Friday, 31 March 2017

The Athlete and the Erect Penis: The Sex Question

Anyone who’s been a high school athlete - or even known a high school athlete - is familiar with the "no sex before a game" rule. It has long been thought that giving in to the demands of an insistently erect penis has a negative impact on a player’s performance - during the big game, that is. But does this old coach’s tale have any basis in reality, or is this a penis care myth that future athletes need not ever encounter?

Just Say No
To be fair, part of the reason that athletes - professional as well as high school - have been told to say no to their erect penis before a game or event doesn’t really have to do with sex. They’re really being encouraged to spend the night (or week or month) before the game in a way that is going to enhance their physicality. That means relaxing and getting to sleep early rather than going out on the town, drinking, getting little rest or getting into a fight with a girlfriend (as often happens). In other words, it’s about keeping the physical and mental state fit rather than fraught.

But there also is a big component of it that really is about sex, stemming from a belief that engaging in sex too close to a game will drain vital energies and juices from a man. (And it’s a belief that goes back at least to 444 BC, by the way.)

Why should this be? Because of an old belief that a man’s sperm contains a significant portion of his male energy, and when sperm is depleted, a man simply has less energy. So the issue isn’t a man being tired from the energy expended on the sex act itself, or from staying up late to engage in sex - it stems from the actual release of sperm.

It’s easy to see why a person might come to this conclusion. After all, most men do indeed feel drowsy after sex. But that’s not because all their male energy has left the body in their ejaculate; it’s because post-sex, the body releases hormones that make it feel relaxed.

In recent times, scientists have spent a little time studying this question - and to no one’s surprise, they don’t believe abstaining from sex before a game hurts a guy on the field. As a matter of fact, many studies indicate there may be a benefit to engaging in sex prior to a game. (That may explain why some 450,000 condoms were distributed to athletes before the 2016 Olympic Games in Brazil. That, by the way, is about 42 condoms per athlete.)

Claims that sex makes a man weak were disputed by a study that measured men’s strength both before and after sex. Moreover, engaging in sex tends to boost a man’s testosterone, which can come in handy during sports, especially the more aggressive ones. And sex is typically associated with less anxiety and worry, factors which can negatively impact an athlete when in competition. Lessening mental fatigue has a positive effect on physical performance.

Every athlete is an individual, of course, so deciding whether to accommodate an erect penis the night before a game is an individual choice. But whatever his decision, he wants to regularly apply a first rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) to maintain that penis in the health department. Rough sports sometimes can produce penile soreness, so using a crème with soothing moisturizers, such as Shea butter and vitamin E, can be ideal. It also helps if the crème contains acetyl L carnitine, a neuroprotective ingredient that can help protect against peripheral nerve damage. A penis that gets slammed too much may benefit from healing the damaged nerves that can lead to a loss of penis sensitivity.

Penis Problems: What’s the Vice?

Every man has penis problems from time to time. From that night he just couldn’t get it up for no apparent reason to ongoing issues with penis rash, irritation and the like, men often have to deal with a variety of issues concerning their manhood. Excellent penis care on a regular basis can help ensure fewer problems. However, a man who deals with several penis problems that seem to have no basis might want to examine aspects of his own life that might hold the answers.

Vices can lead to penis problems
Though it might seem strange to some, certain vices a man develops over the course of his lifetime can lead to serious problems with their physical health, and that includes issues with penis health. Here are a few vices a man should look at when penis problems show up.

1. Smoking. A man who lights up is a man who will eventually have penis problems. Blood flow is vitally important to ensure good penis health; smoking inhibits that blood flow. It might be very subtle at first, but several years of smoking will eventually take a toll, and a man might find that he has much softer erections, or even no erections at all. He might also deal with issues of penis health, such as unexplained rashes and irritations.

2. Drinking. While there is never anything wrong with the occasional drink, a man who drinks too much might find that he faces certain problems. These can include a hazy memory, headaches and hangovers, worries about what he did the night before, and of course, penis issues that can include problems with erections. A man who continues to imbibe more than he likely should could end up with long-term problems that need medical intervention to solve.

3. Overeating. That spare tire could mean problems in the bedroom. Because such a large portion of the population is overweight, a man might not think about that extra ten or fifteen pounds he’s carrying - until he starts having penis problems, that is. And even then, he might look to vices other than that extra slice of cheesecake before he zeroes in on what the problem really is.

4. Illicit drugs. Most men are probably aware that illicit drugs can do all sorts of harm to the body; in fact, some drugs are entirely unpredictable and can lead to long-term damage in all sorts of ways. These drugs might even lead to penis problems that are truly irreversible. Rather than play around with these substances, a man who values his health will steer clear.

Other issues that lead to penis problems
Penis problems can also be caused by things that wouldn’t be considered vices. A man who is on certain prescription medications might wind up having serious issues; this is especially true for the man who might be on antidepressants or painkillers. Other issues can include severe stress, which has an effect on the total body, as well as sleep issues, which can make a man feel so exhausted that sex is the last thing on his mind. Emotional well-being and issues with romantic partners might lead to penis problems solely on a psychological - not physical - basis.

A man who wants the best penis health possible can eliminate his vices, look into solving the other potential problems that lead to penis issues and start using an excellent penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). His careful attention will be rewarded with a boost of vitamin A for anti-aging, vitamin C for tissue health and healthy amino acids, such as L-arginine, for better blood flow. These nutrients wrapped up in a soothing Shea butter and vitamin E base can also ease minor irritations and redness.

Thursday, 30 March 2017

Can Acupuncture Add Inches to Penis Size?

There are plenty of quacks out there eager to take advantage of men’s obsession with their penis size and the insecurities that result when a man fears that his equipment is less impressive than that of his neighbor’s. Even men who know that factors like penis health and skillful use of the penis are far more important than size may fall prey to advertisements that claim they can add inches to the endowment. Recently, there has been more attention paid to the possibility that acupuncture could be employed to "supersize" a modestly gifted man. But is there truth to this claim?

An ancient treatment 
Acupuncture is nothing new. As a matter of fact, it has been around for ages. A primary part of Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture is based on the belief that the body’s life force energy (called "qi") flows across the body in defined lines called meridians. These meridians are thought to be special conduits to the qi. Acupuncture is a way of utilizing those conduits to access the qi in ways intended to benefit the body, mind and spirit.

Traditionally, the conduits are accessed by long, very thin needles inserted into specific points of the body. Most of these points are along the meridians, although some are intentionally located off a meridian for specific purposes. In essence, placing a needle in the appropriate point redirects energy to a particular purpose. Those who are trained in the practice of acupuncture use their skills to treat pain, discomfort and other issues aggravating a person.

Although acupuncture is an ancient practice, it is disregarded as a science by most doctors. However, many researchers also agree that when performed by a knowledgeable practitioner, acupuncture is harmless and does seem to produce results in many patients.

Penis size
It is believed that acupuncture has been promoted as a means of lengthening the penis for centuries. Certainly in recent years there has been a resurgence in the popularity of this view. One nationwide acupuncture chain has claimed they treat more than 650 men a week with the goal of adding length or girth to their members.

Are men really so eager to increase their penis size that they will submit to having needles stuck into their members? Interestingly, many (but by no means all) acupuncture treatments geared toward penis size don’t actually involve inserting needles in the manhood. The pressure points are located in other parts of the body, and are used to redirect the qi toward the penis.

However, while some men have claimed to see results from this procedure, there have been no published studies that verify these results. There have been studies looking at whether acupuncture can play a role in fighting erectile dysfunction, and some of these studies have indeed indicated a possible correlation; however, it’s also possible that other factors may be influencing the positive effects on erectile function.

At any rate, there appears to be no hard-and-fast evidence to support the use of acupuncture as a means of increasing penis size.

Of course, whether acupuncture increases penis size or not is somewhat irrelevant. A man is far better off concentrating on his penis health and using a top flight penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can be a big aid in that department. Be sure to find a crème that includes L-arginine, an amino acid and part of the chain of events that enhance the ability of penile blood vessels to expand and accept greater blood flow during the erectile process. The crème should also include vitamin D, as it helps fight disease and improve cellular function.

Penis Odor? Vitamin A to the Rescue

Body odor in general is a turn-off, but penis odor is even more frustrating. After all, things with a partner can be going very well, with a man believing he will soon know this person intimately. But when he reveals his member and an unmistakable rankness is also revealed, suddenly all bets are off. Fortunately, taking steps to properly attend to penis health can help diminish penis odor. And vitamin A needs to be part of that penis health routine.

