Friday, 31 July 2015

Penis Care: Avoid these Foreskin Problems

Foreskin gets a bad rap in American culture, but there are several positive things about it. It provides a layer of natural protection between the sensitive penile head and clothing; it produces natural lubrication for the penis; some partners greatly enjoy the process of "undressing" the head of the penis by retracting the foreskin over the head with lips or hands. While circumcision is not necessary for a healthy penis, there are some unique problems that can occur in uncut men, and guys should be aware of them both in order to identify and prevent them. The following foreskin problems, and the penis care steps to remedy them, are important for all intact men to know.

Balanitis is a condition broadly characterized by inflammation of the foreskin, sometimes accompanied by inflammation of the head. It can be caused by several things. Most often, it refers to an infection created by improper hygiene. Smegma, the white substance that builds up under the foreskin, attracts bacteria and can cause infection if not wiped away on a regular basis (usually, once a day while showering). Proper hygiene is both the prevention and typical treatment course.

Another type of infection that can lead to foreskin/head swelling is candidiasis (yeast infection). In men, this usually occurs among diabetics or those who have unprotected sex with an infected woman. In the former case, managing diabetes effectively is the best prevention protocol, and in the latter, protected sex serves to prevent yeast infections. Treatment involves use of an antifungal cream. If contracted from a partner, both partners should be treated simultaneously to prevent a resurgence.
Finally, aggressive sex or masturbation can lead to swelling of the foreskin and head. Giving the member a break can speed recovery, and using more lubrication next time may help prevent a recurrence.

Phimosis is marked by the inability to retract the foreskin, usually because of infections and scarring. The latter may result from infections due to improper hygiene. Medicated creams may be prescribed to correct the problem.

During adolescence and the teenage years, the foreskin generally becomes unattached from the head of the penis. Rarely, the adhesions that attach the foreskin and head at birth don’t wear away normally, and medical intervention is required. Stretching exercises may be of assistance in naturally retracting the foreskin.

The penis can become injured in such a way that the foreskin gets trapped below the head of the penis. If stuck in this position, the foreskin may cut off blood flow to the head of the penis, constituting a medical emergency. Going to the emergency room is called for in this situation to prevent serious, permanent damage. Avoiding super-aggressive sex and odd thrusting angles can help prevent it.

Foreskin Entrapment
When the penis is flaccid, the foreskin is baggy and often wrinkly. This renders it susceptible to being caught in fly zippers. While this may sound like a silly way to get injured, it can be significantly painful and often requires medical attention to remove the skin from the zipper’s teeth. Men can lessen the likelihood of this occurring by wearing undergarments and practicing caution when zipping and unzipping (sliding one hand between the pants and the undergarments is a good way to go).

Caring for the foreskin is generally not difficult. Guys need to retract it gently and wash away smegma regularly; using just warm water, or warm water plus a very mild cleanser, while wiping the smegma away with the fingers is a simple task. Men can boost their penile care regimens by using a penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) that keeps the skin moisturized, supple and retractable. In addition, a crème with vitamin A can help combat bacteria that promote odors and infections. There’s nothing wrong with foreskin, so long as a man takes proper care of what he has.

Thursday, 30 July 2015

Sex Tips: How to Finger a Woman

A man’s arsenal of sex tips ought to include a healthy stock of foreplay knowledge. While most men know that kissing and caressing are important here, some get cold feet when it comes to using their hands in and around a woman’s vagina. Likely, the reason for this is a lack of confidence concerning their ability to properly stimulate her. Since confidence is an important factor in sexual health and performance ability, men would be wise to educate themselves in this area, particularly on the topic of fingering.

1) Keep the nails trimmed and cleaned. Dirty, ragged finger nails do not a pleasant fingering experience make. A man needs to make sure his nails are smooth, short and clean underneath before putting them near a lover’s most sensitive parts.

2) Make sure she’s lubed up. This may come from natural lubrication following kissing, caressing and clitoral stimulation; it may also be product-assisted. A man may think that, since fingers are thin compared to the penis, lubrication is not as crucial when fingering. Think again.

3) Consider what kind of penetration she likes. Does she like it fast and hard? If so, a man will likely get the best reaction by mimicking this rhythm and depth with his fingers. He can do so by kneeling in front of her spread legs, a position that allows him to use the full length of his middle finger (and perhaps his index or ring finger as well). If she likes it slow but deep, follow suit. If she likes shallower thrusts, focus on the G-spot.

4) Find the G-spot. Regardless of how a woman likes penetration during intercourse, she probably will get a big thrill from G-spot stimulation. A man can best access this by kneeling in front of her spread legs and placing a finger or two inside her with the palm facing up; then, arch the finger(s) in a "come here" motion. Start slow, and vary the rhythm according to her reaction. Tip: Pretend that the fingers are trying to touch her belly button from the inside in order to get the right angle.

5) Get the C-spot involved. For many women, clitoral stimulation in conjunction with fingering is a special treat that can lead to intense orgasm. Use deep thrusts (if she likes those) and/or G-spot stimulation while using the tongue to circle the clit, or use the fingers of the other hand to massage her on the outside.

6) Try the slide technique. Place two fingers on either side of her clit, then slide them down and insert them. Slide them back up and repeat. It’s best to do this with the palm facing down; even if the nails are trimmed, they could still irritate her sensitive skin. Also note that this technique requires ample lubrication.

7) Screw it. Sit between her legs and insert two fingers with the palm facing down. Go all the way in, then rotate so that the palm is facing up as you pull out, and repeat. Try to tap her G-spot on the way out for extra pleasure.

Along with learning how to make the most out of foreplay, one of the most important sex tips for a man is to keep his penis in peak form and function. Along with proper washing and regular use, a man would do well to use a penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) on a daily basis. A combination of moisturizers (Shea butter and vitamin E) will provide optimal hydration to the skin, protecting it from the frictions of the day. Also look for vitamin C, which promotes collagen production and penile tissue firmness. Keeping the manhood as attractive and inviting as possible is as important to a man’s sex life as knowing his way around foreplay.

Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Sore Penis from Sex: Getting the Member to Feel Happy Again

A hot and sweaty evening spent in bed (or on the floor or anywhere else conducive to really good sex) produces a big smile on a man's face. Unfortunately, after the fun is over, it can in some cases also produce an incredibly sore penis. Since proper penis care is crucial, it's important that a man take steps to help reduce the soreness and get the organ back in good working condition so that more fun can be had as soon as possible.

Why does this happen?
It seems unfair that a man should come down with a sore penis just from using his manhood for its intended purpose - but that's what often does occur. And there can be several reasons for it.

- Lack of use. One of the more common reasons for post-sex penile soreness is simply because the member has not been put into action - either partner-based or solo - for some time. The penis is not a muscle, but it behaves the way muscles do when they are used after a too-long period of rest: by becoming sore. The popular phrase "use it or lose it" is especially true where the penis is concerned.

- Unexpected positioning. Another possible cause of a sore penis is the utilization of an unfamiliar position. Trying new sexual positions can be exciting and can add significantly to the thrill of an experience. Unfortunately, it can sometimes result in the penis being used in a manner or at an angle that, while exciting, feels a little "strange." It may place strain on the organ, resulting in a degree of soreness.

- Overextended use. Good sex does not always mean marathon sex. Indeed, sometimes a "quickie" can be among the best sexual experiences a couple encounters. However, sex that lasts for a considerable length of time, while definitely enjoyable, may make for a very sore post-coital manhood. Even when well lubricated throughout, the amount of friction involved causes wear and tear all over the penis. In the heat of the moment, as the man is relishing the sensual thrills involved, he may not notice just how overwrought his member is becoming. But soon after his final orgasm, the pain may make itself felt all too much.

What to do
If actual pain occurs during sexual activity, it's important that a man cease, even if the activity is incomplete on the part of one or both partners.

For common penile soreness, there are a few things a man should do:

Rest. Sorry to say, but if the penis is too sore for sex, a man needs to simply say no - even if his manhood is aroused and is asking him to reconsider. A little self-control is necessary sometimes.

Bare it all. A sore member is going to be rather tender, so a guy should try to find some alone time when he can let it all hang out. If the sore member isn't rubbing against fabric, it will heal more quickly. Plus, the fresh air can simply be good for the penis, whether it's healing or not.

Use a reliable crème. A sore penis from vigorous sex (or from many other causes) needs the benefits of a top-notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). Look for a crème that has Shea butter, a high-end emollient, and vitamin E, a natural hydrator; together, these ingredients not only moisturize the skin (which is badly needed after a friction-filled bout of sex) but also strengthen the skin and help speed the repair process. The crème must also contain vitamin C, as this ingredient is essential for collagen production, which aids in penile tissue firmness. Vitamins and amino acids that help repair and restore damaged penis skin will play a big role in easing soreness and getting the penis back in good, healthy shape so that it's ready for further activity.

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Better Sex Through Playfulness

Even couples whose love lives are quite healthy might be interested in better sex; long-term relationships often run the risk of settling into a comfortable groove that can then turn into a rut. One way for couples to keep things lively is to try letting their "inner child" out a little during their sexual activities. The better sex that can result from this exploration not only is going to help improve penis health by keeping the organ active, it may also improve the health of the relationship by enabling partners to learn more about each other.

