is crucial in any kind of relationship.

Among other valuable sex tips: just because a man is getting all furry doesn’t mean his penis health should be animalistic. Treat the penis like a man, not an animal, and regularly apply a top notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . Be sure the crème includes vitamins A and C. Vitamin A is well known for its antibacterial properties, which fight unwanted penis odor. (A musky animal scent is one thing; rank odor is another.) And vitamin C is a key component of collagen, the tissue in the body that gives penis skin its tone and elasticity.

When Penis Bumps Are a Sign of Staph Infection

Doing a self-check for potential penis issues is always a good idea. Often in the process of inspecting himself, a man will discover he has some penis bumps which weren’t there previously. They may be due to a rash or to some other rather simple penis health issue. But in some cases, penis bumps might be a clue that a staph infection is present, and that is something that requires a doctor’s attention.

Staph infection
It’s kind of a funny name, so just what is a staph infection? To start with, the "staph" part is short for staphylococcus aureus, a kind of bacteria. If the bacteria gets into the skin (usually through a cut or scrape), it can cause an infection.

If it occurs in the groin, it may present as a rash or swelling; it may also present as penis bumps or bumps on the balls, often resembling little pimples. In some cases, the bumps start as ingrown pubic hairs.

Staph can be annoying, but if it gets under the skin and into the bloodstream, it can become dangerous. In some cases, a simple staph infection spreads and becomes a urinary tract infection, pneumonia, meningitis or sepsis. The presence of infection can be especially dangerous if the form of bacteria is that known as methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus. This bacteria is much harder to kill and can cause severe damage or even death. Fortunately, MRSA is much rarer than regular staph infections.

When the staph infection gets underneath the penis skin, it can sometimes cause extensive swelling (and not the kind a man expects when the penis is in a sexual state of excitement).

Antibiotics (most often penicillin) are typically used to treat a case of staph infection. However, cases involving MRSA may prove much more difficult to treat with this option. In some cases, it may be necessary to surgically remove infected areas, although this is a rare course of action.

As noted, bacteria cause staph infection, so the most important way to prevent this condition is to pay close attention to basic hygiene. Washing regularly is essential, as is wearing clean clothing (especially underwear and pants, where staph infection of the penis is concerned). In the summer, when men tend to sweat more, it may be a good idea to "air out" the penis regularly, perhaps by sleeping unclothed.

Direct contact with an infected area can also cause the bacteria to spread, so it’s wise to avoid skin-to-skin contact with a partner’s infection. Also, be advised that the bacteria can be spread through other means, such as using the towel or razor of an infected person, wearing an infected person’s clothing, etc.

Keep an eye out for penis bumps or ingrown hairs, especially if they are accompanied by abnormal swelling. For men who manscape, take care to avoid cuts, which provide a direct pathway for bacteria to get into the skin.

Again, a guy who suspects a staph infection in his penis should see a doctor right away. Dead tissue can develop relatively quickly if the infection is left untreated.

Penis bumps are not always the result of a staph infection, of course, and may simply indicate dry or damaged penis skin. Regular application of a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can keep that skin healthier or more resistant to damage. Be sure to select a crème that includes vitamin A among its ingredients. Also known as retinol, vitamin A is a natural antibacterial agent, so it can help fight many types of bacteria that cause skin irritation. The crème should also include Shea butter and vitamin E, a potent combination of moisturizers that can repair dry penis skin and provide a moisture lock to keep the skin better hydrated.

Wednesday, 19 April 2017

The Link Between Smoking and Loss of Penis Sensitivity

By now every man knows smoking is bad for him. Though it might look attractive on the big screen, smoking in real life has serious consequences. Not only can it lead to yellowed nails, much faster aging and of course, serious health complications from all that tar pulled into the lungs, a man might find that penis problems result as well. Even with the best penis care, a man who smokes is much more likely to lose penis sensitivity - and depending upon how long he smokes, this disappointing change might be permanent.

Smoking leads to loss of penis sensation
But how is it that smoking affects so much of the body? The answer lies in how the body works. Every time a man lights up, he pulls the smoke into his lungs, holds it there for a bit, then exhales it. But the moment the smoke enters his body, it is absorbed and distributed through the bloodstream. And of course, cells need blood - so every single cell in the body winds up with a little bit of what just went into the bloodstream. Drag after drag, these substances build up.

The body believes what comes in on that smoke is a toxin (and of course, it is!). So the body tries to do what it’s supposed to do, and mobilizes its resources to fight off the toxin. This means white blood cells rush to the bloodstream, fanning out through the body, searching out the invaders. As the white blood cells do their job, the blood naturally becomes much thicker.