The odor problem
But just why is penis odor such a problem? A guy can smell just dandy all over the rest of his body and still be cursed with that fetid odor when the pants come off.

Basically, the reason is because the penis is a sweat factory. Unless a guy manscapes, it’s surrounded by that thick thatch of hair just above it and by the hairs on the balls just below it. Hair is an insulator, so it keeps the heat turned up on the penis.

Besides that, when the penis gets erect, it also heats up, due to the trapping of blood within the organ. To make matters worse, the penis and balls nestle right on top of or in between the thighs, depending upon how a man is positioned. This provides more body warmth to the area.

Perhaps most important of all, most men keep the penis beneath two layers of clothing. One layer of clothing provides a fair degree of heat generation; two tends to double that. And if the underwear a guy uses is tight, or made of a fabric that doesn’t allow for enough "breathing," then it generates even more heat.

All that heat makes sweat inevitable - and this becomes even more the case when a man is physically active. All that sweat trapped around the sensitive penis is bound to lead to some problems, including serious penis odor.

So a guy gets a lot of sweat around his penis. But here’s something most people don’t know: sweat doesn’t stink. If a guy was to capture a trickle of sweat as it just started down his body and give it a whiff test, it would past easily.

What causes the stench is bacteria digesting that sweat. As they do so, they create the odor that clings to the body where the sweat gathered. (Not all bacteria creates odor, by the way; scientists believe that the main culprit is a strain known as staphylococcus hominis.)

Vitamin A
In other words, guys with penis odor don’t need to worry about sweat; they need to find a way to combat bacteria. And that’s where vitamin A comes in.

Vitamin A (sometimes called retinol) is used for a lot of purposes, including keeping skin looking healthy and fighting acne. It does this by creating a special "lining" on the skin that fights bacteria and keeps it from damaging the skin. That same fight helps it kill the bacteria that are responsible for breaking sweat down and causing penis odor.

So a guy needs vitamin A in order to fight penis odor. But how should he get it? The best way is to regularly apply a top flight penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) that includes vitamin A among its ingredients. Using a crème is better than ingesting it as an oral supplement, because the topical application will deliver vitamin A directly to the source of the odor issue. As an added benefit, the vitamin A encourages penis skin cell production and growth which in turn helps to firm up the skin. Vitamin A also helps protect the penis against infection.

Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Exercise for the Best Penis Health

As most men know, the better shape a guy is in, the better he will feel about every aspect of his life. A man who is in better shape will have a much more successful time when he attempts any sort of physical activity. This is especially true when it comes to the bedroom, as the penis seems to respond much faster and easier when a guy has been exercising and watching his nutrition. In fact, an integral part of good penis care is proper exercise that will keep a man’s heart as healthy as possible.

The heart health and penis health connection
Keeping the heart healthy is obviously the basis of any exercise regimen; heart health affects every other part of the body. The blood that flows through the vessels must be able to do so unimpeded, which means that any problems - such as high blood pressure or high cholesterol - must be addressed immediately. When there are problems with the heart or vessels, those issues fan out to cause problems everywhere else.

That includes penis health. The vessels in the penis are absolutely necessary to carry blood rapidly into the tissues, thus leading to an erection. The more blood that gets through, the stronger the hardness might be. But when the vessels are clogged or narrowed, a man might find that it is tough to get an erection, maintain hardness, or even reach climax.

Therefore, a guy should always look to his overall health as a way to ensure his penis stays healthy. Here are a few ways to make sure he’s on the right track.

1. Go to the doctor. Before a man starts any sort of exercise program, it’s important to check with the doctor to ensure it is okay to do such vigorous activity. This is especially true for men who are dealing with health problems, such as diabetes or high blood pressure. A quick visit will usually be enough to ensure a guy can start hitting the gym anytime he likes.

2. Make exercise fun. Most people don’t like to exercise. It’s tough, sweaty, and takes what seems like forever to see results. A fun, exciting exercise regimen will help ensure a guy keeps it going long enough to see those results! He should choose something that appeals to him - anything from biking to Crossfit to swimming will do. What matters is getting out there and moving.

3. Add in sneaky exercise. Not all exercise has to be organized. A guy can get in a bit of exercise by taking the stairs instead of the elevator, parking at the back of the lot to ensure a longer walk, and taking his breaks at work standing up or walking around. The extra steps add up fast.

4. Keep track. Speaking of extra steps, a man might want to keep track of just how much he is doing, so he can increase it over time and enjoy the fruits of his labor. A fun wearable device, such as a Fitbit, can help him with this.

5. Have more sex. A guy who is getting it on regularly will burn more calories, and of course, he will be having plenty of fun while he does it. A man who has adventurous sex might burn even more calories, so feel free to get creative!

And of course, a man can’t go wrong by ensuring his penis skin is just as healthy as his heart. A top-notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can help in this endeavor. A crème that contains vitamin B5 for cell metabolism, vitamin C for proper blood flow, and L arginine to help the blood vessels dilate is a must for any man’s penis health regimen. Look for crèmes that have a Shea butter and vitamin E base, which will help ensure the smooth, supple skin a man deserves.

Monday, 27 March 2017

Sex with a Sore Penis: Helpful Hints

This is hardly a news flash, but most men are wired for sex - a lot of it. But what is a dude to do when the opportunity for sex arises and he is stuck with a sore penis? The truth is that, unless the pain is really intense, most bros are going to soldier on and find some way to work around the sore penis. And not just because he is all primed for the joys that come with sex; he may also be concerned about disappointing his partner or blowing his first chance with someone he’d like to couple with on a regular basis. Since penis care is a concern for most guys, here are some hints to use when deciding to take the plunge and have sex despite a sore penis.

The cause
First, it’s important for a guy to verify why he has a sore penis. Hopefully, it’s just sore from overuse or being treated aggressively. If a guy has a lot of sex in a short period of time, it’s natural that the penile muscles should ache a bit. Alternatively, he may not have had a great frequency of sex, but perhaps the last time or two were really rough - really pleasurable but with a lot of friction. (And, of course, in either case both partner-based sex and masturbation should be considered.)

Sometimes, however, there can be other reasons, such as an STI - in which case, the man needs to see a doctor and get treatment (and avoid having partner sex until he knows it is safe). In intact men, it could be an issue with the foreskin not retracting or getting stuck behind the glans. Some penis skin allergies may also cause soreness.

Assuming that good old everyday soreness is indeed the culprit, here are a few hints to help the dedicated sex enthusiast soldier on despite his sore penis.

- Pamper it. Take some time to try to ease the soreness in advance of meeting up with a partner. Take a warm (not hot) towel and wrap it around the penis for a while. Afterward, apply a soothing crème to the entire area. Massage the crème into the penis, but avoid the temptation to continue massaging.

- Employ lubrication. A sore penis needs to make his penetrative entrance as smoothly as possible, so be sure to apply lubricant before making the final move. However, also be aware that some lubricants go heavy on fragrances or harsh chemicals, which will only exacerbate soreness. Pick a product that is gentle to the penis skin.

- Consider a condom. For some guys, a condom helps cut down on the friction and thereby avoids irritating the sore penis. However, others find that the tightness of the condom adds to the soreness. It may be wise to experiment with wearing a condom in advance to see if this is an option to pursue.

- Focus on foreplay. Foreplay is always important, but when the penis is sore and needs to penetrate as smoothly as possible, it becomes even more crucial.

These hints may help a man successfully engage in sex with a sore penis, but he may be even sorer afterward. He should use a first rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) to help address this. Soothing relief can be had if the crème contains a pair of potent moisturizing agents, such as shea butter and vitamin E, which help to repair damaged and dry penis skin. The same crème needs to also include vitamin B5, which also goes by the name pantothenic acid. Vitamin B5 is excellent at protecting cell metabolism and keeping penile tissue healthy and better able to withstand vigorous activity.

Tips to Slow the Signs of Penis Aging

Aging is a fact of life. As time marches on, so do the wrinkles, sagging skin and discolorations that show the world just how long a person has been on this earth. And unfortunately, that process of aging extends to all parts of the body, including the delicate penis skin. The good news is that close attention to excellent penis care can help a man keep his penis skin looking soft, supple and smooth - and help alleviate several of the tell-tale signs of penis aging.

