Sunday, 30 September 2018

Skin Irritation on the Penis: Causes, Treatments and Risk Factors

Full scale or just a patch, skin irritation on the penis can be a cause for concern and often results in a loss of focus and an extra helping of discomfort. It’s also not something a man tends to want to show off while “entertaining.” Here’s the good news – most causes of an irritated penis can be easily remedied and are nothing to worry about. Here are five common reasons for skin irritation on the penis and how to fix the lil’ fella right up.

1) Genital Area Infections – Nobody in the world likes to cuddle more than fungus. Give it a nice, warm, moist place to curl up, like the folds of the genital skin, and it will nestle right in. To keep jock itch and his other fungi friends out of the area, keep the genital area clean and dry. Post-invasion see a doctor for an anti-fungal cream to clear up the infection. To prevent future fungal shack-ups, shower regularly, clean thoroughly and keep the area dry and airy.

2) Too Much of a Good Thing – Too much sex or self-gratification may seem harmless, but it can result in red, cracking, irritated, penile skin. Unless a man likes that pins-and-needles feeling on his irritated penis, stop all activity immediately until the skin is back to normal. To get it back to soft and supple, use cool compresses to soothe the irritation and a penis health crème to repair and renew the skin. When all is good, be sure to practice moderation in all things and to use a good, water-based lubricant for especially energetic sensual shenanigans.

3) Latex Condoms – Something like 15% of all Americans is allergic to latex so a skin irritation on the penis due to latex is not at all uncommon. Now, the fix isn’t to stop using condoms (no dice, buddy), but it is to look for alternative condoms like polyurethane or polyisoprene which protect against STIs and pregnancy without the latex. To help the irritation, follow the same rules as in #2.

4) Balanitis – Balanitis is a skin inflammation which impacts the penis head and foreskin and is experienced more often by uncircumcised men. It’s caused by a build-up of smegma. Smegma is a stinky concoction of dead skin cells, body oils, and bacteria that marinate into an especially odorific off-white paste which harkens to bacteria to infect the delicate penile skin. The best way to treat and prevent balanitis is regular and thorough cleaning of the penis daily with a gentle cleanser. If the issue is out of control (such as the foreskin will not retract), a physician will prescribe antibiotics to clear up the infection.

5) Sexual Transmitted Infections (STIs) – Cut and dry, an irritated penis can be a symptom of an STI. Several STIs manifest as a skin irritation on the penis and can be accompanied by a rash, blisters and peeling skin. STIs associated with an irritated penis include genital herpes, gonorrhea, chlamydia, genital warts, and syphilis. Men who believe they may have contracted an STI should see their doctor or clinic immediately for testing and avoid any sexual contact until the results of the test are known. Once diagnosed, a doctor will prescribe the course of treatment.

Avert an Irritated Penis with These Tips

Most skin irritations on the penis can be prevented with good genital hygiene habits and practicing safe sex. Grooming should include cleansing the penis regularly and thoroughly with a mild cleanser and soft cloth. Keep the groin area dry and air it out frequently – many men prefer to sleep in the buff to give the area plenty of oxygen.

Habitually moisturizing the penis is also a critical step in penis health. Use a specially created penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) for a clean, renewed, and supple penis. These cremes are nutrient-rich and contain vitamins like A, C, D, and E which have properties especially advantageous for penile health and healing, which is ideal for keeping an irritated penis at bay. The crème’s base should be a natural moisturizer, like Shea butter, which leaves the penile skin completely hydrated and smooth.

Saturday, 29 September 2018

Five Common Causes of Dry Skin on the Penile Shaft and How to Restore the Balance

A man and his penis are the best of friends. That’s why when a man finds dry skin on his penile shaft, he can feel a little more than just uncomfortable; he can get anxious worrying about what’s causing his delicate skin to get flaky on him. Thankfully, most causes of dry penile skin are harmless and can be easily remedied. It may take a few days, but skin can be supple and soft once again with a few tips.

Let’s start with the symptoms of dry skin on the penile shaft. Obviously, the skin is dry! It may also be flaky, peeling, or cracked and rough. There can also be a loss of sensation or conversely, pain when anything comes in contact with the skin. Redness and skin darkening can also accompany dry penile skin.

Now, let’s talk causes and how to deal. Here are a few of the most reported causes of dry skin on the penile shaft and how to treat them:

1) He’s Got the Skinny Jeans Blues – Too tight pants, underwear, or shorts can cause chaffing, which can irritate the delicate penis skin, causing it to become dry and rough. The fix? Loosen up! Trade in the European fit for a flattering straight leg and give man's best friend a little room to breathe and hang out. This will not only reduce the friction against the groin but will also keep the area airy, which keeps the penis cool and dry.

2) Harsh, Perfumed Cleansers (aka “The Axe Effect”) – Sometimes smelling six-layers-deep of Drakkar Noir isn't a good thing. Ignore the men's commercials promising various claims of attractiveness with smelly "manly” body washes. Instead, use something gentle and natural for the body and especially for delicate penile skin. Read labels and stay away from Harsh soaps containing sodium lauryl sulfates (SLS), lye, polypropylene, and triclosan.

3) Allergies -- Allergies to lotions, condoms, spermicide, laundry detergents, fabrics, or other personal care products have been known to cause dry skin on the penile shaft. Companion symptoms of allergy include sneezing, a runny nose, wheezing, and watery eyes. Pop a Benadryl and wash the area with warm water. Use a topical cream if looking for immediate relief.

4) Could Be Candida – Candida, also known as yeast infections, can cause not only cause dry skin on the penile shaft but can also bring about an angry rash, swelling around the head of the penis, thick smelly discharge under the foreskin, and white patches on the skin. Don’t even think about sex during this time and just urinating can be excruciating. Use an OTC anti-fungal cream on the entire affected area (see the Pharmacist for help) until all symptoms are gone. Also, declare the area a “no activity” zone until the infection is completely cleared up as well.

5) Going Dry on the Fly – Either hand solo or with a partner, prolonged intimate contact without proper lubrication can set a man up for a nasty friction burn resulting in dry penile skin. In the future – use lube! To get back to good, call a sex sabbatical and then moisturize the penis with a specially formulated penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin). Fully of rich moisturizers and emollients like vitamin E and Shea butter, this type of cream is made to calm dry skin and repair it. Other vitamins like A, C, and D are an added boon as they are known to be skin softeners and rejuvenators, helping the dry penile skin bounce back to normal quickly. All men should make this step a part of their daily hygiene habits!

Friday, 28 September 2018

Penis Scars: Potential Problems

Although his penis is one of a man’s most prized possessions, men don’t usually spend a lot of time actually inspecting it. Sure, they spend time handling it – stuffing it in when dressing, pulling it out for urination, fondling it for periods of time (sometimes quite lengthy periods of time) when masturbating. But, aside from occasional penis care checks, not many men spend that much time actually inspecting it. If they did, they might see that over time the penis can develop some small cuts and tears, often from normal wear, which may form small scars when healing. But can scars present any problems a guy should know about? In some cases, the answer is yes.


Scars are part of the natural healing process. They form when the dermis (the deep layer of the skin) gets damaged from some form of trauma (a cut to the skin, a sharp blow, skin diseases or conditions, etc.) To heal the damage, the body produces a protein to seal over the wound. But collagen has a different texture and feeling than the surrounding skin, so the scars it forms may look or feel different. Sometimes the body goes overboard in creating collagen for the job, and in those instances, the scar is typically raised above the level of the skin.

Penis scars

Scars are in many ways a good thing; after all, they are part of the healing process that repairs injuries to the body. But in some instances, scars can cause other problems.

Scar tissue can be especially bothersome on the penis. Why? Because the penis is designed to change size and shape. When a man becomes aroused, the penis becomes erect, elongating and filling out. As all men know, without that erection, unaided penetrative sex is impossible. And because the penis has to grow so frequently, the skin is designed to be extremely flexible and pliable.

Unfortunately, the tissue that is used to create scars does not have that needed flexibility. Thus, the portion of the penis in which scar tissue dwells cannot grow to the same length as portions which are unaffected by scar tissue. In instances in which there is minimal scar tissue, this may be unnoticeable. But if there is a significant degree of scar tissue in one place, it can result in one side of the penis not growing as long as the other sides. When this happens, it typically causes the penis to bend in one direction when erect. (It may bend up, down, to the left or to the right, depending on the location of the scar tissue.) This creates a condition known as Peyronie’s disease, which can be painful and can in some cases interfere with a man’s ability to enjoy penetrative sex.

Other problems

Penis scar tissue can cause other issues as well. For example, among intact men, scarring on the foreskin can affect flexibility, resulting in situations where either the foreskin cannot retract (called phimosis) or once retracted, can get stuck behind the glans (called paraphimosis).

In addition, too much scar tissue can also result in de-sensitization of the penis, in which the penis does not experience the same degree of pleasurable sensation as it would otherwise.

Men with significant scar tissue in the penis should discuss the issue with their doctor to determine an agreeable course of action.

A penis with scars needs the regular application of a superior penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). A crème with L-carnitine may be of help, as this neuroprotective ingredient can aid in maintaining proper penis sensation. The best crème should also include vitamin C. In addition to providing other health benefits, vitamin C is helpful in creating the tissue that gives tone and elasticity to penis skin.