The blood vessels in the body are of varying sizes. The smallest blood vessels can be found in the eyes, kidneys, brain and yes, the penis. Since the vessels become swollen in response to the toxins, and the blood becomes thicker, it has a more difficult time moving through to where it’s supposed to be.

This can lead to a whole host of complications in all parts of the body, especially when that slower, thicker blood begins to form small clots. A man might not feel those little clots, but they are doing damage over time, including cutting off vital nerve cells from the rich oxygen they need to survive. The result is a penis with damaged nerves, and that can lead to a lack of penis sensation.

The end result of smoke damage
A man’s body can only take so much abuse before it begins to show serious signs of damage. As a smoker gets older - or as he begins to smoke even more - those little changes in sensation become big problems. A man might not be able to feel the tender touches of a partner. He might find that masturbation has become a marathon of frustration. He might struggle to reach orgasm. He might eventually find that he has trouble getting it up - thanks to the damage to the blood vessels.

Treating the lack of penis sensitivity
The best thing a man can do to preserve his good penis health is stop smoking. Smoking cessation is tough, but for the sake of a man’s health, it must be done. The use of nicotine replacements, cessation gum and other products, support groups and assistance from a physician can help a man kick the habit.

To preserve the penis sensitivity a man has left, he can turn to a top-notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). A powerful nutrient crème will contain the proper vitamins to support blood flow and tissue health, which can ease the nerve damage and hopefully provide a man with an increase in penis sensitivity. Though no crème can reverse the permanent effects of long-term smoking, a crème loaded with vitamins and nutrients can help a man preserve the sensation he still has - and that can help him lead a healthier, more active sensual life.

Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Is Penis Injury More Likely When Cheating?

Playing the field is fun for a guy, but cheating on a person in a monogamous relationship carries a bit more ethical baggage. Guys should be aware that such cheating may come with an unexpected side effect: an increased risk of penis injury. If fooling around on a partner impacts penis health, it may pay to look closely at the matter and see if something can be done to address this potential penis injury issue.

Sleeping around stats
Not every person in a relationship is always satisfied with their partner, and the concept of one partner cheating on another is deeply ingrained in our culture. Yet how many people in a monogamous relationship actually engage in sexual activity with someone other than their steady partner? The answer is, "It’s hard to say."

Although scientifically designed surveys are the best way to obtain this kind of information, the study of extramarital sex presents challenges. (Most studies tend to look at sex outside of an existing marital relationship, rather than a non-married but still monogamous one.) While such surveys are anonymous, many people would still be hesitant to acknowledge they have engaged in sex outside their marriage. Because of this bias, exact figures are hard to determine.

At one point, noted sex researcher Shere Hite claimed that some 70% of women married more than five years had had an affair. But most experts agree that figure is most likely overblown. A 2006 paper by noted researchers estimated that 3% to 4% of married people currently had a partner outside their marriage and that 15% to 18% of married people have such a partner at some time in their married lives.

The penis injury connection
This article isn’t going to weigh in on the morals of cheating on a partner. The point is to bring attention to the potential connection between extramarital affairs and penis injury.

It’s important to know that this connection is based on one study, published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine in 2011. And it’s small in scope, so the results are by no means definitive.

This study looked at 16 men who suffered the relatively rare event of a penile fracture, so severe that it required surgical repair. All patients were seen at the University of Maryland between 2007 and 2011. Of these 16 patients, eight sustained the penis injury while engaged in extramarital sex. Of the remaining eight, only three sustained injury in the bedroom; the other five were having sex in atypical locations (such as an elevator, public restroom, etc.).

The scientists theorize that stressful situations can contribute to an increased risk of penis injury. The stress that might come from sex in an atypical location is easy to see. But the psychological stress involved in extramarital sex is blamed for the higher percentage of injuries in that group.

In other words, men may feel a sufficient level of guilt or anxiety about cheating, such that it creates a situation in which penis injury is more likely to occur.

The take home message: if a guy is going to cheat, he needs to find a way to "de-stress" himself to make sure his penis health doesn’t suffer from fulfilling his desires.

Penis fracture is serious and requires a doctor’s care, but regular penis injury - such as soreness - whether from cheating or monogamous sex is easier to handle. Regular use of an excellent penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can help. Look for a crème with Shea butter and vitamin A, two superior moisturizers that relieve taut skin soreness. A crème with vitamin C, which is a big aid in collagen production, can also help, keeping the skin supple and loose and increasing penile comfort.

Small Penis Problems? Try a Penis Sleeve

Many men worry about their penis size. In truth, most men fall right into a comfortable average size. But for some men who aren’t as well-endowed, a small penis can make them wonder about their skills in the bedroom. Though practicing excellent penis care and learning all a man can possibly learn about sexual techniques is likely to make him a star in the bedroom, sometimes a guy just wants to provide a bit more ‘oomph’ than his natural state will allow. That’s when it’s time to consider a penis sleeve.