As the body ages, several things happen that might prove unsightly. The aforementioned wrinkles are one very common problem that affects everyone - yes, even those in Hollywood, no matter how much plastic surgery they might have. Eventually everyone gets wrinkles, and for men, those wrinkles happen on the penis as well. Over time the skin stretches and changes in elasticity, leaving it much ‘floppier.’ It might even feel as though there is more skin around the penis and testicles than ever before.

Discolorations and other penis skin maladies can also occur with age. Darkened spots on the penis might be nothing more than changes in melanin production over time, but it can still be enough to make a man feel older than his years. As the penis skin thins with age, it is also more likely to encounter problems with friction, such as penis irritation and rashes. These might linger longer than usual as a man gets older, leading to what seems like a constant dance of tiny injuries, all in various stages of the healing process.

Finally, there is the question of tiny blood vessels under the penis skin. As a man gets older, these blood vessels might gradually enlarge or change in shape. Occasionally they might become more prominent, or might even lead to tiny red spots on the penis skin.

Fighting the signs of penis aging
The good news is that most of these issues with penis skin and aging can be fought, so that a man could even wind up with a penis that looks much younger than it really is. Here are a few helpful tips to get a man started on the road to eternal youth.

1. Wear proper underwear. Though a man should never wear underwear that is too tight, wearing roomy boxers might allow gravity to work too hard on the penis skin. Go with briefs that have some support but not enough to keep the penis from ‘breathing’ a bit.

2. Use lubrication. Though dry masturbation might feel good for some, it can contribute to eventual penis damage, including thinner skin. Lubrication can help ensure the penis skin stays healthy no matter the man’s age.

3. Plan for extended sessions. As a man gets older, it might take more effort to achieve an erection or reach climax. Be prepared for this by honing foreplay skills. In addition, a man could speak to his doctor about certain medications that help him get it up and keep it up.

4. Lose weight. A man who is a bit overweight might find that his penis doesn’t seem quite as robust as it once was. That’s because the body has a natural ‘fat pad’ at the base of the penis, and that area retains any extra weight a man might put on over the years.

Use an excellent penis health crème
Finally, a man can fight the signs of penis aging by applying a powerful penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) directly to the skin. The application of a crème that contains retinol’s anti-aging properties, as well as antioxidants that promise to fight free radicals is best. These ingredients, in addition to vitamins D and C in a smooth Shea butter base, can help ensure the best penis skin possible - and of course, can help alleviate the signs of aging.

Sunday, 26 March 2017

Does Masturbation Influence a Man’s Decisions?

"Masturbation: Yes or No?" is one of the decisions men make with some frequency. (Although often the decision is made before the question even formulates itself.) Studies indicate that some form of masturbation is generally good for a guy’s long term penis care, but what about masturbation and decisions? Can masturbating impact the quality of the decisions a guy makes?

The answer would appear to be yes - but whether that impact is for good or bad is ambiguous.

One study
A study from 2006 is often pointed to as evidence that masturbation produces a situation in which a man falls prey to bad decision-making - at least in terms of sexual relationships. In this study, 25 college men were instructed to masturbate (although it’s unlikely very little instruction was needed). They then were asked questions about sexual matters, including things like would they slip a drug to a girl in order to have sex with her.

The scientists discovered that "sexual arousal acts as an amplifier…(so that) activities that are not perceived as arousing…become sexually charged and attractive" when the man is aroused. Some have pointed to this as evidence that masturbation leads to bad decision-making, certainly where sexual etiquette and respect for other individuals is concerned.

Yet it’s hard to trust the results of this study for a number of reasons. First, the study size - 25 young men - is too small to be useful for anything other than a pilot study. In addition, the study focuses on college students, a group which is perhaps more inclined to being sexually "at the ready" than usual.

But much more objectionable are two other facts. Number one, the men do not masturbate to orgasm, only to a level of arousal (and one, might say, frustration), which is very different than the emotions most men feel upon completion of a masturbatory experience. And number two, the attitudes of these men were not measured before the study began, so there’s no way of knowing whether their answers to the questions would be different after becoming aroused or not.

Another point of view
Many doctors reach another conclusion about masturbation and making decisions. They feel it puts a man in a state of mind to make better decisions.

Why should that be? Well, it is an established fact that most people make better decisions when they are in a more relaxed, open frame of mind than when they are feeling stressed or anxious. In other words, when a person has a clear head, he is better able to assess the pros and cons of a situation and is in a better place to arrive at a good decision.

And masturbation does put a man in a "clearer head" state. When a guy orgasms, two hormones (oxytocin and prostaglandin) are released into the body as part of the process. These hormones work together in much the same way as a medical antidepressant. The body and mind relax, tension is cleared away (at least temporarily) and a man is in the frame of mind to weigh both sides of an issue.

So while rigorous controlled trials have not been conducted, it does seem that, based on anecdotal evidence and logic, masturbation is likely to help a man with his decisions rather than hinder him.

One of the decisions he should have no trouble making, even without masturbation, is whether to regularly apply a top rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . The answer is an overwhelming "Yes!" Another decision that’s a no-brainer: choose a crème that includes both vitamin A and vitamin C. Vitamin A is an expert at fighting blemishes on the penis skin and has the added benefit of keeping stubborn penis odor at bay. Vitamin C is a key component of the tissue that gives penis skin its tone and elasticity, which benefits the penis when erections occur.

Saturday, 25 March 2017

Penis Pain: Getting Him to Communicate about It

The world would be a much easier place in which to live if only men and women tended to communicate in the same way. But, as anyone who has been in a different-sex relationship for even a short period of time knows, that’s just not the case. Men can be very reluctant to be open about something - even things as important as penis pain and what a woman can do to make the penis feel better when it’s actively engaged in sex. While men may often be very conscientious about what they themselves do to ensure better penis care, it’s true that getting them to communicate this with their partners can be a stretch.

A guy thing
So yes, it’s a guy thing. Forget about the fact that men tend to want to talk about different things (and talk about things differently) in the first place. When the conversation turns to the penis itself, and to penis pain or pleasure specifically, lots of guys just clam up. They think it’s somehow unmanly to have to talk about it, unless it’s to brag about size, prowess or incredible staying power. Other than perhaps moaning and "Oh yeah"-ing during an orgasm, most guys are not automatically wired to talk about what their penis needs.

So if a guy is reluctant to communicate, what is his partner supposed to do? Here are a few hints.

- Look for clues. A guy may be reluctant to use his words, but his body language can provide ample information. If he pulls his penis away when a particular stroke, touch or grip is applied, it indicates there may be some degree of penis pain involved. The same is true of too much shoulder-scrunching, facial grimacing or leg folding.

- Listen for clues. Ideally, a man will simply say, "That doesn’t really feel good. Could you be a little gentler?" But there may be other audible clues - sharp intakes of breath or a tightness in his voice, for instance.

- Ask questions. Many guys won’t volunteer information but will answer when asked - so broach the subject. "Does that feel alright?" "You look like that hurt a little; should I not touch there?" or "Tell me which of these feels best" are all ways of engaging him and encouraging him to communicate.

- Ask follow-up questions. Sometimes a guy’s answer will spur a partner on to continue with an action - but the guy may discover that the repetition of the action is not what he was looking for, or something may have changed in the way the action is performed. Be prepared to ask, "Does this still feel good?’ or "Would you like something different?"

- Offer choices. Asking something like "Would you rather I tugged or rubbed?" is a very good way to get the guy to communicate with you. After a couple of options, he may feel more receptive to something like "Now you tell me what to do."

- Make him start to communicate. Before beginning, whisper in his ear "I’m ready to make this an incredible night, but I want you to tell me how you like what I’m doing and what to do differently." By giving him permission to communicate, he may be more at ease.

Needless to say, he also needs to understand that communication is not a one way street. Make sure he is as attentive to what works and doesn’t work for you as you are to his needs.

When a guy learns to communicate about what causes penis pain or pleasure, the relationship is strengthened. He also needs to communicate about the importance of using a first class penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) so you know he is serious about taking care of his equipment. The preferred crèmes include acetyl L carnitine, an amino acid that protects against peripheral nerve damage and helps maintain a prime level of sensation in the penis. It should also include vitamin B5, which plays a key role in maintaining healthy penile tissue.

Friday, 24 March 2017

Itchy Penis Urge: Covering the Need to Scratch

Guys grow out of a lot of things, but an itchy penis occurs throughout a man’s lifetime. Make no mistake: Practicing expert penis care can definitely make a huge difference in how often a dude needs to scratch his groin, but even guys in perfect penis health still have the occasional itch to contend with.