What kind of inner child?
Getting in touch with the inner child can mean a lot of different things to different people. In the context of bringing the inner child into one's sexual experience, it doesn't mean introducing that part of oneself that may be petulant or demanding or always wanting his own way. It refers instead to the sense of freedom and playfulness that comes naturally to children but which adults tend to bottle up when they reach a certain age.

Bringing that playfulness into the bedroom can be liberating. It creates a new sense of excitement and adds a level of intimacy, even to relationships which are long-established.

Discussion or surprise?
Should a man spring his inner child on his partner? Or is this something that needs discussion? There's not a right or wrong answer to that question. As with so many things, it really depends upon the specific personalities involved. In some cases, a partner may see where a man is going if he introduces childlike play into their intimacy and join him in the game. In other cases, it's not going to work unless the partner is properly prepared.

What activities should be involved?
Again, this depends upon the individuals involved, but the general idea is to get involved in activities that bring about a sense of playfulness and free-spiritedness. In some cases, it may also bring about a sense of faux-competitiveness.

For example, pillow fights are often an excellent way to get one's sensual juices flowing. The individuals don't necessarily want to "win" the pillow fight so much as get the adrenaline pumping, have laughs and use the pillow fight as a way to "get going." Laughter, growling, jumping, tickling and other reactions that grow out of the pillow fight help lead to a spirited bout of coupling.
Playing "strip" versions of games can also be fun. Strip poker is obvious, but there are other variations as well. For example, play a version of Twister in which participants must take off a different piece of clothing every time a new color is called. Play dice and have each individual pick a number. When that number is rolled, a piece of clothing comes off.

If privacy is not an issue, engage in naked versions of more physical games, such as tag, hide and seek or wrestling. Better sex is just a quick hop, skip and jump away, as the physical activity helps release the chemicals that lead to energetic intimacy.

Naturally, utilizing the release of the inner child to achieve better sex will be even more enjoyable if a man makes sure that his equipment is in good working order. This is where using a first-class penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) comes in handy. All that physical activity can help get the blood pumping, so it's advisable to include in one's regular routine a crème that contains the invaluable enzyme L-arginine. This ingredient plays a role in boosting nitric oxide production, which in turn helps with the all-important penile blood flow. It also helps to make sure the crème includes neuroprotective acetyl L-carnitine. Why? Sometimes the handling of the penis gets a bit too rough, which over time can lead to a loss of sensitivity in the organ. Acetyl L-carnitine helps avoid peripheral nerve damage, allowing the manhood to maintain appropriate sensation. All of which helps a man feel more playful and able to benefit from releasing his inner child.

Monday, 27 July 2015

Healthy Penis Maintenance: 4 Not-So-Obvious Tips

There are a lot of healthy penis tips that may seem overly obvious - which doesn't mean one should ignore them, of course. Many of the most obvious ones, such as checking for STIs or practicing good penile hygiene, are the backbone of appropriate penis care. But there are some methods of ensuring a healthy penis which simply may not occur to a guy. That doesn't mean they shouldn't be followed, however.

Keep the teeth clean.
This is one of the most surprising pieces of advice: Pay very close attention to oral hygiene.
One may well ask why the state of one's teeth and gums should have any effect on an organ that is several feet away and not directly connected to the mouth.

Yet oral health can have an impact on penis health. Several studies have found a link between gum disease and erectile dysfunction. When teeth are not kept healthy, bacteria forms. The immune system attacks these bacteria, but some seep into the bloodstream. When too much of them build up in the blood, it can damage blood vessels and subsequently blood flow. And good blood vessels and blood flow are essential for proper penile functioning. So it's strongly advised to brush and floss properly every day.

Careful with the laptop.
Modern communications are a marvel which allow us to access tons of information just about anywhere. It's now a common sight to see guys sitting on trains, benches, sofas, etc. with a laptop cradled on their laps, tapping away for hours on end and reaping the benefits.

And also possibly reaping the detriments as well. Placing the laptop so close to the crotch may not be good for maintaining a healthy penis. A lot of heat occurs with long-term laptop use, and high levels of heat on the testicles can have a negative effect on both sperm creation and testosterone production. So, guys, keep the laptop on a table and off the crotch whenever possible.

Beware cold and allergy medicine.
No one particularly wants to have a cold or an allergy, but for men it's necessary to be careful about what one uses to treat these common ailments. Many over-the-counter medicines commonly used for colds and allergies include pseudoephedrine, which can have a negative effect on erectile function. (In fact, one of the treatments for priapism - a dangerously long-lasting erection - is pseudoephedrine.) If possible, men need to utilize treatments that do not contain this ingredient.

Kick butts.
This doesn't refer to getting into a brawl but to kicking the smoking habit. Smoking is simply bad for a person, period; one reason why this is so is that it does damage to the penis. Smoking is another factor in blood vessel damage, and a significant one. One study has shown that men who gave up smoking experienced a substantial boost in the number and quality of their erections in as little as 8 weeks.

In addition to these more obscure tips for a healthy penis, there's a very important obvious one: Regularly apply a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) to the manhood. The appropriate crème will address many common penile health issues. For example, a crème with L-arginine helps with penile blood flow issues. L-arginine boosts nitric oxide production, which in turn plays a role in keeping those vessels healthy and open. In addition, a crème with a potent antioxidant such as alpha lipoic acid further aids in general penis health. Alpha lipoic acid fights harmful oxidative and aging processes in penile cells, keeping at bay the premature aging of those cells and improving the overall look of the organ. The simple step of applying Man1 Man Oil daily can enable a man to maintain a higher penile health profile with ease.

Sunday, 26 July 2015

Penis Enlargement Products: Are they Really Safe?

The penis enlargement industry has been feeding men’s unwarranted fears about penis size for years. Some people have gotten rich off the promises they’ve made to anxious men - promises that likely fall flat. But in addition to concerns over effectiveness, men should also pay attention to the fact that such products and techniques, no matter how natural, may pose risks to penis health.

Jelqing is a manual technique that is meant to stretch the penis. A man performs this move by forming a circle with his pointer finger and thumb around the base of the penis, then pulling upward with light pressure to just beneath the head, following with the same motion with the other hand. This is repeated for up to half an hour, with each stroke lasting about three seconds.

Jelqing may appear to be similar to masturbation, but it’s not the same. It’s hard to determine the "right" amount of pressure to apply. It’s also not safe to perform on an erect penis, and the motion shouldn’t involve the head. Disregarding these safety notes, or performing the move with too much pressure or too intense a rhythm, could lead to pain, blood vessel damage and even scar tissue formation.

Some men are so eager for size increases that they’re willing to either stick their members into odd contraptions that stretch them out or to hang weights off them almost all day, every day. These devices aren’t well studied, so the extent of the associated risks is not known. It is possible that weights can in fact increase length, but this comes with serious risks, including: burst blood vessels, tissue death, nerve damage and torn tissues. Of particular interest to men with concerns in the size department is the fact that any length gained from the arduous use of stretching devices will likely come at the expense of girth. For many people, girth is an important component of sexual enjoyment.

Penis pumps are designed for guys with erectile dysfunction; they force blood into the penis, facilitating erections for people incapable of getting them on their own. This is an important medical device, then. But some guys use them recreationally, with the hopes that they will make their members bigger.

While a penis pump may cause a temporary swell, it’s not going to lead to a permanently larger member. Pumps can lead to some pretty unsavory consequences, however, including skin dots from bleeding under the skin and, with prolonged or frequent use, damage to the elastic tissues of the member that facilitate strong erections. Think about that: Is a pipe dream worth damaging sexual capacity over?

Many pills are marketed to increase penis size; as "natural" products, they may seem perfectly safe. And some of these pills may even contain nutrients that support penis health in a number of ways, such as by benefitting the circulatory system. However, the supplement market isn’t regulated. It’s generally impossible to know for sure what exactly one is getting, since manufacturers may not report all ingredients, or may report some that aren’t actually in a product. (Not to mention, nutrients can’t make the penis bigger anyway!) Remember: Natural doesn’t always mean safe.

Applying a cream to the penis may seem like a good way to make it bigger - getting the good stuff directly on the member. As mentioned above, no nutrients are going to make the penis bigger. Creams that tout enlargement capacities may contain ingredients that can irritate the delicate skin.

However, not all creams made for the penis are for the spurious purpose of enlargement. Products actually worth investing in are those that support penis health, and a moisturizing cream can be a great addition to a man’s care regimen. A penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) with Shea butter and vitamin E will nourish and hydrate the skin, preventing dryness that often occurs from chafing. Keeping the skin supple and vibrant is important both for maintaining a beautiful manhood and for preserving sensitivity into the future. If a man wants to enhance his penis, he ought to focus on its health and relax about its size. He can learn how to use what he’s got, and treat it right to keep it going strong in the long run.