What is a penis sleeve?
A penis sleeve is just what it sounds like - a sleeve that fits over the penis. The sleeve is often made of plastic, rubber or silicone. It fits over a man’s penis or rests on top of it, providing an increased girth or length.

To achieve this, one end of the sleeve is hollowed out, creating a perfect spot for a man to insert his penis. Sleeves come in varying sizes, so a man can choose one that fits his particular manhood quite nicely. Some sleeves come with straps on the end, which allow a man to fit the sleeve over his penis and then attach the straps around his waist, hips, thighs or even testicles. This is meant to help keep the sleeve in place.

Keep in mind that a man might have to try a few penis sleeves before he finds the one with the perfect fit. He should also consider one that has straps, even if he doesn’t use them all the time. The straps can help during a long session when a man experiences the natural hardness and softening of his erection cycles.

Why consider a penis sleeve?
Men with a small penis might see themselves as having several penis problems; one of those could be the question of whether a partner is truly satisfied with his equipment. A penis sleeve provides more girth and length for more stimulation of the partner. But besides that, the penis sleeve provides much more stimulation for the man as well. Since most sleeves are designed for a tight fit, a man gets plenty of friction. This might make his sexual activity much more satisfying for himself as well as for the partner.

Many men are also turned on by the device itself. It can give them a huge ego boost when their partner really gets into the thrill of it. Between the tight friction fit and the partner’s reaction, a guy might feel like a whole new man in the bedroom.

However, it is important to remember that a penis sleeve is just one aspect of pleasure. A man should focus strongly on a variety of bedroom skills to lavish on a partner - and with the right attention to the right places, even a man who has a small penis can ensure his partner walks away quite satisfied with the encounter.

How to care for the penis after using a penis sleeve?
Since a penis sleeve is a tight fit, a man might notice some irritation after he uses the device. He might experience some redness, rash, soreness or even minor abrasions, especially if it is his first time using a sleeve. The good news is that this issue will usually go away with frequent use.

To help ease the soreness and irritation, a man should turn to a top-notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). A crème should be loaded with vitamins and nutrients designed to alleviate many penis problems. These can include vitamin A for odor fighting properties, vitamin D for overall health, vitamin C for proper blood flow and of course, vitamin E for exceptional hydration. Combining powerful nutrients in a Shea butter base can help soothe the skin and encourage quick healing, so a man can get back to wowing his partner in the bedroom.

Monday, 17 April 2017

The Injured and Sore Penis: How to Treat

When a man suffers a serious penis injury, the first thought might be sheer panic. A man with an injured penis is likely in a great deal of pain. But in addition to that, there are many concerns that immediately pop into his head. Will he still be able to get an erection? Will he need medical intervention? What can he do to heal his injured penis fast? In the aftermath of an injury a man just try to keep his wits about him while he performs good penis care - starting with a thorough examination of the damage.

Take a look at the problem
The first thing a man will want to do with an injured penis is check it out to see how bad the damage is. Depending upon the severity, a man can then make the decision to go to the emergency room or handle it with home remedies and excellent penis care.

The good news is that serious injuries that require going to the hospital are quite rare. These issues warrant a trip to the emergency room:

1. New, deep bends or unusual angles to the penis
2. Severe deep bruising immediately following an injury
3. Any injury that has changed the overall shape of the penis
4. Blood upon urinating
5. Tumescence that will not go away
6. Deep cuts or abrasions on the skin that are actively bleeding
7. Severe pain that a man finds it difficult to talk through

If any of these signs appear, it’s time to get to the doctor immediately.

Treatments for the injured penis
Men facing a semi-serious penis injury might be able to treat it at home. The first step is to take over the counter pain medications that will help block the pain and reduce inflammation. Ibuprofen is a good bet for this. The second move is to make sure the penis is clean and not at risk of infection; this can be done with a thorough cleaning.

If the pain is persistent, a man can try cooling the area down with a very cool washcloth or an ice pack applied to the penis. Make sure the ice pack doesn’t actually touch the skin, as that can cause an additional injury. Wrap the pack in a towel and apply it that way.

Keep in mind that if these treatments don’t ease the pain or the penis begins to look worse rather than better, it’s time to give up on home remedies and visit the doctor.

Treatments for the sore penis
Assuming a man is certain the problem is one that can be handled at home, there are a few things he should remember as the penis begins to heal. First, no sensual activity of any kind until the penis is in better shape - though of course, a man with an injured penis might not think about such things at all until his member starts to feel better.