When a guy is at home and alone, there’s no problem; he can scratch away to his heart’s content. But when an itchy penis strikes - as it so often does - at work, at a party, or on a date, what can a person do to cover up the fact that his hand is making contact with his member?

Quite a few things, actually. The following are just the tip of the proverbial iceberg when it comes to ways for a dude to disguise the fact that he is tending to his itchy penis.

- Hang on to his jacket. If a guy has been itching a lot lately, it behooves him to hang on to his jacket when he enters a house. He should take the jacket off and hold it in his hands. If the itch shows up, use one hand to move the jacket in front of the crotch and slyly scratch with the other, which is hidden from view. This works best when a guy has learned to scratch simply by opening and closing his palm, rather than having to use his entire arm to move the hand back and forth.

- Look for the phone or car keys. Keeping items in the front pocket makes giving the penis a scratch much easier. As the need to scratch nears, a guy starts fumbling around in his pockets, mumbling about checking to see if he has his keys or how his phone is getting a text. Of course, he’s really just moving his fingers into position to give his manhood some much-needed itch relief.

- Make for a tight spot. A crowded room actually can make it easier to get in some quick scratching. How? By giving a guy the chance to rub his penis against a piece of furniture, like a high-backed chair or the back of a sofa. The idea is to find a piece of furniture that is about waist high and has a number of people around it. Then cross over and squeeze between the people and the piece of
furniture - with the crotch aimed at the furniture, of course. (Rubbing the penis against another person simply to scratch it is not appropriate - unless, of course, this is a sex game that two consenting adults enjoy.)

- Pet the dog. If a nearby dog is tall enough, it’s easy for a man to kneel down to pet him. With the dog blocking other people’s view, the man can get in a quick scratch himself while scratching behind Fido’s ears.

- Take a spill. Spilling something on the crotch is embarrassing, but not as much as scratching it. If the need to scratch is intense, a man can easily pretend to spill his drink on his midsection, then take a napkin and scratch himself while pretending he’s blotting and rubbing the liquid away.

Of course, what’s best is to not have an itchy penis that needs a scratch in the first place. Regular application of a top notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can help maintain penis health and thereby decrease the likelihood of an itch. Many itches are due to dry penis skin, so using a crème with both a high-end emollient (such as Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E) can keep the skin nice and moisturized. Aging, thin penis skin is also prone to itching, so select a crème with alpha lipoic acid, a powerful antioxidant that can fight the free radicals that cause such damage to the skin.

Thursday, 23 March 2017

Penis Problems and Iron: When Hemochromatosis is Involved

Iron is one of the most important nutrients a person needs, which is why many vitamin supplements and foods (such as cereal) are typically fortified with iron. Yet in some cases, too much iron can cause issues, including the occasional penis problems. Iron overload is fairly uncommon, but by no means unheard-of, so men who are interested in their penis health - and in overall general health as well - should be aware of hemochromatosis, a condition in which the body gets too much iron.

The word ‘hemochromatosis’ refers to any situation in which the body is keeping more iron than it needs. There several ways in which this iron overload can occur; for example, individuals born with the blood disorder thalassemia often suffer from iron overload, as do some sickle cell patients and some individuals with myelodysplasia syndromes.

But one of the more common causes of iron overload is hereditary hemochromatosis. This genetic condition is most often found in Caucasian people, especially those of northern European descent. Although it is found in both sexes, it is more often found among men than among women. An estimated one in 200-250 people has hereditary hemochromatosis, of which about half of the men and a quarter of the women have a form that is clinically significant. (That means that half of the men and a quarter of the women experience some sort of symptoms and need some medical attention.)

Most often, people with this disorder feel fatigued, achy and nauseous. They may experience liver issues or diabetes. This is due to iron in the blood settling into organs and causing damage.

The most common way to treat hereditary hemochromatosis is by phlebotomy - that is, by taking blood from the patient. A doctor will determine how often a patient needs to rid himself of some blood in order to keep his iron at a proper level.

Sexual dysfunction
Studies indicate that sexual dysfunction is also a common issue related to hemochromatosis. It’s estimated that between 10% and 40% of men with iron overload also have penis problems, most often related to libido and erectile function.

Why does this occur? Typically it is because some of the excess iron circulating through the body may settle in the testicles, which can cause damage to the body’s ability to produce sufficient amounts of testosterone. When testosterone levels drop, a man tends to have a lower sex drive. He also tends to have more difficulty in obtaining or maintaining an erection. This latter issue is compounded if the excess iron is also deposited in the heart. When the heart is unable to operate at peak function, it impacts the ability of blood to flow freely and quickly into the penis, which is crucial for proper erectile functioning.

Sometimes a person may have penis problems of this sort due to hemochromatosis without knowing he has it. If a man sees a doctor for sexual performance issues, he may want to ask if hemochromatosis is a possible cause, especially if he is a Caucasian of northern European descent.

Treating the hemochromatosis is essential not just for tending to these penis problems but for ensuring overall health as well. It also pays to utilize a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . The better crème will include vitamin C and L-arginine, both of which improve health in a way that can alleviate penis problems. Vitamin C is crucial for collagen production, which impacts penile tissue firmness. L-arginine, meanwhile, helps to create nitric oxide, which in turn helps keep penile blood vessels more open and receptive to increased blood flow.

Penis Pain: Are Condoms to Blame?

The smart man knows that good penis care takes into account everything that affects the manhood, whether inside the bedroom or out of it. That includes being very safe in all sexual matters. Men know that a new partner means wrapping things up, so to speak - the use of a condom in sexual activity is the basis of good penis care and consideration for the partner. But what happens when the use of the condom causes penis pain?

Why condoms might cause penis pain
The most basic barrier protection is the simple condom with nothing more than a touch of standard lubricant. Most men use this type of condom with great success. There are many sizes of condoms available, as well as thicknesses. That means a man who is of average size can find a condom that fits him, just as a man with a wider girth can purchase the right size for comfort.

But sometimes a man makes do with what he has handy, and that might not be a condom that fits properly. Some men find that the standard condom size doesn’t work for them, but until they can get back to the store and buy the ones that do, they choose to go with the smaller version. This is a much tighter fit, and it becomes evident when penis pain results from the use. Besides that, using a condom that is too small can lead to the long-term pain of sexually transmitted diseases, as the condom is much more likely to break.

A man might also find that the lubricants used in some condoms don’t set well with his delicate penis skin. This problem becomes evident with not only penis pain, but itching, irritation, and even swelling or lesions on the penis. A man with an allergy to lubricants should always choose plain condoms, and apply lubricant himself if he knows of one that doesn’t affect his skin in an adverse way.

Besides the basic condom, a man who walks on the wild side might experiment with a variety of newer condoms that offer all sorts of perks. Condoms created with certain lubricants designed to give a little ‘tingle’ are popular, as are those with a variety of flavorings. Just as a man might be allergic to certain lubricants, he might also be allergic to the ingredients that create those colors and flavors.

A man might even enjoy the use of a glow-in-the-dark version or one that has a tiny sexual toy attached. In the case of tiny sex toys, such as an attached vibrator, a man might find that he suffers from residual penis pain after playing with these little enhancements.

How to alleviate penis pain
A man who notices penis pain after sex should examine his condoms carefully. If he finds that the condom is too tight or too big, it’s time to find another size. A man who notices skin irritation, lesions or a penis rash might be dealing with lubrication issues; he can look for a condom that has no added ingredients. And finally, a man who has penis redness and irritation might be looking at a latex allergy; if that is the case, condoms made without latex will be right for him.

The penis that has been damaged by condom use might need some extra moisture. That can be had with a great penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . A man should look for a crème that contains soothing Shea butter, hydrating vitamin E, retinol for anti-aging and alpha lipoic acid, which is great for easing the damage that can be caused by penis irritation.

Wednesday, 22 March 2017

Penis Pain After Oral Sex: Urethritis?

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How to Boost Penis Health and Male Fertility

Men often think about their penis health, and make a point of practicing excellent penis care along the way. When it comes to male fertility, it rarely crosses a man’s mind until the time comes to put that fertility to good use. It’s important to start right now, however, in ensuring male fertility and penis health are top-notch - so that when the time comes to try to get a partner pregnant, he will be ready.

Male fertility and penis health can be improved through the following steps:

1. Stop with the vices. Men who smoke or use tobacco products should stop in order to ensure the best health of their sperm. The same is true of men who engage in drug use or imbibe too much alcohol, as either of these habits can lead to serious problems with sperm and male fertility. If a guy needs help with kicking these habits, it’s time to get it now, before he chooses to father a child.