Masturbation Without Visual Aids: Why It’s Beneficial

Is this the golden age of masturbation? There are plenty of arguments in support of this theory. For example, while masturbation is still not really something one discusses at a formal dinner party, there is still a greater openness about the subject than in years past. More people, especially men, not only admit to indulging in masturbation but often talk about it without a sense of shame. There are plenty of lubricants around to choose from, as well as an array of sex toys which can add to the experience. Studies indicate that it can even be beneficial to one’s penis health by keeping the member exercised. And of course, thanks to the internet, there is a wide range of visual aids readily accessible by most men.

Visual aids

Yet those visual aids – specifically, pornographic videos, photographs, gifs, etc. – could be considered a double-edged sword. Sure, men tend to be visual creatures and so may respond especially well to visual aids when masturbating. But as with anything else, using visual aids exclusively might not be the best idea in the long term.

For one thing, relying just on visual aids for masturbation may make it more difficult to masturbate when a guy is horny but, say, the internet is down or he’s staying with a friend and can’t access the porn. In addition, men in adult videos tend to be rather excessively endowed; watching a steady diet of men with extra-large organs give pleasure to women who ooh and aah over their size may make a normally-endowed man feel inferior, even if only on a subconscious level.

Fondling without visuals

Skipping the visual aids, at least on occasion, can have benefits for a guy. For example, it can improve his memory. If he challenges himself to utilize memories of actual sexual experiences from his own past, this can help him to keep his memory sharp. Using real life experiences also keeps him firmly an actual player in his masturbation activity: most of the time when viewing pornography, a man is a voyeuristically viewing the action rather than actively being a part of it.

A man can also create his own erotic fantasies to masturbate to, which exercises both his penis and his mind. Not only can he create exactly the scenario that he wants, but he can have total control over it, so that he and any of the players in the fantasy will act and react in the way that is most pleasing to him.

And sometimes a man may want to masturbate without using any fantasies or past experiences but instead simply focus on being in the “here and now” of masturbating. Concentrating on what he is doing and how it feels – the good sensations each stroke provides, how different strokes and grips provide different sensations, what it feels like to move his free hand over other parts of his body, etc. – he can have a different experience while at the same time learning or re-learning valuable information about himself which he can use when engaging in partner sex.

A man doesn’t have to give up visual aids when masturbating, of course. But at least “switching it up” every now and then is a good idea.

Whether their masturbation includes visual aids or not, men should be regularly applying a first rate penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) to better maintain that penis health. Because men sometimes go overboard in the masturbation department and develop a raw, sore penis, a crème with both a high end emollient (such as shea butter) and a preferred hydrating agent (think vitamin E) is necessary. In addition, too much rough handling or using a death grip can seriously de-sensitize the penis, making masturbation (and partner sex) less pleasurable. A crème with a neuroprotective ingredient such as L-carnitine can be an aid in maintaining proper penis sensation.

Thursday, 27 September 2018

Penis Size: Living in the Real World

Perhaps it was easy in grandfather’s day, but let’s face it: Men today have a hard time not being aware of their penis size and whether it is “up to expectations.” Our obsession with this issue is, of course, misguided; men would be far better off concentrating on their penis health than fretting about penis size. But the fact is that size is still on many men’s minds, and their perceptions of what is a good penis size is distorted by many factors. In the real world, a man with a five inch penis is doing just fine. But in his mind, he may feel ashamed and disappointed (even if his partners in bed are perfectly satisfied.)

Real world vs. culture

In some ways, it’s understandable that there could be confusion over what might be termed the “real world acceptable penis size.” After all, for decades, men were told that the average penis was six inches. Only in recent years have studies demonstrated that that measurement was actually an exaggeration, with the currently accepted average length at about 5.2”. (Many studies, most of them scientifically invalid and often designed to be used as a way of promoting penis lengthening products, claim the length is much greater, further muddying our perceptions of what is typical.) And the vast majority of men have penises that fall in the 4” to 6” range.

Not correct

One problem, though, is that even when a man accepts that the real world average of 5.2” is true, he may have a hard time actually believing this deep down inside him. For example, sometimes a man with a penis of average size – of even of above average size – may still feel that his penis is too small. This might be due to deep-rooted feelings about himself that hinder his self-esteem. He may not possess the self-confidence to accept that he is normal or he above normal.

He also may have compared himself to other men in the gym or at a circle jerk and found that a good number of these other men had longer penises than he did – which makes him believe that he is smaller than average. But often, our perceptions of size can be distorted. It’s impossible to look at our penis from the same physical point of view as we do another man’s, so he may be under-selling himself or over-selling the other men he sees.

Porn, of course

And then there’s the problem of porn, of course. As frequent purveyors of pornography know, many porn producers try to employ male actors who are above average in the penis size department – sometimes significantly so. When a viewer sees a seven or eight inch (or larger) penis giving what appears to be intense pleasure (as evidenced by the moans and gasps coming from the partner – another actor, of course), he can’t help but equate size with power and pleasure.

Since the internet has made pornography something that a man can enjoy at any time of day, for hours on end if he so wishes, it means many men are getting visual messages that distort the image of what a normal penis size is.

What to do

If a man obsesses too much on his penis size, and especially if he has a penis which measures in the average range, he needs to step away from sources –such as porn videos –which reinforce unrealistic expectations. If the size issue is too ingrained, he may wish to seek help from a mental health professional.

In the real world, an average penis size can be extremely rewarding, especially if the owner of that penis keeps it in good health by regular application of an excellent penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). The best cremes will provide a wide range of vitamins, such as A, B5,C, D, and E, to benefit the penis. In addition, the crème should contain L-arginine, which helps produce the nitric oxide which can help penile blood vessels to expand to accommodate increased blood volume.

Penis Skin Care: 5 Keys to a Youthful Appearance

Individuals of both sexes tend to like to make a good impression, and that includes a good physical impression. This is – obviously - one reason why so many men spend time at the gym, watch the foods that they eat and take care in selecting the clothes that they wear. In some cases, they may be seeking to reclaim or maintain a youthful appearance, although many men prefer to “look their age” – but to look the best version of their age. One area in which men do wish to look youthful, however, is their penis. They want to exhibit a youthful penis health, one which gives the impression of vigor and vitality. And practicing proper penis skin care is one way to achieve this goal.

Penis skin is important

Healthy penis skin makes a big impact on partners – or even just on other guys at the gym. (Men do check out each other’s equipment, not necessarily for sexual purposes but as a way of comparing their own manhoods and seeing how they stack up.) What’s desired is penis skin that has a healthy glow and one that is relatively free from blemishes.

Clearly, there are some features which can be an immediate turn-off to someone – genital warts, for example. Not only are these unattractive, but they also send a message that the owner of this penis may have a sexually-transmitted infection (STI), and so sex may be off the table right away. Other kinds of rashes, even though they may not be due to an STI, also distract from the other fine points of an individual penis.

Sometimes the problem isn’t a rash; it’s simply dry penis skin. When the skin gets too dry, it can develop small tears and cracks, or may become scaly or flaky. None of this is good. Similarly, a penis which is handled too roughly (often through masturbation without sufficient lubrication) can have skin that looks, rough, cracked and worn.

Treat penis skin right

Taking care of penis skin requires only a modest amount of time and effort, and the results are well worth it. Some basic penis skin care tips include:

- Wash regularly – and properly. Washing the penis as needed is a no-brainer, but too often guys get in a “cave man” mode where they have a few days off and just don’t shower. Not good. But it’s also not good to use soaps with lots of fragrances and chemicals; penis skin is delicate and responds best to gentle cleansers. Also, warm water is good; hot water not so much. When the water is too hot, it can actually dry out the oils that penis skin needs to keep water locked in. Finally, soft towels which pat the penis dry – rather than rough towels aggressively rubbing the penis – work better.

- Wear appropriate clothing. Going commando can be fun, but when penis skin rubs against rough cloth, it abrades it. Wearing cotton underpants is a better idea.

- Use gentle detergents. Penis skin reacts to harsh ingredients in some detergents, which can cause it to dry out and crack or may cause a rash. Using gentle detergents helps prevent this.

- Lube up. Whether masturbating or engaging in partner sex, it’s important that the penis be well lubricated. Otherwise, rough action tears and potentially scars the skin.

- Youthful looking penis skin is more easily achieved with the daily application of a superior penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Cremes with a team of moisturizing agents (such as shea butter and vitamin E) have a distinct advantage, helping to make sure that the penis skin is well hydrated for a handsome glow. It’s even better if the crème also includes an antioxidant like alpha lipoic acid. This can further strengthen delicate penis skin by warding off damaging free radicals and the oxidative stress they can cause.

Wednesday, 26 September 2018

Penis Problems and the Anemia Factor

No one likes feeling tired and fatigued all the time. When it’s just a matter of pushing too hard and not letting the body recover properly, a little sleep can help to make a guy feel revivified. But sometimes there’s a different reason for this sense of tiredness – such as anemia. And when a guy does have anemia, it can have an effect on his penis health, creating some penis problems he probably would rather not have to deal with.

What is anemia?

According to the Mayo Clinic, anemia occurs when a person doesn’t have enough red blood cells to adequately carry oxygen to the tissues all around the body. The body of course needs that oxygen in order to function and stay healthy. In some severe cases, the anemia can be so bad that it can become life threatening, but for most people anemia simply makes them feel “blah” and unenergetic. (This, of course, can sometimes lead to some other problems, including depression.)

In addition to making a person feel tired and weak, anemia can produce other symptoms as well. These include shortness of breath, dizziness, pale skin, cold hands and/or feet, irregular heartbeat, chest pains, and headaches.