A guy should also not be shy about using over the counter medications to treat pain. Keeping the penis clean, applying warm compresses, and going out of his way to avoid any further injury are the best things he can do to remedy the situation.

In addition to ensuring the best penis care immediately following an injury, a man should pay attention to his day-to-day penis health with a specially formulated penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . This crème should contain a mixture of potent nutrients and vitamins with anti-aging and anti-bacterial properties. Healing properties of vitamin D, C and E can also go a long way toward helping alleviate the pain of a sore penis. Finally, a powerful Shea butter base can soothe the damaged skin and help a man feel more like himself again.

Sunday, 16 April 2017

Penis Health Diet: Optimal Food Choices

Guys into maintaining the fitness of their body understand the important role diet plays in staying healthy. The right food choices can make a huge difference in overall health; indeed, these same food choices can be instrumental in improving penis health as well. But what are some foods men should consider consuming if maintaining proper penis health is their goal? The following list includes some helpful choices.

It’s not just because of their phallic shape that bananas are recommended for improving penis health. Most fruits are a good choice for men, but the banana has several things going for it. First, it is a good source of potassium, which is great for heart health and blood circulation, both of which are helpful in erectile function. (Remember, the spongy tissue in the penis soaks up the blood to become erect. Better blood circulation aids this process, and the heart has to be in good shape to keep pumping that blood around.) Potassium also helps reduce sodium levels in the blood. Second, the banana contains tyrosine, an amino acid that helps produce the neurotransmitters that increase sex drive. People also get dietary fiber from bananas, and that can help lower cholesterol, keeping a guy in better shape for sexual shenanigans.

Cashew nuts make a great snack, something to keep a guy going when he needs a little pick me up. They also are a good source of zinc, and the penis likes that. Zinc helps to block the enzyme responsible for breaking testosterone down into estrogen - thereby helping to keep testosterone levels higher, which can have an impact on sexual performance.

They’re sometimes called Nature’s Viagra, and while that may be carrying things a little far, there is a reason blueberries are associated with sexual performance. Blueberries are rich in flavonoids, which help those penile blood vessels relax and stay ready for an influx of blood. As with bananas, blueberries contain good fiber content, helping to eliminate "bad" cholesterol which can lead to blockages.

The secret ingredient in tomatoes is lycopene, a phytochemical that is another strong player in the increased blood flow sweepstakes. In addition to being an aid in erectile issues, tomatoes help keep the prostate healthy, further benefiting a man’s sexual life.

Brussels sprouts
While Brussels sprouts historically have a reputation as "good for you but bad to taste," their recent prominence in the foodie culture has made them more palatable. Whether they suit a man’s taste or not, they can still be quite helpful. These vegetables contain indole-3-carbinol, a compound helpful in boosting sex drive. Like zinc, it lowers estrogen levels, thus keeping testosterone at a higher level.

A man gets benefits from consuming either the fruit itself or its juice. Antioxidant-rich, it’s also high in fiber and potassium, making it a good bet for helping with penile blood flow issues. Some researchers believe it can be beneficial in keeping the genitals properly sensitized.

Shitake mushrooms
This little guy can pack a punch. It has high levels of zinc, the benefits of which have been discussed previously. It’s also filled with vitamin D; the absence of enough vitamin D can lower sex drive. And it’s a source for choline, which helps stimulate one of the neurotransmitters that get things revved up for a guy.

These food choices can help maintain penis health, especially if a guy also regularly uses a top drawer penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . If the crème contains alpha lipoic acid, a potent antioxidant, it can add a boost to the antioxidants in the foods listed above. The crème should also contain L-arginine, which can further aid in keeping open those penile blood vessels so that the organ can be ready and receptive for increased blood flow at appropriate times.

Friday, 14 April 2017

Some Penis Problems are Quite Unusual

Though men really don’t like having penis problems, most understand that it’s the way life works. The occasional redness, itch, irritation or even trouble with getting it up is simply something a man has to deal with from time to time. In most cases, good penis care clears up the problem rather nicely.

But for some men, their penis problems take a serious turn into the world of the unusual. For these guys, even the best penis care might not be enough. Check out these really unusual penis problems.

1. Hypersexuality. Though jokes abound about how badly men want sex all the time - including that infamous myth that men think about sex every eight seconds, all day and night - most men actually have a rather healthy sex drive. But for those with hypersexuality, they truly can never get enough. A mental disorder related to bipolar disorder and similar conditions, hypersexuality means a man will even engage in risky, obsessive behaviors to soothe the craving. There are some options, such as testosterone inhibitors and intensive counseling, that might help control the urges.