2. Talk to the doctor. A man should speak to his doctor about not only his vices, but about his prescription medications as well, to ensure that none of them could lead to a problem with fertility and penis health. Those who are truly struggling with fertility might also turn to their doctor for medications that might boost sperm production or otherwise help in that area.

3. Drop the weight and exercise more. A man who has a spare tire might find that his fertility has dropped dramatically. The same is true for his penis health, as a man who is overweight might not have as satisfying of a sex life than one who is fit. By dropping extra weight and making a point to exercise more, a man improves his fertility, helps his heart, and might even wind up having much better sex in the long run.

4. Wear underwear that allows the boys to breathe. Testicles play the key role in sperm production, and that means they need to be kept at the proper temperature. Wearing tighty-whiteys can keep them too warm, while going commando can actually keep them too cool. Improve male fertility by wearing comfortable boxers that allow the boys to breathe but still keep things contained.

5. Get the best veggies. We’ve talked about dropping the weight, but what about eating right? What goes into the body can have a significant effect on male fertility and penis health. Look for foods that are high in antioxidants and vitamins, such as blueberries, leafy greens, peppers and oranges, among other foods that fall into the same families.

6. Have regular sex. In order to get the most out of penis health, a man should make a point of ejaculating regularly, whether with a partner or by himself. However, sex with a partner can be more advantageous, as it boosts certain hormones that might not be in abundance during masturbation. Even better, those men who are eager to get their partner pregnant often find the more sex they have, the better the odds.

No matter what else a man does to ensure the best penis health and male fertility, he should never take day-to-day care for granted. The use of a high-quality penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) is a great option for preserving penis health throughout a man’s life. Filled with vitamins and nutrients that keep the penis skin in the best shape possible, the use of the crème on a daily basis can ensure supple, smooth skin. An added boost of hydration provided by Shea butter and vitamin E can go even further in helping a man maintain a touchable, handsome penis - one that a partner will be more than happy to welcome when the time is right.

Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Is Penis Health Compromised by Nudist Activities?

Nowadays most men know that taking pains to ensure good penis health pays off in the long run. The healthier the penis, the more likely it is to perform at peak levels and the fewer problems - sexual or otherwise - a man is likely to encounter as he ages. Some people wonder if being a nudist has any noticeable effect on penis health, especially in terms of possibly being detrimental to it. In fact, there’s little reason to believe nudism is harmful to penis health - provided appropriate precautions are taken, of course.

Nudist lifestyle
Although exact figures are hard to come by, an estimated 3% to 5% of the U.S. adult population is thought to be social nudists - that is, preferring to go unclothed while at home and in certain acceptable social situations. However, the number of people who have participated in what might be termed a nudist activity, at least once, would be considerably higher. For example, there are multitudes of people who have skinny-dipped (sometimes frequently) who would not consider themselves nudists.

Some people are attracted to the nudist lifestyle but hesitant to engage in it for a variety of reasons, including a concern that there may be some health risks involved. For example, as many a man who has ventured out on a nude beach can attest, exposing the penis to the sun carries the distinct risk of a very uncomfortable sunburn.

Fortunately sunburn on the penis can be avoided by use of an appropriate sunscreen. Because penis skin is sensitive, however, it is wise to pick a lotion that is gentle and doesn’t contain harsh ingredients. If sunburn does occur on the penis - or if the chosen sunscreen causes the skin to react - it’s best to add a moisturizing lotion or some aloe gel to the penis to help repair sun-damaged skin.

Exposing the bare penis to nature also runs the risk of putting it in contact with problematic plants, such as poison ivy or poison oak, or of excess pollen coating the penis. Knowing what plants to avoid is crucial to keeping a bare penis happy when exposed to nature. Washing the penis promptly when pollen or other allergens are present is also a good idea.

But what about the risk of the penis falling prey to improper hygiene habits of other nudists? Residual fecal matter can occasionally be deposited by one nudist on a chair or bench and it is possible for another nudist to "pick up" a disease from this route. However, many doctors believe there is no more risk from exposure in this way than from the casual everyday exposure a person gets from handling infected items (such as money or computer keyboards).

It does seem there is a slightly increased risk of picking up pubic lice from another nudist, but most nudist gatherings have rules which discourage any participants who are not free of such nuisances from attending. Nevertheless, it is always recommended to check for signs of such conditions after attending a nudist event.

And there are some definite benefits to the nudist in terms of penis health. Airing out the penis and balls is one of the most effective ways to reduce rank penis odor. In addition, the fresh air can often help keep penis skin healthier. And limited exposure to sunlight helps increase vitamin D production in the penis as well.

Whether nudist or not, penis health can be improved if a man makes it a habit to apply a top notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) regularly. Dry penis skin will benefit from a crème that includes both a high-end emollient (like Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (like vitamin E) to properly moisturize the skin and help retain natural oils. The better crèmes will also include vitamin B5 (aka retinol), a nutrient essential for proper penile cell metabolism.

Monday, 20 March 2017

Sex Toys: Anal Plugs and Proper Penis Care

Not surprisingly, men tend to focus on the penis as their primary source of pleasure for all things sexual (which has the side benefit of encouraging men to pay proper attention to their penis care, of course). But there are other areas that can factor into sexual pleasure, and the world of sex toys can help a man explore and access these pleasure centers. Of special interest is the anal plug, which can help a newcomer interested in expanding his horizons find a way to investigate anal-based pleasure.

The anal plug
The majority of men are familiar with the term "anal plug," but they may not have actually seen one and may be confused about the difference between an anal plug and a dildo. That’s natural, as both are sex toys that can be used for anal excitement.

An anal plug is generally smaller than a dildo and makes less of an attempt to mimic the physical appearance of a penis. Although some anal plugs are essentially a straight rod of uniform girth, most plugs tend to have more of a shape. Typically, an anal plug will be fatter in the middle and more slender at the top and bottom. The bottom will also have a wide, flared base. The base is to help ensure the plug does not get inserted all the way into the anus, which would make removal difficult.
Anal plugs come in many different sizes and girths; some will feature a curve and bend in the middle.

Because an anal plug tends to be smaller than a dildo, it’s the better of the sex toys to use for first exploring anal sex. Many men find the plug is ultimately preferable long term compared to the dildo and so continue to use it rather than "moving on" to the larger toy. One other advantage is that it is much easier to wear an anal plug under clothing, enabling a guy to use the anal plug while out and about or even while at work.

Most men who are just beginning to explore anal excitement should choose a small anal plug and get used to it before moving on to a larger model. It’s also important to choose a plug that is very smooth, in order to avoid scraping the interior of the anus. Rubber, latex, vinyl and silicone are typical materials used in anal plugs. Glass plugs should not be used.

Lubrication is definitely required. For silicone-based sex toys, use only water- or oil-based lubricant. For rubber or latex, use water- or silicone-based lubricant. Vinyl plugs can be slickened by water-, oil- or silicone-based lubes. If the plug is worn or used for an extended period of time, it should be re-lubricated periodically.

Prior to insertion, it’s usually a good idea for a man to loosen himself up using his fingers. Use the same lubricant as will be used with the anal plug.

Cleaning the anal plug is of great importance. After rinsing in hot water, a good lathering of anti-bacterial soap should be applied and rinsed, again in hot water. Let the plug dry thoroughly in the open air, then pack it away in a zip-lock container to keep bacteria from accumulating. It’s also often a good idea to give a plug a quick rinse under hot water before using it again.

Sex toys such as the anal plug can add tremendous fun to a man’s penis play - so much so that he may overdo his masturbation and end up with a sore or raw penis. Using a top notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can be a big aid here. The best crème will contain both a combination of moisturizers and a powerful antioxidant. Shea butter (a high-end emollient) and vitamin E (a respected natural hydrator) are a dynamic duo when it comes to soothing raw penis skin. The antioxidant alpha lipoic acid, meanwhile, attacks free radicals and therefore decreases the chance of oxidative stress, which can otherwise inhibit healing of penis skin.

Sunday, 19 March 2017

Linking the Erect Penis to Oral Hygiene

Hopefully, most men reading this article will already be as dedicated to maintaining good oral hygiene as they are to maintaining good penis health. But in case they are not, it may interest them to know that sometimes the two can be related and that the health of an erect penis may be related to some degree to the state of a man’s oral hygiene. If that sounds a little sketchy - after all, a man’s mouth is pretty far away from his penis - read on to learn more.