Saturday, 25 July 2015

Penis Odor: The Right and Wrong Ways to Address it

Penis odor happens. For some men, it’s an occasional nuisance; for others, it’s a constant concern. A light musk is not only natural, but pleasant. However, strong, persistent and foul odor can cause significant embarrassment for a man. It can also pose a formidable obstacle to a healthy sex life. There are several steps men can take to reduce penis odor, some of which are healthy and others that are bad for penis health. Learning the right and wrong ways to deal with the issue can help men take the best care of themselves possible while pursuing a remedy.

The Bad
Men for whom a regular washing schedule is not sufficient to reduce the odor wafting from the groin region may be tempted to reach for fragrant products to at least cover up the smell. Scented soaps, body washes, lotions and sprays are all common recourses taken by men for whom masking the smell seems the only option.

While this temptation is understandable, it is really best avoided. Scented products generally contain chemicals that can irritate and damage the delicate skin of the penis, sometimes even interfering with the skin’s ability to experience normal sensations. Even some natural fragrant products are best avoided - astringent ingredients like citrus and mint may sting the member.
Aside from the possible harm fragrant products can cause to the penis, it’s worth noting that simply covering up a problem is inferior to addressing it at the root.

The Good
There are several safe steps men can take to reduce penis odor. Men for whom these steps are ineffective may want to get checked by a doctor for infections. Certain bacterial or fungal infections can come along with persistent odor, and getting rid of the smell requires treating the underlying cause. Often, when an infection is present, odor is not the only symptom. Abnormal discharge, burning upon urination and/or a rash may be present as well.

Barring infection, the following odor-reduction steps are likely to prove effective for most men:

- Trim the hedges: A thick mound of pubic hair invites sweat to the region; sweat invites bacteria, and bacteria invites odor. The extent of manscaping a guy pursues is a matter of personal taste. He can simply tame the shrub or remove it altogether by shaving himself bare down there.

- Powder up: Sweat-prone men may need an additional measure to reduce wetness in the region. Using a powder to keep the area dry, particularly in the hot months or when performing manual labor, can help.

- Wear loose, cotton boxers: Breathability is an important factor when choosing undergarments. Loose-fitted boxers made of cotton allow for good air circulation, which helps reduce sweat.

- Wipe smegma away: Intact men know that it’s important to gently retract the foreskin and wash away any buildup underneath while showering. But for some men, once a day might not be sufficient to prevent odors. Such men can wet their fingers in the bathroom and wipe smegma away numerous times a day, such as every time they urinate.

Use a penis health crème. Some men have excess odor in the groin due to the presence of bacteria, and using a product with the natural anti-bacterial ingredient vitamin A can be useful in addressing the problem. A quality penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) will contain this and other ingredients to support optimal penile health. Look for vitamin C, which promotes collagen production for firm, youthful penis skin as well as acetyl L-carnitine, an ingredient that encourages optimal nerve health. Skin care is for men, too, and not just any product is appropriate to apply to the penis. Adding a penis-specific product to a man’s care regimen can give him the leg up he needs to reduce odors and present the most appealing package possible.

Friday, 24 July 2015

Sex Tips for Pursuing a Threesome

Experimenting with sexual activities adds spice to a couple's love life, which is why some people find themselves interested in a threesome: sex between three people. Certainly, maintaining a healthy penis is a consideration before embarking on such an affair, as well as ensuring other penis care factors. But what other sex tips should a couple be aware of before diving into a threesome?

Be on the same page.
Probably the most important factor is being sure that both participants are on the same page, meaning they are in agreement about what is involved.

As an example, and one that is the most basic: What is the composition of this threesome? A man might take it for granted, for example, that a threesome means that he would be bedding two beautiful women. A woman might at the same time just assume that another man would be added into their existing mix. It's best to be clear about this from the outset before going too far down the road.

Know how flexible to be.
Suppose the man has one idea of the composition and the woman has another, as above. The couple then needs to think about their flexibility. Can one side bend and agree to the other's desire about the sex of the third party? Can they compromise and have one threesome with a male added and another with a female added?

Talk about why a threesome is desirable.
Discussing a threesome opens up some other conversations which can be valuable. Is the couple interested because their love life has become a little stale or predictable? Being honest about this can be productive, as it may lead to the couple exploring other options as well (such as role playing, sex toys, etc.).

Think about what will actually occur.
Will all three participants do everything to each other? Or will there be roles? For example, if it's two females and one male, will the male penetrate both females? If two males and a female, will the men only engage with the female or with each other as well? Discussing what is in a couple's comfort zone can help avoid some awkward moments later.

Men issues
Men will need to take some extra time to make sure they are in the right frame of mind for a threesome. If a second man is going to be added into the mix, how is the first male going to feel about the "competition?" Is he going to be comparing his own equipment to that of the other man? Is he prepared if the other man has a member that is larger or that has a more "perfect" appearance than his own?

If he will be servicing a second woman, is he secure in his ability and appearance? Does he worry that his current mate may value his penis but fear that a newcomer might find it lacking? Has his penis health routine ensured that he presents a member that is healthy and attractive to a new partner?

Thinking through the idea of a threesome, including whether the man sports a healthy penis, can make the experience much more enjoyable for all concerned. For those men who may feel a little hesitant about the appearance of their penis, using a first-class penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can help make it look its best. A man can't do anything about the size of his manhood, but he can make sure it presents well. For example, few things turn a woman off more quickly than a male member that emits an overwhelming, unpleasant odor. This is most often caused by bacteria, so using a crème with a strong bacteria fighter, such as vitamin A, is essential. A member that is cursed with dry, flaky skin is also not going to be a welcome sight at a threesome; make sure to use a crème with a high-end emollient like Shea butter plus a natural hydrator like vitamin E. Keeping the equipment good and healthy is a benefit for any man - whether he's with one partner or a dozen.

Penis Bumps: All About Molloscum Contagiosum

Penis bumps are often a source of great concern for a man, but they are not always a sign of something serious. For example, sometimes penis bumps may be nothing more than molloscum contagiosum (MC), a skin issue that is annoying and unattractive but not dangerous. Recognizing MC and knowing how to take care of it is part of any man's proper penis care routine.

What is MC?
Molluscum contagiosum sounds much scarier than it actually is - which is why "MC" is used more frequently, especially among lay people (that is, non-medical personnel). So what is it?

MC presents as lesions on the skin. (The lesions are called mollusca, which is where the "molluscum" part of the name comes from.) The lesions tend to be raised (like bumps) and on the small side (about 2 to 5 millimeters). They vary in color from white to pink to flesh-toned. Many times they are marked by a small depression, like a dimple, in the center. Although some sources describe them as "pearly," they shouldn't be confused with pearly penile papules (PPP), another benign skin condition which occurs on the penises of some men.

MC can occur anywhere on the body, although the bumps are usually found on the skin in the groin region. Rarely, they occur around the eyes or mouth.

What causes MC?
MC is an infection caused by a virus. This virus is spread through direct contact, usually skin-on-skin, between people. In some cases, it can be spread through the handling of items, such as towels, which have come into contact with an infected area on a person. For example, if a person with MC goes swimming and dries off with a towel, another person could contract MC from then using the towel.

MC can easily spread over one's own body once contracted. For example, if a person scratches an MC area and then touches another part of the body, the infection may spread.

MC is usually a benign issue, although it can often cause itchiness. Scratching can then cause the area to become sore; in some cases, scratching may result in scarring. Scratching may also lead to a secondary bacterial infection. Eczema is also common around affected areas.

More often, however, MC is more of a cosmetic issue. Especially when in the form of penis bumps, it can look unattractive. Appearance on the penis may also make potential partners fear that the owner of the affected penis is not a safe sexual partner.

Preventing MC on the penis is advisable. Since it can be spread from genital-to-genital contact, using a condom is a good way of reducing risk of transmission. A man who has MC on another part of his body should be careful not to scratch the bump before touching his penis, especially when masturbating.

MC typically goes away on its own, but it can take 12-18 months. In some cases, the virus may be persistent and topical treatments may be employed to quicken its demise. A doctor can advise the most appropriate treatment.

The itching and eczema that may accompany the penis bumps known as MC can often be alleviated through the use a top-drawer penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). After making sure that skin is not broken (in which case application should be delayed until the break is healed), rubbing in a crème that contains a powerful combination of moisturizers (such as Shea butter and vitamin E, two natural hydrators) can provide relief from itching and many common skin irritations. It also helps to attend to overall penile health by using a crème whose ingredients include vitamin C (for collagen production and penile tissue firmness) and acetyl L-carnitine (which improves nerve and cell function in the penis).

Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Dry Penis Embarrassment: How to Deal with It

Embarrassment is the last thing a guy wants to experience when unveiling his member to a lady, but that's what can happen when dry penis skin rears its ugly head. Although a man may be properly attentive to his penis health, dry skin can still become an issue - and one that needs to be dealt with promptly.

An unappealing penis
When penis skin is dry, it often becomes flaky and unattractive. Even when flakiness is not present, dryness can cause wrinkling and cracking on the member, which is not very appealing. Often men aren't even aware that dry penis skin is a problem. If they use lubricant while masturbating, this may mask the fact that the skin is normally dry.