Usually anemia starts out very mild, and then can gradually progress. Often a person doesn’t realize they have anemia until it has moved from mild to moderate or even serious. And there can be many other causes of fatigue other than anemia – so it’s a good idea for a guy to contact a doctor if he thinks he may have anemia. The doctor can run tests and make an accurate diagnosis.

There are many different kinds of anemia, although the most common one is anemia cause by not enough iron. Making dietary changes to get more iron, and probably taking iron supplements, is often all that is needed to correct this kind of anemia.

Penis problems

But what about these penis problems caused by anemia? They primarily relate to erectile issues. As most men know, a full supply of good, oxygen-rich blood is required for an erection. When a man becomes aroused, penile blood vessels expand so that oxygenated blood can fill the spongy tissue, causing the pen is to expand and harden. When the blood is less oxygenated, the erection may be less full.

In addition, lack of oxygen in the blood causes other penis problems. Too little oxygen has a negative impact on a man’s stamina. He has less energy and is less able to “perform” at his peak and so he may grow tired more quickly – sometimes resulting in a loss of erection during sex.

Another issue is that anemic blood causes the heart to work harder, in an effort to compensate for lack of oxygen. This can weaken the heart over time, so that it is more difficult to pump the extra volume of blood that is needed when a man is aroused.


After a doctor diagnoses the cause of anemia, he can recommend the proper course of action to follow. As mentioned, increasing iron intake is often one common recommendation. Sometimes increasing other vitamins may be recommended. If there is another reason for the anemia, such as a genetic cause, more options may need to be explored.

Penis problems due to anemia can affect the overall health of the penis, so regular use of a first class penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) is urged. It can be helpful to seek out a crème that contains L-arginine. This amino acid helps the body produce nitric oxide, which can play a role in helping penile blood vessels to expand when greater blood flow is needed. The crème should also include L-carnitine, which possesses neuroprotective properties that can maintain proper penis sensitivity which can be lost when the penis is handled roughly.

Penis Rash? Maybe It’s Aspirin

A splitting headache is no fun and can really get in the way of a man accomplishing anything. Popping a few aspirin or other forms of relief fortunately brings relief in most instances, allowing a guy to get on with his life. But in some cases, headache remedies like aspirin may inadvertently cause a small penis health problem for some men. Although it’s not an everyday occurrence, sometimes a penis rash may develop from taking aspirin or other similar pain relievers.

Penis rash

A penis rash, while not usually what many consider a “serious” problem, can nevertheless be a big annoyance. Many times a penis rash can be itchy, causing a guy to scratch himself in a way which can be embarrassing and cause him to look like he can’t control himself if he’s caught with his hands on his crotch. It often can look very off-putting, too, causing partners (or potential partners) to question a dude’s hygiene and safe sex practices.

The penis rash being considered in this case is called a fixed drug eruption and is often referred to be doctors as an FDE. A fixed drug eruption is an allergic reaction to a drug (or in some cases to ingredients used in making the drug) which usually occurs most times the medication is used. Exactly why FDEs occur is not known; however, a popular theory is that the use of the drug somehow causes an antigen (a substance not native to the body, which tends to cause the immune system to get triggered) to appear on the skin. The immune system then sends agents out to take care of the problem, meaning they attack the antigen and the surrounding skin area, bringing about the rash. It can occur anywhere on the body, including on the penis, balls or surrounding area.


Usually a fixed drug eruption has a distinctive look. It usually is round or oval-shaped and starts out reddish and fades to brown or purple. A blister may accompany a lesion, and often there will be many lesions in an area. In the case of a penis rash caused by an FDE, there usually are multiple lesions and blisters. The lesions tend to get “crusty” and scaly as they heal, which doesn’t improve their appearance.

In most cases, the rash appears anywhere between half an hour and 8 hours after a drug is taken. And more lesions tend to appear with new doses of the drug.

Not just aspirin

Although aspirin can be a cause of a fixed drug eruption, so can almost any other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). These include many alternatives to aspirin, such as ibuprofen and naproxen. But just because a guy may have an allergic reaction to NSAID doesn’t mean he has a reaction to all of them, which is good news. If he funds that one does bring about a reaction, he can try others and hopefully find a pain reliever that does work without causing a rash.

It should also be noted that any drug can potentially cause an allergic reaction to someone, including antibiotics. That’s why it’s important to be aware of when a penis rash (or other rash) occurs, so that it can be determined if a drug is responsible for it. Reporting a fixed drug eruption to the doctor is essential so that alternative medications can be considered.

A penis rash caused by an allergic reaction to aspirin or other drugs typically goes away within a few days of discontinuing the drug. When the blisters heal, it may be wise to apply a top drawer penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) in order to help the skin recover. Select a crème that contains both a high-end emollient (such as shea butter) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E), which will help keep the skin moisturized. The crème should also include a powerful antioxidant, preferably alpha lipoic acid, which can fight excess radical which can weaken penis skin through oxidative stress.

Tuesday, 25 September 2018

How to Cure a Dry Penis: Common Causes and Treatment Options

At one time or another, most men have dealt with dry and chafed penis skin. Even for a guy that takes great care of his most-loved parts, dry skin can appear and cause some serious irritation. Skin chafing on the penis can present itself as incessant itching or as a dry, flaky mess. Take note that it’s pretty normal to use a penis health crème to hydrate the affected skin as the moisturizing properties create smooth, soft and supple penis skin. Read on for information on some common men’s health issues and how to cure a dry penis.

1) Yeast Infections are one of the most common causes of skin chafing on the penis. Although these annoying infections are more prevalent in females, men are as likely to develop them, especially if they have an underlying medical condition that has depressed their immune system. For those suffering from a yeast infection, they know the symptoms all too well: dry and flaky skin, redness and inflammation, painful urination, white and thick discharge and incessant itching. If these symptoms listed are consistent with yours, seek medical treatment before deciding to buy an over-the-counter product.

2) Skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis can lead to dry, flaky and peeling skin. The affected skin can become very chafed, leading to red and irritated skin. Further research is needed to determine if these medical conditions are the source of your penis irritation, so seek medical treatment if scales or rashes appear on the skin as well.

3) Jock itch, known to the medical community as tinea cruris, is sometimes the underlying cause of dry penis skin. Part of a group of fungal skin infections, these pesky microscopic fungi can multiply and spread the infection if thriving in a moist environment which is why jock itch is commonly found in the genital area. The infection can cause harsh and red burning of the skin as well, an unpleasant feeling. Treat it quickly to minimize the symptoms and prevent the spread to surrounding skin. Using an anti-fungal medication can help, but make sure to properly clean and dry the area before applying any sort of penis health creme.

4) Hot tubs are definitely enjoyable, especially during parties, after a long and intense workout, on vacation, or in your own backyard. But men can leave the hot tub not knowing they’ve contracted a nasty penis rash directly related to the time spent in that hot water. To prevent hot tub rash, also referred to as pseudomonas folliculitis, make certain the hot tub in question is cleaned properly and often. Since heat and water are a breeding ground for bacteria, it’s expected that a hot tub would deplete the skin of its most prized natural oils, so take heed of this advice before jumping into the next public hot tub in the future.

It's extremely common that improper hygiene is the culprit for dry, chaffed penis skin. Make sure to dry the private area skin completely as moisture can get trapped and wreak havoc. After correctly washing the genital area, dry and moisturize your skin with a product made specifically for skin, like a penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin). A nutrient-enriched crème is a super weapon, containing vitamins and other ingredients essential to the wellbeing of private area skin, like vitamin C, for collagen production, and Shea butter, which hydrates the skin leaving the area soft and smooth. Keep the penis skin clean, dry, and hydrated for optimal health.

Erectile Dysfunction? Maybe Try a Little Watermelon

Some men may experience better erectile function during the summer months, and there has long been an old wives’ tale that tries to explain the matter. Sure, summertime may just be a period of the year when men feel naturally friskier, or perhaps the exposure to more sunlight and fresh air helps to explain this penis health change. But folk medicine has for centuries encouraged men who have difficulties with their erections to partake of abundantly available watermelon during the summer season. And it seems that these old wives may have been on to something.


Why would this delicious fruit be a possible aid in erectile health? After all, it’s 92% water, leaving very little else to make an erectile performance contribution.

But one of the things that it does contain a lot of is an amino acid called citrulline (or L-citrulline). A typical 4-ounce serving of watermelon contains about 150 milligrams of citrulline, which is pretty significant.

Okay, so watermelon has a lot of citrulline. Why should this matter? Well, because citrulline gets converted into L-arginine, another amino acid. And this particular amino acid is a precursor to nitric oxide. And why does that matter? Because nitric oxide plays a big role in helping blood vessels, including penile blood vessels, to expand. During the erectile process, the penis needs to be able to accommodate a great increase in blood. This increased blood flow fills the spongy tissue in the penis, and it is this filling that causes the penis to expand and harden. If the penile blood vessels are opened all the way, it is much easier for the rush of blood to get in and do its job.

A study

A recent study has looked at the possibility of using citrulline in conjunction with other erectile function medications to try to improve efficacy. Published in the journal Sexual Medicine, it is entitled “Oral L-citrulline and Transresveratrol Supplementation Improves Erectile Function in Men with Phosphodiesterase 5 Inhibitors: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Crossover Pilot Study.”

A little background is helpful in understanding this study. First, phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors (usually abbreviated PDE5i) is the name given to the most commonly used drugs for treating erectile dysfunction, which are effective in up to 84% of patients. When these drugs do not work, additional therapies are called for usually in conjunction with the PDE5i pills – but these additional therapies are not medications but things like penis pumps or injections.