Oral hygiene
Oral hygiene is the overall term for the state of health associated with the mouth. In most cases, when a person talks about oral hygiene, they’re referring to the day-to-day activities someone engages in to keep the teeth healthy - brushing, flossing, using mouthwash, etc. Oral hygiene would also encompass those less-frequent activities, such as getting a dental check-up regularly, having teeth cleaned, taking care of cavities, etc.

One of the goals of good oral hygiene is to prevent the development of periodontitis, or advanced gum disease. Also called pyorrhea, periodontitis is the name given to a range of inflammatory diseases that can strike the tissues that surround the teeth.

Periodontitis starts when microorganisms develop on the teeth. The body’s immune system responds with agents to neutralize these microorganisms. The battle between the two forces significantly weakens the bones in the area and provides other problematic issues, which cause the gums to deteriorate; thus, the overall health of the teeth and mouth lessen.

As part of this decrease in overall oral health, agents are released which weaken the endothelial cells, which form the lining on the blood vessels.

Erect penis
So what does all this have to do with an impact on the erect penis? It’s actually not as far-fetched as it sounds.

A study in the Journal of Sex and Medicine looked at rats with periodontitis. They found that many of these rats also had difficulty in attaining an erect penis.

Periodontitis can cause damage to the endothelial cells that line blood vessels. When these cells are damaged, the vessels are unable to open and close as they normally do. That means that when blood rushes to the penis to create and maintain an erection, not as much of it is able to get through and do its job. That’s what was happening with these rats: they either weren’t getting an erect penis or they weren’t getting one that was as hard and firm as it needed to be.

The doctors theorized the damage to the endothelial cells was related to a lack of nitric oxide, which is one of the key components that allows blood vessels to open and be receptive to a greater flow.

Keep brushing
Therefore, men who are interested in keeping their erect penis healthy should also spend time keeping their teeth healthy. Regular brushing and flossing is key, but so is seeing the dentist on a regular basis. Often a person doesn’t know they have periodontitis until it is relatively advanced, so taking steps to prevent it or to nip it early is essential.

Oral hygiene is just one step in maintaining the health an erect penis needs. Regular use of a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) also plays a role. Be sure to find a crème that includes L-arginine. This amino acid is part of the process by which nitric oxide is developed, which is important in keeping penile blood vessels open and flowing. The crème should also include vitamin C, a key component of collagen, a tissue in the body that gives skin its tone and elasticity and is vital for penile erections.

Friday, 17 March 2017

What to Do About Stretch Marks on Penis Skin

When someone hears the term "stretch marks," they usually think of pregnant women and their round, full bellies. But stretch marks can happen anywhere on the body. Despite the best penis care and attention possible, men might sometimes wind up with stretch marks in the groin area, on the scrotum and yes, even on the penis skin.

The good news is that stretch marks aren’t a sign of any underlying medical condition. Sometimes they just happen. There is other good news as well; it is possible to reduce the appearance of stretch marks on penis skin. Here’s what a man needs to know.

Why did the stretch marks appear?
Stretch marks are hallmarks of changing body size. Women often wind up with stretch marks after pregnancy, as their skin has stretched to its limits while growing a baby. Some people wind up with stretch marks after puberty, when they go through a growth spurt that puts inches and weight on their frame. And still others get stretch marks when they gain a few too many pounds.

So how does a man wind up with stretch marks on the penis skin? When the skin stretches to accommodate an erection, it might be enough to cause those tiny, painless tears in the dermis. Over time, those tears turn into the long, silvery trails of stretch marks.

But that doesn’t explain stretch marks on the scrotum. In most cases, stretch marks in areas that aren’t normally stretched happen with very slight tears. For instance, a man who sits down in the wrong way and feels a slight tug on the testicles might immediately stand back up, shift things around, and sit back down. This happens so often that he might not even really register that he’s doing it. But sure enough, even that bit of discomfort from stretching can be enough to create a tiny stretch mark.

What to do about stretch marks
Men will be quite relieved to know that stretch marks don’t mean anything in terms of other medical problems. They are so natural and happen to so many people that several studies, as well as anecdotal evidence, point to stretch marks simply being an annoying part of everyday life.

But for a man, stretch marks on the penis can mean much more than annoyance. A guy’s self-esteem might take a huge hit if he looks down to see unsightly stretch marks on his equipment. That can lead to social embarrassment, a hesitation to show his penis to potential partners, and even problems with performing.

For men whose intimate life is negatively affected by stretch marks, there are a few options. A good dermatologist might offer certain therapies, such as laser therapy or microdermabrasion, that can lessen the appearance of stretch marks. In order to get the best results from any sort of treatment, a man should seek out help during the first six weeks or so, when the stretch marks are still reddish or purple in color. During this time, the skin is much more likely to heal.

One of the best ways a man can help reduce the appearance of stretch marks is through crèmes that are appropriate for the situation. One of those should be a top-notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). A man wants plenty of hydration to help ensure his penis skin stays as smooth and supple as possible, which allows it more room to stretch during erections. A crème that contains not only Shea butter, but vitamin E as well, can help a man keep the penis skin as healthy as possible. Other nutrients, including retinol and alpha lipoic acid to help fight the signs of aging, can help keep the penis skin handsome.

Masturbation with Another Guy: Some Tips

Most of the time, masturbation is something a guy does by himself. Whether it’s because he is concerned about maintaining penis health and knows that a guy needs to "use it or lose it," or because he’s just in the mood to feel a little pleasure, a guy will make time for some masturbation. Some men, though, are interested in what it might be like to self-stimulate along with another guy. For these men, the following tips might prove helpful.

While masturbation among two or more men is clearly something likely to happen if a man is homosexual, it’s interesting to note that many heterosexual men have also masturbated with another guy. Exact statistics are hard to come by, but a recent CDC study indicated that 2.3% of men who identify as straight have engaged in oral or anal sex with another man. This would seem to indicate that an even larger number of straight men have masturbated with another guy - especially given the fact that such an activity may be even more common among puberty-aged males.

Since gay men are more likely to be in a situation where masturbation with another man is more likely, the following tips are more geared toward the straight man who has an interest.

- Know the reasons. A man should be aware of why he has this interest, and what he wants to get out of it. Is he curious about how other men masturbate? Does he seek validation that masturbation is "okay"? (It is, for the record!) Is he sexually aroused by the thought of other men self-gratifying? Does he feel it is a bonding experience? And is he interested in masturbating with men in general, or with a particular man or men?

- Know the anticipated fellow masturbator. Is the preferred partner a stranger or someone who is known - a friend, a colleague? If known, is there something about him - comments he has made, for example - that suggest he may or may not be open to masturbating with another man?

- Know the approach. Depending upon the preferred partner, a guy may be direct or subtle. For example, if a stranger is wanted, paying a visit to a local adult arcade may allow a guy to meet other men willing to masturbate openly while watching a peep show with another guy. If a friend, he might be open to simply asking, "Hey, I’ve always wondered what it’s like to masturbate with another guy. How about you?" Or is a more subtle approach called for?

- Subtle. If subtle, be aware that this may be a several-step process, and it could derail at any moment. For some, it may be enough to say, "I have this awesome porn DVD, want to watch it?" Then, while sitting and viewing the porn, a man may begin to check for signs - i.e., he gently massages his crotch, the other guy massages his - that hopefully lead to mutual masturbation.
But it may also take several tries - starting out just by talking about what gets him horny one day, talking about favorite fantasies another, discussing a particular porn star the next week, and finally moving on to a discussion about how much each man masturbates.

It’s also important to remember that the efforts may be met with a very strong rebuff - and a guy needs to be prepared for that and weigh that option before deciding to move forward.

Tips for masturbation, whether alone or with a partner, should also include the use of a first rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) to keep the penis looking impressive when it’s on display. Locate a crème that includes a range of vitamins, including A, B5, C, D and E, which when applied topically can give the penis enormous benefits. It’s also suggested that the crème contain acetyl L carnitine, especially if the penis is used roughly or frequently. This amino acid is superb at protecting against loss of penis sensitivity from improper usage.

Thursday, 16 March 2017

Itchy Penis: When Scabies Attack

The goal of first rate penis health is to ensure the penis is kept in prime condition not just for sexual function but to avoid mundane day-to-day problems. Since sometimes a "minor" problem - like an itchy penis - can be caused by something of more concern, it’s always a good idea to pay attention to things like a sore or itchy penis to see what may be causing the issue. In the case of itchiness, one cause to be considered is scabies.