While many men enjoy looking at themselves naked in the mirror, many do not go in for a close visual inspection of the manhood - and so they may not be cognizant of just how dry the penis skin is. However, when a guy unveils his penis for the first time to a woman, she may want to take a nice, long look at it; hopefully she will want to handle it for quite a while, too. Perhaps she will favor a man with a little fellatio. All of this requires up-close involvement with the penis. She is in a better position to spot any flaws, such as dry penis skin, and to experience them in a direct and personal way.

When a woman backs away from a penis because of dry skin, it can be an occasion of major embarrassment for a man - whether he was aware of the dry penis situation beforehand or not.
Even if a woman does not notice or comment on the issue, it can cause a man to feel self-conscious and unsure of himself and his appeal - at precisely the time when he needs to be feeling at his most manly and confident.

True, there are some men who do not suffer from any doubts about their appeal; whether single-mindedly focused on getting sexual satisfaction or simply supremely confident that what they have to offer is of superior quality, they perform with no problems. But when a man has some small (or large) worries about his ultimate appeal to a woman in particular (or women in general), the last thing he needs is something that causes him to doubt himself.

Take steps.
That's why it's important for a man to take steps to avoid the entire dry penis issue and to treat it when it does occur. Practicing proper hygiene is certainly important, but that doesn't mean a guy needs to wash himself several times a day. Often, too much washing can be the problem, especially if the soap one uses is too harsh. Also, hot showers can actually dry the skin, so using warm rather than hot water is important.
Other factors to consider include whether the body as a whole is dehydrated; a man may need to drink more fluids. Also, indoor heating systems often create dry air conditions which contribute to dry skin on the entire body, including the penis.

Whatever the cause, it is crucial that a man regularly use a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) in order to prevent and treat dry penis skin and avoid the embarrassment that can accompany it. A good penis health crème is going to include the combination of a high-end emollient (such as Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E); these work together to lock moisture into the skin and keep dry skin at bay. Also key: using a crème that includes a potent antioxidant such as alpha lipoic acid. This can counteract oxidative and aging processes that result in the crinkly penis look associated with dry skin. Properly pampering the penis skin pays off in the form of a more appealing manhood that a woman will want to know more intimately.

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Sex Tip: Date Night Masturbation

For many men, a typical pre-date check list includes: shower, shave, pick out a cool outfit, apply just the right amount of cologne and engage in a spot of masturbation. Yes, a popular sex tip for guys, especially on a first date, is to rub one off before calling on that hot lady they will be taking out. While masturbating regularly certainly can be a boon to penis health, are there any good reasons to actually indulge in a pre-date 'bate?

There are indeed reasons why a quick (or lengthy) self-gratification scenario before a date is a popular and established sex tip. Some of the benefits that are associated with this practice include:

It calms the jitters. It's no secret that masturbating makes a person feel more calm and relaxed. Sexual activity of any kind, especially if it results in an orgasm, releases chemicals that help to soothe tension and anxiety and make a person feel more open. There's science to back this up. One study looked at whether people who had an orgasm shortly before making a speech in public felt better and performed more easily; to no one's surprise, they were much better speakers after releasing. Since dates, especially first dates, can sometimes cause a man to feel tense - and therefore more likely to make a blunder - masturbation before a date can help a man to be more at ease while out with a lovely lady.

It may help with sex. Many men find that they ejaculate in a manner that they consider premature. In fact, men are built to find sexual release more quickly than women (which is why for most men learning how to properly engage in foreplay can be so important). If a man finds that he is bothered by not lasting as long as he would like once he has achieved penetration, pre-date masturbation may help. For many men, having already ejaculated a couple of hours before can add a little to their "staying power."

It may help with control. Of course, some men know that they are not going to be hopping into bed with the woman they are taking out, especially if this is a first or early date. Nonetheless, many men get so aroused when on a date that the situation becomes uncomfortable. Their erection is pleading for release. In some cases, the erection can be extremely obvious, which some men take pride in but which others find embarrassing. Masturbating before a date can help a guy's penis to stay a bit calmer and make it less likely to be popping up for the entire evening.

There can, of course, also be a downside to pre-date self-pleasuring.
Erectile issue. For some men, masturbating in advance may make achieving a strong erection later in the evening more difficult.

Self-consciousness. Some men also find themselves feeling self-conscious if they pull one off before meeting their date. They may feel embarrassed at their lack of control or may irrationally worry that somehow the woman will know what they have been up to. This can affect how they behave on the date.

As with any sex tip, choosing or not choosing masturbation before a date is a personal decision. Whatever the decision, a man needs to make sure that his penis is in excellent health for when it does make its appearance with a lady friend. Regular use of a first-class penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) helps to ensure peak condition. Look for a crème that include L-arginine, an enzyme that helps produce nitric oxide, which in turn keeps penile blood vessels open for ample blood flow. Also, make sure the crème includes vitamin A, which has strong antibacterial properties. This can help eliminate unwanted penis odor, a major turn-off that can ruin an otherwise good first impression.

Monday, 20 July 2015

Masturbation Vacation: Taking a Break from Solo Sex

Incorporating masturbation into the mix of one's sex life is always a good idea, yet on occasion it can also pay to take a little vacation from solo sexual activity. Sometimes there may be a penis health reason for this, such as giving the member a well-earned rest, but there can be other reasons to embark upon a "no fap" period as well.

The right amount. 
There's endless debate among men as to what is the "right amount" of masturbation a man should engage in. Years ago, of course, men were told that if they did it too much, they'd go blind or would grow hairy palms. Nowadays, men know that this is not true, but the question of how much is too much is still up in the air.

One reason for this is that there is no one specific answer that applies to all men. For example, some people would say that masturbating once a day, every day is too much - and for some men, that would indeed be the case. Some men find that masturbation on this frequency is just more than they feel comfortable with, or more than they have time for, or that it makes their penis feel odd.
But for some men, daily masturbation is exactly what they need. They have a very high sex drive or they find that the daily self-pleasuring helps to decrease tension or they simply enjoy the feel of their penis in their hands. There is no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to masturbation frequency. Each man needs to determine what is too much for him.

However, whatever the frequency with which a man masturbates, every so often it may behoove him to take a little vacation from solosexual activity. Why?

- Health reasons. Sometimes all that rubbing and friction can not only make one's manhood happy - it can also make it quite sore. It's always possible to get too much of a good thing, even when it feels so good. So taking a break may be necessary to let the penis rest and get back into prime shape.

- Habits. In some cases, a guy falls into a situation where he is fondling himself regularly not because of the pleasure it brings but because it has become a habit. If this is the case, a man may want to take a masturbation vacation in order to break out of the routine. This can give him the opportunity to explore other means of entertainment. When he returns to masturbating, the "routine-ness" may be gone and he may find himself actively engaged and enjoying the experience more.

- Saving it up. Many men who know they will be engaging in partner sex like to break from masturbating for a few days before the likely encounter. They find that this makes them more likely to perform in a manner that they (and/or their partners) find impressive.

So how long should a masturbation vacation be? That, of course, depends on the person. For some guys, skipping a single day may be sufficient. Another man might prefer to be abstinent for a week, while another may want to go months between sessions.

Men who go on a masturbation vacation to rejuvenate the health of the penis may also need to consider other steps to keep the member healthy. Foremost among these is regularly using a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). When all that pounding results in a raw, sore manhood, regular use of a crème that includes moisturizing ingredients can help. A crème with a high-end emollient such as Shea butter plus a natural hydrator like vitamin E can moisturize the skin and thereby help maintain and improve its elasticity, which alleviates soreness. Rough and frequent handling can cause a bit of de-sensitization, so using a crème with a quality neuroprotective element such as acetyl L-carnitine is a must; this can help repair peripheral nerve damage and keep the penis experiencing fuller stimulatory sensations.

Sunday, 19 July 2015

Penis Health: 5 Common Questions

The penis doesn’t come with an owner’s manual, and while sex education both in school and at home may give a guy much of the information he needs to take good care of what he’s got, some situations are bound to arise for which a man is not quite prepared. When this occurs, a man may have questions about what he’s experiencing, particularly about whether it is a sign of poor penis health and how to resolve it. Below is a list of common questions related to the penis along with their answers.

1) Why is the skin cracked? Just like skin on any other part of the body, penile skin can become dry and cracked. The penis is subjected to friction from many sources, including a man’s clothing, his hand and partners’ bodies. If he’s prone to dry skin generally, then he’s more likely to experience it downstairs.

2) What is this odor? A light, natural musk is nothing to worry about. But a man with persistent, strong and unpleasant odor emanating from his member should consider this a sign that he may need to ramp up his hygiene routine. This is particularly true for men with foreskin, as smegma buildup beneath the sheath can attract bacteria that causes odors. For some men, wiping away the smegma once a day in the shower is sufficient; others may need to remove it more frequently.

3) Can masturbation cause a rash/blisters? Some men experience a sudden burst of redness, bumps and/or blisters after a bout of rough solo play. And yes, these symptoms could be attributed to masturbation. However, men who are sexually active should know that there are many kinds of bumps and sores that are symptoms of sexually transmitted infections, and so should be sure to have any unusual signs checked out. If the irritation is caused by the hand, guys can prevent further issues by using more lubrication during solo activities.