This study looked at using both citrulline and another oral medication (resveratrol, which occurs naturally in grapes and wine) in conjunction with men for whom PDE5is were not providing the desired effect. All of the 13 men who completed the trial showed improved scores on the tests used to measure erectile function.

Although this was a small pilot study, it does add some heft to the argument that watermelon may be of use in treating erectile issues – although again, it doesn’t mean that watermelon by itself can do the trick.

And while watermelon is an excellent source of citrulline, there are many others foods that also provide citrulline, including garlic, onions, liver, cucumbers, chickpeas, peanuts, soybeans, salmon and even dark chocolate.

Treating erectile dysfunction can require a multifactorial approach, and it is usually easier to treat if overall penis health has been maintained. One way to help address this is by regularly using a superior penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Seek out a crème which contains the amino acid L-arginine, which as this article mentions, can be a big help in nitric oxide production. It also helps if the crème contains a range of vitamins that can more easily deliver their benefits from topical application, such as vitamins A, B5, C, D and E.

Monday, 24 September 2018

What Causes Nerve Damage in the Penis: How to ID and Treat the Problem

Nerve damage in the penis is a tricky thing. One moment it can feel cold and numb, completely oblivious to any outside touch or sense. The next minute, it could be tingling and shooting what feels like lightning through the member, causing pain and panic. The penis is filled with tiny nerves which can be damaged by a number of things. Once damaged, they can cause pain, numbness, and reduce pleasure and sexual function. Let’s learn a little more about nerve damage in the penis.

Nerve Damage in the Penis: Symptoms

The most pronounced symptoms of penile nerve damage are numbness, loss of penile sensitivity, and a general lack of anticipated sensation when touched or stroked. However, symptoms can vary contingent upon the root cause of penile nerve damage. Here are a few of the most common symptoms a man might be suffering from if he has nerve damage in the penis:

- A tingling feeling

- A burning or chilling sensation

- A feeling of "pins and needles" or like lightning is shooting through the penis

- A bluish color

Nerve Damage in the Penis: Common Causes

There are many different causes of nerve damage. Here are a few of the most common factors that can lead to penile nerve damage:

1) Penile Injury – The penis is mighty, yet delicate, and many things can injure it. A few common practices like sex, intense workouts, a prolonged erection, sports (especially cycling), chafing, and excessive self-pleasure can take a toll on a penis. Use of adult toys and intimacy enhancements like cock rings and penis pumps can also damage the somewhat fragile nerves of the penis.

2) Illness or Disease – Many men who suffer from illnesses that affect the nerves frequently experience loss of penile sensation due to nerve damage or neuropathy. Common examples of these type of diseases include:

- Multiple Sclerosis

- Diabetes

- Cancer

- Lupus

- Inflammatory bowel disease (IBS)

- Lyme disease

- Hepatitis C


- Peyronie’s disease

- Guillain-Barré syndrome

Medications prescribed for these conditions can sometimes make numbness or tingling in the member worse.

3) Low Testosterone or “Low T” – This cause is more common for men over 40. As men age, testosterone levels fall and result in lessened drive and loss of sensation during sex.

Nerve Damage in the Penis: Treatment

There are a number of ways to treat nerve damage in the penis; however, it’s important to remember that treating the root cause of the issue should take priority over a symptom. For men suffering from penile numbness due to diabetes, a commitment to lowering their diabetic symptoms through diet, exercise, and medication could help bring back penile sensitivity. For those with Low-T, medications can bring the body back into balance.

For activity-induced issues like sports and sex, take a time-out and be sure the penis is not straining too much or having too much pressure put on it. For men who cycle, simple modifications such as investing in padded biking shots and altering seat angle could yield big benefits. If chafing is an issue, wear looser fitting clothing, use lubricant to avoid friction, and always use a moisturizer after showering to keep the penile supple and healthy.

Men should also be sure they are practicing good daily penile health and hygiene. Things such as giving the penis regular thorough, gentle cleansing and moisturizing the member with a specially formulated penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) are recommended to keep the penis healthy and ready for action. This crème is particularly helpful as it contains vital ingredients designed specifically for penis health like vitamins A, C, D and E, and L-Carnitine which protects against peripheral nerve damage. Due to the delicate nature of penile skin, be sure to choose a moisturizer with an all-natural base like Shea butter, which leaves this delicate skin soft, supple, and strong.

Five Causes of Decreased Penile Sensation and How to Get it Back

Unfortunately, decreased penile sensation is an inevitable certainty for most men. Simple aging can often lead many men to long for their erections of old: erections that stood hard and steadfast, and often were accompanied by a low refractory period between sex or solo-love. Don’t believe it? Look at all of the money spent each year to reverse the loss of sensation in the penis! Cialis, Viagra, and scores of others, some more exotic in origin, are popped like Hubba Bubba in hopes that penile sensitivity returns.

What some men don’t realize is there are other ways to fight decreased penile sensitivity that doesn’t rely on little blue pills. Some take a simple identification of the cause to find the remedy. Let’s take a look at some causes of decreased penile sensation and how to get it back.

1) Age  This is one that is hard to treat! Or is it? As men age, their bodies evolve into their next phase, generally one that is a bit slower than their exuberant youthThe blood vessels that direct blood flow in and out of the penis also grow older and slow with age While age is inevitable, there are several tips to help an older man increase sensation in his penis. Stay away from food prior to sex (the body won’t have to put energy toward digestion), exercise prior to sex to get the blood pumping, and one thing that’s often overlooked is to enjoy sexual activity during the part of the day when more alert and energetic.

2) Low Testosterone  This is also called “Low T.” Testosterone depletes as men age. This can often lead to decreased penile sensation and even numbness in the genital area. Other symptoms of low testosterone include sadness or depression, fatigue, irritability, and a reduction in muscle mass. Men who believe they have Low T should see a doctor for a diagnosis. Symptoms can often be treated with medication.

3) Excessive Masturbation  Too much friction can lead to numbnessThis is also true for men who utilize “Death Grip,” an unreasonably tight compression when masturbating. This leads to loss of sensation in the penis because it can thicken the outer penile skin. Thankfully sensation can be regained if a man takes a knee on masturbation for a moderate period of time. Then when returning to self-pleasure, is gentler and uses less compression. This will not only increase his penile sensitivity but also improve sexual satisfaction with a partner.

4) Medical Issues Involving Compromised Circulation – Men who are diagnosed with medical conditions such as obesity, diabetes, or cardiovascular problems can experience decreased penile sensation. The best way to regain sensation is to follow all treatment plans to the letter. That could be everything from medication to weight loss to activity to something simple such as sitting less so the genital area can experience improved circulation.

5) Nerve Damage – Diseases like diabetes and Multiple Sclerosis (MS) can affect the penis in addition to other parts of the body. Both diseases are linked to neuropathy, a condition caused by nerve damage which can cause pain, burning, and numbness. A doctor can explore methods of treatment after diagnosis. However, patients should first treat the disease and then treat the symptoms.

Improve Penis Circulation and Sensitivity

In addition to the many methods of regaining sensation listed above, there is a daily way to improve penis health and sensitivity – self-massage! Now, this isn’t the self-gratifying sort; this type of massage should be seen as a combination of good hygiene and self-care.

Massage the penis daily with a specially formulated penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) to improve sensation in the penis. Not only does it feel good, but emollients like Shea butter and vitamin E helps retain the elasticity of the penile skin. Other beneficial ingredients include vitamin C, which is critical for promoting proper blood flow for strong erections and L-Carnitine to protect against peripheral nerve damage caused by friction which can lead to numbness and decreased penile sensation. Finally, a key amino acid that increases blood flow, L-Arginine, is a welcome addition to maintain firm erections.

Ten Common Causes of Dry Peeling Skin on the Penis and How to Treat Them

No man in the history of the world ever looked down and marveled at dry peeling skin on the penis in a good way. Oftentimes, dry penile skin causes anxiety and confusion. It hurts, it's red, and it's flaky. It catches on fabric, causing unbearable pain, and it definitely isn't something a man wants to show a lover. Thankfully, most causes of dryness and peeling are fairly normal and easy to remedy. Here are a few of the most reported issues and how to treat them.

1) Drying or Chemical-laden Soaps – Dry penile skin can be the result of using harsh soaps which strip the skin of their natural moisture. Harsh soaps containing ingredients like sodium lauryl sulfates (SLS), lye, polypropylene, and triclosan and should complete avoided. Use all-natural products or products formulated for babies when washing delicate penile skin.

2) Allergies -- Allergies to creams, condoms, spermicide, laundry detergents, certain fabrics, or other personal care products have been shown to cause dry peeling skin on the penis. Other associated symptoms of allergy include sneezing, a runny nose, wheezing, and watery eyes.

3) Chaffing – Too tight pants, underwear, or shorts can cause chaffing of the penile skin, leading to a rash and dry peeling skin on the penis. Air things out when at home via Donald Duck, that is to say, without pants. When leaving the house, wear loose, breathable fabrics to help the area heal.

4) Balanitis – More common in uncircumcised men, balanitis is a bacterial overgrowth caused either by not cleaning the head of the penis well or with frequency, or not properly rinsing off harsh soaps or cleaning agents. Treatment can include antibiotics, an antifungal cream, a steroid cream or a combination of all the above.

5) Candida – Yeast infections, also called Candida, can cause dry penile skin and also cause a rash, inflammation on the head of the penis, chunky discharge under the foreskin, and white patches on the skin. This infection makes it quite painful to have sex or urinate. Use an over-the-counter anti-fungal cream on the head of the penis (and under the foreskin if uncircumcised) until symptoms are gone. Also, abstain from masturbation and sex until the infection is completely gone. By the way, yeast infections are transmittable, so be sure to tell a partner.