2. Paraphilia. Sure, most men like things the way they like it, and there’s nothing wrong with that. A guy prefers a certain position? Have at it! A man likes to masturbate a certain way? More power to him! But for those with paraphilia, gratification cannot be had without a certain item or situation that gets them off. This can truly inhibit a man’s sex life, as well as lead to risky or obsessive behaviors that could even put a partner at risk. In some cases, medications and therapy can help.

3. Asexuality. This is quite the unusual penis problem, as most men really enjoy their sex. A man who is asexual, however, has no interest in it whatsoever. This is not a loss of libido, or a day or two of not wanting to play around. It is a truly serious condition in which a man doesn’t have any desire for sex at all. In fact, some men are even repulsed by sexual acts. Though there is no known treatment for this, many men learn to cope with it, and can even have romantic relationships.

4. Priapism. Of course, every man has heard the warnings on the commercials: "Seek medical attention for an erection lasting four hours or more." Though that sounds like the stuff of dreams, men who suffer from it will be quick to say it’s not pleasurable at all - rather, it’s incredibly painful and even frightening. Since blood trapped in penile tissue can lead to serious penis problems, a man should always see the doctor immediately for an erection that lasts too long.

5. Physical anomalies. Some men deal with physical penis problems that go well beyond the typical penis rash, itch or irritation. One example is the micropenis, which is what it sounds like - a very small penis, in some cases too small to have satisfying partner sex. On the other hand, there are men out there who suffer from diphalia, which means they actually have more than one penis. This very unusual condition has been reported in less than 100 men.

Dealing with everyday penis problems 
For most men, penis problems will never reach the level of those mentioned here. To avoid the more common problems, a man can turn to a specially formulated penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . The right crème will contain vitamins and nutrients, such as vitamin A for anti-aging, vitamin C for healthy tissue, and alpha lipoic acid for fighting free radicals. A Shea butter and vitamin E base can help ensure supple, smooth skin that can better fight against the typical penis itch, irritation and redness that make up the majority of everyday penis problems.

Penis Health Sex Tips for Busy Lovers

Text the boss. Answer emails. Pick up the kids. Buy groceries. Pay bills. People today are busier than they’ve ever been - arguably, too busy. Certainly when couples find themselves too busy for sex, something has to give. Assuming a guy has maintained proper penis care and the issue is availability rather than ability, men (and their partners) may find these tips valuable as a way of helping busy lovers make time for sex - and by extension, better penis health.

Start the day right
Most guys assume this means getting in a quick one before work - and, hey, there’s nothing wrong with that. But most busy couples feel a little too time-pressed for that. Instead, couples need to make some time just to be together. An ideal way is to set the alarm for, say, five minutes earlier than usual. When the alarm goes off, just wrap arms around each other and cuddle up for a few minutes. A little nuzzling and kissing is good, but it’s more about just being together.

Get clean together
After a few days of cuddling in the mornings, set the alarm 10 minutes earlier every so often and take a shower together as well. Again, this doesn’t have to include actual sex - although it’s fine if it does. But it’s more about being naked together, running hands along each other’s bodies. Sure, it may mean that someone - especially the guy - may get aroused and feel a little frustrated if there’s no time to act on that arousal. But it may also make a couple more committed to setting aside time when they can fulfill each other.

Keep it up during the day
Even if there’s been no time to plan for sex, keep reminding the partner of how much they matter. Playful (or suggestive) little texts, an email with a link to something that interests them, a quick phone call - all this can help keep both parties feeling connected and anxious to share themselves more fully.

Schedule it
Sure, making an appointment for sex seems not-so-sexy. But not having sex at all is the ultimate not-so-sexy. The most basic of tips for busy people is to make an unbreakable date and time and keep to it. It may mean getting the kids out of the house, skipping the gym, letting the boys have their night out on their own, turning the cell phone off - some kind of sacrifice needs to be made. But it is worth it.

Enjoy it
This may seem unnecessary, but a surprising number of busy lovers put so much pressure on actually getting to have sex that they don’t enjoy it when they do. Make the evening relaxed and fun. Don’t worry about whether there will be an orgasm - or even necessarily if there will be penetration. Let the night be about getting back in touch with someone important and exploring their physical and emotional self. Go in without expectations and enjoy whatever comes along in whatever form.

Another of the more popular sex tips for men, busy or not: Be sure your penis is in good health. Regular application of a top notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) is perfect for this. When choosing a crème, see if its ingredients include a powerful antioxidant, such as alpha lipoic acid. Good antioxidants pack a punch that debilitates free radicals, knocking them out before they can create the oxidative stress that makes penis skin look aged and unhealthy. The crème should also include pantothenic acid, aka vitamin B5. Pantothenic acid is crucial for cell metabolism and the maintenance of healthy penile tissue.