4) What are these bumps? Some guys have chronic bumps on their penises that are not attributed to infections. These may be either Fordyce spots or pearly penile papules. Fordyce spots are small and white or yellow, and appear on the shaft and/or head of the penis. Some women have Fordyce spots on their vulvas, and some people have them in their mouths. They are totally benign. Papules are also benign; they are white bumps that form on the ridge of the penile head in one or more rows.

5) What is this bend? Men who watch a lot of adult videos (unless the videos are of the amateur variety) are likely used to seeing manhoods that are straight as an arrow when hard. This can lead to some dismay for men who have curvature down there. But there’s nothing wrong with a curve, so long as it doesn’t interfere with sexual activities (including causing pain for one’s partner). While some older men may experience curvature as a result of scar tissue in the penis (Peyronie’s disease), a bit of a bend is not necessarily a sign of disease or disorder.

Many common penis health concerns involve skin condition, and this is an area that any man would do well to pay attention to. Keeping skin hydrated in general, and lubricated during sexual activity in particular, can prevent chafing and irritation that put the penis out of service for a time; these practices can also help ensure that the skin stays sensitive in the long run. Using a penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) is a smart way to ensure the health of the manhood skin. Look for a combination of moisturizers, like Shea butter and vitamin E. Vitamin A is another great ingredient, since it fights odor-causing bacteria. Along with proper washing, using a health crème can boost penis health and keep the member inviting to partners.

Healthy Penis Maintenance: The Dangers of Silicone Injections

Recent news stories about a man whose silicone injections have resulted in a seven-pound penis generated a lot of views - and raised questions about whether such a member could be considered a healthy penis. Penile silicone injections obviously raise red flags about proper penis health and anyone considering such a course of action should think twice.

All about size
In the case mentioned above, the individual underwent four separate silicone injection procedures in both his penis and scrotum. The result is a seven-pound member that measures nine inches long and three inches wide.

Clearly, where size is concerned, this is quite impressive. But it's also quite impractical. As the owner of this massive member admits, he can't have sex in any traditional way and such activities as urinating while standing or finding pants that fit are challenging.
This is an extreme case, but men who inject silicone into an otherwise healthy penis generally do so because they are attempting to make their manhoods larger. It's understandable that men like to have a member the size of which makes a statement, but when this desire becomes an obsession, it can become dangerous.

There is some debate as to whether penile silicone injections in a proper medical setting and performed by qualified medical personnel is advantageous and safe; however, under no circumstances should this procedure be performed by anyone who is not a qualified medical professional.

A 2012 article in the journal Urology Annals reported on five cases of silicone injection which were performed by non-medical personnel. In all five cases, the patients presented with penises that were grossly deformed and several of which featured ulcerations, discharges and other unpleasant side effects. Sexual performance was impacted in these cases.

And deadly
Lasting complications such as these are of great concern; however, of even greater concern is the possibility of death that can accompany silicone injections. In 2012, an unlicensed New Jersey practitioner was arrested after a patient died following penile injections administered by her.

Unfortunately, some reports indicate that illegal silicone injections are on the rise. While official documentation is hard to come by, according to news outlets anecdotal evidence suggests that more men are experimenting with this procedure, often by way of injection parties where groups of men engage in the practice.

It's easy to understand why liquid silicone might not be the most appropriate material to introduce into the body. This is, after all, a molding product that creates rubber, foam and metal items, such as spatulas or the nipples used in baby bottles. Its effective use in these areas does not automatically make it an appropriate substance to inject in the body.

In some cases, a man may have a desire to try a penile silicone injection that goes beyond wanting "bragging right." For example, a small percentage of men do have micropenises and may have a legitimate physical need to increase penile length. But even in such cases, a man needs to consult with a qualified and reliable medical professional to discuss the risks associated with penile silicone injections and determine an appropriate course of action.

An obsession with size can lead to dangerous decisions such as illegal penile injections; it can also cause one to ignore the importance of maintaining an all-around healthy penis. Too many men focus on size and not on health. More men need to regularly use a top-notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil), which is an easy way to maintain general penis health. For example, using a crème with vitamin A, which possesses strong anti-bacterial properties, helps to alleviate persistently strong penis odor, a common issue among men. A crème with L-arginine, which is helpful in nitric oxide production, can help to keep penile blood vessels open and more receptive to proper blood flow. Dealing with such everyday health issues can be far more valuable than risking organ health in pursuit of size.

Friday, 17 July 2015

Penis Odor: Raising the Delicate Subject with a Man

Ladies, there are many a delicate subject that has to be raised when in a relationship and one of the most common concerns the matter of penis odor. Even when your man is doing all the right things when it comes to penis care, he may still be packing a package that is unpleasantly aromatic. And what is a woman to do about this?

It's not unusual.
It would be nice to report that penis odor is a rare occurrence, but that is simply not the case - something many women can readily attest to. Sure, not every man has equipment that reeks whenever he drops his trousers - but many do. And many are simply unaware of this problem.

Why is it?
When one thinks about it, it's actually pretty natural that penis odor would be a problem. First of all, there's the nature of the beast itself, so to speak. Unless a guy is heavily into manscaping, the penis and testicles are covered in or surrounded by loads of pubic hair. This natural insulation creates a heating pad effect which simply invites sweat to make a guest appearance.

But that's not the only heat source. When a man gets an erection, blood rushes into his penis and becomes trapped there, which in turn raises the heat level in the area. So in addition to the insulation, the erectile factor plays a part in generating heat.

Then there's placement. The equipment hangs right up against the legs, so it also captures heat from that part of the body. And if those legs are hairy, that's more heat and more sweat. Add in the fact that the package is kept buried beneath (usually) two layers of clothing, and it's no wonder the groin is filled with sweat - which brings with it odor-causing bacteria.

Bringing it up
So how does one raise the delicate subject of overwhelming penis odor with one's partner? In an ideal situation, a couple is open enough with each other that no subject is out of bounds. In such cases, a woman needs to just frame the issue in an appropriate manner:

- Start with praise. When delivering difficult news, it's often good to soften it by framing it with some positives. Pick things that mean something to your particular man, such as "You know, when we're in bed together, you really take me to places I've never been before," or "When I see you naked, I think about how lucky I am!"

- Bring it up gently. Next, slide into the subject. "But, there is just one thing that I wish we could change because it would make things even better."

- Then tell. Now let him know what the problem is. "As awesome as your penis is, most of the time it has an odor that's kind of strong. I was wondering if there might be something you could do that could help with this."

Penis odor can be a delicate subject because a man may think it implies he is unhygienic when in fact some men who wash thoroughly and regularly still experience this issue. That's why all men should include a first-class penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) as part of their daily penis care routine. First and foremost, this crème needs to include a potent anti-bacterial ingredient, such as vitamin A. The proper bacteria fighter is crucial to preventing penis odor at the root and essential for success in stubborn cases. It also helps if the crème includes a combination of moisturizing agents (such as natural Shea butter and vitamin E), as their hydrating qualities can keep the penis from drying out if a man has used harsh soaps in his battle against penis odor.

Thursday, 16 July 2015

Better Sex Tip: Enjoying a Penis Sleeve

No matter how good the sex may be, no guy would mind having even better sex. But sometimes men are hesitant to explore their options, among them the penis sleeve. Yet this sexual implement can have a positive effect in the bedroom, and does not present significant negative impacts on penis health for men who may be interested in adding something new to their routine.

Sheath? Sleeve? What is it?
Essentially, a penis sleeve and a penis sheath are the same thing. Both names refer to a cylindrical object that fits over a man's penis and thereby adds some extra dimension to the member.
In olden days (very olden days!), men used a sheep's bladder for this same purpose (as well as for contraceptive purposes). New Guinea is famous for its tribal penis gourds, which were more often used for decorative purposes but which in some instances were used during sexual performance. Polynesian men used sheaths made from woven plant fibers for sexual enhancement.

Current sleeves
Times change, of course. Nowadays, a penis sleeve is usually made of some substance like rubber, plastic or silicone. The shape is basically phallic. Some are the same thickness from top to bottom, while others may have variation, particularly toward the end, where it may be shaped to resemble the glans of the penis.
Although many penis sleeves are smooth, others feature a textured surface which is intended to provide greater pleasure when the sleeve-covered penis is inserted into the vagina. The texture may be "veiny," again to make the object appear more realistically penis-like, or it may be "bumpy," featuring any number of small rounded mounds. In some cases, the sleeve may have small, very flexible "spikes." This variation in texture is intended to make the experience more stimulating for the woman, although different women prefer different textures.

Whatever the size or texture, the sleeve has an opening at one end and is hollow on the inside. The penis is inserted through the hole and extends as far as possible into the sleeve. Some sleeves come with straps to help hold them in place, but they are more commonly strapless.
With the sleeve on, a man now has added length and/or girth to his erect member. It may be a few fractions of an inch or it may be several inches, depending on the model chosen. The change in shape and size from what a woman is accustomed to adds variety to a couple's lovemaking and the change of pace can result in a new experience for the woman.

But what about the man? He also can get substantial enjoyment from the experience. Sleeves should fit very snugly around the erect manhood. The friction from the sleeve itself combines with the friction from thrusting inside the vagina to create a new and very pleasurable sensation.