6) Eczema – Eczema is a skin disease where the skin is dry, inflamed, or irritated. If it is on the penis, it’s likely it’s on other places on the body as well. Treat the area with an over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream as directed by a pharmacist or doctor. Be sure to moisturize the area daily and after any contact with water to minimize additional drying.

7) Dermatitis – Dermatitis is a skin sensitivity to something in a man’s environment which causes the skin to become angry, itchy, and dry. Avoid known irritants to avoid these issues and use a soothing cream when irritation does flare up to calm the skin and return it to normal.

8) Psoriasis – Psoriasis is a skin disease which causes red, scaly patches on the skin. See a doctor or dermatologist for diagnosis and a cortisone cream to treat the area.

9) Dry Sex or Masturbation – Excessive and sustained sexual activity without suitable lubrication can cause dry peeling skin on the penis. Prevent this from occurring by using a water-based lubricant and give the penis cool-down time to rest and repair between sessions.

10) Syphilis – Saving the worst for last, the second stage of syphilis is often accompanied by grey-to-white rashes and dry spots on the groin. See a medical provider immediately as syphilis can be deadly.

Stop Dry Peeling Skin on the Penis with Good Hygiene Habits

No matter what a man does, good genital grooming can take penis health a long way. Thoroughly cleanse the penis every day using gentle pressure and a gentle cleanser. Moisturize the penis frequently to keep it smooth and supple. Keep the genital area dry and wear breathable fabrics which discourage moisture and bacteria and opt for looser pants or properly fitted pants in lieu of tight trousers to avoid chaffing and skin irritation.

When it comes to conditioning delicate penis skin, a specially formulated penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) should be used. Chock-full of nutrients, vitamins, and emollients, these specialty creams that are made explicitly for the penis. Look for ingredients like vitamins A, C, D, and E, which are well-known for their skin-soothing and revitalizing properties. Be sure to purchase a product which contains natural moisturizers such as Shea butter, which repairs dry peeling skin on the penis and returns it to its smooth state.

Saturday, 22 September 2018

Sore Penis After Sex? How to Soothe the Burn

When a man has a lot of sex, he can feel many things. Joy. Elation. Extreme pain and throbbing. Wait, what? That's right! Marathon lovemaking can leave a man with more than a lot of happy memories; it can also leave him with a very sore penis after sex. There may be irritation and a little chafing if there was any dry action and there will certainly be some dull ache and discomfort. No need to call the doc (unless a penis injury is feared), here are a few simple home remedies any man can use when he needs to practice a little extra care for his man downstairs. <./p>

1) Take a Sexual Sabbatical – The first, best, and truest tip to treat a sore penis after sex is to give that male member a break. From everything. Yes, even hand action, oral action, and self-love. Give that sore penis a few days off for everything he did. This time-out serves two purposes: first, it will give the penis time to recuperate, and second, it will enhance sensitivity for the next intimate encounter. <./p>

2) Go Commando – May nothing come between a man and his penis but air. With nothing to touch the delicate area, going without trousers or bottoms of any sort, it takes pressure off the penis and also removes any possibility of irritating a sore and potentially chafed penis. It will also cool down the over-worked member. For men who live with their partners, it may be a good rule of thumb to let him or her know that temporary nudity is not an advance of the amore sort, more a treatment for a bit too much. Oh, and don’t leave the house without pants. It won’t go well. <./p>

3) Just Chill (no Netflix) – By getting the temperature back to normal, soreness generally goes down. Make a cold compress at home using a soft washcloth which has been soaked in cool water. Simply rinse out the washcloth and set it on the bare penis. Do not use ice or ice packs on the penis as they can stick to the skin and be too intense to give comfort and actually can cause more pain. Continue replacing the compress every few minutes until comfortable. <./p>

4) Take a Warm Bath – A bath can be a ritualistic and relaxing practice that calms the body and reduces tension in the muscles. Taking a warm bath after too much sex can be very comforting to the penis. It helps the blood vessels in the penis relax which will reduce tension in the penis. Take a warm bath and stay in it for at least 20 minutes for optimal results. Be sure not to use hot water as it can make matters worse and no bubble bath which could irritate the skin. Maybe even light a candle and listen to some chill music to set the mood. <./p>

5) Perform a Light Massage with a Penis Creme -- After a warm bath or cool compress, use a specially formulated penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) to promote healing and soothing. Nutrient-rich crèmes intended specifically for the penis should have an all-moisturizer, like Shea butter, for an irritation-free, emollient-rich experience. Be on the lookout for crèmes with special ingredients like L-Carnitine to thwart nerve damage from excess friction from too much sex and helps to preserve penile sensitivity. Another beneficial addition would be vitamin C which aids in collagen production, increasing skin elasticity and suppleness. The right crème can make all the difference when it comes to relieving and treating a sore penis after sex. <./p>

Friday, 21 September 2018

The Very Real Penis Health Risks of Smoking

It’s the leading cause of preventable disease and death in the United States, causing about 20% of all deaths in the country. And although current cigarette use has declined from about 21% to about 15.5%, smoking is still too common. While many articles focus on issues like lung cancer when discussing the dangers of smoking, it’s important to realize that smoking can have far-reaching consequences – including effects in the realm of penis health.

The ways in which smoking can potentially affect penis health are numerous:

- Size. It’s absolutely no secret that many – perhaps most – men are very concerned about their penis size. Society’s idea of a sexy man includes the requirement that he be larger than average in the manhood department, despite the fact that skill is far more important than size when it comes to performance and satisfaction. Yet some studies have indicated that smoking can in time actually cause the penis shrink. This is due to an effect that smoking has on elastin, which aids the penis in stretching when it becomes erect.

- Sperm. Men who are interested in becoming fathers want to be sure that their sperm is protected, which is another reason to give up smoking. A 2016 study looked at sperm functional tests in a group of 20 men who smoked and in a group of 20 men who did not smoke. Among the group of men who smoked, there was a significant reduction in the sperm quality in three key areas which could negatively impact a man’s ability to conceive a child.

- Sensitivity. The reason why sex feels so good is because the nerves in the penis are so wonderfully sensitive. If something happens to impact that sensitivity, then sex doesn’t feel as good as it could. Smoking is thought to have an impact on penis sensation as well. It’s a bit complicated, but basically the body reacts to toxins in smoke by sending out white blood cells. An overabundance of these cells can block the accessibility of the nerve endings in the penis, dampening the sensations that are desired.

- Smooth muscle. Those who are familiar with the anatomy of the penis know that the so-called smooth muscle in the penis plays a big role. Basically, when the smooth muscle fiber relaxes, there’s an increase in blood pressure and blood flow, which fills up the soft tissue in the penis so that it can become erect. But too much smoking can cause damage to the smooth muscle, so that it doesn’t relax properly – and that can have an impact on a man’s erection. One study indicates that men who smoke are more likely to have “looser” erections, for example.

- Erectile function in general. Men who smoke have a greater chance of erectile dysfunction in general. There are several reasons for this, one of them being that the chemicals released from smoking can damage the linings of blood vessels, making them less capable of performing their importance task of increasing blood flow for an erection. Smoking-related damage to the heart also affects the body’s ability to pump blood at the desired rate, and a decrease in stamina also plays a role in decreasing erectile function.

Men who smoke are encouraged to take steps to break the habit, which can be very difficult. Working with a doctor or other professional may be required. It can be challenging, but it is well worth the effort.

Stopping smoking can be a boon to penis health, as can daily use of a first class penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). The best cremes contain both L-arginine and L-carnitine. L-arginine helps boost nitric oxide production, thereby better enabling penile blood vessels to expand. Penis sensitivity can be better maintained with L-carnitine, which has neuroprotective properties to benefit the penis.

Penis Pain May Signal Prostatitis

Urinating is supposed to be no big deal – just unzip, aim and shoot. But sometimes things don’t go exactly that way, such as when a guy finds that urinating is accompanied by penis pain – a burning sensation, perhaps. And sometimes there’s penis pain even when not urinating, making a guy feel even more nervous about the state of his penis health. Many things can be responsible for penis pain – including prostatitis.

About prostatitis

As most men may deduce from its name, prostatitis is a medical condition involving the prostate gland. The prostate is a small gland, about the size of a walnut, which is located directly below the bladder and in front of the anus. Only men carry a prostate gland, for the perfectly sensible reason that it plays a significant role in creating semen, which in turn protects and energizes sperm on their journey.

Simply put, prostatitis means that the prostate has become swollen and inflamed. And that can cause a few problems.


Symptoms commonly associated with prostatitis include, as mentioned above:

1) Pain in the penis, either when urinating or when at rest – or both;

2) Difficulty urinating, such as “dribbling” or may experience difficulty getting things going;

3) The need to urinate more often than usual greater urgency;

4) Cloudy or pinkish urine (indicating the presence of blood);

5) Blood in the semen and/or painful ejaculation.

In addition to these symptoms, a man may experience pain near the penis – in the perineum (the area between the balls and the anus), in the balls themselves, or in the stomach or pelvis. Occasionally, there may be some general aches and pains that can resemble flu symptoms. Sometimes men with prostatitis may experience erectile issues.