Thursday, 13 April 2017

Baldness Drug May Be Linked to Erectile Dysfunction

Men like to look their best, and for some men that means attempting to cover up any signs of baldness on their head. Men who find baldness unwelcome should know that a recent study indicates a popular ingredient in some baldness drugs may have a link with erectile dysfunction. When a drug has the potential to affect penis health, guys need to take a look at the available information to make an informed decision.

The ingredient in question is called finasteride, and it is marketed for baldness treatments under a number of brand names. In addition to being used to treat baldness, it is commonly prescribed for men with an enlarged prostate. (Interestingly, while it is marketed to treat baldness in men, it is also used to treat hirsutism - that is excessive hair growth - in women.)

Whether finasteride is effective in treating baldness is a question that inspires some debate, but it is officially approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for that purpose.

Erectile dysfunction
Scientists have thought that finasteride may increase the risk of erectile dysfunction in some men at least since a study published in 2010. This belief is based on the fact that one of finasteride’s functions is to lower the amount of testosterone in men, which can have an impact on the sex drive.
Now a new study, published in the journal Peer, provides more evidence that may back up that theory.

This study, from Northwestern Medicine, looked at the records of almost 12,000 men in a massive database. They focused on men between the ages of 16 and 89 (inclusive) who had been prescribed drugs for baldness or prostate issues at least once over a 21-year period. They then looked at any diagnoses of sexual dysfunction.

They found that men prescribed the drug for a longer period of time had a greater risk of prolonged erectile dysfunction - and that this was especially true for younger men (those aged 16 to 42.) As they put it, "in young men, prolonged exposure to finasteride posed a higher risk of persistent erectile dysfunction than any other risk factor."

Indeed, in that earlier age subset (16 to 42 years), men who took the drug for 205 days or more were five times more likely to develop erectile dysfunction than if they took it for fewer than 205 days. And the median duration of the erectile dysfunction was almost four years, even after they stopped taking the drug.

What to do?
Not all men who took finasteride had this issue, but men who are concerned about hair loss and are using or considering using finasteride should consult with their doctors to see if they need to modify or monitor treatment in any way to reduce the risk of erectile dysfunction developing.

Every man has to decide how he feels about personal baldness. Many men embrace it, preferring to shave their heads and rock the look. But not everyone is comfortable with that option. But finding the right balance between baldness treatment and penis health is important.

Baldness aside, erectile dysfunction is easier to manage when there are no other penis health issues to consider. Using a first class penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can be an aid in maintaining general penis health. It’s wise to select a crème that includes L-arginine, an amino acid helpful in the chain of events that enables penis blood vessels to dilate, making them more receptive to increased blood flow. The crème should also contain acetyl L carnitine, a neuroprotective ingredient that can help prevent the loss of sensation in the penis due to frequent or aggressive use (or misuse).

Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Penis Cancer: How to Spot the Symptoms

The word ‘cancer’ is frightening to anyone. There are very few people who haven’t been touched by cancer in one way or another. Many men worry about developing cancer, and the thought of penis cancer is especially terrifying. Often a man will practice his everyday penis care and find a new bump, lesion or area of redness - and that’s all it takes to send him into a spiral of worry.

The good news is that every penis bump is not cancer; in fact, penis cancer is quite rare. Any strange finding on the penis usually means something benign that will go away soon, or at the worst, it’s something that needs to be checked out by the doctor and treated with certain medications. Yet even with the knowledge that penis cancer is incredibly rare, men still worry about it quite a bit.

Symptoms of penis cancer
One of the reasons so many men are scared of penis cancer is that the symptoms can mimic many other issues. Penis bumps, irritation, swelling, redness and similar issues are often the first sign of penis cancer. Penis pain might also be a sign, especially if it is a dull ache that doesn’t go away after rest from masturbation or other activities.

However, the good news is that most of those issues will vanish within a day or so, or a man’s doctor can give him a very straightforward and easy explanation for what’s going on. A man with any of these symptoms should always get checked out, not just for peace of mind, but for prompt treatment of whatever might be causing the symptoms.

There are a few risk factors that might increase the chances of a man developing penis cancer. These include:

1. Smoking
2. Having an uncircumcised penis
3. Poor personal hygiene
4. Previous issues with phimosis
5. An HPV infection
6. A family history of cancer, especially cancer of the penis.

Diagnosis and treatment
In the very rare event that the doctor suspects something more serious than a benign redness or another issue, a tissue sample will be taken. This biopsy will help the doctor determine if there are any malignant cells growing in the penis tissue.

Depending upon what the biopsy says, the next steps might include surgery, radiation, chemotherapy and other methods of eradicating the malignant cells. Treatment is very individualized, so a man who has to deal with penis cancer will need to speak with his physician to get an accurate picture of what to expect.