A familiar name
Scabies is one of those terms that many men know but they have only some vague knowledge on what it is. So just what are scabies?

Sarcoptes scabiei is the medical name for scabies, and it refers to little bitty parasites. Scabies generally travel in groups, and when a troupe of them gets on a person’s skin - say, on or near the penis - they often mate. The male then conveniently dies and isn’t a problem anymore. The female, on the other hand, decides that this penis would be a grand spot to raise her children. She digs down underneath the skin and deposits her eggs there. And we’re talking a lot of eggs - as many as three a day for up to two months, after which she dies.

But before she dies, those eggs are hatching. Scabies go from egg to adult in less than two weeks, so while that first female is laying eggs, her progeny are also getting busy and laying eggs. It’s easy to see that this can lead to a condition where a guy ends up with a ton of scabies on his penis - and elsewhere on his body, as they can spread quite easily.

Itchy penis
Scabies create a rash that can really, really itch. In some ways this is a good thing, as it alerts a man to the presence of these tiny mites. The problem is that it may take a month or more for the itchy penis rash to develop, by which time dozens of mites may be all over the body.

Scabies can be caught by contact with an infected object (such as a towel or bedclothes), but most often they are spread via skin-to-skin contact. That means that they can quite easily be spread during sex, so a man who has scabies should refrain from partner-based sex until he is sure he has been cleansed of all signs of scabies.

So how does a guy get rid of scabies? First he needs to visit a doctor to confirm that his problem is indeed due to scabies. Once diagnosed, the doctor will likely prescribe a treatment using a pesticide called a scabicide, which is formulated to attack and kill scabies. It is a cream applied to the entire body; in some cases, it needs to stay on for up to 10 hours on the first day of application. Some other varieties of treatment have different time intervals.

In addition, the home will need to be cleaned as thoroughly as possible, both in terms of laundry and household items and objects, including carpeting.

Scabies is a nasty beast when it comes to a persistently itchy penis and the rash that develops. Regular use of a first rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can help soothe the itchiness by keeping the skin properly moisturized. Use a crème with Shea butter, which heals and rejuvenates damaged skin, and with vitamins D and E. Vitamin D is called the miracle vitamin for its ability to battle disease and support healthy cellular function. Vitamin E helps to lock in moisture, soothing rashy, scarred penis skin.

5 Fun Uses for an Erect Penis

An erect penis in the room is like an elephant in the room - it’s too obvious to simply ignore. But while an erect penis may find itself enmeshed in sexual situations, the truth is that a person or a couple can be creative in the fun ways they use this valuable resource. Assuming that they take pains to practice good penis care and don’t do anything to damage the manhood, there are any number of fun activities for an erect penis.

Like what? Well, the following is just a small sample of games and activities to try.

- Ring toss. The possessor of the erect penis lies on his back, naked. He wraps one hand around his penis and begins slowly stroking himself. As the man masturbates, his partner takes several plastic rings and, standing ten feet away, attempts to land one around his erect penis. They may take as many tries as they like. If they succeed in landing a ring around the penis, the man ceases masturbating and the two engage in penetrative sex. If he ejaculates before a ring is tossed over the penis, he proceeds to masturbate his partner to orgasm.

- Star Audition. For this game, the man gets to just lie back again - perhaps on the bed or a sofa. His partner pretends that she is an aspiring singer who is hoping to take the nation by storm. To that end, she is auditioning for a TV reality show that seeks out musical talent. In order to practice for her audition, she uses her partner’s erection as a microphone. The man, in the meantime, can help coach her with such helpful instructions as "We can’t hear you. Get closer to the mic, really swallow the mic."

- Court of Law. For threesomes (or larger groups), this can be enjoyable. The man is the judge and his penis is his gavel. The other two are unruly lawyers who are forever arguing and making objections. The judge is constantly called to demand order in the court or to rule on an objection as overruled or sustained - all accompanied by the appropriate pounding of his gavel on the desk.

- Driving instructor. For this role play, the man is teaching his partner how to drive. She has only been behind the wheel of an automatic and will need a lot of help learning how to use a stick shift - which, of course, is the man’s erect penis.

- Joystick fun. A home video game of some sort is required for this one. The man, blindfolded and sporting an erection, is given the joystick controls. He cannot see what is onscreen, but the partner can. She takes hold of his erection and uses it as a joystick. Whenever she moves the penis left, the man moves the actual joystick left. When she moves it forward, he moves it forward, and so on. To make it more fun, the partner may also stroke the shaft up and down as she moves it around and around.

These are just a few examples of fun uses for an erect penis; an imaginative mind can come up with many more. But in order for it to be as much fun as possible, the man’s penis needs to be kept good and healthy. Regularly using a first tier penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) can help in that area. Find a crème that contains the amino acid L-arginine, as this ingredient helps boost nitric oxide production which in turn helps keep penile blood vessels open and flowing properly. It also helps if the crème contains acetyl L carnitine, a neuroprotective ingredient which guards against the peripheral nerve damage (and subsequent loss of sensitivity) that aggressive penis handling can bring.

Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Penis Health and Piercing: What a Man Should Know

For some men, the idea of getting a penis piercing gets them hard. For others, the mere thought of the process makes them feel a little queasy. And still others get so freaked out that they have already stopped reading this article. But for those men who do love the idea of a penis piercing, it’s important to understand the penis care rules that come into play after the piercing is done.

So without further ado, here’s the piercing checklist for the best penis health.

1. Consider vitamin K supplements. Many professional piercers recommend taking vitamin K supplements for about a week before coming in for the piercing. Vitamin K has strong clotting abilities, and can help the blood coagulate, therefore lessening the bleeding that might come with a piercing. If a man is on any sort of blood thinner or medication that might make bleeding more likely, he should always check with his doctor before getting a piercing.

2. Don’t be surprised by bleeding. As the movie says, there will be blood…and unfortunately, there might be lots of it. That’s because the penis is such a vascular organ. However, just because there is a lot of blood is not cause for alarm! The bleeding might seem to be much worse than it really is, and the piercer will make it clear if it seems to be too much. In most cases, a man’s penis will be ‘wrapped up’ securely before he leaves the piercer, assuring that no blood will stain his clothing.

3. Follow all directions. The professional piercer knows best, so don’t question the aftercare instructions. While a man might feel healed within a few weeks, he’s really not - there’s a reason why he was told to wait for up to two months (and for some piercings, even longer) before going back to his usual routines.

4. Use a condom. When a man is ready to get back in the sexual game, there won’t be any ‘testing out’ of the piercing at first. In fact, a man who has sex within the first several weeks after a piercing will have to wear a condom, even if he is in a monogamous relationship and not worried about diseases. That’s because the exchange of bodily fluids can be enough to lead to infection, which then sets back healing by several weeks.

5. Provide ample healing time. Speaking of time, a man should be prepared to allow the penis to heal for as long as the piercer suggests, or even longer. In order to do so, he should be ready to avoid certain activities. This includes sex, but it can also include things like riding a bike or even certain workouts at the gym.

6. Ease up on activity. The friction of sex can lead to pulls and tears in the skin around the healing piercing, which can then lead to more blood and longer healing time. A man should take it easy with sex at first. This means nothing rough, no ‘manhandling’ of the penis during masturbation, and no oral sex for the first several weeks. When he does ease into those activities again, he must pay close attention to how everything feels.

7. The body never lies. A man should always listen to his body. If things are hurting, that’s a sign it’s time to stop. If things feel strange, it’s time to look things over. If the healing isn’t going as it should, it’s time to get things checked out. A man who pays attention to his body is bound to have better penis health, no matter how many piercings he has.

When a man’s piercing is healed, keep the skin supple and ready for action with a powerful penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Look specifically for a crème with Shea butter and vitamin E for hydration, as well as a crème containing acetyl-L-carnitine, which protects against peripheral nerve damage and keeps the penis healthy.

A Dry, Itchy Penis Might be Caused by Penile Eczema

Few things in life are more annoying than an itchy penis. Men who want to avoid this situation go to great lengths to give their body the best possible penis care, and for many lucky souls, that’s all that’s needed to keep things calm and quiet down there. But when penile eczema enters the picture, all bets are off - and that dry, itchy penis situation becomes a problem of epic proportion.

