Thursday, 31 July 2014

Penis Infection Quiz – How Much Do Men Know About Penile Health?

There are dozens of types of penis infections and all of them respond individually to different types of treatment. That's why it's vital for men to know about the various types of diseases that can affect their penile health, as well as the penis care steps they should take to avoid potentially serious illness.
To get started, this quiz offers a look at the most common infections that can attack the penis. Men can test their knowledge here by matching the diseases with the descriptions. Answers are provided at the end of the quiz. Good luck!

Key Terms
1) Syphilis
2) Yeast infection
3) Gonorrhea
4) Human papilloma virus
5) Trichomoniasis
6) Urinary tract infection
7) Chlamydia
8) Herpes

A) This type of infection is more commonly associated with women, but men are also frequently affected. It can be passed from one partner to another during sex, although it is not specifically considered as a sexually transmitted disease. It is characterized by burning, itching, redness, and a whitish, chunky discharge. Men who are affected should be treated with antifungal medications, and their partners should be treated at the same time.

B) The parasite Trichomonas vaginalis causes this type of infection; men who are affected may also be more vulnerable to other social diseases. It often causes no symptoms at all, but it can be passed on to a partner, so regular testing is a must for all sexually active individuals.

C) This type of penis infection makes urination really uncomfortable; men may experience a burning sensation, as well as a frequent urge to urinate, often with little urine produced and a feeling that the bladder is not completely empty. Antibiotics are used to treat this infection; failure to treat it can lead to scarring of the urethral tissue and bladder, and may even lead to kidney infection.

D) This type of infection causes the appearance of blisters or open sores that tend to weep fluid and crust over. The sores may or may not be painful. While outbreaks of the sores may come and go, and some men never display any symptoms, the condition is always highly contagious. There is no cure for this viral infection, but medications can be used to keep the symptoms under control.

E) This STD can be hard to spot, as many men who are infected have no symptoms at all. Common symptoms when they do appear include itching, redness, discharge, fever, headache and urinary pain. Lab tests can positively identify this infection, which is easily treatable with antibiotics.

F) This is the most commonly reported STD in the United States. Symptoms of this problem include penile discharge and pain, and bleeding might also occur. This issue can be treated with medications.

G) This STD causes colorless, painless warts that look a little like mushrooms or cauliflowers. A man might have one, two or a hundred of these welts, and he could pass them along through sex. This type of infection has been linked to some types of cancer, so men who see these spots are encouraged to see a doctor. Men who are vaccinated against the disease before they become sexually active may be less likely to develop certain types of penile cancer.

H) The bacteria Treponema pallidum causes this particular type of STD. Men with this condition develop a hard, firm sore that typically doesn't hurt or itch; a spreading rash may also occur. Left untreated, this disease can lead to serious symptoms, including loss of cognitive function and eventually death. It's certainly serious, but when treated in the early stages with antibiotics, most patients make a full recovery.

1) H
2) A
3) E
4) G
5) B
6) C
7) F
8) D

Reading up on penis infections isn't easy, but it might motivate men to take better care of their intimate tissues. A penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can help. Quality products provide the nutrients men need in order to build soft, smooth and sensitive skin, and applying a product daily gives a man an opportunity to check his equipment for symptoms of infection. That could be just the sort of thing that helps a man to catch problems early, so he can stay healthier longer.

Sore Penis Excuses - How to Say No When the Equipment Needs Healing

Even with a sore penis, most men are reluctant to turn down a chance for some stimulation; making excuses in these situations is something most men like to avoid. But the fact is that sometimes – rarely, but sometimes - proper penis care demands that a guy say no to an invitation to exercise his member in order to give it appropriate time to heal.

When to say no.
There are probably men reading this who are thinking that they would never in a million years say no to an opportunity for their manhood to get a vigorous workout, sore penis or not. In fact, there are times when it is not only advisable but crucial that a man make excuses and forego a little sexual invigoration. For example:

  • After a vasectomy. Men who take the step of snipping the tubes as their preferred form of birth control need to wait about a week or so after the operation is performed before having sex, either partner-based or solo. After that time, they also need to remember that it takes some 15-20 ejaculations to clear the tubes of any lingering semen, so protection is still necessary. Engaging in sexual activity too soon after the procedure runs the risk of affecting the stitches.

  • After other types of penis surgery. Surgical procedures on the penis or testicles also usually require a waiting period post-surgery; the amount of time depends on several factors. A doctor will advise the amount of rest time needed.