So, prostatitis is a real pain – but what brings it about? Much is still being learned about it, but one of the most common causes of prostatitis is a bacterial infection. Sometimes that bacteria is chlamydia, a serious sexually-transmitted infection (STI). But more often it is bacteria which is not sexually transmitted. For example, bacteria in urine may leak into the prostate, causing the infection. This may happen for several reasons, one of them being not completely eliminating urine from the body when urinating.

Sometimes trauma to the lower urinary tract might cause nerve damage that creates a non-bacterial form of prostatitis.


When the cause of prostatitis is bacterial, doctors typically prescribe antibiotics to treat it. Most often this takes the form of a 4-to-6 week course of oral antibiotics. Severe or persistent cases may require an IV form of antibiotics. Alpha blockers and non-steroidal inflammatory drugs may also be used to help deal with pain symptoms. Sometimes lifestyle changes – such as eliminating certain foods or drinks, utilizing warm water baths, etc. – may also be recommended.

The penis pain associated with prostatitis may require that the penis be given soothing treatments to help ease the soreness. Regular use of a first rate penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) may help. For example, often making sure the penis is well-moisturized can prove soothing, in which case a crème that includes both a high-end emollient (such as shea butter) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E) is urged. In addition, a crème with L-arginine can help to allow penile blood vessels to more easily expand, thereby providing nutrients and oxygen to nourish and strengthen penile cells.

Thursday, 20 September 2018

Use L-Carnitine for Penis Skin Health

Looks are not everything, but even so, a man likes to look his best – and that desire extends to his penis as well. Paying attention to penis health helps a man to spot bumps, discoloration, flakiness or other penis skin issues which might mar an otherwise attractive male member. Just as the rest of the body benefits from close attention, so too does penis skin – and an ingredient known as L-carnitine can be helpful in maintaining penis skin health.

What is L-carnitine?

L-carnitine is classified as an amino acid – which means it is an organic compound that contains carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen, along with other elements. There is somewhere around 500 naturally occurring amino acids.

Amino acids are especially important because they play a huge role in the metabolic processes, which in turn affects how one’s body processes inputs (like food). They transfer and store nutrients, like water, proteins, fat, vitamins, etc.) around the body.

L-carnitine is produced naturally in the liver and kidneys, where two other amino acids - lysine and methionine - combine to make L-carnitine. It also can be found in various foods, including red meat, avocados and soybeans. Although L-carnitine gets produced in the liver and kidneys, it gets stored elsewhere – mainly in muscles (which includes the heart and the brain), as well as in sperm.


L-carnitine has both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which makes it a very valuable substance for penis skin health. Antioxidants are important because they help to limit the number of free radicals in penis skin. When there are too many free radicals, cells become more likely to undergo oxidative stress, which can damage them severely. Its anti-inflammatory properties help to reduce swelling due to infection and play a role in keeping unwanted wrinkles away from skin and giving skin a fresher, “younger” appearance.

L-carnitine helps to burn fat and to produce energy, boosting cell metabolism thereby. This can be important to skin, including penis skin. As a person ages, their skin gradually but perceptibly becomes less capable of utilize its nutrients to create new skin cells. Thus as skin cells age and die, it takes longer for new, fresh cells to take their place – and this gives skin an aged, unhealthy appearance. By boosting energy on a cellular level, older skin stays fresher and firmer for a longer period of time, and new cells are able to form more rapidly.

This amino acid even is able to help with moisturization – even though L-carnitine isn’t a moisturizer itself. But what it can do is provide an easier pathway for moisture to enter skin cells. And since they’ve also been strengthened by L-carnitine, those cells are able to better maintain that moisture for a longer period of time.

Another benefit of L-carnitine which men value: it has neuroprotective properties which can be useful in maintaining a proper level of sensation in the penis. Often, penis sensitivity diminishes as a natural part of aging. It also frequently happens that rough handling of the penis (through partner sex or through masturbation) can also bring about a diminished sense of pleasurable feeling. L-carnitine helps to protect that sensitivity, which is crucial for a man’s enjoyment of all sexual activities.

L-carnitine can be a boon to penis skin care, so it pays to try to find a first class penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) that includes this among its ingredients. In addition to L-carnitine, it helps if alpha lipoic acid is also an ingredient in the creme. Alpha lipoic acid is another potent antioxidant, and the combination of it and L-carnitine packs a particular punch when it comes to keeping oxidative stress damage at bay. In addition, the best cremes will include vitamin D, the so-called “miracle vitamin” which is crucial for maintaining overall penis health.

Penis Bumps May Be Due to HPV

Who wants to unveil their pride and joy – whether to a new potential sex partner or to the guys hanging around the gym locker room – and have people see that their manhood is covered with penis bumps? Sure, many penis bumps are benign and not a penis health concern – but by the same token, many may not be so benign. And whether benign or not, a potential partner may not be able to tell. A case in point: when those penis bumps are the result of HPV (also known as the human papillomavirus).

About HPV

HPV has been in the news in recent years, but many of those stories have focused on the problems that HPV can cause in women. Because of this, many sexually active men think that either men can’t get HPV or that it can’t have any effect on them.

Both of these assumptions are wrong. As a matter of fact, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warns that almost all people (of any gender) who are sexually active will get HPV at some point in their lives, unless they have been effectively vaccinated. (Currently, about 79 million Americans are thought to be infected.)

So what exactly is HPV? It’s a virus, as the name implies, and it most often is spread through sexual contact – anal, vaginal or oral. In some cases, it can be spread through other forms of skin-to-skin contact. So having unprotected sexual contact with someone who already has the virus can easily spread the virus to their partner.


Now, often a person can get HPV and never know it. In the majority of cases, the virus goes through the system and goes away without leaving nay visible signs or causing any health issues.

But not so in other cases. One of the more common symptoms associated with HPV in men is the development of penis bumps in the form of genital warts. (Women can also develop these warts in their vaginal area. Anal warts also can come about from anal sex in either sex.) The warts can vary in size from very small to fairly large. They can be flat but or more often raised above the skin surface; and they often have a cauliflower-like look to them.

These warts are unattractive and very off-putting, and they can recur even after they have gone away. A doctor’s care is needed to determine the best kind of medical treatment for them.

A more serious complication from HPV can be cancer. HPV doesn’t cause cancer itself, but it increases the risk of cancer developing. In men, this may be penile cancer or, if they receive anal sex, anal cancer. Men who contract HPV from oral sex may develop cancer of the throat or tongue.

There are at this time no tests or treatments for HPV in men, so taking steps to prevent HPV is recommended. Young men can have the option of a vaccination, which is not currently recommended for men over 26 years of age. Using condoms is definitely recommended to prevent acquisition of HPV.

Penis bumps from HPV can be scary, so practicing prevention is key. Men should also just generally take steps to keep their penises healthy, such as regular application of an excellent penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). The best cremes of this type include a wide range of key vitamins, such as A, B5, C, D and E. Ideally, the crème should also contain L-carnitine. This neuroprotective amino acid helps maintain proper penis sensitivity, which can become diminished over time through over-aggressive handling of the penis during sex (partner-based or solo).

Wednesday, 19 September 2018

Some Jock Itch “Cures” that Don’t Work

Jock itch is one of the most common complaints among men, whether they are athletes or not. While it’s not a serious penis health condition, jock itch lives up to its name, often creating an itch that is impossible to ignore. And since no guy likes to be caught scratching his crotch, it behooves an afflicted man to take appropriate steps to treat this problem. Unfortunately, sometimes guys choose "cures" that don’t really help jock itch - and sometimes may even make the situation worse.

About jock itch

Also known as tinea cruris, jock itch is a fungal infection which can appear on the penis, testicles, inner thighs or buttocks. It usually shows up as a red circle, with the outer ring of the circle more pronounced and perhaps "crustier" than the inner portion of the circle. The fungus is the same fungus that appears elsewhere as athlete’s foot.

Jock itch appears due to excessive sweating in the groin area; though it is associated with people who are heavily into athletic activities, it can develop in couch potatoes as well. It’s often spread through contact with the towels, clothing or bedsheets of a person infected with it. It’s also possible to catch it from a foot infected with athlete’s foot. Thus, men who have athlete’s foot are advised to don socks before slipping into their underwear, to avoid the fungus spreading to the groin.

Cures to avoid

Many "traditional" home remedies may have been effective for some individuals but generally come with risks for others. For example:

- Mentholated topical ointments are sometimes mentioned as a way to cure inflammation related to jock itch. However, because these ointments are designed to help decongest a stuffy nose or chest, they tend to create a burning sensation when applied to sensitive skin, such as that found in the groin area. Many men have dabbed this ointment on their jock itch, only to find that the burning sensation actually worsens the problem.

- Steroidal creams and lotions should also be avoided. These treatments can be very effective for treating some other dermatological issues, such as psoriasis. But the steroids will actually help the jock itch to thrive more.

- Some oils may also be problematic . Many home remedies suggest treating jock itch with a variety of oils. There can be a benefit in using oils, but a man may want to tread lightly here, in the event that his sensitive skin has a reaction to any exotic oils or even everyday oils to which his skin is not normally exposed.


The first step in treating jock itch is to keep the groin clean and dry. Washing regularly and drying thoroughly is a start. But men should also avoid wearing tight underwear and pants, and should choose fabrics that "breathe," such as cotton rather than synthetic fabrics. Doctor can recommend a good over-the-counter antifungal medication, often in powder form. (It’s usually necessary to continue treatment for a couple of weeks, even after the rash goes away.) In some stubborn cases, a prescription strength medication may be needed.