What is eczema?
Eczema is also known as atopic dermatitis. It can happen anywhere on the body. It shows up as a very red, irritated and itchy area of skin; the skin might look red, inflamed, or even blistered. The itching of eczema is intense, sometimes making it impossible to ignore. Besides these problems, the dryness that comes along with eczema can last long after the initial redness and irritation is gone.

When eczema presents on the penis, it can be even more intense than eczema that appears elsewhere on the body. The thin penis skin is even more susceptible to dryness and irritation, and of course, having an itchy penis is one of those things that can truly ruin every aspect of a man’s day - not to mention his sex life.

How to fight penile eczema
Eczema can be tough to handle, especially since it tends to hang around for a long while even if a man is doing all the right things. That’s why a man must get started with these tips at the first sign of redness and itching.

- Intense hydration. Skin covered in eczema is craving moisture, so provide it, inside and out. Drink plenty of water, and slather on a high-end emollient that locks in moisture. Make sure the lotion doesn’t contain fragrances or alcohol, as these can make the eczema problem much worse.

- Wash appropriately. Though it might feel great to get under a really hot shower, stick with lukewarm water for daily washing. Keep the shower very short, only a few minutes, and pat the skin dry when finished. Use a very mild cleanser, preferably one that is designed for eczema care.

- Keep the temperature steady. Cold air is almost guaranteed to lead to a big flare-up of penile eczema, so make sure to keep the area warm. In addition, men should keep the area where they sleep as comfortable as possible by using a humidifier during the cold months. This will put more moisture into the air, which helps prevent dry skin.

- Wear appropriate clothing. Clothing that is loose-fitting, all-cotton and breathable is recommended. This allows air to flow through as much as possible. It also helps prevent further chafing and irritation when clothing presses against the areas of penile eczema.

- Stay away from allergens. Sometimes penile eczema is caused by something new, such as harsh detergent, new cologne or even sleeping on unfamiliar sheets. Eliminate as many of these factors as possible to help the itching and redness subside.

- Do not scratch! This is easily the most difficult of all the eczema remedies. An itchy penis begs to be scratched, and the itching from eczema can be especially intense. However, scratching that itch can actually make the eczema worse, or could even progress to opening up little tears in the penis skin. If the itching is very severe, gently rub a moisturizing crème into the area - that will provide some relief and some hydration at the same time. Wear lightweight gloves if necessary to prevent the urge to scratch, especially during sleep.

To keep the skin very well-hydrated year-round, consider including a top-notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) in the penis care routine. It is vitally important to use a crème that contains Shea butter, a high-end emollient, as well as vitamin E, known as nature’s hydrator. The combination of these two ingredients can provide a ‘moisture lock’ that can help reduce the itchy penis problem of penile eczema.

Tuesday, 14 March 2017

Could Erectile Dysfunction and Blood Type Be Linked?

There are two words no man ever wants to hear: erectile dysfunction. One of the primary reasons a guy may devote so much time to maintaining his penis health is precisely because he wants to avoid the development of erectile dysfunction. Yet this issue can have many different factors as a cause, some of which may be beyond the control of any man - and a study in an Italian medical journal raises the possibility that one of those causes may be a guy’s own blood type.

Every guy has a fear of erectile dysfunction, but many men just have a vague, general idea that it’s all about soft penises that are unable to penetrate vaginas and cause embarrassment and mortification for their owners. According to the Mayo Clinic, erectile dysfunction is defined simply as "the inability to get and keep an erection firm enough for sex."

It is not the same as premature ejaculation. Every man has some instances where his penis does not perform in the way he would like it to, but a guy typically isn’t said to have erectile dysfunction unless the problem is recurrent or chronic.

As previously mentioned, there can be several factors that contribute to the development and continuation of erectile dysfunction. In many cases, there can be a psychological component involved. For example, men who are depressed or experience significant stress or anxiety may often find their sex lives affected. Libido can be negatively impacted, and episodes of impotence can occur.
Another psychological issue that can impact sexual performance concerns the state of a man’s relationship with a partner; if there is poor communication or many unstated negative feelings, this may affect erectile function as well.

But physical factors also play a role. Diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, metabolic syndrome and Peyronie’s disease can all interfere with erectile function. Obesity or overuse of alcohol or tobacco can also be a factor, as can sleep disorders, certain medications and prostate treatments. And so can factors that relate to heart health, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease and clogged blood vessels.

The study
A recent study in The Archives of Italian Urology and Andrology suggests that blood type may be a cause. The "Are erectile dysfunctions enabled by ABO blood group?" study examined the records of 350 men, 111 of which suffered from erectile dysfunction. When the researchers controlled for other factors, there was a definite difference in the risk for erectile dysfunction based on blood type. Those with type A or B were about 4 times more likely to have erectile issues than those with type O - and men with type AB were about 5 times as likely.

Why should this be? Some earlier studies have indicated that some blood types (especially AB) are more likely to develop heart issues, including clogged vessels. Because penile blood vessels are smaller than many other vessels, it may mean they are prone to developing plaque and clogs earlier. When there are clogs, blood has a harder time reaching the penis, which has a definite impact on the entire erectile process. Or there may be other reasons for this link.

Of course, this is only one study, and not one designed to examine the range of possible causes. Still, men with non-type O blood may want to take extra steps to keep their penis in good health to avoid erectile issues.

Whatever the blood type, erectile dysfunction is less likely when penis health is maintained at a high level. Daily use of a top drawer penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) helps maintain that health. Definitely select a crème with L-arginine, an amino acid that plays a role in the chain of events which impacts blood vessel dilation, making it easier for penile blood vessels to remain open and flowing. Also select a crème with vitamin C, which is a key component of collagen, thereby helping to give penis skin elasticity and tone necessary for erections.

Big Penis Size: Useful Sex Tips

Thanks to society’s obsession with penis size, men tend to think that having a huge penis is the end to any possible sex problems. But in fact, factors like good penis health and skillful use of the equipment tend to count far more than appendage size. Having a really big penis can actually be a drawback sometimes. For those who are too well endowed - or for women who find themselves in bed with what looks like more than they can handle - the following sex tips should come in handy.

Let her take the lead
One of the most important sex tips when dealing with a big penis: make sure she feels comfortable. It’s good to acknowledge in advance that both parties are aware of the size issue and to let the woman know the man is happy to go at the rate of speed she finds most comfortable. The male needs to be prepared to stop and start, perhaps by inserting only a portion of the penis slowly and waiting until she is ready for more.

Double up on the foreplay
Foreplay before penetration is always a good idea, but it’s especially necessary when a penis of maximum size is involved - and especially when that penis size is expressed in terms of extra girth. In addition to manually stimulating the vagina, the man should be prepared to engage in oral sex. It’s also wise to remember other erogenous zones, such as breasts and thighs, to include in the foreplay.

In some instances, a woman may prefer to orgasm from foreplay and then allow insertion of the penis. After orgasm, the vagina is usually at its most open and relaxed. Often a woman can then achieve a second orgasm after insertion. However, the male should be conscious of the fact that his partner may not be heading toward a second orgasm - in which case, she may begin to encounter pain if the intercourse continues for too long a time.

Don’t skimp on lubrication
Lubrication is the name of the game, especially when large penis size is part of the equation. Find out if she has any special requirements in this area; some women may find certain lubes are more effective for them, or they may have allergic reactions to some options. Be generous in initial application, and be aware that lube may need to be replenished during the course of the sexual encounter.

Experiment with positions and angles
Many sex tips experts recommend various positions, such as reverse cowgirl, standing straddle, side-by-side, etc., but the fact is that experimentation is the only way to determine what works best. However, picking positions where the woman has control is best when a big penis is involved. When a position has been selected, the man should ask if she would like him to vary his angle of insertion (if the position so permits) as well.

Know that practice may be necessary
Having a big penis raises certain expectations, one being that a guy is going to be a monster in bed who lasts all night long. In fact, penis size has nothing to do with longevity - and since the owner of a big penis often has to contend with lengthy foreplay sessions (during which his penis may also undergo significant stimulation) and various penetration attempts, a man may not last very long once inserted. It sometimes takes several encounters before a couple finds the positions and foreplay that works for them. Once a "routine" is established, it’s easier for the couple to find out what their "normal" sex will be like and adjust accordingly.

All sex tips, whether for a big penis or a modestly sized one, should emphasize the importance of using a top notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . One with L-arginine, an amino acid involved in the process that keeps penile blood vessels receptive to flow, is definitely encouraged. The crème should include a range of vitamins, such as A, B5, C, D and E, as topical application of these vitamins will enable them to more directly benefit penis health.