Thursday, 9 March 2017

What are Penis Pimples?

Many men believe they left acne behind with their teenage years, and for many, that’s the case. So it makes sense that a man has a feeling of disbelief and dismay when he looks down at his favorite equipment and sees a pimple looking back at him. The truth is that even with the best penis care, a man might occasionally have penis pimples. This unsightly event can be enough to make a man feel as though he’s back in high school again - and not in a good way.

What causes penis pimples?
The cause of penis pimples is exactly the same as that of pimples on the face - it’s a buildup of oil or skin that prevents the body’s normal secretions. When the body can’t function as it should, it sends alarm signals to the immune system, which then sends out its own little invaders to deal with the problem. The result is an area that looks red and angry, raised penis bumps that are filled with fluids, usually pus.

On a broader scale, there are a few things that might tip a man off to the possibility of penis pimples. Men who have very oily skin might experience more pimples than a man with drier skin. A man who sweats a great deal might also experience more pimples. Other possible reasons might include ingrown hairs, irritation from shaving, and occasionally, the use of a condom that is too tight.

Getting rid of penis pimples
The good news is that penis pimples are almost always hidden behind clothing, so they aren’t on display like those facial blemishes were back in high school. The bad news is that the penis pimples can look a lot like an STD, and that can make partners think twice about engaging in any sensual fun with a guy who has them.

Besides that, penis pimples can be annoying, irritating and even painful. Here’s how to get rid of them safely.

1. Maintain excellent hygiene. Though washing the penis every day with mild soap and water is recommended, it’s good to step up the game when penis bumps come into the picture. Cleanse the penis at least twice a day, especially after a sweaty workout or after getting home from work.

2. Shave smart. If a man is getting pimples where he shaves, he should change up his technique. Always use a very sharp razor, and stand under the hot water of the shower for a while before shaving in order to open up the pores and make the process easier.

3. Don’t squeeze. It might be very tempting to puncture or squeeze penis pimples in order to get immediate relief; however, this can actually drive the infection deeper into the skin, lead to spreading of the problem and even invite new bacteria to enter the opening, thus creating a much bigger issue.

4. Soak the skin. Keeping the skin moist and warm can help dissipate the infection and lead to a healthier penis. A man can do this by wrapping a warm towel around his member and holding it there for several minutes, soaking in a warm bath for a bit, or simply rinsing the area with very warm water each time he goes to the bathroom.

When penis pimples are severe
A man dealing with penis pimples might also want to make an appointment with his dermatologist if the problem doesn’t go away within a few weeks. The dermatologist can prescribe excellent creams that will help the acne vanish for good.

In the meantime, a man can help things along with a high-quality penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) . Look for a crème that contains vitamin B5 for healthy tissue, vitamin A for antibacterial properties, vitamin D for healthy cellular function and alpha-lipoic acid, which helps prevent the signs of aging. All this in a high-powered Shea butter and vitamin E base means a penis that stays smooth, soft and bump-free.

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