  • When dealing with infections. Often, when dealing with an STI or other groin-based infection, it's necessary to wait until given an "all clear" by the doctor before engaging in sex in order to prevent spread of the infection.

  • When simply too sore. Sometimes a guy has had so much sex that he has obtained a really sore penis; other times he may have sustained an injury such as a baseball to the groin that makes delaying sex advisable.

What to say.
Every guy will have his own idea of what to say, based on how he feels about talking the issue, who he's talking to, what the circumstances are leading up to the conversation, etc. The exact wording he chooses will vary, but here are some basic general choices he can consider.

  • Be honest. He can come right out with it and tell the interested party why he can't have sex with her/him tonight. For many men, this is the best option, even if the reason – such as "I'm waiting for my STI to go away"– may be embarrassing.

  • Be mysterious. The man can simply smile and say something about the best things in life are worth waiting for, rather than saying "Sorry – just had surgery to make my member a true monster."

  • Be "disciplined." A guy can imply – or come right out and say – that he has sex so often that he really needs to skip tonight. This may make the potential partner think he's a hot stud muffin – or alternatively, that he's a bit of a male slut.

  • Be inconvenienced. With this, the dude lets the other person know that matters are out of his hands – "I promised to drive my buddy home," for example.

Whatever excuse a man uses, he needs to work to get his sore penis back in good shape. One of the best ways to help heal a sore penis is through the use of a soothing penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil). Overuse of the penis calls for a cream that provides nourishment in the form of a high end emollient (shea butter is perfect for this), with extra moisturizing provided by vitamin E, a great natural hydrator. If dry penis skin is part of the problem, these ingredients will also address that problem. In addition, make sure that the selected cream is loaded with other important nutrients, including L-arginine. This enzyme helps in the process through which penis blood vessels are maintained and kept open for better blood flow.

Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Erect Penis Fails - 5 Ways Men Ruin the Moment

A guy with an erect penis wants to do everything he can to make sure that raring-to-go member of his doesn't become that most dreaded of all objects: a frustrated penis. Yet too often this happens - and frequently, it's the dude's own fault. Practicing ongoing and appropriate penis care to keep one's equipment in shape and ready for a good time is fruitless if a man shoots himself in the foot - or elsewhere - by irrevocably running the mood with the lady with whom he hopes to score.
What are some of the things men do that cause them to return from a seemingly hot date with nothing to show except a frustrated penis straining painfully against their trousers?

Talking about exes.
There's a time and a place to bring up the qualities of ex-girlfriends - but that time does not occur within the first few dates. Even comparisons that favor the current woman may make her worry about how she stacks up against his former lover(s). Dissing an ex may make a woman wonder about a range of things: Is this guy too critical? Is he "over" this other woman yet? Should she perhaps take note of the complaints that this ex had about this guy she hardly knows? In any case, talking about other women is unlikely to make her feel closer - and hardly helps with a guy’s efforts to move toward the bedroom.

Bad music.
Nothing can ruin a moment more quickly than an inappropriate music choice. Early in a relationship, it's hard to know what a particular woman may like, so it's always a gamble, but there are some options to avoid: Head banging metal. Songs with misogynistic lyrics. Tunes are blatantly sexual rather than subtly and slyly insinuating.

Using the phone - at all.
When alone with a date and starting down the road that leads to coital bliss, the phone has to get powered down - period. Unless he is a surgeon and there is a chance he could receive a life-or-death call, there should be no answering the phone, checking messages, texting - nothing. A man needs to give his full and undivided attention to the beautiful creature in front of him - and no one else.

Moving too fast.
Every guy-gal pairing is different and moves at its own pace. It's a delicate balancing act between moving things forward and going too fast, but men need to pay great attention to this and be sensitive. Once things do get moving, it's also imperative to remember that unlike guys, who tend to go from 0 to 60 in seconds, a woman often needs a bit more delicate handling. Make sure to spend an appropriate amount of time on intense and sensuous foreplay - and take the time to enjoy it, rather than treating it like a chore.

Being alone in the moment.
Sometimes a dude concentrates way too much on his erect penis and not on the person with whom he is sharing this gift. Guys sometimes need to take a moment to make sure that as they get more in tune with their rhapsodic moments, they aren't tuning their bedmate out.

