Monday, 13 July 2015

Itchy Penis Relief: Shaving Away the Pubic Lice

To some extent, an itchy penis comes with the territory; it's all part of being a guy. But pubic lice is not part of the territory and should not be something a guy deals with. Sometimes even a man who has been careful about his penis health habits can find himself with a lice-induced itchy penis. If this happens with frequency, or if the pubic lice are persistent, shaving may be an option he should explore.

About pubic lice.
Many schoolchildren come down with head lice, and that's the kind of lice most people think about. Pubic lice, however, are actually a different form of pest - though related to the more common head lice.
Pubic lice are terribly small, only about two millimeters in length (or less than one-tenth of an inch). As such, they are very hard to see. If one looks at them under a microscope, one can see that they have a shape similar to that of a sea crab - hence their more common nickname as "crabs."

Not about disease
Fortunately, pubic lice are basically benign - by which is meant they don't transmit disease. But that doesn't mean they're a pleasure to have. When a man has pubic lice, he has an itchy penis that just won't quit. The itchiness by itself can be annoying and irritating; it gets embarrassing when a guy is caught with his hands tugging at the itch. A guy is only scratching, but it looks as if he has an uncontrollable desire to fondle himself.
Most of the time, a man catches pubic lice through skin-to-skin contact with another person who has them. Occasionally, they can be picked up when the penis comes into contact with an object (such as bedsheets or blankets) that has the lice on it.

There are several treatments for getting rid of crabs, but in some cases the little creatures can be very resistant to leaving their newfound home. In these cases, many men find that shaving the penis and crotch can help to rid the body of the pests.

Shaving can help for two reasons: (1) Pubic lice like to make themselves comfortable in the hair in the crotch. This provides extra warmth and security for them. And (2) when the hair has been removed, it is easier to spot the tiny parasites and to remove them.

For those who have not "manscaped" the genitals before, here are a few tips:

- Trim with scissors before taking a razor to the area. This will be more effective and help avoid painful pulling of long hairs.

- Soak the crotch in warm, soapy water. Shaving in the bathtub may be more comfortable.

- Use plenty of lather - and make it as chemical- and fragrance-free as possible. Penis skin is very sensitive, and chemicals can cause a burning sensation.

- Exercise great care. Allow plenty of time for the shaving; a man does not want to make any mistakes with a razor while it is near the penis.

After shaving, check for any stray pubic lice. Continue treatment as recommended until one is sure that the crabs have gone away for good.

Pubic lice can create a long-term itchy penis situation, so going after them aggressively makes sense. After shaving, be sure to take proper care of the manhood by continuing to use a top-notch penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil). The skin may be sensitive for a day or two, so a crème that can keep the skin moisturized is essential; look for one that contains a combination of a high-end emollient (such as Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (like vitamin E). In addition, treat the area with a crème that includes vitamin D. This vitamin is often called the "miracle" vitamin because it is effective in fighting disease and enabling cell functionality. Good for the skin, good for the manhood.

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