There can be some discomfort with a sleeve. It needs to fit "just right," not too loose (which could cause it to fall off or prevent it from giving pleasurable friction to the penis) and not too tight (which can be painful and cause a sore penis). In some instances, a sleeve that adds several inches in length may require a man to thrust at an unfamiliar angle, which may be exciting or may be uncomfortable.

Sleeve use can lead to better sex, but sometimes the feel of the penis sleeve against the bare penis may result in rawness or soreness. For that reason, using a first-rate penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) is in order. It's important to select a crème that contains ingredients that can moisturize and revitalize the skin to help soothe soreness; ideally, such a crème will contain a combination of a high-end emollient (think Shea butter) and a natural hydrating agent (such as vitamin E). Unfamiliar rubbing from an improperly-fitting sleeve can also cause a bit of "deadening" in the sensation department; a crème with neuroprotective acetyl L-carnitine is just the ticket for handling such an issue.

Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Safe Sex - Having the Conversation with a New Partner

Few men get hot and bothered discussing matters of contraception and infection prevention, but men should try to keep in mind the fact that responsibility and a high level of comfort can be very sexy traits. No partner wants to deal with a man who grumbles, sighs and laments the use of condoms; one might as well tell his partner right off the bat that he’s not planning to enjoy himself. And nobody wants to have an awkward conversation about sexual history or protection preferences, but those conversations are important for vaginal and penile health, and they don’t need to be awkward. A man who brings knowledge and ease to such topics can start things off on the right foot.

The following are important things to discuss before having sex with a new partner:
Back-Up Method
If a man’s partner is female, he may want to know if she uses another form of birth control, such as the pill or the Nuva ring. Condoms can break or slip off; though it’s rare when they are put on correctly - something every man should be very skilled at - it’s still possible, and the couple may be more comfortable if the female partner has a back-up contraceptive method.

Infection History
Many people have had one or more sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in the past. Some people still have active infections, whereas others have been treated and cured. Be honest.
Testing History
Sexually active individuals should receive regular STI testing, at least once a year. This is true even if no symptoms are present, as some people don’t exhibit symptoms of infections but can still pass them on. Gonorrhea, chlamydia and HIV are commonly tested for. Syphilis and some forms of HPV can be tested for as well. But it’s important to understand that not all STIs can be tested for, so even if no symptoms are present and tests have come back negative, there’s always a chance of passing something along. That’s why condoms are never a bad idea - they don’t prevent the spread of all infections 100%, but they go a long way to inhibit transmission.

Previous Partners
Many people like to discuss how many previous partners each has had. Some prefer not-so-specific information, focusing on a general feel for how many, and a number for those with whom one has had unprotected sex in particular. Good questions to ask are: Have previous partners had STIs before, during or after their time together? How many partners since the last round of STI testing?

What If?
Whenever two people are having sex and wish to avoid getting pregnant, it’s a good idea to ensure that both are on the same page concerning what to do in the event of accidental pregnancy. One partner might be strictly opposed to the pregnancy being completed, while the other might want to keep the child or go the adoption route. A disagreement here could turn into a major life problem for both partners. This is something best discussed before it has a chance to occur.

Safe sex is one of the primary elements of penis care. Others include practicing proper hygiene and making sure to give one’s member plenty of exercise. In order to ensure everything is in good working order, guys should perform self-checks regularly. Anything out of the ordinary? How is the skin condition? If a man notices dry, chafed skin, he should attend to that. Cracks in the skin can provide a welcoming home for viruses, bacteria and fungi. Also, constant friction can cause the skin to toughen, reducing sensation over time. Men would be wise to use a penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) to moisturize the skin daily, protecting it from the various frictions it encounters from condoms, clothing, other bodies and a man’s own hand. Skin health, along with safe sex, is a vital component of overall penile health.

Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Condoms: Finding the Right Kind

Men who loathe condoms might not have found the one right for them. The condom market is rather sprawling, with different shapes, sizes, materials, textures and special features - there’s got to be something for everyone. Men should make an effort to learn about the many options available to them, and to consider what might turn the barrier from something they bemoan to something they either barely notice or even enjoy. Since protection is crucial for penis health, a man might as well learn to make friends with the condom.

While latex is by far the most common material used in condoms, it’s not the only one. Some men prefer one of the other materials, which are:

- Polyurethane: This material is thinner than latex, and it transfers heat better. This could result in greater pleasure for both partners. Polyurethane condoms are more expensive than standard latex ones, and the material is more brittle, making them slightly more prone to breaking. Using along with a back-up birth control method and plenty of lube is wise.

- Polyisoprene: This is a good material for people who are allergic to latex but like the feel and affordability of the material, as polyisoprene is similar in cost and feel.

- Lambskin: If the fact that they’re made out of lambs’ intestines doesn’t gross one out, these may be the most pleasurable-feeling condoms out there. However, they do not protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs), as the material is too porous. They should only be used by people for whom the risk of STIs is very low.

The size of condom right for a man depends on his penile girth. Getting the size right is important, as condoms are prone to slipping or breaking if they’re too tight or too loose. A circumference under 4.7" generally calls for smaller sizes; a guy who measures over 5.1" around will likely have the best luck with larger condoms. Anything in between merits a regular size.

Guys who need smaller or larger condoms should be sure to carry their own; while this is a good idea in general, it’s important to remember that, even if a partner says he or she has condoms at home, they might not be what the particular guy needs.

The standard condom works well for most guys, but men with penile girths that vary significantly from head to base may benefit from a special shape for comfort and security. Men with large heads or those whose heads are prone to get irritated by friction may prefer flared condoms, which offer extra room at the tip. Men with modestly-sized members might like the snug fit variety of condom best.

Special Features
- Lube: Many people like lubricated condoms. Not only are they more comfortable for the woman, but adequate lubrication is crucial to preventing condom breakage.

- Spermicide: Some couples like to double up on pregnancy prevention by using condoms with chemicals that kill sperm. It’s important to note that the chemicals can irritate the vagina and penis, though.
- Textures: Ribs and studs and twists, oh my! Why not give these neat textures a try?

Condoms aren’t the only things that are important to put on the penis. Guys should also be sure to use plenty of lube during their solo and partner playtime, and to keep the skin well-moisturized on a daily basis by applying a penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) after showering. Shea butter and vitamin E form a moisturizing tag team, fending off dry skin and protecting the member from chafing. Keeping the skin healthy will help prevent odors, infections and loss of sensitivity - all worthy of a few moments of a man’s time a day.

Monday, 13 July 2015

Itchy Penis Relief: Shaving Away the Pubic Lice

To some extent, an itchy penis comes with the territory; it's all part of being a guy. But pubic lice is not part of the territory and should not be something a guy deals with. Sometimes even a man who has been careful about his penis health habits can find himself with a lice-induced itchy penis. If this happens with frequency, or if the pubic lice are persistent, shaving may be an option he should explore.

About pubic lice.
Many schoolchildren come down with head lice, and that's the kind of lice most people think about. Pubic lice, however, are actually a different form of pest - though related to the more common head lice.
Pubic lice are terribly small, only about two millimeters in length (or less than one-tenth of an inch). As such, they are very hard to see. If one looks at them under a microscope, one can see that they have a shape similar to that of a sea crab - hence their more common nickname as "crabs."

Not about disease
Fortunately, pubic lice are basically benign - by which is meant they don't transmit disease. But that doesn't mean they're a pleasure to have. When a man has pubic lice, he has an itchy penis that just won't quit. The itchiness by itself can be annoying and irritating; it gets embarrassing when a guy is caught with his hands tugging at the itch. A guy is only scratching, but it looks as if he has an uncontrollable desire to fondle himself.
Most of the time, a man catches pubic lice through skin-to-skin contact with another person who has them. Occasionally, they can be picked up when the penis comes into contact with an object (such as bedsheets or blankets) that has the lice on it.

There are several treatments for getting rid of crabs, but in some cases the little creatures can be very resistant to leaving their newfound home. In these cases, many men find that shaving the penis and crotch can help to rid the body of the pests.

Shaving can help for two reasons: (1) Pubic lice like to make themselves comfortable in the hair in the crotch. This provides extra warmth and security for them. And (2) when the hair has been removed, it is easier to spot the tiny parasites and to remove them.

For those who have not "manscaped" the genitals before, here are a few tips:

- Trim with scissors before taking a razor to the area. This will be more effective and help avoid painful pulling of long hairs.

- Soak the crotch in warm, soapy water. Shaving in the bathtub may be more comfortable.

- Use plenty of lather - and make it as chemical- and fragrance-free as possible. Penis skin is very sensitive, and chemicals can cause a burning sensation.

- Exercise great care. Allow plenty of time for the shaving; a man does not want to make any mistakes with a razor while it is near the penis.

After shaving, check for any stray pubic lice. Continue treatment as recommended until one is sure that the crabs have gone away for good.