Cures for jock itch provide relief, but preventing it from occurring in the first place is even better. And that’s easier if penis health is a priority, so definitely make regular use of a top drawer penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) part of one’s daily regimen. Strengthening penis skin can be aided by a crème with a potent antioxidant, such as alpha lipoic acid, which helps eliminate the excess free radicals that can cause oxidative damage to penis skin. The best crème will also include natural moisturizing ingredients, such as shea butter and vitamin E, to further strengthen and soothe delicate penis skin.

Can Bent Penis Surgery Cause Complications?

Possessing a severely bent penis - a condition officially known as Peyronie’s Disease - can be problematic for some men. Some degree of curvature is not unusual and is not a sign of a penis health issue. But when the bent penis curves at an extreme angle - whether to the left or right, or up or down - it can cause issues problems that require attention. There are several treatment options recommended for a severely bent penis. In some instances, a doctor may even recommend surgery as an option.

Peyronie’s disease

Peyronie’s disease usually develops as the result of fibrous scar tissue accumulating in the penis. In order for the penis to function properly, it needs to freely expand during an erection, which requires skin that is pliable and flexible. When a lump of scar tissue accumulates in one spot, it impedes that flexibility, but only on the side of the penis where the lump occurs. Thus, when the penis gets erect, the rest of the penis expands as normal, but the affected side cannot match it in expansion. As a result, the penis pulls toward the affected side, creating the bent penis.

A severely bent penis can impact a man’s ability to penetrate a partner, whether vaginally or anally. It also can cause pain to the man, a soreness from the skin stretching unevenly during the erection. In addition, some men may feel embarrassed or ashamed of having a bent penis, considering it a deformity.

If a man does have Peyronie’s disease, he should contact a qualified urologist for an official diagnosis and to discuss treatment options.


The Urology Care Foundation estimates that about 13% of Peyronie’s disease cases are self-resolving - that is, the curvature will disappear on its own in time. For this reason, many doctors advise taking a "wait and see" approach with a bent penis.

There is only one drug that is specifically approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for Peyronie’s, and that is collagenase, approved for use in men with curvature greater than 30 degrees. This drug is delivered via injection, as are several other "off-label" drugs sometimes used for a bent penis. There are also some oral medications that some doctors use, though there is a need for more studies to determine their efficacy.

In persistent and stubborn cases, or cases in which there is an unusual degree of curvature and/or pain, a doctor may recommend surgery. This may involve shortening the unaffected side; cutting the scar tissue and grafting new skin on the affected area; or utilizing a penile implant.


Some men worry about complications that might arise when surgery is performed on the penis. All surgery carries some risks, and there have been reports of complications from Peyronie’s surgery.

Probably the most common complication is a loss of penis sensation, especially following the surgery which cuts the scar tissue and grafts new skin on the penis. But one important study found that the loss of sensation was temporary. Only 21% of men in the study experienced it, and almost all of them reported a full return of sensation within a year of surgery.

Another complication is that shortening the unaffected side of the penis can make the entire penis shorter, something some men might be disturbed about.

Men with a very bent penis should definitely discuss the pros and cons of surgery with a specialist. Whatever their decision, they need to help maintain their penis health via daily use of a superior penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). The best cremes will contain vitamin C, a key component of collagen, which in turn is essential for giving penis skin its tone and elasticity. In addition, the crème should contain an amino acid known as L-arginine. This ingredient helps the body in its production of nitric oxide, which is crucial for helping penile blood vessels to expand to accommodate influxes of blood.

Tuesday, 18 September 2018

Red Penis Skin Warning: Signs and Symptoms Men Should be Aware Of

Rosy cheeks are a joy to behold; however, a rosy penis can be a bit jarring. When a man has a red penis, it’s natural for him to feel fear, panic, and often, discomfort. While it’s understandable, when the penis is red, there are several completely harmless things that could be going on. The following are some of the signs men should look out for when they notice a red penis on their person, as well as steps to remedy the situation.

1) Bruising - Bruising of the penis after an injury is probably one of the leading causes of a red penis. Trauma to the area can make it take on a deep red, purple or even blue appearance. Bruising isn’t always the result of Fight Club; often, it’s an accidental altercation with the edge of a counter or the result of a lot of time under the sheets. Minor bruises are nothing to worry about and will heal on their own. Major bruises that may be the warning signal of a penis fracture should be seen and treated by a medical professional.

2) Hematoma - A hematoma is similar to a high-level bruise, except the bruising happens deep within the tissue of an organ. This particular type of bruising can be firm, or it can also be lumpy to the touch because blood from the damaged vessel pools under the skin causing the bumps. Hematomas can create a loss of blood flow and can also be quite dangerous. A man who thinks he has a hematoma should seek out medical care immediately.

3) Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation- If a man has noticed his skin starting to darken, it could be Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH), which is just an overproduction of melanin in the penis area. This may look like a red penis for lighter skinned men. This issue usually trails behind instances of vigorous masturbation or sex or an injury. It usually fades with time but could be treated additionally with retinol or microdermabrasion.

4) Purpura - Seeing reddish or purple blemishes on the penis? It could be purpura. Purpura is an underlying disorder that may include a wide range of things including bleeding or clotting issue, medication side effects, blood vessel inflammation or nutritional deficits. See a medical professional for diagnosis and treatment.

5) Penile Vitiligo - Men who have psoriasis or eczema on other parts of their bodies may also develop symptoms on the penis. Treating the affected area with vitamins A and E is sometimes helpful in addition to prescription medications.

6) Stevens-Johnson Syndrome - This is sort of like an allergic reaction to an allergic reaction. If a penis is a persistent deep red or purple, it’s possible the man may have had a severe allergic reaction to medication and as a result, developed Stevens-Johnson syndrome. The syndrome is characterized by a purple or red rash on the penis, as well as other areas of the body. If the rash develops into peeling skin and sores, proceed to emergency care as life-endangering complications can happen. There are certain medications which are more likely to cause Stevens-Johnson and they are sulfa-based antibiotics, ibuprofen, anticonvulsants, antipsychotics, naproxen, and antibiotics. Anyone who believes he has Stevens-Johnson Syndrome should see a doctor immediately.

Keeping a Penis Out of the Red

No matter the reason for a red penis, maintaining good hygiene is always the best way to keep red penis away. Cleanse with a gentle soap, being sure to thoroughly clean all parts of the penis, and rinse well.

After washing the skin, apply a specially formulated penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin). These specially formulated cremes calm irritation and promote hydration. Be sure it is comprised of a natural hydration source like Shea butter to provide a base for smooth, balanced skin. Also, cremes with added ingredients such as vitamins A, C, D, and E, which are noted for their skin-soothing and healing properties, are ideal for penis health.

Tingling and Sore Penis? Look into Restless Genital Syndrome

Most of the time, an aroused penis is a welcome situation for a man. Sure, sometimes that erection comes at a somewhat embarrassing moment, like when making a presentation, but most of the time guys are happy to see their little friend perking up. It’s usually a sign of good penis health, if nothing else. But for a small minority of men, that erection is a pain. It’s a result of something known as restless genital syndrome, and it can make for a sore penis situation for some men.

Not a regular erection

Often just called RGS and sometimes known as PGAD (persistent genital arousal disorder), restless genital syndrome is something which maybe doesn’t sound so bad at first. Basically, when a guy has this condition, his penis feels intensely aroused, even without sexual stimulus or fantasies.

How is that different than just popping an occasional boner for no reason at all, as happens commonly? Well, RGS occurs much more frequently - and the arousal can last for hours at a time, unless a man relieves himself by masturbating or having partner sex. And in some cases, even that doesn’t diminish the state of excitement that his penis feels. And when a guy is aroused for too long, it often leads to a sore penis.

Not priapism

This is different from priapism, in which a physical situation results in the penis being painfully erect for an extended period of time. With RGS, the erection may wax and wane several times - but even when it goes soft, the tingling and soreness remains.

In some cases, the sensation can be so extreme that a guy simply can’t concentrate on anything else. He may be working on an important project with a fast-approaching deadline, but his tingling, sore penis keeps him from making progress. And when guys afflicted with RGS take matters into their own hands and masturbate for relief, they often feel that they’re being controlled by their penis. In some instances, not masturbating can be even more problematic; if a guy gets RGS while walking, for example, in some cases the feeling of his penis rubbing against trouser fabric can cause him to unwillingly ejaculate in his pants.


So, what happens to cause RGS? Because it is a rare condition and has only recently started being explored, doctors don’t really know. It appears that it’s a neurological problem in which the nerves in the penis become hyper-sensitive - but exactly why they take on this high degree of sensitivity is not clear.

Some doctors think this is similar to restless leg syndrome, and so they prescribe medications used to treat that condition, such as selective serotonin uptake inhibitors (SSRIs) or dopamine agonists. Since the condition is considered so rare, clinical trials have not been conducted yet to determine the effectiveness of these treatments, but some men report that they help.

If a man thinks he has RGS, he should definitely consult with a doctor, especially a urologist or neurologist with experience working with unusual conditions.

Simply living with RGS can make for a sore penis, as can frequently masturbating to provide some much-needed relief. One way to help soothe that sore penis is to regularly apply a top drawer penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). Proper moisturization is one way to help ease a sore penis, so select a crème with both a high end emollient (such as shea butter) and a favored hydrator (such as vitamin E) Be sure the crème also contains pantothenic acid, also called vitamin B5. Pantothenic acid is a vital nutrient that helps maintain and strengthen healthy penile tissue.