One last thing: an erect penis that looks unappealing is another surefire mood killer. A guy's tool can be made much more appetizing through the regular use of a first rate penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil). The proper cream will nourish the penis, providing it with superior moisturization through a combination of a high end emollient (think shea butter) and a natural hydrator (vitamin E being ideal). The resulting healthy glow will be further enhanced if said cream also contains a top notch antioxidant, such as alpha lipoic acid, which can fight premature aging of penis cells and keep that wrinkled look at bay. Using an appropriate cream is a very easy way to keep the penis healthy without a lot of trouble.

A Penis Pimple Quiz for the Afflicted Manhood – Tools for Clearing the Intimate Skin

Penis pimple panic sounds like an alliterative nightmare, but it is actual a real issue. Men who erupt in pimples, bumps or cysts down below may be frightened, worried or even angry; often, they have no idea what these bumps are, whether they are related to an infection contracted from a questionable partner, and what type of  penis care is required to get rid of them.

This quiz may help. First off, it provides men with the opportunity to learn more about what penis pimples are and how they can be treated. Secondly, working on this puzzle might help men to make better choices about their daily penile care.

Here's how it works. Each question is either true or false, and the answers are listed a little lower on the page.

The Questions
  1. Simple penis pimples are contagious. Men can catch them from their female partners, if these women have pimples on their intimate bits.

  1. Seeing a doctor isn't necessary if the problem is obviously a pimple.

  1. Penis pimples should never be squeezed or popped. Doing that could lead to even bigger problems, like infections and scarring.

  1. Using strong soaps and a scrub brush is ideal for men who have penis pimples to ensure that their skin is clean.

  1. Washing up every day with warm water should be enough to keep pimples away.

  1. Water is best used on the surface of the skin. Drinking it does nothing.

  1. Men with penis pimples shouldn't use any kind of lotion on the skin. It's too risky.

The Answers

  1. False. If the bumps a man sees down below really are pimples (blocked pores that have become infected), there's no real link to sexual contact. Just as pimples on a man's face don't immediately appear on a partner's face after a kiss, pimples on the penis don't come directly from the pimples on the body of another.

  1. False. There are all sorts of conditions that look a lot like penis pimples, and sometimes, men who guess at their diagnosis make big mistakes. They may assume they have herpes, for example, or they might brush off a cancerous lesion as a simple pimple. That's why a doctor should always get involved.

  1. True. While squeezing a penis pimple releases the pus that has built up inside, the pressure can cause damage to the pore that can cause scarring. Plus, popping some pimples means pushing hard, and that could drive some of the built-up material deeper into the dermal tissue, increasing the risk of infection.

  1. False. Penile tissues are incredibly sensitive. That's why sex feels so great. Attacking those tissues with harsh soaps and scrub brushes can irritate this delicate tissue, causing sore, red, inflamed skin. Enough of this mistreatment can even lead to loss of sensation, and it could take a long time to heal from that damage. Also, using harsh cleansers means stripping away the skin's natural oils, which could lead to even more pimples.

  1. True. A washing with warm water, which most guys can handle during their daily shower, is the best approach to cleansing the penile skin.

  1. False. Hydration is key in keeping penis pimples away. As water moves through the cells, it helps to push bacteria out. Water is also good for the overall health of the immune system. That's why men who have penis pimples should be sure to drink a lot of water, each and every day.

  1. Both true and false. On the one hand, the creams and medications that are designed to clear up acne pimples on the face and other parts of the body are much too harsh for the penile skin. These lotions contain chemicals that are extremely drying and may even burn the more delicate tissue below the belt.

On the other hand, there are some intimate lotions that are vital for penis health and can help combat pimples and other skin imperfections safely. For instance, a penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) containing ingredients such as vitamins E, A, C and D can experience a significant improvement in the look, feel and overall condition of their penile skin. Crèmes like this should not be applied to broken skin, but when used as directed, they can be an important part of a daily penis care routine.

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

The Healthy Penis and Vitamin D – How This “Miracle Vitamin” Impacts Penile Function

Men interested in maintaining a healthy penis need to ask themselves if they are getting enough vitamin D; the answer for far too many men is likely to be "no." Correct penis health includes making sure that a man gets enough of the vitamins and nutrients necessary to keep the organ fit - and as an added bonus, these vitamins and nutrients can boost overall health as well.

What is vitamin D?
Vitamin D is one of many chemicals that the body needs in order to operate at its peak levels. This important vitamin has a number of functions, one of the most well-known being its ability to keep bones healthy and strong. Vitamin D is also linked with improving the body's ability to fight disease; but it plays a role in the healthy wellbeing of many other body parts, including the all-important male organ.

