There are dozens of types of penis infections and all of them respond individually to different types of treatment. That's why it's vital for men to know about the various types of diseases that can affect their penile health, as well as the penis care steps they should take to avoid potentially serious illness.
To get started, this quiz offers a look at the most common infections that can attack the penis. Men can test their knowledge here by matching the diseases with the descriptions. Answers are provided at the end of the quiz. Good luck!
Key Terms
1) Syphilis
2) Yeast infection
3) Gonorrhea
4) Human papilloma virus
5) Trichomoniasis
6) Urinary tract infection
7) Chlamydia
8) Herpes
A) This type of infection is more commonly associated with women, but men are also frequently affected. It can be passed from one partner to another during sex, although it is not specifically considered as a sexually transmitted disease. It is characterized by burning, itching, redness, and a whitish, chunky discharge. Men who are affected should be treated with antifungal medications, and their partners should be treated at the same time.
B) The parasite Trichomonas vaginalis causes this type of infection; men who are affected may also be more vulnerable to other social diseases. It often causes no symptoms at all, but it can be passed on to a partner, so regular testing is a must for all sexually active individuals.
C) This type of penis infection makes urination really uncomfortable; men may experience a burning sensation, as well as a frequent urge to urinate, often with little urine produced and a feeling that the bladder is not completely empty. Antibiotics are used to treat this infection; failure to treat it can lead to scarring of the urethral tissue and bladder, and may even lead to kidney infection.
D) This type of infection causes the appearance of blisters or open sores that tend to weep fluid and crust over. The sores may or may not be painful. While outbreaks of the sores may come and go, and some men never display any symptoms, the condition is always highly contagious. There is no cure for this viral infection, but medications can be used to keep the symptoms under control.
E) This STD can be hard to spot, as many men who are infected have no symptoms at all. Common symptoms when they do appear include itching, redness, discharge, fever, headache and urinary pain. Lab tests can positively identify this infection, which is easily treatable with antibiotics.
F) This is the most commonly reported STD in the United States. Symptoms of this problem include penile discharge and pain, and bleeding might also occur. This issue can be treated with medications.
G) This STD causes colorless, painless warts that look a little like mushrooms or cauliflowers. A man might have one, two or a hundred of these welts, and he could pass them along through sex. This type of infection has been linked to some types of cancer, so men who see these spots are encouraged to see a doctor. Men who are vaccinated against the disease before they become sexually active may be less likely to develop certain types of penile cancer.
H) The bacteria Treponema pallidum causes this particular type of STD. Men with this condition develop a hard, firm sore that typically doesn't hurt or itch; a spreading rash may also occur. Left untreated, this disease can lead to serious symptoms, including loss of cognitive function and eventually death. It's certainly serious, but when treated in the early stages with antibiotics, most patients make a full recovery.
1) H
2) A
3) E
4) G
5) B
6) C
7) F
8) D
Reading up on penis infections isn't easy, but it might motivate men to take better care of their intimate tissues. A penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can help. Quality products provide the nutrients men need in order to build soft, smooth and sensitive skin, and applying a product daily gives a man an opportunity to check his equipment for symptoms of infection. That could be just the sort of thing that helps a man to catch problems early, so he can stay healthier longer.
To get started, this quiz offers a look at the most common infections that can attack the penis. Men can test their knowledge here by matching the diseases with the descriptions. Answers are provided at the end of the quiz. Good luck!
Key Terms
1) Syphilis
2) Yeast infection
3) Gonorrhea
4) Human papilloma virus
5) Trichomoniasis
6) Urinary tract infection
7) Chlamydia
8) Herpes
A) This type of infection is more commonly associated with women, but men are also frequently affected. It can be passed from one partner to another during sex, although it is not specifically considered as a sexually transmitted disease. It is characterized by burning, itching, redness, and a whitish, chunky discharge. Men who are affected should be treated with antifungal medications, and their partners should be treated at the same time.
B) The parasite Trichomonas vaginalis causes this type of infection; men who are affected may also be more vulnerable to other social diseases. It often causes no symptoms at all, but it can be passed on to a partner, so regular testing is a must for all sexually active individuals.
C) This type of penis infection makes urination really uncomfortable; men may experience a burning sensation, as well as a frequent urge to urinate, often with little urine produced and a feeling that the bladder is not completely empty. Antibiotics are used to treat this infection; failure to treat it can lead to scarring of the urethral tissue and bladder, and may even lead to kidney infection.
D) This type of infection causes the appearance of blisters or open sores that tend to weep fluid and crust over. The sores may or may not be painful. While outbreaks of the sores may come and go, and some men never display any symptoms, the condition is always highly contagious. There is no cure for this viral infection, but medications can be used to keep the symptoms under control.
E) This STD can be hard to spot, as many men who are infected have no symptoms at all. Common symptoms when they do appear include itching, redness, discharge, fever, headache and urinary pain. Lab tests can positively identify this infection, which is easily treatable with antibiotics.
F) This is the most commonly reported STD in the United States. Symptoms of this problem include penile discharge and pain, and bleeding might also occur. This issue can be treated with medications.
G) This STD causes colorless, painless warts that look a little like mushrooms or cauliflowers. A man might have one, two or a hundred of these welts, and he could pass them along through sex. This type of infection has been linked to some types of cancer, so men who see these spots are encouraged to see a doctor. Men who are vaccinated against the disease before they become sexually active may be less likely to develop certain types of penile cancer.
H) The bacteria Treponema pallidum causes this particular type of STD. Men with this condition develop a hard, firm sore that typically doesn't hurt or itch; a spreading rash may also occur. Left untreated, this disease can lead to serious symptoms, including loss of cognitive function and eventually death. It's certainly serious, but when treated in the early stages with antibiotics, most patients make a full recovery.
1) H
2) A
3) E
4) G
5) B
6) C
7) F
8) D
Reading up on penis infections isn't easy, but it might motivate men to take better care of their intimate tissues. A penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can help. Quality products provide the nutrients men need in order to build soft, smooth and sensitive skin, and applying a product daily gives a man an opportunity to check his equipment for symptoms of infection. That could be just the sort of thing that helps a man to catch problems early, so he can stay healthier longer.