It is impossible to guarantee prevention of cancer, but there are a few things a man can do to reduce his risk. Always practicing good personal hygiene, stopping smoking, eating healthy foods and drinking plenty of water are a few things that can help with overall health. Using barrier protection during sexual encounters with a new partner can also provide peace of mind against HPV, while cutting of the foreskin might be an option for those with a family history of penis cancer.

On a day-to-day basis, a man should inspect his penis regularly and use a powerful penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). A good crème will contain nutrients and vitamins designed to help protect and improve penis skin. Look for a crème with vitamin B5, which helps maintain healthy tissue, and alpha-lipoic acid, which helps combat free radicals that can cause cellular damage. Other vitamins, such as vitamin C, D and E, can also help keep the skin healthy. All this in a Shea butter base ensures the best topical application and thorough hydration for the healthiest penis skin.

Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Oral Sex Games for Best Penis Health

Although some couples stick to an "intercourse exclusive" arrangement, many others like to expand their boundaries beyond penetrative penis-vagina sex - and for these couples, oral sex is an obvious alternative. There’s nothing wrong with traditional oral sex by any means, but the more playful couples may wish to add a dollop of extra fun to their proceedings, and so may be interested in what games they can play to make the oral experience even more engaging. As long as a man’s penis health or a woman’s vaginal health isn’t called into question, jumping into oral sex games can be part of a good, healthy relationship.

Simply by using their imagination, couples can come up with oral sex games of their own devising. However, to jump-start the process, the following are a few games they may wish to try to add to the experience.

Oral sex dice
There are countless variations using dice to direct oral sex activities. Perhaps the most basic is for one partner to roll the dice. The number on the dice determines the length of time they administer orally to their partner. For example, depending upon what method of measurement has been agreed upon, a woman who rolls a seven might give her man’s penis seven licks or fellate him for seven minutes.

But there can be other variations. For example, have the two dice stand for different things. One dice stands for, say, the number of minutes an oral activity must be performed. For the other dice, each number has a different meaning, such as:

- One - traditional oral sex
- Two - oral sex with an ice cube in the mouth
- Three - focusing solely on the balls (for the man) or the breasts (for the woman)
- Four - oral sex while humming
- Five - both partners perform orally on each other simultaneously
- Six - roller’s choice - whatever he or she wants to do orally

Guided by a game show
Pick a televised game show, preferably one with only two competitors or two teams. The man chooses one contestant/team, the woman the other. When one person’s contestant or team is up, they are receiving oral sex from the other, and vice versa. If their choices compete against each other at the same time, both partners go at it simultaneously.

Favorite dessert
A messy but tasty game, each partner selects his favorite dessert and recreates that on their partner’s midsection. So the woman who loves a banana split plops three scoops of ice cream on the man’s banana, adds sauce, nuts, whipped cream, etc. and - bon appetit! Afterward, the man indulges his desire for chocolate cake by spreading icing all around his partner’s vagina.

Drinking game variation
Select a movie or TV show. Whenever someone says or does a certain thing, one of the partners performs oral sex on the other. For example, if watching a football game, the man goes down whenever team A has the ball and does so until team B gets the ball, at which point the woman returns the favor. (If choosing a movie or TV series, try to pick one that has a certain amount of repetitiveness, such as a catchphrase that is uttered often, or a tendency for the main character to wear yellow, etc., and use those are the guide for knowing when to perform orally.)

Oral sex games are even more fun for the woman when the penis she is fellating is the beneficiary of a top notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . A penis blessed with a crème that contains both a high-end emollient (such as Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E) is less likely to have the kind of dry skin that causes a woman to hesitate. And if the crème also contains alpha lipoic acid, a potent antioxidant, it is protected from free radical damage that causes penile skin to thin and age.

Staying Cool to Beat Penis Odor

Winter is over, which means that summer will be here in no time - and that means penis odor season officially begins. Of course, penis odor can always be a problem, but it tends to be worse when the temperature goes up. Since this aromatic issue is one of the more embarrassing penis health problems, it’s worth a man’s time to figure out ways to stay cool during hot months. The following tips can be a good way to start.

Of course, it’s important to remember that sweat by itself is not a bad thing. Yes, it does make penis odor even worse, but sweat is nature’s air conditioner, providing a way to cool off a bit when heat is high. However, for many men, it’s best to let sweat be the last resort for keeping cool.

Avoid fabric softener (at least on the undies)
This may seem odd, but there’s a reason behind it. Sure, fabric softener makes underwear feel that much softer, but it comes with a cost. Scientists have found that softener tends to attach itself to fibers, in effect "clogging" them. A guy wears cotton underwear because he needs the natural "breathability" of that fabric to help keep the basement a little cooler. Since fabric softener impedes air flow, avoid using it on those boxers and briefs.