Pubic lice can create a long-term itchy penis situation, so going after them aggressively makes sense. After shaving, be sure to take proper care of the manhood by continuing to use a top-notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). The skin may be sensitive for a day or two, so a crème that can keep the skin moisturized is essential; look for one that contains a combination of a high-end emollient (such as Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (like vitamin E). In addition, treat the area with a crème that includes vitamin D. This vitamin is often called the "miracle" vitamin because it is effective in fighting disease and enabling cell functionality. Good for the skin, good for the manhood.

Sunday, 12 July 2015

Quickie Sex Tips - Enjoying Intentionally Fast Sex

Long, luxurious sex sessions are a great way to pass a few hours, but the occasional quickie can be seriously enjoyable - especially when one is genuinely pressed for time. The following are a few sex tips for those interested in a spot of speedy sport. A guy who has been keeping up his penis care should be in good shape for a quickie and can benefit from these suggestions.

Agree on it.
Both partners are more likely to enjoy a quickie when they're both aware that speed is part of the process. A guy can be direct and say something like, "Let's just have a quickie," or more indirect: "We have 10 minutes before we leave, but I'm not going to be able to walk out the door if I don't get to savor your body first." As long as the ground rules are clear, a quickie can be great fun. If a man starts in on a quickie without sharing that information first, his partner may end up confused and unsatisfied.

Possibly plan for it.
As has been made abundantly clear in article after article, women tend to take longer to achieve orgasm than do men - which means that achieving satisfaction from a quickie may be more difficult for a lady. While spontaneity can be an arousing factor that works in favor of the quickie, some women may be more likely to achieve satisfaction if they know in advance that a quickie is in the cards. For example, planning ahead that a fast romp in the hay will take place during that short window between finishing dinner and going to the movie may allow a woman to fantasize about the encounter ahead of time - and may help her to be more stimulated when the action actually starts.

Consider a change of scene.
Often a quickie works best when it occurs in a location in which a couple has not previously been intimate. This may be a new location in a familiar setting (such as the kitchen in one's apartment) or one in a fairly unfamiliar setting (such as a hotel room or a tent while camping). Do remember: whatever location is chosen, it needs to be appealing - whatever that may mean to the individuals involved. If the bed is uncomfortable or the sleeping bag is laid on top of rocks, it may not have the desired effect.

Try something new.
As they say, variety is the spice of life. A quickie may be an ideal time to try some new sexual strategies. Perhaps this is the opportunity to purchase a sex toy, such as a vibrating egg or a dildo, and employ this to stimulate one's partner. Is there a new sex position that one has been wanting to try for some time? Perhaps one or both partners might want to see what sex is like when blindfolded. Adding a new ingredient may make the quickie experience more fulfilling for both participants. Of course, partners need to be comfortable with this. If the woman likes surprises, it may be alright to spring one at this time; but if surprises create anxiety, be sure that it is discussed in advance.

An occasional quickie can and should be part of a couple's sex life - and some may want to make them more than occasional. These sex tips can help, but equally important is keeping the equipment healthy - and for that, using a superior penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) is strongly advised. The best crèmes include a range of vitamins, including vitamin C. Why vitamin C? Because it contains properties which make it especially valuable for collagen production and penile tissue firmness. The crème ideally should also contain L-arginine, an enzyme that is involved in the production of nitric oxide, which in turns helps to keep penile blood vessels open and properly flowing. A healthy penis makes a quickie that much more enjoyable.

Saturday, 11 July 2015

Masturbation Techniques: Interesting Objects to Penetrate (with Care)

Most of the time, masturbation for a guy involves nothing fancier than his own fist, but on some occasions a man wants to penetrate something a little more interesting or off the beaten path. Fortunately, when it comes to sex, men have an almost limitless imagination and so the realm of possibilities for penetration becomes huge. Of course, not every supposedly penetrable object should be used in masturbation. No matter how turned on, men need to make sure that no chosen object is going to have a negative effect on one’s penis health. Some degree of self-control may be necessary.
There are several old stand-bys that come to mind when a man wishes to expand his masturbation horizons, such as a plastic vagina, a blow up doll or simply rubbing the penis between a pillow and a mattress. However, when a guy lets his imagination roam free, numerous options present themselves:
- A slice of pizza. Not one fresh and hot out of the oven, of course, as the burns could be serious. However, a slice of pizza at room temperature can be rolled into an appropriate opening and used to provide a new masturbatory experience. Be sure to clean the manhood very well after use - and be aware that sensitive penis skin may not like this option very much.
- A peanut butter jar. After scooping out an appropriate amount, a guy may find that the slippery, greasy feel of peanut butter against the penis is surprisingly sensual. Be forewarned, however, that this can be one seriously messy method of masturbating.
- Pool toys. Several items that are often enjoyed in the swimming pool can also be employed for self-based penile play. Rubber floats or rafts that are inflated to somewhat less than full can be molded into enjoyable positions. Those long pool tubes often have a hole in the middle that can be put to good use - although the roughness of the material can be very hard on the manhood.
- Deli slices. Cold cuts, whether turkey, bologna or ham, can make for an off-beat experience. Simply wrap the product around an erect penis and move it up and down as one desires. Some men also enjoy putting the penis between two slices of bread and thrusting to orgasm. A piece of advice: Do not add spicy mustard to the mix.
- A plastic sandwich bag. Not just any sandwich bag, of course. It needs a little something extra to give it some "oomph." Pouring hand lotion or cold cream in it can be a good choice. So can cottage cheese, whipped cream or shortening. Be warned again: This requires considerable clean-up.
- Bread dough. Who can blame a guy for getting ideas when he’s beating down some bread dough? With a bit of lubrication, it creates a texture that can feel quite satisfying to a hard member.
- A watermelon. Something of a classic, cutting a hole in a watermelon and self-pleasuring is a summer rite of passage for many boys - and more than a few men.
Keeping masturbation lively and enjoyable is a laudable goal, but do make sure that new items to penetrate don’t compromise the health of the organ. For example, soreness often results from experimentation, so regularly using a first-class penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) is advisable. A crème that contains a combination of a high-end emollient like Shea butter and a natural hydrator like vitamin E can help to bring soothing relief to a sore penis. Sometimes rough handling can cause a "deadening" of the manhood’s nerves, making sex less enjoyable. A crème that contains neuroprotective acetyl L-carnitine can help ward off peripheral nerve damage that leads to lessening of penis sensitivity. A proper crème is an essential part of an effective penis health regimen.

Friday, 10 July 2015

Sex Tips - Avoiding Common Sex-Related Injuries

While some people enjoy pain with their pleasure, nobody’s likely eager to incur an unintended injury while getting it on. Certain precautions should be taken against common sex-related injuries. It may seem like only more adventurous moves would require care, but some of the common causes of injury take place during the most "vanilla" of escapades. So, in the interest of maintaining proper penis care and attending to the well-being of his partner, a man should be aware of the following injuries and take steps to prevent them.

1) Vaginal Tearing: Some women’s skin is more susceptible to tearing than others. If a couple is having sex for a long time, and/or if the activity is rough, a female partner is very likely to experience some degree of vaginal tearing.

While a couple might not be able to avoid this completely, they can take steps to limit the tearing that occurs. The very first thing to do is to make sure a woman is amply lubricated. This may be natural, product-assisted or a combination of both, depending on how much natural lubrication a woman produces when turned on. Men can also ease her open with a finger or two to start, and take care to enter slowly when it’s time for intercourse, thrusting gently at first. Finally, a couple should perform lube checks every time they change positions, adding more product if needed.

2) Penile Chafing: As with vaginal tearing, it may be hard to prevent any sort of chafing from rough or prolonged sex. Like women, guys benefit from ample lubrication. If they are wearing a condom, they can squeeze a bit of lube into the tip to protect the head against friction. They can also benefit from using a moisturizer on the penis daily to keep the skin healthy and supple.

3) Anal Injury: According to a 2009 study conducted at the University of Alabama School of Public Health, visits to the emergency room attributed to sex toy injuries have doubled since 1995. Researchers found that 74% involved a vibrator, 78% were anorectal in nature and 83% involved "foreign body removal." From this, one can conclude that a whole bunch of people got a sex toy stuck in their behinds.
Now, surely that’s not a common injury. But it’s best avoided, as is the more common anal tearing that can occur from posterior play. Lube is the key here, as well as not using a toy that is massive, at least if a man or woman is a beginner to back-door adventures.

4) Nerve Damage: For the couple interested in bondage, it’s of the utmost importance to make sure restraints aren’t too tight. A person should be able to slip two fingers between the rope or other material and the person’s skin.

On top of that, the untied partner should do "feel tests" every few minutes. Make sure the partner’s circulation or nerve supply is not being cut off by pressing an area below the restraints (for example, the hands if the wrists are bound) to verify that he or she can feel it. Also, look out for any discoloration.
Fortunately, preventing these types of injuries is not difficult. Investing in a good lube is key, and men may want to try a penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) for moisturizing their members, protecting themselves against chafing and friction. It’s best to go with a product made for the penis in order to avoid irritating the sensitive skin with chemical ingredients or fragrances. Using sex toys wisely is another important preventive measure, as is practicing caution when getting into bondage. With these steps in mind, men and their partners can make sure that any pain they may experience is associated with pleasure, not injury.