Vitamin D is unique.
The body can make its own vitamin D, which is not the case with other vitamins; most of the time, people get vitamins from the foods they eat. Some vitamin D can be absorbed through dietary means, but most vitamin D is made by the body, usually through exposure to sunlight. This is one reason why a man's vitamin D levels may fall during the winter months; he's less likely to be getting a significant amount of sun time, so the body isn't able to produce as much vitamin D on its own. Some doctors recommend taking a vitamin D supplement for this reason, especially during the months in which there is little sunlight.

Also unique about vitamin D: When the body makes the vitamin D, it then converts it into a hormone called calcitriol.

Vitamin D and men
While the range of benefits of vitamin D is quite large, there are several ways in which it is of special benefit to men.

- Sperm nucleus. The development of the nucleus of the sperm cell can be positively impacted by vitamin D. The sperm nucleus is responsible for storing and carrying important genetic information and passing it along to future generations.

- Seed quality and quantity. Improved sperm count is also thought to have a link to long term levels of vitamin D, as is the overall quality and consistency of a man's semen. Producing greater quantities of vitamin D seems to play a role in the overall quality of a man's ejaculate.

- Libido. Testosterone levels affect a man's libido; in general, higher levels of testosterone correspond to a more active sex drive. Because vitamin D plays a role in boosting testosterone, it can have a significant impact on a man's libidinal urges, as well.

Getting vitamin D
As mentioned earlier, the best way to boost levels of vitamin D is to spend time in the sunlight. Unfortunately, this is not always possible for everyone: some men have few opportunities to spend time in the sunlight or may have skin that is too sensitive for long-term exposure. Vitamin D-rich foods like milk, portabella mushrooms, salmon and cod liver oil can help, but making substantial increases in vitamin D through dietary changes is very difficult. Men may want to consult with their doctors to determine whether they require more vitamin D, in which case a supplement may be suggested as the most effective route.

Penis health can also be positively impacted by using a top drawer penis health cream (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) that contains vitamin D. In addition to the above benefits, vitamin D applied through a cream can help moisturize the healthy penis, which is especially important in those with chronically dry skin. The moisturization can also boost elasticity of the penis skin, and help fight the "wrinkly" look. The cream will be even more effective if it also contains vitamin A, which can help eliminate unwanted penis odor.

Penis Health Diet - What One Man Did to Take Control of His Penile Function

Food is the fuel that keeps the body going. Everyone knows that. But some men are opting to take control of their penis health – not to mention their overall well-being – by making better choices about the foods they eat. In the following paragraphs, a man we will call “Liam” talks about his nutritional choices and their impact on his sex life.

Weight Loss Secrets
At the moment, Liam isn't overweight at all – in fact, he seems to be in great shape. But that's because he had a hard talk with his doctor a few years ago, and he made some pretty big changes.

"I went in for a routine physical, and my doctor told me I was about 100 pounds overweight. I knew I was heavy, of course," Liam says. "But I couldn’t believe how far things had gone. I know being overweight is bad all around, but the doctor also told me that the extra weight I was packing around would make things work less efficiently down there. Then, after I read that abdominal fat could even make my dick look smaller, I decided to change my eating habits right away."

Liam has a couple tips and tricks he uses to keep his weight down. For example, he suggests that men do the following:
  • Drink a full glass of water before meals to help them feel full and eat less;
  • Skip dessert, or go for healthier options like fresh fruits;
  • Limit alcohol intake, especially when it comes to beer;
  • Steer clear of fast food and packaged, processed food items.

"It sounds really simple, but these little steps really do add up," Liam says. "I've been amazed at how much weight I was able to lose – not to mention how much bigger my dick looks in the mirror now!"

Help for the Swimmers
In addition to changing his diet to lose weight, Liam also wanted to tackle his plate in order to improve the health of his sperm. He and his wife are trying to start a family, and that means Liam needs to do all he can to make sure the seed he shoots is as healthy as it can be.

"I've been reading a lot about zinc and folate, and how doctors think they can help make sperm cells healthier. I decided to add foods full of those elements into my diet," Liam says. "For zinc, I snack on cashews and yogurt during my mid-day breaks, and I try to eat beef at least once per week. For folate, I eat leafy greens like spinach and Brussels sprouts."