Stay loose
And while we’re on the subject of clothing, it pays to be looser when it’s hot. Tight clothes accentuate your muscles and show off your bulge, but they also significantly increase the heat factor. Definitely opt for looser boxes rather than tight briefs, and select a pair of trousers that has a bit more "give" to them. Also, go for natural fabrics that breathe rather than synthetics that trap heat.

Air the guys out
Stripping down to the bare skin is a terrific way to get cool. In addition, freeing the penis and balls gives the odor that has been forced to cling to them all day a chance to dissipate. Spending at least an hour a day naked during hot months can make a difference - and if a guy can spend more time in the buff, that’s even better. One caveat: be aware that air conditioners (and to a lesser extent fans blowing directly on the penis) can dry skin out, which is not good for the penis.

Stay away from red
People feel hotter in a red or orange space than they do in a blue or green one - even if each room is exactly the same temperature. The body reacts to feeling hotter by sweating more - and that contributes to a rise in penis odor.

Splash the wrists
Pulse points are sensitive to temperatures, so running cold water over your wrists is a good way to cool down the whole body - including that sweaty penis.

Drink up
Dehydration is dangerous during hot months for many reasons. One big problem is the body temperature rise that results from not drinking enough. So it’s crucial to drink plenty of water and to avoid liquids (such as alcohol or caffeinated beverages) which can actually add to a dehydrated state.
Staying cool and keeping the sweat factor down helps reduce penis odor. It also is helpful to regularly apply a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) to the manhood. When picking out a crème, be sure it includes vitamin A. Also known as retinol, vitamin A is natural antibacterial agent that effectively destroys the bacteria that cause unpleasant odor in the groin. The crème should also include a potent antioxidant, such as alpha lipoic acid, in order to battle free radicals. This in turn helps prevent oxidative stress that can damage and age penis skin.

Monday, 10 April 2017

Back Injuries and Penile Nerve Damage

As a man ages, certain parts of his body are destined to feel it more than others. This is absolutely true in the case of back pain. A man can be in perfect health but then one day, out of the blue, he turns a certain way and boom - back pain becomes his constant companion for a while. And unfortunately, even the best penis care regimen can’t protect that man from the possibility of penile nerve damage as a result of a serious back injury.

In the aftermath of a back injury, one of the first signs of nerve damage might be a serious lack of penis sensitivity. Things that felt good before suddenly don’t have as much of an ‘oomph.’ And in some cases, there are other signs of penile nerve damage, such as numbness, pain, tingling, or a burning sensation.

How to fight penile nerve damage
The good news is that in many cases, nerve damage can be reversed. The first step is to get to the doctor immediately. Rather than a urologist, a guy will want to see someone who can address the underlying issue first - that’s the back pain. Look for a doctor who specializes in treatment for back pain and start there.

In some cases, the problem will become clear through imaging scans. For instance, a man who has a herniated disc will likely be able to see the problem on those scans. But for some, more in-depth testing will be required to figure out where the problem is and how to fix it.

In the meantime, a man can take steps to avoid aggravating the nerves in the back that lead to the nerves in the penis. One way to do this is to ask the doctor which kind of pain a guy is dealing with. In flexion-intolerant pain, a man can’t handle any positioning that would force him to bend forward. In extension-intolerant pain, it’s the opposite - anything that would force a man to bend backward is cause for serious pain.

Why does this matter? Because if a man wants to continue to have an active sex life while dealing with the usually long recovery from back pain, he needs to know which positions are going to help make that work.

Positions for alleviating back pain
When a man is in bed with a partner, those who suffer from flexion-intolerant pain should look to rear-entry positions that allow him to keep his back straight, as well as modified missionary, where a man is holding all his weight on his hands. For those with extension-intolerant pain, positions include missionary where a man is resting on his elbows above his partner, as well as spooning.

No matter which position a man chooses, the key is to go slow and easy. A guy who is really into it might move his back without meaning to do so. This means a guy must try to always remember that there could be consequences for that - that’s why slow and easy is the name of the game. Enlist the partner’s help to ensure things stay tame.

Other ways to fight nerve damage
Penile nerve damage can be alleviated somewhat with the use of a high-quality penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). A crème designed with healthy amounts of vitamin B5, C and D is great for cellular health. Look especially for acetyl L carnitine, an amino acid known for protecting the penis from nerve damage. The application of these vitamins and nutrients through a Shea butter base can help combat the nerve damage that can occur from vigorous activity, excessive friction and yes, back injuries.