Thursday, 9 July 2015

Sex Tips Beyond Penetration: Give Her Pleasure

Men: Don’t underestimate the power of foreplay. And whether penetration is on the table or not, there are ways to pleasure a woman that ought not be neglected. Along with practicing proper penis care and learning how to use his member well, a man should beef up on his outer play skills.

There are many reasons a man may neglect developing and implementing such skills. He may be nervous that he won’t "do it right," and feel embarrassed about not knowing what to do. He also may just be so wrapped up in his own pleasure that he ignores that of his partner. These issues need to be overcome. Sexual activity, whether penetrative or not, involves two people. Two people should be experiencing pleasure. The following tips can help men more fully engage their partners during outer play.

1) Be confident. Being afraid to do things during sexual play is a big deterrent to actually doing things. If a partner has expressed consent (clearly and explicitly), then she wants the man. That should be a confidence-booster in itself.

2) Also, be humble. However, being confident doesn’t mean diving into new activities without first getting the okay and knowing what she likes. It is in no way a sign of weakness or ineptitude to ask a woman what she wants. Rather, when a man does so, he shows that he respects her as an individual with unique desires. He also shows that he wants to give her the most pleasure possible - a huge turn-on!

3) Mouth play. Kissing is often the first step toward sexual activity (though one should never assume the latter is an inevitable outcome of the act). While preferences vary, it’s a good bet that a woman doesn’t want to be slobbered all over. A man should try to keep his lips on hers rather than engulfing the lower half of her face. Swallow from time to time to prevent excess saliva from covering her face. Be gentle at first when moving the lips around her body; she may like nibbling, but let her tell you, or ask her. She may not be into it at all, or she may want to see your marks on her days later. Don’t assume.

4) Nipple play. If a woman has expressed interest in nipple play, begin gently. Some women like very light caresses with fingers and the tongue; others like rough twisting, pinching and pulling; others like something in between. It’s best to err on the side of caution. Ask her, "Is that good? Is this too rough? Do you want it rougher?" She’ll tell you what she’s comfortable with. Starting off with the more extreme stuff can cause pain, an immediate turn-off (for some).

5) C-Spot play. If a man isn’t sure how far a woman wants to go, he should ask if it’s okay if he touches her down there. Or, best case scenario, she may put his hand there herself. It’s normal for guys to be a bit hesitant about stimulating the clitoris, because a guy might not be sure how a woman likes it. Here as in other situations, it’s best to be gentle. Start with slow, soft circles around her clit. A man will hear her responses, and he can slowly speed up or increase pressure, asking her along the way if she likes it like that. If tongue action is desired, proceed in a likewise cautious fashion.

6) Fingering. Once she begins to get wet, the partners may desire some internal finger action. Don’t just jab two or three fingers in there; start by circling the entrance, then slide one finger in, moving it around. Most women enjoy G-spot stimulation, which requires more than just thrusting a finger (or two) in and out. With a man’s palm facing her clit, he can wiggle his finger in a "come hither" motion a couple inches in, varying speed. He’ll know if he’s hitting the spot by her reaction.

Along with asking permission and questions throughout outer play, a man can up his game by taking the best care of his penis possible. This will make a man’s member more appealing and inviting to his partner. Avoiding dry, flaky skin and unwanted odors are crucial steps here. Along with proper washing, using a penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can go a long way. Natural moisturizers like Shea butter and vitamin E keep the skin soft and supple, while vitamin A fights odor-causing bacteria. Knowing how to pleasure her is key; so is presenting a manhood that she wants to touch.

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Healthy Penis in Public: Covering Up Accidental Slips

When a man has a healthy penis, he likes for others to admire it - in the proper setting, such as a bedroom. Sometimes, however, penis slips occur while in public, putting a man in a situation where his manhood is suddenly on display for all to see. Exhibitionists may relish this situation, but for many men this can be a case for extreme embarrassment. Even those who have been practicing superb penis care don't necessarily want that fact broadcast in public.

Below are several examples of penis slips and actions that a man can take to cover up and/or prevent the exposure. It always pays to be prepared.

The open fly.
This is probably the situation which affords the most unintentional public penis showings. A man is at a gathering and goes to the bathroom to relieve himself and forgets to zip back up when he is finished. He wanders back into a room full of people with his fly open. At first, things may be fine; no one notices the little faux pas, least of all the man himself. Unfortunately, he becomes engaged in a conversation with an especially attractive woman and after a minute realizes his healthy penis is poking out, firm and proud, from his pants.
An evasive maneuver is most definitely called for. Crossing his hands in front of his crotch will do for a start, but if he has a full erection, this may not provide sufficient coverage. If an object, such as a book, is nearby, it can help to grab the object and hold it over the crotch. In a best case scenario, a man may be holding a jacket or sweater and can nonchalantly use this for a cover up. As soon as possible, he needs to excuse himself and retire to the bathroom or another private area to fix the situation.
Clearly, wearing underwear is one way to lessen the chance that the open fly issue will lead to a penis slip. It also helps to make sure that the fly on the underwear closes and covers properly.

Gym shorts.
Working out at the gym requires taking some wide open stances. In many cases, especially when on a bench press type of machine, this can result in the penis and testicles falling into view through the leg opening of the shorts.
Fortunately, most people carry a towel while doing a workout, so simply spreading the towel across the lap may be enough to hide penis slips of this sort. Also, wearing an athletic supporter rather than loose underwear can be a big help.

Rough waves.
Spending a summer day at the ocean can be great, especially when the surf is roaring and creating big waves. Unfortunately, sometimes those waves can pull down a guy's swimsuit. In these cases, a man needs to keep the waist below water as he rights the situation.

But what if the wave is so rough it pulls the suit all the way off and a guy can't find it? In this situation, he needs to remain waist-deep in water and get the attention of another male swimmer. Explain the situation and ask if he can please go ashore and return with a towel big enough to wrap around the midsection. He may get some ribbing from the guy, but it's better than walking ashore and getting a public indecency citation.
Embarrassing as penis slips are, exposing a healthy penis is preferable to one with dry, flaky skin or other issues. Regularly using a quality penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) helps in this area. Natural hydrators like Shea butter and vitamin E should be included in the crème, to make sure the organ is well moisturized and the skin is at its best. In addition, a potent antioxidant like alpha lipoic acid helps prevents an unsightly "wrinkled" penis look. And a crème with L-arginine can prevent a display of broken capillaries in the member. If it is going to be shown, show it at its best!

Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Penis Size Concerns and the Enlargement Products That Prey Off Them

Many men are desperate to increase their penis size. Studies show that, while 95% of men fall within a narrow average range, most men feel they are too small. Society creates strange links between the length of the manhood and a man’s character, along with his sexual abilities. For some men, anxiety around the size of the penis becomes an obsession, inhibiting sexual and therefore penile health.

It is perhaps no surprise, then, that the internet is flooded with advertisements in the form of webpages and Youtube videos devoted to products that promise to enlarge the penis. Creams, pills and strange contraptions are marketed on the basis of men’s unwarranted fears. Let’s take a look at some of the things men can expect from common enlargement methods.

Some guys turn to creams to fulfil their enlargement dreams. Many creams and oils tout natural ingredients, making them possibly (but not definitely) safe for the delicate male skin. And some of these creams contain nutrients that support penile health.

But no nutrient is going to make the penis bigger. A man may notice that his skin is softer when using a cream; depending on the nutrients, he may be supporting good blood flow to the member. If the cream contains chemicals or fragrances, he may notice irritation, tingling and/or burning.
What he won’t see is a bigger penis.

As noted above, there are nutrients that support penis health - particularly those that support good circulation. Blood flow into the penis is what creates strong erections, so anything that contributes to healthy circulation stands to benefit sexual health.

Pills may contain herbs and other nutrients that support penile health. As with creams, though, they will not make it bigger.

Another important thing to note is that supplements are not regulated. They may contain ingredients not listed on the package, and they may not contain some of the things they claim to. This means that taking a supplement is a gamble, particularly if the product doesn’t come from a reputable supplier. It’s possible for people to have negative reactions to supplements, so don’t think that natural always means safe.

Some people use stretching devices - either full contraptions or weights that hang off the penis - to increase length. It is possible that, after prolonged use of such devices, the penis may have slightly more length. However, this comes at the cost of girth, which is NOT a boon to sexual performance. Also, the devices can cause tearing of the tissues of the penis, something that is hardly worth the risk.

Some guys use penis pumps in hopes of enlarging their members. Pumps serve the purpose of forcing blood into the penis to create an erection. While this is great for many guys with erectile dysfunction, for the average man it is not recommended. Not only does using a pump not permanently increase size, but prolonged or frequent use can actually damage elastic tissue within the penis that is needed to have strong natural erections. On top of this serious drawback, pumps can cause pain, bruising and bleeding under the skin that creates little red dots all over the penis.

If a man wants to invest in a product for his penis, he would be better off going for something that promotes health, not size. Quality lubrications and condoms are worthy investments, as they protect the penis from infections and damage from chafing. Guys can also consider purchasing a penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) to further protect against chafing. This product contains a combination of natural moisturizers (Shea butter and vitamin E) that promote optimal skin health. A man ought to love what he has and treat it well.