Key Vitamins for Function
In addition to boosting the health of sperm, Liam also tries to eat foods that will help his penis perform to its maximum capacity. For him, that means working on adding in foods that provide trace elements the body needs.

"I've heard that a healthy erection depends on an amino acid called arginine. I don't understand all of the chemistry, but apparently, this stuff helps the blood vessels to open up, and when they do, the blood can flow into the penis," he says. "Eating fish, beans and walnuts helps me get that."

In addition to all of these steps, which he refers to as his “penis diet,” Liam doubles down on the nutrition he supplies to his little guy by using a penis health crème. Quality products (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) that contain a blend of vitamins, amino acids, and antioxidants can play an important role in long-term penis health. Adding in a lotion like this is a smart move for men who want to stay healthy, especially since the direct application allows the nutrition to sink right into the tissues that need them. For men like Liam, a quality penile really is a good investment, and it's something he uses every day in order to augment the dietary changes he's made.

Monday, 28 July 2014

Seven Penis Care Mistakes and How They Affect Penile Health

It may come as a surprise to men who think they have their hygiene routine under control, but the wrong approach to penis care can mean unpleasant consequences for the boys downstairs. These common self-care mistakes can leave the manhood sore, throbbing, and prone to chronic skin issues and penile health concerns.

1.    Not cleansing often enough. Whether a guy goes a day (or two, or three) without a shower is a matter of personal taste – some men like to be shower-fresh at all times, while others have no objection at all to a bit of a manly aroma. However, when it comes to the penis, skipping the daily wash can lead to itchy, smelly skin that is prone to issues such as acne (from clogged pores) and infection.

2.    Neglecting the foreskin. In young boys who are uncircumcised, the foreskin does not always retract fully, and parents are often advised not to pull it back for cleaning in order to avoid damaging the delicate tissue. Because of this, not all men are aware as they get older that they should retract the foreskin gently and clean away any built-up material underneath. This material, known as smegma, consists of dead skin cells, body oils and other fluids that accumulate to form a cheesy paste. Not removing it during a daily wash can lead to swelling and inflammation, a condition known as balanitis that can cause pain and discomfort.

3.    Inappropriate personal care products. While cleansing is important, the wrong choice of personal care products can also lead to sore, irritated penis skin. Regular soaps and shower gels are designed to strip away oils and grease; this leaches the natural body oils from the skin and can leave the delicate penile tissue feeling raw, tight and uncomfortable. Cleansers that are designed for sensitive skin are a better choice – men should look for products that are free of dyes and fragrances, as well.

4.    Dry masturbation. Masturbation is a healthy and beneficial practice, but without a little forethought, it can also lead to chafing and irritation. A quick, furtive session in the bathroom without the benefit of a lubricant can feel sensational at the time, but dry rubbing can cause long-term damage to the skin and underlying nerve tissue. Men who engage in this practice may notice a significant loss of sensation over time. To avoid this, it is important to always use a personal lubricant – one that is designed for the purpose; grabbing the first slick substance at hand is not generally a good idea, as not all lotions and moisturizers are appropriate for use on the penile skin.

5.    Wrong choice of clothing. Clothing that is too restrictive (witness the currently popular “skinny” jeans) can cut off circulation to the penis, leading to a gradual loss of sensation in the area. On the other hand, clothing that is too loose can leave the boys swinging in the breeze, opening them up to potential injury. Even if men tend to go for the low-and-lazy look when it comes to outerwear, choosing underwear that is supportive, but breathable, is the best option for protecting the family jewels.

6.    Wrong choice of laundry detergent. Just as the wrong personal care products can cause irritation and itchy, uncomfortable skin, laundry detergents are also frequent culprits when it comes to penile issues. A hypoallergenic detergent may be a better choice for men that have especially sensitive penis skin.

7.    Neglecting to moisturize. The penile skin can become dry and dehydrated for numerous reasons. Sweating, rubbing against clothing, friction related to masturbation or sex, insufficient fluid intake – all of these can lead to skin that is parched, cracked and rough. Dry penis skin can lead to soreness, not to mention an unpleasant appearance; and dry skin is less responsive to pleasurable sensation. A high-end emollient such as Shea butter, accompanied by vitamin E to lock in moisture, can soothe roughened skin and restore its smooth and youthful appearance. A penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can be a better choice than ordinary body moisturizers, as these products often contain fragrances and other additives that are too harsh for the delicate penile skin.