Monday, 17 September 2018

Penis Blisters: 5 Causes and How to Treat Them

They’re red, painful, and sometimes filled with pus. Penis blisters are unsightly and can cause a man to panic when he finds one. It’s important to point out, blisters on the penis can be caused by a variety of things, and not all of them are sexually transmitted diseases. However, most penis blisters have a specific cause that will usually call for the intervention of a medical practitioner. Once the possible cause is found, a treatment plan can be swiftly put into place. Furthermore, incorporating some common-sense penis care rules can help men to avoid blisters on their penis in the first place.

Penis Blister Causes

Here are some of the most commonly cited causes for penis blisters:

1) Folliculitis. This is where infected hair follicles create pus-filled blisters, generally around the hair shaft. It’s not contagious and will clear up on its own. However, adding a product that helps with razor burn, like Tend Skin, can help; as well as a proper grooming protocol involving regular cleansing and moisturizing with bi-weekly exfoliation.

2) Friction. Any sort of continual or vigorous dry rubbing can build up friction and cause blisters. Avoid wearing too-tight pants; and during any intimate contact (solo or with a partner), be sure to be properly lubricated.

3) Yeast infection. They aren’t just for women! Men too have Candida yeast in the body, and it can overgrow, causing itching, redness, swelling, chunky white discharge, and white blisters on the penis. Usually, treatment involves topical antifungal creams. It can be contagious, so refrain from sex and talk to any current sexual partners so they can get treated as well.

4) Herpes. The herpes simplex virus (HSV) is one of the most common causes of penis blisters, and blisters in the pelvic region overall and is a sexually transmitted infection (STI). Herpes is spread through intimate contact and can cause watery blisters which eventually burst and crust over, leading to itching and redness. Those with HSV will require lifetime treatment to control outbreaks as there is currently no cure.

5) Syphilis. Syphilis is another common sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria. It leads to symptoms such as fever, skin rash, swollen lymph glands, and hair loss. If caught in the early stages, it can be treated. If left untreated, this disease can lead to blindness, loss of cognition, and even death.

There are other causes of penis blisters, but these rank among the highest.

How to Keep Penis Blisters at Bay

By adding a few practical and easy tips to a man's lifestyle, he can do his best to ensure when he looks southward in the morning, there are only clear skies.

First, a note about intimacy. Take care to practice safe sex. That doesn't just mean using protection, that also means having in-depth conversations with partners. Herpes, for instance, usually lies dormant for a while after an outbreak, so it wouldn't be visually apparent, but it can still be contracted. When having sex or self-pleasuring, be sure to reduce friction by using a quality lubricant.

Second, have good hygiene habits. Wash daily with a gentle cleanser and warm water. Pat dry and then moisturize the area with a specially formulated penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin). Cremes such as these not only soothe the skin but also keep the area clean and bacteria free. Opt for cremes which a natural moisturizing base like Shea butter and vitamin E. Adding vitamins A, B, C, and D for their skin-soothing and cell regeneration properties is also a great idea.

Six Causes of Penis Rashes and How to Deal

Penis rashes are No Bueno. There’s redness, heat, irritation… and nothing, not even air, feels good on the skin. In addition to the discomfort, penis rashes can also sideline amorous pursuits and other activities, like sports. Thankfully, most penis rashes can be cleared up pretty easily and then avoided in the future. The following are six of the most common causes of penis rashes and how to remedy the issue with a little humor, common sense, and medical help in some cases.

1) Friction - Whether a man goes into overtime too often with a partner or playing solo, excessive contact and friction can irritate the penis and causes dry, broken skin which is commonly known as a rash. First on the docket, take a knee on penis-related activity until the rash is completely healed. Try using a cool compress to calm the rash and use a penis health crème to bring the skin back in balance. Once healed, be sure to stock a high-quality lubricant for future feats of sexual athleticism.

2) Foreign Bodies on and in the Body - Rashes can result from all sorts of allergens and irritants. It could be a man’s trendy new briefs, a new laundry detergent, or body wash that’s bringing the pain. To clear things up, clean the penis gently with a soft, clean, damp cloth. Do not use harsh soaps or scrub the inflamed skin. Moisturize, but only with natural products or creams specially formulated to be used on the penis as perfumes and other ingredients can make the irritation worse.

3) #PenisHeadProblems - Balanitis is a skin inflammation affecting the penis head and foreskin which tends to target uncircumcised men. It usually occurs when there's an accumulation of smegma under the foreskin. Smegma is a smelly combination of dead skin cells, body oils, and bacteria that concoct a funky off-white paste and attract bad-news bacteria that burrow into the delicate penis skin. The best way to treat and prevent balanitis? Like in the Army, clean and dry your gun daily and thoroughly. If the issue is pretty advanced, see a doctor for antibiotics to clear up the infection.

4) Fungal Infections - Nothing likes to snuggle quite like fungi. Fungus loves to nook into a man’s warm, moist places such the folds of skin. To keep fungi off your genitals, keep the area clean and dry. If the fungus has already invaded and taken root, see a doctor or pharmacist for an anti-fungal cream to clear up the infection.

5) Latex -- One in every six Americans claims to be allergic to latex. If a latex condom is used for sex, and itchiness, redness and rash are found on the penis afterward, the condom may be to blame. But that doesn't give anyone a license to ride bareback - there’s plenty of latex-free condoms on the market to protect against STI’s and pregnancy.

6) If Not Using #5…Sexual Transmitted Infections (STIs) - This is the cause no one wants to read about, but it’s more than valid. Penis rashes can be a symptom of an STI. Many STIs cause a penile rash, irritation, blisters, and peeling skin. STIs associated with penis rashes include genital herpes, gonorrhea, chlamydia, genital warts, and syphilis. Men who believe they may have contracted an STI should see their doctor or clinic immediately for testing and avoid any sexual contact until the results of the test are known. Once diagnosed, a doctor will prescribe the course of treatment.

Prevent Penis Rashes

Most penis rashes can be foregone with good hygiene habits and by practicing safe sex. Every man should cleanse the penis regularly and thoroughly (be sure to gently pull-down foreskin and wash this area too) with a gentle cleanser, warm water, and a soft cloth. Keep the groin area dry and air it out frequently. In fact, many men prefer to sleep in the nude to give the penis plenty of time to cool off and be free.

It also doesn’t hurt to moisturize the penis daily to promote penis health and keep penis rashes away. Using a specially created penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) will get any man close to having a clean, fresh, and supple penis. These cremes are nutrient-rich and contain vitamins like A, C, D, and E which have properties especially beneficial for penile health and healing.

Sunday, 16 September 2018

Smegma Symptoms: A Normal Male Complaint?

The human body is pretty masterful at cleaning itself, isn’t it? Think of all the daily detoxifying processes that happen naturally - the kidneys, bowels, sweat glands, lungs, and liver all work together to rid the body of unpleasant or unhealthy waste materials. Sometimes, all that cleaning can result in a substance that doesn’t go away on its own. Smegma is one such infamous materials found in males. This cheesy substance is an accumulation of oil, dead skin cells, and other bodily fluids. It’s located on the penis, usually under the foreskin. If not cleaned regularly and thoroughly, smegma symptoms can become annoying or even painful. Thankfully, it can be cleared up pretty easily at home with a few practical tips.

Smegma Symptoms

Smegma is one of those issues that doesn't really show a lot of variances. There are a few common smegma symptoms, which include the following:

- An unpleasant odor radiating from the penis. It will often have a sweaty, sour fragrance.

- White and thick texture with a cheese-like consistency. Nope, it’s not gouda. The texture and smell of the buildup got the name "dick cheese" for just this reason.

- Urination turns fiery and throbbing. Some men experience a sensation of burning and pain when they urinate, and they tend to have a greater urge to urinate frequently.

- Irritation. When smegma is to blame, the penis can get red, irritated, and sore.

Men who want to be certain they have smegma should see a medical professional. Once diagnosed, follow doctor’s orders to clean things up.

Smegma Causes

So what causes smegma? When a man doesn't properly and thoroughly wash his penis (or his body, for that matter), sweat, dead skin cells and oils can accumulate around the head, especially in men with an intact foreskin. In simplest terms, lack of a properly executed hygiene ritual will lead to smegma. Men who don't wash for excessive periods of time are prone to an overaccumulation of this stinky material.

While not a cause of smegma, not being circumcised puts a man at higher risk for having it, simply because under the foreskin is the most common place for smegma to reside. Some men choose to have their foreskin removed as a result.

Treating Smegma

How do you treat smegma? Adopt a thorough daily hygiene plan. That means properly cleaning the penis, including around and under the foreskin. Believe it or not, cleaning the area is the easiest way to remove smegma.

Here’s a quick guide to cleaning the penis to prevent smegma and smegma symptoms:

1) Gently retract the foreskin. If the smegma has hardened, it may not be possible to pull it all the way back. Don’t force it! It can cause pain and tear the skin, and that may lead to infection.

2) Use a gentle cleanser and warm water to wash the area that’s typically covered by the foreskin. Be gentle but thorough. If the smegma has hardened, rub some oil on it first to loosen it up.

3) Rinse thoroughly and pat dry.

4) Moisturize the area with a specially formulated penis health crème (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been clinically proven safe and mild for skin) daily. Choose a cream that has a natural moisturizing base like Shea butter and vitamin E. Then add vitamins A, B, C, and D for their skin-soothing and cell regeneration properties.

5) Repeat daily until the smegma disappears and continue to follow this new process to prevent smegma.

If the smegma isn’t better after a solid week of thorough cleaning, or if it’s getting worse, see a doctor for a clear diagnosis. Otherwise, hit the showers!